jon ingham seminarium chile social capital

@JonIngham Social Capital - Generating the Right Connections, Relationships and Conversations

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Presentation given in tour of South American capitals acting as warm-up act for Dave Ulrich


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Social Capital - Generating the Right Connections, Relationships and Conversations

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Jon Ingham • 25+ years in strategic HR • Experience working as HR Director • Consultant, researcher, high profile HR blogger

• Wife and 2 daughters (11 & 7) • Likes skiing, sailing, gym, gardening, writing?, travel!

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Basis for Competition

Competitive Positioning

Core Competencies

Organisational Capabilities

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Competitive Positioning & Core Competencies


Technology Organisation

Sources: Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy, 1980 Gary Hamel and CK Prahalad, Competing for the Future, 1994

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Human Capital

•  Health, capability and engagement of people working for the organisation

•  Is owned by the individual not the organisation

•  Will only be invested for as long as the investor is well cared for and receives an appropriate return

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Organisation Capital

•  Organisation structure, business processes, cultural attributes

•  Do not result in an effective organisation on their own, but severely constrain performance if they are not aligned with the business strategy

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Social Capital

•  Based on networks and relationships between people working in the organisation

•  Not owned just by people or the organisation

•  Can be influenced but not managed

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§  Accountability §  Capabilities §  Co-ordination and control §  Culture and climate §  Direction §  External orientation §  Innovation and learning §  Leadership §  Motivation

Organisational Health

Source: Keller and Price, McKinsey, 2011

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Human Social Organisational

Skills Shared Values Style Systems Structure

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Value Triangle

• Driving and accelerating business strategy • Creating opportunity for the future • Maximising the potential of people •  Taking advantage of exceptional opportunities •  Producing truly wonderful solutions

•  Focussing HR/OD on business strategy • Creating capability to perform now •  Ensuring effectiveness and alignment

•  Administering HR operations •  Ensuring efficiency e.g. through outsourcing

Create value

Add value

Value for money


Human Resources

Organisation Effectiveness

© Strategic Dynamics, 2013

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•  Each year, Goldman Sachs invests over 100,000 hours in conversations with prospective employees

•  About 5,000 applicants speak to 10 members of the firm

•  About 2,500 speak to 30 members

‘Social Recruiting’

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So in your organisation, what really makes the difference to business performance? The individual quality / capabilities / performance of the your people, or the way your people work together?

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Chile ranks fifth in the world for social networking usage

A recent study has suggested that Chile has the fifth highest usage of social networking sites worldwide. Chileans spend up to a third of their time on social networking.

The average Chilean internet user spends around 8.7 hours per day on social networking sites. This figure is some 3.3 hours greater than the worldwide average of 5.4 hours per day.


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So in your organisation, what proportion of your HR activities focuses on creating social capital vs human capital?

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•  Values and purpose •  Organisation design •  Team design •  Network design •  Community design •  Job design •  Workplace design •  Social technologies •  Team based HR processes •  Leadership from the middle •  Team facilitation •  Team development •  Community management •  Internal communication •  Organisation development •  Social network analysis






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Alumni Management Recruiting


Performance Management

Learning & Development


Career Management

Reward & Recognition

Social Approaches

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Gary Hamel: "Management 2.0 is going to look like web 2.0: •  Everyone has a voice •  Capability counts for more than credentials and titles •  Commitment is voluntary •  Power is granted from below •  Authority is fluid and contingent on value-added •  The only hierarchies are "natural" hierarchies •  Communities are self-defining •  Individuals are richly empowered with information •  Just about everything is decentralised •  Ideas compete on an equal footing •  It's easy for buyers and sellers to find each other •  Resources are free to follow opportunities •  Decisions are peer-based.”

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Formal Structure Informal Structure Exploration & Production








Geology Dhillon


Petrophysical Crossley

Exploration Avery




Drilling McWatters


Production Hussan

Reservoir Hopper

Production Milavec

Senior Vice President Mares

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Outcomes Activities

Individual Individual

HR Human Capital

Group Social

HR Social Capital

Multiplying the Benefits

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[email protected]


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Social Capital - Generating the Right Connections, Relationships and Conversations