t .agents, - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

BB- - XI.-- NO. 96 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23; 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. 'Ol. INTERESTING KILLINGS. Australian Mail Service- - - v HAWAIIAN, BUSINESS AGENOi, Corner. of Fort and Ilerchant Streets, Honolulu, . r t ' Hawaiian Islands. m. m m a GENERAL .AGENTS, EXPEET J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchaiit. Office Cartwright Building y Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. 1. WILLIAM C. AOHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Heal Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m ACCOUNTANTS AND COLLECTOES, INSURANCE . AGENTS, CUSTOM SEAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE HOUSE, LOAN AND '" : 0 Departments Books and Accounts accuratelv kent and nronerlv aj1inst.(d. Collections will receive special attention and Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched LiEQAL 1ocuMENTS and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. . Copying and Translating in all languages in akaii estate Dought ana sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. -- Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fibe ..and Life Insurance effected in tirst-olas- s Tnsnmn nomnaniAs Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. . i Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited fnr PuMishAr. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION Havine had an extensive business New York City and elsewhere, we feel uiLncaie aau compucatea nature, or requiring tact ana discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENfiY . ElzJ- - Bell Telephone No. 274. " CASTLE m COOKE, IMPORTERS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, PLANTATION AND DEALERS BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, CarQnters Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-- La Office Kaahumanu Street, v (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). GARDNER K. WILDER, -- Auttornevat-!Law. Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 1264-l- y PROF. G SAUVLET, Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons. At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele. 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. 84-l- m w CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants :" IM POSTERS AND DEALERS IH GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and llarijie " Insurance Agents. 153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly The Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe HSTSURAJSTOE oo ESTABLISHED 1836. Assets........ 40,OM,000 Net Income 9,079,000 Claims Paid 112.509,000 Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Billls.Dwellings and Furniture, on the most favorable terms. Bishop & Co. I18rt-6- ni im CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents ! AGENTS FOB,: New England Mutual Life Ins. Co, OF BOSTON Mtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION' Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FBANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1304 1-- y SOMETHING- - NEW ! To be able to get your SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS And Every Description of Fornitore, IBB DAILY ercial Advertiser J' published Wtting " ADTEBHSEB. one 'J 00 " per month JO one year s0AZ" 'foreign- - (In- - 6 00 postage) L variably In Advance. . . i.i.rtlsement8 mugt J. IKS: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. 46 Merchant St., Honolulu. H. I. VlLLIAM C. ACHi, Ld Counsellor at Law, and ptl Estate uroiwjr. the Courts of the Kingdom. bs Merchant St., Honolulu. WERS & COOKE, Vdooa to Lewera & Dickson) au1 Dealers in Lumber 11 Kinds of Building Materials. sTBEET, Honolulu. 1 T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in A!i MERCHANDISE. Ul Qaeen Street, Honolulu, ltf HACKFELD & CO., 1 Commission Agents lorU Queen St s., Honolulu, ltf EAVEit SALOON, k Opposite Wilder A Co.'s, J.XOLTE, PROPRIETOB. hiches Served with Tea, Coffee, Wiltr, Ginger Ale or Milk. iroui 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. i'Eequigites a Specialty. ltf I IRON WORKS CO., am Engines, Kt Mills, Coolers, Brass M Lead Castings, . Vtrw n Jt I U -- 1 rl,j wi every uaecrijJiiuii uiauv w pwjueauon paia io snips i- - rework PTftc.ntflil nn thn shortest All f ROYAL SALOON, and Merchant Streets aier the Management of U- - P. Wolter, Ma stock a variety of the best Wines, P. and ice cold beers on draught at anrt See irs.- - ltf J. E. GOMES, Ny of Gomes & Wichman.) T Block, No 79 Fort Street, acturinir Jeweler, vl" Promptly attended to. ' -- ""m mix. JfruiU S. I,, c. PHAY, 51c and Roman Baths, f ChurchiYard. GK of residence. SniM AMOVED FROM Lane, Palama. 9 10 12 M- - and 6 to 9 p. m. on-M- utual 608; Bell 475. MllE OFFICE, 0F London. KUslxed 1710. 1 i '"VSt?'- -' ""StaiM. l 327,333,700 ra,'Ub?LA8ent8. a Paid lr . - I2iiilan lBinai. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS V Strychnia and Snakes. Dr. Mueller, an Australian physi- cian, has successfully treated a num- ber of cases of snake bite with strych- nia. This he has done on the hypothe- sis that the poison affects the nerves, weakening and paralyizing them in fact, that the venom is not, after alL a poison in the common sense, and does not directly cause any change of tissue. Its effect is simply produced by the operation of dynamic force that is, it suspends the action of the nerve ceHs for a longer or shorter period. Hitherto all antidotes have been administered on the theory that the virus affected the blood, anqi the most successful results have com from the administration of alcohol, which seemed to maintain the strength of the sufferer until the poison was eliminated by natural moans. Dr. Mueller's theory at first sight is at variance with the fact that the blood in case of snake bite does actu- ally change, but his explanation of this change is that the pulmonary capillaries, through which the blood corpuscles pass when going to tho lungs to exchange the carbonic acid of effete blood tor fresh and life giv- ing oxygen, have lost their power. They owe the tension tho healthy contracting power to the influence of the vaso-mot- or nerves, and when the latter are paralyzed the corpuscles lose their power, so to speak, squeezing out by the superfluous carbonio acid, and leaving the corpuscles free to take up oxygen. Thus the corpuscles pass through the lungs unchanged, carry- ing back to the heart blood as full of carbonic acid as they brought from it, and they themselves absolutely die, bursting in consequence of this load of carbonic acid. Dr. Mueller's remedy is the injection of strychnia by means of the hypodermic syringe, tho appli- cation of artificial heat, and the in- terference .with the tendency of the patient to sleep. He thus sets up a rival dynamic force which fights it out with the original poison, and if the antidote is applied in time gener- ally with success. London Hospital. Water as "a Sabctltmte for Grace., Sister Weymouth" was one of tho most notable women that ever lived in tho good old Maine town of Blank-mout- h. She was notable for her pow-- . ers as an exhorter, which shone in tho ' village prayer meeting as brilliantly as those of any licensed preacher whom the villagers heard, and for her quick wit, that found expression in many quaint and pithy speeches, some of which are treasured to this day, although she has long been gathered to her fathers and mothers.' A worthless young man namea jjross ieu m love wiui outer Weymouth's daughter. Failing to melt the stern objections of the young woman's mother in any other way, ho pretended to be converted under ner exhortations, joined the church and was married to his heart's desire. Very soon the bad blood in Frost's veins as- serted itself, and the rascal deserted his wife after he had lived with her but five or six months. Not long af- terward his child was born. While tho officiating person was giving the infant a bath Sister Weymouth camo. in. "Look herelw said she. "Bo sure to hold that baby under , the water long enough to get all tho Frost out itl" New York Star. Death to Flies and sZoaqottoea. " I haven't a mosquito bar nor screen door about my house, and yet there are seldom any flies and never any mosquitoes about it l learned tho secret of successful warfare against these pests when living in the swamps of Louisiana, where, summer or win- ter, mosquitoes swarm. For. some years, life was unendurable, and no meal could be eaten in peace. But all at once there was a change for the better, bars and screens were often out . of place, but there was almost an im- munity from insects. I was batching at the time, and had just changed my colored boy. The newcomer explain- ed to me how he kept the "critters" away. He burnt small pieces of gum camphor on the cook stove, and used a secret preparation he called "sudekil-lo.- " When I got married and came -- to Missouri I imparted the secret to my wife, and as there is no patent on it that I know of. I would advise all - fellow suffers to go and do likewise. The gum camphor alone is ample lot the purpose, and need only to be used two or three times a: day. Interview in St Louis Globe-Democr- at . , wwa Maa MMaaa j Hopeways for Transports.. Nearly 800 Otto aerial ropeways are said to be now in operation for various purposes, with lengths frcm 100 yards to several miles. . They have spans reaching as much as 1,000 feet, grades as great as one in three, cad a carry- ing capacity from 5,000 tons per week to two or three times as much, accord-in- g fcrwhetbsr the line usscne, two or three t systems of - fixed ropes. Strong endless wire ropes ere fixed to poles to susi-- uv tha Duclicia, which are hauled by edlej endless rcpes, kent in motion by r ctiticnary en- - cis. jl n away - i v- - o: mil trMSTMrtin TOO tS23 CCT Cii lcaiacf tsa hundredweight, i A rc EXCHANGE BROKERS. ... of Business : . returns promptly made. and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished general use in this Kingdom. AT MODERATE CHARGES. OXDerienoe for ovftr twpntv-f- i vp vpo ra in competent to attend to all business of an i 29 1304-i- l INSURANCE AGENTS. IN Remington Sewing Machines, Jane & Sons Family Medicines. IST O TT , 97 KING STBEET. o o o o nn V- - Q t a i Housekeeping Goods. 3 and Sheet Iron Wort K Crreat Bargains. ALL GOODS SOLD-A- T GREATLY - Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods," and G-ener- al Merchandise. ESTABLISHED lij mm ue Mnwurn cod TONE & DURABILITY New York, Sept. 25, 1889. Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand- wich Is. ' , Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac- knowledging your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the " Fischer" Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. ' We further direct you to notify the gen- eral public that you are the Sole Agent for the " Fischer " Pianos and that any pianos bought from any other source will be attended by a great risk to the pur- chaser by not receiving the Genuine Fischer" Piano and all guarantees will be withdrawn from the same. We have no doubt but what you will meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you aU pros- perity, we remain? gentlemen, Yours very truly, J. & C. Fischer. . the best instrument made, indorsed bv all the leading musi- cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed by the makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues'free.) "Sold on Monthly Installments" AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT ' - ' HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35-- tf C. B. WELLS, Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer AND Commission Merchant. 42 Queen Street, Honolulu. Telephones Mutual 620 ; Bell 071 ? 1305 10-3- m BECHSTEIN PIANOS ! HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE for. the sale of C. Bechstein's celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicit orders for. either Horizontal or Upright Grand. TESTIMONIALS: " For twenty-eie- ht years that I have now used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main tained their superiority. l.iszt." A noble inexhaustible and sympathetic fulness ot tone, together with an exquisite aciion, wnicn admits 01 me utmost variety of shade bears testimony to the fact that the manufacture has attained the utmost degree of perfection in the act of instru- ment making. v , : Rubinstein. ' ' For further particulars amolv to Prof. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to H. "FT A.CKFELD Sc CO., Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl. . 19 1307-3- m NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET Locatedlat the Fish Market,' 53 M. E. LIVINGSTON, : 3?rop. ; (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) Family & Shipping Butcher Our Sausages a Specialty. All orders will receive prompt attention and delivery to any part of Honolulu. GIVE ME A. TRIALl Teleplpnes Uutual. 622, " IJeU 400. 22-3- m ;.v 'v''. JAMES NOTT, JR., . ; PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PLUMBER Corner of Kins and Alakea SU., Honolulu, H. I. - TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; residence, Mutual, 236. C-E- sti mates furnished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First class workmanship and material guaran- teed in all the above branches of my busi- ness at reasonable rates. 44-l- y Walker & Kedward, Contractors & Builders Brfck, etone and Wooden CsXUlnj ' Cstlmiee Given. Jobblm- - PrenptlT AttenCed , 73 KING CTES3T. Bell Teleaone Co. S. . . - P. O. Sox4S FOR SAN FRANCISCO, rhe new and fins Al steel steamship ZEL,lSrDIA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedne at noneiuiu irom Sydney and Auckland on or about May 3, 1890, And willleave for the abwve port with malls and passengers on or about tbftt date. For freight. or passace. hATlnr 8UPEBIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, awly to Win. G. Irwin & Co;, AHKNT8. For Sydney and Auckland. l"he new and fine Al steel steamship 66 53 MAEIPOSA O the Oceanic Steamship company will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about May 10, 1890. nd will have prompi dlapatcn with malls an' assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., ; AGENTS' Clans Spruckels Wm. a. Irwin. CLAUS SJPRECKELS & CO., BANKEES. BONO LULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general and exchange business. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav lugs Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17oc3tf ANDERSON & LUNDY, ; Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, sUver, allum-inn- m and rubber - bases. d hridcre work a SDecialtv. To rnhhr nlates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal fiate. au oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide was. . . Hotel street, Tregioan premises. . 55-l-y - H. B. HITCHCOCK. HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. Office next door to B. More, King St. Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. DRAYMEN All orders for cartage promptly attended n.:.1a atfanilnn nflin to thfi to Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit to Otner lsianas. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- - Ilea W ouifc, an www p.. " CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTTER In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest Axtiole for Warm Climates. S.FOStER&Co. . Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. i mmd S3 CUorlm St., Sam rnelaco. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, WHcox & Gibbs. and v Dr. J O H IST DIMOND BLOCKj 95 and Mf3 nl O J. Q . O QO r - Jj 'l ' Stores, lianges and Plumbing. Tin, Copper Grreat Bargains, AFTER TAKING STOCK, REDUCED PRICES. "'-- ; ..;.'".. RestixlTed and Covered, At Reasonable Kates and In tbe .Best Manner. AWPeal direct with the workman, D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer 110 Kin- - St., near Alakea, directly opp. Calau Fruit Store. New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order. Designs and estimates submitted. , 129- - c. BREWER & COMPANY, B.F.EHLERS& CO. 99 Fort Street, Honolulu. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MANAGEMENT MI8S CLARK. - ' . - 1-- It (IJmlted). GENERAL MERCANTILE Aim ; COMMISSION AGENTS. LIST 07 07FIC523: Jonei. Jr President and llanager Carter. Treaanrer and Secretary n. W. F. Allen .Auditor DIRECT0E3: way ncriy tea miles Jcsj fciJ been opened frcsk eactherniivirL-3-- f ceblsitoj f; a ropeway in Becip VViv the nines direct to tb tr? tli , furnaces S,C0O tc3 cJ irtapy of twenty hczrarv ci r m Groom 1m The Weelily Gazette and Daily Pi 0. Advertiser - vvn - V. 1 I Bo Us. r.;r. i Aris this leading zajpilks oV-th- e kingdom J Uj Pf Box 97. Hon. 0. B. Bishop. Hon, II. atsxbonM y ' ,r

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Page 1: t .AGENTS, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39348/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Australian Mail Service---v ... IMPORTERS, Shipping



Australian Mail Service- -

- v HAWAIIAN, BUSINESS AGENOi,Corner. of Fort and Ilerchant Streets, Honolulu, .

r t ' Hawaiian Islands.

m. m m a



Commission Merchaiit.Office Cartwright Building y

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. 1.

WILLIAM C. AOHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Heal EstateBroker.

Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3-m



'" : 0

DepartmentsBooks and Accounts accuratelv kent and nronerlv aj1inst.(d.Collections will receive special attention andConveyancing a Specialty. Records searchedLiEQAL 1ocuMENTS and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed. .Copying and Translating in all languages inakaii estate Dought ana sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. --

Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fibe ..and Life Insurance effected in tirst-olas- s Tnsnmn nomnaniAsCustom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. . i

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited fnr PuMishAr.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan-d Orders will receive particular attention.


Havine had an extensive businessNew York City and elsewhere, we feeluiLncaie aau compucatea nature, or requiring tact ana discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENfiY .

ElzJ-- Bell Telephone No. 274. "


Shipping and Commission Merchants,




PLANTATION SUPPLIES,CarQnters Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,


Attorney and Counsellor-at-- La

Office Kaahumanu Street, v

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l- y Rogers).



Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 1264-l- y

PROF. G SAUVLET,Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons.

At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele.599, or will visit pupils at their residence.

84-l- m



Shipping and Commission Merchants



Plantation Agents,Life, Fire and llarijie "

Insurance Agents.

153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Assets........ 40,OM,000Net Income 9,079,000Claims Paid 112.509,000

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Billls.Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.I18rt-6- ni im


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co,


Mtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

UNION'Insurance Company




To be able to get your


And Every Description of Fornitore,


ercial Advertiser

J' published

Wtting "


" per month JOone year

s0AZ" 'foreign- - (In- -6 00


L variably In Advance.

. . i.i.rtlsement8 mugt




46 Merchant St.,

Honolulu. H. I.


Ld Counsellor at Law, andptl Estate uroiwjr.

the Courts of the Kingdom.

bs Merchant St., Honolulu.


Vdooa to Lewera & Dickson)

au1 Dealers in Lumber11 Kinds of Building Materials.

sTBEET, Honolulu. 1


Importer and Dealer in

A!i MERCHANDISE.Ul Qaeen Street, Honolulu, ltf


1 Commission Agents

lorU Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

EAVEit SALOON,k Opposite Wilder A Co.'s,J.XOLTE, PROPRIETOB.

hiches Served with Tea, Coffee,Wiltr, Ginger Ale or Milk.

iroui 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.i'Eequigites a Specialty. ltf


am Engines,Kt Mills, Coolers, Brass

M Lead Castings,.Vtrw n Jt I U --1rl,j wi every uaecrijJiiuii uiauv w

pwjueauon paia io snips i- -rework PTftc.ntflil nn thn shortest



and Merchant Streetsaier the Management of

U- - P. Wolter,Ma stock a variety of the best Wines,P. and ice cold beers on draught at

anrt See irs.-- ltf

J. E. GOMES,Ny of Gomes & Wichman.)T Block, No 79 Fort Street,

acturinir Jeweler,vl" Promptly attended to.

' -- ""m mix. JfruiU

S. I,, c. PHAY,51c and Roman Baths,

f ChurchiYard.

GK of residence.SniM AMOVED FROM

Lane, Palama.9 10 12 M-- and 6 to 9 p. m.


608; Bell 475.

MllE OFFICE,0F London.KUslxed 1710.1

i'"VSt?'- -'""StaiM.

l 327,333,700

ra,'Ub?LA8ent8. a Paid

lr . -

I2iiilan lBinai.


Strychnia and Snakes.Dr. Mueller, an Australian physi-

cian, has successfully treated a num-ber of cases of snake bite with strych-nia. This he has done on the hypothe-sis that the poison affects the nerves,weakening and paralyizing themin fact, that the venom is not, afteralL a poison in the common sense,and does not directly cause anychange of tissue. Its effect is simplyproduced by the operation of dynamicforce that is, it suspends the actionof the nerve ceHs for a longer orshorter period. Hitherto all antidoteshave been administered on the theorythat the virus affected the blood, anqithe most successful results have comfrom the administration of alcohol,which seemed to maintain the strengthof the sufferer until the poison waseliminated by natural moans.

Dr. Mueller's theory at first sight isat variance with the fact that theblood in case of snake bite does actu-ally change, but his explanation ofthis change is that the pulmonarycapillaries, through which the bloodcorpuscles pass when going to tholungs to exchange the carbonic acidof effete blood tor fresh and life giv-ing oxygen, have lost their power.They owe the tension tho healthycontracting power to the influenceof the vaso-mot- or nerves, and whenthe latter are paralyzed the corpuscleslose their power, so to speak, squeezingout by the superfluous carbonio acid,and leaving the corpuscles free to takeup oxygen. Thus the corpuscles passthrough the lungs unchanged, carry-ing back to the heart blood as full ofcarbonic acid as they brought from it,and they themselves absolutely die,bursting in consequence of this load ofcarbonic acid. Dr. Mueller's remedyis the injection of strychnia by meansof the hypodermic syringe, tho appli-cation of artificial heat, and the in-terference .with the tendency of thepatient to sleep. He thus sets up arival dynamic force which fights itout with the original poison, and ifthe antidote is applied in time gener-ally with success. London Hospital.

Water as "a Sabctltmte for Grace.,Sister Weymouth" was one of tho

most notable women that ever livedin tho good old Maine town of Blank-mout- h.

She was notable for her pow--.ers as an exhorter, which shone in tho '

village prayer meeting as brilliantlyas those of any licensed preacherwhom the villagers heard, andfor her quick wit, that foundexpression in many quaint andpithy speeches, some of which aretreasured to this day, although shehas long been gathered to her fathersand mothers.' A worthless young mannamea jjross ieu m love wiui outerWeymouth's daughter. Failing tomelt the stern objections of the youngwoman's mother in any other way, hopretended to be converted under nerexhortations, joined the church andwas married to his heart's desire. Verysoon the bad blood in Frost's veins as-

serted itself, and the rascal desertedhis wife after he had lived with herbut five or six months. Not long af-terward his child was born. Whiletho officiating person was giving theinfant a bath Sister Weymouth camo.in.

"Look herelw said she. "Bo sureto hold that baby under , the waterlong enough to get all tho Frost outitl" New York Star.

Death to Flies and sZoaqottoea." I haven't a mosquito bar nor screen

door about my house, and yet thereare seldom any flies and never anymosquitoes about it l learned thosecret of successful warfare againstthese pests when living in the swampsof Louisiana, where, summer or win-ter, mosquitoes swarm. For. someyears, life was unendurable, and nomeal could be eaten in peace. But allat once there was a change for thebetter, bars and screens were often out .

of place, but there was almost an im-munity from insects. I was batchingat the time, and had just changed mycolored boy. The newcomer explain-ed to me how he kept the "critters"away. He burnt small pieces of gumcamphor on the cook stove, and used asecret preparation he called "sudekil-lo.- "

When I got married and came--to Missouri I imparted the secret to mywife, and as there is no patent on itthat I know of. I would advise all

- fellow suffers to go and do likewise.The gum camphor alone is ample lotthe purpose, and need only to be usedtwo or three times a: day. Interviewin St Louis Globe-Democr- at .

,wwa Maa MMaaa jHopeways for Transports..

Nearly 800 Otto aerial ropeways aresaid to be now in operation for variouspurposes, with lengths frcm 100 yardsto several miles. . They have spansreaching as much as 1,000 feet, gradesas great as one in three, cad a carry-ing capacity from 5,000 tons per weekto two or three times as much, accord-in- g

fcrwhetbsr the line usscne, twoor three t systems of - fixed ropes.Strong endless wire ropes ere fixed topoles to susi-- uv tha Duclicia, whichare hauled by edlej endless rcpes,kent in motion by r ctiticnary en--

cis. jl n away - i v- - o:

mil trMSTMrtin TOO tS23 CCT Ciilcaiacf tsa hundredweight, i A rc


of Business : .

returns promptly made.and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished

general use in this Kingdom.


OXDerienoe for ovftr twpntv-f- i vp vpo ra incompetent to attend to all business of an

i 29 1304-i- l



Remington Sewing Machines,

Jane & Sons Family Medicines.


o o o o

nn V--

Q t

a i

Housekeeping Goods. 3

and Sheet Iron WortK



Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods," and

G-ener- al Merchandise.


mmueMnwurn codTONE & DURABILITY

New York, Sept. 25, 1889.Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand-

wich Is. ' ,Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac-

knowledging your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the " Fischer" Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same. '

We further direct you to notify the gen-eral public that you are the Sole Agentfor the " Fischer " Pianos and that anypianos bought from any other source willbe attended by a great risk to the pur-chaser by not receiving the Genuine

Fischer" Piano and all guarantees willbe withdrawn from the same.

We have no doubt but what you willmeet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you aU pros-perity, we remain? gentlemen,

Yours very truly,J. & C. Fischer. .

the best instrumentmade, indorsed bv all the leading musi-cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed by themakers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues'free.)

"Sold on Monthly Installments"




Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer


Commission Merchant.

42 Queen Street, Honolulu.

Telephones Mutual 620 ; Bell 071? 1305 10-3- m


HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLEfor. the sale of C. Bechstein's

celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicitorders for. either Horizontal or UprightGrand.

TESTIMONIALS:" For twenty-eie- ht years that I have now

used Bechstein's Pianos, they have maintained their superiority. l.iszt."

A noble inexhaustible and sympatheticfulness ot tone, together with an exquisiteaciion, wnicn admits 01 me utmost varietyof shade bears testimony to the fact thatthe manufacture has attained the utmostdegree of perfection in the act of instru-ment making. v , : Rubinstein. ' '

For further particulars amolv toProf. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

H. "FT A.CKFELD Sc CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl. .

19 1307-3- m


Locatedlat the Fish Market,'

53M. E. LIVINGSTON, : 3?rop.; (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)

Family & Shipping ButcherOur Sausages a Specialty.

All orders will receive prompt attentionand delivery to any part of Honolulu.

GIVE ME A. TRIALlTeleplpnes Uutual. 622, " IJeU 400.

22-3- m ;.v 'v''.JAMES NOTT, JR.,


TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of Kins and Alakea SU.,

Honolulu, H. I. -

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261;residence, Mutual, 236.

C-E- sti mates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaran-teed in all the above branches of my busi-ness at reasonable rates. 44-l- y

Walker & Kedward,

Contractors & BuildersBrfck, etone and Wooden CsXUlnj '

Cstlmiee Given.

Jobblm-- PrenptlT AttenCed, 73 KING CTES3T.

Bell Teleaone Co. S. . . - P. O. Sox4S


rhe new and fins Al steel steamship

ZEL,lSrDIA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedne

at noneiuiu irom Sydney and Aucklandon or about

May 3, 1890,And willleave for the abwve port with malls andpassengers on or about tbftt date.

For freight. or passace. hATlnr 8UPEBIORACCOMMODATIONS, awly to

Win. G. Irwin & Co;,AHKNT8.

For Sydney and Auckland.

l"he new and fine Al steel steamship

66 53MAEIPOSAO the Oceanic Steamship company will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

May 10, 1890.nd will have prompi dlapatcn with malls an'

assengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC


Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,;


Clans Spruckels Wm. a. Irwin.



Draw Exchange en the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general andexchange business.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savlugs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

ANDERSON & LUNDY,; Dentists.

ARTIFICIAL TEETHfrom one to an entire set in-serted on gold, sUver, allum-inn- m

and rubber - bases.d hridcre work a SDecialtv. To

rnhhr nlates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal fiate. au oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide was. . .

Hotel street, Tregioan premises. .55-l-y -



Office next door to B. More, King St.

Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.

DRAYMENAll orders for cartage promptly attended

n.:.1a atfanilnn nflin to thfito

Storing and Shipping of Goods inTransit to Otner lsianas.

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- -

Ilea W ouifc, an www p.."


BUTTERIn lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest Axtiole forWarm Climates.

S.FOStER&Co.. Wholesale Grocers,


i mmd S3 CUorlm St., Sam rnelaco.

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

WHcox & Gibbs. and

v Dr.


Mf3 nl O

J.Q . O QOr

- Jj 'l '

Stores, lianges and

Plumbing. Tin, Copper



"'-- ; ..;.'"..

RestixlTed and Covered,At Reasonable Kates and In tbe

.Best Manner.AWPeal direct with the workman,

D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer

110 Kin- - St., near Alakea, directlyopp. Calau Fruit Store.

New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order.Designs and estimates submitted. , 129- -

c. BREWER & COMPANY, B.F.EHLERS& CO.99 Fort Street, Honolulu.




Aim ;


LIST 07 07FIC523:

Jonei. Jr President and llanagerCarter. Treaanrer and Secretary

n. W. F. Allen .Auditor


way ncriy tea miles Jcsj fciJbeen opened frcsk eactherniivirL-3-- fceblsitoj f;a ropeway in Becip VVivthe nines direct to tb tr? tli ,

furnaces S,C0O tc3 cJ irtapyof twenty hczrarv ci

r m Groom1m The Weelily Gazette and Daily Pi 0. Advertiser- vvn - V.1 I Bo

Us. r.;r.i Aris this leading zajpilks oV-th- e kingdom JUj Pf Box 97.

Hon. 0. B. Bishop. Hon, II. atsxbonMy '


Page 2: t .AGENTS, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39348/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Australian Mail Service---v ... IMPORTERS, Shipping


;f -"i




JCcuj SlWrtiscmcnls. "twenty years or more) that he wasi 1 1 3 i r J : . U : V raaAN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT.B2 2lutl)CH:itp

WM. O. FISHEB'SWrought Steel Cooking ja

With Broiler and Hot Water Attachments.

; II j) , S n

Consuming one-thir- d LESS FUEL, either wood or coal, thanin existence. No brick work about it, just a clean cut 8?'

--. c wuose jaKing quaiiues are unsurpassed, s


Reversible Grates.


WE KALAKAUA. by the Grace of Godof the Hawaiian Island-"- , King.

Do Proclaim: --

That, in accordance with the terms ofArticles 28 and 45 of the Constitution, it isOur Pleasure that the Legislature of OurKingl'ii lo assemble in Regular Session I

ntthf L; -- islative Hall, Aiiiolani Hale, atOur t" ipital City of Honolulu, for the dis-- 1

pauli of public buniness ;ti 12 o'clock noonon WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-fir- st day ofMay A. D. 1890.

Given under Our Itoyal Sign Manual atOur Palace of Iolani in the City of Hono-lulu, this Seventeenth day of April, A. D.1890, and the Seven'eeth Year of OurReign.


L. A. Tjiurstox, ; ;

Minister of the Interior.1319-l- d 93-G- t

Election Proclamation.In accordance .with the Election Law of

the Kingdom, notice is hereby given thata Special Election for Hepresentative. willbe held at the District of Koolau, Island ofOahu.on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day ofMay, 1890, to fill the seat of J. N. Paikoli,declared vacant by the Supreme Court ofthe Kingdom. .

Polling Place Kaneohe Court House.Inspectors M. Rose, A. Kaulia,;Jas.


The Polls will be opened at 8 o'clock a.m. and close at 5 p. m. on said day.

-- L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interion.v

Interior Dept., Honolulu, April 19, 1890.1319-t- d 94-- 3t


April, 1890. 'V

Thia lirate is of a triangular form, having three surfareatop surface can be used on alternate dan-n?- 'ble, so that a separate

surface in course of use shows any wear then the other can be tnmJT '

on the other, making it equal in durability to three distinct Grates.


HAWAIIAN HARDWARE (93-t- f FORT STREET, (opposite Spreckels' Banlrt nJ

rTho Dai I v AHvortisor fiiifl Woatlv ilJ





Although wounded to the core,the many-heade- d monster was notkilled. The social problem is notto be solved with police restrictions. The fire, apparently extm--

guished by a sudden torrent, stillglimmered faintly under the thicklayer of ashes. The expulsion of.. ..... . . . ...tne socialistic leaders irom ine I

German capital, to which theycouia return only during farlia- -

mentary sessions, and which theyhad to leavft acrnm on thft flame davo JParliament adjourned or was dissolved, had not the effect desiredby the Government. Quite to thecontrary, These men, highly educated and conversant


with 'thesocial wrongs of the people, .carded their ideas abroad to otherplaces wherever they took up theirnew domicile, and thus very effec- -tively propagated their cause. Inthe meantimA Rismarnk in hm rfe--

sire to raise more funds for thearmy, and to increase the numberof the same, had often to battlewith a strong opposition, as whenever it came to grant largeamounts, and to pile new burdensupon the shoulders of the nation,there were other thinking men besides the socialists who dared toraise their voices against the Chancellor. But whosoever, was notwith him was against him. and aso-call- ed Keichsfeind (an enemy tothe Empire'). Whenever he sawthat ho could not get through withone party, he dropped the same,making new coalitions and combinations with the opposition.Thus, soon even less enlightenedmfn saw that. t.hA whn o Par in- -mm Parvv w v m.mmm w wW w mmvm

meut was --nothing more no lessthan in Bismarck's hands,

. a toy. . . I . .

When nothing- - could enforce hiswhims and demands, a big war--cry was raised, a rumor that neigh--hors wai'a thrnatATiinof tn nnmmnnAOa new hght, and at once everything was granted.

ijriory demands sacrmces oi anation? but the enemy of glory ishunger. Therefore, the socialisticparty soon grew bigger andstronger than before, and even inother parties Bismarck's enemiesincreased steadily. .Every twoyears, however, by some means hesucceeded m getting Parliament.. .i i x i TLO prolong me SOCiailSUC law. Uhe did not succeed, Parliament wasdissolved, and the new electionsbrought him the desired majority.Contrary to the constitutions ofother monarchies, where the Cab-inet abdicates if it 'finds the major-ityof the legislative body against'itself, in Germany Bismarck, likethe iron laws of nature, is eternaland Parliament mortal. As longas senile William I. livexl it becamean act of piety toward him to pro -

long the unreasonable stringentmeasures against the socialists, al-though they never committed anyother offense than that thev triedto change and improve the condi- -tions of the workingmen in a mostpeaceable way. The maiority ofthe German nation knew very welltnat tne measure was wrong, and

.1 iL. L T7Inueu me uuiux luiiulh jcjmnerorFrederick III. ascended the throneeverybody expected to see the soci- -alistic law abolished: In fact, itlooked as if he was determined to

i a . . .govern wnu, uuu Lot agains.t tnemajority of his Parliament. Butalas! before he could show his sin--cere intentions, a cruel fate deter- -TIT! 1T1 Al Vfeici KAtr.l aawa-m - MrAX.

, .j fi!-- -xiiuu uaye. xxis son, an inexperi- -euueu youtu, nnea wun an thepride and vanity of a feudal mon- -arcn, ana snowing a very strontrintention to carry out his own ideasand to reign according to his own

1 1 1 1 Iwin, loiioweu mm.What could be expected from a

young hotspur, who was first ofcvcj tiuiig eiee u soiaier irom topto toe. and who soon after hi-- w

ascension to the throne, expressedhimself at a public dinner that hewould rather see every man of hisempire perish c n the road than to


Patronize Eooe Mr

j (i. The Hawaiian Gazek

8n- - Mo. n--l Th. Fr, Sa. Moon's Phase

12 3 T 5 7pril 4

--1J.ZIZZZ San-a-13 14 15 16 17 is 19 Last Qaarter.

April 1820 21 2s 23 24 25 26 New Moon.

98 ! April 26:- - fL Firgt Qurter- -

r-- if- -- je ; 1

s . 'f

':.7.. 4







J fl-'.-fi- 3


mi' i J

- ' i'T

: r. 4 r ,


; .1,. . V i v



.'7 1 I


I. - f !

1 j ;


- r



'J 1 .SB

4 5. " I




. f .is.


Royal Hawaiian

OPERA HOUSEL. J. Lkvey Lessee.Chirr Phillips Manager.

Continued Success of


Thursday Evening, April 24,

Will be presented the grand old IrishDrama in 3 Acts, entitled:


For the cimvenienee if ladies anachildren, a'ORANI) aiatinkk win neeiven on WEDNESDAY: AriKXM'UW,when will be presented,

AVY" - , iROCKKTNavy - V. kocke rr i

Doors open at 2, performance at 2:30..

Spts ran he secured in advance for anynight during the season at the office ofL.J- - 1'evey. 85

n ivnrnnTnFO U


White FacedBlack Spanish and

i Brown Leghorn H ens.Orders taken for allkinds of Thorough

hred Poultry from the yards of one of thelargest and best Breeders on the PacificCoast. Apply to

S. P. SIMON PS,1308 34-3-m 182 King Street.

.Reward of $500.


NSSMr.KiiX5 SvSiI oi kwoiic Liee men to., was. senousiv

?Snfet by a Jer.allf rnwhrffion:iousi, broke and entered into the dwelling. . l .T I . .nouseoi ine sam jg ngong m mc rrr wg?S&HI Notice is hereby given that a reward ofrive nunureu uoiiarsWwvj wiu ur paiubv the United Chinese Society to any person or persons who will cive informationto the Police which will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the guilty party.

Per Order. Y1MSecretary United Chinese Society.

Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m



THE RESIDENCE OF K.J. LILLIE on Lnnalilo Street, con- -taining Donble Parlor?, Large DiningKoom. 4 Bedrooms, Dressing and Bath.

rooms. Kitchen and 2 Pantries Detached Ser-vants House, Stable, Coach House and Chicken'Yard.

The Grounds ate 105 feet front and about 325feet deep, and are all laid out with Palms, Itoeesana unoice riantn. win be vacant on thethMay.

The Fernery and Ferns to be removed unlessagreea on. 87 1317-- 1 m


RESORTKing St., opp. Oaha Railway Depot,

1 JBillielJtls. J0WlillOr AIlPVw


The Best of Coffee, Tea ami Chocolate.Finest Brands of


I : uwr vjnera ami Game by everyCalhorniff steamer.




PAlliAinAirf,'wlltiemeil S UnderaothinsWoolen and PonKee Coats Wool Calico

German and Linen Shirts'.89 Ring Street. My

NOTK'K.HAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.race in the Honnluln nm.. t.nnfactory, at 128 FortHtrwt l.n. n...Continue the above business under theuftuic oi nonoium uarriage Mannfac--j.au wiuBaii oia experienced carriaeebuilder I solicit the patronage offriends and the oublic in frnr.i nAJJi;umy thorough knnwly1ro f k k:tj s.u :. i

" . v m vusuieasr Pencea workmen and usineonly the best material 1 rr.ar.n

.(Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolalu, Oct. 28, 1889. iQ3.tf

Notice to Shippers.

l?OR THE MORE HATlMPinrnuvtt "odation of our patrons we bedrays "are rednil fV,'" Sout goinir tm?JV w

fhr? required. fKK'SSUrSmj uay, mev Will finrt t

v mMtMtmia vi f a. mm iP.M.their wiinto u,.'!! k IMJwma mu mm m m a mmm w m n m,m,

which aiwiiueu to,ness to JL i5Sfy Krfa,,y facilitate., busi'cerned. " V1 con--21-3-m HAWAIIAN tuamdvgd


f --1890.1b ! The iionulation of this

entitled to nam peusiuu, wmwnot sufficient t support a humancreature, no matter how modest nispretensions might be.

The socialists furthermore saw inthis law another police measure tocontrol their . wages ;ana aomgsfrom Hav to "dav. from week toj j i -

week, and from vear to year. Theirwhole and main purpose has always been to free themselves iromf?ovcrnmental cruardianship, and tothink and act for themselves, andtint in aftoent without their own

,nnnaonf laws Ann mfiflRUreS WU1CD

th Government thought goodnnnrVi for the nlebs." Jiext U-c-

tober the biennial term ol tne tawagainst the socialists runs om uutemore, therefore, it would have beentho duty of the last Parliament torenew the same, but it was veryinconvenient for the Governmentto ask the same favor of the nationover and over again every twoyears, therefore it was resolved to.aemana once ior an 01 me jraruu- -

ment to raise these temporary re- -

strictions to a permanent law. Af--

ter hard struggles, Parliament con-- .sented to everything with the ex--

Cention of one vital point it in- -

sistea upon me erauicauwu uiexpulsion clause. Bismarck, how--

ever, is not the man wno saiisueshimself with concessions. The bowwas drawn too tight. The law fell,and Parliament was dissolved oncemore. Before the new elections,the Emperor comes forth with hisfamous scheme for an InternationalLabor Congress. But why doesthe German workingman not hail itwith joy? Becauso ho does not believe in its sincerity.

If the Emperor is in earnest todo something for the laborer s benefit, the latter wants foremost of allfreedom of speech and equal rightswith his fellow-citizen- s. He "wantsto see the socialistic law abolishedoeiore ne can ueuevB iu buicwcI

social reform. The German socal- -ists consist by no means oi a rough,

1 1 J j ;unruiy, uneuucateueiemeni, cryingfor anarchy. They are well enough

I educated to Understand that a SOI- -

daten Jiaiser 08 a SOCiai reiormer ISI ,. ... , m rna contradiction in nseu. neyscorn the Emperor's scheme as avery clever electioneering tncK,and the answer to the same was thecomplete defeat of the Governmental party at the polls. JNowthesocialists have regained more thantheir old power, .have more seatsman tney ever neid in raniament,

I even at the height of their strength.They do not care lor the labor con

4.1 : 1 1 ugxe0a, iU wuicu tuey win nave uuvoice, nor would they participatein the same if they were invited,"r they know well that the socialquestion is not to be solved by rul--

1 ers called to the throne by the1 "grace of God." ..They do not feara new dissolution of Parliament, forthey know that that would stillmore nil their ranks and gam themnew victories. Thus the' socialistvictory means no more or less than

1 disapproval of the householdpontics oi isismarck. Me is too old

1 for the new ideas of our presentage, and the Emperor too youngand inexperienced fur them.

The recent elections in Ger-many ought t give the Europeanmonarchs a severe lesson : especi- -ally should they teach the young

1 emperor not to rely too much uponI I,! T "1 ? i , - Ii uio luvai uower utrainHL ine wisncs

f his subjects. But will he heeditr It does not seem so. What

1 was the object in alarming the earI rison of Berlin on the very dav of. " "I a j iitne eiecuon; to can underarms anarmy stronger than the whole activemilitary force of the United States?

I If it was merely to show that the1 iOOVV,A CI nu

" , -I 4-- j- -m uay was cnosen very unluckily.J-u- e emperor seems to he sowingthe wind, and may reap a harvestoi storm. The supplementarvelections will show the correctnessoi

'this assertion. History teaches

At aus tnat rulers m their strufflesagainst the Strife f their neonlftfor freedom have seldom been pru- -

j ueut enougn to regard the lessonsI taUffht bv weeedenta THa A mo.;

c tj m .m. mJkjA. x

can people, as true republicans,cannot help symnathizinfr with thecause of the German population,and hoping that their present vie--

conuiuon 01 the German werkin rrclasses. Nfrank lieslie's Illustrated Newspaper. JOVt

5Tno IbDcrtiscmcnts.

Masquerade Ball.


A SiV llfftbTHoVuArmory, Beretania street, the pro--

fSSfw6 Klven 3he Po.uuese IiadiesAssociation. Tickets of ad--

mission i.to, wul be sold later. 76-t- d

Commercial Salesrooms,

Cor. Queen mod Nuomna Sti.

Goods of all descriptions sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 63L 3Mv



mntf a..k. 1.1 ia iusefol in a Diintin nfn , a Jo -ff'J


auxm .

' IllltllM l it mml I

It would be productive of a greatmany advantages to these islandsif an Agricultural Departmentcould be added to the bureaus ofthe Government. It is more thandoubtful whether the state of thepublic purse would admit of theadditional claim on its resources,which, such a department wouldinvolve, but there is no doubt thatsome systematic attention to theagricultural needs and resources ofthe country would bo a vast benefit, and would hasten the work ofdeveloping and opening it up forsettlement.

The presence of a new and dan-

gerous blight suggests the necessityof establishing some public official.with authority to deal with mattersof this kind. There ought to hesome one legally competent to dealwith such a pest while it is still inits infancy, and to take such meas-

ures as might be necessary for itsspeedy extermination. Such anofficer would have to be investedwith full powers to cut downtrees for instance, whenever andwherever necessary. As an application of the police power, suchauthority would be probably perfectly feasible.

If it is not advisable to establisha regular agricultural departmentat this time, an officer might beadded to the staff of the Board ofHealth, with the special duty ofattending to matters of agriculturalhealth. The community probablyhas more than one person competent to fill such a position.

In the absence of any regularGovernment Agricultural Department, the Planters' Labor andSupply Company might do more inthis line than they have in the past,with profit both to themselves andto the public at large; . We hopethat some enterprising member ofthat organization will take the subject up and see what can be madeof it.


Among the results brought tolight by recent investigations of thesources of spontaneous combustion,is the fact that sawdust should

I vu duuuo ur ware- -hoU8e t0 collect drippings or leak.age irom casKS. xry vegetable oranimal oil is found to inevitablvtake fire when saturating cottonwaste, at. 180 degrees, Fahrenheit,and spontaneous combustion occursmore quickly when the cotton issaturated with its own weight ofoil. The addition of 40 per cent, ofmineral oil density .890 of greatviscosity, and emitting no inflam-abl-e

vepors, even in contact withan ignited body to any point below938 degrees, Fahrenheit, is suffi-cient to prevent spontaneous com-bustion, and the addition of 20 percent, of the same mineral oil doublesthe time necessary to producespontaneous combustion. Dangeris involved in patentfrom leakage into sawdust,etc., oily waste of any kind,,or waste cloths of silk or cot-ton, saturated with oil, vanish orturpentine: also linseed oil caskdrippings into a sponge, glycerineor oil of any kind leaking intosawaust, ana oily iron turningsmixed with sawdust; rust from gunbarrels,, kept some time underwater, scraped and put in parcel inpocket; bituminious coal in largeheaps of fpit coal, hastened bv wet.uu cojjuuittiiy wuen pyrites

CrhoT HHr- - ou' Jr Wtr n flUrL,S Pr- -

?U?1? sP0ntane0lIS combustion,all organic structures, beinff

largely composed of carbon andhydrogen are readily excited, be-cause' of the affinity of the hydro-gen and oxygen, both of which arein an allatropic state (that is a stateusually ready to combine). Hencethere is danger in anv condition

.. V.-- ,

necuon.witn water- - Indianapolisvorn Miner.

Fast Steamers.In view of the" fact that a line of

steamers is to be bnilt immediatelythat will make the passage fromSandy Hook to Qaeenstown in fourdays and a half, it is interesting touuw tuaii mat passages nave recently been of frequent occurrence,not only across the Atlantic, bat on

'Snnifc itrin T.;..uvhi wuta ,uuu uta XUiK.Hah ftnlonifis. ThA otaa fo,rt,l,;- w uyvMiunmlines are rapidly awakening to thecommercial importance of increasedspeed." Only last month the Oceana,one of the new vessels of the Penin-sula and Oriental Steamship Com-pany, made thobay to London r in fonrtoen days,

"1C". 18 imJ Iour days of a gain on

same company now proposes tomake the passage . in. eleven days

t ""o oato justify V the necess&rv atAnathat performance.

rpHK ADVERTISER IS THF.JL leadiatc daily paper of the Kingdoo

ii ifv mi.

ii vuyt


pasy proiwse to issoet'


of the Hawaiian Islands, fck

on the official census retor

will be taken this pre

now about 90,000, and Udirectory should include

20,000 names. Theofiki!

will furnish not only the

also the residence and

of each person, and other,

quired for such a publicatt

can be obtained in no other

'm .V AAA ..A4rtKxnere are ii,uuv vww

Kingdom, and the name

one of them should be in

rect Directory, tetno

Directory heretofore pub

contained more than one

number of names, evenj

several thousand Chinese

The facilities which thej

Establishment possesses j

ting work of this kindj

passed, as regards worin

and presses. JThe advantages of K



are these :

1st That the naffld

will be obtained fron

cords, and therefore reli

2d The proofs can aHj)

persons familiar with

places, and thus the jfound in such books prjwill be avoided. J

3d All the persons

canvassing, cowpu6 jfhAhkwill be resident

eluding also the pn")and others, ana

terested in the snc

and the Pvpublication j

prosperity of car wyKacn luu pag . a.

Aif itwt in one copy

nnr orrflf fa. -


the Manager of the

llawifcn Gazetfe




Honolulu Rifles Drill Co. C, at 7:30P. M.

X LodgelPo ! 2 fillS p.m.1, a"d Mystic

St. Andrew's Cathedra Service at 7 :30p. m.

Central Union Churci- i- Service at 7:30P. M.

BlJOt,?MPAN7rMatinee Performance at-- " a uuuse ac Z P. M.


Pacific Coiiugrcia Advertiser.

Bo joat and fear not: f ,

lit all the ends thon aim 'at at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.



A late number of the Bulletincommenting on an editorial utter-ance of the Advertiser, containsthe following passage:' The popular impression is thatthe treaty proposed by the Govern-

ment makes the "concession on ourpart" of binding ourselves not tn

Sft.ture of the document. ComDletcfree trade withwithnnt .ugeai.neihbor...vw I ouuu concession asbinds us irrevocably, is the kind oftreaty thot would be acceptable.

The ignorance which this passageshows as to the whole treaty sub-ject is something extraordinary,not to say inexplicable. The bus- -inPHft Of Jl rlnilTr nanoi. i 4. I

..7 correctxaioo pupuiax- - impressions, not toshare them and give them a widercurrency. There are two totallymistaken notions in the short ex-tract quoted above. The first isthat the Cabinet ever proposed tobind the country not to withdrawwithout the "permission" - of theUnited States. Jhe proposed treatylike all "permanent" treaties is ter-minable only by consent "What the Bulletin ....probably refers

a x 1 www I, . . nu.u. uiuuh inis

Government not to make treatieswith; other nations without theknowledge of the United States.Certainly -- kn wledgo" is a verydifferent thing from "permission."The second error of the Bulletin isin supposing that the treaty whichthe Cabinet no. wish to gotinte,still contains the Article objectedto. It omits, that Article entirelyand becomes thereby a,treaty of'complete free trade," just such a P

treaty in fact as the Bulletin speci-fically approves. It. contains noconcessions of any kind whatever.

give up one inch of his grand-- tory will be crowned by the suc-father- 's

conquests ? Of course the cess of the mighty movement tomilitary party hailed him with joy, improve by peaceful methods the

Gate City Stone Filter

These Filters are eaailv cleansed, andNEVER become Cracked or CRAZEDby change of Temperature of the Water.

The Filtering Medium is a NATURALbiUKb, mined from the earth. It isunlike any other stone.


IMPURITIES never PENETRATEit, but lie on the surface, and internallythe stone remains --as pure and whiteafter years of use as when taken fromthe mine.

44 The Gate City Stone Filter is a perfectsuccess. It is the only real filter 1 haveever seen. I would not be without one forany consideration. It converts our lakewater into the best drinking water in theworld. Hkney M. Lyman, M. I).,633 West Adams St., Chicago.

CFor Sale by the '

Hawaiian Hardware Co,Opposite Spreckels & Co'b Bank,



Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


forthX Sfiy theb?r" Boston to loadduring July next.For further particulars apply to

741316--y ; C. BREWER & CO.

Jtist "ReceivedPer 8. S. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, from; .Chma and Japan,

r T -

Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

SILKS,Silk Hundlcerchieftj, r.:.

j Dinner and Tea Seta,Rattan. Chairs;

Flower Pots and Vases,- -

: nteras, Banibob BasketsiBtcC


uuu luuitauuu luoKeu wun sorrow totue lumre. uismarcir, however,naci long ago foreseen what waswiuiugy ouu uuu iijioreiore in timebeen a gcod teacher to the youngEmperor, who proved to be a will--ing pupii, ana therefore Bismarck'sposition, which had been-som- e

what weakened when Frederic Irfollowed his father, seemed againie grow so much stronger whenWilliam II. succeeded Frederinfc.In the meantime Bismarck tried tocheck the spread socialismplaying himself, off as a social re--former and bringing forth severalrra J V . . ,lJ '""""iwwii auu lmpenecL lawsior the amelioration of the workingclasses, wnicn were passed by biscver-reau-y jrarnament. The climaxof all these laws, and the most in-complete of them, is the so-call- ed

Alterversorgungsgesetz, the institution

? of a kind of xensin forworkingmen alter they reach theirsixtieth year. This was most em-phatically condemned by the work-ing population of Germany, for itdemanded - that a certain percent-age of the wages of each working-ma- n

should . be deducted weekly.Each laborer was farthermore tokeep a book, wherein the suras thusdeducted were regularly entered,ana Dy means ? oj. wnicn no conm 1

11 ATI k

the Daily fe74J"rrr x u u& p,u nemo Uossom. AdvesttsmNo. 71 Hotel Bt,wTtaUiCS JTf Ai



f) 0

Page 3: t .AGENTS, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39348/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Australian Mail Service---v ... IMPORTERS, Shipping



l LANDCOS J&dwtorafnls.

Grand Opening of Summer Goods.

erialsMalew Summer


r. M.A. 2:009:00 2:43

4:0011:00 4:43

bitP. M.

3:009:30 3:4S

"irt.-l- 4:054:53

'11 :43




N. S. SACHS', s


WASH MATEEIAXiS.I c. J. I108!. --- : A" theATINESfsi.Ii!

Jfr 2,?; 9

r - U.m.

(3 !5"

a Oa

to-- rO

p.m.6.21 J8.576.21 9.526.2-2,10.-

6.2s!ll.366.23 a. m.6.24 0.236.24 1.08



A new assortment of FANCY SCOTCH GINGHAMS,- -

in Stripes and Plaids.


Victoria Lawns, Nansooks in plain and checks, Batistes, Confection, plain anddotted Swiss, Fancy Open Work Materials, etc., etc.

EMBROIDERED BOX SUITS, in Wash Materials, and Silk EmbroideredWool Materials. -

Embroideries, Embroideries.immense assortment at very low prices.

EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest hemmedstitched designs, entire new pat-terns at exceptional low prices, at the



:o:- -

Try the Cosmopolitan restaurant.

Davy Crockett at 2 p. m. at theOpera House.

It rained very heavily in Nunauuvalley yesterday.

Nine passengers left for the Vol-cano yesterday on the steamerKinau.

It commenced to rain in townabout half-pa-st ten o'clock yesterdayevening, and it was still raining atmidnight.

The choir of the second congrega-tion of St. Andrew's Cathedral willhave rehearsal this evening immedi-ately after the service.

The annual social and anniversarvexercises of the Y. M. C. A. will beheld Thursday -- Qvening at 7:30o'clock in the large hall.

The Hawaiian jury, in the case ofR. Keomaka vs. H. B. Lohelanial., ejectment, returned a verdictplaintiff, fixing damages at $5.

There will be a masquerade ball atRifles' Armory, Thursday, May -

15th, in aid of the funds of the Portuguese Ladies Charitable Associa-tion.

A man named Peterson has beengoing uruuuu town wim a suDScrip--

I ? A. J A t "

tion list 10 raise iunas tor nis daugn-te- rand family who live in Copen- -


J. L. Kaulukou and J. E. Bushalready in the field as candidatesthe election for Bepresentativethe District of Koolau, to be held

May 14th.

At 10 o'clock this morning, Mr. J.Morgan will sell gunsmith sup

plies, tools and office furniture at thestore lately occupied .by R. More &Co., King street.

There should be a crowded audi-ence at the Opera House Thursdaynight, for the bhingawn is an. excep-tionally fine piece. Secure seats at

J. Levey's oflice.

Members of the Mikado GompanyV AAT

sharp at the Club stables, where theywill find conveyances to take them

Mr. Nolte's residence, KapiolaniPark. ,

Mr. Vischer, an expert engineerfrom California, left on the Kinauyesterday afternoon, to examine theHamakua water ditch, and also tomake suergestions with regard tostorage.

A grand matinee performance will 1

be given at the Opera House at 2o'clock this Afternoon by the BijouComedy Company, when will bepresented Davy Crockett. Childrenunder nine years of age twenty-fiv- e

cents,' adults fifty cents. 1

Company B Honolulu Rifles, Capt.J. H. Fisher, had their first drill intheir new armory on Fort streetyesterday evening. There was agood attendance or members. Bynext drill night the fittings will bein place.

In the Fiji Islands, says an exchange, the remedy for a diseaseamong the bananas was discoveredthrough accident. The sea broke inand flooded the grounds, killed theplants, but afterward new shootsfree of the disease were seen tospring up and the planters havetherefore taken to watering their infected plantations with sea water.

The cast for the Irish drama Shin-gaw-n

to be played to-morr- even-ing by the Bijou Company is as follows: Blanche Desmond, Miss Liz-zie Linsrham : Lady Desmond, MissImogene Eberle; Nellie O'Lafety,Miss Lillie At wood; Furgus Mc-Cart- y

the Outlaw, Frank Cleaves;Herrick Wolf, Walter Adrian; Rob-ert O'Hara, Wm. L. Roberts; LordDesmond, Fred. Atwood; DennisMcCarthy, Horace liwingp-Jailo- r,

Francis Insley.

Invitations are out for the mar-riage of Mr. Friedrich WilhelmMeier, and Miss Constance Mary

The Only Steam Soda Works in theHawaiian Islands.



Ginger Ale, Plain, Sweet and Cream Soda,





104 Fort Street.AND WHITE


140-- y




Toilet Articles,

the Carbutt Dry Plates.





A.1 Well Attended Meeting of the Ladiesof Honolulu at the Y. M. C. A. Hall.On Tuesday morning about forty-fiv- e

ladies of this city met at theY. M. C. A. hall pursuant to a noticein the daily papers, to talk over in ofwhat way they could assist the pro-jected new Sailors' Home.

Mr. Frank W. Damon addressedthe meeting at length. He said thatabout fifteen thousand dollars hadbeen raised, but for a good buildingbetween eighteen and twenty thous-and

it.would be required. As to the

furnishing; this should be under-taken by the ladies. He suggesteda nautical fair be gotten up for thatobject.

The meeting then organized withMrs. W. F. Allen President and Mrs.W. V. Hall Secretary. On motionit was decided to adopt Mr. Damon'ssuggestion, and a nautical fair willbe gotten up by the ladies, and thefollowing committees were ap-pointed:

On time and place Mrs. A. deSouza Canavarro, Mrs. W. W. Halland Mrs. S. H. Dowsett. ' "


On' fancy table Mrs. S. H. Dow-sett, Mrs. Canavarro, . Mrs. WilliamFoster, Mrs. C. M. Hyde, Mrs. S. C.Allen, Mrs. J. H. Wodehouse, Mrs. J.H. Soper, Mrs. H. W. Schmidt andjflj8S Stevens.

On decorations Mrs. H. W. Sev-erance, Mrs. E. W. Jordan, Mrs. F.R. Day, Mrs G. E. Boardman, Rev.H. H. Gowen, R. Lowers and F. W.Damon.

It was also decided to hold a pic-nic in July at the Queen Emma Hallas another means of raising money, do'and it will be managed by Mrs. B. F.Dillingham, Mrs. A. Fuller, Mrs.Alex. Mackintosh and Mrs. E. G.Damon.

A Wedding.Tuesday morning Mr. J. R. Wil

son of the firm of Wilson Bros, ofthe Volcano stables, Hilo, and MissGlare J. Cunningham were united inmarriage at the Roman GatholicGathedral by the Right Rev. theBishop of Olba. The bridesmaidwas Miss Lizzie Gunningham, sisterf blde and e grmaD, Mr.

J. Cunningham, the bride's brother.After the ceremony, a reception washeld at the residence of the bride'smother, Mrs. Duncan McGregor,Hotel street. Many very handsomepresents were received.

Monday evening, Mr. W. H. andMrs. Gunningham gave a receptionat their house in honor of theuvoub nuwu nwo wuou cu wjowoaffair. Dancing was indulged in, Iand there was also singing. Amongthose present were: Miss ClareGunningham, J. R. Wilson of Hilo,Hawaii; Mr. and Mrs. McGregor,Miss L. Gunningham, Miss M. Mc- -

Greeror, Jos. Gunningham, J. T.Gunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. Sinclair, t Mr. and Mrs.Livingston, Miss Corinne Conley,Mrs. F. J. Turner of Kauai, W.Hardy of Hilo, George Sanderson,J. Sanborn, L. Turner of Hilo, Geo.Ritman, and D. W. Roach.

The newly married couple left onthe Kinau in the afternoon for Hilo,their future home, a large number oftheir friends being on the wharf tosee them off.

Police Court.Tuesday, April 22.

Noa, charged with deserting contrArfc service with the WildersSteamship Co., was ordered to re--

tarn and pay costs.Two drunks had to pay the usnal

amonnt.Kalina, for disobedience to par-

ents, was reprimanded and then dis-

charged.Ah Nin was; sentenced to four

months imprisonment at hard laborfor larceny of a basr of rice, theproperty of J. H. Boyd.----

jvapini, cnargeu vvitu utuu a gi usacheat by obtaining

tmoney under

false pretences from W. . Howell,was sentenced to sixty days' impris-onment at hard labor. S Jt

Ah See, found guilty of havingonium in Dossession, was sentencedto pav a fine of $60 with one hour'simprisonment at nam lauor.

tfci& Slliorrtisenunts.

NOTICE.LL PERSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TUA1 trespass or to allow-fow- ls or cattle on

the land of Kawelo, Waikiki. All partiesfound oh the lands after 8 o'clock at night J

will be prosecuted to the full extent of thelaw. UUW YfXCl.KjV.,

; Per Lam Chung Wa.Honolulu, April4. 1890. 80-l- m

Pianos For. Rent.


COMPANY. 123-- tf

Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Isl- -

ands. .:


i a Bankruipt. uraer on reuuuu ui.Bankrupt for Jnischaree from Debts.

Ilnnn rpudiner and filine the petition ofA. M. Hewett of Honolulu, on the Island

DHn nilpHns' that mdre than sixiL - I 1 rxocwl cinpo llt WAS nHilldp'Pd

i monUi9Uaccia(K)v otw .,.--j-- -0. .I l. i fnr a rlir-hf-l rtPa oanKrupi. hu. . r-- " nr

from an nis ueuw,T io nrHnrPd that W tiU 2iXQVJ.Xt Uie

23d day of April A. D. 1890, at 113 a u ofthat day. at tne oiLrir wmHale, Honolulu, be and ia hereby appointed

and place for hearing, of said pe--tiihm-Sndliiiw- e all creditors whohave Droved their claims against saidbank--

i mn mvnhoeur and snow cause-u- . au jr.

thS haTe wfiythe prayer.of said, bantsnouia no wBy. ; :

, fiated Honoluluy AprU ,1pj)t" ' . " - Chief Justice Sup'reme Court. .

Attest: Alfred W.Cakteb,. 73w v

. Second Deputy Clerk. .

The . Tug Eleu Returns to Port Afterj Fishing Up Broken Pieces.

The tug Eleu, Capt. John Rice,with Capt. Bates, Mr. EO. Whiteand Mr. Lockwood superintendent

the electric light station, onboard, left Honolulu on Sundaymorning last at 9:30 o'clock, andarrived at Molokai at 3 p m. thesame day. They commenced dragging for theend of the cable butafter two hours work could not find

Monday morning at 6 o'clockwork was resumed and at 9 o'clockCapt. Bates who was dragging in ashore boat found a piece and twohours later another piece wasbrought up. This was about three-quarte- rs

of a mile from shore. Theend was also picked up and a testmade but it did not go through.Mr. E. O. White was left on Molo-kai, and at 6 o'clock Tuesday morn-ing the tug was in the bay the otherside of Coco Head. The cable herewas also found to be broken. Thevessel went back to Molokai, tookMr. White on board and returned toHonolulu yesterday evening.

Mr. Bartholomew is still on Molo-kai putting the land lines in posi-tion.

:He returns at the end of the

week on the Mokolii. -.-



For a good cup of Coffee orTea go to the Cosmopolitan. -

For a Broiled Steak Chop go to theCosmopolitan.

For a good Breakfast, Dinner or Supper,not forget the Cosmopolitan.

95-- 3t

Just opened a new lot of fancyfigured. foulard Silks, in creamand black, at Sachs' Store, 104

Fort street.

If you are in search of whiteEmbroidery Flounces, go to N. S.

3rVjrgP Sachs' Store, where you will &

find an immense assortment, at low prices.

For Wash Materials andWhite Goods, Sachs' Store isthe place, 104 Fort street.

iNou fttauruscmcnts.

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service



)faani(V StfcamSlllD UO.- m

From San Francisco, 12 O'clock, Noon.Leave Dueat3.F. Honolulu

Mariposa . . .Saturday ... May 3 ....May 10Zealandia . . Saturday ... May 31 ....J une 7Alameda. . .Saturday,. .June 28.. .. July 5Mariposa... Saturday.. July 26. ...Aug. 2Zealandia . . Saturday : . Aug. 23 Aug. 30Alameda . . .Saturday . . Sept. 20 ... . Sept 27Mariposa.. Saturday.. Oct. 18.... .Oct. 25Zealandia. .Saturday . .Nov. 15 Nov. 22Alameda. . .Saturday . .Dec. 13. . . . Dec. 20

To SaiD'ranehco.. Leave Dueat

. Sydney HonoluluZealandia . . Wednesday .:. Apr 16 . . . .May 3Alameda. . . Wednesday. . May 14 ... May 31Mariposa . . Wednesday ..J une 11 . .June 28Zealandia . .Wednesday . .July 9. . .July 26Alameda... Wednesday.. Aug 6... Aug 23M ariposa . . Wednesday ..Sept 3 ... Sept 20Zealandia . .Wednesday . . . Oct 1 . . . .Oct 18Alameda.. .Wednesday. .Oct 29. . .Nov 15Mariposa. . Wednesday ..Nov 26. ...Deb 13Zealandia.. Wednesday. .Dec24... Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia, 12 M.Leave San Francisco Leave Honolulu.

Friday .......May 9pSay . ..&ay 23 Friday June 6Friday J une 20 Friday.. JulyFriday July is Friday Aug. lFriday. Aug. 15 Friday Aug. 29Friday....... Sept. 12 Friday Sept. 26Friday Oct. 10 Friday.. uct. 24Friday. Nov. Friday....... Nov. 21Friday Dec. Friday....... Dec. 18

Union Iron Works Co.

ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATat a meetins of the subscribers to the

capital stock of the above namea companyheld in Honolulu, H. 1., March 6, 1890, itWAS voted to acceDt the Charter of Corporation dated March 1, 1890, for the term' offifty years, granted by the Hawaiian Gov-ernment. The liability of the stockholdersis limited to the amount due and unpaidon the shares held. The following officerswere elected for the ensuing year: .

J. N. S. Williams PresidentRobert More .... Secretary & Treasurer

- Auditor.. ...A. J. CartwrightThe above named officers also constiutte

a Board of Directors.- ROBT. MORE,

56--1 m Secretary and Treasurer. -


xi. or Carrom Billiard Table. Address:-- v 6. fc B.r& K...

1319 94-- 2t Kekaha P. O., Kauai.



Agent to take Acknowledgments.

OrricB No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono--67-l- y lulu, n. A.

WAHTEB.A TEAMSTER WHO IS CA--Anable of drlyinff a ix horse or male team,

and doinsr pome garaen wotk,UUMUULA SHKEP STATION CO.,

1316--tf Kalaieha, P. O-- Waimea, Hawaii

170TICETVTOTltJElS HEREBY GIVENI li h. . Hftnf Mr- - AehofLahaimA.lfaai.o

Bishop & Cos Bank, No. 820, amount $38. dateJanuary 30th, 1890, in faror of B. Ujremora hasbeen lost, and the payment of the same

old coffee ran sale.;FEW BAGS OF. THE 1888CROP. Apply to

H. N. GREKNWBLL.Keaiakekaa. 13U4--S

Factory: No. 23 ISTiraairu St.MUTUAL TELEPHONE 360; BELL 872.

Latest Styles of

HATS AND BONNETSLatest Fashions in Ladies' Broad Kim

Lace Hats, Bonnets and Toques.

Fine Assortment of Children's Hats.


Latest Novelties in


N. B. By the 1st of May I willREMOVE my Millinery Parlors to thebrick store next door to Wenner & Co., onFort street.

MRS. B. C. GOOD, : Fort Street95-l-m

Co-Prtners- hip, Notice.


1st day of April, 1890, the un-dersigned sold to C. Alee all his interest inthe firm of Chulan & Co.

WONG KWAI.Honolulu. April 15, 1890. 1319-l- m 91-l- w

Firewood For Sale,

CUT AND SPLIT FOR STOVE USE,per cord, at the

HAWN. COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS,40-- tf Cor. Queen and Nunanu Sts.

NOTICJE.AVING BOUGHT OUT THE BusiH ness of J . N. S. Williams and R. More

Co., and imported the heavy machinerynecessary in order that we may be able todo all classes of work in our line, we arenow prepared to carry on a business asEngineers and Iron Founders, manufac-turing Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Ma-chinery, Steam Engines, etc., etc. Wemake a specialty of manufacturing Diffu-sion Machinery in all its branches, andguarantee all work to be done on the short-est possible notice.

Special attention will be paid to,cityorders for making or repairing Machinery,and the work done at reasonable rates.

We trust that by a close attention in ex-ecuting our orders we will soon gain ourshare in the foundry work of the Kingdom.

UNION IRON WORKS CO.,J. N. 8. Williams, Manager.

Office and Works. Esplanade, Honolulu.'1319 92-2- w

TATTM 1 nTTTVATTTVdUniVAOillJlWiJ,Of San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ


Having worked in some of the largestiano and organ factories in the Unitedtates of America, I am fully able and pre

pared to do all kinds of repair work in themost satisfactory manner.

Orders can be left at H. F. Wich- -man's Jewelry store. Fort street, at theAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele-phone No. 317. 67-l- m


Book, News and Stationery Store


Full Supply of

j Spalding's Baseball Goods, f

Including Bats, Masks, Gloves, LeagueBalls, etc. Fine new line oi

Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Indian Clubs,!

all weights; etc, "


Etc., Etc.

Sole Agent for the

Merritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthe money price 917.50. Circulars forwarded on application.



LOVE'S BAKERY.XX. 7S Sauna Ctreet.

HBS.BOBT.LOYK, - - - Proprletreu,

Erery Deaeriptloii of Plain and Fanejii

Bread and Crackers,f BI8B

Soda Crackers--AH

...rf Saloon Bread


' v.. :

CalasHl Orders Prvsaptljr.t.. ; : irsv

HP HIS PAPER 18 KEPT ON FILE1 al. K. C. Dakk'b Advkktibucg

Agency, 64 A 65 Merchant's ExchrQan Francisco, Gal., where contractacavertisiiis can oe inaae ior it.



0.00! U.w,a n 2j! l.Wi 5.J- -v .til K VI

G.' 5.84

S 5.00! 5.33 etloo: 5.32io for3 4.00; 4-- , 5.31

miin steam PlaningP " c signal from the themean noon.feDSec. past

correspond1 o'clock

S cbrcnometerssetrfven byifTA i 111." iiWJfc

V- -

i to(minueir '

2 f -- t --.b -- g P.

? B J -

;!"8iui 82 9, aw 1

5: 10, HE 1O.04j 6 h are'

7L, 74 0.3.1 90' 10; 8 1

,1T.i 82 0.43 85, 9 8 1 atu 810.01 75, 9 8toN 1 for

:6S 83 0.W w, 9sw6T 81 0.03 751 Hw 2


Arrivals.Tuesday, April 22.

Vaiythe, from Hamaktia.lif'rom Waiansie.

en from Jioioi.ai.;4 from meeuio. Hawaii,it, 17 day from ban Fran--

;hoj, St Claire, from cir--

L.from Waialua.

TAKTl'KKS.Tuesday, April 22.

Lorenzcn. for Maui andto

ale, Chaney, for Kilauea4 pm.

ie.Davies, for Maui at 5 p m.!a, Campbell, vr Kauai at

McGregor, for Molokai

Hou, Nye, for Ilamakuar t f

see, Jiacamey, ior Jvapaa

bore, Ward, for San Fran--

Wilcox, Rasch, for San

k for San Francisco.prHanalei, Kauai.


Talbot, Ithodes, for Ade- -

Hajjlaml, for Kauai at 5 pm.lifor Waimea, Kauai.

h: Maui.

PSELS IN l'OKT.WcCurley, Hilo.

Khodea. Tort Townsend., Howard, San Francisco,

irtin, Hongkong.Aoun.San Francisco.p, Hubbard, San Franciscopond, Drew, San Francisco.W. San Francisco.

Thompson, San Francisco.u,oyuergren, s F rancisco.

toge, Humboldt.F, Boston.

pELS EXPECTED.Where from. Dae.

we Liverpool Apr 15s w

BremenI - New York

New Yorkwrs.Puget Sound

I uget Soundrl'uget Sound.....Puget Sound....

ion.Newcnjtin. San Francisco. ..

nrt Elakeley...Delaware



Hawaii per stmr Kinau,V.ie Volcano: Mrs Owen.iss beach. Miss Blachlv.

ur wa ports: MrS Kimnro M!..

W " 11 ncn--ttJtni Walker 1Td3 v uunn. 1 T j

v .v t eacock, and 50 deck


Iner Kaalnl-.,- ; .from

sugar.hllaSf a arrived


P?Zvl? hhas been

SO C th rr.nl f

Af0ranFranS:.a vu essi

Proaace iiiV;, wim cargocarry several

a. "me ago I

ki-rcap- t ainTues- -

ued MB8"8M weighine

f8 sJSanranciscoy$S ygWng 1329

fl evpn; v-- lirvant nrr;jii. .... - . -

a T,.ia" , irom San

'HcTbblsflaneous cargo of

1 rlls'r S1ngles


n "MB bv tf.rvi

am of ulu.a MissA 1 iin V1m, to




Drags and MedicinesFine Chemicals,


KODAK CAMERASMist, dauguter or uapt. n. v .E- - N- - and m' Misi the eventtake place at St. Andrew's Cathe

The M. A.. Seed, and



And Kimball's Vanity Fair


dral April 29th at 1 p. m. A recep-tion will be held after the ceremony.On the following day at 7 p. m. atSt. Andrew's Cathedral, Mr. H.Renjes of the firm of F. A. Schaefer& Co. and Miss Lizzie Coney, willbe united in marriasre. The Rev.Alex. Mackintosh officiates on bothoccasions.


BEFORE BICKERTON, J.Tuesday, April 22.

Nawai et al. vs. Ahiena. Ejectment. Tried before a Hawaiianjury. Antone Rosa for plaintiffs. S.K. Kane for defendant. Still ontrial. -

AT CHAMBERS BEFORE MCOULLY, J.In re bankruptcy of Chung Kau.

Bankrupt's petition for discharge.me Court orders the bankrupt to Dedischarged from his debts.

BEFORE ; JUDD, C. J.In the matter of the widening of

Cigarettes109 Fort St.

r 143



IS,Alolraa ofrnn Annnnl Af Q fY Allan!

vCIGiES,. :

uuaca oucoii, auucai ui urand others from award and decisionof commissioners. W.Foster for petitioners, the Attorney-Gener- al andW. A. Whiting for commissioners.Argued and decision reserved.

- People who lav themselves liablein ; rri.nZJZlVy WaV8 " ' W--wnijjiaiu uuuut 113 UIMICKS: f

: Clergymen may ' not amount" tomuch as carpenters, but they "make:i .is that

earned me uest joiners in the world.

0 v:.A

Page 4: t .AGENTS, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39348/1/... · 2015-06-02 · Australian Mail Service---v ... IMPORTERS, Shipping


JfttD Slbbertisemcitia.(5fnroi Dertiscmcnts.

John Ena, Vice-Preside- nt.E. K. Hesdky, President and Manager.Godfbey Bkowk, Secretary & Treasurer. Cecil Bbow Auditor.- - SODACRYSTAL WOEESHAWMIAN HARDWARE CO IfM. 4 KING STREET.JOHN GRACE, Proprietor.(LIMITED).

Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Greneral

I ;.The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the iJawa ian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of






the Great Engineer Delayed a Buildingto Allow the Birds a Chance.

Mr. Corliss, the great engineer, notvery long before his death had occa-sion to build an addition to his man-ufactorya big "L" for additional ma-chinery. To prepare the foundationfor this it was necessary to removea ledge of rock by blasting. The mento do the work on the addition hadbeen employed and nut on the payroll; the materials had been pur-chased and brought to the building,and the work of blasting had begun.The next morning Mr. Corliss passedby the place where work was proceed-ing, when the foreman in charge,knowing his interest in pretty things,called him.

"See here, Mr. Corliss," said he,here is a bird's nest that we've found,

and that's got to go."He showed the manufacturer a

robin sitting upon a nest that hadbeen built fast and snug in the cre-vice of the rock, among some bushesthat grew there. The bird flew off hernest as the men came near, and show-ed five blue eggs that looked as if theyhad just been laid.

"Can we move that nest somewhereelse?" asked the tocjer hearted Mr.Corliss.

Genuine Havilasd China, plain and decorated; Wedgewoodware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

Chandeliers and Eleetoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ; Burnham, Parry Williams & Co.,

nr k rn iminxT nimni tun an mini , Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style. Soda,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.

The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes.


HOSE : ;. Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

ALL AREATED WATERS GUARANTEED PURE.For Plantation Purposes,Agate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,

Powder. Shot a.nd flans Th nolbVirotorl Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges.A number of which have recently beenAGENTS FOR: Mutual 330---TELEPflONES---

Bell 298.received at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars of

New Process " Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paints, -

same. ISLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.Hartman's Steel-wir-e Fence and Steel wire Mats,Wm G Fisher'sI Uli 111 1296-l- y

"I'm afraid not, sir. We'd tear itto pieces getting it out, and it isn't atall likely that you could get the birdto go sitting again anywhere else.We ve got to go on, so we may aswell rip it out and throw the essaway."

"No," said Mr. Corliss. "We wontdisturb her. Let hec bring her broodout right there."

"But we'll have to stop work on thebuilding 1"

"Let us stop it, then."And so orders were given that oper

ations on the addition should be sus

. Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks

The superiority of these Locomotives100-l- y over all other makes is not only known

here but is acknowledged throughout thefor Pipe and Bolt Threading.united states.


WM. G. IEWIN & Cu.,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

21 1307

pended, lney were suspended, andV,.l 1 xrii , . . I . . ' , any aim aiJ K1I1U8 VI wontPedigrees of all. Horses Kept.ua,iU8 LUUU SUU) arawmg tneir appertaining 10 contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade inpay for doing, nothing, or next to the same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed mv shoonothing while the robin sat on her expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-nes- twith an air of great consequence "J8 to tue building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to do THE RISDCW 131 Days 'from Jaim zeaious auention to business, and e b.am? afc er7 ow rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doin well.her food brought by her mate, and at Iron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,Thanking the public for past favors,

I remain respectfully yours,- GEO. W." LINCOLN.65 BREEDING DEPABTMENT SALE DEPAETJUENT. LARGE CAEGcSan Francisco ..California

W. XI. .PrAaMonl The followingE. O. HA IX Si SON. L'( L FlUP Animals will c(onr)s. o. aiuuKB Superintendent FOR SALE:Stallions of "Various Breeds.

Mares with or without Foalfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae:Well-Tre- d Stallion "TVT A t?tvBuilders of Steam MaehiDery mew (JHorses for any PurposeNorman Stallion


iasi uatcnea ner brood. And thenthere were three weeks more to go by,at the least, before the young onesrould fly. Corliss visited the nestfrequently, not with any uneasinessor impatience to have the robin andthe young ones out of the way, butwith a genuine interest in theirgrowth. The-ol- d birds had all thetime they wanted: and when at last

, they had sternly helped the clumsy,reluctant youngsters over the edge ofthe nest, orders were given to resumethe building operations. BostonTranscript

The Fiddlers of Cumberland Island.A Cumberland correspondent thus

r.eAS5nbes tho fiddIers of that island:After fishing my attention was at-

tracted by an army of fiddlers in thendA Ph such fuimy little folks arethe fiddlers 1 Thev are a npnoenhU

In all its branches.Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers. Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT."mgn .treasure or Compound.STEAM VESSELS Of all kinds built conmlt


is employed on the Ranch.Satisfaction is cniaranteeri in Rrn trine

. Two Native Stallionshull. i Jk M ..wu uuu v www, iron or composite.ORDINABY ENGINES compounded wh .. --a. ana FRANK."' vlsable.

A. W"ell-Vre- cl fn i- - --r nTr t-- .: XT 'STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- - ---- .jr mj J,JC..buuvvvu wivu niioreuce to me trade in whichubj(

o oe empioyea. speed, tonnage andarm 1 n utttu . n o . . . .

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mate, Kettles,R. ISE2STJBJb:ilQ.oujju axaKing Machine Jmade after the most approved plans. Also, a 1

Sauce Pans, Fiytxai4-i-y 2-6- m

""""""WATEB PIPE, of Boiler 01 Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on the


Fence TnSliiper Mb

too, and in all the droves and drovesthat I saw marching about on the sandby. the inlet I saw only two who weredisorderly. They fought a little, butnot for long, and the defeated fellowcrawled into his hole, and the armymoved on. A fiddler looks like a verysmall crab. Some are blue, others redand brown, and there are hWlr nnn


HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulie riveting machinery, that quality ofwork belnff far superior to band work.SHIP WORH., Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madrafter the most approved plans:

fL8,6? d, '""no'acturers for the PucifitHeine Safety Boiler.JF8160 Actln Pomps for irrigation

Sl Pur.PO?e. built with the celebrated

Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURESCOMPRISING :


gray. Some have no claws and othershaJe a great white claw like a crab,which they seem to keep time with.They are the drum majors. A fiddlernever turns to run. They run back-ward, to the front and sideways with-out moving their bodies. They have

White Lead, Redid,Boiled Linseed 03,

Castor Oil, Beltins,

Coal Tar, Water Tana

Fire Brick, Alum,

Red Ocbre, Fire Clay,

Bags, Twine, -

Filter Cloth,

PHOTOGRAPHX7RES, ARTOTYPESOMOGRAHs: CHROWSpump oon, aupegor to any other

JOHN DrEB........rr...........Hnolulu-- 13m Room No. 8. upstairs. Bpreckels' Bloc!

Etc., Etc.

Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE--6 Threadto 9 inch; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEEL ROPE, all sizes; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff. Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin, Hambroline, Housline,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLOCKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles;SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed;

A Large Assortment ot

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, ..Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Raw Oil, Woolsey's A Tarr & Wonsor?s Copper Paint, GalvanizedJulHStW11' a11 sizes Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALbUkAlHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentJtS Lines- - COTTON and FLAX CANVAS. Nos.O to 10, Boatbail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at


FMERPREssEs. Picture Mouldings1UMD uviesau over me sand that reachto well, I don't know, for I got astick and dug and dug until I wastired, and I never did find the bottomThey have a curious little way ofmaking a noise like smacking the lips,and it sounds sometimes as though alot of folks were kissing. SavanahNews. . -

O . . .w n a. . .Soap, Groceries,

Boots and SLoes,Hawaii. March . 1888. 1

Blsdon Iron and Locomotive Workn. at the very Lowest Prices.oisco. v

Oentlemen Waoumoerra PIltr Prethfa

Perfumery, Flags, j

Rope ErnslitfJCroqnet&K



!MC?T!nIent' eMl,y bundled and are workingentirely our eatiifaction. I can recommend

OldKctures Renovated and Made Look Like New at Very Small Cost

andnfoM CORNICES in Ash Ebonyproportionately low Um at

Ready-mad- e Fmf'sTV"

uu improvement on them. ,

Wild Bull and Bustle.A wild bull broke loose from an in-

cisure at the corner of Mission andThirty-firs- t streets. The infuriatedmal rushed toward Mission street, andnearTwenty-eight- h encountered Ricar-d-o

Perini. whom ho tnssAH fmm

15. O. HLAXJL & SOoSTS,Corner of Fort and King Streets.

very respectf ally yours.(signed) A. Moobs,

Uanager Paanhan Flantati on57-2- m

of Plush, Natural wood. Bronze, EicTEtc. V D hand i varietyHexia, Sept. 28, 1889,

Agent Bisdon Iron Works, Bridles, Felts, WhiMb. Johjt Dteb.--K. --AlcdLiityre Wall Brackets, Book Shelves, Baals, Hat Racks, Boquet Stands, lEnws. Etc.0. ' Honolulu.Deab Sib: piua iMn . o

horns as if the unfortunate man werea feather. Perini in his fall had tworibs broken.

The bull proceeded a little further,and attacked Pusette Antonio, whomhe hurled into the air. Pusetti fell

eraIM.ru KTHKfc. AND IKAI..UM xy Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurfae,same as the one supplied ub IasI aAa.nn

Blankets, Sheeting,

Dry Goods, MerinoB.

Shawls, Handkerchief,

Victoria Lawns,Goods . Purees Pokt h T ni:"K"m.' W8. Toilet Miirore. Leatheretc., etc. iH.?j?S ple"e h" Kven us entireTours truly,

GEO. R. EWART,Manager fleeia Agricultural Co.

A Complete Stock of Artw ivrvGroceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Mosquito Netting, IgLaces, Ribbons, Hats,jVelvets, Embroidered

; These Preuet are mii ( kI... forxhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of 114 ft--, and presents a filtering surfacesquare feet. . A limited number in stock i


neayiiy on his face and had his nosebadly bruised. He spit blood for sometune, but was able to walk home. Thewild beast then, attacked a womanwhose name The Examiner reportercould not learn, and lodged his hornsviciously in her bustle, lifting thefrightened young lady from theground. Owing to the weight of herbody the bustle gave way. and its own

vHawaiian Scenes in Water and OU Colors in Great Variety.


S'otJSSt, S! 1 is prepared at

New UomXs received by every pacset from the K-si- ern Htatesand Europe resh Californiapro iace by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and tiool delivered to any nart of theTelethon Nrtbae l8lan order ,i:s.citd- - tlsfaction naranteed. Postoffice Box

'' '' . An1? w. mau oKeicnes suitable for mailingFlannel,

Basket Trunks,in IfamDers,

uvuw ana are som at very low pnees.Blsd on Iron & Loco. Works.

- , Ban Francisco.lSr Particulars enquire ofJOHN DYEB. .........HonolulBoom No. 3 Spreckels' Block:234 W: O.IRWIN ft Co., Agent

er ieu, more scared than hurt. Grand Clearance Sale!Ihe animal with the feminine flagno&tinff from his horns rmfim,

Clothing, fcj


A Fine Assortment,"

his mad career, but was finally las-soed. San Francisco Examiner.

Low Water In Boilers.A boiler may be inspected today andfound to be safe under a working

SOMETHING NEW.Gents New Silk Umbrella cost $4 75 $2 50.Ladies' Umbrella cost $5 $2.50.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each. "

Children's Colored Parasols $1.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

each side 30c. a pair.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

Pacific Hardware Co.We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,a fine selection of New Goods,

comprising, one -? elegant .

aawu CtUt 4UXs9 IJCLll

(LIMITED.)JfiSfSiSfiSSBS. a?lirLisle stockings Hand-paint-ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, fine and very cheap.Ladies' Balbriggan Under Vests, 50c. ea.' Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel; all wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

and short. 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Flannel. 8 yds. $1.Pink Marsalles, 10 K. UK. 12.Honeycomb, 10. 11, 12, asstd .cheap.Black all wool Merinos, 50 to fcOc. yard.

All Colored ofWorsted low

Underwear, Bracw,

Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,

Embroidery. Cw

Table Napkins,

Table Cloths,Water-proo- f Co&t i

Artificial Flowers. 1

Dust Cloaks,

Pajama Suits,

Window Curtain by yard and nair blnw

r.v.ooc Vt iw, ana oe weakened to-night by low water so as to be danger-ous to-morr- with fifty poundspressure. Yet it may explode amonth hence with sixty pounds pres-sure and plenty of water, but thecause is as certainly low water as ifit had exploded when the water waslow. There is but one sure remedyand it is a simple one. Put on a realsafeguard, something simple, whichhas been tried, and proven to betrustworthy. Age of Steel.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and rtattema rf

Concord lamp Attachments!Kerosene Oil Sfovo l.,v. u j

ajiavA. opaiiisu liitve, vara.90 in. Mosq. Netting 10 vds. at $1 50 n SUk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te Cups

. - and Saucers. A fine lot ofpiece. - ,

Best White Cotton 16 yds. 1. :90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a vard.

cost.Gents' & Boys' Colored Shirts 3 5c.to 50c.each. -

Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Woolen Shawls $2.50, $3. -Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to S5.Large assort. Embry. Silk Hdfs. $1 to$1 2o.Large asst. Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. andcolored border 50c. to 75c.Chin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLadies Kid Gloves (white) 75c.Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds, cheap.Ladies' Col. & White Lin. HandkerchiefsAll kinds Ostrich Feathers 75c. toll.All kinds Ostrich Tips 50c. to 75c. ' iAll kinds Embry. Laces sale below cost.Chinese Pajamas Suits S3 50 a suit. .

mown Uotton 16 yds. fl. Dinner Sets,MANILA CIGARS, 100 IN A BOX

A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.i? ast Colored of few Prints 16 up to 18

yds. $1. Tea Sets,New Good Desert Sets,sFancyJUST RECEIVED.

on nasonmeni or new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesCOSTUMES"11 ?electiotl of JA 1'ANESE

Civilities Between Dear Friends.Miss Garlingrhouse, dining with herfriend (sweetly)-W- hat perfectly love-ly coffee you make. Clara! I don'tthink I ever tasted thatany was justjust exactly like it, you know.Miss Kajones (still more sweetly) Ialways use genuine coffee. So glad

you like it, ' Irene, dear! ChicagoTribune.

Jali earlv and

Brown Linen 6 yds. $1.White Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.20 in. Grey and White Flannel 25c.a yard.Chinese i'ongee Silk (yellow and blue)

$5 a piece.60 m. wide White Figure Linen Table

Cloth 50c. a yard. ? -2x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

?2 a piece.' 1x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

75c. a piece.. lKxlK Garnet Figure Linen Table Cloth$1 50 apiece.

Fine Colored Satin at 50c. a vard.

Invoice of Crockery and Classwarc Jiisttoflandassortnientof New Goods.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Gents' Snits, Coats & Pants below cost.Gents' White Suits. Coats & Pants S2 50

Also Iaree assort. Diaponul: Rin RarANo. 22 Nuuanu Street.Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc. , '

Colored Mosonito "Npftino- - . w


WARE, Etc. v-'-.

155-l- y.

Umbrella Stands,

Decanters,Salad Bowls,

Mush Sets,

Flower Pots,

Filters, :.lEtc., Etc.,

Oh one occasion a lady called andpresented a check which she wishedcashed. As she was a perfect strangerto the paying teller, he said, vow

Big ii has given unlveinml satisfaction In' the :

oireof Goaorrbtea and

Fine Colored Satin at 75c. a yard.Fine Garnet Velveteen at 50c. a yard.Gents' Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.Boys' Unlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece.Genes' Socks embry. each side 20c. a pair.Grey and Merino Socks 25c. a nair.

Additions to our regnlar lines by latearrivals;Cthtt. I prescribe it and

Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all lindscolor. :f ;r .Inching in Black and white below cost.3 for ,yards 25c. v- - - r.,,,. - -

- Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fisher'sblack and cream. -.Large assort. Satin Kibbons (all colors).GentsVPlain&Embrv. Woolen Shirts:Ladies' Chemise Night Gown & Dra.Large assort. Crockery, Etc, Etc., Etc,

Z. ffifiiarjbxtte slue,u recoinmena- -Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece. ieitwi & n w au saneren.CbaeioGents 'India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.

Gents' Balbriggan Undershirt 75c. piece.

politely: f 'Madam, you will have tobring some one to introduce you bfUfore we can cash this check. " Draw-ing herself r uplquite haughtily, shesaid, freezingly: "But I.do not wishto - kno w yon sir !" Ric2unond . Dis-patch. . - '

is Skies, Dandy Brosbs,, flos.JL.Q Oeeitar.HLrlannel Shirt and DrawersGents' Cotton$1 a suit.- - -


Wholesale Agents.& Co., Wholesale Agents, 61-12ie- iy

