les miserables test 10

Les MiserablesTest Name_________________ 1. What was Jean Valjean’s crime? Date__________ Hour_____ a) not paying his taxes b) stealing apples c) stealing bread 2. Why was he in prison so long? a) he tried to escape b) he attacked a guard c) he started a food fight 3. How is a convict discriminated against after being released from prison? a) once a criminal, always a criminal b) a yellow passport c) both a and b 4. What is Valjean’s moral dilemma the night he stays with the bishop? a) should he stay for breakfast? b) to steal or not to steal? c) should he punch the priest? 5. What does the bishop do when Jean steals his silver? a) has Valjean arrested b) gives him a lecture c) gives him the candlesticks too 6. What does the bishop tell Valjean to do with the silver spoons and the candlesticks? a) stick them where the sun doesn’t shine b) use them to become an honest man c) use them to light his path 7. How are the candlesticks symbolic? a) they represent a second chance b) they represent forgiveness c) they represent how the priest “bought Valjean’s soul and gave it back to God d) all of the responses are true 8. The lesson to be learned from the priest is a) Love covers a multitude of sins b) Punish all criminals c) Reward all thieves 9. How does Valjean become Mayor? a) he is good a politics b) he saves children from a burning building c) he becomes a beloved librarian first

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Les Miserables Test 10

Les MiserablesTest Name_________________

1. What was Jean Valjean’s crime? Date__________ Hour_____

a) not paying his taxes b) stealing apples c) stealing bread

2. Why was he in prison so long?

a) he tried to escape b) he attacked a guard c) he started a food fight

3. How is a convict discriminated against after being released from prison?

a) once a criminal, always a criminal b) a yellow passport c) both a and b

4. What is Valjean’s moral dilemma the night he stays with the bishop?

a) should he stay for breakfast? b) to steal or not to steal? c) should he punch the priest?

5. What does the bishop do when Jean steals his silver?

a) has Valjean arrested b) gives him a lecture c) gives him the candlesticks too

6. What does the bishop tell Valjean to do with the silver spoons and the candlesticks?

a) stick them where the sun doesn’t shine b) use them to become an honest man c) use them to light his path

7. How are the candlesticks symbolic?

a) they represent a second chance b) they represent forgiveness c) they represent how the priest “bought

Valjean’s soul and gave it back to God d) all of the responses are true

8. The lesson to be learned from the priest is

a) Love covers a multitude of sins b) Punish all criminals c) Reward all thieves

9. How does Valjean become Mayor?

a) he is good a politics b) he saves children from a burning building c) he becomes a beloved librarian first

10. How does Jean’s rescue of LaMont pose a risk?

a) the wagon is heavy and he could get hurt b) Lamont could turn around and sue him c) Javert is watching

11. Why does Fantine leave her child with the Thénardiers?

a) she has no family b) they are nice people c) they have a licensed day care

12. How does the author characterize the Thénardiers?

a) they are con-artists b) they are well-meaning c) they are poor and unappreciated

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13. How do the Thénardiers treat Cosette?

a) like one of their own b) like an exchange student c) like a slave

14. When Javert comes to Mayor Madeline’s town to work, what trouble does he stir up?

a) he seeks to punish all crimes b) he distrusts everyone c) he denounces the mayor

15. What is Mayor Madeline’s (Valjean’s) inner conflict concerning “the real Valjean” who will be sentenced in Arras?

a) to let someone else be imprisoned b) to keep his promise to Fantine c) both a and b

16. Why isn’t Valjean arrested at the courthouse?

a) he is found innocent b) he escapes c) the judge was in shock

17. What does Valjean ask of Javert when Javert shows up to arrest him?

a) to make his one phone call b) to pray for Fantine c) to go get Cosette

18. How does Jean escape?

a) he falls off the ship and “drowns” b) he knocks Javert out c) through the sewer system

19. How does Jean fulfill a promise to Fantine?

a) he rescues Cosette b) he adopts Cosette c) he gives Cosette a note from her mother

20. What does Cosette give Jean that he has never had before?

a) love and a family of his own b) a new job c) the right to

21. How does LaMont convince the reverend mother to allow Jean and Cosette to stay at the convent?

a) he tells her that Cosette’s dream is to go to school with the nuns b) he tells her Cosette is an orphan

c) he tells her that Valjean is the new gardener and gravedigger d) both a and c are true

22. What does the reverend mother give Cosette that she has never had before?

a) a new backpack b) an education c) a box seat in the confessional d) both b and c are correct

Nine Years Later…

23. Why do Valjean and Cosette decide to leave the convent?

a) LaMont dies b) reverend Mother dies c) Cosette urges him to do so

24. What does reverend mother provide Cosette with before she leaves?

a) a new dress b) an endowment c) a birth certificate

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25. Why does Marius live with his grandfather instead of his father?

a) his father is dead b) his grandfather is rich c) his grandfather is nicer

26. When Marius falls in love, how does he inadvertently change Cosette’s life?

a) she falls in love with him too b) she has to sneak around to see him c) her father hates Marius

27. What lies do the Thenardiers tell to gain sympathy and assistance from Valjean and his daughter (Cosette)?

a) they are poor and about to be evicted b) they are in debt c) Eponine has cancer

28. How does Eponine manipulate both Cosette and Marius?

a) she stole food from them b) she defrauded money from them c) she set them up

29. Who is the spy in the barricade, and what is his fate?

a) Javert: executed for being a spy b) Gavroche: shot for switching sides c) Jacques: shot for being a coward

30. Who agrees to execute the spy?

a) Marius b) Jean Valjean c) Jacques

31. What does Marius’ second letter to Cosette say?

a) today I die b) you are my only love c) meet me at the barricades

32. What does Marius threaten to do if the soldiers do not retreat?

a) start the revolution b) blow up the powder kegs c) call the whole thing off

33. Marius is in love, but what comes first?

a) the fight against oppression b) college c) getting the country out of debt

34. What obstacle does Jean encounter as he carries Marius through the sewers of Paris?

a) Thenardier b) big rats c) the door is locked

35. Why does Javert commit suicide?

a) he is left alone b) he is undone by Valjean’s kindness c) he cannot trust himself

36. Why does Jean pretend to have an injury when Cosette gets married?

a) he doesn’t want to see his ex-wife b) he doesn’t have anything to wear c) what if someone recognizes him

37. Why is Jean despondent after Cosette’s wedding?

a) he is dying from infection from the sewer b) he is hurt by Cosette and Marius c) he is in trouble with Javert

38. What evidence does Thénardier produce to prove that he is telling Marius the truth?

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a) he was an eye witness b) he has a sworn confession c) he has a piece of the “dead man’s” coat

39. What does Marius discover as a result of Thénardier’s blackmail attempt?

a) that Valjean saved him b) that Thenardier is Cosette’s real father c) that Valjean is a murderer

40. What final requests does Jean make before he dies?

a) love one another b) sell the candlesticks c) tell the truth

41. How does Valjean feel about death?

a) it is too soon b) that it is about time c) to die is nothing; the terrible thing is never to have lived

Are these true or false? a=true , b= false, c= (Wasn’t mentioned)42. When Valjean read Marius’s letter to Cosette he felt happy at first but then he decided to help the young man. 43. At the barricades, it was decided that married men should leave. 44. When the soldiers started shooting the rebels at the barricades, Javert was tied to the post as a spy.45. Valjean pretended to want to kill Inspector Valjean in order to save him. 46. Javert was happy that Valjean did not kill him. 47. When Marius and Enjolras were fighting off the soldiers, Marius was shot. 48. Marius was rescued from the battlefield by his friend Jacques.

Vocabulary: Choose the best vocabulary word to complete each sentence below.

a. accosted b. adversity c. arbitrary d. endear e. endowment

ab. denounce ac. incarcerated ad. pardon(s) ae. philanthropist bc. ward

49. After retiring in 1901 at the age of 66 as the world's richest man, Andrew Carnegie wanted to become a ___________________, a person who gives money to good causes.

50. Remember, ___________________ will enter into everyone’s life at inopportune times. Many people believe your misery will become your ministry.

51. A Post-Office review found that since 1987, more than 300 people have received ___________________ from Wisconsin's governor for crimes ranging from stealing chickens to homicides.

52. Slicing state aid to small towns just because of their size is ___________________ and unfair, legislators said yesterday.

53. One Marble Falls man says people should not be so quick to judge an __________________ thirteen year old, arrested for shooting his friend.

54. A PATIENT has uncovered a secret document exposing filthy conditions in the _________________ where she caught MRSA.

55. Charming as he is with reporters and guards, Mokbel didn't______________________ himself to the court on his previous appearance.

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56. In his budget repair bill, the senator proposed taking an additional $15 million a year from a special _________________________that was intended in large part to help smokers quit the habit. Instead, he wants to use almost all of the money for the maintaining Medicaid health programs for the poor.

57. He added: "We urge all communities in Kosovo to remain calm and we call on the Serbian government to ________________________ these acts of violence and take affirmative steps to reduce tensions."

58. A woman cleaning a church inside Square One Shopping Centre was ___________________ yesterday by two would-be robbers.

ACT/MME Graphic Organizer


a. restate thesis b. thesis (your position) c. hook/attention getter d. explaine. bridging information ab. salute and smash ac. topic sentence ad. summarize main pointsae. reflection / call to action bc.elaborate bd. introduce concrete detail be. format same as body 1abc. concrete detail/ or cited evidence bcd. concluding sentence












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One Paragraph Essays

1. (3 points) Javert is primarily a symbol of law and order. Contrast his character with the character Jean Valjean. You may make a graphic organizer instead of writing a paragraph if you wish.

2. (3 points) Discuss the title of the novel, and show how Hugo has created characters to support his definition of misery. Comment on the characters he creates to represent various human conditions of misery.

3. (3 points) Thénardier is a character the author uses to represent the evils of society. At the end of the novel, he attempts to blackmail Marius. How does the author resolve the situation? Explain whether or not this is a fitting end.

4. (4 points) One of the most psychologically complex characters is Javert, who— though he plays the role of a villain—acts not out of malice but out of a sense of duty to what he truly believes is ethically correct. How would you define Javert's value system? Explain his inner conflict and how it led to his suicide.

Longer Essay: Meaning of Life (15 points) Be sure to give evidence from the audio to support your answer. Minimum of 1 page, one side, double spaced.

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Valjean's great discovery, the one that transforms him, is that the meaning of life is …