iin iraok y j regai good - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843s332/data/0597.pdf ·...

SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL I VOL XXXieSTANFORD KY TUESDAY JUNE 2 1903 8AM NO 27 STRANGE STORY t A Footpad Who Robbed a Har rodsburg Man Returns The Money With Interest J Il li reported that Mr John T Fire the well known gentlemen About town who bat handled Ivorv from tbo rockribbed coast of Maine to the fruit bound shores of California and from the snow did mountains of Manitoba to tbe flowerladen proven of Florida received a check Monday for 1003 03 and that It was like getting money from home In the letter which brought the check was a most remark- able story relating circumstances which Mr Pljrg well remembers In 1888 Mr Figgwas manager and part stockholder In a wellknown clubroom that existed at that time In Loultvlllo One night about dark a well dreased strangnr entered tbo olub room and boll bt 1100 worth of chlpi at one of the faro table Luok was against him and ho soon boat his chips and bo took hit departure Tbo next night at about the tame hour the stranger appeared again and dropped another hundred and left The next night ho came and purchased another lot amounting to 1100 In the middle of the deal when be bad lost half of his chips a messen- ger ¬ boy itepped In und beaded the stranger a note The stranger topped playing long enough to read It aodI with a look of anguish tore the note Into shreds and cut It upon tbe floor lie was toon icparatcd from hit last 150 and Mr Fig who was the look out for the game and whoso curiosity was aroused got out of tbo lookout chair gathered together the scraps of paperto that be could read tbo con tend Mr Flgg though ho hat bit fault withal has many a good trait and with these a tender heart and was much moved when be read tbe follow ¬ log from the scrap be had plauod to getter DKAH lGYnvI do not feel at well at usual tonight and I know tbat our darling little boy It not to well The proprietor of tbo hotel says If our bill It nut paid tonight thAt we mutt leave Dont you thing II would be b tter for ut to continue on our Journey- YOCRLiOVINQ WIFE Tbe noto was written on the hotel stationery and when Mr Figg read It be believed the stranger to have lost all at hit table whereupon he opened the crib drawer drew out tho 1900 and started for the hotel Intending to leave the amount with the women who wrote tbe note and who teemed In such dls tress Placing the money In bit vest pocket ho started for the hotel but at ho turned a dark corner a man with a handkerchief over the lower part of his face placed a revolver Immediately la front of his forehead and demanded his money or hit life Mr FIR threw up both hands and the robber touched him for the 1300 With much dltcora fiture ho turned to go back to the club- room and whcnnearlog It a highway ¬ man encountered him n second time demanding bit money or hit life Mr < Flgg told him to try another for ho bad gotten hint once that night At those words tho footpad hastened away Now comet the most remarkable par of the story at detailed In the letter containing tho above mentioned check Tbe subitanro was this that the writer wa on hit way from Southern Missis alppl to Colorado with hit wife and child The wife was tulTorlng with tu berculosis and bo was taking her there with tbo hope of curing her of the dreadful malady While In Louisville be visited the club room and lost all of till money During tbo last play be re celved a note from hit wife telling him of the threat to drive them from the hotel and be became desperate After leaving the club room he determined to hold up the first man ho met and re ¬ hove him of his money Dy some very strange late the first person ho mot af- ter ¬ hit resolution proved to be Flgg though he did uot know It until bo was going through hU pockets With the money taken from him ho came to Colorado securing a lucrative position I lived an upright life at he had always done with the exception of tbe one crime of robbing Flgg Tbo letter stated tbat tbo wife recovered her bealtb and the husband had proepered beyond his wildest dream and now owns ono of the most coinmodlus an J well furnlehed hotels In the Centennial Stato and that bo was abundantly able L to pay the 1300 with accumulated In lereti and eomo bonus The writer 1 cordially Invited Mr Flgg to come and make him a visit Mr Figg romem bore tbo Incident very vividly and will upend next winter with hlm Barrodsburg Herald > Cuts Bruises and Burns Qulok ¬ I ly Healed Chambtrlalna Pain Balm it an anti ¬ Iiseptic cuts bruises I causes to heal without maturation and much moro quickly than bv the usuaUreatment For Bale by Craig Hocker j SOJ ETt Picnic excursions are day The ladles of the Christian church are planning a parsonage Wo havo been blessed with a line rain and the discouraged farmers are rl1JololnlII nod prnmlies an Improvement In the system Tbo Hoe spring on Sam Higgins place has sustained considerable dam- age ¬ from oil breaking from tbo tanks nearby Milt Gladys of Clarktvllle Ark le- a pleasant visitor at the home of Mr end Mrs John May Miss Margaret Sallee has gone to Cincinnati to enter the Conservatory of Music Tho Baccalaureate sermon of tho nigh School was delivered by Dr Glare at the Methodist church Sunday In honor of which occailon moat of the churches adjourned to attend An appropriation of 118000 was made for a for miles of pike on ilx roads leading from Somerset To this amount will be added a liberal contribution from Interested parties and the work Is to bo let out to tbo lowest and best bid ¬ der May all such Improvements con ¬ tinue Is tbo with of all Commencement exercises were held In the paolout opera bouse Thursday night when seven sweet girl grad- uates ¬ and two young men preceded by the local minister the school board and superintendent marched upon the stage as the beautiful strains of music from the orchestra floated through the air Tbo party formed a truly hand- some picture as they stood before an admiring crowd The exercises were carefully prepared and well rendered and the largo audience felt amply paid for having been there The W O T IT convention will be help here beginning today and con lliyilng three days Ample provision has been made for the delegates and a special program has been arranged for the occasion Forty children from the different churches will dispense tome beautiful nyisle and a good tIme goner ¬ ally II promised by those In charge Children Day exercises will be pre ¬ anted at tbo Christian church next Sunday so It will be seen tbat Somer ¬ set smiling at her unjust persecutions pursues tbo oven tenor of her way and 1s steadily and surely going upward and onward Mrs J Plerpont Morgan wat tbo cynosure of all eye at the recent election of Colonial Dams at New York Contrary to tbe expectations of those who did not know her It was found that she dresses simpler and her cloth gown looked rusty Her black bat was small and rusty and a thic veil covered her face Tbo decision o tbo women who saw her was embraced In the word frumpy Mrs Morgan disposition exceedingly retiring and whenever the appears In public sbo seems 111 at ease Perhaps the most valuable ax In tbe world Is owned by Dr M B Emory splittingt ¬ tor formerly lived at Springfield III and tbo ax was presented to him by Lincoln The doctor says that ho has heI er the Polio to the managers of the St Louis Fair for exhibition purposed I have been troubled for some time with Indigestion and sour stomach says Mrs Sarah W Curtis of Lee Mass I and have been taking Chamberlain a Stomach and Liver Tablets which hays helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not I If you have any trouble with your tom itch why not take these Tablets and get well For tale by Craig k Hocker Miss Prim He It boasting that he stole a dozen kisses from you Miss Pert Thats a base Db Miss Prlm Im glad to hear It- Miss Perl Yes he only stole ono I gave him the others Philadelphia Public Ledger Atlanta Ireton via Queen d Crescent Route One faro round trip plus 25c Tickets on sale July 7 8 0 wltbI deposit of ticket and payment of 60o ai Joint Agency at Atlanta There coca was a government gauger Who measured a caikon a wauger Ho drank It by gracious This gauger capacious And now hea a Kentucky mauger Chicago Tribune To The Lakes Summer Tourist Tickets on sale via Queen fc Crescent Routo June I to Sept 30 Ask tick lit agent for particulate eat L marIrled NEWS NOTES Four Jersey cows were killed bvI lightning at Fulton couotrjlwal Flro In tho manufacturing district of regaI ¬ male College Dr Anderson Wells of Mayklng died from blood poisoning caused by u brier scratch Tbo wife of George Alfred Town- send rise wellknown Washington CityI correspondent Is dead Tbe total number of persons killed In tbo earthquake In the Van district of Asiatic Turkey II 8tW Frank Emmett a prominent cotton clerk committed suicide at New Or ¬ leans by cutting his throat with a pock ¬ et knifeDr Forbes a Chicago drug clerk was shot and killed by highway- men ¬ trying to rob his employers estab ¬ lishment President Spencer of the Southern rail- way has announced that f25000000will be expended in double tracking from Washington to Atlanta Circuit Judge Cantrlll has overruled- a motion for a new trial of the John McDonald will conthit at Versatile and tho case will be appealed During a thunderstorm at Atlanta a young woman was killed by lightning and a small church was struch by light- ning ¬ and burned to the ground Tho Brotherhood of Railway Train ¬ men has declared against sympathetic strikes following out the recommen- dations of Grand Master Morrlsicy The Federal grand jury at Montgom ¬ ery Ala has returned 30 Indictments against citizens of Coosa and Tallapoo sa counties on tbo charge of poenage The citizens of Indian Territory have raised 135000 for an exhibit at tbe St Louis Worlds Fair to supplement a government appropriation of the same amountIn near Livermore Horace Abncy was shot and seriously wounded by Leo Lloyd who was slightly wound- ed In the hand by a bullet from Ab neyi pistol The oil well being put down on the Carroll lend about two miles north of Wllllamiburg came In at about 000 toot It can bo safely estimated at a 20bnrrcl well Moro than 1000000 bushels of coal started south from Plttsburg duo to a two fool rise In the river caused by heavy rains In tbe Monongabela and Allegheny valleys A receiver for the Louisville Evo ¬ ning Post Company was appointed by the United States Circuit Court upon application of Stuart R Knott a credl ¬ companyt aged 20 years died suddenly In convulsions at her home in Franklin The cause of death Is a mystery and a postmortem exams nation will be made Sixty five storekeepers and gusgers have been relieved from duty In tho Louisville district on account of the closing of the distilleries for the sum meOln that district Major Gen Bate commanding the Department of the Lakes has AOOOUOO ¬ ed that he will como to Kentucky to the e mobilization ot the national militia A Southern Pacific passenger train left the track at Rlncon Cat and four coaches fell 40 feet over a cliff Into tbo Pacific ocean Nearly 30 persons were Injured but no one was killed out- right ¬ The St Louis April grand jury sub ¬ miffed a final report In which It said tbat legislative corruption and bribery had been the rule for the past 12 years Tbo confessions of State Senators are described as appalling New Orleans special says The fact that 11000000 cold cash was left In New Orleans by tbo Confederate noun ¬ ion has stimulated a movement to try and make this city a permanent noun ¬ ion headquarters and meeting place At St Louis the jury In the case 0 former Delegate JJ Hannlgan charg ¬ ed with accepting a bribe returned a verdict of guilty and fixed hit punIsh moot at five years In the penitentiary This Is the 18th Doodling case tbat has been tried aid the pith conviction In a decision In a teat case setting forth an agreed state of facts th e court of appeals holds tbat the State Board of Pharmacy cannot Interfere with tbo sale of patent or proprietary medicines In original packages Tbe court declares a part of the pharmacy act of 1893 to ba unconstitutional null and void Still anotherjchapterjbaa been added to the poitofflco department scandal by Clio announcement of a Brooklyn news paper that the sum of 1500000 aooually is paid ouiJlnJexcesslTQ rentals by the postoQlcos of New York State Leases uolI IIN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Iraok VanAndalot house near Bur y struck by lightning and burn edh j1ng J M Wilson has been appointed a torekeeuereauger In the Danville In 9 lornal revenue district non R H Tomllnson of Lancaster has bad tbo degree of LL Dconlerred upon him by the Nashville College of I Law Scounty detective with passing counterfeit moneyJohn Farmer and aman named Whit taker aero shot from ambush end kill ¬ ed near East Bcrnstadt A brother tf the latter was also Injured Miss Carlisle Walker has been chos ¬ en sponsor for the Richmond Lodge of Elks to attend the State reunion 9 which will convene In Lexington next y monthThe 1 New Laurel Coal Co of Plus burg with a capital stock of 25000 has been Incorporated by W A J W Bastln R S Lytlo and Georgei Given Mrs L G Mondy who for a number of years has been running the Gllchcr house Danville sold her lease to I W Rogers of LaGrange Ga who will take charge of the business June 1st Editor W Owen McIntyre sold his paper the Kentucky Farmer this week to a Louisville party Ho received something over 8300 for It which Is considered a good price Danville News t The large tobacco barn of Jacob Hu guely near Burgln was destroyed by fire during a thunderstorm Lightning struck the barn causing a total lots There was no insurance and the lore will aggregate 11000 The PulaskI county jail has been placed In tbo hands of a real estate agency for sale and the county will erect a new building of modern con ¬ struction Tbe new jail will bo erected just to the rear of tbe court house and will cost about 115000 In the alimony case of Sarah R Boning against Vincent Borelog at London EA Cbllton was appointed commissioner to take evidence as to tbe wealth of the defendant Congressman forcing paid 81000 Into court for tbo attorney foes of plaintiffs lawyers as adjudged by tbo court of appeals Chas Inman charged with the murder of Burt Castcel while assisting his broth ¬ or a deputy sheriff to arrest Inman bad a hung jury Speaking of Breatbltt county Capt Phil B Thompson of Harrodsburg said When I was a member of the Legislature I suggested to the mem ¬ bers of that body that the best way to restore order in Rowan county In which a feud existed at the time was to abolish the county The matter was discussed freely though no bill was In ¬ troduced It got noised about howev ¬ ere and bad Its effect for no trouble tea occurred In Rowaa since Mr W L McCarty president of tbe Kings Mountain Canning Company was in the city yesterday looking after his canning business Mr McCarty reports that his company has In culti ¬ vation a larger crop of tomatoes this season than over before and says that tbo drouth has In no way affected tbe crop The Klngsvllle factory will can from 33 to 40 car loads of tomatoes this season and is now making arrange meat to can all kind of fruits an vegetables Danville Advocate Tbo INTERIOR JOURNAL Is always finding out remarkable things to tell The latest Is the discovery of two gen ¬ tlemen living In the Prcacbersvllle section only a mile apart who hays never seen each other tbat they fenow of although each has lived at his pres ¬ I ent abode six years or more Why down hero two people have lived 20 years In the house In which both were born and they have neither sere or spoken to each other In their lives Terrible aflllctloo being both blind rand deaf Somerset Journal Chamberlains Stomach and LiverTab lets are just what you need when you have uo appetite teal dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth They will Improve your appe ¬ tile cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food For sale by Craig Jr Hocker 4tb July rates ono taro and third round trip vlaQaeen S Crescent Route Tickets on sale July 2 3 4 good reo turning until July 8 Ask ticket agents for particulars ASHEVILLG AND RETURN Ono faro for the round trip plus 25o June 11 12 13 July 22 to 27 via Queen z Crescent Route Ask ticket agent for partlcu lore Tbo Jeflerton county grand j uy urges tho Board of Public Saftey to stop boxing I contests In LouisvilleI Good clothes arc always worth what they cost but paying the price doesnt always get them The clothes we sell cost enough to be good and no more We can show you an attractive line of flan ¬ nels homespun find Series for warmweather wenlI IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE GLOBEMerc- hant Tailoring Cleaning Pressing and Repairing Your money back If youre not satisfied TaOe mILLER Danville KO REMEMBER THAT J R Haselden at Lancaster IS THE MAN FOR + TINWORKSummer We have a full stock of The Perfection on Stoves White Enameled Refrigora tors Ice Boxes Ice Cream Freezers PaperPly 10 HigginsMKinneySTANFORD NA BOTH 10016 Standard Rule 0 Record 219J Sired by Walsingham 2100 sire of Lat itudo 2li and many others in the list Walsingham Naboths sIre Is a son of George Wilkes WO First dam Tinsel by Messenger Duroc 106 son of Hamblctonlnn und sire of Jilnint 220 the dam of rec ¬ ord 231 Second dam Boss sister to James Howell Jr by Uainbletouian 10 sire of Dxter 217i Third dam Jessie Sayre by harry Clay sire of St Julian 21H Dodlne 210 and 15 others that haw produced 230 trotters Al byd HAPSBURG 509 byWonderful Barnabyrtn EngllshConch drives well gentle nnd kind with fine style and high action Can show a milo better than 3 minutes Any one wishing a very high bred coach horse to breed on Standard Bred mares for getting style speed and action should sco this horse Will stand at 810 to Insure a living colt Will also stand a splendid 10 hand 1 inch jack at 810 for mares and 815 for jennets theyi I tiCMnistiC rtaewteny I Ot1iuL 0I 04r eu Write for S t AMER CAN SE DINOMACf11NE Co NEW LIVERY STABLE SWBTOSES3NPrcn JUNCTION CITY KY rintOlftti Turnout nt Reasonable Kates Special Attention to Traveling Men Drain and lIay ForSaln THL KentucKy InterchnngeabIoDiskorSho KY DISK FURROWOPENERS Make perfect even in dry teal The bearings are ear row Give rood clearance cant tics and are HUT PROW They are aa simple ax a scythe Lat as lone as the disk KY SHOE FURROW OPENERS trays detachable beets to shoes they are r made ol lorjred and polished tool steel can be detacbetlio a second as Important as a- UDbaretoapW Cant work loose I IIhW r1 eaaataa a LOUISVILLE KY VI Mason Hotel I MRS U D SIMPSON Pror Lancaster s Kentucky Newly furnished clean beds snealid table Everything fintclssj Torers meet all trains 89 y

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Page 1: IIN Iraok y J regaI Good - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843s332/data/0597.pdf · able story relating circumstances which Mr Pljrg well remembers In 1888 Mr Figgwas




A Footpad Who Robbed a Harrodsburg Man Returns The

Money With Interest

J Il li reported that Mr John T Firethe well known gentlemen About town

who bat handled Ivorv from tborockribbed coast of Maine to the fruitbound shores of California and fromthe snow did mountains of Manitobato tbe flowerladen proven of Floridareceived a check Monday for 1003 03

and that It was like getting moneyfrom home In the letter whichbrought the check was a most remark-able story relating circumstanceswhich Mr Pljrg well remembers In1888 Mr Figgwas manager and partstockholder In a wellknown clubroomthat existed at that time In LoultvllloOne night about dark a well dreasedstrangnr entered tbo olub room andboll bt 1100 worth of chlpi at one of

the faro table Luok was against himand ho soon boat his chips and bo tookhit departure Tbo next night at aboutthe tame hour the stranger appearedagain and dropped another hundredand left The next night ho came andpurchased another lot amounting to1100 In the middle of the deal whenbe bad lost half of his chips a messen-


boy itepped In und beaded thestranger a note The stranger toppedplaying long enough to read It aodIwith a look of anguish tore the noteInto shreds and cut It upon tbe floor

lie was toon icparatcd from hit last150 and Mr Fig who was the lookout for the game and whoso curiositywas aroused got out of tbo lookoutchair gathered together the scraps of

paperto that be could read tbo con

tend Mr Flgg though ho hat bitfault withal has many a good traitand with these a tender heart and was

much moved when be read tbe follow ¬

log from the scrap be had plauod togetter

DKAH lGYnvI do not feel at wellat usual tonight and I know tbat ourdarling little boy It not to well Theproprietor of tbo hotel says If our billIt nut paid tonight thAt we mutt leaveDont you thing II would be b tter forut to continue on our Journey-

YOCRLiOVINQ WIFETbe noto was written on the hotel

stationery and when Mr Figg read Itbe believed the stranger to have lostall at hit table whereupon he openedthe crib drawer drew out tho 1900 andstarted for the hotel Intending to leavethe amount with the women who wrotetbe note and who teemed In such dlstress Placing the money In bit vestpocket ho started for the hotel but atho turned a dark corner a man with ahandkerchief over the lower part of

his face placed a revolver Immediatelyla front of his forehead and demandedhis money or hit life Mr FIR threwup both hands and the robber touchedhim for the 1300 With much dltcorafiture ho turned to go back to the club-

room and whcnnearlog It a highway ¬

man encountered him n second timedemanding bit money or hit life Mr <

Flgg told him to try another for ho badgotten hint once that night At thosewords tho footpad hastened awayNow comet the most remarkable parof the story at detailed In the lettercontaining tho above mentioned checkTbe subitanro was this that the writerwa on hit way from Southern Missisalppl to Colorado with hit wife andchild The wife was tulTorlng with tuberculosis and bo was taking her therewith tbo hope of curing her of thedreadful malady While In Louisvillebe visited the club room and lost all of

till money During tbo last play be recelved a note from hit wife telling himof the threat to drive them from thehotel and be became desperate Afterleaving the club room he determinedto hold up the first man ho met and re ¬

hove him of his money Dy some verystrange late the first person ho mot af-


hit resolution proved to be Flggthough he did uot know It until bowas going through hU pockets Withthe money taken from him ho came toColorado securing a lucrative position

Ilived an upright life at he had alwaysdone with the exception of tbe onecrime of robbing Flgg Tbo letterstated tbat tbo wife recovered herbealtb and the husband had proeperedbeyond his wildest dream and now

owns ono of the most coinmodlus an

J well furnlehed hotels In the CentennialStato and that bo was abundantly ableL to pay the 1300 with accumulated In

lereti and eomo bonus The writer1 cordially Invited Mr Flgg to come and

make him a visit Mr Figg romembore tbo Incident very vividly andwill upend next winter withhlm Barrodsburg Herald


Cuts Bruises and Burns Qulok ¬

I ly Healed

Chambtrlalna Pain Balm it an anti ¬Iisepticcuts bruises I causes to

heal without maturation and much moro

quickly than bv the usuaUreatment ForBale by Craig Hocker


SOJ ETtPicnic excursions areday

The ladles of the Christian churchare planning a parsonage

Wo havo been blessed with a linerain and the discouraged farmers are

rl1JololnlIInod prnmlies an Improvement In thesystem

Tbo Hoe spring on Sam Higginsplace has sustained considerable dam-


from oil breaking from tbo tanksnearby

Milt Gladys of Clarktvllle Ark le-

a pleasant visitor at the home of Mrend Mrs John May Miss MargaretSallee has gone to Cincinnati to enterthe Conservatory of Music

Tho Baccalaureate sermon of thonigh School was delivered by DrGlare at the Methodist church SundayIn honor of which occailon moat of thechurches adjourned to attend

An appropriation of 118000 was madefor a for miles of pike on ilx roadsleading from Somerset To this amountwill be added a liberal contributionfrom Interested parties and the work Isto bo let out to tbo lowest and best bid ¬

der May all such Improvements con ¬

tinue Is tbo with of allCommencement exercises were held

In the paolout opera bouse Thursdaynight when seven sweet girl grad-uates


and two young men preceded bythe local minister the school boardand superintendent marched upon thestage as the beautiful strains of musicfrom the orchestra floated through theair Tbo party formed a truly hand-some picture as they stood before anadmiring crowd The exercises werecarefully prepared and well renderedand the largo audience felt amplypaid for having been there

The W O T IT convention will behelp here beginning today and conlliyilng three days Ample provisionhas been made for the delegates and aspecial program has been arranged forthe occasion Forty children from thedifferent churches will dispense tomebeautiful nyisle and a good tIme goner ¬

ally II promised by those In chargeChildren Day exercises will be pre ¬

anted at tbo Christian church nextSunday so It will be seen tbat Somer ¬

set smiling at her unjust persecutionspursues tbo oven tenor of her way and1s steadily and surely going upward andonward

Mrs J Plerpont Morgan wat tbocynosure of all eye at the recentelection of Colonial Dams at NewYork Contrary to tbe expectations ofthose who did not know her It wasfound that she dresses simpler and hercloth gown looked rusty Her blackbat was small and rusty and a thicveil covered her face Tbo decision otbo women who saw her was embracedIn the word frumpy Mrs Morgandisposition exceedingly retiring andwhenever the appears In public sboseems 111 at ease

Perhaps the most valuable ax In tbeworld Is owned by Dr M B Emorysplittingt¬

tor formerly lived at Springfield IIIand tbo ax was presented to him byLincoln The doctor says that ho hasheIer the Polio to the managers of the StLouis Fair for exhibition purposed

I have been troubled for some timewith Indigestion and sour stomach saysMrs Sarah W Curtis of Lee Mass I

and have been taking Chamberlain aStomach and Liver Tablets which hayshelped me very much so that now I caneat many things that before I could not I

If you have any trouble with your tomitch why not take these Tablets and getwell For tale by Craig k Hocker

Miss Prim He It boasting that hestole a dozen kisses from you

Miss Pert Thats a base DbMiss Prlm Im glad to hear It-

Miss Perl Yes he only stole onoI gave him the others PhiladelphiaPublic Ledger

Atlanta Ireton via Queen dCrescent Route One faro round tripplus 25c Tickets on sale July 7 8 0wltbIdeposit of ticket and payment of 60o aiJoint Agency at Atlanta

There coca was a government gaugerWho measured a caikon a wauger

Ho drank It by graciousThis gauger capacious

And now hea a Kentucky maugerChicago Tribune

To The Lakes Summer TouristTickets on sale via Queen fc CrescentRouto June I to Sept 30 Ask tick litagent for particulate




Four Jersey cows were killedbvIlightning at Fulton

couotrjlwalFlro In tho manufacturing district ofregaI ¬

male CollegeDr Anderson Wells of Mayklng

died from blood poisoning caused by ubrier scratch

Tbo wife of George Alfred Town-send rise wellknown Washington CityIcorrespondent Is dead

Tbe total number of persons killedIn tbo earthquake In the Van districtof Asiatic Turkey II 8tW

Frank Emmett a prominent cottonclerk committed suicide at New Or ¬

leans by cutting his throat with a pock¬


Forbes a Chicago drugclerk was shot and killed by highway-men


trying to rob his employers estab¬

lishmentPresident Spencer of the Southern rail-

way has announced that f25000000willbe expended in double tracking fromWashington to Atlanta

Circuit Judge Cantrlll has overruled-a motion for a new trial of the JohnMcDonald will conthit at Versatileand tho case will be appealed

During a thunderstorm at Atlanta ayoung woman was killed by lightningand a small church was struch by light-ning


and burned to the groundTho Brotherhood of Railway Train ¬

men has declared against sympatheticstrikes following out the recommen-dations of Grand Master Morrlsicy

The Federal grand jury at Montgom ¬

ery Ala has returned 30 Indictmentsagainst citizens of Coosa and Tallapoosa counties on tbo charge of poenage

The citizens of Indian Territory haveraised 135000 for an exhibit at tbe StLouis Worlds Fair to supplement agovernment appropriation of the same

amountIn near Livermore HoraceAbncy was shot and seriously woundedby Leo Lloyd who was slightly wound-ed In the hand by a bullet from Abneyi pistol

The oil well being put down on theCarroll lend about two miles north ofWllllamiburg came In at about 000toot It can bo safely estimated at a20bnrrcl well

Moro than 1000000 bushels of coalstarted south from Plttsburg duo to atwo fool rise In the river caused byheavy rains In tbe Monongabela andAllegheny valleys

A receiver for the Louisville Evo¬

ning Post Company was appointed bythe United States Circuit Court uponapplication of Stuart R Knott a credl ¬

companyt aged 20 yearsdied suddenly In convulsions at herhome in Franklin The cause of deathIs a mystery and a postmortem examsnation will be made

Sixty five storekeepers and gusgershave been relieved from duty In thoLouisville district on account of theclosing of the distilleries for the summeOln that district

Major Gen Bate commanding theDepartment of the Lakes has AOOOUOO ¬

ed that he will como to Kentucky tothe emobilization ot the national militia

A Southern Pacific passenger trainleft the track at Rlncon Cat and fourcoaches fell 40 feet over a cliff Into tboPacific ocean Nearly 30 persons wereInjured but no one was killed out-


The St Louis April grand jury sub ¬

miffed a final report In which It saidtbat legislative corruption and briberyhad been the rule for the past 12 yearsTbo confessions of State Senators aredescribed as appalling

New Orleans special says The factthat 11000000 cold cash was left InNew Orleans by tbo Confederate noun ¬

ion has stimulated a movement to tryand make this city a permanent noun ¬

ion headquarters and meeting placeAt St Louis the jury In the case 0

former Delegate J J Hannlgan charg ¬

ed with accepting a bribe returned averdict of guilty and fixed hit punIshmoot at five years In the penitentiaryThis Is the 18th Doodling case tbat hasbeen tried aid the pith conviction

In a decision In a teat case settingforth an agreed state of facts th ecourt of appeals holds tbat the StateBoard of Pharmacy cannot Interferewith tbo sale of patent or proprietarymedicines In original packages Tbecourt declares a part of the pharmacyact of 1893 to ba unconstitutional nulland void

Still anotherjchapterjbaa been addedto the poitofflco department scandal byClio announcement of a Brooklyn newspaper that the sum of 1500000 aoouallyis paid ouiJlnJexcesslTQ rentals by thepostoQlcos of New York State Leases



Iraok VanAndalot house near Bur y

struck by lightning and burn

edhj1ngJ M Wilson has been appointed atorekeeuereauger In the Danville In 9

lornal revenue districtnon R H Tomllnson of Lancaster

has bad tbo degree of LL Dconlerredupon him by the Nashville College of I

LawScountydetective with passing counterfeitmoneyJohn

Farmer and aman named Whittaker aero shot from ambush end kill ¬

ed near East Bcrnstadt A brother tfthe latter was also Injured

Miss Carlisle Walker has been chos ¬

en sponsor for the Richmond Lodge ofElks to attend the State reunion 9

which will convene In Lexington next y

monthThe 1

New Laurel Coal Co of Plusburg with a capital stock of 25000has been Incorporated by W AJ W Bastln R S Lytlo and GeorgeiGiven

Mrs L G Mondy who for a numberof years has been running the Gllchcrhouse Danville sold her lease to I WRogers of LaGrange Ga who willtake charge of the business June 1st

Editor W Owen McIntyre sold hispaper the Kentucky Farmer this weekto a Louisville party Ho receivedsomething over 8300 for It which Isconsidered a good price DanvilleNews t

The large tobacco barn of Jacob Huguely near Burgln was destroyed byfire during a thunderstorm Lightningstruck the barn causing a total lotsThere was no insurance and the lorewill aggregate 11000

The PulaskI county jail has beenplaced In tbo hands of a real estateagency for sale and the county willerect a new building of modern con ¬

struction Tbe new jail will bo erectedjust to the rear of tbe court house andwill cost about 115000

In the alimony case of Sarah RBoning against Vincent Borelog atLondon E A Cbllton was appointedcommissioner to take evidence as to tbewealth of the defendant Congressmanforcing paid 81000 Into court for tboattorney foes of plaintiffs lawyers asadjudged by tbo court of appeals ChasInman charged with the murder ofBurt Castcel while assisting his broth ¬

or a deputy sheriff to arrest Inmanbad a hung jury

Speaking of Breatbltt county CaptPhil B Thompson of Harrodsburgsaid When I was a member of theLegislature I suggested to the mem ¬

bers of that body that the best way torestore order in Rowan county Inwhich a feud existed at the time wasto abolish the county The matter wasdiscussed freely though no bill was In ¬

troduced It got noised about howev ¬

ere and bad Its effect for no troubletea occurred In Rowaa since

Mr W L McCarty president of tbeKings Mountain Canning Companywas in the city yesterday looking afterhis canning business Mr McCartyreports that his company has In culti ¬

vation a larger crop of tomatoes thisseason than over before and says thattbo drouth has In no way affected tbecrop The Klngsvllle factory will canfrom 33 to 40 car loads of tomatoes thisseason and is now making arrangemeat to can all kind of fruits anvegetables Danville Advocate

Tbo INTERIOR JOURNAL Is alwaysfinding out remarkable things to tellThe latest Is the discovery of two gen ¬

tlemen living In the Prcacbersvlllesection only a mile apart who haysnever seen each other tbat they fenowof although each has lived at his pres ¬ I

ent abode six years or more Whydown hero two people have lived 20years In the house In which both wereborn and they have neither sere orspoken to each other In their livesTerrible aflllctloo being both blind

rand deaf Somerset Journal

Chamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets are just what you need when youhave uo appetite teal dull after eatingand wake up with a bad taste in yourmouth They will Improve your appe ¬

tile cleanse and invigorate your stomachand give you a relish for your food Forsale by Craig Jr Hocker

4tb July rates ono taro and thirdround trip vlaQaeen S Crescent RouteTickets on sale July 2 3 4 good reoturning until July 8 Ask ticket agentsfor particulars

ASHEVILLG AND RETURN Ono farofor the round trip plus 25o June 11 1213 July 22 to 27 via Queen z CrescentRoute Ask ticket agent for partlculore

Tbo Jeflerton county grand j uy urgestho Board of Public Saftey to stop boxing

I contests In LouisvilleI

Good clothes arc always worth what theycost but paying the price doesnt always getthem

The clothes we sell cost enough to be goodand no more

We can show you an attractive line of flan ¬

nels homespun find Series for warmweatherwenlIIT PAYS TO TRADE AT

THE GLOBEMerc-hant Tailoring Cleaning Pressing and Repairing

Your money back If youre not satisfied

TaOe mILLER Danville KO


J R Haselden at LancasterIS THE MAN FOR



We have a full stock of The Perfectionon Stoves White Enameled Refrigorators Ice Boxes Ice Cream FreezersPaperPly10


NA BOTH 10016Standard Rule 0 Record 219J Sired by Walsingham 2100 sire of Lat

itudo 2li and many others in the list Walsingham Naboths sIre Is ason of George Wilkes WO First dam Tinsel by Messenger Duroc 106 sonof Hamblctonlnn und sire of Jilnint 220 the dam of rec ¬

ord 231 Second dam Boss sister to James Howell Jr by Uainbletouian10 sire of Dxter 217i Third dam Jessie Sayre by harry Clay sire of StJulian 21H Dodlne 210 and 15 others that haw produced 230 trotters AlbydHAPSBURG 509byWonderfulBarnabyrtnEngllshConchdrives well gentle nnd kind with fine style and high action Can show amilo better than 3 minutes Any one wishing a very high bred coach horseto breed on Standard Bred mares for getting style speed and action shouldsco this horse Will stand at 810 to Insure a living colt

Will also stand a splendid 10 hand 1 inch jack at 810 for mares and 815 forjennetstheyi

I tiCMnistiCrtaewteny

I Ot1iuL 0I04r eu





rintOlftti Turnout nt Reasonable KatesSpecial Attention to Traveling Men

Drain and lIay ForSaln



KY DISK FURROWOPENERSMake perfecteven in dry teal The bearings are earrow Give rood clearance cant tics andare HUT PROW They are aa simple axa scythe Lat as lone as the diskKY SHOE FURROW OPENERStrays detachable beets to shoes they are r

made ol lorjred and polished tool steel canbe detacbetlio a second as Important as a-UDbaretoapW Cant work loose

I IIhW r1 eaaataa aLOUISVILLE KY VIMason Hotel I


Lancaster s Kentucky

Newly furnished clean beds snealidtable Everything fintclssj Torersmeet all trains 89
