idrc survey with prominent dispensationalists

QUESTIONS CHRISTOPHER CONE Define in a few words what is a Dispensation How many dispensations exist in your view? Yes. Which is the best terminology that describe your view of Dispensationalism Normative or Biblical Dispensationalism A dispensation is a particularly distinctive economy or administration in and by which God demonstrates or expresses His own glory. (Cone, Prolegomena on Biblical Hermeneutics and Method, p. 305) 4 in a kingdom emphasis, 7 in a soteriological emphasis, 12 in a doxological emphasis (Cone, Prolegomena on Biblical Hermeneutics and Method, p. 305-319) In what sense the Church is presented as a mystery in the NT? The church was first introduced in Mt 16, elaborated as a mystery in Eph 2-3 Does Jesus offered the Eschatological Kingdom promised in the Old Testament to Israel?

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Which is the best terminology that describe your view of


Normative or Biblical Dispensationalism

Define in a few words what is a Dispensation

A dispensation is a particularly distinctive economy or

administration in and by which God demonstrates or expresses His own

glory. (Cone, Prolegomena on Biblical Hermeneutics and Method,

p. 305)

How many dispensations exist in your view?

4 in a kingdom emphasis, 7 in a soteriological emphasis, 12 in a

doxological emphasis (Cone, Prolegomena on Biblical

Hermeneutics and Method, p. 305-319)

In what sense the Church is presented as a mystery in the NT?

The church was first introduced in Mt 16, elaborated as a mystery in

Eph 2-3

Does Jesus offered the Eschatological Kingdom promised

in the Old Testament to Israel?

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Does the rejection of the Jews caused a postponment the

Kingdom offered? If so, was a partial or a total postponnement?

Total postponement of God's eternal spiritual kingdom come to

earth in physical manifestation according to the Davidic Covenant

What is the Meaning of the Mysteries of the Kingdom in

Matthew 13?

Mt 13:11 is a simple statement that the previously unrevealed things of

the kingdom, were now being revealed to the disciples, but were not being revealed to those who

had rejected.

Is there a future for Israel in the Plan of God, according to the

promises of the Old Testament?

Does the fulfillment of physical promises to Israel is limited to the Millennium or it extend throughout

all eternity?

Begin to be fulfiled in the Millennium and continue into


There will be animal sacrifices during the Millennium?

Yes. The sacrifices are more than memorial, and most likely have do

with national (rather than individual) atonement or cleanness.

Is Jesus presently reigning at the throne of David?

Is the New Covenant inaugurated in the present dispensation?

It is inaugurated in the sense that it is paid for or ratified, but it is not in

any way being fulfilled.

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Are you pre-trib?

In your view, is there a unifying theme for the Bible narrative?

Yes, the glory of God through the making and keeping of His


What is the relationship between the OT and the NT?

The progress of revelation begins chronologically with Genesis and continues through Revelation. It was given chronologically, and

should be understood chronologically.

Yes, though the term "pre day of the Lord" is more exegetically

grounded (2 Thes 2), as the rapture occurs before the day of the Lord

begins (of which the tribulation is a part).

Are there signs that indicate the Rapture is near? If so, name the

three most important

The rapture is imminent, but the timing is not discernible beyond


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Dispensationalism I'm not sure.

Minimum of 5, prefer 7 8


Between Revised and Progressive. A New Creationist


A dispensation is a distinguishable period of time

during which God mediates his sovereignty over his creation

A dispensation is a distinguishable economy in the outworking of God's Program.

A noticeable change in how God deals with His creation.

Four to seven, depending on the way you look at them.

church as Jews and Gentiles united together in one new man was unrevealed and unrealized

in OT

The church was not predicted in the OT.

Gentile participation in Israel's covenants was taught in the OT. But the full expressison of New Covenant unity between Jews

and Gentiles and what this means is revealed in the NT

Yes, but there was no postponement. He offered the kingdom which was present

Yes. This is clearly taught in Luke 19:41-44

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I'm not sure.

Yes Yes Absolutely

Throughout eternity.

No No


The kingdom as offered was postponed.

Yes. The kingdom will come at the second coming but spiritual blessings of the Abrahamic and

New covenants are being fulfilled today

A stage of the kingdom in which the king is absent, sons of the kingdom and sons of the

evil coexist, and it ends with the day of the Lord and the

return of Christ

Matthew 13 describes kingdom truths concerning the era

between His two comings. It reveals how the kingdom relates

to the interadvent era.

The promises are eternal so they extend into eternity

Applies to both the millennium and Eternal state.

No, the Lamb of God is the fulfillment of sacrifices

Yes, there will be sacrifices in the Millennium, having civil, theocratic, and ceremonial


Yes. A temporary act of worship by Israel during the millennium

only. Looks back to the cross like OT sacrifices pointed forward to the cross. Not return to Mosaic


depends what you mean by "throne of David." I say, no.

yes, the Spirit which is the locus of NC blessings is here

Yes. The spiritual blessings of the New covenant are in effect today

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Yes. Kingdom of God

yes Yes. Yes


Yes, the Bible is the history of the work of redemption

Yes, the inbreaking of the Kingdom of God into the earth.

The NT reveals that all Scripture is interpreted in light

of the person and work of Christ in his first and second


NT continues the story of the inbreaking of the Kingdom.

NT literally continues the storyline of the OT and adds new details at


No, the rapture is imminent (at any time, without warning, at a time you don't expect it, no one knows except the Father, it will

come like a thief, etc)

Possible stage setting for the Tribulation Period. Israel as a national entity in the land is


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Ryrie Dispensationalist Biblical Covenantalism Revised

7-8 Approx. 8 At least 6

Church unknown to OT people

Yes Yes Yes

In Dispensationalism, God reveals a little more about who He is with each dispensation and governs each period by a different set of rules to live by, ultimately returning man and

God to the 1-and-1 relationship we had with Him in the


A descriptive epoch within the Bible story

A dispensation is a distinguishable economy in the outworking of God's Program.

The Church was unrealized in the OT

The Church was not prophesied in the OT but

Gentiles joining with Israel in the kingdom is emphasized

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Yes Yes Yes

They continue

No No No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes, the Millennial Kingdom was postponed, but the

spiritual kingdom is already present.

Depends on what 'kingdom' means, but qua Israel it was


Yes, some elements of the Promised Kingdom were postpoed, but others are

already present

The mystery means that the Kingdom prophesied as a

whole in OT would be progressively established.

Relates to the growth of good and evil till the eschaton

The Kingdom will be progressively established

during this "interadvent age" where wickedness will be

allowed to grow

Unknown, but they appear to be limited to the Millennium.

No, they begin to be fulfilled the Millennium and continue in


Yes, memorial sacrifices of animal.

Yes, for Israel and the pious of the Nations

Yes, but these are limited to Jews in a theocratic sense akin to confession of sin now (cf. 1

John 1:9)

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Yes, the Glory of God Creation

Yes Yes Yes


Yes, God is working toward man once again being his co-regent over the Kingdom of


The continuing unfolding of the restoration of the relationship

between God and man.

The continuation of the Creation Project

The NT fulfills the OT in many but not all respects as there still exists a future for Israel

Yes: 1) Israel's return in 1948; 2) Moral decay; 3) Converging

of signs

The rapture is imminent, but Israel's return in 1948 is the only "sign" that indicates that

Jesus may return in our generation

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at least 3


A dispensation is a recognizable biblical division within which God evaluates human stewardship, within a particular historic economy, and judges those actions.

The church was not revealed (unexpected and unknown) in

the Old Testament

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Prophetic postponement (apotelesmatic interpretation)

The mystery kingdom denotes the time from the national rejection of Jesus until all

Israel is saved.

The covenantal promises are fulfilled during the thousand-year millennium, prior to the creation of the eternal state.

Atoning sacrifices are offered ceremonially during the


New Covenant was ratified by Christ's sacrificial blood

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both physical and spiritual blessings within a doxological

purpose of history

discontinuity between the Testaments, and

systematizing eschatology from the priority of the Old

Testament, as opposed to the New Testament changing

original meaning