john 8:12 - lobethal 3 week 9 & 10.pdfweek commencing 26 sept 2016 term 3 john 8:12 you’re...

Week commencing 26 Sept 2016 Term 3 John 8:12 You’re Missing God in All This 12 Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” At the beginning of our powerless day yesterday here at LLS we talked about what the disconnect had cost us. Having no power impacted on electric blankets, warmth, lights, TV, cooking and most importantly the ability to charge personal devices. While everyone from the Premier to casual users of social media debated the cause of this there was no real sense of one thing or person being responsible for the statewide blackout. Unfortunately for us it is our actions that have caused the ‘disconnect’ between us and God…and upon realizing that we often fumble around in the dark God realized that it was only he who could reconnect us through the death of his son…Our job is to now connect with others through being supportive and encouraging. This is how we provide plenty of Christ light to others. Mick

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Page 1: John 8:12 - Lobethal 3 Week 9 & 10.pdfWeek commencing 26 Sept 2016 Term 3 John 8:12 You’re Missing God in All This ... rolling out information in relation to our class structures

Week commencing 26 Sept 2016 Term 3

John 8:12

You’re Missing God in All This


Jesus once again addressed them: “I

am the world’s Light. No one who follows

me stumbles around in the darkness. I

provide plenty of light to live in.”

At the beginning of our powerless day yesterday here at LLS we talked about

what the disconnect had cost us. Having no power impacted on electric blankets,

warmth, lights, TV, cooking and most importantly the ability to charge personal

devices. While everyone from the Premier to casual users of social media

debated the cause of this there was no real sense of one thing or person being

responsible for the statewide blackout. Unfortunately for us it is our actions that

have caused the ‘disconnect’ between us and God…and upon realizing that we

often fumble around in the dark God realized that it was only he who could

reconnect us through the death of his son…Our job is to now connect with others

through being supportive and encouraging. This is how we provide plenty of

Christ light to others.


Page 2: John 8:12 - Lobethal 3 Week 9 & 10.pdfWeek commencing 26 Sept 2016 Term 3 John 8:12 You’re Missing God in All This ... rolling out information in relation to our class structures

Term 1 Week 1

Term 3 Week 9 & 10

I am continually amazed by the flexibility of not only our staff but

also the way our students respond to be given voice and choice.

The last fortnight has seen two examples. Firstly our Outdoor Learning Day at

Bushland Park on September 16. A wonderful day of developing confidence

in differing conditions and learning about heat, living things, risk assessing

and collaboration. Thanks to the parents who supported dropping off and

picking up from one of Lobethal’s hidden gems.

Saturday was also a pretty cool day with a number of our PFA families led by

our chair Rachel making $1000 for the school through the selling of donuts at

the Hills Football League Grand Final. The kitchen table was right in the

forward pocket which was almost corporate box like.

Yesterday was something else. No power and no ability to communicate reliably. We were proud

to have stayed open knowing that we could accommodate them safely, had teachers who

could create learning out of thin air and knowing that we had working families. It was a brilliant

day of imagination, creativity and community. Really appreciate the families who knew we

couldn’t communicate but popped by to check we were rolling.

Page 3: John 8:12 - Lobethal 3 Week 9 & 10.pdfWeek commencing 26 Sept 2016 Term 3 John 8:12 You’re Missing God in All This ... rolling out information in relation to our class structures

Term 3 Week 9 & 10

It’s been another great term here at LLS. We have had Zoo Camps, Police visits, ALWS

awareness days with Good Start, orienteering, Chris Jaensch, Book Week, Mandy Foot,

Outdoor Learning, New parents dinner, Headstart transition amongst others. Just looking at

our calendar Term 4 brings Swimming, hopefully Grandparent’s Day take 2, Class Carers

Christmas Party, JP Nativity and all the excitement of next year’s Foundies and farewelling

our graduates and middle school transitions. Very early in the term we look forward to

rolling out information in relation to our class structures and teaching and learning for

2017. If you are intending that LLS will not be your school for 2017 we should be aware of it

by now. Thanks to those who have communicated open and honestly. It makes our

planning so much easier.

A couple of things in closing:

- Subject to power tonight’s School Disco is still going ahead at 6pm in the Basement

- Our PFA Fundraiser movie afternoon will be held on Saturday October 15 from

2:30pm. Tickets for the Secret Life of Pets are available at the door.

- We farewell two students at the end of this term. We wish Bonnie Herft and her

family all the best as they relocate to Crafers. The Herfts have been long term

supporters of LLS and they will be missed. Today was also Hayley Martin’s last day

with us. She has been a wonderful member our school community.

- We also thank Daniel Schache for his work as our caretaker in the last five weeks of

this term.

Our first day for term 4 will be on TUESDAY October 18

Thanks to our LLS community for another wonderful term. Mick.

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Term 1 Week 1 Term 3 Week 9 & 10



Last week, we talked about what kindness really means. Most people in

the world have heard of the verse in the bible from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 which starts as

"Love is patient, love is kind..." It is the most common passage that is used at weddings,

but one bible translation says that "love looks for a way to be constructive." In other

words, kindness isn't just about being nice; it's looking for ways to improve someone else's

life. It's bringing out the best in others. We then challenged the girls that every morning

when they wake up, think about ways that they can make someone else's life better too.

They can ask themselves, "Who can I encourage today?

Who can I build up?" We then encouraged the girls that

they are all very unique and special and have

something to offer those around them that no one else

can give. Someone in their lives need their

encouragement. Someone in their lives needs to know

that they believe in them. What happens when we do

this, is we get it in return and is like a chain re-action.

All the girls then got given a kindness card where they

were challenged to do something kind to someone

else, and then give them the card for that person to

pass on another act of kindness.


This fortnight in our devotions and Worship we

have been praying for the following families

and staff members - Fleurette Goodwin,

Hudson Glynn, Amelia and Tyler Hanson, Ava

and Riley Harten, Gabby and Sheridan Hay,

Seth and Charlotte Heffernan, Bonnie Herft,

Brodie Hewlett, Mrs Green, Mrs Herrmann and

Mrs Kemp.

Hope you have a lovely time with your family

and really celebrate well!

Nicky xoxo

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Term 3 Week 9 & 10

Colin Buchanan in Concert (singer/songwriter of "Master Chef" and many more songs used at school) Adelaide

West Uniting Church 312 Sir Donald Bradman Dr -Brooklyn Park, ADELAIDE. Thurs Oct 6th Time: 9:30am &

12.30 pm. Admission: $12.50. All Ages, he entertains the parents too!!.For more info and bookings go to: —highly recommended.

The Medicare Child Dental

Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a

government initiative to provide

up to $1000 (over 2 calendar

years) of dental services to

children aged 2-17 who meet their ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. The federal government is planning to CANCEL THIS SCHEME

on 31st December 2016. There are no plans to replace this scheme. Balhannah Dental Practice is offering to BULK BILL

these services to help as many children as possible. For more information or to check your child's eligibility, please call

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Term 1 Week 1


Now that spring has arrived, it is a good time to consider potting up

plants for the 2017 School Fair – PLANT STALL (25th March).

We are always looking for donations of any plants (common or unusual),

herbs,seedings and bulbs etc…

Even empty used pots can be dropped into the school for other people

to use for potting plants.

Any creative planting is always interesting e.g. – Plants potted into old

tins or tea cups etc…

The potted up plants can then be dropped off at the school on the

week of the fair or to organise pick up or other enquiries contact Tamra

Schwarz 0417 827 181. Thank you for your assistance.

Tickets $14—Available at the door

Term 3 Week 9 & 10