learning assignment2

LEARNING Or how I learned to learn

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. LEARNING Or how I learned to learn
  3. 3. TEN RULES OF GOOD STUDYING AS USED BY ME. Use recall Recall is where you read information, turn your head and remember key points from the material that you just read. This forms bits of information which can be enlarged by combining bits of information, or chunks. Use of Pneumonic devices and metaphors aid in the recall of key points in a given paragraph. The following example was given to me by an anatomy professor. Chopkins=> Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iodine, Nitrogen and Sulfur. Test yourself Ask yourself questions about the material without looking up the answer. Flashcards are your friends. They will save your behind. The nice thing about them is that you can take them with you. There are many websites that offer study guides, quiz question and flashcards that you can print off.Quizlet.com is just one site. My experience with flashcards has been invaluable. With all the theory and anatomy I have had to learn, flashcards have worked to keep the information organized. During school I can be seen with flash cards. They are usually ones that I type up and print myself Chunk your problems Chunking is taking those bits of information that you formed using recall and linking them together through meaning or use. The path to expert is linking these chunks. Chunking works to make the brain work efficiently. Chunking is a process that just learned about in this class so I am not sure how to discuss it without practical experience. Please take a look at the following example of chunking I have created.
  4. 4. EXAMPLE OF CHUNKING INFORMATION PROCESS THEORY George Miller(1956) proposed two statements that had a great impact on Information Process Theory. The first statement was that short-term memory can only hold 5-9 chunks (5, +/-2) or bits of information at a time. A chunk contains meaning full information. The second statement was that memory worked like a computer. The brain would take information in, process it so that it can be stored, retrieve it and then create responses based on the information. http://istheory.byu.edu/wiki/Informatio n_processing_theory
  5. 5. EXAMPLE OF CHUNKING INFORMATION PROCESS THEORY Memory has three parts to it. Sensory Register where new information is received. Short-Term Memory where the information that was received in the sensory register is held until it is decided if it is going to be stored in the Long-Term Memory or forgotten. Long-Term Memorywhere information is stored for retrieval. The decision to store information in long-term memory depends on whether or not the information is meaning full, and prior knowledge recall is activated. http://istheory.byu.edu/wiki/Informatio n_processing_theory
  6. 6. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON CHUNKING Focusing your attention with regards to connecting parts of the brain to tie ideas together while its an important part of the focus mode of learning, it can also help when starting to form these bits of information. My personal challenge here is to focus on the material that I have to study. One way I have of beating this problem is to move up the due date of an assignment. Then the pressure of having the due date earlier then what it So for example This assignment is listed as being due on the 26th but I have set the goal of having it done by the 24th.. Understanding the concept is the second step in forming a chunk The one way I have of achieving an understanding of the material being presented goes back to the recall section of the Ten Rules. I combine some sort of physical action with recalling key facts. It usually takes the form of turning my head away from the material and writing key points down on paper. Creating Context Knowing the environment in which the information will be used also plays a part in retaining information for use at a later date. Tony Robbins on Chunking Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A- mcrGveHM4
  7. 7. Space your repetition. How I have dealt with this is not to deal with it. Now I have learned a method called the Pomodoro method. It applying it I have found that I am better able to focus on the material. Short periods of studying over a period of several days means the learning is more effective. Eventually time spent studying will be used more effectively. Alternate I tend to do concentrated study on one subject, take a break and work on another topic. Like it was stated in the lectures, the mind is a muscle and it needs to build up its strength. Daily exercise, such as studying, makes the mind work better. As with physical activity, short sessions are the best as is varying your exercises. Take breaks. When studying if you start getting stressed and showing signs of frustration, take a break and do something else. When I am getting stressed, my best thing to do is go for a walk.
  8. 8. POMODORO This method consists of several sessions lasting 25 minutes with 10 minute breaks between them. This allows for concentrated studying of a subject. You can alternate between multiple subjects. This method has worked to improve my study methods already. What can I say I started doing this upon learning about it from this class so the judgment on it is still out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH-z5kmVhzU
  9. 9. Use explanatory questioning and simple analogies I already translate concepts into words. My poor mother has to listen to me talk about what I am learning as I try to understand. I take concepts and translate them into words that a person who is not knowledgeable about the subject being study can understand. Eat your frogs first Always get the harder subjects done first then the easier subject will seem easier and go faster. Make a mental contrast
  10. 10. SUMMARY OF WHAT I LEARNED Having just learned a number of new techniques in this class, I cant say what impact they will have in the future but I do know that I will put them to work. I had difficulty with Recall as it was something that I did not having a name for it. The goal for future learning it implement the learning strategies and see if there is a difference. These strategies will help me to succeed in the future
  11. 11. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Website links http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/chunking-method-definition-examples-quiz.html http://www.psych.ufl.edu/~abrams/cognition/Articles/bodie_et_al_06.pdf https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/simple-pomodoro%C2%AE/blidjjfbdbkcmegfnidmgndgdamhhelp?hl=en-US