untitled document.doc i hate u

Out of the two main publishing houses in the uk, Bauer media and IPC, I think IPC is better suited and would be more likely to distribute my magazine; this is on the basis that they have two already existing music magazines originally based on the rock/indie genre, which is the genre I tried to represent in the design and content of my magazine. Although UNCUT magazine’s target audience is aimed at the older generation and people who grew up with or listen to 70’s/80’s rock, NME is aimed at a much younger generation like my own, 16-24 year olds. I would also say that like my own, the two magazines are aimed at a male audience simply because the genre they represent is a lot more orientated around that gender. I also feel that the design of my cover fits well with their message, especially NME, because of the simple yet effect

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Untitled document.doc i hate u

Out of the two main publishing houses in the uk, Bauer media and IPC, I think IPC is better suited and would be more likely to distribute my magazine; this is on the basis that they have two already existing music magazines originally based on the rock/indie genre, which is the genre I tried to represent in the design and content of my magazine. Although UNCUT magazine’s target audience is aimed at the older generation and people who grew up with or listen to 70’s/80’s rock, NME is aimed at a much younger generation like my own, 16-24 year olds. I would also say that like my own, the two magazines are aimed at a male audience simply because the genre they represent is a lot more orientated around that gender.

I also feel that the design of my cover fits well with their message, especially NME, because of the simple yet effect layout; though my magazine isn’t an exact replica of NME it has its similarities, like the placing and bold style of the masthead, the style of layout in terms of cover lines, the bands featured and the style of writing in their articles is rather similar to mine with its narrative format, yet it is relatable to younger audiences with the language used.