library board meeting thursday, jan. 28th, 2015, 5:30pm … › images › pdfs...

LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2015, 5:30pm – Agenda CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC INPUT REVIEW OF AGENDA DIRECTOR’S REPORT COMMUNICATION MONTHLY STATISTICS TREASURER’S REPORT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT FUTURE PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT FOUNDATION REPORT OLD BUSINESS Strategic Planning Update (Information) New Trustees (Information) Attorney Interviews (Action) NEW BUSINESS Board Elections (Action) Approve bid for reconstruction of the quiet area (Action) Posting location for public notice of meetings (Action) Review public access to information (web-site) (Information) Summary report on staff performance and merit increases for 2016 (Information) Approve Auditor’s Contract (Action) CONSENT AGENDA UPCOMING AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES ADJOURN Next Board Meeting Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016, 5:30 PM

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LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2015, 5:30pm – Agenda

CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC INPUT REVIEW OF AGENDA DIRECTOR’S REPORT COMMUNICATION MONTHLY STATISTICS TREASURER’S REPORT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT FUTURE PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT FOUNDATION REPORT OLD BUSINESS Strategic Planning Update (Information) New Trustees (Information) Attorney Interviews (Action) NEW BUSINESS Board Elections (Action) Approve bid for reconstruction of the quiet area (Action) Posting location for public notice of meetings (Action) Review public access to information (web-site) (Information) Summary report on staff performance and merit increases for 2016 (Information) Approve Auditor’s Contract (Action)


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The Library’s budget, new Board Members, selecting an architect, working on the new strategic plan and Staff Day were the key activities of November and December, 2015 A working session on the Library Budget was held on Thursday Nov. 12th at 5:30. Library Board Members were present along with School Board Member Carlene Irion and Town Board Member Jeremy Rose. Work continued on the Library’s Strategic Plan with a Staff Meeting on Friday Nov. 13th. The meeting was facilitated by Jacqueline Murphy from the State Library. Board President, Perko and Board Treasurer, Whittington and the Director met to review proposals from firms who had responded to the RFP for a feasibility study on a new library location. Interviews for new Library Board members were held on Dec. 1st. Board Member, Scherer chaired the committee made up of Town Board Member, Ivan Adams, School Board Member, Regan Price and town resident, David Sislowski. 3 candidates were interviewed. The Committee selected Catherine Davis as a Board member and Rochelle Brotsky as the alternate Board Member. Candidate’s appointments were confirmed by the Town and School Boards. On December 4th, a team of Library Board Members, the Library Director, Town of Windsor Staff and DDA members interviewed 3 architectural firms who had submitted proposals for the Department of Local Affairs feasibility study for a location of a new library. The decision was unanimous to hire Humphries Poli, a Denver firm with lots of library experience in and out of Colorado. A very successful Staff Day was held on Friday, Dec. 11th. The day began with an optional yoga session led by librarian Andrea Cleland. The staff heard presentations from 2 speakers Tanis Roeder and Chalice Springfield. Director Kling held a session, Library 101 on library funding and governance. IT Manager Bud Hunt led a discussion on the Library’s Guiding Principles. Round Robins were held to acquaint everyone with the work of each department. Several staff displayed their handicrafts/art and several showcased their musical and poetic talents. The Library Board held their last meeting of the year on Monday, Dec. 14th. The 2016 budget was passed and the Library Director’s contract was renewed. The Library closed for a snow storm on December 15th. The Library changed the loan period on dvds and blu-rays to a 3 week checkout. This was a change that had been asked for by our customers.

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Customer Service Specialist, Denise Ketchens resigned as of Dec. 16th. With the addition of two circulation specialists in the 2016 budget, Public Services Manager, Ally Garcia, IT Manager, Bud Hunt, Circulation Supervisor, Nathan Triz and Director Kling, posted the position, reviewed resumes, worked out schedules, interviewed candidates and added 5 new customer service specialists to the staff: Aimee Moore, Stephanie Hensley, Robert Wygal, Katie Northern, Caitlin Bubnich. They begin with the New Year. Craig Johnson was selected as the author for the 2016 Craig Johnson. The Library Foundation and the Library Staff look forward to having another big name author visit Windsor. The date has been set for Sunday, Sept. 11th. Nathan Triz and Heather Seely have been working on the Library’s first Comic Con to be held on Friday night, Feb. 19th. The event will showcase Comics Plus, an online collection of comic books from Recorded Books. Programming Highlights for November and December Check Out Our Tech Toys Harvest Craft Time Robotics Studio Stuffed Animal Sleepover Buying Investment Property Teen Video Game Night Stained Glass Color Crafts Teen Poetry Slam World Curries Minute to Win It Advance Movie Screening, Mockingjay, Part 2

Up Next: New Year, New You Pokemon Party You Got an Ereader, Now What? Kickstart Your Health Tax News Combating the Winter Blues 3D Printing Teen Poetry Slam I Got This Techy Thing, Help! Yoga for the New Year Nerdfighters Hangout Early Literacy Fair

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Monthly Reports of the Managers and Supervisor

Circulation Services – November/December, 2015

Nathan Triz, Circulation Supervisor

Department Displays:

Continued “Colorado Music Scene” display. Beneath it: “Check out a concert DVD while you wait” featuring live concert DVDs. This is well located and highly circulating; it has pretty much become a permanent display.

Continued display of “Don’t judge a book by its movie” featuring both the book and the movie (or TV show).

Implemented new areas for Staff Pick Movies and Staff Pick Music. Staff Pick Books remain on the original display. These all continue to be popular!

With hiring and training being our department’s priority recently, displays haven’t been as involved as usual. We will be getting back into it more as the new hires become settled in their jobs.

Department Projects:

Finished shifting non-fiction section so that the 2 North-most ranges of shelves can be broken down to provide space for a quiet study area.

Made necessary preparations for holiday closures.

Changed ‘old’ movies to 3 week checkouts; marketed the change and updated information as well as gave patrons the news word-of-mouth.

CIRC staff decided on and ordered a new desk for the new work area. It is much nicer and more comfortable! Still working on check-in workflow.

CIRC department took over entire project of searching for lost/missing/in-transit items monthly including adult and youth items.

Staff Development:

December CIRC meeting empowered CIRC staff to waive fines up to $20, above that a manager or supervisor must handle and will add note about it to patron account.

Trained Kirstie on updating range finders around library.

The position of CIRC assistant is now called Customer Service Specialist and are able to work adult desk shifts and/or youth desk shifts based on the Library’s needs.

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Staff Day included two keynote speakers with great information for attendees as well as round robin sessions for staff to go around learn about other aspects of the Library than they normally work in.


Donna Reiser - 30 hours / working on usual tasks plus helped with covering 7 day stickers project and relabeling westerns/scifi/mysteries with hard to read spine labels project.

Mary Beal - 21 hours / worked on usual tasks plus helped with covering 7 day stickers project. Maintains lost and found drawer.

Mendi Sumter - 16 hours / worked on usual tasks plus helped with covering 7 day stickers project.

Adam Jensen (previous volunteer who has returned) - 12 hours / shelves adult and juvenile non-fiction.

Nathan’s Additional Side Projects :

Repaired 125 scratched CDs and DVDs in Nov &Dec and 4 Blu-rays.

Trialed for one month running a welcome message along the bottom of the marketing screen (now out of order entirely) that welcomed new card holders by first name. It was a nice idea but nobody seemed to notice it which defeated the purpose.

Have been working together with Heather and Tucker on planning a Comic Con event to take place on February 19th from 5-8pm featuring a Cosplay costume contest with prizes and much more. This is to launch our new online database, Comics Plus, and to educate and celebrate our existing comic resources.

Measured, designed, and ordered vinyl lettering of mission statement for new wall and “Library Item Return” vinyl lettering for returns as well as exterior sign for drive through 24/7 item pick up. Mail ‘n Copy finally completed order and installed signage on 1/15/16.

Helped run Staff Day and designed brochures with prize drawing memes. Ran Make & Model program during lunch.

Worked with Michael to make all Library receipts appear as uniform as possible and include as much pertinent information as possible.

Assisted heavily in the interview process, hiring/onboarding process, and training plan for multiple people while simultaneously learning new scheduling software and process for the latest hires.

Helped Brittany by ordering video game equipment and setting up for after school play.

Started and shared doc for messages for receipt footers/ticker.

Started and shared doc for talking points for front-line staff.

Implemented Circulation FAQs for website (Ally/Cari making final touches before published).

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Outreach and Youth Services –– November/December, 2015

Ally Garcia, Outreach and Youth Services Manager, Adult Program Coordinator


The end of 2015 was filled with programs, special events and fun. We held the last of the movie pre-screening of the Hunger Games series, bringing in over 200 patrons to celebrate the end of the series. We attended the Town of Windsor’s, Windsor Wonderland and had the opportunity to present storytime to 40 kids this year in addition to seeing 220 patrons board the bookmobile and meet Page the Pelican. We hosted the Dickens Carolers which always puts our patrons in the holiday spirit. And to bring in the New Year we offered our first New Year ’s Eve program and had 60 patrons counting down to noon.

After many years of trying to build partnerships with Weld-RE 4 the end of 2015 finally was the year to make it happen. I presented to all the Education Technology/Information Literacy educators in the district about how we could work together to build innovative programs. The success of that presentation meant I was invited to speak to 30 teachers to implement some of the programs I discussed. By the end of December I booked presentations, tours, and/or programs with every school in the district. We ended December by presenting to all 200 of Skyview’s 3, 4 and 5th graders.

To round-off 2015 we also had our annual staff day planned by our Leadership team. This day really brings our departments together and gives the staff a chance to grow professionally and build a bond with their team mates.

Other Highlights

Outreach and YS staff continue to run every other week checkouts and reading to classes of Mountain View students.

Brittany and Ally met with Windsor Middle School to work on setting up production classes to regularly create promo videos for the library.

With the increase in School partnership programs Anthony is coming off of storytimes, Kat is taking over for him at Windmill.

Anthony and Kat continue to lead programming in Severance; they did a special Winter party that was loved.

Amy, Karen and Andrea led fantastic programs these months and Resa will be joining them in 2016 to free up some time for Amy to focus on volunteers.

Marsella is recruiting attendees from her Bookclubs to read at some of the assisted living centers in town.

Youth Services and Outreach led round robin sessions at Staff Day. Due to an emergency one of our hired presenters had to cancel. Ally took over the Cool

Christmas Treats program; she and Amy ran it as well as the Gingerbread Tween program.

Cari and Monica continued to work on the guiding principles committee. Youth Services and Outreach are currently working on a new Children’s Conduct in the

library and a new Unoccupied Minor policy. Kat and Andrea submitted sections of the library newsletter. Lynley and Andrea sent all constant contact blasts for the youth services/outreach


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Heather updated all the Youth Services events on the website, in-house calendars and orders books.

Outreach people continued to bring more and more books to their child care centers for checkout.

Brittany and Ally are working on re-designing the teen space and meeting with a design company.

Andrea talked at a Safe sitter class through the Fire Department. Staff participated in a strategic planning meeting. Lynley is brainstorming new Minecraft afternoon ideas. Marsella brought in a local author to bookclub which increased numbers and was

enjoyed. Monica organized a holiday party for the PAWS volunteers that Ally and Ann also


Ally’s Managerial Duties and Professional Development:

With the absence of Adult Services Manager, Diane Montgomery I took on ordering adult media, weeding and evaluating these collections and the hiring of new circulation staff. These two months were spent trying to streamline holds and purchasing reports. In addition to looking at a possible re-organization of the library team and flushing out job duties, schedules and library needs. I went through 35 applications for Customer Service Specialist and invited/scheduled 16 to interview. I then worked with Nathan, Ann and Bud to interview all the candidates and get them hired and trained. Brittany, Ann and I also worked to post for a new Outreach assistant that we will be interviewing for in January.

Attended meetings with: Makerspace (weekly)- presented a proposal Leadership Team- planned Staff Day Windsor Lions meeting Manager meeting Several school partnership meeting Purchase/Processing meeting

Committees I am serving on: Staff Day Makerspace Colorado Public Library Association-president Elect Leadership Team

Monica, Ally and Heather put together monthly online and print calendar Hired two speakers for Staff Day I proofed and edited, flyers, constant contact blast, newsletters and letters for staff in the

Outreach, youth services and adult programming departments. Placed Nov/December adult media orders. Ordered new bookbins for the children’s area Completed monthly staff schedule for both departments. Worked on massive weed project of adult items including attending a weeding party

Sunday night. Lead bi-weekly Outreach and YS staff meetings. Planned and with Monica’s assistance ran all adult programming for this month and the

upcoming months.

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I made a connection with the Adult Services Librarian in Longmont and have been working with her to put together some possibilities for a shared larger author to host our next Windsor Reads. We were able to lock in Craig Johnson- which should draw a nice crowd. In addition, I planned out all of Jan & Feb programming and am currently working on the next months, looking at more tech classes and some hot topic discussions in addition to our local author showcase.

November Programming


Check Out Our Tech Toys 11/2/2015 7

Harvest Craft Time 11/3/2015 40

Buying residential Investment Property 11/10/2015 11

World Curries 11/17/2015 30



Thursday 4

Mondays 5



December Programming


Santa Gourd Ornament 12/1/2015 31

Gulten Free Holiday Treats 12/3/2015 15

Button Holiday Ornaments 12/8/2015 41

Holiday Bingo & Hot Cocoa 12/15/2015 snowed out

Dickens Carolers 12/18/2015 51



Monday 5

Thursday 12



Coming up in January~

Adult Programming~

Happy Bookers Monday, January 4th @ 6:30pm New Year, New You! Tuesday, January 5th @ 6:30pm

You got an e-reader, now what? Monday, January 11th @ 6:30pm

*Kickstart Your Health Tuesday, January 12th @ 6:00pm

Extra! Extra! Learn all about it…Tax News, that is! Thursday, January 14th @ 6:30pm

We’ll Read Anything Book Club Monday, January 18th @ 6:30pm

Combating the Winter Blues, Beating SAD Tuesday, January 19th @ 6:30pm

Thursday Afternoon Book Club Thursday, January 21st @ 2:00pm

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I got this “Techy” thing over the holidays, help! Monday, January 25th @ 6:30pm

*Yoga for the New Year Tuesday, January 26th @ 6:30pm

Little One’s Programming~ Russian Storytime (18 months to 8 years) Sunday, January 3rd @ 2:00pm *Story Explorers Book Club (3 to 5 years) Thursday, January 21st and 28th @ 10:00am Early Literacy Fair (birth to 5 years) Saturday, January 30th from 6:00-7:30pm

Story Times~ Toddler Tales (birth to 3 years) Monday mornings @ 10:00am & 10:35am Stories in Severance (2 to 6 years) Tues. mornings @ 10:00am & 10:35am (at Severance Town Hall) Dance, Rhyme, & Read (3 to 6 years) Wednesday mornings @ 9:30am, 10:00am,

& 10:30am Babies and Books (birth to 15 months) Friday mornings @ 9:30am

(with the exception of Friday, January 1st) Whimsical Wobblers (15 months to 2½ years) Friday mornings @ 10:00am & 10:45am

(with the exception of Friday, January 1st) Y is for Yoga! (3 to 6 years) Fourth Tuesday of the month @ 10:00am & 10:45am Crafty Tales (3 to 6 years) First Saturday of the month @ 10:30am

(theme for January 2nd: “Colors”) Children’s Programming~ Pokemon Party (6 to 9 years) Friday, January 8th from 4:00-5:00pm

*Reading Bugs Book Club (6 to 8 years) Tuesday, January 12th, 19th, and 26th from 3:45-4:45pm Homeschoolers: Minecraft! Wednesday afternoons from 1:00-3:00pm Afterschool Programs~ K-8th welcome Weird Science Monday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm Lego Club Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm Getting Crafty Wednesday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm Minecraft! Thursday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm Fun Fridays in Severance Friday afternoons from 4-4:45pm (@ Severance Town Hall)

(with the exception of Friday, January 1st) Open Play (Crafts & Tech toys) 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month 3-4:30pm

(with the exception of Friday, January 1st)

Tween Programming~

*3D Printing (9+) Wednesday, January 20th from 6:30-7:30pm Board Game Night! (ages 8+) Thursday, January 14th and 28th from 5:00-7:30pm

*Please note that this is a volunteer led program and is subject to availability*

*The Robotics Studio Every Thursday from 4:00-5:00pm ***See our website for weekly activities

Teen Programming~ *Dungeons and Dragons (ages 12+) Thursday, January 7th and 21st from 5:00-7:30pm

*Teen Video Game Night (teens 13+) Wednesday, January 13th from 5:30-7:30pm Board Game Night! (ages 8+) Thursday, January 14th and 28th from 5:00-7:30pm

*Please note that this is a volunteer led program and is subject to availability* Teen Poetry Slam (teens 13+) Friday, January 22nd from 5:30-7:30pm Nerdfighters Hangout (teens 13+) Friday, January 29th from 5:00-7:00pm

*The Robotics Studio Every Thursday from 4:00-5:00pm ***See our website for weekly activities

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All Ages/Family Programming~ Board Game Night! (ages 8+) Thursday, January 14th and 28th from 5:00-7:30pm

IT/Technical Services – November/December, 2015

Bud Hunt, IT Manager

November 2015

The month of November was a routine month, a time of catch up and maintenance after a full complement of conferences and trainings in October, though I still found a little time to dig deeper into larger library processes, habits, and organizations. In early November, I attended a one-day session with OCLC to learn more about their resources and how we interact with them. This was also a useful opportunity to meet up with others in the Colorado library community and learn from and with them. I also had the chance to explore some pre-market technology at HP with the Colorado Library IT Directors at their quarterly meeting.

Much of the rest of the month was focused on day to day routine and maintenance, with a return to documenting and refining our organizational purchasing and technical services processes.

Youth Services and Outreach Manager Ally Garcia and I had the opportunity during the month to plan and facilitate a session on library tools and resources with Weld RE-4 staff, specifically focusing on technology and library needs we can help to serve those teachers in elementary classrooms.

In addition to regular duties and the trainings listed above, in the month of November the IT & Tech Services team:

Prepared quotes and researched vendors to use for our end of year computer refresh projects.

December 2015

The month of December saw several new projects, the execution of our office computer refresh plan, and several significant upgrades to our Envisionware suite of tools that we use to manage patron access to computer workstations and shared printers.

As you already know from your approval of the expenditures, we purchased a second LAT Cube to accommodate our growing collection of video game disc media. That machine, along with a new control server for our automated library tasks (computer access for patrons, updates and maintenance), was delivered just prior to the new year, so January will involve rolling those new tools out.

The server will improve reliability of floor services to patrons, as well as speedier response times on maintenance tasks. We also believe we will be able to offer some new data tools and services for both staff and patrons.

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We also began our office computer refresh in the month of December, with 10 office machines replaced and/or upgraded to support the growing computing needs of our staff. In January, our six oldest floor machines, the youth gaming machines, will be replaced as well.

Envisionware also received a facelift in December, as we rolled to the latest version of that software. (Not without a hiccup or two, alas - we are still awaiting a current Mac client from the company - but we are limping along in the meantime.)

Finally, in December we received and configured our first Chromebook cart here in the library, so we are now able to offer mobile computer lab services to our staff and patrons via programming that might require computer use. We will be doing more training on these machines in the new year.

In addition to regular duties, in the month of December the IT & Tech Services team: Assisted in the piloting and exploration of an automated scheduling software to increase

communication and efficiency when making floor schedules for our circulation teams. Configured the hardware described above, while working to ensure the safe transfer of

staff and library data from the old to the new machines Participated in the Library’s annual Staff Day, through facilitating a round robin session

on the library’s new tech toys collection as well as assisted with a staff culture/guiding principles conversation

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Year to Date

2013 2014 2015 Current Month % vs. % of

Actual Actual Goal 2015 % vs '14 2015 2014 15 Goal

People Served 241,934 246,018 258,319 30509 81% 279,147 14% 108%

Program Attendance 22,717 30,700 32,235 2571 10% 41,936 37% 130%

Items Borrowed 307,016 322,391 338,510 24009 -1% 346,199 7% 102%

Computers and Technology

Computer Users 5,614 5,881 6,175 634 50% 7785 32% 126%

Sessions 18,933 22,192 23,302 1712 26% 22,209 0% 95%

Wifi Use 19,706 12,512 13,138 460 5,430 41%

The Virtual Library

Borrowers 5,935 7,928 9,528 763 4% 9,736 23% 102%

Ebooks Borrowed 9,011 12,252 12,865 1032 -13% 16,333 33% 127%

Other ematerials 9,033 31,008 32,558 3064 -8% 36,603 18% 112%

Database Searches 14,174 13,928 14,624 3833 398% 16282 17% 111%

Homepage Visitors 213,650 238,418 250,339 16945 -3% 237,296 0% 95%

People Served Program Attendance

November/December2015@the Clearview Library District








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Items Borrowed

Computer Users Sessions








Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec













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Virtual Borrowers E-book Circulation

Other E-materials Database Searches












Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec










Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec













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Homepage Visits







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec




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Row Labels Dec 15 Actual 2015 Actual 2015 Budget % of Budget Used


General property tax 14 1860094 1875925 99%

Other revenue 3359 52337 43000 122%

Specific ownership tax 0 125169 140000 89%

Revenue Total 3373 2037600 2058925 99%


Bookmobile costs 549 21085 27304 77%

Building costs 8413 74553 89886 83%

Capital outlays 19689 106506 115000 93%

County treasurer's fee 27935 28140 99%

Electronic Databases 3604 11043 10000 110%

Materials/periodicals 16242 166926 235500 71%

Operating supplies 3763 20189 26000 78%

Other Expenses 9026 122931 148928 83%

Programming 6603 54124 38000 142%

Public relations 1447 13718 15000 91%

Related expenses 21360 239061 257800 93%

Salaries 81191 1013841 1020554 99%

Software/tech support 7496 66837 45000 149%

Expense Total 179385 1938750 2057112 94%

Net Income -176012 98756 1813 5447%

Clearview Library District December 2015

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LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2015, 5:30pm – Minutes

CALL TO ORDER- President Perko called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. PUBLIC INPUT-None REVIEW OF AGENDA- Under Old Business: attorney interviews moved to the top of agenda. DIRECTOR’S REPORT- Report was reviewed and questions were asked. COMMUNICATION- Thank you notes for the Board were received from the staff and from an employee

who had to leave Clearview’s employ. MONTHLY STATISTICS- Statistics were reviewed and questions were asked. TREASURER’S REPORT- Report was reviewed and questions were asked. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT- Hired four new customer service specialists (CSS) and one shelver was hired

as a CSS; one of the CSS staff was hired to be a new outreach assistant; two more shelvers were hired. A librarian position has been posted. A new organizational chart was distributed by the Director.

FUTURE PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT- Meetings were held January 13th and 27th. Agenda and information

from the meeting was reviewed. February 24th from 6:30-8:00 pm there will be a public meeting here at the library facilitated by Humphries Poli Architects.

FOUNDATION REPORT- Foundation met and decided to hold the book sale this year at the recreation center

in April, but will need a new location for the Fall sale due to construction. The Author Talk on September 11th may need a new place to be held.

OLD BUSINESS -Strategic Planning Update- The planning committee met to discuss the new strategic

plan. The committee will met again in two weeks to continue work on the strategic plan.

-New Trustees- Trustees were introduced. -Attorney Interviews-The Board of Directors heard presentations from, and

interviewed the two firms in consideration for hire. NEW BUSINESS -Board Elections– Motion made to retain current officers as they currently stand by Board

Member Davis, seconded by Board Member Scherer. Motion passed without opposition.

-Approve bid for reconstruction of the quiet area- A motion was made to construct the quiet area using DS Constructor’s proposal by Board Member Whittington and seconded by Board Member Davis. Motion passed without opposition.

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-Posting location for public notice of meetings- Posted in the front hall and on the website. A motion was made by Board Member Menke to leave postings as they are, seconded by Board Member Whittington. Motion passed without opposition.

-Review public access to information- Policy was reviewed. -Summary report on staff performance and merit increases for 2016- Increases were

reviewed. -Approve Auditor’s Contract- A motion was made to approve the Auditor’s contract

by Board Member Whittington and seconded by Board Member Menke. Motion was passed without opposition.

The Board went into executive session at 7:15 pm. Executive session ended at 7:31 pm. CONSENT AGENDA- A motion was made to approve the consent agenda by Board Member Menke, seconded by Board Member Whittington. Agenda was passed without opposition. UPCOMING AGENDA -Attorney -Board Training: TABOR, fundraising & grant writing -Review goals -Policy review on unattended children -Meet new staff APPROVAL OF MINUTES- A motion was made by Board Member Scherer to approve the minutes and seconded by Board Member Whittington. Motion was passed without opposition. ADJOURN- A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Board Member Menke, seconded by Board Member Scherer. Motion passed without opposition. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm. Next Board Meeting Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016, 5:30 PM