intro to the renaissance: the late middle ages

Intro to the Renaissance: The Late Middle Ages c. 1300 – c. 1500

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Intro to the Renaissance: The Late Middle Ages. c. 1300 – c. 1500. Economy and society. Government : centralized? Economy: agriculture? Commerce? Values and relationship among social classes? . Role of the Church. Religious? Political? Cultural?. TIMOR DEI PRINCIPIUM SAPIENTIAE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Intro to the Renaissance:

The Late Middle Ages

c. 1300 – c. 1500

Page 2: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Economy and society• Government :

centralized?• Economy:

agriculture? Commerce?

• Values and relationship among social classes?

Page 3: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Role of the Churcho Religious? o Political?o Cultural?


Page 4: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Role of the Church

Role of the Church: o Religious:

o Political:

o Cultural:

o salvation, fight against heresy

o upper clergy: aristocrats, landowners. Great economic and political power

o education, keepers of Classical knowledge

Page 5: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Pagan World Views of the Classical

(Pagan) world: positive?

Page 6: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Pagan World Views of the

Classical world: o Classical world is

PAGAN in a world dominated by Christian values.

o Some aspects of the Classical world are imitated but Christianized, others are suppressed.

Page 7: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

The Black Death

First appeared in Italy in 1347 and spread to the rest of Europe.

It killed more than a third of Europe’s seventy million people.

Page 8: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

The Black Plague

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The Black Plague

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Consequences of the Black Death:

Depopulation Migration to cities: revitalization of urban

life Opportunities for class mobility: demand

of workers Dislocation of social order and social

clashes Rising secularism End of feudalism in many areas

Page 13: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Terminology Medieval? Middle Ages? Renaissance?

Page 14: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

Terminology Medieval: (Lat) medium

aevummiddle age

Renaissance: Re-birth (of the Classical World)

(It: Rinascimento, <Lat nascor, natum (to be born), French: Renaissance)

From the point of view of the people of the Renaissance the Middle Ages is the period between the Classical World and its rebirth in their time.

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Page 16: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages

3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: A

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: A

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Page 19: Intro to the Renaissance:  The Late  Middle Ages
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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art. B

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: B

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: C

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval art: C

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: D

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3-Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: D

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art : E

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: F

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3. Renaissance vs. Medieval Art: G

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4. Florence Baptistery (1401-1402)