i.ehi1e8&co. - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

i : " ) 7 VOL. XI-- NO. 83. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY business (Ifaris. 5i"tro Slirtrfoemcnts. Australian Mail Service I commercial Advertiser PUBLISHED mm m?) ESTABLISHED HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. !rJ Morning Except Sundays, Reward of $500. WHKREAS, AT OR ABOUT TWO the morning of the 2vSth of February, 1890, Mr. Ng Ngong of the firm of Kwong Lee Yuen Co., was seriously wounded with a knife or other sharp by a certain person who felon- iously broke and entered into the dwelling house of the said Ng Ngong in the rear of the premises ot the said Kwong Lee Yuen Co. on Maunakea street, Honolulu, H. 1. Notice is hereby given that a reward of J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street : Honolulu, H. I. My WILLIAM C. ACHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m GEISTER Alu AGENTS, EXPERT UENOWNrn rnn FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Tne new and fine Al steel steamship ZEJLA.ISrr)IA. TONE & DURABILITY Merchsnt St 46 At No- - BCBSCRIPT10N8 : met aa LCCOXJNTAISrTS AND COLLECTORS, 99 New York, Sept. 25, 1889. Five Hundred Dollars ($500) will be paid Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand- - bv the United Chinese Scietv to anv ner-- REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM wich is. son or persons wii0 wiu gjve information Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac- - to the Tolice which will lead to the appre-knowledgi- ng your acceptance of the Sole hension and conviction of the guilty party. " " per month u Gazette, one year ..... 6 00 ltHiAnAS" it foreign (in- - Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. o Departments of Business : rerurder. YlM uuuw, UnP"e) ' Agency of the Fischer Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. We further direct you to notifv the gen- - SecretarjT United Chinese Society. Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m Lbie Invariably 1 Advance. May 3, 1890, Books and Accounts accuratelv keDt and nronerlv adinsted. era puDiic mac you are ine bole agent " Pianos and that anv I 111 All I Will VV AlLrc I In ior tne "Fischer Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished w i . v m i m m pianos bought from any other source will ' ' J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). be attended by a great risk to the pur Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefuUy drawn and handsomely engrossed. chaser by not receiving the Genuine OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT " Fischer" Piano and all guarantees will U at a meeting of the subscribers to the HAWAIIAN OAZETTE CO.. 46 Merchant at., TT .l.t TI T Copying and Translating in al languages in general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safelynsured. And will leave for the abeve port with mails and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having SUPEBIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. nouses, nonages, itooms, umces ana L.ana leased ana rentea, ana rents collected. Fike and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. De witnarawn irom the same. capital stock of the above named Companv We have no doubt but what you will held in Honolulu, H. 1., March , 1890, ft meet with great success in the sale of these was voted to accept the Charter of Conor- - instruments, and wishing you all pros- - ation dated March 1, 1890, for the term of perity, we remain, gentlemen, fifty years, granted by the Hawaiian Gov- - Yours very truly, eminent. The liability of the stockholders Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. J, (X C. jpischeb. I is limited to the amount due and un nam GARDNER K. WILDER, .Atto rne v" at-I- j aw Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 1264-l- y on the shares held. The following olticers Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. "'' Pre-eminen- tly the best instrument 1 were elected for the ensuing year: WILLIAM C. PARKE, For Sydney and Auckland. made. Endorsed by all the leading musi-- 1 J.N S.Williams President Vttornev'at-Law- , cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed bv the makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues'free.) ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. 13 Kaabunianu Street, Hono-- r lulu, H.L Robert More. . . .Secretary & Treasurer Auditor A. J. Cartwright The above named officers also constiutte a Board of Directors. ROBT. MORE, 56-l- m Secretary and Treasurer. Notice to Shippers. Having had an extensive business experience for over twentv-fiv- e vears in WILLIAM C. ACHI, " Sold on Monthly Installments " AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35-t- f New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an nej nd Counsellor at Law, and intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Keal Estate liroKer. tBCT Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-- tf is all the Courts of the Kingdom. Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms, ke-- 36 Merchant St., Honolulu. m Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts. The new and fine Al steel steamship O the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Apr. 12, 1890. And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. Gt. Irwin & Co., AGENTS Clans spreckels Wm. G. Irwin. LEWERS & COOKE, (Successors to Lowers & Dickson) Goods of all descriptions sold on CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, commission. riers aul Dealers in Lumber Mutual Telephone G31. 31-l- y THE MORE SATISFACTORY accommodation of our patrons we beg to suggest to them that in cases where drays are required for shipping goods to out going steamers and coasters, or in any case where required, at 1 o'clock sharp of the day, they will find that bv ringing up Mutual Telephone 5G5 or Bell Telephone 160 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p.m. their wants will be promptly attended to, which will thereby greatly facilitate busi- ness to the better satisfaction of all con- cerned. 21-3- m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO. Gate City Stone Filter inJ all Kinds of Building Materials. FORT STREET, Honolulu. IS PROF. G SAUVLET, Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons. At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele. 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. 84-l-m CASTLE & COOKE, HAEDWAEE, Shipping and Commission Merchants importers and dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents. 153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly The Liverpool and Lon-do- n and Globe INSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1836. G. B. WELLS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, OHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In EBAL MERCHANDISE. PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., DEALERS IN Xo. 25-- Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf BANKEE8. BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, H. HACKFELD & CO., HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU leral Commission Agents goiniriinnim.' PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the AND Commission Merchant. 43 Queen Street, Honolulu. Telephones Mutual 620; Bell 67 Cor.Forti Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf world. Will receive deposits on open account, make BEAVER SALOON, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. twet, Opposite Wilder dc Co.'s, i fl. J. SOLTE, PROPBIETOB. Assets 40,000,000 I Nat Income .. ..... V.07V.UUU Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav W.xr(. n, .1 uill, I 1305 lQ.3m ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17oc3tf Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. Front 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET -- tern' Regnisitea a Specialty. ltf UUJ IRON WORKS CO., Takes Bisks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellings and Furniture, on the most favorable terms. !Bish.op fc Co. 118ft-6- m l-6- m Located at the Fish Market, ANDERSON & LUNDY; Dentists. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, pteam Engines, Knjar Mills, Coolers, Brass M. E. LIVINGSTON,: Prop. ml Lead Castings, Wilcox & Gibhs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 1304 1 y . (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, allum-inu- m and rubber bases. riaerr of nverv ii Aacrintlnn m&da to CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Family & Shipping Butcher wucui&r attention paid to ships blac Ji- - Job work executed on the shortest ltf THE ROYAL SALOON, Our Sausages a Specialty. All orders will receive prompt attention Insurance Agents! Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. and delivery to any part of Honolulu. JOHN "NO T T, DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. . GIVE ME A. TRIAL! AGENTS FOB: Snnaun u, Merchant Streets I'nJer the Management of H. F, Wolter, Telephones Mutual 622, Bell 400. 22-3- m Hotel street, Tregioan premises. 66-l-y . - New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Py iu stock a variety of the best Wines, P' rs and ic cold beers on draught at These Filters are easily clean Bed, and NEVER become Cracked or CRAZED by change of Temperature of the Wat The Filtering Mc J! umi KATU! STONE, rained from lh - :h ) . unlike any other stone. JAMES NOTT, JR., a W gU8. j. mc'qtjeen. H. R. HITCHCOCK. !! and See lls.ia ltf OF BOSTON. .ffitna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION" PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PL UMBER it does not absorb - ni BE- - Hawaiian; transfer company. Office next door to I. More, King St. Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. J. E. GOMES, rmerly of Gomes & Wichman.) Insurance Company ne"y Block, No 79 Fort Street, .COME FOUL. IMPURITIES never PES . fit ATE it, but lie on the surface, amiiiteraal!y the store remains as pun) oil white Corner of King and Alakea Sts.- - Honolulu, H. I. FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Mactiivinor -:- - Jeweler, in! . , TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 251; after year': U use as when taken ires resiuence, juuiuai, m. I the mine. teVr v . Prptly attended to Honolulu. 48-3-m -- Estimates furnished on all classes " The Gate City Stone Filter is a perfect of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First) success. It is the only rsl filter I have class workmanship and material guaran-- 1 ever seen. I would not be without one for SOMETHING NEW! To be able to get your J- - C. MARCHANT, tbiuder & Paper Knler teed in all the above brancnes oi my dusi- - any consideration, it convert our jas;e ness at reasonaoie rates. , -- iy water into me oesi, unnKing wswr m me world. Hknby M. lymait; m. v., 533 West Adams St., Chicago. SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS DRAYMEN. SUN FIRE OFFICE, ethel St., Vress Pub. Co. BuUding. All orders for cartage promptly attended s- -u EOTFor Sale by the And Every Description of Furniture, to. l'arucuiar aiwuwuu foiu w pGE OF RESIDENCE. OF LONDON, Established 1710. Storing and Shipping of Goods in Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Gooas. Restirffed and Covered, At Reasonable Bates and in the Best Manner. Transit to Other Islands. fn REMOVED FROM Slreet to Kobe lo Lnp p,i,n Hawaiian Hardware Co., Opposite Spreckels & Co's Bank, 127-- tf FORT STREET. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- - mV A. UAMLUU 1 Hom-o- to 12 m., and G to 9 p. m. Deal direct with the workman, iBsunneo effecUd upon OTerj description of ties to suit, at lowest pneea. property at enrroas rates or premium. ?ePbone8Ai.., Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work I --- ui tiu; Bell 475. ft lOI Total Bum Insured In 1885 .327,133,700 BASEBALL GOODS. Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid CALL FOE DIAMOND CREAMERY with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdio- - tion oi the iocai Tribunals recocnuea. echant Tailor, 1IRS. THOS. LACK, AGENT D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer HO King St., near Alakea, directly opp. Cala. Fruit Store. New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order. Designs and estimates submitted. 129 C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE 6. W. Macfarlane & Co, lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. BUTTER FOR Emeu's UndfWhi Walker & Redward, SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES Will receive per Stmrs. 'Australia and Alameda, a fnUline of latest Esssball Novelties for the Seassa of .1830. Wilms. Grreat Bargains, Grreat Bargains. UXT AFTER TAKING STOCK, ALL GOODS SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED 'PRICES. B. I.EHi1e8&CO. 99 Fort Street, Honolulu. Kin- - c. t 1 l.lv IV COMMISSION AGENTS. lftnl , ALSO Rules and Regulations In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest jLrtiole for "Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. CJIfomU St., Sn Francisco. 26 nd 28 fe l,89b245-l- y l tel Groe Contractors & Builders ' . , Brick, Btone and Wooden Building - Estimates Given. Jobblag Promptly Aatemded tes 76 ' KINO STREET. V For leoo. LIST OF OFFIOEBB: P. O. Jones. Jr President and Mnger J. O. Carter. Treasurer and Secretary P. o Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor rr-V- o not forget that Mrs. Thos. Lack, 81 Fort street, has the Agency lot the world renowned Spalding Sporting Goods. 75-6- t ADT v. Hi. F.o.BozttS V,.. U ffiCTDRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MANAGEMENT Beii Telephone Ho.a. CLARK. lly i ",utf Air. DIBE0TOB8: i MISS n. O. B. Blsbop. , Hon. H. WatornouM

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Page 1: I.EHi1e8&CO. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39335/1/... · 2015-06-02 · I commercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service


" ) 7


THE DAILY business (Ifaris. 5i"tro Slirtrfoemcnts.

Australian Mail ServiceI commercial Advertiser


HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.!rJ Morning Except Sundays,


the morning of the 2vSth ofFebruary, 1890, Mr. Ng Ngong of the firmof Kwong Lee Yuen Co., was seriouslywounded with a knife or other sharp

by a certain person who felon-iously broke and entered into the dwellinghouse of the said Ng Ngong in the rear ofthe premises ot the said Kwong Lee YuenCo. on Maunakea street, Honolulu, H. 1.

Notice is hereby given that a reward of


Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street : Honolulu, H. I.My

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Real EstateBroker.

Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m



Tne new and fine Al steel steamship


Merchsnt St46At No- -


met aa

LCCOXJNTAISrTS ANDCOLLECTORS,99 New York, Sept. 25, 1889. Five Hundred Dollars ($500) will be paidHawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand- - bv the United Chinese Scietv to anv ner--

REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM wich is. son or persons wii0 wiu gjve informationGentlemen: We take pleasure in ac-- to the Tolice which will lead to the appre-knowledgi- ng

your acceptance of the Sole hension and conviction of the guilty party." "

per month u

Gazette, one year ..... 6 00ltHiAnAS" it foreign (in- -

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland



Departments of Business :rerurder. YlM uuuw,UnP"e) ' Agency of the Fischer Pianos in the

Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same.

We further direct you to notifv the gen- -

SecretarjT United Chinese Society.Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m

Lbie Invariably 1 Advance. May 3, 1890, Books and Accounts accuratelv keDt and nronerlv adinsted. era puDiic mac you are ine bole agent" Pianos and that anv I 111 All I Will VV AlLrc I Inior tne "FischerCollections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.

Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished w i . v m i m m

pianos bought from any other source will ' '


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C

53-l- y Rogers).

be attended by a great risk to the purLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefuUy drawn and handsomelyengrossed. chaser by not receiving the Genuine OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT" Fischer" Piano and all guarantees will U at a meeting of the subscribers to the


46 Merchant at.,TT .l.t TI T

Copying and Translating in al languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safelynsured.

And will leave for the abeve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPEBIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

nouses, nonages, itooms, umces ana L.ana leased ana rentea, ana rents collected.Fike and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.

De witnarawn irom the same. capital stock of the above named CompanvWe have no doubt but what you will held in Honolulu, H. 1., March , 1890, ft

meet with great success in the sale of these was voted to accept the Charter of Conor--instruments, and wishing you all pros- - ation dated March 1, 1890, for the term ofperity, we remain, gentlemen, fifty years, granted by the Hawaiian Gov- -

Yours very truly, eminent. The liability of the stockholders

Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. J, (X C. jpischeb. I is limited to the amount due and un nam


.Atto rnev" at-I- j awOffice Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.

77 1264-l- y

on the shares held. The following olticersAny Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. "''

Pre-eminen- tly the best instrument 1 were elected for the ensuing year:WILLIAM C. PARKE,For Sydney and Auckland. made. Endorsed by all the leading musi-- 1 J.N S.Williams President

Vttornev'at-Law-, cians of the age. Will stand hard usage

in any climate and guaranteed bv themakers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues'free.)ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT


lulu, H.L

Robert More. . . .Secretary & TreasurerAuditor A. J. CartwrightThe above named officers also constiutte

a Board of Directors.ROBT. MORE,

56-l- m Secretary and Treasurer.

Notice to Shippers.Having had an extensive business experience for over twentv-fiv- e vears inWILLIAM C. ACHI,

" Sold on Monthly Installments "



New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of annej nd Counsellor at Law, and intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully

solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Keal Estate liroKer.tBCT Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-- tf

is all the Courts of the Kingdom.Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,ke--36 Merchant St., Honolulu.


Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts.

The new and fine Al steel steamship

O the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Apr. 12, 1890.

And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. Gt. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

Clans spreckels Wm. G. Irwin.


(Successors to Lowers & Dickson) Goods of all descriptions sold onCASTLE & COOKE,IMPORTERS,

commission.riers aul Dealers in Lumber

Mutual Telephone G31. 31-l- y

THE MORE SATISFACTORYaccommodation of our patrons we beg

to suggest to them that in cases wheredrays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers and coasters, or in anycase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day, they will find that bv ringing upMutual Telephone 5G5 or Bell Telephone160 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p.m.their wants will be promptly attended to,which will thereby greatly facilitate busi-ness to the better satisfaction of all con-cerned.21-3-m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO.

Gate City Stone Filter

inJ all Kinds of Building Materials.


PROF. G SAUVLET,Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons.

At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele.599, or will visit pupils at their residence.




Shipping and Commission Merchants

importers and dealers in


Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents.

153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly

The Liverpool and Lon-do- n

and Globe


G. B. WELLS,Shipping and Commission Merchants,OHN T. WATERHOUSE,

Importer and Dealer In


Wholesale Grocer and Provision DealerCLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.,DEALERS IN



leral Commission Agents goiniriinnim.'PLANTATION SUPPLIES,

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the


Commission Merchant.

43 Queen Street, Honolulu.

Telephones Mutual 620; Bell 67

Cor.Forti Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf world.

Will receive deposits on open account, makeBEAVER SALOON,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODScollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

twet, Opposite Wilder dc Co.'s,i

fl. J. SOLTE, PROPBIETOB. Assets 40,000,000I Nat Income .. ..... V.07V.UUU Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav

W.xr(. n, .1 uill, I 1305 lQ.3mings Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.Front 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET-- tern' Regnisitea a Specialty. ltf


Takes Bisks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

!Bish.op fc Co.118ft-6-m l-6- m

Located at the Fish Market,ANDERSON & LUNDY;

Dentists. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,pteam Engines,Knjar Mills, Coolers, Brass M. E. LIVINGSTON,: Prop.

ml Lead Castings,Wilcox & Gibhs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.1304 1 y


(Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)ARTIFICIAL TEETH

from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum-inu- m

and rubber bases.riaerr of nverv ii Aacrintlnn m&da to


Life, Fire and Marine Family & Shipping Butcherwucui&r attention paid to ships blacJi- - Job work executed on the shortest


Our Sausages a Specialty.

All orders will receive prompt attentionInsurance Agents!

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

and delivery to any part of Honolulu.JOHN "NO T T,DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.


Snnaun u, Merchant StreetsI'nJer the Management of

H. F, Wolter, Telephones Mutual 622, Bell 400.22-3-m

Hotel street, Tregioan premises.66-l-y . -New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.

Py iu stock a variety of the best Wines,P' rs and ic cold beers on draught at

These Filters are easily clean Bed, andNEVER become Cracked or CRAZEDby change of Temperature of the Wat

The Filtering Mc J! umi KATU!STONE, rained from lh - :h ) .

unlike any other stone.

JAMES NOTT, JR.,a W gU8. j. mc'qtjeen.H. R. HITCHCOCK.!! and See lls.ia ltf


.ffitna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


TINSMITH & PLUMBER it does not absorb - ni BE- -Hawaiian; transfer company.

Office next door to I. More, King St.

Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.

J. E. GOMES,rmerly of Gomes & Wichman.) Insurance Company

ne"y Block, No 79 Fort Street,


it, but lie on the surface, amiiiteraal!ythe store remains as pun) oil white

Corner of King and Alakea Sts.- -


OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.Mactiivinor -:- - Jeweler,in! . , TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 251; after year': U use as when taken ires

resiuence, juuiuai, m. I the mine.teVr v . Prptly attended toHonolulu. 48-3-m

--Estimates furnished on all classes " The Gate City Stone Filter is a perfectof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First) success. It is the only rsl filter I haveclass workmanship and material guaran-- 1 ever seen. I would not be without one forSOMETHING NEW!

To be able to get your


tbiuder & Paper Knlerteed in all the above brancnes oi my dusi-- any consideration, it convert our jas;eness at reasonaoie rates. , --iy water into me oesi, unnKing wswr m me

world. Hknby M. lymait; m. v.,533 West Adams St., Chicago.SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS DRAYMEN. SUN FIRE OFFICE,ethel St., Vress Pub. Co. BuUding.

All orders for cartage promptly attendeds- -u EOTFor Sale by theAnd Every Description of Furniture,to. l'arucuiar aiwuwuu foiu w


Established 1710.Storing and Shipping of Goods inStoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Gooas.Restirffed and Covered,

At Reasonable Bates and in theBest Manner.

Transit to Other Islands.fn REMOVED FROMSlreet to Kobe lo Lnp p,i,nHawaiian Hardware Co.,

Opposite Spreckels & Co's Bank,127-- tf FORT STREET.

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- -mV A. UAMLUU1 Hom-o- to 12 m., and G to 9 p. m. Deal direct with the workman,

iBsunneo effecUd upon OTerj description ofties to suit, at lowest pneea.property at enrroas rates or premium.?ePbone8Ai.., Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work

I --- ui tiu; Bell 475.ft lOI Total Bum Insured In 1885 .327,133,700 BASEBALL GOODS.

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidCALL FOE

DIAMOND CREAMERY with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdio--tion oi the iocai Tribunals recocnuea.

echant Tailor, 1IRS. THOS. LACK, AGENT

D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer

HO King St., near Alakea, directlyopp. Cala. Fruit Store.

New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order.Designs and estimates submitted. 129




6. W. Macfarlane & Co,

lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.BUTTER FOR

Emeu's UndfWhiWalker & Redward, SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES

Will receive per Stmrs. 'Australia andAlameda, a fnUline of latest

Esssball Novelties for the Seassa of .1830.


Grreat Bargains, Grreat Bargains.


B.I.EHi1e8&CO.99 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Kin- - c.t 1 l.lv


Rules and Regulations

In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest jLrtiole for"Warm Climates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


CJIfomU St., Sn Francisco.26 nd 28fe l,89b245-l- y

l tel Groe

Contractors & Builders'

. , Brick, Btone and Wooden Building- Estimates Given.

Jobblag Promptly Aatemded tes



P. O. Jones. Jr President and MngerJ. O. Carter. Treasurer and SecretaryP. oHon. W. F. Allen Auditor

rr-V-o not forget that Mrs. Thos. Lack,81 Fort street, has the Agency lot theworld renowned Spalding Sporting Goods.


CLARK. lly i ",utfAir. DIBE0TOB8: i MISSn. O. B. Blsbop. , Hon. H. WatornouM

Page 2: I.EHi1e8&CO. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39335/1/... · 2015-06-02 · I commercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service


"&m SUtocrtiscmmts.increased with great rapidity during

CORRESPONDENCE.33j) 3utl)oritn. he last ten years. In IS Uhere werei j. on nnn .

111 AVJJVJ, 1 ' TENDERS WANTED.We do not hold ourselves responsible for thethey had increased to 128,000; and in1 . mr Annstatements made, or opinions expressed by our


tanco in transportation. Each milof transport of a ton of sugar, rice orbananas costs a specific sum in thegold paid for coal, labor, vessel andmachinery The Pacific States ofthe United States are a market forall of Hawaiian products, and are

HABANA CIGAES,lbbotoover xvo,jvv- -

The statistics of the Italian Gov- -

i-- irmrlpt.f . . nnn nnn on Tm END EllS AiirJ Uiu&ittiU ruiv u -Tiehin? Lunalilo Home with meats forA Merchant's Protest. eminent iuo iuv.- -

i-- u,;o.is. shown by ine A7

it A A,r,rf til one year from May 1, 1890, as follows:Beef tor Inmates fresh prime beef, (notA M . mw L3 MIM I lllld WMr. Editor: Your columns are al-

ways open to anyone who may wantn oik fV of Tn last Satur--

TwTarltions the choice cuts). HABANA CIGABsxiaiiau ,11 fr.from 4,000 to 10,000 miles nearerthan any other market. This, se- - li ma n nuiuna v Beef choice steaics.

Beef choice roasts.n. . aebUUO"". "7 7 nrr 001 . A wrrancored by a permanent reciprocity- - aay s issue 01 ine eveniuSi.ui"" 1001 , 3i i45total lor To be delivered daily at Lainaiuo nome,

a statement mat a jut. uano m w i 01 uq. whereas, ac-- , i.II, ,. fi n'dnck a. m.. in Quantitiestreaty of free trade, is equivalent toForeign Office Notice.

Foeeios Office,Hoxcluxu, H. I., April 7th 1890. HABANA CM.22BK of the COO- - by the Manager. "

not less than 15 rcer cent, on Ha- - rived to make a directory .of

3-- FOR SALE BYwaiian exports. Even should the Kingdom of Hawaii. As a merchant immigration, their ar-- gjJK.&15St An tit V. Qf too nanf. rlirfic-- 'a in United States, 4b,ZOo; in t f lhs. choice meats and mutton.American Congress finally put theOfficial notice having beeu given that

daring the temporary absence from theKingdom of H. F. GLADE, Esq., ImperialGerman Consul,

4. --av- uuu 000 nuuu v .uu 1 rieu XJJ. ., - I " . . , ...tory for especially if it is going to be Argentine, 6L1SU; rSS5 Wm

anything like the one 01 goi up totai of l&d,iio. . . . u - he Trastees expressly reserve the right XT' Ti "CTrTP T7ft .TIT . A T2r-- ras I am informed by the same per-- were about 42b permanent euiiau- - tQ rescind the contract at any time u tne jllj . -JJJVX XLi HJOHANN FREIDRICH HACKFELD, Esq.,

will discharge the fauctions of that office as "hot HirQitnrrr WHO A 11RA- - rmmr lIHIINMI in naDlLiUlS. ,,,0,,,. ro tint OI SailSiaClOIT UUaiHV, UI 11 -- W

UU - iiUU UAAOWVVXJ II m I 1111 Hri, - I uv-- " .. "

less affair in every respect to a busi--trans-oceani- c emigration from Uer-- not delivered by

129. 100-l- y Kins ana i.. I

sugar duty at not more than 35 percent., Hawaii would be fifty percent, better off with a Californiamarket than she could possibly ob-

tain elsewhere. The ocean and theAlmighty are against the Bulletintheory. The solid facts knock awaythe entire assumption of the Bulle

nessman. or instance, k coniaiueu many for tne same o Smith un to 12 o'clock noon on WlfiU--VFSnAY Anril 9. 1890.t n q namoa nr avorv i ii 1 mhnh I'.uiii. i i.. -t nor iini.inni: nun iu

lannrlrvman. trardener. laborer, etc.. TDfoi'n r( "Ireland to 70. Italy, The Trustees reserve tne ngni w re ieukj ., 0- - . . . I UliU"" " . . . , 1 1.1 any or all bids. STATEMENTn fh mt.v. in fact it OUffUt to nave i,nn,OMT i nnft of the mOSl lUlUJiij

. Acting Consul for the German Empire, allpersona are hereby required to give fullf riith and credit to all the official acts of thesudJohann Freidrich Hackfeld, Esq.

JONA. AUSTIN,1317-l- t So ot Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Sale of Lease uf Government Lots, Es-planade, Honolulu.

On THURSDAY, April 24, 1890, at the

been called a Chinese directory. HftHifta countries in Europe, having WILLIAM v. ainn,For Trustees Lunalilo's Estate.

Honolulu. April 3, 1890. 80-- 6tOF

Honolulu is not yet ready for another a population of 105 to the squareairectory ana x ior one huiui uei- - kilometre, wniie vjermau um"v

- The Mutual life Insurance Company itamly not give the least support to it. g7, France TZ, ana Austria vis-ojit- uSupreme Court of the Hawaiian Isl


tin about trade and treaty arrange-ments with distant countries. Thehistory of the past forty years is anabsolute proof that the commercialprosperity of Hawaii is indissolublyunited with the commerce and pros

births over deaths in ItalyKICHAED A. McCURDY, President.Italian Laborers. per ljOOO inhabitants is 10.51, while

fho or oration is little more than IN THE MATTER OF A.M. HEWETTMb. Editor: The proposition to J?or lilt? xcai-- imiiit,M'Ucv:ciii ucr OAfcl IQ----

---- - , , . X a Bankrupt. Order on retituRantriint for nisphare'e from Debts.four per 1,00U. Tne population 01

estimated in 1885 wasperity of California and the otherd filing the netition ofstill further complicate the socialo-gica- l

condition of the Islands by the Assets 8130,401,3,,3.173.303. and the total permanent i. Hewett of Honolulu, on the IslandPacific States of the United States.

But the Bulletin pretends to be Tf olion lahnrora crivfia I : : Cnl&fifi waa 13 912 Of (khn Rllpmner that more than SIX

afraid that Hawaii rnijrht have to.xwv w.. ,0 euiigiouuii VnnnthhWeeiansed since he was adjudged Increase in Assetn ,

special interest to any facts concern- - these the Turing 7 SuincVeaVe iu surpiV V".V.V.V.V.V.V "11 4ino. this plass- - AVe have alreadv one population oi l.uouoo, rom ftU hlg debtSt Receipt.more advantages to the Unitedgive - - mi i m rmr w i riii ..ii i 9r r t v.. . i i iTnniTii'Li I i j. v a

l.oZO emi&Tcluls. xuo owan omwuuv A 13 oruereu mitt iji increase during year..States than the former would receive branch of the Latin speaking races Paid Policy-Holders.....- ...from the large cities zaa uay oi Apru a. u. kw, ok v.of emigration Increase during 3 ear..mat aav. at tne i;ourt rtoom oi Aiiiuii4infrom the latter. The Bulletin com- - in our midst, and while there is no n Ttalv is noticeable. Naples is Klsks assumedHale, Honolulu.be and is hereby appointedIncrease during year..the time and nlace for hearing ol saia pe

front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, at 12o'clock noon, will be sold at Public Auc-

tion, the Lease of Lots No. 16 and 19 onthe Government Survey Map of the Es-

planade, having a frontage on Fort streetof 50 feet and running back 200 feet toKckuanaoa street, and adjoining the loton the corner of Fort and Allen streets onthe mauka side.

Terms Lease for 25 years.Upset Trice $120 per annum, payable

semi-annual- ly in advance.Conditions The purchaser of this Lease

must within one year of the date of saleerect a Fire-proo- f Building to cost not lessthan $3,000, the plans ot which must beapproved by the Superintendent of PublicWorks.

The said building to be kept in good re-

pair and to revert to the Government atthe expiration of the lease or its soonerdetermination.

L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, March 18. 1890. G7-1- 3t

pletely ignores the fact that, under near relationship between these peo- - the largest town with a populaticoii. . x i... xi. Tr:i.i lui i.at i a ai tA r.f J.Q1314. nnrl lias A densitv SUDO- - Risks In forcetition when and where all creditors who Increase during year..

Policies in forceiu uuw iuo uuueu ouiiw are cuxxu0.ueaty, pies uiey amcuuujr TTt"- -takes from Hawaii 813,500,000 per So far as agreement and harmony no tnat f.;knaon, Pari8 , fierHd, haveprovedtheirclaimsagainstsaibank.

and Increase during year..Policies written in 1889...,?? Vl'L". they have why the prayer of said bank- -nnnnm hU TTnwnii fnlrM from h r ,nn,firnft.l thr is no aDriori a Increase over 1888....ruipt snoum no' De graniea.

Dated Honolulu. April 2. 1890., .. - - - .

- inan irom many a guuu-Dc- u

States less than one-thir- d of principle upon which we can call to iaffG Gf the Basilicate or Colafriathat sum Tn nthfir wnnla. Hawaii is rlfttprminfi in nrlvancn how these two This is OWinT to the cheapness of THK ASSETS A.RE INVESTED VS FOl

A. F. JUDD.Chief Justice Supreme Court.

Attest: Alfred W. Carter,79-3- w Second Deputy Clerk.now receiving from the United States nationalities will affiliate, but it is Kvm&tiierean

f. a livelihood; these, taken togethervastly more than she returns to the often the case that related races are ... rnipMnra Qf living there

Real Estate and Bond & Mortgage LoansUnited States Bonds and other SecuritiesLoans on Collateral SecuritiesCash in Banks and Trust Companies at interestInterest accrued, Premiums deferred, and in transit, etc.tt -- ii m.i i n t -- ii 1 l j.1 xl i. t "uniiea otaies, ana tnus nas it oeen less narmonious man luuso uub i- - ripctrnv the inducements to emi-- Union Iron Works Co.

for half a century. lated; in this case there exists no grate. Naples is perhaps the onlyBut tho most palpable error of the national feuds, however, and no an-- large city were the pure cteiignt or -- O-TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

Liabllities (including Reserve at 4 per cent), $l2G,;u,(nJlong rigmarole of tho Bulletin is the cestral differences. Those who have "V1?S .au fT1 Z Znil. Li at a meeting of the subscribers to thecapital stock of the above named Companyheld in Honolulu. H. 1.. March 6, 1890. it

THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. Diaiouicuu iuai iiiio lii uuii .j uai.ua ia ijjt)l uuiy llit? xiaiiau ouiigiauu aa xju tion Of the DrOVinCe OI J apOll inwas voted to accept the Charter of Corpor I have carefully examined the foregoing statement and find thesamtd

A. N. WATEKHOftF Jabout to make free-trad- e treaties appears in the great cities of Amer-- which Naples is situated reachesApril, 1890. ation dated March 1, 1890, for the term ofii ii n ji r- ii I. . . t Iii s? O 4 OCT i--wun ine ooutn American nepuDiics, ica will not De predisposed towards tne excessive nguro ui 5, uu mo fift vears Kranted by the Hawaiian Govand thus let in free su?ar enough to this now immigration, and for this square mile, lhe causes of emigra- - ernment. The liability of the stockholders From the Surplus above stated a dividend will be apportioned ss- -.

Risks Riskswnmr, th Bn(Mr ,'nforoCta f TTnwnii reason the observations and conclu- - tion from Italy are in part the same is nmi tea to tne amount aue ana unpaidon the shares held. The following officersI j x J - j l I aa fvnm nthor PnilTlTTlfifi! hflQ liar

Year. Assumed. Outstanding. Assets.The Bulletin does not seem to under- - r " V.r " , M a wnnt of work, de- -j . . ... matist oi tne standing oi Jiugene r7 r

Su. Mo. Tn. W. Th. Fr. Sa. Moon's Phases.

12 3 4 5 April 4Full Moon.

C 7 8 'J 10 11 12 12April13 14 iFjiriririr zu

April 18'20 21 21 23 24 25 26 Xew Moon.

April 2628 2i) I 0 First Quarter.

mm m m mwmmwwm wm M a

were elected for the ensuing year:J.N. S. WiHiams Presidentltobert More Secretary & TreasurerAuditor A. J. Cartwright

- I ui;uuvici vvixa wo giouij nciiuuicu jj i oofficial fisrures. n fhinlrino. mon TT hn hoon liv. ud money, and invitations of friendsshown by the latest

1884 $ 34,681420 $351,789,285 $103,870,17$ Til ...1885 46,507,139 368,981,441.... 108,908,067 51....1886 56,832,719 303,809,203 114,181.963 24....

1887 69,457,468 427,628,933 HS.SOti.Sol 8S ...


The above named officers also constiuttewho have already emigrated, uutof the 120,500,000 imports into the ing the past three years on the outTTmtoi Sfntoa fmm Snnth a merino skirts of Alassio, a town of 6,000 in the main cause of the great emigra 1888 103,214,261 482,125,184 126,082,153 51)...

a Board of Directors.ROBT. MORE,

56-li-n Secretary and Treasurer.mi a rron nnn ai habitants in Liguna, and about half 1889 151,602,483 565,949,934 136,401 ,32S 02...EVENTS OF TO-DA- Y.

lSew York, January 29, 1890.uuV yaj WU(1 between Nice and Genoa. Col.tion from South Italy can only beexpressed by the word "misery."

Sig. Nitti writes in his pamphlet:"He who has not closely seen thestate of the laborers in Southern

Beward of $500. TRUSTERS.BOARD OFever, and thus bt per cent, are ad- - Spalding proposed to bring hithermitted absolutely free. Piedmontese peasants, and a little

The Bulletin seems absolutely ig-- study of the map of Italy may be S. Van Wmst'tSamuel E. Sproulls,Charles HMliucius liobinson.helDful to those not familiar with its Italy can nave no idea ot tne misery yithkREAS, AT OR ABOUT TWO lluf us W. Pinorant of the fact, that the South

Tiik Mikado First performance at theOpera House at 8 p. m.

Honolulu Kifles Drill Co. B, at 7:30p. m.

G. A. II. George W. De Long Tost, No. 45at 7:30 p. m.

A. O. F. Court Lunalilo, No. GC00 at 7:30p. M.

Samuel D. Babcock,George S. Coe,iwi t:i ;Q whirh obliges them to leave tneir o ciock on tne morning ot tne asui otOUUUIllSIUUa. X1DUU1UUV ID IUD DA- - I

--0 . .. .. ... I Tl . OfS I v X'" f XI tia i i a ti.i I no.n lonH Arlrl r thia tho el nth I r euruary , low, iur. ig wkuiik ui me iinu (ieorge Mm,

J. HobartHflsWin. 1. liita.

Kichard A. AlcCurdv.

Oliver JIarriman,Henry W. Smith,Robert Olyphant,George F. Baker,Jos. Thompson,Dudley Olcott,Frederic Cromwell,Julien T. Davies,Robert Sewell,Theodore Morford.

treme noriu-easier- n part oi xtaiy, - of Kwong Lee Yuen Co., was seriously James C. H olden,lying immediately soutn oi owitzer- - rtU" Alt wounded with a fcmte or other sharp mland and east of Snnthprn Franco some provinces every Citizen who strument by a certain person who felon Hubert A. (iaau

Nicholas C. UirHermann C. von Post,Alexander H. Rice,Lewis May,T : n i :i i : oan nnnnt. nn K00 nr fiOO lir of an- - lously broke and entered into the dwellin Henry H.io:30 xj 1UxaUU, xxavxiig xiu ,i " fa house of the said Ng Ncong in the rear 6I. O. O. F. Excelsior Lodge No. 1, at 7

p. M. Jno. W. Auchincloss,coast, Deing separated ironi tne "u xu- - i CDC..rn. the premises ot thesaidKwongl.ee Yuen ill mm hasfoct

I IStuy vesaut Fish.

I. Mediteranean oea by JUiguria. It mxmva --uimseix juouyou xxx Co. on Maunakea street, Honolulu, ti. 1. Treston 15. Plumb,Augustus. D. Juilliard,

William D. Washburn,Charles E. Miller, j James W.HktKI. S. N. Co. Adjourned annual meet-

ing at 10 A. M. Notice is hereby given that a reward ofoccupies the upper basin of the Po, not workm, and, as they say, 'livesROBERT A. GRANN1SS. - - Vice-rrende- ntand is surrounded by the loftiest on nis rent iownere nave x been mve Hundred Dollars ($500) will be paid

by the United Chinese Society to any per-son or persons who will give informationto the Police which will lead to the appre

ranges or tne Swiss Alps on the rK a uiaas ui vctKidui-- uu uiTHE DAILY A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor. FREDERICK fcCHUOEMJnorth, the (iraian and Uottiau Alps tuose wno live on inoir renis as iuon the east, while the Maritime Alps Southern Italy. Whilst in Pied- - hension and conviction of the guilty party.D acific Commercial Advertiser.

EMORY McCLlNTOCK, L.L.D., F. 1. A., Actuary.JOHN TATLOCK, Jb.,. Asst. Actuary; CHAS. B. 1'KKltY, 2d Aft.

FREDERIC CROMWELL, - - Treasurer.JOHN A. FONDA, Assistant Treasurer. WILLIAM 1 SA5S

EDWARD 1. HOLDEN. Assistant Cashier.

L bound it on the south-eas- t, and the mom 10 per cent oi tne lnuaouanis

American Republics produce but afractional part of the sugar whichthey need for their own consump-tion, and that the larger portion ofthem produce none at all, and thatthey import millions of dollars worthof sugar annually from Europe.

But wo need not push farther theexposure of the absurdities of theBulletin writer, who so plainly indi-cates that he has so little under-standing of what he is talking about.It is ludicrous, not to say grotesqueto see one who never raised a poundof sugar or rice, nor owns an inch ofHawaiian soil, attempt to tell Messrs.Baldwin, Bishop, Isenberg, Irwin,Young and Davies, that they do notunderstand th eir business interests.

A. Z.

Apemimes on the south. It is thus are owners, in ljiguria lU.dU,in Jjom--

A'er uraer. xim. yuuxs.Secretary United Chinese Society.

Honolulu. March 5, 1890. 54-l- m

Notice to Shippers.surrounded with the grandest of WILLIAM G. DAVIES. Solicitor. WILLIAM W. KICHAKK,l

natural boundaries on all sides ex Medical Dikkotoksoaray o. z, me average iu me xtea- -

politan provinces does not exceed3.48."

(To be Continued.)

Be just and fear not : !

Let all the ends thou aim 'at at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

GUST. S. WINSTON. M.D. . WALTER R. GILLETTE. M.D.. E. J.Julcept the east whither it opens outupon the plains of Lombardy. Thekingdom of Italy is subdivided into S. B. EOSE,

TjiOR THE MORE SATISFACTORYprovinces for administrative purTUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1890. 3Tcu) fcnertiscmcnts. 53-2- m 1314-2- Waccommodation of our patrons we begposes, doing away with the old time

THE TARIFF QUESTION. Meeting; Notice. GEO. W. LINCOLN,to suggest to theia that in cases wheredrays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers and coasters, or in anycase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day, they will find that by ringing upMutual Telephone 565 or Bell Telephone160 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p.m.their wants will be promptly attended to,which will thereby greatly facilitate busi-ness to the better satisfaction of all con


and is now hAltar nromMd r An --inv and all UmHE REGULAR QUARTERLY ANDJ-- annual meeting of the Press Publish W - " wwx f X J'Ml V VA W VV J .

Airaertflinin? to nnntmptinv Morning toing Co. will be held at its office on Betbelstreet, on TUESDAY, April 15th, at 11

tT & O v wm mmtVMj wvuva. AOE7 V f Vf mm. o w -the same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore; having enraexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do anv and all kinds of won

cerned.21-3- m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO.

NOTICE.ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. I am Jjthe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and atU

a.m. A. L. SMITH,83-- 7t Secretary.

Copyist Wanted. xxxxiMA iiiat witat i worm uomg at an is worui uuius "

Thanking tlie public for past favor?,LJAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.Page in the Honolulu Carriage

at 128 Fort Street. I am nrenared 65 GEO. W.to continue the above business under theAN INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN OF

habits and character, who is a oia name ot Honolulu Carriage Manufac- -good penman, can obtain temporary em hji y , auu uemg an oiu expenencea carnageployment in an office as copyist. Address Duuaer l solicit the patronage of my old

HOLLISTER & CO.,Postomce Box No. 417, Honolulu. 80--3 1

NOTICE.xnenas ana me pumic in general, and withmy thorough knowledge of the businessand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material I guarantee creneralsatisfaction. Please call and see me before WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS INgoing elsewhere.

. (Signed) GIDEON WEST.

compartimenti, of which Piedmontwas one, whose territory now com-prises four provinces, Alessandria,Cuneo, Navarro and Lorino: of thesethe latter, in which is situated thecity of Turin, is the largest and mostpopulous. Although in portions itis mountainous, still Piedmont sus-tains a population of 283 to thesquare mile, and produces a sur-plus of corn over home consump-tion. Of the climate I can findno statistics, but that it is acontrast to Hawaii would be in-ferred from its latitude and inlandsituation, while the crops grown arethose of the temperate zone entirely.Whether peasants from such condi-tions will be happy and successfulplantation help might be an openquestion of which others can judgebetter than I. But that the popula-tion is becoming imbued with thespirit of emigration, is shown bythe statistics of Mr. Schuyler, andthat a stream might be divertedhither seems reasonable. The ex-tracts below are from an article pub-lished in the Political Science Quar-terly of September, 1889, publishedin New York City, and edited by the"Faculty of Political Science of Col-umbia College," and would seem tobe of the highest authority. Mr.Schuyler discusses the question fromthe standpoint of an American citi-zen studying into the character ofthe immigrants and their capacity tobecome useful citizens of the greatRepublic. As a basis for popula-tion, his conclusions would have anequal value here, while, as I havesaid, as a basis for a labor supplyfor the canefields, trial only cansettle the question.

W. C. Mebritt.

ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO MEhereby requested to make payment

on or before April 15th next; all accountsunsettled after the above date will be

Honolulu. Oct. 28. 1889. 103-t- f

The Minister's Story.Rev. EL M. Eaton, writing to The

Machias Republican, relates an inci-dent that occurred in the early daysof Maine Methodism, which illustrateshow easy it is for a man to imaginethat his own inclination is a mani-festation of the divine will. In thodays of which Mr. Eaton writes, itwas the custom for young ministersto consult their presiding elders beforetaking a wife. Once during a campmeeting in eastern Maine, a younminister ajpproached tho presiding el-der and said he wished to bo married.4 'Whom do you propose to marry ?"asked the elder. "Well," said thevoung man, "the Lord has madeknown to me very clearly that Ishould marry sister Marv Turner." 'Iknow her well," said tne elder; 4 'sheis a fine girl. I will see vou again be-fore the meeting closes." During theweek four other young ministers con-sulted the presiding elder on the sub-ject of marriage. Each of them gavethe name of the young woman towhom he proposed to offer himself.They had all prayed over the matter agreat deal, and each was certain thatit was God's desire that he shouldmarry the person named. Neither ofthe five young men knew that anyone else nad consulted tho elder onthat subject. On the last day of thecamp meeting, at noon, the elder call-ed tho five young ministers to his tentto receive his opinion. He said:"Now, brethren, it may be the will ofGod for you to marry, but it is not hiswill that five Methodist ministersshould marry that little sister MaryTurner." Lewiston Journal.

Drugs and Medicilplaced in the hands of an attorney for im-mediate settlement. GOO KIM,

74-2- w Nuuanu Street.

Meeting Notice.

The midsummer madness of theRepublicans in Congress seems tobe leading the party into excessesbeyond all measure. The last pro-position of the Ways and MeansCommittee instead of making a mod-orat- e

roduction in the tariff on wool,is actually to increase the presentduty. They have decided, it issaid, to take up the gauntlet whichhas been thrown down. That is,they think, it seems that their dutyas legislators of spirit is to defy theopinion of the American people.This is what taking up the gauntletreally means.

Tho committee also propose toprotect still more all sorts of Cali-forr- 'c

fruit by a general increase oftl rate. This is strictly in accord-ance with the general spirit of allthe committee's recommendations.

Tho f question involved in thesematters is not that of Protection andFree Trade. The wool manufac-turers are good Protectionists andRepublicans too, but they object tosuffering commercial ruins and ex-tinction for the sake of the wool-grower- s.

In the face of all these tariff rais-ings tho Republicans wish to com-pete in tho foreign markets andhave summoned a Pan-Americ- an

Congress to abolish the laws of poli-tical economy, and enable the UnitedStates to sell her high tariff pro-tected manufactured articles inSouth America while buying nothingin return. Truly, whom the godswould destroy they first make mad.

UlUJlii 1 HEHEKY OIVTTV TOdepositors in the Savings Bank Depart-

ment of Claus Spreckels & Co. that fromand after the 1st day of April, 1890. the Fine Chemicals, ToiletTHE ADJOURNED ANNUAL

of the Stockholders of the Inter-Islan- dSteam Navigation Co. (L'd.). will be

held at the office of the Company, on PHOTOGBAPHIC SUPPLIES rf

...v-io- v wiuncu ucpusns wm De reducedto four (4) per cent, per annum. Deposi-tors will be allowed to withdraw theirdeposits up to that date without giving theusual notice, but, if allowed to remainafter April 1st, said deposits will be con-sidered as subject to the rules and regula-tions published in the Pass Books.50-l- m CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.


iumva x , April otn, at iu o'clock a. m.JAS. L. McLEAN,

76-t- d Secretary.

Quarterly Meeting. KODAK CAMBEA8SJlWUlvUOLDEIlS IN C. BREWER The --JIM. A Seed and the Carbutt TryCo. will please take notice that the reg--

iai 1uiin,cii) iueeiing oi mis uompanywill be held on SATURDAY. April 12th,ac iu o'clock a. m., at the office of the



company on ljueen street.J. O. CARTER,

Secretary C. Brewer & Co.Honolulu, April 4, 1890. 81-l- w


JR. LEVEY TAKES PLEASURE INannouncing that be has completed ar-rangements and will present in rapid suc-cession strong Dramatic Novelties, togetherwith notable revivals of standard plays2K2ff5 Sta?ed!th minute attention to

very greatest care hasff ln electing theand whole enterprise will be conducted

wihcircuraspection and diligence.lntujlerParticularswilll)e announced

due,ntice will be given concern-in- gthe of seats.

Peoples' Ice & Refrigerating Co.ALL PERSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TO

ass to allow fowls rattl And Kimball's Vanity Fairor nr nn' iAMERICAN AND HAWAIIAN INTERESTS. the land of Kawelo. Waikiki. All nrHofound on the lands after 8 o'clock at nightwill be prosecuted to the full extent of the Cigarettes & Tobac1THE ABOVEqiHE OFFICE OF

Company has been

Solemn Thoughts.At a Scotch funeral one of the

mourners approached the ndnisterand whispered to him: "Dae ye kenwhat I aye think just when they'reletting down the coffin?" (the coffinwas just being lowered into the grave.)"Solemn thoughts. I suppose," saidthe minister, "of death and eternity,I have no doubt" "Na," said theother, "I'm aye awfu1 glad it's no me."

All th'a Year Round.The Learned Blacksmith.

The Biddeford (Me.) Journal has aninteresting sketch of a learned black-smith, who used to live in Kennebunk.One winter a course of lectures by anumber of the "leading lights" inKennebunk was arranged, and aftermuch solicitation the blacksmith con-sented to speak and to deliver his lec-ture first It created so great an im-pression that the other orators refusedto speak after him, and the learnedblacksmith's address eonst'it.nW! ih

removed to the

" Italian emigration must be di-vided into two kinds, temporary andpermanent. The former consists ofthe masons, smiths, navvies and daylaborers of all kinds, who leave Italyevery spring to seek work on therailways, canals and public works inother countries. . . . They gen-erally return in the autumn withwhat they have earned in the sum-mer. . . . Their number hasvaried in the neighborhood of 100,-00-0

yearly for some years past. ...Permanent emigration consists ofthose who leave Italy without anyimmediate intention to return; it isdoubtful if more than a very fewhave ever given up the hope of re-turning at some period, alter theyhave amassed abroad a sum suffici-ent to make the remainder of theirlife easier. This class of emigrants

and all who cross the sea are con-sidered permanent emigrants has

law. BOW SING WAI CO.,Per Lam Chung Wa.

Honolulu, April 4. 1890. 80-l- m

WANTED.Brownpremises occupied by Messrs. J. E

&SZr ffliJE? ne:J. E. Brown -- fl 0 T- -authorized to viiMt .n accounts. Tele--phones: Bell, 172: Mutual. 179

(Communicated.)The Bulletin of Saturday evening

contains more than four columns onthe proposed treaty with the UnitedStates. It would require ingenuityto crowd more absurdity into thesame space. It is sufficient to pointout a few of its utterly baseless ar-guments and assumptions.

It begins by ignoring a fundamen-tal fact in modern commerce short

109 Fort St.,FOUR CARPENTERS, RIGHTnil away. . Apply at the Gazette of-- 148 H04hce. 74-- tf

W O. SMITH,Honolulu, ApgTSag1-1- :

Firewood For Sale,

JIARD OR SOFT, AT THE HAWAIIan Commercial Salesrooms.

THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILEE. C. Dake's Advektisinq

Agency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exh The Weekly Gazette and Daily PJSan Francisco, Cal., where contracts forness or distance against long dia I .whole "course." a lverusmg can be made for it.


Page 3: I.EHi1e8&CO. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39335/1/... · 2015-06-02 · I commercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service

mT mmmm F """""


& 1

hand telephone has been lost. . l'er S. S. Australia on Ice.Frozen oysters, cauliflower and

celerv. Also, full lines of smokedThe Mikado this evening at the OperaHouse. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY !

Mr. Justice McCully sits at ChambersP. M.2:002:434:004:48

A. M- -

y:uo; :


this week.has3-- '

The Supreme Court opens at 10 o'clock

salmon and dried fruits of all kinds."Navel" oranges, Mexican limes and Sicilylemons.

From New Zealand per Mariposa.Twelve varieties ot apples. Fine onions

and potatoes. All in good order.On hand Island grapes, Waialua oran-

ges, corn fed turkeys and chickens.. California Frcit Market.

Mutual tel. 378. 81-- 3t

this morning. Easter Opening!



The proposed reduction in the duty onforeign sugars as recommended by theWays and Means committee of the Houseof Representatives, particulars of whichwere reported per Belgic, has causedgeneral alarm throughout the state. Thereduction as proposed will average morethan 50 per cent, on the present tariffschedule. Strong protests are being sentto Washington against any such reduc-tion and it is hoped they will have thedesired effect.


The New York market for raws ruledquite strong up to the 17th inst., when areaction took place and since then therehas been decidedly easier feeling andprices of raws have declined.

The Hawaiian News Company havep. M.3:003:434:054:53

Mikado librettos for sale.


Monday, April 7.The Court opened at 10 a. m., Hawaii-a- n

jurors in attendance .

Attorney-Gener- al Ashford announcedthe appointment of Mr. Chas. Creightonas Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, in place ofMr. A. P. Peterson, resigned; also thatMr. Creighton would be the prosecutingofficer at the April term.

The Crown asked for a nolle prosequiin cases 1 to 50 on the calendar, whichwas granted. These are the conspiracyand riot cases arising out of the lastrevolution, and held over from the Janu-ary term. The Attorney-Gener- al gavereasons for his action.

The King vs. A.Davis; rape. Plea ofnot guilty . A. Rosa assists prosecution ;C. L. Carter for defendant.

p. M- -





10:1"'" 11:00"11 :

33-t- f

Lieut. Shearman has been transferred it S J66 ,'

from the U. S. S. Nipsic to the Mohican. Honolulu,iLXcta SUUttrtiscmcnts.

A good many people listened to theband concert at Emma square last evening. 3h"oi Sale. N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

The steamer W. G. Hall does not sailfor Maui and Hawaii until Wednesday

Sun ana

- 3S &

63 r ? '!

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturdaymorning.1

During the early part 01 the month the


horse GARFIELD, a kindand gentle family horse,that will stand withouthitching. Anybody candrive him. Can be seen atthe Club Stables.

Kaahanui vs. C.W. Kingsley ; trespass, offerings of cane sugar on the spot asuoosey, goosey, ganaer, wtiere ao youf' L - i well as in the principal West India Islwander; Lewis & Uo. want to know. Verbal suggestions of defendant's death . OF THIS WEEK.EW'oS' 5.4S See advertisement.W I nil 1U.V

6.171 8.526.1"! 9.536.17 10.565.4C

'Wc invite the Ladies of Honolulu to call and inspect our new and

Naama et al. vs. Antone Richard;ejectment. Discontinuance filed.

The King vs. Ah Hung; larceny.Plea of not guilty entered; A.-Ros- a

assists prosecution ; H. N. Castle for


5.45 6.18 11.56

Also a good family Horse, for sale cheap.Also the well-know- n Colt Long Branch,

sired by King William.Also, a fancy Buck-boar- d with Brewster

gear, cheap.

'p.m. I

Jn an 1.30.

ands, were very limited, preventing thebuying of any quantity except at an ad-vance in price, consequently buyersturned their attention more to beet andlarge purchases' were reported to havebeen made for prompt shipment on thebasis of 13s 6d at 13s 7Ud C. & F. for

The regular meeting of Geo. W. DeLong Post will be held this evening at elegant stock of

lia o in ft. l.iCi.i".P J 111 1 r.',J c ! in n.55 the usual time ana place.4.0U a.- -Ztn.dO! 3.50 Apply to JAMES DODD.

70-t- f111 The King vs. Kahaku ; larceny fourth'

In King Bros, art store, Hotel street, MILLINERY,THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN

degree. Appeal from Police Court, nr8ts and 1US 0a at lus 7a tor alter pro--Steam PlaningM.?A?Ktric signal from the may be seen an excellent crayon portrait Hnnnlnhi 'Prion hpfrr a H awanan mrv I UUtlo.

ol the late Horace V. Hall.Honolulu mean noon.?flilmU l. 33 sec. past 1 o'clock S. K. Kane for defendant. Verdict of

acauittal. two flissent.ine'.to correspouumean time.The latest puzzle out is " the spider The following? cases were added to theHul3 M chronometers set

This last iaespeci- -

According to our latest mail advicesfrom New York of the 19th inst., the re-fusal of Refiners to buy the cane productat advancing prices checked the specula-tion in Cuba and modified the views ofholders, so that prices were reduced

and the fly." Its costs only twenty-fiv- e already published calendar: HATS & PATTERN TOQUES,belur; and jewelers.ii r cents, and can be ooiameu at ine up-- nsa. The Km e vs. Levike: lareenv in

town Bookstore. the tourth degree.Meteorological. sufficiently to again turn the attention of61. The King vs. Noeo; larceny fourthdegree. Appeal from Police Court, Hon- - buyers to the cane products. LittleOn Tuesday next the 15th inst., at 11

Just ReceivedPer S. S. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, from

China and Japan,

Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

SILKS,Silk Handkerchiefs,

Dinner and Tea Sets,Rattan Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,

olulu . J. L. Kaulukou for defendant.CHOICE FLOWERS, STYLISH HIBBONS,

A Fine Assortment of Childrens' Trimmed Hats, at thea. m. the quarterly and annual meetingof the Press Publishing Company will be 62. The King vs. G. K. Kahikina;held at its omce. assault and battery. Appeal from Police

Court, Honolulu. J. L. Kaulukou fordefendant.The S. S. Australia sails at noon on 63. The King vs. Kiniohe ; gross cheat POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSEFriday for San Francisco, and the R. M. first degree. Arrainged and plea of notguilty entered.

if (,' 7 0.00 76, 5; 8 2

!JS 65 73 0. M 4

71 730.13 76KJS . Alameda is due from that port on Sat-urday en route to the Colonies.

anxiety is, shown, however, on the partof buyers to increase their supplies be-yond" actual requirements, owing to thevery dull state of refined and consequent-ly the market has ruled dull and weak.

There is no important change in theposition of supplies, but foreign marketsas well as our own have lost the strongtone that was exhibited earlier and moredisposition has been shown to sell.Beets have declined, quotations were12s. 6d. on the 4th inst., 12s. 4d. onthe 6th inst., then no change until the18th when they dropped to 12s. 3d., 22dto 12s. ld. and 25th to 12s. 2d.

Total stocks of sugar in all the princi- -

140--v64. The King vs. Oopa and Ulei; assault and battery.

JppUftf INTELLIGENCE. 84. The King vs. Arthur Johnstone;At 10 o'clock this morning the ad-journed annual meeting of the Inter- - Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc.libel. V. V. Ashford for defendant.Island Steam Navigation Company will 85. The King vs. J. Spooner ; assault wingwotai& co. Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stockbe held at its omce, Queen street. with a deadly wTeapon.


Monday. April 7.

S Wilcox, Kasch. 15 days from86. The King vs. Wong Kui ; posses

sion of opium. FOR PIPE AND BOLT THREADING.During the temporary absence of Mr, Nunanu Street82-l- m108a . Alakea street widening; appeal Pf4CVuiCB 1rrt."c;c" .II. F. Glade, Imperial German Consul,from Kilauea and -- :o:-

. E. C. Snow, trustees of Bishop's i""1 was nsby MrsBoth Guides and Dies Instantly Adjustable. No Wrench, Thumbscrew or Collets,Mr. J. II. Hackfeld will discharge the

functions of that office as Acting Consul estate and trustees of Queen AS III kJ I

estate. Tool complete in itself, and will do more and better work than anyother Hand LMe'. Dies easily shari)ened on a grindstone.for the German Empire. THE MIE:adoilatest telegram from New York of to-da- y

is as follows :

"London beets 88 test 12s. Id., Euro118a. T. H. Davies & Co. vs. W. H.DElAUTmES.

Monday. April 7. very easily operated.Light, Strong, Compact, Simple, anaMiss Jane Albro, at one time in charge pean and foreign markets steady. Cubacentrifugals 96 test 5Kc, unsettled, cost

Daniels; equity appeal. Appeal fromorder of Justice McCully overruling de-murrer. F. M. Hatch for plaintiff; W.O. Smith for defendant, appellant.

of the Anglican girls' school at Lahaina,TamaLiro Maru, Young, for

mi Hou, Nye, for llonomu but latterlv principal of the English Gov anu ireight sales oi tair retinmg equivalent in long price to 4Mc, Cuban specuernment school at Kaneohe, left yester-da- v

for Tokio, Japan, on the steamerProt G. SAUVLET - Musical Conductor.

J.F.BROWN - - - Stage Manager.AT CHAMBERS.fceo. , lation abandoned. Present prices of

Yamashiro Maru. BEFORE HIS HONOR CHIEF JUSTICE JUDD. raws likely to be maintained within oneIn re bankruptcy of S. K. Kamaipele-- quarter of a cent. Estimates of present

cane crop unchanged. Estimate of last

Cummins. eilson, lor jvooiau.fcolii. McGregor, for Kauna-n- a,

Kamalo, Tukoo, Wailau,Kalauj-apa- , Lihaina, Olowalu

ikeaonli for Kohala.Wahine for llaiuakua.

kane of Molokai. Petition of assigneeJ. F. Hackfeld for allowance of accounts

Mr. Henry F. Glade, Consul forAustro-Huni;ar- y, who leaves on the beet crop 3.600,000 tons. GranulatedAustralia to be absent several months, 6c. Trust certificates 63.

Rice Prices have continued to ad Hawaiian Opera Houseand discharge. Ordered that upon hisfiling receipts of creditors for first andfinal dividend he be discharged and his

called at the palace at noon yesterdayand paid his farewell respects to the vance. AVe quote i'or No. 1 Hawaiian

5Kc. sixty davs or 1H per cent for cashELS LEAVING TO-DA- Y. bond cancelled. F.M. Hatch for petiKing. Mr. Jas. W. Robertson, II. M.'s ox--It is not likely to go much higher ksChamberlain, was in attendance on the tioner; petitioner in person.anything beyond this figure will permitKing. In the case of Rebecca r. Puuku (w,)

V 1 J Tuesday Evening, April 8th, 1890,of Carolina being imported at a profitvs. ruusu KaieieKu (K); petition ior an-

nulment of marriage. Heard lat week. Flour G. G. Ex Fain. $4.20 per bbl.

hican.Sbepard, for Samoa,elike. Davies. f(r Kahului, II u- -,

Hanioa and Kipahulu, 5 p m.Makee, Macauley, for Kapaa,

aleale. Chaney, for Nawiliwiliiau!u at 5 p in.

Dr. S. B. Swift, of the Molokai Leper f.o.b; El Dorado $3.25 per bbl. f.o.b; WILL BE GIVEN--asylum, desires us to thank those who Mr. Justice McCully filed a decisionwhich concludes as" follows: "I take Crown $4.15 per bbl. f.o.b.have from time to time sent bundles of Barley No. 1 feed 85c. per ctl. f.o.b ;leave to reserve for the consideration ot

Liia, iiagianti, ior jvuauea anuundCT"htaTihaTge, and to y toTthem and the Court in banco the question whether Ground or rolled $18 nor ton f.o.b.- -

Bran $13 ton f.o.b.4 pm. pera proof of non-conse- nt can be in this

WORD JVZlOXir THK BOLT DIE STOCK.WELL-KNOW- N OPERA MIKADO,others that there is a constant demandfor old rags and also old clothes of anykind, which can be sent as heretofore to

Kingdom held a ground for the annul-ment of a marriage." J. M. DavidsonVESSELS IN rOKT. TO TURNING BACK OVER THE THREADS AFTEU IT lb OWUiS CUT, is a

nrominent foature of the 44 Dunlex."for the petitioner.; defendant for himself.c.MeCurlev, Hilo. Mr. J. T. Waterhouse's store in Queen WITH THE FOLLOWING CAST! All mechanics agreeing that the turning back against the cutting edge injures the,:oaa, Shepard, Ililo, Hawaii. street. dies much more than the actual cutting.

The Mikado of Japan... Mr.,R. Monteaglc When the 4 Duplex " dies become dull by cutting, they can reauny ue renewrummpion.St. Claire, from cruise5 (i Wilder, Griffith, San Fran.

B Godfrey, Dabel, fc Francisco. bv sharnenine on a crindstone. Thus making the life of these dies longer, at least uyJNanki roo (his son) Mr. W. H. lioogsMr. J. S.Bartholomew of the Hawaiianfour fold than any other made, ami at the same time avoiding the common occur- -JMko (L)Ord High .Executioner)..fcitmore. Ward, Departure Bay. Mr. E. F. Bishop rence of stripping or weakening the thread and rendering the work worthless.Pacific Cable Company, left on the Kil

auea Hou yesterday for Kamalo. Molola.Lee.Callao. This tnnl. whwi srt to nnv clnsircd siza. can instant!v be released and luted onPooh Bah (Lord High Everything Else)

Middlings $17 per ton f.o.b.Oats $1.30 $1.35 per ctl. f.o.b.Wheat Good chicken $1.30 $1.32

per ctl. f.o.b.Hay $13 $14 per ton f.o.b.Lime I. X. L. $1.50 per bbl. f.o.b.

other brands $1.40 per bbl. f.o.b.Charters Market very dull, last

charter large iron 35s. 6d.-U- . K.Havre and Antwerp, nothing done inwood the past ten days nominally 32s.6d. 33s. same range. There is asteady demand for tonnage to load lum-ber at Burrard Inlet or Puget Sound forMelbourne 67s. 6d, Sydney 52s. 6dfShanghai 72s. Gd, west coast SouthAmerica. Valparaiso 60s. 2d. 62s. 6d.

San Francisco, March 27th.

albot, Rhodes. Tort Townsend. kai. A battery is there and it will be Mr. W .-- Lewers.na Vance, Anderson, Newcastle, Pish Tush (a Noble Lord)taken to Papohaku on the same island,

Iarge Pumping Plant.Messrs. H. P. Faye & Co. of Mana,

Kauai;; have recently placed an orderwith Mr. John Dyer, agent of the Ilis-do- n

Iron Works, for a pumping plant of7,000,000 gallons capacity per twenty-fou- r

hours to a height of 50 ft., also halfa mile of 24 in. diameter steel pipe. Theengines will be compound condensingwith direct acting plunger pumps ot the

and reset to same size without'trial, thus insuring all the threads uniformly alike. Itadjusts to all the variations in iron rough, oversized iron is shaved to standard pizeand threaded at the same time. This cannot be accomplished with any other DieStock. The 44 Duplex " being the only tool made allowing one set of dies to accuratelycut two distinct sizes in the adjustment no wrench, screw driver or any extra tool

Mr. C. WidemannBe?ef Howard, San Francisco. Yum Yum ) Sisters, (Miss F, Noltewhere the end of the cable from Oahuwas landed last week. Mr. Bartholomewwill make the necessary connections and Pitti Sins Wards of 1 Mrs. J. Bowler..Martin, Hongkong.

Calhoun, San Francisco. Peep Bo ) Koko. (Miss M. Lishmanexpects to cable from Molokai to Oahu.Houdlette, San Francisco.Wilcox, Rasch, San Francisco. Katisha (an edlerly lady in love with

being used and when adjusted is as rigid as a solid die, and will do at least one-thir- d

more work in the same space of tima. We solicit a comparison with other makes,both as to range of sizes each tool cuts, and prices, as well as price of extra dies.probably some time Thursday. Nanki Poo) Mrs. W. W. Dimond

SALE BY THE3F0RASSISTED BYESSELS EXPECTED. is published most modern nigu-aut- y construction. --r-r a ttt & w W A "XT "1 1" A TlTVTTT 4 T"m TT SThe Hawaiian Gazetteto-da- y, a ten-pag- e edition. It contains The "Risdon works built and erectedV Whpra fmm Tina A Largo and Efficient Chorus and Orchestra. HA VV AllA1N 11AltU VY Alillf V KJ.amongst other things a summary of:"wer... Boston Apr 20

'dale. . I.ivprnnnl AnrlSthe large pumps at Lake Merced lor the Km 2Utocrtiscment0. G2-- tf FORT STREET, (opposite Spreckels Bank), Honolulu.

the inter island cable. Easter Sunday Spring Valley Water Works, the corn- -k..Newcastle.N S W Box plan open at the office of L. J,services. Hawaiian baseball league, fare-- pound steam cylinders being 24 in. andea NewcastleBremen Levev. on MONDAY. April 7th, at 9

well reception to Mr. Davies, a letter on STEAYED. o'clock A. M. 81-- 4tHJ... W Vnrlr treaty matters by Jas. B. Castle andXew York.LEMONADE WORKSCoders. Puget Sound TAHITIother interesting local matter. Send a

copy to your friends on the Australia

56 in. diameter and six ft. stroke, thepump plungers being 24 in. diameterand six ft. stroke, and are the largest onthe Pacific Coast ; the guaranteed capa-city was 8,000,000 gallons per day of twenty-f-

our hours, and in a test made by Mr.

Oceanic Steamship Co' ruget SoundWwers.Puiret Sound. leaving Friday. GANDER. FINDER

to Lewis & Co., Grocers,83-- lt


Fort street.FA Hntr. f

FOR SAN FRANCISCO., , , , fy F'lget Sound

Pul'PT Snnml Iteceptlon at the Palace. Dyer and a representative of the SpringValley Company, these pumps handled :o:--

fjJa. San Francisco'.. April 12 Cosmopolitan RestaurantNotice.The Al steamship

fa... K.,r, Vr; "niauuaw...,noild.Saii Franrisrn 66 99The Only Steam Soda Works in the

Hawaiian Islands.tiun...t?an Franrisrn AJU S TEALIA,THIS WELL-KNOW- N HOUSE HAS

changed hands. Jun Hee, thebest cook in the city, has repurchased thefnpson.San



Jutlilen . .Newcastle kswstock and hxtures, and will start the res-taurant afresh on TUESDAY, April 8th.Hopins: all patrons will give him a call.

14,000,000 gallons of water in twenty-fou- rhours to a height of 325 ft. through

ten miles of pipe to the San Franciscoreservoirs. Mr. Dyer also stated that hisfirm were supplying the Hawaiian SugarCompany's plantation at Makaweli,Kauai, with a complete hyxlraulic rivet-ing plant for the 40 in, steel pipe, whichis also being furnished by the Risdonworks.

The Risdon Iron Works have taken aleading part in all the most importantengineering enterprises on the PacificCoast and the Hawaiian Islands. Hy

Yesterday morning H. R. H. PrincessLiliuokalani, heir apparent, and Hon.John O. Dominis, received a number ofladies and gentlemen in the blue room atIolani Palace. At 11 oT clock Mr. JamesW. Robertson, II. M.'s Vice Chamber-lain presented Mrs. T. W. Everett ofWaikapu and Mr. and Mrs. EdwardEverett of New York; at 11 :15 o'clock,Mr. John II. Paty, Mrs. F. M. Hatch,Miss Julie B. Paty, Mrs. J. O. Carter andMiss Mary N. Ca'rter of Honolulu ; Mrs.SteDhen Rand, Washington, D. C. ; Mr.and Mrs. John F. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs.

Board Outer Room, $4.50 a week; 25 MANUFACTURERS OFcents for single meals. Private Room Will leave Honolulu for tlic bltove port onpASSENGEKS.

ARRIVALS.$5.50 a week; 35 cents for single meals.Dinner 25 cents.

JUN HEE,82-l- w - Proprietor. Soda.&lTiT Kaala APril 7--nolds, and 4 deck.

Friday, April, ii, 1890, (jjDgCF Ale, Plain, Sweet and Creamdepartures. At Xoou.Anna. TMr s u v t.- - LOST,-f- ,cu v--

w " i"asuiro ivia--'il93 1 linnn ne: .11 CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SARSAPARILLa,tZTVoT Freight or Passage apply to- and who nt t i. .....v., miuj i'lUSSt. DOSTAL SAVINGS BANK BOOK NO.

--L 4203. The finder please leave at the WM. (J. IRWIN & CO.,sIPl'IXO notes.

draulic riveting was first introduced inthe United States by them nearly twentyyears ago, and they also claim the honorof building the first triple-expansio- n en-gine on this side of the Atlantic.

The hydraulic pumping machinery inthe combination - shaft, Virginia City, isanother product of the Risdon works;these pumps are located 3,500 ft. belowthe surface, the deepest in the world,andare operated under the enormous pres

James W. Whiting, Mrs. Wm. J. Dut-to- n,

Miss Lizzie Caverly, Miss JessieKaufman, Masters J. S. Merrill and F. C.Dutton of San Francisco.

After a brief conversation with thePrincess the. whole party were shownthrough the palace, and also the feathercloaks, kahilis, etc.

Postal Savings Bank.Honolulu, March 4, 1890. 54-l- m MINERAL WATERS, ETC.tfela brought 1,170 baes

oonoma on Monday FOE LEASE.Wilder will this Dort on LOVE'S BAKERY. S0LE PROPRIETORS OF BAILEY'S SARSAPAR1LLA AND IRON; WATER.San FranciscoCargo of sujrar The Mikado.

THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE No. 73 Wnaann Street.This evening at 8 o'clock Gilbert and property formerly known as theth . .. lUi one rpppivoil V Bungalow." situated on Liliha St.Sullivan's opera, The Mikado, will be- Lavinia on gat- - MB8. BOUT. LOVJE, Proprietress. factory: ISTo. 23 Nnuairu St.presented at the Opera House by local...

r rr w. g.near J add St. Alterations and repairs tobuilding will be made to suit tenant. Lo-cation healthful and sufficiently elevatedto command a view of the city and harbor.

Hallway on Mon.ia fr Every Description of Plain and Fancyitalent. The full dress rehearsal last

evening indicates that a magnificent re-- "j aiicruoon

sure of 2,700 pounds per square inch, thepump rams being 18 in. diameter and 10ft. stroke.

It was through the influence and re-

commendation of Mr. Joseph Moore ofthe Risdon works, that double crushingwas first introduced in the HawaiianIslands at Spreckelsville, and withoutwhich at the present time no mill is con-sidered complete. Mr. Joseph Moore haslong since retired from the active man-agement of the works, and the position isnow ably filled by his son, Mr. R. S.Moore.

MUTUAL TELEPHONE OCO; BELL 372.H leave on ' Un "T, 'ai.u For terms, etc., enquire of54-l- m J. EMMELUTH.presentation of the opera will be given. Manager.D. T. BAILEY,Bread and Crackers,Jf. Wil.r- i.

f'.'eu on "The Friend."The cast, which appears elsewhere, is astrong one, and the chorus of both ladiesand gentlemen will be a surprise. Thebox plan opened at 9 o'clock yesterday

fifteen dasr" ""' FBE8Hrwuh i oovyiTs. nmir o oao

i i--- J- ViHS. mornincr at L. J. Levev's omce, and BENSON, SMITH & CO..j. h.a," o."0 Pis- - Hay. 942 cs.

within an hour and a half every seat in Soda Crackersco. KLlu,Vncating FOR SALE, FOUR BOUND VOLUMES"The Friend"including all the issues

from 1843 to 1882. The books can be seenthe house was sold. People bad beenit; n r irkVl and 55 galls, brandy.


AGENTS..ANat the Advertiser office. 75-l- m 54waiting outside of Mr. Levey's office from6 o'clock in the morning. Professor G.Sauvlet is musical conductor, Mr. J. F. Saloon BreadNOTICECo,narIa Brown stage manager, and a detachment

PMisan of th. . ot tlie Hawaiian Band will occupy tneorchestra. The stage will be set in Jap Alwax on Hand.01 tte Dasf . aii in

Police Court.Monday, April 7.

Seven drunks had to pay the usualamount for drunkenness.

W. F. Hughes and Calahan were bothfined $2 with $1 costs, for affray.

An opium and an assault and batterycase were continued.

Nero SUtotrtisontnts.

MEETING OF THE STOCK-Jiolde- rsA of the Hawaiian Sugar Co. (Lim-ited),w- ill

beheld at the banking house of Bishop.fe c.A. on MONDAY. April 28th. 1890. at 10 A.X.. MILK

anese style.

Ilawalian Jockey Club.for the purpose of amending the by-la- in relaPatm ;.Toame stations, it

Pccutivpm hw falIen thn tion to the signing or lauor cuxuracis.Per order,

1316--4t W. L. HOPPER, Sect'y pro tcm.The annual meeting of the Hawaiianrobin's rpcrrv"a "n record. Jockey Club was held yesterday eveningbi2hP9f

--; ee, lieretaniaat the Hawaiian Hotel. His Majesty is

Cnres iapermanent President, and the following TO S DATS.

Groceries, Epbvisions and Feed'




New floods received by evwry CMMSket from the KAetfrn htacaand Karope ?rli 0llfontSjpro lace by every steaaaer. AK orJerafa.Uifuliy attn!pd to.aix! Oorvln .lellverel toaoy irtof tbecity free of charge. l&UnA orders solicited. btisfacUon. Knarauleeu. - VotVriBcm Box No. 416TelTt'n "Nn. 92 " ' n

ftEig G has given univer-sal satisfaction in thecure of Gonorrhoea andUleet. I prescribe itandfeel saf e in recommend-ing it to all sufferers.

officers were re-elec- ted : Vice President, omm Striatal


bland Orders Promptly Attended to

MRS. L. C. PRAY,Genuine Massage and Roman Baths,

150 Fort St. Chinese Church Yard.- 33-t-f

LOST. xrdcnlybytteavenue L. Hon. H. A. Widemann: Secretary, C.O. Berger; Treasurer, Jas. G. Spencer. tOumialCo.21.15 iber and w A. J. STOXEB, AJ)n,. in:inctnntJL.r ive new members were elected.Stores. For r.:ivCUI

N BERETANI A OR KING STREETS, Ohio.A committee was appointed to draw ff PRICE, 01.00.Sold by Dntfkgiats.) Hanri T. ipnhone. Finder reiurn toUp a race Program ma for tha eleventh of 83-- lt30 inUQahou. iyAi E. O. Hall & Son. The Daily Advertiser and Weekly .Gazettefv ,e8. ?a ramia i June, Kamehameha Day. There is every

prospect that it will be the most suc HotxisTER & Co., Wholesale Agents.BE;j30N,SKrm & Co., Wholesale Agents DAILY ADVERTISEROEAD THEcessful meeting ever held by the jockey ADVERTISER 13 THE

THE daily paper of the Kingdos AUK tuf,;;.i itif you want the latest newa.


Page 4: I.EHi1e8&CO. - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39335/1/... · 2015-06-02 · I commercial Advertiser Australian Mail Service




JJcn StfiDcrtiscnunw.(5cncrol Cfliiucrtiscnicnti

John Exa, Vice-Preside- nt.

Cecil Bbowk, Auditor.


Boston Line of Packets.E. R. Hendey, President and Manager.Godfrey Bbowk, Secretary & Treasurer. WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH

Pedigrees of all Horses Kept.

: I :


i ..r i

S - 'i '

- 1 ; - -


Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and. Dealers in. General

HARDWAEE, GLASSWABE, CEOCKEETGenuine Haviland China, plain and decorated; Wedgewood

Ware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

Chandeliers and Electoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;


nr AXirniminxT

THEBISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of nl Howard Street.:

CaliforniaSn FrnclcoPresident

""mOOM..:: ,.8nperintei.d.Dl

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines h Boi!ra,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

OBDINABY ENGINES compounded when

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATEB PIPE, of Boiler oz .Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to he riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

SHIP WORE., Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

BOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

JOHN DYER . Honolulu-- 13m Boom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels' Block

nnnnnnnii mumrLAluAllU


The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae:

"Well-bre- d Stallion. " MARIN."Norman Stallion

" CAPTAIN GROWL."Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIG-HT.- "

- Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" and " FRANK."A Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

PAUL R.1314 -

The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes.

OILS: Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate Iron Ware Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges.

AGENTS FOR:"New Process" Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paints,Hartman's Steel-wir-e Fence and Steel-wir- e Mats,

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks

100-l- y for Pipe and Bolt Threading.


FOR SALE:Stallions of "Various Breeds.

Mares with, or without FoalHorses for any Purpose.


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingand Training Horses.

ISENBEEG-.lv 62-G- ni

t.e d;. )

OUR GREAT ANNUAL REMNANT SALE, which is so eagerly looked for byour Customers,

COMMENCES THIS SATURDAY,And will surpass any that has ever taken place at this or any other house.

REMNANTS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS!We must sell our Remnants and you will be glad to buy them at lowprices at which they are offered. Be sure to be on hand Saturday.


MESSES. KING- - BEOS.Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURES





Picture SEonlcliiigsLately imported, of the latest designs in great variety, personally selected for this

market, from which they are prepared to make Frames1 at the very Lowest Prices.

Old Pictures Renovated and Made Look Like New at Very Small Cost.

They are prepared to furnish WINDOW POLE CORNICES in Ash, Ebonyand California Walnut, with Brass fittings at $1 per set; and 10 foot Poles atproportionately low prices, either of Walnut, Plush, Cherry, Ash, Ebony, Etc.

Ready-mad- e FRAMES for Cabinet Photos, always on hand in great varietyof Plash, Natural wood, Bronze, Etc., Etc.

Wall Brackets, Book Shelves, Easels, Hat Racks, Boquet Stands, Mirrors, Etc

'IN FANCY GOODS they can show the best lines of Autograph and Photo-graph Albums, Plush Toilet Sets, Japanese Ware, Bronzes, Toilet Mirrors, LeatherGoods, Purses, Pocket Books, Hand Bags, etc., etc.

A Complete Stock of Artists' MaterialsAlways kept, at the lowest prices. Winser & Newton's Oil Colors, ordinary tubestwo for 25 cents, other colors in proportion. Canvas from 75 cents per yard up.

Hawaiian Scenes in Water and Oil Colors in Great Variety,By different Artists. Also, Scenes by their special Artist, who is prepared at altimes to fill orders for Menu Cards. Small Sketches suitable for mailing.

oSCTThis firm devotes its whole attention to Pictures and Framing, Artists'

Supplies, and Art Goods generally. Give them a call when vou want anything intheir line.

KING- - BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.44


Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.



. IMPORTERS WILL PLEASECVv-a.- -s. take notice that the fine

I T" X


Will e laid on the berth in Boston to loadfor this port daring July next.

y"For further particulars apply to

74 i316-- y C. BREWER & CO.



White FacedBlack Spanish andBrown Leghorn Hens.Orders taken for allkinds of Thorough

bred Poultry from the yards of one of thelargest and best Breeders on the PacificCoast. Apply to

S. P. SIMONDS,1308 S4-3- m 182 King Street.


Of San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ


Having worked in some of the largestpiano and organ factories in the UnitedStates of America, I am fully able and pre-pared to do all kinds of repair work in themost satisfactory manner.

Orders can be left at H. F. Wich- -man's Jewelry store. Fort street, at theAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele-phone No. 347. 67-l- m


Book, News and Stationery Store


Sole Agent for the

Morritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthe money price $17.50. Circulars for-warded on application.

Webster's Dictionary for 30c120 Sheets good.ruled Note Paper. 30cOne Quire rapcfr and Envelopes to

match, Liner finish, put up inneat box for. i 40c

Fancy Paper Posters, for fine fur-niture, only...- - 25c

Bicycles rubbei tyres from $22.50Wagons, Velocipedes,

Dolls, 33 los!Orders for Bookbinding prompt-

ly attended toFull lines of Presentation Books.Full sets of Dickens' Works (15 vols.)

bound in cloth for $10


1303-1- 51


HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLEfor the sale of C. Bechstein's

celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicitorders for either Horizontal or UprightGrand.

TESTIMONIALS :" For twenty-eigh- t years that I have now

used Bechstem's Pianos, they have main-tained their superiority. Liszt."

" A noble inexhaustible and sympatheticfulness ot tone, together with an exquisiteaction, which admits of the utmost varietyof shade bears testimony to the fact thatthe manufacture has attained the ntmostdegree of perfection in the act of instru-ment making. Bubisstein."

For further Darticulars arml v toPkof. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

II. HACKFELD Sc CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl.

19 1307-3- ni

Pianos For Kent.


COMPANY. 123-- tf


RESORTj King St, opp. Oahu Railway Depot,

Billiards, Bowling Alley



oil Lunches! Cold Drinks!

The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


Ovsters and rma KCalifornia steamer.

E. M. SNIFFEN,111-- 1 V Manager.

Biff G has given univer-salOutm la satisfaction In the

TO 6 DATS. care of Gonorrhoea andktfutMd mot tMSM StriCtHffe Gleet. I prescribe it and

feel safe in recommendJim only by tt in it to all sufferers.htmm waaiiEi a w cTnvrn w n

ObiOi PRICE. $31.00.Trade Sold by Dntftfiats.

Holi.tstkr A. Co.. Wholesale Apento.BxifsoN, Smith & Co., Wholesale J&ntel

Pacific Hardware Co..

I';:- - 7:

i ;.;-K.:- :


j -


1 r.4 '




i ;






ni ri



- 3


- Mts -

9fV Jit

nu mmnT nni nninminxiur mm mmnmft



Gents New Silk Umbrella cost $4 75 $2 50.Ladies' Umbrella cost $5 $2.50.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each.Children's Colored Parasols $1.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

each side 30c. a pair.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

each side 25c. a pair.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Lisle Stockings

embry. each side 25c. a pair.All Colored of Worsted low price.Window Curtain by yard and pair below

cost.Gents' & Boys' Colored Shirts 35c.to 50c.

each.Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Woolen Shawls $2.50, $3.Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to $5.Large assort. Embry. Silk Hdfs. $1 to

$1 25.Large asst. Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. and

colored border 50c. to 75c.Chin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLadies' Kid Gloves (white) 75c.Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds, cheap.Ladies' Col. & White Lin. HandkerchiefsAll kinds Ostrich Feathers 75c. to $1.All kinds Ostrich Tips 50c. to 75c.All kinds Embry. Laces sale below cost.Chinese Pajamas Suits $3 50 a suit.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Gents' Suits, Coats & Pants below cost.Gents' White Suits. Coats & Pants $2 50Gents' Light Coat & Vest $1 00.Also large assort. Diagonal, Blue Serge,

Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc.Colored Mosquito Netting at 50c. pc.

10 yds. a piece.- Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all kindscolor.

Ruching in Black and white below cost,3 yards for 25c.

Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fisher'sblack and cream.

Large assort. Satin Ribbons (all colors).Gents' Plain Embry. Woolen Shirts.Ladies' Chemise Night Gown & Draw.Large assort. Crockery, Etc., Etc,, Etc






131 Days ft'OS


New' 6

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettla,

Sauce Tans, Fn


White JiCad, Eedk

Boiled Linseetl Oil

Castor Oil.BelliDl,

Coal Tar, Water

Fire Brick, Alum,

Red Ochre, Fire CW

Bags, Twine,

Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,

Boots and Sloes,rerfumery.FlaA'

Roje CrusLet



Bridles, Felts, W!Blankets, Sheeting,

Dry Goods, Menu

Shawls, llandkei

Victoria Lawns, JMosquito Netting. KLaces, Ribbons, w,Velvets, Embroil

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

i: TIaniIri



Underwear, Braces,

Sofa Pillows.

Gloves, Flouncing.

Embroidery. Cor!

Table Napkins,

Table Cloths,

Water-proo- fCoa

Artificial Flowers.

Dust Cloaks,

Pajama Suits,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,


UmbrellaSDecanters,Salad Bo1'Mush Sets, V

Flow er Tote,

Filters,Etc., Etc., ;



Lamp Attachments !

Kerosene Oil Stove which can be usedLamp Burner. Every family should


Hi ?m i

ConcordZ3-- A

on a commonuave one.

NewInvoice of




NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,a fine selection of New Goods,

comprising:, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed'


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and. TablesAlso, a smaU selection of JAPANESE

COSTUMES.Call early and examine this fin

assortment of New Goods.

WING WO CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Street.

155-l- y.


Paauhau Plaktation, IHawaii, March 9, 1888. (

Bisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-cisco.

Gentlemen We have used two of your red

Filter Presses this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Yery respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moobi,

Manager Paau&au Plantation.

Hkxia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mb. John Dike, Agent Bisdon Iron Works,

Honolulu.Deab Sib: Please ship us one of your 30

Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. R. EWART,Manager fleeia Agricultural Co.

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of 940square feet. A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.Bisdon Iron & Loco. Works,

San Francisco.For particulars enquire of

JOHN DYEB HonolulRoom No. 3 Spreckels' Block:

334 W. G. IRWIN & Co., Agents

Baldwin Locomo

The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

3?hiladelpliia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, . of anysize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation . Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. Or. ibwin & CO.,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

- . 21 1307

ARE YOU ILL?( fGt,... 1 r. Pleree's Belt itVMWICCHAlt

positively enre Nervosa

J8 4 Potency!mmu vWiTT JTSI i- - nrril-- "

ys--: muw nguum '"vaflanaSCUTeaInAmenc. Forwarded satxly to any partof the wor!4fw" for Pamphlet No. a. AddrenTrrttM

cumi-Pamph.- dMcnbes anew InrniSlCm.

Hardware Merchants d Shiper Chandlers

Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE 6 Threadto 9 inch ; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEK L ROPE, all sizes ; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin,Hambroline, Housline,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLOCKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles ;

SHEAVES-Comm- on, Patent and Metaline bushed ;

A Large Assortment ot

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Raw Oil, Woolsey's & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanizedand Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS, Nos. 0 to 10, Boat .Sail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at

E. O. ELAJLL & SODSTS,57-2- m . Corner of Fort and King Streets.

Grand Clearance Sale!

Crockery and Glassware Just to Hand


WARE, Etc.



Additions to our regular lines by late

Skins, Dandy Brushes, Oos.







72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, fine and very cheap.

. Ladies' Balbriggan Under Vests, 50c. ea.Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel, all wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

and short, 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Flannel, 8 yds. $1.Pink Marsalles, 10 K. UK. 12J4- -

Honeycomb, 10&, 11 12, asstd,cheap.Black all wool Merinos, 50 to COc. yard.Black Spanish Lace, $1 yard.90 in. Mosq. Netting 10 yds. at $1 50 a

piece.Best White Cotton 16 yds. $1.90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a yard.Brown Cotton 16 yds. fl.Fast Co:red of New Prints 16 up to 18

yds. $1.Brown Linen 6 yds. $lrWhite Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.26 in. Grey and White Flannel 25c.a yard.Chinese Pongee Silk (yellow and blue)

$5 a piece. -60 in. wide White Figure Linen Table

Cloth 50c. a yard.2x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

92 a piece. -

IJxlfi White Figure Linen Table Cloth75c. a piece.

lKxlJ Garnet Figure Linen Table Cloth$1 50 apiece. - r -

f: Fine Colored Satin at 50c. a yard. is.Fine Colored Satin at 75c. a yard.Fine Garnet Velveteen at 50c. a yard.

; Gents Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.? Boys' Unlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece.I Gents' Socks embry. each side 20c. a pair.

Grey and Merino Socks 25c. a pair.Gents India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.Gents Balbriggan. Undershirt 75c. piece.Gents' Cotton Flannel Shirt and Drawers

II a suit.


Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Oream and Plain Soda,Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.


Mutual 330--TELEPHON-ES BeU 298.


1X1 1296-l- y


ama o