inglÊs - colégio notre dame...... present tenses instructions: use the present ... are the...

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz Página 1 Part A: Present Tenses Instructions: Use the present tense to complete the letter below. Dear Kathleen. 1) .I.'m writing (write) to tell you my news. My school 2) _________________________ (choose) me to spend six week s at a school in the U SA. I'm very happy about it! At the moment. I 3) ________________ _________________________ (pack ) things for my trip because I 4) _________________________ (leave) next week . M y mother 5) _________________________ (book ) the ticket. I 6) _________________________ (wait) for this opportunity for ages, so I'm very excited. I 7) _________________________ (finish) reading two book s about the U SA and I 8) _________________________ borrow) another one from the school library. I 9) _________________________ (become) more and more nervous every day! Well. I must go now. I've got a lot of things to do. I'll write to you from the U SA. Love, T racy Part B: Past Tenses Instructions: Choose the correct answer. Instructions: Write the correct past tense in the blank. 1. A: Were you expecting James and Paul to stay for dinner? B: No, but I …A… a lot of food, so it didn´t matter. a) Had prepared b) was preparing c) had been preparing 2. A: “Tony has been singing for years, hasn´t he?” B: “Yes, He ….. his first record when he was sixteen. a) made b) was making c) had made 3. A: “There was a power out last night” B: “I know. I ….. some paperwork when the lights went out” a) had been doing b) was doing c) had done 4. A: Did you see Paul Simon in Concert? B: No, I was hoping to get tickets, but they ….. a) had sold out b) sold out c) were selling out 5. A: The restaurant was packed last night. B: Yes. Luckily, I ….. a table in advance. PLANTÕES DE JULHO INGLÊS Nome: Nº: Série: 3º ANO Profª NATÁLIA MACHADO Data: JULHO 2016

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Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




Part A: Present Tenses

Instructions: Use the present tense to complete the letter below.

Dear Kathleen.

1) .I.'m writing (write) to tell you my news. My school 2) _________________________ (choose) me to spend

six week s at a school in the U SA. I'm very happy about it! At the moment. I 3) ________________

_________________________ (pack ) things for my trip because I 4) _________________________ (leave)

next week . M y mother 5) _________________________ (book ) the ticket. I 6) _________________________

(wait) for this opportunity for ages, so I'm very excited. I 7) _________________________ (finish) reading two

book s about the U SA and I 8) _________________________ borrow) another one from the school library. I 9)

_________________________ (become) more and more nervous every day!

Well. I must go now. I've got a lot of things to do. I'll write to you from the U SA.


T racy

Part B: Past Tenses

Instructions: Choose the correct answer. Instructions: Write the correct past tense in the blank.

1. A: Were you expecting James and Paul to stay

for dinner?

B: No, but I …A… a lot of food, so it didn´t


a) Had prepared b) was preparing c) had

been preparing

2. A: “Tony has been singing for years, hasn´t he?”

B: “Yes, He ….. his first record when he was


a) made b) was making c) had made

3. A: “There was a power out last night”

B: “I know. I ….. some paperwork when the lights

went out”

a) had been doing b) was doing c) had done

4. A: Did you see Paul Simon in Concert?

B: No, I was hoping to get tickets, but they …..

a) had sold out b) sold out c) were selling out

5. A: The restaurant was packed last night.

B: Yes. Luckily, I ….. a table in advance.



Nome: Nº: Série: 3º ANO


Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




A) was booking B) had booked c) had been


6. A: Did you watch the film yesterday

B: No, it ….. by the time we got home.

a) finished b) was finishing c) had finished

7. A: Did you stay up late last night?

B: No, I ….. all day, so I went to bed early

a) had been working b) worked c) was


8. A: Did you enjoy your holiday? B: Yes, we

…..most of our time on the beach.

a) had spent b) were spending c) spent

9. A: Kim looked tired this morning.

B: I know. She ….. all night long

a) studied b) had studied c) had been


10. We ….. through the woods when we heard a


a) had walked b) walked c) were walking

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




Simple Past x Present Perfect

1. Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect where possible.

Otherwise use the past simple.

1. I can’t log onto the site. I ’ve forgotten_______ (forget) my password.

2. The box is empty now. Somebody _______________________ (eat) all the chocolates.

3. I was supposed to bring the movie yesterday, but I _____________________________ (leave) it

at home.

4. Beverly _______________________________ (go) to the store for some bread, but she’s back at

work now.

5. “Is everything ok?”

“Yes. I ________________________________ (stub) my toe earlier, but it’s fine now.”

6. Can you call an ambulance? I _________________________________ (break) my leg.

2. Are the underlined parts of the sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. Here’s some news! Ben’s closed his store. OK___________________________

2. I don’t have my pen drive right now. I’ve lent it to Andre. ________________________

3. Where has Rachel gone to school as a child? ________________________________

4. Who has made the first TV? ________________________________

5. Corruption has become a big issue in Brazil. ________________________________

6. His math book isn’t here. He’s forgotten it at school. ___________________________

7. My great grandfather has worked in a paper mill. ______________________________

8. The internet has gone down so I can’t send emails. _____________________________

9. Elvis has been the singer who

has sold the most albums. ________________________________

3. Complete the email with the past simple or present perfect of the verb in parentheses.

Hi there Mom and Dad!!

I 1) __________________ (not / be) sure about the Girl's Science Summer Camp when I first heard about

it, but I 2) __________________ (have) the most amazing time since I got here! And to think that it wasn’t

so long ago that I 3) __________________ (pack) my bags and 4) __________________ (kiss) you

goodbye! Two weeks down and three to go!

Every day we have new guest speakers and the talks 5) __________________ (be) fascinating so far, at

least until yesterday when Neil Degrasse Tyson 6) __________________ (have) to cancel because of a

cancelled flight. Our camp leaders then 7) __________________ (decide) to bring us to the laboratory, and

we 8) __________________ (make) eggshell geode crystals instead. Well, you know that I 9)

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




__________________ (do) a lot of different experiments in my life, but this one 10) __________________

(be) truly cool, and unlike my chemistry experiments gone wrong, nothing 11) __________________


The world of science sure 12) __________________ (change) a lot in the last few years! 13)

__________________ (you / hear) about the discovery of water on Mars? Last August the Mars

Reconnaissance Orbiter 14) __________________ (use) an imaging spectrometer and

15) __________________ (detect) signs of hydrated minerals. This confirmed what NASA 16)

__________________ (long / suspect)!!! We 17) __________________ (learn) so much about our Solar

System since we first 18) __________________ (land) on the Moon and these are things that 19)

__________________ (seem) impossible to study just one hundred years back!

This 20) __________________ (be) such an amazing opportunity and I love every minute!

Lots of love,


Part C : Future Tenses

Instructions: Put the verb into the correct form. Choose one of the following: simple present, present

continuous, simple future (will / going to), shall, future continuous, future perfect.

1. I feel a bit hungry, I think …………………………………………………….……. (I/ have) something to eat.

2. Why are you putting on your coat? ……………..………………………………………. (you/ go)


3. What time ………………………………………..……………….(I/ phone) you this evening? About 7:30?

4. Look! That phone is flying towards the airport. ………………………………………..……(it/ land).

5. We must do something soon, before ………………………………………………………….(it/be) too late.

6. I’m sorry you’ve decided to leave the company. ………….…. (I/ miss) you when …………………. (you

/ go)

7. ………………………………………………………….(I/ give) you my address? If.…………………….…. (I/

give) you my address, …………………………………..…………………………………. (you / write) to me?

8. Are you still watching that program? What time ……………………………………………………. (it/ end)?

9. …………………..………………………………………. (I/go) to London next weekend for a wedding. My

sister …………………..………………………………………. (get) married.

10. I’m not ready yet. …………………..………………………………………. (I/ tell) you when

………………………………….(I/ be) ready. I promise ………………………………. (I/ not/ be) very long.

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




11. A: Where are you going?

B: To the hairdresser’s. …………………..………………………………………. (I/ have) to haircut.

12. She was very rude to me. I refuse to speak to her again until ……………………………. (she/ apologise).

13. I wonder where ……………..………………………………………. (we/ live) ten years from now?

14. What do you plan to do when …….………………………………………. (you/ finish) your course at


15. Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this,

………………………………………………………. (he/ spend) all his money before the end of this holiday.

Part D: Mixed Tenses

Instructions: Complete the sentences using an appropriate word or phrase.

1. Don’t forget ………………..………………………………………. John and Ana an invitation to dinner.

2. They ……………………………………..……………………………. the house for a long time. It’s very


3. Jane admitted ………………………………………..………………………………………. me lies.

4. I must ………………..………………………………………. my book at school. I can’t find it anywhere.

5. Gill is upset because she ………………………………………..………………………………………. her job.

6. Tom must ………………………………………..……………………………………. in the garden. He looks


7. Paul suggested ……………..………………………………………. to the theatre, but I’d already seen the


8. I ……………………………………………. to the supermarket for a week. There’s nothing in the fridge.

9. Tom refused ………………………………..………………………………………. his sister with her


10. She’s moving to Madrid this summer because they ……………………………. a job in the embassy


Bonus (4 marks):

1. When can the simple present tense be used for a future event? Give an example.

2. When can the present continuous tense be used for a future event? Give an example.

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




Modal Verbs

1) Complete as frases a seguir usando os Modal Verbs. Use as informações fornecidas entre

parênteses para orientar-se.

a) Mry looks vry tired. She ______________________ take some time off. (conselho/sugestão)

b) I’m sure Jim ________________ lift that heavy table for you. (capacidade)

c) Attention, passengers! You ____________ fasten your seat belts before takeoff. (obrigação)

d) _________________ I borrow your pen for a while? (permissão informal)

e) The weatherman says it _______________ snow tomorrow morning. (probabilidade)

f) Our students ________ ski very well. (habilidade)

g) We ____________ reach the top of that hill in less than an hour. (possibilidade)

2) Choose the correct completion.

1. Peter ___ rather sleep on a mattress than on

the floor.

a) Shall

b) Could

c) Would

d) Must

2. Al painted his bedroom black. It looks dark

and dreary. He ____ a different color.

a) Had to choose

b) Should have chosen

c) Must have chosen

d) Could have been choosing

3. Tom is sitting at his desk. He’s reading his

chemistry text because he has a test

tomorrow. He ____.

a) Could study

b) Should be studying

c) Will study

d) Must be studying

4. When Mr. Lee was younger, he ____ work in

the garden for hours, but now he has to take

frequent rests because he has emphysema.

a) Has got to

b) Can

c) Should be able to

d) Could

5. Whenever my parents went out in the

evening, I ____ the job of taking care of my

little brothers.

a) Would get

b) Should get

c) Must have gotten

d) Had better get

6. Yesterday I ____ to a furniture store. I

bought a new lamp there.

a) Could go

b) Went

c) Could have gone

d) Ought to have gone

7. Faap – Assinale a alternative correta:

I’m sorry the train was late and I ____ arrive


a) Couldn’t

b) Ought not

c) Don’t

d) Mustn’t

e) Wouldn’t

8. Fuvest – Qual destas expresses

corresponde a “ele não deveria ter feito


a) He mustn’t have made it.

b) He shouldn’t have done that.

c) He could not have made it.

d) He might not have done that.

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




e) He cannot have done that.

9. Fuvest – Qual a forma correta?

a) The mail must go on whether there are a

hundred storms.

b) The mail can go on whether there are a

hundred storms.

c) The mail should go on when there are a

hundred storms.

d) The mail must go on if there are a hundred


e) The mail is going on if there are a hundred


10. Fuvest – Assinale a alternativa que

preenche corretamente as lacunas:

He ____ avoid ____ mistakes.

a) Ought – making

b) Must – make

c) Shall – make

d) Needs – make

e) Should – making

11. Fuvest – Assinale a alternativa que

corresponde à frase: Preciso mandar fazer

um terno para o casamento.

a) I must have a suit made for the wedding.

b) I have to have a suit done for the wedding.

c) I have to tell to do a suit for the marriage.

d) I need to order to make a suit for the


e) I must send to do a suit for the marriage

f) .

Phrasal Verbs

1) Complete as frases abaixo usando os Phrasal Verbs do quadro. Cada um deles deverá ser

usado somente uma vez.

Call off break up put off fill out get along run into

look after set up pick out put up with

a) Due to the heavy snowstorm the game had to be __________ for tomorrow.

b) Come on, hurry up! You have to __________ this application form as soon as possible.

c) Did Jane __________ with Jack at the party last night? They hardly looked at each other all

night long.

d) Unfortunately, the guitar player broke his finger and the concert had to be _________.

e) Ian and Andre __________ well. They’ve known each other since they were children.

f) Mr. Andersen __________ his business a little before the world crisis last year. Luckily, he

managed to survive the worst moments.

g) Mrs. Jackson really takes her time when she shops for groceries. She always __________ the

best products.

h) I was walking along 5th Avenue this morning when I __________ Larry Smith, an old friend of

mine I haven’t seen in years.

i) The baby sitter will __________ the children while we’re at the opera.

j) I don’t know how Mary __________ their smoking. The whole place stinks.

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




2) Dr. Stein called and said he is supposed

to ____ by Monday.

a) Be up

b) Be up to

c) Be to

d) Be back.

3) Ellen is sad because not many people

____ for her show last night.

a) Came across

b) Came up

c) Came from

d) Came out

4) I ____ Bernard when I was leaving the

supermarket this morning.

a) Came out

b) Came about

c) Came across

d) Came up

5) The new edition of that dictionary will

____ at the end of the month.

a) Come across

b) Come about

c) Come in

d) Come out

6) They shouldn’t ____ such delicate


a) Bring out

b) Bring forward

c) Bring

d) Bring to

7) Mrs. Frazer ____ her children ____ very


a) Brought/out

b) Brought/forward

c) Brought/about

d) Brought/up

8) It is raining very hard. They are going to

____ the game.

a) Call

b) Call off

c) Call for

d) Call on

9) Dr. James is going to ____ his patients

this morning.

a) Call

b) Call of

c) Call for

d) Call on

10) All these watches are so beautiful that

it’s difficult to ____ my mind.

a) Make out

b) Make off

c) Make up

d) Make

11) Tell us the truth. Don’t ____ a story.

a) Make out

b) Make up

c) Make off

d) Make in

12) Kevin speaks so fast that I can’t ____

what he says.

a) Make

b) Make off

c) Make out

d) Make up

13) Julie is sad because somebody entered her room and ____ with her new diamond ring.

a) Make off b) Made off c) Made up d)Make up

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




Questões Dissertativas

1) Unicamp 2009 – Leia o texto a seguir

Mobile phone users slow traffic down

Sick of traffic congestion? Well, part of the blame needs to go to motorists who talk on mobile phones. At

least, that is the conclusion of a study conducted by the University of Utah. The study found that if you use

your mobile phone while driving, you are less likely to pass slower vehicles. If you think the study is not

talking about you, because you have a hands-free device, then you are wrong. According to previous

studies performed by psychology Professor Dave Strayer of the University of Utah, the ultimate distraction

for drivers is the conversation – not just holding the mobile phone.

Brian Osborne. <>. (Adapted)

a) Por que motoristas que dirigem enquanto conversam ao cellular retardam o fluxo de tráfego?

b) A que conclusão chegou o Professor Dave Strayer em suas pesquisas?

2) Fuvest 2010 – Leia o seguinte texto e responda, em português, ao que se pede.

Yahoo! wants to reinvent the postage stamp to cut spam. Researchers are testing a scheme where users

pay a cent to charity for each email they send – so clearing their inbox and conscience simultaneously.

Yahoo! Research’s CentMail resurrects an old idea: that levying a charge on every email sent would

instantly make spamming uneconomic. But because the cent paid for an accredited “stamp” to appear on

each email goes to charity, CentMail’s inventors think it will be more successful than previous approaches

to make email cost. They think the cost to users is offset by the good feeling of giving to charity.

<>. (Adapted).

a) O texto apresenta uma proposta feita pela empresa Yahoo! para diminuir a quantidade de

mensagens eletrônicas indesejadas ou spams. Qual é a proposta?

b) Por que os inventores do CentMail acreditam que sua proposta será mais bem-sucedida do que

as anteriores?

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




3) Unicamp 2010


a) O que, segundo o texto, é inevitável que aconteça?

b) Isso que é inevitável pode, de acordo com o texto, ser apenas uma situação temporária ou pode

se manter para o resto da vida. Em que outras circunstâncias essa situação pode acontecer?

4) Unicamp 2010 – O excerto a seguir foi adaptado do conto “True Love” de Isaac Asimov.

My name is Joe. That is what my colleague, Milton Davidson, calls me. He is a programmer and I am a

computer. I am Milton’s experimental model. His Joe.

Milton has never married, though he is nearly 40 years old. He has never found the right woman, he told

me. One day he said, “I’ll find her yet, Joe. I’m going to find the best. I’m going to have true love and you’re

going to help me. I’m tired of improving you in order to solve the problems of the world. Solve my problem.

Find me true love.”

T. Kral (org.). Being People – An Anthology. Washington D.C.: USA, s/d. p. 183.

a) Do que Milton Davidson está cansado?

b) Por que Milton Davidson não se casou e o que ele espera que Joe faça por ele?

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




4) Unicamp 2010


a) O texto faz referência a uma expectativa derivada de um fato ocorrido no passado. Que fato foi

esse e qual era a expectativa?

b) No caso relatado no texto, essa expectativa se concretizou? Justifique sua resposta.

5) Unicamp 2010

Global Handwashing Day October 15, 2009

Although people around the world wash their hands with water, very few wash their hands with soap at

critical moments. Global Handwashing Day will be the centerpiece of a week of activities that will mobilize

millions of people across five continents to turn handwashing with soap before eating and after using the

toilet into an ingrained habit. This could save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention,

cutting deaths from diarrhea by almost half and deaths from acute respiratory infections by about a quarter. (Adapted).

a) Que hábito a campanha descrita no texto pretende incentivar?

Colégio Notre Dame de Campinas Congregação de Santa Cruz




b) Segundo o texto, em quanto esse hábito pode reduzir as taxas de mortalidade?

6) Unicamp 2010

Economics and Software Piracy

If software were less expensive, would people pirate less? Research conducted to answer this question

suggests that many people pirate programs regardless of their price tag. The economic factor provides the

pirate with a means to justify his or her actions, but it isn’t a real motivator. A common justification for this

kind of behavior is that software companies are enormous and make billions of dollars; making one single

unauthorized copy of the software wouldn’t hurt them.

< Acessado em 10/11/2009>. (Adapted)

a) Segundo o texto, o que o resultado da pesquisa relacionada à pirataria de software sugere?

b) Por que, de acordo com o texto, as pessoas acham que é moralmente justificável piratear

programas de computadores produzidos por grandes empresas?

7) Unicamp 2010

The slow food revolt

The “slow food” movement is a revolt against the fast pace forced on us by industrial civilization, specifically

fast-food culture. This frenetic pace results from the notion that productivity outweighs all else. To

counteract the ill effects of frenzied living, the movement proposes replacing industrial agriculture with

organic agriculture, nurturing more discriminating palates and promoting fair financial reward for

conscientious food producers.

<>. (Adapted)

a) Que tipo de vida o movimento tratado no texto tenta combater? Que ideia, segundo o texto, orienta

esse tipo de vida?

b) Indique duas propostas concretas do movimento descrito no texto para melhorar a qualidade de

vida das pessoas.