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7/23/2019 Lecture ITM http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/lecture-itm 1/17 National Culture

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7/23/2019 Lecture ITM

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National Culture

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Outline of the Lecture

• Contemporary Motivational Theories

• National Culture

• Ethics & Social Responsibility

• Strategic Management

• Organizational Structure an !esign

• Managerial Communication an "nformation Technology

• #uman Resource Management

• Managing Change an "nnovation

•$ounations of %ehavior

• nerstaning 'roups an Teams

• Leaership

• $ounations of Control

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


1hat are 2mericans* )apanese* an

Chinese li3e4


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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


#ofstee6s $rame7or3 for

2ssessing Cultures• "niviualism versus


• 8o7er !istance

• ncertainty 2voiance

• 9uantity versus 9uality of


• Long:term versus Short:termOrientation

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


1. Individualism versus Collectivism

• Individualism : values iniviualachievement* freeom* an competition< Theegree to 7hich people prefer to act asiniviuals rather than a member of groups<

• Collectivism : values group harmony*cohesiveness* an consensus< 2 tight socialframe7or3 in 7hich people e=pect others ingroups of 7hich they are a part to loo3 after

them an protect them<


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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


2. Power Distance 

• the egree to 7hich a country accepts thefact that i>erences in its citizens6 physicalan intellectual capabilities give rise toine?ualities in their 7ell:being< The e=tent

to 7hich a society accepts that po7er ininstitutions an organizations is istributeune?ually<

low power distance: relatively equaldistribution

high power distance: extremely unequaldistribution


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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


3. Quantity (Achievement orientation) versus Quality(Nurturin) !rientation

Quantity or Achievement!rientation valuing assertiveness*performance* success* ancompetition< The e=tent to 7hich

societal values are characterize byassertiveness* materialism ancompetition

Quality or Nurturin !rientationvaluing ?uality of life* 7arm personal

relationships* an service an care forthe 7ea3< AMB$ The e=tent to 7hichsocietal values emphasizerelationships an concern for others<


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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


".#ncertainty Avoidance

- egree of tolerance for uncertainty an7illingness to ta3e ris3s< The e=tent to7hich a society feels threatene by

uncertain an ambiguous situations antries to avoi them<


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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST

$. %on versus &hort term orientation

• %on'erm !rientation F a culturethat emphasizes the future* thrift*an persistence<

• &hort'erm !rientation : valuingpersonal stability an living for thepresent<


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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


E=amples of #ofstee6s Cultural!imensions Aagree4 #o7 about #/4

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


•  The 'LO%E


Organizational %ehaviorE>ectiveness $rame7or3for 2ssessingCultures

• Assertiveness

• Future Orientation

• Gender differentiation

• Uncertainty avoidance

• Power distance

• Individual/collectivism

• In-group collectivism

•Performance orientation

• Humane orientation

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


See the i>erences4

List as many as possible<

 video show

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


 from4 #o7 i they

come to #/4

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


Doin usiness *lo+ally

2opting a 'lobal 8erspective

Ethnocentric 2ttitue –  The parochialistic belief that the best 7or3

approaches an practices are those of thehome country<

8olycentric 2ttitue –  The vie7 that the managers in the host  

country 3no7 the best 7or3 approachesan practices for running their business<

'eocentric 2ttitue – 2 world-oriented  vie7 that focuses on

using the best approaches an people fromaroun the globe<

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


!i>erent Types of'lobal Organizations

• Multinational Corporation AMNC – 2 Grm 7hich maintains operations in multiple countries

but manages the operations from a base in the homecountry<

 Transnational Corporation ATNC – 2 Grm that maintains operations in several countries but

ecentralizes management to the local country<

• %orerless Organization – 2 Grm that has eliminate structural ivisions that

impose artiGcial geographic barriers an is organizealong business lines<

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


,ow Do !rani-ations *o*lo+al

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( Emily & )ian* M'TO+,- Summer,--.* #/ST


,omewor (remem+er/ this course is to

,0%P you to thin critically/ +ut it is !# who

,IN) •  Thin3 about the national culture

i>erences< sing #ofstee6san the 'LO%E frame7or3s toanalyze the countries you are

familiar 7ith< Thin3 aboutS8EC"$"C e=amples<

• !escribe the cultures ofcompanies you 3no7* using


Search company histories in the7ebsite to see ho7 they 7ent
