idea title what is your idea? construct a outdoor basketball court on campus. this court could...

Idea Title What is your idea? Teens and Tots We should add another CTAE pathway for in the field of Early Childhood Education by offering three years of Early Childhood Education classes and implementing a Teens and Tots program where second and third year students interact and get hands on experience with our Pre-K students. First year students would learn about the development and learning habits of young children. Second year students would look more at education as a career. Third year students would get an immersive experience in education by shadowing a teacher. Throughout all three years on the Early Childhood Pathway, students would be learning skills that will make them more employable after high school. I am never absent ... does anyone notice??? Offer a worthwhile incentive for staff who have excellent attendance. We all know that life happens, but incentivizing those folks who are here nearly every day serves as a reward for them. Perhaps we can improve attendance among our beloved staff, who our students need daily. One example: $100 gift card at end of year for those who have 3 or fewer absences for sick/personal days. Health, Heart and Hoops To construct a outdoor basketball court on campus. This court could be used during school hours for P.E.,health, Personal fitness and weight lifting classes. Every school could access the courts. After hours the courts would provide positive recreational time for the community of Pike county. Meriwether, Upson, Lamar and Spalding all have basketball courts for their community to play. What a grand idea this would be, for our system to promote athletics on campus. Our basketball programs would benefit from the courts and be more competitive with the surrounding counties. This would demonstrate to our community how regular exercise promotes physical and mental health.

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Idea Title What is your idea?

Teens and Tots

We should add another CTAE pathway for in the field of Early Childhood Education by offering three years of Early

Childhood Education classes and implementing a Teens and Tots program where second and third year students

interact and get hands on experience with our Pre-K students. First year students would learn about the

development and learning habits of young children. Second year students would look more at education as a

career. Third year students would get an immersive experience in education by shadowing a teacher. Throughout

all three years on the Early Childhood Pathway, students would be learning skills that will make them more

employable after high school.

I am never absent ... does anyone


Offer a worthwhile incentive for staff who have excellent attendance. We all know that life happens, but

incentivizing those folks who are here nearly every day serves as a reward for them. Perhaps we can improve

attendance among our beloved staff, who our students need daily. One example: $100 gift card at end of year for

those who have 3 or fewer absences for sick/personal days.

Health, Heart and Hoops

To construct a outdoor basketball court on campus. This court could be used during school hours for P.E.,health,

Personal fitness and weight lifting classes. Every school could access the courts. After hours the courts would

provide positive recreational time for the community of Pike county. Meriwether, Upson, Lamar and Spalding all

have basketball courts for their community to play. What a grand idea this would be, for our system to promote

athletics on campus. Our basketball programs would benefit from the courts and be more competitive with the

surrounding counties. This would demonstrate to our community how regular exercise promotes physical and

mental health.

A United Welcoming!I believe a Central Registration should be available and located at a permanent location. This person or unit would

handle any and all needs for every school.

The Need to Lead in SAT

Let's make the SAT and ACT a priority in Pike County. First, let's measure the SAT and ACT and make these tests

equal to the End of Course Testing as an indicator. Second, we should form a team that can come up with a

comprehensive SAT/ACT prep program that is both short term goal, and long term goal oriented. This should be a

middle school, 9th grade academy, and high school plan. We should seek out programs that are currently excelling,

attend College Board Training that already exists, and ask current students to help come up with our plan.

Vitamin D for PC

Our middle school needs an outdoor classroom! Let's extend the instruction outside the building and enjoy our

beautiful Georgia weather! How inviting does that sound? This would be an incentive to promote positive

behaviors by rewarding good decisions.

It is important to stress that this would not be free time/playground access - Think of it as providing a privilege with

a purpose...Very different objective if used correctly.

Motivating and investing in our future is always a smart move :-)

Breaking the Cycle

We would like to identify these "at-risk" students and intervene before it's too late. We will help them receive the

basic needs (food, clothing, etc.) while enrolled in high school. We will also help them determine their path after

high school. If they would like to attend college, we will help them with college applications, financial aid,

scholarships, and college visits. If college is not their forte, we will help them secure a job after high school. We

will help these students by discussing with them how to prepare for job interviews (what to wear, possible

questions, etc.).

Pirates Point

Pirates Point App!!! I rarely encounter a parent or community member that does not have a smart phone. It is not

easy to use the website on a smart phone. The App could encompass everything including but not limited to: 1.

Notifications (emergencies, weather, etc.); 2. School Calendar; 3. Athletic Schedules; 4. Lunch Account and Payment

options; 5. Transportation - Including bus number look up with address, pick up times and drop off times (upgrade

would include real time bus location); 6. Supply List 7; Purchase opportunities - Include a payment solution would

allow fees to be paid using the app (i.e. lunch accounts, parking passes, library fees, yearbooks, etc.)


Build a team of community members and selected school staff to meet with students and intervene negative

behaviors. This team would possibly meet 1 day a week in the morning (7:30-8:00) or after school (3:00-3:30) as a

group. Many students may not have a positive role model in their life and would benefit from that relationship

(could be multiple years). If these at risk students developed a clearer direction and purpose for themselves then

the negative attention they are seeking would hopefully become more positive in nature.

Summer Surge

We need to provide summer opportunities for our students in Pike County. I would like to see a combination of

remediation / tutoring and field trips for our students.

This should target middle school through tenth grade and provide opportunities for peer to peer tutoring, PALS,

mentoring, mixed-age classrooms, previewing next year’s material, and field trips. Our students need to travel

outside of this area and see that there is a whole world out there. We must make our students realize that the

ticket to their future is through Post Secondary Options. (We have students who have never even been on a

college campus. We could take them on their first campus visit.)

P.A.W.S. (Partnering Animals with

Students) for Literacy

Develop a love of reading among students who struggle or have little desire to dive into a book through a

partnership with an animal shelter. The main objective of this program would be to provide a relaxed atmosphere

which would allow students to practice the skill of reading. First priority would be given to students who experience

difficulties in reading. These students are often self-conscious when reading aloud in front of others. Reading to

animals provides a safe atmosphere and allows for uninhibited reading practice. When a child reads to an animal,

there is no judgment.

If We Stay Ready, We Don't Have

to Get Ready

My idea is to create a test center for Pike County students that is PSAT/SAT requirement-ready. This should be a

room that has good lighting and air flow, and that has the seats and computers already positioned according to

standardized testing requirements. Other testing agencies may also be able to utilize this location (GACE, MAT,

ACT, etc.) for test administration. Pike County students could use it for standardized tests taken in our system.

Pirate Patriots

Pirate Patriots

When a students who is currently in high school joins the military while still in school, a school-wide announcement

could be made separate from the everyday announcements by calling them a Pirate Patriot and what branch of

service they joined. Also, allow them to wear a stole at graduation depicting their branch of service.

It's time to FLEX!

To create other opportunities (curriculum) for student learning:

Financial Awareness - banking


Preparing for life after High School

GPA and Credits - How to figure it out and why is it important?

Brain Games

Teenagers and the Law

Suicide Awareness


The danger of cell phones - cyberbullying, social media, etc...


Don't Walk in the Hallway, Say


Add sensory paths and floor decals throughout elementary school hallways to provide all students with

opportunities to release built up sensory input in their brains that often lead to attention/behavior issues. The floor

decals would provide all students with physical movement that 21st Century learners need to keep their brains

engaged. Kits are available for purchase which contain vinyl floor decals, lesson plans, and communication starters

for teachers, students, administrators, and parents. I would work with our Occupational Therapist and “The

Sensory Path― company to incorporate two sensory pathways on each side of the school for students who more

intense attention/behavioral needs.

YO HO YO HO a Readers Life For


This is a huge issue and will take time to correct. We can start in 2 ways.

1.We could identify our students who are below grade level and implement an intense reading intervention

over a 6-8 week period. This will require screening and specific teacher training.

2.We also should start early screening of students before they start Kindergarten. Those who have warning

signs of dyslexia should be placed with teachers who have been certified in OG, Wilson, or another evidence based


Learning through Unstructured


My idea is to copy Finland’s educational system in which students receive frequent 15 minute breaks

throughout the day. We could possibly do 4 times a day for 15 minutes. Recess reboots the system so that when

they go back in, they’re ready to learn and they are focused. The key is “unstructured play― which is kids

being allowed to run, play, and make up their own games while teachers mostly stay on the side line to make sure

everyone is safe. I think we should start with K-2nd grade and then move on up to the elementary school all the

way to the sixth grade.

Pirates After Hours

Provide an after school program for all students grades P-5. Program would be after school until 6:00 PM. A fee

would be determined to cover the cost of providing materials, snacks, and salaries. Salaries would need to be

enough to be attractive to current employees. We could also employ High School students in secondary roles in

the after school program.

"Making Sense-A Garden"

I would like to build a sensory garden in front of the elementary school. This would be a fenced in space that the

special needs students would have close access to. It would have a stage, benches, and rocking chairs, hammocks

and swings, a music wall and some free standing instruments, art easels and tables for creating. It would have

some shaded areas. The stage would have some log stools for an audience. Teachers could bring their classes by

for reading time, speeches or wax museum, displays of talent, music or art time, and much more. There will be a

sensory pathway and wall for students to enjoy. The art club could add art rotating art displays and permanent


New Every Few - A Technology

Lease Program

I would love to see our school engage in a technology lease program (Apples in Education or a similar program) that

would replace our existing devices and enable students to use devices such as laptops, tablets, and desktop units

that are all the same - and that remain updated, working models in good condition and compatible with software

programs that we regularly use - throughout our school system.

Life or Death

My proposal is to install a silent alarm system, (similar to what banks use). By touching one button the school could

be locked down and the authorities notified instantly. A red light could be installed in all the rooms, halls, Media

Ctr., lunch room and gym. We also have several outside buildings where students are during the day, alarms could

be put in those places also. Our campus is very open and I consider it vulnerable, this would be a great way to

secure everyone's safety. There are other school systems that are using this system in their buildings in Ga.

Dollars and "Sense"

I would like for our schools to invest in Dave Ramsey's financial literacy program for students. It can be set up to be

a 45 day or 90 day program, and is called Foundations in Personal Finance (high school and middle school edition).

It is comprehensive, turnkey, and features video lessons taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of experts. This

program has over 100 classroom activities, 90 plus hours of curriculum, and meets standards in all 50 states. I

would like to see this class offered to all students for one semester at some point in their middle/high school years.

Students know very little about "the real world". It is our job to prepare them for the future.

Teen Driver: Officer, was I really

going 70 in a 45?

We need Ghost Out! In the past, PCHS participated in the Ghost Out program every two years until it was

suspended last year. It is a vivid reenactment of an accident scene that utilizes students along with police, EMS,

coroner, the hospital, Life Flight, and parents. It requires planning as it involves all personnel and equipment

needed to handle a real accident scene. It takes time out of the school day, but it is an eye-opening, emotional

experience for the students. Ghost Out teaches our teens about the consequences of their actions. We need to do

whatever we can to help our teens make safe choices and stop the tragedies on our roads. Our teens are the future

and every life is precious!

Pirates: Climb Aboard the STEAM


I would love for us to be able to offer an alternate "STEAM" path, as an additional option to our existing STEM

program, for these students to follow throughout their high school experience while having more flexibility to

follow their passions in the Arts.

The Great Wall...of UglyTo have the wall sandblasted, and let our incredibly talented art students/teachers create a mural that represents

the mission of Pike County Schools.

The Morning Mile

My idea is to bring The Morning Mile to Pike County Schools. Here is a link with more information:


The Morning Mile is currently in 350 schools in 20 states and is growing in popularity. Participation is voluntary,

and it's not a club - - it's just an option to get out and get moving and increase blood flow for sustained focus.

Some participating schools report fewer discipline incidents. Fitz Kohler, the founder, recommends The Big Book of

Running for Beginners to take schools through the steps of implementation.

Playground Canopy

Pike County Elementary should have shaded canopies around their playground area and playground equipment. To

meet the needs of House Bill 273, our school system needs to work together to make sure we are all maintaining a

safe body temperature as well as not getting burnt on playground equipment that has been in the sun too long.

Canopies would solve these problems so that our children can benefit from these brain breaks during their school


Prepared Pirates

Pike County Schools should participate in A.L.I.C.E training so that all of our staff and students are proficient in

lifesaving procedures that they may need to survive an unimaginable situation. We should have ideas and

techniques in place.

Pirate EquestriansI would like for my self-contained special needs class to attend equine therapy weekly, biweekly, or monthly at the

Calvin Center in Hampton, Georgia.

Pirate Pride

My idea would be to create a "community store" where everyone could purchase spirit items from each school.

Each school could have a representative meet to come up with ideas and create the spirit wear items. We could

open it at a certain time every day and anyone could come by to purchase items from all schools. Perhaps, trusting

high school students could run it. Proceeds could be split amongst all schools.

The Golden Apple Award

How would your self-worth as an educator change if one of our graduating seniors gave you a Golden Apple Award

for making an impact on their life?! Especially if you teach the primary or elementary grades. Imagine receiving this

award from a kid you taught a five years, or even a decade ago! Imagine how it would feel to know you made that

much of an impact on a student. That's what the Golden Apple Award is all about!

Back to the BasicsProvide after-school time with paid teachers and screened high school students to teach to mastery those skills

that are lacking. Our community may also have retired teachers willing to jump on board.

Circle of Life Learning Center:

School Readiness and Arts

Appreciation for Infant to 5 year


Pike County Schools should create a day care option for children 6 weeks to 4 years old that focuses on school

readiness and arts appreciation. Children could be given an opportunity to have a music appreciation time, arts and

crafts, exposure to some sports, etc. We could have our students who are in certain pathways or are involved in

certain extra-curricular activities pour into the learning center and expose the children to different opportunities,

possibly creation some passions for learning early on.

This would allow teachers to get to know students early on and to collect data about students at a very young age

so that we can focus on their needs even earlier.

Learning in Lego Land!

Incorporating a Lego Land into our makerspace will empower every student to follow their curiosity wherever it

leads them, in a safe, inspiring, and instantly accessible environment. The LEGOS® provide the perfect prototyping

tool. Students start exploring with a handful of LEGO bricks and begin to create, test, build and rebuild. As they

work toward their ultimate goal, they continuously modify, retest and rebuild. Student engagement will range from

basic building/designing to Coding with Lego bricks.

Securing Our Sails: Protecting Our


In conjunction with the Pike County Sheriff's Department (whose involvement would be necessary for this), recruit

those in our community with a police or military background (both active and retired) who would be willing to

volunteer their time to provide a more secure presence on our campus and help in the event of an emergency.

These community members would go through stringent background checks and regular training as to what would

be expected. Expectations would likely be fine-tuned as the program is implemented and needs are discovered.

"All Hands On Deck"--Pirates

helping Pike County

What if we dedicated a central location on our county website or somewhere localized where staff members give

time researching community needs and placing them for all teachers, staff, parents, and students to see? Then, the

teachers or club sponsors could help their student(s) link up with appropriate community projects that really make

a difference in our community (ex. ELA secondary students writing a monthly newsletter for a nursing home,

science students researching animal nutrition and donating food to animals in need, history students maintaining

veteran graves, etc.).

The Pen and the Sword Revisted

Previously, there was a publication called The Pen and the Sword at PCHS that was primarily the responsibility of AP

English students. I would like to bring back this publication, but open it up to all students at PCHS. This would give

all students an opportunity to share their best works, whether it is poetry, artwork, short stories, essays, advice

columns, or news articles about school events. This publication could be printed or published online once a

semester to showcase students' accomplishments.

Pin the Pirate, Badge the

Buccaneer, Cord the Corsair

Developing a badging system whereby high school students can earn micro-credentialing in each of the PoG

competencies (Critical thinking, communication, etc...) by completing a task designed to demonstrate a majority of

the competencies "slices". The products would be housed in a digital portfolio that could be used for college

admissions. Students demonstrating competency in all six areas would receive a special cord and recognition at


Don't go down with the ship, we

need a life boat!

Purchase and install a natural gas powered generator capable of providing sufficient electricity to support all data-

center equipment in the event of a utility failure.

Knock, Knock! Who is there?

Set up a simple and easy to use check in & check out procedure for volunteers, visitors, students, faculty, staff and


• Track when and why visitors & volunteers enter your campus and when they left.

• Track when and why students are late.

• Track when and why students leave early.

• Track and total the hours for your volunteers both on & off campus.

• Know when your faculty & staff are on or off campus during the day.

• Keep permanent information records

• Instant reports on everyone who's on campus.

• Complete reporting capability built in.

• Full Import & Export capability built in.

Shiver Me Timbers! Where's Me


Build a pirate ship-themed playground on the north end of the football field, behind the gym. It would be age-

appropriate for children ages 3-12, and would also be used as part of Pre-K's outdoor play.

Rainy Days, Testing Days, and

Mondays always get me down.

I would like to purchase various indoor games for students to use that would be housed in the building. I would

also like to purchase a storage building/shed/container and lock that could be placed outside and accessible to PE

teachers who need some equipment for play in the spring when they must find another location for class. In

addition, there is a need for more equipment to put into this storage building/shed/container.

Blessing Boxes for Pirates

Install two boxes at each school located outside the building. One would be used for dry goods or canned goods

that would not spoil. The other box would be used for a free library of adult and children's books. Both boxes

would be filled and maintained by donations.

Savvy Subs

Create a training class for anyone interested in substitute teaching here in Pike County Schools. The broad view is

great from RESA but it would be nice for our subs to have the opportunity to hear and learn about Pike County

Schools specific processes, expectations, guidelines, policies, and responsibilities.

Pirate Pantry

I would like to establish a "food pantry" located at the high school for Pike County athletes who are in need of this

service. Initially, the pantry would need to be stocked with the necessary items by the schools/district. Then,

employees/schools would contribute to keep it stocked by donating items occasionally. The idea is for many to

contribute. Hopefully, this would become a community wide effort.

Which Way Do I Go George!!

Come up with some clear and precise plans or traffic flow for pick up and drop off at all school levels. This has been

an ongoing issue as long as i've been employed. Stagger pick up times between grade levels maybe so all the

parents come at different times. I commend the Elem school for their new pick up plan..well done

Light the Deck

Upgrade lighting fixtures

Upgrade the light board

Remove the outdated equipment

Survey drama students and sponsors to see what lighting would most benefit their plays and performances.

Pirates Way A complete paving of all driving and or walking areas around campus

Let’s Throw the Cell Phone

Problem “Over Yondr―

Implementation of Yondr cases for cell phones.

More information on the attached document as well as the Yondr site.

Theatrical Magic!

New(er) theaters such as the Fine Arts Centers in Barnesville and Thomaston use specialized projection systems

that allow lighting & backdrops to be projected onto a screen at the back of the stage, behind the actors. These

create endless possibilities for ambiance during formal events & amazing animated backdrops for productions,

allowing crews to change scenes at the touch of a button. Let’s enhance our wonderful auditorium with a new

short-throw projector that could be used by everyone in the district. It would give our students another outlet to

create digitally. With such incredibly talented performers in our schools, they deserve the best!!

Track and Go (Trackology)

A great idea would be to remove all traffic that is parked on both sides of the road and highway and have the traffic

flow enter the track entrance (by widening the entrance) and looping the vehicles around the track and exiting out

of the track back into the school lane for pick-up. After calculating a F-150 Super Cab at 232"(19.33) with a 4' gap

between trucks, you get 226 per mile divided by 4 (1/4mile track will equal = 57 (56.5) trucks per 1/4 mile. County

impact fees (new residential housing) could be utilized to offset the cost of paving.

Kindle Vocabulary

I propose our students have access to Paperweight Kindles (or at least the Kindle app). Kindles allow readers to

highlight within a book. Students and teachers could highlight individual words they do not know. Kindle even has

a feature that allows users to study the words/definitions on electronic flashcards. Students will see the word,

definition, and the work in which the word appeared.

Getting Wet is Not FUN!

respectifully submited by ALL

Pike Co. Bus Drivers

Placing an Awning with lights over the Fuel island. Better yet a NEW BUS SHOP WOULD BE THE BEST THING.....

Walk the Plank (In Virtual Reality)

Desktops, laptops, chrome-books, etc. are now a daily staple generating little interest. Virtual Reality, however, is

relatively fresh and still captivating. My idea is to provide a set of VR backpacks with headsets similar to the HP Z VR

Backpack and the Lenovo Explorer Headset. Imagine taking your science class on a VR trip to the international

space station or taking your Ag Mechanics students through the inside of an engine. Not only would this technology

allow students to enjoy experiences that would otherwise be impossible, it would also bring a new level of interest

and engagement to any lesson in any classroom.

All hands on Deck All decks be renovated

Middle School, Here I Come (or


My idea is to house 5th/6th grade students for 1 school year in an area where they would be able to change classes

without the fear of getting lost. Get used to using a locker and when to go and what to place in it. They would have

the opportunity to have lunch with their grade and develop small group friends that may have otherwise gotten

lost in the Middle School shuffle. This would be much like the NGA.

Pirate's Bus Lair To build a new Transportation Facility

"What Time is It"

Have an independent time audit performed on the system. This could be performed by an outside consulting firm,

it could be performed by local business people or stakeholders, or it could be performed by a combination of

stakeholders, faculty, and administrators. Outside consulting firm would be the most authentic and unbiased.

One Year of Chef Training for a

Better Nutrition Program

Pay a chef to be present in the system for an entire year to train kitchen staff on culinary skills and menu


The one solution that breaks down the negative cycle of customer expectations, dietary guidelines, and budget

restrictions is the introduction of skill development. Because our budget doesn’t allow for training at the level

that is needed to overcome these challenges, the money from this initiative could actually help us break the

nutrition program out of a cycle of cutting costs and reducing labor.

Having a trained chef dedicated to menu development and skill training for an entire year would be

transformational for the level of service we can offer Pike County.

Poetic PiratesMiddle school students needs for creative writing instruction could be met through a "Poet-in-Residence" program


Pirating Prosthetics Bring a non-profit prosthetic design team to Pike County to meet the needs of our growing population.

Money Talks, ....

Pay students who pass standardized high school tests with a bonus for those who exceed. As a school, and a

system, we need students to not only pass the test, we also need them to outperform on it. My idea is to set aside

a pool of money, say $10,000. For all students who score above a 2 on all EOC tests taken that year the student

would receive an equal portion of the pool. This number would be determined by the number who score the target

grade. This primary payout would incentivize low students to pass the test. We would also provide a bonus, say

$50, for the top 10 scores on each Milestone test. This would incentivize STEM kids to raise from a 3 to a 4 on the


Save Lives, Teach Them To Drive

Our high school should require that all students must take and pass a driver's education class that meets all aspects

of the Joshua's Law in order to graduate. This should be provided by the school to ensure that our students are

prepared and road ready.

College Visit Tours by Laura York

and Stephanie Brown

Our idea is that, partnered with the high school counselors, students will be able to visit all of the public colleges

and universities in Georgia and attend tours of each. Students will learn about the different schools and programs

available and will leave having the information to make a better choice of where they want to attend. This would

encourage students to pursue different colleges and fields that they may not have previously considered. The

school could even look to partner with local businesses and sponsors to fund the program (gas, etc.).

Swab the Deck and Grow

Give ownership of the facility back to the students. Create a program that includes students growing and

maintaining large vegetable gardens that go to the cafeteria for student meals. This could be done through our

agriculture department. Also, create a program that includes students in cleaning and maintaining our facilities.

This should not be done through a discipline program but as a work study program that develops basic skills while

maintaining the facility.

Fontabulous ReadingPassages or texts could be typed with Dyslexic Font. There are different types of dyslexic font but with a panel of

others, I'm sure there is more successful typeface that could be experimented with.

In the Know with a Two-Minute


I would like for us to produce weekly-ish 2-minute video clips for our schools' social media that give parents a quick

snippet of information that is relevant to the experience of our students, today, in our school. These could include

an explanation of how Instagram works; an interpretation of a national issue /event that has made headlines; how

cell phone companies can empower parents with their kids’ phone use and accessibility; or even a reminder

about the importance of sleep.

The Science (or Literary ... or

Math ...) Bus is Embarking

A practice taking place in Boone County, Kentucky involves a science teacher (with bus certification) driving an

older bus around the county taking the content to the neighborhoods and communities. The bus has seats

removed, replaced by equipment for science labs and activities for students of all ages. It is like a traveling Bill Nye

the Science Guy who comes to the people, bringing science content and experiences to students, to pique their

interest and maximize their experience during the summer lull.

We likely have an old bus that is just about ready to be retired. For equipment and gas, as well as teacher salary, I

would think this could get done for about 10 grand.

Fit For Life

Why not grab these kids before they get on the bus or carpool to engage in non-competitive exercise? This could be

pilates, yoga, basketball, dodgeball, tag, aerobics, zumba, walking/running clubs ...Teachers could also participate.

Exercise builds muscle, aerobic capacity as well as confidence.

Smile, You're on Camera!

This idea would require the installation of two cameras in the academic area and one in the break room area.

Should any situation arise that involved "who, what, where, and when"... well, you know the story... a video is

worth a thousand words!

Think Tank Tables

I have created stations that consist of tables covered in whiteboard material. Each table also has a bucket of

markers and erasers. My students use it to take notes, work physics problems, graph, set up labs, work the EDP

process, review, etc.. each classroom should have at least one table with whiteboard seating, if not more.

My table tops are getting worn down and are in need of new ones, plus I am one table short.

The Tiniest PiratesMaking a room or rooms available to teachers as a place to have their babies close by while they work. Just offered

to teachers so we can keep numbers small and give the kids the attention they need.

Born to be a Pirate

I would love to have groups of teachers visit the local hospitals when babies are born that will attend schools in

Pike County. Teachers can briefly welcome the new parents and baby to our school system. A package of new

books about various subjects-shapes, colors, and the alphabet along with important developmental information

can be given. The parent/school team will be developed and cultivated from our students’ birth. Parents will

know that their child is important to Pike County school system. Eventually, it would be amazing to deliver a

developmental gift each year such as scissors, crayons, age appropriate books and information for the parent.

Teacher Castaways ...

Collaborating with Wilson

I propose that we collaborate with the other schools in our RESA district to set up periodic meetings (1-2 per

semester) for these teachers to meet with each other in order to collaborate and share ideas for improving

instruction in their own classrooms and improving collaboration between the schools. Teachers can share

performance task ideas or instructional ideas and discuss common issues with their subjects, such as grammar

comprehension, and ways to increase student achievement in these areas.

Participate to Graduate

My idea is to make it a Pike County graduation requirement that all graduates must actively participate in an extra-

curricular activity of their choice for at least one year while in high school. Sports, band, fine arts or joining a club.

Which activity they choose is not as important as the positive aspects students will get by participating and being

responsible to themselves and others for the work they do as a group.

Lost and Found

This is possible in two ways: 1. either GPS units are bought and programed with a stop by stop route for each route.

2. WayFinder from TransFinder would allow someone to ride a route with a smartphone and pin every stop on that

route to come back and load the approximate time of the stop as well as a location into the program to have move

accurate routes. Small tablets could be used for this with a dash mount. Drivers would then get turn for turn

directions, speeding up pick up time, less stress to the driver, and kids not waiting an extra amount of time to be

picked up.

Treasure Chest Wendnesday

To encourage all students to eat a balance and health meal, also providing students with fun and games doing

meals time.

Each student that comes through the serving line will draw from the Treasure Chest..

Treasure chest will be at each serving line. Gild and silver coins will be add to the treasure chest for the students to

draw. A prize will be given to whoever pulls the gold coin.

Pirate Lookout Tower

The installation of a Pirate Lookout Tower that will be a centrally located desk which is away from the student work

stations. This desk would need network cabling, electrical wiring and surge protection. It will need to be customized

to sit up higher than the student work stations for privacy and student monitoring.

Talk It Up for the Students

I would love to have time set aside for a SPED students teacher, Case Mgr. and Parapro to meet together so we

could all be on the same page as to the best way to approach the student and the best way to help them succeed.

It would be so helpful to hear strategies that were used previously or new ways to go forward.

To have a meeting at the beginning of the year and then a couple during the semester would be so helpful. This is

something that the Para's here at the High School have wanted to do for years. It would do nothing but help out all

those working with these students. I know that Mindy Habelt and I would so appreciate it and teachers also.

Lets Get Movin' and Groovin"

I would love to get some Wii gaming systems and purchase the fitness games and dance activities. Utilizing

technology and getting them up and moving with something they enjoy doing, having fun doing it and without

realizing they are getting activity.

Feed our local officers for safer


It’s simple! Offer free meals to city and county police to encourage regular visits and increased traffic of our

dedicated officers to the school system. This should help reduce the threat of many forms of violence. Money

awarded to this idea will be used to inform officers of the option, pay for the meals, and any additional

accommodations that may be needed to make the initiative successful.

Money, Money, Moneeeey!!!


Take over pictures and vending machines and let students run them. We may need to purchase and train for these,

which is great. We could be making more needed money for our school system while allowing students to run

these ventures through a class. This could be run through a photography class and/or marketing class. You say, but

students cannot handle money? However, we allow students to weld, run weed eaters, raise livestock, and handle

money through other fundraisers. Could students handle taking good pictures and running snack carts? Sure.

SAFE CROSSING FOR OUR KIDS!! Create safe passage for the recess-ers.

Mailing Around The WorldI think every student should have a pen pal from another country. The students get to send and receive mail plus

get a world view learning about day to day life in another country.

Report to the Principal's OfficeBegin a summer reading program called "Report to the Principal's Office" to provide students access to our library

over the summer and participate in a book club to encourage students to read.

The Mane Club

The Mane Club would be for high school and possibly middle school students. It would be an equestrian club where

students could letter in a sport as they compete throughout the year. The members would be required to maintain

a certain grade point average, attend a certain amount of shows, and keep a log of community service (work

shows, clean stalls, set up arenas, assist with special needs buddies, etc.) Through personal experience, I know the

hard work, practice, perseverance, and responsibility of competing on horseback!

Rolling Classrooms

I propose getting magnetic sight words to place on the busses of drivers that transport Primary and Elementary

students. The students can see the word of the week and use it in a sentence. This week's word can be moved to

the ceiling of the bus and a new word placed in the front of the bus.

We could use the same idea with Middle and High School students with SAT/ACT vocabulary words.

Get Out of Failure Jail Free Card - -

by Taking a Risk

My idea is to encourage teachers to become the authors of the NEW wave of "best practice" methods by taking

risks and trying ideas they've always wanted to try but feared someone may walk in and see them flop and flail

aimlessly in failure. Why not encourage teachers to run their ideas by 3 others prior to trying (for peer review to

broaden foresight of potential pitfalls) and then give each teacher a "risk ticket" or two? If we are taking a risk and

it fails, we provide a brief summary of the risk and result. Whether the idea works or not, the Thomas Edison

approach would shed light (no pun intended) on our thinking and help us to stretch our ways of thinking about

teaching and learning.

E-Mail is GOOD / E-Cigarettes are


Educate students (and everyone in our buildings) about the dangers of E-Cigarettes and Vapes. Purchasing and

displaying posters that have examples of the dangerous health impacts will help to educate our young people about

the true impacts.
