lesson 5 use magic words in your biz cards, emails, flyers, · pdf filelesson 5 use magic...

Lesson 5 Use Magic Words In Your Biz Cards, Emails, Flyers, Etc. __________________________________________________________________________________ Besides using “magic words” to book appointments or meetings with your prospects, there are many other places in your business you can use your new skills to boost your results (especially when using these in “written form). One of the easiest and most obvious places is to… Use Magic Words on Your Business Cards I’m sure you have some kind of business card you give out to prospects and customers or share with the people you meet at networking events. You may use a pre-formatted design issued from your company, or have a more personalized card you’ve created for yourself. In either case, most cards include the same kinds of details, including a logo and/or your company name, your name and contact info (phone number, email, website, etc); basically whatever someone would need to get in touch with you if she wanted to find out more about what you do. As nice as your card may look, there’s a common problem. Many people (especially at networking events) will politely take your card, then toss it in the bottom of their purse or briefcase, and not look at it again. (In fact, haven’t you done this yourself on occasion? I know I certainly have). It’s not personal, it’s just most cards don’t stand out or grab our attention. We get busy, put it to the side, and quickly forget about it. There is a small tweak you can make to your business cards that can make them a LOT more effective at generating new leads and business for you. In addition to the info on your card regarding “WHAT” you do (selling skin care, weight loss products, cards, jewelry, wellness products etc) you also need to include a message so someone can easily see WHY she should reach out and contact you. In other words, in addition to the usual details, you also need to make it clear WHO you work with, and HOW you help them. In true “magic words” fashion, you need to have some clear benefits stated on your card, so that people can recognize how you, your product and/or your business can help them! (Remember, most people don’t ‘connect the dots’ and come to this understanding all on their own. We have to help them by including a clear message that spells this out).

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Lesson 5

Use Magic Words In Your Biz Cards, Emails, Flyers, Etc.


Besides using “magic words” to book appointments or meetings with your prospects, there are

many other places in your business you can use your new skills to boost your results (especially

when using these in “written form”).

One of the easiest and most obvious places is to…

Use Magic Words on Your Business Cards

I’m sure you have some kind of business card you give out to prospects and customers or share

with the people you meet at networking events. You may use a pre-formatted design issued

from your company, or have a more personalized card you’ve created for yourself. In either

case, most cards include the same kinds of details, including a logo and/or your company name,

your name and contact info (phone number, email, website, etc); basically whatever someone

would need to get in touch with you if she wanted to find out more about what you do.

As nice as your card may look, there’s a common problem. Many people (especially at

networking events) will politely take your card, then toss it in the bottom of their purse or

briefcase, and not look at it again. (In fact, haven’t you done this yourself on occasion? I know I

certainly have). It’s not personal, it’s just most cards don’t stand out or grab our attention. We

get busy, put it to the side, and quickly forget about it.

There is a small tweak you can make to your business cards that can make them a LOT more

effective at generating new leads and business for you. In addition to the info on your card

regarding “WHAT” you do (selling skin care, weight loss products, cards, jewelry, wellness

products etc) you also need to include a message so someone can easily see WHY she should

reach out and contact you.

In other words, in addition to the usual details, you also need to make it clear WHO you work

with, and HOW you help them. In true “magic words” fashion, you need to have some clear

benefits stated on your card, so that people can recognize how you, your product and/or your

business can help them! (Remember, most people don’t ‘connect the dots’ and come to this

understanding all on their own. We have to help them by including a clear message that spells

this out).

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 2

All you need to do is add a few ‘magic words’ to your card, and the best place to do this is on

the BACK of your card, if you have space. This is a smart place to include some magic words

phrases or short bullet points.

For example – on the FRONT of my business card, I have my contact info, company name, etc

- but on the BACK of my business card, there’s a more specific message:

I help women in network marketing /direct sales to…

Become super effective at selling and sponsoring (without feeling uncomfortable) so

you can make a lot more money this year…

Develop a large, loyal team that can take you to the top of the company…

Build a 6figure biz from home, that gives you more time for family and what you love

most …

Now wouldn’t you agree, if I handed you my business card, and you read these words on the

back, you’d have at least some idea of WHO I work with, and HOW I HELP women like you. If

you happen to be looking for these kinds of results in your life or business - there’s a good

chance you’d contact me (or at least go to my website to check out my business a little further).

The same is true for you. The back of your business card is a great place to include some short

magic words phrases that spell out the benefits of your products or business.

For example – if you sell a weight loss product, you could include something like this on the

back of your card:

Want to lose weight, but hate dieting and are short on time?

I can help you drop unwanted pounds (quickly and easily) and keep them off too!

Call me for a free consultation, and I’ll happily show you how. 555-555-5544

Or you could include some bullet points like this:

I help people who are frustrated with their weight to:

Drop pounds in the most healthy way possible

Get in the best shape of your life (so you look and feel fantastic)

Have more energy and confidence, so you can enjoy your life more

Download a free copy of 10 Best Healthy Recipes here: www.Your Website.com

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 3

Or, if you have a skin care business, you could put something like this on the back of your


Is Father Time wreaking havoc with your skin? Not anymore…

I can help you stop the clock on the aging process, so you look young and gorgeous for years to

come. Call me for a free sample, and find out about our complimentary spa events.


Or, if you want to include a message about your business, it might look like this:

Tired of the 9-5 grind, working hard and not getting ahead?

I have a business that can help you earn a great income, working part time hours, so you have

the time and money to live life to the fullest.

Watch this quick 5 min video to see how: www.YourVideoClipHere.com


I help people who are frustrated in their jobs to…

Make more money, in less time

Do work that’s fun, and fulfilling

Have freedom to spend more time doing what you love

Watch this quick 5 min video to see how: www.YourVideoClipHere.com

Obviously, these are just examples. Ideally, you want to include a short message here that

works for you and your specific products and business. But I bet you can see some of the

“magic words” ideas you’ve learned used in the examples above. (You can refer to previous

magic words phrases you’ve created, and find some that work).

Whatever you include on the back of your card, you want to make it obvious to your readers

what you do – and specifically how you can help them (by including benefits, etc). It’s also

great to include a specific call to action – like instructions to call you to receive a free sample, or

a web link to view a video on your business; whatever “next step” you’d love people to take

that makes sense.

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 4

The big point here – don’t waste that valuable piece of real estate on the back of your business

card! In additional to sharing with people WHAT you do, use your card to educate people on

WHY they would want to contact you, and to outline the benefits/results that would be

important to them.

Use Magic Words in Your Emails, Invitations, & Flyers to Inspire Action!

There are many other places you can use magic words in written form to influence people and

create better results in your business. For example, you might want to email your team about

an upcoming training, with the intention of inspiring them to attend. .

Or, you might send out invitations to your hostess’s guest list, hoping to entice people to attend

your trunk show, party or class. You may design a flyer to draw people to an opportunity

meeting or upcoming event related to your business. Magic words work well in all these cases.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re crafting an email for your team, and want to inspire your group to attend an

upcoming conference call, or live training event. In an earlier lesson, you learned that when you

ask people to host an event or meet with you, you need to “sell” them on the meeting,

stressing the benefits (what’s in it for them!) so they are more likely to say yes.

The same is true in this case. If you want to inspire your group to attend a conference call, or a

live training or meeting of some kind, you need to “sell” them on it. Meaning, you don’t just

want to communicate WHAT the event is about (name, date, logistics, etc) you also want to

stress WHY they need to attend (what benefits they’ll receive, what end results they may

experience by attending, etc).

Using the magic words ideas you’ve already learned, you can clearly spell out the BENEFITS of

the training (so they can appreciate WHY they need to be there!)

For example – let’s say you have a monthly meeting coming up, and you want as many people

on your team to attend as possible.

Your email to you team might look like this:

Hello everyone!

Just a quick note to remind you that next week is our monthly training event. I look

forward to this event all month long, as I love to and see you all and catch up on how

you’re doing.

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 5

I know many of you have busy schedules, and it can feel like a stretch sometimes to

make it to these events. However, it’s so worth putting in the time to attend this next

meeting, because you will…

(next - stress clear benefits of your meeting. WHY should people attend? What will they

learn? How will they feel? Here’s some possible benefits to stress… )

Hear the latest updates, so you feel “in the know” re: all the most important details regarding your business

Get re-inspired by connecting with the team, hearing each other’s wins, etc

Develop some new skills to help you get more sales this coming month. I’m going to be sharing a great new skill I just learned that will help you “handle objections” so you can boost your sales in the coming weeks.

Meet our newest members, and feel inspired by how much we’re growing… I know you’ll leave at the end with some important new skills to help you make more money next month… and feeling energized and supported. Here are the details:

Date/Time/Location, etc

Please confirm your attendance Friday, email me at [email protected]

See you then,

Your name, etc

Now, you’ll want to customize this kind of message so it works for YOU and your events, etc –

but hopefully this example gives you some idea of how to use the magic words skills you’ve

learned so far, to stress the BENEFITS of whatever training, call or event you want to promote.

(Remember, you need to ‘sell’ your team on “what’s in it for them” if you want them to take


OR – let’s say you want to inspire your team to take advantage of an upcoming inventive

program your company is offering. You could send an email or note that might look like this:

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 6

Hello (team)…

By now, you’ve heard about our company’s new ABC incentive program that starts this

month, and will run until the end of the year. Although we’ve had incentive trips before,

this one is going to be extra exciting.

Now, I know many of you are busy, and might be wondering if you want to make the

extra effort to qualify for this campaign. Well, here are some important reasons this is

going to be truly worth your attention.

If you choose to take part in this campaign, you can_____________ (stress

benefits/results people can experience by taking part. Here are some ideas..).

Earn double points for all your XYZ sales, so it’s easier than ever to qualify for your monthly volume totals…

Feel inspired and supported, as we all work together as a team to qualify (it’s so much easier doing it this way, then working on your business all alone)…

Get extra help to stay on track during our weekly XYZ call. You’ll get my help working through any challenges coming up for you, so you can stay on track to be sure to qualify for all the great rewards you can earn.

If YOU take part, more people on your team will take part, and their extra excitement and activity will make it easier for everyone to make more money this year.

Receive an all expenses paid trip for you and your family to “XYZ cool location”. Imagine how much fun you’ll have celebrating with your fellow team mates in this tropic paradise… and how great it will feel to treat your kids to a vacation they’ll never forget.

Kick start your business into high gear. Besides qualifying for the trip, the extra momentum you create through this campaign can take your business to the next level, and make it easier to keep growing it from there. To hear all the details and decide if this is the right time for you to take part, be sure to join in our next team call, coming up ___________________. You’ll get all the details you need so you can experience success and reap the rewards of this amazing trip! I’ll see you then Your signature, etc

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 7

Now – again, I’m just sharing some generic ideas here, so you’ll want to customize your

message so it makes sense for your business. The point is that you can use your magic words

skills in written form (through emails, flyers, invitations, etc) to influence people to take action.

In all cases, you want to be sure to stress the BENEFITS people will experience by taking

action, so they can clearly see what’s in it for them!

Here’s an example of an email I sent out to my list, to inspire people to attend an upcoming

webinar I was hosting. (You can see how I stress the BENEFITS of the training - in bullet form-

so it’s easy for people to see WHY they should attend this event).

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 8

Or, here’s another example of a similar email I sent to promote a different training call (again,

putting the benefits in “bullet form” so they are easy to notice and read).

Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 9

Your Turn for Mastery: Write a Message to Inspire Action /Promote Your Event

You can use magic words in many formats (emails, flyers, written invitation, etc) to promote

ANY kind of event – or inspire people to take action in some way. Here are some questions that

can help you formulate your message:

1. What event do you want to promote? (Example: one of your trunk shows, classes or product

demos? A conference call with your team? A training event or opportunity meeting of some






2. What problems are people/your team experiencing that could be solved (at least in part) by

attending this event?










3. If people attend, what benefits/results/feelings might they experience? What will they

learn that will be beneficial? How will their life be better?











Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 10

Craft Your Own Message!

Using the above info, you can craft a message for your email, invitation or flyer, using this

formula to guide you:

~Your intro message….. (your opening paragraphs, mentioning the upcoming event, etc)

~If you attend this event, you will:

Stress BENEFITS here, results, feelings people will experience by attending

Use bullet points to make this stand out and be easy to read

~Include the logistics info people need to know (date, time, location).

~Be specific about next steps they need to take (such as confirm attendance, bring

something to meeting, whatever makes sense).

~Any other details –

Your sign off, etc





















Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 11

Homework: Lesson Five

1. Add magic words to your biz card!

Take a look at your business card, and decide if this is a place to add some magic

words/benefits. Use the previous examples to guide you, and refer back to some of the work

you did earlier in the program (to choose some of your best benefits or descriptions about your

products or business).

2. Use Magic Words when writing emails, flyers or invitations.

Next time you write an email to your team (or customers, or prospects) try using magic words

to get their attention, and inspire them to take action.

Use the previous questions and formula to help you craft a message that doesn’t just inform

people about the event, it helps them see WHY they should attend. Stressing benefits (and juicy

benefits) is the key!

3. Practice – practice – practice!

Keep practicing what you are learning – everywhere you can. Don’t worry about doing this

perfectly yet… just go for the practice and repetition.

Every time you do this, you are “training your brain” to think in this way, and it won’t be long

before it’s natural for you to easily communicate in “benefit and feeling language” in everything

you do.

4. Connect on Facebook! Come and share your questions, wins and “ah ha’s” on the Facebook

page, I’d love to hear them. Connect here at


Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Copyright 2012 Sonia Stringer and Savvy Biz Solutions Inc Page 12

Additional Notes on Lesson Five:






























