love not lust

Love, not lust 65 CHAPTER SIXTEEN CONFIDENCE Sometimes it’s very hard to have confidence in yourself especially when you have never done a particular activity before and you are not quite sure how you will go. Well let me tell you, if you do not have a go, how will you know if you have failed or not. Remember, as long as you do your best, regardless of the outcome, you have succeeded because you had a go. This is the only way to have confidence. The more you have a go you will get better at what you are attempting to do. Henceforth your confidence will come. The bible says in Hebrews Chapter 10 verse 35, ‘cast not away your confidence, which has great recompense of reward for you have need of patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.’ This means have confidence, because you will be rewarded for what you have set out to do. If you are going to do something, do it with love and confidence. In doing it this way your confidence will get stronger, remember you are not a failure as long as you do not give up. You see, we always need to be more patient with things, it seldom happens overnight. We are on a journey and we must keep going no matter what.

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Post on 21-Mar-2016




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This book was written to help you in your day to day walk/life


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Love, not lust




Sometimes it’s very hard to have confidence in yourself especially when you have never done a particular activity before and you are not quite sure how you will go. Well let me tell you, if you do not have a go, how will you know if you have failed or not.

Remember, as long as you do your best, regardless of the outcome, you have succeeded because you had a go. This is the only way to have confidence. The more you have a go you will get better at what you are attempting to do.

Henceforth your confidence will come. The bible says in Hebrews Chapter 10 verse 35, ‘cast not away your confidence, which has great recompense of reward for you have need of patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.’

This means have confidence, because you will be rewarded for what you have set out to do. If you are going to do something, do it with love and confidence. In doing it this way your confidence will get stronger, remember you are not a failure as long as you do not give up. You see, we always need to be more patient with things, it seldom happens overnight. We are on a journey and we must keep going no matter what.

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Love, not lust


Every day is a new beginning. How wonderful is that to look forward to each new day. Do not think about what went wrong yesterday. Yesterday is gone. We cannot do anything about it but to simply improve on today. I get so excited about life. I will not give up on life. Life is too short. Life can be wonderful if you can have confidence in a new day. Amen.

If you are having a struggle in your every day life, just ask Jesus to help you through the Holy Spirit. He will help you with all your confidence. He will help with your love walk. You must trust him, there is no other way. If you give up it will result in failure and we do not want failure, we must not accept failure. Once again do not give up.

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Love, not lust




As you have been reading this book, hopefully you have changed your attitude. Changed the way you speak and the way you treat yourself and other people by walking in love. Then and only then can we move on to our hopes and dreams.

Do not give up on your dreams. Sometimes that is all we seem to have. Like I have said in previous chapters, do the little things first and when you have accomplished them, you can start to move onto bigger things. Always have hope because hope leads us on. Hope can be our encouragement, our peace. Always hope for something better. This way you will not stay in despair and hopelessness. Look for things to do. Get an interest in something that is good.

It is up to each one of us, where our dreams can take us. So dream and those dreams will lead you on. But you must have hope. If you are a Christian, a born-again Christian, the Bible says you can do all things through Christ.

Philllipians 4: 13 ‘I can do all things, through Christ, who strengthens me’. The Bible also says, ‘greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world’.

Call things that be not as though they are. If you do not have dreams, start by simply saying to yourself, ‘I will have good

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dreams, dreams to inspire me.’ Don’t let anyone say to you that it is stupid. Don’t let them steal your dreams. You are saying God’s Word and that is a very powerful thing. God is not a man that he should lie. Stand on the Word of God in all situations. You will be surprised how wonderful your life may turn out.

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‘What the world needs now is love sweet love, not just for some, but for everyone.’

I have written a chapter on Love, Lust and Christianity but I believe that I must stress what the word love really means. We all need love like the air we breathe, but we also need to give love. How can you give something you might not have? Well, you cannot. It is impossible. What I say to you is this, if you want something, you usually ask for it. If you do not ask you usually do not get anything. If you do not have any love to give, why not ask for some. It is really as simple as that and the only one to ask, you guessed it is Jesus. Now do not get all worked up and start saying negative things because that’s what you’ll end up with, negative things.

Think of what is coming out of your heart and mouth. You must stop and think before you speak. If you ask for love and really, really want it, you will get it. Show it with kindness, gentleness and so forth. It will literally change your way of thinking and your way of life.

What have you got to loose. Nothing! You have nothing to loose because you may not have anything to loose at this point anyway. Love is so many things. First of all love is God. Love is not being self-centered and thinking just about yourself.

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you may receive and that your joy may be full.’

We may ask God for things and it may seem that we do not get anything. You may say something like, ‘please God, let me win the lottery.’ The reason you do not receive that is because you may just want to spend it on yourself and the lust of the flesh.

James 4: 3 ‘You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.’

This means we shall spend it on our own desires for ourselves and maybe not think of those who are in great need. Because of the blessing we have received we may not be willing to share with those less fortunate. There is one thing that is true. If you do not have much, but you are willing to give your time to comfort someone in need, God will bless you because He sees your heart and knows the little you have, you will share. Your smile and a good word can go a long way in a dreary day.

Always speak well about someone and if you cannot find anything good to say, don’t say anything at all. I have written in the chapter ‘on words we speak,’ that words are very powerful. As the Bible says ‘there is life and death in the power of the tongue.’

So you see, God sees the heart and out of the heart, so the mouth speaks. Remember, God made us in His image. He said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. So you see, we are made in the image of God, so what we speak is very powerful, whether good or bad. Always remember God is a good God. God is a loving and forgiving God. But you see, we are sinners and we do not always speak good and loving things, but sometimes the reverse.

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Maybe you are sick or struggling with your money and a lot of other things as well. Perhaps you have really tried to love and got no results. Well, I tell you just start with love. Don’t scoff, don’t defeat yourself before you have started. You must give it your best shot. There is nothing else you can do but walk in love. It will turn your whole life around because it is in God. When He sees you begin to love, He will start to let things happen in your life for good. I know it is true. I have proved it. I would say I am a person that knows what she is talking about. Love overcomes everything. You’d better believe it. This I know to be true.

The world today is not walking in love. It is most likely walking in lust and hate. That is why it is getting so wicked. We cannot deny that. There will always be people that walk in love because if not then we would have a lawlessness society. Believe me, we do not want that. So we must start walking in love, one for another. Then and only then we should have peace in our hearts and hopefully the world. To have this peace is everything. If you are lonely and have no one to turn to, just simply ask God for His love and ask him to send someone into your life who will love you, help you, and give you hope.

God will, if only you will ask. But in saying this, you must help yourself also. Go places where you will find love (like to your local church). In seeking help for yourself you yourself may be the person to help someone there. Remember, we do not get anywhere moping around the house, feeling sorry for ourself.

John 16: 24 ‘Until now, you have asked nothing in My Name. Ask that

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Mark 7: 7-9 ‘How be it in vain do they worship me, teaching the doctrines of men, laying aside the commandments of God. You hold the traditions of men as the washing of cups and pots and any such other such like things you do.’ And He said unto them, ‘full well you reject the commandments of God that you my keep your own traditions.’

This means we do everything we are taught by man, and forget what God said. We keep getting strife in our life and we blame God and everybody else and not ourselves. Get the help we need from God and His word which is the Bible. If you do this you cannot fail.