kiefit_journal_2008_12 stay well this winter!


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Stay well this Winter! I am very glad to introduce you to my actual December 2008 issue of KieFit Journal. “Happy and Healthy Life in Winter” inspires you for maintaining and upgrading your fitness. Start reading, now!


Page 1: kiefit_journal_2008_12 Stay well this Winter!

KieFit Journal

W I N T E R W O R K O U T 7 B E T T E R T I P S F O R W I N T E R E X E R C I S E S

3 S U R F I R E W A Y S K E E P W E I G H T O F F D U R I N G C H R I S T M A S

C O L D W E A T H E R : R U N N I N G S A F E T Y T I P S

D I E T T R E N D S 2 0 0 9 !

December 2008

Page 2: kiefit_journal_2008_12 Stay well this Winter!

Hello Fitness Fans! I am very glad to introduce you to my actual December 2008 issue of KieFit Journal. “Happy and Healthy Life in Winter” inspires you for maintaining and upgrading your fitness. Start reading, now! Start reading now and get inspired from KieFit Journal for a Happy and Healthy Life in Winter Season! Go Fit and Healthy Through Winter Season! This is our KieFit Journal motto for this December edition in 2008. Learn about the winter athletes nutrition (Page 4) and effec-tive diet trends in 2009 (Page 6). What do you know about alternative medicine? On Page 7 you can read how Home-opathy works and when you should use it to support your health. Stay fit through the whole winter. In KieFit Journal you will discover three most important information about your winter running plan. This KieFit Journal issue gives you seven efficient tips for your successful winter training (Page 10). Yours in healthy! Heidi

Send me your comments and ideas for further articles. Submit your article to Email: [email protected] and see it in the next issue of KieFit Journal. Use your article to generate additional free traffic to your website as well.

Closing date to submit your articles you wish to be published here on 25th of each month.








D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 8

H E A L T H Y A N D H A P P Y L I F E !

I S S U E :



N U T R I T I O N F O R W I N -T E R A T H L E T E S


3 S U R E F I R E W A Y S T O K E E P W E I G H T O F F D U R I N G C H R I S T M A S


D I E T T R E N D S - T H E D I E T S T O W A T C H O U T F O R I N 2 0 0 9


H O M E O P A T H Y - H O W I T W O R K S A N D W H Y Y O U S H O U L D B E U S I N G I T


Y O U R W I N T E R R U N -N I N G P L A N T R Y T H I S 3 - P O I N T P L A N O V E R T H E W I N -T E R M O N T H S A N D C O M E B A C K S T R O N G I N T H E S P R I N G


C O L D W E A T H E R R U N -N I N G S A F E T Y T I P S


7 B E T T E R T I P S F O R T H E W I N T E R E X E R C I -S E S

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A L P I N E S K I I N G - A T O T A L S P O R T

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K I E F I T . C O M I S S U E 1 3

A D V E R T I S E O P P O R T U N I T Y S —K I E F I T . C O M

1 4

C O N T A C T —K I E F I T . C O M

1 5

S E N D M E Y O U R C O M -M E N T S A N D I D E A S F O R F U R T H E R A R T I C L E S .

1 5

W H Y M O S T S K I W O R -K O U T P R O G R A M S D O N ' T S T R E N G T H E N Y O U R L E G S O R E N D U -R A N C E A N D I N V I T E I N J U R I E S


Stay well this Winter!


Schedules: Submit events sche-dules you know to be mentioned here in the next issue!

Submit your personal Fitness and Sport events you wish to be published here and invite Kiefit Journal readers to attend!

Page 3: kiefit_journal_2008_12 Stay well this Winter!

Winter brings snow and the fun snow sports, along with holidays such as Thanksgiv-ing, Christmas and Valen-tine's Day. But along with the fun comes the not so fun colds and flu. Probably the reason that the common cold is so named is because it is so common. Yet it is possible to survive the cold and flu season without coming down with a cold. One secret to doing this is building a strong immune system. One enemy of your immune system is lack of rest. You may even notice that when some stressful activity demands that you burn the midnight oil, you catch cold shortly thereafter. During periods of deep sleep, your body is busy re-plenishing its stock of white blood cells. And white blood cells are your body's infection fighters. So it is important to get a good night's sleep. And it doesn't heart to work in a little extra. Sleep late on Saturday or Sunday guilt free. You aren't lazy; you are saving time, energy, and money for medi-cal bills by strengthening your immune system. Take some extra time to germ proof your home. Open your windows and air out your house. Stale, heated air invites germs and provides an environment for them to thrive. Mix bleach with water and wipe down doorknobs, telephones, and remotes. And remember to sanitize toothbrushes. When toothbrushes are stored close together, in holders or

a glass, it is easy for germs to transfer from one to an-other. And toothbrushes are also subject to contamination from airborne germs. Run hot water over your brush after use or rinse it in perox-ide or mouthwash. Encourage family members to wash their hands more often. They definitely need to do this after using the rest-

room and before and after eating. Also, increase your intake of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps strengthen delicate nose and throat membranes, prevent-ing penetration by cold and flu germs. Vitamin E is also beneficial as it increases your immune system's ability to attack invading flu viruses. Exercise, even in small incre-ments, also helps power your immune system. This can be just a fifteen-minute walk in the morning, at lunch or after dinner. However, if you al-ready have a cold or the flu, suspend the exercise until you are feeling better. One of the most effective treatments for a cold is extra bed rest. Try to shop and do your er-rands at a time when the

crowds are thinner. Many cold and flu viruses are air-borne. In crowded stores you are exposed to other peo-ples' coughs and sneezes making it very easy to catch cold. And when you use restrooms in public buildings, don't throw away the paper towel you dry your hands with. Save it and use it to open the

door exiting the restroom. Also, in addition to your daily Java, treat yourself to a cup of Ginseng tea. Researchers have discovered that 100 mg of gin-seng taken every day can reduce your risk of catch-ing cold or coming down with the flu. If you don't care for the taste of the tea, try a supple-

ment. Ginseng is readily available in health food stores and nutrition centers. Employing these simple strategies can ensure that you have a healthy, happy, sniffle-free winter.

Raleigh Implant Dentistry Quality Raleigh Dentist Article Source:

Stay Well This Winter By Brenda Williams

3 S T A Y W E L L T H I S W I N T E R

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Athletes who participate in cold weather ac-tivities have a variety of special needs when it comes to performing at an optimal level while staying comfortable and safe as tem-peratures drop. But how you fuel your exercise in the cold can also help you perform your best and stay comfortable and safe. Proper nutrition can help regulate your core temperature, and keep your body warm while fueling your mus-cles. In the summer it's easy to sweat to regulate your temperature and remove ex-cess heat. In cold weather, you need this heat to stay warm. In the cold weather your body temperature normally drops. Your metabolism increases to warm and humidify the air you breathe and you tend to burn slightly more calories to stay warm. Breathing in cold, dry air forces your body to warm and humidify that air and with each exhala-tion, you lose significant amounts of wa-ter. Winter ath-letes need to consciously drink more fluids to replace the water that gets lost via respira-tion. Add this to a decreased desire to drink (the thirst mechanism is reduced in cold weather) and you can see why one of the biggest nutritional needs during winter exer-cise is replacing lost fluids and getting proper hydration. Dehydration is one of the main reasons for reduced performance in the cold. When it comes to eating during cold weather exercise, warm foods are ideal, but not very practical. The problem with cold foods and fluids is that they can chill the body. In sum-mer, this cooling effect is helpful during exer-cise, but in winter hot foods are the better choice.

Ideal foods are complex carbohydrates con-sumed 2 hours prior to exercise. Soups, chili, bread, bagels, pasta with tomato sauce baked potatoes, cereals, peanut butter, lean meat, and low-fat cheese are good choices. It's also important to eat continually to re-place carbohydrate stores that are being used for exercise and warming. If you don't replace this energy you will likely feel more fatigued and chilled. Children get hungrier more often and fatigue quicker. This is espe-cially important for children. Plan ahead and bring energy bars, chocolate bars, trail mix, bananas, sandwiches or something that you like and will eat. Recommendations for Cold Weather Nutri-tion

• Drink plenty of water • Eat a variety of high carbohydrates

foods • Plan to eat a small snack every 30-45

minutes (100-200 calories) • Eat warm or hot food when possible • Decrease caffeine consumption • Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol dilates the

blood vessels and increases heat loss. • And finally, it's important for winter

athletes to have an emergency food source with them. This is beyond what you plan to eat. Hide an extra energy bar somewhere just in case

Nutrition for Winter Athletes

By Elizabeth Quinn,

4 N U T R I T I O N F O R W I N T E R

“Winter athletes need to consciously drink more fluids to replace the water that gets lost via respiration. “

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5 K E E P W E I G H T

The holiday season is the season of weight gain. No matter how hard you try, you are sure to put on a few extra pounds after the holiday season is over. In fact, a lot of peo-ple gain weight during Christmas. And if you throw all caution to the winds and in-dulge yourself to your heart's content, then don't be surprised if the scales tilt too low after a few weeks!

Does that mean that you should be eating boring, low-calorie foods even during

Christmas? Of course not! There are ways to enjoy Christmas and still keep your weight in check. In this article I will tell you about just that.

1. Eat moderately and exercise self-control: Just because it is Christmas doesn't mean that you will let yourself loose and eat just about everything you could lay your hands on! If you are going to a party with the idea of eating everything offered there, I sug-gest you stay at home instead!

Don't think that you could lose all the extra weight quickly in January, because putting on weight is a lot easier than losing it! So it makes sense to exercise a bit of self-control when you hit a Christmas party. You should eat only those foods which you like the most and avoid everything else! The chance of weight gain is still there, but your body weight would still be un-der control!

2. Enjoy what you eat: A lot of us end up overeating more to derive comfort from foods rather than out of hunger! This prob-lem won't occur if you enjoy each and every bite you have! If you enjoy your

meals, you will feel satiated very quickly! Also try to be happy after you have finished your meal, as depression usually triggers hunger pangs. If you really want to have a taste of all the courses, you can have small portions of each course!

3. Exercise hard: Just because it is Christ-mas doesn't mean that you will sit back and relax on your couch the entire day. Working out a bit daily will surely not ruin your Christmas joys; if anything, those

workouts would help you stay fit.

Exercising doesn't mean hitting the gym everyday like mad; in fact, even a simple walking trip would do a lot good to your body. Remember that exercises will not only keep you fit and healthy, but also burn those extra calories that you would con-sume during the holiday season!

And try to get rid of the couch; I would say that nothing is more detrimental to your health than the fatal combo of couch and television!

Pick up your to-tally free report on losing weight for Christmas by visiting my weight loss website.

Article Source:

3 Surefire Ways to Keep Weight Off During Christmas

By Jan Staylek

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Diet Trends - The Diets to Watch Out For in 2009

By Simon Lovell

“Womans world said it produced 'Gold Star Results' and 'The Easiest Diet'. “

6 D I E T T R E N D S 2 0 0 9

As always, next year will see a plethora of diet books hitting the shelves all over the world, but which are the real gems to look out for? These are the diets that will surely be in the eyes for Oprah's viewers next year. Most Anticipated The Lunch Box Diet Release Date: January 5th 2009 From a bullied teen to a hot British per-sonal trainer, this eating plan comes from personal ex-perience and after a huge internet buzz surrounding his orignal 10 page ebook, the simple eat all day ap-proach with no calorie counting is set to be a winner with dieters looking for a fresh new approach that eradicates hunger pangs. The 224 page printed book is set to offer a 28 day plan as well as a wide selec-tion of tasty lunch box recipes. The media has already taken to the diet. In top fashion magazine Elle they rated it 5/5 stars saying 'the best diet I've ever done' and 'a way of life'. Womans world said it produced 'Gold Star Results' and 'The Easiest Diet'. You can pre-order The Lunch Box Diet book from

Most Sexy The Engine 2 Diet Release Date: 25th February 2009 When a Texas fire-fighter received a high cholesterol reading of 334, something had to be done to hose down the eating approach that these hard working men were putting onto their waistlines, and so The Engine 2 Diet was born. A strictly vegetarian approach, the diet will be a safe bet for anyone who wants to

reduce the risk of a heart attack with a plan and recipes included. This book has a great story behind it and with men in uniform; this one is set to be a winner with the ladies on many fronts! You can pre-order from and Most Unusual Your Big Fat Boy-friend Release Date: 1st January 2009 Ac-cording to re-search, a woman is very likely to put on weight when in a relationship. As the title of the book suggests, a woman's 'big fat boyfriend' is likely to be the cause of weight increase.

The book looks into the differences between male and female metabolisms and why it's important to know that you can't always eat the same as him. Plus there's set to be use-ful tips on how to get your man active, sensi-ble ideas, quizzes and more. Unusual yes, but Your Big Fat Boyfriend could be a good read while pushing across quite a sensible issue.

Copyright (c) 2008 SCL Health & Fitness For breakthrough expert weight loss tips visit Article Source:

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Homeopathy - How it Works and Why You Should Be Using It

By Sue Merriam

Seite 7 H O M E O P A T H Y

Homeopathy stimulates your own immune system to heal itself. While conventional medicine looks at symp-toms as bad - and tries to suppress them - this more natural approach sees your body's various reactions to disease as a positive force to expel an illness. Coughing clears phlegm from your lungs. Conventional medi-cine suppresses that cough, but ho-meopathy helps you produce a deeper, more productive cough for faster and complete healing. The History of Homeopathy This system of medicine was devel-oped in the late 1700s by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physi-cian who was frustrated with the then "orthodox" practice of bloodletting, giving mer-cury and arsenic and other popular practices that he thought did more harm than good. He had left medicine and supported his family by translat-ing medical texts. One day he read a claim that it was the bitter and astrin-gent qualities of Peruvian bark - which contains quinine - that cured malaria. Hahnemann didn't believe this and set out to prove the theory wrong. He made an even more bitter and astrin-gent mixture that did nothing to cure malaria. Then he decided to test the physiological effects of the bark on himself by taking small doses. Even-tually, his body reacted to the bark and he developed symptoms very similar to malaria. He began to won-der if the reason Peruvian bark cured malaria was because it caused even stronger malaria symptoms than the disease itself. A New and Safer Approach to Medi-cine He began to experiment on other natural substances and even poisons, taking them in small, regular doses and recording the effects they had on his body.

By making careful records of these symptoms, he was able to later use this documentation to treat illnesses with the same symptoms. Encouraged by these findings, Hah-nemann reopened his practice, this time using the new medicine he had discovered. But there were problems. The substances he used, particularly the poisons, had sometimes danger-ous side effects (sound familiar?). Then, purely by chance, he discov-ered that by diluting the substances in water, vigorously shaking the contain-ers that held them and then diluting them and shaking them again, the newly diluted substances caused

even stronger symptoms than the original substances, but without the harmful side effects. Now, he was onto something big. Eventually, he developed the three principles of homeopathy: Like cures like. In other words, if you have malaria, and a substance - like Peruvian bark - when taken in several doses causes those malaria symptoms, then you should take Peruvian bark, or quinine. The minimal dose. The smaller the amount of the original substance, the more powerfully it works. Instead of taking a teaspoon of Peruvian bark, take a diluted - and shaken - form of it instead. The single remedy. Hahnemann - and those who followed his works - carefully studied the ef-fects of each remedy on the human body. Many of the homeopathic phy-sicians did this by taking the reme-dies themselves and carefully re-cording the results. These findings were later gathered and printed in books that homeopaths now study to learn which remedies suit which symptoms a patient is experiencing.

Because each remedy fits a particular group of symptoms, only one remedy is given at a time. That way, the ho-meopathic physician can painstak-ingly find the right remedy for you. So what are the benefits of this medi-cine? Homeopathic medicine is incredibly effective and works fast - sometimes as soon as you put it in your mouth. Also, it's safe. Because it's diluted - not just once, but thirty times or more, there are no harmful side effects. It either works, or you've chosen the wrong remedy and it doesn't. Babies and pregnant women can take this wonderful medicine without worries.

Instead of squelching your immune system, homeopathic medicine works

with it. Plus, it's not addictive. As soon as you get better, you stop tak-ing it. Your body never becomes de-pendent upon homeopathic medicine the way it could on regular drugs. It's a holistic treatment, which means homeopathic medicine treats the whole body - your mind, your body and your emotions. Instead of target-ing a single symptom - the way con-ventional medicine would - homeo-paths look at the whole picture. So why isn't everyone using this mar-velous medicine? Because it's time consuming. A ho-meopath can't just spend ten minutes with you and find a cure. Instead, a good homeopathic physician will de-vote at least an hour with you on your first consultation, asking all sorts of questions and noting not just your symptoms, but your personality, likes and dislikes, even hair and skin color. All are crucial factors in finding the right remedy for you. Sue Merriam is author of the website, Organic Gardening and Homesteading.

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YOUR WINTER RUNNING PLAN Try this 3-point plan over the winter months and come back strong in the spring

By Ed Eyestone

Seite 8 Y O U R P L A N O V E R W I N T E R

Winter is one of my favorite times to run. I'll take the beauty of fresh tracks on new snow over slogging through heat and hu-midity any day. But not everyone agrees. During my first year as a college coach, I had a freshman who raced in the NCAA cross-country championships but then dis-appeared for the next six weeks. When he returned, I asked where the heck he'd been. "Coach," he said, "in high school I al-

ways took a few months off after cross-country." My exasperated reply was "This ain't high school!" Needless to say, this freshman was a non-factor in the track season. The fact is, maintaining a base over the winter is criti-cal to successful spring running. During a long training hibernation, the principle of reversibility kicks in: When exercise ends, detraining begins. One study showed that with just seven days of not training, blood volume dropped sharply. Loss of blood vol-ume directly affects your ability to perform aerobic work. Within three to six weeks of inactivity, your fitness can drop to pretrain-ing levels. Today, when I send my guys off for the winter break, I give them a gift: a three-point plan to stay fit and come back fresh in spring. So can you. Maintain Miles: The less activity, the quicker the free fall into detraining, so keep a running base of at least three nonconsecutive days a week of no less than 50 percent of your usual mileage. Cross-training can help keep your fitness high, but remember that only run-ning makes you running fit. Run Fast: A week or two off from quality runs can be beneficial physically and mentally. But ex-tending a break longer than that can slow

you down faster than a frigid north wind. Even if your next race is months away, tempo runs will keep you inoculated against the ravages of lactic acid. And fartlek sessions--my winter speedwork of choice--will help you maintain your VO2 max. These fast-paced runs also recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers that would other-

wise remain dormant when only doing easy miles. And doing strides will help keep your sprint mechanics in working order. Plan Ahead: Put the date of your first spring race on your calendar. Then your second. These forecasted races provide motivation. And they let you know when your training should begin, which might be well before spring.

“The fact is, maintaining a base over the winter is critical to successful spring running.”

Photographs by Mark Tily


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Cold Weather: Running Safety Tips

By Christine Luff Running / Jogging Guide /

Seite 9 C O L D W E A T H E R R U N N I N G

Falling temperatures and fewer daylight hours don't mean that your outdoor run-ning routine has to go into hi-bernation for the winter. Run-ning through the cold weather can help shake those winter blues, improve your energy level, and guarantee that you'll be in better shape once bath-ing suit season rolls around. Follow these tips to run safely and comfortably through wintry weather: Watch for Frostbite On really cold days, make sure you monitor your fingers, toes, ears, and nose. They may feel numb at first, but they should warm up a few minutes into your run. If you notice a patch of hard, pale, cold skin, you may have frostbite. Get out of the cold immediately and slowly warm the affected area. If numbness continues, seek emergency care. Pay Attention to Tempera-ture and Wind Chill If the wind is strong, it pene-trates your clothes and re-moves the insulating layer of warm air around you. Your movement also creates wind chill because it increases air movement past your body. If the temperature dips below zero or the wind chill is below minus 20, hit the treadmill in-stead. Protect Your Hands and Feet As much as 30% of your body heat escapes through your hands and feet. On mild days, wear gloves that wick moisture away. Mittens are a better choice on colder days be-cause your fingers will share their body heat. You can also tuck disposable heat packets into your mittens. Add a wick-ing sock liner under a warm polar fleece or wool sock, but make sure you have enough room in your running shoes to accommodate these thicker socks.

Dress in Layers Start with a thin layer of syn-thetic material such as poly-propylene, which wicks sweat from your body. Stay away from cotton because it holds the moisture and will keep you wet. An outer, breathable layer of nylon or Gore-Tex will help protect you against wind and precipitation, while still letting out heat and moisture to pre-vent overheating and chilling. If it's really cold out, you'll need a middle layer, such as polar fleece, for added insula-tion. More Tips on Dressing for Winter Weather Check With Your MD Cold air can trigger chest pain or asthma attacks in some people. Before braving the elements, talk to your doctor if you have any medical condi-tions or concerns about exer-cising outdoors. Avoid Overdressing You're going to warm up once you get moving, so you should feel a little bit chilly when you start your run. A good rule of thumb: Dress as if it's 20 de-grees warmer outside than it really is. Don't Forget Your Head About 40% of your body heat is lost through your head. Wearing a hat will help prevent heat loss, so your circulatory system will have more heat to distribute to the rest of the body. When it's really cold, wear a face mask or a scarf over your mouth to warm the air you breathe and protect your face. Get Some Shades The glare from snow can cause snow blindness, so wear sunglasses (polarized lenses are best) to avoid this problem. Don't Stay in Wet Clothes If you get wet from rain, snow, or sweat in cold temperatures, you're at an increased risk for hypothermia, a lowering of your body temperature. If

you're wet, change your clothes and get to warm shel-ter as quickly as possible. If you suspect hypothermia -- characterized by intense shiv-ering, loss of coordination, slurred speech, and fatigue -- get emergency treatment im-mediately. Stay Hydrated Despite the cold weather, you'll still heat up and lose flu-ids through sweat. Cold air also has a drying effect, which can increase the risk of dehy-dration. Make sure you drink water or a sports drink before, during, and after your run. Falling temperatures and fewer daylight hours don't mean that your outdoor run-ning routine has to go into hi-bernation for the winter. Run-ning through the cold weather can help shake those winter blues, improve your energy level, and guarantee that you'll be in better shape once bath-ing suit season rolls around. Follow these tips to run safely and comfortably through wintry weather: Remember Sunscreen Sunburn is still possible in the winter because the snow re-flects the sun's rays. Protect your lips with lip balm, too. Take It Easy When It's Frigid. You're at greater risk for a pulled muscle when running in the cold, so warm up slowly and run easy on very cold days. Save your tough work-outs for milder days or in-doors. Be Visible It's best to avoid running in the dark but, if you have to run at night, wear reflective gear and light-colored clothing. Dress in bright colors if you're running in the snow. Run Into the Wind If you head out into the wind, it will be at your back at the end of your workout, when you're sweaty and could catch a chill.

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7 Better Tips for The Winter Exercises

By Kalkod

Seite 10 W I N T E R E X E R C I S E S

“This would help you walk few extra steps and would help you burn more of your fats without any additional workouts.”

Though individuals find the summer exer-cises much more effective, easy and full of fun. As they have plenty of options avail-able for their exercising schedule and rou-tine and they also have a lot of fun activi-ties available in the summer season.

If you are living in an area where it is cold through out the year and you have no alter-native but to exercise in winter than you need to look at some of these tips, which will help you make your winter exercises more comfortable and more effective. If you are aware of these facts than the icy roads and the cold temperatures outside won't hinder your exercise at all.

1. Firstly collect all your favorite fitness vid-eos and find a space indoor at your home that can be a hall or even the basement. Gather all your required equipments and your exercising tools in you exercising area. If you will have all the equipments, the right space indoor and all your favorite videos with you than you will surely have no excuse for the workout or influence of the cold weather outside.

2. It's better to walk around your favorite shopping mall and around your favorite brand stores. It would help you burn more of your calories and help you keep yourself more fit.

3. Try to park further away from the grocery stores, shopping malls, and markets and try to walk to your destination. This would help you walk few extra steps and would help you burn more of your fats without any additional workouts.

4. When at shopping malls or outdoors, try to use stairs instead of the elevators or escalators. This will help you burn a lot more calories, and meanwhile you will reach your destination.

5. If it rains or snows outside use your pathways, garages or floors at your office to walk laps around. Try to take as many trips as you can from one floor to another at your office.

6. At your office try not to email or phone your coworkers, get up from your seat and walk up to your coworkers. This will also help you burn your fats and would be an alternative to the exercises.

7. At the last try to play the winter games as much as you can. Try to enjoy the ice-skating or snowshoeing, as it would surely help you burn a lot many calories while playing.

These were some of the tips that would help you exercise and burn more calories in the extreme winter weathers.

Finding the perfect Workout Routines takes time and effort. These best workout rou-tines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

Article Source:

Page 11: kiefit_journal_2008_12 Stay well this Winter!

Alpine Skiing - A Total Sport By Anand Upadhye

Seite 11 A T O T A L S P O R T — S K I I N G

Most of the people enjoy winter, snow and of course winter sports. Alpine skiing is one of the favorite winter sports for most of the peo-ple. It involves muscular effort at the level of thighs, legs and abdominals; speed, balance, orientation in space, skill, lung capacity therefore alpine skiing is a total sport, besides altitude, which requires the body specific conditions.

A Technical Sport Skiing is a technical disci-pline. It is therefore advis-able to start taking some courses in order to assimi-late the basic techniques - how to stop, to turn,

to make a slip, to fall ... - and gain confidence. Good reflexes taken, skiing will only be enjoyable. Plenty of ski schools all over the world and instructors offer courses at any level.

When to Avoid Skiing Apart from the usual indica-tions against sport, there are risks of skiing related to altitude. A chronic heart dis-ease, chronic respiratory failure, and certain blood diseases prohibit the stay at more than 2,500 meters above sea level. In other cases, a doctor's opinion may be necessary, in case of pregnancy (1st and 3rd quarter), stabilized heart disease, chronic bron-chitis, children under 18 months, asthma triggered by cold or effort, and any disease that requires regu-lar monitoring.

Preparations before Depar-ture Even less fit people are at-tracted by the charms of skiing. Thus, many people go on the ski slopes after several months of inactivity. Ideally, of course, a sporting activity is needed through-out the year, otherwise a small preparation a month before departure is recom-mended. Emphasis will be placed on the legs, con-stantly worked when skiing, with 3 goals:

1. Muscle: to avoid pain in the legs in the morning, practice short exercises,

bending legs, slots, squats, exercises related to the chair (seated, back to the wall, without support). In everyday life, prefer the stairs to the elevator. 2. Stretch: to prevent acci-dents and favor muscle re-covery, stretch your legs: front and back of the thigh, calf. 3. Work the balance on the skis, as our legs bear our weight, and take over turns, bumps, speed.

The Most Frequent Acci-dents Each ski season is associ-ated with accidents like fall, collision between skiers, against an obstacle. The practice of alpine skiing has indeed its risks. The most affected skiers are begin-ners, children under 11 and those over 55 years. Sprains (36%) and fractures (25%) are the most frequent

accidents. Then there are contusions (18%), muscu-loskeletal injuries, tendonitis (7%), wounds (5%), dislocations (3%), and head injuries (3%). The Knee Sprain, a Classic Ski Accident Representing one third of the accidents, knee sprain injuries are the most com-mon one. Each year about 15, 000 skiers are victims of the most serious forms of knee sprain, fracture of the anterior crossed ligament. This ligament is one of the four ligaments of the knee and it provides a consider-able part of the stability of


knee. This sprain sometimes re-quires surgery and a lengthy period of rehabilitation. Women over 25 are 3.5 times more at risk than men are. © 2008 Anand Upadhye. All rights reserved. Anand Upadhye is the owner and webmaster of and a recog-nized Internet Marketing profes-sional. is a online lifestyle guide with up-to-date information on Local Busi-nesses, from Restaurants & Spas to Hotels, Retails, Bars & Clubs, Shopping and More.

Article Source:

YouTube Video –

Exercise Ski Workout


Page 12: kiefit_journal_2008_12 Stay well this Winter!

Why Most Ski Workout Programs Don't Strengthen Your Legs Or Endurance and Invite Injuries

By Matt Taylor

Seite 12 A B O U T S K I W O R K O U T

Whenever you pick a skiing magazine... you are going to see articles written by so called ski fitness "expert" recommending that you do his specific ski workout... and to be honest with you... most of those ski workouts are what I would call bogus. Let's just define exactly what you SHOULD get out of an excellent and well-designed ski workout -- the ability to train your body to get stronger legs and core that can endure long skiing times without feeling fa-tigue. Without feeling like "jelly legs!" Or much worst, getting injured.

And I don't know about you... but when I finally show up at the slopes and it is a GREAT pow-der day... the last thing I want to do is call it quits after 2 to 3 hours. Or even get some nag-ging injuries that cut our skiing season short.

Now let me tell you what is the problem that I see with the traditional workout routines for skiers... most if not all the recommended skiing exer-cises are in-efficient and quite frankly, have little to do with the actual move-ment while you ski. And to make things worst... you may be setting yourself up for a potential injury.

For instance, any workouts that involve the use of machines -- leg presses, leg extensions and leg curls. Not only those machine exer-cises are incredibly boring... they are so dan-gerous that you should run... not walk away from them. In my opinion... using the machine workouts can only set you up for injuries. It won't help make your legs stronger. And it won't increase your leg's endurance on the downhill slopes.

And I say this because the machine workouts have absolutely nothing to do with the actual movements your legs make when skiing. They usually follow unnatural patterns that are not biomechanically correct. Doing so would cre-ate excessive stress on your back and possi-ble injuries in the knees. Yikes! Avoid them...

Another ski exercise that is pretty common for skiers is the wall squats. In every skiing fitness program I've seen on the Internet or the skiing magazines incorpo-

rate wall squats or wall sits in the workouts.

Although this exercise is OK... it isn't the best or optimal for skiers! But much better than those machine exercises by far...

As I said before, wall squats are not optimal exercises that improve your legs strength and endurance over the full range of motion that you will be using when downhill or crosscoun-try skiing. But there are a dozen exercises that I know of that are much, much better than locking your joints over a period of time as an isometric exercises (wall squats).

Another big red flag for the typical ski workouts is they mostly ignore the right joint strength balance. To make it more simple... when you are skiing... you are putting a lot of work on your quads, hamstrings and glutes... and they must all work together. So what you want to do is find some exercises that strengthens the

major mus-cle

groups as opposed to individually working out each muscle.

And this is why most ski programs fail to strengthen and protect your legs from injuries! Conclusion: Finding the right ski workout program is critical to your skiing success and shouldn't be treated as an afterthought. You want a program that is fun and challenging... one that incorporates effective ski workouts that makes sense... so you can rule the powder on your ski vacation! If you want to get all the proper and effective exercises that really work to get your legs in awesome shape to dominate the slopes this coming season... then you should definitely check out this, ski workout program called Avalanche Ski Training manual. You will find out the best kept secrets from a world class fitness trainer that is also a ski nut! Get more information at my website at: http://

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