learning objectives key words

Learning objectives: To understand key information about Sociology A Level To be made aware of they key expectations Learning objectives Key words: To understand key information about Sociology A Level To be made aware of the key expectations. Specification Subject content Scheme of assessment

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Page 1: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Learning objectives Key words:

❑ To understand key information about Sociology

A Level

❑ To be made aware of the key expectations.

• Specification

• Subject


• Scheme of


Page 2: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


In your pairs discuss what you think sociology might be?

Page 3: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


The study of society, large groups of people and individuals.

It studies why people behave in the way that they do and how SOCIETY and the INSTITUTIONS such as the Government and education influence the way the way that you are.

It is NOT they study of how your mind makes you the way you are… that’s PSYCHOLOGY.

Sociology is …

Page 4: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What is Sociology A Level?

A-level Sociology will help you to make sense of the society we live in and understand the cultural and identity issues which affect us all.

What skills will I learn?

• the use of evidence to support your arguments • how to investigate facts and use deduction • critical thinking • making reasoned arguments • developing opinions and new ideas on societal issues • the ability to analyse and better understand societal issues

Page 5: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What are sociologists interested in?

They are interested in using research methods to study patterns and trends in societyand behaviour so they can make generalisations such as …‘Lone parent families create criminals’‘Girls are more likely to do better at school’‘ There is a link between low literacy levels anddrug taking’

‘Afro- Caribbean males are less likely to do well in school’‘Women do more housework then men’

Page 6: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


Page 7: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Some of the ways we group people together in society

Page 8: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


How can this behaviour beseen as a problem for society?

Page 9: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


How is this linked to…

Page 10: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


How might living in this area lead you to beless successful at school?

Page 11: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Working in small groups, mind map some ideas of what caused these people to behave the way they did and how it could impact on the individuals and society

Page 12: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What is the overview of the course and how will it be delivered over the two years?

The Specification you are studying: AS Level: 7191 (1 year course)A Level: 7192 (2 year course)

Unit and course details:

Education with Theory and Methods

Option 1 Families and Households

Option 2 Beliefs in Society

Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods

Scheme of assessment

Paper 1: 2 hour written exam in May 202233.3% of A Level

Paper 2: 2 hour written examin May 2022 33.3% of A Level

Paper 3: 2 hour written exam in May 202233.3% of A Level

When will I study this unit?

September – December 2020 Option 1: December – May 2021Option 2: September –November 2021

November – March 2022

Page 13: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What are the important details about this qualification that I need to be aware of?

• You will study this qualification for two years• You will require the Napier Press text book for Sociology Book 1 for Y12 and

Book 2 for Y13• This subject is assessed by 3 - 2 hour written examinations at the end of the

course in Y13• This is an essay based subject.

Page 14: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What do you need to do to be successful in Sociology A Level?

• You will require an A4 folder for each of the three topic areas studied• In addition to normal stationery get at least 10 file dividers for each of the sub topics in the topic areas• You will need a pad of A4 lined paper (margin whole punched not narrow lined)• Some students like to have a set of blank flash cards to make summary revision cards at the end of each sub-

topic• You will need to purchase the A Level Napier Press Sociology Book 1 (details of how to buy this or download

a copy for free will be available later)

Page 15: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What do you need to do to be successful in Sociology A Level?

1.Keep organised2.Don’t be afraid to ask questions3.Understand your strengths and weaknesses4.Work on your exam technique5.Read around the subject

Page 16: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What will I be studying in Sociology during the first half term from September to October?

Education with theory and methods:

What will I study?

• Education and methods in context: You’ll consider the role of education in society. For example as part of your studies you’ll look into gender and ethnicity differences in school achievement. You’ll also learn how to apply your own sociology research methods to the study of education.

• Research methods: You’ll learn how to conduct your own sociological research, from interviews to reviewing documents and official statistics.

Page 17: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation Where could Sociology A Level take you?

Sociology is a great choice of subject for people who want a career in social work, nursing or medicine. But the subject is also useful in a number of other careers, like marketing, advertising, PR, journalism, law or teaching.

Possible degree options According to bestcourse4me.com, the top six degree courses taken by students who have an A-level in sociology are: • Sociology • Psychology • English studies • Business studies • Law • Teaching

“Sociology examines a wide variety of topics which can be taken forward and applied in a number of different careers. I found the subject of society and work to be really interesting and decided I wanted to pursue an HR related career. My background in sociology has given me transferable skills, particularly with the analysis of information. This helps me understand the requirements of a diverse range of businesses and to be creative in finding solutions for their staffing needs.”

Alex, Senior Project Manager working for a recruitment solutions provider

Page 18: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


Page 19: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations

Explanation What Skills will I Learn?

A-level Sociology will help you develop a range of skills that will benefit you, whether you decide to go on to further study or the working world, including: • the use of evidence to support your arguments • how to investigate facts and use deduction • critical thinking • making reasoned arguments • developing opinions and new ideas on societal issues • the ability to analyse and better understand societal issues

Page 20: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


For more information visit the AQA website:


Page 21: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


✓ Everyone is silent.

✓ Everyone is reading.

✓ Everyone notes down

new/ unfamiliar words.

✓ Everyone tries without


Everybody reads

Page 22: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


Chapter 1 What is sociology? Research Cannibalism as a normIn some cultures and in some circumstances, cannibalism is a cultural norm.

A. Using the web links below (or others), find definitions for the following types of cannibalism: 1. exocannibalism 2. endocannibalism 3. necro-cannibalism


B. The Korowai people of Papua New Guinea practice endocannibalism. Use the web links to research the reasons why these people eat human flesh.


Page 23: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


Page 24: Learning objectives Key words

Learning objectives:

• To understand key information about Sociology A Level • To be made aware of they key expectations


✓ All equipment away

✓ All rubbish in the bin

✓ Everybody leaves in

a calm manner.

End & send

Thank you. We look forward to meeting you all in September. If you have any questions please email:[email protected]@haileyburyturnford.com