installation document.doc

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  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Step1: Collection Plan Related Setup

    Shorewood Mfg Superuser QualitySetupCollection Plans

    Select organization as ‘IND’

    Click on ‘ctions’ !utton

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    If the "alue in the field ‘#o$ Co%plete’ & 'es( then a re)uest will $e sent to the printer specified in the

    collection plan and the docu%ent will $e printed using the data fro% the plan*

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Click on ction Details*

     pplication+ Shorewood Custo%izations

     rgu%ents+ ,-CC.//0NC0 1,P/IN20/1

    3ile+ SPC4P5DC-

    Click on ok and sa"e the changes*

    Step2: Moving the SPC_PLDCOA.sql ile

    Please %o"e the SPC4P5DC-*s)l file pro"ided in the SQ5 3older to 6SPC42-P7 s)l folder*

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Step!: P"inte" P"int St#le Setup o" PD$ Po"t"ait

    P"int St#le

    Style Na%e+ PD3 Portrait

    Se)+ 888

    .ser Style+ PD3 Portrait

    S/9 Dri"er+ :PP

    Description+ Print Style for PD3 Portrait

    Colu%ns+ ;<

    /ows+ ==

    -rientation+ Portrait

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    P"inte" D"ive"s

    Dri"er Na%e+ PD34P-/2/I2 .ser Dri"er+ PD34P-/2/I2

    Description+ Print Dri"er for PD3 Portrait

    S/9 Dri"er+ :PP

     rgu%ents+ cat 6P/-3I50S6*3I50NM0 > ?usr?$in?acroread @toPostScript @size letter @scale A; > lp @c

    @d6P/-3I50S6*P/IN20/ @n6P/-3I50S6*C-NC4C-PI0S @tB6P/-3I50S6*2I250B

    Initialization+ ?e0?e,I

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    P"inte" %#pes

    Please add PD$ Po"t"ait St#le & PD$_POR%RA'% D"ive" (a)e to *P+,,, P"inte" %#pe

    Step+: Moving the SPCPLDCOAPR'(%."d ile

    Please %o"e the SPCP5DC-P/IN2*rdf  file pro"ided in the /D3 folder to 6SPC42-P7 reports folder and


    Create 0Hecuta$le and Concurrent Progra% using the SPCP5DC-P/IN2*ldt pro"ided in the /D3 folder*

    LD% $ile -pload Sc"ipt:

    FNDLOAD apps/@ 0 Y

    UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patc/!!"/#port/a%cppro&'(ct SPCP5DC-P/IN2*ldt 

    ) CUSTO*_*ODE+FO,CE 

    Step: C"eate $ont $iles in /ML Pu0lishe" 

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    (avigation /ML Pu0lishe" Ad)inist"ato"*o)eAd)inist"ation

    Clic $ont $iles unction in the Menu

    Click Create 3ont 3ile !utton

    3ont Na%e+ CodeF;

    3ile+ .pload codeF;*ttf file pro"ided in the !arcode 3ont folder and click pply !utton*

    Step3: C"eate $ont Mapping in /ML Pu0lishe" 

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    (avigation /ML Pu0lishe" Ad)inist"ato"*o)eAd)inist"ation

    Clic $ont Mappings unction in the Menu

    Click Create 3ont Mapping Set $utton

    Mapping Na%e+ Code F;

    Mapping Code+ Code F;

    2ype+ 3- 2- PD3

    Click pply !utton*

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Click Create 3ont Mapping and pro"ide the following "alues

    3ont 3a%ily+ Code F;

    Style+ Nor%al

    9eight+ !old

    3ont 2ype+ 2ruetype

    Click Continue !utton

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Choose the codeF; font file we ha"e defined earlier fro% the 3ont 5- and click pply*

    2he 3ont Mapping we ha"e defined will look like this*

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Step4: C"eate Data Deinition in /ML Pu0lishe" 

    (avigation /ML Pu0lishe" Ad)inist"ato"*o)eData Deinitions

    Click Create Data Definitions !utton

    Na%e+ SPCP5DC-P/IN2

    Code+ SPCP5DC-P/IN2

     pplication+ Shorewood Custo%izations

    Start Date+ Sysdate

    Description+ SPC P5D C- /eport Data Definition

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Step5: C"eate %e)plate in /ML Pu0lishe" 

    (avigation /ML Pu0lishe" Ad)inist"ato"*o)e%e)plates

    Click Create 2e%plate $utton

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Na%e+ SPCP5DC-P/IN2

    Code+ SPCP5DC-P/IN2

     pplication+ Shorewood Custo%izations

    Data Definition+ SPCP5DC-P/IN2

    2ype+ /23

    Start Date+ Sysdate

    Default 3ile+ SPCP5DC-P/IN2*rtf E2e%plate 3ile needs to $e uploaded fro% JM5 3olderK

    Default 3ile 5anguage+ 0nglish

    Default -utput 2ype+ PD3

    Description+ SPC P5D C- /eport 2e%plate

    Click pply after entering the a$o"e "alues

    Step6: 7ue"# %e)plate in /ML Pu0lishe" and 8dit Conigu"ation

    (avigation /ML Pu0lishe" Ad)inist"ato"*o)e%e)plates Sea"chSPCPLDCOAPR'(%

    Select the te%plate $y clicking the SPCP5DC-P/IN2 link $elow the Na%e la$el*

  • 8/16/2019 Installation Document.doc


    Click the 0dit Configuration !utton

    Select 3- Processing Property and set 3ont Mapping set to ‘Code F;’*

    $ont Mapping Set: Code 125

     nd Click pply !utton once %aking the a$o"e change*