if ^ '% f£0 m - nys historic papers‚¬?lt the massena presspjfl £#** * 'v;^l£...

-t€? lt THE MASSENA P R E S S P J f l £#** * 'v ; ^l£ r faM"Bel|tS^ tfe beautifal .;-, •"" Pexsua"^6 att r y?oTjr.frie^J@^a%cfe^4Tis and vou will ^se^sis^ •«<SS8 JPs BN' ^SlULDADS. BOMBAY—310 acres, near iJHo£ftBS> burg. Excellea location. flay learn, soil. Over one half tillable? Well drained. Watered by river, tijifccffi h^u§e. New barn, with stanchions;for :6jjiead. Several other good buildi^sr bhg&mery and school nearby. P'rici $fpbo. $a,500 down, balance easy; '" J.. H. Motear, Gouverneur, If. T. F^-,|^p t rBajldin ! g lot, size 65?14« ' fi^t,",qn corner oi I<ast O p i s and' G^ra&Lslreeia.' Inquir-e A T .' Katzman,"' g(j^gri|u^^ X ' ' \ l.&i • F^J^iF^-pmy fUTKfeh'ex" rooms t if6f i gejLtleBj^nj|i'.6.0 to $2 00 oer wtsek F$st" eia^ , .fee\4fturaat x .im cjauectirn. Iaquiret of' W-, •& -Case, Tea Hatfield, \f ^3!||hHg , utij.tsliqd rooms with bath 1 for VJight' housekeeping. Addfees's Mrs. Arthur Jesmer, Massena, N. Y. ??::c? SlftS s&m "•$•<•: W 9 **? m ps&a ¥^&SM^^Sii&^- 1 &L %.F. PEKING, D. T. M. r \ Veterinarian. " ,.n. : n u'ETui'jfi i r '•' <~ 5g@isi? ^IJPil^ifef: ^- CK XJ».e hoihe' 3 o'ctp^lPlfeE- Payment .$g$ggg on the siar«C^ .a fine of* Usag^aa there will^fli |SwWb Sate? «»fef-.a- >»- •9^ >! drivers am'jftj^ "'If .Jtermrsays- {hat ff%|est?"%nles>5 church ijfflp^ meeting; ,"'te^ m eveh'jHg;- ? K ; 1 | ad'drfess" i i f e M i a 3ecforWor \ Seyen bting at in the P/ae^ 'the- bunidn#^J others' m&mM a. w. B«-W ptfflar'mSjit'm/ !|t|-$i?io>s"iiiis aiM-'^inV' Will ^ ' . o K ' . t h e svib- ged with gan^-J Mj$ } I'rank V&il ® p i e s -lasT wfeek IfsJ^O - -leaders '^of ^ach a^di tihe ti^e'. : ' •"' - j||lui addition to . raT . and Coze^a's^fffif/^M 3 - " A " cttttc^ts founlatior^W^lfa-and'-work^as' ^hd^Ltnt4l^l 'all-'day, "but ^ ^ the weafi:e^" , ^4 < cSH -brln.g"hasp|^ husk.in§ s- tM®|pM' b'-la^TE ? : W|p I'-oiflria^^lplf ! probfir; |e|-r|W[e%l gcofieout mmmw aA'fctslptlaa' in the^pf^llp|^if.pPf Durehaseff'of : m « ^ wf Cjffii ft**^**^^^***^*,*** i K*-^ '^^Ift^V ,. ^.. §el#by_©.-B. Amo & Co [ay,Oct E lGtl For further particulars consuittocat ticket agent. '-•_ .'*,"--•" %<%^ -$m; & WWW "' Promptness In ,:-Ql^„,,i|pDB ••.-mm '.**. o^'tafeel loiiger^ to}, i p l ihaji "^ib#rs,^ '^£f ^@jB*|^ 0 l)e^^^ea r ^rt^ : ..' - m;'fc sldrtefet time jiM|0^ ; ^^|#;j' %e • ... ;^|ttevje,; p^&$ MJ OTp^'-itoi'e ^ prepares ^..j^c^.-. : /vv'"-"...•;- •{."!«'/.-". .'.'' \ ' .' , '. ' ' ,-.'{|Ss; mpi&cfii^^e , Se^viee eoigMaad . - .^ wi|^|B|;;a|^^p^«^W #i^ '^i%s 'we' ' •' mpx^ ( ^'r^^^'*p^^^.tiflps flilld'lieje " 'iT!<*>_' : jtT.'---i!i-'-*i-.'5'*'"-T-»?* • ; . i ' •" ' - t i ' * .t * I «•• on #j^alt. ',@^q1ni^ ^I3^ : ffi^life ^ ^ ,x,:. '^&r*:-:> sena, ^.-Y.t B—am i n ill ljuijjMBMMmiafliBBwnnw'ivnmmmmuaimanabUKUiimat n ,1b- their fr|eKd^ in-Lacona, N Y,, recently. ^ ., ^ a%d-'^t iS- ¥* >Klwood and JSO* 1 •mo|e}d toJ^r^"^B^,^|f,-ek. - C. G. %«-' arr| is TBoylng" into i%e" house he #ix$-' ,<i|iaej of. Ms;. - Ei,w«gjt" I ''»*.' "•fge'hd«se oeeupled by Dr. • C, I, " Dsdge,, .i|^9li|e_'^§,Liesidefiee, b^nj ndw^wai'^it"ff , i-ts J o¥ner and as tfe/fe wjEt^sp'.^ft3>|s"|.lace i^i,town for : 'th,e J - , - i --' —^'iil wife "to reside,, t&ef ] f e|iJ^^6|W'St" : iionl6 ; 6f moved to" CHerifleJd, N. X,''iwo»w^&|iofUi#i&|6jito^TueS^i&toi£^^y la§q; fielf #sparture w,as universal- J t|keir -d£^y^^v <> s 5!trs/'V|c^'^»^t f "td iy regretted. ; ' ^s|M; SJ '5#o" w-a^Cpin^"'% 'i"'Vjsa;- An examination for" the office of Thff CT^ailig"was tytkt ma&|ng fatfey postmaster for Crary Mills will be'beW articles' fof Jibe' J^fj^gjat' t^t^fetaa In (he village of-feat.on Saturday, Gc» IbiizaaT itin'^fr-'-^MTO "'"rr•~-'- Vi - Ie -T-- I '' l^tter.^were'ten'-oFtft youuf v la,die&J I •dilf MILLS Mr. ana Mrs. aiEelyiu. Zufell visited ... ofihe, ^^'..oa^Mrs.-' 1 [ day ^elrnWf^Wgt^BTfc''Jtfo|«y/J Will take .#©1 | ^ ^ M l ^ ' ^ ^ W d ' will ta,lce H f t - S ^ ^ ^ X ' ^ ° ™ , &6 ^ _ honie of ! ^«|W||war^'-af2; ^.. r i% #fte:totg:.|#|m«i|§sf fcy 5»!« f ' =-• been chatfie'tf'trfjtf ; #|oS|f.''t| : ' ; to '%e 'Mrs. Walter Kellogg, Mrs. John M. Kellogg, M-rs. 'WSlitaHi Cornell and £VT) : ss Agnes Matthews of Ogdenstivirgi 3*iss fkrfler, iMiss Franc -Fuller, or ^tdriwodtl, and Mrs, Da.vid Hough of Rochester, were in town Thursday as thejg^iests of Mi*s. Julia O. Hyde and Miss 'Church. . 'Mrs. Blla Cooto of S-yracuse, was in town last week for a few davV visit vilh her cousin,Mrs. Violer Adam.:. •or. East Orvis street. M-EB. John Mefiann and baby visited her mother, Mrs.. M'. Martin at Chase' •#$||3, di|i>iag tb.e past week. HMiss'Eaura StorrB s-peat Friday w< : th 'te&ds- in^OgdensBurg. % & .Fliherty aatd Henry P Clark, who went Ao the Pacific coabt a few Veeks ago OE the lbaa.kera' excursion, *&tuj3Jed 'home Monday of Inst week. '•ag^f. atteiirlea the PiinaHia^aejac &±- posftjo'ii and reporjt a most deligiit6.il trV ri V life-.' and Mrs. W. H. Cubley, Mrs. [Mlaerva Cubley, Miss Clara McCoy, ^rs, "Mliiam <J. Schmsickev'and Mrs. ,After4~$3bittak.eF jhava been ifi' Syra- ^miiu ws change ifffffifc. a^ijaisticfil^ s^Bom^^an-yewlp*; - ^ • tobfer 25; ••"* "Mf. .aiid.^lrs E, 0. Eoj^,retufn^.f. Tueada> ficonxVa three weeds'- stagr 1^.' 0i' feJ|3ey ''coMlige,;" located" a||Jf three and yR&fojfit milesf above S|&l. I "£," Lamson,'"' in "cojapany with, WTMeslrs.'jH'arr^ ami I^obdeii of Pi^icf M. ipont/are in canip. l <_ *'[ ' B. {J. IMS^M |ftrc|igse| a, ftveWi^. senger Met^ear of l^&'Holcom'hSiS wegk, ' ' - * - ^ Cueiea Qizer is tfte m&$r. of a Ww.' |^ i Paige' car, ) jMr. antd Mrs. E. My J J ^ i r t o f e W ^Kesi; a^rrfeppit speat- Siffiday § i & ;" "'Magon yagg^. J 'los7t a Vjaldable b i r s e : •last %eefc" r Mf/, : V''att|li, % § . 'beef tcr 4 ifeimwi&---ilflad i iol:-gopi}s>for 4* ,1 ^ Blwood and .on the retramjiteip "^ie4- ^day aft^noSn the.horse.was tak^ffl ithe^aeir side, of Potsaam' and ;dldf F ^ft j#hi. • ^ t : •' -;-' ''F./H. 'Eree-raaii-of Brooklyn spe,nt a,' 3lew^da5«s,te1o'^4^st^w'eek witK^is, .'faftber, S^. Q. "F^S^aip".. Mr. Freejpaji F-il' tb!4 -cMef eii^ftee¥;«£ q, seotiol''i>Jf hfifr gjfnRet he^ng eoasteu^ed- unde|' $fte fon "^tijtr^' ! ' ev^Bingi r, ^ I p ^s;-^^g|^^ ^3jpfi?ediS|g-^of-a^r^joy , . - 7" ^(R'evy^.*'M.''CiehT'-was*in 'Heuve^ton' lagt-*w^k^ itv/%tt,endance at the_&ia4t : 'anituaF'Mfeejyns^f.'the St. Iiawrinee Pr%'sBy4erf. "' V. -V. !V. -V. Ai5i*y..V. At At 2&JJLiS£jUU£. "&2& ^^J^^£^QJ 7 M gi# .or. little fo^n&Iirko^^ •$..>v#teto'lidSb. W-e ean supply you wit|t anytlimg M pure dfugi., "^fa.tiqne^ qp^s?' ft'^ Qi^l&.-apd^tobaeeo, eanieras* and"Supplies,- school supplies, toath towels, wash elotlis, "^ ^^^r^0^-^^-M^ fefe~ st£)el ? foejtjg; eto., at Ihe Ee.dTr.ont "Drag;^6res, -. i-. ,oh <ff, WEODTwai 'aktT$Mj££^o00. ,T^ie bpt- : tleg, w,ere -pr.omSgy s ta^g^j^d"tbe lie. -^tje'«rf the aija^'er^lo^lfail t cg^rJiSJtog tfe.goM^M^tof jtr^c' 1 r£ M^s>|aa .aii€ %ffiB|fit?.^S^ty'-ifrN ^oat^-*--^ a3a - "" "to ten days iri tlte, *fojaght 'hefare taapc^-^aagr-l: §ha5e jSjsf wieek'-w&a't^Sl^^Ki ^gi^gS$ ine fhat 1 ©ndls^ m&^lscaghjlia^ •dM. ^e.5f|M^5Ci^#^'waf, that B # M # ^ # & - l ® , S * i c b Ke '»^: .it>%'3||tfe|;®M%it" buf," 1 «ft ^ : ? ^ : . ^ « » % ftot a law.-wtocb. w ^ % S t en^,«af a year to A man wto wMiin-iu«:ajdttiab animal lb W^^MSOT^fS a dang^ousnel^b^^llfi.*' . •make it necess^ry^Mtlei.gDiBMalaors (.'. HicfeljHg. *vho eame to pa recently 'from Dover,"Ohio, has purchased a house and lot in Winter street of 0.' P. Benson, and will bring his family here as soon as Jlie' house is vacated. ^th& ymm U» *^e Clark Uwiding over' D. Agresta's 'fruit store, are b<j- ,iag painted and papered and will be i&cupiej .by Archie Crary, who will ifioye' his barber shop from the St. James building.. PERSONAL ouse during the pjasi' weelfSor a -Ssys, having made; the .trip fa Mr. Cub oar. ,«Bss Harriet Kanffm&n left Sunday of last week for Syracuse, where she :| has, entered the university. Her -moth'- ^aeeaaipaaied her, jjemainiag a few 1. xl^. and Mrs. Thomas Van Fleet, of EtmgMieepsie, were in town during the -j?.qst si^eek, as the guests of their un^ '41ey -Efifwia W. Kinney and- wife and other' friends. Mlrs. Van Flee^ , : s a their isit here iakwelve years., 'Mis. iQ>. 9. Beasoa left\Moaday for Potsdam and on Tuesday welit on tbJe fey ^r<»k exea-rsioov Bd&g fsom he're •tc -her aid home in Fredericksburg, '£&, sate -the* w&ojte £fi^M$f^Mf^ a|J il8#.' !Ehi8 oughl. i ^ ^ ^ y l i e c . e ^ a ^ y a.s,4he Job is Oftlys#. w l i i O t t i -nad visit fiei- s&ns, & A. 'Bensoa aad faai^ly sA Simira, and Roswell'Benson and fam- I'ily' a* WiiertoWn:' " ' " &>aa ^dster/'of Potsdam, was the guest-of'fiis orotfcer-in-law.'tW. ff.lVSl- ,pe .pjii tbje |«oa ajid f€HHily a* "the Springs and oth- er Meads ih town during'the pas't week, r ' " - ' MS-a. Hay I^ewis, of l*yons Falls, N y., has been spending a few days in towa the guest of her patents, 'Mr: and Mrs.* £-B. 2eBr, on Main street ,' 'Mrs. Mi. A:., caatteaden and 'Miss flu- .gEoiia" Seed saaSt TOars#9.y w«h -ttteir #.s^r,'-1!!fe Maud fteed ia ^Rotsdaai. -IPs; iffiiai'©Ittke^ and daagbter, l^fe^aJaf-Staeey, ateo little graad-' ^Satfgatorjitiith-Bla&ely, spent Thurs- day With friends ia Cornwall. • ' •»Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Season aad Mr. .3fc<3hl$!& , s;-Ed; WrighV of -tt&r.wood, ! ws?e ta town Friday calling on oMj friends.-' -.. ' * -, ' ' '-SSe &M Mrs. Oavid Carbiao a^d~lit- tle""daughter Bessie wetft to Lifaen- i*iirg,"' ®&t., oa Wednesday and oa Thursday they attended' the fair a* S&swjngton, <Jat. Osrbekaiown to Mr. aad Mrs. Car$£ao, the 'i^ttet^- auai, Jiji^e. Edna- Mnla55san> iente#ed the baby ifijths. x#bfest *ija tae tisall ifiat >tfaej i^tie ,oue aton firstipsize for lieing the 4 most perfect ba-by, physieaBy, ^Itered- =^i 46« ^oates'i.'' TThe" pjifee 'was dn&\ Miss Jule Spencer, of Ottawa aad) ! Mates P^rrie Murphy, ,of ; ' Mtelioetie, jO^.;'iirfi gaests o* B. Wi A'laen^and^ fa;ajily toj- .a ieSv days. . ' " ' Mi®. M- M, Rurrswes, who has been spending sonie tinse with her daugh- ^ri Mies,. Roy W. AMen, left this mdra- . ^ g fbe &er 'home in Canton, and will 1 ] go- to "Hew York tomorrow oa ihe e^-' jCu^ssgp, going fEom there to Jackson* v^llej' JFla., where Mr. Murrowes t&s been located for' the past year. * A large number of Massena people leftithis,moj;aing fox New York on the excursion. Afaolig'those 'who went as far as could "be Teamed at^this time, were: Mrs. D. Warlmsley, Mrs. Geo. Coarfas and dau^hte.r Lena, (Mrs. Em- ma. Elliott, Mrs. B. C. Dewey; % s . A. A. Fulton, Miss Margaret Gunhing, Mr. aid MrsI F. L. Roth and fajnlly, Mrs. Elizabeth HODSOJJ, -Fred M. ftopsoa, j^ornfan h. flopson, Carl Thomas, Mr. aad Mrs. James Lahey, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Eikjns, Miss Jennie Raymond, Miss ,f5S# itfee. ^#si«?'.', lage that there ,coul|j6|Jil,r^|S.tipp u ^me,ija ss»|tiog aa#lt;P3pes|:iBto ^he ,$m&s. of. .the Q o n k # M ^ a l , t t e yil- •lage board. \ ^ yi'^ /,- >] \ # flte open *ar $tiS$0$feim£- vvi Mi husin«ss oa -^l^r^^f - aigbt dt midaight aad 'Friday**^^g.saw aH, ihe= .shades raised. ^ | j ^ % ' S M d th^t,' basinesia was goedfl^l^ih^lfe&t^w .hours. -Maay a r g ^ | ^ l i f c t | a t the. cpaditianB .will i a ^ ^ a ^ p t e r Stan they were before, Jt^^^i^-^J'-Nor- .folk just ov6r«%e(^Sl^^ty;thr,e i e. minajtes' dMY^-^oSf ,MWs'^&,,, ; v fjthaj;. <aiay Jbe-true -w |t^iaS?^P%n|y the "'"*" '-""-'-""" - *, tl iai leaded J>i\ streets-^'|he^Iffa|6#*S w .. if i*eBe^sg^|^al#iff%v*?i^M; '" 'saajEe-, w - ' h e l d c i l H . - ^ : ^ most pessimisMe/iJio6fe m*. * * * . I',ou will' fin<l' tlaat the folks hereabouts wlm.*'fea® _., Z. >*!*>;,*•%. .. .z - s H x • - -. Tir^-% •/ Pi.ano vakie^ mix are shrewd l)uyers are y g.et,tl^.»ese piados f-F0m«s."If thev are wise bnVers they v te5&pl0 * Wmm 2J-W llli^'l^ jl\ f .. v . .&-..-. Canton.—^As Jxto Scott was work- ing, Hear' his ice hQuee oa'the tonk of the river Wed>esfey aiqlsa&g.iie-'was siiot in the abdomen with a Juliet from a .22-ealjher rifle- in the hands of -diaries Dwight, a IT-yaar-old-boy, who, with Ife t rold--'sSi!aett aad;Leb Sev- erance, was oa' the opiposi!te side of •rji* riy>ejE..Aitter.§QOtt was straek,' some jQf the men <with .lpn aalied to the bays ao.t-.to, .sho.oj-again, bat a secpnd baiiet <3ajae aaijiag'over their heads. Mr. Seott want .to the efSse, of Dr. A h. Ladd, w t e e the b,u^Ileti was re- aioved, ajid, wtoie. he ia ip. .coisider^ -ajrfe paiaj he. is.aal^ to be oat. Dwight was arrestefi aad admitted the shoot- Jag, button*.the avideneSiit appeared tSat Dwisht wa^.only.grossly «areie5,s i i the use of the jgua. Justice .of the P<ea<:e l^eoa .0. eja.ry ; ; befoEe waoni the boy was ;fero»ga,t, e^Ktp!8}led kj : m to gjy-e up hie.aaattegiic.ensa aad to dis- ^Plise of jSie rjfia v aj.d -tea other, guns. U.e suspended, s^entencj?,^pB;_ him uader tit© -oarevof 0$ groi(atioa~ officer. Bgragbt Jias -beoa ©ut of school -for a ygar,, %$& is employed only .at night ^bout ai»oyia4'p|etteefihow.. A^lace ssiaa foan#,fQri'ltiiai kx a 'farnj.and he i-wali a.a.¥e4sWyjprk.as,a condition ofhi.s. iptaaa-Mon.^ •'(•,. ,- "• LIST OP TJ^4LJUg«|^ The following is the official nst of T-riai Jarers for the* trial term of Couaty Court, eoiamencing^ October 1-8: Sf. -G. Parker, ' 'Potsdam; Armand heater, •O^densbarg-; •* Sanfbrd * W. Hul&urt, BFaslier Falls; Clarence 3. Aastipi Fullerviije; Frank Bdwnian, DeKalb Junction; Jierry x Donavaa v Nic- holvfile-, Sari Glmstgad, Nlcijp.lv4n^; Frank Fobare, Chase, MiUs; .James *| p'eoples, , £%densiburg}-' Jo&' CarmBdy, 'Ogdfensburjg; Horace Coffins, Lisbon^ A. J. P 'arson, HaTrisville, R, .D. No.. 2; Emory Pike,; Gpuvefiieur; J- J: Sal-, Uivan,' South Coltonr Jpba Griffm;Mas-' sen a; Edward -M, 'Pitts, "Massena-;- Adelberf Jeanne,' Parishville, "R. D.'; - [•Tsomas" Hester,'Colton'; %ii&v& Cramp? Mated"; Adam Rntaerford, Ogdeas- burg; ifehry Parow, Clare; 'Ed'Win €bok, Coifen, R7l). 17 6/fey "StSw»T?f; Russell; Lbnis C.Nash, Ogdeasburg;' Mfllard Wilcox, 'Madrid^ James B. White, Brasher Falls; '^Jexaflder Bar- toa, Heuvelton; "Aibioa miltHb^ch, Fcrt JacksOn; George Evans, Gouver- neur; Charles H. Hill,'Wiest Stock- holm; Dennis J. Hurley, k ' Brasher ^Sunday with.heV ^ ' f e i k ^ ' l i a . $&vii. ^brniee Rayano^d, Miss Hazel Tracy, Llfesre^&adjhfi Sft#%^Miafejo up tferal B. A. Jones. iMiss Vblma Andrews f Mil aad Urs. BrF..'.McDonaid, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Westevelt aad* H. M. Cub- iey^ "'• • MtA. James daynqr and Mrs. John iD^vey, of Lbuisville,'visited Mrs. El- len Hodge and other friends in town #pnday.> \ WHAT #THEB PAipEES SAY OF MM. JBEATJB1CE F.OJRf ES HAILE In'.the Parkersburg West Virginia ,New.s of. May ,31, 1914, appears" this Istat^ment from an interview with MTS. : jiaile Which ought "surely to put to,res.t.,all: i fe$r,s .that the woman, suf- |.fr|gisj.i.fi a restless woma.n, deleating the" ifialogical' ends of Nature: /'Home means so' much that I would counsel' young people ,to the man's ,e_arniBgs. to. be aniple. The wife caa ^helu-'aiid sboji|d Jeip. Tkeir home .ftan the.p grow Wdadily aad he hap- %fer foFthe mutual auilpiag'* A gooa many people pay the minis- ter for advJae *that they- never follow.- Falls, Charles Campbell/Gofuverneur : R. D. 5; Frank Youmell, Brasher of VAte isied 1 ' CatHe. Fare BriBd Cattle JS'eek The Couaty 'Faajm Baireaa' is deyel-- oping, pians to us/i" the week of. Oct. 11 to 16 to •boQni.t^e ; pure faed cattle* pi this county. No scanty ia* M& sta^e ha& more rflae herds of Kolsteias knd •* Ayrshires than (Ms, and -t%"SiiernBeys apd J&tseys, .wiiie ^p^i-'ia-nuinber. arp of the bes/quality.- We want -them -mf»re widely !teown and .aispreciated, beta within and outside the c.oaaty. Mere dairymenj tfta, need < to finp^ of tht value of ahpioe siras id MifidlUS up a grade hbj?#.. , "" ,'. T . There is^no. fta^ej B3AC6 , / to,,flIaj?U8S, l:veito.ek problem^ -ftaoj j ^ a ^ ofl'the ^arma where" elyne.e s n e e ^ e ^ , o | the eau wil co-opcr^tp iyitjii ; '#| feeders and thp, brfiederj.'''|iss^c.|al|pjj§* 'in, .ar- raagipg^ftr t/'l^eac^^mlffllgl; ."^akt Tuesday, Octo?)^r. 12, w ; jEU^riy5asl|ire aay at thje farm>«tf Mi;; JS^'Bi ^^MS&ti P^ehyllle; Wte|ag|flaj anj(:-f^B|ijr, Oat. 13 and 14 wlil ihe Httls^e|a .fbya „at. the faisms of/Mr, I f e a ^ DeTuglas, Caaba, aqd Mr, '^m*$$-&s?& #aB"-. .semi; Frtiaay, 9at. l\ -jsffl. be sa-jpifit Gaerasjey ,aad fesay, dj^y a$ .fe#>^,ritt' «f-J^din .T3hpmp£oa,' i M t p g . ikt-iithis j iaeet-ing. Thbrnas fesff#js. %il^:&ws$iy 'apecimenj.pl'^sjys^. ^&$&tsX$Q&Bi) ,j|!g t wJtt b e "anQ,t!§r. ^ o i s i e i a ' J ^ :Sftt* ,uida^ Obet. 16, aj tig. igxm-.-of (Byner t&eGjcegar, pf. N.o|stj(i jjaajm;and.- '-. ^t vJ ea^h.of^*hegb-aaee)|ings.^!'fbre- n;aoii^w|il toe .d&yoi.e.d-tii;*:d£,in,Gas.tra- tibji of gpod:4aiF«y .peMs J ,4us|as.Baact- mens frem.-3hesrd f Jfpr lijasjfesi^a.'' -At eacfa.i>Jacjyn^the ajie^ao.pH.;$her;e will lie at leasiT^p ^ik^bna-oa isfectiag aiid .•breeding a i i d . i ® o& feeding' and c0ppera.i4.Via Jjpying>.f . /, •.«:,' > , T-heAost, as 8Aeh..case, w # l j p n i s h coffee,, but eacji' ia^ifly. shsfw^r fering tteir own lunch... '9riag;tJie..JEomen .-and ma.ke it a4bJg4f.J£!aic 1 -.-dayi .. >,, •» - >.-.' BRASHER ^¥X-7i- -JT •Miss Ju-Ha ,! Viee has fetaPnej'ta Mas- sena- 'after 1 spending^'sjitli^ay and G;eorge Vice,, and! %mi|y. •"'Mrs ^ Joseph "Vanier/"who "has been Falls; "Levi E. 'Burnham, Spragueville, j on fhe' sick' list 1S better at "this writ- R. D; Charles-D.' Hanrtia, Madrid; Hag. N _----*» Frank Watson, Harrisville, R. D. 2. '• f' The wedding' 'bells are ringing at K(«EF0LK WJI.L SOON fijas/ness ISfen of That** Town', are O r § a n f z % O.^e yiifb $25,000* , ' '^attit^l."-' this plaoe:' , . <- ' Miss Marf-'Milmpre of ^raj^pr Con- vent spe'rii SMurday'laal ^uSroajy" with her parents, ^r.'ahia' 'Mrs^ P^tgck »Mii* m W ^ " v - '"-' ** - " " " ' ' " ' ' »"<- " :J, * ; '>•''"•' • • more.' =M#stpr Sylvestaf Vice SBen| v Sa"tnr-' da/'-and SajaaaAMtK Mft^aa^ai-' A movement is 1 on'*"foot for tfe or- e«s, ^Mr. and'Mr|!^ €fp6^e^-fce. g£.nizatioa of a bank in the village of Norfolk. A number of business men* ot that place are'taking |iold of the project and the stock ip practically all'J ftaken'care of. It is proposed to capi- talize the new bank at #5;o60 and give it a surplus of $6,000, Tbje -corpora- tion'W|ill erect a bjuilding,' 1%e v |ite fpr which. has 'already^ been tentatively selected. The na&e, as 8 considered %i tb,o <present time, is The First Na- tional Bank V r.cvlil-j.. ";/' There are altogether aboTnt one hifn- |.dj,-ea sabscrlLci'j tu I^J Jf-pUi, whiciij |3 selliag fb^* $125 a share, par value' •being $100."* 'Among the men^ i n t e r - ested are Maurice ' Atwater, t ^eorg'e Hall, W..J. Mfin.^F. "J. Fla; •David Baxter, ^illlam Wlard. * Quite a nuinber' are coiamg A to pur - factory frota "Helena on account of the 1 fire d e s t ^ n g . t h e bat^'factory at- tbat place^unday mp|nfc& a t l ^ | ^ a A Henry Vice made "a^usiJjpss" |||pw» Mas"sena Mbndajl.' ' " -' T' .$fi&>$h'- J^seph^ilpn^d^.jp^^l^^dft ' has gone on aftat^rt^,^ •; _ last week with ^$rs. Jb.Slpft ^nsba. .Those feat spent." SuSaK^tti'iMr/''," ™J^i -*;.tj f£0 '% M •~-.i 't-'-i- -'*• -'". - -!-*-• - " *' „**£' •'<-tK*i- -'-^•'s tit' •m - "i . rs-v ; ft" V& ; .•-*. :{:-• - , - -i "-(.-. '.-?••:*• ••t t ' -U : ? lii. .'-- •-/ ' - > •A-- ! t t M r-i-:.-*' i. iagan, -^ -i::i.-Jmt-.T'^-.--f ,' ; -A s _^^SSKP«

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Post on 21-May-2018




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- t€? l t


£ # * * *

' v ; ^ l £ r f a M " B e l | t S ^ tfe beautifal

.;-, •"" Pexsua"^6 attry?oTjr.frie^J@^a%cfe^4Tis and vou will

^se^sis^ •«<SS8 JPs


^SlULDADS. BOMBAY—310 acres, near iJHo£ftBS>

burg. Excellea location. flay learn, soil. Over one half tillable? Well drained. Watered by river, tijifccffi h^u§e. New barn, with stanchions;for :6jjiead. Several other good buildi^sr bhg&mery and school nearby. P'rici $ fpbo . $a,500 down, balance easy; '"

J.. H. Motear, Gouverneur, If. T.

F ^ - , | ^ p t r B a j l d i n ! g lot, size 65?14« ' fi^t,",qn corner oi I<ast O p i s and'

G^ra&Lslreeia.' Inquir-e AT.' Katzman,"' g ( j ^ g r i | u ^ ^ X ' ' \ l.&i •

F ^ J ^ i F ^ - p m y fUTKfeh'ex" rooms t if6figejLtleBj^nj|i'.6.0 to $2 00 oer wtsek

F$st" eia^,.fee\4fturaatx.im cjauectirn. Iaquiret of' W-, •& -Case, Tea Hatfield, \ f ^3!||hHg ,utij.tsliqd rooms with bath

1 for VJight' housekeeping. Addfees's Mrs. Arthur Jesmer, Massena, N. Y.

??::c? SlftS

s&m " • $ • < • :

W9**? m ps&a

¥^&SM^^Sii&^- • 1&L

% . F . PEKING, D. T. M. r \ Veterinarian.

" ,.n. : n u'ETui'jfi i r ' • ' <~

5 g @ i s i ? IJPil^ifef:

^ -


XJ».e hoihe'

3 o'ctp^lPlfeE-

Payment .$g$ggg on the siar«C^ .a fine of* Usag^aa there w i l l ^ f l i


Sate? «»fef-.a- >»-



drivers a m ' j f t j ^ "'If .Jtermrsays- {hat ff%|est?"%nles>5

church i j f f l p ^ meeting; ,"'te^m eveh'jHg;- ? K ; 1 | ad'drfess" i i feMia 3ecforWor \ Seyen bting a t in the P/ae^

'the- b u n i d n # ^ J others' m&mM

a. w. B « - W

ptfflar'mSjit 'm/ !|t |-$i?io>s"iiiis a iM- '^ inV ' Will ^ ' . o K ' . t h e svib-

ged with gan^-J Mj$} I'rank V&il ®pies -lasT wfeek IfsJ^O--leaders ' of

^ach a^di tihe ti^e'.:' •"' -

j | | l u i addition to

. raT . and C o z e ^ a ' s ^ f f f i f / ^ M 3 - "A" cttttc^ts f o u n l a t i o r ^ W ^ l f a - a n d ' - w o r k ^ a s '

^ h d ^ L t n t 4 l ^ l 'all-'day, "but ^ ^ the weafi:e^" ,^4<

cSH -brln.g"hasp|^ husk.in§s-tM®|pM'

b'-la TE?:W|p


!probfir; |e |-r |W[e%l



aA'fctslptlaa' in the^pf^llp|^if.pPf Durehaseff'of : m « ^ w f Cjffii

ft**^**^^^***^*,*** i


' ^^I f t^V ,. ..

§el#by_©.-B. Amo & Co


For further particulars consuit tocat ticket agent . '-•_ . '* ,"- -•"

%<%^ -$m;


WWW "'

Promptness In




o^'tafeel loiiger^ to}, ipl ihaji "^ib#rs,^ '^£f @jB*|^ 0 l )e^^^ea r^r t^ :

..' - m ; ' f c sldrtefet time j i M | 0 ^ ; ^ ^ | # ; j ' %e • ... ;^|ttevje,; p^&$ MJ OTp^'-itoi'e ^ prepares ^. . j^c^.- . : /vv '"-" . . . • ; - • •{."!« ' / . -" . . ' . ' ' \ ' . ' , ' .

' ' ,-.'{|Ss; mpi&cfii^^e , Se^viee • eoigMaad . -. w i | ^ | B | ; ; a | ^ ^ p ^ « ^ W #i^ '^i%s 'we' '

•' mpx^ ( ^ ' r^^^ '*p^^^ . t i f lps flilld'lieje " 'iT!<*>_':jtT.'---i!i-'-*i-.'5'*'"-T-»?* • ; . i ' •" ' - t i • ' *

. t *

I «••

on #j^alt.

',@^q1ni^ f « ^I3^ : ffi^life ^ ^

,x,:. '^&r*:-:> sena, ^.-Y.t

B — a m i n ill • ljuijjMBMMmiafliBBwnnw'ivnmmmmuaimanabUKUiimat

n ,1b-

their fr|eKd^ in-Lacona, N Y,, recently. ^ ., ^ a%d- ' ^ t iS- ¥* >Klwood and JSO* 1 •mo|e}d toJ^r^"^B^,^|f,-ek. - C. G. % « - ' arr| is TBoylng" into i%e" house he #ix$-' ,<i|iaej of. Ms;. -Ei,w«gjt" • I ' '»*. ' "•fge'hd«se oeeupled by Dr. • C, I, " Dsdge,, .i|^9li|e_'^§,Liesidefiee, b ^ n j ndw^wai'^it"ff ,i-tsJo¥ner and as tfe/fe wjEt^sp'.^ft3>|s"|.lace i^i,town for:'th,e J - , - i - - ' — ^ ' i i l wife "to reside,, t&ef ]

f e | iJ^^6|W'St" : i ionl6 ;6f

moved to" CHerifleJd, N. X , ' ' i w o » w ^ & | i o f U i # i & | 6 j i t o ^ T u e S ^ i & t o i £ ^ ^ y la§q; f i e l f #sparture w,as universal-J t|keir -d£^y^^v<>

s5!trs/'V|c^'^»^t f"td iy regretted. ; ' ^ s | M ; S J ' 5 # o " w-a^Cpin^"'% 'i"'Vjsa;-

An examination for" the office of Thff CT^ailig"was tytkt ma&|ng fatfey postmaster for Crary Mills will be'beW articles' fof Jibe' J^fj^gjat' t ^ t ^ f e t aa In (he village of-feat.on Saturday, Gc» IbiizaaT i t in '^f r - ' -^MTO "'"rr•~-'-Vi-Ie-T--

I ' ' l^t ter .^were ' ten ' -oFtf t youuf vla,die&J


• d i l f MILLS

Mr. ana Mrs. aiEelyiu. Zufell visited

... o f ihe ,

^ ^ ' . . o a ^ M r s . - ' 1

[ day ^el rnWf^Wgt^BTfc ' ' J t fo |«y/J Will take .#©1 | ^ ^ M l ^ ' ^ ^ W d ' will ta,lce H f t - S ^ ^ ^ X ' ^°™ ,&6^ _ honie of ! ^ « | W | | w a r ^ ' - a f 2 ; ^ . .

r i%#fte: totg:. |#|m«i|§sf fcy • 5»!«f' =-•

been chatfie'tf'trfjtf;#|oS|f.''t|:';to '%e

'Mrs. Walter Kellogg, Mrs. John M. Kellogg, M-rs. 'WSlitaHi Cornell and £VT):ss Agnes Matthews of Ogdenstivirgi 3*iss fkrfler, iMiss Franc -Fuller, or ^tdriwodtl, and Mrs, Da.vid Hough of Rochester, were in town Thursday as thejg^iests of Mi*s. Julia O. Hyde and Miss 'Church. .

'Mrs. Blla Cooto of S-yracuse, was in town last week for a few davV visit vilh her cousin,Mrs. Violer Adam.:. •or. East Orvis street.

M-EB. John Mefiann and baby visited her mother, Mrs.. M'. Martin at Chase' •#$||3, di|i>iag tb.e past week.

HMiss'Eaura StorrB s-peat Friday w<:th ' t e&ds- in^OgdensBurg.

% & .Fliherty aatd Henry P Clark, who went Ao the Pacific coabt a few

Veeks ago OE the lbaa.kera' excursion, *&tuj3Jed 'home Monday of Inst week. '•ag^f. atteiirlea the PiinaHia^aejac &±-posftjo'ii and reporjt a most deligiit6.il trV ri V

life-.' and Mrs. W. H. Cubley, Mrs. [Mlaerva Cubley, Miss Clara McCoy, ^ r s , "Mliiam <J. Schmsickev'and Mrs. ,After4~$3bittak.eF jhava been ifi' Syra-

^miiu ws change ifffffifc.

a^ i j a i s t i c f i l ^

s ^ B o m ^ ^ a n - y e w l p * ; - ^ •

tobfer 25; ••"* "Mf. .aiid.^lrs E, 0. Eoj^,retufn^.f.

Tueada> ficonxVa three weeds'- stagr 1^.' 0i' feJ|3ey ''coMlige,;" located" a | | J f three and yR&fojfit milesf above S |&l .

I"£," Lamson,'"' in "cojapany with,

WTMeslrs. ' jH'arr^ ami I^obdeii of Pi^icf M. ipont/are in canip. l <_ * ' [

' B. {J. IMS^M |ftrc|igse| a, ftveWi^. senger Met^ear of l^&'Holcom'hSiS wegk, ' ' - * - ^

Cueiea Qizer is tfte m&$r. of a Ww.' | i Paige' car,

) jMr. antd Mrs. E. My J J ^ i r t o f e W ^Kesi; a^rrfeppit speat- Siffiday § i &

;" "'Magon yagg^.J'los7t a Vjaldable b i r se :

•last %eefc"rMf/,:V''att|li, % § . 'beef tcr4

ifeimwi&---ilfladiiol:-gopi}s>for 4* , 1 ^ Blwood and .on the retramjiteip "^ie4-^day aft^noSn the.horse.was t a k ^ f f l i t h e ^ a e i r side, of Potsaam' and ;dldf

F ^ f t j # h i . • ^ t : •' -;-' • ''F./H. 'Eree-raaii-of Brooklyn spe,nt a,' 3lew^da5«s,te1o'^4^st^w'eek witK^is, .'faftber, S^. Q. "F^S^aip".. Mr. Freejpaji F-il' tb!4 -cMef eii^ftee¥;«£ q, seotiol''i>Jf hfifr gjfnRet he^ng eoasteu^ed- unde|' $fte

fon " ^ t i j t r ^ ' ! ' e v^Bingi r, ^ I p


^3jpfi?ediS|g-^of-a^r^joy , . - 7" ^(R'evy^.*'M.''CiehT'-was*in 'Heuve^ton'

lagt-*w^k^ itv/%tt,endance at the_&ia4t:

'anituaF'Mfeejyns^f.'the St. Iiawrinee Pr%'sBy4erf. "'

V. -V. !V. -V. Ai5i*y..V. At At 2&JJL iS£jUU£.


^^J^^£^QJ7M gi# .or. little fo^n&Iirko^^

•$..>v#teto'lidSb. W-e ean supply you wit|t anytlimg M pure dfugi., "^fa.tiqne^ q p ^ s ? ' ft'^ Qi^l&.-apd^tobaeeo, eanieras* and"Supplies,- school supplies, toath towels, wash elotlis,

"^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ 0 ^ - ^ ^ - M ^ fefe~st£)el? foejtjg; eto., at Ihe Ee.dTr.ont "Drag;^6res,

-. i-. •

,oh <ff, WEODTwai 'aktT$Mj££^o00. ,T^ie bpt-:tleg, w,ere -pr.omSgy s t a ^ g ^ j ^ d " t b e

lie. • -^tje'«rf the aija^'er^lo^lfail t cg^rJiSJtog t f e . g o M ^ M ^ t o f j t r ^ c '

1 r£ M^s>|aa .aii€ %ffiB|fit?.^S^ty'-ifrN ^ o a t ^ - * - - ^ a3a- " "

"to ten days iri tlte,

*fojaght 'hefare taapc^-^aagr-l: §ha5e jSjsf w i e e k ' - w & a ' t ^ S l ^ ^ K i ^gi^gS$

ine fhat1 ©ndls^ m & ^ l s c a g h j l i a ^ •dM. ^ e . 5 f | M ^ 5 C i ^ # ^ ' w a f , that B # M # ^ # & - l ® , S * i c b Ke '»^: .it>%'3||tfe|;®M%it" buf,"1

« f t ^ : ? ^ : . ^ « » % ftot a law.-wtocb. w ^ % S t e n ^ , « a f a year to

A man wto wMiin-iu«:ajdttiab animal

lb W ^ ^ M S O T ^ f S a d a n g ^ o u s n e l ^ b ^ ^ l l f i . * ' .

•make it necess^ry^Mtlei.gDiBMalaors

(.'. HicfeljHg. *vho eame to pa recently 'from Dover,"Ohio,

has purchased a house and lot in Winter street of 0.' P. Benson, and will bring his family here as soon as Jlie' house is vacated.

^th& ymm U» *^e Clark Uwiding over' D. Agresta's 'fruit store, are b<j-,iag painted and papered and will be i&cupiej .by Archie Crary, who will ifioye' his barber shop from the St. James building..


ouse during the pjasi' weelfSor a -Ssys, having made; the .trip f a Mr. Cub

oar. ,«Bss Harriet Kanffm&n left Sunday

of last week for Syracuse, where she :| has, entered the university. Her -moth'-

^aeeaaipaaied her, jjemainiag a few

1. x l^ . and Mrs. Thomas Van Fleet, of EtmgMieepsie, were in town during the -j?.qst si^eek, as the guests of their un^ '41ey -Efifwia W. Kinney and- wife and other' friends. Mlrs. Van Flee^ ,:s a

their isit here iakwelve years.,

'Mis. iQ>. 9. Beasoa left\Moaday for Potsdam and on Tuesday welit on tbJe fey ^r<»k exea-rsioov Bd&g fsom he're •tc -her aid home in Fredericksburg,

'£&, sate -the* w&ojte £fi^M$f^Mf^ a|J il8#.' !Ehi8 oughl. i ^ ^ ^ y l i e c . e ^ a ^ y a.s,4he Job is Oftlys#. w l i i O t t i -nad

visit fiei- s&ns, & A. 'Bensoa aad faai^ly sA Simira, and Roswell'Benson and fam-

I'ily' a* WiiertoWn:' " ' " &>aa ^dster/ 'of Potsdam, was the

guest-of'fiis orotfcer-in-law.'tW. ff.lVSl-,pe .pjii tbje |«oa ajid f€HHily a* "the Springs and oth­

er Meads ih town during ' the pas't week, r ' " - '

MS-a. Hay I^ewis, of l*yons Falls, N y., has been spending a few days in towa the guest of her patents, 'Mr: a n d Mrs.* £ - B . 2eBr, on Main street ,' 'Mrs. Mi. A:., caatteaden and 'Miss flu-.gEoiia" Seed saaSt TOars#9.y w«h -ttteir #.s^r,'-1!!fe Maud fteed ia Rotsdaai.

- I P s ; iffiiai'©Ittke^ and daagbter, l ^ fe^aJa f -S taeey , ateo little graad-' ^Satfgatorjitiith-Bla&ely, spent Thurs­day With friends ia Cornwall. • ' •»Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Season aad Mr.

.3fc<3hl$!&,s;-Ed; WrighV of -tt&r.wood, !ws?e ta town Friday calling on oMj friends.-' -.. ' * -, ' '• '-SSe &M Mrs. Oavid Carbiao a^d~lit-

tle""daughter Bessie wetft to Lifaen-i*iirg,"' ®&t., oa Wednesday and oa Thursday they attended' the fair a* S&swjngton, <Jat. Osrbekaiown to Mr. aad Mrs. Car$£ao, the 'i^ttet^- auai, Jiji^e. Edna- Mnla55san> iente#ed the baby ifijths. x#bfest * i ja tae t i s a l l ifiat >tfaej i^tie ,oue aton firstipsize for lieing the 4

most perfect ba-by, physieaBy, ^Itered-= i 46« ^oates'i.'' TThe" pjifee 'was dn&\

Miss Jule Spencer, of Ottawa aad) ! Mates P^rrie Murphy, ,of;' Mtelioetie, jO^.;'iirfi gaests o* B. Wi A'laen^and^ fa;ajily toj- .a ieSv days. . ' " '

Mi®. M- M, Rurrswes, who has been spending sonie tinse with her daugh-

^ r i Mies,. Roy W. AMen, left this mdra-. ^g fbe &er 'home in Canton, and will1] go- to "Hew York tomorrow oa ihe e^-' jCu^ssgp, going fEom there to Jackson* v^llej' JFla., where Mr. Murrowes t&s been located for' the past year. *

A large number of Massena people leftithis,moj;aing fox New York on the excursion. Afaolig'those 'who went as far as could "be Teamed at^this time, were: Mrs. D. Warlmsley, Mrs. Geo. Coarfas and dau^hte.r Lena, (Mrs. Em­ma. Elliott, Mrs. B. C. Dewey; % s . A. A. Fulton, Miss Margaret Gunhing, Mr. a id MrsI F. L. Roth and fajnlly, Mrs. Elizabeth HODSOJJ, -Fred M. ftopsoa, j^ornfan h. flopson, Carl Thomas, Mr. aad Mrs. James Lahey, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Eikjns, Miss Jennie Raymond, Miss

,f 5S# itfee. ^ # s i « ? ' . ' , lage that there ,coul | j6 |J i l , r^ |S. t ippu

^me,ija ss»|tiog aa#lt;P3pes|:iBto ^he ,$m&s. of. .the Q o n k # M ^ a l , t t e yil-•lage board. \ ^ yi'^ /,- >] \

# f lte open *ar $tiS$0$feim£- vvi Mi husin«ss oa -^ l ^ r^^ f - aigbt dt midaight aad 'F r iday**^^g . saw aH, ihe= .shades raised. ^ | j ^ % ' S M d th^t,' basinesia was goedf l^ l^ ih^ l f e&t^w .hours. -Maay a r g ^ | ^ l i f c t | a t the. cpaditianB .will i a ^ ^ a ^ p t e r Stan they were before, J t ^ ^ ^ i ^ - ^ J ' - N o r -.folk just o v 6 r « % e ( ^ S l ^ ^ t y ; t h r , e i e . minajtes' dMY^-^oSf ,MWs' &,,,;v fjthaj;. <aiay Jbe-true -w | t ^ i a S ? ^ P % n | y the

"'"*" '-""-'-""" - *, t liai

leaded J>i\

s t r e e t s - ^ ' | h e ^ I f f a | 6 # * S w . .

if i * e B e ^ s g ^ | ^ a l # i f f % v * ? i ^ M ;

'" 'saajEe-, w - ' h e l d c i l H . - ^ : ^

most pessimisMe/iJio6fe m*.

* * *

. I',ou wi l l ' fin<l' tlaat t h e folks h e r e a b o u t s wlm.*'fea® _., Z. >*!*>;,*•%. .. .z - s H x • - -. Tir -% •/ Pi.ano vakie^ mix are shrewd l)uyers areyg.et,tl^.»ese piados f-F0m«s."If thev are wise bnVers theyvte5&pl0 *

Wmm 2J-W l l l i ^ ' l^ j l\ f

.. v . .&-..-.

Canton.—^As Jx to Scott was work­ing, Hear' his ice hQuee oa ' the tonk of the river Wed>esfey aiqlsa&g.iie-'was siiot in the abdomen with a Juliet from a .22-ealjher rifle- in the hands of -diaries Dwight, a IT-yaar-old-boy, who, with Ifetrold--'sSi!aett aad;Leb Sev­erance, was oa ' the opiposi!te s ide of •rji* riy>ejE..Aitter.§QOtt was straek,' some jQf the men <with . lpn aalied to the bays ao.t-.to, .sho.oj-again, bat a secpnd baiiet <3ajae aaijiag'over their heads.

Mr. Seott want .to the efSse, of Dr. A h. Ladd, w t e e • the b,u Ileti was re-aioved, ajid, wtoie. he ia ip. .coisider^ -ajrfe paiaj he. is.aal^ to be oat. Dwight was arrestefi aad admitted the shoot-Jag, but ton*. the avideneSiit appeared tSat Dwisht wa^.only.grossly «areie5,s i i the use of the jgua. Justice .of the P<ea<:e l^eoa .0 . eja.ry;; befoEe waoni the boy was ;fero»ga,t, e^Ktp!8}led kj:m to gjy-e up hie.aaattegiic.ensa aad to dis-

^Plise of jSie rjfiavaj.d -tea other, guns. U.e suspended, s entencj?, pB;_ him uader tit© -oarevof 0$ groi(atioa~ officer.

Bgragbt Jias -beoa ©ut of school -for a ygar,, %$& is employed only .at night

^bout ai»oyia4'p|etteefihow.. A^lace ssiaa foan#,fQri'ltiiai kx a 'farnj.and he

i-wali a.a.¥e4sWyjprk.as,a condition ofhi.s. iptaaa-Mon.^ •'(•,. ,- " •

LIST OP T J ^ 4 L J U g « | ^

The following is the official nst of T-riai Jarers for the* trial term of Couaty Court, eoiamencing^ October 1-8:

Sf. -G. Parker, ' 'Potsdam; Armand hea te r , •O^densbarg-; •* Sanfbrd * W. Hul&urt, BFaslier Falls; Clarence 3. Aastipi Fullerviije; Frank Bdwnian, DeKalb Junction; JierryxDonavaavNic-holvfile-, Sari Glmstgad, Nlcijp.lv4n^; Frank Fobare, Chase, MiUs; .James *| p'eoples, ,£%densiburg}-' Jo&' CarmBdy, 'Ogdfensburjg; Horace Coffins, Lisbon^ A. J. P 'arson, HaTrisville, R, .D. No.. 2; Emory Pike,; Gpuvefiieur; J- J: Sal-,

Uivan,' South Coltonr Jpba Griffm;Mas-' sen a; Edward -M, 'Pitts, "Massena-;-Adelberf Jeanne,' Parishville, "R. D.'; -

[•Tsomas" Hester,'Colton'; %ii&v& Cramp? Mated"; Adam Rntaerford, Ogdeas-burg; ifehry Parow, Clare; 'Ed'Win €bok, Coifen, R7l). 17 6/fey "StSw»T?f; Russell; Lbnis C.Nash, Ogdeasburg;' Mfllard Wilcox, 'Madrid^ James B. White, Brasher Falls; '^Jexaflder Bar-toa, Heuvelton; "Aibioa miltHb^ch, Fcrt JacksOn; George Evans, Gouver­neur; Charles H. Hill,'Wiest Stock­

holm; Dennis J. Hurley,k ' Brasher ^Sunday with.heV ^ ' f e i k ^ ' l i a . $ & v i i .

^brniee Rayano^d, Miss Hazel Tracy, Llfesre^&adjhfi Sf t#%^Miafejo up tferal B. A. Jones. iMiss Vblma Andrews

f Mil aad Urs . BrF..'.McDonaid, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Westevelt aad* H. M. Cub-iey^ "'• •

MtA. James daynqr and Mrs. John iD^vey, of Lbuisville,'visited Mrs. El­len Hodge and other friends in town #pnday.> \


In'.the Parkersburg West Virginia ,New.s of. May ,31, 1914, appears" this Istat^ment from an interview with MTS.: jiaile Which ought "surely to put to,res.t.,all:ife$r,s .that the woman, suf-

|.fr|gisj.i.fi a restless woma.n, deleating the" ifialogical' ends of Nature:

/'Home means so' much that I would counsel' young people ,to the man's

,e_arniBgs. to. be aniple. The wife caa ^helu-'aiid sboji|d Jeip. Tkeir home .ftan the.p grow W d a d i l y aad he hap-%fer foFthe mutual auilpiag'*

A gooa many people pay the minis­ter for advJae *that they- never follow.-

Falls, Charles Campbell/Gofuverneur:

R. D. 5; Frank Youmell, Brasher

of VAte isied 1 ' CatHe.

Fare BriBd Cattle JS'eek The Couaty 'Faajm Baireaa' i s deyel--

oping, pians to us/i" the week of. Oct. 11 to 16 to •boQni.t^e; pure faed cattle* pi this county. No scanty ia* M& sta^e ha& more rflae herds of Kolsteias knd •* Ayrshires than (Ms, and -t%"SiiernBeys apd J&tseys, .wiiie ^p^i-'ia-nuinber. arp of the bes/quality.- We want -them -mf»re widely !teown and .aispreciated, beta within and outside the c.oaaty. Mere dairymenj tfta, need < to finp^ of tht value of ahpioe siras id MifidlUS up a grade hbj?#.. , "" ,'. T .

There is^no. fta^ej B3AC6,/to,,flIaj?U8S,

l:veito.ek problem^ -ftaoj j ^ a ^ ofl'the ^arma where" elyne.e s n e e ^ e ^ , o | the

eau wil co-opcr^tp iyitjii ; '#| f e e d e r s and thp, brfiederj.'''|iss^c.|al|pjj§* 'in, .ar-raagipg^ftr t/ 'l^eac^^mlffllgl; ."^akt Tuesday, Octo?)^r. 12, w;jEU^riy5asl|ire aay a t thje farm>«tf Mi;; JS 'Bi ^^MS&ti P^ehyllle; Wte|ag|flaj an j ( : - f^B | i j r , Oat. 13 and 14 wlil ihe Httls^e|a .fbya „at. the faisms of/Mr, I f e a ^ DeTuglas, Caaba, aqd Mr, '^m*$$-&s?& #aB"-. .semi; Frtiaay, 9at. l \ -jsffl. be sa-jpifit Gaerasjey ,aad fesay, dj y a$ .fe#>^,ritt' «f-J^din .T3hpmp£oa,' iMtpg . ikt-iithis

j iaeet-ing. Thbrnas fesff#js. %il^:&ws$iy ' apecimenj .p l '^s jys^ . ^&$&tsX$Q&Bi) ,j|!g twJtt be "anQ,t!§r. o i s i e i a ' J ^ :Sftt* ,uida^ Obet. 16, a j tig. igxm-.-of (Byner t&eGjcegar, pf. N.o|stj(i jjaajm;and.-'-. ^tvJea^h.of^*hegb-aaee)|ings.^!'fbre-n;aoii^w|il toe .d&yoi.e.d-tii;*:d£,in,Gas.tra-tibji of gpod:4aiF«y .peMsJ,4us|as.Baact-mens frem.-3hesrdfJfpr lijasjfesi^a.'' -At eacfa.i>Jacjyn^the ajie^ao.pH.;$her;e will lie at leasiT^p ^ i k ^ b n a - o a isfectiag aiid .•breeding a i id . i® o& feeding' and c0ppera.i4.Via Jjpying>.f . / , • .«:, ' > , T-heAost, as 8Aeh..case, w # l j p n i s h coffee,, but eacji' ia^ifly. shsfw^r fering t te ir own lunch... '9riag;tJie..JEomen .-and ma.ke it a4bJg4f.J£!aic1-.-dayi ..

> , , •» - >.-.'


•Miss Ju-Ha,!Viee has fetaPnej'ta Mas­sena- 'after1 spending^'sjitli^ay and

G;eorge Vice,, and! %mi|y. •"'Mrs ^ Joseph "Vanier/"who "has been

Falls; "Levi E. 'Burnham, Spragueville, j on fhe' sick' list 1S better at "this wr i t -R. D ; Charles-D.' Hanrtia, Madrid; Hag. N _ - - - - * » Frank Watson, Harrisville, R. D. 2. '• f' The wedding' 'bells are ringing at


fijas/ness ISfen of That** Town', are Or§anfz% O. e yiifb $25,000* ,

• ' '^attit^l."-'

this plaoe:' , . <-' Miss Marf-'Milmpre of ^ r a j ^ p r Con­

vent spe'rii SMurday'laal ^uSroajy" with her parents, ^r. 'ahia' 'Mrs^ P^tgck »Mii* • m W ^ " v - '"-' ** - " " " ' ' " ' ' • »"<- " : J , * ; '>•''"•' • • more.'

=M#stpr Sylvestaf Vice SBen|vSa"tnr-' da/ '-and SajaaaAMtK M f t ^ a a ^ a i - '

A movement is1on'*"foot for t fe or- e « s , ^Mr. and'Mr|!^ €fp6^e^-fce. g£.nizatioa of a bank in the village of Norfolk. A number of business men* ot that place are' taking |iold of the project and the stock ip practically all'J

ftaken'care of. It is proposed to capi­talize the new bank at #5;o60 and give it a surplus of $6,000, Tbje -corpora­tion'W|ill erect a bjuilding,' 1%ev|ite fpr which. has 'already^ been tentatively selected. The na&e, as8 considered %i tb,o <present time, is The First Na­tional Bank V r.cvlil-j.. ";/'

There are altogether aboTnt one hifn-|.dj,-ea sabscrlLci'j tu I^J Jf-pUi, whiciij |3 selliag fb * $125 a share, par value' •being $100."* 'Among the men in t e r ­ested are Maurice ' Atwater, t^eorg'e Hall, W..J . Mfin.^F. "J. Fla; •David Baxter, ^ i l l lam Wlard. *

Quite a nuinber' are coiamgAto pur -factory frota "Helena on account of the1

fire d e s t ^ n g . t h e b a t ^ ' f a c t o r y a t -tbat place^unday mp|nfc& a t l ^ | ^ a A

Henry Vice made "a^usiJjpss" | | | p w » Mas"sena Mbndaj l . ' ' " -' T' .$fi&>$h'-• J ^ s e p h ^ i l p n ^ d ^ . j p ^ ^ l ^ ^ d f t '

has gone on a f t a t ^ r t ^ , ^ •; _ last week with ^$rs. Jb.Slpft ^ n s b a . .Those feat spent." SuSaK^t t i ' iMr / ' ' , "


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