jasmine~real life chemistry ppt[1]

Real Life Chemistry By: Jasmine Xie

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Page 1: Jasmine~Real life chemistry ppt[1]

Real Life ChemistryReal Life Chemistry

By: Jasmine XieBy: Jasmine Xie

Page 2: Jasmine~Real life chemistry ppt[1]

Table of ContentsDefinitions of:


•Not Matter

•Pure Substance




•Heterogeneous Mixtures

•Homogeneous Mixtures



• Density • Viscosity• State• Conductivity• Physical Changes• Chemical Changes

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MatterMatterDefinition: anything with the characteristics of mass and volume

A human is considered matter because they take up space

(volume) and they have mass.

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Not Matter• Definition:

something that is unrelated to matter, and it itself is not categorized as matterThoughts do not take up

space (volume), as well it does not have mass, it is

merely a concept that someone thinks up, meaning

it is not of matter

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Pure Substance• Definition:

matter that has only one type of particle

Sugar is an example of a pure substance, as it has

only one type of particle. * Pure substances are

composed of elements and compounds

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Element• Definition: a pure substance that has only one kind of particle, substance cannot be any simplerSilver is a type of pure substance which is an

element, there for it only has one kind of particle. Pure silver necklaces like these are a good example

of an element.

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Compounds• Definition: a

pure substance that has two or more elements that makes up one type of particle

Salt is a combination of the elements sodium and chloride, which makes it composed of two different elements which

equal one type of particle

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Mixtures• Definition: any

substance that has two or more pure substances

The substance that makes a T.V screen glow is made of a mixture of metal compounds

to create the proper wavelength. One of the pure

substances include Phosphors.

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Heterogeneous Mixtures

• Definition: a type of mixture in which its components can be easily seen

Soda is a type of heterogeneous mixture

because the carbon dioxide is visibly seperated from the

liquid itself.

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Homogenous Mixtures• Definition: a type

of mixture in which its components are well blended that it seems as one to the human eye Grape wine contains mixtures

of alcohol, grape juice, sugar and many other components, but it is so well mixed that the components can be only seen

as a red liquid.

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Mass• Definition: the measure of the number of matter contained in an object, unlike weight

These two beakers are of the same shape and

size, however they weigh differently,

meaning even if two objects are similar, their mass may be different

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Volume• Definition: the

amount of space an object takes up

Without me or the clothes, the closet is an empty space, but

once the clothes and I are placed within, we take up the once available space in the closet, meaning we have


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Density• Definition: mass

per unit volume of a substance ( ex: its ability to float)A person swimming is an example of density

as a person needs enough oxygen in

their body to become less denser (lighter)

than water

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Viscosity• Definition: the

property of a fluid that goes against the force in which causes the fluid to flow

Face powder is contains miniscule types of fluid,aside from the powder itself, which depends on viscosity to be

applied properly onto the face

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StateStateDefinition: the states in which matter can be found, solid, liquid and gas

An ice

cube is

water in a solidi-fied

state as it

is fro-zen

Water, is

water in a

liquid state as it flows easily

Steam is a gaseous state of

water as it is water vapor

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ConductivityConductivityDefinition: ability of a material to conduct heat or electricityA

boiling pot can

absorb heat

and use it

to cook, mean-ing it has


A wire is used to transmit electricit


as it is made of metal wiring

meaning it has


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Physical ChangesPhysical ChangesDefinition: the changing of the form or state of a substance but not the substance itself

Crumpling and

ripping the tin

foil changes its form, but not itself as it is still tinfoil


The part of the paper with

absorbed water changes

its form, as

it is softer, however it is still


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Chemical ChangesChemical ChangesDefinition: a chemical reaction happening within a substance which changes it into a new substance with different propertiesOnce the

paper is burned,

its properti

es or compo-nents are

changed, giving it new



Once the egg is

fried, it becomes cooked and no longer

liquid, its componen

ts are changed

during the frying,

thus the name, fried eggs.