jsami-ped ployment - rockcastle county public library · believespegg in insurance the mt. mrvernon...

Page Four THE MT. VERNONSIGNAL Thursday, June 26, 1941 members will have fellowship .Avith •the forc& of evil. ' Believes in Insurance The Mt. Vernon Signal JONES & SIMPSON, Publishers W. L. SIMPSON. Editor Published every Thursday . AT MT. VERNON. KENTUCKY Entered at Mt. -Vernon, Ky. Post Officc as Second Class Mail Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES MEMBER JtfTUCKY PRES ASSOCIATION/ Rockcastle-Ad joining Counties. S1.50 Elsewhere ^ ; $2.00 ^•AV\T W. L_ S. " buy a house and lot, marry a decent man and quit thinking about you entirely Drinking is by no means con- fined to the married man or to his sex. In these, "happy" days of repeal, in which it was claimed' drinking would be decreased, many of 'our mothers, sons and daughters 'are becoming habitual drinkers. What a pity! What a disgrace to society! It is most difficult to. understand why intelligent. and respectable people, especially women, will do so foolish a thing as to get themselves The American people are great] under the influence of alcoholic lovers of liberty, due to the hard : beverages, or even handle the "stuff battle for-existence in our early I Liberty' and justice for all. Those two words—Liberty and Justice, arc probably the greatest words in the English dictionary. People strive • for- liberty and usually justice is associated with liberty. years as a country. You can over- tax Mr. John Q. Public, .commit operand more heinous sins against him but. try to take away his liber- ties r and something' happens. Hitler and,his cohorts founded the Nazi regtasfc un intartYy the opposite principles that our goveVnrAent was instituted, and life to the average Aijierican under Hitler's rule would be unbearable. True, we would live after, a- fashion, but those . little liberties that have become so much a part of our everyday life would be The person who allows - himself to become entangled with whisky dis- graces himself, his family, and this free Country and becomes a menace , to society. | Even more difficult of under- standing is . the .fact lhat- church LOCAL ITEMS If this country fights, it will not be to save Britain, but to keep , our great nation from becoming a vassel state of Hitler's. This countrj is safe from an invasion, but if the Nazis conquer all of Europe, the danger will not be in invasion, but one of portable: internal dissension, which could easily happen if a severe de- pression occurrs in a few years'. Mr. Citizen should study this prob- lem very carefully before he com- mits himself on 'whether we should wage war. We are living in the most momentous- time in the history of The ortly Rope we have of mak- ing our community. Christian rests with the Christian poople them- selves, whom Jesus said "are the salt of the earth." Christians may bless a whole community by their quiet influence and example of virtue in the fear-of God. Bui; ate," ii iiVir salt lose its saltness! - ' Prayer Service The crucial question confronting us is whether we intend to live our lives in'our own way -for our own purposes or be God controlled. Let it be remembered that-the devil will let us keep our Bible School, Public Worship, and Train- ing Union going in full blast, if he can take our Prayer Service from iis. He knows if he can rob us of this service he holds the key to the progress of the church. Let Wednes- day night'7:30 o'clock find you in- the House of Prayer. Many will be glad to know that the world. Many men have con- i Fairvie\v Church closed their Vaca- <juered different nations, but usually lion Bible School Friday. of last I they have reverted 6ack to their week with an enrolment of 42 pupils original nationality. -Today's- conr | 'an average attendance of 35. flict will see a permanent' set-up I The thaj should live, for centuries. The speed of travel Have-made the small countries of Europe as one, and still all speak different languages. The breaking down of -this barrier will do much to bring about • a lasting peace, to mankind.' Mt. Vernon is'proud of her. new." road system, which is on. a par with many larger cities, it will do much toward out future growth. The city - dadfr-howevery—will—tie - forced {tr ^make-BCrtcrianr tirfef&iI to spcSI- „ing down our-iraooth boulevards. Formerly, it was suicidal to drive over fifteen miles an hour. One cit- izen in .fact complainpd of a deep rut on West Main that is was pos- sible to hide a car from view. We all know the roads were bad, but now they are-too good. The other evening we saw*, a. motorist speeding down West Main at a speed of at least sixty miles per. hour. Many small children' live in this neighborhood, and many are used to playing "on the sidewalks and occasionally cross the strefets. ExCessive/speed causes many deaths on oift -main highways, and on <jur city streets it should not be tolerated. Let us hope that the Town* Board -will take some action ' - on this matter at once. he school was conducted by Miss Nancy-Lambert,- assisted.bx.. Wijs LdTene^inon and Mr?. Della~I*e?ere7 The Conway' Church will have their Vacation Bible School Com- mencement Service Friday night of this week; Further report "will be given' in our notes, next week. * .-i BegiK thVlr'"V9E£Rcf^-• i <S¥S^e• , Saturday of this week'. Miss Mary Newman will be in charge. With this school, Miss Newman's work in w«.«»Riatioir_.wjR jaunroBlcfeA FIFTH SUNDAY MEETING ~ AT CONWAY CHURCH Program lliOO a. m. Preaching by Rev. C. V. • Castleberry. His topic will be "The New Testament Church. 1:00 p. m. Conference and talks on Sunday School Work. . "Th" -Standard of-Excellence' Rev. -Warrtn Filkefi. . ' "The^Sunday School 'a soul .... ning Agency" by Rev, J. W. Mahan.' 1:45 p. m. "The Membership of the, New Testament Church"Rev. Baptist Church By Her. W. C. Younce ' The following is an excerpt from the Baptist-Examiner, which we believe is worth passing on, hoping it will help someone. ."For the married jnan who cannot get along without drinks, the fol- lowing is suggested as a means of freedom from bondage to saloons: Start a saloon in your own home. Be the only customer. (You'll have no license to pay.) Go to your wife and give her $8.00 to buy a gallon of whisky, and remember theft-are sixfy-nine drinks" in a gallon. Buy your drinks from j\o one but your wife, and by the time^that the first gallon, is gone .she will' have $32.00 to put .into the bank and $8.00 to start business again. Should you live ten years and con- tinue to buy booze from her, and then die 1 with snakes in your boots, •he will have money enough to bury you decently, educate youd-fhildjen. X Eugene Bradley. Buy Ky. Products For Ky. Prosperity Kentucky farmers are now -engag ed in a live-at-hom? program, in order to aid National Defense, but Kentucky consumers can also help National Defense by consuming Kentucky grown products. Transportation facilities are crowd- ed, and in the past many Kentucky products have been shipped to the North and East and then returned to Kentucky for sale. This is absol- to Kentucky for sale. This is abso- lutely an unneccessary expense for .We can help our neighbors "and ourselves by eating Kentucky foods! Commissioner of Agriculture,' Wil- liam H. May. states that the slogan, "Buy Kentucky Product? for Ken- tucky Prosperity" is a good answer to the question. WHOSE'SIGNAL'DID YOU READ THIS WEEK? SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Visitors From Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis of Chica- go arc visiting friends here this week. , • Mr. and Mrs. Asher Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cummins and Ralph Cummins w.ere in Lexington Sun- day. Roy Cummins and family were in London Friday'on business. ' ' Mrs. J, B. Cummins and Mrs. Nan- nie Farris visited the latters sister, Mrs. Thos. Durham in East Burnstadt Friday. Miss Doris Niceley is spending the summer with* the family of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. McLean in Tucson, Ari- Misses Ina St.. Clair, Hazel and Ruby Riddle, Edna Grace McKenzie and John James Riddle were in Lex- ington, Thursday. Mrs. Ellen Harp and daughter. Miss Lu!a Harp' have returned to their home in Akron, Ohio after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Harp and.family. . Miss Naomi Harp who has a posi- tion in Louisville was at "home over the week end, Norman Harp who is stationed at Fort Knox was at home for a few days. ' Mrs. E:. A. Bellis of Wihslow, Arkansas was a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Larigford. Miss Minnie.Gentry of Nashville, Tenn. was a guest, of Mrs. Cleo Dou- taz Saturday. , JTWJ'S*,ic epi'rylint* hi" cation wTtfr relatives in* Pekin and Peoria, 111. Mrs. B. N. Egan. Mrs. • Howard Egan, Mrs. -G, S. Griffin and Mrs. Nannie Branaman spent Wednesday in" Rfchnidnd. Mrs. Gledon Click and daughter, Peggy Jean and Betty Jo of Berea Client Saturday with Mr. and Mrs." IT Syjwcns. . s- •Elmer Williams of London spent Tuesday here. Miss Sadie Noe h^s been unable to be on duty at her beauty shop, being confined to her bed because of a sore throat Mrs. Rex McDaniel and son of Manchester are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Mara. Misses Jjne Davis and Ann Logan Sparks returned to tljeir home in Cincinnati, Tuesday. They were ac- companied home by their cousin, Charles Alfred' Mullinst ' "* Miss Edna Manie Mullins was vis- iting in Richmond Wednesday and Thursday. 'Janitor* "R. B.. Bird spent from . Wednesday to. Sunday in Maysville. Mrs. Roy B. Owens, and daughter; Barbara Fay, Mrs. J. B. McHargue and son, Frank ahd Mrs. Martin spent Tuesday, in Richmond. Mr. Ben N. Locke, division mana- ger of Winchester and Mr. J. G. Harris, general merchandise man of Fort Worth, Texas visited the .local Community Public Service office Tuesday. Carl Baker. Roy Owens, Fred Murrell, Howard Egan, Lester Simp-- sorf and W. R. Champion enjoyed a trip to Cincinnati Sunday to see the Cincinnati Red and Brooklyn Dod- gers play a double header. Mrs. C. W. Miller spent the week end with her son, Raymond and fam- ily in Danville. Mrs. N. J. Tipton, Miss Nancy Hel- ton and Gcarldine Fairchild spent Monday in Lexington. Miss Jewell Thomas of London a'nd Miss Ruby Black of Livingston were..week end guests of Mrs. Ben Bray. Mr. and M rs - Ben Bray spent Fri- day in Somerset. Miss Carrie Lee Ritter and Miss Cassie Woods of Harriman, Tenn. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johg Mullins and family. Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Cummins and chil- dren spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Owens at Lancaster. ' Mrs. J. T. Meadows spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Freeman at Pine'Hill. Doris and Alfred Cummins wisited in Brodhead Tuesday. Helen Hopkins of Loyall is visit- ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor. Mrs. W. B. Sigmon has entered Berea Hospital and will have- her tonsils removed Thursday morning. Miss-Amelia Denney of Louisville is a-guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Gibson and Mr. Gibsoa Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson-' en- joyed a trip through the Smoky Mountains over the week end. Miss Irma Williams of Barbour- ville is spending this week with her sister, Miss Lut^e ' Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henry spent the week end in LaGrange. On Vacation Trip Attorney and Mrs. E. R. Denney left last Thursday for a trip to Flor- ida and Cuba. They planned to go to Key West and from there to Ha- vana. They expect to be gone two weks. POTATO BEETL*E Spray—Use caleium arsenate, 2 rounded tablespoonful to the gallon of water or arsenate of lead. "Dust—Use arsenate of lead, 1 pound; hydratcd lime, 4 pounds. Enjoy life! Sef relief for the «r*d. burning feet right now I SANI-PED Foo* Products will r«Ux :«nd sooth* tired, burning or tender — «dd a new comfort. SANI-PED Products Ire.sold only at Raitall Drug Stores. JSAMI-PED Davis & Maggard Mt. Vernon. Kentucky FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY FAT MUTtON — A-l QUALITY 15c to 20c Per Pound CARL MULLINS x GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET OUR MENS' WHITE AND TWO-TONE SPORTSHOES. PETERS SHOES* FREE- MAN, CHAMPION ' ALL STANI BRAND OXFORDS- ALL SIZES' BUT NOT IN ALL STYI SIZES 6 TO 1 These oxfords formerly sold tor $5.00 $3.95 ~ $2.95 ALL GO AT ONE PRICE Mt. Vernon ' * . Kentucky Nvmwvwuvwvvwvwvvvvvvirf AMERICA No people on earth carry insurance like Americans. It protects our Hves ahd our property. It cushions us against -unem- ployment, poverty in old age. Why shouldn't is protect our cash? . Placed in our bank, it does. Every cent you deposit up to $5,000 is fully insured against loss of any kind. .... . THE BAMK OF ML VERNON . MT.^VERNON. femJCKY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SPREAD THIS ON YOUR •P,- M ft ,, HOWIE Vonr Qwn Painting Contractor TT easily »nd cuts labor cost. a. It knows that LOW£ BROTHERS Jj actually covers solidly more HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINT .M square feet of surface and shei** is actually a "beauty blanket," ft" fore costs less than "cheap" paint, which protects your home longer M Your pocketbook ahd your}iome and actually saves money two ^ will benefit with HIGH STAND- waju 1. It spreads evenly and. £ ARD'S two-way savings. HIGH STANDARD I r, HOUSE PAINT ^ |oNEGAUON$ 7 M gO J COSTS ONLY MtD SAVES MANY DOllARS 1H LABOR BULLOCK and BULLOCK Mt Vernon, Ky. Richmond St.

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Page 1: JSAMI-PED ployment - Rockcastle County Public Library · BelievesPegg in Insurance The Mt. MrVernon Signal JONES & SIMPSON, Publishers W. L. SIMPSON. Editor Published every Thursday

Page Four THE MT. VERNONSIGNAL Thursday, June 26, 1941

members will have fellowship .Avith •the forc& of evil. '

Believes in Insurance

The Mt. Vernon Signal JONES & SIMPSON, Publishers

W. L. SIMPSON. Editor

Published every Thursday . AT MT. VERNON. KENTUCKY

Entered at Mt. -Vernon, Ky. Post Officc as Second Class Mail Matter.




Rockcastle-Ad joining Counties. S1.50 Elsewhere ^ ; $2.00

^•AV\T W. L_ S. "

buy a house and lot, marry a decent man and quit thinking about you entirely

Drinking is by no means con-fined to the married man or to his sex. In these, "happy" days of repeal, in which it was claimed' drinking would be decreased, many of 'our mothers, sons and daughters 'are becoming habitual drinkers. What a pity! What a disgrace to society!

It is most difficult to. understand why intelligent. and respectable people, especially women, will do so foolish a thing as to get themselves

The American people are great] under the influence of alcoholic lovers of liberty, due to the hard : beverages, or even handle the "stuff battle for-existence in our early I

Liberty' and justice for all. Those two words—Liberty and Justice, arc probably the greatest words in the English dictionary. People strive

• for- liberty and usually justice is associated with liberty.

years as a country. You can over-tax Mr. John Q. Public, .commit operand more heinous sins against him but. try to take away his liber-ties rand something' happens.

Hitler and,his cohorts founded the Nazi regtasfc un intartYy the opposite principles that our goveVnrAent was instituted, and life to the average Aijierican under Hitler's rule would be unbearable. True, we would live after, a- fashion, but those . little liberties that have become so much a part of our everyday life would be

The person who allows - himself to become entangled with whisky dis-graces himself, his family, and this free Country and becomes a menace

, to society. | Even more difficult of under-standing is . the .fact lhat- church


If this country fights, it will not be to save Britain, but to keep , our great nation from becoming a vassel state of Hitler's. This countrj is safe from an invasion, but if the Nazis conquer all of Europe, the danger will not be in invasion, but one of portable: internal dissension, which could easily happen if a severe de-pression occurrs in a few years'.

Mr. Citizen should study this prob-lem very carefully before he com-mits himself on 'whether we should wage war. We are living in the most momentous- time in the history of

The ortly Rope we have of mak-ing our community. Christian rests with the Christian poople them-selves, whom Jesus said "are the salt of the earth." Christians may bless a whole community by their quiet influence and example of virtue in the fear-of God. Bui; ate," ii iiVir salt lose its saltness! - ' Prayer Service

The crucial question confronting us is whether we intend to live our lives in'our own way -for our own purposes or be God controlled.

Let it be remembered that-the devil will let us keep our Bible School, Public Worship, and Train-ing Union going in full blast, if he can take our Prayer Service from iis. He knows if he can rob us of this service he holds the key to the progress of the church. Let Wednes-day night'7:30 o'clock find you in-the House of Prayer. •

Many will be glad to know that the world. Many men have con- i Fairvie\v Church closed their Vaca-<juered different nations, but usually lion Bible • School Friday. of last I they have reverted 6ack to their week with an enrolment of 42 pupils original nationality. -Today's- conr | 'an average attendance of 35. flict will see a permanent' set-up I The thaj should live, for centuries. The speed of travel Have-made the small countries of Europe as one, and still all speak different languages. The breaking down of -this barrier will do much to bring about • a lasting peace, to mankind.'

Mt. Vernon is'proud of her. new." road system, which is on. a par with many larger cities, it will do much toward out future growth. The city

- dadfr-howevery—will—tie - forced {tr ^make-BCrtcrianr tirfef&iI to spcSI-„ing down our-iraooth boulevards.

Formerly, it was suicidal to drive over fifteen miles an hour. One cit-izen in .fact complainpd of a deep rut on West Main that is was pos-sible to hide a car from view. We all know the roads were bad, but now they are-too good. The other evening we saw*, a. motorist speeding down West Main at a speed of at least sixty miles per. hour. Many small children' live in this neighborhood, and many are used to playing "on the sidewalks and occasionally cross the strefets. ExCessive/speed causes many deaths on oift -main highways, and on <jur city streets it should not be tolerated. Let us hope that the Town* Board -will take some action

' - on this matter at once.

he school was conducted by Miss Nancy-Lambert,- assisted.bx.. Wijs LdTene^inon and Mr?. Della~I*e?ere7

The Conway' Church will have their Vacation Bible School Com-mencement Service Friday night of this week; Further report "will be given' in our notes, next week. *

. - i

BegiK thVlr'"V9E£Rcf -•i<S¥S e•,

Saturday of this week'. Miss Mary Newman will be in charge. With this school, Miss Newman's work in w«.«»Riatioir_.wjR jaunroBlcfeA


lliOO a. m. Preaching by Rev. C. V. • Castleberry. His topic will be "The New Testament Church.

1:00 p. m. Conference and talks on Sunday School Work. . "Th" -Standard of-Excellence' Rev. -Warrtn Filkefi. . ' "The^Sunday School 'a soul .... ning Agency" by Rev, J. W. Mahan.'

1:45 p. m. "The Membership of the, New Testament C h u r c h " R e v .

Baptist Church By Her. W. C. Younce ' The following is an excerpt from the Baptist-Examiner, which we believe is worth passing on, hoping it will help someone.

."For the married jnan who cannot get along without drinks, the fol-lowing is suggested as a means of freedom from bondage to saloons:

Start a saloon in your own home. Be the only customer. (You'll have no license to pay.) Go to your wife and give her $8.00 to buy a gallon of whisky, and remember theft-are sixfy-nine drinks" in a gallon. Buy your drinks from j\o one but your wife, and by the time^that the first gallon, is gone .she will' have $32.00 to put .into the bank and $8.00 to start business again.

Should you live ten years and con-tinue to buy booze from her, and then die1with snakes in your boots, •he will have money enough to bury you decently, educate youd-fhildjen.

X Eugene Bradley.

Buy Ky. Products For Ky. Prosperity

Kentucky farmers are now -engag ed in a live-at-hom? program, in order to aid National Defense, but Kentucky consumers can also help National Defense by consuming Kentucky grown products.

Transportation facilities are crowd-ed, and in the past many Kentucky products have been shipped to the North and East and then returned to Kentucky for sale. This is absol-to Kentucky for sale. This is abso-lutely an unneccessary expense for .We can help our neighbors "and

ourselves by eating Kentucky foods! Commissioner of Agriculture,' Wil-

liam H. May. states that the slogan, "Buy Kentucky Product? for Ken-tucky Prosperity" is a good answer to the question.



Visitors From Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis of Chica-

go arc visiting friends here this week. , •

Mr. and Mrs. Asher Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cummins and Ralph Cummins w.ere in Lexington Sun-day.

Roy Cummins and family were in London Friday'on business. ' '

Mrs. J, B. Cummins and Mrs. Nan-nie Farris visited the latters sister, Mrs. Thos. Durham in East Burnstadt Friday.

Miss Doris Niceley is spending the summer with* the family of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. McLean in Tucson, Ari-

Misses Ina St.. Clair, Hazel and Ruby Riddle, Edna Grace McKenzie and John James Riddle were in Lex-ington, Thursday. „

Mrs. Ellen Harp and daughter. Miss Lu!a Harp' have returned to their home in Akron, Ohio after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Harp and.family. . Miss Naomi Harp who has a posi-

tion in Louisville was at "home over the week end,

Norman Harp who is stationed at Fort Knox was at home for a few days. '

Mrs. E:. A. Bellis of Wihslow, Arkansas was a guest last week of

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Larigford. Miss Minnie.Gentry of Nashville,

Tenn. was a guest, of Mrs. Cleo Dou-taz Saturday. , J T W J ' S * , i c epi'rylint* hi"

cation wTtfr relatives in* Pekin and Peoria, 111.

Mrs. B. N. Egan. Mrs. • Howard Egan, Mrs. -G, S. Griffin and Mrs. Nannie Branaman spent Wednesday in" Rfchnidnd.

Mrs. Gledon Click and daughter, Peggy Jean and Betty Jo of Berea Client Saturday with Mr. and Mrs." IT Syjwcns. . s- •

•Elmer Williams of London spent Tuesday here.

Miss Sadie Noe h^s been unable to be on duty at her beauty shop, being confined to her bed because of a sore throat

Mrs. Rex McDaniel and son of Manchester are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Mara.

Misses Jjne Davis and Ann Logan Sparks returned to tljeir home in Cincinnati, Tuesday. They were ac-companied home by their cousin, Charles Alfred' Mullinst ' "*

Miss Edna Manie Mullins was vis-iting in Richmond Wednesday and Thursday. 'Janitor* "R. B.. Bird spent from . Wednesday

to. Sunday in Maysville. Mrs. Roy B. Owens, and daughter;

Barbara Fay, Mrs. J. B. McHargue and son, Frank ahd Mrs. Martin spent Tuesday, in Richmond.

Mr. Ben N. Locke, division mana-ger of Winchester and Mr. J. G. Harris, general merchandise man of Fort Worth, Texas visited the .local Community Public Service office Tuesday.

Carl Baker. Roy Owens, Fred Murrell, Howard Egan, Lester Simp--sorf and W. R. Champion enjoyed a trip to Cincinnati Sunday to see the Cincinnati Red and Brooklyn Dod-gers play a double header.

Mrs. C. W. Miller spent the week end with her son, Raymond and fam-ily in Danville.

Mrs. N. J. Tipton, Miss Nancy Hel-ton and Gcarldine Fairchild spent Monday in Lexington.

Miss Jewell Thomas of London a'nd Miss Ruby Black of Livingston were..week end guests of Mrs. Ben Bray.

Mr. and Mrs- Ben Bray spent Fri-day in Somerset.

Miss Carrie Lee Ritter and Miss Cassie Woods of Harriman, Tenn. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johg Mullins and family.

Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Cummins and chil-dren spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Owens at Lancaster. '

Mrs. J. T. Meadows spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Freeman at Pine'Hill.

Doris and Alfred Cummins wisited in Brodhead Tuesday.

Helen Hopkins of Loyall is visit-ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Taylor.

Mrs. W. B. Sigmon has entered Berea Hospital and will have- her tonsils removed Thursday morning.

Miss-Amelia Denney of Louisville is a-guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Gibson and Mr. Gibsoa

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson-' en-joyed a trip through the Smoky Mountains over the week end.

Miss Irma Williams of Barbour-

ville is spending this week with her sister, Miss Lut^e ' Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henry spent the week end in LaGrange. On Vacation Trip

Attorney and Mrs. E. R. Denney left last Thursday for a trip to Flor-ida and Cuba. They planned to go to Key West and from there to Ha-vana. They expect to be gone two weks.

POTATO BEETL*E Spray—Use caleium • arsenate, 2

rounded tablespoonful to the gallon of water or arsenate of lead.

"Dust—Use arsenate of lead, 1 pound; hydratcd lime, 4 pounds.

S »

Enjoy life! Sef relief for the «r*d. burning feet right now I SANI-PED Foo* Products will r«Ux

:«nd sooth* tired, burning or tender — «dd a new comfort.

SANI-PED Products Ire.sold only at Raitall Drug Stores.

JSAMI-PED Davis & Maggard Mt. Vernon. Kentucky


15c to 20c Per Pound





These oxfords formerly sold tor $5.00 $3.95 ~ $2.95


Mt. Vernon ' * . Kentucky Nvmwvwuvwvvwvwvvvvvvirf


No people on earth carry insurance like Americans. It protects our Hves ahd our property. It cushions us against -unem-ployment, poverty in old age.

Why shouldn't is protect our cash? .

Placed in our bank, it does. Every cent you deposit up to $5,000 is fully insured against loss of any kind. .... .


Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation



Vonr Qwn Painting Contractor TT easily »nd cuts labor cost. a. It knows that LOW£ BROTHERS J j actually covers solidly more HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINT .M square feet of surface and shei** is actually a "beauty blanket," ft" fore costs less than "cheap" paint, which protects your home longer M Your pocketbook ahd your}iome and actually saves money two ^ will benefit with HIGH STAND-waju 1. It spreads evenly and. £ ARD'S two-way savings.




BULLOCK and BULLOCK Mt Vernon, Ky. Richmond St.