j-tkj plattsburg - nys historic...

,-««•- J-TKJ * •W PLAtTSBURG WMMHiil VOL. I. "NO. IB. 4 BUSINESS CARDS. DAVID M. ACNEW. . . _ ET and CCTHWPUVH* " mock,ft&tteburgn,N ¥ * TfoRNEY and Connwllwat Law, Station ROYAL CORSWN, —-5Y and t-Niunaelor street, piattsburgli, N. Y. A TToSNEY. and l.Niungelpr-at-L»w Bridge 4" * H. £. BARNAR0. A 'rSKVRNEV and Coun»ellar>at''lAW. Officetil . fewfsBJocfe. Platts&argh,1*. Y. ROBERT E* HEALEY, ~". A froRNEV and c^nMotmMuaw. office, Marion Block, CSlfetou sttefet, Plattsburgh, K.Y. _ _ ^ '• L. L. SHEDDEN, " A tTOBNE-r and Counselor. Officejn Am- K, jr. , , CHAS. H. McNEf L, * TtoRNtrr and. Counsellor at.Law office A in Hagar Blwk, is canton street, Piatt*- burgh. N > MARTIN H. O'BRIEN, A TTORNEY and Counselor-at-taw. Office, TlrKeefe Block, corner M a g e and Elver streets, Hattsburglt, N. Y. ,i','.pri | f.j! | ,i | ,f.8,!.,iii^ey.wi'j.. 'ini""! 1 , 1 ; ffiffji 11 ^!,'! m.mini I'li'wsaa'agffsay'ggj'^^ .,!. ;'7J^['l)Tiriiin^iriiiiii i nr. [r ^i ni.nii nil,, i.nT[.TL U ., l.f i'J, Jj' . mn in i^L. i| . n f i lij S V I m #1 ml iii|iii|iliiiii ni| | f I li 111 ' 111^111^1 mn t i i m OWafttiHft* Only I*tteStrlck. en Northwvst Citie* Now. MANY STORIES OF HEROISM. flie Brave Telcfr»ph Operator Who Stuck to His itet £ Dead*, ^ ffifewSf 5te2?*«iSi2 WEEDS, SMITH & CONWAY, A TTOBS-EYS and cooaSejora-at i<aw. Office iV freed & Mooers - Stork, Clinton estateet, jpiattsnursn, S. Y. E. J. MARKS, TTOENEY8 and Counaetor-av; Armstrong's Bl.bek. Corner .1 tge streets, mttetrargh, N. Y. Office, ret ana H.P.GiLLILAND, TTOltMEY and Cottnpdor-at-i*w. AisOv , ihii^M of tt»0Pea«*nd Coroner. Office , Stargfcret street, Plarasourgn. N. Y. . $f*1f' _I WM, W^A^TWELL, "~ ^ TTOBXEY and GiUHsdor-aHAW: Office to , Arnwtron«"8'Bhx-fc up one flight, secowd ddfr to left. Entrance on Clinton MJeet. WINSLOW CU^WATSON, *.. - TTORSEY and CoutMlor-aMAW. Special attention gtron to business in Surrogate* t. Office oTCr M'ffattle'B More, Margaret •t. Piaitebntigrh. N. Y: \ RILEY••« if AGAR, •'YTOl^EY^e^CooJ^lore^t-IAw. Office, Marion Block, Clinton street, Plattaburgh, iBN B; JirUY FSAKK s: HAGAR. WHEELER A WOODWARD, 'TTORjiTEYS and Counselors-at-LaW; Office in tie Court Honan, riattstrargh. N.'Y. 8. : i, WilEEtKK. W. V 8. SOODWiW. DR. E. E- LARKIN, IJHYHlclAN and surgnon. Office, W Brink- 1 erlioff Street. . E. C. LOW. M. Si ^~ H oJtBor»)THlST office at Residence, comer or oak ami Bnnkerlioff streets, Platts- tmrgh,,N, V. ii>MMiif«lr l^cwMwt l a i i An Haw |K «••- eeMtal OprtaUoa—lUtalaM !»«<•« I>«tjr" *• a IMtlM JPatcat«4KMMk «WUHM«l#««t »**' M»»*»lMl l a mm 1*m*m *i tit* Caaa- t*y—Wwrtera W«w VWrft Stata At** «hJF*at.a«4-AR«H«Ma at »!«• «•!•. Pfi*«CiTY, Minn. Sept «,—Kvaty Mil- eri>erw>n thai one meet* an tb« stiwta ot Pine City today fitwi rWble «irl*rt>oa of bloodanot eyea *nd hnrnad UnaMi JUM. chert* from their ooaOlctWiUi tiMlflia, The ^romeb ithSr are numhecwl a u o a c «ie refogeea «n thJnljr clad, «»t MMHf without coterlnc foe thalr haaAi of thaw »at outalde the aathaf hoti*« taat evani»g' oontparintt »°*aa with athat iffii < eota ifi tenta in the park. Tha*e am *0 nufottnttate* Haiti oalMI to ooennr tba DR. C. W. ARTHUR, P HYSTC1AN and Surgeon. Offlce and resi- dence. No. 5 oak-Street corner Couch, otlicf biiurH. 1 toa P. H Telephone connection. *jj T. B, NICHOLS, M."D., 1 >nrsrclAN and Surgeon. Office and resi- dence. No. 8 OaK street. Office honra-^TuI 9;i m.: 1 to 3 p m . and evetiingfs generally. I'lattsbargn a p. 1 N. Y: •r DR. FRANK MADDENJ I jfHYSitiAN a^d Surgeon, offlce and re#- dence. 113 Margaret Street office hours, hefore 10 a. m . and a to 4 p m. special attention given to diseases of the Eye and Ear. DR. W. Ji. BRENAN. 8 1'ROEON r*»ntint, (successor to Dr. O. J. Moonej-i: Everything pertaining to modern' dentistry ixtrformed in the most SkUIfnl: manner. «Sas or Ktiier administered whende- slrea D«r 4 parlors in WtnrtoWe Block, brer rron"Nati(fc.d Bank, Platteburgh, N. Y ^jfo ^ITHERILL HOUSE, W. H. HOWEL Prop. f^*Modern in all Its appointments, 43ppo6ite (CBVPrnnwiit Imililings anlLpark. npm ARC/VDE, 1 ~ Hotel and Restaurant, V. P. G^UTHIER, Prop; The only first-ohiss hotel in Northern, New York. -^^ torrK ^ t e a a i i l Marios streets, PU\TTSBfROH, N Y yALLEY HOUSE, MARK^TIERNEY, Prop. B.vani b> thedaj or wwk at reasonable rates. ^t : l^""H<>iisi'rntlrely n>funil»hed Sample rooms. Kl^ftrir Itsflits, etc 8 and 10 River street, I 1 UnSBLKwH. N Y. ^MERICAN HOUSE, J. I. OLIVETTI, Prop. River St., Piattsbvrgfe, N. Y. . . . EUROPEAN PLAN. ... 8^" Vital* <i ill r»iur» y H E DELMONICO, Hotel and Restairant, J. G. BURPEE, Prop. Protection dVenue, PLATTSBPBOH,.S: Y ; H OTEL DELAWARE and Rcstagrait, GEO. E. GOT1ER, Prop. H AYU8Q1 entirely refitted and refnrniflhed jjote! Delaware, corner of Bridge and Per* Streets, the proprietor, who had twenty r experience in Me hotel bnstneBB, U I to attend all who may favor biro *rith „_• patronage- A flrstjcla* restaurant, where jAwtl will be aerred from 6 a m . to Kp. m., in BOon. Tnebest wines and liquors alwaya ***•. r% ,r: :: r. •-••,•.:' tattta, land each bowed four orflya peopta, Grtadstotae Lake,idMi)as north or Kuok- lejr, has beas tin camjptng (tpittid for aat- eral lummm of -pairUee ttotti BtamUay. Thla year a larger ntfnsbar a( yanpht *a*e camped tbarc than tMoaJ, JMM eo*a*iioaait- ly WIMQ a lira waa atwi to^a«e«o«)hiiii| oil Neal 1 * plaos, thwo-qaartaw of M «lte froni atoe of tin oampt, amwal at than** *tait»« f or »h9 aoaiM, JoM FsMokaai Itaaan. KUaworth and Colllaa wa» ataone the ntimher.. Other meat «at«fl|wMiigth« AM irhan thay «o» thara, MM It twaaM»- poaad that tany ootid gat II aisiai, <n>nUiil Tba Mllttt party hAtdly tMohadttMacMM, how»y*r, when they dlatiutatsd flamaa •booting o r * th* tope of ttmhac back of tbelr own oamp. Patriot atarted back alone tha ahora, white tha othan got lato a amall aklff and paddladlaater than they had ever bafota, hoplaf to vaaafc th* eatap bafow It *m ovetwhaliaad. Whtla that were attlt MUM dtataaea hway thay aaw tbe woman raeaina; lato the laka awi tta oamp outfit gotag akywaWi tuilaiiM and amoka Patftok haidly eoa'ptakattdad theae thinga, howetar, *M 1M had not gona far befota a ball of flia darted acroaa the lake, o t w a ulie wMe what* ha atood, and knocked blmdownM ItapMon It* work of deatroctlota thrragh tta fonat. Hie clothaa ware IgnMad, and for a time ha waa oompletaly daaaa. ~ - Whan ha had taao»oat 11* awaaoa, the fire waa all about him, and only * nattow pathway thraogh tha water at thaadga of the Ink* remained. Tha hank ahabadeaf raryataap all along and oflatad an avaWM of aaoape, Aa ha waa aplaahlng thfwagh tha water a atny dog Ml la batdad bin* and marched along In hi* company. Tha .two had an encounter a little later with a blgblnok bear that bamd thairjia—ag« and would under ordinary ofaoamatennaa hat* annihilated both man and cnr. Brain, who waa equatnsd In tha Water, did hot even deign to notice than*, hut Mm- ply moved aside about aix Inebea, ao that tbeyoooJd paaa, and Patrick doubts If tha dog reallaad that tha bear waa there. Thay finally reached a apace where the Mad opened oat from the Ink* and hem met XI homesteaders and their families, who had been fleeing through tha blinding amoke ahead of the flames. All the ntembaca of *he party threw thamealTaa Into the Ink* and remained there ontil the fleanaahad paaaed over. Kone waa, eailan*l| InJnAadt but all wen ao exhausted aa In nraolnda the poesibility of going farther that night. They laid on the bank* of th* lake until morning and then started baakerartha road they had oome, In th* dlwdton of Sandstone Junction. Patrick haa not aaan or hoard of them atneo. Peven af tha *at- tiers, on* a woman with a baby tweaks old, got into an old oaao* andanddled oar into the lake, only to be deetenyed by wa- tsr after escaping from thafhube*. Tha waves nearly filled the boa* eevwtnl tlntee, and the baby was freqwantly held aloft to keep it from drowning la the boat, i The frail craft drifted ashore in th* endy morning over mil* Iron th* damn. Patrick, after passing an awful nigh* full of anxious forebodings, W*« abtofeor*ach hi* family, overjoyed at finding them un- banned. - : Just inside tha doorway of tha hospital sat a tearful and woebegone wnman, While at ber aide, f i t h * bandage s aro«Ud his forehead, atood a bewhlskeiad man, to whom the woman waa listening with rapt attention. Th* man wa* M/A. Onwn- field'and the woman Jfra. Tboaaaa-Ban- ailaTaaddeat of enitwaVk insBls ata .going e*er *ha ' t o ^ H t s a a a t e fs^aahllrTatfatL'fctaa. dtetiawaf akat- aksW jLia|nhailkdba\ \W*m*Km JOwMiMlif'daWs fWHHaVwP" ^iWpWnH**W -lasUsaah^lBkakanl ^hattatf ^ ^ ^ ^ - K g ^ ^ - ^ y i w ^Bfl ^BB^Ba^^4u^_^ia^^^( k| BBBB% ^f^*^"^"*w^"l»i *^"^"~ ^jT-^"^'^ , ^W^^^*'"^'^^W^Bf4^"»n]BI^^^ J^e^HSJBSB^p W .looking fat niote twdW In ha* ">fqnd*- £ «sBBsraaawawar laswssaaiss aaa -gwyjsww^ th* IMlltt si sainiaa aid tilt 9L -tL- fTisfJSHTiw*m"fntil sfthtiiiim fm s^a jsfksah '•^nhaihisa ^sa^nyUk ns.fis% jlK^aBBlaai^Basa .aaiSBsallr •^r-aifjBl f^s^^Hwar* •e/J|w*al '••laTW aaffsrfaafil^BBwi wfli whteh.ha^baaa tavaiaaWa AUin. ha^'aaen'broaaht la the kiihlsil •^•waww ^s^w^npa, jars*-ar^BiBj^as»w- ^^w B^BSS»I ^aasw^sa^safcwaaaaa, r - , -,. . ' i yy_ B ^b|^_Jk ^^wlt_<^j^ ,^^^^^ n^—^aM^J J^snahai^dMW kaVaV^ TBRMRIw^B^spppinw' Iff!! ^HCPWa, WfiPC *w W^r ' ^^bkanJU^ttS *-"^^^att tdft ^taV^nls^^ '^Mnt A ^ - ^ - g ^ "MfajJL fc*Jt' pfaavN^l enrlhg' fjojr _th* tnjujMt *|Way hall and pabile bilidhig of Jmr wm waa hi^Jf *k* ha lufWliil'l an S h u t - t i k a r « « ^ ^ ^ t^^j^t "Ww"w**fi ^^K ^B aaa^PjPfif^Bajr w*hwwa.,JHWP> S^^^TTP^^' «W^^^^^^ ht nuratng, knowing no sWoh. thing as ifatf ^a^aosa. itaJnMd mm ...... , , leythr&t tba*aople, and burn*; wwra. a'uah leaifm- queoUy eiet With. ^ t v 1 i f Yr «••>•• •fajtaninalasa^ai '• T «^aj» •rv^sseasBx^BfajB^ ww*w^^Ba^pwa>^^BfpaaBBB^Ba*aw . Thehsa* Wa* so'-inttha* thaa th*ey*^- balli nearly shriveied, and nearly every pereon that paaaed through .the •>• i wearing atttoaad giaata* OR. •«*> PJL .. toaeeatalL The raliaf train eama Up tha Dulath road from 8*. Panlatf» dj_i|j.iy i k a i J l f ataV ^^JUgoa^- y gliyiv AJLi^ < llBFVwyP|, Will -Ml JsTytX-JWWfOw 3^Wt rlMF ofthefira, whieh wm at on** haadadkl tha oaraaad bnnigbt to thla aj|yl#«lr trtbutlon, The appoihBsient «t «-jMt * | ^ aalai^Arisn| 'hb*t||-# ^iTll^^^|^^ tfcu j^-kj. baa^^iaV, W^^l -f^RsSHnsip n»n|Wl JBBVVeW^HV jBBw*"aaWsW''^ratWsl ,^^-^iija^* m riaair 11 J a * 1st »a^h 1 •( .1 JJ JSV- raihv^ %L - ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ ganarai oomnaanoaawn, aaw tn* onaraaear of th* matt give* aamranoa that ihar* will' 'ha-tlta aaoM tbacoagb aare f a r m injur** ^b^jdn- ri^^-^^^i-^-^^^ ^b^y^j^j^ta^^-^^ Ahaaat aaaV^at aWka>aW ^saaiBBt m&m. Jg9m^%^m^ ftlnlMHI Iw mm AVI*W*# and ahitaring survivors of thi* gtaaa dia- asiar. The word frdnvvhits Bear hero of the limited tratas fogtnear Jiawa* Root, 1* getting along well MdwilTr*- ftOMNr' fiiiwXi fubt litntnnk iftllllilBI o9ttM|n ajenaral rejoiolng. - - Thomaa Dunn and-a- family of three otherewar*burledioday. Thomaa^' ~ old^tiewaatha^arata Who lest hts id* hw immB- SSFO JrtJMMW • Bewaatelaarata] naakoporaharwho lent hi* Jtle I he jaananaag aa; katahalnntUAhai aa*w »^^wawaaaaara»a» ^"W •aaaaaj,SWW a^Hpaapsji a^saar p •k^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -naWaMBaBV) < aka^^Sa^kall Jhan ^-dh^aWssV lM^Hl^4 U^aM. a wW- la *J(w"SwB P ^•fWPJHt-J i n *ariW^as^^^» T" ^B^^sar^Fawe^ ^p^ajsaaBB; >waaua^ %t* M* mkm* «p4i r J--aa» f^ihiiariMF* ilil» * o t i £ 1^^ m * k 4 j | ; | | t a « i^k^tfltl ^kaiilMF aaaf fltat ^W**"W W | " " ' B W ^ ™ "W^BB^aaBBBBiBJ aPBBBBBBBiBBBBB H IW, LAJt,ti % ,.. J ~W'..ff a>.„ . . . ^ . ^ . ^ ^ i j h_->aur ..*>«•»- J. ^ •a* - a f t V P a l i f i OT JPw»"**aV*W»J , *J*jPg^waB|BBBBBpBfc_ ( aM|.<iiW.tlTit*i •(•)• " j t * A tlraihteAiUaat af l^Msat/ftt i*e lH j f a a l n i a l alfhaianVan ataf M l a l aliaatliiat ^ ^ •V- f a>BJBBBJ| a-Wwaa* ^>» ^SBBBBBaajPBBiaaB^Ba/' j f. WM' Bqrtkloil, Wis., Sent. f-Kagl —'Hem Baw<>fU>eorlglnaiiea*Bii»g 'IcnQl Ok th* :a>a**t*ii kQksBlHtn a nndar any eireoimstaness: j.. Iwefa DrOugnt » * • ' M E n C g / n M afrt. If aaaaneonfd kaeVhi* haadan* trying c^reuinaaanee* of; ; that ,. h<»o**UB*Jih*. k*«i hot «H»tor •1* iaaf j t e a i ^ ' or, eouraaw^ . «*o«' jtfjy. b>to hlght, Thei'-haht eaW*' m*«kla, tnejaiaaf, I •n-cted We rnaahad' fhet point W* aMald''a^ in mha.aaaBt aaal.'aaaaaal aha aattoaa. aiy;aarprtae was graa% sBaaarotai whan w, found the «** tlgaa ta»* **' thwll 1, look hut*gk^a*Baa{^Slh* _ ' jWwal tHddnojB*fl/| «h# Wjhg ilpNl 1 '^Iha - " Whi* aaa»^/ThVe**Bt»gfira ltk«atUwkaofliglri«inV It Wfw hi*'order Unon * ' p t t ; COUCH HOUSE, * ^ - T. P. FIFIELD, Prop. ^**' «ood jjaas in ail _ tor honwa, trai street, PlatWbargh, Jf. Y. ' WafAUTW E«U Prop, •aw. f f M-V O Wrer JHreet -a!aa1tABBBBBjraBcaw'#taeit.}'' BB^aajBBfi^H^aaaBPBpaBt a^^at-^Bw 1 j»-aaBPa!"w# t «v\V rA« *^a*J s *^ B t^^ai" A a w i W aj^BjgajT p j ^ V •^Pp"™!'* TT* groaned in ayinpathy with h*T, for, *S waa hearing tha and fate in* her boyal-14 WMllgyanit'of aga^-wh* h»d pwrl^ed|» the flame- at Graeniuid'a faraa, tva mfkaj from Hlnokter. Tke boya, arttt »aair(n- thar, were cusUng a .road throngh the Doluth raOroail toward ~ whan th* fith fovasd thaan raaohed hi* n)noa, and Wlah ht* A^-J^-^-^-^ :rnJL^^L3Jfl|flwa^_B^_^_. ^jjBmaaanBWanaaaaaL ^BHaaaB, " the^rain -retninaa^to 7 'tika-'al»ard thoat wani wnnauH aaaaBapa •aonaaaaa. m pui hk ordar through. tha> train raturned and nafilad awaar osar iMM aaonla rraaa wa^araaj a^BBa-Aa^aaai aa-waaay wraa, awarqr BBBB^PB^BBBB «••••••( the fire. Hettaan Jnnttn4f>nu«;windarW and'atartsd Dor thar grwval n^whaWa ao tttaayaared their ifvaa. Dnanweawtta^ laflvarooaofthegrn*atpitwhanheiatl, and he waa unable to get tarthar. HI* dead body Was found aFn>e*» an the aiae , ofthoea^ajfearaaa. Ba wa»WaU liked ttf th* railroad mm and had a lMa^«tral»al aeqnaintanaas In. Hlnakla) and OfhaV plaaea. kfc^fck-w-av jh*^^r >vwLM^^ ik«naiBaBB^BBBaBkjh ^w*^ F w^^K ^M^a^iWaaBTap^- an^pH^^N^BrfilMhl ST. PAP^Sept,*, fah|iHl|il|k*ii<tit> rangamauai arahaUag ^awrledouthytha people of Hfchla ft*tr*B>l ***ry tow* w*f oityintite aorthwaat te'thankfiVsntnW tha great foraatlraa TharalW train aha* left hare had a k, ptek up" an* la wWahtt •tocanchsuppliean* Mhjsa h*ra»dyn» ftsBBBa>^aVBBariaraBTaBBl ^ ^ _ j U | ^ A A a«j|^^Jfe a^k^ai^i^Jt nk^-Jft ' anaancwwl *liTZJ7+**rVEm ClZ aaaa^F-™^Ba* TV-aaaai ^ai^^w^Ba -^F^aa>aH| BB^aavapataB^ j^t aaaapar WJ^BIB^B; ^-p-k^* ''^HaB^tBhaBaM' | ejj' B_^^^fl ^__^BB__a^^a^aa^^a_aBir^k ^_^_^hn—^ andatlehurohea haw* jihrnpH* *aaanda<| JE A ^ i4Au_|iiMi_afc ^H^Mak -ksf^- jut k|a ! ^ a gk^ a ^^ H A di^aafc. ^B*al'nadr <r <_^aaUa^a^BBlBkBBBa '(•k -^BBB^BB. -kh^gg-k-^^yA |_^ akBaaft y^gntavwot to ..-.-"?.., andtha distils aHea af ail" * khdatyk^Mta«h ^^^M% .^BBV CdnraMBBT^BBfaat ^^•••P W^W^^Bl ^^^fap-fy *^B^ vj^rajpaPB^B^B^B^B^ MayorJaaatth will be prompt matloh appaaliufar aoa^riheitaaa)*liir Uae Batawf o f a a * aMMaarlakaak' aMadsalaaraa^ aa. ayaawaaanaj BjS;Bi ^BBBBBF aa|aiB^ UBBBOA^BBBBBaBBag |BBJBB^B^B^B^B^B^ f^B^p; ^aVt J |Mhik44fe'rihaast aa _«, fajaa^kkkattaBSBBBBfl' ASBA -W^^^^^^- A U | j^Bjaa^agBB^B^BH^ a^pp 11 ^n a^asfljg'B^BjajaflB^B^Bi -w^ay a^^H^^^araja IWBRfi : dltghuwa the aaaaa C. A, POlaatWy, aaant. thaw ft Norton, Winona, and Raaatng. Rart.0t.Paaj. A Puliith man I* yat t* Paul and Dulhth t*ad.air»a- ttlnaralaaf llaini and lallilai all snaadlaa ofaraaV The Amatjeaa aUaaaea unasjiaay h a t aaBBdaBkeat that It will nam JDM aaw * TW ^^^ ^^aaBBBBBraBBBw^^w^aa w^»^ww ^^ gra * w " vPBPBiB>^ a a n n p ^BBBS—v auncaMnaW ear ralaahes raliaf aaniallass ^^^"g*BJ F ^B^BjBW,a"^'a* •w^^ajf ^^rwBar«j>awar •^•»BPB'» ^PBBBBBBBjaBBaw^BBPBf Jh MMM Wlaeoaaia aafi alinaaana* N ~^Pr ^T^ r w-w^^^pw*^at T* ^"rw^nfwp^ !B>aaBpaa , ^parakaa^aaiaPBPaf^BBBBt Tk« raUraadaara aatUag ta akapa as rap- ?KliMsflffili. thr.WtatnWnnai.ls; th* Omaka and UM Kortharn Pnotte oaaa-- ka^aaaBBBUk B^aka^Bahi •BahaaBBl aaaBtaaav ^aaaBB^Bi^aflBraBh^BliaBa^B^keBBiaaaBan rXrda»ng frrirmt? ia^riinnnrgam!a1iii' •oaneotlng loat arbeA *ad eaaTylnlrnraTl- aloaafor sufferara, ITaa "Wtpsausla Oan-' SaVwhwh fa but rilghUy atfeaaad, has voinntnrlly agraad to Wis spirt lha» af aharga prorlriona -alt All * pafut* oniteltaa where relief Uaent. ' i& aaam m Bai^t^__y^^^a AkA ^M^ttM nipakA sWaa* h^ kilkiWa of aataiea l^'anahiaat ^•WBPWIBFW ^B^I fBBBaawaa'wa<as BBMaaBBBBaaBPBPBH^ mw^i apa7waaPB%;BBlBBW' Hit «fctey, and anara waa lha aaa U-- JL^ - uklUaA 4aaaaa ^^^^BABtea%^B^aBBaayBaakai' ta^a^^* t#*P*yJ >j*^ira^^Bagaa|^ paPa^ a^Baa^Baaa^ga^B^BB^BBB^B^B^B^ _aayB^Bgi eut «jlV ilt-waa on* of ia HI n e t * whaaa aasahMathinake hpth*tt aatndll.lBiaB MWlaki Haat lt*e JM daa* aaddott wrtav |lfkwia# iMI IflaMaMt •a>o0i« i(rt^ Wm?9wt1mm)A. H a ^ ^ u u^ a ^^ •wkakenaBapldJiM' g_^^^^^___|t tflhhk kaaaak PV^"™d ^^^"^^k" ip^^a^B^BJgB^« -a 7 <a^BBBB«^BBBBg^^ ^BBJB^ rBBMSJl a* jaaTaaiaty of *>» arain ayd M. and tea* b a*aM«# aawaaatddwh* war at aBBBBBk hant aha ; aaaah anaaBaaak. , WJ ? [•I^^^Tr^l ""Tl Ti^T •ar"^T^"* ^*"*Hw""™^aBajr- th h«Bl kht li1ta,*f aasaW katV •~« B ^^ B -_^ a T a aa aiaaBBBft lat 'nT^Bkak JBBI ate ^haaaaBBafc *»# W * ^ a A T . . ^ a f l h ^ a r ' n y - ^** ^*"P*^~V"^a|r •J^-'||^^B.* deader, ** alaeky and hrav* hrttaw .*• h»af-l B^aan "* afe aaaWaaaah Wh^aaak ^M^BKfba^aBaBliK -SBUBBI P P WPeJ. P ,aTaTMBPt^|P^srfk, *»»#> e f p V W ^f^L M i l IH ItMaaktHtf tlHaJL l l ^ W r MUlal -aAfc-aaa^aaBBiuaa a_gj^_^A^| aakaaaBaa -aWraV a B B t d a B B i AtaJhV •BBkaBataai T**pa^apB^ afla^^B> ,^g_ BBjBjaB^aafl^,B^B^yBg a^p afl^B^a^ar ^ftaja^^B^B^Bj afl^B^BgyBg, M k a a k afe#&£fc ^^B*Ai.. B^s^^^^_a MP ^kaajBBBSBBaa# attaaWaBaa. ^BBKSBV •PayJ** TVaPal V B p O T ^ H H a ' H i ^^BrvaVv/faJl^B BHsTMRVk www hdatily a MpMl a porttaa af IkaMaaatt'a afaTafaaWaUs A laaaUaf VMMJBBV ^BBBat BB^BaaVaMBBB ^^^^^Uft BBBBI H^^»a«ef yk*abA~^aBan* pat- akwa. aaS tiSa* Mali**! ^^^ **2 * y*|aV lkaaahh#ratt 'sjNWIl IRWWBW «« lil'U'*. liLiim'' A IXajalia thaa wrkt fcw * paai*i>ihf« tlaaaaaaAab waaMav aula^u^^yfaA wStahfftwhrnj^ Wf^>. afc-"*»a«h| t Aa*ieaaiit •4 I n condkehal aa |afej*#a|*^j Pfai Lan- . {PAi '|>6atottea. .ha* lata**** t», Waaaiagtcau After7brtat 1* ratlgatloa Mawra, Joaot and i faaoaivalt' ooiiriuded 'thathha taatln»pny.wa*t6» *OBtti*elag f to' nakha ftrrthe* M veattfeation prawieabWor adrlaahta, and a report ernbe eying that «onolnaloa will be submitted «therto the akAyMthAu|^.-^fi A^M'W|A«a^aMB Wa^^ak mMi lakflaktft l ik Jajf B^BBtfaCiaBBBiC# tfcaa WBaaaaaaaWflal diaBakaaai fetojklai.C- "fa it^ 1**%ttH *aT* Vtltalaaa* e*la»<lllifllh U ' * M * & i m \ ••aipeatnjBjnai,, j ^ ^ * ly alp.' of the VBBBBBaaBa# lawha^ nhliigis havlag haaa pi. '^^"TrTar "^*wa^ •P^w'™*™"^^WPB^^^PwM™aw' iti—tit flsjairit foeiss enllt "*aa aaBBBflSaa-wUt aaw j. aa-naPBf aBaBBpaBBBgBBFffBB; jpu^. ^""*^Bv-, •taat aaA aaa i^^rtaiaSi aaa>aa!BBBP| aaBBaaaa aaaaaaf aaaBBjpaaBB^aaHpraBgB|ay- _ aW^aB^aaa^ ^^agpapar^ aj^aj^B^B^ T/M|mBBpB£ -a^p^ juath» under Ue stvil sarvi •aarBa^a^B^BBA, ^^^B^B^B^apa^p afl^Ba^ aadaaaisaBtt ***,» iJf A . A Jcja. _«•> l_kA Auaaia^LBH_A_dBjBBl_. A_at^^^a&^^^__L__, ^___^. akkafki -^jkakkign | At^ l^lBaMakaaVaa %l^]i^BBBfal d^-Sad^^. AL^ak Wa wpta ^ HaaHifngfir*nalt waa W* _a_wAJp B^^BBBB| L_ arfaaBBBBBBt BBBB,A«aB. a^tuBBBBataBBi kv^^- BaB, drtfhB^al a* With I error *aalat»that*i*aaBnaawa Inoa MoturrAiw, Mioh,, Saaa. a.-ln tha Oatoaagan divWon of tha^Jona* hill waaaaoaod Sk Pan) road trpatwarta/**- ttmaaai phaoa the anmbnr of aaat af pine scorohed at »*0,00*,ft00, Whiah wfll have tobenaaaatnaoltmtbaraAaaeaariBiaaaa tokalloa*. TkainaaiaoaaaaaadwHhaaaBt dUBealtyaad danger, the etaaaea havfag ^^^^__|^t_g_* iUL_a. ajwaakaalaB^Mll hhasaaaf *aM^^BBBBBaS Aa^aVi kasaafaBB' an an arrivfng han t—itaaHy artth thrtUlag halea af narrow isoaa*a. havtag- kaA everything bat the narthlug aa ahstr iiajUvkftiL wiwaa IMI aailf anaka*a7 # %t*f OreaaaeM'e 4va granlataaeallar,aadhtaw^ , .., atUl aliva, lain thekraplail aael aa'hadly a*^apajB^ap^a> ^aaa^ aBaa, ajaaaj Bjaaajsy^BBBBBB^ BB^paajaBap -*u^spB^p mWMtf^^^l '^haa^aBBBal Mkw 'STa^BBBBBatlBBM' -a-ejdii-^ ^gj^^^j^^-^, ^ ^^saB - "^•uauJugBBm aaa>. jaaaeaBBBani^BB^p- ^BPBBBaV a^B^ajBB^B^BpB^Bj ,aB>- aaaa^p 5 AXhrklht, #a ! haajtDaaaaaaai'' tlai akaaaaa Baa* -wkat* aha najjsa** at "llaaj* . •^•d^j^^^^^^jj^ * iyl^^^ye^^^. ^^^^_ « f c f c ^aaafaW ._. . ^ _an jUU!__- ,^BBBBfc^BBBk- -aaarftat^'^taW 1 *aaaaiBaaaa*' U*ar af- a>i h*at tnabli of asaalatarte jai^»'»pP^jP' -^^ -^Pfw^ ^ff^^»B» « t « f ^ ^ r a ^ ^'•r ^B^BBaa»?=BMaa aajBaaanri ll^g'f^^uL fteMM, ^ff^^^ai—uT^^^^^^kBBBW^UBBk aanwaap -waraaaap; eaBaatafaav BB^BrBBBaaHBaBBaaaran' ^aajB^B^Bjap a^aapaj^W TayfllPav ^ W W ^ W " w"l^wp waaWf ' ^ ^ " f ' p "^^B^| : m^' '~^w f a r inanaanl "Hatlilna tfaat^alaa HBBBBW> I* liaaBBBBBBar aaaMfcr kc talaai ahana l*aBm'alaim thad thaaaii taraha naraeaaaf m mtm9mm Wka^^Bal_a &^ lift a ^ M l a ^ M r t aaaMlaBiBfakaaaBBBi saaka. J a ^ a g , "^bg-JL ' •^^^^^^ ^? *w ^ff* ^ ^ V^^*^*#"wfat ^p WMW* jl - *™™* _»^»^^|* * v ^^f^_ —aJAlht. |^|A WaBB|aBJ ^ f ^ B B B B p ] BB^ ^B- f^BgBB/ ^^MSVwSwaAWP 1 W P W " M ^ ^ ^ ^k|k^*a1kar '^a^al kakt ask a^Ba^ak ^^^akkaBh^^B^BBM-^aHBka^^, ^da aaaLaaaaadr aWAaai j ^ L b _ g | - daaa^ea U ^^"BP*^** aBay a^BBB^BaBBa^ ^Baaaaana UBBBPBJB^^ ^BBBI^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . t Uf-f du_^Bg4, ;__J^j^_>jki ,^^^^^^ BB_^ BBja^^a ^_AA jfeaaah BBBBBBB" atar •WW ^ w J ^ ^ H P ™ * • W * » » V w W W ^ e a l j ^ V ^Wwy- iPaaW^ PP la laipeatlbla te daaetlha l h " ~ inkdiii HaaWi*' 11 " ™"r •*•! nWerM^»"4fm(^a ^Pf"aw"^!^^w gm™aPa^^( ^*- 9l , aw**^* fc j^(_(^. fc^'* 1 *L, * * ^ ? M K ^ ^ ^ S ^ aft kakakakakgA ^ ^ fM^^^Jlf-feaa-kr A a ^ J h iy^ WkwaiMM kewagkii ^H_a^_fl_M_aa^_, aaar ^BanSaA aaaa f WAanetl '" fataeapiyi ^^^^ya. M^k^ IB^P> #aaaBat. . . M .... _,, a»wiMhai arr^^^w^aBaBBaBp ™^"a ^aBB^B^B^BjapaaaB^r^ ^ ^^^PpT~*W^^^ ^W ^^^ "fl^^B^P k»l^'aaaaira:partfca| ^"WP^K "F*OW ^^^^p apB^B^Bap^ ^••••^r^^^^ •elMBM'^_^. WT,^wr ^. -, MABBBBBh a^BBBak- aWtfajl^BBBBBBf 4^^HBBBkA. 'VBBE •BaafaTaaTatt atTHaVaaMta" JtttWat tatti •"•eaaaBBaapjajp. B|iMBaBBaA(: lajaaMr WaBj ^ • i l J L d g ^ s a fa^&aaJBBBBBBV A^^-^A ,^MkaBaBB^-__. w ^y.g?W**'..' , ?. , Tr «"*Al**i; -""AaBBt^Bpapaa^jp a^a- ^^aB^B^p^Bgagg^ '3angHI^^VHIar^TrM V a U B B ^ a V a a i V B t : ^aBaWaBBaa^' *^kM/^^m akakdk wnVnarM^W-V-ff^^aaayV ^^^^"IVm 'w»^aa% *^*; ^ ft 7™*^™* ••waaTaY 'aW| •JMBateafaafMBF- «Aaaa\ akflBattaBUaaaBak. Ull g a ^ BB ^ B At|u ^^^a^^BBBB—_^BBJb jlAaiBaaft ^aaBBLaA riiKayirl" T*l J^MIBSHBI _^df ^lyLaji-juAL^ ^^BB-A^a-j_waLmag ^j*.-^-^-, akc'f. AaT*'^-jpakak j ^ ^ ^ ^ l AAA A ^ ^ ^ ^ A f^'dijA ahMd| ^P* ^P»* ^l^W^^. fa^ *BBjseTeTs a r a - a ar W-, wWVaaV *flW HBTBanVeBV^BalWUBdh ^WB^BBM ^|fl4_B&aaAaM|taB\aaBBBBA u-J<*»». akaau. wP-^****'^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^"?^^ ^ a ^^IP^^^ B ^*™sP|WW'% 5r*f•'aww^P ^ry «*#- M H W | i^lllAsajg jfcfcl gBBgaka^^ k » ^ ^ k ^•^^•••aaaa^BaBaPB^^aBjBpa^gB^Bj^ -^^p< ^^^^^^^^ WW -tTn^^Ban^ Baap^ ^^BfaBgapap ^ ^ • M > ^ M P * p^ ^^BWWHaB^pJp, t<jftst Sixtw?n wlk'i Vtraggia »*tw»«a Clrthlag ktaaafaetarert ~ a«id*#»iaj*«a^lA.lf*wry 4 rk*^raaa' ' lag^Caatraatart, »aa*»ted, ta *•« tar M A. r W. 1 Jl'nu. 4 ' N«W YOBk, Sept B.^-Tha gteat ttolk* '"•-W^an»::irtrike la on< t a ^ fought to %^porMoa*. and ttraaMns lojtar- Yesterday *ill r t»0 eljr*. ins ^praMitt mining k ihftimghout fin city. BAl' Tfc* Mhahih ill ftlifit; HMtaaa a^war ^^^ MKt^aiBrWaaS' Stan, ailayaraft a t f a f e e t * * j g j g •~'^^^7?_ "*^"^"*"T" ™"r™* ^^""^""^'^"w"' "^"r ~a^» aaa^-a^^^.-^-^--^ < wg^BAa&BBBa| . kai hiSSfli -AMMh 9aUrt*0«sMefn^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WfBBBBBBBBB»^^^^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ _ ^ J | jagxlaata^ aaaaaal Jh^aaaaJiakiaBaaAaaaW Utile. Hiked •» A0SVaa\ at.- T ^ . 1 ^ ^ ^ H b l k t ^ J^anaka ^aafa aPanaaa'A rof J*h -AWeaiahopA two ittd three ott^a^ &oad- It aidratiiig, - tJJ ^ *•< board of in* tJnltwi mm BuffcjT^^T^n^ni was*.* aaorrt one, and^no latermaalon wa* given Smjk %#na»* basbaaaTwa* wa*i.als7 g ^a^tfflb^re % l^affi> jS* eotumlwae coairals the strike a* tnr *a *a nrgtiltalnvo^ hi eoneemad. It waa laarnrd that thay are the aarment »ake«. organlaad aadati .... eoatrai oT -tp* Kniaki. of labor, t o kun thaUmoVamaat. The four branslm of tba otathli^woraara^iUiUkMa, baatera " aado|>araioiw^andar the rule ' ion,nttmberabMrt(,00(>sJltoid . aeld to be aaaiooa ta join tke aaalaat tha IMMBBA ' < tf. thatr laaAaaa WaBBBBBBfBBBBPBF BBBBBBT a^WBB^^BBJB^r # W aBJB^B^jy ^H|^^H|^^paj^ ttoaaf tahw pMata hfi pNhably ha aalWW t vary akorwy. j ^t aaaasvjL^MBjA ]|M^B^Aaakt^LB|t .pAka. |^^^^y_> ^*** w ^^t ^aa»p , "ajp^^^fi fHp ^^^^^HP^ > jyt-a-kUtt^dl^ M-a^^Mf|Aa^y^to4^|khMBtt ^^ ^saBaBBBBnar^ -aaBaanap 'W^aaaBy -a^M^^HH^aagaa»wa^Bg|^^BgBaMa^ had Tfiiiiasnsbiiia lathe*Mi i J p J""^ p * "^.'^"^•^^•^W'^Batnpa aBW^PBaapaBaaiBBaa^ „, iWa) lalwlilsphj*>* at ntflllaAll jU hart troat th* aAeaauria^vatt « -. - ... *ftMa>pBiTaaani*j -< ^^^ppw# a a r p i w w m -^PWBP^BBBrq aklllrtaiAjWHf 1 W.H, Coats, 1 1 . . . Hlt*«tGradcsI Lowest Prices: '." :•' Easiest Tern* J n>Wiaa»ia'aV.iit:j ««A*isi>aaak%AekaiJ^i Jn mifainn ataaaait a^H^LaytMol aa*BaB L-JB^BBakA. 4aak a a ^ a ^ A ^sBVjCBBaBB> ABBA akaB^A ^BapakaBkaV ^^^^^ZjL -^A 'kvA B fea^k>>^ s a n - # r * « ^ | A | Q ^ a ^ j ^ a u ^ ^kgL W^*wPra-wfP> • § , ^•"dwaSp -§Mapw|V9apT4^^P. ^mW " W ^ W a w F Maid eaWErnaaBaa af t*ai. aatlaaaaak aaai "aBB^aapaa- W^BBBB« BPA wrapaaBBPaBa ^a«A v^BBaar aBB^BHiaBBBa^BBBBf PBBBPBB| --ja^pai^akeBBBa^BBBl fr V i a 'fB_^a^BaaAteaB_. BUBBB. aaaBB^aaA%aaaBBaaaaB^( f ^ a % g B ^ ^ p aBBg. .^B^B^BJ^a^B^BB^ ^BBBBT^ ^^a^B^B^B^B^B^B^BIB^ 'SBBBBBBI aaaHatt t ^||M^ ty\. ttfa^m —Ik jU^^-fk^^^ ^ * A buiai Ik,, A « M I afliiaal al teit4lit» - -r- - ^ ^ "^w ^"w w-aaa^v apiapw^paPB; ^WT aaBPaFB»BSBBBBB>jar hntma-d ftmr t-r mm Warn ifcli a».a-r la-ta-i mm. -'^ •" -; —7 T ^ ^*» »• B ^ , * » W ^ af^Wf • • * » P*l akakaBBBs *4aAw^Bn A IBBW anffkaaaaf' BBBA •AM^aB^BBa B^BBBflfaaaBBBi aaBnaaM -Aa^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^*^^^_~ j|jje ja^^At ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ K AtuJj ^^*"**""^"^"""* J ^^*B^^ ^^aa^p waa ^^^B^^^B -^^^^M ^p-vKaV feaka BABBI f laAaraaaaBBa^BAahBB^Bkaaattv " " " ^ ^BBBBBTW ^ • A^WaBBBB) VBBF VBBPWaBBBB^aBPBBBBBS BBBg^BBB^- aBpBBBBf oaghly. t w i | l i a n aataaagad hyfinha* 1%^,.,^^-hjB^JIMBd BBTB»1BBW> aajaBBB^BBaaakaaaky *kA ^kga ka__B fl 4^A -aa^aBBBw aragBapaBBj H p A f g B ^ ^ paBpapBaa^B^pgaBg Mg ^^^Bp-^pa^B^B^m MBA kaaAattt •• MM pkjB^yA^yfl ftj^aft ^ B ^^ B ^^^ BB ^ a^a. a^B^BBpg^ajaj B^ wrg*/ .MJs^^r^^^^, -"PBTPVP"- -MppJanpaClB^BW ^Nnunpf m# hraahJamia hnva^eea l*n akUaa Aat^rii i MuBjpA|bg ^Mfesaa Wfh ^Masakkaasafi' BalaBBBy a aaki iowa aawaaar and .BBhliirlbar* ahent aOai^nfiaaaaaBA Ma law . . *^ m ^ww a* ^ppapaaappa apajpapwaat -aBPBPBi^* jaaaapt .seper" formataan eaa ha leaaaed nawralng thali MehtHp. Tfce aag BrMala Uft twlay to yaaj wtttiM ta MHoarpsAK. swaik .eaatn «Wwaa aaaa, ha* MMlliiii a# pfawadnada Wilt jihava itka t«r> MjwTorktha tl*t*AiBBai*na naaBtaaaaiAAaait ^Bkn Aaah .^^^"ea^BBB^B^^B^P ajagB^Bag^p JB^ aj^^Bag ^^paBga^^ oraaaiiad pa. anntba«. iMBBalawaBaT Ik^rhoaiya atal Wtltlnaa*baaa thaa* aha a* aha mil *•— • 'ivW'W *l firrt reported aa tha °* * • • « * * • *" ***» e»*y *ad •"•LW^Ar aakjalkfij, win at Ml lauaaiarali ia& ^iaa^^k.^u^ .^ ^*M^^ . -w*Pjpw wi« ppw PBPaBsa^apni aa waaafir ataab if aaaiiaaBdk .aaaaaaa aaaahj S a W l - JsaaMBBaHBapSaal B4BBUI W | ^ # ^M^im^K AtaattaaX J?*?** gf^awpiwa-aa aaa> ^ aaaBBBaww 'aaajaB;- •BBPPww/P^a^vaBaBBaaBa ^aa. aaaa ' f»a baaaars mart totoorrow at t#flaf. Mk *tn^ aad wW w^Taettan rimller to iftkllttf T^Whoarse Is rtara j 4 j f a ^ « B ^ a i 'aaBBBBBBaVkdl J ^ ^ i ^ J k a - w A ^ j i •aaBBraraBBpBBB% ^^BBB^BBBpaaK~a|.B^BjBB^^rgpappB|Ba9- 1 AIUMB^ ^^ft^^^kir-wdk^A | k ^ d ^ ^ g^a A^I •u-Jl' ^uB^>a LBB_ B|_ BBa .A ^^a%lk^BtaaB^kaaaBaf aVsai a^a> •aaaAaai ^ ; IIBI ataa^ayi^ft hout n '' 'Jill • • VtrT 1 PP^BB" -WaPBBBBB) aPBPBf «Bj ^ B | a p WBPn*B|BlBfe Nfi^j^i*' tiiiiiiiH^ •^ wmmzmmimifo »mmnmm t wm, > No, 8 Clinton street, •PIMM PlATt*8BIW» t |r,1f, Insure Y<M * f fcWe HI- and Property Insurance Agency. It .* '.' iniBaii f l « Mi*ya«ce a S|>edait«. ? Apmm Itae af Fire la«fra»« ^ C^-twaJea* USMS fnwptlj raid, . t^w / inpiln i Th« Equitable Life I of New York, ooxpAidr tir THEWOELD. eaaaMaa tha fiaht AM flriNlMi Bwhen lilriWfi. lakh*" tkaiaiwa. 'fJP afjjv^aaaaaf. ^^Av-4 A^^^JI ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ M L ^^-^giaA ' ^aVakaJiy ^at_. r .l\ f hHi w toi £ » teM ttifti Mil Mark » •» • . * " "^T^^. ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^a^raBaaBi pBapaPBaaa; aaraPBBS 1 anajgBpaBgv aakMP aaat ha* BiHaa* tfehttiMpMl ..toaut «aT . t<f artaaa lwp»akMU p»*MI BTO*ytat PapA a W ^ f i i | | » faaania- Ha, hedlee in the United nntatlvsofaha ___ the United *# fHfijrtrt t f the 1 a>eri aano,ta-aaano^fibtT^ aanal aaarirattoai " '"' ' ' j " ' ' " n r lniH 'fill V A- JgW^MjaaaA l^fka aroWni., vaWaaaaunBjajaBj ^^^pay ,B^BBPBJ a^apBaagapgag g | a d f S f i ^ j y gP* minlagi af CAwana Onant Ooaaa ^ vtrist&gSim feea>ed by Oowjaiaanar and Hm Bilnar aaa BaatiHa aha umiiiii U a.aw h a w aBBBB. pOaBBBB* a^BpB^BpBBjBBg^BBBf ^H^a^^ 4^^^^^ ' JB^Ht^Fr day* ajBt, wkA a *^ <ajr**^e B*»Maaat.lr Phi k«< . y j g wa_a. aj Aaata^afSSal ^L-^^gg. IC_T MA^Xakkagm-Sk '-aAagaka.'II sTwhlaegStftaaaiiaa __!___ aAaaTaiaanngaa -• aarapaf 'apapBap aPBaaanaja •aBpar^p^^'^^Ptjap^BPpa' nj l^^aBaaa B ^ BV j M _ A y U ^ ^ ^^L^^Jt *t-. V* IfwiiBp B r^ffpww*y"**^pal mf 9mWwmmi&Jm9$ aaatrtrad^aaAy'awork. * i * w> thaw aaaa wan the aaoretary 1 faaaii ta aatL ha*aaid aawA ahaTaaaMHil' -—-^^r^p—. J^PT ^^^P"y •• •"••« a^^^PBa a^BPBBaa aaaBBja aaaaaBtarajHBBp^.^. b*BBtfwoaldaBBaBBB*tBBBr aaaaa afBBManitw ^•TW^BBBr^pr jaiapfwaapaa; BrapaPBanaBBBaaav BB^Bapa^aj ajBB^Bpaflj|p •tffap^BjaB^pajpaa^ ^ ishaajpt aC agreeaneak-ba-eaaAbad,'the M e n ampkyadln thee, ahope wiU n- ternft*work. Tha cahars wlU dght oa. The aaaentUa board wiU la ready toatesv low to nwet all eeatraetor* aM haar pro- aaalapBM fa*~'asttl«aaBt.. '- " Th* fin ahope which jotoed ta* mate- aaaaA wen hitherto aoaanlod abopa. Tae pppi h*T* Iniwsd the ot**nli*ann ^^•^"•F' W ^ ^ » W? J ^ P P P ^ P V F ^ ^BBPBa 'UPa^BBBBBBB^aBBBPBBaaPwaa- j Tha staikaidtwi hslj a iimia* at hOO ^^ . . ^w^^^"^^ 1 w^^ ^^fP^n^ ^B^H ^B^^p^f'ap^ppBBK aaiaf araraa fftiht riiiest I iia Is hi HI la* sullun tnia- •ar^pp^pp" ^PBPA'w^paf wwaBBjMMBW -aaap; •••a'P"^ ^ajaaaBJiaam g a p JPw^ •Irting ti» damAnd. of their employe*. OVffsfJfJi I»-PW»BT»BPI» MITfJ «aaprMea«ja « # » wiltlngnaal to aooede. to the demands of «te aaaa, providing t h e / a n joined by the •the* boana. *" <" aanpaata 9w*wwmQ6mw4- ta ».ai|sn, SaAWinAi, gaps. 5,~Tbe Chinas, hav- lag alalmed oan Wol ovar the Japanaae rea- idanaf Ja OhtoA gatsittiig. that- Japan ehaims control over the Chioeaa rasideots w*f7»A|s.paiatn aaaWP^hb^^-r-v.Jr* - 1 ** l^^^sajjjiBo^p^^ ^, ^»^v«lpa|^«aJ*|.V-. ^j^^a^Jkask-M^^bl^B^^HBH | ^ K ^_^p^^paL lla&tAa^a^pE^^^^^. 4)fi J B T p 3ff^ff2LTglh^glAi- BBB - B « *^-^^^^pp^pr "^^PPaap^ppj^wp^ ^ vn ^7 p aKB^*Bf HjP9^ > ^ B ' B PjV4 eaed to UM Taotal, outside the Mttlement llasHs, two Japanese who wen recently anaatad, aoeaaadof being aple., and wbo tevabsaa under th* Arateotton of the United 8*atea. Th* iChlnen authoritiee peedged thanuelva* not to torrar. the jrteenen and to g i n thema fair trial, * ^flNt 1 HiiPvi«nli»ilili)pp.JitolrpJKp,iB)i •*} ^TaKWI MiWmjm VmQHml JKaaW0#aNl4|.T Jonamono, Ark., ^cpt. S._Tb, man- ak*4 '£•«•**** at John Copneli, a- aaa. aawiBBBp ^aaaaBBBBmt ^ a a ^ v a p •Bwaaaajak |ypkajwapg^a^ ^ A i p a^aag, ApBjBBj^-. a f a a ^ M ^ railroad In almoat tha sxact p ^ ^ b a w .the reraains of Frank Thomp- Ala Ww« found 10 day* ago and the n- kiatMaf aa unknown man aoma 40 days av It U now generally believed all three •a war* murdered and their remains alaeedoo 'the .nUiriBad-ptaAk tooover up ^^WP" ! wa^B^Baa> j j i * *• ppppipj&DtPii , i i n . H i l ii,.(pWW,y4^,ii, <w. HaBBBABBPalBBBBBBF A * P p ^ P ^ ^ ^ P W ^^Wy^BgBgajar MMMUfWwa.Pa,, Sept.f,--«ev.ChArlee P BlatVof KOladalphii who U JUllag a rpaaat pulpU la the Beavanly Aaerults T*™ B *yww>^"aWrr *™*^^^ 'fljf^p^pl*™***/ TAJJP *^*Ta*^|Br Agg aaappiBB/ajg^sB a^sgj Robt. H. Gulbord, JI| I'I'I » "jl!.l|t CHAMP m r SUMMER ; COMPLAINT, Smith & LaRocqoe's dHOI^]B*ASD f m&mmm wm&ir 'A, me ma xji&m» mmtmm fm gRwaw»<3Mir», I^rrtw*, Dyawi- Smite ittMalne Tabfefa, for 6kk Head- ache, mr*m H«*dAche ( qtrfm* nem, or Henda^w artotogfrowany mm. t&mm pft. to&r '' i' -"-"^ BvO$ Cftteh Sticky ^rjgi^f^j \- -_ % Acid, Bromo Chloralum. S^ppXltoo*1^rEri*acfc. Accent bottte m*k« 8 gallons of good, wholesome summer beverage. SMTTH * LABOCK.TJI!, Cfty Pharmacy, PlattH6«jrfc*h, N.:..1fii W**W MPP dPeW a*P -^Pf^a yfrw^BWVMaPg VWfflBI lat* ahtokbhnk Wnlt*r wa* alpo loeked ^^papapr. ppa^rp^w^w4^ p "^ F ^*wff' "^^ ^ffP'*w^PP FI ^JTV^PW ^^Bppra^ p^pwaapaeaa ^aMr*p ^r*waa^ww paa^^- i^^Bfppypj a*a a*pppMn# ^Pff ^•"aaj^W {"^aa^na; ^ *paip|Br ^apa^ aaapap/ BBBBBBBJP agp g^ jMi B ^|nVn^b * ^AfiiNi'liejaaaaaaptpapPijiiiiiiii) iunaj ill ^ JMa-tta^aay, Bep*. ^rtPWnp J* .»|-paaa* BaakAea aaa^a^d Uaiaaa »««!•• *a^^Wp*pp-*ap*^F*rayaay <"aw ^B^pf^BfM^aTWp'rpp* apMHry* haad, Bewaaaonttaasadtathiaodkeby fa*ppaagajp dariitg-iaa apfp** *M*»oa of tfe* ipaala hatlkp i •paBBBBBap. B^BBS. ap^BB/ apa~ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ P f B B ^ B p aBBBBB^B^gaBagBg- aaaa\£BBBB^aTBjB£ i IHIIIIIHIIIII i mn :*ka am# AaaatteVtaeA t t gWfit ^A*wTjp--Baifi(|. . ^. ^ - . • -*^ .• ^ Mini Mf ii * i •aa a •*••** ~ *' '' : 0oodrtwhj '.a*Toko-=; > to aa bar way. aa^t -apraaBBBBj -^aaaBB^^MBp^^ -saaaaw taaCdaaMfdL "aBBBaaa' .«AA •gkA^aPaa' TWO PliACHES WHERE SATISFACTION Can always be fcpid. in the IlictionarjK and in the use of our ri 5 f" MEDICAL HALL, MRS D K. GILBERTS, Custom aouseSqaare, Pl^tteburgb, N Y -i SUBSCRIBERS •*jPP* i? ** w * E3*:a *fe>™^HPiP^"

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VOL. I. "NO. IB.




mock, ft&tteburgn, N ¥ * TfoRNEY and Connwllwat Law, Station

ROYAL CORSWN, —-5Y and t-Niunaelor

street, piattsburgli, N. Y. A TToSNEY. and l.Niungelpr-at-L»w Bridge

4 "

* H. £ . BARNAR0.

A'rSKVRNEV and Coun»ellar>at''lAW. Officetil . fewfsBJocfe. Platts&argh,1*. Y.


AfroRNEV and c^nMotmMuaw. office, Marion Block, CSlfetou sttefet, Plattsburgh,

K.Y. _ _ ^ '• L. L. SHEDDEN, "

AtTOBNE-r and Counselor. Officejn Am-

K, jr. , , CHAS. H. McNEf L,

* TtoRNtrr and. Counsellor at.Law office A in Hagar Blwk, is canton street, Piatt*-burgh. N >


ATTORNEY and Counselor-at-taw. Office, TlrKeefe Block, corner M a g e and Elver

streets, Hattsburglt, N. Y.

,i','.pri|f.j!|,i|,f.8,!.,iii ey.wi'j.. 'ini""!1,1; ffiffji11^!,'! m.mini I'li'wsaa'agffsay'ggj'^^

.,!. ;'7J^['l)Tiriiin^iriiiiii i nr. [r i ni.nii nil,, i.nT[.TL U ., l.f i'J, Jj' . mn in i L. i| . n f i lijS V I m # 1 ml iii|iii|iliiiii n i | | f I li 111 • ' 111^111^1 m n t i i m

OWafttiHft* Only I* tte Strlck. en Northwvst Citie* Now.


flie Brave Telcfr»ph Operator Who Stuck to His itet £ Dead*, ^ ffifewSf 5 t e 2 ? * « i S i 2

W E E D S , SMITH & CONWAY, A TTOBS-E YS and cooaSejora-at i<aw. Office

i V freed & Mooers- Stork, Clinton estateet, jpiattsnursn, S. Y.

E. J. MARKS, TTOENEY8 and Counaetor-av;

Armstrong's Bl.bek. Corner .1 tge streets, mttetrargh, N. Y.

Office, ret ana

H.P.GiLLILAND, TTOltMEY and Cottnpdor-at-i*w. AisOv , ihii^M of tt»0Pea«*nd Coroner. Office

, Stargfcret street, Plarasourgn. N. Y. .

$f*1f'_I WM, W ^ A ^ T W E L L , "~ • ^ A» TTOBXEY and GiUHsdor-aHAW: Office to

, Arnwtron«"8'Bhx-fc up one flight, secowd ddfr to left. Entrance on Clinton MJeet.

WINSLOW CU^WATSON, *.. -TTORSEY and CoutMlor-aMAW. Special

attention gtron to business in Surrogate* t. Office oTCr M'ffattle'B More, Margaret •t. Piaitebntigrh. N. Y:

\ RILEY••« if AGAR, •'YTOl^EY^e^CooJ^lore^t-IAw. Office,

Marion Block, Clinton street, Plattaburgh,


WHEELER A WOODWARD, 'TTORjiTEYS and Counselors-at-LaW; Office

in t i e Court Honan, riattstrargh. N.'Y. 8.: i , WilEEtKK. W. V 8. SOODWiW.

DR. E. E- LARKIN, IJHYHlclAN and surgnon. Office, W Brink-1 erlioff Street. .

E. C. LOW. M. S i ^~

HoJtBor»)THlST office at Residence, comer or oak ami Bnnkerlioff streets, Platts-

tmrgh,,N, V.

ii>MMiif«lr l cwMwt laii A n Haw | K «••-eeMtal OprtaUoa—lUtalaM !»«<•« I>«tjr" *• a IMtlM JPatcat«4KMMk «WUHM«l#««t »**'

M»»*»lMl l a mm 1*m*m *i tit* Caaa-t*y—Wwrtera W«w VWrft Stata At** «hJF*at.a«4-AR«H«Ma at »!«• « • ! • .

Pfi*«CiTY, Minn. Sept «,—Kvaty Mil-eri>erw>n thai one meet* an tb« stiwta ot Pine City today fitwi rWble «irl*rt>oa of bloodanot eyea *nd hnrnad UnaMi JUM. chert* from their ooaOlctWiUi tiMlflia, The ^romeb ithSr are numhecwl a u o a c «ie refogeea « n thJnljr clad, « » t MMHf a » without coterlnc foe thalr haaAi

of thaw »at outalde the aathaf hoti*« taat evani»g' oontparintt »°*aa wi th athat

iffii < eota ifi tenta in the park. Tha*e am *0 nufottnttate* Haiti oalMI to ooennr tba

DR. C. W . A R T H U R ,

PHYSTC1AN and Surgeon. Offlce and resi­dence. No. 5 oak-Street corner Couch,

otlicf biiurH. 1 toa P. H Telephone connection.

* j j


1>nrsrclAN and Surgeon. Office and resi­dence. No. 8 OaK street. Office honra-^TuI

9;i m.: 1 to 3 p m . and evetiingfs generally. I'lattsbargn

a p. 1 N. Y:



IjfHYSitiAN a^d Surgeon, offlce and re#-dence. 113 Margaret Street office hours,

hefore 10 a. m . and a to 4 p m. special attention given to diseases of the Eye

and Ear.

D R . W. Ji. B R E N A N .

81'ROEON r*»ntint, (successor to Dr. O. J. Moonej-i: Everything pertaining to modern'

dentistry ixtrformed in the most SkUIfnl: manner. «Sas or Ktiier administered whende-slrea D«r 4 parlors in WtnrtoWe Block, brer rron"Nati(fc.d Bank, Platteburgh, N. Y


^ I T H E R I L L HOUSE, W. H. H O W E L P r o p .

f^*Modern in all Its appointments, 43ppo6ite (CBVPrnnwiit Imililings anlLpark.

npm ARC/VDE, 1 ~ Hotel and Restaurant,

V. P. G ^ U T H I E R , Prop; The only first-ohiss hotel in Northern, New

York. -^^ torrK ^ t e a a i i l Marios streets,



B.vani b> thedaj or wwk at reasonable rates. ^t —:—

l^""H<>iisi'rntlrely n>funil»hed Sample rooms. Kl^ftrir Itsflits, etc

8 and 10 River street, I 1 UnSBLKwH. N Y.

^ M E R I C A N H O U S E , J . I. OLIVETTI, P r o p .

River St., Piattsbvrgfe, N. Y.

. . . E U R O P E A N P L A N . . . . 8^" Vital* <i ill r»iur»

y H E DELMONICO, Hotel and Restairant,

J. G. BURPEE, Prop.

Protection dVenue, PLATTSBPBOH,.S: Y;

HOTEL DELAWARE and Rcstagrait,

GEO. E. GOT1ER, Prop.

H AYU8Q1 entirely refitted and refnrniflhed jjote! Delaware, corner of Bridge and

Per* Streets, the proprietor, who had twenty r experience in Me hotel bnstneBB, U p» I to attend all who may favor biro *rith

„ _ • patronage- A flrstjcla* restaurant, where jAwtl will be aerred from 6 a m . to Kp. m., in

BOon. Tnebest wines and liquors alwaya ***•. r% , r : : : r . • -•• , • . : '

tattta, land each bowed four orflya peopta, Grtadstotae Lake,idMi)as north or Kuok-lejr, has beas t in camjptng (tpittid for aat-eral l u m m m of -pairUee ttotti BtamUay. Thla year a larger ntfnsbar a( yanpht *a*e camped tbarc than tMoaJ, JMM eo*a*iioaait-ly WIMQ a lira waa atwi to^a«e«o«)hiii i | oil Neal1* plaos, thwo-qaartaw of M « l t e froni atoe of t in oampt, amwal at t h a n * * *tait»« f or »h9 aoaiM, JoM F s M o k a a i Itaaan. KUaworth and Colllaa w a » ataone the ntimher.. Other meat «at«fl|wMiigth« A M irhan thay «o» thara, MM It twaaM»-poaad that tany ootid gat II aisiai, <n>nUiil Tba Mllttt party hAtdly tMohad ttM acMM, how»y*r, when they dlatiutatsd flamaa •booting o r * th* tope of ttmhac back of tbelr own oamp. Patriot atarted back alone tha ahora, white tha othan got lato a amall aklff and paddladlaater than they had ever bafota, hoplaf to vaaafc th* eatap bafow It *m ovetwhaliaad. Whtla that were attlt MUM dtataaea hway thay aaw tbe woman raeaina; lato the laka awi tta oamp outfit gotag akywaWi tuilaiiM and amoka Patftok haidly eoa'ptakattdad theae thinga, howetar, * M 1M had not gona far befota a ball of flia darted acroaa the lake, o t w a u l i e wMe what* ha atood, and knocked blmdownM ItapMon It* work of deatroctlota thrragh tta fonat. Hie clothaa ware IgnMad, and for a time ha waa oompletaly daaaa.

~ - Whan ha had taao»oat 11* awaaoa, the fire waa all about him, and only * nattow pathway thraogh tha water at thaadga of the Ink* remained. Tha hank ahabadeaf raryataap all along and oflatad an avaWM of aaoape, Aa ha waa aplaahlng thfwagh tha water a atny dog M l la batdad bin* and marched along In hi* company. Tha .two had an encounter a little later with a blgblnok bear that bamd thairjia—ag« and would under ordinary ofaoamatennaa hat* annihilated both man and cnr. Brain, who waa equatnsd In tha Water, did hot even deign to notice than*, hut Mm-ply moved aside about aix Inebea, ao that tbeyoooJd paaa, and Patrick doubts If tha dog reallaad that tha bear waa there. Thay finally reached a apace where the Mad opened oat from the Ink* and hem met XI homesteaders and their families, who had been fleeing through tha blinding amoke ahead of the flames. All the ntembaca of *he party threw thamealTaa Into the Ink* and remained there ontil the fleanaahad paaaed over. Kone waa, eailan*l| InJnAadt but all w e n ao exhausted aa In nraolnda the poesibility of going farther that night. They laid on the bank* of th* lake until morning and then started baakerartha road they had oome, In th* dlwdton of Sandstone Junction. Patrick haa not aaan or hoard of them atneo. Peven af tha *at-tiers, on* a woman with a baby tweaks old, got into an old oaao* andanddled oar into the lake, only to be deetenyed by wa-tsr after escaping from thafhube*. Tha waves nearly filled the boa* eevwtnl tlntee, and the baby was freqwantly held aloft to keep it from drowning la the boat, i The frail craft drifted ashore in th* endy morning over • mil* Iron th* damn. Patrick, after passing an awful nigh* full of anxious forebodings, W*« abto feo r*ach hi* family, overjoyed at finding them un­banned. - :

Just inside tha doorway of tha hospital sat a tearful and woebegone wnman, While at ber aide, f i t h * bandage saro«Ud his forehead, atood a bewhlskeiad man, to whom the woman waa listening with rapt attention. Th* man wa* M/A. Onwn-field'and the woman Jfra. Tboaaaa-Ban-


of enitwaVk insBls ata .going e*er *ha ' t o ^ H t s a a a t e fs^aahllrTatfatL'fctaa. d t e t i a w a f akat- a k s W jLia|nhai lkdba\

\W*m*Km JOwMiMlif'daWs fWHHaVwP" ^iWpWnH**W -lasUsaah^lBkakanl ^hattatf ^ ^ ^ ^ - K g ^ ^ - ^ y i w ^B f l^B B^B a^^4u^_^ia^^^ (k|B B B B% ^f^*^"^"*w^"l»i * ^ " ^ " ~ ^jT-^"^'^,^W^^^*'"^'^^W^Bf4^"»n]BI^^^ J^e^HSJBSB^p

W .looking fat niote twdW In ha* ">fqnd*-

£«sBBsraaawawar laswssaaiss aaa -gwyjsww^

th* IMlltt si sainiaa a i d t i l t 9L -tL-fTisfJSHTiw*m"fntil sfthtiiiim fm s^a jsfksah '•^nhaihisa ^sa^nyUk ns.fis% jlK^aBBlaai^Basa .aaiSBsallr

•^r-aifjBl f^s^^Hwar* •e/J|w*al '••laTW aaffsrfaafil^BBwi w f l i

whteh.ha^baaa tavaiaaWa AUin. ha^'aaen'broaaht l a the kiihlsil

• ^ • w a w w ^s^w^npa, jars*-ar^BiBj^as»w- ^^w B^BSS»I ^aasw^sa^safcwaaaaa, r - , - , . . ' i y y _ B ^ b | ^ _ J k ^ ^ w l t _ < ^ j ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n ^ — ^ a M ^ J J^snahai^dMW kaVaV^

TBRMRIw^B^spppinw' I f f ! ! ^HCPWa, WfiPC *w W^r ' ^^bkanJU^ttS *-"^^^att t d f t ^ t a V ^ n l s ^ ^ ' Mnt A ^ - ^ - g ^ "MfajJL fc*Jt'

pfaavN l enrlhg' fjojr _th* tnjujMt *|Way hall and pabile bilidhig of Jmr wm waa h i ^ J f *k* ha l u f W l i i l ' l an Shut - t i k a r « « ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ j ^ t "Ww"w**fi ^^K ^B aaa^PjPfif^Bajr w*hwwa.,JHWP> S ^ ^ ^ T T P ^ ^ ' « W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

ht nuratng, knowing no sWoh. thing as

i f a t f ^ a ^ a o s a .



...... , , leythr&t tba*aople, and burn*; wwra. a'uah leaifm-queoUy eiet With. ^ t v

1 i f Yr «••>•• •fajtaninalasa^ai '• T « ^ a j » •rv^sseasBx^BfajB^ ww*w^^Ba^pwa>^^BfpaaBBB^Ba*aw

. Thehsa* Wa* so'-inttha* thaa th*ey*^-balli nearly shriveied, and nearly every pereon that paaaed through .the •>• i wearing atttoaad giaata* OR. •«*> PJL .. toaeeatalL The raliaf train eama Up tha Dulath road from 8*. Panlatf»

d j _ i | j . i y i k a i J l f ataV ^^JUgoa^- y g l i y i v AJLi^ <

llBFVwyP|, Wi l l -Ml JsTytX-JWWfOw 3 Wt rlMF

ofthefira, whieh w m at on** haadadkl tha oaraaad bnnigbt to thla a j | y l # « l r trtbutlon, The appoihBsient «t « - j M t

* | ^ a a l a i ^ A r i s n | ' h b * t | | - # ^ i T l l ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ t f c u j ^ - k j . baa^^iaV, W ^ ^ l - f ^ R s S H n s i p n » n | W l J B B V V e W ^ H V jBBw*"aaWsW' '^ra tWs l , ^ ^ - ^ i i j a ^ * m riaair • 11 J a * 1st »a^h 1 •( .1 J J JSV- raihv^ %L - ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^

ganarai oomnaanoaawn, aaw tn* onaraaear of th* matt give* aamranoa that ihar* will' 'ha-tlta aaoM tbacoagb aare f a r m injur** ^b^jdn- ri^^-^^^i-^-^^^ ^ b ^ y ^ j ^ j ^ t a ^ ^ - ^ ^ Ahaaat aaaV^at aWka>aW saaiBBt

m&m. Jg9m^%^m^ f t l n l M H I I w mm AVI*W*# and ahitaring survivors o f thi* gtaaa dia-asiar. The word frdnvvhits Bear hero of the limited tratas fogtnear Jiawa* Root, 1* getting along well MdwilTr*-ftOMNr' fiiiwXi fubt litntnnk iftllllilBI o9ttM|n ajenaral rejoiolng. - -

Thomaa Dunn and-a- family of three otherewar*burledioday. Thomaa^'

~ old^tiewaatha^arata Who lest hts id* hw

immB- SSFO JrtJMMW • Bewaatelaarata] naakoporaharwho lent hi* Jtle I he jaananaag aa; ka taha lnntUAhai aa*w »^^wawaaaaara»a» ^"W •aaaaaj, S W W a^Hpaapsji a^saar p

•k^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -naWaMBaBV) < aka^^Sa^kall Jhan ^-dh^aWssV lM^Hl^4 U^aM. awW-la*J(w"SwB P ^•fWPJHt-J in*ariW^as^^^» T " ^B^^sar^Fawe^ ^p^ajsaaBB; >waaua^

%t* M* mkm* «p4i rJ--aa» f ihiiariMF* ilil» *oti

£1 ^ ^ m * k 4 j | ; | | t a « i ^ k ^ t f l t l ^ k a i i l M F aaaf f l t a t

^W**"W W | " " ' B W ^ ™ "W^BB^aaBBBBiBJ aPBBBBBBBiBBBBB H I W , LAJt,ti % , . . J ~W'. . f f a>.„ . . . ^ . ^ . ^ ^ i j h_->aur ..*>«•»- J. ^ • a * - a f t V P a l i f i OT JPw»"**aV*W»J ,*J*jPg^waB|BBBBBpBfc_ (

aM|.<iiW.tlTit*i •(•)• " j t *

A tlraihteAiUaat af l^Msat/ftt i*e lH j f a a l n i a l alfhaianVan a ta f M l a l a l iaat l i iat ^ ^

•V- f a > B J B B B J | a - W w a a * ^ > » ^SBBBBBaajPBBiaaB^Ba/' j f.

WM' Bqrtkloil, Wis., Sent. f - K a g l —'Hem Baw<>fU>eorlglnaiiea*Bii»g

'IcnQl Ok th* :a>a**t*ii kQksBlHtn

a nndar any eireoimstaness: j.. Iwefa DrOugnt » * • ' M E n C g / n M

afrt. If aaaaneonfd kaeVhi* haadan* trying c^reuinaaanee* of;;that

,. h<»o**UB*Jih*. k*«i hot «H»tor • 1 * iaaf j t e a i ^ ' or, eouraaw^ . «*o«' j t f jy .

b>to hlght, Thei'-haht eaW*' m*«kla, tnejaiaaf, I •n-cted We rnaahad' fhet point W*

aMald' 'a^ in mha.aaaBt aaal.'aaaaaal aha aattoaa. aiy;aarprtae was graa% sBaaarotai whan w, found the «** tlgaa ta»* * * ' thwll 1 , look hut*gk^a*Baa{^Slh* _

' jWwal tHddnojB*fl/| « h # Wjhg ilpNl1 '^Iha -

" Whi* aaa»^/ThVe**Bt»gfira ltk«atUwkaofliglri«inV

I t Wfw hi*'order Unon *

' p t t ; COUCH HOUSE, * ^ - T . P. FIFIELD, Prop.

^ * * ' «ood

jjaas in ail _ tor honwa, trai street, PlatWbargh, Jf. Y.

' W a f A U T W E«U Prop, •aw. f f M-V O Wrer JHreet

-a!aa1tABBBBBjraBcaw'#taeit.}'' BB^aajBBfi H^aaaBPBpaBt a^^at-^Bw1 j»-aaBPa!"w# t



*^a*Js*^Bt^^ai" AawiW aj BjgajT pj^V •^Pp"™!'* TT*

groaned in ayinpathy with h*T, for, * S waa hearing tha and fate in* her boyal-14 WMllgyanit'of aga^-wh* h»d pwrl^ed|» the flame- at Graeniuid'a faraa, tva mfkaj from Hlnokter. Tke boya, arttt »aair(n-thar, were cusUng a .road throngh the Doluth raOroail toward ~ whan th* fith fovasd thaan raaohed hi* n)noa, and Wlah ht*

A ^ - J ^ - ^ - ^ - ^ :rnJL^^L3Jfl|flwa^_B^_^_. ^jjBmaaanBWanaaaaaL BHaaaB, "

the^rain -retninaa^to7'tika-'al»ard thoat wani wnnauH aaaaBapa •aonaaaaa. m pui hk ordar through. tha> train raturned and nafilad awaar osar iMM aaonla rraaa wa^araaj a^BBa-Aa^aaai aa-waaay w r a a , awarqr BBBB^PB^BBBB « • • • • • • (

the fire. Hettaan Jnnttn4f>nu«;windarW and'atartsd Dor thar grwval n^whaWa ao tttaayaared their ifvaa. Dnanweawtta^ laflvarooaofthegrn*atpitwhanheiatl, and he waa unable to get tarthar. HI* dead body Was found aFn>e*» an the aiae , ofthoea^ajfearaaa. B a wa»WaU liked ttf th* railroad mm and had a lMa^«tral»al aeqnaintanaas In. Hlnakla) and OfhaV plaaea.

kfc^fck-w-av j h * ^ ^ r > v w L M ^ ^ ik«naiBaBB^BBBaBkjh ^w*^Fw^^K ^M^a^iWaaBTap^- an^pH^^N^BrfilMhl

ST. PAP^Sept,*, fah|iHl|il|k*ii<tit> rangamauai arahaUag ^awrledouthytha people of Hfchla ft*tr*B>l ***ry tow* w*f oityintite aorthwaat te'thankfiVsntnW tha great foraatlraa TharalW train aha* left hare had a k,ptek up" an* la wWahtt •tocanchsuppliean* Mhjsa h*ra»dyn» ftsBBBa>^aVBBariaraBTaBBl ^ ^ _ j U | ^ A A a « j | ^ ^ J f e a ^ k ^ a i ^ i ^ J t nk^-Jft '

anaancwwl *liTZJ7+**rVEm ClZ aaaa^F-™^Ba* TV-aaaai ^ai^^w^Ba - F^aa>aH| BB aavapataB^ j^t aaaapar WJ^BIB^B; ^-p-k^* ''^HaB^tBhaBaM' |ejj 'B_^^^ f l^__^B B__ a^^ a^ a a^^ a_ a B ir^k ^_^_^hn—^

andatlehurohea haw* jihrnpH* *aaanda<| JE A ^ i 4 A u _ | i i M i _ a f c ^H^Mak -ksf - j u t k | a ! ^ a g k ^ a ^ ^ H A L »

di^aafc. ^B*al'nadr<r <_^aaUa^a^BBlBkBBBa ' ( •k -^BBB^BB. -kh^gg-k-^^yA | _ ^ akBaaft

y ^ g n t a v w o t to . . - . -"?. . ,

andtha distils a He a af ail" * khdatyk^Mta«h ^ ^ ^ M % .^BBV CdnraMBBT^BBfaat ^ ^ • • • P W^W^^Bl ^^^fap-fy *^B^ vj rajpaPB^B^B^B^B^

Mayor Jaaatth will be prompt

matloh appaaliufar aoa^riheitaaa)*liir Uae Batawf o f a a * aMMaarlakaak' aMadsalaaraa^ a a . ayaawaaanaj BjS;Bi ^BBBBBF aa|aiB^ UBBBOA BBBBBaBBag |BBJBB^B^B^B^B^B^ f ^ B ^ p ; ^ a V t J|Mhik44fe'rihaast a a _«, fajaa^kkkattaBSBBBBfl' ASBA - W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - A U | j Bjaa^agBB^B^BH^ a^pp11 ^n a^asfljg'B^BjajaflB^B^Bi -w^ay a^^H^^^araja IWBRfi :

dltghuwa the aaaaa C. A, POlaatWy, aaant.

thaw ft Norton, Winona, and Raaatng. Rart .0t .Paaj . A Puliith man I* yat t*

Paul and Dulhth t*ad.air»a-ttlnaralaaf l l a i n i and l a l l i l a i all snaadlaa ofaraaV The Amatjeaa aUaaaea unasjiaay hat aaBBdaBkeat that It will n a m JDM aaw *T W^^^ ^ aaBBBBBraBBBw^^w aa w^»^ww ^ ^ gra * w " vPBPBiB>^ a a n n p ^BBBS—v

auncaMnaW ear ralaahes raliaf aaniallass ^^^"g*BJF^B^BjBW,a"^'a* •w^^ajf ^^rwBar«j>awar • ^ • » B P B ' » PBBBBBBBjaBBaw BBPBf

Jh M M M Wlaeoaaia aafi alinaaana* N ~^Pr ^T^rw-w^^^pw*^at T* ^ " r w ^ n f w p ^ !B>aaBpaa , parakaa aaiaPBPaf BBBBt

Tk« raUraadaara aatUag ta akapa as rap-?Kl iMsf l f f i l i . thr.WtatnWnnai.ls; th* Omaka and UM Kortharn Pnotte oaaa--ka^aaaBBBUk B aka Bahi •BahaaBBl aaaBtaaav ^aaaBB^Bi^aflBraBh^BliaBa^B^keBBiaaaBan

rXrda»ng frrirmt? ia^riinnnrgam!a1iii' •oaneotlng loat arbeA *ad eaaTylnlrnraTl-aloaafor sufferara, ITaa "Wtpsausla Oan-' S a V w h w h fa but rilghUy atfeaaad, has voinntnrlly agraad to Wis spirt lha» af aharga prorlriona -alt All * pafut* oni te l taa where relief Uaent. '

i & aaam m B a i ^ t ^ _ _ y ^ ^ ^ a A k A ^ M ^ t t M n i p a k A

sWaa* h^ kilkiWa of aataiea l^ 'anahiaat ^•WBPWIBFW ^B^I fBBBaawaa'wa<as B B M aaBBBBaaBPBPBH mw^i apa7waaPB%;BBlBBW'

Hit «fctey, and anara waa lha aaa U--J L ^ - u k l U a A 4aaaaa ^^^^BABtea%^B^aBBaayBaakai' ta^a^^*

t#*P*yJ >j*^ira^^Bagaa|^ paPa^ a^Baa^Baaa^ga^B^BB^BBB^B^B^B^ _aayB^Bgi

eut «jlV ilt-waa on* of ia H I ne t* whaaa aasahMathinake hpth*tt aatndll.lBiaB MWlaki Haat l t *e JM daa* aaddott wrtav |lfkwia# iMI IflaMaMt •a>o0i« i(rt^ Wm?9wt1mm)A. H a^ ^ u u ^ a ^ ^ •wkakenaBapldJiM' g_^^^^^___|t tflhhk kaaaak

PV^"™d ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ k " i p ^ ^ a ^ B ^ B J g B ^ « -a7<a^BBBB«^BBBBg^^ ^BBJB^ rBBMSJl

a* jaaTaaiaty of *>» arain ayd M.

and tea* b a*aM«# aawaaatddwh* war a t aBBBBBk hant aha; aaaah anaaBaaak. , W J ? [ • I ^ ^ ^ T r ^ l ""Tl T i ^ T •ar"^T^"* ^*"*Hw""™^aBajr-

th h « B l kht l i1ta,*f aasaW katV •~« B ^^ B -_^ a T a aa aiaaBBBft l a t

' n T ^ B k a k J B B I a t e ^haaaaBBafc * » # W * ^ a A T . . ^ a f l h ^ a r ' n y

- ^** ^*"P*^~V"^a|r •J^-'||^^B.* deader, ** alaeky and hrav* hrttaw .*•

h»af-l B^aan "* afe aaaWaaaah Wh^aaak ^ M ^ B K fba^aBaBliK -SBUBBI P P WPeJ. P ,aTaTMBPt^|P^srfk, * » » # > e f p V W ^ f ^ L M i l I H I t M a a k t H t f t l H a J L l l ^ W r M U l a l

-aAfc-aaa^aaBBiuaa a_gj^_^A^| aakaaaBaa -aWraV a B B t d a B B i AtaJhV •BBkaBataai T**pa^apB^ afla B> ,^g_ BBjBjaB^aafl^,B^B^yBg a ^ p afl B a ar ftaja^^B^B^Bj afl B^BgyBg,

M k a a k afe#&£fc ^^ B *Ai . . B ^s^^^^_ a MP ^kaajBBBSBBaa# attaaWaBaa. ^BBKSBV •PayJ** TVaPal V B p O T ^ H H a ' H i ^^BrvaVv/faJl^B BHsTMRVk w w w

hdatily a MpMl a porttaa af IkaMaaatt'a afaTafaaWaUs A laaaUaf VMMJBBV ^BBBat BB^BaaVaMBBB ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U f t BBBBI

H^^»a«e f y k * a b A ~ ^ a B a n * pat-

akwa. aaS t i S a * M a l i * * ! ^ ^ ^ **2


y*|aV lkaaahh#ratt 'sjNWIl I R W W B W « « l i l 'U ' * . liLiim''

A IXajalia thaa wrkt fcw * paai*i>ihf« tlaaaaaaAab waaMav aula^u^^yfaA

„ wStahfftwhrnj Wf >. afc-"*»a«h| t Aa*ieaaiit




condkehal aa |afej*#a|*^j Pfai Lan-. {PAi '|>6atottea. .ha* lata**** t»,

Waaaiagtcau After7brtat 1* ratlgatloa Mawra, Joaot and i faaoaivalt' ooiiriuded 'thathha taatln»pny.wa*t6» *OBtti*elagfto' nakha ftrrthe* M veattfeation prawieabWor adrlaahta, and a report ernbe eying that «onolnaloa will be submitted «therto the a k A y M t h A u | ^ . - ^ f i A ^ M ' W | A « a ^ a M B W a ^ ^ a k mMi lakflaktft l ik Jajf

B^BBtfaCiaBBBiC# t f c a a WBaaaaaaaWfla l diaBakaaai fetojklai.C- "fa i t ^

1 * * % t t H * a T * V t l t a l a a a * e * l a » < l l l i f l l h U ' * M * & i m \

••aipeatnjBjnai,, j ^ ^ * ly alp.' of the

VBBBBBaaBa# lawha^

nhliigis havlag haaa pi. ' ^ ^ " T r T a r "^*wa^ •P^w'™*™" ^WPB^^^PwM™aw'

iti—tit flsjairit foeiss enllt " * a a aaBBBflSaa-wUt aaw

j. aa-naPBf aBaBBpaBBBgBBFffBB; j p u ^ . ^""*^Bv-,

•taat aaA aaa i^^rta iaSi aaa>aa!BBBP| aaBBaaaa aaaaaaf aaaBBjpaaBB^aaHpraBgB|ay- _ a W ^ a B ^ a a a ^ ^^agpapar^ aj^aj^B^B^ T/M|mBBpB£ -a^p^

juath» under U e stvil sarvi •aarBa^a^B^BBA, ^^^B^B^B^apa^p afl^Ba^

aadaaaisaBtt ***,»


A . A Jcja. _«•> l_kA Auaaia^LB—H_A_dBjBBl_. A_at^^^a&^^^__L__ , ^___^.

akkafki -^jkakkign | A t ^ l^lBaMakaaVaa %l^]i^BBBfal d ^ - S a d ^ ^ . AL^ak

Wa wpta HaaHifng fir* nalt waa W* _a_wAJp B ^^ B B B B | L_ arfaaBBBBBBt BBBB,A«aB. a tuBBBBataBBi kv^^-B a B , drtfhB^al

a* With I error *aalat»that*i*aaBnaawa

Inoa MoturrAiw, Mioh,, Saaa. a . - l n tha Oatoaagan divWon of t h a ^ J o n a * hill waaaaoaod Sk Pan) road trpatwarta/**-ttmaaai phaoa the anmbnr of aaat af pine scorohed a t »*0,00*,ft00, Whiah wfll have tobenaaaatnaoltmtbaraAaaeaariBiaaaa tokalloa*. TkainaaiaoaaaaaadwHhaaaBt dUBealtyaad danger, the etaaaea havfag

^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ | ^ t _ g _ * iUL_a. ajwaakaalaB^Mll hhasaaaf *aM^^BBBBBaS Aa^aVi kasaafaBB'

a n a n arrivfng h a n t—itaaHy artth thrtUlag halea af narrow isoaa*a. havtag-kaA every thing bat the narthlug aa ahstr

iiajUvkftiL wiwaa IMI aailf anaka*a7 # %t*f OreaaaeM'e 4 v a

g r a n l a t a a e a l l a r , a a d h t a w ^ , .., atUl aliva, la in thekraplail aael aa'hadly a*^apajB^ap^a> ^aaa^ aBaa, ajaaaj Bjaaajsy BBBBBB BB paajaBap -*u^spB^p mWMtf^^^l

'^haa^aBBBal Mkw 'STa^BBBBBatlBBM' -a-ejdii-^ ^ g j ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ - ^ , ^ ^ ^ s a B -" •uauJugBBm aaa>. jaaaeaBBBani^BB^p- BPBBBaV a^B^ajBB^B^BpB^Bj ,aB>- aaaa^p 5

AXhrklht, # a ! haajtDaaaaaaai'' t lai akaaaaa

Baa* -wkat* aha najjsa** a t "llaaj*

. •^•d^j^^^^^^jj^ * i y l ^ ^ ^ y e ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ _ « f c f c aaafaW

._. . ^

_ a n j U U ! _ _ - , ^ B B B B f c ^ B B B k -

-aaarftat^'^taW 1*aaaaiBaaaa*'

U*ar af- a>i h*at tnabli of asaalatarte jai^»'»pP^jP' - ^ ^ -^Pfw^ ^ff^^»B» « t « f ^ ^ r a ^ ^ ' •r ^B^BBaa»?=BMaa aajBaaanri

l l ^ g ' f ^ ^ u L f t e M M , ^ f f ^ ^ ^ a i — u T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k B B B W ^ U B B k

aanwaap -waraaaap; eaBaatafaav BB^BrBBBaaHBaBBaaaran' aajB B Bjap a^aapaj W TayfllPav

^ W W ^ W " w"l^wp waaWf ' ^ ^ " f ' p " ^ ^ B ^ | : m ^ ' ' ~ ^ w f a r

inanaanl "Hatlilna tfaat^alaa HBBBBW> I* liaaBBBBBBar aaaMfcr kc talaai ahana l*aBm'alaim thad thaaaii taraha naraeaaaf


Wka^^Bal_a & ^ lift a ^ M l a ^ M r t aaaMlaBiBfakaaaBBBi saaka. Ja^ag, "^bg-JL ' • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^? *w ^ f f * ^ V^^*^*#"wfat ^ p WMW* jl-*™™* • _ » ^ » ^ ^ | * * _ « v ^ ^ f ^ _ —aJAlht. | ^ | A WaBB|aBJ ^ f ^ B B B B p ] BB^ ^ B - f ^ B g B B / ^ ^ M S V w S w a A W P 1 W P W " M ^ ^ ^

^k|k^*a1kar '^a^al k a k t ask a^Ba^ak ^^^akkaBh^^B^BBM-^aHBka^^, ^ d a

aaaLaaaaadr aWAaai j ^ L b _ g | - daaa^ea U ^ ^ " B P * ^ * * aBay a BBB BaBBa ^Baaaaana UBBBPBJB^^ ^BBBI^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . t U f - f du_^Bg4, ;__J^j^_>jki , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B B _ ^ B B j a ^ ^ a ^_AA jfeaaah BBBBBBB" atar • W W ^ w J ^ ^ H P ™ * • W * » » V w W W ^ e a l j ^ V ^ W w y - iPaaW^ P P

la laipeatlbla te daaetlha lh " ~ • inkdiii HaaWi*' 11 "

™"r •* • ! nWerM^»"4fm(^a ^Pf"aw"^!^^w g m ™ a P a ^ ^ (

^ * - j « 9l ,aw**^* f cj^(_(^. fc^'*1*L, * * ^ ?

M K ^ ^ ^ S ^ aft kakakakakgA ^ ^ f M ^ ^ ^ J l f - f e a a - k r A a ^ J h i y ^

WkwaiMM kewagkii ^H_a^_fl_M_aa^_, aaar ^BanSaA aaaa f

WAanetl '"

fataeapiyi ^ ^ ^ ^ y a . M ^ k ^ I B ^ P > #aaaBat.

. .M.... _ , , a»wiMhai arr^^^w^aBaBBaBp ™ "a ^aBB^B^B^BjapaaaB^r^ ^

^^^PpT~*W^^^ W ^ ^ ^ "fl ^B^P k»l^'aaaaira:partfca|

^ " W P ^ K "F*OW ^ ^ ^ ^ p apB^B^Bap^

^ • • • • ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ •elMBM'^_^.W T ,^w r^. -, MABBBBBh a^BBBak- aWtfaj l^BBBBBBf 4^^HBBBkA. 'VBBE

•BaafaTaaTatt a t T H a V a a M t a " J t t t W a t t a t t i •"•eaaaBBaapjajp. B | i M B a B B a A ( : la jaaMr W a B j ^•ilJLdg^sa fa^&aaJBBBBBBV A^^-^A ,^ M k a B a B B ^-__ . w^y.g?W**'..',?.,Tr «"*Al**i; -""AaBBt Bpapaa jp a^a- ^^aB^B^p^Bgagg^ '3angHI^^VHIar^Tr— M V a U B B ^ a V a a i V B t : aBaWaBBaa ' *^kM/^^m akakdk w n V n a r M ^ W - V - f f ^ ^ a a a y V ^ ^ ^ ^ " I V m 'w»^aa%

* ^ * ; ^ — — f t 7 ™ * ^ ™ * • • w a a T a Y 'aW| •JMBateafaafMBF- « A a a a \ akflBattaBUaaaBak. U l l

g a ^ B B ^ B A t | u ^^^a^^BBBB—_^BBJb jlAaiBaaft aaBBLaA

riiKayirl" T*l J ^ M I B S H B I _^df ^lyLaji-juAL^ ^^BB-A^a-j_waLmag ^ j * . - ^ - ^ - , akc'f. „

AaT*'^-jpakak j ^ ^ ^ ^ l AAA A ^ ^ ^ ^ A f ^ ' d i j A a h M d | ^ P * ^ P » * ^ l ^ W ^ ^ . f a ^ *BBjseTeTsara-aar W - , w W V a a V * f l W HBTBanVeBV^BalWUBdh ^ W B ^ B B M ^|fl4_B&aaAaM|taB\aaBBBBA u - J < * » » . akaau. wP-^****'^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ? ^ ^ ^a^^IP^^^B^*™sP|WW'% 5r*f•'aww^P ^ r y

« * # - M H W | i ^ l l l A s a j g j f c f c l g B B g a k a ^ ^ k » ^ ^ k ^•^^•••aaaa^BaBaPB^^aBjBpa^gB^Bj^ - ^ ^ p < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WW -tTn^^Ban^

B a a p ^ ^^BfaBgapap ^ ^ • M > ^ M P * p ^ ^ ^ B W W H a B ^ p J p ,

t<jftst Sixtw?n

wlk'i Vtraggia »*tw»«a Clrthlag ktaaafaetarert ~ a«id*#»iaj*«a^lA.lf*wry4rk*^raaa'

' lag^Caatraatart, »aa*»ted, ta * • « t a r M A . r W . 1

Jl'nu. 4 ' N«W YOBk, Sept B.^-Tha gteat ttolk* '"•-W^an»::irtrike la on< t a ^ fought to

%^porMoa* . and ttraaMns lojtar-

Yesterday *illrt»0 eljr*. ins ^praMitt mining k ihftimghout f in city. •

BAl' Tfc* Mhahih i l l ftlifit;

HMtaaa a^war ^ ^ ^ M K t ^ a i B r W a a S '

Stan, ailayaraft a t fa f e e t * * j g j g

•~'^^^7?_ "*^"^"*"T"—™"r™* ^^""^""^'^"w"' "^"r ~a^» a a a ^ - a ^ ^ ^ . - ^ - ^ - - ^ <wg^BAa&BBBa| . kai

hiSSfli -AMMh 9aUrt*0«sMefn^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W f B B B B B B B B B » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ _ ^ J |

jagxlaata^ aaaaaal Jh^aaaaJiakiaBaaAaaaW

U t i l e . Hiked • » A0SVaa\ at.- T^ .1

^ ^ ^ H b l k t ^ J^anaka aafa aPanaaa'A

rof J*h -AWeaiahopA two ittd three ott^a^ &oad-It aidratiiig, - tJJ *•< board of in* tJnltwi

mm B u f f c j T ^ ^ T ^ n ^ n i was*.* aaorrt one, and^no latermaalon wa* given Smjk %#na»* basbaaaTwa* wa*i.als7

g^a^tfflb^re%l^affi> j S * eotumlwae coairals the strike a* tnr *a *a n r g t i l t a l n v o ^ hi eoneemad. It waa laarnrd that thay are the aarment » a k e « . organlaad aadati.... eoatrai oT -tp* Kniaki. of labor, to kun thaUmoVamaat. The four branslm of tba otathli^woraara^iUiUkMa, baatera " aado|>araioiw^andar the rule „

' ion,nttmberabMrt(,00(>sJltoid . aeld to be aaaiooa ta join tke aaalaat tha IMMBBA ' < tf. thatr laaAaaa WaBBBBBBfBBBBPBF BBBBBBT a^WBB^^BBJB^r # W a B J B ^ B ^ j y ^ H | ^ ^ H | ^ ^ p a j ^

ttoaaf t a h w pMata hfi pNhably ha aalW W t vary akorwy.

j ^t aaaasvjL^MBjA ]|M^B^Aaakt^LB|t .pAka. |^^^^y_> ^ * * * w ^ ^ t ^aa»p,"ajp^^ fi fHp ^^^^HP^ >

j y t - a - k U t t ^ d l ^ M - a ^ ^ M f | A a ^ y ^ t o 4 ^ | k h M B t t ^^ saBaBBBBnar -aaBaanap 'W^aaaBy -a^M^^HH^aagaa»wa^Bg|^^BgBaMa^

had Tfiiiiasnsbiiia lathe*Mi iJpJ""^p* " ^ . ' ^ " ^ • ^ ^ • ^ W ' ^ B a t n p a aBW^PBaapaBaaiBBaa^ „ ,

iWa) lalwli lsphj*>* at ntflllaAll jU hart troat th* aAeaauria^vatt « - . - . . . *ftMa>pBiTaaani*j

— -< ^ ppw# a a r p i w wm - PWBP^BBBrq


W.H, Coats, 1

1 . . .


Lowest Prices:

'." :•' Easiest Tern* J



Jn mifainn a t a a a a i t a^H^LaytMol aa*BaB L-JB^BBakA. 4aak aa^a^A ^sBVjCBBaBB> ABBA akaB^A ^BapakaBkaV

^^^^^ZjL -^A ' k v A B f e a ^ k > > ^ s a n - # r * « ^ | A | Q ^ a ^ j ^ a u ^ ^ k g L W^*wPra-wfP> • § , ^ • " d w a S p - § M a p w | V 9 a p T 4 ^ ^ P . ^mW " W ^ W a w F

Maid eaWErnaaBaa af t*ai. aatlaaaaak aaai "aBB^aapaa- W^BBBB« BPA wrapaaBBPaBa ^a«A v^BBaar aBB BHiaBBBa BBBBf PBBBPBB| --ja^pai^akeBBBa^BBBl fr V i a 'fB_^a^BaaAteaB_. BUBBB. aaaBB^aaA%aaaBBaaaaB^( f ^ a % g B ^ ^ p aBBg. .^B^B^BJ^a^B^BB^ ^BBBBT^ ^ ^ a ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B I B ^

'SBBBBBBI a a a H a t t t ^ | | M ^ ty\. ttfa^m —Ik jU^^-fk^^^ ^ * A

buiai Ik,, A « M I af l i iaal a l teit4lit» • - -r- - ^ ^ " ^ w ^"w w-aaa^v a p i a p w ^ p a P B ; ^WT aaBPaFB»BSBBBBB>jar

hntma-d ftmr t-r mm Warn ifcli a».a-r la-ta-i mm. • -'^ •" -; —7 T ^ ^ * » »•B^ ,* » W ^ af^Wf • • * » P * l

akakaBBBs *4aAw^Bn A I B B W anffkaaaaf' BBBA •AM aB BBa B BBBflfaaaBBBi aaBnaaM - A a ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ _ ~ j | j j e j a ^ ^ A t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ K A t u J j ^ ^ * " * * " " ^ " ^ " " " * J ^ ^ * B ^ ^ ^ ^ a a ^ p w a a ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ B -^^^^M ^ p - v K a V

feaka BABBI f laAaraaaaBBa^BAahBB^Bkaaattv " " " ^ ^BBBBBTW ^ • A^WaBBBB) VBBF VBBPWaBBBB^aBPBBBBBS BBBg^BBB^- a B p B B B B f

oaghly. t w i | l i a n aataaagad hy fin ha* 1%^,.,^^-hjB^JIMBd BBTB»1BBW> aajaBBB^BBaaakaaaky * k A ^ k g a k a _ _ B f l 4 ^ A -aa^aBBBw aragBapaBBj H p A f g B ^ ^ paBpapBaa^B^pgaBg M g ^ ^ ^ B p - ^ p a ^ B ^ B ^ m M B A k a a A a t t t • • M M p k j B ^ y A ^ y f l ftj^aft ^ B ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ B B ^ a^a. a^B^BBpg^ajaj B wrg*/ .MJs^^r^^^^, -"PBTPVP"- -MppJanpaClB^BW

^Nnunpf m# hraahJamia hnva^eea l*n a k U a a Aat^rii i MuBjpA|bg ^Mfesaa Wfh ^Masakkaasafi' BalaBBBy

a aaki iowa aawaaar and .BBhliirlbar*

ahent aOai^nfiaaaaaBA Ma law . . * ^ m ^ww • a* ^ppapaaappa apajpapwaat -aBPBPBi * jaaaapt .seper"

formataan eaa ha leaaaed nawralng thali MehtHp. Tfce aag BrMala Uft twlay to

• yaaj wtttiM ta MHoarpsAK. swaik .eaatn «Wwaa aaaa, ha* MMlliiii a#






MjwTorktha tl*t*AiBBai*na

naaBtaaaaiAAaait ^Bkn Aaah . ^ "ea^BBB^B^^B^P ajagB^Bag^p JB^ aj ^Bag ^^paBga^^

oraaaiiad pa. anntba«. iMBBalawaBaT


atal Wtltlnaa*baaa thaa* aha a* aha mil

*•— • ' i v W ' W * l firrt reported aa tha

°* * • • « * * • *" ***» e»*y *ad •"•LW^Ar aakjalkfij, w i n a t Ml lauaaiarali i a& ^iaa^^k.^u^ . ^ ^*M^^ . -w*Pjpw wi« ppw PBPaBsa^apni aa waaafir

a t a a b i f aaaiiaaBdk .aaaaaaa aaaahj S a W l - JsaaMBBaHBapSaal B 4 B B U I W | ^ # ^ M ^ i m ^ K A t a a t t a a X

J ? * ? * * gf^awpiwa-aa aaa> aaaBBBaww 'aaajaB;-

•BBPPww/P^a^vaBaBBaaBa ^ a a . aaaa

' f»a baaaars mart totoorrow at t#f laf . Mk *tn^ aad wW w^Taettan rimller to iftkllttf T ^ W h o a r s e Is rtara

j 4 j f a ^ « B ^ a i 'aaBBBBBBaVkdl J ^ ^ i ^ J k a - w A ^ j i •aaBBraraBBpBBB% ^^BBB^BBBpaaK~a|.B^BjBB^ rgpappB|Ba9- 1

AIUMB^ ^^ft^^^kir-wdk^A | k ^ d ^ ^ g ^ a A ^ I • u - J l ' ^ u B ^ > a L B B _ B | _ B B a .A ^^a%lk^BtaaB^kaaaBaf aVsai a^a>

•aaaAaai ;IIBI ataa^ayi^ft hout n ' ' ' J i l l • • VtrT1 PP^BB" -WaPBBBBB) aPBPBf «Bj ^ B | a p WBPn*B|BlBfe

Nfi^j^i*' t i i i i i i i H ^ • ^

wmmzmmimifo »mmnmmtwm, >

No, 8 Clinton street, •PIMM


I n s u r e Y<M*f fcWe HI-

and Property

Insurance Agency. It .* '.' iniBaii

f l « Mi*ya«ce a S|>edait«. ? Apmm Itae af Fire la«fra»«

^ C -twaJea* USMS fnwptlj raid, .


/ i n p i l n i

Th« Equitable Life I of New York,

ooxpAidr tir THEWOELD. eaaaMaa tha fiaht

AM flriNlMi Bwhen lilriWfi.

lakh*" tkaiaiwa. ' f J P afjjv^aaaaaf. ^^Av-4 A ^ ^ ^ J I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ M L ^^-^giaA ' ^aVakaJiy ^ a t _ . r . l \ f

h H i w toi £ » teM ttifti Mil Mark » •» • . * " " ^ T ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^a^raBaaBi pBapaPBaaa; aaraPBBS 1 anajgBpaBgv

aakMP aaat ha* BiHaa* tfehttiMpMl ..toaut «aT .

t < f

artaaa lwp»akMU p » * M I BTO*ytat PapA a W ^ f i i | | » faaania-

Ha, hedlee in the United nntatlvsofaha

_ _ _ the United *# fHfijrtrt t f the 1 a>eri

a a n o , t a - a a a n o ^ f i b t T ^ aanal aaarirattoai

" '"' ' ' j " ' ' " n rlniH 'fill

V A -J g W ^ M j a a a A l ^ f k a aroWni., vaWaaaaunBjajaBj ^^^pay ,B^BBPBJ a^apBaagapgag g|adfSfi^jy gP*

minlagi af CAwana Onant Ooaaa ^

vtrist&gSim feea>ed by Oowjaiaanar and H m B i l n a r aaa BaatiHa aha u m i i i i i U a.aw h a w

aBBBB. pOaBBBB* a^BpB^BpBBjBBg^BBBf ^ H ^ a ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' J B ^ H t ^ F r

day* ajBt, wkA a * ^ < a j r * * ^ e

B*»Maaat.lr Phi k « < . y j g wa_a. aj

A a a t a ^ a f S S a l ^ L - ^ ^ g g . IC_T M A ^ X a k k a g m - S k '-aAagaka.'II

sTwhlaegStftaaaiiaa __!___ aAaaTaiaanngaa -• aarapaf 'apapBap aPBaaanaja •aBpar^p^ ' ^Ptjap^BPpa' nj l^^aBaaa • B ^ B V j M _ A y U ^ ^ ^^L^^Jt

*t-. V*

IfwiiBp B r ffpww*y"** palmf 9mWwmmi&Jm9$ aaatr t rad^aaAy'awork. * i * w > thaw aaaa w a n the aaoretary 1 faaa i i t a aatL h a * a a i d aawA ahaTaaaMHil' -—-^^r^p—. J^PT ^^^P"y •• •"••« a^^^PBa a^BPBBaa aaaBBja aaaaaBtarajHBBp^.^.

b*BBtfwoaldaBBaBBB*tBBBr aaaaa afBBManitw •TW^BBBr pr jaiapfwaapaa; BrapaPBanaBBBaaav BB Bapa aj ajBB^Bpaflj|p •tffap^BjaB^pajpaa^ ^

ishaajpt a C agreeaneak-ba-eaaAbad,'the M e n ampkyadln thee, ahope wiU n -tern ft* work. Tha cahars wlU dght oa. The aaaentUa board wiU la ready toatesv low to nwet all eeatraetor* a M haar pro-aaalapBM fa*~'asttl«aaBt.. '-" Th* fin ahope which jotoed ta* mate-aaaaA w e n hitherto aoaanlod abopa. Tae pppi h*T* Iniwsd the ot**nli*ann •

^ ^ • ^ " • F ' W ^ ^ » W? J ^ P P P ^ P V F ^ ^ B B P B a 'UPa^BBBBBBB^aBBBPBBaaPwaa- j

Tha staikaidtwi hslj a i i m i a * at hOO ^^ . . ^ w ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ 1 • w ^ ^ ^^fP^n^ B H ^B^^p f'ap^ppBBK aaiaf araraa

fftiht riiiest I iia Is hi HI l a * sullun tnia-•ar^pp^pp" ^PBPA'w^paf wwaBBjMMBW -aaap; • • • a 'P"^ ^ajaaaBJiaam g a p JPw^

•Irting ti» damAnd. of their employe*. O V f f s f J f J i I » - P W » B T » B P I » M I T f J « a a p r M e a « j a • « # »

wiltlngnaal to aooede. to the demands of «te aaaa, providing t h e / a n joined by the •the* boana. *" <"

aanpaata 9w*wwmQ6mw4- ta ».ai|sn, SaAWinAi, gaps. 5,~Tbe Chinas, hav­

lag alalmed oan Wol ovar the Japanaae rea-idanaf Ja OhtoA gatsittiig. that- Japan ehaims control over the Chioeaa rasideots

w * f 7 » A | s . p a i a t n

aaaWP^hb^^-r-v.Jr* -1**

• l ^ ^ ^ s a j j j i B o ^ p ^ ^ ^,

^»^v«lpa|^«aJ* | .V- .

^ j ^ ^ a ^ J k a s k - M ^ ^ b l ^ B ^ ^ H B H | ^ K ^_^p^^paL l la&tAa^a^pE^^^^^. 4)fi


* - ^^^pp^pr " ^PPaap^ppj wp^


eaed to UM Taotal, outside the Mttlement llasHs, two Japanese who w e n recently anaatad, aoeaaadof being aple., and wbo tevabsaa under th* Arateotton of the United 8*atea. Th* iChlnen authoritiee peedged thanuelva* not to torrar. the jrteenen and to g i n t h e m a fair trial,

* ^ f l N t 1 HiiPvi«nli»ilili)pp.Jitoli«rpJKp,iB)i

•*} ^ T a K W I MiWmjm VmQHml J K a a W 0 # a N l 4 | . T

Jonamono, Ark., ^cpt. S ._Tb, man-ak*4 '£•«•**** a t John Copneli, a- aaa. aawiBBBp aaaaBBBBmt ^aa^vap •Bwaaaajak |ypkajwapg^a^ ^ A i p a^aag, ApBjBBj^-.

a f a a ^ M ^ railroad In almoat tha sxact p ^ ^ b a w .the reraains of Frank Thomp-Ala Ww« found 10 day* ago and the n -kiatMaf aa unknown man aoma 40 days

av I t U now generally believed all three •a war* murdered and their remains

alaeedoo 'the .nUiriBad-ptaAk tooover up ^^WP" !wa^B^Baa> j j i *

*• ppppipj&DtPii , i in.Hi l i i , . (pW W ,y4^,i i ,<w.

HaBBBABBPalBBBBBBF A * P p ^ P ^ ^ ^ P W ^ ^ W y ^ B g B g a j a r

MMMUfWwa.Pa,, Sept.f,--«ev.ChArlee P BlatVof KOladalphii who U JUllag a rpaaat pulpU l a the Beavanly Aaerults T*™B*yww> "aWrr *™*^^^ 'fljf^p^pl*™***/ TAJJP *^*Ta*^|Br Agg aaappiBB/ajg^sB a sgj

Robt. H. Gulbord, J I |

I'I'I » "jl!.l|t



Smith & LaRocqoe's dHOI^]B*ASD

f m&mmm wm&ir 'A, me ma xji&m» mmtmm fm

gRwaw»<3Mir», I^rrtw*, Dyawi-

S m i t e ittMalne Tabfefa, for 6kk Head­ache, mr*m H«*dAche( qtrfm* nem, or Henda^w artotogfrowany mm. • t&mm pft. to&r '' i' -"-"

BvO$ Cftteh Sticky ^rjgi^f^j \ - -_ %

Acid, Bromo Chloralum. S^ppXltoo*1^rEri*acfc. A c c e n t

bottte m*k« 8 gallons of good, wholesome summer beverage.

SMTTH * LABOCK.TJI!, Cfty Pharmacy,

PlattH6«jrfc*h, N.:..1fii

W * * W M P P d P e W a*P -^Pf^a yfrw^BWVMaPg • VWf f lB I

lat* ahtokbhnk Wnlt*r wa* alpo loeked ^^papapr. ppa^rp^w^w4^p"^F^*wff' "^^ ffP'*w^PPFI ^JTV^PW ^^Bppra^ p^pwaapaeaa

aMr*p r*waa ww paa - i Bfppypj a*a a*pppMn# Pff ^•"aaj^W {"^aa^na; ^ *paip|Br ^apa^ aaapap/ BBBBBBBJP a g p g^ j M i B ^ | n V n ^ b

* ^AfiiNi'liejaaaaaaptpapPijiiiiiiii) iunaj ill

^ JMa-t ta^aay, Bep*. ^ r t P W n p J * .»|-paaa* BaakAea a a a ^ a ^ d Uaiaaa »««!•• *a ^Wp*pp-*ap* F*rayaay <"aw B pf BfM aTWp'rpp* apMHry* haad, Bewaaaonttaasadtathiaodkeby fa*ppaagajp dariitg-iaa apfp** *M*»oa of

tfe* ipaala hatlkp i • p a B B B B B a p . B^BBS. ap^BB/ a p a ~ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ P f B B ^ B p aBBBBB^B^gaBagBg- aaaa\£BBBB^aTBjB£



am# AaaatteVtaeA tt gWfit ^A*wTjp--Baifi(|.

. ^ . ^ - . • - * ^ .• ^ M i n i Mf ii * i

• a a a •*••** ~ *' '':0oodrtwhj

'.a*Toko-=; > to aa bar way.

aa^t -apraaBBBBj - aaaBB^^MBp^^ -saaaaw

taaCdaaMfdL "aBBBaaa' .«AA •gkA^aPaa'


SATISFACTION Can always be fcpid. in the IlictionarjK

and in the use of our


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Custom aouseSqaare, Pl^tteburgb, N Y - i


E3*:a *fe>™^HPiP^"