local life magazine, december 2013

DECEMBER 2013 Holiday THE 2013 ISSUE

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Our Annual Holiday Issue. Check out the great local deals in Burleson, Crowley and Joshua, Texas. Check out the the great pre-holiday deals, values, and money-saving coupons inside for dining, shopping and other local services!


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HolidayTHE 2013


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Volume 6 | Issue 12 DECEMBER 2013...................................................................


Tiffany Griffin

817.937.2360 | [email protected]



John Griffin.......


Lisa May

817.470.9877 | [email protected].......


Darla Simmank

817-501-1628 | [email protected].......



Marty Yawnick.......


Elizabeth Fowler.......


Deana Adamson

ChicPea Photograpy


LOCAL LIFEP.O. Box 2894 | Burleson 76097

www.LocalL i feTX.com(817) 937-2360


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This magazine or its trademarks may not be repro-duced in whole or in part in any form or means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy-ing or recording without written permission from the publisher. All advertising will be placed using the editors’ discretion. In general, the earlier the submission of an ad, the more preferential the placement of the ad. Local Life reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Local Life, its publishing company and any individuals involved in the production of Local Life are not liable for loss or harm incurred by an organization or individual by the publishing of an advertise-ment or information. All content is researched and verified to the best of the editorial staff’s ability at the time of printing. Advertising copy, contracts and orders are subject to the publish-ers acceptance. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement that does not conform to the editorial or graphic standards of Local Life. Cancellation or changes are not accepted after deadlines. The publisher reserves the right to repeat the last printed ad if a replace-ment is not received by deadline.

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1308 NW John Jones Drive

Burleson, TX 76028

Tel (817) 937-2360

“After you…” Two words I haven’t heard in a while until this morning. It was very nice. And, it wasn’t from a man doing his duty as a lady enters a door. It was from another sweet woman who just wanted to be nice. How about that? Funny thing is that it stuck with me all day - so much, in fact, that I tried to make an effort the rest of the day to do the same. Today was a good day.

I love this time of year because we’re all run-ning around like crazy in an effort to buy or

do something for someone else. Sometimes we lose sight of the “spirit” of the season. Our crazy attempts to do for our loved ones can turn us into unkind people. But, for the most part, I believe this time of year brings about a buzz and joy from the community that I wish could stay all year round. Smiles are contagious and there seems to be a bug going around town! I’m writing this a little before Thanksgiving and I have to say I’m excited and sad at the same time. I’m excited because of the family that we’re going to celebrate with at our house this year. It’s something I’m really looking forward to. I’m sad because it’ll be the first year without someone whom I’ve spent every holiday of my life with and I know it’s going to be hard. But, these are the ebbs and flows of life and I am doing my best to keep it positive.

Thank you all for participating in our recent Facebook contests! I just love seeing the daily posts and I hope you all do, too. I’d like everyone to know that we do these things for fun and really encourage everyone to refrain from any negativity that takes away from that. Yes, I’ve been known to delete the occasional “not nice” response. We work hard to keep it light-hearted and something everyone can enjoy. Sometimes I wish I had a “delete” button in real life! Maybe Bill Gates can work on that. This is the wrap to another amazing year at Local Life and we’re so honored to serve our local community. From my family and from Local Life, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Love your families and your neighbors. You just never know if you’ll get the chance again.

tiffAny J. Griffin


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A savior has been born to you, He is Christ The Lord.

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Local Life

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I believe that we are all predestined for some-thing. It’s because of this that I’ve spent the greater part of my life trying to pay a little extra attention to the things that happen around me. Not sure why, but it’s just something I do. I look for signs and direction in the simplest of things. In a way it’s a sort of therapy for me, but it also forces me to pull my head out of the sand every now and then. It’s just me.

The most recent examples were a few events that happened this past week. I was in Miami for business and we decided to hit a swanky restau-rant to celebrate my birthday. We chose a place called YOLO. There hasn’t been a more popular hash tag/motto over the past two years than this. I even wrote about it a few months back. You Only Live Once – YOLO. Now, the intent of this tag is to encourage someone to get out of his

or her comfort zone and try something new. Do something you wouldn’t normally find or expect yourself doing. We only get one life so “what” we do with that life is a sort of internal motiva-tion that each of us should follow. As I was sitting in this restaurant with some colleagues I found myself thinking through what meaning, YOLO, had in my life and those closest to me. I have no idea why. I think the sudden recognition of turn-ing another year older put into deep contempla-tion mode. I’m sure you can relate. To me, and to many, the term has always been related to doing something crazy — an extreme sport, an exotic vacation, or something else that might be consid-ered “cool”. But then it hit me. “If I only get one life, what is it that I want to be remembered for?” “What am I doing to give back to those around me to leave this rock a little better than I found it?” The golden rule quickly came to mind. Do

I’m a person that believes

there is a reason for everything that happens.

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Unto Others. Love Thy Neighbor, was another headline floating through. I thought about that for a good bit and the table conversation quickly drew me back in, and the contemplation passed.

Skip to yesterday. My daughters and I were watching one of the singing talent shows on TV and a contestant sang the old Michael Jackson song, “Man In The Mirror”. Thinking I should give them a proper musical education I pulled up the original MJ version on YouTube and we watched it together. I had forgotten what the video was about and my eyes were opened wide as we watched. More importantly, the eyes of my 9 and 7 year old daughters were opened even wider. The video shows a number of different poverty stricken scenarios, as well as some struggles throughout history. Child starvation in Africa was a very strong message. The moment my daugh-ters saw images of 5-10 year old kids who haven’t had a decent meal in ages, their eyes begin to well up. They were touched emotionally and effected spiritually. I had really never thought about it. My girls live in a world so sheltered from much of the pain and suffering that sometimes they just assume everyone has the same things that they do. The questions rolled in. They did not like what they saw and they wanted Daddy to fix it. It was an important moment.

These were two important signs for me. YOLO is all about being cool, doing something you wouldn’t normally do. I knew exactly what would be “cool” to our family. It’d be cool if we could

do something for those less fortunate than us. If I only live once, then I had better get started making that difference in someone else’s lives as quickly as possible. This is step 1. Recruiting. The season couldn’t be more perfect. After all, this is the season for giving. We don’t have to save an entire country, but we can sure as heck pass along some good will right here in our own neighborhood. Sometimes, as was the case above, we just need to be reminded of how for-tunate we really are to ignite a spark for change or mission. The holiday hustle and bustle these days causes a lot of stress and certainly makes schedules almost impossible. We get so caught up in our own missions of life that we can neglect the opportunities that are all around us. I think it starts with recognition. Then we take baby steps. Words of kindness to people we don’t even know are powerful. A simple, “thank you” or, “you’re doing a great job” will go miles beyond the few seconds it takes to say it. Try it out tomorrow. LOOK for ways to improve someone’s day rather than focusing on how someone ruined yours. Do unto others. The city of Burleson is known for a little moniker started a few years ago – Kindness Matters. We’ve all seen the signs around town. While it was started to draw awareness to bully-ing, it can have so many meanings to each of us. Kindness does matter.

There are a ton of ways we can give back to those in our own community and it’s not always about money. I’ll give a list of just a few of the organizations doing wonderful work in our com-

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CROWLEY HOUSE OF HOPE – Opened since 1994 they have been

helping local families in need of financial assistance in a number of ways. Either

through their food pantry or thrift shop or other programs, qualifying families can get

assistance through rough patches in their life because of the amazing donations and

volunteers this organization provides. www.crowleyhouseofhope.org

CRAZY 8 MINISTRIES – Lisa Schwarz (CEO) and her wonderful team are

on a mission to reach out to broken and abused women and children and provide a

path for healing – physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s a holistic ministry that pro-

vides for every need and they are doing amazing things. www.crazy8ministries.com

HARVEST HOUSE – Whether it’s clothing, food, education, or just life skills,

the team at HH is providing amazing change to those in need. Modeled after the love

that Christ portrays, families or individuals in a struggle know that they have a place

to turn to because this group exists in Burleson. www.yourharvesthouse.org

BURLESON OPPORTUNITY FUND – The goal of this group is to

provide every high school graduate from Burleson the opportunity to attain post-

secondary education. They are changing the perceptions of teachers and students,

alike, that everyone really does have a legitimate chance at pursuing continued edu-

cation beyond high school. www.burlesonoppfund.com

Maybe it starts with a “thank you” to a neighbor. Maybe you graduate to a high-five or even hug a stranger. From there you work into giving $5 or $10 to a cause you believe in. How about spend-ing a Saturday with an above organization? Who knows? What I do know is that you only live once. What we do with our lives has great impact on each of us and possibly an even greater impact on those around us. In our community kindness

matters. This is as good a month as any to start leading the way and teaching our children how to use the tools that we’ve all been blessed with. It’s time to give back and pay it forward. At the end of the day you never know. It could be you one day that could use a little kindness from a stranger. Let’s pay attention. Let’s love our neighbor a little more. I say if we can accomplish that, then you are definitely “cool” in my book!

munity below. Just remember, your contribution could be so much smaller scale than anything or-ganized and it WILL have an impact. I’m a hugger. And, a high-fiver! I’ve been like this for a while because of the reaction each acts get from the recipient. Try it. Throw a high five or a hug some-

one’s way and see them light up. What you did for them has just as much an impact on you. There’s a little warm place in your heart that comes alive with each. If you’re ready to step up your game beyond simple acts, then you can start with one of the below organizations:

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Christmas, Clothing Cocktails

Mark your calendars and bring your Local Life for some great holiday shopping right here in Burleson! Get out and check each shop and the specials they will have just for this night. You can even win a GREAT PRIZE!

Here’s how it works:✓ Each store has a puzzle piece.

✓ On Thursday, December 12, go to each store, do some shopping and get the puzzle piece .

✓ Collect all the puzzle pieces and enter your completed puzzle for a gift card from each of the participating stores.



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Christmas, Clothing Cocktails

Thursday, December 12, 2013 5:00pm-9:00pm







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Call Tiffany Griffin (817) 937-2360

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Christmas ParadeDecember 7, 20136:00pmTheme: Winter WonderlandEntry Fee: $10.00

Trophies will be awarded for 1st-3rd place for Best Entry! Join us for lots of fun activities after the Parade. There will be pictures with Santa, cookie decorating, ornament making and more! For more information, visit www.Joshuachamber.org .

14th Annual Breakfast with SantaDecember 7, 2013 7:00am-11:00am at the Brick.

Tickets now available at the Brick. Craft FairDecember 7, 20139:00am-2:00pmBurleson Senior CenterFree to the public

Burleson Rotary Club Christmas ParadeDecember 7, 2013The Parade of Lights steps off from Kerr Middle School through Old Town at 6:00pm. Free to the public. For more information, please visit www.burlesontx.com.

3rd Annual 5K Reindeer RunDecember 7, 2013

A great way to kick off the holiday festivities in the City of Crowley. Group rate is $12 per person for any corporate group of 5 or more and includes your “Reindeer Run” t-shirt. That evening Crowley hosts its annual Pa-rade and Tree Lighting at City Hall. For more information, visit www.ci.crowley.tx.us or visit the Crowley Recreation Center.

3rd Annual Clothing, Christmas and CocktailsDecember 12, 20135:00pm-9:00pm

Local businesses offer holiday shopping and cocktails. For more details, be sure to check the Clothing, Christmas and Cocktails ad.

[ December | What’s Going On ]




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We accept most major health plans. Please contact our office for details.

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www.lifegateburleson.com601 Southwest Thomas Street, Burleson, TX 76028

find us on Facebook

Changing lives in a changing culture with the unchanging truth.

Lifegate Church is for everyone!We have exciting things going on for people at every stage of life from infants, toddlers, preschoolers, teens, singles, married and up. Dress is casual, so wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We begin the service with contemporary music that is inspiring to the soul. Our Pastor talks about issues that are relevant today and what the Bible says about dealing with them.

Offering 2 Worship ExperiencesSundays 9:00 am and 11:00 am

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AMBUSH GRILL AND BARFormer bass player for Country Thunder (70’s country-rock band), Ferocious Thunder (aka Ricky Hughes) discovered he had a knack for chili. The Ferocious Ambush Chili Team found themselves in Terlingua twice in the international chili cook-off. Bringing his recipes to Rendon and Crowley you can now enjoy a unique twist on the Southern American menu or cool down at the bar. Be sure to try the Mini Fried Pies for dessert – they’re a nice touch! 824 S. Crowley Rd. Crowley, TX (817) 551-9360 $-$$ L D

COTTON PATCH CAFÉServing Texas-sized taste and value to the residents of Burleson and surrounding communities, CPC uses only the freshest produce and highest quality meats & seafood. Perfect for the whole family, this casual dining atmosphere is a must-visit on the list. 1103 N. Burleson Blvd., Burleson, TX   817-426-2711  $$ L D

DALTON’S CORNERIf you were a Burleson teen from the 80’s, this name is sure to ring a few bells. You may remember as a teen night club is now 1 building over and a nostalgic bar and grill, chock-full of menu items with throwback names. Check out the great burgers, steaks, chicken and more or try the Barnett Shale Pasta with a mix of cheeses and just a little kick. Ask your server about the great daily chef specials. After dinner, make a night of it at the bar or shoot a few games of pool. For larger groups, a party room is available. Go check ‘em out today! 200 S. Main St. Burleson, TX (Old Town) (817) 295-5456  + $-$$ L D

MOOYAHDeliver the best burger & fry experience EVER and have fun doing it! That’s the Mooyah mission. Not only is the food great (I like the turkey burger) the atmosphere is just as cool. Grab a pen and

take your own order. Then doodle on the walls until it arrives. Unique twists on the American burger and yummy shakes are sure to leave you more than satisfied. We promise! 12632 South Freeway Suite #101, Burleson, TX   817-295-1577  +  $ L D

THE OLD TEXAS BREWING CO. GRILL & SKYBARBurleson now has its own Brewery! Located in Old Town, The Old Texas Brewing Company serves Burleson’s largest selection of beer and their Frost Rail Bar keeps it ice cold. Looking for something different? Fridays and Saturdays, dine on the Rooftop Patio and enjoy live music. Try one of the mouthwatering burgers, a juicy Angus Ribeye or enjoy some great BBQ with an ice cold beer. It’s a great way to end the day or the week. 112 West Ellison. Burleson, Texas 76028. (817) 447–BEER (2337) $$ L D ® Brunch on Saturday and Sunday

THE PORCHThe Porch just got a makeover. The small-town atmosphere makes for a great experience. An extended deck situated under a large, shady oak tree provides a restful setting to enjoy your old favorites like chicken fried steak, fried catfish, or grilled pork shops. Come visit The Porch, where you are sure to find a friendly face and a great meal. Don’t forget about the pies! 140 South Wilson Street, Burleson, TX 76028. (817) 426-9900 $ B L D ®

SPICE RACK TAPAS BAR & GRILLFrom a great staff and environment to the patio and live music, “The Rack” is soon becoming a fan favorite in Old Town. Organic produce and LOCAL from Walnut Creek Farm (we like that part!) fills out a menu that is simple but delectable. Start with the Wedge salad and move on to the Venison Tacos, or just cozy up to the bar with some stuffed jalapeno’s or sliders and a cold beverage. 133 S. Wilson St. Burleson, TX (817) 295-7221 $-$$ L D

STONE SOUP CAFEIf you’re in the mood for soup, salad or a sandwich, Stone’s is the place to be. Their sandwiches are “to-die-for” and the soup is always delicious. Hit up the salad bar for dinner and welcome the surprise of a cookie-treat to tackle that sweet craving you’ve been having! Eating healthy is never easy and rarely fun but Stone’s Soup Cafe makes it possible to do both. You can get in and out in no time flat. • 333 Southwest Wilshire Blvd., Burleson, TX. (817) 447-2989 L D


AA CHINA SUPER BUFFETFeaturing over 250 different menu items, including an extravagant salad bar and hot bar.   They also have the largest sushi bar in the metroplex. AA China Super Buffet features both Chinese and American Cuisine, and our signature Mongolian Grill. Their chef has trained the last two years to bring even more menu options to Burleson. He has tapped into his 25 years of

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experience and his Chinese Culinary degree to provide the best buffet in town. 1045 Southwest Wilshire Boulevard, Burleson, TX 76028  (817) 426-8088 $-$$ L D

PANDAN THAIFinally, an AUTHENTIC Thai restaurant in the area! Pandan Thai is a great place for a quick lunch or dinner with friends, or grab dinner to go and eat in the comfort of your home. Decor is clean and modern. They have a great selection of fun Asian drinks in addition to fountain soda and tea. Try the crunchy spring rolls or the shrimp chips — they’re a great way to start your meal. Bring an appetite. You will get plenty of food at great prices and leave with a full belly and a happy wallet. 314 E Main St. Crowley, TX 76036 (682) 215-5511 $ L D Closed on Wednesdays.


FUZZY’S TACO SHOPWelcome to your new addiction! If you don’t know Fuzzy’s yet then welcome back from your coma! Their promise is to deliver generous helpings of uniquely flavorful food at a fair price. Baja-style Mexican food to die for and super ice cold beer… ‘Nuff said. 125 East Renfro, Burleson, TX  817-447-8226  + $ B L D ®

QDOBACreativity and experimentation are mandatory. This unique Mexican Grill puts you in charge of the fresh ingredients. Choose one or choose all and watch it created right in front of your eyes. Their signature mission style burritos are mouth-watering and waiting for you. 1505 SW Wilshire Blvd., Burleson, TX  817-295-5419  $ L D

MOJO’S TEX-MEX SMOKEHOUSE & GRILLTex-Mex and BBQ fused together – need I say more? Located next to the Burleson Car Wash, Mojo’s delivers savory, slow Mesquite-smoked brisket & pork that literally melts in your mouth! And the sides: made from scratch daily. Get. There. Now. 545 SW Wilshire Blvd. Burleson, TX 76028. $ B L D

ON THE BORDERWith indoor, bar and patio dining available, this hip, urban Cantina is the perfect setting for sipping margaritas and savoring a menu of the bold flavors of Mexico the whole family can enjoy! It’s hard to appreciate guacamole from anywhere else but OTB is doing it right with their Guacamole Live right at your table! Your taste buds will be thanking you! 13005 South Frwy., Burleson (682) 888-5066 $-$$ L D ®


GAMBINO’S PIZZAGambino’s is more than just a great pizza place. They also have pasta, salads, wings and savory sandwiches. Oh, and don’t forget the dessert pizza! The Tortellini Alfredo was so creamy and

delicious. Dine in, carry out or have it delivered. They have specials and coupons. I encourage you to give them a try. 856 E Renfro St. Burleson. 856 E. Renfro St. Burleson, TX 76028. 817-426-5222 www.gambinospizza.com $ L D

PETER PIPER PIZZAWith quality pizzas on made-from-scratch dough and the industry’s hottest games, all priced at a reliable value, Peter Piper Pizza remains the ultimate food and fun destination for friends and family. Come check out the big screens, the games, the prizes, the food, or all of the above. Grab the coupon in this month’s edition of Local Life and start the car, we’ll be waiting for ya! 1551 Southwest Wilshire Boulevard, Burleson (817) 484-2131 $-$$ L D

VILLA DIANNA ITALIAN RESTAURANTMake the trip to the end of Burleson to try out this little jewel! It’s worth the drive! The homemade food, great atmosphere, awesome service makes it a great place to bring your friends and family. It’s BYOB, so if you like a little vino, bring it with you — the friendly staff will open plus provide glasses! The homemade bread is crispy and ridiculously good! Don’t wait any longer and go check it out! 2475 E Renfro St., Burleson, TX 76028. (817) 426-6664 $-$$ L D

The Old Texas Brewing Co. Grill & Skybar


µ New Listing


$ Most entrees under $10$$ Most entrees under $20$$$ Entrees $25 and up


B Serving BreakfastL Serving LunchD Serving Dinner✆ Reservations Suggested® Outdoor Dining

If you see a listing that need updating or you would like to add a listing, please send an email to [email protected]

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Overall Winner Best / Over 10

Best Group

Best Under 10(Tie)

Best Under 10(Tie)


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