j* ^stscssix.-; .;snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/wns/1865/... · 2018. 6. 27. ·...

THE WATERlfOUD NEWS \> ,,hlhhcd even/ Intlm/ Evening at -I!) King street (<i |>|i»Kitf-the I'rnvini-ial ttank.l I' mcr. T HUKK I' IINCK ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE ) 13S. STAMPED , •!(!.; Yiuni.v , 17 S. -ltl. PRINTING 1 or KVKI1Y DKSCIJII'TION FOR I'UI' .I.K; I3ODIKS , I'KIVATK INDIVIDUALS , MERCHANTS , AND TRADKKS IN liVKItY WAKK , S\l II' I I.II WITH TASTE , HASTE , ¦ AM) . * ritlCKS ASTON'ISIIINCI.Y LOW , (7'*. ' Qualit y nf the Work Cons idered), AT Tire News Book and Job Printing, MACIIINIC 15ULINO , AND 1UK)K-1SINDINC. ESTABLISHMENT , (Kf .V. K. 1!) S > - flo A" Street , Watcrfnrd. BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO CATnOMC CLERGY , BOOKSKLLERS , &C. On Sale nt The News Office , ( Witli •'"¦ KiTnmnu'iidatiiin "f <1«' Bishop of Walrrford and J.i. -uunf , tin; Iti^ht ISev, Ur. O'K RIBH,) A Catechism for the Instruction of Children, nv THE MOST Nov. Dr. .TAMES BUTLKR , Archbishopof Oashel nnil Eml y. 1 ' riutcd ou good Paper , nnd iu large clear Type. RIXOM.MKN NATION. " I approve of this Eilition of the Ri ght Kcv. Dr. J IMES liiiTi.K.n' ii Catechism , and recommend it to tlio Faithful of these Dioceses. " I). O'BRIEN , it.C.Ii. " W.itcrfonl June 2 , it^O.' 1 (tlj ^ Orders from nny part of the Diocrsc, sent in md ilirectcil to C. R KDMOND , Printer and Publisher Water f ord .Venn Office , 4!) King-street , promptl y at- tended to. The Trade supp lied on moderate terms. May be had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller iu the DincfSC GAME NOTICE. milK following LANDS in the BAltON Y of IDA 1 and COUNTY of KILKENNY , are strictl y 1' re- PHVCll . HALI.YNAMON'A , HALLYKEOGHAN , KILLASl'Y. Also the LANDS of MOUNT SION, in thc llVKONY of KILCULLIIIKEN and COUNTY of WATERFORO. SAMUEL T. GRUUK. KHhspy H ouse, August , 1SG3. |.itl4-lf] GAME NOTICE TUB undermentioned Tnwnlanda in the itAliONY of IDA and COUNTY of KILKENNY , are preserved :— RATH PATRICK , I GOUTEEXS. LtJFKANY , and | All persons srORTISO ou these Lands will lie prosecuted. (au2fl-lC GAME. THE f.illnwm-' Tmviilands, in Hie BARONY or IDA COUNTY ' of KILKENNY , arc Ktriell y l'RE- SKIIVK1):— l'AUKSTOWN , , J1 K LYILLE , ATATKKMOKK , | RAHILLAKKKN , NlCllOV\STO\\\> ' , HAI.l.I.NAMOKAIlAN , AiuMouNT . , I ; ALLYKILLAI ; OY , UP - Sl.lKVKRUEor l'EK AND LOWKK , KILMTKllY . MILTOW.V JJALJilNl'ltEA . KAilY , TJ.WANCOOSJI . HAI.LINCUliRAC.H, CIIAKIJiSTOUW, JSIKIIOI 'VS HALL , llALI.YMOlLNTAIN , NKWTOWN , MOANKOE . (UPPA H. HAl.l.YIIUMU i'K , ! liAULSTOWN. liACNNAiiKi.oiii;, Al. -sothc I ' l'llowinx liind;! in the COUNTY of the. CITY OI WATi:i;i()i;i):~ Clli:lSTKNlM>.M LTl'KI! NKUTOWN and AND I.OWKU , i NKWRATli. ANNKMOUNT , j All |ior. soin tre-|ias?inj[ on any of those landii after tliis Notice are lial'ln to li *<j.il proiccutiyn. liall ymountain , Nov. 7tii , ISO I. fn GAME NOTICE THE LANDS of MOUNT IDA , UPPER and LOWER ROCHESTOWN & CARR1CAN0UA , the ESTATE or Mr. CONN , situate in the liarouy or Ida and Count y or Kilkenny, are preserved. Any Persons ' found thereon with Doj; or (Inn , after Una Notice , will lie considered Trespassers , nnd doalt with according ly. Jlount Idu , September , ISl" ,. [s22-3ll OUIt LAST DRAWING THIS SEASON ONE HUNDRED POUNDS FUR HALF-A-CROWX ! ! 01! NINE CHANCES FOR £1, IN Tin: CAM Hill PC i KSI11 UK STAKES IHSTKI CUTKiN , Of 131 MUNEV l'lUZES : II1CIIEST KR1ZE X . W) RCCONI) . ... ... ... .I" THIRD 25 Ami 12S Minor l' rixes f r..m .Ci /¦¦ Cl. 4V, " Kull amount <>l ' l' ri/.is ^uarantced. Ticket* nn-1 I' r-jyramincs uyw ri . -ady. MANAUEKS : R. U. REYNOLDS & Co., H ' -y-St) i:s-2 SUi.b. n' s (irecn. Great Ccasarewitch Art Union , ix II . I , IIIMI SHARKS or n\v. SHILLINGS E \ CH Of 1 O HER I T ii , 1 8C5. MR. ROUERT RUSSELL , the proprietor or the Hiicimj Turn-) , 2SC, Strand , Lundon , haa much plir.ihure in Mibmiltin); to his friends and the puMiu at l .rt;e tin; followin" GllAXD SCII . EMK , fccliDg perfectly assured thill a discerning public will appreciate his ef- forts to render thin Distribution consp icuous for its no- u-lty, busimssdike aspect , aud perfect fairness. The l' rizc numbers .shall be publishct in lltll' * Lifr , Sjmtint j 1 'ifi ', Irish Times , and I' rerman' s Journal , ai the clnie. of thr Jirawing ; and the Prize Cards shall lie forthwith scut Iliroug h the Pos t to the Shareholders culilkd thereto. AMOUNT OK PHIZES : The Shaccli-ilder di,iwiiig the Winner to u-ccive . JL'" ii ») -ml to ni eivc . . 'I'i'i :)id to ririive . \W Hull ' •I M KT iii the Race nut bi-inj Is " ud vr Jid t-» nri:i\.. - . . . . . yo Kacli Xuii-Sl.trlrr lo icffcivc . . . 1 1 1'AVMI . NT "r Pm/i.ti shall be made to tin: winners nt the ollke of Mr. l». Russell , ';r , if more lonvcuicnt to the Ionics tlitra. -elve?, through tlic ai;tnt ul whom the Ticket was purehaM-d , l ess eonuni'-vi.in of ~ i per cent . iMI'l.tTOh-j AMI .SUIlU TINt l liS. —TIllSU .sliull Consist uf lh:lci;atck thxled by the Shareholders from Ltverjioul , Manchester , Edinburgh, fjlasgow , Iinblin and Limerick (»ot fnnn each place), who shall attend the drawing at "ii!cz|rciiscof Ihe iiKina^ctncut , to act in the above ca- T»city, anti wliusc duly it shall be lose that everything t' .ntetUd with thcli 'iainessof the distribution iscnriied "it in the trui- sp irit of fair play, iostrii-t conformity "A lbt 1' iog'auiiii' 1 , nnd with a due regard to the in- 'Hwia of every jhireholder, whether present or aluent , M ' the decision nf thr majority of tho iiippcctorf P'ueutu t)iv drawing shall , in nil inMlerd of Uiirvreiicc "»t nay nri,C i i lt . c m; ,| n,,j nii|iout oppcul. ' H^ici ' .itiiis for Tickets Ihnnig li the post , acorn- '"""¦ ¦J b y remittaiices cither in Postage Stamps, Post "Nice l' r.| Crs , or l rns. -ed Che.|iie3 (togctli)T with an •'•vclopc , directed aud sl.inipul}, muil be addressed. Mil. RUIIKRI' JtUSSELL , " R AI . IMI TIMB - <" OKFIC K. f| . .. 2i*(i , Strand , l/)ndon , \V . (' ,. "f l icke ' s and l'logrnmmes may be had on application l " Mr. Uusbdl , between tho huuis of 11 uud 3. i,, ; " ; "' S™! S f ? r H'C Sale- of Tickets "ill be aiitioiutcd iu all the Provincial Towus . ,, OPINIONS or Tl ,p i-nras knowing tht up^U " « " i i °*?* rew ' ttl1 A.t-Uinon . an.J -onager, we c,,. ^ ur,j " ti n ,ccom S" ' . 1 '' ! ^'"^ "' "'° tli-rtaWiiB, •"d all wlm Uco,MrWri? ll " 5XSB '" 1 "" t "'" , M-oi) SHIPPING VVATEEFORD STEAM COMPANY. INTENDED OltDJlR of 8AIHNQ—0CT., 18G5. -H j* XTOTICE. —The Waterford Steamshi p C^wM^^^v i»l Company rcccivo Goods for Shipment ^j yNWiBYa »on tho following Terms only:—They reserve <vjBMgsAi£jy i<&j the ri f^lit tO'carry by a»v, not by particular Vessels , with liberty to Tow Ships nnd ' call at other Ports, nnuMill not be accountable for injuries or losses arising from May, accidents of the Sens, Rivers , Vive, the Queen' s Ene- mies, defective Navigation , or accidonts from nny other cause, nor for any loss which might have been covered by Insurance , nor Car Leakage, ltrcakage, Condition , Quality, or contents of any 1 arccls or Packages, unless speciall y entered and ml va- lorem Frei ght paid. Goods not removed to bo Storod at tho risk and expense of tho Consignees. All Goods will be considered ns subject to n general lien , nnd held not only for Frei ght of the same, but for all Arrears of V rei ght , Storage, or other charges duo by the Importer, Owner , or Consignees to tho Company. WATERP ORD AND BRISTOL. Oi pi ty direct. From Walcrford to Bristol : From Iiristol to Watcrfo rd : Calling at Carmarthen. T ucj i yj, octi 3 ><# 4 Alln ' njFri.lny, Oit fi ... 7 Mom T'giBy. " II) . ...11 Mom I' riday, 13 ...12 Noun Tlcnlay, " 17, ... < Afln 'n lPriilay, , ... 6 Morn Tucnlny, " st . _.lll Mnrnirridny, ,, 27, ...10 Morn Tuesday, " 31 , ... 3 AftnV Briton, at Lassie. From Wntciford to Uristol, From Bristol to Watcrford , calling nt Pcinbroko Dock. I n.lay Oct c, ... 8 Morn Iruci.lsv Oct 3 6 Motn Friiby, 13, ... 1 Afln ' nlrucsJiiy , 10 ... !)J Morn I rnlny, m, ... 7 Mom I rues,lav , ,, 17 ... 5 Morn tridny, 27 ...u Morn iTuoilny, !4 ... S Morn Tucsdaj, .11 ... 3 Morn UsST On Eaily Jtornin? Sailings, the Cabin of tho Steam- ers will be Oiwii to receive Passengers arriving from London by the Nisht .Mail Train. Cahin Vave , 15s. Od.; Sn^ants nnd Children , 10s. Oil. Return do.. 2' >s. ; or with lilwrty to return from Dublin Cork , or Wcxford , 3K Cd., Steward's fee included ; Deck 7s. Od. Females attend tho Ladies ' Cabin. WATERFORD /^M) LIVERPOOL. Camilla, Vesta, and Zephyr. riaw w,\Tr.Rp»nii: FUUM uvr.nrooL: Mnnd-iy, Srpl 55, ... « Atln ' n .Monday, Sept 25, ... 1 Atln ' n Kriiiuy, ., w, ... fi Morn I'rMay, , ... < Afln ' u Tuc.i.tay, Oct 3 , ...11 .Morn. Tucular, Oct S, ... n Morn Friitay ., 6, .,,n Morn KriJ.ir. ,, « ; i ...H Morn Tnrml.iT , ,, 10, ... 3 Afl n' ii Tuojday, ,, 10 , ... 2 Artn' n Friday, Is , ... 7 Mom Friday, 13 . ... 1 Altn"n Tuoilny, 17, ...II Mom Tuntuny, 17 , ... 9 Morn I'ridny, sn, ...II Morn Krhlay, ,. *' , ...1 1 Mom Tiicsd.iy, 31, ... :i Artn ' n Tund ' ay, Si , ... I Aftn 'n Kri.by ., 37, ... 3 Aftn ' n Friday, ,, 5 " , ... 3 AUn 'n Tuciday, 31 , ... !l Morn. Tuciilay. 31 , .. fi Mom Cabin Faro, 16s.; Servants and Children , 10s. ; Di >ck , 79. Cd. ; Children, it. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. Hoods received at Clarence Dock. WATEIIFORD AND LONDON. 3fin»a , Aurora , licla , Aura , or olhor eli gible Vessels. riiOM w'.VTKitPonn: rROM toxnos: Thurs.lay, uct .1 ... 1 Afm ' n ttVdncsd.ny oct I , ... f Morn Tlinr^by, ,, 11 ... 4 Artn ' ii. Wcdnculny ,, 11, ... S Morn Tlinr>daV, >. I'1 ... I Aftn ' o Wcdnosdav IS, ... S Morn Tliuif.lny DO ... 1 Aftn ' n Wclncjdny 25, ... 8 Morn Cabin Fare- , 20s.; Deck , 10s. LOAI 'I NO HHUTIIS : —London—British and Foreign Steam Whavf , I-owiT En-it Smithricld, nnd West Kcnl Wharf Southwark. Parcels received at 137 Leadcnhall-strcvt, E.C WATERFORD AND PLYMOUTH Minna , Aura , Hanger , Aurora, or other cligiblo Vessels. rnoM wATumoni) : MOM PLYMOUTH : Tlinrmlny, Oct 5, ... 4 Aftn ' nlThnrsdny, Oct 5 ... 8 Artn ' n Tliunday 12, ... i Aftn ' nllliursday, 12 , ... 8 Afln ' u Thursday l!>, ... 4 Artn' nlTliursdny, ,, 19, ... 8 Aftn' n Tliunilay, 2(i , ... 4 Afln ' ulrhursday, 20, ... S Aftn ' n Cabin Fare, 20s. ; Deck , 10s. Taking (ioods for Falmouth Southitmpton , Portsmouth , and places adjacent. WATEKFORD AND BELFAST. .VJmiiT , Aura , licta, Aurora , or other eligiblu Vessel;. FKOU WATKKIURI ): PROM 1ICLVAST : Kalunlaj, Oct 7, ... a'AflnVTucitay Ocl 3, ... 7 Atln' n Saturday, 14 , ... 2 AllnXTncsdny 10, ... 2 Aftn 'n Saturday, SI , ... 3 Alln ' ii Tucvlay, ,, 17 , ... 7 AHn ' ii Saturday, 2a, ... 2 Aftn ' nlTocminy, 54 , ... 2 Afln ' il iTuemlay, ., 31 , ... 7 Ann 'n Cabin F.ire , ... los. Deck , ... 7s. fid. Children , ... is WATKRKORD AND NEW ROSS. Fr.oM WATKBFOBD —Dail y, Sundays excepted , at 3.1o r.M. FHOM Nr. w Rosa—Daily, Sundays excepttd , at 8.30 1.11 W A T ]¦: R F OKI) AN D 1) U N C A N SON. F ROM W'ATFiiFoni)—Dail y, Sundays excepted , at 3.15 r.M. F KOM DUXCASNON —Dail y, Sundays cscrpted , at 8.15 A. M. Berths sinned and every information given by the Agents. Iirittol —The General Steam " Packet Office. Liverpool Watcrlord Steam Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street, Washington lSuildinps. London— AXTIIO M. <i . ROBINSOX , 20 Mark Lane; British and Forcisn Steam Wharf , Lower Ea«l Smitlilield, and West K' ent Wharf, South.vnrk ; Par- crU reciivr. 1 at 1. '17 Lradrnliall Street , ICC l'lymnulh— Ilitxuv.1. WAmsi; , tlicWharf , Milbay. JJclfmt—R. Ilix- IIKRM IN fc SONS , llnuep.il Quay ; !>2!Mfl And at the Cnmnaiiv ' s (Jllicc . the MALL , WATKRKORD STKAM from LIVERPOOL or QUKKNSTOWN TO NEW YORK. TWICK A- WF. F. K. i irrflfJBiy 'T""^ Liverpool , New York , /^O r~ ^l\ ~ m JL and Philadelphia Steam Shi p ¦S £y / l [ j $ M\/ /1\\|A Company intend despatching their •MauBaEwUUiHiFull-p'iwi red Cly de-built lion Screw ¦Slcumidii ps, carrying the I' uitrd Slates MaiU , From (iUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NKW YORK xt follow : CITY OF MANCHESTER ... Monday, lit Oct. CITY OF LONDON Thursday, r.i h CITY OF DUBLIN Saturday 7th , ' i And every Thursday, and alternate Mondays, and Saturdays. Cabin Passaio b y tho Mail Steamers every Thursday, 15, 17 , and 21 (Suiiiea!:, according to the accommodation. Cabin Passage by tlic Monday ' s nnd Saturday ' s Steamers 13 (iuineas. Forward Passage includes n full Bupply of cooked Pro- visions. Passengers for Canada , nnd tho United States , booked throug h on very advantageous terms. For further pnrticularsapply in Belfast to JOHN McKEE , nl the Company ' s Olliees , l(i:i Victoria-street ; in Qucenntoicn , tn <\ A \V. I) . SEYMOUR & Co. ; nnd in Liverpool to WILLIAM 1NMAN . 22, Water-street ; or to fiilir ,-tf. ' | THOMAS HARVEY , Watcrford . WATKRFORD AND MILFORU IIAVKN ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS DAILY C O MMUNICAT ION (Sundays Kxecpled ,) ISKTWEKN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND . SOUTH WAL1-S AND ENGLAND Via Wttterfnnl mid Milfunl Haven , iu connection wilt Impress Trains on tlic Or?at Western , South Wales Watcrford and Limerick , Watcrford and Kilkenny, and otlur Trains in the South of Ireland. 1 *k 1 r -TMIKSE Fast and Well-appnintml Steam- ajLJt^^ jv JL ors, carrying Her Majesty' s Mails , Sail o l/V M\fy^ .Daily (Sudavs excrptnl), AlUJaLaBfat FROM WATEKPOEII From the Addphi Wharf immrdiately after tho arrival of the Limerick Train at Three o'Cluck iu tin: Aftcruoon , reaching Milfonl Haven (wind and wiathoi' permitting) iu time to enable Passengers to proceed by the!) 5 a.m. Expn ss Train to London , reach ' in- Paddinston at C 0 p.m Third Class Passengers will hu furivanlwl hy the Through 7 6 a in. train to London. Passengers arriving at Milfurd Haven on Sunday mornings will leave per the !1 15 a-ni. Train. From SlitPOii b H AVKX , from the Railway Pier D. iily, at 7 16 p.in , Sundays excepted , after tin: arrival of the 9 15 a.m. Express Train from Paddingtoii SUition, London , reaching Waterfiird (wind aud weather permitting) so as to secure the di-partim: of the C a.m. Train to Linn-rick , Cork , and tliu Smith of Ireland ; and the 11 to a.m. Train to Kilkenny and IliiMin. Pa.swiigi-rs by OIK 0 a.m. Third Class 'I rani Iroin l' .id.lin^tuu will uUu be cuuveyul by these Steamers at Kc- duecd Rales. FAKES . lal Class aud 2nd Class Cabin. and Saloon Watcrford to Paddingtou •. i>0*. -M- Limerick to do. ... <il>3. 47a. Kilkuuny tu ( |j. ... . 'i. 'i.s. 44s. 3rd Class aud Heck , Wntcrford to l/mdon , -4> Od. liKTimN TIEKKTS l-' ri«iii. Waterford to London, Ox- ford , or Iteadiug, l bt class atfl &1I0011, 7.js. ; 'Jnd Class and cahin , no*. ' » AULS uv STiiAMRr. . rnenn IICKKIS . t' aliin , Dirk , Cabin Deck. Walerford to Milfnid...VJ*. C.d. . IM. lHs. ' .id. 1 is. Mil. Piii sougr-r. -; with ' . ' nd (. 'lax 'I'itl.its ran pxchnugu from the Cabin to I I K: Salixm mi pajuunt of 2s . (1.1. i-adi. Through Tirki . -ts allnwiug 1'asM-tiyi-rs inbreak the iournfy, may bo had at I'.i.ldiu^luu 1' ailway Statiun , and at tin- Fii- sl- t. 'la^s Slalinnsuf the (irral WI -I ITII and Smith Wali s, WatiT- ford aud Liuier ' uk , .ind W.itnlurd and Kilkiimy Railways; a)-o , al Mm Ollices nf Mis. -r- . .I.\ CK ?OX .t IV , III! , t\u 1- stnet. I.ondun , and Milford Ilavrii Railway Slaliuu ; or of .Mr. M. DOWXKI ' , (^iiay and Adil phi Wh.iri' , Walcrlunl. Rr.Tflix Tiikitv , available fur 3D daj a, at a Fan; and a half for the Double .Jourui-y , are i.ssui'd at WaU-rfurd, Lime- rick , Tippcrary, Kilkviiiiy, Ac. I 'lic Sen I' miin/f is wily Srrcnty Miles. Cattle and Live Stock of all kinds Bent by tlnsn Viwl s aie nt Shipper ' s Risk. CJ IHB I S and Cattle , I'urn Is , Kish , Ac , will U- ivmvi viil by thoe Sti-aini'is at Lnw Rales , whirli can !«¦ learned on appliratiun at any of tho Railway Stations or to Mcssia. J ACKSUX AI ' 11., Railwiiy St.ition , Mil turd. Haven , and MICHAEL DOWNEY , AdiOplii Wharl , and Ciistniii-linusn Quay. Watei fnrd . TIIK WIJEELER AND WILSON SEWING. MACHINE IS now admitted to be Ihe BEST MACHINE for all ordinary purpose* s it has f?ot the highest numbi'r ..f Pii/.c Models. Machines can be had from the Atfenl at Walerford at tho fame terms as London , Liverpool , or Dublin, liinlructions Uratis. fjy -S] M ISS Cr.AIIKE , Agent , Waf er/ or,/. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862 I HAVE now on Salo Means. (I KOHOB SATEB iC' o. ' s BRANDY , of the aamu quality aa obtained the l'ui7.K M F . DAL at the International Exhibition , 1802, and which I ofler ou Reasonable Tcrmn. DAVID LECKIK, Wine and .S pirit Merchant , &c., Direct Imi>ortcrB of FHLMH JI KANIIV . Rjj' Storca—EXIHAN/ J E-E IKLKI . (j 30*lf ) OUTOBEU , 1805. STEAM COMMUNICATION Between Glasgow, Cork, and Watorford, Cariy ing Goods to LIMERICK , TirrEiiAttV, CLOKHKL. CAititicK-OM-StjiB , Kiix.trm , and CAIIEU, at Through Rates. ^^ _ ^^ -^ ' I" HE New and Powerful Screw Stea- w o?'1k iK!\ . laer5 " K'NSAI J E, " 000 Tons (now MtNaNKv^-Buildiiur). " SALTEE , " JonH CRAWFORD , *¦—«m r CtVm« .... i ^ "SANUA , 1 ' (XX) Tons (now Building), " TUSKA R ," SiEi'UEK AnDtKson , Com- niaiider, or other First-class Vessels, arc intended to Sail as under (unless prevented by nny uuforcsccn circumstance), with or without Pilots , and with liberty I D Tow Vessels and to render Assistance) to Vessels in Distress:— F K 0 M O L A S (i 0 W (Clyde-street Ferry) to Watcrfoid and Cork—Saltcc , Tuesday, 20th Sept., 12 neon —by Rail to Grccnock , o.n(> v.m. Coik aud Waterford Tuskar, Friday, 20th Sept., 12 noon —by liail to Orccnock , O.CO p.m. Watcrford aud Cork—Saltce, Tuesday, 3rd Oct., 12 noon —by Rail to Grcenock , 5 p.m. Cork and Watci ford—Tuskar, Friday, Oth Oct., 12 noon —by Rail to Orccnoek , 5 p.m. Vi' atcrford aud Cork—Saltcc , Tuesday, 10th Oct., 12 noon —by Rail to Grccnock, a p.m. Cjrk nud Waterford—Tuskar, Friday, 13lh Oct., 12 noon —by Rail to Grccnock, 0 p.m. V' atcrfoid and Cork—Saltcc , Tuesday, 17lli Oct., 12 noon —by Rail to Grccnock , G p.m. Cork and VVatcrford—Tuskar, Friday, 20th Oct., 12 noon —by Ilnil to Orccnock , 5 p.m. Walcrford and Cork—Saltcc , Tuesday, 21th Oct., 12 noon —by Rail to Grccnock , 6 p.m FROM CORK TO Glasgow (direct) Saltce, Saturday, 30th Sept. 11 a.m. ' iVatcrford & GI.isgow...Tuskar , Monday, 2nd Oct. 2 p.m. Glasgow (direct). Sallee, Saturday, 7th i p.m. ' .Vaterford & G\nsgow...TusV»r,Monday, !>th 0 p.m. Glasgow (direct) Sallee , Saturday, 1-ltk 12 noon. Waterford & Glftsgow;..Tusk.ir , Monday, 10th 3 p.m. Glasfon- (direct) Saltce, Saturday, 21st i p.rr, WatcrfordAGI. '\pgow...Tuskar 1 Monday, 23rd 6 p.m. (ilanjow (direct) Snltco , Saturday, 28th 11 a.m. FROM WATERFORD TO Cork and Glasgow Saltce, Thursday, 28th Sept. 1 p.m. Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Tuesday, 3rd Oct. 1 p.m. Cork nud Glasgo w Saltcc, Thursday, 6th 1 p.m. Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Tuesday, 101b 4 p.m. Cork and Glasgow Saltoe, Thursday, l'2th 1 p.m. Glasgow (direct) . Tuskar, Tuesday, 17th d p.m. Cork aud Glasgow Saltee, Thursday, llltli 1 p.m. Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Tuesday, 21th 4 p.m. Cork and Glasgow Saltre, Thursday, 20th 1 p.m. FARKS :— Glasgow to Watrrford or Cork...Cabin , 17s. Cd. ; Deck , 10s. Cork to Watcrford Cabin , Ss. Oil . ; Deck , 4s. Return Tickets available for One Month , nit transferable : Glasgow to Cork or Watcrfnrd... Cabin , 25s. lid. Waterford to Cork Cabin , 12s. Cd. ; Deck , Cs. l£3T This is the Cheapest liuutc fur Goods to Kilkenny, Killarncy, Tralco, New Ross, Carrick-ou-Suir, Coiimcl , Calicr , Tippcrary, Mallow , Feriuoy, Cloghcen , and tho South of I roland generally. For Rates of Freight , Ac., apply to the Agents :— R AILWAY OPFI C K, Kilkenny ; CORK STHAMSUIP CO., Pen- rose Quay, Cork ; ({ KAIIAM BKYMXKR , Grccnock ; THOMAS AVnTTB, 2, Oswald Street , Glasgow ; MICHAEL DOWNEY , t 28-3ui] Custom House Quay, Watcrford. MILFOJI D HAVEN THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL A DJOINING the Terminus of the South Wales JTJL Railway Company M New Milfonl , find the Land- IIIR Sta^e ofthc Walerford and Cork Royal Mail Packets. The Public arc respectfully informed that tho above extensive Establishment is rcplcle with every accommo- dation. Coffee, Commercial , nnd Sitting Rooms ; Bil Hard and Sinokili!; Rooms. The Rooms arc large , lofty, and airy, beautifull y decorated , elegantly furnished , and arc otherwise filled up with every regard to comfort and Convenience. This Hotel is situated on the banks of the far-famed M lfurd Haven , anil commands a most extensive view of her Majesty ' s Dock yard , and of Ihe romantic and pictu rcsque Scenery of the licii'hbourhood . Visitors , Tourists, Cnmmerciul Gentlemen , rind Fa- milies will lind this Establishment , fur situation aud comfort , combined with moderate charges , surpassed by no other in the Principality. Night Purler meets the Beats. Hot , Cold , and Shower Baths . All communications should be addressed to (jy 23-tf) E. WILLIAMS , Manacer. DUBLIN. THE EUROPEAN HOTEL , B0LT0N STREET mllE EUROPEAN * the largest , Ihe best situate , J. and most comfortable Hotel in the City. All nicdern improvements have been recentl y introduced , and the entire house papered , (laintcd , nnd decorated. Twenty suites of Apartments for Families. Drawing Rcoms from 2s.Cd .to Ss. Silting Rooms on the ground Uo ir free of charge. iCP" Sour , KISII , J OISTS , FOWL , and ENTREE , in Collee-room and Restaurant , from Two to Seven o' clock dail y. lied , including Sorvants , is. fid., 2s., and Is. Cd. (mSl-tf.) J. MOLONY , Pnoi'niETon. T R A M O RE milE WATERFORD ARMS and TRAMORE J. HOTEL, HOTEL SQI : AHH , W. W. MUKPU Y, 1 ' rDprictor. The above House is now Open for the rccoption of Vi- sitors , whero their wants will bo carefull y attended to. July Cth , lSfia. (jy " -t f ) DEVONSHIRE ARMS' HOTEL ME. JAMES LYNCH respectfull y informs his numerous Friends nnd the Public general l y, tlicit he has commenced BUSINESS on an extensive scale in the above. "O M> ESTABLISHED II OL' SK, " whero Vehicles of every descri ption may bo had on the shcrlest notice. Tho DEVONSII I RK beinf; now fitted up, regardless of expense, in tho most Modern Sty le , will bo found by Commercial Gentlemen , and others who may patronize it , full y equal to their requirements. !Mr. Lvscil hns also to acquaint his Friends that he ha:i fitted upouo of H AKKIS ' S Newl y-improvcd Billiard Tables. JJuimarvan , A pril 17lh , lSfi. r ». (m2l-lf) COMMERCIAL HOTEL , SQU'tltF., VUNOAR VAN, fTlHIS HOTEL is situated in the very best part of _l. the Town. The House is clean and uircy, the charges very moderate , end every attention paid to tho comforts of visiicra. A goud waitor iu atteudancc. Excellent Livery Stables arc convenient to the Hotel (m31-tf .) CITY MANSION HOTE L, !!() , LOWER IJRIIJUE STREET , DUBLIN , A DM1TTEDLY one of the BEST SITUATK , j fli. CHEAPEST , and MOST COMFORTABLli FAMILY nnd COMMERCIAL HOTELS in tho CITY. Bed , Is; Breakfast , Is .; Dinner (Ordinary), Is . Od . Dining and Silting Rooms, ECI npvrt for Ladles aud Families , Free ol' Chargc. Accommodation for Seventy- fivn Persons. t^J'A Ni ght Porter always in attendance. [ ja9 -ly] PA TRICK S. CAREY , Proprietor. KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MONCK STREET , VEXFORD. fpiIIIS is a Central and Comfortable House , in which _L everything can be had on the most Moderate terms. CRft" Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Brandies , Wiucs , Porter , Ale , Sc. faul5-tfj (Mrs tin Hire at the shortest notice. NKW WORK nr Tin: AUTHOR or "MANHOOD. " Just out , ISmo. Poelcl Edition, l'osl Free, 13 Stamps Sailed Ends , ' ¦!<>, DR. CURTIrf'S MEDICAL GUIDE TO MAR- Rl.WiE: A PiiAcricAL TUKATISH OX ITS P IIVSICAL AXD I'KIISONAI. OUI.K.ATIONS , with iuslruc- ti'ins fur ivmoviug the special disqualifications and im- pediments which destroy the happiness of weildcd life, liy Dr. J. L. i. 'niTis , IS , Albemarle-strcct , l'iccailil y, Loiiiluii , W. This Work contains plain directions by wh.ch forfeited privileges can be restored, and essen- tial functions strengthened and preserved. Aiao l y the sane Author, a New and lleviscd Edition of MANHOOD: A MBDlCAL ESSAY on the Causes and Cure of Premature Decline in Man ; the Treatment of Nervous Debility, Spennatorrhiua , iruiKitence, and tboso peculiar infirmities which result from youthful abuses , odult excesses, tropical climates , and other causes , with Instruction s for the Curo of Infection , without Mercury, and its prevention by tho Author ' s Prescription (his Infallible Lotion.)—By Dr. J. L. CrnTis , 1.1. Albcmarlc-strect , London, W. liKvicws ov TIIK WoiiK. " Manhood. " Wo fed no hesitation in s.iyiuK that tberc is no member of sociu' .y by whuiu the book will not be found nwful—whether euch person bold the relation of a Parent , Preceptor , or Clergy- man.SKII , Evening Paper. " Dr. CUKTIS hits conlcrrcd a (jreat boon by publishing this little wotlt , iu which is described tho source of those disraBcs which produce dcclino in youth, or moro (rcqucntl y pninaluro old n^c. " —Daily Telegraph, March 27th, IBOC. Loudnii : Published by JI AK . I, 3V, Coruhill, and forwnrded by the Author; albo 6old by WIILIAJIS, 10, Cnpel-strfet, Dublin. [al21-6m*] O'NEILL'S BATHS AllE NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. DOUCHE, Warm , Tep id , Hot and Cold BATHS Bupp lied al Private Houses on Shortest Notice. tl T" Male uud Female attendants. JAMES WALPOLE BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Watcrford and its Vicinity, that lie h nS just received a Choice Selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS Suitable for the Season. Alto , a Large Variety of. DINNER , DESSERT , BREAKFAST , TEA , & TOILET SERVICES. TOOETIIER WITH A BEAUrrFUL ASSORTMENT OP CUT AND PRESSED TABLE GLASS. HgT An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, which will be disposed of at Modoratc Prices FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IN STOCK. MATCIIINOS GOT TO ORDER. fi3T WAKE HIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. 8g- CHINA IIALL , CO, QUA Y, WATERFORD. SEPTEMBER FASHIONS; HAZLETON , O'DONNELL & CO HAVINC received a largo and varied Assortment of this SBABON ' S Goons, in MANTLES , SIIAWLS , SILKS , MILIiINEKY , STKAW UOMNETS , UIHBONS , LACE3, FLOWERS , FEATJiEKS, HOSIERY aud OLOVES , they will , on MONDAY noxt , nnd following daya, show a LAKCE DISM. AI OF NEW MANTLES , in SILK ami CLOTH, much under present Market Value ; ALSO P.LACIC SILKS, MILLINERY , COLORE D do., ST11AW UONNETS SIIAWLS, CKINOLINES, DRESSES, DRESS CAPS, MUSLINS , FLQWEIW, PARASOLS , STATS , COIIURUS , CASHMERES , PRINTS , WINCEYS , TWEEDS, ARPET.S . CLOTHS, iACIC SILKS, MILLINERY , FEATHERS, TOWELLINGS, )LORE D do., STRAW UONNETS, RIBBONS , LINENS , IAWLS CRINOLINES, HOSIERY , liLANKKTS , ilESSES, DRESS CAPS, LACES, FLANNELS, USLINS, FLQWERS, OLOVKS, QUILTS, VRASOLS, STATS , PE1IFUMERY , CALICOES , )[IURUS , CASHMERES , PRINTS , RUGS, DOKSKINS , HABERDASHERY , INCEYS , TWEEDS, Sntnis , TIES & COIIABS, HATS 4 CAPS. L IU'ETS, CLOTHS, SHEETINGS, BRACES, &c., &*., &c 47 OUAY, "WATERPORD. «5T OBSERVE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET.nOUSB. !&• N.B. —WANTED, a YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. Irish Frieze Woollen Factory, CAR RICK-ON-SUIR. NICHOLAS KENNY , Proprietor , pled ges himsel f that no material is used in making his FRIEZE, TWEED , DOUBLE DYE FLANNEL, SERUE BLANKETS , &c, &c , but PURE WOOL. Somo doubts buinj; expressed in oertain quarters as to the GENUINKSS of tho3o articles , from the low prices at which they arc oHercd . and also aa to whether they could bo brought; to tho FINISH here , thereby insinuating that they may be English-made Goods sold as Irish , 1 feel called npon to state, that I SUM. NO Goons III ; T MY OWN MAKE , all niaJe and finished in my FACTORY, at MILLVALE Tho Work in the DIK -II OUSE is carefull y attended to nnd all colours done in Flannel , as well as LADIES' DltESSIJS, in SCAIILET , MAGENTA, R UBY , BLUB, G REEN , BLACK , Y EII . OW, &e., &e. Millval c Mills , Carrick-ou-Suir , 1SG I. (n27-tf ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE, 05, CUSTOil-HOUSE QUAY. F DAWRON is now SUPPLIED with a LARGE ASSORTMENT of ROOM and HALL PAVERS , in Great Variety, which he offers for SALE at LOW PRICES. $¦$" Housi: PAINTING , DECORATING and PAPEH ILVNUINC executed with Neatness, aud at Moderate Charges. (ml3-lf) BENSON'S WATCHES, CLOCKS , JEWELLERY , SILVER , and ELECTRO PLATE.—J. W. Benson , Lud-ato Hill , London , E.C. (Established 1719) Watch and Clock Maker by Warrant of A ppointment to IIR.H. tho Prince o( Wales, has fitted up extensive Workshops with stenm machinery for the production of Clocks aud Timep ieces of every description. WATCHES adap ted for every class, climate and country. Whole- salo and Retail. Chronometers , Dup lex , Levera , Hori- zontal , Repeating, Centre Seconds , Key less, and Uhro- nograp hs, at £2 103 , to 200 Guineas. CLOCKS j Drawing, Dining, nnd Bed-room , Bracket , Carriage , Church , Turret , Stable, or Office , at £1 Is- to 1, 000 Cnineaa. OPINIONS OV THE 1'KKSs: " The movements are of tbe fiucsl quality which the art of horology i* at present capablo of producing. " Illustrated London News, November 8, 1802. " Sonic of tlicm arc of great beauty ; and if tho English watch trade onl y follow up with tho nine spirit aud success this lirst attumpt to compcto with foreigners in decorative watches , there seems to lie no reason why wo should not Kct tho trado cutircly into our own hands." —TiniM, June i!3, 18G2. UKNSON'S I-GUINEA LONDON-MADK pa- tent Lever Watch , Capped and Jowelled , strong Silver C.ises , mado iu four sizes , from 1;{ to 2 inches in dia- meter. This Watch is suitable for every bod y, and is without doubt the best , cheapest , aud most accurato Watch manufactured iu this country. BENSON'S £2 10s. HORIZONTAL WATCH , Jewelled , &c., strong Silvoc Cases, 1J to 2 inches in diameter , a sound and useful Watch. BENSON'S 5-GUINEA LADY'S GOLD WATCH , Horizontal movement , Jewelled in four holes, and all the late improvements , combined with a rich artisticall y-engraved ease and dial , making it a model of el egance. BENSON'S 6-GUINEA GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH , Horizontal movement , Jewelled iu four holes, and all tho late improvements , with a puro white enamelled dial and elegantl y-cngravcd or eng ine-turned case. 20,000 OTHER WATCHES in stock , for prices of which BCO the pamphlet. Tho above Watches arc sent frco and safe hy post to all parts of England , Scotland , Wales, or Ireland. If to India or the Colonies 3s. each extra. A PROFUSELY-ILLL'STRATED PAMPHLET of Watches , Clocks , nnd Chaius, descri ptive of every construction of Watch made, with their prices, post free for 2 stamps , from which buyers can select. Also a catalogue of Silver and Electro Plate , containing 300 illustrations , post frco for (5 stamps. .1 . W. IJcuson , maker of the tircat Clock for the Ex- hibition, ISG2, and of the Chronograph Dial , by which was timed "The Derby " 1 ol" 1SU2 , 1SG3, 18GJ , and 1805. Prize Medallist , Class 33 , and Honourablo Mention , Class 15. (jlll-Cm) LUD0ATE HILL , LONDON. ALWAYS IMPROVING ! WILLIAM BURROWS BKOS to inform his Customers and thn Public nt large that he has just returned from Northamp- ton , Kug land , after making arrangements wilh one of the most extensive Boot anil Shoe Manufacturers there, by which he will bo enabled to SELL LEATHER BOOTS and SHOES 00 per Cent. Cheaper than any other House in the Trade ! He isdetcrmincd to retail hem atWholcsal c Prices ,, which tho following list shows: Men ' s Elastic Spring Shoes ... Gs. Gd. to Is, Oil. Do. with Toe- caps ... 7s M. to Is . Gd. Do. Spring-siilc Coots 8s. Oil. to 10« . 0d. Do. Uluchers ... 5s: Gd. to (is. Oil . Women' s Elastic Side Boots .. Is. Od. to Gs. a/. Fancy Laced Hoots .. is. Gd. to os. •>(/. There is also on hands a Large Assortment of G UT- TA PERCH A SOLED BOOTS and SHOES , which will bo Sold nt greatl y Reduced Prices. I&, - Tho Trndc supplied on very liberal terms , for Cash only. (jc23-Gtn) Please observe the Address :— The Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Warehouse , lUnnONSTnANU-ST . (next Great Chapel), WATERFOUD M ' CLEAN AND M ' INTOSH , PLUMBERS and GASFITTERS , 3, LITTLE CEORUE'S-STREUET WATER^H!) , beg l eave to inform the Nobility and Gentry of tho Counties of Wateifnrd and Kilkenny that they have OPENED a BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT at No. 1 , ROSE INN- STREET , KILKENNY. SO" All Orders punctually attended I CK ffS-lf SELK-CURE WITHOUT MEDIOINE. -Sufrerors from Bpcrmatorrhuca , nervous , physical , and gen- erative debility, seminal wastings, wan t of manly vi gour , &c., can now cure themsel ves by the only " Guaranteed Remed y" in Europe. Protected hy Her Majesty ' s great seal. Sent gratis by II. James , Esq., Percy House, Bedford-square , London , on rcoeipt of Btamp for poslaec. ( m'J\ Gm*) rn 11 P Mfw F R F N O II REMEDY c eanscu uy mis mnu orpcr.cni me ueprarca numoura iL * " ,,' .t «»,m '" » n i™ ?«; . ' «. T " HM EWI L C ^ correctedl and the Mention, duly regulated A pcrftet ^ ore (^?' >' Z l l iS ' W S and PHYSICAL DEBILITY ; is thn discovery of an[ cure would soon be effected , and tho little patient be Puwgo EMt, ... « 0 ».m j oL, Si^JSft Si-stt^: SSS^; -*. ., ,,- ap&f. z = : . := j* 5 sj s £sAssi££J^^, »• „, S'iS^iss:... , "^stScssix. " -; "" ¦ ;. "" and speedily restores tone and manly vigor to tho most B UII OUS Com- Dytunttry LirerCom- Recondarr Symptomi DO. ¦ do., :on 8un*»j« „. 3 « p.m 4 0 r.m imoaircd constitution. Sent throug h tho Post to any plaint* Erriiiwlot pl.lnt. Tie Doolouieux Dublin (lato English M»iU) 4c , ... 7 is jun . » is p.ni i Cc. n.™Vi i «« n./.«lnt nf Mi) Sr BtumDi Fnoh Dlotdioson Female If- Lumbago Turaoura fj|onin<!l, Oork , IJiaiifkli, 4o , , ~ , 7 4S p.m 8 Is p.ni ^ress . prcTMid . on rceoto ^^^ tlleSkllI tcK uUii«le; !• let .. .V' «rS .._ .. The mils arr.to ana ^eJclivored a. ntider:- . PP packet contains all the medical advitcrequired in tucso Bow.liiom- Fevenotall Rhcumatlim V«.r«lA(r«U»m . iuu "*-*"~ ~ . Arririj. " D,u».r» cases. Sulc Agent in thi» country, Mousieur A. DUTAI ., plainli k' nd" Betention oX Wormiof alUlmli . 1 Dublin Oat« Eng. M»l U) 4c , ' ... " « 0 i.m "' t 0 un Patent Medicin. Agent , No. 13 , Now M.rkeUstrect , gj lta. f gt. ^ w. ^.^ o ^^M^M.™^ « 0 ..» r . *SH£PH AND MANLY VIOOR. -A Medical Co ^ P " t?in InMo ' n ^^^ . ' %, , ^Z ^ ' Z ^^^ ^J Man of 20 years' oxperience in tho treatment of gold at tho Establishment of Professor HOLIOWAT,, Doblin (euly Kogtish Haiti) Aoy . i30p.m « 0 p.mi NERVOUS DEBILITY , Spormatorrhce , and other nf- 244 Strand , (near Temple Bar ,) London ; also, at The aonmtl,goik, i jj Bniloli , *o , .., a so pju , put morning, feetions which aro often noquircd in early life, and UD W Kem Office , No. 40 Kingstreet , Watorford , a«a by all Tr *SrIM" .. Z 7. " S £? *k££2 » sufferers for marriago, nnd other social duJcs , has pub respectable Druggists and Dealers In Medlctaos through- Dpnmbw .„ . -. 7' o»n ¦ . do'^ lished a Book , giving the full hencfit of his long a xp»- Out thecWlisodworld . atthefollowingpriccs:—ls. . tfd , Pin* - ~ - 1 »*¦>* : *»; ^ gratia, wi dlrotlon. for the recovery * 8 ,. 9d., 4.. Cd., Us., 22.. and 33a. eacUx. TherJi. ir-n^k^-jn) . - ~ u 0 .j» OJj O jg .;, Health and Strcng tn. A sing le copy sent to any aa- a considerable saving by taking the larger slzea. •• (j rd do) ... .„ ¦ » 30 pm ¦ " ao ^ - dress on receipt gf one Stamp. Address to tho Socro- N.B.—Directions for Hbegwdango of patients iaeTe^y New R OM Crt mail) .„ _ SSO UB I 6 O aon Ury. lMUtute oI Anatomy, Dirminsuwn. (jyio-U disorder arc affixed to aoo box. . . j Co. (tod do) i o pj a out m«r«u . , ¦ ; ¦ ' ' .-.' . . ¦ ¦ . , . ' . . , . . . .. . - . . ¦ .;,, , , . , ;, / .O.O]I ; c«Js iil > 'i ,V. « ^. v JOSEPH MURPHY RESIDENT CIIIKOrODIST , &C , 40 , LAD Y-LANE , WATF.RFORD. JM ' s treatment for tho removal of CORNS, BUNIONS, and WELTS, on the feet is entirel y painl ess , nnd DOES NOT HEQUIRE CUTTINO . On its first application tho existing pain is alleviated , and if his instructions be carried out by tho sufferer, those annoyances will not return. Fee for a single Corn , 5s. Bunions and Welts on examination , as may bo agreed on. J. 51. has operated successfull y for over 20 years, and for the past three years in Waterford , and has never known a single instance of failure. N.IS.—Ladies and Gentlemen attended at their oirn house on tho shortest notice. 40 LAW LANE , WATEIiFORD. The following are among tho many Testimonials re- ceived by Mr. Muiu'iir:— (From the Rt. Rev. Dr. O'Brien , B.C.B., of Watcrf ord and Lismore). Mr. Josuril MVBFIIT, Lady-lane, Chiropodist , has ex- tracted front my feet several corns without creating tbe slig htest pain. I suffered much for soveial years from these Corns, and nppliod to persons of high character as Chiropo- dists , but without success. I can now walk with great oasc, nud fed quite comfortable ; and beg to recommend Mr. Munrnx ' s method of extraction as bcins most successful, t D. O'URIEJI , R.C.I). (From the Very Rev. Dr. Flynn , P.P., Trinity Without , V.G., Diocese of Watcrford and Lismore). I have, from time to lime, tried various remedies for era- dicating L' orus , but none so effectual ns that aj plied by IIr. JoBEru MuitrnT, Resident Chiropodist , Lady-lane, Wnterford , which has totally relieved ma from tboso trou- blesome companions. 1 therefore carucetly recommend all Ihoso whom it may concern, to have recourse to him , as they may calculate on a total and pcrmaucut relief from those tor- mentors , so annoying and painful. Airmount , Feb. o, 18M. M. FlT.m (From Colonel Bushc, Olcnca irn Alley.) " Mr. Murphy has asked me to give him a certificate as to his scieuco as a Chiropodist. I can say that , having suffered from Corns, from tho former habit of wearing ti ght boots , aud such having been treated in London nud clscwbcro by various first-class artists , I consider Mr. Murphy ' s treatment tho most elt' cclivo 1 ever met. I did not think it possiblo to cradicato corns when deep-seated, but Mr. Murp hy will certainly do it. "G. ilUBUE. " Olcucairn Alilicy, Lismore, Nov. 10, 1801." (From Mr. St. CJcorgo Freeman, Surgeon Dentist.) Air. dosi' .Pit MuitFlir , of •!!), Lady-lane , Wntcrford , Chiropodist , has completely eradicated from my right foot a very Iroublcsnmc Corn, without cuusiug me the slightest pnin in his very fckill ' ul operation. [jolO-3m ') HiM Csfoid-slrect , June 15, 18C3. EXTENSIVE TAILORING ETABLISHMENT, mS "i i QUA Y, WATEJXFQRD , l\jm IRISH TWEEDS! 1CQUAL IN APPEAIIANCE TO ENGLISH OR SCOTCH, AND W K A K M U C II BETTER THAN EITIIEH. 1 ' . J. SULLIVAN , «ST 7-J , QUA Y, WATERFORD. JEfl LADIES' ItlDINO HABITS and WALKING JACKETS to order only. [mh24-ly] THE ONE THING WANTED HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. THE B LOOD . —These- famous Pills aro w composed that they opcrato whol esomely on the stomach , the Liver , tho Bowels and other organs , hy correcting any derangements in their functions , whereby a steady supp ly of pure materials for the renewal of tho Blood is furnished , nnd a constant abstraction of effete pro- ducts is effected. This perfect circulation thus becomes the very fountain of health and lifo , and overcomes all form of disease wherever its situation , O CSKRAL . DISORDERS or THE LIVES AND STOMACH . —All who over indul ga at tublc , cither in eating or drinking, should take about ten of those famous Pills at bed time , from ' wliich will result a clear head and good stomach tho following morning Thousands of Ladies arc always coniplaming of sick hoadacbes, want of appetite , want of energy, and want of strcngtn ; to correct all those ovils , three or four of these PilU should be taken twice a week, when they would give the invalid the health and appetite of a ploughman. FEMALES OF ALL ACES AND CLASSES. —Obstructions of any kind , cither In young person? , or those between forty and fi fty—the most critical period of life—may be radically removed by using these Pills according to the printed directions which accompany each box. Young persons with sickl y and: sallow comploxions may have the bloom of health restored by this wonderful corrcc- tivo , which purifies the blood and expels all gross and impure humours from the system. Beware then of the critical ago from forty to fifty, as it scnis many thou- sands to a premature grave—these Pills should be taken at that period of life two or thrco times a week. WAST or STREHOTII AND ENSRCT . —Porsons of sedentary habits , or those troubled in mind , working in Factories, or Coal Pits , who cannot obtain that amount of fresh air and exorcise which naturo requires , suffer from weakness and debility, lowness of spirits and want of appetite. All such should take a dose, or two of these Pills every three or four days , as they act gontly and effectuall y on tho system, and impart vi gour nnd energy to tho body, which is always followed by a good appetite , sound and refreshing sleep, and a hi gh tlow of spirits. FOR TIIK CURF. OF DRorsr.—The efficacy of IIol- loway ' s Pills in Dropsy is extraordinary They act wilh such peculiar effect upon tho system , that tho lluids causing this direful complaint , are imperceptibly carried oil nnd preventod from nny further accumulation. Tho sufferer regains a buoyancy of spirits, and rejoices in a completely renovated constitution. It is indispensabl y necessary that tho Ointment should be most effoctuall y rubbed into tho comp laining parts during the whole course of treatment. CHILDREN AND TIIIEU A ILMENTS . In no country in the world are more childron carried to an early grave thau in Great Britain. Coughs, Measles Scarlatina, Fovcrs , and thcr diseases attack tho little sufferers , and death but too often follows at a rapid pace ; yet ,if , atthc first stago of these complaints, parents wero to have re- course, to Holloway ' s Pills, aHdaugcr would be avoided; for (ho stomach and bowels would be gently but effectually cleansed by this mild arpcricnt; the depraved humours corrected and the secretions duly regulated. A perfect cure would soon be effected, and tho little patient be restored to sound health. Holloway ' sl'illsare thebestremed y known in theworld MONEY; Union Bank . of Ireland (Limited) TEMPORARY OFFICES , II , WESTMORELAND - STREET, DUBLIN. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL , £1 , 000, 000, in 10 , 000 SHARES of £100 each; with power to increase. PAID-UP CAPITAL, £220, 000. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS. . From this date until furtlior notice, Interest allowed on Doposits of ONE MONTH'S standing, or longer, will be at tho rato of THREE PBR CENT. PEI ANNUM. CURRENT ACCOUNTS. Interest is allowed nt tho Kate of TWO per Cent, per Annum on tho minimum credit balance of tbe Month, provided it shall not havo been loss than £100. On Accounts of a Public or Charitable nature , Interest , at rates to bo. agreed upon, will bo allowod on Balances of any amount. ; Accounts also opened in Dublin for parties residing in tho country. Remittances received in Halves of Notes, Post Olfico Orders, &c, &c. (s22-tf) LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. ! rpHE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Kilkenny X Bailway, for the purpose of replacing tho IN- STALMENTS of the GOVERNMENT LOAfc and BONDS falling duo, aro prepared to accept LOANS on MORTGAG E BONDS, at 6 per Cent., pay- ablo upon cither One or Three Months ' Notice, to be always increased to'C p*r Cent whenever .and during the time the Irish Banks arc allowing 4 per Cent, on Deposit Recei pts . They will also accept Money on like Bonds, at B per Cent., for Three , or Fivo Years, and for the Debenture Stock , bearing interest at G per Ont. for Three Years, and 5 por Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. Tho Lino is worked by the Waterford and Limerick Company, and for the year ending the 23th March , 18G5, the Traffic Recei pts were £21, 103 8s. Gd., the Working and other expenses being £10 , 300 4d. Cd., leaving a Balance of £I0, 7G3 4s. 0d., for Interest on Loans, after the payment of which there is a consider- able surplus , nnd the opening of the New 'Line from Kilkenny to Maryborough , now constructing (a. distance of I' J Miles from Kilkenny to Abbeyleix being com- plctcd), nnd open for Traffic will materially intrcasc the Recei pts. Applications to be addressed to the undersigned at the Company ' s Offices , 2 Bank Place, Mall , Waterford. By Order , WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Sccietary. Waterford , Moy 12, 18C5. (jalO -tf.) MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES. THE NATIONAL DISCOUNT & LOAN FUND , C, Adam Street , Adclphi , LONDON —Established II Years.—Loans from £5 to £200 without Sureties , at ex- tra risk ; Loans from £0 to .£500 with Sureties. Bills discounted. Loans advanced in full in three days , with- out deduction for interest , &o- Office hours , from ten to four. Forms 2d. <sl5-2t) G. LAWRENCE , Manager. WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY MONEY ON DEPOSIT. THE WATERFORD and LIMERIC K RAILWAY COMPANY arc opon to receive, to a limited extent , Money on temporary Deposit , for which tho following Rates of Interest will , until further notice , be allowed on sums of £20 and upwards, Viz :— 4 per Cent, per Annum , subject to repayment after the first Mouth , on the expiration of a Fortni ght ' s notice , given at any time. Or 6 per Cent, if left for Twelve Months , aubject to rovision thereafter on like notice. The Principal or Interest will be paid as desired by Depositors. Further Information can bo obtained from the under- si gned , aud also from the following Agcnta:—A. STE - PHENS , Duncannon , County Wcxford ; THOMAS S. HAH - VET , Littlo Gcorgo' s-6trcct, Watcrford ; JOHN G RDBD , Carrick-on-Suir ; P. R. BANFIELD , Clonmcl ; SAMUEL J ELLICO , Cahir; DAVID COLEMAN , Tippcrary ; DAVID FITZGERALD & iSon, Limerick. (By Order), T. AINSWORTH , Secretary, Board Room , Walcrford Terminus , 8th Oct ., 1804. r>27-tf) RAIL WA Y TIME TABLES for OCTOBER , WATKKFOK1) AND LIMKRICK RAILWAY. U p Trains from Waterford. I TRAI NS QM WKEK PAV M. SUNDAYS. ~T ~i* 3 V< 5 2 """ TO 1 2.V3 1&2 I Si 2 li' - ' , 1243 I'JfcDI 2 43 i i\,vnii*w Class Class. Cloas Class Class. Oasi Clans LIMERICK. iM AM _ rM fiS AH < (-M pH h m h m h m h m hi h m Ii m \Vatcrford...Bf;i SO 11 2(1 2 53 8 30 | 8 30 Carrick S 40 12 8 3 28 9 15 9 15 Clonmcl 0 15 12 37 « g 10 O 10, 0 Junction... Mr/vJ 10 35 1 47 5 15 12 0 ¦ 8 50 1] 15 Liinerick... ^ric)l ... 3 0 0 IS 1 SO j 9 43 1 20 Down Trains from Limerick. I TRA1KK OK WKF.R DATS. .SUKOAT9 LIMERICK , , o. 3 4 . I 5 »? I 2 TO 12fc3 ' l8c 3 12&3 1 &2 1 2&3 12.V3 12.V3 .„„„, Class Class Clast. Class Class. Class Class *' ul1 ' A .M. \ i.ii. r.M. P.M. A.M. r.w. i.M. hmlhm hm hm hm bm hm I.lracrick Dtp 6 45 ill 0 4 0 10 45 IU 4s _ Junction Dtp 7 45 12 22 5 25 12 IS 12 V , Clonmel 0 111 ; 1 32 6 SO 2 15 3 15 Carrick 0 45 1 1 45 | 7 30 !Ii 3 65. Walei-furd...4nl lu 35 2 10 I 8 IP. 3 45 . 3 <3 ! Mail Trains marked wilh aa asterisk, t Goods. FiRrs:—FirstClus s Slnglo Tickct ,14s2<l ; Second do., 10s Sd; Third do, 6s 5J ; Return—First Class, 21s 3d ; Second do. , 10s. WATEKFORD AND KILKENNY RAILWAY. U p Trains from Waterford. TRAINS ON WK.KK DAYB. SL'NDAV ThAINB. ~Tt S* ~~j 3 ^ 4 1 ^ 3 STATIONS. 1J&3 r Ac - >I \ki 12 4:3 124: 3 12&3 12 4:3 Clats Class. Class Class. Class. Class. Clasa A.M. A.M. r.K. r.n. r.M. r.M. r.M* h m Ii m Ii m h m h m p m h m Watcrrnril...7)4> 7 30 12 SO 4 45 II 0 8 15 Kilkonny. ...Arrl 9 IS 2 20 I 0 15 12 30 8 15 Kilkcnnv Vcp 0 20 0 S3 Uallyrnggett 4S 0 54 Abbcyleix....><r/10 15 7 20 _ Carlow(ISK)D;> 3 S3 7 35 _ DuulinfGSiWW - & 35 10 10 Down Trains from Kilkenny. TaAlNS ON «E):R DAYS. SOKDAT TRAIltB It 3 14 1 I •! I 3 STATIONS. 124:3 1 & 2 1&2 |l2&3 124. 3 12*3 12* 3 Class. Class Class. Clasa. Clan.|Closs. Class. A.M. A.M. T. M. I r.W. A.M. I ' .M. r.M. hm lim hm hm hm hm hui Dublin(GSW)£>;i S35 1iO S O Corlow(ISE).... ! II) -in -2 30 10 20 AuboyMx.... Deri 0 30 10 40 2 3j - B.illjrraggclt 650 1 1 0 3 1 Kilkonny.....-4rr/ 725 1135 330 - Kilkenny .. .. Vr/,] 7 311 11 45 3 10 0 0 0 0 Watcrrord.^.Arll DJTi I 211 5 -a 10 20 T 30 ! - Goods convoyed by Trains marked t; Mail Trains * F»nis TO DUBII * :—First CI IWH Sinzlo Ticket , 21s. ; Second do., ISs 8J ; Third do, Os 3d ; ltetnrn—First Class , 3ls 6d ; Se- cond do, 23a Gil. PARKS TO KaxtSNv !—First Class Single Ticket , Ca ; Second do, 4s 4d ; Thirrl do, 2s 7d ; Return—First Class , 0s ; 2d do, GsGd WATKUFOHD AND TKAMORE RAILWAY. . Week Day Trains. ~~ I T ~ . 3 4 ^ 5 I 8 I 7 8 D ~ j> in ajn jji m ' p m p m p m | pjn p m Ji _m _ h tu h m h m h m h m I h m j h m h m h in WT.I 'S U 10 4S 12 0 «2 15 4 O 5 450 0 T' orc DlS MI 16 I U 3" * ' •<> 15 0 30 Sunday Traini 1 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 3 | 9 I O a m p m p in p m p in p m p m u m I p m pm ji m h m ti 111 h 111 h m It in h ID h ra In hm •II O 12 15 1 3(1 2 30 4 30 5 30 D U D 30 12 45 4 0 4 0 5 0 »6 3U|0 30 Tbose marked thus are tnall trains. KAIIKS :—First Glass Hinglo Ticket , lod. ; Return Ticket , Is. Second Ulna Singlo Ticket, 7 J. i Return Tickot ,9d. TIIE ' MAILS FROM WATERFOKD. " Tlic hours up to which letters and papers may 'bo posted at tka Watcrford Offico are 03 follow :— Box Closes. Despatched. Cork, and Limerick , ... ... 7 36 a.m . S45a. ni Clonraol , ie , ... ... ... 11 0 a.m 1120 a.m Dublin (early English Mails) 4c, 12 0 a.m 12 35 a.m Dungarran, ... aH 2 30 p.ra 3. O p.m Tramorc (1st Hall), ... .- 7 0 a.m 7 30 an Do (2nd do), ... 1 30 a.m 3 0 p.m Passage East, ... «• 4 0 a.m 6 0 a.ra Dunmoro ... ¦» 4 0 a.m s o a.m Fenycank (1st Mall) , ... ... 4 0 ajn 8 0 a-m SAIiES AUCTION OS 1 HORSES,, Travelling Machines , Furmin ' g ' Implements , Slock, ' i - :¦ ¦ . -• $ C ,; -$G.. ., . : . , MB. THOMA8 WALSH'S next Auotion of Horses Travelling Vehicles , &q, &c.. will toko place ON 'M ' ONDAY . W OCTO ' BElt' I8C5; ' ! At MR LAUHEBCE .DpBBYN'S VETBRINAIIY Establishment , Bercsford street , tyaterford, . , oRDsa or SALE : ¦ . , - . ' \ grovelling Vehicles, HarngM , Oamp Dogs, &c, a Twelve o'Clock precisely. ' Hunters, Riding and : famlly Dorses, nt On6 b'Clock. - Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after/ |^" Persons intending property for this Sale will lo roquired to have it entered at Mr DODBTW ' B, or nt Mr, WALSH' S Office , inn Custom-house Quay, on or before Nine o'Clock the morning of Sale. Fee for entry, 2s. (id. Purchasers to pay Auctioneer' s Fees of Ryo per Cent; ' THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. A uctions attended in any part of Country or Town. 100 Custom-house Quay, Wotcrford' , 1865. tf THE AUCTION ROOM, VTO. 101 QUAY, is now ettcd Up for the reception Jj . 1 of Furniture , &c. for 8ale. Persons not wishing to have Properly disposed of on their own Premises will find it their interest to mako UEO of this Establishment , as the Room is both spacious and lofty, and admirably adapted ' for Furniture Sales. THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor. I CITY OP WATERFORD TO BE SOLD, BY directions of MR . MIODLETON, his INTEREST in tho LEASE ot the Pictarcsquo Residence known as STJIR VILLA, NEWTOWN , to which ia attached about i\ Acres of Land , heautifal l y laid out in Torraccs, 4e. Immcdiato possession will be given , aud the- ENTIRE FURNITUEE at a VALUATION, if required. For particulars and Cards to view, npply to Mesa DonniN & T. VNDT , Solicitors ; or to THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. Waterford , Sept: 13 , 18CS. (slu.tf.i PUEE BEED LEICESTER RAMS ¦710R SALE or HIRE , a FEW of tho above JC IIIGHLY-BRED SHEEP, worth tho attention of SHEEP BBEEDEHS, all descended from Royal Win- nora, combiuing the Blood of Messrs. OWEN , CBESWEI - L, CIIKISTV and SA. NDT . App ly to DAVID UEWETSON, Bishop' s Kali , Waterford. (sl5-3t) WILLIAM SMITH. , AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR 43, MICHAEL-STREET (Corner or Lady.lanc), IS now ready to receive ORDERS for tho DISPOSA L of all kinds of GOODS and PROPERTY by PUBLIC AUCTION, or to mako VALUATION S of PROPERTY for SALE or other purposes. (nll-tf AUCTIONEER & VALUATOR JOHN II1NTON , in returning thanks to the general public, for the great confidence hithorto reposed in him as an Auctioneer , and the large Patronage he baa experienced from his fricuds , begs to state that no exertion shall be wanting en his part for the time to come to giic entire satisfaction. Valuations underta- ken at an hour ' s notice , and Auctions, in any part of the County, shall be conducted with care, fidelity, and unwearied attention. A Spacious Mart , for the Sale of Property of every descri ption , is now attached to the Red House. ICP" J. H. attends Enniscortby every l' * air and Mar- ket day ; and Mr. STEPHEN WHITE , Arthurslown, re- ceives Orders there. All letters to be addressed to lied Houso , Wexford. " I feel very great plcnsuro in bearing testimony to tlic superior and highl y creditable manner in which Mr. Jon.t Hiuton , Auctioneer, conducted my S.ilcat Uall yncskcr Lodge, and I am convinced that his tact , ability, paompt sottlo- uicnts, and faithful attention to clients, will cormnnnd tbo Urge amount of deserved patrouage which is certain to nwait him. "J. II. ISEDDY. " MAGNUS'S Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces , &c, ARE unrivalled for Beauty, Elegance anil Dura- bility. Thoy are patronised by Her Majesty the Queen , the Prince of Wales, the Empress of the French , tho Queen of Prussia, Prinoe Napoleon , the Count de Horny, Stc, &c, and by all our best and many Forei gn Architects ; and have gained tho Prize Medal at the Great Exhibition 1851, the Medal of the Society of Arts, two First Class Medals of the French Exposition, and Two Medals 0 * the International Exhibition. Mr. MAGNUS now manufactures Marble Chimney Pieces, and imports extensivel y from the Continent Statuary, Vein and Coloured Marblo Chimney Pieces. Each Chimney Piece is fitted with a suitable Orate , Fender and iFire Guard . Irons at Manufactory Prices. THE PIMLICO SLATE WORKS , 30 , 40, and 41, Upper Bel gravc Place , Pimlico. Catalogues sent free. (alW-tf) Coffin Factory & Undertaking Establishment No. 1 Alexande r.slreet , Waterford. HICHARD FITZGERALD begs to inform his nnmcrous Friends, and the Fnblic generally, that ho is now prepared to receive ordors in tho Under, talcing Business. WATERFORD AND. LIMERICK RAILWAY, ALTERATION OF TRAINS ! "VTOTICE is heroby given, that on and aftor the 1st .131 OCTOBER, tho TRAIN now leaving Waterford at 2.45 p.m., will not leave nntil 2.S5 p.m., and will arrivo in Limorick at G.45 p.m. This Train will not stop at Graugo or Kilsheelau: Also, Notice is given , that the 11 a.m . DOWN TRAIN from Limerick will bo accoloratcd from tho Limerick Junction , and will arrive in Watcrford about 2.10 p.m. This Train will not stop at Banoho , Kit- shcclan , or Grange. Notico ia farther given, that tho MAIL TRAIN nt present leaving Watcrford , at 11.30 a.m., will leavo at 11.20 a.m. For Intermediate Departure* sec Timo Tables. By order, HENRY JACOB, Superintendent. Limerick Terminus, 13th Sept., 18C5. (s222t) WATERFORD AND KILKENNY AND KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAYS. ALTERATION OF TRAIN. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, that on nnd after the 1st OCTOBER , the Train nt present leav- ing Abbey leix at 10.10 a.m. for Kilkenny on Satur- days onl y, will run every day of tho week, Sundays eicoptcd , and will bo in connection with the 11.45 a.m. Traiu from Kilkcuuy to Watorford. (By order), HENRY JACOB, Superintendent. Limerick Terminus , 25th September, 18G5. WATERFORD AND LIMERICK BAILWAY Inauguration of the O'Connell Monument AT ENNIS, On TUESDAY , 3rd OCTOBER, 18G5. CHEAP EXCURSION TO ENNIS, A SPECIAL TRAIN, 1st and 3rd Class , will leave JA. Waterford for Ennis at G.O a.m. on TUESDAY, Iho 3rd of OCTOBER , 1803, calling at all Stations be- tween Waterford and Limerick (except tho Limorick Junction) ; returning from Ennis at 5.45 p.m. ; arriv- ing in Watcrford about 10.30 p.m. FARES FOR THE DOUBLE JOURNEY. Watorford and all Stations np to 1st Class. SrdClass. and including Ti pporary ... 7s. Od. 5s. Od. Oola and Stations up to and in- cluding Boher Go. Od. 3$. Od. Tickets availablo for tho day of issue only. No Half Tickets issued. HENRY JACOB, Superintendent. Limerick Terminus, 23rd Sept., 18G5. (s29'2t .) LARGE BREAD ! LARGE BREAD ! FINEST QUALITY. M HARTIGAN, Into COLLTNS & COMPANY, beg to call tbo attention of HouickcopcrB nnd Families to the superior quality of his BREAD and CON FECTIONARY, each of which will ' bo . fouud second to none other in the Tradoi Bread will bo de- livered to any part of tho City or Suburbs, at the samo irico as at the Bakery, ' 27 BarronetraDd-strect- ¦ M. H. also invites attention lo hia TEAS, COFFEES, BUOXRS, SPICES, BISCUIT*,. CUEKSE, PICII. ES, SAUCES, 4c, &c. Also Guinncfts ' s 30C PpBTps, warranted genuine, ' ' and boUleaVtmder hii own ' anpennteadeBbeV Jass & Co' s E I. PiLr : An, ' on draught and in bottlo 2 Bewley & Dropor ' a MINBBAL WATKBS. WINE . BRANDT, WHISIF . T, 4 C., - Ad, best brands , twdat moderktn ' prf<£s \ j Luncheon and Coffoe at. 'th'i shyrtcst notice j Balls , ' Picnic Parties supplied. Bride inid Christening ' Oalc« ' fcttcnaecT to. - ' •¦ '' ¦' . '- " ¦ ¦"- •; -"'«»> -A '• . -i-M ; ifcfr Ttia CJtii ^ y T^ Wffrt/'lnipOTiiti PtVOTy t Con- fectionary, ana BWWiMiWBodtMjJl/.K; (»Mt) , 7, ¦ BAiiaoNaTJU ^sfffiw;'iyA < iauuroaPj- . ,i

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  • THE WATERl fOUD NEWS\> ,,hlhhcd even/ Intlm/ Evening at -I!) King street

    ( < i |>|i»Kit f-the I'rnvini-ial ttank.l

    I'mcr. TH U K K I' I INCK ; Y E A R L Y (IN ADVANC E ) 13S.ST A M P E D , •!(!.; Yiuni.v , 17S. -ltl.

    PRINTING1 or



    I 'UI '.I.K; I3ODIKS ,

    I ' KIVATK IN D I V I D U A L S ,



    S \ l II' I I .II W I T HTASTE ,

    HASTE , ¦AM) . *

    r i t lCKS ASTO N' ISIIINCI.Y LOW ,(7'*.' Quality nf the Work Cons idered),


    Tire News Book and Job Printing,MACIIINIC 15ULINO ,

    A N D 1UK)K-1SINDINC. ESTABLISHMENT,(Kf .V.K. 1!) S>- flo A"w» Street , Watcrfnrd.


    TO CATnOMC CLERGY , BOOKSKLLERS , &C.On Sale nt The News Office ,

    ( Witli •'"¦ KiTnmnu'iidatiiin "f ', HAI . l . I .NAMOKAIlAN ,AiuM ouNT . , I;A L L Y K I L L A I ;OY, UP -S l . l K V K R U E o r l'EK AND LOWKK ,K I L M T K l l Y . MILTOW.VJJAL J ilNl ' ltE A . KAi lY ,TJ.WANCOOSJI. HAI.LINCUl iRAC.H,CIIAKIJiSTOUW, J S IKIIOI 'V S HALL,llALI.YMOlL N TAIN, NKWTOWN ,MOANK OE . (UPPA H.HAl. l .YIIUMU i 'K , ! liAULSTOWN.liACNNAiiKi.oiii;,Al.-sothc I'l'llowinx liind;! in the COUNTY of the.

    CITY OI WATi:i;i () i;i) :~Clli: lSTKNlM>.M LTl'KI! NKUTOWN and

    AND I.OWKU , i NKWRATli .ANNKMOU NT , jAll |ior.soin tre- |ias?inj[ on any of those landii after

    tliis Notice are lial 'ln to li *s. ; or with lilwrty to return from DublinCork , or Wcxford, 3K Cd., Steward's fee included ; Deck7s. Od. Females attend tho Ladies' Cabin.

    W A T E R F O R D /^M) L I V E R P O O L .Camilla, Vesta, and Zephyr.

    riaw w,\Tr.Rp»nii: FUUM uvr.nrooL:Mnnd-iy, Srpl 55, ... « Atln 'n .Monday, Sept 25, ... 1 Atln 'nKriiiuy, ., w, ... fi M orn I'rMay, „ a», ... < Af ln'uTuc.i.tay, Oct 3 , ...11 .Morn. Tucular, Oct S, ... n MornFriitay ., 6, .,,n Morn KriJ.ir. ,, «;i ...H MornTnrml.iT, ,, 10, ... 3 Afl n'ii Tuojday, ,, 10 , ... 2 Artn'nFriday, „ Is, ... 7 Mom Friday, „ 13. ... 1 Altn"nTuoilny, „ 17, . . .II Mom Tuntuny, „ 17, ... 9 MornI'ridny, „ sn, ...II Morn Krhlay, ,. *', ...1 1 MomTiicsd.iy, „ 31, ... :i Artn 'n Tund'ay, „ Si, ... I Aftn 'nKri.by ., 37, ... 3 Aftn 'n Friday, ,, 5", ... 3 AUn 'nTuciday, „ 31 , ... !l Morn. Tuciilay. „ 31 , .. fi Mom

    Cabin Faro, 16s.; Servants and Children , 10s. ; Di>ck , 79.Cd. ; Children, it. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin.

    Hoods received at Clarence Dock.W A T E I I F O R D A N D L O N D O N .

    3fin»a, Aurora , licla , Aura, or olhor eligible Vessels.riiOM w'.VTKitPonn: rROM toxnos:

    Thurs.lay, uct .1 ... 1 Afm'n ttVdncsd.ny oct I , ... f MornTlinr^by, ,, 11 ... 4 Artn 'ii. Wcdnculny ,, 11, ... S MornTlinr>da V, >. I'1 ... I Aftn 'o Wcdnosdav „ IS, ... S MornTliuif.lny „ DO ... 1 Aftn 'n Wclncjdny „ 25, ... 8 Mor n

    Cabin Fare- , 20s.; Deck , 10s.LOAI 'I NO H HU TIIS :—London—British and Foreign Steam

    Whavf , I-owiT En-it Smithricld, nnd West Kcnl WharfSouthwark. Parcels received at 137 Leadcnhall-strcvt, E.C

    W A T E R F O R D A N D P L Y M O U T HMinna , Aura , Hanger , Aurora,or other cligiblo Vessels.

    rnoM wATumoni) : MOM PLYMOUTH :Tlinrmlny, Oct 5, ... 4 Aftn'nlThnrsdny, Oct 5 ... 8 Artn'nTliunday „ 12, ... i Aftn 'nllliursday, „ 12, ... 8 Afln 'uThursday „ l!>, ... 4 Artn'nlTliursdny, ,, 19, ... 8 Aftn'nTliunilay, „ 2(i , ... 4 Afln 'ulrhursday, „ 20, ... S Aftn'n

    Cabin Fare, 20s. ; Deck , 10s. Taking (ioods for FalmouthSouthitmpton , Portsmouth , and places adjacent.

    W A T E K F O R D A N D B E L FA S T ..VJmiiT, Aura, licta, Aurora, or other eligiblu Vessel;.

    FKOU WATKKIURI ) : PROM 1ICLVAST :Kalunlaj, Oct 7, ... a'AflnVTucitay Ocl 3, ... 7 Atln'nSaturday, „ 14 , ... 2 AllnXTncsdny „ 10, ... 2 Aftn 'nSaturday, „ SI , ... 3 A l ln 'ii Tucvlay, ,, 17 , ... 7 AHn 'iiSaturday, „ 2a, ... 2 Aftn 'nlTocminy, „ 54, ... 2 Afln 'il

    iTuemlay, ., 31, ... 7 Ann'nCabin F.ire, ... los. Deck , ... 7s. fid. Children , ... is

    W A T K R K O R D A N D N E W R O S S .Fr.oM WATKBFOBD —Dail y, Sundays excepted, at 3.1o r.M.FHOM Nr.w Rosa—Daily, Sundays excepttd , at 8.30 1.11

    W A T ]¦: R F O K I ) AN D 1) U N C A N S O N .F ROM W'ATFiiFoni )—Dail y, Sundays excepted, at 3.15 r.M.F KOM DUXCASN ON —Daily, Sundays cscrpted , at 8.15 A. M.

    Berths sinned and every information given by the Agents.Iirittol—The General Steam" Packet Office. Liverpool —Watcrlord Steam Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street,Washington lSuildinps. London— AXTIIO M. < i . ROBIN SOX ,20 Mark Lane; British and Forcisn Steam Wharf , LowerEa«l Smitlilield, and West K'ent Wharf, South.vnrk ; Par-crU reciivr. 1 at 1.'17 Lradrnliall Street , ICC l'lymnulh—Ili txuv.1. WAmsi; , tlicWharf , Milbay. JJclfm t—R. I l i x -I I K R M I N f c SONS , llnuep.il Quay ; !>2!MflAnd at the Cnmnaiiv's (Jllicc . the MALL , WATKRKORD


    TWICK A- WF.F.K.i irrflfJBiy 'T"" ̂ Liverpool , New York ,

    /^O r~ l̂\ ~m JL and Philadelphia Steam Ship

    ¦S £y / l [ j $M \ / /1\\|A Company intend despatching their•MauBaEwUUiHiFull-p'iwi red Clyde-built lion Screw¦Slcumidiips, carrying the I'uitrd Slates MaiU ,From (iUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NKW YORK

    xt follow :CITY OF MANCHESTER ... Monday, lit Oct.CITY OF LONDON Thursday, r.ih „CITY OF DUBLIN Saturday 7th „ ,'i And every Thursday, and alternate Mondays, andSaturdays.

    Cabin Passaio by tho Mail Steamers every Thursday,15, 17, and 21 (Suiiiea!:, according to the accommodation.

    Cabin Passage by tlic Monday 's nnd Saturday's Steamers13 (iuineas.

    Forward Passage includes n full Bupply of cooked Pro-visions.

    Passengers for Canada, nnd tho United States, bookedthroug h on very advantageous terms.

    For further pnrticularsapply in Belfast to JOHN McKEE ,nl the Company's Olliees, l(i:i Victoria-street ; in Qucenntoicn ,tn ' Z l l iS'W S

    and PHYSICAL DEBILITY ; is thn discovery of an[ cure would soon be effected , and tho little patient be Puwgo EMt, ... „ « 0 ».m j oL,

    Sî JSftSi-stt^: SSŜ ;-*..,,,- ap&f. z =„:.:= j * 5sjs £sAssi££J^ ,̂ »•„, S'iŜ iss:... , "̂ stScssix."-; ""

    ¦ ;.""and speedily restores tone and manly vigor to tho most B UII OUS Com- Dytunttry LirerCom- Recondarr Symptomi DO. ¦ do., :on 8un*»j« „. 3 « p.m 4 0 r.mimoaircd constitution. Sent through tho Post to any plaint* Erriiiwlot pl.lnt. Tie Doolouieux Dublin (lato English M»iU) 4c, ... 7 is jun . » is p.ni

    i Cc. n.™Vi i «« n./.«lnt nf Mi) Sr BtumDi Fnoh Dlotdioson Female If- Lumbago Turaoura fj|onin

    NERVOUS DEBILITY, Spormatorrhce , and other nf- 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London ; also, at The aonmtl,goik, ijjBniloli, *o, .., a so pju , put morning,feetions which aro often noquircd in early life, and UD W Kem Office , No. 40 Kingstreet , Watorford , a«a by all Tr*SrIM".. Z 7. " S £? *k££2»sufferers for marriago, nnd other social duJcs, has pub respectable Druggists and Dealers In Medlctaos through- Dpnmbw .„ ... -. 7' o»n ¦. do'^lished a Book, giving the full hencfit of his long a xp»- Out thecWlisodworld.atthefollowingpriccs:—ls..t fd, Pin* - ~ - 1 »*¦>* : *»;^gratia,

    wi A» dlrotlon. for the recovery * 8,.

    9d., 4.. Cd., Us., 22.. and 33a. eacUx. TherJi. ir-n^k^-jn) . - ~ u 0 .j» OJj Ojg .;,Health and Strcngtn. A single copy sent to any aa- a considerable saving by taking the larger slzea. •• (jrd do) ... .„ ¦» 30 pm ¦ " ao ̂-dress on receipt gf one Stamp. Address to tho Socro- N.B.—Directions for Hbegwdango of patients iaeTe^y New ROM Crt mail)

    .„ _ SSO UB I 6 O aonUry. lMUtute oI Anatomy, Dirminsuwn. (jyio-U disorder arc affixed to aoo box. . . j Co. (tod do) i o pj a out m«r«u.,

    ¦ ; ¦ ' ' . - . ' . .¦ ¦ . , . ' . . , . . . .. . - . . ¦ .;,, , , ., ;, /.O.O]I;c«Js iil>

    'i,V. «̂ . v


    40 , LAD Y-LANE , WATF.RFORD.J M 's treatment for tho removal of CORNS,

    • BUNIONS, and WELTS, on the feet is entirelypainl ess, nnd DOES NOT HEQUIRE CUTTINO . On itsfirst application tho existing pain is alleviated , and ifhis instructions be carried out by tho sufferer, thoseannoyances will not return. Fee for a single Corn,5s. Bunions and Welts on examination, as may boagreed on. J. 51. has operated successfully for over 20years, and for the past three years in Waterford , andhas never known a single instance of failure.

    N.IS.—Ladies and Gentlemen attended at their oirnhouse on tho shortest notice.

    40 LAW LANE , WATEIiFORD.The following are among tho many Testimonials re-

    ceived by Mr. Muiu'iir:—(From the Rt. Rev. Dr. O'Brien , B.C.B., of Watcrf ord

    and Lismore).Mr. Josuril M VBFIIT, Lady-lane, Chiropodist, has ex-

    tracted front my feet several corns without creating tbeslightest pain. I suffered much for soveial years from theseCorns, and nppliod to persons of high character as Chiropo-dists, but without success. I can now walk with greatoasc, nud fed quite comfortable ; and beg to recommend Mr.Munrnx 's method of extraction as bcins most successful,

    t D. O'URIEJI , R.C.I).(From the Very Rev. Dr. Flynn, P.P., Trinity Without,

    V.G., Diocese of Watcrford and Lismore).I have, from time to lime, tried various remedies for era-

    dicating L'orus, but none so effectual ns that aj plied byIIr. JoBEru MuitrnT, Resident Chiropodist, Lady-lane,Wnterford , which has totally relieved ma from tboso trou-blesome companions. 1 therefore carucetly recommend allIhoso whom it may concern, to have recourse to him , as theymay calculate on a total and pcrmaucut relief from those tor-mentors , so annoying and painful.

    Airmount , Feb. o, 18M. M. FlT.m(From Colonel Bushc, Olcnca irn Alley.)

    " Mr. Murphy has asked me to give him a certificate as tohis scieuco as a Chiropodist. I can say that, having sufferedfrom Corns, from tho former habit of wearing tight boots,aud such having been treated in London nud clscwbcro byvarious first-class artists , I consider Mr. Murphy 's treatmenttho most elt'cclivo 1 ever met. I did not think it possiblo tocradicato corns when deep-seated, but Mr. Murphy willcertainly do it. "G. ilUBUE.

    " Olcucairn Alilicy, Lismore, Nov. 10, 1801."(From Mr. St. CJcorgo Freeman, Surgeon Dentist.)

    Air. dosi'.Pit MuitFlir , of •!!), Lady-lane , Wntcrford ,Chiropodist , has completely eradicated from my right foot avery Iroublcsnmc Corn, without cuusiug me the slightest pninin his very fckill 'ul operation. [jolO-3m')

    HiM Csfoid-slrect , June 15, 18C3.

    E X T E N S I V E





    1' . J. S U L L I V A N ,


    WALKING JACKETS to order only.[mh24-ly]


    HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.THE BLOOD.—These-famous Pills aro w composed

    that they opcrato wholesomely on the stomach , theLiver, tho Bowels and other organs , hy correcting anyderangements in their functions , whereby a steadysupp ly of pure materials for the renewal of tho Bloodis furnished , nnd a constant abstraction of effete pro-ducts is effected. This perfect circulation thus becomesthe very fountain of health and lifo , and overcomesall form of disease wherever its situation ,

    O CSKRAL .DISORDERS or THE LIVES AND STOMACH .—All who over indul ga at tublc, cither in eating ordrinking, should take about ten of those famous Pillsat bed time, from'wliich will result a clear head andgood stomach tho following morning Thousands ofLadies arc always coniplaming of sick hoadacbes, wantof appetite, want of energy, and want of strcngtn ; tocorrect all those ovils, three or four of these PilU shouldbe taken twice a week, when they would give the invalidthe health and appetite of a ploughman.

    FEMALES OF ALL ACES AND CLASSES.—Obstructionsof any kind , cither In young person?, or those betweenforty and fi fty—the most critical period of life—may beradically removed by using these Pills according to theprinted directions which accompany each box. Youngpersons with sickly and: sallow comploxions may havethe bloom of health restored by this wonderful corrcc-tivo , which purifies the blood and expels all gross andimpure humours from the system. Beware then of thecritical ago from forty to fifty, as it scnis many thou-sands to a premature grave—these Pills should be takenat that period of life two or thrco times a week.

    WAST or STREHOTII AND EN SRCT .—Porsons ofsedentary habits, or those troubled in mind , working inFactories, or Coal Pits, who cannot obtain that amountof fresh air and exorcise which naturo requires , sufferfrom weakness and debility, lowness of spirits and wantof appetite. All such should take a dose, or two ofthese Pills every three or four days, as they act gontlyand effectuall y on tho system, and impart vigour nndenergy to tho body, which is always followed by a goodappetite, sound and refreshing sleep, and a high tlow ofspirits.

    FOR TIIK CURF. OF DRorsr .—The efficacy of IIol-loway's Pills in Dropsy is extraordinary They actwilh such peculiar effect upon tho system , that tho lluidscausing this direful complaint , are imperceptibly carriedoil nnd preventod from nny further accumulation. Thosufferer regains a buoyancy of spirits, and rejoices in acompletely renovated constitution. It is indispensablynecessary that tho Ointment should be most effoctuallyrubbed into tho complaining parts during the wholecourse of treatment.

    CHILDREN AND TIIIEU A ILMENTS .—In no country inthe world are more childron carried to an early gravethau in Great Britain. Coughs, Measles Scarlatina,Fovcrs, and thcr diseases attack tho little sufferers, anddeath but too often follows at a rapid pace ; yet ,if,atthcfirst stago of these complaints, parents wero to have re-course, to Holloway's Pills,aHdaugcr would be avoided; for(ho stomach and bowels would be gently but effectuallycleansed by this mild arpcricnt; the depraved humourscorrected and the secretions duly regulated. A perfectcure would soon be effected, and tho little patient berestored to sound health.Holloway 'sl'illsare thebes tremed y known in theworld

    MONEY;Union Bank . of Ireland (Limited)


    SHARES of £100 each; with power to increase.PAID-UP CAPITAL, £220,000.

    DEPOSIT RECEIPTS. .From this date until furtlior notice, Interest allowed

    on Doposits of ONE MONTH'S standing, or longer,will be at tho rato of THREE PBR CENT. PEIANNUM.

    CURRENT ACCOUNTS.Interest is allowed nt tho Kate of TWO per Cent,

    per Annum on tho minimum credit balance of tbeMonth, provided it shall not havo been loss than £100.

    On Accounts of a Public or Charitable nature,Interest, at rates to bo. agreed upon, will bo allowodon Balances of any amount. ;

    Accounts also opened in Dublin for parties residingin tho country. Remittances received in Halves ofNotes, Post Olfico Orders, &c, &c. (s22-tf)


    rpHE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and KilkennyX Bailway, for the purpose of replacing tho IN-

    STALMENTS of the GOVERNMENT LOAfc andBONDS falling duo, aro prepared to accept LOANSon MORTGAGE BONDS, at 6 per Cent., pay-ablo upon cither One or Three Months' Notice, to bealways increased to'C p*r Cent whenever .and duringthe time the Irish Banks arc allowing 4 per Cent, onDeposit Receipts.

    They will also accept Money on like Bonds, at Bper Cent., for Three , or Fivo Years, and for theDebenture Stock , bearing interest at G per Ont. forThree Years, and 5 por Cent, in perpetuity afterwards.

    Tho Lino is worked by the Waterford and LimerickCompany, and for the year ending the 23th March ,18G5, the Traffic Receipts were £21,103 8s. Gd., theWorking and other expenses being £10,300 4d. Cd.,leaving a Balance of £I0,7G3 4s. 0d., for Interest onLoans, after the payment of which there is a consider-able surplus, nnd the opening of the New 'Line fromKilkenny to Maryborough , now constructing (a. distanceof I'J Miles from Kilkenny to Abbeyleix being com-plctcd), nnd open for Traffic will materially intrcascthe Receipts.

    Applications to be addressed to the undersigned at theCompany 's Offices, 2 Bank Place, Mall , Waterford.

    By Order,WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Sccietary.

    Waterford, Moy 12, 18C5. (jalO -tf.)

    MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES.THE NATIONAL DISCOUNT & LOAN FUND, C,Adam Street, Adclphi , LONDON—Established IIYears.—Loans from £5 to £200 without Sureties , at ex-tra risk ; Loans from £0 to .£500 with Sureties. Billsdiscounted. Loans advanced in full in three days, with-out deduction for interest , &o- Office hours, from tento four. Forms 2d. 27-tf)


    Up Trains from Waterford.


    TRAI NS QM WKEK PAV M. SUNDAYS.~T ~i* 3 V< 5 i» 2"""

    TO 1 2.V3 1 & 2 I Si 2 li'-' , 1 2 4 3 I ' J f c D I 2 43i i \ , vn i i*w Class Class. Cloas Class Class. Oasi ClansL I M E R I C K .

    i M A M _ r M f i S A H < ( - M p H

    h m h m h m h m hi h m Ii m\Vatcrford...Bf;i S O 11 2(1 2 53 8 30 | — 8 30 —Carrick S 40 12 8 3 28 9 15 — 9 15 —Clonmcl 0 15 12 37 « g 10 O — 10, 0 —Junction... M r/vJ 10 35 1 47 5 15 12 0 ¦ 8 50 1] 15 —Liinerick... ^ric)l ... 3 0 0 IS 1 SO j 9 43 1 20 —

    Down Trains from Limerick.I TRA1KK OK WKF.R DATS. .SUKOAT9LIMERICK , , o. 3 4. I 5 »? I 2

    TO 12fc3 'l8c 3 12&3 1 &2 1 2&3 12 .V3 12.V3„.„„„,„ Class Class Clast. Class Class. Class Class*'u l 1 ' A .M . \ i.ii. r.M. P.M. A.M . r.w. i.M.

    h m l h m h m hm h m b m h mI.lracrick Dtp 6 45 ill 0 4 0 10 45 — IU 4s _Junction Dtp 7 45 12 22 5 25 12 IS — 12 V, —Clonmel 0 111 ; 1 32 6 SO 2 15 3 15 —Carrick 0 45 1 1 45 | 7 30 !Ii — 3 65. —Walei-furd...4nl lu 35 2 10 I 8 IP. 3 45 . — 3 ;i — S 3 5 1 i O — S O — —Corlow(ISE).... ! — II) -in -2 30 — 10 20 • —AuboyMx....Deri 0 30 10 40 2 3j — — — -B.illjrraggclt 650 1 1 0 3 1 — — — —Kilkonny.....-4rr/ 7 2 5 1135 330 — — - —Kilkenny ....Vr/ ,] 7 311 11 45 3 10 — 0 0 0 0 —Watcrrord.^.Arll DJTi I 211 5

    -a —

    10 20 T

    30 ! -

    Goods convoyed by Trains marked t ; Mail Trains *F»nis TO DUBII * :—First CI IWH Sinzlo Ticket , 21s. ; Seconddo., ISs 8J ; Third do, Os 3d ; ltetnrn—First Class, 3ls 6d ; Se-

    cond do, 23a Gil.PARKS TO KaxtSNv !—First Class Single Ticket, Ca ; Second

    do, 4s 4d ; Thirrl do, 2s 7d ; Return—First Class, 0s ; 2d do, GsGd


    ~~ I T~. 3 4̂ 5 I 8 I 7 8 D~j> in ajn jji m ' p m p m p m | pjn p m Ji_m_h tu h m h m h m h m I h m j h m h m h in

    WT.I 'S U 10 4S 12 0 «2 15 4 O 5 450 0 — —T'orc D l S MI 16 I U 3" * 3« '• 15 0 30 — —

    Sunday Traini1 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 3 | 9 I O

    a m p m p in p m p in p m p m u m I p m pmji m h m ti 111 h 111 h m It in h ID h ra In hm

    •II O 12 15 1 3(1 2 30 4 30 5 30 D U — — — •D 30 12 45 4 0 4 0 5 0 »6 3U|0 30 — — —

    Tbose marked thus • are tnall trains.KAIIKS :—First Glass Hinglo Ticket , lod. ; Return Ticket, Is.

    Second Ulna Singlo Ticket, 7 J. i Return Tickot,9d.

    TIIE'MAILS FROM WATERFOKD. "Tlic hours up to which letters and papers may 'bo posted

    at tka Watcrford Offico are 03 follow :—Box Closes. Despatched.

    Cork, and Limerick, ... ... 7 36 a.m . S45a.niClonraol , ie , ... ... ... 11 0 a.m 1120 a.mDublin (early English Mails) 4c, 12 0 a.m 12 35 a.mDungarran, ... aH 2 30 p.ra 3. O p.mTramorc (1st Hall), ... .- 7 0 a.m 7 30 an

    Do (2nd do), .» ... 1 30 a.m 3 0 p.mPassage East, ... «• 4 0 a.m 6 0 a.raDunmoro ... ¦» .« 4 0 a.m s o a.mFenycank (1st Mall) , ... ... 4 0 ajn 8 0 a-m


    Travelling Machines, Furmin'g ' Implements, Slock, 'i - : ¦ ¦ • . - • $C,; -$G. . . , . : . ,

    MB. THOMA8 WALSH'S next Auotion of HorsesTravelling Vehicles, &q, &c.. will toko placeON 'M'ONDAY. W OCTO'BElt' I8C5; ' !

    At MR LAUHEBCE .DpBBYN'S VETBRINAIIYEstablishment, Bercsford street, ty aterford, . ,

    oRDsa or SALE : ¦. , - . ' \grovelling Vehicles, HarngM, Oamp Dogs, &c, a

    Twelve o'Clock precisely. 'Hunters, Riding and:famlly Dorses,nt On6 b'Clock.-Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after/|̂ " Persons intending property for this Sale will lo

    roquired to have it entered at Mr DODBTW'B, or nt Mr,WALSH'S Office , inn Custom-house Quay, on or beforeNine o'Clock the morning of Sale. Fee for entry, 2s. (id.Purchasers to pay Auctioneer's Fees of Ryo per Cent;' THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer.

    A uctions attended in any part of Country or Town.100 Custom-house Quay, Wotcrford', 1865. tf

    THE AUCTION ROOM,VTO. 101 QUAY, is now ettcd Up for the receptionJj . 1 of Furniture , &c. for 8ale.

    Persons not wishing to have Properly disposed of ontheir own Premises will find it their interest to mako UEOof this Establishment, as the Room is both spacious andlofty, and admirably adapted 'for Furniture Sales.

    THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor.


    TO BE SOLD,BY directions of MR. MIODLETON, his INTERESTin tho LEASE ot the Pictarcsquo Residenceknown as STJIR VILLA, NEWTOWN, to which iaattached about i\ Acres of Land, heautifal ly laid outin Torraccs, 4e. Immcdiato possession will be given,aud the- ENTIRE FURNITUEE at a VALUATION,if required.

    For particulars and Cards to view, npply to MesaDonniN & T.VNDT , Solicitors ; or to

    THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer.Waterford, Sept: 13, 18CS. (slu.tf.i

    PUEE BEED LEICESTER RAMS¦710R S A L E or H I R E , a FEW of tho above

    JC IIIGHLY-BRED SHEEP, worth tho attentionof SHEEP BBEEDEHS, all descended from Royal Win-nora, combiuing the Blood of Messrs. OWEN , CBESWEI-L,CIIKISTV and SA.NDT.

    Apply to DAVID UEWETSON, Bishop's Kali,Waterford. (sl5-3t)


    43, MICHAEL-STREET (Corner or Lady.lanc),IS now ready to receive ORDERS for tho DISPOSA Lof all kinds of GOODS and PROPERTY byPUBLIC AUCTION, or to mako VALUATIONS ofPROPERTY for SALE or other purposes. (nll-tf


    JOHN II1NTON, in returning thanks to the generalpublic, for the great confidence hithorto reposed

    in him as an Auctioneer, and the large Patronage hebaa experienced from his fricuds , begs to state that noexertion shall be wanting en his part for the time tocome to giic entire satisfaction. Valuations underta-ken at an hour's notice, and Auctions, in any part ofthe County, shall be conducted with care, fidelity, andunwearied attention.

    A Spacious Mart , for the Sale of Property of everydescription , is now attached to the Red House.

    ICP" J. H. attends Enniscortby every l'*air and Mar-ket day ; and Mr. STEPHEN WHITE , Arthurslown, re-ceives Orders there. All letters to be addressed to liedHouso, Wexford.

    " I feel very great plcnsuro in bearing testimony to tlicsuperior and highly creditable manner in which Mr. Jon.tHiuton, Auctioneer, conducted my S.ilcat Uallyncskcr Lodge,and I am convinced that his tact , ability, paompt sottlo-uicnts, and faithful attention to clients, will cormnnnd tboUrge amount of deserved patrouage which is certain to nwaithim. "J. II. ISEDDY."

    MAGNUS'SEnamelled Slate Chimney Pieces, &c,ARE unrivalled for Beauty, Elegance anil Dura-bility. Thoy are patronised by Her Majestythe Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Empress of theFrench , tho Queen of Prussia, Prinoe Napoleon, theCount de Horny, Stc, &c, and by all our best andmany Foreign Architects ; and have gained tho PrizeMedal at the Great Exhibition 1851, the Medal of theSociety of Arts, two First Class Medals of the FrenchExposition, and Two Medals 0 * the InternationalExhibition.

    Mr. MAGNUS now manufactures Marble ChimneyPieces, and imports extensively from the ContinentStatuary, Vein and Coloured Marblo Chimney Pieces.Each Chimney Piece is fitted with a suitable Orate,Fender and iFire Guard. Irons at Manufactory Prices.

    THE PIMLICO SLATE WORKS,30, 40, and 41, Upper Belgravc Place, Pimlico.Catalogues sent free. (alW-tf)

    Coffin Factory & Undertaking EstablishmentNo. 1 Alexande r.slreet, Waterford.

    HICHARD FITZGERALD begs to inform hisnnmcrous Friends, and the Fnblic generally,

    that ho is now prepared to receive ordors in tho Under,talcing Business.


    ALTERATION OF TRAINS !"VTOTICE is heroby given, that on and aftor the 1st.131 OCTOBER, tho TRAIN now leaving Waterfordat 2.45 p.m., will not leave nntil 2.S5 p.m., and willarrivo in Limorick at G.45 p.m.

    This Train will not stop at Graugo or Kilsheelau:Also, Notice is given, that the 11 a.m. DOWN

    TRAIN from Limerick will bo accoloratcd from thoLimerick Junction, and will arrive in Watcrford about2.10 p.m. This Train will not stop at Banoho, Kit-shcclan , or Grange.

    Notico ia farther given, that tho MAIL TRAIN ntpresent leaving Watcrford, at 11.30 a.m., will leavo at11.20 a.m.

    For Intermediate Departure* sec Timo Tables.By order, HENRY JACOB, Superintendent.

    Limerick Terminus, 13th Sept., 18C5. (s222t)WATERFORD AND KILKENNY AND KILKENNY



    the 1st OCTOBER, the Train nt present leav-ing Abbeyleix at 10.10 a.m. for Kilkenny on Satur-days only, will run every day of tho week, Sundayseicoptcd, and will bo in connection with the 11.45 a.m.Traiu from Kilkcuuy to Watorford.

    (By order),HENRY JACOB, Superintendent.

    Limerick Terminus, 25th September, 18G5.


    Inauguration of the O'Connell MonumentAT ENNIS,

    On TUESDAY , 3rd OCTOBER, 18G5.C H E A P E X C U R S I O N TO E N N I S ,

    A SPECIAL TRAIN, 1st and 3rd Class, will leaveJA. Waterford for Ennis at G.O a.m. on TUESDAY,Iho 3rd of OCTOBER , 1803, calling at all Stations be-tween Waterford and Limerick (except tho LimorickJunction) ; returning from Ennis at 5.45 p.m. ; arriv-ing in Watcrford about 10.30 p.m.

    FARES FOR THE DOUBLE JOURNEY.Watorford and all Stations np to 1st Class. SrdClass.

    and including Tipporary ... 7s. Od. 5s. Od.Oola and Stations up to and in-

    cluding Boher Go. Od. 3$. Od.Tickets availablo for tho day of issue only.No Half Tickets issued.

    HENRY JACOB, Superintendent.Limerick Terminus, 23rd Sept., 18G5. (s29'2t .)



    • beg to call tbo attention of HouickcopcrB nndFamilies to the superior quality of his BREAD andCONFECTIONARY, each of which will' bo . fouudsecond to none other in the Tradoi Bread will bo de-livered to any part of tho City or Suburbs, at the samoirico as at the Bakery, ' 27 BarronetraDd-strect-¦ M. H. also invites attention lo hia TEAS, COFFEES,

    BUOXRS, SPICES, BISCUIT*,. CUEKSE, PICII.ES, SAUCES,4c, &c. Also Guinncfts's 30C PpBTps, warrantedgenuine,'' and boUleaVtmder hii own ' anpennteadeBbeVJass & Co's E I. PiLr :An,' on draught and in bottlo 2

    Bewley & Dropor'a MINBBAL WATKBS. WINE. BRANDT,WHISIF.T, 4C.,- Ad, best brands, twdat moderktn'prf



    MB. SNOWDEN has tho honor to announce thatho will Exhibit bis TWO beautifully-paintcdPANORAMAS j one, the AMERICAN WAS, show.|ng a sorioa of New and Splendid Scones or tho Battlesby Boa and Land, from SVotchos takon on tho spot byEminent Attiats j the oth«r, the OVEULAND BOUTEto INDIA.

    At the conclasion or tho Panoramas, GOLD andSILVER GIFTS of great value, mill bo impartiallygiven, away.

    Tiokets to 1)0 had or Mr. Snllivan , Tailor, &e.F thoQnay, Waterford, whero tho Presents may be iccu onthe Days or Performance,

    Kcucrrod Seats, 2B. ; Second Seats, 1«. ; Back Scats,Oil. Children under 12, and Schools, Ilalf-prico toKe*orvcil aud Second Scats only.

    Doors open at hair-past 7. Pcrfbrmanro to com-mence at a Quarter-past 8. Carriages at 10. (ll*>


    L E C T U R ES ,TI1K COMMITTEE beg to nnnonncc that M K .

    IIOBEUT J. HALL, B.A., will deliverTWO I J ECTUUES,

    In tho I.AUGE H00M , TOWN HALL, on THUKS-DAY the 8lh, and TUESDAY tho Inth OCIOIIFK .

    TIU'IISIIAY livKNiNK. —On the l'arliainenlary Klo-quenceor Croat Britain and Ireland, with Illustrationsor tho Oratory or CHATHAM , DU U K E, SI I E K I H A N , GHAT-TAy , PMIKKETT , and SiiiEi..

    TU£< DAT EVENING .—On tho Eloquence of the Barof Great Britain and Ireland, with Illustrations of theOratory of EM6isE, Cun»iS, MACKisTos ii , O'Coii N i:i.i,and J OHN 1I F.NHX NOUTH .

    To commence cacb livening nt S o'clock.Terms pf nilmisiion to each Lecture .- Front Seals,

    li. ; Back Seats, Gil. ; Members Free.Renervcd Seats , Members Od. each or Is. for a family ;

    Non-Members Is. GJ. each.(li). E. I'OWER , Secretary.

    D U N G A K V A N .Confectionery, Wines, Brandies. &c.WALTKlt niSUOl', in returning his ninccrc

    thanks to bis fricmld and the public, Tor thekind patronage bo has received , bCRS to inform themthat in addition to his two Establishment* in Water-ford, ho has OPENED a Branch Establishment in Dun-garvrtn, which will bo snpplied with all kind ofCONFECTIONERY, WINKS , BRANDIES , Ac.

    ICT* An Apprentice wanted. [jy2S-3m]

    Pianoforte and Music Warehouse,93 , Q U A Y , l F A T E R F Oj t D .

    F T . HOWARD begs to call attention to the very• largo and superior Stock of PIANOFOHTKS

    now in his Warerooms, all by First Class MakerK, nnduhioh he offers at prices that will enable the purchaserto obtain a REAL GOOD l'lANOFOftTE for what ism8imlly paid for instruments of inferior class, that aromiorely finished on the exterior to catch the cyo, want-ing all the necessary qualities of good workmanshipand sound m.ilorinl in the interior mechanism.

    Old Instruments taken in Exchange. A LT-XINDRE'SHarmoniums in variety.

    335" New Music, and every article connected withtho Music Trado, always in stock . (nu2G-tf).

    Waterford County and City Gaol.

    THE BOARD OF SUPERIN'TKNUENCE will ,ill their meeting on SATURDAY , the 7lh OC-

    TOBER next, elect an ASSISTANT MATRON andSCHOOLMISTRESS , at a Salary of jCW a year , withRations anil a Suit of Clothing, and ono ApartmentFurnished , with Bedding, Fuel , and Li ght. Age notunder '2o or above 30 ynars. She must understandtouching according to tho system of the N.itionalSchool*.

    Cnndid.itcs to npponr nt the Oaol at Ouc o'clock onthe nbovc named day, and Ai>plications and Testimo-nials to bo sent scaled to the Local Inspector at theGaol , on or before 5l/i CMobor, 186!>. (s8- 4l)

    ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANYLIVERPOOL—Royal Insurance Buildings , North .Inhu-il,LONDON—U'jyal Insurance lluiliiiucs, J'Oinh.inl-strect.liranch Office/ or Ireland— 10, Darne-strrcl , Dablin.Irtcd Manager— .! lioiiK SlttKLns , E to he dti ivcl fniin .As-

    curing in this Oflioe tti c:— Very MoiUratc UH / CS vf I' revthim ; l-nrijc liomiset ; I.ibrrnl Conditions.

    Intending Assurer* arc hereby informed that theDirectors A«r fecuro a lnrge business, require/I a Gentleman totike the Manancment. Salary will Increase annuallyin proportion to Die business. Applicants must begentlemen of local influence aud knowledge, ablo togive unexceptionable, references, and possessing somemeans themselves. All applicaliond , by letter only,to contai n full particulars , and to be addressed in thefirst instance to G. M., 'M , Fleet-street , London.

    All communications will be treated as stiictl y pri-»afc and confidential. [It.]



    (Mass , issued to Dublin during the month of Oc-lobor, will be available for return 'J days after date ofissue.

    II . JAC OB, SuperintciideMt.Liimrrick 'JVriiiiuus , -'/"Hi hVl't., lrtliS. fs2y. lt.]


    THOMAS LAWLdR begs to inform the Clergy,Gentry, and Inhabitan ts of Watcrfuril , anil till

    siirrouti'ling Coiiulic", that he lias mccecdeil IHN Father-in-luw (the late Mr. .IOII N FI.AHAVAN ) iu the alx>v«business. Jcy* I'uucrala supplied with every requisite .

    AH Order* addressed as al/ovi1, promptly attended to .


    ANNU AL (.'ONSU.MI'1 ION KX litDS l,IK)U,Ulj Ol l l

    fllllE Hoalthii -st , Ili 'st , and most Delicious AlimentI for Urcakfast kuiivvu sim-i; IS'JO ; di-fiVs all lumebt

    toiiipciiii'in ; iiiwduttciMlcM , highl y iiulritinus ;ilnl pure.SuM in j- Hi . iMcki tn . Als» (• .•,|.CC I H II}- inanufiitiurcdfor r»(in(; us ordin.iry sweetmeats , »r ot dessert .

    Whi ili>ale , M K N I K K , 'i:\ llcnrii.tta-strecl , Cnvent(Ju rdrn , London. Idluil by ( f l7- ly)WOOD WARD MASON , GROCER , WATERI'OISD.



    EO'SIIAUC IlNKSS y WARDELL , Imjoricr ol

    • Foreign and British Cigars ; Wills ' Virg iniaReturns; Bristol Bird s Eye, (Jrasscut ; Foreign, Flat ,Cut Cavendish , nud ot/icr Kaney Tohacrus.

    A choico selection o " Meerschaum and Clay TipeB. jLA M B K I N 'S Cork .Snufl'.

    1̂ 8" folc Agent for tipitLANi'.'s Celebrated LimerickSmoughU'en.os usedby the Kildaro street Club.

    Mr Real Limerick Flics and Hooka. London Per-fumery, and Concertinas.

    Obaerve-06 QUAY , WATF.RFORD. [oll-i f

    Starch Manufacture t to JI. li. II . the Princtn ojWain.

    The Ladies are respectfully informed that thisSTARCH is EXCMJSIVFI .T Usr.n in tho ROTAL LAUNDRT ,and H CB M AJKSII 'B LAUND RR SS says, that although sh«has tried Whcaten , Rice, and other Powder Starches,sho his found noneof lhem filial to the OLENFIELD ,which is the FINEST STARCH she erer used.

    When you ask for 0LEHFIEI.D PATENT STARCHsee thlt YOU get it , us in'erior kinds are often substi-tuted. fau3-tfj

    tt'OTIIERSI'OON * Co i Glasgoir and London,



    »OR THH BDPPOBr OT • '


    ON SUNDAY, 1 ST or OCTOBER, 1865,

    Immediately after LAST MASS,

    IN THE C A T H O L I C C A T H E D R A L ,nr


    rJ5T Donations from thoio vtho cannot attend willbo received by tho Right Rev. Dr. O'BRIEN , and theClergy of tho City. (s22.2t)

    Catholic University School of MedicineCEC1LIA-STREET, DUBLIN.

    TOE WINTER SESSION, 1805-0, will commencewith DISSECTIONS on the 2nd OCTOBER .

    The LECTURES will bo commenced on THURSDAY ,NOVEMBER the 2nd, at 3 o'Clock, p.m., by an inau-gural Address from the Dean of Faculty, Dr. HAYDEN .

    Tho several courses will be as follows :—ANATOM Y AND PHYSI- < Dr. Hoyden.

    OLOGY, (Dr. Cryau.ANATOMICAL DEMON.] The professors of Anatomy

    STKATIONS, land 1'liysiology.CHEMISTRY , Dr: Sullivan.THEORY AND PRACTICE") .. . ,,„.

    OK SURC SKKY . f Ml> hUls"THEORY AND PRACTICE ? nr , ,.„

    OF MEDICINE , j I)r" l'3°l">THEORY AND PRACTICE? D ,.OF MIDWIFE RY , j Ur. lljine.HSACTICAL Cll KMISTliY Dr. Sullivan.MATKU1A MEDICA, Dr. Quinlau.M

    HKSCG .A|J JUUIS1>KU-}Dr. JhuSuwy.

    PATHOLOOY , Dr. Lyons.COM PARATIVE ANA- ( Dr. Hnydon.

    TOMY , I Dr. Cryan.I1OTANY, Dr. Si(;ci>on.LOGIC, Dr. Dunuc.NATUHALI'JIlLasOPHY, Mr. Hcmicssy, F.U.S

    Dissections under the superiiitendcuco of tho Fro-fcBsors of Anatomy, and the Demonstrators, Dr. Tyrrell,Dr. Hayos, Dr. Fennelly, Mr. Darby, and Mr. Lallan.

    Tho Lectures delivered in this school arc fully rccog.niscd and received by the Univorsilics and all otherlicensing bodies in tho United Kingdom. • Tlio Schoolis, thorcfore, strictly on an equality, as regards pri.vilcges, with any other similar institution in GreatBritain or Ireland.

    A College for tho residenco of Medical Students (onthe model of tlio Pidagogie des VacuUts ties Scicnccicc de Medicine, which now exists in tbo College ofMaria Theresa, in tho Catholic University of Lonvain)has been opened in connection with tho University,under the superintendence of a Resident Dean, who isehargod with the supervision of the Students' conduct.For particulars apply to tho Rector of the Universityor to tho Very Rev. Dean McDevitt, D.D, 80 Stephen'slirecn, South.

    A CONNOI,LI EXHIBITION (valuo £20) will be offeredfor competition at the termination of the WinterSession. In addition to the usual class prizes,, ThreeGold Medals will be awarded by competition in thefollowing combined subjects, viz. : one in Anatomy,Physiology, and Chemistry, one in Surgery and thePractico of Medicino, and ono in Midwifery and theDiseases of Women and Children.

    Tho Summer Session, I860, comprising Operationsin Practical Chemistry, aud Lectures on MatcriaModica, Medical Jurisprudence, Pathology, Botany,Natural Philosophy, and Logic, will commence about20th April, and terminate about tho 20th of July, whencla«s prizes will bo awarded in each subject, and a GoldMedal in Practical Chemistry, Malcria Mcdica, andMedical Jurisprudence combined.

    For particulars, BOO Prospectus, or apply at theSchool, Cceilia-Strcot, Dublin.

    ROBERT CRYAN , Hon. Sec.61 Rutland Square, West. (It).


    R E D U C E D P R I C E S !

    J FENDER begs to inform the l'ublic

    • that in order to give a favourableopportunit y to those who defiro to lmvo


    taken, ho has REDUCED the PRICES of

    CARTES DE V1S1TK us under :For VlrKl Copy ... ... ... ... 2s. Cd.

    For each doz. afterwards ordered ... ... Us. Od,


    TO 15K LET, FURNISHED , fur the WINTERMONTHS, No. 2, A LEXANDRA PLACE, Tramorc,with STARLING and COACH HOUSE. Apply toMr. JOHN 1'ENDER, Waterford. • (s2'J-3t)

    TO BE LET, or the Interest SOLD,Till: HACON YARD and STOKES, in THOMAS

    STHlCliT, lately iu the possession or MrsTiiiiMrsos . |£*f Apply to J S RICHARDSON , (jytf)


    STRANG'S MILLS , within two miles of theTerminus to the Watprford, Kilkenny mil Limerick

    Railway s , l,y Kind and watur, couluiuing Sewn Pairs vfSi ones, with two Water Wheels, and a constant supply ofWater at nil seasons of the Year.

    These Premises urc iu excellent Working Order, and lmrcoil the requisite Machinery for Manufacturing Flour of first-rate quality, and arc situated in the centre of ;i Wheat-grow,ing District, wlicro a constant Biipply can !» nlwayg clitMiicd.The tiitc. from llic River Suir (lows up to tlio Mill Yard,whero Lighters of the. largest s'zc can be luaded or uoloaUcdwilliin a few yards of the Mill door.

    Thi'io are. an excellent Dwelling House, and commodiousOut-Olliccs immediatel y convenient to tho Mills ; a walleil-in (jatden well stocked, nnd three Acres of Land, with aPorter's Lodge, at the cutrnnco gate. Tlicic arc also on thopremises four largo Lime Kilns, with an iiumidnul supply oflj irno Stong at the two extensive Quarries adjoining.

    Immediate possession can bo given.For all particulars apply to UOBBUT W. CIIDBRT, Esq.,

    William-street , Waterford , and 1'ATBILK. WALSH, residingiu the Lodge, will show the Premises.

    Watcrfoul , September 8, 1605. (.«8-tf.)


    TO BE SOLD,THE INTEREST in the DWELLING-HOUSEand OARDEN , MILL, KILN and STORES ofRATHPATRICK , with Three Acres or Pasture Land,bold under & Lease for Two Lives, or Fifteen Years,»t tho Yearly Rent or £15. The Mill has unlimitedwater power, driving three pair or Stoues, with allthe necessary Mach inery • is in good working order,and will Grind Oue-and-a-Half Ton of Moal per day,Tho Kiln is capable of drying 25 liarrols of Oats perd«y.

    Tho Premises aro situate within Two-and-a-nal fMiles of Waterford, and Half-a-Mile of the capaciousPublic Landing-place of UlaBsliouac.

    For particulars, Title, 4c, apply to E»WARUELLIOTT, Sol., Colbcck-strcct , Waterford . (s22-tf)

    TO B E L E T ,THK COMMODIOUS HOUSE, No. fil KINO-STREET, iu excellent repair, and ndmirabl yKuitcd for the immediate reception of a respectablefamily.

    Apply to Mi. PETKK JW CKKV , King-street. m:ill uit iliiioiul exicii be. (if.)


    ̂ nVlK Boai-a of Ouardians will ,

    ĵiBJrftMPTK nc»t, proceed to ELECT a properlyJfJjjHJdB&flWEWqu^li'ie'' person to perform the

    duties' of FBVEll HOSPITA L NUU SE , nt a Salaryof JC15 per Annum, with Rations and mi Apartment.

    Proposals aud Testimonials to be lodged with mobefore Half-past Bleveii o'clock, a.m. , on the abovedale. Atleudanco of Candidates indispensable. So-curily for .U:!0 ill a Horn! required ,—liy Order,

    JOHN F. M AC CARTAN, Clerk of the Union.Sept. 27th, 1805. " (11)



    ' ,V rpHR GUARDIANS: will , onPjUButC X TUESDA Y, the lOlh Ocro.B^̂ ^HHK^

    IIKK , rcccivo Proposals for Supply.GMMHOMffinj; tho WorkhoiiBe until tho 2SthMABCII, with

    BEST WHITE BREAD at per lib. Loaf.„ INDIAN MEAL at per Sack.„ OATMEAL at pcr Cwt.

    , Scaled TcndcrB, accompanied with Sumuios, will brjreceived by me up to 12 , o'Clock on above mentionedday. (By Order),

    WM. HUNT, Clerk of Union.Clerk's Onjce, 28th Sept., 1665. (It)

    FRANCISCAN CHUBXJH. ,NEXT WEDNESDAY being j thoxFeart ! or isiJ

    ' FRANCIS of ASSISSIUJI, will! bo a dor , of vlrrySPE0UL DEYOTIOK and PIiENA,RVt . .INDOt..;GKNCE in tho aboYo Choroh. There "WJll M 'tot*each hour from Six o'Clock a.m., nntil Eleron o'Clotk,at which hour tho Solemn Pontifical High Mass willbogin. The Lord Bishop will preside-.

    In the Evening, after Vespers,' t»hioh oomraohoo atHalf-past Sovcn o'Clock, tho Panegyric or the Snintwill bo prcachod by tho Very R»». Father Fox, O.M.J.Benediction of tho Most Holy Sacrament after tboSermon. ; •

    P.,S.—Confessions will bo heard on Tuesday, an onSaturdays. Somo of the Clergy or the City havokindly promised to attend to hear Confessions.

    ADDRESS AND TESTIMONIALTo his Grace the ABCHBISHOP OP TXTAM./^1OMM1TTEE-Vcn. Archdeacon Brown , P P, CMtTcbar,\J Clininn.ia ; Very Rev Hujsh Couway, PP, Skrccn ,County Sliyo; Very Ucv Owen Fccncy, P P, Rivcrstown ,County Slifro ; Vory Rev Peter Reydoldt, P I', Claremorris;Very Jicv Demi Wnlilron, PP, CO»K ;Vciy Rev John O'Grndy,PP, Atlienry j Very Ucv P M'Mauus, PP, Clifdcn i VeryUcv John Flannilly, PP, Aug liaRowcr ; Very Rov P Duffy,PP, Dunmorc ; Vrry liev P M'Gauran,' PP, AbURragb ;Rev I) Noono, PP, Gccvagh, County Sligo; Rev PatrickO'Reilly, PP, Kihnoro, Mrris j Kcv James Drown, PI', Car-rowncow j Rev Patrick Irwin , Adnir, Ballina—with powerto add.

    TI'.KASURER— Ven Archdeacon Brown, PP, Chairman.SECRETARIES—Hcv P Malnne, PP, Belmullet ; Rev P

    M'llale, PP, Adragoolc j Kev Joseph Judge, CC, Castlcbar.SUIiSCKIli'lONS.

    Pcler Reynolds, P P, Claremorris £1 0 0HiiRli Conway, 1'P, Skrecn ... 1 0 0Fiitrick Maloue, P I', IWinullct 1 0 0Patrick O'Reilly, P P, Kilninre, Krrii 1 0 0Michael Munnully, P P, Kilcommon ... ... 1 0 0John Gilcvcry, P P , Ballycroy 1 0 0John Finn, P P, Killnsscr ... 1 0 0Michael M'DcrmoU, P P, Toinnlcboy 1 0 0Kiltvard Lavelb, P J', Kil slass 1 0 0Jiuncs Whito, P P , Dromorc ... ... ... 1 0 0John Darrins , I' I>, Castloromcr ... ... 1 0 0I'lilrick Frwin , Adni r, liallin.t 1 0 0Thomas Tinilriu, P P, BnllysAkrary ... ... 1 0 0Michael A Conway, P P, Killala L O OPeter Nary, P I', Lnckon ... ... ... 1 0 0Doniinick Madden, P P, Ballycasllo ... ... 1 0 0John Jonlnii, P P, Kilfinn 1 0 0James M'Cnulcy, P P, Moj'Bovcuagh ... ... 1 0 0Patrick Machalo, P P, Ardagh ... ... 1 0 0Patrick Kelly, Admr, Backs I 0 oPatrick M'Hnle . P P, AnlROolo 1 0 0Pntrick Conwsy, C C, Skrcen .,, ... 0 10 0John Timbin, C C, Unlliua ... ... ... 0 10 (jAnthony Heally, Professor ... ... ... 0 10 oMiclincl Brcnnnn, CC, Kilmnin ... ... 0 10 oKdward Wnlilron, P P, Nealc 1 0 oMnrtin Browne, P P, Archdeacon ... ... 1 0 0Michael O'Donncll , CC, Killoser ... ... .0 10 oOwen Coyne, P P, Mountlicllew ... . ... 1 0 0Jarucs Waidron, Admr, Tujm ... ... 1 0 0Jnmcs M'f!cc, CC, ilo ... ... ... 1 0 0Patrick M'Mann» , P P , Clifdcn 1 0 0Patrick Withh, C C, do ... ... ... 0 10 /0Riclmrd Prcndcrgasr , C C, do... ... ... 0 10 0Jnmas Flnnnclly, Ailmr, Roundslonrn ... ... 0 10 oOwen Ffleny, P P, Rivorstown .,, ... 1 0 oDomiiiick Noonc, PP, Goerngh ... ... 1 0 oJohn O'Ucilly, P P, Frcnch park .. ... 1 0 0Jnmcs Brawnc, P P, Ballintuhbcr ... ... 1 0 0Joseph M'Guinncss , PP , li.illinakill 1 0 oPatrick Loftus, CC, IWlin.ikill 0 10 0Patrick Sfngaurnn , P P, Abnssii.igu ... ... 1 0 oUlick J Bourke, Professor. Tusm ... ... 1 0 0Miebnel Waldron, Diran, Cong ... ... 1 0 0Jnmcs O'Ronrke, PP, Kilmnrn ... ... 1 0 0JOIID Hullnrkey, 0 0, do ... ... ... 0 10 0Daniel Lydcn, C C, Bidliuahinch ... ... 0 10 0Peter Gnraghty, C C, do ... ... .,, 0 10 oJohn Henry, CC, do ... ... ... 0 10 oJohn O'Boylc, P P, Hoss ... ... ... 1 0 0Lnurrnco Aiishro, CC, do ... ... ... o 10 0Patrick O'Malloy, P P, Arran t o oFrancis Arthur , Admr, Kinvnrrn ,., ... 1 0 oJohn Sliech.m, PP, VG , Eiinijtymou ... 1 0 0James Glceson. Admr, Osrrow ... ... O il) 0P J Ryder, P P, Glauinagh 1 0 0Androw Quinn, P P, Kilfcnora ... ... 1 0 0Michael Varrclly, P P, Kilshamiy ... ... 1 0 0Pntrick Byrnes, P P, Newquay ... ... 1 0 0Edmond Power, P P, Tourclea 1 0 0.1 Kenny, Admr, Tnobera ... ... ... 0 10 0Thomas Ncu-cll, C C, Eniiistyinon ... ... 0 10 0T GCOBIIPK .HI , C C, do ... ,,, ... 0 10 0Michael Crowe, CC ... ... ... 0 10 0Mortimer Itrcnnnii , CC ... ... ... 0 10 0John Forde. CC ... „. ... ... 0 10 0M Mullin, Admr, Lotiglirca ... ... ... 1 0 0John Pl.innelly, PP , AuRli.igoivcr ... ... 1 0 0John Fitzgerald, P P, Isfotnlcady ... ... 1 0 0Iticlianl Prmdcrirmr, P P, Ncniiort ... ... 1 0 0Michael O'Doiinr-ll. P P. Kihnerna 1 0 0Itaitholmnew A Knvnnagli , Westi-ort ... ... 1 0 0Michael Curly, P P, Lousliurcli 1 0 0Patrick Ryan, CC. do 0 10 0Jnmes fionayno, CC, Wrslport ... ... 0 10 (IJub n Concimnun, C C, Newport ... ... 0 10 I)Francis M'Cnrtnuck, C (.', Inlandcad y ... ... 0 10 0J.imes Gcrnchty, C ( ',, A U-IML-OWIT ... ... 0 10 0Michacl rtall.iher, P P, Achil... ... .. 1 0 0Kdmonil Thomas, C(! , iln ... ... .,, 0 10 0Hugh f'nmvii.v. C (!. Kilmintiiora ... ... 0 JO 0John Mcliiin , C C, Kihnnro . .. 0 HI 0William llolnnil , t; C, lWiinillet ... ... 0 10 0Henry Ilcwuon , C C, llnllinn... ... ... 0 10 0.lames llrnwiir , P P, ltallintubbcr ... . I) 10 0Iiichnril Hosly, 0 C, do ... „ 0 10 0Thomas Cirn , P P, Kiltormcr 1 0 0Patrick l.avelle, Admr, Partly ... ... 1 0 0Peter Cuuway, P P, Ifeadfort. .. ... . . 1 0 0Pitriik Cowry, P P, Unllymonnt ... 1 0 0Philip Munel ly, CC, BaU'yciith 0 10 0Hugh Malunc, C C, AilraRoolo ... ... 0 10 0Patrick Moore, C C, Wcstport ... 0 10 0Jolm O'Malley, C C, llallinakill 0 10 0

    At a Moetinsr held in Dunjjarvnn, tho following- Resolutionswere proposed, seconded, and unanimously adopted:—

    Proposed by tho Kcv. WILMAM POWER, C.C., secondedhy the Rev. EnMoitD WAL"n, P.P.:

    "That the Vory Rev. Dr. HALLI do tska the chair, and thattho Rev. Mr. SSAMAIIAK act as Secretary to tho Meeting."

    Tho Very Rev. Chairman having cxplMned llio object ofthe meeting iu a manner creditablo to hiuseli and worthy ofthe illustrious personage to honor whom tho meotiog wnsconvened, and tho Secretary having read the intended Ad-dross, the following resolution passed unanimously :—

    Proposed hy the Rer. Joim CA SST, P.P.,;Kilrnieeiitj', nndseconded hy the Rev. GAIIERTT LOKO, P.P., Cbslimorc :

    " That we, the Priests of tho district of DunRarvnn, in thoDiocese of Wntcrford, rejoice in the opportunity afforded ushy our brother Priests of the Province of Coiirmught, desireto express our entire, concurrence in, and approval of, the re-solution come to,of presenting an Address and Testimonial totho illustrious A rchbishop John, of Tusm. Moreover, inaccordance with these our sentiments, wo hereby request ourRev, Secretary to forward our names to tho Co:nmittco ap-pointed (or said purpose. We beg further to add, that wo feelcompiimi-ntril indnil in lieing permitted to take, pirt inhonmirinp ono whoso lifo wo belisvo to have been, in thoword* of the address, ' a mirror of sanctity and greatness'Vory Rev Dr Ilnll y, PP , VG Ilev Richard O'Clormnn, CCRev (iarrct Long, P P, „ Cornelius Ffavin , C C

    „ Jolm C»»cy, P P „ Kdmond Forao, CC„ Roger Power, P P „ Willinm Burke, 0 C„ Patrick Wall , P P . „ John Dowlcy, C C„ Kdinoud Walsh, PP „ Patrick Mcarn, CC„ James Power, P P „ John Walshp, CC„ J.ilm Dee, P P „ James Kirby, C C„ Thomas Fcnelly, P P „ Patrick Costio C C„ Patrick Byrne, P P „ James Keily, CC„ David Power , C C „ Patrick Murpliy, CC„ William Power, CC „ Thomns M'Gratb, C C„ Peter Casey, 0 C Very Ruv P Twoomy, 0 S A„ Jolm Tracy, D1) , 0 C Uov John Ryan, 0 S A„ Jemuinli l-onp, C C „ Michael Casey, C C„ Patrick Walsh , C C. „ Patrick Wallace, C C„ Tlinmas Tracy, C C „ John Morri6sy, C C„ Patri ck Powur . CC „ William Sliechy, C C„ Patrick Tracy, C 0 „ William Sbanahnn, C C„ John Shauahnn, C 0 (Signal),

    J. HALLY , P.P., V.G., D.D., Chairman.WILLIAM SIIANAHAN , C.C., Secretary.

    A Il ll I V E D . ~"'J.ir.1—Ti 00 0— Marinnoplc - - 2< n 24 .1— Hcrilianski . - on o 00 o— OliirkR . , . £1 9 24 0

    Ilirail - . . OH 0 00 0I N D I A N COKN , Vellow,0,lcmo , . t 0al»lz , 17 9 3a 0

    — Ilir.ilin&Fmcinian - - I? « IJ 6_ — American , IW 0 00 0— — KriMichnnd Amcrienn AVhlte DO o (10 V_ _ l{K yptmn , - - - - 00 (I 0« 0_ — Jlnmnfrcd - - - ¦ 110 0 00 0

    FLOUR , A'lu.Ticnn.pcr bsrrcl. or lOfilba. . «•• 0 00 0— French, per ancle, of'JRCIIb e. - . nO 0 00 0

    INDIAN MKAI , , American, per brl. of IU5lb». 00 0

    BACON Tina, per cwt Ms Od tn 5Ba OdOrrlL do Sis Od — t fldK IKT do 12s Od — 13s (IdH CAII * do

  • evidence " that lie saw several respectable men in

    , ho said li '-> armament con-sisted of one 101b Armstrong RUU only, but he has onboard a large quantity of shot niul she)' and all nmirumtiouriuisite fur a sharp encounter. Tho I.-inculo is tender toto fls-s ship EJJM ; 71 B«"S 3>wl 'yhiRKaxc. Soon after h;< departure, a solitary policemaninndo his appearance, nnd proceeding t > the cotfeo roomwnitcd tlio arrival of rtiiifori'cmniits, cogitating all the timoon the manner of means to which he would devote thc £2( )reward which ho felt weighing down his pocket!; at tlio timoni tho reward for the 'apprehension, of Jnmcs Stevens,who ho licliovcd to he then within Irs RMsp. A largeposse of "tlio force" hat jig arrived , they stated thoy hadjust had n telegram informing them that Stevens was intown , nnd oiigMng n description of thcgcntlennn wanted,it exactl y tallied with that of the bird who had just flown.Forth they again KIIK MI, and were enabled to trace (hoillustrious stranger to llin r.i»'\v:iy ti'vnunus, but, to uso theirown language, "if the givunl opened and swallowed himbe could not liav o mure suddenly «l; japp«ff'l," althoughno train left for two hours after. VoW'l at tlio momentirlicn tlio prize uvuicd within their grasp, the vcrdantsproceeded in couples to search tlio lodsing houses of tliccily, lmt up to Hit's moment neither Stcvnis nor his pricelmvo fallen into their hands. In Uic year '19, ritgveus, it isalleged, beaded thc attack which was then made on thopolice barrack at Cappmiii'rn, in this county, the assailantsbeing men n.rui( I chidly with pikes. Several of Hie panicsconcerned in tlio assault wen; arivsSctl , lirou^Ut to trial , andsotnonf tliem were sont cncc.l to Ion;,- periods of transporta-tion, but Stephens was not captured on tlio occasion.

    ARRIVAL OV AN' IH0XCLA1).II. M. S. Research , ironclad, has arrived in this liar-

    hour. At two o'clock this day she anchorod oiTSccdy'sBank, insiJo Passage.


    On Tuesday several of tho frieuds and admirers ofJoseph Suche, Esi(., now of London and formerly mana-ger of the National Bank, Ifcw Koss, cuterlained himto a sumptuous banquet at Jones's Hotel , in that town,on which occasion he was presented with a grnud serviceof plate, iu recoppiition of hid geuial disposition,sterling worth and public uervicea . 'fo the small farmerhe was an attached, sincere friend. In fact JosephSncho WDI popular with oil classes. Hr.Mtv LA M H E B T,Esq., 1) L., of Carnngh, ono of tho most talented andpopular l:"iJlords in tho county Wcxford, presided atthe banquet. Dr. JCowlott , of New Uoss/a truly ableman, and ardent patriot , occupied Ilic vice chair. Therewrm also present—(irnr~c Lnmbcrt , Ksc|, Win. Cherry ,Kst|, W \V Carr, Esi), Chairman Town Commissioners ;1'lioinaa JJrehOD , Esq, Jl*, Jainoa tialavan, Jtaj, Jl', J.K Jlowlctt , Ksq, Jl ', J)r. Jiossitcr, Walter Jirccn , Ksrj ,J l 1, Win 1'owor, E«i|, i* J llociie, Ksq, James Ualavan,juii ., Knq, Jaincs Corlin, J&([, l̂ichael I'ower, Ksi|,Cliilcoiuli House ; Charles Iio'icrlit , Ksq, WMIlowlctt ,KMJ , 1' Do Vine, Ksq, J Kennedy, JJsq, Thomas DoVine , Esq, Counsellor llncltett , &c. Several eloquentspeeches having; been delivered, interspersed with songs,which were odmiraldy reiulered, lllo party peparated atan advanced hour, highly pleased with a mO3t joyousand agreeable evening.

    SALMON AND TROUT FfSIIINCWo arc glad to l>c aide to inform tho lovers of angling that

    they may look forward to good sport on tlio Kihnacow riveronce more. The proprietor of the largo flour inilU nt Kilma-cow, William Henry 2'nrkcr, Esq., lias, in tho most libcr.ilnnd Fpiritcd manner, undertaken, nt bis own expense, theconstruction of n pass, to admit i'i future tbn salmon andtrout to tho spawning grounds in the upper waters of thcriver. Heretofore the fish have been unable to roich thoseparts in consequence of tlio height of the large weir in con-uci'liuii with tlioso mills. Tho elder portion of our readersmay remember when tbc fishing on tho Kihnacow river wascelebrated ; about 23 years ngo salmon nnd trout of thelargest size, were then nbuudnnt in it , and crcn strangerscrime every season from great dis'nnccs to mjoy the fpoi talong iI -t banks; but of late years liotbing, save trout of theniOKt insiyiiificniit sij .c, have been taken, and even these aronow almost nil destroyed from tbc dryings of llidabt tluceor four seasons and the depredations of poachers. Now,liowcver , as .Mr. l'.ukcr lias so peiwrously lakrn the inailrrinto Ins oivn bands , wo may safely propbery that in a fewseasons, the rivrr will again hccoino well stocked with fish ,ami that our nngloib will once more enjoy their delightfulpastime along its b.\uks.— Vui'rc*pc .i>lent.

    SHIP NKW.S.Tho Duiibrady and A'uimis at Cinrlicc, Sept . 0, from Now

    Kof-.s. The li'orinR at Quebec-, Sept. ¦!, from tliis |K)rt. TlioH.mihlcr at Slu.rcliani , Si-pl. 'J'2, from Ibis port. Tho Clevc-hiud, Kdward Joins, and Wntcriiiy at Cardiff , Sept. 21 ,from this port. Tlio Alcvdu,. Xlnry Sprual , and Uli»o llrancliat Newport , Sept. i!l, from this 'iHirt. Tlio Double X, oftbis port , nt Il.lstol , Sr-pt. 2) , fruiii Vonghal . Tho LadyLouisa at llayle, Sept. SI , l.-om this )K>rt. Tbc l'ri.vidcut'3.¦mil 'J'bom'", both at Swansea, Sept. 2U, .Vein thin port.The Sapphire nt Ch.irlcM.uwn , Sept. iiij, from Ibis port. TlioKcuuett , AlilerW.'cn , Avon at Sgulhriuipiun , Sept. 22, fromH IM port. Thu A' mn, from this purt , fur Portsmouth, wasOil JJ.irt raouth .Sept 1!-, Tho V'giiniit lias .-•Tirol at lbrt-inoutb from t lN l>ort. The Comm lore, from this port forSouthampton , put into So' mbc, Si pt. 21, with damage.The Hominy l'uckct , of this port, s :|. 1 from Cardiff, Sept.2" fur Alicante. Tlic Ailaiu Win'!? lias sailed from New-castle for this port. The Ciiryciuu'.yq has n»Vd from Wickfor tliM l«>rt. The l'enriaii t.'astlo, from tl"* port for l'urts-luunth, put into LVtmoul'i Sept. 21. ,

    I'oisosisa DX STKTCIINISE .— William John Storcr,surneon , IIM brcn eoniinittcl , on » charge of manslaughterby llio ci.rniicr nt Salisbu i .•, fur liuvius caused tlic

    nt £3 16* to £lt Oi a cask, by hand.C.vmiieK-oS'SLiR , W KLXESDAV .— A small supply at

    m.iikct ; pricu llUs lo ll'Js iu good demand.WATEit ioitu M AKKCT , YKSTKUI .AY .—" 17 lirkins at iniir-

    let ; price 1131 tu l.i 'li, in good demand.PlOS.—Wo bad a large fair of pigs in Currick-on-Suir

    ou .Monday; 1,3'Ji) pigs all Iwugbt by tbo Waterford buyers,unless GO pigs for Tullaiuore.

    l'ricu of pigs in this city is from o8s to 38* CJ ; a goodsupply. Pig* arc plenty iu thc country, more so tbau lastyear.

    I'KEF AND M UTTON .— Ilccfr.ingcsat, according to qualityCOa to CWs per cwt . Grass being so uxlrcincly plenty far-incr.-i in place of selling their stock, aro anxious to buymore. Mutton can scarcely bo bought nt 8JJ to Od por Ib.

    U K A I S .— Irish wheat (white), 2Ai Od to Hit. lied , 21s01 to -.'Js. T.ijaniog wheat , 23s Od to 2-1*. Marianoplc ,"Ii to 21i (Id , Malting barley, 10i. Orindiiiff rto, 11s to1-Jj. Oats, new, 11s. Flour, supers , 33J M to "1< W ;seconds, 2CJ to l!7s. Uran, 3i 1)1 to Is. Pollard, 4s 01 tous. 1'otutoes, Id to Cil per stone. Indian corn, 1 brai

    1, 17sOd per 20 slouc. Gnlatz, 17s lOd to Ui.

    SoMBTntxo TO ltK?i,Bcr uroK.—How many sad dig.appointments havo been experienced by ladiw, when theychancel to get bad starch. Let sucb of our lady renders, ashavo suffered in this way, procure llie OtBurittu STARCU .It is cxcliuivcly used in tbo Royal Lnuudrjr, and pronouncedby Her Majesty's Laundress, to be tho finest Starcli she everused. It was awarded tho Prito Medal lor its Mipcrionty.Let tho ladies only givo it a trial , nnd they will find it fullydeserves llio great fame it bas universally acquired Thomanufacturers havo much pleasure in stating that they havol>cen appointed Starch Purveyors to 1I.U.I1. tho lViuccss ofWales. When you nsk for CLKSPIBLD SIARCU, toa thatyou get if , as Interior kinds arc o/te); substituted.

    OLD PAUrifR *.-*There aro twopcrnous rocoiring out-doorrolicf in the Traniorc district, whoso ages aro rapectiftly 0°and 02.

    M ATORALT V or LI M E R I C K .— Mr. T. Uoyse, J.P., wbo ua candidato for this ollice, has declined to iiccede to tho ic-qufst of a deputation fruiu tho trades, to roliro in favor ofAid, Peter 'fait, as it was not possiblo he could baud over hissupporters to any gcutlctuo.ii , no matter how grcal hisUJcritB.

    NEWS PROM NEW ZEALAND. - "Subjoined nro extracts from a lottcr received by OS tbil

    week from n young friend who some timo since left Watorfordfor New Zealand : ¦ ¦

    " Dimedin, Otngo, Now Zealand, July 18tb, 1886." All kinds of business transactions in thoso provinces are

    qnito (lull , and no cud of insolvencies. Tlio troops remaininactive in tbo North, but at tho cast const tlio untivcJ nrobeginning to get disorderly. Tbo nows of tho (urrontlor ofWin. Thomson, tho Maori King, will havo reached you orethis, but it wai ouly an idlo rumour, for, on tbo contrary,his demands from the Govcrumont aro more poaitivo tbanever. . . .

    "The west coast gold-fields nro turning out pretty well,nnd n great lusii to them is anticipated in tbo coming Saui-mcr ; at present it rains tbero four days iu tbo week. Tbcrocontinues to bo n steady decrease in our gold escorts, andn great falling off iu tho rovenuo of this province Laborof any kind is not to bo had, nnd onr ucwly formed Beno.volcut Institution Cuds many objects of relief ulrcudy inDunodin.

    " Immigration has nearly ceased nlto^cthcr, with tho ex-ception of an occasionnl ship from Ulasgow wilh nssistoilimmigrants. To tlioso iutcuuinjr to cmigrato I would Bay,not (o como here, ns crou tlio Scotch ' chums,' tbo friendsnnd relatives of tho old nnd original ' Identity,' find a dif-ficulty to procuro omplovmout nt any tonne. " K T."

    A DIGGER'S LIFK IN NEW ZEALANDWo have been permitted to print tho following ox.

    tracts from a letter recoived in Clonmel on the 23rdinst. from Arrow Hirer, New Zealand, possessing con.slderable interest from tbo accuracy with which itpourlrays the vicissitudes of a speculator's life dnringa period of eight years :—

    " DEAE NKO — * • • To givo theo n littlo history ofevents sinco I camo out, beginning at tho timo wo arrived inTasmania, thc first job I got wns with Joe, bo Imviug takena contract to cut a truck through the forest of forty miles uptbo country. Wo cut it for nbout twenty-ei ght miles, andgot half the prico agreed on, but that did Hot pay. I loftthen for Hobarttown , aud went to learn tho engineeringbusiness ; stopped nt it for three months, but it did not suitme; then to a grocer's for six months; and then wo 'illcamo ovor to Melbourne, wlicro I got n situation in n fancygoods wnrcbouso ; staid tbcro for throo months, and thenwith a Manchester warehouse-man for six months; left himto start with my mother, ou out own account , in the grocerybusiness nt Richmond ; wns nbout four and a bnlf yearsthere, till tr.ido got so dull , and having to givo so muchcredit , it did uot pay, so wo sold off. X started for tliodiggins, the first ono I ever was on, nbout forty-two milesfrom Melbouruo; reached tbcro iu ono day, and joined Jooaud Frauk. Wo stopped four months, and I loft it tenpounds woreo tban when I arrived on it, Joo Btarted forNow Zealand, nud Frank anil I started for tho eastern dig-gings in Zippslnnd, nbout n hundred miles away fromMolbonrnc, in an opposite dircctiou from tbe last place.Went prospecting for four weeks on our road, but gotnothing, nnd arrived nt Russcl's Creek, tbo namo of tbodigging, with only two ponud«. We bought n picco ofground from somo Russian Fins for nn ounce of gold, to bopaid when we got it out of the ground, i"! that is a commonway of buying and selling on. tbo diggings, when men nrobar J up. All Frank nnd I could save tbcro for fivo monthsbard work was eighteen pounds. Wo started then to go tosomo new creeks, lately opened, one hundred and sixty milesfarther north, named Donnelly's; got tborc and could sco noshow. Then wo beard of Fox's Rush, as it was called inNow Zealand, so then it was c up trnp3 nnd nway,' tramp toMelbourne, ono hundred nnd forty-five miles, in tbo middleof summer, nnd nil through n new country, tbc track or pathnot being cleared, even for a saddled horse, except tho laet dayor two's journey of forty miles, nnd it was tho worst ou ac-count of tho dust nnd waut of water. We arrived in Rich-mond ou Christmas eve, to tlio great joy of my mother amithe girl.1;; Et.iycd with Ihcm for eight or niuo days, and paidour passage, seven pounds each i arrived in five and a hal fdays ; tbcu commenced tramping again, but it was far dif-ferent from Victoria—no fitio wood, nothing bigger tbnnyour finger, a miserable, bleak, up nnd down country.Well, we arrived nt the Dunstan liver, but could not findJor, so wo pushed on fifty miles farther up into tbc lako dis-trict, as it is called, where I nm located nt present, but couldsco no chanco to set in to work, and Frank nnd I thoughtthere, would be n chance for a storo up the river. Well , itwns back again, nud try and find Joe. The day wo nrrivedback in the Duustan ho had just come in, they being workedout. Well, we got somo money from him , nnd bongh1; twobullocks, nml broko them in ' to pack.' Arrived in Fox'sthe second lime, nnd opened ' n storo' up the Arrow river,having to carry tbo goods two miles up tbe river (as it wasour only chance to do anything) on our back, ninety to onehundred pounds weight each at a time. It paid very wellfor six months, till tbo spring floods caino and flooded tbodiggers out, nud wo hnd to givo credit, so wo carried on tilltbis timo bst year, and then a rush broke out in anotherprovince called Marlhorougli, aud Joo wcut to it. Wo beardof new diggings being opened in Queensland , and Frankwcut to them, nnd I heard1 from him that they wcro nogood, nnd that bo was dragging goods on speculation up totho squatters nnd settlers, Tbo last letter X had from himbo was five hundred nnd fifty miles up tbc country fromRockhamptan, but I expect he will be back again when thowinter is over.

    " Ours is a sample- of nil tbo diggers' life—sometimes in ahot country aud sometimes: in a cold. Where I nm it isfreezing every uigbt, nnd colder tban it is with you in winter.Imagine yourself living under calico iu winter, in frostyweather ; calico wolls and roof, with nil open fire-placei ntyour head when iu lx»I, nnd damp clay floor, nnd it suowingnway, with tbo variety of getting up in tho morning to fiudyour boots frozen and socks, if you did not put them underyour head at ni ght, nnd be thnt way for four months of tboyear. This is a miserablo place for diggers, but wo cannothelp if, M we Jw ro to cam our bread by it, searching- for gold.At present I am working in a hydraulic sluicing race on llioArrow river. It id very wet work. I gave seventy-fivepounds for n sixth share. It docs not pay much yet, but Iiivo in hope that it will ; so Hire sees 1 bad no ensv time ofit knocking about from ono colony to (mother. Hoping toget back nnd seo my mother at Victoiia next year if I can,ns it in now nearly tbr"o yenrs siuco 1 saw her or tbo girls,Jiving nil Hint time by myself, having to c-ook, and moud,nnd wash for myself. Well it in Rotting on iu thc night , soI must say farewell for the present.

    "Givo my lovo to Undo William , to Willie and Dick.Hoping that you are all iu good health , I remain thyaffectionatecousiu, "W ILLIAM J OBIIUA HEALE .

    "Arrow River, Ot:-jo, New Zealand, 7th Month lOtb , '05.


    Sin—Thc sewers Tof the city, everywhere you turn yourattention to, nro quito dry, nud seemingly of no manner ofuse, for the want of water to flush them. I ncvor witnessedanything in my life like thc stato of the sewers at present.No wonder pcrsous nro nlnrm-d nbout cholera. For thosafety of tbo health of th« citizens nt Icait n barrel of watershould be poured into tho mouth of every sower in tlio cityevery day. Sowers unflusbed rro mere dirt boles!



    SJR — I beg to inform yon, as you aro na advocate for nBupply of water from this lake, that it is a pure spiing, asyou will find that there a not, nnd never was, a stream of nnykind running into it. Old neoplo say there is A great springin tbo very centre of thc b»c. A FABMBK.

    CUBE POB FOOT ASD MOUTH DISEASE.—Lance tbobladders or vesicles found on tlio tongao and inside tliomouth freely ; wnsh the mouth with dilute choloridc of lime,nnd dress thc feet frequently with the following lotion :—Half an ounce of blucstonc, one drachm sugar of load, nndone drachm sulphate .of zinc dissolved iu one pint of distilledwater, Tbo animal should ulso got a dose of L'psotn saltsnnd ginger, ono pouud of the salts nnd two ounces ofground ginger for thn ndult animal ; proportionally less foryounger oucs. For adult sheep—Thrco ounces of salta,nnd two teaspooufuls of ground ginger ; younger ones less inproportion.

    SioitB UuiLDI.\Ot~McK9rs Wliilo, Ilrotlicrs, nre buildingn very largo storo sit tlio quay, corner of Lower Hanover,•trcct . This is one of llio best erections of the kind whichwo have seen for a loug period in this city. Mr. HenryRid gway, T.C, is beautif ying bis very fine storo in Goorgo's-Etrcct.

    TUB JiirofiTATios ov Uwr.3.—By a supplemental order,nil bides and skins, brought into Great Britain from India,South America , or Australia and afterwards removed fromGreet llritaiu to Ireland , aro 'eiceptod from tbo operation oftbe order of tlio 7tli day of September, 18CJ.

    Nsw KsiMtrRisE.—William Malcomson, Esq., has pur-chased forty ncrcs of prime bog, for thirty years, from Mr,W. G. Thorn, in tho neighbourhood of Dirdhill , and ba3procured n first-class patent maebiuo for compressing th 0turf , whereby be will givo cxtcusivc employment. Duringthe last week a largo number of men wore employed opcuinga passage through tko bog lor drain.igo purposes.

    O'CONKBLI MONOMBKT IX CLAKB.—On tbo 3rd' OlOctober next; thc full-sizcd statue- of tbo Liberator, recentlyerected in tbo towu of Knnis , will bo inaugurated with greateclat. Sir Colman O'Logblcii, M.P., will deliver tbo in-augural address. Tbo statuo is composed of Irish marbloand executed by Cabill , of Dublin , n pupil of tho celebratedHognn. We have seen tbo statuo in tho metropolis, andcan nflirin that it is an admirablo likcnOBSof the distinguishedTribune

    TriE POTATO CROP.—A farmer of much experience in aneighbouring county informs ti.s that tbo dampness of tbcearth is rotting tbc potato very fast. He says it did not rotlast year because tbo ground about it was ns dry ns oshes.He, tbcrofore, recommends that nil potatoes should bo dugout , and placed in a bouse, or otber dry plnco, as quickly supossible.

    CoKRTALtr ART.—Thomas Thompson, Esq., who for se-veral years held tho position of Sub-Inspector ofcunstabuhu y,iu Cabbcl , has been promoted to tbo rank of County Innprctor.

    On ing to tba scarcity of w.itcr in Delfast, it k said awoman recently washed and boiled potatoes iu butter-milk |

    MAKT -STBERT FOUIIIA!5.—WO wcro led into nn errorlast day by stating that tbo manure ynrd lay closo to tbowest wall of tbis fountain. It lies a short distance from it,nt tbo west wall of Mr. Ricbnrdson'n garden. Tbe fountainU thus bounded—south aud west walls by pig-stiea ; north,by Richaidson's garden ; and oast, by Dycbouso-lano. Tbosties arc close up to tho fountain walls I

    TUB Vvxra' SuTPtT 1—Noiv that water is really required,we found on examining tho pumpi two of them occasionallycliaiued and locked, namely, otio on tbo ccntro of IiallybrickcnOroeD, and ono nt the Fnnniog House. Tho pump in Mor-rissonVroad b.-M been out of order for montbi past, audnow cutircly dry 1

    NEW IS UILUIHC —Ono of tho prettiest buildings iu Ibiscity is that of llio Christian Ilrotbcrs now reaidcuce, Barrnck-•trcct , now entirely covorcd in. It is worth a visit. Wlicnthis building ii fininhcd, tbo old resiilcuco will bo convertedinto scbooli. Mr. John. Fitzpatrick is tbo builder.

    A UCTIOR AT BALMMOVHTAiir. —Ou yesterday tbo saleof stock, &c, took placo at ikllymounUiin, the property ofE. H. Wcekrs, Esq. Tno attendance wu Urge and respect-able, to whom Mr. Woekos gavo an excellent luncheon. Mr.Thomas Walsh conducted tbe aalo with his usual ability.

    TUB M UBDBBBB of MAJOR DE VERB.—Currie, wboibot Major da Vcro at Chatbam barracks, for which ho hasbcou tried at tlio Central Criminal Court before Mr. JusticeSboo, fouud guilty, nnd sentenced to death, will be ciocutodat Chatham ou next Thursday, 6th October.

    Tbo annual ball and supper of Ilia order of Foresters laLimerick took pUco on Monday nigbt, iu tbo Tlioatio Royal,and waa moat sacceufu).

    Towns' IMPBO VBHBKT ACT.—A public meeting of thoinbibitauta of Wexfoi d, presided ovor by John Walsh, E«j.,J.I'., Mayor, bavo declined to cutcrtaiu a proposition toadopt tbo whole or part of tbis act.

    Al tlio College of tho rroptignudn, tbis year, tbo IrishituiltuU particularly dutioguiilicil thenwIvcB.

    SALE AT BESSBOROUGH PftfUfcTlie lixtoenth annual iale of »tock, the property

    of the Ear) of Beasborough, was held st BeuborougaPark, Piltown, on Tuesday. Tbe day waa aboutthe hottest which wat felt thu season. The at-tendance Was largei and respectable. .. Amoogatthose present wero :—'• . . • ¦.; ; .

    Lord nnd: Lady Eeasborougb, Lord Huntingdon, LordHrsting«,. Sir B J Pnul, Bart, Colonol Stnnrt, DL, Jom iEsmondc, JP, Greonvillo Hoi'so; Edniond Power, JP, East-lauds, Traraoro; Mr Fogarty, barrister, Mr P Lawless, bar-rister; Mr C Rogers, hignsTieriff WaterfonT; Mr P Kenny,Cnrrick ; Rev Mr Mnckesy, Capt Armtlrong, JP, Mr F.Malcomson, Mr Jeflrev Cbeuty, Uallybradr, Kilouctbomai ;Mr J Hynn, Mr Hill. Mr Egau, Car.."ck : Mr W Bj.ne, MrT C Sponccr, Mr It O'Donncll, solicitor, Mr J Blackct, JP,Mr JII Jonos, J P, Mullinauro; Mr J Walsh, JP, F.-nnmgs-town ; Mr E S Weokcs.Ballymountp'n; Mr Popo, Mr Nolun,Mr Bunbnry, Mr J Hichar.'ion, Mr Briscoe, JP, Mr Gre-gory, Mr. Moore, Mr Jon

  • Selected gtoetafBY THE SEA,

    Purple Mid gold *n the otouds of ibo even ,SUtntlr, wftly the grjvj ahuiowa /aft:

    RuaMtt »od tear ire tbe lottos ia tbo fonetThe foot* Up* of Autumn ard ow tb«ss •"#

    Bat I CAtis not to gaio on the clondi fold *nd poipl«iAnd X he«d not the wind, ur iU iweet mttody ;

    But I list whilst my heart*! throbbing atowl/ sod udf/To the wild, rushtog mm that break ia from the Ma.

    And I think « the/ poor ia , tbou foam-crest«d billowf ,And break with a low mournful watt at my feet ,

    0/ a wbit« nil that glided awaj front tbo harbour.And fadod from rioir whoro tbo sea and aVj inwtl

    There orar ttie broad shore the Rammer iky* darkoncd,And a cbilt wiod carao tip with a itgh from tlio sea;

    And tbo world icemoil a blank , [>nrelaubcr , ucut , conirl y ; thy will confident , olii'dicnt ,ready ; thy sleep iiiodcrutc , quiet , seasonable ; Ihyfiray^rs short , devuut , often , ftrvcut ; thy recriationawful , brief, seldom ; th y memory, »f death , punish-

    ment, glory.Cotton is at present pouring into the New Yurk.

    market in large quantities. The 'limes s.iys therecei pts, thus far this week , average nearl y 5,000bales a day, against daily sales of about 2000 bales.The stock of cotton in New York is increasingrapidly ; it is now estimated nt over 100,000 bales.

    I'AV T NDUOKERS .—At the prcucnt lime there arc ,Bi oppeara from an official paper, :{,GI5 pawn-brokers iu the United Kinp dom, and thejr paid laattear for their licences £30,728.

    A pretty accurate estimate of the defalcations ofEdward B. Ketchum has now been arrived at , and itfoots up the tnonnoui amount of four millions twohundred thousand dollars.

    'flic second daughter M Iu Count do Montalem-btrt ia about to assume the Muck veil at the Contentof the Sacre Cceur, i'aris. The ceremonial will becelebrated next month. Mademoiselle dc Montalem-bcrt look the white veil last ycajr.

    The I'eleriburg Expreuahf * tlmt ao innny negroesare being baptised in-die Apponiattox, tj iat thewater is becoming quite black.

    The Philadelp hia Gazette , speaking of a newp rima donna, lays:— " H IT voice ii assofl.a* a,rollof velve t, and as tender as a pair ut ilop-ihop


    WATERFORD PETTY SESSIONS—FRIDAYBefore tho RiijUt Worshipful fho Mayor, Capt. Nowport,

    P.L., C. Newport, II. Danny, T. L. Mackoey, M.D., JoliuMackeey, N. B. Wyac, Esqrs.

    DRUNKENN ESS . — Michael Sullivan , for beingdrunk on (he previous evening, and pretending tobe dumb, was fined 5s., or 48 hours. NicholasGrant, for being drunk in Lady-lane, was fined 2i.Gd., or 48 hours' imprisonment. An enemy of thopolice, Michael Manning, was brought Up on re-mand charged with being drunk and disorderly,biting a policeman's finger, tearing his tro wscrs, andin fact behaving so violent that it was necessary tohandcuffhim and tie his legs with ropes. Anotherpleasing feature in his character was that somomonth) before he had attempted to drown a policeconstabl e in the river Suir by deliberatel y shovinghim olT tlic quay into tlio tide, which was high nttho time. He was sentenced to one month's im-prisonment and hard labour. Tlio charge of tear-ing the trowscrs was then made n separate one, forwhich he was fined Id. and Ss. costs.

    K CNUNISM — I LLEOAL D RILLINU . — ConstableHamilton summoned Walter Brennau, of Uakehousc-lane, nnd Patrick Ryan , of Patrick-street, for theabove now-a-days most serious o/Toncc. Mr. hlliolf ,sol., appeared to prosecute on behalf of tho crown ,in the absence of Mr. P. Kell y, crown prosecutor.In Btnting the causo of complaint , he said ho hadbeen instructed by the crown to proscdute the twotravcrscrs for illo-jnl drilling and as it was the firstoccasion that an ollencc had been committed render-ing persons liable to the provisions of an Act ofParliament which he would read for them, ho woulddetain them with a few observations en it beforoproducing witnesses to prove that the trnvcrscrs hadmade themselves amenable to its clauses. L Mr<Klliott here road the Act of Parliament, which wasfrom the 1st C!co. 4th , cap. l.J In this case (Mr.Elliott continued) the traversers wero brought hcfiiro!).