june 2105 newsletter - emailable version

Many of you may have wondered, “What’s the point?”... or perhaps pied us for ‘having’ to connue carrying a child who is not going to live for long... I understand these thoughts, because when my sister was carrying Thomas Walter (who had been diagnosed with anencephaly at 18 weeks and lived for 17½ hours aſter birth) I really didn’t properly comprehend the whole situaon. I knew it was the ‘right’ thing to do. I didn’t queson that I would have no other opon if the same thing ever happened to me (although I knew it never would!) But I thought how awful it was to know for over four months that the child you are carrying is unable to live outside your womb. Once he was born, I was able to hold my nephew and see him finally as a real person - a precious unique creaon - I began to realise that there was a lot more to it than mere ‘ethics’. When, much to my disbelief, my own baby, Benedict, was diagnosed with this same condion four years later - I was finally able to grasp it, although it has taken me a long me to be able to put my thoughts into words. It is only since Charloe’s diagnosis that I have found words that almost convey my feelings. Some people think we carried Benedict and Charloe to term because we don’t agree with aboron, because we are Catholic, or perhaps because our nephew was carried to term aſter a fatal diagnosis. While these factors probably all played a part in our immediate refusal of the opon to ‘terminate’, this is not what it’s all about! It’s about love! It’s about my baby! It’s not about some tragic, fatal medical condion - it’s about my child. We do not possess more strength than other people. It’s not because we can cope where others wouldn’t. There is no way to avoid the sad fact that she cannot live long aſter birth with this condion, but causing Charloe to die earlier will not stop this happening. Causing her to die earlier will only take from us the beauful experience of knowing and loving her. The tragedy is not the fact that we know our baby will die. The tragedy is that our baby will die. It is not nice to know for months beforehand, but it gives us a chance to appreciate a life so brief, and not to miss a moment. The value of Thomas Walter, Benedict and Charloe cannot be measured by the length of their lives - we don’t apply this yardsck to adults, so why should we to babies? A baby is not a possession, an accessory to acquire. A baby is a giſt, a new enty, a precious, individual soul loved by God. We are created for a purpose, there is a reason for our being here. Even if that reason is unclear to us most of the me, we are constantly affecng other people in our families, communies etc. Who knows what purpose can be fulfilled in 9 months and one day? I don’t know, but God does. I do know that Benedict leſt a lasng impression on our family, he made us slow down, savour life, and treasure our other children even more. He made us realise that we cannot control or predict what will happen in the future, he made us rely on God. And how oſten are we given the opportunity to really give another person true uncondional love? Love that truly expects no return? It is a blessing to experience that kind of pure love! So don’t pity us for carrying a child we know will die. Carrying this beauful person is an honour. Grieve for the fact that our baby will die. We wouldn’t wish away the me we had with Benedict, and also this me we are now experiencing with Charloe, just to save us the pain of losing them. I’ve always thought of it like this; if your 3 year old was diagnosed with untreatable, fatal cancer and had only 4 months to live; would you prefer the doctor kill your child straight away so that you didn’t have to wait for his/her impending death? Or would you prefer to spend as much me as you could with your child and love him/her for as long as you had leſt? Someone asked us aſter Benedict died, “Was it worth it?” Oh, YES! For the chance to hold him, and see him, and love him before leng him go ... For the chance for our children to see that we would never stop loving them, regardless of their imperfecons? For the chance to give him everything we could? Oh, YES! Love your children, and remember that they each have their own unique mission. Children are always and only a blessing from God - even if they don’t stay very long... (Read full story on p3.) Direct Deposits BSB: 034 061 Account: 25-2709 Cherish Life Queensland Bank: Westpac, Toowong ABN: 44 470 248 746 (previously Queensland Right to Life) Head Office Suite 5, Benson House 2 Benson Street (PO Box 1382) TOOWONG DC Q 4066 P: (07) 3871 2445 F: (07) 3720 9844 [email protected] www.cherishlife.org.au Follow us: www.facebook.com/cherishlifeqld www.twier.com/cherishlifeqld Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 1 Cherish Life Newsleer Why Carry A Dying Child? A Mother’s Perspective By Teresa Streckfuss

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Cherish Life Queensland newsletter 2015


  • Many of you may have wondered, Whats the point?... or perhaps pitied us for having to continue carrying a child who is not going to live for long... I understand these thoughts, because when my sister was carrying Thomas Walter (who had been diagnosed with anencephaly at 18 weeks and lived for 17 hours after birth) I really didnt properly comprehend the whole situation. I knew it was the right thing to do. I didnt question that I would have no other option if the same thing ever happened to me (although I knew it never would!) But I thought how awful it was to know for over four months that the child you are carrying is unable to live outside your womb.

    Once he was born, I was able to hold my nephew and see him finally as a real person - a precious unique creation - I began to realise that there was a lot more to it than mere ethics. When, much to my disbelief, my own baby, Benedict, was diagnosed with this same condition four years later - I was finally able to grasp it, although it has taken me a long time to be able to put my thoughts into words. It is only since Charlottes diagnosis that I have found words that almost convey my feelings.

    Some people think we carried Benedict and Charlotte to term because we dont agree with abortion, because we are Catholic, or perhaps because our nephew was carried to term after a fatal diagnosis. While these factors probably all played a part in our immediate refusal of the option to terminate, this is not what its all about! Its about love! Its about my baby! Its not about some tragic, fatal medical condition - its about my child. We do not possess more strength than other people. Its not because we can cope where others wouldnt. There is no way to avoid the sad fact that she cannot live long after birth with this condition, but causing Charlotte to die earlier will not stop this happening. Causing her to die earlier will only take from us the beautiful experience of knowing and loving her.

    The tragedy is not the fact that we know our baby will die. The tragedy is that our baby will die. It is not nice to know for months beforehand, but it gives us a chance to appreciate a life so brief, and not to miss a moment.

    The value of Thomas Walter, Benedict and Charlotte cannot be measured by the length of their lives - we dont apply this yardstick to adults, so why should we to babies? A baby is not a possession, an accessory to acquire. A baby is a gift, a new entity, a precious, individual soul loved by God. We are created for a purpose, there is a reason for our being here. Even if that reason is unclear to us most of the time, we are constantly affecting other people in our families, communities etc. Who knows what purpose can be fulfilled in 9 months and one day? I dont know, but God does. I do know that Benedict left a lasting impression on our family, he made us slow down, savour life, and treasure our other children even more. He made us realise that we cannot control or predict what will happen in the future, he made us rely on God. And how often are we given the opportunity to really give another person true unconditional love? Love that truly expects no return? It is a blessing to experience that kind of pure love!

    So dont pity us for carrying a child we know will die. Carrying this beautiful person is an honour. Grieve for the fact that our baby will die. We wouldnt wish away the time we had with Benedict, and also this time we are now experiencing with Charlotte, just to save us the pain of losing them. Ive always thought of it like this; if your 3 year old was diagnosed with untreatable, fatal cancer and had only 4 months to live; would you prefer the doctor kill your child straight away so that you didnt have to wait for his/her impending death? Or would you prefer to spend as much time as you could with your child and love him/her for as long as you had left?

    Someone asked us after Benedict died, Was it worth it? Oh, YES! For the chance to hold him, and see him, and love him before letting him go ... For the chance for our children to see that we would never stop loving them, regardless of their imperfections? For the chance to give him everything we could? Oh, YES! Love your children, and remember that they each have their own unique mission. Children are always and only a blessing from God - even if they dont stay very long...

    (Read full story on p3.)

    Direct DepositsBSB: 034 061

    Account: 25-2709Cherish Life Queensland

    Bank: Westpac, ToowongABN: 44 470 248 746

    (previously Queensland Right to Life)

    Head Office

    Suite 5, Benson House2 Benson Street(PO Box 1382)TOOWONG DC Q 4066

    P: (07) 3871 2445F: (07) 3720 [email protected]

    Follow us:www.facebook.com/cherishlifeqldwww.twitter.com/cherishlifeqld

    Atherton Tablelands Carol OConnell Ph: 4095 [email protected]

    Bundaberg Barry KirbyPh: 4151 [email protected]

    CairnsDr Tim CoylePh: 4054 [email protected]

    Emerald Margaret Smith Ph: 4987 [email protected]

    Gladstone Colina Knol Ph: 0422 111 [email protected]

    Gold CoastJade ReadPh: 0423 372 [email protected]

    GympieRoss DaviesPh: 5482 [email protected]

    Mackay Dr Graeme [email protected]

    Nambour & Sunshine Coast Jacinta PurcellPh: 0437 868 [email protected]

    Redcliffe & Northern SuburbsJulie BorgerPh: 3284 7743 [email protected]

    Rockhampton Noelle MelrosePh: 4928 [email protected]

    Toowoomba Dr Donna Purcell Ph: 4633 1447 [email protected]

    TownsvilleMary Lambert (Secretary)Ph: 4779 [email protected]

    WarwickMaritta HutleyPh: 0439 003 [email protected]

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 1Cherish Life Newsletter

    Why Carry A Dying Child?A Mothers Perspective By Teresa Streckfuss

    Upcoming Events

    Cherish Life Branches

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 6Cherish Life NewsletterVolume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 5Cherish Life Newsletter

    Tokens, jars, and burgers. Oh my!!!During May, Cherish Life Queensland received an email from the burger chain, Grilld, inviting us to write a few words to go on one of their Local Matters jars in the Toowong store. The email stated that three community businesses were chosen each month, and if diners placed the token they were given when buying a burger in our jar, and CLQ had the most tokens, $300 would be donated to us, or if a lesser amount of tokens, we would receive a $100 donation. CLQ was chosen for the month of June and our tag placed on one of the three jars in their store.

    On the afternoon of Wednesday 10 June, we were alerted that Simon Crowe, the owner of the burger chain, was speaking on ABC radio and stated that the jar with our tag on it had been removed from the Toowong store, as, in his words, his chain of stores is pro-choice. He further went on to state that Everyone has a right to have their opinion, but in this instance our opinion is about pro-choice. Yes, you read that right! Seems he cant be much clearer than that choice is only choice when it means abortion.

    Though he used the word pro-choice that is merely a euphemism - if it wasnt, he would have been happy for an organisation with a life-for-the-baby-and-real-love-care-and-support-for-the-mother option to be represented. At least half of his staff and half his customers would not agree with his pro-abortion stance. Mr Crowe has taken it upon himself to speak for all of his staff and all his customers!

    ACTION REQUIRED: We are encouraging everyone to write to Mr Crowe and let him know that he does not speak for you when he states his burger chain is pro-choice, and express your dissatisfaction re the censorship of the situation. The irony is, it was Mr Crowes own head office that approved our tag in the first place! We also encourage you to dine elsewhere and then post in your receipts to him to show him how much money his chain of stores is losing due to his pro-abortion statement and censorship.

    The address is:

    Happily, due to all the publicity, we have had donations that total 20-fold the minimum amount we could have won. They have come from as far away as Western Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, and as far north as Townsville. We have also had a number of people contacting us to volunteer their services for our organisation. So this small cloud of censorship has certainly had a large silver lining.

    As one of our Facebook friends has stated, It never ceases to amaze me that a business that relies on customers walking through the front door would advocate the killing of its future customers.

    The Sanctity of Life Sunday Sunday 11 October See enclosed flyer for details of bookmarks and flyers available for purchase to support

    Sanctity of Life Sunday in your churches.

    Cherish Life Annual Dinner Thursday 8 October Details closer to event. Venue: Indooroopilly Golf Club, Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly.

    Note: This event is being held in October this year.

    envelopeSimon Crowe

    Level 2, 4-10 Amsterdam St Richmond VIC 3121

    or email him on:www.grilld.com.au/say-hi/

    A visitor to the Cherish Life stand at the Pregnancy, Babies,

    Children Expo held 19-21 June in Brisbane

    being served by our

    wonderful volunteer, Rebecca.

    Sunday 11 October is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Please order your bookmarks or bulletin flyer for your church asap available until stocks run out. See enclosed flyer ordering form for details.

    L to R: State President Teresa Martin, Bobby Schindl

    er and wife Kristina.

    CLQ Toowoomba branchs stand at the Toowoomba

    Show with branch member Maria Lossberg assisting

    two interested visitors.

    Bobby and Kristina

    Schindler enjoying




    Equal Value bookmark:front

    Equal Value bookmark:back

    Prayer for Reverence for Life bookmark:front and back

    Cherish Life bookmark: front and back

  • Carolyn Mongan - All in the name of choiceCarolyn Mongan is a counsellor with Pregnancy Support in Canberra, ACT. The Australian Capital Territory was the first to legalise abortion and the rest of the other states in Australia are a court case away from the same happening there, Carolyn warned. She pointed out that in George Orwells book 1984 it shows how words are deliberately constructed for political purposes desired to impart a particular attitude in the people using them, and to influence those around them. This is where we are now in the public arena re abortion and euthanasia. It is important that we dont accidentally help the pro-abortion lobby by default by making a statement like No abortion on demand when we should be saying No to abortion, Carolyn said.

    Carolyn showed some beautiful pictures of babies saved from abortion when their mothers chose life after contacting Pregnancy Support. She also showed an ultrasound image that was particularly touching as it was

    of a baby whose mother had taken the first drug of the RU-486 abortion process before changing her mind. The ultrasound indicates the baby does not appear to have been harmed from the abortion drug, and though unborn at the time of the conference, seems to be doing well.

    FOOTNOTE: We have recently seen a photo of the still-pregnant mum proudly smiling and profiling her baby bump belly. Please continue to keep this young mum, her husband and their pre-born baby in your prayers.

    Dr Terry Kent - RU-486 can be reversed!Dr Terry Kent is a General Practitioner at Raceview with a special interest in NaPro Technology (NPT) and fertility care (www.fertilitycare.com.au). Dr Kent studied NPT at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. NaPro stands for Natural Procreative technology that works co-operatively with the bodys natural procreative cycles. It does not suppress the bodys reproductive system, but

    enhances its function. His topic was RU-486 can be reversed! and he explained how this could be done and has been done using NPT. Dr Kent broke down what would have been a complicated explanation about the functioning and harms of RU-486. He stated:

    In the RU-486 abortion pill regiment (used to abort babies up to 49 days or 7 weeks gestation), Mifepristone is given first - this shuts down the babys nutrition source. This is followed by Misoprostal which causes contractions to expel the unborn baby.

    Dr Matthew Harrison in the USA had the first known successful reversal of the abortion pill by using a regime of natural progesterone. In simple terms, natural progesterone supplementation stops the uterus from contracting and can help prevent miscarriages.

    89 successful reversals of the RU-486 abortion process have taken place where the mothers have only taken the first part of the drug regime - Mifepristone - with a 60% success rate of the babies being born perfectly fine. If the second abortion pill has been taken, there is a 4%-12% risk of abnormality.

    Dr Kent had a case a few months ago where he treated a young woman with natural progesterone after she had taken the first abortion drug. This halted the process and he was happy to state that this young womans pregnancy is progressing well.

    The website abortionpillreversal.com is very helpful in giving women information, and points them to medical professionals that can help reverse the effects of RU-486. Please tell everyone about it - you could save a life!FOOTNOTE: CLQ has it on reliable authority that at least 10 girls a week have been contacting at least one of the abortion businesses down south that had issued them these abortion pills, asking for help to stop the abortion drugs from working as they had changed their minds! The girls are fobbed off after being told it was too late or your baby will be deformed etc. Circulate this website - abortionpillreversal.com - to increase public awareness that RU-486 can be reversed.

    Paul Ninnes - REAL TalkPaul Ninnes is the Managing Director of Real Talk (www.realtalkaustralia.com). Real Talk (RT) gets real on the topics of sex, relationships and personal identity with the content of their presentations based on Christian values. Aimed and implemented for students in (mostly) high schools, they help young people be all they were created to be, encouraging them to reassess poor decisions in relation to sex. Paul openly explains to the students that In sexual intimacy our bodies have a language it means something. We are saying something significant with our bodies. This statement makes a deep impact on the students. The students are excited and encouraged when they are presented with the truth that their lives will flourish in the fullness of healthy relationships, said Paul.

    Young people are encouraged to see that their life is a gift and sacred, that we are all created in the image and likeness of God, and that they are set apart for a special purpose, Paul said, stating Many students have never heard this message in a compelling way.

    The RT team has grown from 2 to over 20 staff, as well as volunteers, in just four years. There is also a recently formed RT team in New Zealand. Pauls co-presenter is Kym Keady. Paul mentioned the beautiful explanation Kym gave her then very young daughter as to why she was here. She had told her, God looked down on the world and saw someone was missing and created you. Kyms reply applies to all of us.

    Paul ORourke - Our ads change heartsPaul is the CEO of Emilys Voice (www.emilysvoice.com), an organisation started in Toowoomba seven years ago. Two years later they started running life-friendly ads on local TV in the Toowoomba/Darling Downs area. The ads use real people telling their own life stories in 30 seconds. The aim of the ads is to influence culture to change the way people think so that they change the way they behave, Paul said. The ads have also been run in Tasmania and are having a great impact in both areas. After the general public have seen the ads, polling has found:

    7% in the Darling Downs and 11% in Tasmania of all those polled said they had changed their position on abortion. In the 16-24 year old age group, 22% in the Darling Downs and 25% in Tasmania have said they had changed their minds on abortion. Some of the women polled said they had continued their pregnancies and birthed their babies due to seeing the Emilys Voice ads.

    The goal is to run the ads nationally with the next campaign to be on the Sunshine Coast and in Bundaberg, as well as in Western Australia. These ads are changing hearts and minds and, as the tagline on their ad website (www.notbornyet.com) states, are helping Australians fall in love with the unborn.

    Teresa Streckfuss - Why carry a dying child?Teresa Streckfuss is married and lives in Melbourne with her husband and their lovely children. Teresa was first exposed to anencephaly in 1996 when her sister and husband had baby Thomas Walter born with that condition. Sadly he lived for only 17 hours. Anencephaly occurs approximately once in 1000 births. The condition is due to the head of the neural tube not closing properly. This causes the top of the skull, higher brain and scalp to not form properly. Taking folic acid supplements (costing around $5 for a 3 month supply) both before and during pregnancy can help prevent this problem in many, though not all, situations.

    Teresa and her husband had two children (3 years old and 19 months old) when baby Benedict was born with anencephaly. Abortion was suggested by the medical professionals but totally rejected by the Streckfusses. Teresa said that they had 2-3 weeks of deep grief after the diagnosis. She stressed the point that that is the

    time when people make choices that they are not in a clear mental state to make. The feelings of fear, confusion and grief ease somewhat after this time and one is better able to think clearly, she said.

    Teresa found that the medical staff were very helpful but only AFTER the Streckfusses had made it clear they wouldnt abort their baby. Baby Benedict was born via C-section and lived for 24 hrs and 13 minutes. He was baptised and confirmed during that time. Teresa stated, Benedict spent his whole life in the arms of people who loved him. After baby Benedict, they had another baby born healthy then found themselves unexpectedly pregnant again. Teresa had some concerns as she had not been taking folic acid regularly. Sadly, an ultrasound later in the pregnancy showed this baby too, had anencephaly. The radiographer, assuming that they would abort stated, Unfortunately we cant diagnose this earlier implying that if they could, it would have given the Streckfusses the opportunity to abort!

    Baby Charlotte, born three years after Benedict, was also immediately baptised and confirmed. To their joy, baby Charlotte lived for six whole days. During that time she tracked light with her eyes, and startled at noise and camera flashes. She showed she was hungry by swallowing expressed breast milk squeezed into her mouth. They were blessed to be able to take Charlotte home for what was, sadly, to be her final night. Like Benedict, Charlotte too spent her entire life being surrounded by people who loved her.

    Teresa found that many in the medical profession she dealt with couldnt understand why she would carry a dying child. While still pregnant with Charlotte, she penned an open letter* to the medical professionals explaining why. A copy of the letter found its way to the Herald Sun newspaper and they published it. Teresa and her husband have no regrets about carrying their dying babies to term and know their lives are enriched for having loved Benedict and Charlotte. Their story also features in Melinda Tankard Reists book Defiant Birth which is available from CLQ $35 plus p&h.

    Bobby Schindler Where theres Life, theres Hope In the United States, it is a crime to starve dogs to death, but we do it to humans. How did we get to this point? asked Bobby, founder of the Life & Hope Network in the US. He stated Wesley J Smith, a well-known opponent of euthanasia, has written about German doctors killing mentally and physically imperfect people, and that this is happening in many places around the world today. At that time, Dutch doctors were not allowing it to happen in the Netherlands, but this has changed with most doctors embracing it with 60% saying they had intentionally fatally injected a patient. Only 14% said they could not conceive of it. 40% said they hadnt but would if they had to. Bobby quoted Smith, Once killing is accepted as the answer to human difficulty and suffering, logic dictates there is no end.The right to die movement has targeted feeding tubes, defining them as medical treatment instead of

    human care, Bobby said. Daniel Calahan, an ethicist, was behind the push for this change as in Calahans words, it is the only effective way that biologically tenacious patients would die. Others have started to agree with him and are now even targeting those who dont need a feeding tube, but just need help to feed themselves!, Bobby said, In Canada a family petitioned a nursing home to starve their mother to death. Luckily in this case the court denied it.

    We now have the situation where a person can be classified as a human non-person meaning they are human but not a person! This classification includes all embryos, foetuses, infants, those with Alzheimers or cognitive problems, or those who are incapacitated. Intelligent animals are now considered persons and these animal persons have more value than human non-persons! Bobby said.

    The Life & Hope Network (www.terrisfight.org) Bobby founded in America is set up to help families fight for good care for their relatives who have an acquired brain injury. They are currently raising money for a purpose-built facility to care for those who need ongoing expert medical help.

    Bobby Schindler Terri Schiavo: My Sister, Her LifeBobby Schindler is the brother of Terri Schiavo who was starved and dehydrated to death in Florida, USA. Bobby now lives in Cincinatti, Ohio, with his wife Kristina and nine children. He is the founder of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network in America which was born from that situation. Bobby spoke twice at the conference - the first time about his sister and what led to her death, and the second time on the Life & Hope Network.

    My sister Terri Schiavo was NOT dying, nor hooked up to machines, stated Bobby. He explained that Terri was a shy girl who loved animals, was loyal and had a good sense of humour. He recounted how Terri

    married Michael Schiavo within a year of meeting him. In 1991, just a few years into the marriage, Terri collapsed in the middle of the night at home. No one seems to know what caused the collapse, nor why it took Schiavo quite some time to call Terris father which he did first, before calling the paramedics!

    For the first few weeks after the collapse, Terri was on a ventilator but was taken off within a few weeks as she improved. Terri was NOT in a coma, Bobby stressed, though she had an acquired brain injury as she had been without oxygen for several minutes. All Terri needed was food and water, not life support. Schiavo was her legal guardian and 100% responsible for her care. He initially allowed Terri to have therapy and rehab and she was starting to regain her ability to speak. Schiavo wanted $20 million for her ongoing care and in 1992, Terri was awarded $1.5m and he was awarded $600,000. It was at this point that Schiavo discontinued therapy and told us, the Schindler family, that we would not have any say in her ongoing care, Bobby said.

    Horrifyingly, in 1993 Schiavo went on a mission to end Terris life, starting with refusing antibiotics for a routine infection Terri had acquired. All the while he was living with another woman who, during this time, he had two children with. In 1998, he petitioned the state of Florida to remove Terris feeding tube and water. We, her family, were stunned. Naively we didnt think there was a judge in the land who would rule in his favour, Bobby said. However they soon found that they were wrong. So even though there was a huge conflict of interest (Schiavo living with another woman and standing to receive the trust money when Terri died), the court granted Schiavos request.Though there was no evidence to back it up, Schiavo had told the court that Terri had once told him that she didnt want to live this way. With some of the doctors on Schiavos side saying Terri had no quality of life, all therapy was stopped in 1992. With brain injury, if rehab is stopped, there is a quick backslide in a brain-injured persons condition, Bobby said.

    For five years we fought to save Terris life, Bobby said, stating Pope John Paul II had become involved to help, as had then President George W Bush, along with other high profile people including Jeb Bush (brother of the president) then Governor of Florida, and Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life. Sadly they had no support from the local bishop Robert Lynch.

    To visit Terri, we had to go through three checkpoints of police, there were even police on the roof as well as armed police in her room. We were told that if we even applied lipgloss on her lips, we would be arrested, Bobby said.On 18 March 2005, her feeding tube was removed and after 2 weeks without food or water, Terri died on 31 March 2005. Watching Terri die by this most barbaric and inhumane way possible was haunting. Terri looked terrible as her body was dehydrating. She endured horrendous suffering, Bobby said.

    On the tenth anniversary of Terris death, Bobby had a picture image created from his memory of what Terri had looked like (as they were not allowed to take photographs) at her death. Those fighting for her to die said it was a peaceful death - the image shows anything but! You must remember that we are talking here about killing people who are NOT dying, who are relatively healthy but need a feeding tube to feed and hydrate them. They may have difficulty swallowing but need nothing else to live, he said. Bobby ended his talk by showing a video of Terri and their family growing up with the background music of the song You are so beautiful to me by singer Joe Cocker. Bobby has written a book, Terri Schiavo: A Life That Matters, detailing what happened to Terri. The book is available from CLQ - $25 plus p&h.

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 2Cherish Life Newsletter Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 3 Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 4Cherish Life Newsletter

    *See p1

    L to R: Carol OConnell (president Atherton Tablelands branch),

    Barry Kirby (president Bundaberg branch), Margaret Smith (president Emerald branch), Michael Punshon

    (president Townsville branch), Julie Borger (president Redcliffe/

    Northern Suburbs branch), Dr Donna Purcell (president

    Toowoomba branch), Teresa Martin (State President), Wendy Cumming

    (representing Mackay branch), Fiona Hunter (vice-president Gold

    Coast branch), Noelle Melrose (president Rockhampton branch

    Noelle did a great job as MC at the Conference). Representatives

    from Cairns, Gladstone, Gympie, Nambour and Warwick were

    unable to be there on the day.

    Cherish Life Newsletter

    Cutting the cake celebrating 45 years of our pro-life organisation

  • Carolyn Mongan - All in the name of choiceCarolyn Mongan is a counsellor with Pregnancy Support in Canberra, ACT. The Australian Capital Territory was the first to legalise abortion and the rest of the other states in Australia are a court case away from the same happening there, Carolyn warned. She pointed out that in George Orwells book 1984 it shows how words are deliberately constructed for political purposes desired to impart a particular attitude in the people using them, and to influence those around them. This is where we are now in the public arena re abortion and euthanasia. It is important that we dont accidentally help the pro-abortion lobby by default by making a statement like No abortion on demand when we should be saying No to abortion, Carolyn said.

    Carolyn showed some beautiful pictures of babies saved from abortion when their mothers chose life after contacting Pregnancy Support. She also showed an ultrasound image that was particularly touching as it was

    of a baby whose mother had taken the first drug of the RU-486 abortion process before changing her mind. The ultrasound indicates the baby does not appear to have been harmed from the abortion drug, and though unborn at the time of the conference, seems to be doing well.

    FOOTNOTE: We have recently seen a photo of the still-pregnant mum proudly smiling and profiling her baby bump belly. Please continue to keep this young mum, her husband and their pre-born baby in your prayers.

    Dr Terry Kent - RU-486 can be reversed!Dr Terry Kent is a General Practitioner at Raceview with a special interest in NaPro Technology (NPT) and fertility care (www.fertilitycare.com.au). Dr Kent studied NPT at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. NaPro stands for Natural Procreative technology that works co-operatively with the bodys natural procreative cycles. It does not suppress the bodys reproductive system, but

    enhances its function. His topic was RU-486 can be reversed! and he explained how this could be done and has been done using NPT. Dr Kent broke down what would have been a complicated explanation about the functioning and harms of RU-486. He stated:

    In the RU-486 abortion pill regiment (used to abort babies up to 49 days or 7 weeks gestation), Mifepristone is given first - this shuts down the babys nutrition source. This is followed by Misoprostal which causes contractions to expel the unborn baby.

    Dr Matthew Harrison in the USA had the first known successful reversal of the abortion pill by using a regime of natural progesterone. In simple terms, natural progesterone supplementation stops the uterus from contracting and can help prevent miscarriages.

    89 successful reversals of the RU-486 abortion process have taken place where the mothers have only taken the first part of the drug regime - Mifepristone - with a 60% success rate of the babies being born perfectly fine. If the second abortion pill has been taken, there is a 4%-12% risk of abnormality.

    Dr Kent had a case a few months ago where he treated a young woman with natural progesterone after she had taken the first abortion drug. This halted the process and he was happy to state that this young womans pregnancy is progressing well.

    The website abortionpillreversal.com is very helpful in giving women information, and points them to medical professionals that can help reverse the effects of RU-486. Please tell everyone about it - you could save a life!FOOTNOTE: CLQ has it on reliable authority that at least 10 girls a week have been contacting at least one of the abortion businesses down south that had issued them these abortion pills, asking for help to stop the abortion drugs from working as they had changed their minds! The girls are fobbed off after being told it was too late or your baby will be deformed etc. Circulate this website - abortionpillreversal.com - to increase public awareness that RU-486 can be reversed.

    Paul Ninnes - REAL TalkPaul Ninnes is the Managing Director of Real Talk (www.realtalkaustralia.com). Real Talk (RT) gets real on the topics of sex, relationships and personal identity with the content of their presentations based on Christian values. Aimed and implemented for students in (mostly) high schools, they help young people be all they were created to be, encouraging them to reassess poor decisions in relation to sex. Paul openly explains to the students that In sexual intimacy our bodies have a language it means something. We are saying something significant with our bodies. This statement makes a deep impact on the students. The students are excited and encouraged when they are presented with the truth that their lives will flourish in the fullness of healthy relationships, said Paul.

    Young people are encouraged to see that their life is a gift and sacred, that we are all created in the image and likeness of God, and that they are set apart for a special purpose, Paul said, stating Many students have never heard this message in a compelling way.

    The RT team has grown from 2 to over 20 staff, as well as volunteers, in just four years. There is also a recently formed RT team in New Zealand. Pauls co-presenter is Kym Keady. Paul mentioned the beautiful explanation Kym gave her then very young daughter as to why she was here. She had told her, God looked down on the world and saw someone was missing and created you. Kyms reply applies to all of us.

    Paul ORourke - Our ads change heartsPaul is the CEO of Emilys Voice (www.emilysvoice.com), an organisation started in Toowoomba seven years ago. Two years later they started running life-friendly ads on local TV in the Toowoomba/Darling Downs area. The ads use real people telling their own life stories in 30 seconds. The aim of the ads is to influence culture to change the way people think so that they change the way they behave, Paul said. The ads have also been run in Tasmania and are having a great impact in both areas. After the general public have seen the ads, polling has found:

    7% in the Darling Downs and 11% in Tasmania of all those polled said they had changed their position on abortion. In the 16-24 year old age group, 22% in the Darling Downs and 25% in Tasmania have said they had changed their minds on abortion. Some of the women polled said they had continued their pregnancies and birthed their babies due to seeing the Emilys Voice ads.

    The goal is to run the ads nationally with the next campaign to be on the Sunshine Coast and in Bundaberg, as well as in Western Australia. These ads are changing hearts and minds and, as the tagline on their ad website (www.notbornyet.com) states, are helping Australians fall in love with the unborn.

    Teresa Streckfuss - Why carry a dying child?Teresa Streckfuss is married and lives in Melbourne with her husband and their lovely children. Teresa was first exposed to anencephaly in 1996 when her sister and husband had baby Thomas Walter born with that condition. Sadly he lived for only 17 hours. Anencephaly occurs approximately once in 1000 births. The condition is due to the head of the neural tube not closing properly. This causes the top of the skull, higher brain and scalp to not form properly. Taking folic acid supplements (costing around $5 for a 3 month supply) both before and during pregnancy can help prevent this problem in many, though not all, situations.

    Teresa and her husband had two children (3 years old and 19 months old) when baby Benedict was born with anencephaly. Abortion was suggested by the medical professionals but totally rejected by the Streckfusses. Teresa said that they had 2-3 weeks of deep grief after the diagnosis. She stressed the point that that is the

    time when people make choices that they are not in a clear mental state to make. The feelings of fear, confusion and grief ease somewhat after this time and one is better able to think clearly, she said.

    Teresa found that the medical staff were very helpful but only AFTER the Streckfusses had made it clear they wouldnt abort their baby. Baby Benedict was born via C-section and lived for 24 hrs and 13 minutes. He was baptised and confirmed during that time. Teresa stated, Benedict spent his whole life in the arms of people who loved him. After baby Benedict, they had another baby born healthy then found themselves unexpectedly pregnant again. Teresa had some concerns as she had not been taking folic acid regularly. Sadly, an ultrasound later in the pregnancy showed this baby too, had anencephaly. The radiographer, assuming that they would abort stated, Unfortunately we cant diagnose this earlier implying that if they could, it would have given the Streckfusses the opportunity to abort!

    Baby Charlotte, born three years after Benedict, was also immediately baptised and confirmed. To their joy, baby Charlotte lived for six whole days. During that time she tracked light with her eyes, and startled at noise and camera flashes. She showed she was hungry by swallowing expressed breast milk squeezed into her mouth. They were blessed to be able to take Charlotte home for what was, sadly, to be her final night. Like Benedict, Charlotte too spent her entire life being surrounded by people who loved her.

    Teresa found that many in the medical profession she dealt with couldnt understand why she would carry a dying child. While still pregnant with Charlotte, she penned an open letter* to the medical professionals explaining why. A copy of the letter found its way to the Herald Sun newspaper and they published it. Teresa and her husband have no regrets about carrying their dying babies to term and know their lives are enriched for having loved Benedict and Charlotte. Their story also features in Melinda Tankard Reists book Defiant Birth which is available from CLQ $35 plus p&h.

    Bobby Schindler Where theres Life, theres Hope In the United States, it is a crime to starve dogs to death, but we do it to humans. How did we get to this point? asked Bobby, founder of the Life & Hope Network in the US. He stated Wesley J Smith, a well-known opponent of euthanasia, has written about German doctors killing mentally and physically imperfect people, and that this is happening in many places around the world today. At that time, Dutch doctors were not allowing it to happen in the Netherlands, but this has changed with most doctors embracing it with 60% saying they had intentionally fatally injected a patient. Only 14% said they could not conceive of it. 40% said they hadnt but would if they had to. Bobby quoted Smith, Once killing is accepted as the answer to human difficulty and suffering, logic dictates there is no end.The right to die movement has targeted feeding tubes, defining them as medical treatment instead of

    human care, Bobby said. Daniel Calahan, an ethicist, was behind the push for this change as in Calahans words, it is the only effective way that biologically tenacious patients would die. Others have started to agree with him and are now even targeting those who dont need a feeding tube, but just need help to feed themselves!, Bobby said, In Canada a family petitioned a nursing home to starve their mother to death. Luckily in this case the court denied it.

    We now have the situation where a person can be classified as a human non-person meaning they are human but not a person! This classification includes all embryos, foetuses, infants, those with Alzheimers or cognitive problems, or those who are incapacitated. Intelligent animals are now considered persons and these animal persons have more value than human non-persons! Bobby said.

    The Life & Hope Network (www.terrisfight.org) Bobby founded in America is set up to help families fight for good care for their relatives who have an acquired brain injury. They are currently raising money for a purpose-built facility to care for those who need ongoing expert medical help.

    Bobby Schindler Terri Schiavo: My Sister, Her LifeBobby Schindler is the brother of Terri Schiavo who was starved and dehydrated to death in Florida, USA. Bobby now lives in Cincinatti, Ohio, with his wife Kristina and nine children. He is the founder of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network in America which was born from that situation. Bobby spoke twice at the conference - the first time about his sister and what led to her death, and the second time on the Life & Hope Network.

    My sister Terri Schiavo was NOT dying, nor hooked up to machines, stated Bobby. He explained that Terri was a shy girl who loved animals, was loyal and had a good sense of humour. He recounted how Terri

    married Michael Schiavo within a year of meeting him. In 1991, just a few years into the marriage, Terri collapsed in the middle of the night at home. No one seems to know what caused the collapse, nor why it took Schiavo quite some time to call Terris father which he did first, before calling the paramedics!

    For the first few weeks after the collapse, Terri was on a ventilator but was taken off within a few weeks as she improved. Terri was NOT in a coma, Bobby stressed, though she had an acquired brain injury as she had been without oxygen for several minutes. All Terri needed was food and water, not life support. Schiavo was her legal guardian and 100% responsible for her care. He initially allowed Terri to have therapy and rehab and she was starting to regain her ability to speak. Schiavo wanted $20 million for her ongoing care and in 1992, Terri was awarded $1.5m and he was awarded $600,000. It was at this point that Schiavo discontinued therapy and told us, the Schindler family, that we would not have any say in her ongoing care, Bobby said.

    Horrifyingly, in 1993 Schiavo went on a mission to end Terris life, starting with refusing antibiotics for a routine infection Terri had acquired. All the while he was living with another woman who, during this time, he had two children with. In 1998, he petitioned the state of Florida to remove Terris feeding tube and water. We, her family, were stunned. Naively we didnt think there was a judge in the land who would rule in his favour, Bobby said. However they soon found that they were wrong. So even though there was a huge conflict of interest (Schiavo living with another woman and standing to receive the trust money when Terri died), the court granted Schiavos request.Though there was no evidence to back it up, Schiavo had told the court that Terri had once told him that she didnt want to live this way. With some of the doctors on Schiavos side saying Terri had no quality of life, all therapy was stopped in 1992. With brain injury, if rehab is stopped, there is a quick backslide in a brain-injured persons condition, Bobby said.

    For five years we fought to save Terris life, Bobby said, stating Pope John Paul II had become involved to help, as had then President George W Bush, along with other high profile people including Jeb Bush (brother of the president) then Governor of Florida, and Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life. Sadly they had no support from the local bishop Robert Lynch.

    To visit Terri, we had to go through three checkpoints of police, there were even police on the roof as well as armed police in her room. We were told that if we even applied lipgloss on her lips, we would be arrested, Bobby said.On 18 March 2005, her feeding tube was removed and after 2 weeks without food or water, Terri died on 31 March 2005. Watching Terri die by this most barbaric and inhumane way possible was haunting. Terri looked terrible as her body was dehydrating. She endured horrendous suffering, Bobby said.

    On the tenth anniversary of Terris death, Bobby had a picture image created from his memory of what Terri had looked like (as they were not allowed to take photographs) at her death. Those fighting for her to die said it was a peaceful death - the image shows anything but! You must remember that we are talking here about killing people who are NOT dying, who are relatively healthy but need a feeding tube to feed and hydrate them. They may have difficulty swallowing but need nothing else to live, he said. Bobby ended his talk by showing a video of Terri and their family growing up with the background music of the song You are so beautiful to me by singer Joe Cocker. Bobby has written a book, Terri Schiavo: A Life That Matters, detailing what happened to Terri. The book is available from CLQ - $25 plus p&h.

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 2Cherish Life Newsletter Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 3 Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 4Cherish Life Newsletter

    *See p1

    L to R: Carol OConnell (president Atherton Tablelands branch),

    Barry Kirby (president Bundaberg branch), Margaret Smith (president Emerald branch), Michael Punshon

    (president Townsville branch), Julie Borger (president Redcliffe/

    Northern Suburbs branch), Dr Donna Purcell (president

    Toowoomba branch), Teresa Martin (State President), Wendy Cumming

    (representing Mackay branch), Fiona Hunter (vice-president Gold

    Coast branch), Noelle Melrose (president Rockhampton branch

    Noelle did a great job as MC at the Conference). Representatives

    from Cairns, Gladstone, Gympie, Nambour and Warwick were

    unable to be there on the day.

    Cherish Life Newsletter

    Cutting the cake celebrating 45 years of our pro-life organisation

  • Carolyn Mongan - All in the name of choiceCarolyn Mongan is a counsellor with Pregnancy Support in Canberra, ACT. The Australian Capital Territory was the first to legalise abortion and the rest of the other states in Australia are a court case away from the same happening there, Carolyn warned. She pointed out that in George Orwells book 1984 it shows how words are deliberately constructed for political purposes desired to impart a particular attitude in the people using them, and to influence those around them. This is where we are now in the public arena re abortion and euthanasia. It is important that we dont accidentally help the pro-abortion lobby by default by making a statement like No abortion on demand when we should be saying No to abortion, Carolyn said.

    Carolyn showed some beautiful pictures of babies saved from abortion when their mothers chose life after contacting Pregnancy Support. She also showed an ultrasound image that was particularly touching as it was

    of a baby whose mother had taken the first drug of the RU-486 abortion process before changing her mind. The ultrasound indicates the baby does not appear to have been harmed from the abortion drug, and though unborn at the time of the conference, seems to be doing well.

    FOOTNOTE: We have recently seen a photo of the still-pregnant mum proudly smiling and profiling her baby bump belly. Please continue to keep this young mum, her husband and their pre-born baby in your prayers.

    Dr Terry Kent - RU-486 can be reversed!Dr Terry Kent is a General Practitioner at Raceview with a special interest in NaPro Technology (NPT) and fertility care (www.fertilitycare.com.au). Dr Kent studied NPT at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. NaPro stands for Natural Procreative technology that works co-operatively with the bodys natural procreative cycles. It does not suppress the bodys reproductive system, but

    enhances its function. His topic was RU-486 can be reversed! and he explained how this could be done and has been done using NPT. Dr Kent broke down what would have been a complicated explanation about the functioning and harms of RU-486. He stated:

    In the RU-486 abortion pill regiment (used to abort babies up to 49 days or 7 weeks gestation), Mifepristone is given first - this shuts down the babys nutrition source. This is followed by Misoprostal which causes contractions to expel the unborn baby.

    Dr Matthew Harrison in the USA had the first known successful reversal of the abortion pill by using a regime of natural progesterone. In simple terms, natural progesterone supplementation stops the uterus from contracting and can help prevent miscarriages.

    89 successful reversals of the RU-486 abortion process have taken place where the mothers have only taken the first part of the drug regime - Mifepristone - with a 60% success rate of the babies being born perfectly fine. If the second abortion pill has been taken, there is a 4%-12% risk of abnormality.

    Dr Kent had a case a few months ago where he treated a young woman with natural progesterone after she had taken the first abortion drug. This halted the process and he was happy to state that this young womans pregnancy is progressing well.

    The website abortionpillreversal.com is very helpful in giving women information, and points them to medical professionals that can help reverse the effects of RU-486. Please tell everyone about it - you could save a life!FOOTNOTE: CLQ has it on reliable authority that at least 10 girls a week have been contacting at least one of the abortion businesses down south that had issued them these abortion pills, asking for help to stop the abortion drugs from working as they had changed their minds! The girls are fobbed off after being told it was too late or your baby will be deformed etc. Circulate this website - abortionpillreversal.com - to increase public awareness that RU-486 can be reversed.

    Paul Ninnes - REAL TalkPaul Ninnes is the Managing Director of Real Talk (www.realtalkaustralia.com). Real Talk (RT) gets real on the topics of sex, relationships and personal identity with the content of their presentations based on Christian values. Aimed and implemented for students in (mostly) high schools, they help young people be all they were created to be, encouraging them to reassess poor decisions in relation to sex. Paul openly explains to the students that In sexual intimacy our bodies have a language it means something. We are saying something significant with our bodies. This statement makes a deep impact on the students. The students are excited and encouraged when they are presented with the truth that their lives will flourish in the fullness of healthy relationships, said Paul.

    Young people are encouraged to see that their life is a gift and sacred, that we are all created in the image and likeness of God, and that they are set apart for a special purpose, Paul said, stating Many students have never heard this message in a compelling way.

    The RT team has grown from 2 to over 20 staff, as well as volunteers, in just four years. There is also a recently formed RT team in New Zealand. Pauls co-presenter is Kym Keady. Paul mentioned the beautiful explanation Kym gave her then very young daughter as to why she was here. She had told her, God looked down on the world and saw someone was missing and created you. Kyms reply applies to all of us.

    Paul ORourke - Our ads change heartsPaul is the CEO of Emilys Voice (www.emilysvoice.com), an organisation started in Toowoomba seven years ago. Two years later they started running life-friendly ads on local TV in the Toowoomba/Darling Downs area. The ads use real people telling their own life stories in 30 seconds. The aim of the ads is to influence culture to change the way people think so that they change the way they behave, Paul said. The ads have also been run in Tasmania and are having a great impact in both areas. After the general public have seen the ads, polling has found:

    7% in the Darling Downs and 11% in Tasmania of all those polled said they had changed their position on abortion. In the 16-24 year old age group, 22% in the Darling Downs and 25% in Tasmania have said they had changed their minds on abortion. Some of the women polled said they had continued their pregnancies and birthed their babies due to seeing the Emilys Voice ads.

    The goal is to run the ads nationally with the next campaign to be on the Sunshine Coast and in Bundaberg, as well as in Western Australia. These ads are changing hearts and minds and, as the tagline on their ad website (www.notbornyet.com) states, are helping Australians fall in love with the unborn.

    Teresa Streckfuss - Why carry a dying child?Teresa Streckfuss is married and lives in Melbourne with her husband and their lovely children. Teresa was first exposed to anencephaly in 1996 when her sister and husband had baby Thomas Walter born with that condition. Sadly he lived for only 17 hours. Anencephaly occurs approximately once in 1000 births. The condition is due to the head of the neural tube not closing properly. This causes the top of the skull, higher brain and scalp to not form properly. Taking folic acid supplements (costing around $5 for a 3 month supply) both before and during pregnancy can help prevent this problem in many, though not all, situations.

    Teresa and her husband had two children (3 years old and 19 months old) when baby Benedict was born with anencephaly. Abortion was suggested by the medical professionals but totally rejected by the Streckfusses. Teresa said that they had 2-3 weeks of deep grief after the diagnosis. She stressed the point that that is the

    time when people make choices that they are not in a clear mental state to make. The feelings of fear, confusion and grief ease somewhat after this time and one is better able to think clearly, she said.

    Teresa found that the medical staff were very helpful but only AFTER the Streckfusses had made it clear they wouldnt abort their baby. Baby Benedict was born via C-section and lived for 24 hrs and 13 minutes. He was baptised and confirmed during that time. Teresa stated, Benedict spent his whole life in the arms of people who loved him. After baby Benedict, they had another baby born healthy then found themselves unexpectedly pregnant again. Teresa had some concerns as she had not been taking folic acid regularly. Sadly, an ultrasound later in the pregnancy showed this baby too, had anencephaly. The radiographer, assuming that they would abort stated, Unfortunately we cant diagnose this earlier implying that if they could, it would have given the Streckfusses the opportunity to abort!

    Baby Charlotte, born three years after Benedict, was also immediately baptised and confirmed. To their joy, baby Charlotte lived for six whole days. During that time she tracked light with her eyes, and startled at noise and camera flashes. She showed she was hungry by swallowing expressed breast milk squeezed into her mouth. They were blessed to be able to take Charlotte home for what was, sadly, to be her final night. Like Benedict, Charlotte too spent her entire life being surrounded by people who loved her.

    Teresa found that many in the medical profession she dealt with couldnt understand why she would carry a dying child. While still pregnant with Charlotte, she penned an open letter* to the medical professionals explaining why. A copy of the letter found its way to the Herald Sun newspaper and they published it. Teresa and her husband have no regrets about carrying their dying babies to term and know their lives are enriched for having loved Benedict and Charlotte. Their story also features in Melinda Tankard Reists book Defiant Birth which is available from CLQ $35 plus p&h.

    Bobby Schindler Where theres Life, theres Hope In the United States, it is a crime to starve dogs to death, but we do it to humans. How did we get to this point? asked Bobby, founder of the Life & Hope Network in the US. He stated Wesley J Smith, a well-known opponent of euthanasia, has written about German doctors killing mentally and physically imperfect people, and that this is happening in many places around the world today. At that time, Dutch doctors were not allowing it to happen in the Netherlands, but this has changed with most doctors embracing it with 60% saying they had intentionally fatally injected a patient. Only 14% said they could not conceive of it. 40% said they hadnt but would if they had to. Bobby quoted Smith, Once killing is accepted as the answer to human difficulty and suffering, logic dictates there is no end.The right to die movement has targeted feeding tubes, defining them as medical treatment instead of

    human care, Bobby said. Daniel Calahan, an ethicist, was behind the push for this change as in Calahans words, it is the only effective way that biologically tenacious patients would die. Others have started to agree with him and are now even targeting those who dont need a feeding tube, but just need help to feed themselves!, Bobby said, In Canada a family petitioned a nursing home to starve their mother to death. Luckily in this case the court denied it.

    We now have the situation where a person can be classified as a human non-person meaning they are human but not a person! This classification includes all embryos, foetuses, infants, those with Alzheimers or cognitive problems, or those who are incapacitated. Intelligent animals are now considered persons and these animal persons have more value than human non-persons! Bobby said.

    The Life & Hope Network (www.terrisfight.org) Bobby founded in America is set up to help families fight for good care for their relatives who have an acquired brain injury. They are currently raising money for a purpose-built facility to care for those who need ongoing expert medical help.

    Bobby Schindler Terri Schiavo: My Sister, Her LifeBobby Schindler is the brother of Terri Schiavo who was starved and dehydrated to death in Florida, USA. Bobby now lives in Cincinatti, Ohio, with his wife Kristina and nine children. He is the founder of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network in America which was born from that situation. Bobby spoke twice at the conference - the first time about his sister and what led to her death, and the second time on the Life & Hope Network.

    My sister Terri Schiavo was NOT dying, nor hooked up to machines, stated Bobby. He explained that Terri was a shy girl who loved animals, was loyal and had a good sense of humour. He recounted how Terri

    married Michael Schiavo within a year of meeting him. In 1991, just a few years into the marriage, Terri collapsed in the middle of the night at home. No one seems to know what caused the collapse, nor why it took Schiavo quite some time to call Terris father which he did first, before calling the paramedics!

    For the first few weeks after the collapse, Terri was on a ventilator but was taken off within a few weeks as she improved. Terri was NOT in a coma, Bobby stressed, though she had an acquired brain injury as she had been without oxygen for several minutes. All Terri needed was food and water, not life support. Schiavo was her legal guardian and 100% responsible for her care. He initially allowed Terri to have therapy and rehab and she was starting to regain her ability to speak. Schiavo wanted $20 million for her ongoing care and in 1992, Terri was awarded $1.5m and he was awarded $600,000. It was at this point that Schiavo discontinued therapy and told us, the Schindler family, that we would not have any say in her ongoing care, Bobby said.

    Horrifyingly, in 1993 Schiavo went on a mission to end Terris life, starting with refusing antibiotics for a routine infection Terri had acquired. All the while he was living with another woman who, during this time, he had two children with. In 1998, he petitioned the state of Florida to remove Terris feeding tube and water. We, her family, were stunned. Naively we didnt think there was a judge in the land who would rule in his favour, Bobby said. However they soon found that they were wrong. So even though there was a huge conflict of interest (Schiavo living with another woman and standing to receive the trust money when Terri died), the court granted Schiavos request.Though there was no evidence to back it up, Schiavo had told the court that Terri had once told him that she didnt want to live this way. With some of the doctors on Schiavos side saying Terri had no quality of life, all therapy was stopped in 1992. With brain injury, if rehab is stopped, there is a quick backslide in a brain-injured persons condition, Bobby said.

    For five years we fought to save Terris life, Bobby said, stating Pope John Paul II had become involved to help, as had then President George W Bush, along with other high profile people including Jeb Bush (brother of the president) then Governor of Florida, and Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life. Sadly they had no support from the local bishop Robert Lynch.

    To visit Terri, we had to go through three checkpoints of police, there were even police on the roof as well as armed police in her room. We were told that if we even applied lipgloss on her lips, we would be arrested, Bobby said.On 18 March 2005, her feeding tube was removed and after 2 weeks without food or water, Terri died on 31 March 2005. Watching Terri die by this most barbaric and inhumane way possible was haunting. Terri looked terrible as her body was dehydrating. She endured horrendous suffering, Bobby said.

    On the tenth anniversary of Terris death, Bobby had a picture image created from his memory of what Terri had looked like (as they were not allowed to take photographs) at her death. Those fighting for her to die said it was a peaceful death - the image shows anything but! You must remember that we are talking here about killing people who are NOT dying, who are relatively healthy but need a feeding tube to feed and hydrate them. They may have difficulty swallowing but need nothing else to live, he said. Bobby ended his talk by showing a video of Terri and their family growing up with the background music of the song You are so beautiful to me by singer Joe Cocker. Bobby has written a book, Terri Schiavo: A Life That Matters, detailing what happened to Terri. The book is available from CLQ - $25 plus p&h.

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 2Cherish Life Newsletter Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 3 Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 4Cherish Life Newsletter

    *See p1

    L to R: Carol OConnell (president Atherton Tablelands branch),

    Barry Kirby (president Bundaberg branch), Margaret Smith (president Emerald branch), Michael Punshon

    (president Townsville branch), Julie Borger (president Redcliffe/

    Northern Suburbs branch), Dr Donna Purcell (president

    Toowoomba branch), Teresa Martin (State President), Wendy Cumming

    (representing Mackay branch), Fiona Hunter (vice-president Gold

    Coast branch), Noelle Melrose (president Rockhampton branch

    Noelle did a great job as MC at the Conference). Representatives

    from Cairns, Gladstone, Gympie, Nambour and Warwick were

    unable to be there on the day.

    Cherish Life Newsletter

    Cutting the cake celebrating 45 years of our pro-life organisation

  • Many of you may have wondered, Whats the point?... or perhaps pitied us for having to continue carrying a child who is not going to live for long... I understand these thoughts, because when my sister was carrying Thomas Walter (who had been diagnosed with anencephaly at 18 weeks and lived for 17 hours after birth) I really didnt properly comprehend the whole situation. I knew it was the right thing to do. I didnt question that I would have no other option if the same thing ever happened to me (although I knew it never would!) But I thought how awful it was to know for over four months that the child you are carrying is unable to live outside your womb.

    Once he was born, I was able to hold my nephew and see him finally as a real person - a precious unique creation - I began to realise that there was a lot more to it than mere ethics. When, much to my disbelief, my own baby, Benedict, was diagnosed with this same condition four years later - I was finally able to grasp it, although it has taken me a long time to be able to put my thoughts into words. It is only since Charlottes diagnosis that I have found words that almost convey my feelings.

    Some people think we carried Benedict and Charlotte to term because we dont agree with abortion, because we are Catholic, or perhaps because our nephew was carried to term after a fatal diagnosis. While these factors probably all played a part in our immediate refusal of the option to terminate, this is not what its all about! Its about love! Its about my baby! Its not about some tragic, fatal medical condition - its about my child. We do not possess more strength than other people. Its not because we can cope where others wouldnt. There is no way to avoid the sad fact that she cannot live long after birth with this condition, but causing Charlotte to die earlier will not stop this happening. Causing her to die earlier will only take from us the beautiful experience of knowing and loving her.

    The tragedy is not the fact that we know our baby will die. The tragedy is that our baby will die. It is not nice to know for months beforehand, but it gives us a chance to appreciate a life so brief, and not to miss a moment.

    The value of Thomas Walter, Benedict and Charlotte cannot be measured by the length of their lives - we dont apply this yardstick to adults, so why should we to babies? A baby is not a possession, an accessory to acquire. A baby is a gift, a new entity, a precious, individual soul loved by God. We are created for a purpose, there is a reason for our being here. Even if that reason is unclear to us most of the time, we are constantly affecting other people in our families, communities etc. Who knows what purpose can be fulfilled in 9 months and one day? I dont know, but God does. I do know that Benedict left a lasting impression on our family, he made us slow down, savour life, and treasure our other children even more. He made us realise that we cannot control or predict what will happen in the future, he made us rely on God. And how often are we given the opportunity to really give another person true unconditional love? Love that truly expects no return? It is a blessing to experience that kind of pure love!

    So dont pity us for carrying a child we know will die. Carrying this beautiful person is an honour. Grieve for the fact that our baby will die. We wouldnt wish away the time we had with Benedict, and also this time we are now experiencing with Charlotte, just to save us the pain of losing them. Ive always thought of it like this; if your 3 year old was diagnosed with untreatable, fatal cancer and had only 4 months to live; would you prefer the doctor kill your child straight away so that you didnt have to wait for his/her impending death? Or would you prefer to spend as much time as you could with your child and love him/her for as long as you had left?

    Someone asked us after Benedict died, Was it worth it? Oh, YES! For the chance to hold him, and see him, and love him before letting him go ... For the chance for our children to see that we would never stop loving them, regardless of their imperfections? For the chance to give him everything we could? Oh, YES! Love your children, and remember that they each have their own unique mission. Children are always and only a blessing from God - even if they dont stay very long...

    (Read full story on p3.)

    Direct DepositsBSB: 034 061

    Account: 25-2709Cherish Life Queensland

    Bank: Westpac, ToowongABN: 44 470 248 746

    (previously Queensland Right to Life)

    Head Office

    Suite 5, Benson House2 Benson Street(PO Box 1382)TOOWONG DC Q 4066

    P: (07) 3871 2445F: (07) 3720 [email protected]

    Follow us:www.facebook.com/cherishlifeqldwww.twitter.com/cherishlifeqld

    Atherton Tablelands Carol OConnell Ph: 4095 [email protected]

    Bundaberg Barry KirbyPh: 4151 [email protected]

    CairnsDr Tim CoylePh: 4054 [email protected]

    Emerald Margaret Smith Ph: 4987 [email protected]

    Gladstone Colina Knol Ph: 0422 111 [email protected]

    Gold CoastJade ReadPh: 0423 372 [email protected]

    GympieRoss DaviesPh: 5482 [email protected]

    Mackay Dr Graeme [email protected]

    Nambour & Sunshine Coast Jacinta PurcellPh: 0437 868 [email protected]

    Redcliffe & Northern SuburbsJulie BorgerPh: 3284 7743 [email protected]

    Rockhampton Noelle MelrosePh: 4928 [email protected]

    Toowoomba Dr Donna Purcell Ph: 4633 1447 [email protected]

    TownsvilleMary Lambert (Secretary)Ph: 4779 [email protected]

    WarwickMaritta HutleyPh: 0439 003 [email protected]

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 1Cherish Life Newsletter

    Why Carry A Dying Child?A Mothers Perspective By Teresa Streckfuss

    Upcoming Events

    Cherish Life Branches

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 6Cherish Life NewsletterVolume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 5Cherish Life Newsletter

    Tokens, jars, and burgers. Oh my!!!During May, Cherish Life Queensland received an email from the burger chain, Grilld, inviting us to write a few words to go on one of their Local Matters jars in the Toowong store. The email stated that three community businesses were chosen each month, and if diners placed the token they were given when buying a burger in our jar, and CLQ had the most tokens, $300 would be donated to us, or if a lesser amount of tokens, we would receive a $100 donation. CLQ was chosen for the month of June and our tag placed on one of the three jars in their store.

    On the afternoon of Wednesday 10 June, we were alerted that Simon Crowe, the owner of the burger chain, was speaking on ABC radio and stated that the jar with our tag on it had been removed from the Toowong store, as, in his words, his chain of stores is pro-choice. He further went on to state that Everyone has a right to have their opinion, but in this instance our opinion is about pro-choice. Yes, you read that right! Seems he cant be much clearer than that choice is only choice when it means abortion.

    Though he used the word pro-choice that is merely a euphemism - if it wasnt, he would have been happy for an organisation with a life-for-the-baby-and-real-love-care-and-support-for-the-mother option to be represented. At least half of his staff and half his customers would not agree with his pro-abortion stance. Mr Crowe has taken it upon himself to speak for all of his staff and all his customers!

    ACTION REQUIRED: We are encouraging everyone to write to Mr Crowe and let him know that he does not speak for you when he states his burger chain is pro-choice, and express your dissatisfaction re the censorship of the situation. The irony is, it was Mr Crowes own head office that approved our tag in the first place! We also encourage you to dine elsewhere and then post in your receipts to him to show him how much money his chain of stores is losing due to his pro-abortion statement and censorship.

    The address is:

    Happily, due to all the publicity, we have had donations that total 20-fold the minimum amount we could have won. They have come from as far away as Western Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, and as far north as Townsville. We have also had a number of people contacting us to volunteer their services for our organisation. So this small cloud of censorship has certainly had a large silver lining.

    As one of our Facebook friends has stated, It never ceases to amaze me that a business that relies on customers walking through the front door would advocate the killing of its future customers.

    The Sanctity of Life Sunday Sunday 11 October See enclosed flyer for details of bookmarks and flyers available for purchase to support

    Sanctity of Life Sunday in your churches.

    Cherish Life Annual Dinner Thursday 8 October Details closer to event. Venue: Indooroopilly Golf Club, Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly.

    Note: This event is being held in October this year.

    envelopeSimon Crowe

    Level 2, 4-10 Amsterdam St Richmond VIC 3121

    or email him on:www.grilld.com.au/say-hi/

    A visitor to the Cherish Life stand at the Pregnancy, Babies,

    Children Expo held 19-21 June in Brisbane

    being served by our

    wonderful volunteer, Rebecca.

    Sunday 11 October is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Please order your bookmarks or bulletin flyer for your church asap available until stocks run out. See enclosed flyer ordering form for details.

    L to R: State President Teresa Martin, Bobby Schindl

    er and wife Kristina.

    CLQ Toowoomba branchs stand at the Toowoomba

    Show with branch member Maria Lossberg assisting

    two interested visitors.

    Bobby and Kristina

    Schindler enjoying




    Equal Value bookmark:front

    Equal Value bookmark:back

    Prayer for Reverence for Life bookmark:front and back

    Cherish Life bookmark: front and back

  • Many of you may have wondered, Whats the point?... or perhaps pitied us for having to continue carrying a child who is not going to live for long... I understand these thoughts, because when my sister was carrying Thomas Walter (who had been diagnosed with anencephaly at 18 weeks and lived for 17 hours after birth) I really didnt properly comprehend the whole situation. I knew it was the right thing to do. I didnt question that I would have no other option if the same thing ever happened to me (although I knew it never would!) But I thought how awful it was to know for over four months that the child you are carrying is unable to live outside your womb.

    Once he was born, I was able to hold my nephew and see him finally as a real person - a precious unique creation - I began to realise that there was a lot more to it than mere ethics. When, much to my disbelief, my own baby, Benedict, was diagnosed with this same condition four years later - I was finally able to grasp it, although it has taken me a long time to be able to put my thoughts into words. It is only since Charlottes diagnosis that I have found words that almost convey my feelings.

    Some people think we carried Benedict and Charlotte to term because we dont agree with abortion, because we are Catholic, or perhaps because our nephew was carried to term after a fatal diagnosis. While these factors probably all played a part in our immediate refusal of the option to terminate, this is not what its all about! Its about love! Its about my baby! Its not about some tragic, fatal medical condition - its about my child. We do not possess more strength than other people. Its not because we can cope where others wouldnt. There is no way to avoid the sad fact that she cannot live long after birth with this condition, but causing Charlotte to die earlier will not stop this happening. Causing her to die earlier will only take from us the beautiful experience of knowing and loving her.

    The tragedy is not the fact that we know our baby will die. The tragedy is that our baby will die. It is not nice to know for months beforehand, but it gives us a chance to appreciate a life so brief, and not to miss a moment.

    The value of Thomas Walter, Benedict and Charlotte cannot be measured by the length of their lives - we dont apply this yardstick to adults, so why should we to babies? A baby is not a possession, an accessory to acquire. A baby is a gift, a new entity, a precious, individual soul loved by God. We are created for a purpose, there is a reason for our being here. Even if that reason is unclear to us most of the time, we are constantly affecting other people in our families, communities etc. Who knows what purpose can be fulfilled in 9 months and one day? I dont know, but God does. I do know that Benedict left a lasting impression on our family, he made us slow down, savour life, and treasure our other children even more. He made us realise that we cannot control or predict what will happen in the future, he made us rely on God. And how often are we given the opportunity to really give another person true unconditional love? Love that truly expects no return? It is a blessing to experience that kind of pure love!

    So dont pity us for carrying a child we know will die. Carrying this beautiful person is an honour. Grieve for the fact that our baby will die. We wouldnt wish away the time we had with Benedict, and also this time we are now experiencing with Charlotte, just to save us the pain of losing them. Ive always thought of it like this; if your 3 year old was diagnosed with untreatable, fatal cancer and had only 4 months to live; would you prefer the doctor kill your child straight away so that you didnt have to wait for his/her impending death? Or would you prefer to spend as much time as you could with your child and love him/her for as long as you had left?

    Someone asked us after Benedict died, Was it worth it? Oh, YES! For the chance to hold him, and see him, and love him before letting him go ... For the chance for our children to see that we would never stop loving them, regardless of their imperfections? For the chance to give him everything we could? Oh, YES! Love your children, and remember that they each have their own unique mission. Children are always and only a blessing from God - even if they dont stay very long...

    (Read full story on p3.)

    Direct DepositsBSB: 034 061

    Account: 25-2709Cherish Life Queensland

    Bank: Westpac, ToowongABN: 44 470 248 746

    (previously Queensland Right to Life)

    Head Office

    Suite 5, Benson House2 Benson Street(PO Box 1382)TOOWONG DC Q 4066

    P: (07) 3871 2445F: (07) 3720 [email protected]

    Follow us:www.facebook.com/cherishlifeqldwww.twitter.com/cherishlifeqld

    Atherton Tablelands Carol OConnell Ph: 4095 [email protected]

    Bundaberg Barry KirbyPh: 4151 [email protected]

    CairnsDr Tim CoylePh: 4054 [email protected]

    Emerald Margaret Smith Ph: 4987 [email protected]

    Gladstone Colina Knol Ph: 0422 111 [email protected]

    Gold CoastJade ReadPh: 0423 372 [email protected]

    GympieRoss DaviesPh: 5482 [email protected]

    Mackay Dr Graeme [email protected]

    Nambour & Sunshine Coast Jacinta PurcellPh: 0437 868 [email protected]

    Redcliffe & Northern SuburbsJulie BorgerPh: 3284 7743 [email protected]

    Rockhampton Noelle MelrosePh: 4928 [email protected]

    Toowoomba Dr Donna Purcell Ph: 4633 1447 [email protected]

    TownsvilleMary Lambert (Secretary)Ph: 4779 [email protected]

    WarwickMaritta HutleyPh: 0439 003 [email protected]

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 1Cherish Life Newsletter

    Why Carry A Dying Child?A Mothers Perspective By Teresa Streckfuss

    Upcoming Events

    Cherish Life Branches

    Volume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 6Cherish Life NewsletterVolume 43 Issue 2 June 2015 Page 5Cherish Life Newsletter

    Tokens, jars, and burgers. Oh my!!!During May, Cherish Life Queensland received an email from the burger chain, Grilld, inviting us to write a few words to go on one of their Local Matters jars in the Toowong store. The email stated that three community businesses were chosen each month, and if diners placed the token they were given when buying a burger in our jar, and CLQ had the most tokens, $300 would be donated to us, or if a lesser amount of tokens, we would receive a $100 donation. CLQ was chosen for the month of June and our tag placed on one of the three jars in their store.

    On the afternoon of Wednesday 10 June, we were alerted that Simon Crowe, the owner of the burger chain, was speaking on ABC radio and stated that the jar with our tag on it had been removed from the Toowong store, as, in his words, his chain of stores is pro-choice. He further went on to state that Everyone has a right to have their opinion, but in this instance our opinion is about pro-choice. Yes, you read that right! Seems he cant be much clearer than that choice is only choice when it means abortion.

    Though he used the word pro-choice that is merely a euphemism - if it wasnt, he would have been happy for an organisation with a life-for-the-baby-and-real-love-care-and-support-for-the-mother option to be represented. At least half of his staff and half his customers would not agree with his pro-abortion stance. Mr Crowe has taken it upon himself to speak for all of his staff and all his customers!

    ACTION REQUIRED: We are encouraging everyone to write to Mr Crowe and let him know that he does not speak for you when he states his burger chain is pro-choice, and express your dissatisfaction re the censorship of the situation. The irony is, it was Mr Crowes own head office that approved our tag in the first place! We also encourage you to dine elsewhere and then post in your receipts to him to show him how much money his chain of stores is losing due to his pro-abortion statement and censorship.

    The address is:

    Happily, due to all the publicity, we have had donations that total 20-fold the minimum amount we could have won. They have come from as far away as Western Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, and as far north as Townsville. We have also had a number of people contacting us to volunteer their services for our organisation. So this small cloud of censorship has certainly had a large silver lining.

    As one of our Facebook friends has stated, It never ceases to amaze me that a business that relies on customers walking through the front door would advocate the killing of its future customers.

    The Sanctity of Life Sunday Sunday 11 October See enclosed flyer for details of bookmarks and flyers available for purchase to support

    Sanctity of Life Sunday in your churches.

    Cherish Life Annual Dinner Thursday 8 October Details closer to event. Venue: Indooroopilly Golf Club, Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly.

    Note: This event is being held in October this year.

    envelopeSimon Crowe

    Level 2, 4-10 Amsterdam St Richmond VIC 3121

    or email him on:www.grilld.com.au/say-hi/

    A visitor to the Cherish Life stand at the Pregnancy, Babies,

    Children Expo held 19-21 June in Brisbane

    being served by our

    wonderful volunteer, Rebecca.

    Sunday 11 October is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Please order your bookmarks or bulletin flyer for your church asap available until stocks run out. See enclosed flyer ordering form for details.

    L to R: State President Teresa Martin, Bobby Schindl

    er and wife Kristina.

    CLQ Toowoomba branchs stand at the Toowoomba

    Show with branch member Maria Lossberg assisting

    two interested visitors.

    Bobby and Kristina

    Schindler enjoying




    Equal Value bookmark:front

    Equal Value bookmark:back

    Prayer for Reverence for Life bookmark:front and back

    Cherish Life bookmark: front and back