if you sense nothing or are new to this then you might

Once you have received your vessel with your demon (or before as demons have the ability to be near you even when their vessel is not), it is important to take some time to get to know your new friend. Communicate with them so that you two can get to know each other better and develop a powerful working relationship. You will also want to find out more about their personality, what are their quirks, and what they are like. Demons are like people. No two are the same. This ritual is designed to bond with your demon and allow you to get to know them better, learn about them, their talents and how you two can work together This ritual should be done everyday for 21 days. It is where you take the time to communicate with your new demon and really bond with them. 1. Pick a time that you will preform this ritual daily. Weather it be the morning or evening it does not matter. Just pick a time of day that you can commit to preforming this ritual to bond with your demon. 2. Bring the vessel into a quiet place and light a candle and some incense. Make the room comfortable and quiet. One thing you might want to ask your entity is if they prefer a specific type of incense, and then burn that type. Sit/Stand before the vessel and say... “I call to you ___(entities name)___ Come forth from your vessel Come forth and join in companionship. Sit with me and hear my words. 3. As you say this you will feel the energy shift around you. The entity will then appear before you. Note*** If you sense nothing or are new to this then you might want to try an alternative method of communication until you get use to your demons method of communicating. You can use a device such as a pendulum or a Ouija board for initial communication if you find you are having trouble. When you have established a link with your Demon by whatever means if best suited to you, say...

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Page 1: If you sense nothing or are new to this then you might

Once you have received your vessel with your demon (or before as demons have the ability to be near you even when their vessel is not), it is important to take some time to get to know your new friend. Communicate with them so that you two can get to know each other better and develop a powerful working relationship. You will also want to find out more about their personality, what are their quirks, and what they are like.

Demons are like people. No two are the same. This ritual is designed to bond with your demon and allow you to get to know them better, learn about them, their talents and how you two can work together

This ritual should be done everyday for 21 days. It is where you take the time to communicate with your new demon and really bond with them.

1. Pick a time that you will preform this ritual daily. Weather it be the morning or evening it does not matter. Just pick a time of day that you can commit to preforming this ritual to bond with your demon.

2. Bring the vessel into a quiet place and light a candle and some incense. Make the room comfortable and quiet. One thing you might want to ask your entity is if they prefer a specific type of incense, and then burn that type. Sit/Stand before the vessel and say...

“I call to you ___(entities name)___ Come forth from your vessel Come forth and join in companionship. Sit with me and hear my words.

3. As you say this you will feel the energy shift around you. The entity will then appear before you. Note*** If you sense nothing or are new to this then you might want to try an alternative method of communication until you get use to your demons method of communicating. You can use a device such as a pendulum or a Ouija board for initial communication if you find you are having trouble. When you have established a link with your Demon by whatever means if best suited to you, say...

Page 2: If you sense nothing or are new to this then you might

“I am your Human Companion we have been brought together in this life I will be kind to you and take care of you, we will work together I ask you to help me in my endeavors, Protect me from harm, Protect my family., Assist me in creating the life I desire. I am grateful for all you have done and all you will do. I look forward to learning about you, sharing my life with you, and accepting the assistance you offer. Welcome to my spiritual family”

4. Allow the energy of the demon to enter your mind so that there is a connection. The demon will connect itself to your thoughts and your essence. This will establish a bond between you two. Let the energies of the demon and yours merge together.

5. Now ask the demon to speak to you. You may hear its’ thoughts, get images in your mind or hear it out loud. Silence your own thoughts and just hear the words of your entity. Hear its’ voice and tonality. Now feel free to engage in a conversation with your entity and ask any questions, or advice, or guidance. Just sit and enjoy communicating with your demon.

6. Repeat this process over the next 21 days. After the 21 days are completed you will have a very good idea of who your new demon friend is, and what they are all about.

Enjoy the wonderful demon who now is a part of your life and the amazing relationship that you have built and get ready to have your life impacted in a positive way. Bound entities are very loyal and very good at serving their keepers.

© Satan and Suns / Satan’s Academy www.satanandsuns.com / www.satanandsons.com / www.demontemple.com