lda19-0297 urban design brief - edmonton · urban design brief. 1. project overview. introduction....

Westrich Pacific Corp. DC2 Rezoning in Garneau 11023 -11045 – 86 Avenue NW June 14, 2019 Urban Design Brief

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Page 1: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

Westrich Pacific Corp.

DC2 Rezoning in Garneau 11023 -11045 – 86 Avenue NW

June 14, 2019

Urban Design Brief

Page 2: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

1. Project Overview


The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, isproposed to be rezoned to accommodate a high density mixedresidential development.

The 0.32 ha site is bounded by 86 Avenue to the north, an laneto the south, a two-storey dwelling and café to the west (bothproperties are zoned CNC – Neighbourhood ConvenienceCommercial), and a five-storey apartment building to the east.

The purpose of this urban design brief is to provide an overviewof the existing development and the surrounding area, andillustrate the overarching design vision to aid in the preparationof more detailed design regulations and documents in the nextphases of the development application process.

Information contained within this document is conceptual and subjectto revisions and modifications.

Subject Site

Page 3: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Existing Site Conditions

The site currently consists of eight lots located on the south sideof 86 Avenue near the 111 Street intersection. One of the lots isvacant, while the remaining seven lots each contain a single-family dwelling.

Mature trees line the separated sidewalks along 86 Avenue,which allows for a safe and comfortable pedestrian experience.

The site is within 500 m of the University LRT Station, and 600m of the Health Sciences/Jubilee LRT Station. Numerous busroutes service University Transit Centre, and run along 109Street. The site is located less than 400 m from Whyte Avenueand 109 Street, both of which are designated transit avenues(Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800).

Immediate surrounding land uses are residential on all sides,with institutional uses further north (University of Alberta) andwest (University Hospital). Commercial uses are located furthereast (along 109 Street) and south (along Whyte Avenue)beyond the residential uses.

• 01: Site View From 86 Avenue Looking Southwest• 02: Site View From 86 Avenue Looking Southeast• 03: Site View From Rear Alley Looking West• 04: Site View From Rear Alley Looking East

01 02

03 04

Page 4: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Surrounding Urban Fabric

The site is located within the Garneau neighbourhood in Sub-Area 1, in the Garneau Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP). TheGarneau ARP was adopted in 1982, and includes varied landuses. This inner city neighbourhood is one of the oldest inEdmonton.

Small commercial uses are dispersed throughout theneighbourhood, while Whyte Avenue and 109 Street featurelarge concentrations of retail, commercial, and officedevelopments. There are also numerous institutional uses, suchas the University of Alberta, University Hospital, and GarneauSchool in the vicinity of the subject lands.

Residential uses range from single detached residences, tohigh density, high rise buildings, and everything in between.

Page 5: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Surrounding Urban Fabric

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2. Context Analysis

Heritage Resources

There are several sites around the subject site that are listed onthe City’s Register and Inventory of Historic Resources. Noinventoried or registered historic resources exist on the subjectlands. Many of the surrounding properties are listed on theInventory; they merit conservation but are not legally protected.It is only when a resource is designated as a Municipal HistoricResource that it is put on the Register, and protected.

In the immediate vicinity of the subject lands, the MunicipalHistoric Resources are:

• Garneau Theatre• Sarah McLellan Residence (11135 – 84 Avenue NW)

Subject Site

Inventory Resource

Municipal Historic Resource

Page 7: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Edmonton Zoning Bylaw

The site is located within the Garneau neighbourhood, one ofEdmonton’s oldest communities.

As identified in the Zoning Map, within the Garneauneighbourhood, Whyte Avenue and 109 Street serve as theprimary commercial main streets.

Several surrounding parcels in the immediate vicinity of thesubject lands are zoned (RA9) High Rise Apartment Zone,(RF6) Medium Density Multiple Family Zone, or (CNC)Neighbourhood Convenience Commercial Zone. The (DC1)Direct Development Control District to the south in intended toencourage the retention and reuse of existing buildings, and toallow for infill development.

Subject Site


Page 8: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Accessibility & Connectivity

Page 9: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Edges, Paths & Landmarks

This map was prepared to understand the legibility of the studyarea based on the five elements identified by Kevin Lynch(1960) – paths, districts, edges, landmarks, and nodes.

• Paths: Four Primary Paths were identified within the studyarea of the site: Whyte Avenue, 109 Street, Walterdale Hilland Saskatchewan Drive. Other streets have been identifiedas Secondary Paths.

• Nodes: Nodes are identified within the surroundingcommunity as areas of arrival and departure, decisionmaking and interaction. These include the University LRTentrance, and key intersections.

• Landmarks: The study area has several landmarkbuildings, including schools, parks, the University of Alberta,and University Hospital. Given the preponderance of tallbuildings, landmarks are not necessarily the talleststructures, unlike in some part of the city.

• Districts: The mixed residential, commercial, andinstitutional character of Garneau with its treed boulevardsand grid network could be considered a district. The clusterof institutional uses including the University and hospitalarea, and concentration of commercial uses along WhyteAvenue and 109 Street could be considered others.

• Edges: The transition, on the northern edge of theneighbourhood, from urban to river valley could beconsidered an edge, due to the abrupt change in characterand topography.

Page 10: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

2. Context Analysis

Edges, Paths & Landmarks

Page 11: LDA19-0297 Urban Design Brief - Edmonton · Urban Design Brief. 1. Project Overview. Introduction. The subject site, located at 11023-11045 – 86 Avenue NW, is ... a two-storey dwelling

3. Design Analysis

Design Goals

The site is located near the north-west portion of the Garneauneighbourhood, and is close to public transit, restaurants, andinstitutional services. The proposed development will contributeto the urban fabric of this diverse and pedestrian-friendlycommunity.

The proposed 28-storey tower will feature ten two-storeytownhouses along the base of the structure to maintain positivehuman scale interaction at the street. Nine of the townhousesfront 86 Avenue, and the remaining townhouse unit will beaccessed via a walkway on the western property line. Generoussetbacks are provided on either side of the tower to reduce anyimpacts to surrounding, existing structures. The building facadefeatures ample window treatments, varying building materials,and simple rectangular masses to produce a concise buildingexpression and an engaging, attractive tower design. Thevertical elements provide the building with a slimmerappearance, with high contrast tones of the materials breakingup the building volume to enhance the building expressionfurther.

Along the street, the townhouse units have direct street orsidewalk access to maintain a strong pedestrian-street interfaceand define the street edges in the way of traditional buildingmaterials and street-oriented residences. The townhouseentrances with private front yards along 86 Avenue provide arhythm of pedestrian-scaled spaces. These also act as atransition between the street scale and tower scale. Thiscontributes to providing a strong pedestrian-oriented buildingdesign along the street.

Exterior building materials include glass, concrete, brick andEFIS to create an architectural expression to the surroundingarea.

Residents will have all-directional views, and plenty of sunlightwill be welcomed into the units. The underground parkadeentrance is located closer to the western property line, whichminimizes the amount of traffic through the alleyway byreducing the distance drivers must traverse to access theparkade.

The proposed landscape features will be designed to maintainthe safe pedestrian experience along 86 Avenue, and arefurther discussed herein.

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3. Design Analysis

Site Plan

Rezoning RF6 to DC2

Site Area 3,239 m2 (0.32 ha)

Max. FAR 7.2

Max. Height 80 m

Max. Floor Plate Floors 3-5 - 817 m2

Floors 6-28 - 797 m2

Max. Residential Units


Min. Amenity Area 7.5 m2/du provided through: 270 m2 of Outdoor Amenity; 90 m2 of Indoor Amenity; Balconies with a minimum depth of 1.5 m; and each ground level Dwelling with 25 m2

Private Outdoor Amenity

Min. Parking Requirements

8 bicycle parking spaces in NW corner of site, and secured bicycle storage on all 3 levels of underground parking

275 underground vehicular parking spaces for residents

Min Lot Line Setbacks

North: 5.5 m South: 4.9 mEast: 3.2 m West: 6.2 m

Community Amenity Contribution

22 three-bedroom units are provided

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3. Design AnalysisDesign Response to City Documents & Policies

EDMONTON METROPOLITAN REGION GROWTH PLANThe proposed rezoning conforms to the higher-level planning legislationand policy of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan (EMRGP).The proposed amendment site is located in the area identified asMetropolitan Core in the EMRGP and is consistent with Tables 1A-Cwhich outlines growth directions which:• encourage intensification in built-up urban areas including brownfield

sites to optimize existing and planned infrastructure;• as well as calling for the planning for and building of transit oriented

development with the highest level of density in the Region in areaswith existing and planned LRT service.

The proposed amendment site is located within 600 m of two LRTstations. The amendment will accommodate a high-rise residentialdevelopment in this highly walkable community, replacing eight detachedhouses.

THE WAY WE GROWThe City’s MDP, The Way We Grow, encourages growth in matureneighbourhoods and near transit (Policy that contribute to thelivability and adaptability of established neighbourhoods (Policy proposed rezoning provides a mix of residential units, from studio to3 bedroom apartments, for various demographic and income groups(Policy The site is also in close proximity to education institutions(i.e. University of Alberta and Garneau School), recreation facilities (i.e.Garneau Park, Kinsmen Park, North Saskatchewan River Valley), andnumerous employment centres.

THE WAY WE MOVEThis project is consistent with the City of Edmonton TMP, The Way WeMove. This site is a short walking distance to the University LRT station(500 m), Health Sciences/Jubilee LRT station (600 m) and Whyte Avenue(400 m), and provides good access to the City’s painted bike lanes on110 and 111 Streets and shared roadways on 84 and 85 Avenues and110 Street, supporting trips by multiple non-vehicle modes. In addition,the proposed rezoning would also provide bicycle storage for residentsand visitors that would support use of the surrounding bike routes.

GARNEAU AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLANThe proposed rezoning application supports the vision for Garneauoutlined in the Area Redevelopment Plan. The plan supports thedevelopment of high density residential housing to accommodate the highdemand for housing in the area, and encourages a mix of unit typesincluding family oriented housing in the neighbourhood. The buildingdesign includes a mix of studio, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units to appeal to avaried group of singles, families, and seniors as well as a range ofincomes to contribute to the diversity of Garneau.

EDMONTON WINTER CITY DESIGN GUIDELINESThis project is consistent with the City’s Winter City Design Guidelines.The building will incorporate transparent glazing into building façades toallow for visual access to internal uses which also allows for passivesurveillance and illumination between outdoor spaces and building users.At grade townhouses will have a minimum of 50% of glazing to furtherincorporate transparency and create permeability to the building design.Weather protection in the form of canopies is provided above the mainentrance of the building and above the townhouses. In addition,decorative and security lighting will be provided to ensure a well litpedestrian environment.

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3. Design AnalysisDesign Response to Adjacent Buildings & Uses

The proposed development responds to existing buildings anduses in the following manner:

• 01: The building design incorporates various buildingmaterials. Ample glass treatments along the façade of thetower create a high degree of transparency. Varyingbuilding materials and colours are proposed to add texture,depth and visual interest to the overall design. Thebalconies are glazed, which minimizes the visual massing ofthese projections. Ample setbacks are provided along theeast and west sides of the tower, to allow for adequatedistance between the tower and surrounding, existingstructures. These setbacks will contain amenity space forresidents and additional landscaping opportunities on theroofs of the townhouses (see Photo 02).

• 02: Each of the ten townhouse units will have individualoutdoor amenity space, which provides sufficient buildingsetbacks that match the setbacks of the neighbouringstructures, and contributes to the pedestrian realm along thestreets.

• 03: Varying building materials are incorporated into the baseof the podium to create visual interest, and differentiatebetween the different townhouse units. The use of brickechoes the building material of the easterly neighbouringfive-storey apartment building to provide continuity in thebase materials.

• 04: Ample and high quality landscaping is planned toprovide an attractive street treatment. Tree plantings andshrubs offer a natural element to the site design andenhance the overall street landscape.

01 02



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3. Design AnalysisLandscape Principles

The landscaping is carefully designed to compliment the uses ofthe site. The building will be designed utilizing CPTEDstandards to ensure a safe and secure environment for itsresidents. The residential entrance to the tower is located nearthe centre of the lot and addresses 86 Avenue with high qualitylandscaping features. The at-grade townhouses located in thepodium have been designed to create a clearly definedseparation from the street.

The interface with existing residential development to the westand east are landscaped to provide visual screening betweenthe sites. In addition, this area is activated through the provisionof bicycle parking at the northwest corner, and walkways alongthe western and eastern edge of the property. One of thetownhouse units is also accessed by the western walkway,which further contributes to the pedestrian-oriented environmentat the street.

Each of the townhouse units on the ground level feature privateoutdoor terraces, further contributing to the interface along 86Avenue by providing more opportunities for street levelinteraction. The building will positively contribute to the safety ofthe neighbourhood by providing windows and individualentrances from the street, the transparency of which evokes“eyes on the street”.

Several pockets of landscaped areas are provided at the backof property, near the visitor parking area. These areas provideadditional amenity and gathering space for residents andvisitors. The addition of residential density on this street will addround-the-clock activity that will support use of the surroundingfacilities and commercial uses.

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3. Design AnalysisBuilding Elevations & Materials

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3. Design AnalysisBuilding Elevations & Materials

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3. Design Analysis

View Corridors

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3. Design Analysis

Emerging Context Height

Building heights in the area vary significantly, from large one-and two-storey single detached houses, to row housing, walk-ups, low-rise apartments, to modern high-rise towers.

The Garneau neighbourhood is experiencing increasingpressure and demand for housing and redevelopment of singledetached housing to higher density residential uses (GarneauARP).

The proposed development is located one block east of 112Street, and is near several high-rise buildings, both existing andrecently approved.

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3. Design Analysis

Massing Study

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3. Design AnalysisSite Accessibility and Connectivity

Integrated with the existing community, the proposeddevelopment will be within close walking distance to theUniversity LRT station and Health Science/Jubilee LRT station,Whyte Avenue, 109 Street, the river valley, and the surroundingneighbourhood.

The site connects to the City’s bicycle network via sharedroadways along 85 Avenue and painted bike lanes on 111Street. The bike network further connects to the river valley viashared use paths along Saskatchewan Drive and WalterdaleHill.

Pedestrian pathways are present throughout the entirecommunity, and provide for quick and easy connections tonearby neighbourhood destinations.

The site is also highly accessible via transit, through LRT or busconnections at the nearby transit stations or along major routes.

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3. Design Analysis

Sun Shadow Analysis