let the good times roll | e-ssue 2


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The Good Times


Page 1: Let The Good Times Roll | E-ssue 2

Much AwAited, Much delAyed, Much better

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whAt? LTGTR, as we like to call it, is an undertaking by a group of energetic, jobless

people. it is a weekly magazine, at present, dedicated to providing a public forum for people to showcase their fiction, artwork, or any other form of creative expression. In addition, we pride ourselves on being a reliable and consistent source of unbiased content.

In addition to providing news and literary content, we also plan to expand our range of activities towards a more social inclination by focusing on various issues that plague society, by forming relations with NGOs and like-minded organizations that strive for the betterment of our society, and eventually by organizing campaigns for improving literacy, health and basic awareness. We plan to inject fresh media like photojournalism and a blend of online and written content into our newsletter, keeping up a consistent reputation for high standards throughout.

why?because we want to. because we feel that everybody should have the right

to speak out, and be heard. And in this cause, we want to provide a medium that can give them that freedom of expression, and an audience that will be both receptive and critical.

If this sounds too high-winded, or unreal (“an audience that will be both receptive and critical.” we know,) believe us, eventually, this will be the case. We’re hopelessly optimistic, at most times, but have realists among us who are not afraid to point out exactly what is wrong with our plans.

Because we want to make a lot of difference

Finally, because we’re ambitious. We believe in acquiring a skill-set that will stay with us as experience for the rest of our lives. And working under deadlines, amidst diverse requirements, is what helps us garner them. The struggle to not compromise on quality even under pressure can sometimes bring out the best in a person. trust us, we know.

We create the necessity, and invention will follow. (Clichéd? You tell us.)

(We feel too lazy to write any more at the moment.)later.

-the LTGTR team.

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First off, we’d like to begin by apologizing about the delay in the second issue. Like any other new venture we too are suffering from our fair share of teething problems. But no excuses, and hopefully we’ll be back on track from the next issue.

Secondly, about the first issue, we are estimating our readership at about 80 -100 people which we believe is a great start. Most of the feedback that we got was positive, but there were a few doubts raised as to our intentions. Let’s be clear on that, we aim to make a difference in society and though there was a lack of socially relevant content in the first issue, our efforts are constantly directed towards giving you more and more exposure to the kind of things going on around you.

What’s different in this issue? Well first we have a new column wherein we feature one NGO, or Not-for-Profit organization, or some other social entrepreneurship venture and talk about how they have been trying to make a difference. This issue we feature CEL, BPHC’s YUVA initiative. We also have our first guest column in this issue which I recommend you to read. Blog roll features a couple of biting articles which will definitely leave you thinking.

Another must read section, specially for music lovers is the BAND COVER, where we talk to Pandora’s Box an upcoming rock band and find out what music means to them.

with all the new things, the old favorites like Spotlight have been revamped a little to make them more interesting. Best of Facebook is presented in a way as to tell the story of the entire fortnight in the words of the people. Finally, i take this opportunity to thank all the people who have read ltGtr, followed it on Facebook and showed us an awesome amount of support. we value your feedback and your contributions and hope that you continue the love in times to come. Hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Keep the Good times coming

cheersteam ltGtr

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- SPOTLIGHT - PG 15-18








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So, it was Independence Day yesterday. Let us not bluff anyone, we all were grumbling why it has to be on a Sunday. Damn 15th August! While half of us spent (read celebrated) the day of freedom updating our Facebook statuses, rest of us were busy editing and forwarding those SMSes. Some of the innovative minds downloaded a few patriotic songs and movies. The lesser ones gratified themselves by changing their desktop wallpapers and cell phone’s themes and ringtones. i’ll be honest. i went to KFc, had a Zing Kong Box, and then went to Odyssey, bought a few books which have nothing to do with india. this makes me a rebel, eh?

We live in India. No doubts. We love our country. No doubts, again. But, ever wondered…

• We get education loans at 12%, while car loans at 5%.

• Sim cards are free, but a kilogram of rice costs 50 bucks.

• Footwear are sold in AC rooms, while vegetables on footpaths.

• We make lemon juice with artificial flavours, while dish wash with pure lemon.

• There is namak in our toothpastes, while half the country is unaware of its existence.

• There’s a jEE for students, while reservation for the rest.

• The basic salary is 7000, but we still own a Rolls Royce.

• We have an Eden Gardens for cricket, but not even proper parking spaces for the cwG.

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• Hundreds of soldiers die for us, but we give awards to those who qualify for the Australian Open.

• On the basis of experience, we get promotions. On the basis of work, transfers.

• We are the epitome of patriotism on FB, Orkut, Twitter, while throw sandals in the parliament.

• Farmers suicide because they have nothing to eat; students because of poor grades. i’d rather shoot them myself.

• We have riots on conservative issues, while name our movies as Love, Sex aur Dhokha.

• We are brilliant mathematicians. The number of obese people equals the number of famished folks.

• We do not believe in discrimination of any kind. We have eight year olds working alongside their 20 year old counterparts (?).

• We produce best engineers, doctors and scientists. We love America.

• Slums are a problem. We target the slum dwellers.

• Even when the whole country is drowned in the grave state of anar chy, our NEWS channels show Saas, Bahu Aur Saajish.

• We proudly cram the names of all 18 languages of the country. We know three, hate the rest fifteen.

• We are blessed with valiant encounter-specialists; while through courts, take some 10-20 years to come to a judgement.

• The cliché goes “kanoon ke haat bahut lambe hote hain”. The only problem, it’s just another cliché.

• We have Z-grade security for the celebrities, while we always are short on reinforcements against the Naxalites.

• To prevent pollution, we stick bills and make announcements through loudspeakers.

• Why actually work, when you can get votes through SMS?

• Unity in diversity. Are we?

but again, ask any random guy, the biggest issue in his life is…his girlfriend. The vice versa holds true for a she too. No discrimination on gender basis, at least i do not.

i have not killed anyone, but there are certain obituaries i will read with deep interest, for sure.


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Ahimsa.A word that all over the world today is associated with one man, Mahatma Gandhi ..the father of our nation.But in times like these;is ahimsa even a practical concept??

If you’ve reached this far,you’ve probably started criticising me...’Who’s this guy to question the ideals of the man who freed our country from tyranny and opression???’the answer is simple...im one of the billions of humans who just pray for peace.

On 26th November 2008,Indians all over the world watched in horror as one of the jewels of the great city of mumbai crumbled.A sad day in Indian history: The day the so called “revolutionaries” decided to bring the terror to india.it was then that the war for peace truly began.

Terrorism isn’t a new concept.It’s been around for decades.The 9/11 attacks in the US of A was the beginning of the era of global terror,when organizations of power hungry madmen decided to try and take over the world.

We all know that terrorism must be stopped.We cant just try to ignore the fac that terrorists have started their reign of terror in india as well.but how do we tackle this problem. The US of A decided to literally fight it out.The Iraq war was just one example.

But how will India tackle this problem.Granted: Im no soldier or politician so neither am i trying to fight a battle out myself nor am i one who is privy to what goes on in the government.Im just an Indian citizen whose heart goes out to the victims of the terror attacks in Inndia.Im one of the billion citizens who wants to know what the new central government intends to do about this problem.

Are we going to go out with our guns blazing shouting war cries,or are we going to continue with gandhi ji’s policy of non violence.

But the question is...which is the right way.

We finally get stuck in this paradox.Do we walk with our heads held high into the hail of bullets proclaiming ahimsa;or do we pick up a gun and fight to keep our mortal lives??

It’s like reaching a fork in the road.there are 2 different paths which theoretically lead to the same result.But these paths can never meet.We can choose only one path...and there are no second chances.We just cannot fail.Our ultimate aim is peace and it’s in our best interests to take the path that will get us there faster.

But how do we do it? Do we follow the ideal ‘Fight fire with fire’?And if we do so,can we fight only for peace and not for revenge.If we let these thoughts of anger and revenge enter our minds do we still remain morally just or are we now a new form of evil?

Gandhi ji believed in non violence and his ideals united a nation and finally brought us independence.But have his ideals stood the test of time??Will they have the same effect on the terrorists that they had had on the British?Can they bring us peace again??Or will this just aggravate the situation.Evey religious book preaches non violence in one way or the other.So if we pick up arms doesnt it make us go against the ideals that were handed down by our ancestors millenia ago???

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The first week of holidays has breezed past me. I’ve spent most of the time eating mom’s homemade lunches followed by dinner from some of the best joints in our vicinity. I’ve tried to plan my actions for the summer. It strikes me that while it is easier to do what you want when you have all the time in the world, it takes much more effort to do the same. To paraphrase Gandhiji, I’ve seen nothing, heard nothing and said nothing. i have, however caught three movies in the halls/multiplexes in 3 days. Unsurprisingly, the Hindi movies were avoidable, and Iron Man 2 was a reasonable justification for my valuable time, I enjoyed the experience nevertheless – probably because I hardly get to go the movies while in college. While most of the enjoyment has been due to the company, the sarcastic comments and the food that followed, there has been one another thing that I have enjoyed. It was to stand up and pay respects to the jana Gana Mana just before the start of all the movies.

While you can hardly call my obeisance to the national anthem as a

source of enjoyment, and indeed some of you might even take offense at my description of the experience, I maintain that I have actually enjoyed it. During my schooldays, when I still used to harbor dreams of representing the country in sports, the national anthem was the ultimate goal. That was the dream-to listen to the national anthem being played in a stadium full of people, with a medal or a trophy in hand and the tricolor flying high and proud. That dream has long since evaporated. But listening to the rendition of the song by some of the legends of Indian music has definitely brought back the nostalgia, the idealism and the desire to do something for the country.

In Mumbai, the national anthem is played compulsorily before every movie. And on all 3 days the national anthem took me into a pensive mood. The first time it was played in the form of the video made for our 50th Independence Day celebrations featuring some of the biggest names of Indian music including Pt. Bhimsen joshi, Pt. jasraj, Hariharan, Lata mangeshkar, Asha Bhonsle, jagjit

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Singh, A.r. rehman among others. the emphasis that these legends put on certain words made me feel, for the first time, as if the words meant something greater. i pondered on the meaning of the lines and then i realized that i never knew what the national anthem really meant. For those of you like me, and I know there will be many, I’ve put the English translation of the song at the end. But nevertheless, the emotions conveyed by the song were very clear. After all the time we spend cursing and criticizing the caste-ist, regionalist and communal tendencies, it feels good to still remember that our country is only as good as us, its citizens. And when I stood up in the hall yesterday, listening to the national anthem being played, I let my eyes drift over the other people in the hall. Everybody, people from different backgrounds, differing values, differing opinions about the country, everybody stood up for 54 seconds as one. i will remember that moment when i saw another guy wearing a chelsea t-shirt and me wearing a United shirt both standing up together, respecting the same thing. It may seem funny to you (and to non-football people) but for me that moment was symbolic.

When we grew up, we respected the national anthem because we were, as one of my friends pointed out, “brainwashed” into it. I do not dispute the fact. We did it every day, just because we had done it yesterday. As time went on, I did see people who talked, giggled, or fidgeted during the national anthem. Teachers could no longer tell them not to because they were, well, “grown up” now. i never could respect such people. Full of idealism, rigid in my beliefs i always lost respect for people when such things happened. Now, while it doesn’t seem that important or even necessary, to stand up every time or every day, I still do it. And so do most other people. Some do it due to social compulsion, some do it because it’s the right thing to do, and some do it because they want to. It doesn’t really matter that much why they do it, but when they do, they are all one. For that period of time, it doesn’t matter whether you’re from Mumbai or ROI, it doesn’t matter whether you support Telangana or a United A.P., it doesn’t matter whether you’re a jat or Dalit or any other caste. And it definitely doesn’t matter whether you support United or Chelsea. Causes and beliefs become encompassed in one superior, binding effect. We are united by a common trait, we are indians.

This entire write-up is not just because I wanted to post something. It is my

argument in favor of making it compulsory to play the national anthem before any large social gathering all across the country.

Finally as promised, the national anthem and its translation in English:

jaana Gaana Maana Adhinayaka jayeheBharata bhagya vidhata;Punjaba Sindhu Gujarata Maratha,dravida utkala banga,Vindhya, Himachala, jamuna, Ganga,Ucchhala jaladhitaranga;Taba Shubha Naame jaagetaba Shubha Ashish MaageGaye taba jaya gaatha.jana gana mangala dayaka jaya hebharata bhagya vidhata.jaya he, jaya he, jaya he, jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!

The English rendition of the song goes like this:

thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,Dispenser of India’s destiny.Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab,Sind, Gujarat, and Maratha,Of the Dravid, and Orissa and Bengal.It echoes in the hills of Vindhyas and,himalayas, mingles in the music of thejamuna and the Ganges and is chanted bythe waves of the indian sea.they pray for thy blessings,and sing by the praise,the saving of all peoplewaits in thy hand.Thou dispenser of India’s destiny,Victory, victory, victory to thee.

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On the auspicious date of 21th August, when Vakul was exactly 19 years and one month old, the Music Club, in association with the Lights and Sounds and Anand Audio Pro ltd. organized our campus’ first ever Music Night.

With participation by over 30 members from the Music Club, the line-up featuring a number of local celebrities rendering songs from across all genres, the event promised to be a success at the outset itself. However, just to make sure of that, the club put in rigourous amounts of practice whenever the SAC was open, and all the Music club’s resources were stretched to their limits, with cables and drum skins in need of constant repair and replacement. As the 500+ large audience aptly demonstrated, their efforts met with unparalleled success.

the songs chosen spanned a variety of genres, ranging from metal and rock to western classical music, with healthy inputs of bollywood music to keep the crowds entertained. The headbangers at the front went wild during Hallowed be thy Name, So Cold and Open Car, with a standing ovation and cries of ‘encore’ that were heard over the din.

the overall response to the event was very encouraging. we hope that the Music club hosts more events of this kind in the future, and that the other clubs use this as inspiration for their activities.

For more information, videos and photographs, visit us at http://ltgtr.110mb.com.

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Song ListEnglish:Concerto in A minor - VivaldiSmells like Teen Spirit - NirvanaThe Reason – Hoobastankkeep on Rocking the free world – Neil YoungSo cold – Breaking BenjaminHallowed be thy Name – Iron MaidenOpen Car – Porcupine Tree

Hindi:Aye Khudateri deewaniZara ZaraZoobi doobichand Sifarish

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YUVA is an initiative taken by a group of highly motivated students to encourage today’s youth to work for the betterment and upliftment of the backward Indian rural societies.

The word YUVA, meaning ‘the youth’ in Hindi, has been chosen as the name of this project for multiple reasons.

One; it aims to bring highly motivated youth together to work towards the sustainable development of rural setup in India. The responsibility of identifying as well as providing solutions to the problems faced by rural population all lies on the shoulders of today’s generation (youth).

Secondly, by working and developing the bucolic areas of our country, we also succeed in providing better living and educational facilities to the younger generations, thereby indirectly working for the youth.

Last, YUVA is also the acronym for Youth Under Visionary Action, the actual name of the project.

The Process:

We at YUVA have decided to locate backward villages and then identify objectives to work upon in such villages. These objectives can be as simple as providing basic amenities (food, water, clothes) in the beginning and during the later stages can be made complex (electricity, gas, educational institution,

etc.). Whatever the case, the objectives must appeal to the stakeholders in the activity.

The Initial Phase:

The village identified is Thimmapur around 30 kms from the Bits Hyderabad Campus .On 15th of Aug 2010 Team YUVA went to this village and celebrated independence day with the residents of the village. later the team surveyed 600 people and interacted with the residents, this allowed us to form a rough idea about the various problems they face. The participants of YUVA’s first survey are now putting together presentations and seminars. The main aim of this exercise is to convey our experiences and try to suggest fusible solutions to the problems we have identified in Thimmapur. D

The main purpose of YUVA is to provide young students with the opportunity to experience the rural environment. Allowing them to form a better idea about the social, cultural and economic problems that people in rural areas face. YUVA also aims to create a database pertaining to resources, knowledge present, problems solved and unsolved. This allows us to provide realistic solutions for problems. YUVA doesn’t just help students connect with their rural roots and gain a vast knowledge about rural culture, history etc, but also allows them to develop a wide social network. This goes a long way to provide the initial resources and mentorship required by local entrepreneurs, hence promoting sustainable development.

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mail us at

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crude oil price went up and the everything else in this world became costly. the inhabitants of that barren land have been lucky, but wonder how do they flirt this God given opportunity. It’s more of a concern thinking the earthly juice may soon dry up – as the fortune-tellers harp on. The net effect of price rise is my grounding after my short lived love in blue sky. Interestingly, I developed a self-defeating luxury for which i am not made for.

The urge for visiting my native place was getting stronger in the last October. This has been absent not only for my kids but also those of the neo-city dwellers. For these kids, there are no native places but a pretension of it. They don’t get intoxicated at the smell of native place. Theirs’ is the place that looks good on TV screen. Suddenly, i decided to go home and being grounded chose indian railways. Good thing is indian Railways is now a profit making organisation for which everybody from the Railway Minister to the lineman claim their eminences. A good team work that is praise worthy.

tending to be green i chose the public transport to reach Secunderabad railway station. APSRTC: Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation is one of the few public transport in india having good name for its service. let me spend a minute on it. For commuting in Hyderabad city, there are three types of buses viz. Ordinary, Metro-liner and Veera. Very wisely bureaucrats in APSRTC have chosen for three, probably being inspired by the importance of three in Hindu religion e.g. Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara are the three taking charge of the total creation.

Ordinary buses are mainly chosen by poor fro its low price. Many a time, while

traveling in such a bus you must be prepared to smell sweat soaked shirts of your co-commuters. Never mind, if you find yourself in the midst fo flesh. If you are short and out-of-size particularly overly sized then certainly you are at the receiving end. Metro-liner is fairly better with a lot of free space, a modest sitting arrangement at slightly higher cost. You are for sure for not finding a commuter who breaks his back in the hot Sun. Sometimes, you may get air of aroma from neo deo users. Veera bus is the luxury one and also the expensive one with push back seat to accommodate a passenger with out-of-proportion body. This is the kind of physique, socially, is taken as an index of the development. And Hyderabad is very much on that track. The bright proof - US has agreed to set up a consulate office in Hyderabad. What else proof you need? You yourself even can judge from the growing number of joggers/walkers on Tankbud/Necklace road.

As a Veera pulls into a bay and comes to halt, many shy away for its high priced fare. A person who decides for Veera could be a guy either on comfort searching or at the resigned state. I was among the later category to choose a Veera to reach Secunderabad railway station. I moved to middle of the bus to stand on alley for want of a seat. A feeling of disappointment creeps in if you don’t get a seat in Veera. The feeling is alike to that of missing a first class for two marks; or being drained out after purchasing a plot and not being able to construct a house – the pain of a narrow miss. however, for every indian there is a great history to back up and teach you to adapt. I prepared myself for one hour journey standing on my own leg, of course!

Veera pulled itself on much publicized well transformed road. A stop came and an old man boarded the bus. he looked around desperately for a seat to discover a youth occupying a seat for senior citizen. He walked up to and exercised his right little forcefully as the young guy showed an inhibition. Finally, the guy got up leaving the seat to the old. the young guy stood on alley and the guy standing nearby changed to a happy state, probably due to ‘if not me not so others be’ syndrome. the young guy at the loss of the comfort and embarrassment was getting tormented and looking for a point to cheer himself. Suddenly, he murmured at the hearing range of the old man commented on his deceptively black hair camouflaging grayed ones. The old man while settling on his comfortable push back seat got a pale face for being reluctantly old.

(Dr. Hrushikesha Mohanty is a professor of Computer Science in Central University of Hyderabad. He takes a deep interest in poetry and is deeply attached to his roots in rural india. you can read more of his works on his blog : www.mokatha.blogspot.com)

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NAME: j.V.Chaitanya

ID NO: 2008B4A2392H

HOMETOWN: Guntur – nearby, Tenali. karnool before Hyderabad (been here for 6 years)


HOBBIES: Not really into books or games, used to play tennis(district level), movies, looking forward to the basketball courts

MOVIES: mixed bag; romantics, Titanic (saw it 12 times in a month, when it was released), almost any Telugu or Hindi movie, kal Ho Naa Ho,

MuSic: Filmi

SPORTS: Swimming, tennis; watch cricket, any worldwide tourney; fan of Rafael Nadal

SCHOOL 2 COLG: School life not stable (due to dad’s transfers), friends after moving to Hyd. Main motive when you came to campus was to make as many friends as possible. (Motivation for Orkut community) Still confused about academics, (have never taken them seriously, light, normal priority)

liFe @ bitS: whatever i’ve done in the last two years, i’ve created my life here, that makes me feel happy.

BEING THE FIRST PRESIDENT: Feelings of excitement, tried minimize difference between Pilani and Hyderabad; feel satisfaction from the many things done like removing attendance, instituting ANC, increasing in-time, net period, fests

FURTHER MESSAGE: Now it’s not just about bridging the gap, now you need to take it further, do something different.

CUISINE: Spicy, Hyderabadi.=

WHEN YOU’RE SAD: Lie down, listen to songs, read, study

FIRST CRUSH: School time, 9th class, Fatima, string of girlfriends after that. Now committed

IDEAL FIRST DATE: more about knowing each other. Hill station or maybe on a cliff or something.

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ABOUT YOURSELF: Reserved, open up after getting to know

the other person, quiet, calm, don’t expect anything from people, but try to live up to their expectations.

CONCEPT OF MASTI: Going out with friends, spending the whole day out, basically being with a bunch of friends.

PEOPLE YOU RESPECT: Alankrutha. Period.


FAV TEACHER: kalpakka (English teacher) , Dr. I Sreedhar

MEMORABLE MOMENTS: during schooldays, the 10th farewell, Pearl ’08.

EMBARRASSMENTS: First time when I missed IIT, when dad asks whether to repeat or go for a donation or…

MESSAGE TO BPHC: We get a lot of freedom here, in many aspects, and we should utilize it properly, be it sports, leadership or personal leadership.

ANYTHING ELSE: Viewing AP from high above, in a helicopter or something. Deep sea diving.

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NAME: P. Abhinay Rao


ID. NO: 2008AAPS041H

MUSIC: alternative rock, Telugu and Hindi songs

Sports: Football, Fc barcelona

HOMETOWN: karimnagar(TG, India)

HOBBIES: Fifa ’10, reading novels, QT cricket,

BOOkS : Harry potter, jk Rowling


MOVIES: Titanic, Chak De, 3 idiots, Leonardo Di Caprio, Penelope Cruz, kajal Aggarwal

SCHOOL -> jR. COLG -> BPHC : School a bit of nobody, junior college – Topper, BPHC – Disappointed at not getting into IIT, liked the BITSian Llife, wanted to do something fr the campus

FirSt cruSh : She’s not from the campus

FAV. TEACHER : Dr. Gurnam Sigh, Dr. I Sreedhar

MEMORABLE MOMENTS : conducting the first volleyball league in the first year, winning the election for Gen Sec in the 2nd year

THOUGHT ON ELECTIONS: Part 2, too many characters, suspense, shady kind of movie

MSG TO BPHC: Enjoy life, Support FC Barcelona

ABOUT ME: (told by Ambareesh/Virinchi) “self-respecting, shy, persistent”. “a leader”

CUISINE: Ice Cream, Chocolate, Paneer

ExPERIENCE AS GEN SEC: Pearl was good, tried my best not to spoil my rela-tions with anyone

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NAME: Neeraj Prakash Tapadiya

ID NO.: 2010A3PS182H

HOMETOWN: Hyderabad

MUSIC: Pop, Metal, Linkin Park, james Blunt

HOBBIES: Reading books, Composing Music, Singing & Dancing

BOOkS: Dan Brown, Stephen king

MOVIES: Not much into movies, Aamir khan Movies

LIFE @ BPHC : Very Good except for mosquitoes

SCHOOL->jR. COLLG->BPHC: jr. College was disastrous, 7 to 7 classes, there was no time for activities, and transition to BPHC has been great

TEACHERS & SUBjECT: Physics, Aravind Raghavan

WHO WOULD LIkE TO SEE IN A SWIMSUIT: Priyanka Chopra, Aishwariya Rai

INTERACTION WITH SENIORS: Seniors are friendly, helpful

IDOLS: none, (as an afterthought) james Blunt

MESSAGE TO BPHC: keep Rocking the same way, remove mosquitoes, have common timetables, and start lunch earlier.

WHAT DO YOU LIkE MOST ABOUT BITS: Freedom, extra-curricular activites, friendliness of the seniors, infrastructure


IDEA OF PERFECT DATE: A long walk on a full moon night with a romantic song in the background

ABOUT ME: I’m an emotional person, very short tempered, miss my frenz a lot. be careful around me

SPORTS: Table Tennis, chess

WHEN I’M SAD: listen to songs, laugh without reason

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NAME: k Nishitha

ID NO: 2008AAPS090H

ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn

HOMETOWN: Hyderabad

MOVIES: usually comedy, Titanic

ACTORS: Venktesh, Shah Rukh khan, Shriya Saran

SPORTS: Carrom, MS Dhoni

MUSIC: AR Rehman, Devi Shri Prasad, Bringing Benjamin, Backstreet Boys

CUISINE: Homemade food, Dosa- Sambhar


FAVORITE TEACHER: PkT sir, Marry joseph (Eng, SSt)

HOBBIES: Doing crosswords, day dreaming, Playing guitar


HOW & WHEN STARTED GUITAR: 8th class, sir told it’s tough so I decided to learn.

1ST PERFORMANCE: on Independence day when in 10th class.

GUITAR FOR YOU : A way to impress everyone

PERFORMANCE ON MUSIC NYT : All were fantastic. Didn’t expect that much.

MSG TO FANS : Thanks for appreciation.

IDOLS IN LIFE : My mother.

ABOUT ME: Shallow & simple but try to be different always. I don’t understand boys (but usually they think girls are difficult to understand ) ;)

CONCEPT OF MASTI: doing whatever u want to do without any care.

FRIENDS: seeing urself in others. They taught me to enjoy and help.

SCHOOL TO COLLEGE: In school few things were must to do, here what I want to do (bunking classes).

LIFE @ BPHC: Freedom.

CHANGES YOU WANT @ BPHC: more good teachers, they claimed to be flexible but still so many restrictions.

IDEA OF IDEAL DATE: anywhere, anytime; nothing should not matter when with that person.

FirSt cruSh: during school life but don’t know his name.

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Ten minutes into an excruciatingly boring class and the lecturer is already droning about how animals pee. How redundant is education if we’re mugging pissing patterns and urine types for marks. Enough of this crap. Describing the process of excretion is for my physiology exam.

You know what’s better than day dreaming in a stupid class? Sketching every character around. Take my bench-mate, he’s not really listening… he’s staring at this unique piece of literature right now. You can’t really blame him, most of us have the attention span of a humming bird and lectures don’t really help either.

Then we have the note taking zombies. Man…if you ever want a human xerox machine, I can introduce you to a few. It takes them like 20 seconds to print out a slide onto paper. “Sigh!” this sucks considering I’m writing this shit instead of jotting down notes.

Moving on to the classic absent-minded bums. After a nocturnal stint of movies, sitcoms and counter strike, these guys are incapable of comprehending anything of the endless blabber. However, they are a resilient bunch- eyes fixed on the lecturer ( though dead and hollow)masking an elaborate day dream pushing their neurons to their limits. A talented bunch- we have to agree on that.

As if the freaking lecture wasn’t bad enough there is a bloody buzz in the air. Soft, almost un-detectable unless you strain your self. Yeah, you got it right- the gossip girls. No class can be complete without them. Discussions of scandals on some obscure hindi serial that just cannot be avoided. I mean, what use is life if a complete review of every episode isn’t possible?

Damm…!! Why the fuck do the windows have blinds no . No one seems to care about the guy who desperately wants to stare at the blue sky out of the window. No hope for him….no wonder he doesn’t bother to attend.

Holy crap!! I thought fishes were simple (food for bongs). I now realize they are complicated enough to cause me pain before the exams. Respect to the gilled creature. Ahh..!! finally some one asks a cool question ( yes.. some one ACTUALLY had a brain wave) I don’t understand much of the discussion but it’s a pleasant departure from the usual pattern. And what’s more its going to kill the last few desperate minutes.

Redemption!! the bell tolls. Time to quit day dreaming and get back to the real worlds in my room.

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You have seen ‘3 Idiots’. In all probability, you liked it. Even if you didn’t, you probably remember Aamir khan tinkering with a quad-copter and flying it up to the original creator’s window, only to discover him hanging from the ceiling, with the words ‘I quit’ scrawled across the wall.

We hope the quad-copter that we are making won’t find anything so disturbing.

Inspired by the aircraft mentioned above, we(Myself, Prerak Patel, Gaurav Duggal) decided to undertake a similar effort last semester. The first step was reading up on everything to do with it. Everything from creating the frame to basic stabilization techniques had to be researched.

the frame consists of two perpendicular aluminum beams. Four motors are affixed to the 4 extremities of the frame. We are using high-speed motors, so the sound produced at full throttle is gut-wrenching. It was quite an effort just to hold it steady. During one of our testing sessions, we found that the frame wasn’t strong enough to hold down the propellers – the hard way. Blood from the western-most part of the country is very precious. For stabilization, we are using a basic PID system (for further explanation, read your MT-2 manuals. Ask any third-year student. You would do well to stay away from certain photog club members though :P).

A major problem was acquisition of the parts required. We had to source the batteries and microcontroller from abroad. This was a major financial hindrance. Once we make this thing work properly and sell it to the US agencies for their failed attempts in Eye-raq (not without the CEL’s help), we hope to recover these costs.

This quad-copter was one of the entries that we sent for the Texas India Analog Design Challenge. The other entries were a home automation system (which involves remotely operating electrical appliances and monitoring their power usage), and a heliostat (which tracks the position of the sun to increase the efficiency of solar panels).

At present, we are working on an integrated home-security solution. When a webcam detects any motion in its field of view, it sends an email and an SMS to any specified person. As of now, our solution works out to be much cheaper than that offered by any competition. We also plan to add home-automation to this. the user of the system will also be able to trigger alarms or lock doors simply by sending an SMS. This system will run on a SLAx-Linux platform, which is designed to run on low-cost hardware. The whole ‘black-box’, with the processor and the webcam, would be sold as a single unit to clients, making tampering with it much more difficult.

We are looking for interested first-year students. Those who are able to find the author of this poor attempt at humour, or associates thereof, shall be considered.

-Some room on the third floor

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Perhaps the most pitiful thing about the elections that happen in our campus is not the dirty politics, the bargains and negotiations or anything like that. It’s the fact that we don’t realize how insignificant this entire thing is.

It’s not an election for the government of India (although it may as well be, given all the drama).

If you do become the President, it’s not as if you are suddenly The First Citizen, The Ever knowing, All powerful………..

You will still come below the VC, Teachers, Admin staff, mess workers, shopkeepers………

Even if you are the most well-meaning of candidates with the longest and most detailed manifestos, the most ‘contacts’, you probably won’t accomplish more than a third of your original manifesto.

There are 1800 students + 200 teachers with just as many egos to cater to, so good luck.

No company cares two hoots about whether you were college president or a nobody. If you believe it gives you a ‘cutting edge’ factor to your CV, get over it now. Life is about the skills and common sense you bring to the table, not about your prizes, awards or for that matter, CGPA.

If you still care enough to contest the elections, my best wishes to you. Don’t do anything that you would regret 10 years down the line. It’s not about the votes you gather, it’s about the number of hearts you win. (Ahem, go get a date and enjoy your college life!)

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Three weeks into their formation Pandora’s Box performed for the first time in BPHC ( Till deaf do we part). They were a refreshing change from all the heavy stuff that night. A Hendrix ( Purple Haze) and Breaking the law really won over a lot of rock and metal enthusiasts that day. For an infant of a band these guys really put up a amazing show ( Alan even played the nokia tune for sound check….). We take great pleasure in featuring these guys in our first column on local bands. we wish them all the best for the future and hope they keep playing great music.

Q. How did u guys meet up? What drew u together?

Alan: Aditya and i were from the same collage. Andrew, we used to play in the same church. So well we just got a few instruments and jammed. We borrowed ( we never really got around to giving it back though) a drum kit from a friend. A blue one with sparkles on it. And that was the beginning. 3 weeks later we played our first gig. In BPHC!!

Q 2 . Musical influences

We’ve got a wide variety of influences. Each one of us are into different genres of music . Aditya for one, was into pop!Specifically we are into Psychedelic Metal and Trash metal. Opeth , Iron Maiden , Tool, Black Sabbath, Porcupine Tree , Pink Floyd , Metallica etc are some of our greatest influences. Among the Indian bands, we follow Zero, Blind Image ,Demonic Resurrection ,Bhayank

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Maut, Motherjane etc

Q 3 Why don’t you guys have a rhythm guitarist, which is common in most metal bands?

The classic bands of the Seventies did not have rhythm guitarists . They are perhaps the most influential bands who have ever graced the music scene. The purpose of rhythm is to fill up comparatively empty parts of the song. This we tried to do using the bass or the lead guitar itself. Also now, we are planning to get to a keyboard player to add a new dimension to our music and cover up the lack of the rhythm guitar.

Q 4 Opeth, compared to Maiden or Porcupine Tree, was a rather low- key band that came to India. What do you have to say about a band like Opeth?

Opeth is a band that is all out into its music and disregards most of the stage theatrics. They strike a perfect harmony between heavy death metal and slow melodic riffs. Mikael Åkerfeldt’s is arguably one of the greatest front men of all time. Their album Damnation was a surprising deviation from their usual music. The song Harvest ,according to us, has the greatest acoustic riffs ever recorded.

Q 5 What do you plan for the future?

We plan to come out with a few OC’s and hopefully an album sometime in the near future.we have a song in mind ‘ you beat the game, we meet again ‘ . we’re right now trying to add a sliht amount of complexity to the song, which should hopefully get done soon.

Q 6 According to you, which metal vocalist has the greatest stage presence?

No one can really play guitar and sing at the same time. james Hetfeild of Metallica has managed to do that brilliantly. Also, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden!! His vocals and stage presence in the concert, rock in rio, was totally kickass.

Q 7 What is your message to the students of BPHC?

Aditya - Stop listening to p***y music.Alan- Practice, Practice, Practice

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WHat DoES RakHi MEan to You ?“It’s a dangerous day. Boys should turn off their cellphones, lock themselves in their room and wear full sleeves shirts so that no pretty girl can tie a Rakhi around your wrist” – Puneet Mehrotra

“It’s a time to talk to all the long-lost brothers, especially the ones I made in school” – Astha Sethi

“It gets people together. I’d love to have a sister in the campus” – Aniruddh Vk

“Rakhi is a very traditional festival but I feel it can be modified now. It is more of an acknowledgement that we care for our brothers and sisters. Now it should be extended to other relations also. Its all about showing your love and support to someone” – Avanika Agarwal

“Rakhi is dying down now. There is not the same zeal that used to be there earlier especially because of single, nuclear families. We just send a Rakhi or card by post. There is no longer any concept of doing aarti or physically going to your brother’s place.” – Madhu Garg

What is the significance of independence Day?

“Independence doesn’t mean much these days. We only feel patriotic when there is India vs Pakistan match going on, or when our football team is missing from the world cup, or after poor performance in Olympics. That’s the only time we feel patriotic.” – Madhu Garg

“Independence for India was hard work. It involved a lot of sacrifice from our people. People, today, should realize this and what it means to be independent. The mode of celebration should change and we should pay respect to our leaders and their vision on this day” – Avanika Agarwal

“independence day is a holiday. it is one of the few days when we feel something for the country. we should do social work and help the people on this day” – Nabeel Ahmed

“Independence Day gives us the independence for us to go home” – Aniruddh Vk

“Unfortunately it was a Sunday so no holiday. I got up at 12 o’ clock. I think it’s sad that we can’t go out freely on this day because of all the terrorism around” – Sreeparna Das

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Many of the disciplinary assocs had their fresher’s orientation including Synapsis, The Economics Association (TEA), Alchemy, Axiom, Comp Sc. Association.


The workshop was conducted on 21st and 22nd of August. Many professors from outside came and shared their wealth of knowledge. the workshop, which was conducted in 8 different sessions, saw widespread participation from the students.


Commander YVV Prasad spoke on design and production of various engineering devices. The lecture was held on 29th August 2010. Students unfortunately chose to stay away from the amazing this lecture and it was therefore called off early.

The Princeton Review (TPR) Orientation

TPR held an orientation for students interested in appearing for GRE (Graduate Record Examination). Nothing more needs to be said about this.


rAF organized a screening of the movie udaan, on popular demand, on Sunday 29th August. The movie was well attended by both singles and couples. P.S: The RAF team was very clear about no ‘boy-boy’ or ‘girl-girl’ couples. Care to comment, anyone?


Onam celebrations were held on the 24th of august. This was organized by Maithri, the kerala Association. A special lunch was provided in the cafeteria.A few unfortunate people were also tied Rakhi by college mates on the same day.


Widespread campaigning is underway as the elections draw nearer and nearer. 36 boys and 14 girls are in the fray for the 10 post and 4 posts respectively. The main mode of campaigning has been personal interaction and pamphlets. Electronic media such as Facebook and email is being exploited. Why the gender separation I wonder?

In a separate note, elections were held by some of the clubs. We shall give you all the winners in the next issue after elections are complete.


After the Table Tennis tournament, which was won by Arun, a chess tourney was held in the campus. The tourney was used as a platform for selecting representatives of the college for BOSM. Till the time of print, the winner had not been decided.

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Photgraphy Club organized the much popular Photo-G Race. Participation is said to be at a phenomenal 200 people (official and unofficial). The race had people doing the craziest and wildest tasks like being kissed by two people on the cheek simultaneously. The toughest task was probably shooting 2 dogs in the same frame. Apparently all the dogs in the campus are now missing and presumed dead. the race was won by …….


Barely a week after the Music Night, a classical music night (we know how to spell) was organized by the music club. Possibly as a hangover from the music club night, the response was spectacularly good compared to usual BPHC standards. All the regulars: Umesh, Ragav, Mayuri, Vasavi, Arun, Abha, Savinai, Shruthi, performed. Ragav and Shruthi jammed along with Umesh and Savinai the audience went delirious. Overall, a spectacular albeit low-key performance that established the phenomenal rise of the music club over two years.


For the umpteenth time, the college went into fast forward mode as news trickled in that our hon. chancellor Mr. KM birla would visit the campus. work was speeded up on all the unfinished footpaths, LCD screens were put up in the Main building to welcome him and a nice big printed sign was put on the Main Gate. But, surprise, surprise! It was called off a day before THE day. Needless to say, a lot of people slept soundly that day. The construction work too, seems to have fallen back to the normal pace.

Maybe he will make it before the Auditorium is ready. Oh, and the scoop is, there won’t be an audi under the new authorities. The music club seems to be very upset with the news. Students meanwhile are rather pleased as construction makes huge progress during his proposed visits. there’s a group on Facebook about which you can join.

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[email protected]

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on academicsARjUN VARSHNEY T Th S 5th hr...& W 1st hr... :D :D :D ....comedy karte hain hum log... Raman Sood , Saurabh kumar , Schitij kulshrestha ....kisi din Raman.. tu toh pakka Pitega !!! :P

RAHUL NADENDLA Any suggestions on “How to attend classes in BITS?” :)

PRASANNA GIRIDHAR First Nite Out of this Sem :)

TARUN MITTAL aaj toh humare saath cheating ho gai..........saale kehte the ki java ka test lenge lekin le liya MYSQL ka..............ab ek din mein kitna padhe.........:-)

ARjUN VARSHNEY 1st hr and 7th hr class nahi honi chahiye time table main !!! kya neend aati hai....!!!!

PRADYUMNA MURHAR kannan Ramaswamy sir: I accidently tried an experiment in which I put an aluminium foil in a microwave oven, & it sparked!!!! You can also try this experiment, in fact we must do it in class using the microwave which the cantene wala has.....:P

SAI ANVESH it’s C++’s turn now........ these exams are atleast teaching me something in life.... How to react in some situations for which u r not prepared......... u just need to have a (e-)book “How to React????” :P :P

on internetDIkSHIT GOEL just spent the longest tym on facebook this sem!!!

GAURAV kHANDELWAL net speed finally touched 45 kbps.....there was misprinting of 45 mbps..its 45kbps.........net suckzz....

SAI ANVESH internet in bphc @ 13:33....... omg..... :o :)

kARAN VIjAY OMG!! wat a difference!! ystrdday evn fb wsnt opening in my rum nd nw 2day at “13:16” i cn finally watch d youtube vidz buffering ahead of me//kya hai yeh??

PAYAL PARATE 71 ppl online on fb chat!!!


ARjUN VARSHNEY What a co-incidence...Presently, the count of my friends on facebook = my room no. !!! :P :P

Campus LifeSHRUTHI VISHWANATH The first yearites tell me they’ve finished Friends, HIMYM, Scrubs, House, Big Bang theory....... I say ‘what the hell are u going to do here for the next 4 years ?’ :

RADHEV PALETI hearing a lecture on ragging which says dat luking a fresher in the eye is a cognizable offence...:P

NISHANT MittAl smetims when sittin alone it feels really proud 2 be a bitsian,,atleast now can count smething in ma lifetime achievements

SOURAV NARAYAN BHANjA First day of 3rd sem widout bath!!!!! :P :P :)

KArtheiK iyer all said, the damage has been repaired. again, my sincere appreciation. My only question is, was this a prank, or a part of something bigger? did someone from the campus do it, or was it an external spite attack? How did they (whoever they is/are) get the access keys? why was our security so... wait, too many questions.

General FAiSAl AhMAd ramzan mubarak!

PRASANNA GIRIDHAR have minimum hindsight and minimum foresight and every day will be such a delight.

DIkSHIT GOEL Its not lyf dat matters, but d journey...............

AMey liMAye committed or single??

kRISHNA CHAITANYA TwO tHiNgS R InFiNitE : thE UniVerse and HumAn STuPiDitY ; & I’m noT sure About ThE UniVeRsE :) :)

PERI NAGA SATYA CHAITANYA Every time i fail it only gives me confidence that i will fail to fail some-day.................................

SCHITIj kULSHRESTHA And how can i blame you when it’s me i can’t forgive?

Leeon Passi Ever seen a public poll :: just curious to find out who are the people who everyday spend rs 6/- to vote for “Can`t Say” :-?e committed or single??

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