local government your employer of choiceemployer of choice september 2013 page 3 gwydir shire...

Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 1 There are 565 local governing bodies across Australia, ranging from tiny rural shires to Brisbane City Council with a permanent workforce of over 7000. As of June 2012 Australia’s local government sector employed a total of 192,500 people. Local government is not only one of the biggest employment sectors, it is one of the most diverse. There are hundreds of possibilities for a career in local government, in professions and trades such as engineering, information technology, finance, communication, health and community care, human resources, libraries, children’s services, environment and emergency management, planning, and administration. Working with the tier of government closest to the people, local government employees get to work closely with their community and respond to the community’s needs. Opportunities for personal and professional development, education and training are numerous. As employers, councils value highly skilled staff who continue to build on their knowledge and expertise. Local government careers also provide great opportunity for advancement, and fair and flexible work arrangements. Many people choose to work in local government for the duration of their careers, while others use the desirable skills they have developed working for a council as a stepping stone to employment in the public and private sector. Employers of Choice offer a work/life balance, recognise and reward hard work and initiative, and value the health and wellbeing of their employees. Councils all over Australia, large and small, take pride in being Employers of Choice. This is the first ever Local Government Focus supplement showcasing councils as Employers of Choice. We know how often talented local government staff move between councils, and our Employer of Choice lift–out is an opportunity for councils to highlight what they have to offer employees. We look forward to continuing our relationship with council employers and employees in the future. Local Government your Employer of Choice www.gwydirshire.com rewards staff well, we invest in the wonderful rural setting. Local Goverment your Employer of Choice Pull-out Supplement Keep this supplement for your future reference

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Page 1: Local Government your Employer of ChoiceEmployer of Choice September 2013 Page 3 Gwydir Shire Council recognises and rewards staff well, we invest in the learning and development of

Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 1

There are 565 local governing bodies across Australia, ranging from tiny rural shires to Brisbane City Council with a permanent workforce of over 7000.

As of June 2012 Australia’s local government sector employed a total of 192,500 people.

Local government is not only one of the biggest employment sectors, it is one of the most diverse. There are hundreds of possibilities for a career in local government, in professions and trades such as engineering, information technology, fi nance, communication, health and community care, human resources, libraries, children’s services, environment and emergency management, planning, and administration.

Working with the tier of government closest to the people, local government employees get to work closely with their community and respond to the community’s needs.

Opportunities for personal and professional development, education and training are numerous. As employers, councils value highly skilled staff who continue to build on their knowledge and expertise.

Local government careers also provide great opportunity for advancement, and fair and fl exible work arrangements.

Many people choose to work in local government for the duration of their careers, while others use the desirable skills they have developed working for a council as a stepping stone to employment in the public and private sector.

Employers of Choice offer a work/life balance, recognise and reward hard work and initiative, and value the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Councils all over Australia, large and small, take pride in being Employers of Choice.

This is the fi rst ever Local Government Focus supplement showcasing councils as Employers of Choice. We know how often talented local government staff move between councils, and our Employer of Choice lift–out is an opportunity for councils to highlight what they have to offer employees. We look forward to continuing our relationship with council employers and employees in the future.

Local Government your

Employer of Choice


rewards staff well, we invest in the learning and development of our people, we operate ethically and fairly at all times, we have family and life friendly workplace practices and all our staff and management are passionate and engaging to work with in an absolutely wonderful rural setting.

Local Goverment your

Employer of Choice Pull-out SupplementKeep this supplement for your future reference

Page 2: Local Government your Employer of ChoiceEmployer of Choice September 2013 Page 3 Gwydir Shire Council recognises and rewards staff well, we invest in the learning and development of

Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 2

Ms King said that the new National Local Government Workforce Strategy 2013–2020 would put the sector on the front foot in recruitment and retention, which would ultimately lead to better service delivery for local communities.

“The strategy will build on and reinforce existing good practices in workforce planning and development, and facilitate improvements throughout the sector.

“ L o c a l g o v e r n m e n t s are local employers with national reach. This gives them an appealing place in the employment market and allows them to use this unique profile to attract and retain a diverse workforce.

“ E v e r y o n e s t a n d s t o benef i t f rom a s t ronger local government workforce with improved capability to

deliver essential social and community services.”

T h e N a t i o n a l L o c a l Governmen t Workfo rce Strategy is the outcome of extensive consultations across state and territory l o c a l g o v e r n m e n t associations, the Australian S e r v i c e s U n i o n , m a j o r indust ry ski l l s counci ls and Australian Government d e p a r t m e n t s , w i t h t h e assistance of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government.

“I intend to work through t h e L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t Minister Forum to implement this strategy and to develop implementation plans that suit each jurisdiction’s specific needs,” Ms King said.

L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t M a n a g e r s A u s t r a l i a (LGMA) National President,

Mark Ferguson, welcomed the new strategy.

“For the first time, we have a comprehensive, consistent national approach to local g o v e r n m e n t w o r k f o r c e planning and development.

“ T h e i m p o r t a n c e o f th i s s t ra tegy cannot be overstated, and we thank the Minister for recognising this.”

T h e n a t i o n ’s a g e i n g p o p u l a t i o n m e a n s o n e third of local government employees a r e ove r 50 years old and approaching retirement, increasing the pressure on the development of a sustainable workforce.

Mr Ferguson sa id the s t r a t egy addressed th i s issue by providing long-term solutions for building d i v e r s e a n d f l e x i b l e workplaces that draw on

local resources to deliver local services.

“The strategy provides for increased investment i n s k i l l s , i m p r o v e d productivity and the use of technology, maximising l e a d e r s h i p a n d p e o p l e management sk i l l s , and greater integrat ion with the changing political and operational environment in all tiers of government.”

T h e F u t u re - P ro o f i n g L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t : National Workforce Strategy 2013–2020 was prepared by the Local Government M a n a g e r s A u s t r a l i a o n behalf of the Austral ian C e n t r e o f E x c e l l e n c e f o r L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t (ACELG) and is available a t w w w. l g m a . o r g . a u /category/2007_national_skills_strategy.

New workforce approach to strengthen local government

Local Government your

Employer of Choice Featured councils

Minister for Regional Australia, Local Government and Territories, Catherine King, has launched a new strategy on behalf of Local Government Managers Australia, as a consortium partner of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government, aimed at strengthening the local government workforce by making it a more attractive, fl exible and rewarding sector to work in.

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Gwydir Shire Council recognises and rewards staff well, we invest in the learning and development of our people, we operate ethically and fairly at all times, we have family and life friendly workplace practices and all our staff and management are passionate and engaging to work with in an absolutely wonderful rural setting.

The report Learning as a Driver for Change examines how learning partnerships between councils, their communities and learning organisations can help improve social outcomes, build community capability and strengthen community governance.

The research demonstrates that such partnerships make social inclusion a priority and support both formal and informal learning opportunities.

The researchers, Dr Leone Wheeler and Dr Shanti Wong, drew from a comprehensive literature review and from case studies of Hume City and Gwydir Shire councils to develop a template for other councils interested in developing learning partnerships in their own communities. The template framework, Learning Communities Framework, is published along with the report.

This ACELG Partnership Scheme project involved the Australian Learning Communities Network (ACLN), RMIT University, Hume City Council (VIC) and Gwydir Shire Council (NSW).

ALCN Chief Executive Offi cer Jim Saleeba said the report and accompanying framework would be valuable to councils across Australia that wanted to support a culture of learning in their communities.

“For some time we have been encouraging Councils to take this approach as a way of adapting to the constant changes confronting them. The ACLN would like to acknowledge the assistance from ACELG in getting behind this important research.”

Hume Mayor Geoff Porter said Hume City Council were pleased to be able to contribute knowledge they had gained over the past ten years.

“Through the Hume Global Learning Village network, Council has demonstrated the many benefi ts of this approach, including improved employment opportuni t ies to reduce disadvantage and improve quality of life in our community.”

General Manager of Gwydir Shire Council Max Eastcott said identifying the potential of all citizens to learn and contribute to community life made strong and resilient communities.

“The Gwydir Learning Region has been very creative in fi nding solutions to community problems.

“There have also been great outcomes for staff of the council itself. I look forward to sharing what we’ve achieved at the ACELG Research Forum.”

Learning as a Driver for Change and the Framework can be downloaded from http://www.acelg.org.au/news-detail.php?id=321

Supporting community learning in local governmentResearch published by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) at the University of Technology, Sydney explores how local governments can foster a culture of learning in their communities for positive long-term outcomes.

Max Eastcott

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Dedicated to promoting the power of people, protection of community and respect forcultural diversity, East Arnhem Shire Councilstrives to be a nationally recognised employerof choice.

With opportunities across remote regions ofthe Northern Territory, and an outstandingEmployee Development program, maybe it’s time you find out more!

Call our Employee Relations Team for more information on the exciting opportunities with one of Australia’s most progressive Councils.

EAST ARNHEM SHIRE COUNCILCommitted to Training Excellence and improving the opportunity for Indigenous Training and Employment.




(08) 8943 9500Dedicated to promoting the power of people, protection of community and respect for cultural diversity.

Mentoring is the key

East Arnhem Shire Council is committed to providing a l o n g l a s t i n g i m p a c t t o t h e p e o p l e o f E a s t Arnhem through quality programs, services and employment, di l igently working towards training excellence and improving t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r I n d i g e n o u s t r a i n i n g and employment.

In order to create these opportunities the Council introduced the ‘Mentoring P r o j e c t ’ p r o g r a m i n 2 0 1 2 . T h e M e n t o r i n g Project i s a workplace m e n t o r i n g p r o g r a m that supports increased workforce retention rates a n d w o r k p l a c e s k i l l s

development - currently ta rge ted a t communi ty l i a i s o n o f f i c e r s . T h e p r o g r a m o f f e r s o u r community liaison officers the opportunity to enhance their communication skills, improve computing and o f f i c e s k i l l s , d e v e l o p their leadership abilities, and importantly, return to community to provide s u p p o r t , t r a i n i n g a n d mentoring to Indigenous employees.

The Mentoring Project has enab led the Sh i r e to expand the ro les of c o m m u n i t y l i a i s o n off icers in community, w h e r e t h e y n o w a l s o conduc t i nduc t i ons t o

commencing Balanda staff and, importantly, are an integral part of improving a n d k e e p i n g o p e n t h e communication between management and staff.

This project has been accepted widely amongst the Shire, with community l i a i s o n o f f i c e r s f r o m every community gaining wide recogni t ion f rom all levels of government o n i t ’s s u c c e s s e s a n d a c h i e v e m e n t s . Wi t h a strong focus on increasing t h e p e r c e n t a g e o f t h e I n d i g e n o u s w o r k f o r c e within East Arnhem Shire Council, this program is essential to our continued work in this area.

Since its establishment in 2008, East Arnhem Shire Council has been recognised as one of the most progressive councils in Australia, an impressive feat for a council that spans over 33,000km2, a population of approximately 9,000 residents, of which 90 percent are Indigenous.

Penr i th Counci l offers e m p l o y e e s a d y n a m i c work environment, career development and training opportunities just under an hour west f rom the Sydney CBD.

Penr i th has l i fes ty le o p t i o n s t o s u i t b o t h a cosmopolitan or rural lifestyle.

C o u n c i l s t r i v e s t o a c h i e v e a w o r k p l a c e culture that is known for its dedication to customers, commitment to service and professionalism.

We provide a wide range of services to 185,000 residents and employ about 1200 permanent, temporary and casual staff to provide the community with the best customer service possible. We recruit people who share that commitment and who best fit the requirements of the position.

Council values its staff and is supportive of creating a workplace culture which

is adaptable, flexible and conducive to high levels of innovation, empowerment, motivation and productivity. Staff are actively encouraged to use their initiative and creativity to improve the services we provide to the public.

Penr i th Ci ty Counci l encourages our staff to be healthy, involved and productive members of their communities as well as their work teams. We support our staff in many different ways in balancing t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t s a t work with their family life, leisure, education, hea l th and communi ty involvements.

Counci l pr ides i t se l f on its progressive work practices and has a number of policies that support the needs of our staff. These include:• flexible starting and

finishing times, flexible lunch breaks and flex

days for indoor staff, or rostered days off for outdoor and childcare staff

• paid maternity leave and supporting parent leave after 12 months service

• a n E d u c a t i o n a l Assistance Policy

• s a l a r y p a c k a g i n g options• phased-in-retirement• working from home and• g e n e r o u s l e a v e

provisions.If you are looking to

begin or develop your c a r e e r , P e n r i t h C i t y Council has a variety of professional opportunities that could be suited to you. Many people, once they join Penrith Council, are able to see the opportunities that are available within the industry and decide to make a career in local government.

For more information go to penrithcity.nsw.gov.au

Dynamic work environmentPenrith Council is one of the largest councils in the Sydney metropolitan area and is a recognised leader in local government.

Being one of the largest Councils in the Sydney Metropolitan area, we are recognised as one of the leaders in local government.

Penrith City Council offers a range rewarding of career paths. When you join Council, you’ll be part of a team that delivers vital services and infrastructure for our growing City of more than 186,000 residents.

By working at Council, you’ll enjoy:

your job with family commitments and

• staff representing

• more than 60 professions

• support for further study, training

Penrith is just under an hour west from the Sydney CBD. It features a highly attractive natural setting on the picturesque Nepean River at the foot of the Blue Mountains.

urban and rural lifestyles.

customers, commitment to service and their professionalism.

Penrith City Council offers potential

career development and training opportunities.



Page 5: Local Government your Employer of ChoiceEmployer of Choice September 2013 Page 3 Gwydir Shire Council recognises and rewards staff well, we invest in the learning and development of

Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 5

...your employer of choice

Liverpool Plains Shire Council commits to promoting a working environment

that fosters innovation, equal opportunity, job satisfaction and performance.

To encourage strong community partnership in the provision of services and

facilities and to seek continuous improvement in the way council does business.

A good example of innovation is the Tr@ceR suite of IT products, EDMS and

mobile mapping.

Phone (02) 6746 1755 Fax : (02) 6746 3255 Email: [email protected]



PARRAMATTA COUNCILProud be awarrddbee awarrdded:Pro d to b

of Choice’.ent Employer ont Empplloyyerr omploy‘2013 Loc ov nmen20 Locaall GGovernmen‘2013 LLnment Conference, ment Coonferreence, ConfereThe Best P actctice in Lococal Governmcctice in LoThe B iBeBest Pra

Melbour August t 22013ust 2013bournnee, A .

The population centres of Quirindi and Werris Creek are located at the heart of the Shire and are supported by a number of smaller villages and hamle ts inc luding Currabubula, Spring Ridge, Premer, Wallabadah and Willow Tree.

T h e s e v i b r a n t c o m m u n i t i e s , r i c h i n agricultural and indigenous heritage, form part of an emerging cultural hub.

T h e s t r o n g a n d prosperous communities are supported by excellent medical and educational

f a c i l i t i e s , m a k i n g t h e Liverpool Plains Region the perfect place to work, play and live and the Shire Council has a firm plan to build on that.

The Liverpool Plains Shire Council commits to uphold the following values in its relationship with its staff:• To promote a working

e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t f o s t e r s i nnova t ion , e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y, job satisfaction and performance

• To encourage strong community partnership

in the p rov i s ion o f services and facilities

• To seek cont inuous improvement in the way council does business.

The council’s Community Strategic Plan runs for the next 10 years, identifying the outcomes and long–term strategic responses needed to achieve the agreed directions.

I t d e m a n d s s t r o n g leadership from Council in working with others to grow the Shire into the future and the councilors and staff look forward to the challenge.

Plans for the futureCentrally located in the north-west of NSW, the diverse and abundantly resourceful Liverpool Plains Shire Council is surrounded by picturesque mountain ranges and expands across the vast and bountiful Liverpool Plains.

The award, presented at the Best Practice in Local Government Conference in Melbourne on August 14, is testament to the City’s decidedly ‘person-focus’ approach in all its affairs. In fact, Council’s philosophy and culture within its organisation mirror that of its development and urban activation throughout the city.

At the helm of Parramatta’s p o p u l a t i o n - c e n t r e d transformation is Lord Mayor John Chedid, who is actively revitalising the City from the inside out. The City’s vision is working; new corporate residents are flocking to Parramatta, which is fast becoming Sydney’s Central CBD. Anchoring that future is the City’s recently commenced $1.6 billion Parramatta Square Project.

For Human Resources Manager Jodi Dickson, “being an Employer of Choice simply means one thing for Parramatta City Council, that we have the culture and systems in place to support employees in making a meaningful contribution to our performance.”

Parramatta Council awarded ‘Employer of Choice’Despite stiff competition from more than 80 councils from across the country, Parramatta City Council was honoured to receive the trophy for the Employer of Choice

“To make the biggest contribution, our people are given opportunities to learn and grow.”

She explained that at Council we run a people-management program that is based on best practice HR techniques and is aligned with overall business objectives. That allows for fl exibility and adaptation when and as required.

The National Award, which recognises ‘innovative and successful HR practices that ensure a productive and harmonious workplace’, was awarded to Parramatta

this year on the strength of the City’s comprehensive workforce planning toolkit and leadership development program. Parramatta was also recognised for its productive and inclusive industrial relations environment.

Lord Mayor Ched id congratulated the HR team for building a credible and reliable people-centred practice.

“HR Manager Jodi Dickson and her team of professionals are committed to excellence in people management and I look forward to more award-winning programs into the future.”

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Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 6

Building Careers at Maribyrnong

James Stirton, Open Space Coordinator, adds ‘Maribyrnong fosters a team-based approach to organisational improvement but also supports individual career progression. Exposure to management roles in acting and secondment positions. Psychological leadership profi ling has enabled me to understand my team and directorate more comprehensively. The organisation has supported my career aspirations in endorsing my successful application for the LGPro Emerging Leaders Program and assisting my postgraduate study via Council’s Study Assistance Policy.

‘For me, Maribyrnong City Council has been an amazing place to work. In particular, I absolutely value the strong culture of learning and development in our department’, says Sarah Cousins, Project Coordinator Place-Based Revitalisation. ‘I am currently a part of an exciting new initiative at Council, developing Aurora – Inspiring Women’s Leadership program for staff. The new program empowers women at Council to develop a leadership program supporting staff across the organisation’.

Back row: Sarah Cousins; Ben Morrissey; Liam Bantock; Paul Vincec; Harriet McCallum; Jane Tyzack; Michael O’DwyerFront row: George Ioannou; James Stirton; Stephanie Ristevska; Georgina Hagger; Paul Battaglia; Kate Hudgson; Sonya Maybin

Maribyrnong City Council employs around 750 staff. For further information about careers at Maribyrnong, see


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Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 7

Building Careers at Maribyrnong

A fi nal word is provided by Catherine Hedley, Diversity Coordinator and responsible for Council’s Disability, Multicultural and Indigenous Policy and Action Plans and Metro Access. She describes Maribyrnong City Council as a ‘supportive environment to suggest and develop ideas and projects.’ And enjoys ‘working with a broad range of people that refl ect our community, diversity in the work place’.

Maybe you have heard about the changing face of the City of Maribyrnong? Perhaps you, or a family member, have looked at the affordability of suburbs such as Maidstone or West Footscray?

Jane Tyzack

Catherine Hedley

Maribyrnong City Council employs around 750 staff. For further information about careers at Maribyrnong, see


The demographics of the area are changing rapidly. The population is defi nitely becoming younger, vibrant and more creative. There is an emerging realisation that Footscray, Seddon and Yarraville are a part of inner Melbourne. Just couple of train stops away from the CBD.

The changing face of Maribyrnong is also refl ected in the workforce at Maribyrnong City Council. Young professionals, with diverse skills and backgrounds, are fi nding the organisation to be a great place to build a career. Maribyrnong City Council has made a major commitment to transforming its business processes and systems over the next 3 years, under the banner of CRISP – Customer Relations Innovation Systems Project.

The Maribyrnong City Council is making a concerted effort to develop new leadership programs and to provide opportunities for staff to succeed. Perhaps, this is best refl ected in the words of our emerging leaders.

‘I am proud to say that I work at MCC’, says Jane Tyzack, Change Manager Business Transformation. ‘I have only recently commenced working here. I am fortunate to have been given this great opportunity and as I progress on this journey of change I am continually reassured that I have made the right career move. I have been provided with valuable leadership opportunities that have supported my continued career development and growth.

I have a background in federal government and was looking for a refreshing career change. I wanted the opportunity to work in a different level of government and I am fortunate to have found this. MCC is a vibrant and exciting place to work. The staff are empowered, as I am, to lead change and make a difference. Most importantly we are supported and are given the opportunities to do this’.

A staff member who has worked at Maribyrnong City Council for 7 years is Paul Battaglia, Recreation Services Coordinator. ‘Maribyrnong City Council is a fantastic place to work, great people, great work environment and a very diverse and ever changing community. Working closely with the community on a range of projects is extremely rewarding and has permitted me to continually improve my skills and networks. Maribyrnong has provided me with the opportunity to further my career aspirations and develop professionally and personally’.

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www.frasercoast.qld.gov.auCall 1300 79 49 29

Fraser Coast Regional Council is an equal opportunity employer and provides a smoke

free workplace.

Forget about big city stress and fighting your way through traffic.

The Fraser Coast offers the best of country living by the sea and easy access to the world.

It is a growing region with a lifestyle hard to match.

The Fraser Coast includes the vibrant tourist hub of Hervey Bay, World Heritage listed Fraser Island, historic Maryborough and the quaint charm of country towns and historic pubs in the rural hinterland of Tiaro and Woocoo.

It is only a three hour drive north of Brisbane and a 90 minute jet flight from Sydney.

If you have passion for your work and a commitment to excellence -


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Coast Regional Cortunity employer


we want you!

CALL CENTRE: 1300 883 699WEBSITE: bundaberg.qld.gov.au

Bundaberg Regional Council is the largest

employer in the region with almost 900 FTE.

Council has a strong focus on environmental

issues; public health and recreation; libraries

and the arts.

Employees are encouraged to avail

themselves of training courses and Council

currently partners with the local CQ

University campus in offering engineering


The choice of either coastal or rural

lifestyles is offered across the Bundaberg

Region. Median house prices in Bundaberg

are $285,000.

Excellent shopping facilities, sporting fields

and the region’s easy driving distance to

other major centres ensure Bundaberg is a

desirable location for permanent residence.

Start or further your career with an employer

who values its human resources.


The lifestyle capital of Queensland!

Boasting the fifth most equitable climate in the world and deliciously sited around a magnifi cent coastal strip that melts into picturesque rural hinterland, the Bundaberg Region is 6000 square kilometres of incredible beauty.

Bundaberg, the centre of this thriving rural hub, services a regional population of almost 100,000 residents with the city set to mark its centenary this year as a declared city.

Bundabe rg Reg iona l Counci l i s the la rges t employer in the region with almost 900 full time employees.

Mayor, Councillor. Mal Forman, said Council took great pride in encouraging staff to undertake training and courses that enhance their career opportunities. “Council has built great relationships with the Bundaberg CQ University campus and cu r ren t ly sponsors several engineering scholarships.”

“The Bundaberg Region is a fabulous place for someone to commence their career in local government or to look to progress their professional

Bundaberg Region

roles to encompass managerial or leadership positions.”

Council has a strong focus on environmental issues having recently won state wide and national recognition for its waste disposal facilities. “We promote healthy living and regular regional events to take advantage of the excellent lifestyle enjoyed by our community,” said Cr. Forman.

Council provides a range of attractive benefi ts such as

12 percent superannuation, rostered days off, access to competitive paid leave arrangements and access to training to keep staff up to date with developments in their fi eld. Council is recognised as an Employer of Choice, with a low staff turnover of 5 percent per year.

Time fo r a change? B u n d a b e r g o f f e r s a great lifestyle and the stability of a proven employer at Bundaberg Regional Council.

The Bundaberg Region boldly tags itself ‘The Lifestyle Capital of Queensland’ although that ambitious claim is solidly based in fact.

As a result, there is a signifi cant focus on enriching leadership development and sustainability within the organisation.

T h e L e a d e r s h i p Discovery Program (LDP) was established to create a stepping stone for the next generation of leaders within Council’s workforce. The organisation recognises the value of providing staff with opportunities for j o b e n r i c h m e n t a n d leadership progression.

Council has run the LDP for two years.

The Council has also initiated an Outdoor Workers Up-skilling program that gives staff an opportunity to gain licences, tickets and qualifi cations to assist with

employment opportunities and personal development.

Both programs ensure Counc i l i s success ion planning as well as providing opportunities for the career progression of employees.

Council has also started the Let’s Get Fraser Coast Working scheme: a work placement program which aims to take up to 60 participants a year.

“The program will enable students and job seekers to undertake work experience in a range of areas across Council,” Fraser Coast Regional Council Health, Education and Training Portfolio Councillor, Robert Garland, said.

“It will also increase community awareness of local government career opportunities

Enriching leadershipThe Fraser Coast Regional Council recognises that leadership is an area for opportunity and growth.

and what qualifi cations people need to start a career in local government.”

To ge t t he p rog ram underway Council formed the Get Fraser Coast Working Reference Group comprised of education providers, Job Services Austral ia members, registered training organisations, apprenticeship centres, State Government and Fraser Coast Chambers of Commerce.

Information has been placed on Council’s website for people to see what jobs there are across Council and the qualifications and selection criteria people need to gain one of them.

“That will help people fi ne tune their resume. It will also help people thinking of a career in local government select the courses they need to study,” Cr Garland said.

“Job service providers will be able to use the information to screen people they are sending for interviews and training organisations will be able to tailor courses to suit.”

So far 37 people have participated in the Get Fraser Coast Working Scheme.

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Be a part of something meaningful...

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaatttt wwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeee ddddddddoooooo ttttttttttttttttttooooooooooooodddddddddaaaaayyyyyyy sssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaa llllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccyyyyyyyyyy fffffffffoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrr


“Logan City Council provides an environment that fosters innovation, creativity and best practice

outcomes whilst valuing personal and professional development. We work for a diverse community and we are proud to be contributing to the quality of life

for people.”

- Jane Frawley, Community Services Manager, Winner of the 2013 Young Manager of the Year Award

Berrinba Wetlands

Its workforce of 470 primarily full-time staff is employed in a variety of roles including trades, town planning, local laws, accounting, IT, libraries, administration and management.

Providing more than 100 different services to the local community, Gympie Regional Council is a high performing organisation that values accountability, consistency, appreciation, communication and respect. With a strong emphasis on continuous learning and professional development, and with study assistance and continuous improvement programs in place for staff, Gympie Regional Council h a s a k n o w l e d g e a b l e workforce with transferable skills ensuring staff have a c c e s s t o a p p r o p r i a t e employment opportunities and career paths.

Depending on the level of assistance required, council provides:• financial support, with

payment of study fees and HECS

• time off work for study commitments

• t i m e o f f w o r k f o r residential schools

• t i m e o f f w o r k f o r examinations

• encouragemen t and support from higher management.

With 75 percent of staff qualified with a Certificate II or above, this council i s l e ad ing the way in providing an environment t h a t i s s u p p o r t i v e o f continuous learning.

Over the last four years, 30 employees have completed a Certifi cate IV in TAE, with the aim of providing ‘train the trainer’ delivery to meet

budget and time savings across Council.

The quality of training p rov ided to s t a ff was acknowledged in the 2012 emp loyee s a t i s f ac t i on and engagement survey, w i t h 9 3 p e r c e n t o f s taff giving t ra ining a high rating.

Council has dedicated t r a in ing fac i l i t i e s and equipment tha t enable and enhance the learning experience for employees. Training rooms have been appointed at both depot and administration buildings, a total of 18 dedicated training laptops have been purchased to enable mobile training th roughou t the r eg ion and a smart whiteboard is also available.

For more information on Gympie Regional Council visit www.gympie.qld.gov.au.

Performing at the highest levelServing 50,000 residents over an area of 7000 square kilometres and stretching from idyllic coastal towns to the inland rural areas, Gympie Regional Council is less than two hours from Brisbane and 45 minutes from Noosa.

leadership and cul ture j ou rney in 2003 . The journey is based around the internationally-recognised Human Synergistics model where staff are involved, consulted and supported in identifying and enhancing positive styles of behaviour.

Logan City Council is acutely aware of the benefi t and importance of effective and inspiring leadership and as such, developed and implemented its Leadership Development Program aimed at developing leadership qualities in its staff.

This is achieved through a combination of individual coaching, group workshops and mentoring.

Council values excellence

and encourages staff to push themselves and ‘think outside the box’ through its Employee Innovation Awards. The awards foster innovation and creativity with a focus on continuous improvement.

Maintaining morale, job satisfaction and lowering t h e a b s e n t e e i s m r a t e has success fu l ly been achieved through a variety of initiatives in Council, including the Team Top Health program that offers a wide variety of fun and social activities to get staff to interact in a positive way. This includes beach volleyball, Kids at Work Day, self-defence classes and quit smoking campaigns.

Looking to the futureLogan City Council is regarded as one of the leading councils in Australia - and it is a reputation Council is determined to maintain.

Australia’s sixth largest local government area, Logan City is located in one of the nation’s primary growth corridors and in the midst of signifi cant change. Council faces an exciting and challenging future, and not surprisingly, potential employers are eager to be part of the action.

With approximately 1600 staff, including part-time and casual, Logan City Council is one of the largest employees in the city and has implemented a number of initiatives to help ensure it remains an Employee of Choice.

C o u n c i l ’ s P e o p l e Plan 2013–2016 places significant emphasis on developing a workplace whe re s t a f f s t r i ve fo r excellence and enjoy high l eve l s o f pe rsona l job satisfaction. It is a plan to create a place where our staff want to work and choose to stay.

Having the right culture and providing strong leadership is important to Council and these are both areas Council invests heavily in.

C o u n c i l s t a r t e d i t s

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Mingo Crossing

Auburn RiverNa onal Park

Email: admin@northburne .qld.gov.auTel: 1300 696 272 | Web: www.northburne .qld.gov.auFB: www.facebook.com/North.Burne .Regional.Council


Visit the rest, live in the best!

lifestyle... relaxed, affordable

To Gympie& Brisbane






To Biloela To Gladstone

To Theodore

To Childers & Bundaberg

To Maryborough & Hervey Bay

To Dalby, Kingaroy& Toowoomba

To Gin Gin &Bundaberg

AuburnRiver NP

Cania GorgeNP

Mt. Walsh NP

Lake Cania

Mingo CrossingRecrea on Area



Wuruma Dam

North Burnett has long been a productive and scenic region with safe, friendly and active communities. The many assets of the region include its unique history, its diverse rural economic base, local services and infrastructure and the many volunteers and community organisations that support local communities.

T h e r e g i o n h a s a picturesque environmental beauty and an abundance of natural resources that s u p p o r t t h e d i v e r s e agricultural industries and a healthy country lifestyle. Our many resources include: wate r, ru ra l fa rmland , mineral deposits, forests, geographical landscapes and National Parklands. Points of signifi cant environmental

interest include: Auburn, Boyne, Burnett and Nogo Rivers; Cania, Paradise and Waruma Dams; along with Auburn River, Coalstoun and Mt Walsh National Parks.

North Burnett is home to nearly 10,580 residents and is formed from a number of smaller communities that band together to support one another. Each of our communities is proud of our heritage and strongly supports the sustainable development of the region. There are a variety of retail outlets to cover most needs. The area also has a range of services including good schools and a diverse range of sporting facilities.

North Burnett Regional Council is a forward thinking,

p r o g r e s s i v e c o u n c i l , p rovid ing employment opportunities in all six of its townships. Council provides training and professional development opportunities for staff, and offers a broad r a n g e o f e m p l o y m e n t opportunities throughout the region. Council has been innovative: leading the way with its Social Media program, particularly in times of natural disaster; and providing a mult i-skilled classifi cation for all outdoor staff.

To keep up to date with what’s happening in North Burnett , check out our website at www.northburnett.qld.gov.au Facebook www.facebook.com/north.burnett.regional.council or twitter #NorthBurnettRC

‘Naturally beautiful’ North Burnett Regional CouncilNorth Burnett takes its name from the Burnett River that fl ows through the area. The North Burnett region covers 19,708 square kilometres with the topography of the region being diverse, from fertile farmland to rugged geographical formations.

To find out more about a career at Yarra City Council visit www.yarracity.vic.gov.au/employment

At Yarra we’re sustainable, socially conscious, diverse and inclusive.

Our inner city location means access to public transport and cycling,

great cafes, fine dining, live music and distinctive urban living.

We aim to make a positive difference to people’s lives and are not

afraid to tackle complex community issues such as planning, social

housing, strategic transport, health and safety, and open space.

Yarra offers flexible work arrangements that support the family

lives of our employees, and assist staff through our national award-

winning health and wellbeing program. We offer a diverse range

of career opportunities and encourage professional development

through leadership development and training programs.

We are in the process of developing our first Gender Equity

strategy and recently endorsed a new organisational development

program called the “One Yarra Project” which focuses on leadership

development and aligning our actions with our values

to improve organisational culture, enhance performance

and support staff wellbeing.


Your kind of place

Amazing people, places,projects and experiences

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Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 11

www.maroondah.vic.gov.au 1300 88 22 33

Maroondah:a great place to workEmployer of choiceAs an employer of choice Maroondah offers a broad range of learning and development opportunities, actively encourages reward and recognition and a work life balance.

By joining the team at Maroondah City Council you will be working in an environment of challenge, growth and broad experiences as well as having the opportunity to work in an organisation experiencing some of the most exciting projects currentlyunderway in Victoria, such as:

office precinct

the new state diving centre

For current employment opportunitiesvisit Careers@Maroondah at www.maroondah.vic.gov.au

Maroondah City Council employs approximately 890 employees ranging from casual to full–time in a range of professional and non–professional disciplines. Council offers an environment of challenge, growth and broad experiences that can benefit one’s career and lifestyle. Some of the benefi ts include:• Learning and Development

– Council is committed to providing learning and development opportunities t h r o u g h i n t e g r a t e d employee and leadership development frameworks, which aim to assist in identifying individual development needs that align to organisational needs. Council offers a combination of both traditional learning and e-Learning methods to accommodate individual learning styles.

• Reward and Recognition – Council provides a range of programs and conditions which recognise and reward employee performance. These include, but are not limited to, competitive salary

packaging, performance review incentive payments, recognition for years of service, and a Study/Leave Assistance program for employees completing higher education studies. Counci l a lso offers a Recognising Extra Value (REV) program, where employees can nominate colleagues for outstanding performance.

• Work /Life Balance – Council offers a range of family friendly working arrangements to assist employees to balance work and lifestyle commitments. These include programs such as flexible working arrangements, depending on the nature of the job (e.g. flexible start/finish times, 19 day month or a 9 day fortnight etc.), 48/52 leave arrangements and working from home. Council seeks to optimise the health and well being of employees by providing programs such as free annual fl u injections, discounted health insurance premiums, and access t o t h e E m p l o y e e Assistance Program.

It’s an exciting time for Maroondah with a number of major development and renewal projects currently underway across the municipality. These projects will place Ringwood as Melbourne’s key new urban destination and contemporary lifestyle centre bringing even more jobs, opportunities and services to Maroondah. Ringwood projects include the development of the Ringwood Library, Learning and Cultural Centre, $600 million investment in a major retail and office precinct, the $66 million upgrade to Ringwood Station and Bus Interchange and the $47.8 million Aquanation, the State Diving Centre.

Maroondah City Council is an organisation that is fl exible, progressive, values people and offers competitive benefits and learning opportunities. Maroondah City Council is making a difference by striving for excellence by working together and consistently fi nding better ways to create and deliver quality services to our community. We have a vision of being a best practice organisation and being recognised as a local government leader.

Thriving communityMaroondah is a thriving community located 25km east of Melbourne’s CBD with extensive public transport links. Rich in amenities and open space, the area is a great place to live and work. Maroondah is committed to its vision of sustainable development, a strong economy and a diverse cultural life.

Employees have access to a range of corporate training options to support them in day-to-day roles and achieve qualifications to promote career progression, both within the unique employment sector of local government and beyond.

Qualifications available to staff include a Diploma of Management, Diploma of Project Management, and a Certifi cate IV in Workplace Coaching that are completed in-house through outstanding providers such as Swinburne University of Technology and the Australian Institute of Management.

An Aspir ing Leaders program offers future leaders the opportunity to participate in a customised Diploma of Management, with the support of an internal qualifi ed coach. The Aspiring Leaders program is co-funded by the Federal Government, Council, departments and the individual. This shared responsibility maximises the outcomes of the program and the transferring of knowledge into work practice.

The City of Casey also invests in the learning and development of staff by providing a generous Education Assistance Program to help staff access financial reimbursement and study leave for relevant qualifications. Council’s commitment to learning and development doesn’t stop with traditional opportunities. Secondments are also offered to enable staff to build on and broaden their experiences to help further their careers within Council.

A comprehensive Peer Assessment process provides staff team leader level and above, with access to 360 degree feedback from their peers in a supported environment. All of these opportunities support a culture of coaching, pos i t ive feedback and continuous improvement.

The City of Casey has a strong focus on health and wellbeing, and is currently engaged with neuro-scientist and health and wellness expert Professor Paul Taylor to work with staff. Paul provided information and strategies for staff to understand how to reach their peak performance

in the workplace and at home, based on developments in neuro-scientifi c research about the relationship between the mind, body and brain.

Leadership qualities are recognised in all staff at Casey, which is why Council’s talent development is based upon the Casey Leadership Strengths; strategic thinking and policy focus; building relationships and infl uence; developing self and others; understanding the local government environment; driving performance and customer service excellence.

Through its leadership and talent development opportunities, the City of Casey demonstrates commitment to its reputation as a leading learning organisation that continually refl ects on, and improves its performance standards. Currently Casey is reaping the rewards of a high level of investment in its talented staff with a range of internal applicants being successful in obtaining Senior Offi cer and Senior Executive Offi cer roles within Council.

Join the City of Casey to grow your career!

Be your bestThe City of Casey provides an exciting environment for learning and talent development, to enable employees to develop and nurture their skills, both professional and personally.

Page 12: Local Government your Employer of ChoiceEmployer of Choice September 2013 Page 3 Gwydir Shire Council recognises and rewards staff well, we invest in the learning and development of

Employer of Choice September 2013 Page 12 Published by Local Government FOCUS | (03) 9416 9900 | www.lgfocus.com.au |


Why work at Latrobe?Culture and community

Staff benefits

Learning and development

Remuneration and flexibilty

Why work at Latrobe?

Latrobe City is centrally located in eastern Victoria approximately two hours’ drive east of Melbourne. The City has four major centres located at Moe, Morwell, Traralgon and Churchill, as well as a number of smaller outlying townships.

Latrobe City has many f irs t-class primary and secondary schools, higher education establishments and training and development organisations, catering to all education needs. Our region is the hospitality and sporting centre of Gippsland. We b o a s t o u t s t a n d i n g sporting facilities and leisure centres to attract world class events. With vibrant nightlife, excellent shopping

and alfresco dining, there is lots to explore.

We have i t a l l , f rom affordable lifestyle options including urban living, rural townships, farming and bush settings, great education and health services, leisure and recreational choices and the chance to live in a connected, diverse community.

Join our team and be part of a growing and professional organisation, recognised for i t s commitment to organisational excellence and innovation. Employing over 900 people, Latrobe City Council recruits those who have a commitment to providing exceptional customer service to our growing community.

With over 50 different disciplines of work, Latrobe City provides a diverse range of exciting and fulfilling career paths, available full-time, part-time and casual. We provide excellent working conditions and a range of employment arrangements to ensure our staff members remain committed to working towards the enhancement and development of the local community.

To see what exciting careers are currently available or to sign up to receive job email alerts visit Careers@Latrobe http://erecruit1.mercury.com.au/LatrobeCity/

We t a k e p r i d e i n a rewarding career at Latrobe City. So why not join us?

Want to work in a diverse and vibrant regional city?There are many career opportunities for you to discover here at Latrobe City Council, in the heart of beautiful Gippsland, Victoria. Latrobe City covers an area of some 1422 square kilometres and has a population of over 75,000 which makes it the third largest regional municipality in Victoria.

The Council’s vision for Hobsons Bay is ‘working together to achieve a vibrant and sustainable community that celebrates its diversity and provides opportunities for all.’

T h e m u n i c i p a l i t y i s situated on Port Phillip Bay some 10 kilometres west of central Melbourne. It covers an area of approximately 66 square kilometres extending from the West Gate Bridge southwesterly along the Bay to north of Point Cook.

With over 20 kilometres of water frontage, Hobsons Bay has a culture which is strongly linked to its maritime heritage, industry and l ifestyle. The City blends quality residential areas among the native fl ora and fauna habitats for the Western Wetlands with a range of major industrial complexes, which contribute significantly to Victoria’s

economy. This, combined with the cultural diversity of the communi ty and our strategic metropolitan location, makes Hobsons Bay an important contributor to Melbourne’s growth.

The Council is committed to building a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to ensure the del ivery of high quality services to the community and clients. The Council has in place its Learning and Development Strategy, which identifi es the professional development requirements of employees. The strategy establishes an integrated approach to developing, delivering and monitoring learning and development activities across the organisation.

The Council has a policy of study leave and fee assistance for permanent employees undertaking relevant studies.

We provide training internally and externally to encourage employees at all levels to reach their potential. The Council offers employees support to undertake relevant study programs that lead to a formal qualification and enhance career development within the organisation. These and many other policies help us to attract quality and talented people to ensure we have leaders within their fi eld of expertise working at the Council.

We strive to be an Employer of Choice where all employees work in a safe and healthy work environment and have the right people in the right job to support the Council’s ability to deliver future programs and services.

So make your next career move to Hobsons Bay City Council, where your career is our success. For more information visit www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au

Hobsons Bay City Council – your career is our successHobsons Bay City Council is a leading metropolitan council with just over 700 employees delivering over 120 services including, engineering, planning, child care and maternal and child health. You can be a part of our enthusiastic and professional team, one that takes pride in delivering quality services to our diverse community.