jimm l hendren financial disclosure report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009



    . 4 o I o ]FINANCIAL DISCLOSU RE REPORT~ e v . ~ / 2 0 1 o FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009

    I. icr~on Reporting (i~l ~alnc, first, m~ddic init[M) 2. Court or O~aniz=tion 3. l)~tc of Repor tt tcnt~cn, Jimm L. U.S. District Coati - Arkansas 05:12/2010

    4. Title (Article III judges indicate active or senior slams: 5~. Report $)pe (check ~ ppr(~priatc t)pc) 6. Reporllng Periodmagistratc judgc~ indicate tall- or ~afl-tnnc) ~ Nomination, D a ~ e 01."0 I/2(~)9Chief District Judge-active ~ Inhia~ ~ Annual ~ Final tu12/31/2009

    5b. ~ Atncadcd Rcpo~7. Chamb~ or Office Address 8. On the basis of the information contained in this Rcpo~ and an~modifications pcrlaining Ihtrcto, i~ is, in my opinion, in complianceJohn Paul I lammer~hmid~ ~ederaI Bldg with applicable laws and r~olalion~.35 East Moun~in StreetYayei levi[Ic , AR 72701 R~*iewing Officer .......... Dale

    IMPO RTAN T NO TES: The instruct ions accompanying th~ fvrm must be fol lowed. Complele al l parts .checMng the NONE bo.r for each part where you have no reportable information..~ign on lastpage.


    I I . A G R E E M E N T S . tgt, portinA, indi, iduM onh,; seepp. 14-16 of filing i~ N O N E (No rt7.,orta!,le t~greements.)

    D A T E PA R T I ES A N D T E R M S

  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C IA L D I S C L O SU R E R E P O R T n . . . . . . f P . . .. . . r ~ o r , ~ , , ~Page 2 of 8 t l e n d r e n , J i m m I.. 0 5 . , 1 2 , 2 0 1 0

    ! I 1. N O N - I N V E S T M E N T IN C O M E . (Reporlingindividualandxp ......... P t" 17-24,,ffilingi .........A. Fliers Non-Inves tment Income

    N O N E (No reportable non-investment income.)D A T E S OURCE A N D TYP E INCOME(.,ours, n o t s p o u s e s )


    B . S p o u s e s N o n - I n v e s t m e n t I n co m e - t/),ou were married during an.iportion af the reparting year. complete this

    [] N O N E (No reportable non-investment income.)D A T E S()[JRCE AND TYPE


    N O N E (Nu rel)orhd, le rei~nbur.Yementv )~ ~ I .OCAIION PtJRIOSE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDED



  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L p a g e 3 o f 8 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T l le n d r e n , J i m m L . 0 5 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 0

    V . G I F T S . ( lnctudes those to spouse ana aependent chi ldren; see pp. 28-31 of filing instructions.)N O N E (No reportable gifts.)



    V I . L I A B I L I T I E S . a , c ~ , , d e s , h , , ~ 4 . ~ P . . .. . . d dependent children; ~e p p . ~ ~ - ~ 3 oJfiling in~tructlons.)N O N E (No reportable liabilities.)


  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F INANCIAL DISCLO SURE REP O IIT N .... r P . .. .. a ~ p o r , i . g m , ,. o P a , .~ } r , ]Iage 4 of 8 Hendren, Jimm L. ( 1 5 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 0VI l. INVEST MEN TS and TRUSTS - i,,- ....... ~=e. , ........lions (Includes tI ......Csp .......d aepenaent hildren; ,eepp. 34-~0 of filing ~ ....... "lion,.)

    ~ N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or tranxactions.)D e s c r i p t io n o f A s ~ t ~ [ h ~ c o m c d u r i n g G r o s s v a l u e a t e n d 1 n m s a c f i o n s during rcl~ning pc~od{ n c l u d i n g ~ s ~ ~ s s e l s ) r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d olrepo~ng pc~od

    Pla~ "{X}" aflr ~ac~ as~I Amounl Type (e.g., Va lue Value Type {e.g.. ~ I)al~ Vah~ I Gain I~cmiw {ffexempt from prior dlsclosurc Code I di~., rent. {ode 2 Meth~ buy, sell. mnrd~i.~ Code 2 ] Code I buycrtscIlgr{A-H) or im ) (J-I} Code 3 tcdemption) O P} {A-II) (if private(Q W ) t m n s a c t k m }

    1. A~es~ Bank A lnt~esl J T

    3. Arrest Bank IRA ~1 1 3 Dividend N T4. -BridgcB, ay FD lnc Sold 07/29/09 J5. -Calatnos Growth Fund Sold 07/29/09 J6. -I.}WS lnvcstmcnls T R Sold 03/27/09 J7. -Eaton Vance Incomc Fund Sold 07/29;09 J

    .~ . -Blackrock Large Cap Fund A Dividend K T B uy 07~30,09 K9 . . [3ull"alo Small Cap Fund A l}Mdend J T B u y 06.03/09 J

    1 0 . -Dodge & Cox Income Fund A Dividend J T B uy 04/29/09 JI I. - Forward Small Cap Equity A Di,idend J T1 2 . -Goldman Sachs T R A Dividcnd J T1 3 . -Itarbor Fund Intcmalitmal A l)i,,idcnd K 1t4. -tla[bt~r lntl Growth Fund Sokl 07,29..09 J1 5 . -Ilarbor Small Cap \"aIue hlst Sold 07/29."09 J

    1 6 . -llarbor Small Company Sold 07/29/09 J1 7 . -Ilotchkis & W iley Funds A Dividcnd K T

  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FI N A N C I A L D IS C LOS U R E R EPO R T n ..... f P ~ , ~ n r c p o r t i .~[)age 5 of 8 llendren, Jimm L. 0 5 1 1 2 / 2 0 1

    VII. ! NVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - i ......... ~. t ....... dons ttnch,aes ,ho~, o*p . . .. . d d e p e n d e n t c h i l d r e n ; , ee pp .NONE (No r~Tortahle income, assets, or transactions.)

    Desctkption of A ssek~ Income during Gross value tt~ end T~nsaclions during rcpoolng per{od(including ~st assets) ~ rcpo~iog ~ri~ o f r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d

    [ (~) ( 2 ) 0~ ~2~ ~) ~3) ~4) ( 5 )P l a c e " ( X Y a f t e r e a c h a s s e t A m o u n t T~ (e.g.. Val~ Valet 1)~ le g.. D a t e V a l u e G a i n l d c n l i t ? o fC o d e I d i v . . r c n k C o d e 2 M c t h t M b u y , s e l l . m~"ddy~ C o d e 2 C o d e [ b a y c r . s c l l c rc x c m p l f ro m p r i o r d is c l o s u r e[ [ A - t t ) j o r i n t . ) ( . I - P ) C o d e 3 r c d c m p l i o n ) ~ O - P ) ! A - ! I ) l i f p ~ v a t c~ I Q - W ) ;~ t r a , L ~ a c t i o n )

    IS. -Janus Investment ~und A Dividend .1 T B uy 1 0 / 2 3 / 0 9 J1 9. Artio Global In, Funds A Dividend K T2 0 . -Lazard Funds lnc A Dividend K T B uy 0 7 / 3 0 " 0 9 J2 1 . -MFS Serie:, Tr ! Value fund A Dividend J T2 2 . -Oppenhehner Main St Sm Cap Id Sold 06/02/09 J2 3 . -Oppenheimer [nll Growlh A Dividend K T2 4 . -Pimco I"ds Pac In.st Mgmt Series A Dividend K T2 5 . -Pimco Fds Mgm| Scr- Comm odity A Dividend J T Bu y 07,29/09 J2 6 . -Rainier Funds Mid Cap Equity, J 12 7 . -Ri,.ersource Mid Cap Value Fund A Dividend J T2 8 . -RS In~t IR Global Natl Rcs I"u~v.l Sold 07/29;09 J29 . -Stralton Ftlx Inc Small-(.ap Vahrc Fd J T

    30 . -I(W t:nnds Relative Value A Dividend K T3 1 . -T I,Io~e Price l~.cal I.xtaw Fund lnc A Dividend J T Bu y 0 7 , 2 9 / 0 9 J3 2 . - T o u c h s t o n e f n s l l | " u r a ls I r S a n d s G r o w t h K T

    3 3 . -W I khtl CRM M id Cap Value Fd A Di,idend J T3 4 . -Wells Fargo Ad.anlage I:ndcavor A Di\idend K T

  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FI N A N C I A L D IS C LOS U R E R EPO R T Nam eofP~onReportlng I Iage 6 of 8 ~c,dr~,. Jimm I.. 05.12/2010N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A.I)c~ription o1 As~ts Income during Gr~ss ~aluc at end ~ Transact[t~lls dining rcp~ing period{including trust assclsl redoing per iod of rc~ing pcrlod~lac "{XI" af te r each a~t Amount . ly~ (e.g., Value Value ~ " 3pc (c g., D a ~ c Value Gain Idcnfi~

    exempt from prk~r d~closure Code I div., rent. C~e 2 Mc~ht)d ~ buy se m ~"d~yy C~c 2 Code I buyer/sellerIA-II) ~r mt.~ (J-[) Code 3 rcdcmption~ ~ . 1 - 1 ~ [A-H~ (if private

    35 . -Western Asset Core Plus Bond Fund Stfld 07;29ff~9 J

    36 .

    37. Ar,,e.qt Bank SEP IRA #2 D Dividend N T

    3 8 . -E-,ergrcen Money Markcl Fm~d A lnt.iDiv. K T3 9 . -WaI-Mart Slock D Dividcnd N T40

    4 1 .

  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAl_, DISCLOSURE REPORT N .... t|~, .....I~.orlil|g I ,,.,~o,.~,Page 7 of 8 Ilendren. Jimm L . 0 5 , 1 2 . ~ 2 0 1 0VIII . AD D ITIONAL INFOR MA TION OR EXPL ANATIONS. a ,~i~, ,ep, , ,, , j~,~,or ,.~

  • 8/3/2019 Jimm L Hendren Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g D a t e o f R e p o r l IP a g e F IN A N C I A L 8 o f " 8 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T Ite.dren, JimmL. 05,"12/2010 IIX. CERTIFICATION.

    I cer|ify that all infi~rmalion given above (including information pertaining to m y spouse and m inor or dcpeudent children, if any) isaccurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported ~as withheld because it met applicable stalutooprovisions permilting non-disclosure.I further cerllfy that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which bare been reported are incompliance w ilh the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 el. stq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conferenc e regulations.


    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Committcc on Financial DisclosureAdminislrativc Office of the United Slates CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20544