it 1 i t i to

fr S .1 It:' ' X X" ..U tiTIM! MWJ,Ji )MWMmtHVMMWMW i, tffttf emt? 77w Oldest S Tage f j'0 Don'TRTcuTihc n"-- - Bulletin CVN NG BULLGTIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. I 7te7?s ALL the Teople. limMMIMIHMMIIIMMMHIMIM i r jjoi- - ijjttun jji inunm IINMIMIMIIMM Vol. III. No. 5G7. Honolulu, h. i., Thursday, march 25, 1897. Pjuob 5 Cents, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday At 210 King Street, llonolulu, IL I. SUlWCltUTION 11ATKS. Per Month, nnywhrre in thu Ha- waiian Islands 76 For Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, olhor Foreign Countries 13 00 Pnynblo Invnrlnblr in Advance Telephone '250. F. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. PtireBlood is the source of good health. v Ayer's, Sarsaparilla7 Makes puro blood, strengthens the nerves, eharnona the appa- -' tite, removes that tired feeling, and makos lifo worth living. Thousands of people have testi- fied to tho healing virtuo of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Their lot-to- rs come in every post. There's no attempt at theory. Thoy all assort tho great fact, "Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured mo." Weak, Weary Women who havo boon bed ridden, vexed with a scrofulous taint, emaoipted, nraiotod with dis- eases common, to their sex, write' gratofully of a perfect cure. If you wish to profit by their experience, and become healthy and strong, take the great strength giver and blood-purifi- er Sarsaparilla of Imltrtlorm. Tha nune Ayer's SarbuimrlUa io prominent on the vrntppo; tod blown in. tto pjr ut titi bottle. WS'AVVVAAVSA('W,w'SVVV,AA AYER'S PILLS, EASYTOTAKE Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents (or tho Itajmhllo of Hawaii. CLEARANCE SHE voa T mn EEKS AT, EGAN'S 530- - tf EL Gk JB3LAJRT, ; 401 Fort Street. Jeweler azd Vatcrimae37. ffBT Having bought out the entire stock of J. 12. Onnifd lam prepared to furnish First-clas- s Jowelry at rea- sonable ' prices. ,' watcMtiiig and Repairing a Specialty. tST Native Work ot all kinds. Also Wire Ornaments. FKANOIS DTJNM", Architect and Superintendent E, Office: 305 Port street, Spreckela' Block,' Room 5. S HAPPILY JOINED TOGETHER WKUniNcs op nruj cooi-k- u and nus.s nicuncw. (JrrMt Cnunmrir n Church Npcclnl HIiiIn ICenderPd Hciriitlon mid l'rccnl. When tho hour arrived for tho niarriago of Dr. Charles 13. Cooper and Miss Kate 0. McGrow yestor-da- y ovouing, St. Andrew's Catho. dral was crowded to its utmost re- cesses not reserved for ecclesiastic ctil offices. ScoroB of people had to stand and a throng almost en- circled the ediGco on the outside, while many of 'hn invited gueste wore constrained to watch tho sccno from afar in their carriages. Tho Bulletin as a rulo oscbews the dangerous ground of suporla-tives- , but truth compels it to say that, in its existence of fifteen years, it has not had to record quite bo yrent popular interest in a wedding as was displayed on this occasion. Decorations of the chancel and tho front of the uavo wore of re- fined tasto and rare beauty, cofi-siblin- g o palm fionda, diversified forns and vines, flowers in bou-quo- ta ami masses and insertions, and potted plants, all disposed with effective art. Miss Emily Hnlstead was tho decorative artist in charge of tho work. While tho usbors wore gallantly striving to find seals for many times the number of gucstB there was room for, Wray Taylor, the cathedral' organist, played a wed ding march of Best, a gavotte of his own and an intermezzo of Mas-cogn- i. Punctual in a startling degree for a, Honolulu wedding, the bridal procession appeared at (lie main entrance. It moved up the aisle accompanied by the sing, ing of tho hymn, "How Woloomo Was tho Call," by tho choir of ladies and gontlemen. Tho ushers were in tho van, being Dr. H. V. Murray, Marshal A. M. Brown, Major J. W. Jones and Major Geo. O. Potter. Then carao tho brides- maids Misses Adole Widdifield, Pauabi Judd, May Damon and Emily Halstoad. The maid of honor, Miss Qay of Kauai, preceded the bride, who wns supported by her father,Dr. John S. McGrew. As tho procession reached' tho chancel rail, tho well-tim- ed hymn ceased. Dr. Coopor with his best man, Dr. J. H. ltaymond, was in waiting. Mrs. McGrow, mothor of tho bride, sat in tho front pow to the right. Tho more intimate friends of the family had tho two front pews ou oithei sido reserved for them, and the desks of theso pews were clothed with banks of vor-dur- o and variegated bloom. As tho service proceeded, tho organist played a Bweet, low re- frain that was taken up, from be- hind tho altar, by B. L. Marx on tho violin. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, maHtorly interpreter of ritual as ho b, never rendered tho loving rito more impressively than now. His heart had especial roason to bo iu tho beautiful sorvico this time, for the brido had boon ono of the most talented mombors of tho choir assist- ing in his stated ministrations. "Blessed are nil they that fear tho .Lord" Psalm 128 wos sung by the choir for the progress of the bridal pajty to tho altar. Tho minister concluded his offices with a brief address of congratulation, tho organist meau while softly play- ing Sohumon's " Traumeroi." Thou tho parly moved out blow ly to tho vestry for tho signing of tho register, whilo tho choir and organ performed a wedding march and hymn by Warneford a beautiful composition reserved for tho marriages of members of tho choir. Upon roturniug to the body'of the church, tho happily united couplo led tho way down the nislo, followed by tho bridal rotinuo, and the vast congregation molted away liko snow boforo tho breath of spring. Mondolssohn's wedding march saluted tho retir- ing stops of thq procession. It was a haudsomo couple, be-- 1 youd tho conventional acceptation of the term, which tlniB emorged from tho scone of tboir exchange of sacred vows, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, till death do them part. The bride I was the cynosure of a thoimnd admiring oyes, smiling happily as . she gaily tripped out, leaning unon tho arm of her lifo nnrtnnr. Her dress waB of whito silk piuia over satin on train, trimmed with point d'Alencon, with violet wreath and tulle veil thorefrom to tho ground. Sho carried a bouquot of white carnations. Tho maid of honor was attired in whito organdie trimmed with yellow ribbons, and she carried a basket of coroopsis blossoms. Tho bridesf maida were also iu whito organdie, tho dresses of Missos Widdifield and Judd being trimmod with pink, and thoso of MisseB Damon aud Halstoad with bluo ribbons, all carrying flowerB in harmony. Immediately aftor the ceremony tho bridal party and guests pro- ceeded to tho homo of Dr. aud Mrs. McGrow, in Hotel street, whoro a reception was hold. The spacious grounds wore grandly illuminated with row of colored lantorus, mostly with star spangled banner dosigns, festooned from tree to treo and along tho walls of tho mansion, whilo an aic lamp in front and one over tho baud stand iu rear turned night iulo day. Thoro was music from tho Government baud throughout tho reception. A reception bower cburmiugly novel had beou constructed in the rear lanni. It was composed o screons of netting interwoven with peppor treo brandies, decorated with festoonB of white carnations depondiug from the eaves, aud an endless varioty of flowers was arranged on tho Bides. Stephauo-ti- s vinee in bloom adorned tho 'pillars, and palms woll disposed lent grace to tho bower. Within this vory boautiful structure the newly wedded oouple stood, with tho ladies and gentle- men of tho bridal party on. either sido. Tho hundreds of guests pressed forward to offer the felici- tations of genuino love, friendship and esteem to tho happy pair. It was more than an hour before all presont could mako tho required circuit. For a timo it was a per- fect crush. As tho peoplo retired from tho point of reception thoy moved into tho library to view tho wedding presents. Theso formed a truly gorgeoiiH array both iu number and richness. In cut glass alone there was more tbau tho complement of a princely homo. Utensils of silver plato were spread out ou all sides. Oil paintings, handsomo books, ex- pensive crockery, household liuon, calabashes of Hawaiian woods, art pottery, etc., were luLLly in oi-denc- o. Docorationa of tho parlor, tho open stairway, tho vostjbulo and tho window openings would for description almost exhaust a florist'B catalogue. Thoy simply presonted to tho oyo an idyll of ono of Honolulu's chief glories its distinction as a city of floral boauly. Among thu articles of adornment in honor of tho brido was a maguificeut Hawaiian flag of silk, with a gold laco fringe and tassels, sent for tho occasion by Hon. John A. Cummins. It was draped at tho end of tho passage leading lb tho library. Among thoso presont wore mem- bers of tho Government aud the Judiciary, about all of tho foreign diplomatic and consular repre- sentatives, and n vory full ropro-seutalio- u of the eutiro sorious and social lifo of tho city, togothor with many visitors from tho other islands and abroad. Thoro was nothing stiff or conBtraiuod about tho assembly. Everybody mot many friends thero, and Dr. and Mrs. McGrew, as often boforo, gave most thorough proofs of tho real genius of hospitality. In tho hack- neyed phrase, which can hardly bo bettered, "thoy made everybody fool at" Light refreshments were served throughout tho even- ing, tho viands being of tho choic- est. t Continued on Jilh Pwje. NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY :oi.()ni.l I'isiii.-r- t in in r.woK Ol' IIA1IM1 (INK IIIIII.T. Muni Nut Ciixt I.o I him Tuvntj-lltt- - or Thirty llinuvuid Iollar Tin (Vil.ini'I liifrvlcui-il- . Hearing that some of thooflicors of tho National Guard had under consideration tbo project of build- ing a handsome armory for the uso of tho National Guard a represen- tative ot tho Bulletin interview- ed him on the matter. "It is perfectly true," said tho Colonel. "Tho matter has ofton been talkod of in tho legimout, both among officer and men, but until lately nothing haB been dono. I will toll you how I fool on the matter and what I proposo to do.. I am going to agitato tho matter of a Nntionnl Guard Armory and keep ou agitating it until wo get it, and I wan't a good ono while wo ore about it, ono that will coBt any way frotn 825,000 to 50,000 aud be a credit to the city. You may think theso figures high but I am certain wo can raise that amount by going at it iu tho right way. Now let mo give you a few facts. "Thoro aro six companies iu the National Guard 1 speak only of the volunteers who give up fifty-tw- o ovouings a year for drill and moetings' besides parading ou holidays aud wbonovor called on for battalion drills aud exhibitions. Thoy got nothing for their services beyond $50 per month for oach company, which is a moro nothing compared with their legitimate There is not a company iu tho.wholosix that does not havn to ascoas its members occasionally. it is true tho mon do get a suit of clothes once in a while, which means onco iu three or four years. But they get nothing at all beyond this. Thoy get no privileges or favor from the government in the way of appoiutmcuts to cloikships or work in tho dopartments which aro not shared by tbeSharpshooters or Citizens Guard, and many of tho men claim thoy do uot ovon e tho sumo conBidoration. But of that I do uot know. What I want to mako plain is that tho Govern tnont is getting tho ser- vices of tho volunteor portion of its National Guard at an oxtromo-l- y low cost, a moro bagatelle, and that tho mombors get compara tively nothing in returu for thoir sorvices. "You reporters know, if tho public does not, of tho difficulty tho captains of tho volunteer companies havo in keeping up thoir membership nud attendance at drills aud meetings. I have mado a study of the mattor and I beliovo tho principal difficulty lies in tho want of,Buitablo surround- ings and quarters. You know what the drill ehed is, how leaky ond full of draughts, how baro and dimly lighted it appears even at its best. Now you can't oxpect a man to spend sixty evenings a year iu a place whoro tho aro not congenial aud ploasaut, and what is more thoy won't do it, and I havo corns to the conclusion that to keep up tho National Guard to its presont standard something must bo dono. Wo cannot allow it to rotrogrado, for tho next Legislature is moro than likoly to out down the mili- tary appropriations to such au extent that wo may not bo ablo to maiutain ouo rogular company, let alouo two. I say this is moro than likely because thero are largo numbora of taxpay- ers who consider that tho timo has gono by aud tho neces- sity has ceased to oxist for regu- lar soldiers. Henco, wo should bo moro caroful than ever to koop up our volunteer force. "My proposition is to form tho nucleus of a fund to bo applied to tho erection of a building to bo for tho boIo uso and benefit of tho National Guard of Hawaii. I don't care if this nucleus is only SSOOor $1000, lot us got it started and invested so that it will bo drawing a little intorest. Wo may form this nucleus by inviting don- ations from tho community out- side of tho National Guard. For tho volunteers thomselvos; I will answer that they will mako a good showing on any subscription that may bo started for tho purpose, j aud X will head such a list at auy time with S100 to start with. Hav- ing obtained say tbo first two or three thousand dollars in this way I would havo ouch of the compauies get up a scries of en- tertainments aud dances once a month for tho benefit of thu build- ing fund. I am sure quite a sum could bo raisod iu this way, for each company would vio with tho other in raising tho most money. Then tho whole regimeut could combine and givo a big ball and raiso another thousand or two, and tho ladies could givo us an-oth- calico ball and help us out. Thoro aro lots of ways of raising money when you havo threo or four hundred men all working for tho common good, and I am sure all tho men in tho regiment would work like beavers to holp the building along. If wo had ou ly Btarted tbo thing in 18U3 it would havo been a success by this timo." "Why don't you ask tho Govern- ment for assistance, Colonel?" asked tho reporter. "Well, that will como aftor-war- Lot us first show tho Gov eminent that wo meau business and intend to raiso tho money. It is part of my plau to ask tho government to set apart a suita- ble lot for the building undor conditions similar to thoso on which tho Cbineeo Hospital has boon built that the budding rovert to tho government if it ceasos to bo used for tho purpose specified. Tho govorumeut owns somo lots on Miller street ueur Beietaniu whiob would bo just tho thing, being handy to tho parado ground and drill shed besides being central." "What-sor- t of a building would you put up." "I would havo it of Hawaiiau stone or stone and briok, of two stories and at least 75x125 feot in sizo. This would givo us room enough on thu lower floor for au armory for ench company, besides lockors for clothing, lavatories, oto. The uppor floor I would divide into a goneral assembly room, library, readiug room, chess, card and billiard rooms. I would also liko to seo u plunge bath about tho building as it would bo vory popu- lar with tbo men. I would have ovorytbing about tho building that would servo to attract tbo boys to it and keep tbom away from saloons. I would muko it a sort of club whoro ovorvouo would bo on tho same footing and eaeh euually interested iu its wolfaro. With such a building aud such surroundiugs wo should havo tho very bast young men in town in tho National Guard aud iustoad of having hard work to koop up tho momborship of tho companies wo should havo our pick of num- erous applicants and in that way raise the standard of membership, physically, morally aud intellectu- ally. "Such a building,' concludod tho Colonol, "could bo put up for an amonut say auywhoro botwoou $25,000 and Being raised by voluntary contributions it would bo under tho direct control of tho government through tho successivo officers of tho National Guard. I am going to try aud havo such a building erected aud shall keop at it if it takos mo tho next ten years. I beliovo tbo boys will all stand in with mo and do thoir Bharo. If they do tho thing may bo considered accomplished." m l'relly WrdtlliiK tUke, Tho wodding cako at tho Coopor-McGre- w euppor was mado by Horn's bakery. In fact most all of tho cakes for weddings in Ho- nolulu aro manufactured by this old established firm. Thoya enjoy a woll earned reputation in this direction. A special meeting of tho stock- holders of the P. I. & II. Co, is called for Saturday. i ww - - - ' rjn2j , , I ' THE BOARD OF HEALTH mi i(i:i; pciours io ink oi'ii'.n to it k nit.iM-- . The lliinril Ill.cii itiel.nn Ilrnrlui; on IIu I'ottrr in Ortlrr Tuberm- - lnii Cntlln Uett rayed. President Cooper called tho members of tho Board of Health to order at o:15 p. m. ycstoiday. Thoro wore presont members Wood, Emerson, Day, Brown, Lansing and Koliipio, ngout Rey- nolds and secretary Wilcox. Minutes of last mooting were read and approved. Tho usuul reports uudur tho Act to Mitigate and from tho Fish In- spector were received. The latter showed tho inspection of fish during tho week. Dr. Monsarrat's roport from tho slaughter Iioubcs was not forth- coming. Superintendent Meyer wroto from tho Molokai Settlement re- garding tho consignment of cattlo received last week. They came, from Mr. McGuiro'a ranch at Hue-hu- e, Hawaii. Thrr.o of thorn vroro very woak ou landing and had to bo killed forthwith aud six others died within 21 hours after lauding. HeaskedtheBoard for instructions iu tho mutter and who was to bo held responsible for the loss. Min- ister Coopor said that ho would look up tho contract with Mr. Mo-Guir- o and iiud out who had to staffd it;- - , Tho petition of a uativo to bo al- lowed to cut wood at tbo Molokai reservation to supply tho two homes at tbo Settlement was de- nied. Rev. David Kaao petitioned tho Hoard to allow hia mother to go to tho Settlement as u kokua, she boiug ontirely dependent on him for support. Tho petition was de- nied. Anothor potition from tho mothor of ono of tho leper boys at Molokai, asking that hor son bo brought from Molokai and placed under tho caro of Dr. Alvarez nt Kalibi, was also deuied. Tho potitiou of Keki, 7-- years of age and a resident of tho island for i7 years aud addicted to tho use of opium for 10 years, to bo allowed a Biuall quantity of opium daily from tho govorumeut dis- pensary, brought up a discussion on tho practiso of giving opium to y auyono. Tbo opinion seemed to bo that tbo kindness of tho Board yjas boiug abused and that it was timo to call a halt. Tho suggestion was also mado that tho Chinoso Hospital might inaugurate a special ward for opium smokers undor tho Hagoy treatmout. Tho potition was de- nied. Dr. Aiken of Paia, Maui, asked for three months loavo of absonto on account of asthma, and statil that Dr. McConkoy would attend to his business during hia absenjjo. Granted on condition that his substitute is a duly licensed phy- sician. Dr. McGottigun of Hana, Maui, reported undor duto of March 17 two cases of Gorman measles, both Japanese Ho had caused them to be isolated us a precautionary measure. Dr. Androwsof tho Board of Examiuors ropoited favorably on tbo application of Dr. T.T. French for a lioouso to practiso nicdiciuo. On motiou a rocommoudation was mado to tbo Ministor of tho Intorior that tho lioenso bo granted. Dr. Greoufiold mado a roport ou tho examination of cortaiu aged lopera at Honokaa, Hamakua, mado by himself aud Dr. Stow, stating that thoy would bo for- warded to Honolulu as soon as tho weather pormittod. Dr. Jordan wroto from Hong- kong regarding tho smallpox at that port, giving a list of tho cases aud tho steamers ou which thoy arrived. Ho mentioned that tho Btoaraer Empress of India was quarantined at Hongkong on accouut of an outbreak of small- - J rtV Iff. I'M 4 f , ' .'. ' I I ! ',! t . i m m I i 'V .. . ,'-',- J V 4 , dMidMmdMMMM M) . .. .. '..- - .'... J-- . r'i Aair '&&& A mU IlMwiAlKu'?lA :i;-- raiA-i-- . . tMy'f .av. tk2Lxm rJ .fcaaft s

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X" ..U tiTIM!

MWJ,Ji )MWMmtHVMMWMWi,tffttf emt? 77w Oldest S Tage f

j'0 Don'TRTcuTihcn"-- -

Bulletin CVN NG BULLGTIN Evening Paper Publishedyou Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.

I 7te7?s ALL the Teople.limMMIMIHMMIIIMMMHIMIM i r jjoi- - ijjttun jji inunm


Vol. III. No. 5G7. Honolulu, h. i., Thursday, march 25, 1897. Pjuob 5 Cents,


Published every day except Sunday At210 King Street, llonolulu, IL I.


Per Month, nnywhrre in thu Ha-waiian Islands 76

For Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, olhor Foreign

Countries 13 00

Pnynblo Invnrlnblr in AdvanceTelephone '250. F. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

PtireBloodis the source of good health.

v Ayer's, Sarsaparilla7Makes puro blood, strengthensthe nerves, eharnona the appa- -'

tite, removes that tired feeling,and makos lifo worth living.Thousands of people have testi-fied to tho healing virtuo ofAyer's Sarsaparilla. Their lot-to- rs

come in every post. There'sno attempt at theory. Thoy allassort tho great fact, "Ayer'sSarsaparilla cured mo."

Weak, Weary Womenwho havo boon bed ridden,vexed with a scrofulous taint,emaoipted, nraiotod with dis-eases common, to their sex,write' gratofully of a perfectcure. If you wish to profit bytheir experience, and becomehealthy and strong, take thegreat strength giver and blood-purifi- er

Sarsaparillaof Imltrtlorm. Tha nune Ayer's

SarbuimrlUa io prominent on the vrntppo;tod blown in. tto pjr ut titi bottle.WS'AVVVAAVSA('W,w'SVVV,AAAYER'S PILLS, EASYTOTAKE

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents (or tho Itajmhllo of Hawaii.






EGAN'S530- - tf


401 Fort Street.

Jeweler azd Vatcrimae37.

ffBT Having bought out the entirestock of J. 12. Onnifd lam preparedto furnish First-clas- s Jowelry at rea-sonable 'prices.

,' watcMtiiig and Repairing a Specialty.

tST Native Work ot all kinds. AlsoWire Ornaments.


Architect and Superintendent

E, Office: 305 Port street,Spreckela' Block,' Room 5.



WKUniNcs op nruj cooi-k- u andnus.s nicuncw.

(JrrMt Cnunmrir n Church NpcclnlHIiiIn ICenderPd Hciriitlon

mid l'rccnl.

When tho hour arrived for thoniarriago of Dr. Charles 13. Cooperand Miss Kate 0. McGrow yestor-da- y

ovouing, St. Andrew's Catho.dral was crowded to its utmost re-

cesses not reserved for ecclesiasticctil offices. ScoroB of people hadto stand and a throng almost en-

circled the ediGco on the outside,while many of 'hn invited guestewore constrained to watch thosccno from afar in their carriages.Tho Bulletin as a rulo oscbewsthe dangerous ground of suporla-tives- ,

but truth compels it to saythat, in its existence of fifteenyears, it has not had to recordquite bo yrent popular interest ina wedding as was displayed onthis occasion.

Decorations of the chancel andtho front of the uavo wore of re-fined tasto and rare beauty, cofi-siblin- g

o palm fionda, diversifiedforns and vines, flowers in bou-quo- ta

ami masses and insertions,and potted plants, all disposedwith effective art. Miss EmilyHnlstead was tho decorative artistin charge of tho work.

While tho usbors wore gallantlystriving to find seals for manytimes the number of gucstB therewas room for, Wray Taylor, thecathedral' organist, played a wedding march of Best, a gavotte of hisown and an intermezzo of Mas-cogn- i.

Punctual in a startlingdegree for a, Honolulu wedding,the bridal procession appeared at(lie main entrance. It moved upthe aisle accompanied by the sing,ing of tho hymn, "How WoloomoWas tho Call," by tho choir ofladies and gontlemen. Tho usherswere in tho van, being Dr. H. V.Murray, Marshal A. M. Brown,Major J. W. Jones and Major Geo.O. Potter. Then carao tho brides-maids Misses Adole Widdifield,Pauabi Judd, May Damon andEmily Halstoad. The maid of honor,Miss Qay of Kauai, preceded thebride, who wns supported by herfather,Dr. John S. McGrew. As thoprocession reached' tho chancelrail, tho well-tim- ed hymn ceased.Dr. Coopor with his best man, Dr.J. H. ltaymond, was in waiting.Mrs. McGrow, mothor of thobride, sat in tho front pow to theright. Tho more intimate friendsof the family had tho two frontpews ou oithei sido reserved forthem, and the desks of theso pewswere clothed with banks of vor-dur- o

and variegated bloom.As tho service proceeded, tho

organist played a Bweet, low re-frain that was taken up, from be-hind tho altar, by B. L. Marx ontho violin. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh,maHtorly interpreter of ritual asho b, never rendered tho lovingrito more impressively than now.His heart had especial roason tobo iu tho beautiful sorvico thistime, for the brido had boonono of the most talentedmombors of tho choir assist-ing in his stated ministrations."Blessed are nil they that fear tho.Lord" Psalm 128 wos sung bythe choir for the progress of thebridal pajty to tho altar. Thominister concluded his offices witha brief address of congratulation,tho organist meau while softly play-ing Sohumon's " Traumeroi."Thou tho parly moved out blow lyto tho vestry for tho signing oftho register, whilo tho choir andorgan performed a wedding marchand hymn by Warneford abeautiful composition reservedfor tho marriages of members oftho choir. Upon roturniug to thebody'of the church, tho happilyunited couplo led tho way downthe nislo, followed by tho bridalrotinuo, and the vast congregationmolted away liko snow boforo thobreath of spring. Mondolssohn'swedding march saluted tho retir-ing stops of thq procession.

It was a haudsomo couple, be-- 1

youd tho conventional acceptationof the term, which tlniB emorgedfrom tho scone of tboir exchangeof sacred vows, to have and tohold, to love and to cherish, tilldeath do them part. The bride I

was the cynosure of a thoimndadmiring oyes, smiling happily as .

she gaily tripped out, leaningunon tho arm of her lifo nnrtnnr.Her dress waB of whito silk piuiaover satin on train, trimmed withpoint d'Alencon, with violetwreath and tulle veil thorefrom totho ground. Sho carried abouquot of white carnations. Thomaid of honor was attired in whitoorgandie trimmed with yellowribbons, and she carried a basketof coroopsis blossoms. Tho bridesfmaida were also iu whito organdie,tho dresses of Missos Widdifieldand Judd being trimmod withpink, and thoso of MisseB Damonaud Halstoad with bluo ribbons,all carrying flowerB in harmony.

Immediately aftor the ceremonytho bridal party and guests pro-ceeded to tho homo of Dr. audMrs. McGrow, in Hotel street,whoro a reception was hold. Thespacious grounds wore grandlyilluminated with row of coloredlantorus, mostly with star spangledbanner dosigns, festooned fromtree to treo and along tho wallsof tho mansion, whilo an aic lampin front and one over tho baudstand iu rear turned night iuloday. Thoro was music from thoGovernment baud throughouttho reception. A receptionbower cburmiugly novel hadbeou constructed in therear lanni. It was composed oscreons of netting interwoven withpeppor treo brandies, decoratedwith festoonB of white carnationsdepondiug from the eaves, aud anendless varioty of flowers wasarranged on tho Bides. Stephauo-ti- s

vinee in bloom adorned tho'pillars, and palms woll disposedlent grace to tho bower.

Within this vory boautifulstructure the newly wedded oouplestood, with tho ladies and gentle-men of tho bridal party on. eithersido. Tho hundreds of guestspressed forward to offer the felici-tations of genuino love, friendshipand esteem to tho happy pair. Itwas more than an hour before allpresont could mako tho requiredcircuit. For a timo it was a per-fect crush. As tho peoplo retiredfrom tho point of reception thoymoved into tho library to view thowedding presents. Theso formeda truly gorgeoiiH array both iunumber and richness. In cutglass alone there was more tbautho complement of a princelyhomo. Utensils of silver platowere spread out ou all sides. Oilpaintings, handsomo books, ex-

pensive crockery, household liuon,calabashes of Hawaiian woods, artpottery, etc., were luLLly in oi-denc- o.

Docorationa of tho parlor, thoopen stairway, tho vostjbulo andtho window openings would fordescription almost exhaust aflorist'B catalogue. Thoy simplypresonted to tho oyo an idyll ofono of Honolulu's chief gloriesits distinction as a city of floralboauly. Among thu articles ofadornment in honor of tho bridowas a maguificeut Hawaiian flagof silk, with a gold laco fringe andtassels, sent for tho occasion byHon. John A. Cummins. It wasdraped at tho end of tho passageleading lb tho library.

Among thoso presont wore mem-bers of tho Government aud theJudiciary, about all of tho foreigndiplomatic and consular repre-sentatives, and n vory full ropro-seutalio- u

of the eutiro sorious andsocial lifo of tho city, togothorwith many visitors from tho otherislands and abroad. Thoro wasnothing stiff or conBtraiuod abouttho assembly. Everybody motmany friends thero, and Dr. andMrs. McGrew, as often boforo, gavemost thorough proofs of tho realgenius of hospitality. In tho hack-neyed phrase, which can hardlybo bettered, "thoy made everybodyfool at" Light refreshmentswere served throughout tho even-ing, tho viands being of tho choic-est.

t Continued on Jilh Pwje.


:oi.()ni.l I'isiii.-r- t in in r.woKOl' IIA1IM1 (INK IIIIII.T.

Muni Nut Ciixt I.o I him Tuvntj-lltt- -

or Thirty llinuvuid IollarTin (Vil.ini'I liifrvlcui-il- .

Hearing that some of thooflicorsof tho National Guard had underconsideration tbo project of build-ing a handsome armory for the usoof tho National Guard a represen-tative ot tho Bulletin interview-ed him on the matter.

"It is perfectly true," said thoColonel. "Tho matter has oftonbeen talkod of in tho legimout,both among officer and men, butuntil lately nothing haB been dono.I will toll you how I fool on thematter and what I proposo to do..I am going to agitato tho matterof a Nntionnl Guard Armory andkeep ou agitating it until wo getit, and I wan't a good ono whilewo ore about it, ono that will coBtany way frotn 825,000 to 50,000aud be a credit to the city. Youmay think theso figures high butI am certain wo can raise thatamount by going at it iu tho rightway. Now let mo give you a fewfacts.

"Thoro aro six companies iu theNational Guard 1 speak only ofthe volunteers who give up fifty-tw- o

ovouings a year for drill andmoetings' besides parading ouholidays aud wbonovor called onfor battalion drills aud exhibitions.Thoy got nothing for their servicesbeyond $50 per month for oachcompany, which is a moro nothingcompared with their legitimate

There is not a companyiu tho.wholosix that does not havnto ascoas its members is true tho mon do get a suit ofclothes once in a while, whichmeans onco iu three or four years.But they get nothing at all beyondthis. Thoy get no privileges orfavor from the government in theway of appoiutmcuts to cloikshipsor work in tho dopartments whicharo not shared by tbeSharpshootersor Citizens Guard, and many of thomen claim thoy do uot ovon e

tho sumo conBidoration.But of that I do uot know. WhatI want to mako plain is that thoGovern tnont is getting tho ser-vices of tho volunteor portion ofits National Guard at an oxtromo-l- y

low cost, a moro bagatelle, andthat tho mombors get comparatively nothing in returu for thoirsorvices.

"You reporters know, if thopublic does not, of tho difficultytho captains of tho volunteercompanies havo in keeping upthoir membership nud attendanceat drills aud meetings. I havemado a study of the mattor and Ibeliovo tho principal difficulty liesin tho want of,Buitablo surround-ings and quarters. You knowwhat the drill ehed is, how leakyond full of draughts, how baroand dimly lighted it appears evenat its best. Now you can't oxpecta man to spend sixty evenings ayear iu a place whoro tho

aro not congenial audploasaut, and what is more thoywon't do it, and I havo corns tothe conclusion that to keep up thoNational Guard to its presontstandard something must bo dono.Wo cannot allow it to rotrogrado,for tho next Legislature is morothan likoly to out down the mili-tary appropriations to such auextent that wo may not bo ablo tomaiutain ouo rogular company,let alouo two. I say this is morothan likely because thero arelargo numbora of taxpay-ers who consider that tho timohas gono by aud tho neces-sity has ceased to oxist for regu-lar soldiers. Henco, wo shouldbo moro caroful than ever tokoop up our volunteer force.

"My proposition is to form thonucleus of a fund to bo applied totho erection of a building to bofor tho boIo uso and benefit of thoNational Guard of Hawaii. Idon't care if this nucleus is only

SSOOor $1000, lot us got it startedand invested so that it will bodrawing a little intorest. Wo mayform this nucleus by inviting don-ations from tho community out-side of tho National Guard. Fortho volunteers thomselvos; I willanswer that they will mako a goodshowing on any subscription thatmay bo started for tho purpose, j

aud X will head such a list at auytime with S100 to start with. Hav-ing obtained say tbo first two orthree thousand dollars in thisway I would havo ouch of thecompauies get up a scries of en-tertainments aud dances once amonth for tho benefit of thu build-ing fund. I am sure quite a sumcould bo raisod iu this way, foreach company would vio with thoother in raising tho most money.Then tho whole regimeut couldcombine and givo a big ball andraiso another thousand or two,and tho ladies could givo us an-oth-

calico ball and help us out.Thoro aro lots of ways of raisingmoney when you havo threo orfour hundred men all workingfor tho common good, and I amsure all tho men in tho regimentwould work like beavers to holpthe building along. If wo had ouly Btarted tbo thing in 18U3 itwould havo been a success by thistimo."

"Why don't you ask tho Govern-ment for assistance, Colonel?"asked tho reporter.

"Well, that will como aftor-war-

Lot us first show tho Goveminent that wo meau businessand intend to raiso tho money. Itis part of my plau to ask thogovernment to set apart a suita-ble lot for the building undorconditions similar to thoso on whichtho Cbineeo Hospital has boonbuilt that the budding rovert totho government if it ceasos to boused for tho purpose specified.Tho govorumeut owns somo lotson Miller street ueur Beietaniuwhiob would bo just tho thing,being handy to tho parado groundand drill shed besides beingcentral."

"What-sor- t of a building wouldyou put up."

"I would havo it of Hawaiiaustone or stone and briok, of twostories and at least 75x125 feot insizo. This would givo us roomenough on thu lower floor for auarmory for ench company, besideslockors for clothing, lavatories,oto. The uppor floor I would divideinto a goneral assembly room,library, readiug room, chess, cardand billiard rooms. I would alsoliko to seo u plunge bath about thobuilding as it would bo vory popu-lar with tbo men. I would haveovorytbing about tho building thatwould servo to attract tbo boys toit and keep tbom away fromsaloons. I would muko it a sortof club whoro ovorvouo would boon tho same footing and eaeheuually interested iu its wolfaro.With such a building aud suchsurroundiugs wo should havo thovery bast young men in townin tho National Guard aud iustoadof having hard work to koop uptho momborship of tho companieswo should havo our pick of num-erous applicants and in that wayraise the standard of membership,physically, morally aud intellectu-ally.

"Such a building,' concludodtho Colonol, "could bo put up foran amonut say auywhoro botwoou$25,000 and Being raisedby voluntary contributions itwould bo under tho direct controlof tho government through thosuccessivo officers of tho NationalGuard. I am going to try audhavo such a building erected audshall keop at it if it takos mo thonext ten years. I beliovo tbo boyswill all stand in with mo and dothoir Bharo. If they do tho thingmay bo considered accomplished."


l'relly WrdtlliiK tUke,

Tho wodding cako at tho Coopor-McGre- w

euppor was mado byHorn's bakery. In fact most allof tho cakes for weddings in Ho-nolulu aro manufactured by thisold established firm. Thoya enjoya woll earned reputation in thisdirection.

A special meeting of tho stock-holders of the P. I. & II. Co, iscalled for Saturday.

i ww- - -


rjn2j, ,




mi i(i:i; pciours io ink oi'ii'.nto it k nit.iM-- .

The lliinril Ill.cii itiel.nn Ilrnrlui;on IIu I'ottrr in Ortlrr Tuberm- -

lnii Cntlln Uett rayed.

President Cooper called thomembers of tho Board of Healthto order at o:15 p. m. ycstoiday.Thoro wore presont membersWood, Emerson, Day, Brown,Lansing and Koliipio, ngout Rey-

nolds and secretary Wilcox.Minutes of last mooting were

read and approved.Tho usuul reports uudur tho Act

to Mitigate and from tho Fish In-spector were received. The lattershowed tho inspection offish during tho week.

Dr. Monsarrat's roport from thoslaughter Iioubcs was not forth-coming.

Superintendent Meyer wrotofrom tho Molokai Settlement re-garding tho consignment of cattloreceived last week. They came,from Mr. McGuiro'a ranch at Hue-hu- e,

Hawaii. Thrr.o of thorn vrorovery woak ou landing and had tobo killed forthwith aud six othersdied within 21 hours after lauding.HeaskedtheBoard for instructionsiu tho mutter and who was to boheld responsible for the loss. Min-ister Coopor said that ho wouldlook up tho contract with Mr. Mo-Guir- o

and iiud out who had tostaffd it;- - ,

Tho petition of a uativo to bo al-

lowed to cut wood at tbo Molokaireservation to supply tho twohomes at tbo Settlement was de-

nied.Rev. David Kaao petitioned tho

Hoard to allow hia mother to goto tho Settlement as u kokua, sheboiug ontirely dependent on himfor support. Tho petition was de-nied.

Anothor potition from thomothor of ono of tho leper boysat Molokai, asking that hor son bobrought from Molokai and placedunder tho caro of Dr. Alvarez ntKalibi, was also deuied.

Tho potitiou of Keki, 7-- yearsof age and a resident of tho islandfor i7 years aud addicted to thouse of opium for 10 years, to boallowed a Biuall quantity of opiumdaily from tho govorumeut dis-pensary, brought up a discussionon tho practiso of giving opium to y

auyono. Tbo opinion seemed tobo that tbo kindness of tho Boardyjas boiug abused and that it wastimo to call a halt. Thosuggestion was also madothat tho Chinoso Hospital mightinaugurate a special ward foropium smokers undor tho Hagoytreatmout. Tho potition was de-nied.

Dr. Aiken of Paia, Maui, askedfor three months loavo of absontoon account of asthma, and statilthat Dr. McConkoy would attendto his business during hia absenjjo.Granted on condition that hissubstitute is a duly licensed phy-sician.

Dr. McGottigun of Hana, Maui,reported undor duto of March 17two cases of Gorman measles, bothJapanese Ho had caused them tobe isolated us a precautionarymeasure.

Dr. Androwsof tho Board ofExamiuors ropoited favorably ontbo application of Dr. T.T. Frenchfor a lioouso to practiso nicdiciuo.On motiou a rocommoudation wasmado to tbo Ministor of tho Intoriorthat tho lioenso bo granted.

Dr. Greoufiold mado a roport outho examination of cortaiu agedlopera at Honokaa, Hamakua,mado by himself aud Dr. Stow,stating that thoy would bo for-warded to Honolulu as soon astho weather pormittod.

Dr. Jordan wroto from Hong-kong regarding tho smallpox atthat port, giving a list of thocases aud tho steamers ou whichthoy arrived. Ho mentioned thattho Btoaraer Empress of Indiawas quarantined at Hongkong onaccouut of an outbreak of small- -




4f ,

' .'.


II !',!t. i


mI i 'V .. . ,'-',- J V 4 , dMidMmdMMMM M)

. .. .. '..- - .'... J-- . r'iAair '&&& A mU IlMwiAlKu'?lA:i;-- raiA-i-- . . tMy'f .av. tk2Lxm rJ .fcaaft s









Havana CigarstfUST RECEIVED BY

ftOLLISTER & CO.From the Factories of

I-i-a Intimidad,La lEspaiiola,La jfricaria,Henry Olav & !Bock & Co.

Corner Fort &

MUSIC. , . , For Everybody:The only complete lino of

MUSIC GOODSIn thn Iluttds. A few ofour specialties ....

Kingsbury Pianos !

The perfection of art inPiano milking

CHICAGO CO ITAGB ORG ANrf, Uuequaled In tone, beauty anil con-struction.

RKGINA MUSIC BOXES, the Kingof all, plays over one thnusaudtunes.

AUTOHARP3, everybody's Instru-ment, a eh I Id can play It.

GUIFAIU3, we carry the celebratedHenry F. Mason, Harwood andother make", from SI up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &Cole and other wellkuownmakes.

ACCORDEONS, the celebrated "lni-perlal- "

and other good lines.

I And n thousand and one othersmaller instruments too miinerotis tomention.

Our celebrated Wall, Nichols Co."Stab" Brand of


Are the best made. Uoe no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all instruments.

Our stock Is the mnt varied to befound this side of 'Frisco, unl tbeprices the same as you pay in theStates.

All instruments sold on easy month-ly payment.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,The money navera for your

ffi 4JW1 l iMVw ' Jr -tf '

8gr.gSwEo3gz.tra ?ttff

2!Po5 S 3

s' H.

en SfSS- 3 pWs.S8sr DC v

7) "0 3

V-.!- WWWri''A!i?C-'- !

Merchant Sts.

L & C.If a man's dinner is riqht,

and ho rises from tho tableconscious that his wife hasused tho same judgment as toprico time she did in the selection of tho articles disposed ofthere can be no indigestion tofollow. Our goods are of thokind which bring health,happiness and a fat purse.

Table delicacies are a fadwith us they arc bought because wo known the averageHonoluluite is fond of goodthings for tho stomach. Ourprices arc below tho averageand special inducements areoffered to cash purchasers. Ourlatest importations include thobest goods obtainable in theEnglish markets.

Copeland's English Peas:Iflnl a Tlrr I.. hI'iimaI ? TVf..vuu a iiuu, i.lUbnuiui 111 .HJ.UB

tard Sauco and CambridgeSausages in tins , are so wellput up that it would bo diffi-cult to detect the diil'ercncobetween them and tho samearticles direct from tho market.

"Teyssonneau" is a longnamo to put before Pato buttho combination malces tho besttid bit ever placed bofore agourmet. Thcso arc goodsthat anyone may cat withoutfear of indigestion following.They are put up in tho bestfactories in Europe and cometo us in elegant condition.

Lewis & Co.,


Kort Streot. Honolulu,

A Quiet Shave

Can be had at tho


Barber -- :- ShopPaoukco fe Fkhnandkz.




USTotstzsr ZFiafolicTelephone 258, i : t i No. 210 King St.

Subscribe for tho Evknino BtHlftim 76 cents per month.


pox on boiml tun tlnv nftor liorarrival from iliipau. TIioid weroup to ditto IS1.) uiiBog, of which 18were EuroneniiB, with oun tlentb.

Sovornl lottorrt wero rccoivodfrom Dr. Eldrcduo of Yokohamain relation to tho Binnllpox epi-ilomi- c,

which ho suites wa8 slight-ly inoroasinc iu some portions oftho in foe tea districts and dimi-nishing iu others. Ho called at-

tention also to two ensos of thopluguo which had been reportedfrom Formosa aud stated that hohad roasou to boliove tho djscascwas lying quioscont at Formosaaud that it would probably broakout on tho rocurreuoe of hotweather. Ho foarod thatit would enBily gnin afooting iu Japan from thofroquoncy with which small trad-ing vessels, manned eutiroly byJnpnni'HO, piitw'd between tho twocountries. The doctor nlno statedthat tho Jopaueso people were iug

rostivo under tho rostrictioqs imposed by tho qunrnntiuoregulations of tho Unwniinu audUnited States Governments.

Miuister Cooper from tho com-

mittee to exnmiuo into thu ado-qunc- y

of tho present laws for thorestriction of tuberculosis saidboth himself and Dr. Emersonhad carefully examined tho spe-cial laws ou tho subject. Therewas some doubt whether theywero sufficient for tho purpose.The committee whb of opinionthat tho Board could obtain juris-diction by passing n resolution totho effect that tuberculosis wasprevalent in the islands and amcuaco to public health. Thiswould bring tho inultor directlyunder the control of tho Hoard.

Dr. Emerson agreed with Min-ister Cooper and offered a resolu-tion which he thought would cov-

er tho mutter. Jt was read anddiscussed, and the general opinionof the Board being that it was notstrong enough it was roforrodback to tho committeo with instructions to report at the nextmooting. After tho passngo ofthis rosolutiou tho Board will takeimmediato stops to stamp out thodisease. Tho stutoment was madethat the Woodlawu dairy peoplewere not only willing but anxiousto havo their cows oxamiued, pro-vided tho inspection was legallymade and by compotont officials.

Minister Cooper stated that thonext regular steamer from theOrient would havo on board thenew Minister from China to theUnited States. llo understoodthat ho was desirous of landinghero and paying his respects totho Hawaiian oilicials and greot-in- g

his couutrymou. Ho wishedto havo the souso of tho Board asto whothor it was advisable tomake an exception in the (inaraii- -tine regulations and allow theMiuistor to land.

Mr. Brown said most decidedlynot. Ho was opposed to makiugexceptions for anyone. If theChinese Miiiiitor was allowed toland, ovory cabin passenger ontho Gaelic would have tho sameright. Ho was decidedly opposedto making any oxcoptiou whatever to the quarantineregulations aud would movethat it bo tho sense of the Boardthat nono should bo mado. Thomotion was strongly supportedby other membors aud paesodunanimously.

Agent Keynouis made a vorbalreport that a whaling ship recent-ly called at Kealakokua bay andtook on a quantity of water andballaBt. Tho vessel was notbourded by any physician duringher stay. Asked if tho voosol hadbeon boarded by any customsofficer, Mr. Boyuolds ropliod thatHo could not say. lie thought not.

JJr. JJay invited tho morauers oftho Board to tako a waaonottodrivo with him on Saturday aftor- -

lioon. I'D in brought out tho factthat soyural members of tho Boardwero not in accord with Attornoy-Ueuer- al

Smith on tho location forthe proposed now cemetery. Dr.Day has found a sito which hoconsiders moro suitablo than anyyet montioned and ho will show itto tho Hoard on Saturday, but atpresout won't say whero it islocated.

1'iir limit,

A cottage, Btablesand servant's quarters, situate ouWildor avenue. Largo groundswell laid out and planted withfruit and ornnnieutnl trees; onofull set of furuituro and cookingstove can romnin in tho houso ifwanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,210 King streot.

King Bros, havo just filled anordor for 200 colored Hawaiian,photos for a party iu America.

No Causefor Alarm!!!

Now that we have found apreparation that is a powerfuldisinfectant, perfectly harm-less, freo from odor, con-

venient to use and at tho re-

markable low figure of

5 Gents a Gallon.No prudent housekeeper can

afford to run the risk of con-

tracting sickness, which is suroto occur, should you neglectto keep the sowers, cess-pool- s

and outhouses in a perfectlydeodorized condition.

Purifine 25c.Any Physician will endorse

what wo cluim when wo tollyou that nine tenths of allfevers and alike illness is theresult of carelessness abouttho sanitary conditions of thopremises.

Purifine 50c.Ono great objection to most

disinfectants is that they havesuch a (lihagrecablo odor. Purif-ine is odorless.

Purifine $1 00.Don't delay in purifying tho

air you daily breathe andtrust to kind providence thatyou may escape illness. Nowis tho time to commence thegood work, don't wait untiltho dead heat of summer hasarrived; it may be too late.

Take time by the forelock.To bo forewarned is to be fore-

armed.Purifine in quantities to suit.

Wo are the Sole Agents.

Hollister Drug Co.

"Hawaii'sYoung People."

The March number of this Journalfor the (Students of tbe Public Hcboolswill be ou sale at the GnLDUN Rule:Ba.aak on MONDAY NJflXT. Itwill be full of Intero-ttli- i Articles,8hort Stories, Poems, etc. J.M.WKBB,Sole Agent.


Tennis Rackets,1897 Tennis Balls,

Nets, Covers,Counters, Etc., Etc., Etc

Received Kx "Aluiaoda."




Geo. HafFner,

Jeweler,Watchmaker andEngravex',

pras Itomoved to

520fc FORT STREET,Club Stable Building.

Canadian-Australia- n

dmBtentners of tbe above Iiino running in couuection with tho

PACIFIC HAIL WAYBetween Vancouver, B. C., and Sydney, N. B. W and callinj? at Viotoria, B 0.

Honolulu and Sura (Fiji),

On or about tho dates below statod, viz.:

From Sydney and Hut. for Victoria andVanoourar. II. O.I

Stmr "WAHHIMOO" March 24Stuir"MIOWERA" April 24Sttur "WA1UUMOO" May 24Stair "MIOWEKA" June 24

Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Caiiiulu,United States mid Europe ,


D. MoNicotii, Montreal, Canada.KoDcni, Winnipeg, Canada.

M. M. Steiin, San Frnuoisco, Cal.G. MoL. BnowN, Vancouver, B. O.

Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service..

For San Francisco:Tho New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

" Moana "

Of tbe Oceanic Steamship Company willbe duo at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

A.pril 1, 1807.And will leavo for the above port withMails aud Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho New and Fine Al Stee Steamship

" "MariposaOf tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbe dne at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

.A.pril 8? 1897.And will havo prompt despatch withMails and Passengers tor the above ports.

The undersigned are now preparedto issue

Through Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

tSTFor further particulars regardingFreight or Passage- apply to

WM. G. IRWIN &C0., L'd,General Agents.

lmm Co.

Tixxx TatoloLOCAL LINE

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. forS.F.March 30, 1897 April 7, 1897April 27, 1897 Hay C, 1897

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.wlrrt'tr Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Mariposa, April 8, '97 I Moana, April 1, '97Moaua, May 0, '07 Alameda, Ap 29, '97

Poundmaster's Notice.Notice la hereby given that the fol-

lowing estraya havo been impoundedIn the Government Pound at Makiki,Honolulu, viz. :

1 White Goat; 1 "White Goat withblack Hues on the back, spots on thequarters, both curs cut; 1 She Goat,black with wliltopot on forehead andboth sides white, tall white, '2 hornsami ono ear out; 1 Grey She Goat withhorns; 1 Wlilto Kid, right car cut.

And If such estraya are not claimednud all pound charges satisfied on orbefore SATURDAY, April 8. 1897,at 12 o'clock noon, they will be soldon that date and hour to the highestbidder. K. KKKUKNB,

Poiuulnmster.Honolulu, H. I., March 23, 1607.

560 3t

Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers are furnished with from Aveto six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of nil deeds, miortguges, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc, etc, whichare placed on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A V. GEAR,210 King St, llouoluln

Steamship Line




From Victoria and Vancnuvrr, II. O., toSuva and Sydnerl

Stmr "WAimiUOO" April 18Slmr "MTOWRllA" M IfiBtmr "WAIUUMOO" Juuo IBBlinrMIOWEltA" July 18

tST For Frcisbt nud Passnso mid allGeneral Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Wilder's Sleamsliip Co's

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, 1'rcs. S. U.' HOSE, Seo

Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupU

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will llMlvn TTnnnlnln of in . .. ll.! .Lahalua, Maalaea Buy aud Makena thenuuo iiaj, juhhukoud, jvawauiao and

tho following day, arriving atII llo tho samo oveuhur.


frl'lny Mar. 2(3 Friday April 2Tuesday April 0 Tuesday... April 13

Friaav April 10 Friday. . . . April 23Tuesday... .April 27 Tuesday May--

Returning, will leavo Hilo at 1 o'clockp. M., toucliiug at Laupahoohoo. Mnhu-kon- aand Kawalhno samo day; Makena.

Maalaea Bay and Lahaina tho followingday; arriving at Honolulu the oftornoonsof 'luoBday and Fridays.

Will cull nt PM...ILI nWNo Freight will' bo received niter

12 noon ou day of bailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 p. m.itouching at Kahului, Haua, HamoaandKipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nuu, Kaupo, on second trinof each month.

No Freight will bo received afteir. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves tho rioht tomake changes in tho tiino of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must bo at tho Landings torecoive their Freight this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stock only at ownor's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in tho caro of Pursers.

Passengers ate requested to purchasetlokots beforo embarking. Thoso failing todo so will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent."

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Streot.

FOlt S'AXE.Uouse nnd Lot, 78x155 ft., on No. 71

Voting street; parlor, 3 bedroom, kitchendimug-room, etc.

Lot on Wilder avenuo 100x300 ft., fenced.LotB on Kinau nnd.Piikoi streets.

TO LET.Furnished Hoouib within five minutes!

walk from the Post Office. Also otherItcorns.

nouse on Beretania streot, near Piikolstreet; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath-room and an empty lot to keep a horw).

Uouse on Scuool strtet; parlor, severalbsdrooms, kitchen, pantry, outhouses andstable formerly occupied by Hou. W, H.ltlco.

Savings : BankNOTICE.

Notico is hereby given to Dopo- - I

Bitors in tho Savings Departmentof Glaus Sprockels & Oo.'s Bank, .

that on and after April 1. 1897,all intorest on thoir deposits willcoaso. ..

Savings Depositors may with-draw their accounts without giv-ing provious notico, or they mayloavo samo in our Bank on call,

GLAUS Sl'ltEOKELS & Co.Honolulu, Fob. 17, 1897.

53G-- td


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with dispatch.

All work carefully aud promptly ex.ccuted. i

1' l

CtT Okkicki Smith street, with SamuelKauolooknlaid Pun. Itesidoncoi Palama.

631-tlu- i

VT:.. ... .v.'.t. 4.:. .i ', ,. .. ,' ..... '.' m, i., ' .xw t .. .!' ...: ' , .. ;iV'. ," j.-.- '. .(..-- . . - ! .. " VS.,

izr 'vww

fI .












New GoodsMUEATA & CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

Cheapest in

MTJRATA &.CO., 301

C&ius Brnxcxru. Wm. 0. Iiiwin.


an JVandnco Agent The Nevaiia Bank of6am Fiiancisco.


Ban Francisco Ttao Nevada Bank of SanFrancisco.

L.ndon The Union Bank of London. Ltd.New York American ExchanRe National

Bank.Cdioaoo Merchant" National Bank.Farm Comptoir National d'Eacompt do

Paris.BehOk Dretdner Bank:IlONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Bongkong &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Aubtbaxj a Bank of New

Zealand.Tictoria and Vancouver Bank ol Mont-


Transact i Seneral Banting anlEiclaige Badness

Depohts Received. Loans made on Ap-

proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange, boughtand sold.Collections Promptlt Accounted For.

"Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business." Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

The ...Hawaiian Electric

Company,Cor. Ala&ea & Holekauwlla Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Eloctrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d t


Building Lots!At WATKIK1 on oar line nnd ou A

ROAD near FertilizingPlant

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the. city andother Properties tor; sale.

BRUCE, WAKING & CO.,' Dealers in Lots and Lands.

312 Port Streot, near King.Tblephonis 007. P. O. Box 821.

W. C ACffl&'CO.,Brokers & Dealers

REALJSTATECfT'Wo will Buy or Sell Heal 'Estate in

all parts ot the group.YST' Wo will Sell Properties on Reason-

able Commissions!

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

.Consoliilateu Ma Water Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.New Love's Building, Fort Stroot.

miT.T'TiTTnxrn'Xl.UlUUVilU Ali .

ii .'mwmm'Wm''EVENING BULLETIN, MARCH 25, 1807.

the City. ff

Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

RoblrjBOM Blook, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.

Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie MLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Op Capital Yon 4.500,000Beserve Fund Yen 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetie BankNew Repnniic Bnlldlng, ill Kins St, Honolnln.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

wines.Liquors and Provisions, SakI a specialty.

108 Keknanaoa Street. Telephono 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDElt of thvery boat materials and in the verylatest stylo, , , .

A. Perfect Fit


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


Just ReceivedCrockory and Ivorywaro,Erabroidored Fans,Shawls, ricroons,

' Wicker nnd Stoamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu Streot, Honolulu.

SHTJJST LOY,623J Fort Street, Tee Sing Tal Building.

LadiBS Drags MakBriJ3f Fine woik a specialty. Also, very

fine Underwear mado to order. All workguaranteed. '

417-Or- n

TOM CHUNG KEE313 Nuuanu Btreet.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle- -men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 14-2-


A-ttorne-v at Law

14 Kaahnmanu Streot.

Telephone No. 632. '498-C-


Book and Job P interMorohant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Storo. my 13,

Just Like Gold Coin.

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst ' all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the heud of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho homo.

It is not a new fangle remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revelation of the ingredients that on- -tcr into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will certainly give relief. You cannotatlord to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

BSTvPrico 25c. and 50c. abottle.

HoSIister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for tho Islands,

New EwaPlantation Co.

StockIn Blocks - to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

i3T Inquire of

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

108 Fort Street Honolnla





No. 142 Fort Streeb.XST TELEPHONE 012.J3

jG For twelve years I have mado thoClothing of our best people Their con-tinued patronage is a guarantee of 'mysuccess.

Cleaning and RepairingIn First-clas- s Style.

i .Ml1 1

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hnllingpplishlng and assortingcoffeo, we are prepared to buy nnd oleaucoffoo in the parchment.


OoJEfe !r Apply to



Painter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly and care-full- y

attended to. Telephone 810. ltesl-denc-

Kuaklni street. 623-C-


PLUMBER,Hotel St., near Fort. Tel. 8C2.




tlow lo ! It WIMinnt Mlt and ArM liytlio Lf or Muiiac.

This rcolpn in Kent. by foiuo ono whoany tlint suinno is butter in every wayfor skins tlinn suit mid acids, for thoskins can then bo washed whon ncccs-sar- y

mid will not feel damp in wetwoathor. lie says : The skins whioh po-pl- o

wish to tan nt home are thoso ofcats, rabbits, oto., and so only smallquantities will be required. Tnko bpound of sumso and half an ounoo ofpowdered galtpetor; mix together tillyon liavo a panto, and lay on' tho fleshsldo of tho hide. Rub this in with thehands or a brush ; roll the skin up for nweek, oponinrj it every day to dampentho paste and rub it into tho skin.

Tako n pull, put 4 ponds of', sumacinto it, and on it pnnr boiling wateraud stir nil together. When tho wntorhas cooled sufficiently to put tho handin it, dip tho skin in a fow tinieynnd then lay it in tho liquor. At theend of n week tnko out tho skin andwurtn up tho tanning fluid. Before re-

turning tho skin tho water must bo cold.Uncli (lny tuko tho skin out of tho liquorfor a fow minutes to giro it air. Inthrco weeks the skin will bo tnnnpd. Tosoften the skin, rub it on tho flesh sidowith pumico stone.

How Cimnuiiirttltm May Ita Fropaa-ated- .

Forty years ago tho inhabitants ofMotitono and neighborhood wero ahealthy, happy racu of splendid physique,to whom consumption was absolutelyunknown. Then Mcutono booame thoMeccnot tho consumptive. Thnpoasnutsleft their farms and tholr hoalthy livesto wait ou tho wealthy invalids. Farm-ers' wives nnd daughters beenmo wash-erwomen, constantly handling clothingimpregnated with tho germs of

Thousands of consnmptivcsdiod there, impregnating the Boii nndtho water with tho germs of their dis-

ease As the result, tho earth, air nndwater of Mcntouo uro infested witli thetuborolo bacillus and tho onco healthypeasantry is oonsumptivo almost to aman nnd a woman. Ko moro complotoor startling proof of tho truth of thoonco derided germ theory of disoasocould well bo imagiued than this.

A l'lirnKo rictorlitlly 1'rcnrntrri.

r) f)jgftor fiPSu.. S- -J3fr)Ei fasrV- - W 1

Sfes?s?K cmift

"HE BOON HAN TltHOUOn nlS PROPERTT."Now YofkSunday World.

Anchored.Anchored is what tho man said

whon ho dropped into tlio AnohorSaloon. Why? said his friend.Bocanso yon can always got acool refreshing drink served bygentlemanly attendants,' and ifyou happon to drop in duringlunch hour you will bo regaledwith solids as woll as liquids. Infact tho lunch nt tho Anchor issaid by many to ho tho host intown.a Tlio celebrated Soattloboer is on tap. It is sparklingand ico cold. Tho flnost of winesand liquors in town aro to bo hadat this popular rosort.

Superior breakfast oausago is aspecialty at tho Central Markot.Ring p 104.

Bo suro and call for a glass ofthe celebrated bock beer with yourlunch today at tho Anchorsaloon.

King Bros, havo just received apow lot of tissuo pupor, windownoles, sash rods, artists' materials,picturo frames, etc.

Now suitings and pants patternsaro arriving by overy mail steam-er for Ij. B.Korr. Ho sells a Bingloyard at wnolosalo prices. "

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nunanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Tortns: 25and CO conts por night. $1, and81.25 nor weok.

Storling, tho painter, is pro-par- ed

to quoto prices on roofpainting. Ho uses a composition ofcoal tar and coruent. Choapostand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Printed ducks aro just as good,if. not better than anything elsofor boys' shirt waists. Thoy washand wear woll, two very importantconsiderations. Eorr has them ina largo variety of patterns at eightyards for ono dollar.

With a largo lot of goods juBtreceived by tho Australia andAmy Tumor, tho Paoifio Hard-war- o

Co. havo another invoico oftho favorite Universal Stoves andRanges. Somo sizes wore sold assoon as sot up, but another Bup-p- ly

has boon ordered.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after tho Original'Recipo from tho Purest Ingredients.

13? THY IT ONOJil --m


527 Fort Street,


TUfEOi- - Bim $ 0ZLftHvITESHD.



CommissionDry Goods,

Hardware and




Hortw, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Swine, and Poultry.



.. Agents I


Doalors in- -

--r. O.IIOX

The Marvelous II air Xeaaody which prevents


Solo Agent, HonoliiU.17 Kant paitphlet freo application. V, O. Box 292, Telephono 2(J.

IIonololu, April 21, J890.Mr. O. Vf. IIactaiilakk: It affords me plensnro to recommond, any one whose hairfalling out, the nee ot lilt. rOTTIK'M IIAIHOIL. My hair was coming out at suoh

a rate led me believe that would soon becomu bald. After using the oil tar Ave weeksthis ceased entirely; nono whatever now falling out. consider the heat and onlyworthy remedy for this trouble and aUo recommend a stimulant to new growth.

BOMf Yours trnly, J.B.DANWM.

H. HACKFELD & CO.--Importers and


. Plantation Supplies. "

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Streot.







as to Iis I it

it as



Groceries, Provisions and FeelXow Goods Beteived by Xvery tackot from tho Eastern Btatea and Earope

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEBJ- AU Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Fart of the City FBEE,


imk,A .HilJ L, AiilMM'X,.






n. K




.Jx ti


: y

r: i








f Si-

. :44 rr i

, ftiIVk1









E''V f.




.5I?? Euepi Bulletin


THURSDAY, MAltCH 25,1897.


An important question niToctiugthe stntUH ot Govurnmout physi-cians Laving tho medical ciuo of

plnutatiou laborers 6taud8 to boBottled iu tliosuit of Dr. Raymondn2ai,U8t tho Taia l'luutation Com-

pany. The plaintiff is physicianto the Maluluni hospital, n publicinstitution, nt Wnilului, as well asGovernment physician for the dis-

trict, that includes tho eslnto of thedefendant corporation. A Japan-ese laborer injured while employ-ed on the plantation was sent tothe hospital, whoro an operationwas found necessary topave his lifo. Dr. Raymond tookit that this was an extraordinaryservice, which should not be in-

cluded in tho duties for which hois paid by tho Government audtho corporation. Ho thorofororendered an account for S250 totho corporation, tho chargo in-

cluding tho feo for tho operation.Tho corporation by its managerrefused to pay the bill, and thephysician now brings suit for thoSlay tinn of tho First CircuitCi'int to compel payment. It isan important question as statedwhich is involved, and . itdoes not como up for thofirst timo iu this lawsuit. ThoBoaul of liealth has been worriedover this aud cognate cases. Alsotho trustees of tho Queen's Hospi-tal in Honolulu havo lately takenaction ou tho question of opera-

tions, stopping tho practise ofhaving them performed in tho in-

stitution as a regular thingnpou patients without other com-

pensation than tho per diom feesfor accommodation and treatmont.In tho ense of Government physi-

cians iu tho country distriots,whether attached to hospitals ornot, it is to bo hoped that the suit ofDr. Raymond will bo a test case,so that tho 6tatus of tho physiciansin all similar instances may boestablished oneo for all. Govern-ment ph.vsiciaus are uot restrictedfrom private practiso in their dis-

tricts, oxcepliug by the exactionsupon their time of their attendanceon indigent llawaiiaus and thoemployees of corporations thatpay a certain share of their fixedcompensation. This exceptionwould be a .orious embargo tothoir private practiso only when

. epidemics or au unusual amountof sickness prevailed. As thowoll-to-d- o residents of some dis-

tricts aro fow and far between,besides boing an a rule probablyhealthier than thoso of countriesless favored in climate, tho privatepractiso of tho physicians is besotwith much physical hardship be-

sides being not at all lucrative.To obtain eiliciout medical talont,thorofore, for such districts thomatter of compensation to thopractitioners is all important. Totho lowly subjects of sickness andaccident, on the other hand, thequestion is equally important.AVhatovor tho issue of the con-

troversy in tho courts may bo, thoi public will have ono stipulation

to insist ou. Tho chances of re-

covery or of the proper mendingof fractures or contusions forpoor people overtaken by illnessor accident must not bo sacrificedto professional claims on the onoband, nor, on tho other hand, tomotives of economy on tho paitof either tho Govornmont or ofemployiug corporations obligatedto provide medical and surgicalattoudanoo for thoir laborers.

With u largo lot of goods jnstreceived by the Australia andAmy Tumor, tho Pacific Hard-ware Co. have another invoico oftho favorite Univorsal Stoves andHanges. Soma bizcs woro sold assoon as set up, but another, sup-ply has'beon ordored.

I HAPPILY 40INKII Tltli:illi:i(.

Continued from lut 'djr.

Soon after It) o'clock Dr. andMrs. Coopor left for tho train, tospend tho first fow days of thoirhoneymoon at Dr. McG row'sPearl Harbor retreat. Mr. Dil-lingham had tondored them thouso of a special train as a weddinggift. Tho happily mated couplewill leavo for tho American tourin tho steamor Mouowai on tho1st of April. They will bo attend-ed by the best wishes of au

oxteusivo circle of friendson this, as upon tho great voyageof life in which they havo taken a,

singlo boat. Tho bride-- isono of tho most accomplished,charming and beloved membersof Honolulu Bociotv. Having afine tulout, perfected undormasters at homo and nbroad,for music both vocal audinstrumental, sho has loutit cheerfully not only to divinepraises, but for the aid of ovorybeneficent object on bohalf ofwhich a call for rucIi assistancehas boou made. Tho bridegroomis besides an ouviably popularphysician nn alhouud good followwhom to know is to like. Maytheir married caroor bo long audalways happy, istho Bulletin'swish for tho central .figures inyestoro'on's ovont most auspiciousas it was in pleasant accompani-ments.

iooi m:v.s ruo.ti mv..

1 1 I'm vy t'lTlltlullnii isilns-- t mi Kiiur-moiial- y

liirroittctl Yield.

Ewa stockholders aro rejoicingover tho results so far obtainedfrom this season's crop. Tho bigmill is tumiug out all the wayfrom 100 to 140 tons' of sugareach working day. Figures worehanded round among a favoredfow in town today showing thatono field of cane, containing 11)6

acres, has "yielded an avorago of11 and tons of sugar totho acre. It is boliovod for thosizo of tho field that this avoragohas novor been equalled. Itshows what can ba douo by scien-tific and freo fertilization.

Two big whito horses drawinga heavy dray ran away from thoPantheon stables this afternoon.Fortunately thoy turned intoHotel street and were stopped bo-for- e

doing any injury. Had thoygone down Fort streot someonewould have been hurt, as thostreet was full of carriages at thotimo.

For n few minutes last eveningtho residents of Kapiolani parkthought they wero to bo visited byanother tornado.

Meeting Notice.

AU (lini-t-i wlin have totht) application for charier for mi I.O. It M. Tribe in Honolulu aro luvlt-t'- il

to attend a buMnees nict'llnj.' onFriday, Muicll 20, 1897, at 7:30 I'. SI. inK. of l Hull, Fort street. A full

is denlml us Important busi-ness will lit tianeacteil Pr order,

J. F. EOKAKDT,507 2 AutliiK Secretary.

Special Meeting.

A Special Meeting of the Stock-holders nf the People's Ice &, Ke'rlge-ratin- g

Co. will be held Saturday,March 27, at 9 o'clock a. in., at theoffice of the Hawaiian Safe DepositCo, on Fort utreet fi7-2- t

Meeting Notice.Kimiehniiipha Lodge nf Perfection,

No. J, A & A. S. R., will hold a Rm-ula- r

Meeting nt 7:80 o'clock THIS(Thuisdny; EVENING, at MiwoulcTemple. C. U CKABBE,

507 It Secretary.

For Rent.

Furnished Homo on Bere'unlastreet, the resldfiiee of LouU Murks,completely furnished throughout andreidy for Immediate occupancy.

Apply to507 tf GEO. E HOAUDMAN.

Just .ReceivedPer "Martha Davis"

1 Large Surrey,(For Family Use)

2 Phaetons,2 Top Road Wagons,2 Frazer Road Carts.

KT" These Goods aro for Pale atbedrook pr'cpH. On exhibition at theCi.nn

G-u- s Scliuman.507.1w



March 22, 1S97.We have recently imported

a few little novelties for thehousehold which we are surewill find ready appreciationamong Honolulu people.

A Cigar Rest and Ash Trayis something new. It can befastened to any table and isjust the thing to use during asociable game of cards. It isas easy to adjust as a letterclip, contains a receptacle forthe lighted cigar and anotherfor the ashes. It takes up littleor no space, doesn't tip yourhand to the other fellow ormake anv side remark's about

(your baa playing, but by itsconvenience leads to that reel-

ing of satisfaction and content-ment without which no mancan properly play the greatAmerican game of whist.

People have often wonderedwhy barkeepers always mixcocktails to order .instead ofmaking up a lot and keepingthem on hand. The reason isthat they never taste as wellafter standing. The same rea-

soning applies to lemonade, thedelicate aroma of the lemonand the other stuff you tlavorthe lemon with disappears onstanding. We have LemonadeShakers in sizes to suit fromone to six persons, so that youcan make just the requisiteamount. They are in silver ornickel as preferred.

Gem Ice Shavers will befound both economical andlabor saving in mixing colddrinks.

Have you a dog? If so youhad better get him a collar anda license tag. We hav thecollars in allsizes, shapes andstyles and the tax man will dothe rest

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.



Yielding to a universal do-main!, I havo again inaugurateda series of my

i PopularWatch. Glubs.

Most of you aro acquaintedwith tho mode of procedure, hutto thoso who aro not, wo wouldexplain, that it is a plan devised,whoroby yon got a Fine SolidGold "Watchjof recognized valuo,by paying a weekly sum of



It is of espocial value to thosowho could not afford tho ontiroamouut in ono payment, andappeals to thoso who do notcaro for the Dollar it costs themevery woek.

It took less than ono wook tofill ono qlub complete, and onohall of a second club. This aloneis sufficient guarauteo of itspopularity, aud of tho confidoncoplaced upon tho reliability ofthoso in charge. Club uumberono draws today.

Club number two will bo fullbefore the next week is out.Each day adds from ono to twodozen uames to tho list.

Will you bo ono to join thiscoming week.


'wntf$tp "' fJHP PpMPii,?'wIJll' '


Tho plated spoons and forksmade by the Holmes & Ed- -

wnrris Silver Company crtntiotuo uisuiigmsnuu iroiu sonu sil-

ver, except in weight. Thepatterns aro identical with thosolid goods, and tho bowls andhandles are reinforced withstorling silver, so that thosoparts of the spoons which comoin contact with tho table arewell protected and will lust, aslong as solid wnro. Every piecesold by us is" guaranteed bytho manufacturers,' by this cer-


"Wc guarantee these goods in or.dinary family service to wear Twenty-fiv-e

Years, and in hotels from Ten toFifteen Years. We alio agree to ac-

cept as half payment, such goods asshow wear during next five yearsafter the term of guarantee, if other-wise in good order."

In buying these inlaid goodsyou practically have tho use ofthem for thirty years at halfwhat you originally pay forthem. No other manufacturcragive such a guarantee; no othermanufacturer can afford to.

Wo believe we have tho lar-

gest stock of cutlery in Hono-lulu, and it is from the bestEnglish and American manu-facturers thoy make goodknives in the United Statesand our prices are low. Thobest makers are usim grained !

celluloid as a substitute forivory handles and thp effect isvery pretty. Bono handles turnyellow, tho celluloid' imita-tions do not. The price is infavor of bono handles, if cheap-ness is the object.

Medium knives, bono han-dles, $4.75 a dozen, with cellu-loid $G. Dessert, ivory handles$5.75; bono, $4.25. .Roger'sEnglish knives, bono handle,$3.50. Dessert $3. Platedknives $2.50 and $2.75. Largeassortment of carvers from $1to $27 per sot.

Von Holt Block.




And tho following days, I will display nnew lot of

tacli - l'atta - Uiife,'BONNETS I

And Novelties. Also


Will be tho feature of

MY OPENING-- :- -:- - DAY!An Inspection solicited,

""""" "Hespectfnlly,

MRS. M. HANNA.3 td Fojt street, Ilonolnln, H. I.

Attention, Company A.AitMonv Company A N. G. n

Honolulu, March 25, 1807.Evory Member of this Command la

A lieroby ordored to report nt the DrillSUnd THIS (Thursdny) EVENING,Mnroh 25. nt 7:30 o'clock, forDrill.

PAUL SMITn.507.1 1 Cnptaln Oommnnding.

Hawaiian Soda Worksnro prepared to furnish Private Fami-

lies with a really Good, Pure SodaIn tho Now Bottles.

Belfast G-ing- Ale.012, at Runny South.

- 605'lw


All accounts ot THREE montlia orlonger slundlng, will ba plneeil In (lieliuuita of our attorney Jor collectionunlcHM Immediate stittleinent, made.552-15- t J. J. EQAN.


Is theBest g'

ROYAL BakingPowder


quired, for use. They may work oneday but fail the next. Such pow-ders are a vexation, and waste goodflour, eggs and butter.- - ROYALworks uniformly. The last spoon-ful in the can is as good as the first.


Brs. Maybe and Mustbc.

You choose the old doctor before the young one. Why?Because you don't want to entrust your life lii Inexperiencedhands, true, the young: doctor may be experienced. Butthe old doctor must be. You take no chances with Dr. Maybe,when Dr. Mustbe is In reach. Same with medicines as withmedicine makers the long-trie- d remedy has your confidence.You prefer experience to experiment when you arc concerned.

1)$Hollister Drug

Pacific Rebecca Lodge,

Times Party'

Friday Evening,

Dancing. AdniiSSiOn

Honolulu Sanitarium




spoils, useddirected always

makes delicious,pure, wholesome,perfect food.

Other bak-

ing powdershold

their leaveningstrength until re

Go. Agents.





Evory NightWednesday nml


Cents!Beats nt Company.

of Tenders for

mi U5w rcai;uy may pc ffooa out let somebody else proveIt. The old remedy be good Judged on Its record of

SC cures. Just one more reason for choosing AYER'S Sarsa- -in preference to any other. It has been the standard

g sarsaparllla for half a century. Its record inspiresHI t of cures. If others may bo good,

N Sarsararilla be. You take no chances when youm? take AYKU'S Sarsaparllla.


6R0CER F0- R-



1--vS' rrUNKB.PETERS0NaC0.COMr ACtNIiu ui jt. tui rnuuxs

No. I, i, 0. 0. F,

'A Hard




6IJU-- 31

1032 Kiurj Street.

A Quiet, Homelike 1'lnco, whoro TrainedlIusHne, ''Swedish Movement,"

Daths, Electricity and Pliyicalruuy be obtaluca.

P. S. KELLOGG, M. D.,Telephone C39. Superintendent.



Omens 203 Merohnut street,Dlook rear ot J. O. Cartel' office. V. O.Box .T5d

neverand if


will not





This Week.Matlnoe: Saturday.

25 and 50Itesorved Wall, Nichols



Up must

Jp parlllahouseholdconfidence yearsAycr's must





Sealod Tenders will be recolved atthe olUce of the uiulv rslynoj up to 12o'clock noou, Tuesday. M.iroh SOtb, forpupplylnfi the QueenS Ilodoltal withreah Wlilto ami lirown Bread, forSI1 yri'ro,lrl AI'' lt. 1807, toMurohMat, 1808, In bUfib ilui.y uantlltc aanmy be ordered from lime to time bythe Superintendent. Tho Board ofTrustee iloet not bind Itself to ac-cept the lowest or any bid.

QUO. W. SMITH,Beuretary Queeu'a HurtpUal., m ot



.-- J





."iA j as i J:& -

.''? . .fiai. 'Jt.ii


Co. A drills tonight. ,

Goo. E. Doardmnn has a housofor rout.

Good grocorios aro tho card nt"Wntorhouso's storo.

Kainohamoha Lodgo of Perfec-tion moots this ovoninant MasonicTomple.

Born In Honolulu, last night,to tho wifo of E. '11. Adams, a

--daughter.Wray Taylor, Electoral KegiB-trar,- iH

issuing supplies to thodistrict boards.

Tho Fornandos mortgago saleby W. 8. JJuco was postponed to-

day for ouo weok.

Tho concort nt tho Kaumaka-pil- ichurch will be tho attraction

for Saturday ovoning.Tho Commissioners of Educa-

tion, will hold tho usual wcoklynieotiug this afternoon.

S. Hirai has been officially received as Elovo Consul to thoJnpaneso Consulato-Gonern- l.

Inspector SatnMacy handled thovast array of hacks with muohability at tho wedding last night.

Subscribers to application fora Red Mon's charter are called to,a business mooting tomorrowevening.

Two Ohincso chefn fionds weroarrested today: also a Portuguesenamed Joso Forroira as a fraudu-lent debtor.

Gus Soliumnn has received newvehicles by tho Martha Davis,which ho ollors elsowhero at bed-rock prices.

Last night's wind did not bringmuch rain. Only eight hundredthsof an inch was noted at PrankBrown's place. .

Tho work of removing tho tolo-phon- o

wiros preparatory to takingdown tho tower on Honolulu Halohas boe'n coramonood.

Judgo, do la Vorgno fined aChinaman with tho ugly naino ofNg Ung 50 this morning foropium in possession.

In thd list of fish examined byInspector Eeliipio at tho FishMarket last week thorn worn no





less than 64 distinct varieties;3. S. Walker "roceived but ono

bid for repairing tho bark Bosalie.It was out of sight, and the barkwill bo .offored at auction Satur-day.

In tho polico court this morn-ing Frank Lillis and W. J. Mor-row, arrested on suspicion ofhaving opium iu possession, worodischarged.

Judge "Wilcox this morninghold W.tT. Coelho, tho defaultingclerk' of tho District Court, fortrial in 'tho Circuit Court on thocharge of ombezzloraont.

A moukoy belonging to theWhite Houso on Nuuauu streetgavo birth to a liltlo one thismorning. It is believed to bo thofirst event of the kind' on tho isl-

ands.A council of tax assessors is in

Bession at tho head ofuoo, consti-tuted of Jonathan Shaw, Oahu;H. 0. Austin, Hawaii C. H. Dio-ko- y,

Maui, and J. K. Farloy,Kauai.

TI13 new Portuguese Kinder-garten on Miller street will boopened tomorrow morning at 10

j o'clock with" appropriate oxor-yjiBO- S.

All those interested are' 'cordially invited to atteud.The many frionds of "W. S.

Edings hope he will be appointedto succeed Judge do la Vorgno.Mr. Edings has many qualifica-tions for tho office besides thoseof legal knowledge and exper-ience

Don't forgpt tho closing out soloat the Temple of Fashion, it bo-gi-

April 1. Tho storo will boclosed on March 29, 30 and 31,when all goods will bo marked inplain figures at a reduction of 25per cent on tho actual cost price.

Tho practise of allowing younghoodlums from Queen streot toplay ball and othor noisy qamesou the grounds of tho Judiciarybuilding is one that should beBtopped, especially during ses-

sions of tho Board of Health orEducation.

Tho corset and ladies' shiftwaist sale at Jordan's Btoro is stillgoing but will positively closoSaturday. This may bo your, lastchance to socuro such bargains,

't Tho corsets are from "25, cents up' Vwl tho shirt waists aro going as

low as 40 cents.




I'i n r. Derlaloim I'llml TnUny-Oll- irr

llenrlnir In1'ronreM.

Tho Supremo Court by ChiofJusticoJuddhaB rendered a unan-imous opinion on tho nppoal fromtho Circuit Court, First Circuit,in its granting a writ of manda-mu- B

to coinpol tho Minislor of theInterior to filo articles of incor-poration of tho Oalm Sugar Co.It is found that tho articles con-

form to tho requirement of thostatute, thoreforo tho decision oftho lower Court is over-rule- d.

The law is thus stated:"The duty of the Minister of

tho Intorior to filo articles of nsso-ciatio- n

and affidavit when present-ed to him in tho form required bylaw Chapter 13, Lowb of 1890,and amondmont of 1890 andwhon formed for carrying on anybusiness or undertaking for whichindividuals may lawfully associalothomsolves, ie a ministerial act.

','No discretion or power ofcriticism or rojectiou is conforredupon tho Miuistor by tho statuto,nnd mandamus will lie to compolhim to perform tho purely minis-terial duty of filing" the papers,if thoy conlply iu form with thorequirements of tho statuto.

Circuit Judgo Cartor sat in thohoaring of this caBO in place ofJustico Freardisqualified. Kit)-no-

& Ballon represented tho peti-tioner, and H. E Goopor, AttorneyGeneral, ad iutorim, tho rospon-don- t.

Tho Chief Justice is also authorof a decision in Kahai and othersvs. Kuhia and othors, disinisHiiigtho nppcal of defendants on theground that it was from a deci-sion and not from a decree. Attho samo timo it is hold that thoCircuit Judge had no right to dis-miss tho appeal. Magoonv& Edingsfor complainants; Kaulia for

Justico Froar writes a unani-mous .decision of tho SupremoCourt on the appeal of V. dPeacock & Co. against the adversejudgment of tho Circuit Courtupon their claim for 81383.17 onaccount of duties on liquorsalleged to have beon unlawfullyoxacted by Jaes. B.Castlo.ColIectorGeneral of Customs. It is decidedthat tho claim is ono against theGovernment, und that tho CirouitCourt is without jurisdiction tohear or determine it. Tho excep-tions aro thoreforo overruled.Kinney Si Ballon for plaintiffs; E.P. Dolo, Doputy Attorney Genoral,for tho defendant.

In the caso of S. Takamori vs.i Kauai, dninnges for maliciousprosecution, justico Whitiug isauthor of a unanimous decision oftho Supremo Court, granting anow trial ou tho appeal of plain-tiff. Wiso for plaintiff; Little fordofendant. Tho decision is filedtoo late for a summary of the legalpoints settled. v

ThoSupromo Court today heardthe two following cases:

J. R. Wilson vs. L. A. Andrews.Wiso for plaintiff; Little for de-

fendant.C. H. Roso vs. Yoshimura ot

al. Robertson for plaintiff; Castlofor defendant.

Judgo Porry is hparing an oject-me- nt

caso at Cirouit Court cham-bers, which will be argued to-


.Seattle Hock.

By tho steamer Mioworn, thoCriterion Saloon reooivod u largeconsignment of the colobrated bockbeorf browed by tho Seattle Browing and Malting Co. This is thofirst" bock to make its appearance,and is a sure indication of bettordays.

Judge de la Vergno is hearingtho caso of Willie Solomon thisafternoon. Willie is charged withabstrnotiug mail matter from thopostoffico. Whon arrested onanother charge last weok, Williohad in his pockdt a draft on O.Browor &, Co. for S17-1- , sovoralmoney orders, etc., which , worostolen from a postoffico box.

Portraits oulargod from small

fihotos and handsomely framedat Kiug Bros.

Nicely furnished rooms nt thoPopular Houso, 151 Fort streot,from S1.00 per weok up.

'. , ' I :h. ... i .

' ,' 'JsoijsiLM tu&&MJto"&'


One Road

To Our Store.Thoro's n well-beate- n path. It

leads directly to our doors.Throngs of buyers travorso itday after tlay. Shows that wenro strengthening tho friendlybusiness relation between thostoro and public without whichthoro can bo no real success.

Wo have tho best goods, thonowost articles in. our line, nil ofwhich wo sell nt tho closestmargin of profit to us. Wo arowilling that buyurs Minll havean opportunity of saving. Youcan do it.

Hobron Drug Co.King & Fort.


Good Groceriesnro not luxuries nowa- -

I clays; they aro necessities.Uoinpctitioii has brought thoprices down to a point whoreovory ono can have thorn. Wodeal in and keep, the best as-sortment in Honolulu. Inaddition to Staplo Grocerieswo have Dried Fruits in largovariety.


PEACHES.Hawaiian Poha Jam

than which there' is.nonobetter in tho market. This istho Wasstnan Brand.

Crosse & Blackwells.Cream Lucca Oil in pints

and quarts.

Jams and Preserves.

California & Spanish Olives.

Htickin's Soup,a dozen different kinds, tho

best in tho world.

Family Mess Porkin five pound tins.

&2T Orders by telephonepromptly filled.


Queen Stroot.

Elder Mr. Kinney lleatl.Mrs. Kinney, mother of tho well-know- n

attorney, died at 1 o'clockthis aftornoon. She carao horowith her son ou his return fromSalt Lako City threo mouths ago,being iu poor health as slio hadbeen for years. Funoral arrange-ments wero not mado whon thispaper wont to proas.

No. Schilling's Bestbalclntt puwder

co(Te fUvonuK eiltactttoila ml ipicei

are not as good as we canmake without any regard tocost. They are as good aswe can make with both costand goodness on our mindall the time.

; 'LilJJte

BC. "W.


10Allowed -F- or-Cash!



GoodsJust Iteceivcd per B. S. Australia

For One Week Only.

, Von Holt Block, King Street.


These opening budsof spring scarfingshave boon gatheredfrom a voritnbloEden of rolor cultureExolusivo formsdesigned to fill thodictates of bwoII drossnotions ordinaryscarfs cost as much.



"The Kash."9 Hotel street : : waTerley Block

We Make Shirts to Order.





N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street : : Honolulu:

2-W-ill Be Offered This Week ! -

You Can't Afford to Miss Them.

Patent - Shaft -

Invented and Patented by W. W. WRIGHT,

It Obliterates AM Horse MotionThis device can bo attached to Any Brake

' '.' with Straight Shafts. . .l

3V For full particulars, call ou or address

W. W. WRIGHT,556-t- f 1'roprietor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort Rtreet, aboro Hotel.



i XlAl

.. . ..&- -

! wr'.-

. V I fVi'i




Can 'You AiFord to be 'without themat the Prices Quoted P

Corsets ! Corsets !

FOR ONE WEEK QNLYCommencing Monday, March 22, 1897

Biggest Reduction 'Ever OfL'ered!

Thompson's Glove Fitting CORSETS -

Reduced from S4.00 to 50 Cents.Now, is tho time to got a High Grade Corset for 50c, and remembor this Mon



ster lteduction only holds good for

from SB.50 to Sl.oO for 1 "WeeK Only.Other Grades of Corsets from 25 Cents Up. Just think of it. ,

' a

Ladies' Shirt





From 4zO Cents Up for 1 "Week Only.A Seamstress will charge you more than this figure for plain sowing.

,v Shirt Waists from 40 Cents Up!t

No. 10-E- OBT STREET STOEE-N- o. 10


V' Hi







, ?:



.tfr.w i




l .tt--






m- -


M5 .


"Valuablo Business Proporly on

Nuuanu street, bringing a good aBas


toSevornl Lots near Punchbowl

and at Makiki, tbo Choicest Resi-


IProperty in tbo city. A

porfoct view from Diamond Head on

to Ewa, Honolulu and Haibor.Itto

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-


street, only fivo minutes

walk from tho Post Office as

We also havo Comfortable

Housos for salo on eaBy torms si--

tmted on tbo following streets;

Ijiinalilo. Kinan. Kukui, Has

singer, Borotania, Toung, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avonue,

runahou, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of tho

city on the instalment plan.

Several well established Lodg-

ing Housos. "

Cofloo Lands on Hnwaii and o

Pineapple Ranch with limo and

other fruit trees noar Bonolulu.



210 King Street and 207 Mer--1

chant Street.


Business Agency

L. C. Allies k Co. A.Y. Gear & Co.

Office 207 Merchants). Ofllcc 210 King Bt,


general Business Agents

Loans JJegotiated nud CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted.


Whan"The Fever"

the Bicycling fovor, catcbesyou (or you catch it) wo wouldliko a chanco to prescribo for you,not that wo expect to oilect a euro,only to Boll you a wondor inwheels.

This is what ono of tbo Hawaii-an Colleno boys writes to bis fath-o- r

regarding tho best wheel to buyfor bis sister: "I hold tbo Ramb-lo- r

second to nono in the country(tho U. S.), and if anyonocanshow a wbcol which has traveled

many miles as initio has withlittlo oxnonscf aB mino I would

vorv much liko to soo it. Besides changing tho gear from (ii

70 and tho saddle to ono of laterpattorn my entiro oxpenso for thowheel has been fifty conts. That

think is a protty good record,don't you? I am very much afraidthat my tires, tho samo oucs I got

tho machiue, will not last mothrough tho noxt season. Thoyare almost worn through all ovor.

will cost mo from S12 to SICgot now tiros put on, but it is

legitimate wear. I novor know apair of tires to wear as long and

woll as theso have, consideringtho amount of travel. When youconsidor that thoy bavo traveled

far as from Cleveland, O., toHonolulu, ovor all sorts of roadsand paths, you will see that thoymust needs wear somo."

Tho abovo opinion you willfiud to bo tho opinion of aboutevory rider of a ilninblor in thiscity, and thoro aro a lot of Ramb-ler riders bore. Our troublo hasbeen to cot enough wheels, themakers not realizing that wo want'97 stock beforo tho snow hasmolted iu their country. By thoAustralia this week .u received 7ladies' wheols, and six of them wohavo sold. By tho Miowera mailwo ordored 20 Ramblers and bythis week'B mail wo aro ordering 5more, ana wo navo orders in lor zRacers, so by return Australia wowill havo 27 Ramblers, and iu fut- -

uro wo do not proposo to lose tuosalo of any wheols by not havingthem on hand. Romombor thattho Ramblor is fitted with tbo onlytiro that has proved entiroly satisfactory in this country, tho great"G. & J." There aro imitations tothis tiro to bo found horo, but uyou don't find it out when you buythem, you will after you havo usedthem a while, to vour sorrow. Thogenuine "G . & J." tiro is to bo hadonly at tho Ramblor Agency, andthoro you cnu got tho right article,fully guaranteed.

When "The Fever"the bicycling fever

catches you,


E. 0. Hall & SonRambler Agency.

Importers and Dealers in

Sieel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 tc 123 King Ktnot.


WHAT?My S10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with best

quulily, No. 10 ilno, 0 in. yipo, (Jhain andl'lug, with wood rim ull complete. Otieidealers are ditmfounded, and resort to allmnunor of Tricks and bxcuscs.

Be not deceived, these lialh Tubs haobeen sold for $H until I reduced tho price.

I am prepared to no nil worK in my tineand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates tar.nisbed.

If you want a good Job cheap for Casta,ring up Telephone 644, and I am youimam

JAS.NOTTJB,Tinsmith t Plumber


ency210 King street

Fine and Life Insurance Ageqtyl Difficult Collections a Specialty


llmr to'l'mrrnt Taking Cold.A person in Rood lionltli rnsily resists

cold, lint when tho lio.vltli flags anil lib-

erties uro talon with tho stomach orwitli the nervous nystom a chill is easi-

ly taken, and, Recording to tho weakspot of tho lndividaul, assutaoa theform of a cold or pnoumonia, or, it maybo, jnutidloo. Of all causes of ooldprobably fatlgno la ono of the mostofllolcnt A jnded man coming homo ntnight from a long day's work, n grow-ing youth losing two hours' deep ovorevening parties two or threo tlmua nweek, or a young lady hoavlly "doingtho season," or young children overfedand with short nllowanoo of sloop, arocommon instances of tho viotims ofoold.

Luxury is favornblo to chill taking.Very hot rooms, feather beds and softohalrs oroatonsonsltivonoss that loads tocatarrhs. Somo of tho worst colds hap-pen to thono who do not loavo theirhouso nr even thoir beds, find thoso whoaro most invulnorablo aro often thosowho aro most exposed to cbango oftemperaturo and who, by good sleep,cold bathing and rogular habits, prescrvotho tono of their nervous system andcirculation.

Probably many chills aro contractedat night or at tho fag end of tho day,whon tired pooplo got tho equilibriumof their circulation disturbed by eitherovorboatod Bitting rooms or uudorhoatcdbedrooms and bods. "

The Chicago Chlirt Know Itottcr.'"


Fond Tather If poor papa wero todie, you'd havo no papa.

Littlo American Yon bet I would 1

Mnmina would mighty soon got mo another. Sketch.

Citizens Attention.Tlinon nrn dnvn nt flnnHldnrrihlo

anxiety and perplexity to all who

havo possessions or other interests

in tho Republic of Hawaii, and itis ilmu mm uur uiizuud unmu iurautiml understanding on severalimportant issues. Tho prospectsfor Annexation appear at presentvague and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo foretold withcertainty. There aro thoHC, also,who still fondly cling to tho hopeof n return to tho old order ofthings, and who canpot bo per-

suaded othorwise, yot this outlook appears far raoro hazy thanthat of Annexation oven to thomost hopeful disciples of thoMonarchy. But, fortunately, intho midst of all this uncertaintythoro is solaco in tho fact thatBuffalo Boor has came to stay andthat patrons of all sorts andopinions may equally sharo thebonefits of its invigorating andsustaining properties. Wo aromoreover nssured that this favoritebrow will coutinuo to bo dispens-ed as horotoforo nt tho Royal,Paciiio and Cosmopolitan Sa-

loons. ' t

Nicely furnished rooms at tboPopular Houso, 151 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.

Plonty of .Seattle bock boor ontap at tho Louvre saloon. Don'tfoigot tho number, 308 Nuuanustreet.

That picturo in King Bros',window which lias attraotod'somuch attontiqn is not tho portraitof any ono horo.

Torchon nud Valenciennes lacesaio still m groai (lomnnu. u. up.Korr has a choice lot, which ho isnnltinr, nl lniunaf nnaatmn rntoa

Oity Carriage Co., J. S. And.rado, manager. It you want a

haok with good borso and ooro-f- ul

drivor ring up Telophone 113,oornor of Fort and MerchantBtreets. Hack at all hours.

If yon want absolute porfeotionin Refrigerators, go to tho PacificHardware uo., tortno "Hygienic.It obviates all defects found inold styles, and orabodies improve-ments and virtues possosBed byno other.

Kroogor Pianos,Bwootest in tone,Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. "Warerooms atQ. Wost's, Masonio Temple. Of-

fice nt Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. C Tolo-phon- o



J. S. Walker,

1 - Estate - Broker



Dfealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Una for2 Salo nntl Lome on

Libernl Tor in 8.


1. Large Lot, Makiki stiett, fenced, 228foot fiontnge.

2. Lot on Klnau street between Alap&iAnd Kapiolani streets 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot on Lunalilo street between Alupaland Ilackftld streets,

4. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.f. Hon so and Lot on Green strcot be-

tween Kapiolani and Victoria.6. The Building known asThomas'Block,stories and embracing 5 (rented) stores

on leased ground.7. Lot corner of Kinau and Filkoi streets.8. Illce Land at Walkane, Koolau.0. Lot on corner of Hiuilu nnd Kea-utnnk- il

street?.(Between of V. A Bowcu

anil lot of W. M. Glflaril linviugfrontaye on Heulu street 2G0 feet.)

10. Houso Lot at Knknau 2, HUo. II.Patent 4523.


1 , 3 Cottngex on Queen Btrcct near Funch-bow- lstreet.

2 3 CuttngtB at Old Waiklki.3. Storo and Dwelling, corner Wyllle

and Nunaun, ready for occupanoy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Richards

streets. '

Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.


JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckela Block, Honolulu.p. o. Box, 331). Tel. 331.

TOUWill Never Xook

- - Like This

If you get your Clothes from

Jledeiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Eit Guaranteed."


Carriage Manufactory013 to 621 Fort Streot.

Carriages BuilderAND rtKFAIRKR.

MsniitliiuginAll Its Branches.

W. IV. WllIUUT, Proprietor.(Successor to Q. West)


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and Richards Sts.


Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhJuTs. TELEPHONE 490.

O. B. DWIGHTTake3 contraots for all kinds of STONE

WORK, monument work, cement nndstone Bidowalks and curbing. I have onhand tho hest Hawaiian .Btono, Chinesegranite, etc Fine stone for monumentalwork, Estimates given and lowest prices

assured. Telophone 633.

FAMILY SUPPLIES (, V ZEeecei-ved-. pex -- ixstrsuLIsu,Atmores Minco Meat in glass jars,

Old Homestead Minco Meat in 1 lb. pkgs.,Cuttings' Minco Meat in 2J lb. tins,

R. and R. Plum Pudding in 1, 2 and 3 lb. tins,Cranberries, Candied Peel,

California Sweet Potatoes,New Crop Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Figs,

Apples-- , Queen Olives, Asparagus,Maple Syrup, Edam Cheese,

Creamery Buttor, Hams, Bacon,Crackers,. Cheese, Etc., Etc., Etc.


CLUBDEoxt Street. - - - - "Xel. VT

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -- ; AND -:- - LIVERY..


HARNESS --- :- AJXT -A specialty.





Tho best of attention riven to animals left with us. Careful drivers, rcsnoctfuattendants, promptness. Hacks, Bnrries. Brakes. HuRgies.rhaetons, Wagonettes.



(Corner of Fort and



ina!Oitv Furniture Store,




Undertaker nnd Embalme

Main Telephone No. 63. P. O. Box No. 222 Branch Offlco Telephone No. 838. .

Oahu Lumber and Building Go., L'd.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.rMPORTEBS AND

Doors, Sashes, Points, Oils, Builders' Hnrdwaro, Wall Papors and'Matting, Etc. Manufaoturo All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office, Leleo, Ring strcot. Branch Offlco and Flanlng Mill, comer King andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, Leleo and Lot near R. R. Depot. Private track connecting with O. R. & L. Co. H. R. runs through our yards to R. R. wharf and any part ofEwa and Walanae stations. 483--tf

Bulletin; 75c. "er MonthA GOOD THING

Ohia. Algeroba and Pine Firewoce

Cut and Split (ready for tho Stove).Aho,



At Lowest Pricss, delivered to any part ofthe City. '


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

kwaiian Fertilizing

COMPANYIs prepared to furnish

4000T011S Cane FertilizerTo order fur 1806.

In Quantities to Suit;Orders solicited for a future de.

tiverj.A. F. COOKE, Manager.



N, 15 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of EealEstate and Purnituro.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 cents

per wonti.

Chas.212 King Street.





Contractor and Builder.

Offices and Stores fitted up andEstimates (,'lvcn on


HT: Odlco and Shop: No. 019 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

W. H. EIOKAED,General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

all its Brandies, Collectingand all Businosb Matioru

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oilico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstraot OiRce.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand comploto manner, and onshort nohpo.

F. "W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Offlco, 818

Port Streot. 215-t- f

Evening Bulletin- - 76c per month.





" .. . .. ,. .. , , wJ . ' '.I... "V.. !'.mmmiminWV, 'L' .LaflfeaU &Yi ..!.... !S :A ti'kdfa','&'lti

tmmBo-sjm- 'ry mstrsmtert " i'i rtfarwrV ..u i












AND- -



Scientific Remedy

Thoroughly Tested by

Time. ,

eo Suffering During Treat-


50 Injurious . sifter Effects.

&(p Loss of Time froii 'Busi-

ness. '

'Improved physical condition,absolute freedom from any

. desire for Alcoholic stimu-lants.

Length of timo required fortreatment Threo weeks.

Fees charged $100 for Alco


$40 for Tobacco.


Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further'' particulars, ad-- ,


Secretary Hagey Institute,Honolulu.


108 KING STItEET.-- O. J. Wallbb - - - Manager.



Naw ContractorsRefrigerated Poultry

-- ANE

Fresh Salmon


Mefoopolita fljeafc Jo.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nooanp Street.

F"or Yovii ClioidoOrders

The finest-- OF-

Always on Hand. Orderspromptly and carefully attended to. . i . .

HERBERT GARES,Solo Proprietor.

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Stenmer.

Table .". DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Berotanla Street, Waring Block.

fST" Telephone G80 --Ttt

H- - fltAY CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 it 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telophoner 22 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds

Foil TOE

Stale of California.Having been appointed and commissioned

a Commissioner ol Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oatbs.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To tako and certify the acknowledgment or

proof of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other instrumentsor record. '

A. V. GEAR,Telephone '.'Ml. 310 King Street,

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1896, $106,646.16

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Soorotary.Clmmbor of Commerce Rooms.Office hours, 12:30 1:30 PiM. 373-t- f


Royal Insurance Company.Alliance Assurance Copipany.Alliance Marino and General Assurance

Company.Bun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Mudgcburg Insurance Com-

pany. 'Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 12 Sprcckels Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Qonoral Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United States for the HawaiianIslands.

'OvridRt Merchant street, Honolulu.

evening Bulletin, 'march 25, 1897.

No Woodchnpiiliig- - Cnntrat.

Mlckoy McDuff Cassias FlMuiiRsin,preparo tor dio, tat wit ono swipo ofuio trusty blade nud if I miss yer tlerowon't bo n troo lof stauillii in dig partof dor forest.

Mr. Flnnnlgan Say, Mao, dls nin'tno woodchoppiu contost, nor baseballgnmo.' Dia is a broadsword contest forpoints. Now, mark mo! Whon I leadsMnrgucrlto Mnrtin tor do altar, I'm go-i- u

tor woar yor scalp for n nocktio. So,lay on, MoDuff, I'm dumod if I kinover tnko a blnfrl Truth.

Uow to Cook llcefntrak and Maatirooms.Wnsh aud plok over tlio mushrooms

oarofully and wipo tliom cloan andwhito on n wot, soft olotli. Out ofT thostalks. Have u poruolaiu Bauocpan forcooking tliem. Put thorn on with watorenough to cover them aud stow slowlyfor IB iniuuto.1 Add salt to tasto andpepper, and n tnblospoouful of butterrolled in a little flour for ovory quartof mushrooms. Lot simmer tbrco orfour minutes and stir in two ls

of croara. Lot simnior a fewminutes lougor and tiion pour ovor yourbeefstouk, wliich has boon previouslybroiled.

An Opinion."Is ho a scientific fighter?""Scientiflol" echoed tho pugilist con-

temptuously. "Why, ho couldn't parsea siuglo Funtcnco of his challenge I"Wnsbiugtou Star.

A llopelrM Guest.Ethel You may ask pupa, Mr. Vuu

Isho.Van Isho My darling, I'll never bo

ablo to find him. Ho owes mo 35.Tit-Bit- s.

CliKrlly.. "Did Mrs. Flyhigh send in anything

for tho poor?""Yes, she gavo two dozen Japanese

fans. ' Chicago Record.

A Cheaper Way.

WilTA w'BPr3JgfL fflO '

Little Jimmy (on bis first visit toNew York) Oh, father, father, lot mohavo n nickol, so I kin peok throughtho teloscopn an tvo the stars.

Reuben Comeon No, Jimmy, it'stow 'stravagaut. But they's somo iconp a lectio further. Yo kin slip dovnon it an sco nil tlio stars yo wautor fernuthiu. Now York .louruul.

Iteaimia Why.Thoro are two rensons why

people are now paying enr faroall tho way from Waikiki to thoPalama Grocery and buck. Reason1. It is tho only placo on thoI&lands whore tho celebrated Sal-vation Anny tea is sold. Reason2. Aftor paying car faro bothways pntrons find they uro moneyin pocket by dealing at this "liveand let live" establishment. Wealso deliver goods between Dia-mond Head and Moanalua free.

Haiiry Gannon,Palama Grocery.

Opposito Railway depot. Kincstroot. Tel. 755.


unuounces thnt President Diaz,of Mexico, has been decorn'fed by Em-peror William with the grand cross of"Rainier." President Diuz Issued anedict to the effect that no 'beer excepttho sparkling "Rainier" bo served Inpublic places, or on stato occasions.

On tap or in bottle at tho Crltcrio).

Seattle Hark.By the stoamor Miowora, tho

Criterion Saloon roooived a largoconsignment of thocolobrated bockboor, brewed by tho Soattlo Browing and Malting Co. This is thofirst bock to make its appoarauco,and is a snro intlinntinn nf ImHnrdoys.

Dr. O. B. rlnntiof rnduato Philadelphia Dontal Gol- -icgo, loyz. :uasonio Temple.

Singors load tho world. Over13.000.000 made and sold. Hir.1..eBt awards at tho World's Columbian Exposition for oxcollenco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, yront Rnntvl nl.justability, durability, easo of'oiuuiuy uuu cuuvuuiuncu ot

B. Borgorscn, agent.10J Bethel streets.



Lubricating. Oils

In Quality Excollod by None.

Atlantic Red 'Engine,Espooinlly adapted to Contrifu-g- nl

Machinery and High SpoodEngines. -

Capitol Cylinder,For Cylinders, etc.

Castor Mineral,For Stoam Plows.

Summer Black,For Car Boxes, oto.

Steel Plows

Wo carry tho following linomanufucturod by tho OLIVERBROTHERS' PLOW WORKS:

The C. & C. RICE PLOW,Sizos 5 to 10 in.; made for lightcultivating and all ordinury uso.

The QTJEEN,Sizes 0,, 8 aud 10 in. ; for extraheavy work.,

The MONARCH,12 and 1-- in.; for bronking andheavy plowing.

JEST These Plows, mado ex-pressly for us, uro woll braced,strong, light, and uro tho result ofcarejtu siuciy ol plantation uoeda.They havo mot with universalapproval whorevor used.

, Oust Received


Ice ShavesWhich you will find conve-

nient, for making quickCold Drinks.


rv-m- k

LllJi and 1PIRE



New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.


.....DEALERS IN....

LUMBER,B-u.ild.ex- s'


Paints, Oils andGlass

WallgPaper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street Telephone 20.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd ManagerOlnasHprookolfl, - . - nt

W. M. Giffard, - Secretary nnd TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, - . . ' Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents."AOKNIS or TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FOR2SEKE A?lcui!".rai.5?.mPJ!,y. 0"" kc.T ri" """" iki company, wa uku

Agents PbllaUelpliU UoarU of Umlerwtlteri.

list ,or orricEit.'):

PC Jonea. President: George H Robertson,Mannger; E F Bibop, Treiuinror nnd

Col. W FAllon, Auditor; CM Cooke.U Wnterhonfce, A V Carter. Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL IIOCIIS.


Cigars and TobaccoAI.WAYS ON HAND.


I-- .ICro-OBo- , ... XTop.

Por Day $ 2.00Per Week 12.00

The Best of Atteiidnnee, the Best Situs-tio-p,

nnd the Finest Menls in this Oity


Established 1374. ,

King St. near Thomos Square

Hornet Made BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

SST Served Frosh Evory Day.

H. P. SINGER,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oystex Cocktails

' ....AT....The Elite Ice Cream Parlors


Hotel street, uonr Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds,

V'rbe Finoat Imported and Horndtnnde Confectionery, -

Real EstatellfjBijS.

ior Sale.1 Two Stores ou Nuuinu itrcet.0 Lot on Magazine HIM, 120x2U( Jcct,

commanding an excellent view of the cityaud baruor.

it Lot on Hackfcld street, 80x100.-- A Choice Residence on Lunalllo street,

Davlnenll modern improvemente.5 I our Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

struct, all rented at a monthly rental of J104.This property is 210 feet on Punclibon stree,with a depth of 221 feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samefor 4 or 5 moro cottages. The central loca-tion of tho property makes It most available.

0 A Flno itusldcucc centrally located,containing 15 rooms. Lot 120x200 ft. Twosmall cottaccs on tho lot urlnirlnir In irood

7 A Commodious Residence on Hasslngerstreet, fitted with all modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.

B. A House aud Lot on Younc street.U House and Lot corner Victoria and

Ilcrctanla streets, opposite Thomas equate,house contains li rooms.

10 House and Lot on Young street nearthe residence ol tho Iter. Mr? Hyde. Lot110x140. House contains eight rooms.

II Pearl City Property.12 Desirable Tract of ColTce Land on Ha

wall.13 A most Dt'rtlriible Home on Thurston

avenue. Large groundo and beautiful (low-er garden; house furnished throughout inhnrdwood with nil latest improvement.Excellent view of the city and ocean, nndone which ennnot be cut oft'.

14 A Largo Lot nnd Commodious Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding an uuobstructed view of tbo citr and harbor. Nchoicer residence is to bo bad in the cityoven by the most fastidious.

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants quarters nnd stables. One blockfrom car lino at l'uuuhou.

1- 0- Only 4 of those Lots left near Katncba-me-ha

school.17 Two Houses and Lots on LNiha street.1H A House and Lot on Alakea street.10- -A Ucautlful building Lot at K alibi,

100x200, cleared, fenced and water hid QH.

avenue.20 A Hently bH && Kstreet of lOj feet, ftr,d commanding a blrdVey e view t.l the city a nd harbor.'i,."i5.lcKalU lkael1 Property at Walklkl.22 House and Lot on Peterson Lane, Pa-

lama. Housu contains (1 romr. Lot 75x110.SM Dwelling Home of U ro"ms, titled with

all modern conveniences Lot 125x110,Situated at Palama.

2t Vacant Lot on Walklkl Iload, lOOxUb.25 House and Lot on Nuuauu street.

House contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near the businesscenter of the city.

20 Elegant Residence at Punahou. Houseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot loox2oo, nicely planted with fruit and .ornamental trees.

2712 Suits of Fu mi in re complete andthe rental of the most desirablo and cen-trally located Lodging House in the city.

28 Pineapple ltanob 25,000 fruitingplants, 600 lime trees, CO Avocado peartrees, peach trees and Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, bnrn, eto. An Al investment.- 20 Ai Lodging House on Fort street 'on-slatin- g

of twenty furnished roouib, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargalu for the rightperson.

Notich: Can Negotiate Loans on any ofthe above property lor purchasers doarrlncsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of the raise.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street and 207 Merchant street.

To Mj Patrons:It gives me much pleasure

to announce thnt MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of the moatskilled wntehrankora evor iuthose Isjands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is bo complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fo-ot

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watches arehoir. Watohos nro delictitothings to hnndlo. Wo gu'aranteothat they will rocoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour store in porfoct ropair.


E. A.JACOBSON,607,Fort Street.


The celebrated EnterphiseBeer on Draught and inBottles. N




225 Quoon streot, Honolulu, H, I,


For tho Equino Tnblo iu tho '

way of all hinds First Class

HAY, 0 FEEDAro on snlo by tho


138 Fort St. Tol, 422.


Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock Droker. Fire mid Life Insnranee.

Campbell Blook, 200 Merchant Street.

u t rj .. . ,

i i h. . 1, l. . ' ,S.'l ' "1 't , . ...' r t t i ' ;-- f :::jfarutoi.tmkl!S fttetfft&lfcji ,L Uit3&: .iiJyki 'iiS&'iLMtiL tiweiMiiUJVKa&. ijis,ifcs"si













..n"V V

y I


;C. M


. KA'i."f-


- fji








at A


m itr imiiiii mX


rri tin mim iwEVENING MARCH 1897.

A Bona-fid-e ClosingOut Sale !

jffST On account of my departure from Honolulu I will for the next 3XTJLnL"fcy"

X3a,y JSJ offer $40,000 in

DRY GOODS, Ladies' Furnishings, .

Gents' Furnishings,

v Boots and Slioes,

Hats and Caps,

Dress Goods, Silks, Satins and. Velvets,Laces, Ribbons and Trimmings,

and all other Merchandise that a First-clas- s Drj' Goods Store general carries

- Not at a Profit,, -

Not at Cost.Rnt. at n THscormt,



3NTcw CSrOt tlxiss 'EPsLcrt XiaL-paressoc- i on"5r$iJLxr Memory:

3 A Discount of 25 Percent on the Cost Prico of every piece of goodsin tho Storo

$&r If you are skeptical get prices on tho goods you want at other storesand then compare them with my figures.

The TenTOle OJT FashiOn W'N bo closed on March 29, 30and 31, to allow our increased stall' to remark goods in plain figures.

.A. Sweeping' ZRecLttction of 25 Percent on tho CostPrico will bo given.

We Will,. .

ij at a







a ell Ygu U-ddc- Ls -

Dn and ilfter April "1

Price that will make you oxclaim,

130 YDU DD IT ? '




Must Close this Stock Out by July 1.

Temple of Fashion,TI. iBIXtUlkf - " .

- Prop,



More Lumber l'rom I'uect Nound-Ii- q.

liiE Aloiiff tho Ctlr Front tThe H.N. Warrimoo.

Tho etcamor Koauhou takes 125tons of bono meal to Punaluu thistrip.

Tho Japanese) steamship Saku-m-iuur- u

laft yoatorday for Seattle,Washington.

Tho ship Bonj F Packard mov-ed to Oceania wlinif this morningto receive sugar awaiting lior.

Tho S S Warrimoo from tho"Laud of Kangaroos" is lookedfor at any tinio. She was duo yes-terday.

Tomorrow, high tide largo 11:54p mj high tide small 11:10 a in;lowtido largo 3:15 p m; low tido smallC:25 a m.

Steam was gotten up in tho olddredger today. It is a useful oldmachine, and did good sorvico be-for- o

the now ono was built.Tho American ship E B Sutton

("il" tiny MfWnoo for New Yorkwith 45,608 bags Bugar. Tho boat-swain deserted tho other day. AJap was shipped in his placo.

Mato Nioholsen of tho Nooauhas a patent whistlo. A roportorwho happened to hoar its silverynoto was much ploased with it,and offorod to buy. Nio. wouldn'tsuit.

This mom, at an early hour, thobarkontiuo Skagit arrived in portfrom Pugot Sound with G05.00Qfeet of lumber for Wilder & CoShe had a pleasant possago of 15days irom Port Townsond.



Wednesday, Mar. SI.

Stmr J A Cummins, Semlc, from Oalinporta.

Tiiunsiuy, Mar. 25.StmrNocau, Peterson, from Kauai.Stmr James Miikec, Tullctl, from Kauai.Am tUtu Skagit, lioblnsou, from l'ujtt

Bound,Bchr Luka, from 1'aaullo.


Wedvesdat, Mar. 24.Sclir Eautkcaoull, for Hawaii,Am bktn S 0 Wilder, McNeil, for San

Fraucltco.Jap S S Sakura-mar- u, Brady, for Seattle.

Thursday, Mar. ?5.

Stmr J A Cummins, Stark-- , for Oahuports.

Stmr Mlkaliala, Thompson, for Koloa andWlmea.

Stmr Kcaabou, Thompson, for Koua andKau.

Btmr Lclma, NyevWor Olowalu, Honolilua,Hakalau, Honomu, I'ohauumanu and I'epec-kc- o.


Stmr Klnau, Clarke, for Maul and Ha-waii.


Ex stmr James Makec 28V) bugs Bugar.Exstmr Nocau-4U- O bag iunr, 15 pkg,


Ex stmr J A CummIns-0-00 bass susar000 ban rice.

Ex scbr Lukn-20- 00 bags sugar.

rvi:ssELd ih roar. 'NAVAL.

U S 3 Marlon, Greene, San Dlcgo, March 13.


(Coaatcrs not Included tu this list.)Am sthr Prosper, Johaniiceson, l'ort Gam-

ble, M inJi 15.Br Ik Ktiulinlicdt, ltoilscrs, Lhcriiool,

Fob 7.Am ship V E Ilabcock, Graham, 8 F,

Mar 'J.Am Uktn KllUItat, Cutler, Tit Gamble, Mar

Am bk Mlslihnd Light, Luvls, Departurellay, March 17.

Am scur John D Tallant, Trt Gamble, March

Haw bk Dtimoud Head, Waid, l't Illakely,March 22.

Am clir Kutlicr Uuhnc, Andeit'en, Eureka,Mar 22.

Nor bk Kantnnl, Anderstii.Newiastle. Feb 21.Mow bk Rosalie, NlssenX'lieiualmus, Feb 21.Am Hchr Aloha, Djbel, a F, Feb ID.Hk Culhio, Knstcr, Newcastle, Feb IS.Am ship K II Button, Carter, d F, Mar 5.Am bk Amy Turner, Wallcu, N Y. Mr 7.Am ship ilenj F Tutkaid, Allen, Kobe, Mar 8Am bk Martha Davis, Soule, d F, Mar 1U

I'nr llt'iit.A cottago, stables

and servant's quartets, situate onWilder avenue. Large groundswell laid out and planted withfruit ond ornamoutal trees; ouofull set of furniture and (lookingstove cau remain in tho house uwanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,210 King street. -

' m m m

Torohon aud Valenciennes lacesoro still in groat demand. L. U.Korr has a elinlcn lot. whinli 1m iuul4l1llirynflrMUftofi-,r,aail,1.-,.nt..- i &

I b !. ulUO,


Juilce Vllrn.!iinill the Ucleiulnutfor rrlnt In the Circuit Court.

Judge Wilcox prosidod at thoexamination of Wra. J. Coolhothis morning on a chargo of

Olias. Oroighton ap-

peared for tho defondaut, who didnot pload.

Judge do la Vorgno tostifiedthat tho defendant was clerk andinterpreter of tho District Oourtof which ho was tho judge, andthat as Buch clerk ho had chargoof tho monoy paid into court forfines up to February 8 or 9, wheninconsoquonco of information re-ceived from tho deputy marshalho found a shortago of S140 in thoamount turnod over by Ooolho tohim compared with that turnedover to Ooelho by IRo deputymarshal's clerk, lie called thodefoudant into his ofiico either ontho 8th or 9th and informed himof tho discrepancy and askod himif ho had beou borrowing anymonoy from tho govornment. Ho

,Baid nothing. 1 thon told him Ihad hoard lie had borrowed moneyfrom tho government while howas Marshal's clerk, lie thensaid ho had dono wroug andwould mako a full confession oftho matter. - Ho said he hadtakon over $140 of governmentmouoy in January. In roply tofurtherquestions ho acknowledg-ed taking money every monthsinco I had bcon judge out couldnot say how much it was in all. Itold him his services ascleik wereno longer needed. Later in theday ho repeated tho statements tomo in tho pteseucoof the Marshal.

Marshal Brown testified to theadmissions mado by tho defendantto Judge do la Vorgne in his pre-sence.

For tin defense attorneymoved that tho defendant bo

discharged becaubO thero is nosuch oillco as clerk and inter-preter of tho District Court, therobeing no law creating such ofiicoor defining its duties. And thereis no law by which tho defendantcould havo become entrusted withthe cuntiol und custody of themouoy Of the Huwuiian govern-ment as such clerk. Furthor therowas no evidence thai the monoywas embezzled or that it belongedto tho government.

Judge Wilcox overruled thomotion and or'dured tho defendantcommitted for trial at 'the nextterm of tho Circuit Court.

"Johnnie'' and Tils Useful Cne.

i" 4 ni-- '


- -- . CKviLvtiW'yyiii'Ii'.'u i v


3? " -


7PPir-77jT:r.7- -.


Toxns Siftlngs.


Veoaels Where irom DuoAm ship Iroquois SF ,Am l.k MnllMn, Pt Iitiki--H S leli;le 1' Mareli208 8 City ot Klo de Janeiro, Yokohama, Mar 2183 Wuirtujoo, ...Sjdney March 34Bk Bemlnole Newcastle DueNIc bk Dominion, ...N Newcastle DueGer bk Paul lecnbcrg... .Liverpool DnoSehr Louis NewcastloIiJ Newsboy NewcastleSchr Novelty NewcastleAm ship Reaper. , .New castleIlk Fnrtuna. . Newcastle ,....Apr0Schr Golden Shore. . .NewcastleSehr W II Talbot,, ..NewcastleBchr Echo ,, Newcastle. . ..,....."Haw bkI61anl.,.,.f.,Ncw York .... May 31Schr Olga Newcastle MurBIAm schr Alice Conk... Pitet Hound...,Am bktn Charles F Crocker,.. NewcastleIlk Nuuanu New YorkBclirWm llowdcn ..Newcastle. .. .AprHAm Schr Oceania Vance,,. New castle, AprJJUAinbkMnhUnn SFAm bktu W U Dlmoud,..8 F,





Mixed with tho famous

22EE3?I513 S3SBK


Wilt make a

DRINK!For the wenryaml thirsty that Mill bring

Joy to their Boulai


Merchants' ExchangeNuuanu and King Streets.


Art -:- - Fotos

The. Most Conlpleteand Aftistio Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited. - - .

The Latest Applicauces for FineWork pertaining U Photography.

52 Fort St. - - Tel. 151

Eag-l- e -- :- HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

JVTrs, Harry KlBmmQ, - - Prop

New Management.Commodious Rooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

New Market Restaurant.

John CommancliG having, leasedfrom D. McKenzIo tho pretnipes,known n ttie NKW MAKKEI'

next Mills' GroceryStore, on Merchant 8troet, will takeoliarge anil opeu out with a full sup-ply of euttiblos.

gjF Ordinary board, 21 tiokets for$4.60.

tft" Qamo and Poultry at transientrates. Call and fee mo.

JOHN CAMMANOIIO,545-t- f Proprietor.



Gor. Fort nud Queou Streets, llouolaln,


Wholosalo Importers and Johbora of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort and Queen Streets.


Dealers in Lumber and Coaland Building Materials of allkinds.

Quoon Stieot, Honolulu,

?.t, JK.


