in ns - canadian armed · pdf fileir~ ~imo of yoaco an rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt...

lvi In this lie 0110 of tho diffi ·ulties of nrmio . Tho divi-;ion of bch,ccn c!vil nnd military b injuriou,,, bcc:m cit in :t tMnsuro provonls tho creation ofnny really oomprebco-.i\·o chomc of rnilitnry .refurm .. of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... d1-.c1plmo, but m all that rolak to the provi,.ion of clothing, guns, rifle-., nnd t'quipmont ho hn::i hut partial power. .A .. oon n." wnr come-. these po,.ition:; un.1 rt•\·cr,..od; tho dopnrtmcnt countH ror little boyou l providing boc:1u o its rulos contomplato and nro onnctod during n st.'lto of ponco-The goMml thc11 become" o,·orything bccam10 ho knows whnt ho wnnt<:. and if ho is an ablo mnn, contrh·es OYontually to got it. Ju Cnnndn, it ha" been -ltatod, :\Combers of Parliament say tho conn try 1Yill not "uLmit to cncrC'.ascJ expenditure for milit.nry and yet all over the country munici 1 al bo:lie,, vote con;;idornblo to ::.upplemcut Government gmnts. Those focf.15 ni o contradictory. Tho people of tho country r-hould realize tho protection the pr-O!:cnco of the force ailord:; thoir proporty and their lh·es; they only :isk the law bould be rigidly cnfo1·ccd and a littlo more money spent on the annual training of tho mon; but bc;;itlcs nre parnmountly wanted the means of tcachiug officers and ronking drill in tructors to train tho men, nnd n !:Hlffkient appropriation for war matcdnl clothin•', ammunition nnd ordnance for con:;t and harbour clcfonco. ' The military pnrrNmtry nt Montreal on the Qneen'n uirthday, and nL Toronto on 9th , 'p'ember la;;t, when nbouL 3,000 troop..; 011 each pnradecl before the Governor General and Iler Roynl Highness the Princei,s Louise, might not be reJmded. s of much moment by the military dospotisms of tho Continent of Eu1·opo. Yet they rep-csentod force which oven tho most powc1ful sovereigns might be prou l to commnnd. They nre uot to be estimated in value merely as pawns on the ch es bo. rd of wnr, or to be told off in estimating tho of tho em piro. They constituted tho offerings of Canad inn loyalty, tho first fruib of Canadian patriotism. Their pr once :mJ the popular entha in m they evoked wcro evidences of the in ten ity with whirh the citizenrs of tho Dominion cheri h at once the that bind them to the mother country nod tho pride they feel in their own land. Surh n Elpirit of activity ns is exhibited by our militia i!; tho 1irsL etep towards the 1u'O'.ln<'tion of victoriou baltnlion .i.:To ono <'an contend that Canada has not long ago taken thnt fi t step with nrdour and <lo,·otion. The danger, which appa- rently th1cntenc<l two years ago, of England being d1awn into a Europe:tn war, calicd out .,n tho latent regard of Canadian fellow-subject::! for tho : Moth or Country . The en gy with which preparation fordcfcnco were undertaken might be ntti·ibuted to elfi h motive , but there couU bo no doubt of t11e disinterested character of tho offers of .lid which wero pr ed upon the Imperial G:>l'ernmont. Tho spirit which prompte I th e otfors would ri e no doubt to still higher level undor tho pres ure of n great Imperial struggle. ':Pho t'e of Imperial uni.} take tho form in Can:idn of a personal loyulty to tho Sover ign, nnd tho Queen's name arousct1 a trustful nn<l affectionate zonl among lvii Cunatliuus thnt l'Ocnlls to 111c111ory the foolings which, iu earlier ugCd, wore the rnai11 sccuritie::i for the eovoroigutics of Europo. Closely ns ociutod witl1 thi por,.onn J loynlty to tho <iuueu, is n lllolicitude for the ho1101· of t;nglnnd , which u t..'linR tlJC policy of tho Imporinl Gon1rnrnont, bec!tuac it vi11ibly asaerts thl· dig nity nnd powcw of tho empire. 'J'hough pel'lwp::i 110L }H'oporly coming within the scopo of a rniliuiry rep0rt, yet, a:i tho llavigatiou of tlto Gulf of St. Lawt·once in winter might become m future yearP, a question of com;idorablo military con,,cqucnce, as it mthl always eontinue to bo of commercial importance, I therefore venture briefly to refer to a. paper I laid before tho Secretary of State for the Colonie8 in 1876, while in England. Thi!! paper had for it" object the discus'<ion of n project for cloi:ing t!1e Straita of Belle Isle against tho ever flowing 11olnt· ClllTunt into the Gulf fr<1m tho Arctic Sea. The Secret:wy of State wns plea'!od to term it a very interesting which he read with much attcntio11. and hnd communicated copioR to tlio Commi::;sioncri; of the .Admiral tr and to the Govcmol' General of Canada. '!'ho Straits of Belle !"le: opon to the north-cast, receive the 1lfroct flow of the polnr current down Baffin's Bay. This icy st1·cnm, at f'rom two to four an hom·, ponrs its wny into the Gt tlfofSt. Lawre11cc, ovc1·coming l1y it-. great er density tho warm gulf t>troam from the c;outhcrn 'l'he <'old ,.frl':lln divides into two branches noar Cape L'Amour, one run- ning wostwnrd up the Unit' and lho other imutheastward, discharging into the ocenn again botwcon Nowfo1111clla11d and Cape Bi·eton. This branch then sweeps along the eastern coaRt of :N°OHl [-:r·otia, and :;houlderR off the warm water further out to sea, w11ich would othen\ isc find its way along tho shores of the continent and into the Gulf. ff therefore the polar t·nrreut could lie cxclmlcd an<l rleflccted of Newfoundland into the open ocean, the climatic otfoct, i.Jy the exchange of col<l fo1· warm water, would lie vory marked in the Gulf and acljaccut :-horl''. This is possible though <.!oc;tly, but without engineering clilficulty, the m:uc1ial being on the !l})Ot 1 available to the effort... of men, iron and dynnmit-O. At Cape L'Amour, on tho coa:-.t ot the width of the Strait« is about eight nnd n-hnU' to nine miles i tho watcl' dcopcns to 50 fathoms in -..omc Lut by the chart- i;oundings it that :17 neecl not lie o.xcccclcd by following an indirect lino i the water t·onsi<lernbly both shores. c"pecially on the side which is low. On the Labrador coa"t tho ln.nd is high cloi,e to Capu L'Amour, composed of igneous rock. Rough blocks, hewn from thil:! b,r blu'ltiug could be run by tramway11 into tho sen, tilling tho pn .. sngo and fore\'Or excluding tho polar wntt•1· from the gulf. Tho offoC't would ho thu.t warm wtilor from tho "outb tnki11g the plnco of cold water from tho north, ice formation in tho would thenceforth prnctically as aul insuperablo impediment, and winter navigation would be po-<:>iblo as far Rimouski or Riviera du Loup 1 the temperature of tho 1'1ll'l'Onn<ling coMl" bein"' proportionately incrcn"'od. 8-_o

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Page 1: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


In this lie 0110 of tho diffi ·ulties of nrmio . Tho divi-;ion of rc~pnn~ibility

bch,ccn c!vil nnd military b injuriou,,, bcc:m cit in :t tMnsuro provonls tho creation

ofnny really oomprebco-.i\·o chomc of rnilitnry .refurm .. Ir~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... d1-.c1plmo, but m all that

rolak to the provi,.ion of clothing, guns, rifle-., nnd t'quipmont ho hn::i hut partial

power. .A .. oon n." wnr come-. these po,.ition:; un.1 rt•\·cr,..od; tho dopnrtmcnt countH

ror little boyou l providing 1mpplio~, boc:1u o its rulos contomplato and nro onnctod

during n st.'lto of ponco-The goMml thc11 become" o,·orything bccam10 ho knows

whnt ho wnnt<:. and if ho is an ablo mnn, contrh·es OYontually to got it.

Ju Cnnndn, it ha" been -ltatod, :\Combers of Parliament say tho conn try 1Yill not

"uLmit to cncrC'.ascJ expenditure for milit.nry purpo~os, and yet all over the country

munici1 al bo:lie,, vote con;;idornblo ~um,, to ::.upplemcut Government gmnts. Those

focf.15 ni o contradictory. Tho people of tho country r-hould realize tho protection the

pr-O!:cnco of the force ailord:; thoir proporty and their lh·es; they only :isk the law

bould be rigidly cnfo1·ccd and a littlo more money spent on the annual training of

tho mon; but bc;;itlcs nre parnmountly wanted the means of tcachiug officers and

ronking drill in tructors to train tho men, nnd n !:Hlffkient appropriation for war

matcdnl clothin•', arm~, ammunition nnd ordnance for con:;t and harbour clcfonco. ' ~ The military pnrrNmtry nt Montreal on the Qneen'n uirthday, and nL Toronto on

9th , 'p'ember la;;t, when nbouL 3,000 troop..; 011 each occu~ion pnradecl before the

Governor General and Iler Roynl Highness the Princei,s Louise, might not be reJmded. s of much moment by the military dospotisms of tho Continent of Eu1·opo.

Yet they rep-csentod force which oven tho most powc1ful sovereigns might be prou l to commnnd. They nre uot to be estimated in value merely as pawns on the

ch es bo. rd of wnr, or to be told off in estimating tho stren~th of tho em piro. They

constituted tho offerings of Canad inn loyalty, tho first fruib of Canadian patriotism.

Their pr once :mJ the popular entha in m they evoked wcro evidences of the

in ten ity with whirh the citizenrs of tho Dominion cheri h at once the tic~ that bind

them to the mother country nod tho pride they feel in their own land.

Surh n Elpirit of activity ns is exhibited by our militia i!; tho 1irsL etep towards

the 1u'O'.ln<'tion of victoriou baltnlion • .i.:To ono <'an contend that Canada has not

long ago taken thnt fi t step with nrdour and <lo,·otion. The danger, which appa­

rently th1cntenc<l two years ago, of England being d1awn into a Europe:tn war,

calicd out .,n tho latent regard of Canadian fellow-subject::! for tho :Moth or Country.

The en gy with which preparation fordcfcnco were undertaken might be ntti·ibuted

to elfi h motive , but there couU bo no doubt of t11e disinterested character of tho

offers of .lid which wero pr ed upon the Imperial G:>l'ernmont. Tho spirit which

prompte I th e otfors would ri e no doubt to still higher level undor tho pres ure of n great Imperial struggle.

':Pho t'e of Imperial uni.} take tho form in Can:idn of a personal loyulty to tho

Sover ign, nnd tho Queen's name arousct1 a trustful nn<l affectionate zonl among


Cunatliuus thnt l'Ocnlls to 111c111ory the foolings which, iu earlier ugCd, wore the rnai11

sccuritie::i for the eovoroigutics of Europo. Closely ns ociutod witl1 thi por,.onn J

loynlty to tho <iuueu, is n lllolicitude for the ho1101· of t;nglnnd , which u t..'linR tlJC

policy of tho Imporinl Gon1rnrnont, bec!tuac it vi11ibly asaerts thl· dig nity nnd powcw of tho empire.

'J'hough pel'lwp::i 110L }H'oporly coming within the scopo of a rniliuiry rep0rt,

yet, a:i tho llavigatiou of tlto Gulf of St. Lawt·once in winter might become m future

yearP, a question of com;idorablo military con,,cqucnce, as it mthl always eontinue to

bo of commercial importance, I therefore venture briefly to refer to a. paper I laid

before tho Secretary of State for the Colonie8 in 1876, while in England.

Thi!! paper had for it" object the discus'<ion of n project for cloi:ing t!1e Straita of

Belle Isle against tho ever flowing 11olnt· ClllTunt into the Gulf fr<1m tho Arctic Sea.

The Secret:wy of State wns plea'!od to term it a very interesting 1"11l~cct, which he

read with much attcntio11. and hnd communicated copioR to tlio Lord~ Commi::;sioncri;

of the .Admiral tr and to the Govcmol' General of Canada. '!'ho Straits of Belle !"le:

opon to the north-cast, receive the 1lfroct flow of the polnr current down Baffin's Bay.

This icy st1·cnm, at f'rom two to four 111ile~ an hom·, ponrs its wny into the G ttlfofSt.

Lawre11cc, ovc1·coming l1y it-. greate r density tho warm gulf t>troam from the c;outhcrn

1atitude~. 'l'he <'old ,.frl':lln divides into two branches noar Cape L'Amour, one run­

ning wostwnrd up the Unit' and lho other imutheastward, discharging into the ocenn

again botwcon Nowfo1111clla11d and Cape Bi·eton. This branch then sweeps along the

eastern coaRt of :N°OHl [-:r·otia, and :;houlderR off the warm water further out to sea,

w11ich would othen\ isc find its way along tho shores of the continent and into the

Gulf. ff therefore the polar t·nrreut could lie cxclmlcd an<l rleflccted oa~twn1-d of

Newfoundland into the open ocean, the climatic otfoct, i.Jy the exchange of col<l fo1· warm water, would lie vory marked in the Gulf and acljaccut :-horl''.

This is possible though <.!oc;tly, but without engineering clilficulty, the m:uc1ial

being on the !l})Ot1 available to the effort... of men, iron and dynnmit-O. At Cape

L'Amour, on tho coa:-.t ot Lab1·u~lor, the width of the Strait« is about eight nnd n-hnU'

to nine miles i tho watcl' dcopcns to 50 fathoms in -..omc p~u'lr-. Lut by the chart­

i;oundings it that :17 fat~oms neecl not lie o.xcccclcd by following an indirect

lino i the water ~hoahi t·onsi<lernbly townrd~ both shores. c"pecially on the i~lnnd side which is low.

On the Labrador coa"t tho ln.nd is high cloi,e to Capu L'Amour, composed of

igneous rock. Rough blocks, hewn from thil:! b,r blu'ltiug could be run by tramway11

into tho sen, tilling tho pn .. sngo and fore\'Or excluding tho polar wntt•1· from the gulf.

Tho con~equcnt offoC't would ho thu.t warm wtilor from tho "outb tnki11g the plnco of

cold water from tho north, ice formation in tho ~ulf would thenceforth prnctically

cca~e as aul insuperablo impediment, and winter navigation would be po-<:>iblo as far

~s Rimouski or Riviera du Loup1 the temperature of tho 1'1ll'l'Onn<ling coMl" bein"'

proportionately incrcn"'od.


Page 2: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

1 \'iii

1 ·1·t 01·nt of ,·iew which nuw porhnp ... bo corhidcrod only snbordinntu n n m1 1 nry p , • . to oommercinl, tho open nn,·igntion of tho Gulf t11 tho po111h named would be of

• bocly of troop could be rcadih· l:mdc I in Lrlwc1· Cnnn<ln at nil times 1mportr111co1 n ... a ~ . . ot the ycnr. Th. nnrro~ trip, nlong which tho Inte1·colfll1inl R~tlway rnn through

Tcmhsoountn :m I Kamom·n.;kn, would thereby 00 turne I, :tnd tmop.; anu HlOl'eH could

rc:rch Quebec with la.~ ... cbnnco of interruption thnn Ly traYelling tho Ion~ lnnd

journey of GOO miles from IInlifax to Ri\'ioro dn ~, lllp. 'l'he c~inn<·1• ... ~f t~10 1·ni!wny being romlorcd impn~-.iblo by winter ~now unft · Ill tho mououw'.uus d1~t.nct..., of tho J:ostioouche would thn.; be of Jc ... -. consequonC'l', from tho snmc point of v1ow.

iy tho temperature of the Gulf water-., its influence would probably

extend nlong the ndjncent -.hore ... 1 and lo.~ :-now might po:-.sibly foll along the portion

of the rnilwnv in it· vicinity. Prince Edwnrd Island, .\.nticosti, nnd the western part

of Xowfoundi nr! would p1~bnbly fcol the genial effect of the warmer water, and their incrcnscd ll•rt 1 :ty would be another recompen:;o for the co::;t of the work.

1rhe c·annl. long -.ince prOJOCtcd, from Cumucrland, at the head of the Bay of

Fuad.r, to Bay Y crtc in N orthumbcrl:md :-'ouncl would di:...cbarge au immense

volume of warm ... outhern water, which tlow .... north with a prodigious velocity of tide

up tho B. y of Fundy. 'l'hi .... flow would ltc projcctc I along the :-bores of Prince

].'<Jwnrd ] .... lnud, and thenco into the tiulf of ~t. L.1wro11cc, a11d forrn a powc1ful supplement to the blo1·kade of the ::Strait-. of Belle I -.le.

'rho reference to thb idea, which, l bn,·e :-incc le~l'lll, was advanced upward~ of twcnty-th-c year,. ago loy Lieute11:u1t 3Inury, United States ~avy, the talented nutho1· of'l'be Pby ... ical Geo~raphy ot'tlie ~ca1 b merely t) im ite di::;cu::;sion. Though

thi-. problem mny be ,...olved in fut111·e year;,,, it would he unrca .... onable lo expect it to

be undc11nkc11 by Canada at the prc ... cnt time. \\'01·k ... re11niring greater· engineering

skill have been accomplhhod, but thi" owing chiefly to the depi.h of water, would bo costly, oven with the employment of con,·ict lnbot11'.

The Board of _.\clmirnlty ditl not :icccpt the idea th:it tho projected rc:.ult::i would necc-.sarily follow the ndoption of thi ''gigantic" scheme, cou<:luding that tho

gcnernl severe ehnrncter of the winter climate of the cn-,tcl'IJ parL of the :North

American Continent i independent of tho "'mall brnnr.h of polar wntct· tlwt tin<l:, its way through Bello isle ;,trait .

One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;l10ul<l be !'iU~joctcd ii, critici.,m. 1'he

p1'0babilities nro 1.1on i<lol'alJly in fa\"OI' of tiny 11ew idea hoi ng- th11s:-,11mm11l'ily <li8posed

of. But if nftcr having founrl that the propo;,ition i-. in accorclancc wit11 recorded

facts1 enabling u ... to obtain independent natural fo1·mula, hit hel'lo in:iufficicntly

wcamined or uncxplainecl1 thcu it may appear to have a tolerably firm founclntio11 ou which to re~t.

It i founded on experience, that a peculiar opinion ..... ecmc; to exi-.t with many

persons rolntive to the valne of an objection. It nppenr that when a no\·elty ii; suu· mittcd for criticism, any objcetion, no matter how erroneous <>I' rautly, is con ider d




entirely to confru\•c1·t tho t1 uth of the original proLlern, ju t as in former time:; men

doniod that tho oal'th <'011ld ho round, because if it were, people would bo walking

head <lownw,ll'(h;. So 11lijc•cl111-:-. <1fte11 olfo1· 1·0111ai·ks containing error:'! of n simple nature, yet tl1e c olijcttio11s :11 e <:on .. idonxl uuanswerahl o until f11l'tJ1c1· ex:uniuation

<lenotet1 their c1ToJ-. But u it clo<h not <:<J111e within tho pro\·i11ce <if tlw o crude pro·

positions t-0 i11vcstig11lc deeply iuto tho quc:.tion, objectors will p1·obauly c<1uti11110

u.nde1· th<i i111pn'""io11 that tliei1· c·l'it.i(·ism~ arc unansworablc, until n 11101·0 ca1·eliing and profoun<l exumiuatio11 of' tho ontin~ sultjcc·t i~ thorouglily vcntilatod.

Tho chi of q uo:;tion lo b'>I \'O won Id be: wonlcl the bloeki 11g a p tho ::>tr11it,, nnrl change

of <liroction of the cold cul'l'eut, have any influence on tho pre,,cnt conr,,c of tho Gulf

Stream. If the force of the Arctic current which now enti)1·,, the Strait~, were th1'0wn more eastward, it is tlloro than pos.;ible such resultg might follow. Wore the colcl

stream that now creep!i along the ~ovn Scotia NJU.~t, tlll'<m;h the pa ... -.nge between Capo Breton :me! Cape Raco intc1·cepto<l, it i,., a probablo con,.uquence that .;outheru

wat01·s would follow tho di1·e<'litJn Qf the coa~t, aod ..;o enter that pn..;«age in,.,tcad.

'fhc con lour oflhe cn-.tcrn :->ide of .Xewfoundland, wrth it ... huge . bo11ldor jutting into the Atlantic·, would tend lo shoot otf the Baffinl'! Bay .stream, which wonld ;,,Crike its northern shore with grcatc1· force whon unnblc to tind a pu ... sage a-. formerly through Belle Itilo Straits .

The question hu:i akettuy been discu::;sed both in Eoglan<l and Cauatla :.ince the

time it. wa8 fiJ·1:1t rni;;ed, t1ome from a favorable, other" from an unfavorable stand­

point; bt1l, ns all grC'at wo1·ks owe their ultimate ::iuccess to roponted <liscu ... sion in

their origin, so I venture to raise this poin t again. \Yo have the testimony of

master-mnrine1·s of long experience on the ~et of tho.;e ClllTCnl-; in thl• 1.;ntranco to

the Gulf; they tend generally to favor the iden now :-u~~cstcd . & me :-cientific

captains of the Allan Lino aJ,.o bring theil' tc:-:.timony, fortified by cont1nuod obser­vation, in favor of the n•::;ult of the project.

It ha~ been urgc<l that the polar current ha~ little ellccL on tho Gulf water:-; but the difference of tcmpcmture on the north and south sh01·c-., a.; hi~h a~ Murray Bay

on one side, and beyond RiYiorc-dn-Loup on tho othe1·, mthcl' contradich this theory, as it is known tho coldel' w:ite1· keeps to the northern con.;1"li no of the St. Lawrence.

The effect of the f1·e!'ih water flowing down tho Ri\'et· . 't. Lnwrenco it"'elf mu,.t

not be ove1·-ostimated in rein.lion to the ice p:wk in tho Lower Gulf -;omo

90,000 square miles. Its Yolumc, 300 miles below Qnchc •, is in.;ignilicant and nttm1-uatcd in comparison with the tlow tlu·ough S rniL.;, which I bn,·e !'ecn

estimated at 9010001000,000 tu bic feet per hour. It i!'! nbo .... tutcd that the cold cu1·rents of nir frolll Hudson'~ Bay m·o sufficient in thorn .... ch•e.; to 1iccount tbr the

low tempe1·aturo of the l~nlfnnrl it.; adjacent shore.~: hnt thb ar~nmont oruih U1 uoto

that the Briti,.h Island.; a1·c a-; ne:u· the northern iee-tield-.. :h the liM of the t. Law­

rence i,; to Hu lso:i's Bay, arnl that no :-ouch oxtrome cold j,... known then'. 'fho fact

is, it is tho tempcrnture of willer, which is the mo t powerful ngont in formin~ a

Page 3: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


climate, much moro thnn the ntmo,..phcro. ~omo attribute tho colclnc)'i" of the Gulf

olimnto to latitude, but it mu t be rcmombcrol the l;and's·End of England Jie,, in

~c'\"ernl degree~ highol' l:ltitude thnn Antico-..ti. .A glance at the map 'ihow.-. that

wero tho ..,trnil'< block<-' I up tho polur C'urrcnt wouM pt11'1';UC it' !'i•Hlth-ea torly cour-o

until lo4 m the mi~hty Atlantic, lonving n t only J;ahr:1do1· and lower <lnobec to

fructify uumolestcd by it-.. withering cold1 bnL perhaps Lho wc.-.torn "horc ... of' Xew­foundlaml an I tho I"hnd of Antico-..ti a well. .A111l again I draw attontion to t.he miliU\ry ndvnntage of having n free winter navigation in tho G 1111' of St. Lawrence,


thOUJh fur -.urpa-.-.ed Ly its onormou~ C.)llltuOl'Cial benefits must I hope, be

nccepted 11-.. my excu-.e for introdncin.; tho ~ubjett, O\"en thus lll'iefly, into this report.

Experience of nllc~ed objcctiono.:, :mt! others of a :-,imilnt· character, lead to a

conclu-..ion that tbero i.., diflicult~· in intlucin!,!' a Cl't·tnin ctn ..... of thinkers to bring to

bear on any no>elty tbo-.o idcntiC'nl mental vowers which have helped to lead them

into n hn~ty 01· :.ummnry objcf'tion. H take-. a long time to render us familiar with

n uow idea1 nnd the hi-.tory of the I :i,t\ .. u.; how -.Jnwly an.' ah,,tru,c trnth ever

mnde ib wny.

Fortunately the problem here -.o crudely dealt with b not one <l~pending on

opinion or probability; it i" not- n '}ll<' ... tion n..; to what i:. likely. but it is a 'lue~tion of

-.uch 11 purely hydrogrnpbic nnd :-.tmo-pheric nature a~ to bu easily capable of

demon-<trntiou by experts killed by re-.earch in thl•"e natu1-al pbonomena.

In tho confideuce that a fair exnmmntion r-. nil th11l j.., required to show tho

importance of tho problem here o 'li!?htly ,.kotched out, iL is !iUbmittorl to public

opinion an<l more cientific invcHignt1011 them it. ha .. yet ri:eeived. Ot the ea.;o with

which engiuec.r:-. would dcnl with tho materinl qu(',t,.io11, there <·~'ln be no doubt.

Before ending thb icport, I may, perhnp-., be permitte l to make 1;ome conclutl­

ing remarks regarding the future of the fnrcc I hnvc :-<1 Ion~ hnd the plensnro to pre. r.ide over.

It may, pcrhap-, be n kcd, wbnt J1a, Eu~la111l lo do \\ itl1 tho internal arrange­

ment-. of her colonic beyond the i11tcra..,t, thnt a. parent should fool in tho wellboing

ofn ;rown-up chil I? With rcgtll'(f to the <tuc tion 1111mcdiutely at i~-.ue, it might be

cnou~h to point again to th necc it\" ofmnintaining tho fmi1crial gal'l'i on of'regular

troop in tho cxtcn;;i\·c fortific·ationfoi 1 m tructc.-d a Il:tlifUx, the great .-.tat ion of the

Xorth Atlantic flee. To 11 an the work<i tho1011~hh·, m01·1• than nll the· :1rtillery

militin of No.-a S<:otin woald ho rcquirt: I. anJ tlw lntc1·colo11ial H 1ilway. which no'~ connects that outlying provinno with the lll':ll t of tho Porni11iou, would be u·O<l to

bring down mon nnd snpplin-. But 'Hrel..' n bl'oaricr \'iow of the qnc tion than this ii;

worthy of a groat country. Canada i .... nlrno.,,t a near to England, by thC' rapid com­

munication or tho present ti mo, n J rol.m I w.1.s d II in~ the long war of ~npoleon. Its populntion is omincntly loyal, an I is p0<·ulind..' 1.ittcd 10 furnish good 11oltlicrs;

nnd in the O\'ent of wnr with any greatJ~nropcan power, woulrl bo \Vil ling and anxious

to nd it quota to ~ct with the Engli h army. \ gno1l military syste1~ in Cnnndit

is, therefore, an object of Imporiu.I intoro. t, 1rnil with comparatively littlo ox pen e and

trouble, tho Engli~h Govomrncnt could tlo much to as i:.t the Colonial Executi\.·e in its

army organization. But if the object is to bo attni11c<l1 the matter ought not to be rCJlll'd·

ed as belonging to tbi8 01· thut pa1·ticular dopu.1·trnent1 nor ... hould the qnc~tion whether

the c:o8t i11 to be borne by the War Office, tho Admiralty or tho colony, inflaouco the de­

cision. Tho broad fact shol1ld bo borne in mind that, in tho event of serious trouble,

England would have to 8train ovory norvo to mC\et tho requirement that woul I be

made upon her, and tho military capabilities ofa loyal population, numuoring four

millions, should be developed as fnr as possible in time of peace, in order that they

might be utilized it war should break out. The opinion of England is held in high esti­

mation in Canada. Advice offered by her military and naval authorities would be

willingly followed, and the critici.;m that 1;;hows appreciation ot hone:)t endeavour

would be far more readily recei,ed than carelcbs prni:-e. A well considered scheme

for an Imperial military and naval re~erve, drawn up with due regard to cost,

and framed so that it might 1·ecoivo fulle1· de\·clopmunt in time of war·, would

undoubtedly moot with careful consideration in Canadn.

The general scheme sketched out in this report is intended to include not only plans

for tho defence and military development of Canada, but al..;o the mcan::i of utilizing

her strength for Imperial purpo:ies, as \VOii rui finding a place for the voluntary aid

which Canada has already i;o chivalrously protfored in the e\ent of any con..;idc1 able

expedition beyond the British sea,;. In fact, the organization of tho Canauian urmy

is of as great importance, and should boas clo ... ely .. canned and carefully bUppoi·ted,

as that of the British militia. Dbtances are rapidly dbappearing; the tics that unite

England with her colonies ought, consequently. to become closer, and for mutual pro·

tection every effort ihonld he made to render them as binding and efficient as po<1-si ble

.Although no nation cn.n boast of more courageous troops than Gront Britain,

tl1ere can be little doubt that, owing to tho nge of our recruit' under tho pre..;ent t-y!'itom,

a pl'oportion hardly po::.:-ess the stamina nece.'l:-ary for ,.,oldier:i who nt auy time may

be called upon to servo during a long protracted war, and who havo not nlono to

make long and forced mnrc:he:i over difficult roaci.s and through mountain f:i.:;tno;;.;e ·1

hut often to put up with scanty provii>ions from the Comrni:; .. ariat Department. To

undl'rgo these hardships, and be reatly at a moments notice to take the field ngninst

well-dis!!iplincd, well-armed troop.;, require:; strength und bnrdihood which youug

ladil, guqnnt as they aro nncl ready to gain honour nt lhe cannon'i1 mouth, cnn hnrdly

~nfficiontly po::.Re"..;.

Jn bygone dny!I, when i;olcliors wore taught to believe that the day of battle was the 1lay of victory: there \Yero alwuy" n majority of old veteran~ in the rankd of

every regiment who ini1tillcd into tho minds of the yonng ... tor~ that lo\·o for their profc:;~ion, that attention t-0 duty, that feeling of pride to rn ... t.nin the honour and

repntation of their regimeot which renilered tbem iood nud eflkient ~oldiiu. liow

Page 4: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


mnny n Ind who, for tho fir t time, fncod an ('nerny, nnd tinding him,-elf in tho mid:st of dnngor, with ballot" wltbtling around him, nnd ,.hot anti :-hell ploughing up tho ground be occupied, mon nnd hor"c' f:tlli111; on c\·c1·y :-ido, wn ... che('rotl up to tako hi:> mnnful pn1 tin tho ,.,trugglo by the 'oico of n votcrnn, ·• lkiwo, my In.Ii i 1·omcmhor

the credit of our corp' b nt ::-tnkc.'' lJndcr the pre-ont ,.hort -.orvico nntl int-Orchnngoablo :-pitcm of tho British nrmy,

the"o co11 lition mo roduce<l i thert•fon' it i--, beyontl O\'Ot'ythiog, IH.)Cu:-;s:u·y thtil goo<l nnd 1 oliablo 11011-commi,.,.:oncd otlicor.-. ~honki bo maintained, and that thol'O should be n 1111 go rc-ervo of ~en-oncd men, who.;c con,.t1tutions arc developed, and whose phy-.icnl :-lamina would render them cq uni to endure privation as well as fatigue,

nccnstomc.I to cxpo-..uro nnd to inclomom·y of climntc. Jn tho-o dny-., when wnrs bbt only month:s instead of year:', we cannot. nfford to

begin n wnr and thun cronto nn nrmy. We mu:,t hn"o an nrmy ready, and soldiers, like every other profo,. ... ion, nrnl more so than "omc. require a cnreful npprentice~hip. L-ct u,. hope, therefore. that\·e,,-, both for military aud naval oervice, may, as 500n n, ... llO"iblc, bo orgnnizl' l anti maint:"iin~l in Canada, compo,-ed of the hardy and well--ea: nod por}llltuion of' the coumry and the --ea coa-.ts, tmined and di sci pli~ed as powerful nuxilinrio:. to tho armed force;; of tho Crown, for the defence of tho !anti of'

their birth or their adoption, as well ns of the Empire at large. The pur:-uit of pre:>tige may be likened to chn:>ing a sunbeam or running after

a rninbow, either of which nre equally illusory and unprofitable. If wat· be neces· anry, let it be conducted as wnr ~houltl be, with n proper adjustment of means to the end: let the military authoritie,; be :-upremc, neither hampered nor overwhelmed b·1 fu -y intcrforence in the field. We can li"e without prestige, but we cannot retain our power without complete and unbrokbn :succe"s, and that can only be as~ured

under existing condition:. by maintaining a powerful re:,erveof well-:selected, seasoned aud hi,{hly di ciplined -..oldiers ard -eamen,-not alone in Great Britain, but in her populou:; nnd magnificent coloninl po ...... e ... ,ionl'I.

In concluding tho ln:it annunl report which in the nature of thing~, it will be my duty to pre ... cnt to Cana<ln, I tru:it T may have the honour of expre:-ising m.r thnnk:. for tho courte::.y and attention I have received from the Government of the Dominion during my term of office.

In tu king IMve of the militia, I must ackno,vledgc tho patience with which they hn,·e accepted my want of power more fully to promote the'i of a r>Ct'\•ico replete with a military ... pirit of the highest and most patriotic ordci'.

Time will bring in ib train tho necessity for providing ~ore completely for reform , which mu t only come a the country gradually becomes impre8~ed with their importance.

Much hn been done of late yc:ir , Lut mnch still remain!!. A:; tho population increase , aud tho necessity for further horne protc<"lion and :.upport of tho lnws

I xiii

becomes mo1·0 uppnront, l'IO will tho improvement of tho nat' 1 f1 public attention. I Bhall \Tatch in tho future w1'th ''. t 'IOtnn orc:os urge it•elf on f

. . JI ca m ere:-t tho p 11 f orco with which I have been so long and so a bl rooroii:. o a

~ ' green y connectod.


.L1fll.1te11aut· General.

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LoNDON, 4th December, 187!1.

Sm,-I have tho hononl' to forward for submission to the Genel'nl Officer in Com­mand the uccornp:lllying Inspection Hcport of the active militia fo1·ce in tho <lbtrict under my corn1111111d which have JH'rformed tho•r annual drill for tho year 187!l- O in obedience to the Gonornl Orders of i!lth May, lri79.


Tho tot:1l ~trength of the active militia force in this district, nccol'ding to the full estnbli:-.hmcnt, b the i;amo a'i la-.t yea1-, viz. :-::iG5 officers and f>,010 non-eom­missioned officort3 aud men, and which ii; comprised in tho following c<>1 l'~ .• viz: -


fat Regiment, four Troops.


"London" Field Battery; "\Vellington" " " "Ontari»" " " "Goderich" Garrison Batlery; " Sarnia " " "


7th Battalion, "London" Light Infantry; 22nd Battalion, "Oxford" Rifle:.; 24th Battalion, "Kent'' Infantry; 25th Battalion, "Elgin" Infantry; 26th Battalion, "_\1id<llc::;ex" Infantry; 27th Battalion, "Lambtoh" Infantry; 28th Baltalion, "Pet'th" Infantry; 2!lth Battalion," Waterloo" Infantry; 30th Battalion," Wellington" Rific:i; 3~nd B;t It al ion, " Bruce " In f:tn tr.r; 33nl lht tali 1m, 11 Huron" Inforltr'Y; Indepcn<lonL comp.rnio:i of 11 w·indsor" and '',Leamington."


By Genernl Or·llcr:-. of the 2!ltb )fay, I 79, ihe maximum :-.lrength of tho force in thic; dislricL that wa,, authorize l to perform annual drill for 1 W ·'-'O, Wlh 2,3il0 of all m11ks; and the following corp .. "l'lectcd in ncoo11i:111cc with the nbovo 01ilcrs, }JOrformc<l thoir 12 day:;' annual drill of a total i;trungth of !?,:J-tl, the details of which aro given in tho tabultu· inspection rc1>ort.


Page 6: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;



.• : o. :! rroop. 1-.t n~ ~i rncnt C:n·ah-y, 11,. ... Clll blod :lt il:, ~ocnl head quarter:; i11 J;onoon,, nm! wu, .. }>i.ncd by ~ o. 1

1'l'roo1'. (::>~. 'l'h~n.111:..),. winch m':u·.clwd . hero. and

c:impcd 111 the m1lit1n ground-.. 'l hey \H'm 111:..pcl _led b) 1110 on tb~ ~th Octobo1. I found tho ph\ :-iqno ofthu men very good, and tho1r hor~es wore of ~ :..trong and :lCtin~ tllmp; nccoutrcmi>11t:- and uniform:- kept c.lenn, ,~·1th few exccpt10nH, u.nt tl~oy :ire bntlly i11 wnnt of drill in:..tructor:-, nnd tho otticcri> did not cany 011 tho rntonor economy of their troop:- iu :\ m:\unor :-llli:..thclory to. m? ; . tho men behaved romark­!\uly woll. hut this was not owing to any ruks of d1:-.c1phne that wore ouforccd aK tl.tuy t<houl<l h1n•o ~l'll.


'fhe threo bntterie,, of fidd nrtillory, "London," ·•Wellington" and "Ont:11·io," J10rfo1-m1.'<.I their anrnrnl dt ill .in camp, in nc~onla~co with t~~o pro\·i:;iou:<1 !aid . down rn General Ordo.r:-1 nnd were 11i-.poetcd by Lwut.-Uoloncl I rn m, lu:-;pccto1 of .\1 ti llcry.

I:>iFA:-.'fRY A:-.'D RH'Lt:S.

'ith Battalion, "London Light Infantry."

'fhi~ fine corp!- performed it" annual drill in the evening.;, and all ranks pnid so much attention nnd rnucio :-o ~1 e:il impro,·emcnt that I Hn-angL'<I for theii· attendance at tlrn ro,•iew in Toronto on the !lth September, in honour ot thei1· Excellencies the <~o,·crnor-tiener:1l nnd Pl'inco ...... Loui~e. with confidence that they would maintain tho credit of this military district, and 1 nm proud to :-ay that, though only lately re-or­~nuiL:od and n young corp,, in material, their !:ilendinc~s under arms, and whcu marching pa"'t nt tho review, were rcmarlrnulo, ard the quiet and Roldicrliko mannel' in which they behaved during tho journey to Toronto and back (which is n !'Ure test of tho di~ciplinc and character of' a co1·p~) was highly creditable to both officen; an1l men. 1:he city of London can ju,,tly foci proud of its battalion, for altogether I believe it would be <liificult to find a F>marter and tiner Lntlalion of young men than tho 11 London Light Infantry."

The unttnlion turned out in full strength a& a guard of honour at tho ViAit of their Excollencio the Gove1 nor-General and Prince!",, Loui~e, and Captain Tall1ot .Macboth'11 company, which is vei·y well drilled, and looked rcmarkauly well mounted 1111nnl during lhe r;t:ly ot their Excclleucie,, in London. ' t>

2211d Battalio~. " Rifles."

'fhis b~ttalion porformoJ their drill at tho local company head q11arter1', and with ~~e OXC?J?l10n. I found tho companio,, on my in~poction to bo woll drilled and cfilc·iont, w1th untf.,rm m good order and arm;; and accoutromontr. clean. I especially noticed the,, In/.{e~ oil,,'' .company, whi?h, under tho cn~rg~tic ca1·c of itH Commanding omcor, B~ov~t-.~1aJor Lll1!-!1 turne~ out 10 a very i,old1erliko manner, and concluded a long drill ~n ox lend~ order w.1tb manual and bayonet exercise~, gor.o through with r;o much 8~e~rnes~ that it wa~ evident ovory man in tho company had made the most use of JH,, time in camp.

T fihoulc~ mention. that much of tho steadiness of tbei;c companies in drill iH due to the teaching of Drill lm;truck>r J. Chinner.

24th Battalfon, "Kent."

At my in poction ?f thb corp~, which performed annual Jrill in camp at C'hu~ ham, I found a steady improvement, though the time spent in camp is too short to do


more than :euow their i nstru<.;tion of tho JH'cvi(Jlh <lril I. Tho cornp:uaics arc com­potie<l of a. fino cla,.,s of men and who wcro very wdl behaved. 'Pho lmtt.alion ha~ organized a now band, which promi,,o.i to Lo a good ono. It j,, much to bo rcgrcttod that tho old barrack" a~ Chatham ~1nvc boon ~emovo I, a-. thoy wore very couveuicut for many roa~ons, aud forrnod cap1 tal nrmour1c . ., and company st.ores.

25th Battalion, "El,gin.11

Thi.1:1 battalion porformorl annual drill in earnp at St. 'l'homal'j this year. Somo companies \Vere good and pi·omii-c<l well in future, particularly No. 6 ut St. 'l'bom

118 under command of Captain Lindsay, uut tho want of strict. di1iciplin

1c wa~ generally

evident in tho battalion. ·

26th Battalion, "Middlesex."

It was a groat pleasure to mo to inspect two such fine companies a<; ~os. 1 and 7, nt ~Strathroy, uwlo1· Captain::; frwin n.11<l Lindsay, i<O clean, :,,O)dicrlike and well drilled, they hn.d evidentlJ~ made tho mo,,t of their few clrill..i, and had pi·otitc 1 by them. The other compnmc::; of tho battalion were not in 01<lers t() drill thi:i yem·.

27th Battalion, "Lambton .. ,

This battalion llAsomblcd for drill in camp at Petrolia. I inspodc l them ou the '.?~nd September. They a1·0 a fine corp::i :t'i fo1· as tho physi;uo of tho men i~ co11cor11c1l !Jut they roqui1·e a good Joa! moro dl'ill to pa,,,, a critical inspection; 1.f. day" in a brigade camp where they could tuko pattern from othc1· corps would do thiA battalion a greal deal of good. Tho town of Pet,rolia gave a liberal contribution tow:u·ds tho rations of the men, and tho citizens wore mnch plca.;ed with this vi it from their county battalion. The conduct of tho men io camp was reported as very good nlH! orderly.

30th Battalion, " Wellington Rifles."

Only two companies of this fine corps were nuthorize<l kl drill this ycnr, viz.: Xo. 1, at Guelph, under Ca.plain S;>ior:-11 and ~o. 4. at Elora, under Rre,-et.-~lajor ,\fr Bride. Knowing what an efficient corps tho 30th Hille,; is, I should ha\'O felt di nppoiuted bad tbe"'e two companies not turned out llati,,facto1·ily, but 1 ha,·o to report that I was more than satisfied at my in~pection; they turned out in l.te~wy marching order completely equipped. Bayonet cxcrci:;c WU$ very well gone through by both the:,~ companies.

32nd Battalion, "_Bruce."

I inspected this battalion at Walko1·ton on tho 11th October; whoro they were assembled to perform their unnunl drill in eamp.

. Tbii corps always Lurm; out a splondi<l body of men and "Cnornlly well ofllccrod. J..1out.-Col. Sproat, who comroun<ls, ic> himself an excellent drill, nod. t:ikos much pride and interest in his battalon.

Independent Company, " Wind.sor."

This company performed annual drill nt company hcadqunrte1·:-, whore I inspec­ted them on tho 2lJth October, nod found them much imprornd ~iuce my la,,t in-.pee­tion. Lieut. Choync, who commands, ha.-. taken n great <l~al of trouble, mu! hi.; company pus-;cd u very creditable inopectio11.


Page 7: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

DRtLI. ,As.;;omATio:-.,.; 1:-; Scnoor.s.

On lGth of Mny I i11-.pcch~I tho comp:rnio"' of tho Gnlt Collegiate I nstituto. Thoy tumocl out in n ,.mall battalion of six companic--, n111l wont through many movo­monb, nnd tho mnnunl nm! tiring cxcrcbc,.. with gr~at profi~iency._ C:~pt. Shurpo, 29th Bnttnlion, b their ln-.tmctor. 'l'hoy tnko grcnl 111to1·c,..~ in theu· dnll, anc..l aro woll tnut?,hL . . . . , . .

I hn,·o dnly fonvm"tied "'cvornl prol11ntna.ry nppl1<·ut1on,.._for the _formation o'. dnll 11 ... ~ocintion" in ... chools under the Into n·~ulat1ons, and I behern tlus system will do very much good in early training of our boys to bo nblo to serve their country if required. .

A difficulty appeur:i to exist ns t-0 tho colour and pnltorn of uniform to bo worn. I hnn) hcnr<l it !'ll~~cstc<l that if tho Government would only name 011e pa/fem of uniform to be -.trictly adhered to, thi,, woulJ 1>ottle all difference a:s to choico, and be nt once ndoptcd by the "choob a.s tinnl.


I have to Tl port that the new uniform supplie l this year is very good nnd sor­viccablc, and a g1cnt improvement on the oltl 1 ntt-0rn. The new grnat coats, ali;o, nro vory good.

HEL){ET ·•

"Wellington" and" Ontnrio,, Field Batterie:<, nnd the "30th Rifles," and also part of the "Oxford Ritle:<,,, havo ::;upplill<l themsclve::i with helmets, whiuh aro suit­able and ,,en·iccablc, but it nppe:H"!'I dillicult to get them of imitable sizes to fit all the mon, and n lmdly fitting helmet look:> very awkard and 1:1poils the appearance of any man.

From the nppe:iranco of -.omc of tho infantry corp~ which wore helmet:; at the 'roronto Review, it is ougge,,cive whether that bend dress suits the infantry rui well n~ it !-Uib the rifle corp~.


I ha"Ve to report that when their Excellencie:i the Go"Vernor General and the Prince ... Loui e paid a vi it to London, in Sej>tember last, guard:> of honour woro volunttlrily pamded on their pnssin,; throu"h t 1e following place:,;, viz. :

At WoodRtock and In~en>oll, by 2~ntl JfatL; at Lonrlon, by 7th Batt., and 1st Regt. Cn"Valry! and the London Field Bnttcry fired salutes on their arrival alHl depar­ture; nt Borlin, by the 29th Batt.; at Guelph, by tho HOth Rifle:;, an•l the Welling­ton nnd Ontario Ji'iold lfatterio fired salutes on their arrival and departure.

~l.nny officers nnd men of the 2~nd, ~0th nnd 30th Battalions came from distant par of their county to bo pre ont and form pnrt of tho~e guards of honor.

Battalion in County E ssex.

1 hnve ngain to draw attention to the exposed position of the County of Essex, "';~or? tho~e a1 e only two c.o~panios, one nL Wind ur, and the other at JJeamington, 3- miles d1 lllnt; and as this 1s tho most expo cd frontier county in \Vo:;torn Ontario, and oppo .to to the populous. City of ~ctroit, it vory important that it shonld have n trong and efficient battalion ready to turn out at :-;hort notice to pro­tect tho frontier, fo1 hould tho Fen~nn or :my li~e distur~i11g element arise again, the1.e \\Ould be J'lenty of cover for 1t to ltn1 bour in tho (My of Detroit-very con­veruent for a nud on Windsor.



. Ii 'vns with _1-{r~~t satisfnction that noti<:o wn rocoh·od of tho military school l>oing 1·0-opcneil 111 l01·011to. l lt:ivc 110 doubt that iL will ho producth·c of n <:l goo<l, as ma11y otlit-ors in this di1>ll'i<·t 11avo rnontiono<l their intention of nttcndin~uit~


I have to reporL thnt tho_for<'o in this <li,..trict is ellicicnt, nnd well StP>plicd \Vith m·_mR! lH:l'onti:t·.mcnl'i an<l n111fo1·m; tho <:om panic,, tunic I ouL for 1.fr1Ji :l\·ornging w1th1n 0110 of lull :-;tl'cngth, and lite <:lw•~ of' men j(Ji11ing tho fon·c arc very i·csiicctable. ~found. tho_ mc11 g.encrully steady and ,..Jlcnt in the 1·a11k., and they aru O\'ul'y year im pl'Ovt ng 1 n coming on y·u·adc with clean uni t.'i and acco11 trcrncn L'i, and \\ i th t.mtLon~ and bra"'Cl:i propc1·ly br1ghte11c<l.

My tliank~ urc duo to Lieut. Colonel \[ 1ffat, Brigade ~fajor; ~fajnr Starr Di trict Payi:na~te1·, an I to ~he Comm 111d1116 Oflh:c1·,, of <:01·p:. who hu\'C rcnJcroJ ;no their cordial support Jurn1g tlie year.

I ha,·e the honour to be "ir J ,

Your obedient ~ernint,

JOIIX R. 'I'A YLOH, Licut.-Coloncl.

Deputy-Adjutnnt General,

The ..A.cljutnnL(;eneral of :.\lilitia, lfoad <l11nrter.~, OLl:uva.


Military Di t1 ict No. 1.

OLD PoRT1 T ono:-;To, 13th X ovemher, 1879. s.m,-I h:n:e. l_hc honour to forwn1\I for --nbmi_,,,ion to the Gl.!ncral O!llcor Com­

m~1?~111~ th~ ~ld1ti:, _the_ accomp myin-" ln,:,pcction Hcport of the corp.; of the n•·tivo militia Ill .Military Jh1>tnct N'o. 2, rclnti\·e to tho performance of tho nnnual drill of the year 187!1-80, in compliance with the Genernl Order' (11) <lntcd at Ottawa ·)9th :May, 187H. , < ' ~

~h~ strcn~th of tho forl'c in this di,tril't authoriz0tl to perform tho nnnunl drill wns hm1torl ~> .~. !011-ollker-., non-commi ...... ioned utti ·c1 and men.

In ub~d1ence _to the nbon• ordc1·, the fi>llowing corp,.. were ordered to perform the .annual <lnll of tl11s year:-

1st. '.rho Fiold lhttori6-Toronto, Ifamilton an 1 W clland. 2nd. ?it)~ Corp-.-'l'l_ie Go,·c1·11or.Gencra1' .... BOllj· (-funrd-2 'froop,..

C1arn•o11 Bntteno .... -Toronto a1.l St. Catharine..,. 2nd ~lilitary Di~ll'it·t En~ineer Company. lnfantry-2ud Batt'tlion,~Quccu',:, Own Rifle,..; 10th Rnttaliou, Rt)y:tl 13th.

Battalion, II:unilton . .3rd. Cm·p, which did not pc1·form the nnnu:il <frill of last yc:u·-

2nd Hcgim~nL of Cavalry, 7 Troopl'. 19th Battalion, 5 Companies, Linroln. ~0th " Hitk ... , i Uompa11ic-.1 Halton. 3bt " 7 Comp:tnic", (;ruy. ~Hith ·' ' " Peel. '.,7th " IWlc:-;, 7 Companies, Ifoldimand. . 8th " " ~ " Brant. Demi-Battery, S .. ult. tc. Marie.

Tho 3!lth Battalion, Hill,.,, 8 l'ompanio,, Simcoe. The 4 lth Bnttalion, (j Uompa11i0-.., \r elland.

Page 8: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


'Ph o b\O 1"Crrirncut-. n1tho1wh coming within thu Goncl'al Ordt>r~. not 1ta,•i11g t> I {'l I I f' I . ' I . J>CI formc I nny :umunl drill ln-.t ycnr, wcro not ore ere( to per orm l 11:< year,.. c 1 111

on th groun l that thcil' stron~th-it include I-\\ oulcl hnYc ornr-ruu tho quotn. nllowcd for thi-. di trict to rccch o pny for. drill. . . . ,

I \\Ould thc1"Cforl' l'OSJ>O< llnlly :-ubnut umc fu1 thcr cons1dernt1on 111 next ycn1· s d1 ill for th~ o two c~rp-. uot having performed n111111ul drill fo1· the two pa t )'l.'.ll':i,

The following corp-., hn\·ing porlormetl rmnunl drill la::il year, were therefore not.. required to drill this year.

Gnrri-.on B:tttcry- ollingwood. 12tl1 Battalion, York Hangl'I'"'. 3 Hh '' Olllario. 3;11h :::; mcoc Foro::.h'r,... 3"th " l Compn11ic,., Bi unt, l>ufforin Hitlc,... 'i'ith •. W l'tll\\'Ol'th.

'J'hus, 0110 ~fil'I bon hatlt't'.)' nnd sO\'l'll IJattalion" of' illf:llltry ha\'e not performed the :mnunl di ill of thi-. yl:nr.

'fho ~nd [iht:iry Di ... trict Engineer Q)mpnny, umler commttnd of Lieut.-Coloncl ~ooulc, proceeded to Xiagnrn on tho flth June, po1fo1mcd their annual drill m dor cunvn :it thnt pla~e, nncl wn-. in-.podcd by an ofliccr of the Hoyal EnginecrR. Xo oxtrn cxpcn ... c wn,, 111cur1·eil by tho Gonrnment, a .. the coi-t of'proccctli1w to :Xi: ... i;rn nnd roturnin~ wit-. lJornu by tho oflit:L'r"' und mon of tho corp:-.

0 0


'l'he 'fMonto Bri~adc paraded in force on Friday. the fi l h SoptcmLer in honour of. tho mTirnl at .Toronto o~· llis Excellency the Uo\·ernor General and 'nor Hoyal ll1ghnc.-.-. tlie P!·mce-.s Lou1-.c. The du tie,. of the day were performed as foll1n ·s :­

•On thu u!:nrnl at Tm·onto of tlie Yice-Heg:.l p:u·ty, a royal salute was firod uy the Toron~? F 1elc.I. Battory, under th.e command of ~fajo1· Gray.

'fhc \ te~-I~e~l party w:h recot\'Od at the head of Lorne Sfreet hy a Guard of n. nour consi-.trng of lOU olliceb and men, with the barn! of tho "Queou s Own " R1ile , under th~ co"!mand of Captain Fo,..tc1·. . c I >f , .A field .officer-. e-.cort, COl?i>O"()j! <Jf tho, novcrnor General's Bo1ly Gmml, 2 Troop , nude~ the comm:mcl of L~eut.·Coloncl h. T. Deni~on, was formo<l, ready to e; cort tho Vice-Regal party a.;, 1t move 1 from the bea I of Lorne StreoL on Front ~trect.

. Tho Yiec-He9al party proceeded nlon!! Front St1·cct to Yon~o Street, which wa~ lmcd on both .-.1de· uy the 10th Royab, nuder tho command of Licut.-Coloncl • tollery. Thence to .tho Horticultuml Gn1dcn", whc1c a gua11l of honour, consisting o[ :1.1e T~~nto Garr1wn Batt~l'y, C~ptuin Gib. on, and tho : ntl .Milita1·y District .Eng1!1ee1 Company, together with then· l1ancl, the whole being unclor tho con11n:rnd of Lwut.-Co~ouel Scoble, .receivec.I. the Vice-Hcgal party .

. ·Ou lc~vmg the Hortwultural Garden~, tho Vi('c-Rcgal party proccederl to the .Agi 1cultu1 nl Ground-,, where a g11n1'l of honour, c·on,,,bting of' 100 officers and men, colo111: aucl band, 10th lfoyal,.., under tho cornrnand of' Captain Thompi-on 1cccivcd the Y1ee·Regal party. '

The ciwalry c"'cort accompanied the Vice-Hoga! party during the day, and until its arrival at Government Uou;;c.

.A g~anl, conibting of ono "'Crgeant, one corporal nn1l six rank and tile, mouute<l guard dtu~ . .r :t_ Government. Hou o ~nring the. t!ly of tho Vice-Regal p:u·ty aL 'l'oronto.

. ~en ali~ e-cort wa,, al o dctutled, cons1 t111g of one subultorn two­m1 io_ncd officers an~ 20 men of tho (;ovornor General'. Bo<ly Guard, to remain on duty, Jn Ol'dcr to furmsh e-corts when re(ptired hy tho Vice-Hegal party.

A gu:ml of ho110111· wa ul o furni-.l1ed hy the ~nd 'filitnry I>i tricl Enginocl' <Jompuny, with band, 11111101· the c•rn1u11111Hl ot' !Jieut.·C(llonel . cohle, 1m tho uvcniug of' tho !:Ith Sopto1nbol', on tho oc<.::L ion of tho Vice- Ifogal party attending the ball given by tho t·ilizcns of 'l'oronto in th.l Horlicullural P~ffilion.

TITE R•VIEW IN IIOSOUll OP ms EXl'f;J,J,t:'<CY TJJt: GOVY.ltSOll OtSZ:llAL MW 11.R.II. 'l'llK I'lll~CESS J,OUISE.

Tho following cOl'ps of the acli\'O militia parndo<l on the G:m·i son Common, Toronto, on tho 9th ::>optomho1· :-

Cavalry Briyade-U111lcr Com111:u1d of LL-Colonel Boulton, 31'<l Hctit. Cavalry.

Govo1·no1· nencntl':-1 Body Gu:u·clJ 2 Troop ... , Lt.-<'ol"ncl G. T. D lln i m. 2nd Regiment. of' Ca miry, 2 Troop~, ~fajor glJiott. 8ni " '' 2 " Lt-Colonel Boulton.

Fiel.d B ttterie.5-U mlcr Comman•l of Lt-Colonel Cotton, "A " Battery.

"A" J3atlcry, 2 (; un .. , Captain ·wil-.on. TC)l·o11 lo Field Battery, 1 Guns, :llajor Gray. Hamilton l~icltl I3atlo1-y, 4- Guns, C:iptain )1dfohon. Wellington and Ontario l>otachmcnt.:, Unjor .Macclonald.

.Artillery ancl E1igineers-Untler the Command of Lt.-Colonol Scoble.

"A" Battery, .Major Holme::.. Toronto Gnrrii;on Battery, CapUtin Gibson. 2nd .Military Di11trict Engineur.s' Company, Lt.-Colonol Scoble. Montreal .li~ngioeers, Detachment.

Rifle Bri:J'ltle-U ndor Command of Lt.-Colonel Doni'lon, Brigooo c\Injor

2n1l Battalion, Queen's Own Rifle,.., T1t.-Colonol Otter. 3rd " Victoria::1, LL-Colonel Whitehead.

20th " llalton, Lt.-Colonel A.llttn. 38th " Brant, Lt.-Colonel Dickie.

Infwdry Briyade-Uncler Command of Lt.-Colonol Skinner.

7th Battalion, London TJight Infantry, Lt.·Colonol Walker. 10th " l{oyab . .Majo1· Shaw 13th " Hamilton, Lt .-Colonel Skinnc1'. 31st " Groy, fa.-Colonel Brodie . 41.ith " Ba::.t. Durham, Lt.-Colonol \\illinm:-.

This fo1·co having formed in lino under command of U .-Gonoral c:;·,. Fi. Selby Smyth, K.C. \L.<l., 1·ocei\·od tbo Vice-Regal party nt noon with a royal s· lute.

The lino having been in~pocto<l by Hi" li.}xcolloncy tho Go,·orno1· li-~·Mt·al nnd II.RH. tho Princcsl-1 Louil-le, tho di\"ision march0<l pu:;t in rcYiew orJor; the cavalry uncl field lmLtorios at:\ walk, trot and gallop; tho infantry in column and 4!_Unrter c:olumn .

The cJi,·ision wns then formed in lino of column at close intorvnl.:, nn1l ad,·auc­ed in review onk•1·, hultecl aud porforrrn.:d a royal i-aluto, when Ilis 1-:xoellc ncy tho Governor Uonend wa,.. pleasec.I to 1\lkanco and oxpro"s to tho :-;t:1tl' urn! ollkor:·• c-0m­manding coq1s lli:i Excollcncy's approbation of the gcnornl :-old1or-likl• uppcaranco of tho forcu 011 panulo, an<l tho ma1111u1· in which tho mo,·crnonL..; WON pcrfiirmod.

Page 9: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


Th Gent:r-.1 Oflioor in mmnn I publrsho I in Gonornl Order .. , rnth Scptornbor· l t hi" best thunk" to tho -.tntt~ rcgimontnl oflico1 :rnd 111en a omblcd at 'l'oronto on tho ~Ith ptember liL-.t.


Lt.·Cl)lonol Durio, D.A G .. Militnry Di--trict .Xo. ~. J,t-Colonul Taylor, 1>.A. r., )I ilitary l>btrict X o. 1. Irwin, Jn-.po ·tor of \.rtillcn·. L -Colontil \Tillicr-., Bri.~n le ~[ 1jor. • Mnjor ::-imith, 4ith Bnttalion, \ .h.C. L cut. llcwnrd, Go\·ernor Gt:uornl' lblly (; 111u·J, Galloper. }

To I,ieut.-Gon . Uom mantling.

I t i ... n J~len ing dn~y t~ report tho re·1 ii no.., tli-plnyod by tho following corps --:<>?t of,M1 1 •rJ: Di-tric~ ~?· :., ~" woll n .... th· c m:1ty l.mttali >11'- and corp" nvt in the 01t~ of r ronto, ~n my _Dr-..tnotr-:-rn n-. nblr ·~ .1t Toronto to tako purl in thi::i 1111litary renew nt no ord111nry rnconvonicncc 111 J Jouutlc ..... cxpcu:,c.

..1.Yo. 1 .Military ]) strict.

Dotncbmcnt f om the Wollin rton n I On a 'o Fi ' l l Batt•ries. 7 h H Lttnlion, L n ion Light I 1 f int1 y.

\' . 2 .JI. itary Di trict.

2nd R ~iment of C.:wnlry, 2 '£roop-. Hamilton l'icld Battery. 13th B.utnliou, HnmiltM. 20th Battn~on, HaltQll. 31 t Battalion. lTrey. 38th B.ltt.'llion. Br:int. a Mil'tary o· trict.

3rd 1te~imcnt of ('nvnlr,· '.? 'l'roop,;. " ~ " B t K' J ' li. :it cry, rn6 ton. 4Gth Datt. lion, E .. t Durhnm.

.So. 0 ~lrLitary D' trct.

~mall Dcfachmcnt }:n~ineer Corp . 3rd J~nttaliou, Yicto1in.

T. 'k~hc adrYTnngcmonGt made by the rnilwny Companie,., vi7..: Great Wc'3torr1 Crall(l inn no Or'>nt rev n :I R • · t · '

h nd t T ' • 1 IC , rn ran p >rtmg the 00111 ... from their re"J>Octivo e. qunr Clt> to oronto nu I n~a· · t · · 0 • 1·1. 1 b • • • :; Ill 111 IC urnmg nt tho trmo ... arraw•o<l were not 011 ly

v •") iuora, 'lt \\Ore well cnrr1cd out .:> '

It i r•rntifJ·inr• to be nbl to · · 1 • bo c c o report wit 1out a Slll"lc ea:.ualty or com1>hint h·tv-rng ~n reported. ~ ' ' It i only lue to the C t . f 'f .

tcd th f t \ o or riv> tc1 mention th·1t the :\ily lr nn I O >l'flOr Ltio11

vo o nm o SiOO which h led · · I· ' '. by me in givin, the olnc wn :u1 O\ c1 to ,1e11t.:Col. Alger, to b. app1·opnatc<l. Of• th •· g h ers nnd men of tho e corp which a bled on the occnsion

c rm1cw on t c !lth Scpte be t 'I f 1. (" luncheon which w ,. ~ h m r ou ." o. o ttto 1ty of Toronto a suitahlo

0 c:_

1 J.t,rvcn to t cm on tho ( • 1 ·rr on Common on that dav

n 0<itu1 ny the ?Oth C::cptc I l \ 7" J> 1 "· corted by the d v - G. 11,1 :xlr, l 10 I c •Cga pa!·ty left Government llou .. ;e,

to Ottnvt a whc o crn~r lencral Body Guard, for the C.rnnd Truuk ::itntion en route ·, u n royn -a uto was firod by the Toronto Field Battery, au<l a guard


of honour, 100 strong, c·olour all(l lJ!'l.lld, of tho 10th H 1y11J received tho Yico H ·gnl party nt tho station with tho u,,ual honoui'.

I l>og herewith to lurw.ll'll tho accomp:uiyin~ l'oturn of corp which a emblcJ at Toronto uu tho !)th Scptombor lu;.t. (..\furke<l A.)

;j'lth Battalion, JfaldimanJ.

Thi:i corp wa'l in pected by I1ieut.-Col. Villit·rq, hy my order, on the Hlth September. 'J'lic rcp01'l by that oJilccr of tho in.,pcct1on of this regiment I bog to enclol-i01 marked B.

2nd Reyiment of Cavalry.

Inspected ~o. 1 Troop, St. Catharino .. , Major fircgory ; Xo. G Troop, Quccn~ton, Captnin B1·own, on tho Xiag:i.rn ('omino11, on the 2fith .'eptombc1·.

Tho latter ti·oop pcl'furmcd it-::1 <lrill under <:anvns at Ningnrn; No. I 'I 1oop1 aL St. Calhariuc.-, uut marche1l to .N"iagnra for inspo ·tion. <;onornl :1ppenr 1nec ot the men, hor cs nnd s:uidlery vei-y fair. Tho tw·o troops under .Major ire~ >ry per­formed so,•ernl lioltl cavalry movement.. faidy 011011Jh. Tho w mt of u qu lilied cavalry instructor in No. (j 'Iroop was very apparent. '!'ho officer commnndin~ this troop. to~othcr with sev('rnl other oflicor ... of thi" regiment, woul l uc ,·cry gl.1 I to haYe tho opp rtunity of ac•1uiring the knowlPugo, in order to obu:iin .1 cavalry ccrtifi<-ate, hut the difileulty i how thoy nre to do o.

No l Tr·oop, C:rim!'iuy, Captain Puttcr,,on, on the 28th Augu t; ... o. 5 T1oop, Burford, C.i plain )!l, on tho ~'ith ~eptcmhor; .So. (j 'l'roop, \\',!land, n11pt~1in Buchan, on the :1.;t OC'tob(•t·; wc1·c rc ... pcctivcly in,,poetod by Licut.-Colon'-•l Villicr,., Brignclo )fo,ior·, at thPir rc~pcclivc troop head <inart-Or~. alter the porforman<'o of their annual drill. Thi:. olticor rcportc I fa,·0111·ably of thc .. o tr()(•P"• arm", accontrcmcnb, snddlcry an<I clothing clean arnl in fair 01·dcr, sa<ldlcry much worn, tMop~ well mounted nnd drill fair.

'20th Battalion.

Thb re~imcnL a-. emble<l at ib regimental head qunrt-Oro Goor.:otown. nn<l iierformc I it" annual ch·ill under c:u1vn ... at, that pince, under the command of L ieut.­Colonel :\Inrmy. l be,; leave t l fonrnrd the report of thatoffi ·er (mnrl,cd 0) oftbc man nor in which their annnal drill wa~ porfi.H mc<l. Ibo,; rcspe ·tfully to draw nttention to omo ol tho rcm:n·k... made hy thi~ ofllcer. Thi ... rc~iment p.1 ..... c I in review <>rder hoforc His Excolloney the <tovcrnor General nn I II •r H 1y. I Hi,.!h 1 '• on tho 9lh eptembcr, at Toronto.

:;1,)t BattaliOll.

Thi" regiment :tf; emhlcd nl Owen ~onnd. it-. rogirnentnl head qunrtc1 '• on U10 1 ... t of ~cptcrnber. undc1· cau\':1.-., under J,ic11t. Goloucl Bro lie Cnmp w:i.. bro1rn up on the th. The rc~imcnt pro<:ectlcd with it::; camp cqnipngc on ho:ird thc'foronlo. <hey and Bruce Ihilway, anti arrh·cd at Toronto on the crcn111~ r>t' the th ~cptcmbcr; went under P:tm·:hs on the ( ;n.1Tbon Common : p·i-. ... c 1 in re\ iew orde1· before His :Exc·ollu11c:y the <toYornor ( ;cnc1·al arHI Iler Royal lI i.,11110...... on the 9th S optcmbcr, nnd the t·.ompnnic-. retnrnc I to their n'specti,·c head 11unrtor,. on the 10th 'cptombcr fullowi11g.

36th Battalion.

Thi'< regiment hn 1 oon n6rmitted to defer tho performance of it-. nnmrnl drill until next .r 11110, by i equc,..t of its commanding olficcr, r,iout.-Coloncl ~colt ..

Page 10: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;



3~th Battal"o11.

No . l, u, nnd G Companie' of thi bntt:11ion performed their annual <lrill untltw cnt1\'.u; nL their 1c0i111ontnl ho:ul qu:ut-01 , Brantford, l'()lllmo1H'in~ on the Hit . ep­tombcr, under comm:mcl of Lieut.-Colonel Dickie. 'rhb regiment (G t•ompan ici;) ns emblcd nt Toronto on the Hth 'eptcmber. nn l pas cd in redcw order hefo1·0 lli~ Excellency tho l:iovcrno1· Gonornl nnd I for l~oynl lliglrn~ ... tho Pl'incc I,oniso.

CITY BA l'T.\J.10~:'.

10th '' Royals."

'lhi regiment mu-.1mcd nt tin' drill :-he<l nndcr Lt.-Colonel Stollo1-y on tho ovon­iug of the 4th ir1"t., ha\·ing- perfo1 mod its ann1111I drill, more tor an i1i..pel·tion of tho :irm"', uccuuu·omcub. C'lotlilng, nrnl u m11-.te1· lty Lt .. ()l)fonel Al~cr. '!'his rc•,.iment made n cr01.lit:Lblc nppoarrmco on the dn,- of tho ro,·iow on tho 9th 81'ptcmbcr.


'1'hc mclemency of the wcathor-:i.· herwy fall of bBOW ha>incr ju:.t occurrc<l-1 end mod out .. ido drill <lillieult and unsati-.f:wton·.


!'he 1 cd'imcnt mu-.t?r0tl -.tron~. 'J'he arm .. , :icco11trcmc11h and <.:lothi11g wc1·0 clean snd m good order. It'' com po ed of a fine body of you1w men with their new hol­mct-. mn<le n Vl ry creditable appcnra11ce. I had no opportunity of judcrincr of it:> drill, officer-. or men, the dril! :>hcd bein~ to•J limited. The mann:LI cxo1·~j,..~"'under

fojor ~~nw, and tho fii ing oxel'Ci-.e .. uudc1· Onptain Pntter:-on, were fail'ly performod. ~h1 1 c~1me~1t wn-. coI?mantie<l by Major :Shaw 011 the day of the review, LL-Colonel Stollery hnvmg met with nn accident on the tiel1l.

211cl B 1ttalion, "Queeu's 0/1'11 R(lies."

Thi .. regiment mt~,torcd at tho d~·ill !'bed on tho evening of the 5th i m1t., under Lt.-~oloncl l?ttcr. hanug performed th annual drill. The weather was htill lntd.

• The n.•.g1mcut mw-terc<l very t-lron.r, Atcordin"' to the pav fo1t received 29 officer,, nnd 5~3 11on-commi,..,iouc<l otliccr;'an<l men ar: recorded as ha vi rw perfor~cd the :mnuul drill of thi=-- Y<::ll'.


The re~!mcnt JH·e-entcd a mo--.t crrnl.itahlc and sol<liel'like appearance, all in good orde.r. Jud~111g fro':11 the mann~r m wluch the compa11y exercise:-; wcro performed, I woul l ny tho r~~1mcnt wa:< m a highh- cflicient c:ondition. The re~iruont was mu. tcr1..'<l by Lt.-Colonel ~'1.lgcr. I in"po<:ted the armouries, company 'books, anti reg1me11t:il Look . G!·catcareancl. attention :1ppear lo have been taken. Each company ~~t.a complete of hook ... entl'Jo-. correctly ma le; n•gimental books equally cor-

. ~ mu"t .. ay the o~ccr c~mmanding thi., rngiment de~er~es more than ordinary c1od1t for the manner 111 which everything appertaiuing to thbregimc11t b managed

13th B11ttalio11, "Hamiltoll."-Lt.-Coloncl Skinner Commanding.

1 fo,.pectc<l thii;.; regiment on the aft('rnoon of the 6th No~omber in tho drill she<l

t 1011~· :-till too in~lem~nt for outside drill. This regiment is composed ~fsi~ we ~Jlpo111t?<1 companw:;, fine lookiug youn~ men.

l ~1 ic 1:cgrmc11t prcs.cnto<l a \·cry ,.,oldiol'liko appearance i arms accoutrement.-,

nm ~ othrng clean and rn good order. '

G-b 1 he manual and firing exe1·cif'cs were well performed un<le1· Lieut -Colonel l 011. .

bat ~~iout.-C~lonel Irvi~g •. Major of tho Hcgiment, put the regiment through sovcl'lll r' _tn ron mO\Cment"', hrn1tcd a tho space wa~, which were creditably <lo11e. It

gne mo muc~ plea u1·c to report farnurahly of thi. regiment. (L' Tl~c )D~mi-battory of Artillery ut the • nulte Ste. )forio and tho 19th Battalion di ~~-n U\·c yet to be inspecro<l, which will complete tho in iioclions 'of thi~


I would ngnin re pc<;lf'nlly Ul'!.{O tho great want. felt in nu opportunity of acquir­ing tho necos:.n1·y lrnowlc<lgo iu drill and rifto 11111c:ticc, nn<l tlio want of good in:;truclors, 0>1pccially in tho county battalion~, when i11 tho pcrforrnrrnl'c of the annual drill . ,

Tho cslabli:,hmonl of mililal'y chools woulcl add much to tho efficiency of tho forto i11 my <listl'ict, as thu1·0 is no opportuuity of roplncing tho o d1·ill in tructora (c1ualitic<l), now getting l1Jss and lc~il O\'ery year.

Thoro doc:; 11ot appear to bo :rny fulling off in the strength of the corp , required by law to perform tho n11111ml drill; on the co11tra1-y, the quota allowc1l for my dbti·ict, 3,400 all ranks, will be ovor·run.

Tho <litlicully, especially among the county battalioni:, lio~ in the fuct that tho regiment is composed of companies from all parts of the county. Wlwn tho regirneut is mul:ltored at it:; hea<l11mu'ler., Borne of' tho companies may ovt:r-1 uu. The men of thcl:lo compnnie~ may have t1-.~vcl loci 15 or 20 mi le.,;. Tho difficulty thu:; ari-c. a.s to the t>Olect ion of thoi.e to bo i:oon t back to their home~.

I am glad to :-ay that the "ame fine phibique still c:ontinue .. in tho nppc:u·ance of the men of thi~ fo1·co.

I am hnppy to bo able to report mo,.,t, favonrably of the manner in which th~ staff of tho di~trict have performed their re:;pective <lutie:..


The Adjutant-General of Militia, Head Quarter!:!, Ottawa.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your most obedient ,'lervnnt,

W. S. DURIE, Liout.-Colonel,

Deputy Adjutant Goum·al,

Military District No. 2.

Page 11: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

A. UETURN of Corp of tho Acth·c Militin u~"ornblod nt Tol'onto for a Hoviow on tho

Bth "'cptcmbcr, 1 i!l.

I ' f! . "'"' ..

:'.! ·55~ 1 ~ Soi..

Corps. Remarks. ~

111!~ Total. l 1Iorse3., Guns.

%.~"' I -1--:--1,-1--1


GoTernor-OenerRI s Body Guard-··· 5 81 6 70


2nd l.rg wrnL Cavalry<(:.' Troop>)... 4 ! 72 ~3G I 65 3rd II 11 ., <I ) •• • 6 67 ~ 65

Total_ •. - ...................... 1--15-,2;- -2351200 .F'. IJ BatlerieJ of Artilkry. )---i---i--- l

"A" Bt1tery_ •... - ........... _ ..... - 3 22 25 12 I 2 Toront Field Entter.r-· ........ ......... 6 72 78 28 4 Bnm lt,rn " _,, .. _. .•....•...•. 4 CO 64 I 28 4 Welh n,:ton 11 ... . .... ·-···· •••••• } 6 1 "35 41

1 Ontario " .......... _....... . I

Total ...... - ........ . ............ -19_,-1s;l1 208 ,-GSl-IO • -trtillery and Enginuu. I I I

" A" Batter.~........ .... ......... ......... 4 II !!6 I 90 I 2nd lhlitary Di:!t. Engineer Oomp'y.1 4 73 77 8 Toronto Gar neon Battery............... 1 40 I 41

.\Iontrcal " u l_-.:..:.:.: ___ 8_, __ 8 ___



T::-~::~:··· ......... ! __ •_ ~- 216=1--8-1= 2nd B ttrilion................ ....... ...... 20 412 442 5 ard :: ........... ........ ........... 26 348 I a;4 6

~~ " :::::.: :::::::::~:~.::::: ' ig ~~ii : ;~~ ! I ----.·---!---'------ 1

Total ..... -...................... 91 I I 278 1 3C9 I 18 I I I ' - -------i- -

&arlet Brigade. , I ith Bnltalion ......... ..... ......... ..... 28 332 360 I 5 10th " .•.•....• .......... ...... ...... 20 239 259 4 I 13tb " •.............. ········. ..... 17 I 24:! 259 I 4 31st " ......... ......... ....•. ....... 19 322 3H I 2 ,. 4Ctb " ....................... ....... , 19 I 264 283 I 5

Totttl •....... _.. ................ 163 ]:J9;-I 11502 1--;Q_I __ _

n· W I ~ --1---,--------1v ona .... utr .......................... , __ 1_ ...... I 7 I 7 I Grand Total.. .................. , 244 I 3,WJ l~nlm_l __ l_O_

The .Adjutant.General of )!ilitia, OLtnwa.

W. S. DURIE, Licut.-Colonol, Deputy A<lju tant-Gcnoral,

Military Di:itrict No. 2.




llA~llJ.TON, i2u<l September, 1 79.

Sm,-According to your onlor 1 proccc<lc<l to York on tho l!Hh in t.ant, for tho purpose of imipccting tho 37th Battalion under command of Liout.-Colo11ol I lm·i".

T ho butlalion mW:ltOred 18 officort! and :WO non-comn1i~ io11od otlicor. and men, a.nd four hornes.

Tho Dibtrici Paymnstor mustorccl iho regiment, after which I c·ommunccd my inspections : -

1st. Inspected com puny, and found the clothing new anrl in good conrlition; the arms and arcoutremeutt> wore }Jorfoctly clean.

2nd. Tho regiment marched pa~t in column and quarter-column, which wa.., very well done; tho marching being very good.

3rd, The manual exerci:sc was exceedingly well <lone. 4th. Tho regiment then was ml)vod aoout by Licut.-Col. Davis nrnl ~\djutant

Tuck, such as advancing in lino, breaking into column to tho right. wheeling into line, retiring by foun; from the right of companie:i, &c. i all the:.c m<J\'Cmcnt.~ wore very fairly executed con:-;idering the ,.hort time allowed.

5th. The camp wa~ well pite;he<l and ,·ery clean. 6th. The rations 0ost about 20 cents a day per man, and all were well ati tied. 7th. Before concluding, I mm;t not omit to mention the cxccllont c;>rp~ of1lr11lll3

and fifes; their playing is very good, and must be the cauioe of the regiment marching so well.

Lieut.-Col. Davis has hi . ., regiment under excellent di-.cipline, and clc,ervc., great credit for his untiring exertion to keep up a good butt.:llion .

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient 1:;orvant,

H. V. VILLIERS, Licut.-Cohmcl,

Deputy Adjutant-General, Militia, Toronto.



Report of Annual DriU, 1S7!l-80, OJ 'h" 20th Battalio111 in Camp at Georgetownfrom th.t 4th to the 10th September, bot Ii days inclu.~ii•c.


Staff. Capt. Sub. Sergts. Bug!er. Rank nnd File.

Liout.-Colonol ... l 1'o. I Uo ... ... 1 1 4 1 fi;')

Major .. .. . ... ...... 1 No. 2 Co .. .... 1 1 3 Adjutnnt .... ...... 1 Xo. ~Co ...... 1 1 ·! Puymm~tor . . .... 1 No. 4 Co ...... 1 3 Quarlonnu.stor .. 1 .No. 5 Co ...... l l 3

1 35 l 37 1 20 1 36

Surgeon ...... .. .. l Ko. l.i Co ...... 1 1 :3 i:To. 7 Co ...... l l ;{

1 35 1 3S

6 7 6 ~3 7 :!56

Nos. 2, 3 and 4 Companio:s m:m:ho I into camp, being within fivo milo: of the head quartc1·;<;. No,.,. 1, fl, li and 7 nl'l"ivo l by railway, the whole being in camp by 9 a.m. of the 4th i1htant.

Page 12: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


Tent wore piirhe<t nnd the men'.., dinner prepared, after whil'h quad and l'Om­

p:my di ill wn-. prnc.:ti:.ed during the ufl~ruoon ot' llw firt>L dny. During tho rcmaiu<loi· of tl1c time.> in cnmp, threo drill,.. l)Cr dny, of t.vo hourti' duration, WOl'O faithfully performed, <lxeept, of cour..;o, on tho dny of tho 'l'oronto ro,·iow, when tho rogitnont wns on Gniri--on Common from tho timo of n1Th·al in tbo morning until it loft hv tho 5 p.m. truin. I nm happy to report thnL no casualty whato>o1· occurrod, nnd th~e regiment m rived in cnmp in goo<l order nt S p.m .

•r;1c new i .. -.uo of clothing was di:.-tril.mto<l, aud tho men \Vere mueh plonsed a8 tho quality nnd tit is lictter than tho former bsuo. The forngo cnp iH not a pop1:lai· nrliclo of hcnd·drc:s:-, although tho pre ent issue is i;omewhat t'mart01 looking than tho former.

Rltion::. wore of oxcellont qunlity; tho cost twenty-five cont-> per <lay. No com­plaint:-.

Licut.-Coloncl Alger, District Pnym.istor, attended on Snturduy, tho Glh Sept., who11 n p:irndc wa . .., hdJ, mid tho rolls found to bo correct.

I hu,·e to rc}>ort nn oxccllcnt band, cou:si:sting of 30 members, 26 of whom were pro cnt duri11~ t 1c tlrill.

'!'here wuro no ... crious ca,.e;; of f;ickness, tho men in all C'a!'!e:; bcin~ rcportc<l fiL for duty, except one mnn, who wn:- ::-cnt to his home. The new tsurgoon wtl.::i very nttenth'o to hb dutie. ...

'l'he officon:; di .. chargod their duty with alacrity, nnd nll were pi·c ... ent with the exception of Lieut. Curry, of Xo. 4 Company. 'fhis officer n«roed to go up for examination, but I huvo ren,,on to think ho Joe.~ not intend to tio ~o.

'rho .other C.'lnd~d:itc..-; woro J)repared _for their oxnmination, but, in 1·onsequcnco of the \ J<:o-RcJal Vblt to Toronto, ::.ubrmtt~d cheerfully to the di:mppointmont. 1, liowc\·cr, rnforme<l them that. an opportu111ty would tibortly be atforJed of huvin1r their q uulificntion:. lc:-ted. c-

Wh1!u on this ... ubject,. I rno ... t. re,,pc~tfull.J bog to offer n 1mggestion, partly the ro,,ult of my own ob~urvat10n during this drill, and partly from comialtation with my officers. As to .m.r o~o ob,.crrntio.11~, I find that in all cases where companiefl a10 co.m~nndcd ~y rntcll1gcnt1 enorget1cofficcr:;, ns.,it;tod by smart well-informed noo­comm1- _ionhe<l othcers

1-, who under~land their duties, everything goes well; whore the

reverse 1 t c cnse, t 10 company is slovenly, badly drilled, and not inter~stcd in the performance of their "evorul dutie,,, Tho efficiency of a company therefore dopcncls to a great extent on the non.cornmis:.ioned officer~. ' '

.A my own re.;imeot. j.., not nlt:o3ethor froo from defects in thi,, particular, I bav~ been npproac~7d d:urmg tho drill by officer:> holding 2nd elass military bChuol certific tcs of quahficat1on, nnd by non-commi:,:-ioned officer~ holdinrr no cortificate ?( qual!fication, who expre..,·cd their regret at the waut of a sch~ol of military ~OBtruclJO? at Toronto, and who. i~nified their willingnc:;s to attend a r;c.:hool should it be po. 1ble for ~ho ~ocal authoritie:. to get one rc-oponod there.

~heir rea on~ng 1:>, that t~c pre::-~nl staff at Toronto, with the a"sistance of a good m tructor (::Sergt. Cavallrcr, form umcc), all of whom take a warm intoreHt iu the succe;. of the volunteer militia, would he i.uffieicnt to conduct tho liCuool but that no pera?n be. admit~ed thereto except officers und non.commi"'~ioncd officcr11 actu~lly .;rvmg with ~heir corp~. It is u fact that in many instanr>cs men who obturn~d -11~1 cln " certificate:i yca1·s ago have bcc0mc ru!)ty, have negleeled to rend up their dnll, and now would be glad to hnve the opportunity of iipPnding a few Wt-'<lks to work up under competent instruct.ors. . I trust I have not over;;tepped my duly in referring to the above for I am con­

vrncc<l that the matter i:i one of p:-u-amount importance to the futur~ welfare of tho force, and !hat the :.mall expenditure required ought not to be a bar to the <>f tho chool.

The camp cquipag~ ~ns been torwardod to tho ~torekeepcr at Toronto. I regret to find four bln11kctR mis mg .. 'l'be remainder i , I believe, correct, with tho exception of tent pe' , a uumber of which have been broken owincr to the hard110;;s of the g1'Qund. ' o


I bt•g to fnrwarJ herewith n<:connt~ of di~bu1·~ements for unn\•oidable cxpowlitnrc. I mu t not ornit to mention that Bre\·ot Lieut.-Golonol Allan rornlored me effi­

cient nid during tho camp, tho greater part of tho drill do,·olviug upon him O\\ iug to my mauility to ride in conscq uoneo of :\ !'lprain. ,

I have tho honour to uo, Sir,

Your obe<licul ).orva11t,

rhe Dop11ty Adjulu.nt-Gonoral, Militaiy Di'ltl'ict, No. 2,


J. MURRAY, J,iout.-Colonel,

Commanding 23rd Battal ion.

BRIOADE OFFICE, HA:mLroN, 4th Decomhcr, 1879.

Sm,-I have the honour of reporting that I thi'l day, in-.poctod the following eompanie:3 of the l!Jth .Battalion at their annual drill at St. Catharine:;, vix. :-!fo .... 21 3, 4, 5 and G. After the Pa.yma'!to1· had mu.,terod tho mon, t.ho bntuiliou murchod past, performed the manual and firing exerci~e, whee!ed into column, deployed t.> the loft, refo1·mcd column, be ides several formation:; in fours.

Tho drill wui; not snfo;factory. Two rural companies were not up to the drill, tho difforonco being very vi'lible botweon the 8t. Catharine:; cornpnnie;; who worked well togothci-, which "howed quite plainly that thi~ drdlin~ companies a t companv head quartei·s it! un~atitifactory, and for the futu1·e I wonl<l titrongly rcrommcrnl that all out.Htanding companie3 bo brought into battalion head quarter:~ to perform the annual drill.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

•11he Acting Deputy Adjutnnt-Gonoral, Militia,


H. V. V lLLIERS, I~iout.-Col., Brign<Je.1£ajor.


DEPUTY ADJUTANT G.e:-Jl~RAL·s 0FHCE, KtNGtiTON1 Decemhor 4th, 1879.

Sir,-1 have the honom· to forward, for the information of the fiieutcnant General Commanding, my annual report for 1879 on the state of tho militin in .Military Di~­trict No. 3.

Tho number of officeri:;, non.commissioned otficen; nnd men nuthoriT.ocl in General Orderti (13) of the 31st May, 1879, to receive pay for drill in tho Di"tricl under my .command for 1879-80, was 2,150.

In accordance therewith tho undormentioncd corps were tletailctl for drill, vi:r. :-

3rd Cavalry, Two Troops. 4th " " " Kin~:;ton .Field .Buttery. Durlrnm '' " Napanoo Gnrrhion Battery.

Page 13: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

J.lth lhttnlion lfith ,, 16th " 40tb .. 4Gth " 4 i th " 49th " 5ith 1


Six Companio.o;. Two ''


All tho nbovo mentioned corp.., hnvc performed tlrill 1 with tho oxcoption of tho .... "'npnuoo G:lrrbon Unttory.

Tho undcrmoutioucd co1·p~ wcro relieved from drill for 18'i9-80, viz:-

3rd nvnlry, One Troop. 4th '· T1"0 " Oobour"' Gnrri,..on Battery. rorL Hopo " 'l'rcnton " 40th Bnttalion, So., 1.m Companie .... 45th 1•

4ith " ' Ono Compnny. 4tllh " Four Companie ....


3rd Provisional Regiment.

Two troop-; of thb regiment went into cnmp at Cobourg on the l~t September, porformincr their drill in oi•rht <lap. The .. o troops marched from then· troop head quarter" t~ rc~imental headquarter~, the P~1·t Hope 'l'roop a ditita~co of 1<cven mile~, and tho Poterborouirh Troop thirty-three mrlo..,. Tho camp was p1lchod on tho Agn­culturnl Ground .. , c7>bourg, the ~ite being well adapted for tho purpo:io tho c~ttlo beds nffordinir excellent accommodation for tbe hor~c:-i. The men wero provided

with an cxcel~nt ration, co.,ting 30 cenb, an I their conduct whilst in camp wns re­ported to be •ory good. Lt.-Colonel. Boulton was in command of U~e camp and nccornpaniod them to Toronto1 a ... :,umrng command of the ca\"alry brrga.dc at tho rc\"iew. I inspected them on tho !lth . 'cptcmber, prcviou::. to their dopnrtnro for Toronto to tnko part in the re>iew before Jli ... Excellency tho Go\"ernor Gencr·al and Iler Royal Highnc.,., the P1 ince.. Loui e. The Petcrhorough Troop

1 under command

of Bre\'et J,iouL-Co'onel ll. Roge1 :-1 turned out rcma1·kably clean and well hon;od. The Port Hope T1oop1 nnder command of Captain Willia~~, did n?t pre:ent l'O tine nn nppounmco, owing to deticioncic..-; in equipment and tholl' clothmg l>crng old and much worn. A pecial train wa,, provided by the Grand Trunk Railway to conv~y tho t1oop from my district to 'l'oronto. Ttie embnl"kntion wns condm.:te<l. with regularity and witbont accident, and their uppcarancc :1t the review,_ nccordrn.!.! to the public journal . elicited favourable comme11t . I have much pleasure 111 nppcnd1ng the report (marked ''A") of Brevet Lt.-Coloucl H. Hogers, giving a dotailod account of his march, &c., from Potorborough to Gobourg. I regret to .-;ay thnt a hor:;o belonging to one of tho Port Jlopo Troop rlicd from breaking n. blood vcs. cl when on parnde. A board rnve tigntcd the <'ircumstnnco, and the owner was awarded ono hundred dollara us compen .. ntiou for hi lo s.

4th ProvisiMal lleg:ment.

The King tou and Napnnoo Troop of this r·egimcnt performc1l their dl'ill in si:x dny , tho former at the rive Iile Hou c, and the lat ter ut ~apnnce. The men of tho King ton 'l'roop were billotod in farm houses near the Fi\•o ~1ilo Hou o. An i:isuc


of blnnket"> wM authorized, but owing to <lob.y in making tho clomnnd1

the ordcl' came late nn<l tho oflicor:i dotorminod to :lo without them. Tho troop turned out '\'cry well nt my inspection on tho 28th Ju1101 and performed thoirdrill in a \'Ory manner. Tho borso:i wore, nccoutroment.B clean, nnd . ad<llory fairly clean. Tho sword exorciHo wlHJ well porformoo by this troop. I ini;pecto<l tho )fopanee Troop on tho 30th Juno; tho accoutromont.", with tho exception of tho pouche..,, were fairly clean, also th<' saddlory. Tho majority of the hori;e:i were fino though there were a fow un<lorsizod in tho rnnk:i. The mon turned out well and performed their dl'ill in a sati-;factory manner. They were billeted at tho botch~ in tho town at one dollar n. bend per <lay, nnd their conduct wns reported very good. I regret to 1;ay that Trooper J. Joytit mot with an accident, being throwa from hi~ hor~o. breaking his leg . A board nsi;ombled to investigate tho matter, and tho man ha:. recei\•e<l compoo-;ation.


Tho bvo fiolc.1 butteries i>crformcd their drill in camp an<l were inspected by tho Inspector of Artiller·y, who U'lkod me to accompany him when in ... pecting the Kingston .Field Battery, :ind I buve much pleaiiuro in stating that J nen?r this battery turn out or drill better i;inco I a~sumcd command of the di. trict. '.l'hc Napn.nee Garri..,on Battery failcc.I to drill, Capt:iin Hooper reporting that .. jcknc .... in hi::1 family had prc\'onted his as-.embling the men.


14th BattaU:on.

This regiment performed their annual tlrill in the o>e11ing-1, beginning early in June, and were inspe<'ted on tho 9th July. The ro£riment tnrne<l out remarkably well; arms, accoutrements and clothing very clean': The parade mo,·ements woro extremely well executed, the manual and firing exorci1:<e being pe1·formod with precision undc1· tho command of Major Smythe. The marching past waR ver·y good especially that of Nob. 1 and 5 Companies; all the battalion mo>cmonts and ~kirmi.,h­ing were well executed, showing that tho men had been thoroughly drilled. Several officers were called out to drill the bnttnlion, which they did to my entire -;afo,fac­tion. Lieut.-Colonel Korr and hi::1 officers are to be congratulated on tho efficiency of the corps. The equipment of the bntlalion is in mogt excellent order, and allhou~h tho clothing has been in wear since 1877, I am happy to ho able to ropor·t that. there js not a single article mis ing, which in iti:;elf "peak:,; for the care and attention ofall concerned, i;howing wbat can be!<lone when officers and men are determined to <lo their duty. In thi::1 mstanco Quartcrma~ter Spriggs has charge of the clothing, and is deserving of praise for hib great attention to bi:; dutic-;, and for which he receiws no espol·i11l remunerntion; , 'er:jennt Pidgeon. the caretaker, nbo desen·c-. cn-<lit for the cleanlinoi-~ of tho arms and accoutroment::1. Helmet~ for tho men hn>c been })Urchasetl by tho officer·fl, n11d tho equipment of tl'i:i battalion is complete in l'YetT

respect. Tboro we1·0 very fow recruit.s in the ranks thi:; year, not one iu X 1. 1 Comp:uiy, which prove~ that service in this corps is ,·cry po111ilar. So,·oral comp·rn;e_, nssombled for drill in tho O\'cuings la ... t win ter, and I trust that they may arrnng~ to do 1:>0 np-nin.

I wa-i \"01-y noxious that this regiment "honld take part in the re,·il~W at 'l'oronto but this wn:-1 found to bo imp1·acticnulo, partly owing to tho expou-.o, the onicer.; havin!{ alr·ca<ly hnd to 1-1pon<l :;o mul'h money in prncnring- helmets atul other aniclc' for tho men. I hope, howo\•01·, in tho event ot' troop-. from ditforc11t cli ... tricts l>ein~ again reviewed together in nny of tho lnrgc citic,,

1 that the Hth may ho one of tho.,o


15th Batta?io11.

This bnttnlion went into camp at )fos' a"saga P0int, nb)ut tive miloi from Dolle-­ville, porformi11g the training in eight dny~, and were it spectcd on the 4th Sep' ember.


Page 14: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

1 •

Th re imont did not turr. out n ... well n it diJ In t ycnr i. tho clothing ~oing much ilcd, ~ho bolts nnd pouche .. dirty nnd tho nnn. only r~~1rly cl~an. ~\1~Jor. 1.lcnlicl'-

t lhc regiment through the mnnunl nnd firmg cxercl:'JC:;, \\"htch weru 111d1flu1·ontly on JIU • ..J I .1 • •• l . ti

...r cd nl 0 tl1o "nttnlion rnO\'Cmont.-.. I not1ccu .-.cyern 11nuct .... 1zo1 mon Ill 1c J cnorm • ... u. . 1 · 1· ., , Tl rnnk.... Tho cnptnin ... mc"'od their compnnto: ! t IC ratwn co:- Ill~ w't ('~llt... IC

-conduct of tho men wn,.. roportcrt to ho good, and th.ere were no c?mpl:unt~. Tho wcnlhor w " \"Cry wot tho ni~ht before tho in:.pcc~10n nod the w111tl t-O l11gh t~10 ollowin•~ morning lb to prc\"cnt tho men from hc111·1!1g tho word~ of comm:md dt>1· inctly, ~·hich mi~ht pn!·tly ncco~1ut for t~cir un:.tcad.rnc!'ls ll~ wo.ll as for tho Kl:~lo .of

tthcir nccoutroment:.. .New clothmg wib b"nod to tht:-i battnlton 1n .187'7, but I 1cg.1 ol to -..w there nro many dcticicncie-i, no le:." than ll!l i.;1:cut coats bmng reporlccl mis;;. ing at tho ln.-.t in~pection of clothing. Th~ :-;ystem luthorto adopted hus .not boe.n foun1l to work woll, too much latitudt> bc111r allowed t~rn mon m romonng then· clothing from the armoury, which, to a certarn ext.ent. will ::ccou~t for the .numoromi I ..... e . - .\.now plan hu:- 11ow been mlopto<i b.): which cupla1.ns of con_ipun1ec1 nro. to arn\"o charge of, uod be ro,..pon"iblc for, the oq111pmcnt:,1 of their re!>po~llvo compan1~fl. J.. hope, therefore, that next year I may oo nble to ~·eport \"er_y grea~ improvement ~n ~ho interior economy of tbb corp~. When la:-.t. m. Bollenllo I m:-;poctod. Cnptn1n Blneckcr',. nrmoury, and was ,·cry muc~ plea-.;d w1lh 1b nrpeuranco. A rcu<ltng roo.m ndjoinin~ tho nrmoury bn ... been c .... tubh-..hcd tor tho u.;e ?f ~he men of.the company 1rt

tho O\"Onin.., ... the otficer:; providinrr new:-p:ipers and poriod1cals at theu· own oxpon:,io. I undor ... ta~1l1

thnt other c:1ptain,. i~tcnd following Captain Blaecker's good ~x:am pie. A competent drill io:.tructur h:i... been employed, nod two of ~e ~ompan.1os ha~e ll!!'rccd to put ull their pay into a common funcl to be expended rn 1mpronn~ thou· equipment. By the."c means I hope that tho 15th may i;o~n become as .efficient as nuy other rorp ... in the district. I ob,-1H·\"ed a very marked improvement tn tho bancl which 1womi:-c,.. to he >ery good.

l uth Battalion.

The compauie:. of this battalion performed their drill at company hoadqua1·tor1' ; tho Milford companies comin•r to Picton for the in?:"poctioa, which took place on tho 4th Xovcmber. The pa.rade ;ns unclor the command of B1·e\"et Lieut.-Col. Bog. Those companie ... tumed out wel11 their arm,, and accoutrements clean and in excellent order. The manual and firing exerci ... o •cry fair indeed, and battalion movement.8 and marching \"cry fair.

Tho Picton Compnnics turned out und drilled the bc:.l. The band of the regiment \\"a pre ... cnt and played \"ery well for a young band. On the following morning, I in ipectt'd the two remaining companic.., of tho l,,attulion at Roblin't; Mill:i. Tho arm:-i and accoutrements were tolerably clean; manual nncl firing exerci~e inclitforont; compnny drill fair. The phpiquo of thi. battalion j,. very fine. .My thanks are duo to L1cut.-Colonol BO!!, who accomp1rnio<l me on my tour of in:::.pection and ha~ boon mo t zcnlou. in mnking the nr.ce:-:.ary anangomont.'i for tho trainiug of the talion thi yoar.

40th Battalion.

Two companies of lhi ... battalion haYodrillc<l at their compnny hcnil <1uartc1·~. I in peeled Captain J3onnycastlc'., compnoy at Campbollford on lite 14th Oc·tolic1·. Arm nnd nccout1emeub were clean; clothing old and worn out, but woll taken c:arc of; the manual and firing exerci'lc fair; al. o company 1lrill. On the 8anw day I in pectod C:aptain Yar ... ' company at Colho1·nc. 'rho arnH and uccoutn•n11rnt.'l were elenn; the clothing ol<l; the m11nual and firing oxorci c .... and company drill \0 c1·y fufr. rrhe phy,.iquc of both thC:)C COUlpanie.s wa!'I very fine.

·!Gth Battalio11.

Jh",. In tulion i:-e,·forrned it flrill in camp at Port Hope, u11d wa" in-.pcctol by nio ou the 8 b eptcmbcr, before it left f.>1· 'Pornnt<J to Lnkc part in tho l'O\'icw before

l !I

Hi"' Exc·cllcney tho GtH"c1·no1· C;onornl nrnl Her Hoyal 1Ii1thne tho Pi-inc" T _,_11· ... 'L' I · 1 I · 1· 11 ° "' ' '' 1 e · 1~ rcg11m•nl turnc1 out icaut.1 u y clean, O\"et·y man being propel"ly e'tllippod. 'l'ho regiment h:ul l<> lcuvo by Rpocial train, ut 1 p.m .. i,11 there wa:; no time for tield movo­mo~•t'>,. a111.J l wa~ comp~llod t? contont my!<olf with ecing tho talion mai·ch pa ... t, which .1t <lid mo:-1t steadily: 'Ihc physique ancl general appearance of tho men w~1-1 ~ple11d11l, and [ clo not l> thut. there i.s a finer rurul buttnlion in tho Dominion. J•rom all ucco1111t.-1, tho l'Of{•mcnt acquitted it~olf mo~t cro<litul.ily a t the TC\'iew in Toronto, and I \''.ust 1 I mu! be ,~~rmittocl t~ quote public opinion, tnkcn from omc of the. papers. ] ho Hamtlton 'lmu.", r eferring to tho review, 1myi:1 th follow:.: "No b~t tu1to:1 on tho ground loo.Iced or march?<l bot.tor than tho 4Gth Port Hope, undot· L1out.-Colonel Arthur W11!1ams, M.P. 'Ihe field officori; wore well mount~d. and the -company offic_ors wcro nil np to their work, their saluting being goo<l; the men mnrched i;lo:.t<lily, and the bancl wa!l firi:it rato. Without wi ... hinir to particularize we mutil. award the palm, at nil e\"cnts of the ''Srarlot Bri~adc, to0

the 4lith. " Another Journal tsny8: " Wo arc glaJ to i:-ay that tho 4Gth were amouir tho bo .. ton tho grnund " and again, "we lenm that the movements of the 4uth in ti~ late review in Toronto were .1.mch as to el.icit the npplauso of nil i.pcctators. Their marchin;{ i" particuhrly ment1?ncd as hnnng ?con excollent; No". I and 2 Company, u111ler command of C:_t_Pt.a1ns Ward .an<l _Dingwall. bcin~ .e,ipeciully n?ticeahlo. Wo congrntulatc Colonel W tlltnms and Im; olhcer!i on the ofhc1cncy of their command."

47t!t Battalion.

. Tbe companioli of thi,. regiment performed their annual drill at hen<l 11u:irter~. I 1m•pectod No. 1 Company at the Yillngc of Battersoa on the 27th of Juno. The nrm~ were clean, accoutrements fairly clean, and clothinrr old and worn out. Tho manual and firing oxe1·cises.\\"e1·e very fairly performed; tho mnrching and company d1·ill very good. The dnll wa1> performed in six: clays of six hou1·s drill eaeh day. I in­spected No. 2 Company at tho Village of Inverary on the 2nd July. Tho arms and nccou~rem~~ls wore tolornbly clean; clothing old and worn out; manual and tiring exorcises fairly performed, as well as the marching, company drill and skirmi-.hinir. 'J:hc drill was performed in six days. I inspected No. a Company at El~inbnrg on tl~o 13th of September. Arms and accoutrement>< clean 1• clothinir old· manual nnrl tirinir • U • ~ ~ I b ~:rorc1ses an. company dnll -.;cry fair. '.I.he drill of thi~ company wa-, performed in six days. I rn=-pocted No. 4 Co1npany at the Village of Port-.mouth on the 5th Au~tbt acd a~coutremontt; were ,·cry clean; and the clothing in ~ood ol\lc1·; mnnunT and :firrn~ exorc1;;0": as well al'; .their marching and company drill, \"Cry tine. Tito drill was performed m l~to e>cn111g-11 beginning on tho 7th .luly. 'fhc clothing of thi" c?mp~ny ]ia:,i been 1n wour t~10 pre..,cril>cd pcl'ioil, and is still in ,·cry goo<l order, nnli ~a~tum 1\..clly desc1:v~s credit for lh<1 caro taken of his erpiipmo11t. I i11-.pccted ~o. ;) Uompnn.}'. at Ban 1ctield on tho ~nd of July. The arms, :iccoutrcmcnts nnd clothin~ were ?e~ut1fully cleun, nn<l although the tunici:i haYc l>ccn in u,..c fo1· ten years, they nt·o kt11l 111 excellent order. Prizcts were gi,·en uy the ottker-. to tho three <:leuno~t men Ill tho rank:-i, and 1 was asked to make the :-election"', bnt when all were so clcu~ I had a ,·cry diflicult tn:-k lo perform, nn<l had to in-1pl•ct the rank ... two or tlnce t11ncs beforo gi\'ing 11. dt>('ision. The manual nnd tiring cxe1·ci ... c-1 wci·c ,·01T well r.erformed, abo tho company drill an<l skinni-.hing, and Captain Byl'llc is to lk· -compltmc~tod 011 the:;tatc ofcfliciency and c·lcunline ... ,., of fij., company. I t·an ,..:lfcl.'· :-ny tlu~t, 111 ull my cxperio1ll't'1 I h:wo rw,·er in ... pcct1•d a t·lcancr t•ompa11y on parade. Tho dnll was pc1:forrnctl ! 11 the e,·oni ng,., bcginnin~ on the 1 Sth J •111c, and dri I linir thre•i hm~r:. each c\·cmng. I 111;;pectcd Xo. i Company at :->y.tc11h ~m on the ith ot July. 'fhts company has .only one !-hort nncl 1 ' long rill·•,.. in its po .. -.o .... ion at pre ... cnr. t~1c remainder ha\·111g been given into :-tore !-Orne y1•:11·,.. a~o to be 1·cp:iirod. All tho rilles belonging to this company require repair~, and 01'lll'r .... wcru j,..,uetl -.omc few month8 ago for their 1·ct11rn into :.toro. Thi~ order, howc\·cr, h1h not Yet licon com­plied with. l'hc fow arm ... in their po,.,.c.,.,.,ion wc1·0 n:>t very dcnn ut t l;u in'fhlCtiou; the bcll8 wor·o fairly clean, lml tho pou(•hc.;i dirty; the mn11111il and tirin" cxc1·ci:::.o-.

~~ 0

Page 15: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

jncliffcrcnt; mnrchin~ m11l~compnnyt!rill, fnir. C11ptnin Joyner h:i~ only r~rcn~ly bcl•t• rc:ippointcd to the command ol thi:- l'Olll) :rny. l~anng Leen 011~ ot tl,lC, ~cn·1cc h!r i-omo­·cnr:; nnd j,.. therefore ru:-ty :uul uot wl:ll up Ill the new ~inll. rub lmttul1011 "''.··~ ~ntitl~ to new clothing thib year, lmt could uot bl' t:.uppltcd :1s thcro wu8 nono rn tore.

4'Jth Battalio11.

I iu:-pcrkd tho city compnnit• .. of thii- battalion. on the 20th of Sovcmber._ 'l'l~o dny bl•iiw :-o c-old, tho in::-pcction hud to tako plut'e 11.1·doors, the me1.1 nsscm~ling JU

tho 'l'ow 1~ llnll. '!'ho nppcarrrnco of thc,..o eompn111c::.. '~n::; Ycry tino; tb~tr nrms, :iccoutrcmenl.., nnd clothi11~ rem:1rkuhly c:cnn, nnd the dr1.ll of both c~mpnme8 Yery good, e,..1 eciolly that of l\o. 1. C:11!tuin 1111.d Aeling .Ad.iutnnt ll:uT1i-011 put ~hem through tho m:rnunl nllli tiring excn·1:-('"• wl11l'l1 were \cry well performed. 'l here ,~n,.. not much room for company movemen!:-· lmL fr?m ,~·hnt I :-aw of thorn I ::;hould :;ay thnt ~rent attention must hn,·c teen p:wl to t~Jl'tr dnll. I regret to t-ay. that 011

mu ... tc1in~ l\o. 1 Compnny, two men wc10 found 1n tho rau.ks who had dnllcd unLL rccei\Cd 1 ny with 1!10 15th Jbttulio11, alt_hou~h. 011 tho :,crv~c:o roll n~1d :-wo~·n mom· uer ... of tho 4flth B:ittnliou. If CUtnlll:tlldm~ cth('l'rs Ill d ad.1urnnti- ol hatlal1om; anti cnptnin .. of <OmJ :mic-. would 011ly. l ny a l_il_lle mo1? n~Lm.tion to tlie r~gulations rc-.p cti11g tl1e ~1.roln.ent of mrn, 11·1 cgular1t1c::- d th1:-. k1r:d c:ou ld not po:::;::1Lly oc:cur in city corp ...

5itl, Battalion.

Tb i::- coq b l crfo1 med <l1 ill at ('OIDJ any ltcnd quarter:-. On tl~e 1 J th of X OYem Lei~ I in .. pected tb1 ec companies nt Peter Lorough. The dny wa~ rn \'i'Ct that the ini-pection hnd to tnku pince in the Drill shed, where there wus not much room for buttnlion mo\cmcnt~. The nrms and bells wero clcnn, but not the pouches. Xo. 1 Company wn!'\ decidL><lly the cleane,,t nnd bc::;t dr illcd. Tho clothing, with the exception of that of ~o. 2 Company, wa!' old nnd worn out, nnd the battalion i~ entitled to a new i1;1;ue. A demand wa,., made for new clothing cnrly in the bummer, but could not bo com­plied with, a.; there wa,, none nt tho time 111 :>tore at bend quaners. If lhe clothin;:-, to which they were entitled h:u.l been i ... •ue<l in timo the drill would h:l\e been pct· formed in <·nmp. n:- Lieut.Colonel Unger,, was mo:-t nnxiom; to hn\e the companies rn battnlion . Coml'any and 1 attalion d1 ill wns very fai1·, a" well as the manual and fir­ing e:s:erci·e .. , mid I am 1rlad to be nhlo to report a marked improvement in tho appearnnce of the battalion :,ince la:-t in:-1,ection. Licut.-Colonel Roger!"i hn:-1 only recently n-..ume<l the command, and hu" not yet had time to make all t lie reformb rcqui:ito to pince tho regiment on a good :md eflici.cnt footing. 1 have every n~a,.,oo to bcJ1eVC thnt before the end Of next ye:ir there wtfl bell Yery great change in the s~n~ding ?f tbi .. c·orp·. and in a hu go l?wn like Peterborough there :-hould be 110

d1fficnlt~·> rn keeping up an e~ccllent 1 egmH·nt. I in•pccted the Xorwood Company on the Lth ot )\ovcmber. 'l he arm!" and aecout rcments were clean but the clothirw ol<l nnd worn out. ?-'he. m:mual :m<l tirin~ ext·.rci•cs were well pcrfo


rmed, n~ well a~ tho comf!IUIY a,ncl .. ku·mbl~mg drill. Jn the afternoon of the i-amo day, I ini-pected tho lln .trngs ColT'pnny. The arm1> clean; accoutrements, e~pec:iullv the pouc:hc.~, only fairly clenn; the manual excrc1•0 iudiffcrent; lirin" exerci,.,o riot prncticed · marching nn~ company drill fair; skinni bing indiffcrenL Tho rncn of this com~ J>nny nro a frur body, and only w:111t. good iu::..truction to muke them n:, t'fllc:ien~ n~ any uther company in the liattalion. 'l'he Kcc110 Company was in!'pe<'ted by J1 icul.· Colonel lk~~ers Oil th<: 3rd in lnnt, who gives u favourahlo 1c1iort of its co111.litio11.

Drill Sh.eds.

Inn pr~viou:, ,r.eport I men~ioncd tl1nt drill i;hc<l,.. at Bdlcville arnl Coho111·g wcrO" n.nch required. 1 here are rimo mm panics n<>w in JfollcYille, eix of tho 15th


Battalion :ln•l thrc~ of the Hllh I~ tt~nlion, a!1 l there i~ no b11ilding 11ffi ciently large •for nrnre Lhun one ('Ompany to drill 111 at a t1m). I th •ref.m~ h 1pu that 1mo top~ rnny be taken uy tho c, >vcrnmunt f'•H' tho crc1.:lion of a 1iiLtblo drill shol nt this !'>talion, iL h..iin_!; urgently 1·0 l'tir.: l f1J1' th• c 1:np u1io 1.(1 drill in durin, the win tor month~. Uon-1idl11·aulo 1·op i1·,.. h:L7C been made to tho hcl ut Port Uo(H.•, audit i now i 11 very goo l Or"<for. '!'he ::.he b at Pctcrb 1111·gh, X orwo:> 1 arl'! l fo till"~ rc1p1ire rcpu.ii's, and l ha,·o di1·c•;to l Lioul.-Ouloncl H )~er; tQ sub:nit an o~tim tlc of probable co-;t of llO..JO'i"l:ll'Y rep :Li1·~ Lo LhC'iO bu !dill!;'· 1 w mid stron_Jly l"cC))IllllUnd the rcmwal of tho <!rill sho1l at Lilf0t·,l t0 B"thany.

B.xml; of E.1;,wiittation.

fl ):td-> of c:-cuninllti/)n ha\·..i a-1;;einble l twiC'u in mr di .. Lrict thi, yc'lr, when -eleven c·uvli latc-1 for CJrlitic ll<•-1 pt·J~cntcl.l·e~ f1J1· c~rnrnin ltion; -.c·;cn p.1 ..... eJ, three ot.>t:tinin; ti1· ... L <:I Li"i c0rtitic:it~.;, and fo11t· ~CC.Jn I.

One new a,,-;ociation ha.; been formc I at B1wm'lm·illc. an l will prob 1bl.'· :ipply for the tiM·ernrnent grant next. year. It hcltl a mectin~ tlJi,.. autumn, anti hri... ~ent in the roturn rc·1uircd by regnlution. Blank roturns were ~ent to the pru-.iilcut.; of all nfle a-;socintion:1 in my di-1trict, but up to the prc .. cnt only three h11,·c been 1·eturno l in ti mo to fonvad with thb rep'H't, \'iz.: B m·manvillc, Pctcrlnro·t~h and -0.:>b:)llrg, Lhe rem'lirl'ler will b.l t1·J.n-..mitte I w:rnn rc .;~i ,·c l.

G a ·J.s of II01w11r.

On tho way Uic; Excollency the Go,·e1·no1·-Gcncral and Her Tioynl Htg-hne ... -. tho Princef<s Loui;;e paid nn official vi:-it to King,;ton. On tho :uTi\:tl 0f the illu..,triou!'I visitors, tho 14th Battalion fumbhecl tho guar<l of honour, and the King ... ton Troop 4th Cavnli·y the escort. 'That evening lior Til)ynl liig-11110.,s held u dmwing-room, when tho Gcntlomen Ca<leh formo<I the guard of honour, Lieut. Colonol IIewctL ha,in~ placed their ;;crviccs nL m.r di,..po ... :d for duty. On tho following morning. IIi .. Excellency accompanied hy Hor· Hoyal llig-hnc,..,, lai<l the funndnt.ion :-tone of the now Queen's U1)llc~c building, when the Uentlcmen Ca let•, 1 Hh 13 1ttnlion nnu Kingston Troop ·1th C:irnlry a~.1in turnc1l out for duty. On tho al~Lcrnoon of tho 3 lst )fay, llis Exccllohey an1l Iler Hoyal High no ... ,, the Prin<'c .. ., L mi-.o proceeded to the Hoyal ~Iilitary Uollege lo witnc--s the roYicw nuder the comm:rnd of Lieut.­Colonel Hewett, RE., the (~cnllcmcn Cadet:-,"...\." Battery, n111.l two compnni.i.: I-1th Battalion, parading fo1· the occn..,ion, tho 4th Ca,alry again furni-.hin~ tho e"cort. In ndditio11 to the nbovo duties, tho 1-lth B:lttalion fnrni:-hcd the ~1uml nt.. tho rc .... i lo11co ofl,ient.-0olonel Kirkpatril'k, . .\£. P .. for two dny,.., to relio\'o the men of" A'' B lltcry, who had barely thn'o 11i~ht-1 in Lerl. All thc-.c dutic-. wcro pcrformo I without remunemtio11 of any ki11J, with tho exception of two dny,.,' pay grnuteJ lo twelve men forming tho o-.cor·t. I am happy to ~ny, that His £xcelleney w:h plen ... o<I to exprcs~ hi~ apprnhat ion of tho Rnl licl'likc appearnnco arHl ~cnernl ollkiem·5- under arms of both these corp-.. 11 .A" Ihtter.v abo iurni!->hcd a ~nard ofhonout·nt the Opera Honse and on tho mornin~ of His Excellency'.:; departure. On lfis Excollcncy',.. rcttu·u fi·vm Toronto, in 8optcmbc1· la-.t, guards of honom· we1·c furni-.he I by the diffe1·cn t corp,, all ulon~ tho route in c\·er'.'" district. .\L Port Hope. the lGth turned out, ful'l1ishing tho ~uanl of honour, under the <·.omm1uul of .\lnj >r l>in~w:lll. .\t Collou1·g, the ·10th B.lttnlion fnrni ... hc i a ~u:ml of hono11r, undot• the C'.1llltllllll l or Brc\·ct. Licut.-Coloncl t1 ra,·elcy, :rn1l the ifr<l C;walry proddo l tho c-.cort. At Bcllcvilll·, tho 13th a111l !!Ith B ttl:tlion · furni-.hc I g 1·u-.l-. of h 111 nr 1111 fo1· th• <:oinm:t)}(l of their n· pecth·o comm111Hling otlicer... .\II tltc .. c dutic .. '~·ore porfonnu \'ilhunL rc1111111uratio11.

Page 16: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

G E:\ER.\l, Rl lJ \ltl, s.

Three c~rp ... n¥nilcd thcm ... ch·c., of the prh·ilotio of d1·illin~ in camp, tho 1·omnin. dcr ut ~nttnhor~ or comp:my hcnd qmu:tcr:;, nnd 011 tho whole the tfrill ha~ l1oen per. [ormcd !n n -.:iti-.fnctory m:mner. 1 th1.11k I mn~· -..t~tc thcrn is gradual imp1·0,·emonL m c_\"OI') rc ... pcct. throughout tho force 111 my dtstrict. B.Jltcr care i,; taken of th() cqurpment, nnd .m con:-cqnonce fowor Jo ...... c .. t-0 rcpol't . Scrnrnl corp~ ha\•o JllllTha~cd ~he now ~qn lnt10~ h?I met., and other nrli~lc .... of o<pt ~ pmcn t. nn<l tom nrn n<li ng otiicci·~, m nlmo ... t .lll th~ ~ e~1mont" tnko moro pride 111 h:l\'rng ~oou armonrios. 'J.'horo n >-11e~1 to l>o n :-pmt of cmulati?n oxi-.tiug nmoug t all mnk ... , nn<l I belio,·c tho ro1L~ h m bott~1r order to-day than it C\'Ol' wa,. before. jfos,iug troop,; together at Jfunt. ro.'ll and l orclllto hn,; undoubtedly hn I n \"Cry good ctl'cct, and the goneral 1 c;;u)L has h,eon well .worth. the cxpcrncliturc. 'l'hero i , however, still room for impl'O\'ement Com.m:mdrn~ ofhccr~ <lo 11ot p:~y ... ntlieient attention to t;cneral and Di:-tl'ict Orilci·~· nnd.11~ <on-..cq.acnce 1rrc,.!~1lnr1ll~" ~tu! unnere .... -.ary col'l'c~pondenco is the i·csult'. Ow1n.., to tb1 .. , I h:wc iound it rn1po..; ... 1hlo to complete tho tt\J'O'et prncticc returns Before the commc11comcnt of tho trai11i11~ I j ... ~med an order tl~1 t tho nmmnnitior; wn ... to ho expended, ten rournl-. nt two hundred Ynr b. tivo at fom· hundred and ti. nt fi\"e hund1·cd. 'l'ho di--tauco wn" limited to th·c hn111lroc.l , .. nds ·1s I , .. n. 1,, .. 1 . ti Htl . f h d . 1· J. • . • ... ., ' • i 0 lit mnnJ o t o cori,1~ r1I l!lJ at thc ... c compnny hen1l qunl'ters could i:ot tind lon•?er r~?ge, lmt, n~l\\lth .... _tnnd11~g tl~c .order, _I rc~ret to s3y that some companies tired,., at

1x h.u.ndr~ ~ n.rd:•. 1endcrmg.1~ 11npo ...... 1~lc to mnko a correct tiguro of merit. ~\.n-0U101 1rrc..,ul.m~.) 1 .... thnt ... ulhc1cnt cnro , ... not t.1ken by otliccrs, when enrollinor their men, to n ... cert.nin that they clo not lK'lon"' to ' lffl" othci· coi·p · I h 1 1· ..... l .. " I h. . .· . . . ~ • J s. : YC t 1:-CO\'ere< I evcrn men t i... } car dt tllrn~ twice, :incl, m or1lcr to pnt n ~top to it .13 far ns po 'Sible

woul1l -.11~:?c~t t.~1at ~he ~ollowing wor<ls uo addo I to the ccrtitlca~o ~n the a~:quit: tnn~e roll, ~ tz .- .\.wl. fut titer, that cv~i-.r mnn who ... o name appear:; on thi~ roll is n ~n~/~.e,~hcr of~hi,; comp.anr. havrng ::.ignod tho service roll and taken tho oath o a e,.,in1~co. I thmk by this mean:- more c:ar...i will be taken by officer.:> •mtl a stoi> J>'.lt to t.n >tng men on at. the ln-.t moment in ordor to fill their ranks fo 't'l · tion lt j ... I.Iv the 01 t h h . r lC rnspec-1 ·i· ·

1 ores c ancc t at nn m.;;pecting office1· can disco\·er these i1TC"'U·

art ics, !h men !nm been known to drill twice in one year undor assumed n·1m0c · Inl ~c~r<lnncc ~1th dGencral Order .. , ammunition ha".> been i~sued only to tho"o 'corp~ w uc. invc. re~ ere return:. of tho p1·e\·iou" is-.uc. The returns of this ·o;r's ox-1>endilnrc, rnee1vetl from corp ... up to date, nro herewith forwarded but I a~ :;orr t ~'?t:!1~'\t ~~1 cfti·l~rc, n nu:n~cr ::.till w

1nuting; they will be fonvard~d whe'n r~cei~ctf

iJC .a.-.. ... ocintion" arc n .. o forwarded th · · 11 f · which will be forwarded whoo . . . , ::- oro are. st1 a ow to come in been nbl t b . .1cccned. The hmg,.ton H1fie As-.ociulion h·1s not and the eD1' otr"1acvtcI>a meeting thi ... year. owing to want of funds. Tho Brivado' )faJ'or • .. avmn-.ter accomp:miecl 111e ·I · . · · · 0

· :mil I have mnch r ... . . . \\ IC~ tnspcctmg corp!'j drilling tn camp, their rc::.peetive alp) n~~r:~1~e~~ ~1ca1•tti.n~l t.hnt the"'c o~cer~ ha,·e performed the dnlic" of

1 ::> • 11c ) to my .... ati::.fact1on.

I ha,·c the honor to he Sir , ' Your mo:>t obedient . cn·ant,

The Adjutant-General. Head Quarter ,


BOWEN YAN STR.\.UBENZEE, Licut.-Coloncl.

Deputy Adjutant-General, )lilitary District No. 3.


Tn•::-;To:.-, 20th i\(1\"Crnb-Or, lSifl.

~rn,-~n co~1pli:u~c·~ with your reqnc,,.t, I h:we the llflrnur to reporL that on the mo1 mng of thu hr t of ::leptemlJcr last 1 mu~tercd my troop at the drill Rhed nt even 0

1cloc:k-p1cparatory to marching to Oouour~-h:n:ing arranged with Liout.-Col. Boulton to join tho PorL IIopo 'l'roop (Captain "rilli:unB)at that plac·o on thaLduy, for tho puq>oso of pul'fo1·min;.{ tho annurtl dt·ill logother durinis tho woek, aud then pro­ccooing to 'l'ornuto LO take p·u·L iu the vol11ntecr review before ili 1~xcellc11cy the Go\'Ornor (; oncml.

\Ve took tho Ii 11e of march ;at 8.:W a. rn.,-thc wc.ttlicr being oxtrc1nely sulu·.¥, wo wore obligeil to m:iko frc•p1ont h:db; arriving al Bentley { 18 mile-;) at 12.:lO, whc1·c d in nc1· had boen provide.1 al the Wco Lnkc House at the rat.o of 25 cent cad1 man nnd horse. Hosuming tho march nt 2.30 p.m, wo nrrivod without incidout at tho Agricult111·al Gr01111<l,;, Gt>bourg,1(15 mile:> fu1·thor, 33 in all) at G.:30, whcrl! rp1 u'lc1 hn l been n1·1·an~c l fot• by Q11nrte1· m·1stol' Stapleton. Hern wo fonntl the Port Hope 'l'roop comfortably settled, they h:iving m:1rchc1 in from Port IIope O'\"ly in tho day. The she Is were u c I fa1· stablin~ the hor:-.cs and tho tl'oopcr,, were fnrni hcl with tenb uud blankets from the Gmrommont stores. Foi-a~c Wlb provicle l in bulk for onch troop by thCftU:U'tcr-m:i ter at a co..;t of ceub per hor .. e per diem. The troopc1·,, were furn i-.ho<l r03ulu1· mcab by a catcro1· f.Jr 30 cent-. each per diem in one of the buildings.

The rfrill wa ... porH.mnecl unrler tho direction of L1e11t.-Col. Boulton, from whom, no doubt, you ham reteivc:tl full report.

\Vo rornainccl in those quarter:. till ~fonclay, the 7th (hn,·ini: pcrformc l cln.rch on Sunday), and h:ttl the honour of beinti in,pcctcJ by yout· .... clf and :>talf at 7 a.m., after which \VC struck tont:-< 11n<l marchcJ out in heavy marchin!{ order (oath trooper can·yiug two cookc<l rutions in hi:i haver:.ack) ll> the Gl'Untl 'rrnnk Station. Here a train had been pl'Ovidcd for our tran!<po1·L to that city by tho Toronto authorities.

The cm harking of the hor>:>C"I, 7-1 in number, Wtb accomplished iu one hour, nnd we proceeded to Port ilop•', whore we were joined by the 4lith lhttulion of Intirntn· (Lieut..Col. William~), but in consequence of <lclnys on the road we <li1l 110L arrive at Toronto till 5 p.m., and it wn!'j 6.:10, and quite dark, when we marchcJ on onr tnmp­ing ground, known as tho Wood Yard, contiguous to the gar1+-on.

It proved an excellent place for the purpo;;e, the ground I.icing clean and Joni!. nod being surrounded by a stockade. which wn" found safe ancl con\•oniont for picket· ing our hor.,;c~, and tho enclo ... ure ntt'ording protection from the pron1iling will(l", nnd :d:;o curtailing tho strength of 0111· guard.

Tho cam'p was placed under my charge by Lieut.- 'olonol Boulton, who took up his qunrtt•r.~ in tho gun i,.;on, n"l>uming command of tho whole <':n·nlry force . Om· rtuartcr master (who hnd preceded u,.) was enabled to mukc ... afr·faclor.r contract-. for supplies by the kindne"" nnd courtesy of tho officer~ of tho (i.-G. B.><ly Guard, quartered in the "t\ITi:;on; nnd I would nrnil my:-olf of thi-1 opportunity to thank thorn for thoi1· m:~ny attentions to tho corps undci- my command. and pnrticnlurly on behalf of self nnd hrothc1· otncors, fol' their ho:-pitulity in 1m1king us their guests during our :-tny.

On Tucsdny wo took pnrt '.in tho rc,·iow; on \Vc1lnc .. day morning. tho 10th, I nllowed the men to vi1:1it tho exhibition and other place~ of intcre:>t, le:n-ing n. gmU'd in chnrgo of tho camp.

Om· return tran-;pol't being only 1,rovided to Cobourg, I etlccled an nrr~nge· moat hy which my troop might come throu~h by rail to Petorboro that night; the Midland Hailway Co. contractin~ to bring the trnins from Port Hope to Poterboro' for the rato of Sl.50 each 111'\11 au L hor,c. which w11>1 ptiid by tho troopers ~hem ... ch·es. Tho Poterboro' Troop ... u·111.:k. tents nt a n.m. (lca\'ing tl!e Port II.ope Troop. who were to retul'll by a Inter tram) amt mni·ched to tho rmlway -.tntton, where ::o minutc.i were taken to embnrk our 3:> hor ... c~.


Page 17: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

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Page 18: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

.MI LIT.\.lff Ill THlC'l' So. L

j{}; \I> QUARTEH-.:,

Bnom, YI LI,E1 3rd December, lSi V.

:::>m,-;I luw~ the honour to -.ubmit for the information of the Gcne1·11I Ofticot· ~mt?nud;ng, tln-. my nn~~rnl report on the ::-late of' the active militia in )Iilil!u·y D1 tnc~, ... o. 4, for. ~ho n11htary y~nr ISi !l· 0, togcth?r with ".Abstract In-pcction Report nnd othc1 1 eturns, a:, rcq111rcd by the r<.'gulal1ons nnd order~.

rl'hc strength of thti force in the lli,.,trict, complete c"tablishroont, ii;: -

?iOiccr arnl ml'n, all :ll'llb ... . . ...... ... .. . .. . .. . .. ... . ................ . 2. 756 or::c-. .... .. . . ... .. .. . .. . .. . . . .......... .. ...... . .. .. .. ... .. ... .... . . ..... .. ~70

.And i" oompri.;cd of tho following corp,,:-


i:~~-.cott Tr.o~p, Captain John Hnno.r ... .... . . .. . . ... . .. . ..... ... .. .. 1 1 uncc.-.:. Lom-:c Dragoon Gnarl.I ... , Captain John Stewart... ..... . . 1

Totnl Troops. ....... . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . ... .. . . ~


~ttawa Field)3:lttery, Captain John Stcwnrt. . . . .... ....... . ... .... .. 1 t:~unnoq ue .F 10ld ~a,ttory, ) fajo1'. Wm . . McKenzie ......... .. .. .. ... l I 1ccCOlt Bnttcry of har1·1::;on Art11lcry, Cnptnin P. Coughlin . .. . 1

Total Batteries ... ...... . ... . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. 3

No. of •Ist B.ltt!lliou Lieut.·Col C I Comp_!\nie~. 56th ·' ' .. The Lbgai·



0~~,:; r,·i~~t.'-~i ::::r~~~~p: : : :: ::: :::: ~ 'l'otal Companie:; of RiflcL ...... .. .. .... l 2


1 t Ilattnlion, <';ovcrnor-(~cneral's Foot Guar<lH It -Col R ·· l8th " Lieut.-Col. Urquhart ' , · ' OHS. ·

54~tnhd " " Buell ... . .'.'.'.': .' .. .... ...... . ..... . . . .. .... . .

I) t. ·' ···•• • •· . .... • ••.. .. .• • . . • . • Bergin .. . .. . .. .... . . ...... .. . ..... . . .. .. . .

6 6 7 7

Total Infuntry,Companie" in Battalion. 26

l 11depPrulrnt Companies.

~;1:~~·~~~?ninfantrJ: 1Company, Gar::tain ) forgnn.. . . .. . .. .. . ... ... ... .. . 1 Ver non ,, " Ci-arvi n . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . 1

~foG rego1· .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1

Total Irnlcpcndcnt Companies . .. . . . . .. . . -3 Total Troopq, Ratterie anrl Compnnies .. ... ... 4r;


Strength anthorizo<l to pcrf•wm tho annnal drill fo1· lSiD-SO, n per Genera Onlcr ... , datc«l ~Uth ) fay, 1879 :-

Ofiico1·i:; and men, nll nrms ......... . . . ...... ............... . .......... 1,;;00 llor::!l'n. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . l:JO

T ho f'elcclion of corps tu perform the drill was made pursuant to the above (;cneral Or<l cr::l, which rosulto<l as follow,., the number t.hown after each coq>S being t ho uctuiil strength of ofliccr .... , non-commi:;:,iono<l 01Iicc1·:) and mo 1 who nctually pc1formcd tho tll'ill: -

Gm;(llry. omcer'

S.-0. Utllccu llcrsea. and ~ten .

Pr<.'::-cott Troop.................. .. ... . ...... .. .................. ~~U l'ri11c;oss L•rni,;c J>ru~o·m G·uardl) . . ... . ... . . ... . . . ...... 33

T()tal. ... ... . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Ii


Ott:1wa Field Battery.............. .......... .............. 7!1 t,;ananoq_uo Yield Battc1:y..... .......... ............ ... . . IS

Total ......... . . . ........ . ..... 15i

Rzfles. ..J.h;t Battalion, ~o~. 1, 3 anJ 4 'Companies .. ........... 12G 5Gth " "'r ho Li:;gar Rifles," ~us. 1, 5, G an<l

7 Companies .... . ..... .. .. .. ..... ... . .... ....... .... . 182

Total . .. .. . .. ...... .. ...... . .. 311


ht Battalion, Governor General's Foot Guards, 6 Companies ......... .. ........ . ... . ... . ........... . . ~78

18th Battalion, Nos. 1, 5 and 6 Companie!' . . ......... l.i3 42nd " Noti. 1, 2, 3 and 7 Companies ........ . 17V 5!lth " Nus. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Companies .... :n 7 Houlburn Infantry Company.... .. ... ...... . ...... ........... 4~

Total, Infantry .. . .. . .... . ...... !14!l

Total, all arms, who performed tho drill and wore inRpcctc<l .......... . .... . ... .. .. ... ... .. l,4V-!

Prescott Troop of C<walry - Cnptain John lhrney.

..... .. . ,,n ... :~~





Th is troop per formed tho drill in eight conqecuti,-o ,lny~ nt P1:c::.cott. The Qfficors and troopcrd WCl'O qunl'tercd in Fo1·t Wollinglon during tho pcnod, aml wore inspected by mo on the 28th .I unc. . .

The officer commanding agnin :l\·ailocl himself of t~o SCl'\'ICC'l. or L 1out.-Colonel Lovelace, Instructot· of C:walry, Montreal, to a.%i'1t during the tr:un1ng. TJ1c troop presented n. smal't appearance; phyl>iquc good; hor:-es fail' : !ll'nlS nnd uppointmenta fnirly dean; br i<llo and other ::.traps rcquiro more oil.

Drill , tb per " Ini;pcction Hcport,'' ,·cry fairly executed. Tho troopers are all farmcra who generally own tho horses they ride, nnd being on tho fro11t1or nnd 'veil uc~ uuinlc<l with tho runds, would be Ycry vnln!\ble in cnse of trouble.

Page 19: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


1'/ie Prince Louise Dragoo1i CTuardo)-Cnpt:iin John Stt•wart.

Thi: Tr'?~P w~- in~p~:tetl l?.r the J3r!gndo )l:ljt11· 011 the JI th October, who Jcport. ~t efficient Ill o~ l'I: pnrticulnr. 1>r11l, :1' per .. l n:-.pection He port " woll <l

n 11 ld1t1?n to porfor!11111g c-.cor~ dutr to His Excollorll'y tho tro\·urnoi·' Gerrei·afn1~· t~o opcnrng nnd clo-rn~ of P:ll'h:uncnt, nud at \'Hl'ions other time.; durinu tho '. t t •.o t~oop proceeded ~o )lontrenl and took p:1rt in tho i·e,·it•w there in '"'ir·c-.on ~oar._ n' 1rJ~xcello11cy ,the .l•O\'l'rnor Gonoml :llld 1lc1· Hoval lliuhno:;s the Pri nJ ,., . 1 lO. _of -on or ~fall'"'Y,.. J31rthday. · :-. c s JOU1sc1

T',e Ganm107ue Fi.'eld Battery-)fojor William )fcl\:enzic.

~'hi-. corp- performed tho <lr'll · . l · wn-. in pcctod O\' tho ln:-poctor o1f' 1:\~I~~ I~ n >O~~t t~~o ~1~lc:- \Vest of Gannnoq uc, and d. J' the Di><trict Paymn,.tcr mu:;tcrcd a11d,~iaY~ th'~ iu~tCr.)~~no, ao<l on the following

1st Battalion, .; Governor Gewr,1l's Fl)()t Guard1> "-Licnt.-Coloncl Thomas Huss.

~'hi-. coi·p ... JlOl'formeu tho thill duri1w ti . • , part m tho J'C\'icw at }fontreu! on tho Otf, i?_s~~T~'· and wa:al,.;o p1·c,;onL and took n mo-.t r.reclitablc nppcan\ncc In ad r~· cent:-. ~1 ti.?~· at which tune it presented occa.::-ion:-i when ror1ui;·ol fo;. lli , E' ~ iolln o lll'nl1s 11ng guar<ls of honour on all <'O . • 1 . ,.., xtc onn· a111 1Ic1· Ro\·al II'crl , mrm-. ... JOn()( otli.ce1s' ~uaru i'< con,hntl . k . J I" rnc:s::i, a l·On-Hi l~xccllcncy nnli licl' R1>"ai 11' 1' } opt rnountoJ at Gornrnment Hou~o, when •· h "' - ' '' I~ lllcss Ul'O at O't·1w·1 Tl . b tt l' . uy t o l.-cucrnl Otficci· in co~mm:u:u. · ' •' '· lh a a JOn was 111spec.:tcd

lStlL Battalio11-Liout.-Col >nel A. lJr'l_uhart.

No . l, ti anJ G Compnnio-. rwrfor I th l ·11 . qunrtcr Z\'o l "n<l G ..... • lmle< . c < rt rn con,ccutivo J:n·~ at local l1c"1i

• - • " > .. cro 1n~pccte< y . x - b J " nnd 6 pnrndcd niry clcnu exec t ti : mo• - o. " Y tlic Brigade )fojor. No:,1. 1 clean U:'l thoy ou •ht to .. _ • ~"hp ·I 'tel .br e~ch liloc.:h and i;hocs which wcrn noL so h o vc. ..1. o c o HD" 1 \'Cl''' ol 1 • d I n~·e been renewed had a ~nppf\- boon in th 1/ . ' .• 111 mnt l worn. and would

qurtc up to former tnnunrtl. drill a-. . ,, e <:'!11nion to~·.c,.; .. Tho phy:;ique not qund drill i rcquil'od whi~h it i nte1 t !ll::>pe1,t_i,~11 He11ol'I, fordy well done. )fore bort period for drill 'The e tw :-. '. mo:- !mpo ... ,,1 Jc to carry out under tho present

nnd Adjut.nnt wore 11~·c-.ent" Tlieo ~o.!11pa1ni~I:; :!re well olliccl'Cd, and the Liout.-C.:oloncl d ' J>I I "IU 0 .1 '11111' J'Cj)r '( · :'.{ - C pa_rn CCI ,·01-y clcnn, and boin" corn poi;> 1 f: ,;- d JI ",- 0

• ,) om puny a,, havi11g drill, a detailed in ·' In-pe~tion H ~01 o ,poo I lllcn. The ollko1·d aro efficient but pructicc. cprJl't, on Y p:b'Jaulc. All cari·ic<i out t:~r"cl


·11st Battalion-Licut.-Coloncl W. IL Cole•.

~o • 1, 3 nnd ! Companie~ pcr·form I t} I ·11 during- the urnm<.'r nnd ., an 1·' . Ci _ie < r1 at local head <•1ta1·tor,,. X1, I I) ·1 ' •> 'i 111 conscc.:ut1\·o <l•Lv . I 11 . 1

' A •

J't I, ns per,, In 11cction Hepo t" ~ 1 .• J '.rn< a were rn.,,pcctotl J,y me. clean. .No. 3, dri I indifferent~ j>h,~i~·u<• f~~ '.1 me~, arm ... and acc.;oulrcmcnts vc1·y nccoutrcmont not clean "'o ' d /JI ! od .u1 '< _otlu11g worn out i arm:; fairl'l· c·leu11.

f a . .n . ·~, 11 r•o • flh}' I UO I I I . J ' o JI c clean ; b1·eech b!ock Jin nfd : .. I goor i cot 1111g worn out; iru;ido t:lrget prnctice. J;ieul ·Colon~! cof I accoutr ClllCll(t; llOL <.:luau. .\II C:ll'l'ierl Oil'

, . c wn prCM.J11t at :di tl1c in ... pol·tio1i,., •


·l~11d Battalion-Liout.-Colonel J. D. Buell.

Nos. 1, 2, 3 1111<.l 7 Companies performed tho drill during tho 1mmmor nt Jocat bend qum·ter~. All wore ini;rcctcd liy mo, oxc.:cpt Xo. 7 Company, which was poi·· formed by tho Bl'ign<lo Major; drill 1.b per "lnopcction Report." .Noll. 2, 3 and 7 rlcnn and soldierly, and ti rill v~1·y good. .No. 1, men ac·tive and good; very clonn and drill fair, but more i;qua<l drill required; much improved :.inco lat ini;pcction. 'rho clothing of No. 3 is worn out. 'l'ho whole of the nrms and acc!oulrcmcnb wcr<> exceedingly clcun. Altogotlwr these four companies aro highly c1·0<litablc. Tho wholo carried out target practice.

56th Battalion.," The Lisgar Rifles "-Lt.-Colonel II. D. Jo,;~up. Nos. 1, 5, 6 and 7 Coropnnioti performed tho drill at local head quarto1·::1 in con­

secutive days; .No. 5 in camp at Ottawa 14 days. All wore in1:1pectcd by me, except No. 6, which duty was porforn1c<l by tho Brigade ..\lnjor. Drill as per "Irn;pection lleport." No. i, phytiiquo good, except one man, too old; ,·cry clean; manual and firing indittoront ; ('Ompany drill and :skirmiohing fair; i"fJ.tlau drill required. No. 5, very clean and soldierly; phy:.i<JPC good; men inteiligcnt nntl otcady; d1·ill good; the cnmp a. model of nentnos"', anJ the whole bigb ly crcdit.ablo to Loth ofikor,, and men. No. 6, clean and Holdiol'y; phy:,iqno and drill good; a !-icn·ic.:culilc company. No 7 company is romposcd of recruit~, cxccpt.12; phriqno fail'; men steady and •lrill fair; excellent progl'(:"'s for so i-hort a porio<l; a1·m::; and accoutrcmc11ts very clean ; clothing worn out. Captain Carmichael cu11 alway::> tul'll out a goo<l ::;ec,·ic.?ablo company. All carried out tal'gct. practice:;.

MJth Battalion-Lt.-Colonel D. Bergin. This corps, i-<.n·en companies strong, perfol'mcd the drill in tamp at f.'ornwall

(battalion bead quarters) in eight clear d.1y:.1 and was inspected by me. General appearance much impro\·ed; physique good; arm!> nn<l accoutrement!:! cleun i men very clean; drill, as per" ln!:lpcction Report," p:N;nble, but more i-qi:.acl drill required. lf more time could bo rlcvoted to <lriJl, the composition of thb battalion i~ of ~mch a character as to promise a very superior corps. 'fbere being no range nn1ilablo, target practice could not be carried out.

Goul&um l11fa11try ComJany- CJptnio '\Ym. Garvin. This comp·my performed the drill in C'aml? at local heaci 9.uarton~, nntl_ wa::; in­

spected by the Btigudo )fojor, tho Dcputy-AdJutanL Genernl being e~gaged in othe1· inspection duty at tho time! who roport::> t~e men clean and. :;old1erly ;,,ar~s nnu accoutrementti clean; cloth111g worn out; drill, as per'' Inspcct1on R<.'port, fo1r.


Metcalfc Infantry Company- Cuptain Irn Morgan; and 'Vernon I1rfatitry Company-Captain Robt. ~IcGregor.

These two companies were relieved from performing 1li·ill fol' tho prc,.cnt year; when last in:spcctcd we1 o coni;idered satisfactory.

Bands. Thero nrc i:;cvcn militnry bands connected with tho force in thi~ di~trict.

and &trength of bnnd :u; follow~ :-Ottawa. Field Bnttc1·,·..... .. .. .............. ....... .............. .. ...... · 17

J l5 Gananoqno Field Bat101·y ................................................ .. l:;t Bat tal iou G onrnor (;cnernl's Foot Gunrd4 ................. 30

1 th ·!ht 4:!nd 5flth

do Drums and Fifes ............. l i

Battnlion ............................. ..... ........................... . 4i 1 :! l! do ............................................................. ..

do ............................................ · ................ :!I do ...... .................. ...... ................................. lt>


Page 20: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


T~o ro.ncrnl Order::- relnting to the nppointing of·• Band Co=:ees ~ . mplted with, nnd tho ncconnts of nil band.~ in~pedcd hy me hwc b . hn\ o .been

I~1pro\·cn~cnt b uoti.c(•:1lilo throughout the whole. 'l'he rc.putatio~ f ~en l'Xaminod. a~h the lto\'ornor lroncral's Foot Gun rd ... i~ widely known 'l'hnto j ft co8nncctod

"bihon ... how good Jll'O"r·o. ... ,, nnd n bet to1· st ·lo of . . o l ic 1 th Bat. h · • ) musJC' and the ncatnc · .· J I ·

t o :1ccount... conn~t'll'il with thj,.. bnnd uro kept dc,.,cr~·o '. e . I ::.:'> '' tl t w Heh the 4bt Bnttnlion is much im1H·ovcd nnd b·'1n•~ . . cJ:.p cu\ mo11t1on. 'l'lrnt of ,. · ' · ' ~ ...., c.omposc ot 1>crforn1ors f .,c;1r:- p1·nct1t•o, c.·ountcrbnlanccs inn mc:huro tho ~m·1llno s of ti b . o many 'tho .&~nd Battalion is hh~hly efficient ·ind r••tloct in11c'1 c ·'·1·t lOllnum o1·. 'l'hnt of ""'f ti ·<1 • I' 1· · - · '' " 1 re! 1 on u concern I Th v JO o. l11 >alta ion 11us been reot"rnnizc·• ·1n l b' i. r. .• t b . cc. . nt I · · ,... , u, • c. 11 ~ 1u11 o e crec.lttnblo the <.'0\.;~'.1 ~~~1\1~·;·~1 ~~0 ~~·~tc~':.~~t~:l1, ~~n~~r~~:~~~~e~'· tho instruments do ~ot bolong to the propnrty of tho ofliter s, nn<l un(lor thl' c~~t~·~~no; b~ Ol11:>Ul'ed unless thoy arc IMngly m·go nc~ptiring of ull in;,,lrumonb as p1·ope1 t,. ~t' tth100 b~ottm~unc.lobr. It· would

·' ·• cry or attn ion.

OnrcEn" U:-;n·on.'r.

~\ ~roat \"flriuty of uniforms nre used throu h ti d' .. ·. . . 'Wen:rng pnll'ol jnckots of different materials nn 1 . ~ .1stt it t, somo tn the sumo corp>i <>f d1tfcrent pnttcrn-. null some trow e. .t·h t dm.1 e' 1> trowsers nnd fornge cnps

rd 'd'. • - =- 1'w1 an l"Omew1thot1t ·t · db wo sol 1tlercnt make un:i mntcrinl X , th h b ripes, nn olts and 'Supplied to officer-., no cxcu .. e can lon;or ~~i'\ f1 ~t t. ~ Jre.-1~ reg_ulntions havo been rccwd previoth to noxt inspection u ~1ore .d '\ ·f~ t~1~ s~to of ~h1.ngs, and if not cor­made. ' e ai 1 cpo1 t of th rs 1rregulnrity will be


T~o u~unl inte1·c,..t in them asso . r . 1'~llow10~ nre tho name,:i oftno e · ti/'~~on~ nppenis to ha"t"o been kept up. The .,.n·on du-ring the yonr showin s rn. is 1slr1ct, together with the valuo of prizet-

. • · g an mcrcase over former yeart:1 :-Metropolitan ........... . Rrockville .................. · ............ . ............ . .. $470 00 R:un,..ay.. ·· · · · .. · · · · · .... · · · · · · · · · .. .. · · · .. ··" ·· · ... · · · · · · · · .... ·· . .. . 240 00 l~th Bat~~·1i~;1 .. •• .... ... ....................... •• • •• ... ........ .... • 1 U 00 Guards ...... · · ............. · · · .. · .... · ............... · ··. .... 308 00 Pre cott ....... · ..... · .. · .. · ... · · .... · ..... · · · · · · .. · · · · .... · · ·.. .. 149 00 Perth ........................................... 190 OJ

······················ .............................. · .. ·.···········"·•·· ............... 140 55

Total ..... ····· ........................ ... I 671 55 . By reference to the Hifle )fatch R . . . . ... .. . .. ... '

"3l1on ba been in exi .. tencc :>e\·entccn etm.ns it wtll be seen tbe BroC'kville Associ· <>tlwrs not givin~ tbi information 1:u1 ~. und tho .Jfotropoli tan fifteen years. the ecomJ annual competition. . e ono at Perth, however, ha~ only hutl it. ...

Dnrr.L SuEI>.s.

'J'lie new hed nt Ottnw·1 j,, now n :and con:·cniencc to tho fore~ .. It is :;if:,~~~~ complcteu, and will h<' of much service "<lffcr:; u1tnblo ground for out ... idc >a~ade• .c on tho end of "Cartier S<]uare," which ~mall sum ex pen Jed in liwclli1w l would~ 'b lmt/ho roughness i:; very ol>jcctionablo. a 1mprovcment to tfio sqnnre. o 0 0 great UOnefit lO tho force, and ~II

Tne only other expenditure I . ~nn~ted With the rcpairirt<r of />Il f, I;'\' In tho di, trict thi. oCa~Oll ha!-, been thut

1 hose nL the followinir o t t' oo o t io ono ut <.xunn11or1 uo. Pakent Jr t ~ 11 3 ions a1·e not now 11 I f ·1· · f'l 'in~, rc unond (lilown down , l . • ~ or '.'11 r tiu purpo:;e:-<, viz:-

1 far .s Cornc.1'13. .1111 i cportcd), M11not1ck, N ort11 Gowt!1· and

l • ))ll.


P11ko11hum is convonicntly. 1-1ituatc<l on. tho line of the Cana b c~ntml R1ilw.1y, .:in1l 1~ company could b~ org~111:t,od at nny t1mo ::1ho11ld one lie rcquirctl; eon o it wo.uld uo woll to rolarn t~11s !'lhc L B~1L u~ .tho o~h~rc::1 a!'" in ont·of-tho.wny pl11co~ i1n<l lrnlilo to go ~o dustructro?, t!•o de:11rabil1ty ~f <11:-po~•ng of Lhem might h11 con­i-i<lorud. Thero l~ abo a lo~ 111 Goulburn, on wl11ch a ::lhed wa'i formerly c1·octod but <lcmoli:-<hcd many yearl'! ago uy a :itorm, llnd roportcd nt tho time, an•l thcro


j14 a similat· lot. in llunlly, tho tlhed ha,·ing bcon IJurno<l and reportcu

'l'he want o~ a d!·ill i;ho<l ut Urockvillo is very much felt. As yot tho mrrnicipality hns tukon no act101? in tho ma~tor. 'l'bo for·ce having ln'lt :;~ring been <loprivcd of the uHc of the public hall'l, wluch had for year .. ~ been allowed fo1· urmourioi and drill, is much pnt about. Although the connci I havo just supplied armouries, there is no pluco to fall in the men 01· drill. I would c1trougly urge some action tnward" tho ~rection of a suitable bnil<ling :.1.t this important point.


Thi:- olJ hi:.torical work, which had bcon left for a long period t-0 go t-0 dcc:i.y, ltus, <luring the past year, been rop:ii1·o<l, by which its p1·e:iervation is :,CCure<l and appearance improved. I bhould liko to .seo tho guns again mounteJ on it:. bunq uottc, as it would have a good moral otfoct, anti also lie of much ,-ordcc t-0 th o PrcHcott Battery of Gal'l'ii;on Artillor·y.


The i:;trength of the v11rious co1·ps has been \veil maintainod, they being, u" a rule, composed of good mon. 'fhe rural companies generally perform their drill in Hix consecutive days, that it!, two days of thrco hours each in one, which is not cal­culated to result as benotidnlly us n longer period. In mnny in"t:mces squad drill il5 almost wholly neglected, while position and aiming drill are ~eldom attempted; which, if practiced previous t-0 firinl!', would bhow an increased bCOre.

The officers throughout the district u1·e of opinion that c:imps urd the most ~uilable and satisfactory way of performing the annual drill. With the exception of tho 5lJth Battalion, which assembled in camp for this year's tr-aining, nono of the battalions have assembled since 1875, con equcntly all huve become very rm;ly. Without battalion drill the officers cannot keep up lo their work. I would, therefore, respectfully suggest battalion c!lmps of sixteen daJ:S with tr111.1,.port nnd ration~ free a-; tho most desirable for onu year. Tho following year, bnga<le to be formed for a liko period.

The difficulty of procuring quulifiod officers b on the incren,..e, the i-y~t?m of drill during the past four yea1·:0 110.t having been calc?lat~d to dcv.olopo such cilic1en~y ns to ommro passing an exnminnt1on. On tho npJ11tca.t1on of L1cu~.-Colonel Bergm, commanding the 5!ltb Battalion, a B·)Ut'<l of Examiners wus uuthonsed lo ns~omblo at Col'Owall but only about ono-third of tho offi~or,; whose names were !-'nbmilled cumo up; ti; is resultod in four ticcon1l-cl11s::1 certi~cat.os boing issued. .

Th~ condition of tho forco throticrhouL the c.hstnct may be looked upon ns sat1s· factory, HO far as tho present system i~ cn.leulnted t-0 improve it, but C!lmp'I of.cxo1·ci11c mo require<l to bring it up to tho fo1·mor i-l:rndn.r<l. If c~mps are ~uthorn:cl the present t:!lrength of companies is quite too ~mall; what w1~h de lncltn~ bandsmen, stall' :;ergeants, cooks, ~un1·d:;, nnJ other dullc:-<, the. compnnte.'.'\ nrc. ~o r~iul..'c<l n~ to mnko tbum impra"ticnulc for tiolc.l mo,·ements. .It y~, therefore, <le-i1rnblo they :-hould bo ro-<torcd to the old ~t:munrd of fl:>. non-comm1s,..1oncd officers nncl mon.

'rho Ikirrndc :Major hn~ mn1lc the 11,u:il hnlf..yoarly irhpcction of storo", and wilnu-.·ud tn~1,..fci· rc~e1pL-1 whore ro ptircd. He n"si~tou in makin~ the annual inHpcct ions when it wa-; i rn praclil·t1blc f1.1r the Deputy Adjut.'\nt-Goncrnl to I.lo so, for which my thunk-; uro due.

Page 21: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

. '') .,_

Up to th_o timo hi ~Ct\•icc." were di-.pen oi with, Linut.-Colonel Wylie, Di~tric t Paymn-.tor, d1 ... chnrgcd h1. dut1c:. promptly nnd :tttcnti\·cly. Tho .Fielu Batteries while in c:imp, were mu!"tcre<l nnd pnid by him. '

I h:we tho honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient :-;c1 vant,

W. II. JACKSO~, Licut.-<Joloncl,

Tho Adjutnnt·Gl'llernl of Militia, Ottawa.

Deputy Adjutant-Gonorul,

)filitary Disll'ict No. 4.

)flLITARY DI"THrCl' Xo. 5.


~foxTREAL, 1st December, 18;9. . , .... m,-1 hrwe the honour to fonvard for the consideration of tho General Officer in Commnnd, tho anuual roport of the -.tatc of .Militar.}· District Xo. 5 under command. , my

Tho nominal enrolled !"trcngth of the force of active mil ilia in the cli::itrict is a-; follow- :-


Officers. 5th Pl'ovi .. ional Regiment, 5 Tl'oops. . .. ... 19 Gtb <lo 4 do 16

Artillt ry. Three Field Batteric::. .................... . ... . .Montrca_I Brigade (6 Battcrie:;) Garrison

} .. rtillery ................................... . One Independent Battery ................... .

EnJineers. One Company ............. . .... . ............... .

Rifles. Tivo Battalion<; .... ............ . ·········· ....

lnf1111try. Twelve Battalions Three Indcpendent.'Ck;,'..;j;~~i~· ::::::.:::::



2G 3


328 9


175 140



335 55




4,:rn1 165

337 4,759

Total, of all arms, rank aud horse ............ ~,914


194 156








By the (;encrnl Ordc1· of tho ~9th ,\l ay, a q1111tn of =~.O 10 of ull rnnk Ii>: the di trict wa« allowed to drill fo1· I i!I - '11. Fir:.t , fiult! hattcric:i to ho taken; l'ICCond , t'Ol'P" of the citici; ; third, corp nrit d r illt:."<1 (:t,.,t year; fou1·tli, 1<1 (•ompll•t•• quot:t corp3 to be ... olcctml from out·h nrm of th e i,cn:ic-1. The st1·cngth of the th•ld Lat.t1ll'io ... a11d city corp:i in thv cli-.t1 ict, cornp1·i .. u I i 11 thJ li r~tan 1 "'C · rn I .. ctccl1011, wa HO Jl'c.11, \'iT..

1 1938 that only l,1Hi2 of tho third-or 1·111·p, uot ,frilled last ye: 11"1 11umbori11g Ul :5-~ouhl be takc11 to till the quota, lcavi11;..{ l:ff~ wi thout <il'ill fo · tw, ycnrs. The di trict havitl<' 811Ch ti Htl'Cllgth Of tiold Uat lcl'ic:. Uflci City COl'lJ'• a11d OCClljl.)'illri n Jong and mm;t ~npol'tanL frontior, ought , a~ a spcl'ia l ca-o, to be allo"' l'cl an :uldit1iJ11 of at lcn;t 750 quota, to enable tho rural c·orps to dl'ill onco 1u two yc111·i;.

The district stuff found it n dilli1·11 lt. 111 atter to :-.clccl tho 1·urnl 1•01·pc; fer clt·ill, and keep within the quota. In thi~ t hey '~'l' l'c kindly 1:_1 vour~cl hy_ th1: <•fl~,.or-. comm:u!di~z tho 50th and 51sL Ihttalion~, who w,ll\'cd the cla1mi; for drill of four cornp:111ie~ m each bnttnlion who were not fri lled l:i..t year, prnfi•tTing- t•1 w.dt ti ll next ycnr for <ln

opportunity of tfril lin,.{ l hc haltn li<>1h a t foll islrcn~tli 111 «amp, 11' po:.:.iblc. Tho col'ps named bolow performed th e annual cfrill :-



5th Provisional Heg imcnt ......... . ........... .. .. .. ....... . l>th do ......... . ......... ....... .


)fontrenl .Field Battery ...... . .... . .............. . ......... . . Shcfford do .... ............................... . Riebmonrl do .. .. .. ... .. ............ .... .. . .. . :Monlrcnl Brig ade r+arl'l'lOll Artillery .............. . .... .. }rfont1·ea l gngineor 'l .. ......................... .. ... . . . ... .... .


l t;tBattnlion, " Prince of Wa l~" ........... . . . .......... .. 3rd do ",~ictoria" .. ... .. .. ... . ............... . .... .


5th Battalion,·• Hoyal Fu:-.ilicr,, " ......... ................. . 6th <lo '' Fu .. il icr:. JI ......................... . ...... ..

11th do IC Ar~cntCl• i l Han~cr:-<' ' ................... . 52ntl do IC l3romc JI Li~ht In fantry ......... . ....... . 5;;rtl do "8he1·brookc " Light Infantry ......... . 5-lth do "Hichrno11d" do .... ·· ..... . 5~th do 11 Compton" do ........... . 60th do " MiH><i--q uoi " Bordorers .......... . ..... ·· 7!lth do "Shcffoni Highlanders" ................ .

Wukefield Company ............. ... . ............ · ........... . Ayhvin do .... ........... · ......... ................. .

Total drilled ................... ··············


All Haukb. H..orses.

l j !J lj!l

;u 70

fO 0

Ii ~ ?-·) ..:> ... 5o

271 :.!j.)

1)---1·> •)- •)

-·-1:n mu 2 !:!

!l l 1 ' ~ ll);) 1 ~~

·H 3!.)


2 ., ~8

5 5

4 + 3 ·1

z 4 2 5


The 1ith Provi!>innnl Rorri men L ( fou r t roop~) . under <·om mnncl !!f Li01~t.-?0I?;; ' · fi :;- . d ·~ lri lat 1;om pt-0n on the :!:!nc l :::icptem .1e1. c

'l'nJ:lor, Wl'nt '!1to cnrtntlp lo~~~~ D'l~p·U~}. Adjutant-GcrH' ral on the :! ti th. 'l'ho rnrnp wns rog1me11t wns ID8pcc c '} "


Page 22: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

\\ell I itched, nnd lhll hor-.o linc-i in proper form. Tho mnrch i:tst I • . -

JJ;<}l un h 011 \\ 111~ '~_ell done i tho field lllO\'omont .. nnd -.cvcral oxoi·ci!c.s we;) 1t

1,1~?~ u~!1 or-- \\ c1·, Int\C ! under C'O\'Or :rntl "ki rmi I •r-. s' •· !l ~ o1 rncu.

mn1111cr which ,.,fim,cd thnt tho troopers Wero \~~oil l~:1ti1~H\\1~~1'.t~1. b~~~nkThl1·111~ in a With till CO l X( 1Hi n WCI r. \\'ell fittnrf r0 . \ OI '· 10 hor:-o~ I" h • 1 "' -' '-' l< I" 'C'l"\ll'C" the tbr» '.,. t" t

i ; 1': 1>~l~~~1~ 3" :llryt • the own1ers prom i'l'd to 1 opl1H:c th~rn with h~:~~~~ 1;1~~~~ .. we~ f'~oo

• mu,, er p:unl o \\tls hl'ld hy the Di ... tl'ict P ·1 · · L' · · er .Am~ rnuhl. 'J'he n<'n \\Cle ·111 •1IJlc f)()d'1 .. tl .·11 (! l t" • .} m.tstcr, icnl.-Colonol rh · ' ' . '- • I : C l\'C YOUIJO' men . e ~rc~t 111 pn ome11t 1101ieed in drill nm! di:sci 11in, ::>r . I · b. •

t.rnc the i·e~1111011t W:L .. formoi, indnl'cd tho I» • I . c. u.t~ c } tho lour troops tho f:wournhlc co11,..idc1"1l"1011 ol' tl1- l' I I Offi\JHll)_ Ad.1ut.lllt-(1ene1·al to Rub111it for

. . • c 1c1 era t•cr 111 C I · · ·

lth_e fho m_dcpcm. nl troop,.. in thedi:--trict thl• Otl\':mt:1•rco~t'C~1t, .Ly1oposal l<? g1vo J\ attnch111g the "";t·on 'l'roop to the '1th p .· .· I H . c ong111g to :t regiment,

.Mo11t1l'al, St. An Ir·" s, Jlnnt11wclon :u:d .\Ji,..',~>: ist~n~,. cu11~1cnt, :llld .fol'!l1i11g tho known :h tho 6th Pro,·i,ion·tl H~"irneut 'I' . .' q1u t wops llllo a regtnwnt, to bo 'eginwnt ~azctted in Gl'ner·;I 01"i-;.1· <>f .ti llnstl 1~~0posall \YUS nppro\·cd ot; a11d the

"'f 'J ' '" ' 1e i l novcm l<'I" , .1. ac n ontrcal Troop (uuw Xo 1 Gtl p . ·

fc.A1thur, drilled at head q11;1t~r .. ' · n:i ~e~rn~cnt), under the command ofCaplain <1~11e:al on the lith July. Tho tro~i'> ~;·a-. ru'tt. 1t;~1,wcrl .hy. the Depnr.\· Adj11tant­dr1ll .:us<l sword cxt•rch·c under the co i , 1 hooC mc1.1 .wd well monnted. the t1oop drill~ nt :-tntod ti~e~ thiou!!hon~'~T~n'., ~ t 0 . :tplarn, l\':ts well done. Thi!\ otl1cr duty. Lion: .. 'olon •I fa . ·I· .. IC.~ c:u ! n_nd I:- always ready for l'!i<'llrt a111l

'Tl , t T c ,, c .1co .tch .i-. dnll 111-.tnwtor 10. ut on roop (now Xo • • 1 p . . ·

oommnnclin~, d1illed for p dn,: .. .'1t:.>t,1·o:>ot 1J ro,·i,.,1onal Regiment), Captnin She1)arcl m ~ - " ·' · P iead qu·u·ter· u I th · 0 ccr eommnu lin•~. The D"Plll\' \. r u (' . . "• Ill Cl' e In:-truclion of tho

October. 'fhe t1·1101;='mu::-1ercd f11l1..'.'tr~1:.~~'1i ~n~:11'·~~·t~~-::.1 ~nspect~rl the .troop ou tho 3rd men. Hur,..c-.\c1ygood· troo l ·11'-: 1' • ' ~lc-bod1cdand111telii"'cnt.}'Ou110-

l ddl • ' p ( I I .lilt "WOl'd CXCr'•J 0 f' . b h nnc ~n cr.r in i!Oo<l order. · '- ~ very au· i ac:c:ou lremcn ts l'fto H11nti11~don troop (nnw X 3 f 1 ..

t·ommnndin!!, <lrilled l'J dll)'" "t b·e·1o<l. ' •tt1 ProI\l"hlOnal Rogimcnt), C:tptain n .. ,.,. '> h 0 - ' ~ •• ' fl ll:tl' er-i 'l Cl l · u · '" - .,t ctouer Ir'-· J ;cut -Colonel B·1 o l> • . ' 'v oc {, an was m~1>ccle<l on 'Ii•' • • J • • • l' II l.>l'l ":IUC :\1-t '< • A d . L ' rn.:r cction (marked.\.) ' c- · 4 ·Jn, nne:xc 1s the report of tho

'l'he ...t .• \.ndrew:-, and !11i,.. ... i.,quoi Troop-. di1l not drill.

ARTil,L l::RY.

Fteld Battrrhs.

~~10 Montreal Ficl<l Ratte1" under the . . ~\'Cnt mto camp for 1~ dnv-. on the 1-'xl 'b't' ctnmurnl of L1cut.-Colo11el Stcnmso11 Tho bntte_ry mu-.tere<.I fuli ,trcn!!th ;;1~~ ~ 1 ~'\ rr.ot~ud~, a place well Jittcd for a<:amp: ~::imp dotic.-. and drill thorou,,hl. c~1· .· .1111 .101~c... The camp w:i,.; well laid out. ~lbtlUCtion Of the \ClCl':ln ~ a • llClcl out(.!:> the~ ha\"O always been) undo!' th~ m JWCt d h S an popu ar com mnnchnir olti . . Th , e on t o th _.\ ll"u~t IJ • L' t C I . ,.., ce1. c liattcry \V'l~ .:iccompnnio<l by the !Jc1~t'' ,,dJ·11t!c11ut G .. ' o oncl•I lnvm, H. A., Jn~pcctor of Artillor~: thoron •I · . II · J .. • cncra anti Britta 1 '!· · Th · . .1' . !; l Ul ,1 it.. <letu1ts, and will be i·o nrtod ,o i C·'"'. .lJOl'. o m~pect1011 was rn-.pc ·t1011, 11111rstcr pa1 ade wa:; held IJ l ti on b) tl~o mspectrng oflkcr. After Pay111•1 Lor. Boll WUt- c·1lled. oJI . y lC Deputy AdJntn.nt-Gcnoral and Difitrict batte · · • • 1 .. P1 c~ont Ol' accounted f' · A cl • 1.} n cnt ulJ-equcn tly to tho I ~i 1 f . o1. etac·hmon t of tho

rn11go could be hnd in the vicinity of M~;:~rc~I. Od\!ans foi· guu practice, a1:1 no Mafo

S!i.ejford Field Battery.

• Thi lx1tter,r, un lor comrnnnd f L" C (rranby on t!u.: I l September fo~ 1·>'ct·: ,olo~cl Amymuld, went into camp ut,

Lrcngth .• \ l:ugc number of ti o - < .1y:;. d~·dl; tho battery mustered in full through the Scho l o1 Cun ' •. • d non-comm1 ionccl <1ffi<:c1·s and men I n.

• ncrJ an arc well up in drill and c·amp duties. ,, 'c grmo


---'fho bat tcry wa i ll"JlCClt'cl Ii.)~ ..:\ding r 11 ... pC'ClOI' Lic11t-Colo11cl M ontiT.arnLort, oi

•• B" Battery, and also hy tho Bngatlc Majo1·, Licnt.-Colonl'I II on. M. Aylmoi· under whom.m11st~1· roll w:r~ called. ropo1" of in p_oction (11111r1<ed B).'

J,10111.-Colo11cl .A rnyra11l1l lm uglit Jn,., battery Ly r:11lwuy to Montl'cnl on the !Wh ,\fay to tuko p:u·t in the 1·ovicw in honour vi' Her )l:ajo-ty' liirthdn,·. Jn tho march JH~:;t tl~c butt~ry held iti; own with t_he vtl_1~1· Latlcri<'>;. In tho


hnm tight. the celcnt.'' with wh1(·h the battery ltok up its pus1tion on the loft llauk of the enemy m11I tho rapid fi1·0 waintainetl on the attncld11g p!lrt,r, :-<bowed the Lattol'\' to be in a~ cfiicient btate. w

Riclwirmd held Battery.

Umlcr command of .\lajor 11011. II. Aylmer, mu,,to1·cd for drill in camp at Hich­m0nd 011 tho ~Gth Juno. UnfortunalPly tho camp C'1uipago Wtb not rccoinid until the 2ith, <:on~c<111c11tly, tho men were liillctc<l until the camp wa,., pikhed.

'fho gun:- of thi:-; uaUcry arc 2·l po1111dcl' Howitzer". A nurnlw1· 1Jf tho men ha\'e gone tl.ron~h the :-<clwol of gu1111c1-y and arc well up in their work. The non-com­mi:--.ioncd olliC'cr" a111l 111011 :u call well titted fo1· artillery i;crvico; hor-c,, \"Cl'.)' gr>0<l. 'rho battery w:i,., in,.,pe<'tcd by tho 111:-pcctor of Artillery in drill and ettidcncy 'fh(} Dcputy .• \djulant (1oncntl in ... pcdcd tbo men, clothing :md equipments on tho 7th July, and with tho Di..tric;t Payma:-ler, lacl<l mu,.,tcr pat·ude, all prc:;cnt. 'l'hc baltery is TlOt quite up to it::; :-;tcnglh.

G arri¢Ott Artillery.

Tho brigade of lifontrcnl Garrison Artillery, under tho comrnan<l of Lieut-Col­onel Fraser, drills weekly, either uy gun dctncbmcnt«, IJattcrios or uriga<lc. The brigade wus ini:>pcctod on the 25th October by the In,.,pector of A1·til!cry, accompan­ied by tho Dop11ty-Adjut:int General ·:ind Brigade ~fujor. 'l'ho l,rignrlc paraded on the Champ de .\fol's as u_ battalion for infant1T drill; marched p::ht in column and quar­ter column; deployed into line; manual and tiring exercibes by the Acti11g-.\.djutant; nn<l a number of battalion mo-.·eme11ts by tho Commanding Ofll<-et'. after which the brigade marched to tho drill shed for gun <l1·ill. The para<ic mO\'Orncnl:- were well done; the men >cry :-,toady in tho ranks. This corp~ i · compo-.o<l o!' a very fine body of men, all or tho right size and build for artillery work. The tifc and llrnm corp:-. is Ycry efficient. Tho Jn,.,pcctor of Artillery will rcpnrt on tho techniC"al p:u·t of tho drill. This eorps i" weak in officer:;; thel'c are vacaneics fot• two field otliccr:<, an adjutant and five or six lioutcnanb. .Field officer:s and udjutants requiro certificate:-. ~ono of the captains ha\·e first-cla!'s c·ortiticntc-:, a11cl they cannot obtain them without going to 1 ho :-choot of gunnery, Quohec. The~c olHccr,; aro a!L cngng<'d in businos~, and l':mnot :ttfortl the time to attend tho school. Pro\"i ion ought to be made to allow office1·s ::-iluated ns they arc to qualify for fii·,., certi­ticatc:s aL the head q11:11·to1·:l of the brigade. Officer" who m.1intuin etil<:icnt batlorie:3, :such as compu:-;o the ~1ont!'cal Brigatlc, dcsorvo e>ory cneoun\gement to induce them to remain iu tho He1·yiee, but if promotion i::; blocked they will lo::-c heart and gi\'o up.


.Tho lwo companies of :Montreal Engineers wero, by Gcnoml Order. of tl!e 10th of' A1n·1l umal1ramutcu to form ono com1):1ny under the comm:rn<l of :\ln1or hcnnedy;

J ~ ' ~ strength to renrnin at S 1 non-corur.:iis~ioned officers and mon. Tho company pcl'form-o<l tho annual drill, and wa:i inspected on the :~Oth Augu;t by Liout.-<Jolonel I~·win, ln:spector of Artillery, accompanied by the Deputy, .A.djutant-Hcnoral uml Br1g~de Major. 'l'ho company mu:;torcd on tho Champ de ?\for:;: 5 of :ill 1·nnk:-; :tll aeti_vo and intolli.,ent men· tho company marched pn-.t :tnd went throu~h comp:rny dnll, manual an~ ffri1,., o~erciso:s very fair. Tho c·ompany then nrnrd1od to tho H•)H..,cc·onr lfall to"<> through somo technical drill in '· B:1rrcl Pioring," , ·c. 'I'ho I1i...pccto1· of A1tillcry will roi>0rt upon this pnrt of tho 1\rill.


Page 23: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

I ~t Battalion, " Pn'n e of Wales Ri'Jf es.''

Thi" H.'lttnlion thl' "onior in tho n 1rni11ion, j,, in an oflil'icnt slate. Wuckl) drill ... nro kt pt up durino- tho yonr. 'J'ho regiment p:1r:~de<l fill' in:;p1'_<0 lio11 }i.v tho D puty Adjntnnt Gcnernl on the Chnmp du Murs, on the :!.>th October, {Jient .. ( ,olonel Bond commnnding'. The battalion 11rnrcl1t'd pn-..t in column, quarter column, chan~ou runks nnd pn,. ... e<l ~It the double, in splendid style. Linc was fornll'd, :tnd the rnannnl mid firing- CIXCrci:-e p~'rformed umlor .;\l:1jor Boni!. The Colonel th on pn (, tho l'l•gi rnont, throu •h n numlx!r of hnttnlion moYcmcnl:;, inclmling tho now "lino of nttack" All the 11~\·oments wen' performed with <."clcrity nnd ' p1·ccbion, ~bowing that, oflice1·~ nnd men knew their work thoroughly. 'I'hc regiment, nevot• nppearotl to bctlot" ndv:rnt.1go thnn nt this in ... po"'tion; the men won' well sized, the clothing and :wcou­ttemenb <'lean :m<l well pnt on. ' Pho light and neat chako, combino.l with th o lcg­gin~ , g.l\o the men nn uctivo nnd nntty appcnrnncc, s1ll'h ns riflemen on~ht always to h.\\ e. 1'hc fife nncl lil'llm baud j, fnll and offcctivc. Tho battalion hus nl-;o a good tori of bugler ....

3rl Battali0111 ·' n toria Rijfi:,")' '-Unrler comma111l of Liont.-Coloncl Whitehead.

'ffij ... lhtt:llion drill" wct>l-ly, "!J.uad. eompnny and battalion dri II, th rong-hont tho yem·. Tho _\djut:mt ha-.. a l'J:i,.,,.. of non-comm1s,,ioncd officers and candidates fol" :ippointmcnt n_.., ... nch, for instruction in drill nnd inte1·ior economy, each must p 1s~ nn oxnminntion before he can Io appointed or promoted. This cJa.,s ha' been the means. of 1;;ecnrin_; intC'lli~cnt non-commi · ... ioned otficers to the battalion. Tho bntt;d1on wn in })CCted by the De1mty Adjntnnt-Gcneral nn1l Brigade .Unjor on tho Champ do .\Inus on the th September. The ranb were foll, the men in m:u·cbing onlct", pre­paratory to leaving for Toronto after in.,pcction. The battalion m::wchod pasi in column, fJ.llnrtcr column, nnd at the double. Tho march past wa.-:; ve1'Y good. .\ ftcr formin~ line, the ... cnior )fojo1 put tho regiment through tho manual and firing exe1·­ci<;e1;; tltb wn ... done very :>leadily. The Colonel then took command. The dcploy­mc-nt... :md column mO\·ements were well executed. Tho men looked well in their now uniform ... , 'lith hn..-m ack-.. and greatcoat.,._ neatly packed. Tho band (brass and lmglcs) is very. trong nml ellccti\"c. .After in,..pcction, the battalion marched to tho depot to tnkc the car" for Toronto to t.1kc pa1·l in the review to be held there in tho presence of IJi ... Exccllcnc.r the c;m-cmor General. .From reportb rocoivcd bubsc­qnently the '' Vic;;." W<>re :,econtl to no11c on parade.

iJtl Battal"on, ''R1Jyal Fasiliers"-Licut.-Coloncl Crawford, commanding.

Thi battalion keep ... up <lriJI,.. at :-lated time,; through tho year; tho officers :-pn! c no pain or expen o to m~kc tho corps effic·ient. In addition to tho llif{hland. tmm nud t.'lrUln trow ... , the plat<! ha been adoptocl. The lmttalion wns inspcl"lcd on tl1c < 'hnmp de )fn1-s on the 5th J nly by the l>cputy AJjn•.a11t-Gcneral and Bri11ade Jlujor. 'l'lie regiment pre~cntcd a fine appcara11ee on parade; fine, abl1.1-bocliotl ~en, n Highlandcr;.1 -.hould Le; uniform ~, accont1·emcnts and ai·ms in cxccllcnL 01·<lcr. ' fhc mnrc:h pu,.t in rnlumn and <1uartcr column wn;; steadily <lone. The manual and tiri11g c:corci .. c ... , under the )fajor, w~ro clone with prcei:-;ion. Colonel Crawfol'<l pnl the rcguncnt tlm)ugh a number of fielil mo\·erncnh, all well carried out. Tho band (hi':! ) i i1~ u goo<l "tute o( elliciency. 'fhc pipor.'l play well, and are a~ nem· pcr-1oclmn n pipers can be.

Gth Brzttalio11, '· Pasiliers"- JJicu t.-Coloncl .\farti n, eom m anding.

Thi 1.iathlion, like the other 1 keep up regular drill:-. thro1wh tho year. The bnttnlio1! drill , prcpnrntory to io pcction, arc heltl on the 01tamv de Mal'!') l1y moon and gn hght: officer and men work well t11gethcr. The battalion is in a g0od :-ituto

::.. , . . • rc"imont wa-. in:;pe1;tctl on tho )[onlr\!:Ll Lacro c (.~rou~di; on ~he of efhc1crH }.". 1T~i~ . , r:\ -0oloncl B:tcon, Brigade M ajot'. )•'or a rep 11·t of t!tu 111 pection 11th Octob~i l) Jieu . ti (t l'll'l·r.<.l \.) The uatt.alion hns two band I Ul'USS and J l'ufcr tu Ju,; report aunoxo 1 • '-c ~ · .fifo aud drutn:-i both very gootl.

11th Battalion,,, .Argenteuil Rrm~er.s''-Licul.-Colonol llon. J.C. Abl>Jtt, ~mmanding.

~ d 8 u ··lied in c•tmp at Lnchutc, and were lll!!pected by Companie~ Nos. 1, •1, t ai~ltl j1 1 \ ~ncxcd i~ the report of the iu pcction

Liout.-Colonol lBnc?n o,111 t iol"to ·i:1d ~th~ie1:cy of the companies in c·amp. (mal'ko<l A), i; 10w1ng • io I:! " •

. " L" t Colonel Hon. I". n. ~forehand, 91 t Battalion "Richelieu Light Infantry --:- teu .-"' s , commandmg.

r d "llcd this year 'l'he captain of ~o. 1 None of tho compt:ni~s of this .hntla ~on i~ ~isor ,ani~ed. Tho arms, nccoutroment"'

Company has loft the limits i t~io com pa ~ C ·tai~ Beau\·ai' So. 3 Company. The snd clothin~ hav• boon pl.a~od rn _char~c oold a£an arLiclc« 'unlit for.:-cr\·ice. No,~­accoutl'Cments of the l>att.ilion a1 0 vc1y_ tr' t" y St John'b is nu important po,,1-

. · h b· tt· 1· n to make 1t e ec ivc. • · · . t" life is required m t c a ·~ io •tnd can be-kept up there if proper. ac ion tion and an ctticiont bu.tutlwn ought t~. IB ·t, ill be maue this winter to lmng the is taken by tho commandin~ officer: ,;. n e or w -00rps up to its former i;tato of effic1onc;y.

. ,, L" ul -Colonel )foE:lchem, C . .JI. G., ~otl Battalion "Huntingrlon Borderers - . ic . <> t ' commandmg.

. . . The commanding officer and the officers Four companies did not ~nil l~'lt ycm . Tu ivo their claim for drill this year, pre­

<>f these companies thought it a~v1s:tble _to~ f having tho whole battalion br.ought forring to waiL till next year ~1th t~e ~;ewa~<l drum band in u.fniri:;tato of offic1ency. to<rether in camp. The battalion hns a

0 1· " L " t Colonel Ro,,er,., comruam mg. 5lst Battalion "Hemmingford Rangers - ieu · 0 d"

' . . bout drill last year. The commno rng This battalion albo has four comp~ni~s '~ 1~ ) Ut otf the tll'ill for thi~ year an~ go

<>fficer and company officcrH thou~bt it , es a/ The officers of the JUth and nlst into camp with the wholo b:tttn.hon next ~e t;l"on drill in cnmp over thnt ~f _com: kno.,.,. "'ell by OX))ericnco tho advantage of - at hi . br·t b·1ud. :-tutc of effic1eoc;

" " Then lbt :1\o .L • "" • ' panydrill at company bond qmwtol's. fair and improving. .i·

. C 1 l lfall coromanurng. 5~nd H Brome" Battalion- Lieut.- o one ' . cd b . . . • • :r s. 2 5 :tml 6 Compnni~s 'ver~ ms.Pe.ct .. y

Fo111· compames dnllctl th1t1 ~ cn1 . .,. :No. b ' tho Bri,.,.ndo )lu1or. '!ho rn~pecting tho Deputy Adjutant-Ucno1·al, and~ ~ 0: -! m~andin" tho battnlion. _ r <>fficcrs were accompanied by tho officc1 co istorod at bead quartors, h .11owll?n, f~ -

No 2 Company Cupt:iin Potcl'>', mt t' ·1cfo·o yourw men. D1·1ll ve9 inspccti~n on tho 1st Octoucr i '"good c.?1~~tl~~:.

0t,;o yci\rs. C~>lhing nn~ arms 111

fail' contiidcring tho compnny had not di\ i°. omc waist bdt~ unfit, for ,b~l'\'tCO. • •

good condition. The accontl'cmcnts :ll'O 0 ~ '. 8 ut. Hollon Centre. 'Ih1::- comp.i~~II No. 6 Com1>any wmi inspected i;n.m~ ii~te1n?t~1l1'''art ,·onn,.,. nll'n. C{)lnpany lt~u

· ) . ,ti ot ti no s ·• · " :-. bl 'l'I 0 dot un" under Captain ."100110), ts 1;orr~pl »l! ·fi . ,1ed ver,· <•n•d 1tn y. 1 i::-•

cl . . • "Cl ·c were 1101 01" " and m ·rn unl a.n tir11w cxc1 ::; b ' •

0 • i order l •> l Octo er a.rm" and ac1;011lremcnt::1 WOl'C 111 gvoc . ._ · ·t d :\t ))nnt-om·ille on t 1c _m .. · •r

:N'o.5 Comp11ny,CnptainDrcw.wnblll. pC~ e Comn:rnydrill, manual and ti1~u:-. . . l '< l of .rood men. r • . I II tl1. co·n11:llne:-. This com11:i.n)' Is :1 80 compose ::- . l" tl ,, first t11nc wit\ a "' 1 .

. . . f t· ·l·" w•\s ti'tCl 101' Iv ' 'fl ' . •m .. :\CCOlltl c-excrc1so fair. "11rno o al .ic '- • · . 1 ti , rul'nl cor1>"· ic .u 1 . 11 i. il·u· one wit l \l! This 1\111\'<'tncnL w1 uo a popl • mcnt.-, arnl cluthiug W\.!rc in good order.

Page 24: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;

.. . ,

:, >. ·1 (' )lllj>nll ,. ;-. I l . JI · I · . ' \" I' a111 111 ,, •• 1 • l'" 11 1 l'port, (m.1rk•'c.i BJ l'I -·>' • ; 111"'Jl ' l<' ! hr tl.c B · I ' v • io .1_nJ h.1,, no li.m 1. - no:1 c . Iaj •I'. A1111exctl

53rd Battalion " Sli b Ii ,, i ' r rO<J e !tifa11try-Licut. Colonel 11>1

l>o >l~~o cit\• comp:mios drilled nt hond >Ot-.011> c·ornmund i 11~. 'l'h~ ,.; .. ~~0~,~~:~1~1~f~~~·~1, nccomp:111h~d Li_\· ;ho ~\~~~;r~I ~r::~o~\'Ol'O io,,p~ctrd by tho :ippo. r:rnco n-. ,..oJdi~r} .~tho ,,~rongth nllowccl to drill of .. ;',o j ~1~ .1!10 27th August. poucho-.. 'l'h1·~ 0011·. : ".is uot unpron, I In· tlici1· >>·l1"l1~1·11 o ll\ o men, but, their

, , ·' ,, ... ion w·1,, · t I · r • • 1

" w1 out I b (I ho regiment will not ;.ll.,P~'rn. 01 .out. to tho eornrnan(lina offi .. p~~c l- oils nnd nccoutroments). lhunr 1 · .u e .1~alll fo1· iuspcction wit! o t co1 } tho D. A.(+. ti1ii·ly pcrJormc I ,: r . 100. lllO\'ClllCllh lllHI m·inunl ' l!Ollfi .tho whole of their ti · ,int• ot AttncJ "I ' • ,tn( r1r.g ox ·

10 nnnunl <lrill Th !ti ·' 1:1s m·idontlv not b '. · orc1so wore n".w. hcn<l-drc .... : ••ivc~ l~I :er ... :1nd men h:we p1·o<·ni·Nl thocc?,,!n·lac~1~cd much during cfhcr<•nt. b - le co1 p a martini appt•m·:mcc Tlcbubntion helmet. Tho

T \"O rt11 nl co . • . io ra,,s band i:s very mpnnie' l\o-. 5 n it ~ o. h, Caotnin n I ... ) ~. ~: . nc I, arc at fn<'hed to ti .. b .

Donut\· AdJ"ut.' t G o tc, "·'" wspcctcd ut \"'"C)t (' . 11,, attnlion. • • J .m - cncral Th • " 01 ners on th ?8 l

son·1cc.. ~ccontrcmcnt~ ;ill ~ company looked Wl•ll i all tho ! · t.1 ~ugu•,t, by tho }>nny drill, mnrmnl nntl ti" •· on' beJt .. clean, arm,, and cloth. . on .lCt1Yo and tit fol'

N - C I In" von• fair Tl . Ill~ in o-oo I 01· l C • o .. 1 ompnny Lie t Pl J , • H-. rompanv i. a . ~ r ~ l er. om-by tho 1 cpaty ~d:1 t n ·, 10ln11, wn .. in ... pc ·tc<l ·1t ~I,,. c10 it to tho battalion 0oloncl l booL ... on JG' undt-lioncml, nccom1>1mie I 1; •• tl n~o~ .on the 1 lth Scptemb.01· c · ~oo mt•n · J 10 Brw·1dc l{ · ' . omp:my drill, marinnl and ti.· ' lll'llh, accutromc:nts and cl '"'I . -. ~~JOI' and Lieut.-it to take it pince in IJnthl' 1111~ pa--.ablc. 'fhi:. t·om1):lnv n, olt .rn1g Ill ~Oo<l m·dcr i . ion. J ee< ::; more d n!l to euaulc

54th B it 'ion, "R·chmo11d., Jnr t . .1 an ry-T.i1e11 t.-Uolonel R' rrht commanding •o Hon. Lord Aylmer

I h1ly two eompnoios X " - , . ' othcl' com1innie~-Lo k ·e' ~ o. ''.and 6, were :tllowo I todr'll pay. 'fhi the\• did and p. 1j' \\'tlh tho paid•' •mp·rnic J for pay lhi~ yenr, but; tho e11ptnin nt the .timo)J "ii wJt' tho exception or ~o .. ,(_l .ctlcrm1.ned to drill withou t

1•l L , •• m11 terc l :1· • • • .., w lie i ow t JIO >cpnty Adjut· G ( Ol' w~pcction at th,. . rng 0 ab;-;011ce or tlw

~ lml mandin~ Officer nn;lt~~eTO~c.r:tl, uccomp.uue l 1.i/~t~o~~~.~yd· hea'.I qua.1tcrs. o O\\' :- i Jlltant of tho bat 'al' . . . u_.1 c-Jia,1or, wit b the-

ion. mspcetc 1 the compnni~:; as

• _ Oo111panies for Pay.

, No. ·' Oompan f! , · . ~he \\'e.1ther \\"" y. .tpt.un 111'111'!:', wa., iu-; J :ill tino I blc mc~s YO(J;n~old. and the men pa~~J:~ li~t Ah-crton on foe !th Xovombc1· :111d clothin!! in ,;ood o J>auy drill, manual :md tir1·1 gr~at c·rf:n1_t~; the rank; wcr·o foll.

~ C' "! 0 luer. lg \(;ry au" , , , 1 y • o. ' (Ampnny C·1 t . ' . ' '

11 m,.., .1ccoutrc111e11ti;

l O\'cmbcr 'J'h. ' , I' mn Vntt,.; wns in .1 d "II I . IS corn pa11 \' • I ' • (JC ·tcu nt D . . 11 Cl.. 'I'hc ·11·10" w \\as a"<> full. ·•II l t umtnondv1llo 011 tl1(' l'th · . :1cr·out1·c· • t ' •• goo< mm ft fi ' ' . .nc11 s a11 I elothiiw 1·1 I i. i o1· .-.orvic:c and fairly

"' 1 ~OJ( or !or. 1

• Co11 rp mies f'ay.

~ ~o. l Compnny Ca . ~ :ith !\ovcmber. no~ i:~m lfoJ~on;~ic, tnustorc<l f1 • . . fnrnod for its E<hooting qaucnt1l:t~ tmd rntclligcnt men. <¥1~1·1'1ne lpef;t.ioln at Dun vi lie on 1'10

"o ,, C i ic \1 d ' air .r TJ. 4U1 No,:c-m~;_r:p~J~[~ ~~~tain ~f~Lc~n, ~11s~~~~~°}~~L. i~ goo.I c~nclit1i~~11.cornpnn.'· is

nver? '0 .hoight of thr com of t~1s company \\'l'IC nil n:~'pectwn. at Flocldon on tho J>nUJ dnll wa ,·cry fair tfia~J.' wn. fh·o fcot tc11, tl10 llan·~td nctive mc11, th<t

, e :u Ill , .1ccoutremonts :to<l clot} .men were giant~. U im-• 11ng wo1· · e in good order.


:N'o. "1 Company, Liuul}Ii~l 1·ommn1ulin~, int 10 uh~onc:c of'<'apt.ui11 Bn-d. 'Phi~ t·o1.npan~· rnust:>1·cu 1>l1:011~ lo~· 111~pcctio.n on t~10 :31' I '\ 1.' ~mhc1·, ;•t 1t.., hca1l quarters. W1mbo1. A fine bod) of mcu, \Hll 1lr11lo1l, ht to tak i :i pl.Leo 111 b:ill.alion · nhJ\·e·

monti;, arm:>, accontrumont.<; anJ clothi1w in irool 01·1ler. ' . ~iout.;G_oloncl Lo.1·d Aylmc1· ha~ goo I° 1·0:1'>011 to be pn11d of his regiment

drilling c!hc1onily1

as 1L bas dom•, four compa11ic,; witho11L }J:ty.

58th Battalion, "Compton" Infantry-Lieut .. Co!oncl Cook, commun1ling.

.Fi,•o comp~nics dl'illod at theil' resp~ct,ive head 1p11u'lc1-.~, :11111 wcro in:.pcl.:lc.I by the Doputy AdJuLant-Goncral, accomptv11cl by the Coinma11din·• Oflicor and A<ljnlant

of' the bntt.ulion. "' No. 2 Company, Captain Ro,,'I, was in<-pecte1l at IJin!{wick 011 the 8th October.

Good muHter; all good men, and well clrillcu; one of the bc'.>t drilled companies in the rural corps. Tho al'ms, :i.cconLremcnts and clothin~ wero in good order.

No. 3 Company, Captain ~foinr, and No. 5 Company, Captain ~lcDonnl<l mustered for im~pection at Sandy n.~y, JJ:ikc )foganLic, on the th Ol!tolx:1', unue;. command of ~fajor Ramage. Those companies arc composed of a fine bo h· of -.tron rr stalwart Highlanders. They were put through a few hattalioo mo,·eme11l"; manu:tl and firing oxcrcbc, an1l line of a.ttack-:ill ,·ery er-: lit.ahly p.:rt'onnetl-~hc arm", accoutrements and c:lothing in ~ood order.

)fo. G Comp<my, Captain Cook, was inspected at Hatley on the 10th October. Good muster, all good nn1l ncti\'O young men. Company drill, "manunl and tiring," and" line of attack" fairly clone; arm~, accoutremenh and clothing in good oruor.

No. '1 Company, Captain Trenholme, was in::.poctl'd at Co:itic:ook ou the 11th October. Good mui,,tcr; light acti\•e young, mnny of them re<·ruit.". Company drill, "manual anJ firing," and "line of altack," fa.ii·; arms, and acc1rnt1·emcntf.; in good order, :some of tho waist bolt~ old and out of repair. A ll thc,o companic-. have a1lopted the Glcngany cap for a head drc:;s, which gives them a smart nppcarnnee. .

60th Battalion, "Missis11uoi" l1ifantry-Lieut.-Colonol Ro\vo, comman<ling.

Three compnnies p~rformcd the annual drill in <'nmp at St. Armands, under the comma~d ofLieut.-Colonel Rowe The companies were No. 1, :ifajor Sixb~·; Xo. ~. Captnin Jamieson, and ... To. 4, Captain Iliggin-.. The camp wa.-. well pitched on good campin~ grounll, granted for tho purpo:;e by .Major Sixhy-, Tho Dopu~y Adju­tant-Genera.I m~pectcd the camp and corps on the -I th Jul}. rhc l'Ompan1c .. were full up to the number allowed to drill; all good acti,·e men. 'rhc men wore in,..pected by the Sur«con and all re1>ortcd tlt for service. 'rho arms and cl{lthing were in

0 ' f I . l I . . good order. The accoutrements arc ohl; a number o t lC w:u::-t >C t::- aro out ot repnn·. 'J.'he band ( bral's) wa:-1 p1·c~ont and pla.ye1l very well. Tho uatt.'llion m:irchc I pu,..t in column and qnartor eolumn; distitnco and dre,, .. ing not well kept~ deployment nuJ column movemcnb fair; "m:rnnal and tiring" fair. ''Line of attnck ., with blank firing wa:; tried for tho fir~t time, under command of the Deputy Adjutnnt·Gcncral. The 'offi<:cl':-- and men "Ot into tho !:'pirit of the roo\'Omcnt in a Ycry ::-hort time. Thi1> imrL of the drill will l~o popular with the [ronticr corp~: The rations proYidt."<l for the men wcro good and ehoap. Xo c·omplnrnts or cn-;u:ilt1es rcp0t·t.:1l.

79th Battalion, "SlteUorcl" Ilighlmull'l's-Lieut.·Coloncl )liller, commnncling.

Four compnnics drillc1l nt comp:u1y hend quart<•rs and were in-.poel\'(l bv Lieut.­Colonel Ilon. )f. Aylmer, Brigade >l:ljor. .Annexed i,, hi:- 1:\·po1·L (m:~l'l.:Ct.I B)._ . The officer:-; of tho 7!lth have, in :1. ~pirit tkscn·ing of eommen1l:lt10n, orgamz~c.l n m1htnry school at Walel'loo to onnblc those of their number who are not qualthod t.o study nnd prneti«l' foi· oxa.mination. 'l'hc officer:; pa~· the instruct-Or and bon!(I :lt their o'yu t•xponso. 'l'ho t>c:hool wn~ ostnhlishc<l before the Hencral o.1·dor wa-i 1:---.uc.l :rnthon1.­ing n military school to be opened at )fontrcnl. Tho cnmhdatc" for ccrt1ficnlc, c:m

bo examined by a board when authorized.

Page 25: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


lSDEPl::>DE~T <Jolll' \:\IE , fap \:\Tit\".

7'hc .. Wal.efi ll" Compa11y-llnjor 'ntc~ l"Omwandin•r

Drilled ntit. ... head q 1nrtor '.l I · ~· <>n .tho 17th Ocwbor. 'fho cd~ ~~n'~~v~n poctcd by tho Deputy Adjutant Goner·\! ~nJOr p~1t tho compnny throu~h {1~0 ~' m .• ~,;~::1'.~ nlll~1.~>le :~.n.d :ictiYo yoi111g men. 'flll' T~~o nr'~ell prfurm I. cou-.'dorin.~ tho com;1~:1y ·;.r:,~ ,;~~d f~~1i1~Tny drill, which th" • m ... nm acco11trcmenb were in "OOt! ortl'. Th l ri c< for two years

I i-. a good :-hootinr cornpan)· M" C' cl. o t:u·gct rolurn:s ~how th;. up in tho :1g~l'C •nto ·it the l; l 'n . '.lJ~t· ates and Se1·.;;cant 'Vnltors.\voro , . • 1ILI

"" · ·::. om11110n matches. · .vc "41/ .. , G - y w111 ompa11y-Cnptain Chnmbel'laiu command in

~'he co d · g. n mp:iny r1llod at its heati 1prnrtc1·' r b ohuty .\.~j11tnnt Ucncral on tho 23rd 0 '\ \.~zu azun, nnd wns inspected by the

~l;oo nct1vo yo~111~ men. Company dril~t~. ~:mt('ho coi:i~n.u};, 'va.s full; all able hold parf?fi'm0tl. Tlib compnny had not dri'llc l fo ~I and tinng and line of attack

ccrt1 ic:itc-. of qnalificatiou. Tho ·1r1 ,; r wo ye11r::.. Tho three officer:i good order. The target return:- :'how '"~Od np,1·onficc~outroi;rienb and clothing wero in

0 JOocy rn i:;hooting.

. The '· Eardly" Compa11y-Cnptnin Lawlor.

Did not dri:I thi:' year. If n company wii,, authorized to he for

:~~~~~~It a p~wi:-ional battalion be fot·rno ~~~ ~ ~.ull, I would _respectfully rccom-

h 1 ie.-.cnior officer· it would be" b ti e our compao1es under the co

w o o could me L ' "' enc t to the three · t" m­~nowledgo of r:,.i~~~:::i° ~e~~rnl point f~r battalion drill i~x~~:::: comdanies .. The independent companies. u ies and drill, which they cannot pos~~ly a.~i:r~o a:

•TARGET PnacrrcE.

All the corps allowed to drill h . ~nve :nd tnt~et p111cti<:c but :som~ ~ttthare rn po,,session of targets and mg t c return.;. '· o commanding officers are slow ~ffo~~:~~

RIFLE As:,oer.urn:-.s. There arc -.even teen ri:l ., . . . .

These n_ociation~ · 0 :i: sociation,, rn the district 11 ·

members of OOIJh n~t~f u~:3 prov~ of practical benefit ~ ~h ~o~krng effi?iontly. are, viz:-- a ow to drill to keep up their . ~ oice, enabling the

p . practice. The a.-s::.uciutiont; rovmee of Quebec R"tl A Fro t' Co 1 0 • .. ocintiun.

D. n _1er, •mty of Huntioudo R"il . 1 tnct of Bedford b n, t o A!!soc1ation.

Sherbrooke " " Wollingwo Cook h" " " R'h • :s1ro "

ic moml County " County of Ottllwa " " Montreal Rifle Club " " .Montreal Field Battery " " i'1ontreal ?arri .. on .Artiller ;; "

3rdt Battshon Prince ofWafes• R'il . :c

tc ,~. • •I (l.':) IC IC

5th " ictona Rifles " " 6th " FI~J:a.l Fu iliers " G

u~1hers " .:rrand Trunk Ra") " " llontreal En~in~rs\vay " " II . ei "

emm1ngfo1d Frontier " " "


'l'hc clu}: wa-. ~clohl'aW<!. in ~1ont1·0al uy u dh·bionul parade of troop , under corn­mant~ _of ]J1.c~1~.-G.uncr:tl ::>1r b.h~ard Selby Smyth, K.C . .\1.(}., oomrnun<ling tho J>omm1on M1ltt1a. 111 11rus:11co of II1s Ex:collcncy tho Go•:ornor C:enorul, Marquis of Lorne, and lier R >y:tl 11 l'•hucc; tho Princes.. Louic;o. 'l'ho review wa hcl1l 011

J<'lolchc1''8 l?icld. 'rho diyi,,ion Wa'1 COll1pOsCU Of three IJrjrradc~. 'l'ho followin•r COl'p3 formed tho brigu<lc:s :-bt lll"i!{:ulc, cuvall'y, a1'lillcl'y an l.,cngince1 , Brigndict~Licut.­Colonel Stcvcm;on: Monlro:il Troop: Prince,;.; Loui o Dl'a"oon Gua1ils; )[ontroal Fioltl Ba.tte~·y; Ott~twa Field Battery; Sheffortl Fie1'1 l3:ittery; "B '' Battery; Quebec G:u-r1son Arl1llory; Montreal Garrison Artillery; Hoyal Military Colleue ~adct.->; M:?ntr?:tl g11~inecr.o: , with St. J e!ln Baptiste Company attnc~he I. :lrul Briga<l~; rifle~, Br1gad1er Licut.·Colonel Bond; lat "Prince of Wale:s Hitlc,,"; 2n<l "Queen's Own Rifles"; 3r<l "Victoria Rifles"; 8th "Royal Rifles" 65th ")fount Royal Rifle:s."'

3rd Brigado, inftintry, B1·igndim· L ieut.-Colonel ~fnrtin ; Governor General',,, Foot Guards; 5th "Royal Fu~iliot"ti"; Gth "Fusilier;;"; 13th He~iment, Brooklyn; National Guards, NY. ~ :vrnl Brigade. Total of all rank,, ns per ficl1l ... t.'\to 4,'.WO.

After tho royal salute nnd feu de joie was fired, the line wa.-. inspected by Ilii­Excellen<-y the Go\•ornor General and tho Princess Loui .. e. After in pcction,tbe troop:s marched past, after which a ~barn fight took place. A portion of tho tlelJ artillery, the garrison artillery, engineers and St. Jean B:ipti::.te Company were told off uoue1· the command of tho Deputy Adjutant General of So. 5 Di:-trict, to act on the defence in front of tho Exhibition Grounds. The main body of the force under the General commanding formed to attack. After some hard fighting, the defcmlcr,, of the Exhibition Groundl:l to yield to the superior force of tho attacking party. The battle was then O\'et·. An attractive fohture in the ieview was the presence. of the 13th Brooklyn National Guards, under tho command of Colonel Au'iten. This regiment <iame on purpose to do honour to our Queen, by taking part in the review in the celebration of'Her Majosty's Bi1·Lbtluy. Tho regiment presented n splendid appear­ance on parade; fine' looking men, a dashing uniform, and steadines::. in the rnnks during the march pa!=!t and subsequent mnnoeuvre;;, cuu~ed them l,:\ he the centre of attraction (next to His Excellency and the Royal Prince~:.) to tho many thou~nd;. ofspectutoi·s on the ground. The bun;l of the regiment was u splendid one. Thi~ review was one of' tho best e,·er held in Montreal. 'rhe General Otliccr in command was plonsed to make honourablo ml!ntioa of it in General Ur<le~.

The following is the field state:- )fo:-<TREAL, 24th )foy, 1S'i9.


.Review and Shani Fight i11 h?nour of Iler .Jlajesty's Birthrlay, Jlontre,1l, '!.4th J!ay, 1Si9.

Corps. Xo. of X.C.O. Hor3es. Guns.

Cavalry and tillery, &c.

Bribado Staff ... ...... . ... ... ... . . ( :)tall'. .. ... .......... . .... . .. . .... . .

I ~fontreal Troop CaYalry ... .... .... . Ott:lwa do .. ......... .

I )font real, Field Battery ....... .. ... . Ottawa do ........... .

A.r- ' , hefti1r<l do ... · -· · · · · · · i '' B " Battery .......... . . · . . · · · · ·· · I Qucbc;_: Gnrri,,on .\.rtillery ........ . 1 ~font.real <to ····· ···· ·


l~oy:1J Military Collogo Cadet.'i ... . f'..na1neer,, ............... ............ ·· · St.

0Jcan Baptit·lO Infantry Co'y. ·

Officerd. and ~ten.


3 (j

G 6

l1 1



:~5 :w G5 63 il


'!.!::S 69 Gl i2

22 3

37 3;~

45 '!.3 '!.!) 12

4 4 4 ., ...

Page 26: In ns - Canadian Armed  · PDF fileIr~ ~imo of yoaco an Rngli h gcnornl is kept in lending slt ing ; he supormtcnd ... One of tho fi1~t .:>teps to whicl1 any no,·elty 1;


r '"'tnff ........ :~ 1--t or Prince of. "~;i~:; 'iii ti~~ ...... :~ 1 ""d Queen•, Owu ·· ····

21 :?..:o ~ ;j l \T' • ............... ,. • • :n MO ,) '1 R 1Ct-Ol1:l ......................... :!ti 31:~ :; Ml \'.>ynl.. ............. :!Ii '.!.!)() 4 6.>tl )fount Rov:ll. ...............

( 8 . . .................. 19 277 4 t!ltl ... ......

~ G, •Ycrnor-G~ncr~·1··~·F~~t .. G~t;1~:lj~·.: 20 :n3 4 5th Hoynl fusilier:--...... l Gth p,.,n; .. , ............ 22 2~3 3 13:h Brook! ............... · .......... :n 304: 4 ~ I B yn, ...................... 79 441 10 • nva rill'ndo

0 •• ••••••• ·••••••• • ··•·•• 2 20


r ufhn try.

- --a5o 3,940 252 14

TIIOJL\.S B~\.COX, Licut.-Colonel '


Guards of llrmour on the arrfral and de iartur ,r E' . aal and Her Royal Ifinh11P.~: to~e p1~. ExcelLtenc!f the Governor-Gen-

Tli , . J "' 'mcess owse. . e uth Batt.-ihon Fu:--ilicrs furni-.hed th

ntTn·Tnll of _lib Excell.ency and Prince~s on th~ l3Y,t~dnr~fo~ honour at the depot on the io ::>th Battalion "Royal F ·1· ' - t ~· UJ. d t I 'llsl ICl' I f . h d

epo,ron the dC'pnrturc of Hi~ Excell. • ... , d pur~1s c the guard of honour at the • oluntarv "tl:lrds were" . . enc3 an nncet>s on the ~SLh ::\fa1-

o . , . o iutmshed by the 31d B t I' .. . T~lcn!~g ot t!ie ·•Fine ~1 ts Exhibition" . d '. nt a ion, "Victorin Riflefl" at the "li.J:1~ic bt Prince of ·wale .. ; Rifle:-;" for1~isl~~l ;1~-11~~~·~ ocfonlccrt at the skati~g rink.

. . o • ionou1· at the Academy of


A reported last yea1· th <l · 11 tho City Corportttion ' o r1 shed ::.till rcm:iin in ruins Tl . room i;till Jeft ...... , d' a. ... n depot for !um lier Al<Jne ·1ncl i , ·,·. ic centre is u;;;ed by

c, .. J Ill" arc l b ' . ·n 'Jt"h 8 f L • :irinouric but tJ . t> tt:,04 .r the at'lillcry nnd 3 l B· ; : , ome o t11e s1<lo the tloo1·ir;, i IC o ioom :u·c not .,afo; the window , ~'. .'1lt.tl1on ll?,! gun ·"hc•ds and hrjgade suTI·e1'S1ottcn, 0 much hO that it is chnrrc7· Ull: u10ken, .the roof leak:-;, and not, b,· n Ion' fro~ \\llllt of a propor drill Rhc<l o'I'lo'.11:1 t(l J>.rnct1ce gun drill. 'l'ho ~nougl1 for agb~~~~li~:;r;;r~r~~ato for the lo-.<:; nf tl;o c1 1'.~, u~?1 ~: tli~ho~rl Cit.y Hall doc8 I~' and triple the • c 1111 properly; it is at a di tan. t . c hal! is not largo guard nt c re u·. expcn o of guarding the ·u·rnour· 8 co 'orn some of the annnm·~ suffice. ' q ucd at present; whereas, if tho she(;c', whc11 ar~ alarm ari-.c.;. Fonr

~'h f \US robu1lt, One unarcl wou!ci c ontrcal JMgnd · , . o

hnvo cen it th ft ' c 15 a credit to the cit. 'fl· tn11i11tcnanc~of~~eo~r~n11leffortshould be rnn<ltuy ~; fa:t.isal~ittcl by all who to lHwc the drill

1 ;•gab~ to !>ring an intJueni::o to 1 ~o <.:ttrr.ens 111~1·cstc l in tho

l re u1lt before the clo o of ti JC.1r upon tho c·1ty a11tho1·itiu~ !lll(J 1or year.

Hn•1,1: H,\:'\CJE, i'o1~-r ST. (.;11,\ltLt! .•

T~10 groun~ loaso<l hy tho ~lilitia Ikp:11·t1ncnt at Poi11l St. <.:hurlcs i tho only place Hl tho no1ghbourhoo<l of ~Iuutn•al bllitalile for a rifle ra1we. From information, there i~ n probal ility, within a fow .\·car~. ot'th.: ground hciug old ~OJ' lmil<l1ng lot..~. An cf1.o,1·t.1>ho11ld bo made uotorc it i~ t~o Into to i,ecuro the ground for a pcmnancnt range. 1111~. l h:wo gooo rca:;on:; to beltevo, coulcl ho dono without much expense to the Departm1mt, a~ 1no11tione1l in a report uy JJt.·Coloncl Bacon Brigade ~fajor, <late<l. 18th September, 1877, nnd forwarded to bend quartora--: namely, by an exchange of a portion of J.Jog:m'H Farm (Government properly) :.ny ncro for aero, for the gl'ound at Point SL <Jhal'le:1. The noi,,hbourhood of L<>l-{an'.., Farm is being rapiJlv built on, and the fol'm ii; valuable for uuildi1w lot<l, lmt of liltlc use for milita1·y purposc:-1. An OYortun~ from the Hon. the J.linist~· of J.lilitia to the Grey N un:i, owncr:i or tho Point. 't. Charles p1·operLy, for an exchange, would likely ho favourably received und ontcrtainecl.


I htn-c ngnin, with pleasure, to i;tate, "that an cxcellc11t spirit prcrnil-. through­" out the district in favour of tho Active militia, and a truly loyal aucl willing .. pirit "exists in the whole force."

I beg to acknowledge with thank,-, the very co1·dial rnpport am.I ctlieiont aid in tho work of tho disCrict received from Lt.-Coloncls Bacon and Aylmer, Briga1lo )fajor:;, and Lt.-Colonel Amyrauld, District Payma::iter.

I have the honour t? be, Sir.

Your ol edient ,erYa11t,

The Adjutant-General of ~1lilitia, lleud QoartcrA, Ottaw::.

JOIJN FLETCHER, Lieut.-Colonel,

Deputy-Adjutant General,

)IiJitary j)j,.trict Xo. 5.



.Mo:-;TRE.AL, 29th ~OYcmlJer, 1 i!).

Sm,-In compliance with your order,.., I ha,·e thi'i sen"-on in .... pcdc l the umlcr­mentionetl corps after their completion of the unnunl drill fot· l'"'iB-80. Yiz:-Il1111-ti~1gton 'rroop of C:walrr. Captain Ba_;T, at Ilavclock · Gth Ba~talion, '' Fusilicy,...'' L1ont.-Coloncl nlnrtin, )lontrcal, and ~os. 1, ·1, 5 and S 'ompamc , 1 Ith H:uta!ton, )fojor :u:d Brevet Liout.-Coloncl Rogers, Lachntc, and hanJ tho honour to report. thereon for yom· inform:Hion.

The Huntington 'l'ruop 11nmhc1·cd 2 oHicors and :n no11 ·commis:;ionc1l otticcr., nrnl troopers at inspection. Two nhscnteo~ woro sati~faclorily accounted for.

Aftor my inspection of the men, ho1·,.cs nnd appointment:•, the troop mnrchctl past in lino in "font"•," ttnd lilo1l p:1gt

1 aml pert01·mc1l some ,l'implc tic! l mo,·cmcnt,;

<•1·cditably. The sword uxorei c, pnrHiing practice. was then pcrf;•rmed hy wcwd of l·omm:md, on tho moYO and ut full gallop, the i1bpection ti.nbhing with a ch:\rgo in

line. Tho troop is composc1l of' n fino clns:; of young mc~1, not more than half-n-dozon

of them exceeding tho :we of :1 :> p':u·:-. The troop '" well hor.,"d, .... ome of tl10

m~unl~ being rc:llly tine 0t'hargcr:"· I. w:~s much. struck _with the i_mpnwe~ncnt in

<lnll, nntl the cnplain who has dnlled 1t 111msclf. 1:-- <le:.-ernn!! of prn1~0 fur iL .. -.tnto

f ' ' ~

o ellicioncy.