industry insider reveals… “the 5 top tips to achieving a 5...

Industry Insider Reveals… “The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 Star Hollywood Beautiful Body …100% Naturally!” Attention: Beauty Conscious Women PLUS: Discover How YOU can Benefit from the Experience of One of Sydney’s Award Winning Skin Clinics and Day Spas to Make Sure YOUR Body Receives The BEST Care it Deserves!

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Page 1: Industry Insider Reveals… “The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 good therapist knows how to treat your skin and what to treat

Industry Insider Reveals… “The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 Star Hollywood Beautiful Body …100% Naturally!”

Attention: Beauty Conscious Women

PLUS: Discover How YOU can Benefit from the Experience of One of Sydney’s Award Winning Skin Clinics and Day Spas to Make Sure YOUR Body Receives The BEST Care it Deserves!

Page 2: Industry Insider Reveals… “The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 good therapist knows how to treat your skin and what to treat

People are judgemental! Growing up we are told… “Never judge a book by its cover”! Unfortunately, this never seems to apply to people. Our world is made for the visual person and despite what we would all like to think… we are all judged by what people see first!

Almost every day in the media, there is a story on ‘Body Image’. Women are too fat, too skinny, too pale, too tanned, too young or too old. The list of conflicting viewpoints goes on forever! In this fickle world, it is hard to know where you stand.

Is it any wonder women have body image issues??

As women age, the types of different body issues they have changes significantly. However, one thing always remains the same… the dissatisfaction with their own body!

The ‘Holy Grail’ to being a woman would be being happy with everything about your body all at once. But the sad truth is… most women will never achieve this and will remain in the pursuit of happiness for the rest of their natural lives.

Beauty trends don’t help either. They come and go out of fashion quickly like the changing of the seasons…. But their effects are sometimes long lasting!

Many women find themselves doing things they never thought they would in order to stay beautiful and maintain their youthful looks. Treatments such as Botox and plastic surgery are popular and are such a large part of our beauty culture. Women are so desensitised to the dangers of Botox and plastic surgery, some even want their teenage Daughters to have it as soon as they can. What sort of message is that sending to them?? Heaven help us all!!

There are some treatments which are peddled as the “new must have”… but in reality are so dangerous they can leave you permanently scarred or horrifically disfigured.

This all may seem dramatic and over the top however I have seen a lot in my 30+ years in the beauty industry. In fact, some days… I think I have seen far too much!

I often shudder to think what the next outrageous ‘beauty breakthrough’ will be!

Hi, my name is Anna Zaccomer and I’m the Manager of SK Skin Clinic & Day Spa.

I’m here to share with you why I’m so passionate about helping people, just like you, to achieve and maintain your Perfect body & skin tone, for all YOUR needs… Naturally! Holistic harmony is what it is all about… not these ‘quick fix disasters waiting to happen.’

Now more than ever, there are so many dangers associated with the Beauty industry. Which is why I have compiled this Special Report about…

“The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 Star Hollywood Beautiful Body… 100% Naturally!


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TOP TIP #1: Be Fresh Faced

Your face shows everything! It shows how well you sleep, how stressed you are and how well you nourish your body.

There are many products to help your face to look fresh and healthy but some are not as healthy as they seem. They are filled with complex chemicals which can cause more damage than they are worth.

You facial skin needs time to recover after treatments and some products never allow the skin to rest, recover and rejuvenate between treatments. A good therapist knows how to treat your skin and what to treat it with. Don’t leave your beauty to chance or people who don’t know what they are doing.

TOP TIP #2: Moisturise All of Your Skin Daily

Most women will religiously moisturise their face but neglect the rest of their body.

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it takes all the punishment you dish out, usually without too much complaint. As you age, you need to keep yourself hydrated by drinking water, but you also need to apply a good moisturiser to all of your body.

With so many moisturisers to choose from, it may look like you are spoilt by choice. It is too easy to become overwhelmed. But when you know what I know about beauty products… the choice narrows significantly. Not all moisturisers are created equal… not all moisturisers are right for YOU and your skin!

TOP TIP #3: Eat Healthy Food

You will rarely see an “A” list star eating junk food! You do see them go on some pretty interesting diets and eating regimes though.

Eating should be a natural part of your heath regime but now days it is harder to get the nutrition you need. Hectic lifestyles, convenient fast foods and empty calories all make it harder to stay healthy.

Eat more healthy food like fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can still eat other foods, just limit your intake… your body and skin will thank you later. All great therapist know… beauty is more than just skin deep. They will be able to easily find the cause of your issues.

Page 3: Industry Insider Reveals… “The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 good therapist knows how to treat your skin and what to treat

So What’s Next…The best thing for you to do would be… come in for a chat and a cup of green tea. Seriously… just come in for a FREE ‘Beauty Boosting Analysis’ (valued at $67.00). This way you can have a look around, check out how it feels and have all your questions answered. There is no pressure to buy anything or sign up to any programs… we are just meeting up for a cup of tea and a chat.

Simply call us now on (02) 9809 5088 or email us at [email protected] to book a time to come and have your FREE ‘Beauty Boosting Analysis’. Or if you prefer, simply drop into SK Skin Clinic & Day Spa today so we can show you around. When you book in… I’ll be sure to sit down and have that refreshing, calming cup of tea with you.

Just to let you know we are open 6 days a week (Monday-Saturday), for your convenience. Free parking is available right outside the complex and if you need it… we have child minding.

I am looking forward to meeting you and helping you to uncover your 5 Star Hollywood Beautiful Body… 100% Naturally!

Warmest Regards,

Anna ZaccomerAnna Zaccomer, Manager SK Skin Clinic & Day Spa504a Victoria Road, Ryde, NSW, 2112

P.S. At SK Skin Clinic & Day Spa, we offer a FREE ‘Beauty Boosting Analysis’ (valued at 67.00) so you can get a feel for if we are the right fit for you. There is no pressure to buy anything and there is nothing to sign up for.

P.P.S. With over 30 years in the business… rest assured I have seen every skin condition and body issue. I will treat you respectfully and help you to find a solution to even the most embarrassing beauty issues.

TOP TIP #4: Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliating your skin helps to ‘waken it up’ and gives you a healthy glow.

Our skin is always growing and shedding. As we age, the natural process becomes uneven and the skin becomes dry and rough. Exfoliating helps by removing the oldest dead skin cells and revealing the new skin underneath.

Be careful because it is easy to ‘over do’ it. Over exfoliating can cause breakouts and irritate the skin. A great therapist will be able to recommend the best products and the right regime for your specific skin type.

TOP TIP #5: Don’t Try To Cover Up Flaws With Makeup

Heavy makeup actually hides true natural beauty.

The best way to deal with flaws is to work on the skin or the cause. Makeup is just a mask and not a real solution… actually in some cases, the chemicals makes things worse!

Only using the best quality cosmetic products ensures your skin stays healthy, hydrated and beautiful. Buying the ‘one type fits all’ products from department stores is not the best way to take care of your individual beauty needs.

Those stores are generally after a quick sale and are not concerned with the end result. A great therapist wants only the best for you and cares about a long term relationship… a quick sale of an inferior product is not what business is about!

So there you have it… “The 5 Top Tips to Achieving a 5 Star Hollywood Beautiful Body…100% Naturally!” Some are pretty basic, but when it comes to beauty… it is easy to forget the simple things.

When you decide to go to a Skin Clinic or Day Spa, you want to know you are in safe hands! I could tell you about how good SK Skin Clinic & Day Spa is… however, I think you should hear it from someone you know and trust a lot more than me…

Tracey Spicer has an instantly recognisable face… In TV, looks are everything! Her face is her brand and as you can imagine, she would not allow just anyone to look after her. Which is why I know I am doing something right… very right!

You may not have the needs of a TV presenter… however you will always be treated as though you do. Every client is treated with the same respect and high quality service.

From the moment you walk through the front door, you’ll know you are in the right place. The atmosphere is so tranquil; you will forget the hustle and bustle of Sydney life outside. Your treatment is individualised with a one on one consultation to design a holistic wellness program specifically for you.

“My Skin Had Never Looked Better: Plumper, Firmer, and Brighter”“Without a doubt, SK Skin Clinic is the best day spa in Sydney. After just one Mesoscience treatment, I looked in the mirror and said, “Wow!” My skin had never looked better: plumper, firmer, and brighter. The Hydro Spa was so relaxing, I left the Clinic walking on air. What I love about Anna is that she does her research. These treatments are non-invasive, gentle, and they really work. I couldn’t recommend SK Skin Clinic more highly!”

- Tracey Spicer, News Presenter, Writer & Mum