inaugural address- outline

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Thesis statement: I presented pledges to allies, requests to adversaries and roles of Americans and the citizens of the world.

I. Today we celebrate freedom.A. It symbolizes an end as well as a beginning.B. All forms of human poverty and of human life can be destroyed by man.II. We present pledges to our allies. A. We will forget that we are the heirs of the first revolution.B. We will do anything to assure the success of freedom.C. We will remain loyal to our old allies who have the same cultural and spiritual origins as us.D. We will promise to the new freed states that one colonial control form cannot easily be replaced by a more tyrannical form.E. We will put our best effort to help the poor people help themselves.F. We will assist the republics on our south border in progressing from poverty.G. We will renew our support to the United Nations.III. We present requests to start anew with our adversaries.A. Let both sides remember that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always a subject to proof.B. Let both sides explore problems that unite us and not the other way around.C. Let both sides formulate plans for inspections and control of arms.D. Let both sides join to invoke the wonders of science and not in its terrors.E. Let both sides unite to focus on the command of Isaiah.F. Let both sides create a new world where the strong are just, weak are secure and peace is restored.IV. We present the roles of Americans and citizens of the world.A. My fellow citizens will fight against the common enemies of man.B. For us Americans, ask what we can do for our country,C. For our fellow citizens of the world, ask what we can do together for mans freedom.D. We all have to give the same strength and sacrifice.