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  • 8/6/2019 Latest Publication May 2011


    Chemical Weathering of the Indo-Gangetic Alluvium with SpecialReference to Release of Fluoride in the Groundwater,

    Unnao District, Uttar Pradesh

    S. KUMAR and A. SAXENA+

    Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow - 226 007+Present Address: SMEC India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon - 122 002

    Email: [email protected]

    Abstract: In the central part of Indo-Gangetic alluvium in the Unnao district, Uttar Pradesh there are many pockets

    where groundwater shows high fluoride content. Drinking of fluorinated ground water has effected a large populationand in many villages more than 80% of the population is suffering from fluorosis. The source of this fluoride appears

    to be the alluvial sediments deposited in the geological past as no hard rock terrain is present in the nearby areas. The

    area is dominantly made up of mud with pockets of sand. The sand fraction is made up of quartz, plagioclase, microcline,

    muscovite and biotite along with some accessory minerals like garnet, epidote, chlorite, tourmaline, hornblende, kyanite

    and a few opaque minerals. Moreover, the fluoride content in the groundwater varies both spatially and with depth

    indicating a sporadic occurrence. The surface water is devoid of high content of fluoride but is reported in hand pumps

    and in the dug wells. This paper deals with the geochemical study of the sediments up to a depth of 45m as most of the

    hand pumps are up to this depth to understand the source of fluoride. 14C dates of calcretes have suggested that the

    45 m thick succession must have been formed in about 45000 years.

    Two different location sites were selected; one showing higher concentration of fluoride (Marksnagar village) while

    at other site which is about 4 km east of Marksnagar, the fluoride content was minimal (Durgajkhera village). Major

    elements and 24 trace elements were determined using XRF and it was found that when major elements are normalized

    with respect to upper continental crust (UCC) there is an enrichment of Si in all the samples. Na shows depletion whereas Ti and K show enrichment. Fe and Mn show enrichment probably due to the formation of clay minerals. Si, and K

    enrichment is due to weathering of feldspar while Mg, Fe and K may have been released by the weathering of biotite.

    The CIA for the ancient sediments ranges from 54 64 while for the modern sediments of the Ganga River it varies from

    50 64 indicating that there is no change in the rate of weathering in both modern and ancient sediments. The rate of

    weathering at all the sample locations was compared with that of UCC. The CIA values also suggest that there is an

    incipient weathering and indicate that the weathering of biotite is more progressive than muscovite. There is also a

    positive correlation between CIA values and the fluoride content in the ground water. Higher percentage of biotite and

    chlorite (altered biotite) was found at Marksnagar in comparison to Durgajkhera. It appears that the fluoride content in

    the ground water is due to dissociation/alteration of mica minerals mainly biotite.

    Keywords: Groundwater, Chemical weathering, Fluoride, Uttar Pradesh.

    In the Indo-Gangetic alluvium the groundwater is mainly

    used for drinking purposes. In last one to two decades, some

    water related problems are encountered in this region. It is

    noted that in many areas of the Gangetic alluvial tract, a

    large population is suffering from fluorosis, a deadly

    incurable disease caused due to high intake of fluoride

    (Pandey, 2001) from dugwells and hand pumps mainly in

    rural areas. It is also reported by various government

    agencies (CGWB, 1999) that this problem is spreading in

    other areas also.

    The cause of fluorosis is mainly due to the drinking of


    The Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain covers an area of about

    700,000 km2 and separates the Peninsular India (Indian

    Shield) from the Himalayas (Fig.1). It represents deposits

    of an active foreland basin formed as a result of continent-

    continent collision of the Indian plate with the Asian plate

    (Singh, 1996). The rivers originating from the Himalaya

    deposit their load in the alluvial plain constituting the worlds

    largest alluvial tract (Singh, 1996). The alluvium represents

    Quaternary and Recent deposits comprising mud, sand and

    clays and devoid of any hard rocks.


    Vol.77, May 2011, pp.459-477

    0016-7622/2011-77-5-459/$ 1.00 GEOL. SOC. INDIA

  • 8/6/2019 Latest Publication May 2011




    fluoride contaminated groundwater. It has been now

    confirmed that the villagers are drawing water from the

    dugwells and the shallow hand pumps for their drinking

    purposes and other domestic uses (Mukherjee et al. 1995).

    These wells and hand pumps show a very high concentration

    of fluoride in their water. In the year 1995 Mukherjee et al.

    (1995) have identified that the Marksnagar village is the

    most adversely affected area. At that time the value of

    fluoride concentration in the dugwell measured 6.3 ppm andabout 50% of the population were reportedly suffering from

    the fluorosis which was more pronounced in the children

    below 20 years of age group (as per BIS 1991 norms the

    permissible limit for fluoride in drinking water is 1.2 ppm).

    They further added that the dental fluorosis was prevalent

    in this area for the last 15-20 years. In a recent survey the

    Marksnagar village of Unnao district, U.P. shows the

    maximum of 9 ppm of fluoride in the dugwell (Saxena,

    2005). This value shows a monthly fluctuation between 7 to

    9 ppm throughout the year and in absence of any other

    alternative source the villagers are forced to use this water

    for the drinking and their domestic purposes. About 90% of

    the population was found to be adversely affected by the

    fluorosis in this village.

    In the absence of any industrial effluents in the nearby

    areas, the release of fluoride in the groundwater is definitely

    due to the weathering of sediments. Since Marksnagar has

    already been identified for the high fluoride contamination

    in the groundwater, as confirmed by various other agencies

    (Mukherjee et al. 1995; Rai, 1997; CGWB, 1999), this areawas selected for the detailed study of the weathering

    processes active in the region for finding out any probable

    source and mechanism for the release of fluoride in



    The area under study forms a part of the Central Ganga

    plain (Pathak, 1982 in Khanna, 1992). The alluvial sediments

    of Ganga Basin have been classified as Older Alluvium and

    Newer Alluvium; the former consists of sediments which

    Fig.1. Geological setting of the study area (depicted by dot) (afterSingh, 1992).

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    were formed in distant past and are partly undergoing

    denudation, while the latter is under its process of formation

    (Khanna, 1992). The Older Alluvium is made up of massive

    beds of clay of a pale reddish brown colour, very often

    yellowish with kanker (calcrete) present in between the clay

    layers. The Newer Alluvium is light coloured and poor in

    calcareous matter. The major part of the Central Ganga plain

    is composed of Older Alluvium (Khanna, 1992). The area

    in the Unnao district is a flat alluvial tract with soil exhibiting

    a wide variance; sandy on the elevated locations, clayey in

    the topographical lows and loamy on the flat surfaces. Figure

    2 gives the location map of the study area.

    The area is mud (silt + clay) dominated and thus leads

    to water logged conditions which are supposed to be

    responsible for the sodic soil present in the area. The Ganga

    and Sai are the main rivers of the area and are responsiblefor many paleo-channels and ox-bow lakes. The general

    trend of both the rivers is northwest to southeast. The study

    area falls in doab of the rivers Ganga and Gomati, intersected

    by Sai River and many other streamlets. The area shows

    low regional surface gradient from northeast to southwest,

    varying from 10 to 30 cm/km (Rai, 1997). The upper layer

    of alluvium is composed of sandy loam and clayey loam.

    The main source for irrigation in the area is Sharda canal

    and shallow tubewells bored in the fields generally at about

    45 m depth. The aquifer material is fine to medium grained

    sand and generally micaceous in nature with calcrete. The

    chemical analysis of groundwater (Rai, 1997) of Unnao

    district indicates that both good and moderate/bad quality

    groundwater found in the sand dominated areas and

    moderate to bad quality groundwater occurs in clay

    dominated areas under confined and semi-confined

    conditions. The bad quality water is mostly found in

    waterlogged areas and shows an increasing trend of

    groundwater salinity/alkalinity. The problem of leaching of

    fluoride in groundwater is more confined to this zone

    and had effected the local population adversely. The

    high fluoride content is found in well water which

    intersects clay dominated sediments and the water table isvery shallow due to excess recharge from canals. Rai (1997)

    suggested that since these soils are sodic the groundwater

    contaminated with high fluoride is also alkaline with high

    sodium bicarbonate and sulphates. Thus, the fluoride in

    groundwater of Unnao district is closely related with soil/

    groundwater alkalinity under waterlogged conditions.

    The climate of the area falls under the warm temperate

    type with dry winters (Cwg type) or C1 type of climate i.e.,

    dry sub-humid type of climate (Ahmad, 1999). The climate

    can be broadly divided into summer, monsoon and

    winter. The average annual rainfall of the district is 837.80

    millimeter (

    Almost 90% of the annual precipitation is received during

    the period from June to September.


    As mentioned earlier, for understanding the weathering

    process involved in the release of fluoride, two areas were

    selected; one is Marksnagar village where excess fluoride

    is reported in the groundwater and another is nearby village

    Durgajkhera from where no such excess is known.

    Six piezometers were installed in the study area in order

    to get a representative water samples at various depths for

    the water quality analysis as well as to get the vertical

    sediment samples at uniform depth interval; four piezometers

    were installed at Marksnagar (at depth intervals of 8, 21, 33and 45 m) and two at Durgajkhera (at 12 and 33 m of depth).

    The piezometers were installed with the help of an augur by

    rotary method and the sediment samples were collected

    during the installation of the piezometers.

    In all 26 sediment samples were collected at depth

    interval of 3 m up to a depth of 45 m below ground level at

    Marksnagar and up to a depth of 33 m at Durgajkhera. On

    the basis of grain size analysis of the sediment samples, the

    strata chart was also prepared representing the vertical

    variation in the lithology of the selected sites. The vertical

    variation in the sediments in Marksnagar and Durgajkhera

    are shown in Fig.3. In addition to the above sediments, the

    recent sand and mud samples were also collected from the

    left bank of Ganga River at Bithur and Kanpur (Jajmau

    Bridge) for the comparative study with older sediments.

    There is some basic difference in the nature of sediments at

    Marksnagar and Durgajkhera. The sediments of Marksnagar

    are generally mud dominated with few regular patches of

    calcrete while that of Durgajkhera are sand dominated with

    kanker formation invariably at a depth below 18 m. The

    basic mineralogy of the sand fraction confirmed the

    dominant presence of quartz, muscovite, feldspar and biotite

    as major minerals with hornblende, garnet, tourmaline,kyanite and epidote present in minor amount. Two samples

    of calcrete collected at a depth of 7 m and 30 m were dated

    by 14C method in the laboratory of the Birbal Sahani Institute

    of Paleobotany, Lucknow (pers. commn. Dr. G. Rajgopalan)

    to have an idea about the approximate age of the calcrete

    bearing horizons. The radiometric dates of calcretes at

    the depth of 7 and 30 m are 3060140 years B.P. and

    276701490 years B.P. On this basis it can be inferred that

    ca. 23 m thick succession was deposit in ca. 24000 years. It

    can be presumed that about 1 m was deposited in ca. 1000

    years. Thus, the total profile of 45 m thick succession must

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    have been deposited in ca. 45000 years B.P., this is not an

    absolute age of the sediments but an approximation for the

    deposition of the sediments of about 45 m thick profile.

    The chemical analysis of sediments was done by X-ray

    Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) at the laboratory of the

    Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Erlangen-

    Nurenberg, Erlangen, Germany. Philips PW 2400 X-Ray

    fluorescence spectrophotometer was used for the

    determination of major and trace elements.

    Loss of Ignition (LOI)

    The dry weight of the porcelain crucible was noted and

    2 gm of the bulk sample was weighed in the crucible and

    again the weight was noted. These crucibles were kept in

    the furnace for 24 hours at about 1000oC. After 24 hours

    these crucibles were cooled in an exsiccator and wereweighed again.

    Calculation of the LOI

    LOI = (Empty crucible weight + weight of sample before

    heating) (weight after heating/ weight of sample before

    tempering) X 100 [%]

    Tablet Preparation: About 1.0000.0005 gm of the

    samples were taken in bigger crucibles and were mixed

    thoroughly with 4.830 gm of Li3B


    7. This mixture was

    then kept in the platinum crucible and was melted. All the

    five burners were used starting from the extreme left. The

    crucibles were left over at each burner for 5 10 minutes.

    In front of the last one laid the form for the tablets. After

    10 - 20 minutes on the last burner the liquefied material was

    poured in the tablet holder and was kept for cooling. The

    samples are labeled as required. Then after melting these

    crucibles were kept in a plasticbox with 25% HCl and was

    processed in the ultrasonic bath for 10 minutes. Finally

    douched them with normal water and aqua dest and dried

    with paper.

    The precision and accuracy of the preparation and the

    instrumental performance of the XRF was checked using

    the international reference samples. With few exceptions,

    there were no discrepancies between the analytical data

    obtained and the consensus data in the international reference



    The grain size analysis was done for the sediment

    samples collected during the installation of piezometers.

    The piezometers were installed for two villages; one is

    Marksnagar where maximum number of fluorosis patients

    were recorded and the other is a near by village Durgajkhera,

    where only about 10% patients were noted. Durgajkhera is

    about 3 km east of Marksnagar (Fig. 2). Mud is the dominant

    fraction in both the villages. In Marksnagar mud is about

    Fig.2. Location map of the study area, Unnao district, Uttar Pradesh

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    76% while in Durgajkhera it is 57%. Besides mud, the

    variation in the content of sand and calcretes was also noted

    up to the maximum depth of 45m below the ground surface.

    At Durgajkhera more calcrete was found. The sediment

    samples at Marksnagar generally show moderate sorting

    while the samples collected at Durgajkhera the sorting lies

    between moderately well sorted to well sorted. The samples

    were found to be very coarse skewed for Marksnagar and

    very coarse skewed to fine skewed for Durgajkhera.

    Mineralogically, the sand fraction is dominantly composedof quartz, plagioclase, microcline, muscovite and biotite

    along with some accessory minerals like garnet, epidote,

    chlorite, tourmaline, hornblende, kyanite and a few opaque

    minerals. It was noted that the minerals identified at

    Marksnagar were found in more altered form as compared

    to Durgajkhera. The minerals dominantly identified in their

    altered form were plagioclase and biotite. In the silt fraction

    quartz, albite, microcline, muscovite and biotite were

    identified where as in the clay fraction the minerals of mica

    (illite and muscovite), smectite (sauconite and

    montmorillonite), chlorite (vermiculite and clinochlore) and

    kaolinite (kaoline and amesite) groups were found (Saxena,


    The geochemical analysis for these sediments was done

    for all the ten major elements viz. Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg,

    Ca, Na, K, P were determined and analyzed in their oxide

    form. 24 trace elements viz. As, Ba, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga,

    Hf, La, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ta, Th, U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr

    were also analyzed along with the major elements. Table 1

    gives the concentration of the major elements for all the

    sediment samples and Table 2 gives the concentration of

    the trace elements. The correlation coefficients between

    each pair of elements were calculated in order to search for

    the inter-elemental relationship. The results are further

    compared with the data of Upper Continental Crust (UCC)

    sediments for better understanding of the chemical maturity

    of the sediments. Furthermore, an attempt was also made tostudy the enrichment and depletion of the elements along

    with the depth. We also tried to establish the relationship

    between the CIA values of the sediment samples with the

    fluoride content in the groundwater at the respective depth

    of the sediment sample.

    Major Elements

    Major element composition of the bulk sediments of

    Marksnagar and Durgajkhera indicates that these sediments

    mainly consist of three elements; Si, Al and Ca. Silica is the

    dominant major component in the sediments of the two

    sites as well as in the recent sediments of Ganga River. The

    greater amount of Al2O

    3was found at Marksnagar where it

    was about 12% while CaO was only about 8%. But at

    Durgajkhera the average percentage of CaO is marginally

    higher than Al2O

    3; here CaO is about 11.2% where as Al



    is just about 10%. The relatively high percentage of Ca in

    these bulk sediments is due to the extensive calcrete

    formation. The average concentration of Al2O

    3and CaO in

    the recent sediments was 11% and 1.5 % respectively. The

    other dominant major elements are Fe2O

    3, K

    2O and Na


    Not much variation was noted for the average concentration

    of MgO in these villages and it ranges between 2.6% to 3%.Marginally higher concentration of K

    2O was found for

    Marksnagar compared to Durgajkhera, and this difference

    in the concentration of K2O may be due to the difference in

    the altered feldspar present in the sediments. The high

    content of clay was found at Marksnagar which is indicated

    by the relatively higher percentage of Al2O

    3, Fe


    3and K


    Relative Mobility of Elements with Respect to Al2O


    Elemental Ratio for Major Elements

    The chemical composition of the sediments is expected

    Fig.3. Strata charts for the piezometers installed at the selected

    sites of Nawabganj Block, Unnao District, U.P.

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    to demonstrate well established concepts on the mobility of

    various elements during the weathering (Berner and Berner,

    1996). The elemental ratio refers to the relative enrichment

    or depletion of the element with respect to the least mobile

    element, Al. It is given by dividing the ratio of the elementX and Al


    3of the sediment sample with the ratio of the

    same element content in the UCC. i.e.

    Element Ratio (X) =[X/ Al


    3(sediment sample)]

    [ X/ Al2O


    X > 1 indicates enrichment

    X < 1 indicates depletion

    X = 1 indicate no change in relative abundance of the


    Figures 4a and b display the elemental ratios of the major

    elements of the sediments of Marksnagar (where M1 to M15

    are sampling codes number each representing a sample of 3

    m depth; M1 ranges from 0-3 m while M15 increases to

    depth range of 42-45 m) and Durgajkhera (D1 to D11 are

    sampling codes number each representing a sample of 3 mdepth; D1 ranges from 0-3 m while D11 increases to depth

    range of 33-36 m).

    As demonstrated in Figs. 4a and b, the SiO2

    content in

    the sediments of all the sites is found to be enriched. TiO2


    considered relatively immobile and thus remains enriched

    in all the samples. Whereas Na2O, which is highly mobile

    (Singh et al. 2004) shows a relative depletion. Though CaO

    is also very mobile in nature but due to secondary formation

    of calcrete a relative enrichment is seen for the calcium.

    Potassium is considered to be less mobile than Na and thus

    generally shows enrichment. Mg also shows a relative

    Table 1. Chemical composition of the major elements






    3MnO MgO CaO Na

    2O K

    2O P


    5LOI SUM

    % % % % % % % % % % % %


    M1 59.5 0.63 12.39 4.76 0.095 3.08 6.36 1.47 2.75 0.158 9.26 100.4

    M2 54.6 0.63 12.57 5 0.079 3.99 7.36 1.35 3.12 0.162 10.66 99.6

    M3 54 0.67 13.97 5.7 0.092 4 7.2 1.41 3.47 0.13 9.73 100.4

    M4 57.3 0.71 13.62 5.56 0.084 3.1 6.08 1.32 3.14 0.133 8.69 99.7

    M5 57.2 0.68 12.34 5.04 0.093 2.94 7.7 1.37 2.6 0.123 9.92 100.1

    M6 51.8 0.62 11.36 4.59 0.093 2.81 11.99 1.22 2.44 0.114 12.97 100

    M7 57.2 0.68 12.79 5.08 0.081 3.06 7.1 1.38 2.84 0.131 11.29 101.7

    M8 52.8 0.62 12.49 4.82 0.081 4.64 8.26 1.38 3.06 0.129 11.49 99.7

    M9 58.4 0.69 12.74 5.03 0.082 2.8 7 1.38 2.76 0.137 9.11 100.1

    M10 67.4 0.56 9.84 3.05 0.056 2.28 6.01 1.73 2.08 0.152 6.67 99.9

    M11 53.4 0.6 11.55 4.55 0.098 2.79 11.19 1.15 2.52 0.121 12.59 100.6

    M12 63.3 0.53 10.48 3.39 0.074 2.64 7.09 1.58 2.41 0.137 8.19 99.8

    M13 61.3 0.64 11.29 4.03 0.081 2.54 7.15 1.54 2.52 0.144 8.38 99.6

    M14 58.4 0.64 11.61 4.37 0.093 2.58 8.48 1.47 2.66 0.143 9.5 99.9

    M15 58.4 0.56 10.9 4.02 0.124 2.15 9.65 1.43 2.55 0.13 9.96 99.8


    D1 35.9 0.33 6.52 2.61 0.139 2.6 26.57 0.8 1.6 0.075 23.45 100.6

    D2 56.8 0.47 8.87 3.07 0.088 2.43 12.54 1.22 2.13 0.107 12.38 100.2

    D3 74.9 0.38 9.16 2.5 0.049 1.59 3.59 1.63 2.22 0.103 3.94 100.1

    D4 73.5 0.41 9.83 2.86 0.046 1.85 3.39 1.6 2.45 0.094 4.05 100.1

    D5 59.3 0.52 10.52 4 0.097 2.81 8.54 1.27 2.54 0.1 10.15 99.8

    D6 50.8 0.62 11.99 4.93 0.081 3.89 10.9 1.15 2.68 0.121 13.26 100.5

    D7 49.8 0.55 11.06 4.55 0.137 3.65 12.44 1.18 2.54 0.116 13.87 99.9

    D8 57.4 0.54 10.28 3.94 0.105 3.1 9.52 1.1 2.38 0.104 11.42 99.9

    D9 53.7 0.56 10.52 4.07 0.094 2.77 12.08 1.08 2.3 0.11 13.12 100.4

    D10 52.4 0.54 10.9 4.29 0.084 3.98 11.08 1.1 2.45 0.082 13.51 100.4

    D 11 48.6 0.56 10.99 4.56 0.119 3.67 12.92 1 2.61 0.109 11.2 99.8

    Recent sediments (of Ganga at Kanpur and Bithur)

    Bit1 82.1 0.3 8.29 2.11 0.04 0.94 1.07 1.64 1.97 0.067 1.37 99.8

    Bit2 73 0.59 11.14 3.94 0.06 1.94 1.68 1.41 2.5 0.108 3.92 100.3

    Kan1 82.9 0.23 8.23 1.69 0.029 0.77 0.8 1.7 2.04 0.052 1.21 99.6

    Kan2 62.7 0.74 15.11 5.95 0.097 2.83 1.91 1.11 3.3 0.13 5.57 99.5

    Kan3 63.7 0.66 12.84 5.02 0.079 2.49 1.91 1.24 2.94 0.118 5.58 96.5

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    Table 2. Concentration of trace elements (in ppm)

    As Ba Bi Ce Co Cr Cu Ga Hf La Mo Nb Ni Pb Rb Sr Ta Th


    M1 8 501 0 93 17 80 16 17 4 36 1 11 34 29 135 321 3 16M2 11 499 2 69 18 73 18 18 4 40 0 10 37 28 161 394 3 10

    M3 15 560 0 66 14 73 18 18 5 35 0 11 36 30 185 252 0 12

    M4 11 530 0 99 17 86 21 19 5 40 2 11 40 28 168 182 3 16

    M5 8 466 1 99 14 83 18 15 5 40 2 13 46 25 133 316 0 16

    M6 4 421 1 83 17 69 10 15 4 24 2 9 33 26 127 297 0 15

    M7 9 499 0 96 19 80 16 18 5 32 0 13 40 27 149 241 0 14

    M8 4 516 0 85 17 74 7 17 5 372 2 11 21 24 163 396 0 14

    M9 7 441 1 95 14 82 17 18 5 33 3 11 41 29 143 221 0 21

    M10 4 377 3 107 8 56 12 12 3 27 2 12 21 22 102 162 1 22

    M11 10 456 0 77 15 63 20 16 3 29 0 11 32 25 139 183 0 12

    M12 2 469 2 95 8 55 2 14 4 23 2 11 11 24 124 191 1 17

    M13 7 534 1 116 11 65 12 15 5 31 2 13 23 27 127 165 1 23

    M14 8 564 1 107 17 67 12 16 5 36 1 13 29 31 141 163 0 25

    M15 8 561 2 118 18 54 14 14 3 34 0 12 28 38 138 154 0 18


    D1 0 312 2 54 16 23 7 11 0 13 0 8 7 29 93 139 0 11

    D2 3 373 2 115 11 38 5 14 3 23 1 9 11 21 114 150 0 18

    D3 0 359 4 72 5 34 5 11 3 18 2 9 13 26 110 113 0 18

    D4 3 385 3 71 10 37 0 13 3 18 2 9 11 22 126 116 0 13

    D5 6 482 2 72 13 55 9 15 3 30 2 11 25 33 132 228 2 12

    D6 11 463 2 70 13 71 21 18 4 30 0 10 37 23 145 396 0 12

    D7 9 576 2 107 21 58 14 16 2 29 0 10 30 34 142 435 1 15

    D8 5 523 1 97 16 52 7 15 3 28 1 10 21 33 124 307 0 21

    D9 5 458 0 100 14 56 10 15 3 28 2 9 23 31 123 279 0 17

    D10 7 433 0 96 15 49 13 16 3 34 2 8 20 33 135 219 2 17

    D11 6 495 0 93 16 61 10 16 3 29 1 7 28 33 139 282 0 14

    Recent sediments (of Ganga at Kanpur and Bithur)

    Bit1 1 311 5 63 6 25

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    enrichment trend because of incipient weathering in the area.

    Thus, both Mg and K are preferentially adsorbed and tightly

    incorporated in clay minerals of the sediments (Singh et al.

    2005). It can also be seen that there is a remarkable

    enrichment of both Fe2O

    3and MnO. This is probably due to

    the formation of clay minerals. During the mineral

    weathering in the area the SiO2, Na and K originate by

    incongruent dissolution of feldspar while the magnesium,

    iron and potassium may be released from the biotite and

    ferromagnesium minerals. Calcium may be derived from

    the dissolution of calcretes

    Inter-Element Relationship Between Major Elements

    The inter-element relationships were plotted on the

    variation diagram considering Al2O

    3(Singh et al. 2005) and


    (Sharma and Rajamani, 2000) as relatively stable

    phases. Figure 5 shows the relationship of Al2O




    K2O with TiO2 for the sediments of Marksnagar andDurgajkhera.

    There is a very good positive correlation between Al2O



    3and K

    2O with TiO

    2with correlation coefficient of 0.9,

    0.95 and 0.79 respectively at Durgajkhera whereas at

    Marksnagar this correlation coefficient value for Al2O



    3and K

    2O with TiO

    2was 0.84, 0.85 and 0.6 respectively

    (Table 3). The positive trend of Al2O



    3and K




    indicates the enrichment of these elements as the

    concentration of TiO2increases. This is due to the formation

    of secondary clay minerals such as illite, which is the result

    of the weathering of mica and feldspar (Wilson, 1987). Some

    amount of iron may also have been released from heavy

    minerals. A more positive correlation of these elements is

    seen at Marksnagar as compared to Durgajkhera.

    The interrelationship of TiO2

    with Na2O, SiO

    2and CaO

    is given in Fig.6. A poor negative trend of Na2O and SiO


    with TiO2

    was found with average correlation coefficient of

    about -0.40 and -0.23, at Marksnagar and Durgajkhera

    respectively (Table 3). Both Na2O and SiO

    2are mobile

    elements and thus are lost due to their dissolution in the

    water while TiO2being the least mobile element remains in

    the sediments. This negative correlation is better seen for

    Marksnagar indicating a comparatively higher rate of

    weathering in the area. According to Middelberg et al. (1988)

    both Na and Ca (in silicate form) decrease more rapidly

    than K and thus are depleted more than K. The negative

    trend of Na2O and CaO and positive trend of K2O with TiO2result from the greater alteration rate of plagioclase as

    compared to that of K feldspar. However, CaO does not

    show a good negative trend due to its secondary precipitation

    in the form of calcrete in Durgajkhera thus it is not lost due

    to dissolution in water while remains in the sediments as

    calcrete. In general the relationship between TiO2

    and CaO

    gives a strong negative trend on weathering and could be

    seen in Marksnagar.

    Inter elemental relationship between Al2O

    3with MgO,


    3and K

    2O is given in Fig.7. There exists a very strong

    positive correlation between Al2


    with MgO, Fe2



    K2O which is 0.66, 0.97 and 0.91 respectively for the

    sediments of Marksnagar and 0.62, 0.86 and 0.96

    respectively for Durgajkhera. The positive correlation

    between K2O with Al


    3is indicative of the feldspar and

    mica weathering that may lead to the formation of illite,

    which is the dominant clay mineral in these sediments and

    controls the concentration of Al and K. The weathering/

    alteration of biotite may be responsible for the presence of

    MgO in the sediments.

    As compared to Na2O and CaO, K

    2O and MgO are less

    mobile and remain in the sediments during the incipient

    weathering and only become mobile in the solution duringthe latter stage of weathering. A positive correlation between


    3with Fe


    3indicates that their source of origin could

    be the alteration of biotite into aluminosilicates and Fe (III)

    oxides due to biotite weathering (Appelo and Postma, 1993)

    as per the following equation:














    Figure 8 shows a strong negative correlation of SiO2

    with the major elements; MgO, Fe2O

    3and Al



    correlation coefficient of -0.6, -0.7 and -0.6 respectively

    Fig.4. Relative abundance of the elements at (a) Marksnagar.

    (b) Durgajkhera.

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    for Marksnagar. This indicates the grain size control on the

    geochemistry of the sediments; with higher grain size higher

    is the silica content. This silica dilution effect lowers the

    concentration of other major and trace element. At

    Marksnagar the negative correlation between SiO2is better

    seen with MgO, Fe2O

    3and Al



    Chemical Maturity of the Sediments

    A-CN-K Diagram and Chemical Index of Alteration

    To ascertain the chemical maturity of the sediments the

    CIA value scheme has been selected.

    Nasbitt and Young (1982) proposed the quantification

    of chemical weathering intensity as the Chemical Index of

    Alteration (CIA) where:CIA = [ Al


    3/ (Al


    3+ CaO+ Na

    2O + K

    2O)] X 100

    CaO : CaO in silicate form only (Nesbit et al. 1997).

    Here the molecular proportions of the above elements

    are used for the calculation of CIA of the samples. In case

    CaO in silicate form is not available then it is assumed to be

    equivalent to Na2O because Ca is lost more rapidly than

    Na during weathering and it will give lesser CIA values

    than that of Na (Singh, 2004). Since the study area

    dominantly contains calcrete in abundance therefore the

    values of CaO is invariably greater than that of Na2O.

    Because of this the values of CaO were assumed to be

    equivalent to Na2

    O. A CIA value of 100 indicates intense

    chemical weathering where all the alkali and alkaline earth

    elements are leached out of the system whereas CIA values

    of 45 55 indicate virtually no weathering . The fresh

    granodiorite composition is also considered to be very close

    to UCC and gives the CIA value of 47~50. With the initiation

    of weathering Ca and Na component of the sediments starts

    leaching out first, as both of these are highly mobile in nature

    and the trend of the weathering is seen parallel to A-CN line

    of the A-CN-K diagram. During the intermediate phase of

    weathering when the above trend reaches close to the

    formation of illite, K which was stable in the incipient

    phase of weathering also becomes mobile and the weatheringtrend starts moving towards the apex i.e., A corner of the

    A-CN-K diagram.

    The CIA values of the sediment samples of Marksnagar

    and Durgajkhera are given in Table 4. In Marksnagar the

    CIA value ranges from 54.4 to 63.2 while in Durgajkhera

    this value ranges from 53.2 to 63.6. It is indicative of the

    fact that at both the places the rate of weathering is almost

    same. In addition to this the bank sediments of Ganga River

    were also analysed and CIA values are calculated. The CIA

    value for Ganga River sediments ranges between 50.9 to

    63.6. Singh et al. (2005) have done the geochemical analysis

    Table 3. Inter elemental relationship between the major elements






    3MnO MgO CaO Na

    2O K

    2O P




    SiO2 1TiO

    2-0.39 1


    3-0.59 0.843 1


    3-0.72 0.851 0.971 1

    MnO -0.47 0.02 0.143 0.2695 1

    MgO -0.61 0.331 0.659 0.6103 -0.14 1

    CaO -0.60 -0.26 -0.24 -0.043 0.556 -0.119 1

    Na2O 0.89 -0.41 -0.49 -0.651 -0.50 -0.305 -0.648 1

    K2O -0.59 0.611 0.916 0.8534 0.143 0.793 -0.236 -0.37 1


    50.52 -0.13 -0.1 -0.234 -0.40 0.0295 -0.65 0.586 0.0224 1

    (CI) -0.63 -0.24 0.037 0.1361 0.525 0.2687 0.7239 -0.49 0.166 -0.62




    TiO2 -0.20 1Al


    30.147 0.9 1


    3-0.38 0.953 0.858 1

    MnO -0.87 0.163 -0.14 0.3402 1

    MgO -0.64 0.78 0.615 0.8985 0.524 1

    CaO -0.92 -0.18 -0.52 -0.014 0.795 0.2959 1

    Na2O 0.963 -0.25 0.135 -0.377 -0.84 -0.619 -0.878 1

    K2O 0.296 0.789 0.961 0.7497 -0.23 0.4823 -0.636 0.294 1


    50.156 0.662 0.663 0.5456 -0.04 0.2302 -0.379 0.186 0.6355 1

    (CI) -0.93 -0.08 0.44 0.0785 0.812 0.3688 0.9704 -0.91 -0.56 -0.36

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    Fig.6. Relationship of TiO2 with SiO2 , Na2O and CaO.

    Fig.5. Relationship of Al2O



    3and K

    2O with TiO


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    Fig.7. Relationship between Al2O

    3with MgO, Fe


    3and K


    Fig.8. Relationship between SiO2 with MgO, Fe2O3 and Al2O3

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    for the channel sediments, flood sediments and suspended

    sediments of Gomati River which is about 80 km east of

    Ganga River, where the CIA value ranges between 53 to 68

    with an average value of 60. The comparison of CIA values

    of the recent sediments of Ganga and Gomati Rivers (Table

    5) suggests that the rate of weathering is more or less same

    for the sediments of both the rivers. However, Gomati River

    sediments show maximum value of CIA as 68 where as it is

    only 63.6 for Ganga River. This difference is due to the fact

    that the Gomati River is a ground water fed river and the

    sediments it carries are second cycle sediments (Kumar and

    Singh, 1978).

    In Marksnagar the minimum value of CIA was found to

    be 54.4 at the depth of around 30 m i.e., at this level there

    was virtually no weathering while the sediment at 33 m depth

    shows the maximum weathering with CIA value at 63.3

    which is of incipient nature. The sediment samples of the

    Durgajkhera show lower CIA values up to a depth of 15 m

    with the minimum of 53.23 value at the depth of 9 m. After

    15m the CIA values increase and reach maximum around

    64 up to the depth of 33 m. To illustrate these results the

    ternary variation A-CN-K diagram was plotted for both thevillages (see Figs. 10 and 11). This clearly indicates that the

    rate of weathering is not the prime factor for the release of

    fluoride in the groundwater rather it is the different minera-

    logical composition which is playing a key role in the release

    of fluoride. The detailed geochemical analysis of the sedi-ments also shows more presence of mica minerals (especially

    biotite) at Marksnagar as compared to Durgajkhera.

    There is a loss of the most mobile elements i.e., Na and

    Ca in the sediments as compared to the UCC (Fig.11). The

    weathering trend was found running parallel to A CN line.

    As the chemical weathering progresses, the clay minerals

    are produced due to dissociation of primary minerals into

    secondary clay minerals. During the incipient weathering

    Na and Ca are rapidly lost to the weathering solution and

    thus are not retained by the clay minerals while K due to its

    nature of being adsorbed by the clay minerals retained as

    the weathering product. This is due to the specific size and

    charge characteristic of K that leads it to retain in the layer

    position of 2:1 type clay mineral i.e. illite thus making it

    present in the sediments till the weathering of illite also

    initiates. Thus, K is stable during the incipient and moderate

    weathering and is mobile at higher degree of weathering.

    The retention of K and loss of Na and Ca with the progress

    Table 4. CIA values of Marksnagar (M1 to M15) and Durgajkhera (D1 to


    Sl. No. CIA Sl. No. CIA Sl. No. CIA

    M1 60.634 Ganga B1 50.86 D1 59.15

    M2 60.9496 Ganga B2 56.03 D2 57.595M3 61.79 Ganga K1 51.93 D3 53.23

    M4 63.08 Ganga K2 63.55 D4 54.54

    M5 62.012 Ganga K3 59.12 D5 59.54246

    M6 62.327 Mean 56.298 D6 63.52664

    M7 61.955 D7 61.80034

    M8 60.68 D8 61.68221

    M9 62.124 D9 62.8052

    M10 54.413 D10 62.78137

    M11 63.29 D11 63.60445

    M12 56.465 Mean 60.02342

    M13 58.34

    M14 59.292

    M15 58.56

    Mean 60.39411

    Fig.9. Comparison between the CIA values of recent and ancient


    Table 5. Range of CIA values for sediments of Gomati River, Ganga

    River, Marksnagar and Durgajkhera

    Location sites CIA values

    Min. Max. Avg.

    Recent sediments (Gomati River, after 53.0 68.0 60.1

    Singh et al. 2004)

    Recent sediments (Ganga River) 50.9 63.6 56.3

    Ancient sediments I (Marksnagar village) 54.4 63.2 60.4

    Ancient sediments II (Durgajkher village) 53.2 63.6 60.0 Fig.10. A CN K diagram for Marksnagar.

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    of chemical weathering leads to the general trend of A CN

    parallel weathering for both the sites. A-CN-K diagram was

    also plotted for the recent sediments collected from the bank

    of Ganga River at Kanpur and Bithur. This ternary variation

    diagram for the recent sediments is shown in Fig 12. There

    is a similar trend of weathering parallel to A-CN line for the

    recent sediments also.

    It is inferred that the weathering pattern is same on the

    surface sediments of Ganga River as well as for the ancient

    sediments of Marksnagar and Durgajkhera. Since the

    approximate age of the sediments as revealed by the carbon

    dating should be around 45,000 years at the depth of 45 m,

    it is suggested that there is no remarkable change in the

    weathering pattern since last 40 - 50,000 years. Moreover

    it is clear from the A-CN-K diagram for both ancient

    sediments and recent sediments that the weathering trend

    active in the area is A-CN parallel.

    Trace Elements

    Trace element behavior in the sediments is influenced

    by weathering, diagenesis, sediment sorting and hydro-

    geochemistry. Tables 2 give the concentration of the trace

    elements. Zirconium is known to be least mobile and

    insoluble thus it remains in sediments. The higher

    concentration of Zr at Marksnagar is probably due to the

    higher degree of chemical weathering. Since the sediments

    of Marksnagar are mud dominated while that of Durgajkhera

    contains higher amount of sand so a general trend of higher

    concentration of trace elements is noted in Marksnagar in

    comparison to Durgajkhera indicating a marginal higher

    rate of weathering at Marksnagar. Fritz (1988) had stated

    that biotite and perthetic microcline are the important phases

    of fresh rocks which are enriched in Ba and Rb. He furtheradded that the alteration of biotite results in the loss of Ba

    and enrichment of Rb. The average concentration of Ba in

    Marksnagar and Durgajkhera is 482 ppm and 441 ppm

    respectively while Rb is 135 ppm at Marksnagar and at

    Durgajkhera it is 125 ppm. Thus, the comparatively higher

    content of Ba and Rb at Marksnagar supports the higher

    amount of biotite and high rate of weathering. The relative

    higher average concentration of Cr and Ni suggests the

    higher content of clay in Marksnagar samples thereby giving

    a direct evidence of higher degree of weathering (Sharma

    and Rajamani, 2001). Slightly higher concentration of Sr at

    Durgajkhera confirms the formation of calcrete, which could

    act as barrier for the release of fluoride in the groundwater

    of Durgajkhera.

    Chemical Mobility of Elements with respect to


    Weathering involves redistribution of the major and

    trace elements present in the parent rock material. This

    mobilization and redistribution is facilitated by the process

    of dissolution of primary minerals, formation of secondary

    minerals, transportation of materials and its co-precipitation.

    According to Nesbitt (1979), titanium is relatively immobileduring weathering and thus could be used for the calcu-

    lation of the chemical mobility of the major and trace

    elements. The chemical mobility of an element is determined

    by plotting the CIA values against the percentage change

    of the element with respect to TiO2. The percentage change

    is calculated in terms of percentage increase or decrease

    of the element X (of samples) with respect to X in


    Percentage change =(X/ TiO


    sample x 100(X/ TiO


    UCC 1}

    Fig.11. A CN K diagram for Durgajkhera.

    Fig.12. A-CN-K diagram for the recent sediments.

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    The increasing or decreasing trend of the variation

    diagrams plotted for percentage change of element X against

    its CIA value indicates the increase or decrease of chemical

    mobility of that element. The chemical mobility of the major

    elements of the sediments of the Marksnagar, and

    Durgajkhera is given in Fig. 13 (a and b). From Fig.13a it is

    clear that during the chemical weathering there is a definite

    mobility in the major element concentrations. The significant

    increasing trend of chemical mobility of Fe and Mg prove

    the instability of the biotite and muscovite content of the

    sediments as these two minerals are the most important host

    for Fe and Mg present in these sediments. This dissociation

    of biotite and muscovite is due to the weathering process

    active in the area. The increasing trend of CaO depicts that

    as the weathering progresses, the chemical mobility of Ca

    increases. This may be due to aqueous dissociation and co-precipitation of the calcrete during weathering.


    3gives neither decreasing nor increasing trend,

    rather it is parallel to CIA and indicates that it is

    comparatively very stable during weathering (Fig.13b).

    Silicon, sodium and potassium showed a decreasing trend

    of chemical mobility. The mobility of SiO2is very important

    for understanding the weathering process as it plays an

    important role in soil formation. It can also be concluded

    that sodium decreases more rapidly than potassium. This is

    due to the greater alteration of plagioclase as compared to

    K feldspar, which is also shown in the A-CN-K diagram.

    Another reason for this could be that K is more preferentially

    adsorbed in the clay minerals and could also be incorporated

    with the silicate minerals.

    Distribution of Major Elements with Depth

    The variation in the concentration of major elements

    with the depth was plotted on the logarithmic variation

    diagrams. The value of the major elements is in percentage.

    However, the average concentration of fluoride (in ppm)for two years at the respective depth was also depicted in

    the graph to search for any correlation between the fluoride

    in the groundwater and the concentration of major elements

    in the sediments.

    Fig.13a. Chemical mobility of the major elements during the weathering process.

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    The scatter plot shows (Fig.14) that pair SiO2

    and CaO

    and TiO2

    and Na2O

    3are inversely proportional to each other.

    In Marksnagar as the SiO2

    decreases with the depth there is

    an increase in CaO and simultaneously the fluoride content

    in the water of that depth zone (M2, M6, M11 and M15 at 6

    m, 18 m, 33 m and 4 5m bgl respectively) also increases.

    While with the increase in SiO2

    content there is a decrease

    of CaO and the fluoride content in the water in those depth

    zones also decreases (i.e. at M3 and M10, which are in the

    depth zone of 6-9 m and 27-30 m respectively). A positive

    correlation in the variation of the concentration of Al2O3,


    3, MgO and K

    2O along with the depth suggests that the

    concentration of all these elements is controlled by the

    variation in grain size characteristic of the sediments and

    the change in the rate of weathering. Moreover, the increase

    in the content of Fe and Mg in the sediments indicates the

    higher content of biotite which is also probably releasing

    the fluoride in the ground water due to its alteration. The

    source of K and Al may be K feldspar or any other alumino-

    silicate. The positive correlation of fluoride with the variation

    of these elements confirms its release from the biotite, as

    fluoride is present in the lattice of biotite and could be

    Fig.13b. Chemical mobility of the major elements during the weathering process.

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    released during the weathering of this mineral. There is a

    general trend of decrease in the concentration of all the major

    elements except for SiO2

    and Na2O at the depth interval of

    27-30 m (M10) suggesting a comparative dominance of

    SiO2. This zone also coincides with the low value of fluoridein the water. However, at depth interval of 30-33 m (M11)

    there is a remarkable decrease of SiO2

    and increase of other

    major elements. The CIA value of M10 is 54 while that of

    M11 is 63 indicating the incipient weathering phenomenon

    in the depth zone M11 while this phenomenon is inactive

    in M10 resulting in much lower values of fluoride in the

    water at 27-30 m (M10) of depth as compared to the water

    at 30-33 m of depth. The TiO2

    and Na2O gives a negative

    correlation as TiO2

    is most immobile in nature while Na is

    very mobile, both of these elements vary with the depth as

    is shown in Fig.12.

    The above finding were also confirmed when the fluoride

    concentration in the water was plotted against the trace

    elements like Ba, Ga and Rb (see Fig.15). From the above

    figure it can be seen that in Marksnagar as the concentration

    of Ba, Rb and Ga varies with the depth there is a variationin the fluoride content in the water. There exists a positive

    trend between the two. The variation in the concentration

    of Ba and Rb coincides with the variation in the biotite

    content of the sediments suggesting their source of origin to

    be biotite. This finding further supports the fact that the

    source of release of fluoride in the water is mainly due to

    the alteration of biotite.

    The variation in the concentration of major elements as

    well as the trace elements, along with the depth was also

    plotted for Durgajkhera and the similar trend was noted as

    it was seen for Marksnagar (Fig.14).

    Fig.14. Variation of major elements with depth.

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    Weathering and Release of Fluoride in Groundwater

    The concentration and mobility of both the major

    elements and the trace elements are controlled by the

    weathering processes. This is because these elements areeither the primary products or the secondary products of

    the weathering. So, an attempt was made to correlate the

    fluoride content in the ground water with the CIA value at

    that depth for the samples of Marksnagar.

    Shaji et al. (2007) suggests that high fluoride in

    groundwater is mainly derived from the hornblende biotite

    gneiss. The fluoride released into the groundwater could be

    the weathering product of mica minerals, probably of

    muscovite or biotite or both. It is also known that biotite is

    an alumino-silicate mineral containing magnesium, iron and

    potassium; thus the enrichment of these elements also

    suggests the active weathering of biotite.

    The chemical mobility and enrichment of Fe and Mg

    and enrichment of Al in the sediments indicates that the

    weathering of the mica minerals is still active. So, in order

    to understand the mobility of fluoride in the ground water

    with the changing trend of the chemical weathering intensity

    i.e. the CIA values, a graph is plotted (Fig. 16) and the

    correlation was established where the groundwater samples

    were available at the respective sediment sample depth. As

    the CIA value increases the fluoride content of the ground

    water also increases indicating the positive correlation

    between the two. The correlation coefficient between thefluoride content in the ground water and the CIA value at

    that depth zone for Marksnagar was about 0.8. The maximum

    fluoride was released at 30-33 m (M11) of depth and the

    CIA value was also found maximum for this sample. The

    minimum fluoride was released at the depth interval of 27-

    30 m (M10) which also coincides with the minimum CIA

    values. However, at the depth interval of 6-9 meters (M3)

    the fluoride content decreases with some increase in CIA.

    This might be due to difference in lithological character of

    the sediments at that depth. The CIA value at this depth

    interval also coincides with the sediment age of 20 to 30

    thousand of years as revealed by the carbon dating. Moreover

    this period also happened to be the last event of global

    glaciations. So, the role of the last event of global glaciations

    in the weathering and ultimately in the release of fluoride

    could not be ruled out.


    The geochemical data indicates the dominant presence

    of quartz, feldspar and mica in the sediments of Marksnagar

    and Durgajkhera. The high percentage of CaO suggests the

    secondary formation of the calcium in the form of calcrete.The enrichment of Fe


    3and MgO in the sediments indicates

    the presence of high content of biotite and the clay minerals

    like vermiculite and smectite (Murphy, 1998). The presence

    of Na in sediments is mainly due to the plagioclase (albite).

    The depletion of Na2O with loss of SiO

    2indicates the

    preferential disappearance of plagioclase as weathering

    proceeds (Weijden and Weijden, 1995). The depletion of

    Na corresponds to the extensive weathering of plagioclase

    (albite) in the area (White et al. 1998) while the some

    depletion and some enrichment of K suggests that the active

    weathering of K-feldspar (microcline) is not very

    Fig.15. Variation of trace element distribution and the fluoride content with the depth.

    Fig.16. Relationship between F and CIA with the variation in depth

    at Marksnagar.

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    progressive. The presence of TiO2

    confirms the presence of

    biotite as Murphy et al. (1998) suggest that Ti is the part of

    biotite and the trace elements Ni & Cr confirm the presence

    of vermiculite (Ramesam, 1979). Na, Ca and K are mainly

    concentrated in feldspar and the significant decreasing trend

    of Na and some depletion of K, therefore reflects the

    alteration of feldspar (Middelburg et al. 1988). Since Na

    decreases more rapidly than K, greater alteration rate of

    plagioclase than K-feldspar is suspected. Ca (in silicate form)

    is also present in feldspar and normally gets depleted along

    with Na. But in the present case due to its secondary pre-

    cipitation as calcrete, enrichment of Ca is noted. The trace

    element Rb is known to be more contained in K-feldspar

    than biotite and is expected to be less depleted than K

    (Middleburg et al. 1988). In, Marksnagar some depletion

    of Rb was noted, confirming some alteration of K-feldspar.Since, according to Goldich cycle of weathering, K-feldspar

    is more resistant of weathering than biotite, so its alteration

    confirms the weathering of biotite. The CIA value also

    suggests the incipient weathering of the sediments in the

    area and support the weathering of biotite [K (Mg,


    3) O

    10(OH, F)

    2] to be more progressive than

    muscovite [KAl2(AlSi


    10(OH, F)


    A positive correlation between the CIA value and the

    fluoride content in the ground water was also noted. Thus,

    the rate of weathering active in the area is incipient in

    nature, suggesting more prominent weathering of Na

    feldspar and biotite. Probable reason for the high content

    of fluoride in the groundwater of the study area is mainly

    due to the dissociation/alteration of mica minerals, mainly


    Acknowledgement: We are thankful to the UP Council

    of Agricultural Research for the financial support in the form

    a research project, to Dr. Anupam Sharma for his help during

    the course of investigation and to Dr. A.K. Jauhri for

    extending working facilities in the Geology Dept., University

    of Lucknow, India. S. Kumar is indebted to the Alexandervon Humboldt Foundation, Germany for the grant of a

    fellowship to work in the University of Erlangen, Germany.

    Authors are indebted to Prof. H.J. Tobschall for extending

    working facility to S. Kumar at the Institute of Geology and

    Mineralogy, University of Erlangen-Nurenberg and to Ms.

    M. Drr for the analytical assistance in XRF analysis.


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