loving your problem - lillian dewaters

1 PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION SERIES No.4 Loving Your Problem By LILLIAN DE WATERS Dear Friend, have you a problem which you would like to see adjusted? Are you seeking an understanding of Life which would help you to harmonize all your affairs with the peace and glory of Heaven? Come then, and with both heart and mind listen closely to the Kingdom message: “Resist not evil. Agree with thine adversary quickly. Love your enemies.” Probably you have often read or heard these divine commands, but perhaps they have never been entirely understood and so you have been, to some extent, unable to intelligently practice and apply them to your everyday experiences. But in them is voiced your deliverance. Herein lies the way to your freedom. Now what is the nature of a problem, or a trial? Of what does it consist? Perhaps you may think that it consists of evil, or of false belief. No. Evil, or falsity, is not the substance of anything, not even of a problem or a trial. Indeed, you will probably experience a surprise when you learn just what is the real nature of any so-called trial or difficulty in your life. Now, here is the answer and let it open for you the way to Freedom and kindle in you “the knowledge of the glory of God.” If God is ALL then even a problem can consist of nothing but God!

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Full text of the booklet from the 'Practical Demonstration' series






Loving Your Problem


Dear Friend, have you a problem which you would

like to see adjusted? Are you seeking an

understanding of Life which would help you to

harmonize all your affairs with the peace and glory of

Heaven? Come then, and with both heart and mind

listen closely to the Kingdom message: “Resist not

evil. Agree with thine adversary quickly. Love your


Probably you have often read or heard these divine

commands, but perhaps they have never been entirely

understood and so you have been, to some extent,

unable to intelligently practice and apply them to your

everyday experiences. But in them is voiced your

deliverance. Herein lies the way to your freedom.

Now what is the nature of a problem, or a trial? Of

what does it consist? Perhaps you may think that it

consists of evil, or of false belief. No. Evil, or falsity,

is not the substance of anything, not even of a problem

or a trial. Indeed, you will probably experience a

surprise when you learn just what is the real nature of

any so-called trial or difficulty in your life. Now, here

is the answer and let it open for you the way to

Freedom and kindle in you “the knowledge of the

glory of God.” If God is ALL then even a problem

can consist of nothing but God!



Dear Friend, do you not think of your problems and

your trials as of so many enemies? Are you not letting

them keep your mind disturbed, your heart disquieted

and your thought fearful and tormented? Well, Jesus’

commandment is to “Love your enemies” is it not?

This command is the Truth of God and is therefore

true Substance. You are to love your problem; for the

fulfilling of all adjustments, the salvation of all

situations, all conditions, is LOVE.

“But,” some may ask, “How can I love a problem of

pain and disease?” or; “How can I love my trial when

I am in the midst of poverty and ruin?” “How can I

love my problem when my wife has forsaken me,” Or;

“My husband has stopped loving me?” Or; “My

children are dishonouring me?” How can one love

such trials as sorrow, sickness, sin, poverty, despair?

Only by understanding them, and this understanding

will be your release, and your return to that

marvellous Kingdom of Love from which, in reality,

you have never wandered away.

Be assured, first of all, that you would not be reading

these lines right now unless you were at that point in

your life’s experience where you were able to receive

and accept this glorious illumination and deliverance.

Be assured also that the writer could not give forth this

message, — LOVE YOUR PROBLEMS — unless

she felt certain in her heart that they were not her own

but God’s Word to us each.

Now why is it, do you suppose, that one involuntarily

shrinks from a serpent? Is it not because he is afraid

of it? And why afraid? Because he does not love it.

Yet there are some people who love all of Nature’s

family so well that they do not hesitate to handle

serpents considered by others to be poisonous. Their

love for serpents solves for them any problem of an

unkindly or fatal attack.



Now Jesus’ assurance is: “They shall take up

serpents.” As long as one fears any thing, any trial or

any problem he is not exercising that admonition

which would bring him immunity. Jesus instructed

his disciples, (and this includes ourselves), that we

should handle serpents without harm to us, that we

could cast out devils and raise the dead, if we acted in

His Name, — if we fulfilled his requirements, - LOVE



The Christ in us ever urges: “Believe in Me, and in

My Words. Believe that your problems are not such

to Me, for I understand the nature of them. I take the

responsibility of the trials and problems of the whole

world, for they are as nothing in My vision.” Does

not He who conceived the Idea of the drama of true

experience know also how to preserve and sustain it

harmoniously? Yea, verily. The Christ knows that

there is nothing to any (so-called) human being but

Himself. The Christ-Self understands that “there

shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, or

maketh a lie” either in the invisible world of Spirit or

in the visible dramatization of that Reality in Earth.

Love of the Perfect, both in Heaven and in Earth,

liberates the mind from its misunderstanding, its belief

of separation, and reveals the ideal state, the totality

and omnipresence of uninterrupted Harmony and


Is it to the author of a story any problem to write that

story as he wishes it? Have the characters any voice

in the matter whatsoever? To the mind of the reader it

may seem a problem, while he is reading the book, to

solve its mystery, or to work it out to an interesting

and desirable end. But all of that problem was solved

by the author before the reader came upon the scene,

was it not?



Similarly it may seem to you a problem to remove

disease from your body, or pain from your mind, or

discord from your environment; but it is no problem to

that Spirit who is the Author of your book of life. It is

not a problem to your Christ, your perfect Self, to

know how to keep the sight of your eyes or the

hearing of your ears, or to preserve your whole body

without spot or blemish. It is in the nature of your

true Being to solve your problems, to transmute your

trials. These are but the call to your greater love and

understanding of Life. Freedom from your trial does

not consist in destroying what appears to you an evil

condition, (or even an evil belief), but in the exercise

of your realization of the totality of Love and your

acceptance of that which is your resurrection and your


Freedom from your problem consists in harmonizing

your personal sense of it with its spiritual Reality.

The mind must give up its dream of separation and an

existence apart from Perfection and Harmony; for how

else can this darkened sense be overcome except by

opening it more and more to the light of understanding

Love? In order to flood the darkness there must be

light, and in order to transcend fear and resistance and

resentment there must be loving understanding. If

you love your problem you will understand it and if

you understand your problem you will transcend it for

Love is the invincible solvent.

The measure of your love is the measure of your true

idea of Being. “Love one another as I have loved

you.” “Love never faileth.” “Love is the fulfilling of

the law.”



Ask yourself, Who, or what could have a false belief?

We know that God cannot, and that God is ALL. This

is how you may see the nothingness of false beliefs

and the good in every trial, since it brings your human

sense to the understanding of your spiritual perfection.

There is no evil in God or to God, and if you can but

find God in your problem you will understand it. If

you attack a condition, or a state of mind, you will

experience in return that quality which you put into it,

for what is placed before the mirror is pictured in the

mirror. If one attacks his problem with the notion that

its substance is falsity what else can take place, or be

out-pictured, but a continuance of inharmony and


In the effort to overcome evil, as though there could

be a false substance, the mind is kept in constant

confusion and turmoil, but by accepting the Kingdom

message, - RESIST NOT EVIL; one’s consciousness

becomes yielding and non-resisting. Sickness,

sorrow, disorders of any kind are not punishments but

reminders that one should turn his vision inward, that

he should remember his Source, that he should love

his seeming enemy. Beloved, our problems and their

solution rest in ourselves.

“Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come

out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.”

The sooner we pay that last “farthing” the sooner we

find our immunity from all hallucinations and our

identity with the One who is ALL. It may be

imagined that one is to pass from one sin to another,

from one suffering to another until finally, somehow,

he is glad to turn to the Light. Now the “uttermost

farthing” is self-surrender, and this need not

necessarily be the last effort which one is forced to

make, but it may just as well be the first!



Since the last farthing must be paid, then why not pay

this farthing first of all? What do you fear to lose in

giving your self-surrender? It is in the nature of your

Christ-Self to solve your problems and to transmute

your trials into blessings. A problem is simply a call

for more love, more understanding, more renunciation

of a sense separate from our perfection. Where there

is light there cannot be darkness, and where there is

loving understanding of perfect Being there can be no

grievous problem. Certain it is that the appearance of

evil will remain with us just so long as we entertain

the belief that there is evil. Nothing shall by any

means harm us so long as we abide in the

consciousness of the totality of the perfection in Earth

as in Heaven and in the realization of the oneness of

Infinite Being,” “the same yesterday, today and


Your trial will not have been vain if now you will

welcome its solution, — selfless Love, — if now you

will understand that all the conditions of experience

are but the drama of the Great Playwright, hence are

harmless and interesting. The call of Love is the voice

of the Author speaking through His characters. The

“uttermost farthing” is Loving Agreement, Non-


“Agree with thine adversary quickly.” This is the

wise admonition of that Victorious One who was Love

personified. Do you ask, How can I agree with

sickness, sin, sorrow and separation from my good?

Here is the answer.



When one understands the Truth about a thing one can

love that Truth and the Truth is all there is to the

problem, which is that it is God knocking at the door

of your consciousness wishing to reveal to you more

of His Love, His Joy, His Peace and Satisfaction. As

soon as this agreement, — that Love is the only

Substance, — reaches your consciousness then the so-

called trial, or problem, disappears in the consuming

fire of loving understanding. Let it be perceived

clearly that the problem (adversary), is not evil, called

sickness or lack or loss. The problem, or lesson,

consists in understanding that “Love never faileth.”

The only requirement is, How much do we love? If

for any reason we withhold love from our world of

friends and so-called enemies we may experience a

darkened sense called a lack or loss of health or

harmony; still the Substance of the problem is Good,

since it is our True Self calling us to pay the uttermost

farthing, to come to agreement with our so-called

adversary, to fulfill the law of living by falling in love

with it. “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the

fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange

thing happened unto you; but rejoice … that when

(Christ’s) glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also

with exceeding joy.” (1Pet. 4:12). Let those who are

weary and heavy laden, those who are fearful and

sorrowful, those who are hardened and resentful drink

from this fountain of Irresistible Love.

The problem of the serpent appearing in the rope is

solved by perceiving it to be a rope, is it not? So a

problem has nothing whatever to do with

hallucinations or phantoms but consists in perceiving

the Truth of Heaven and the Truth of Earth to be ALL

there is. The problem of so-called evil appearing in

our experience is solved by the perception of God as

the ONE and the ONLY, the ALL and the

TOTALITY of Substance and of Manifestation.




HIMSELF, and the only problem for us each is to

understand the sense in which we are Man and the

sense in which we are God, and to accept the oneness

and totality of God and Man and the Universe, Your

answer to every problem is in yourself, and in yourself

also is your problem!

Man not only shares the supreme power of the

spiritual world but he is Lord also of the things in the

dream, or drama-world. Since he is an Idea in the

Mind of God he must necessarily be God, for God is

ALL there is to him, as the characters in the mind of

an author are that author and are nothing else. So the

Characters, or Ideas, of the Author and Creator of all

Being are that Author and nothing less. God is in

Man and Man is in God. So God is in you and you are

in God. In the Earth state you are Man, the Character,

but in the Heavenly state you are God, the Creator. “I

(Man) and my Father, (Self) are one (whole).”

Now the problem is not yours as a Character in the

Book of Life, but belongs to your own Lord-Self as a

problem of God, (since God is ALL there is), but not a

problem to God, since He is all Love and

Understanding. Of yourself, as a human character,

you can do nothing, you cannot wield an iota of

power, courage or understanding, but ALL power is

given unto him who locates his thought of himself as

in the Mind of the Author, to him who spiritually

perceives and accepts the trinity of his Being. Certain

it is that Man is compelled to come to himself, like the

Prodigal, and this Self-knowledge constitutes his

“judgment day,” and his salvation from all dream.

The Truth of God does not come to destroy things or

conditions for there are none to destroy, but it comes

to make Itself known “in Earth as it is in Heaven.”



Remember it is the “mortal” who is to put on

“immortality;” that is, it is the mistaken sense which is

to accept the enfranchising Idea that LOVE is the

fulfilling of that law which is transcended by true

experience. As the mortal (sense) gives the problem

to the Christ-Self, the solution, or adjustment,

necessary to perfection, harmony and satisfaction

takes place in that sense. This is the act which is

called self-surrender, or renunciation. Thus every

trial surmounted and every problem understood

transcends sense and raises one to the mountain-top of

Self understanding.

Nothing in Man’s world exists outside of himself, and

it is through conscious understanding that one finds

Himself, and consequently corrects the dramatizing of

sense. By refusing to accept and practice the Christ-

Message of the Infinite, changeless Love and

Perfection as now and here one may stumble in his

own-created darkness; yet this darkness is nothing of

itself, merely a name given to his reluctance or refusal

to live in the consciousness of his Oneness with

infinite Perfection. Now, in one sense the substance

of seeming false creation, (like the serpent appearing

in the rope), is a true substance, (the rope), for it was

the true substance, (the rope), which was

misinterpreted and called by another name.

This illustration shows us plainly that there is really

no false creation outside of one’s own erring sense, for

the substance of that very thing which is called evil is

the one and only Substance, God or Good. How

wonderful then for us to perceive and accept the Truth

that the nature and substance of all beings, all things,

all trials is God, the Infinite Being, and any State or

condition which seems inharmonious and an opposite

of Perfection is but merely a picture-form

corresponding to one’s sense-illusion. Your trial, your

problem, is not therefore one of evil, nor of sickness,

sin, or lack, but your only problem consists in

understanding that God is the Answer to it.



Dare we command the waves to be still; the dead to be

raised? If we dare not, where is our vision? Are we

conscious of the one changeless Being? Do we look

with Love on our daily experiences as did Jesus

Christ? Can we stand with the poise of Jesus Christ

and know that God is where we are looking and in that

which we face God is facing us? In this state of

exalted consciousness we may indeed “stand still”

visioning the perfect Being as experiencing health,

happiness, success and infinite abundance of all-good,

and knowing no sin, no discord, no sickness, age or


Infinite Power has already prepared in the glory of

your irresistible Being that which is only waiting your

call of faith to set you free from illusion and fantasy.

It is unbelief which causes all the phantoms of the

mind and Man’s redemption consist in knowing

Himself, - knowing that he is a tri-unity - the Author

of the Book of Life; the Character in the Book; and

the Drama of True Experience.

There is no destruction to take place, either in the real

world or in the drama-experience. The lack, the

sickness, the disorder which one senses in his mental

darkness are not actual conditions but states of mind

in which one has turned away from paying that last

farthing, — from accepting LOVE as the only

Substance, and from the active perception and belief

that there is no evil.

Dear Friend, have you not until now believed that

there was a difference as of two entities, between good

and evil? But how can there be the concept of

difference or separation in the Idea of the All? Is

there any difference between the rope which you

actually see and the serpent which you believe you see

in its place? Is not the rope ALL there is present? In

reality that which you see, (the rope), is the substance

of that which you think you see, and which you may

call a serpent. So, likewise, the substance back of all

which you call trials and problems is the Good, for

this is the only Substance there ever is, or ever can be.



Have you a dislike for many things, or do you dread

some special condition, or fear some possible

separation? Then are you not resisting or resenting or

fearing your problem (enemy) when you are divinely

counseled to “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES?” “Then

shalt thy light break forth as the morning, and thine

health shall spring forth speedily; and thy

righteousness shall go before thee Then shalt thou

call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and

He shall say, Here I am.”

Within yourself is a Presence that can solve your

every problem. This Presence is the One who

understands that problem. Many who read these lines,

feeling burdened and heavy-laden will admit that they

are resisting their enemies instead of loving them.

Now to love your enemy (problem) is to transmute it.

Such an awakening takes away all sense of opposites

and unifies one with the Totality of All-Good.

Although as characters we may act in the drama of

Life; still we are not in the drama anymore than the

actor is the person of his role, or than we are in a

dream while sleeping in bed. The dream and the

drama are nothing for the Reality of Life is ALL.

Hence accepting the Author’s perfection and in

learning to love that one Substance AS ALL, we cease

to fear. Love of the Perfect casteth out fear, the fear

which signifies that we need to gain a larger and fuller

realization of perfect Love as the Deliverer from all

sense of inharmony of every kind.



It is the realization of our actual parallel life in the

spiritual world of Heaven which gives us our freedom

from fear and our harmony in this drama-world. We

can see that in Heaven there are no trials, nor

problems, but until we completely understand that we

are spiritual beings living in a world of uninterrupted

Harmony and perpetual Peace and Glory we will

(seemingly) have problems to overcome in this world.

By letting go the false belief that this world exists

separate and apart from that real world, and by

realizing that the Kingdom of Heaven must also be in

Earth, because of the Totality of the One Life, we may

lay claim to our perfection as NOW and HERE.

The joy of living consists in understanding that this

world is but the “play” of Life, but as such may be as

harmonious and satisfying as is Life, Itself. Learn to

meditate upon this most essential fact of your Being,

that although you are one of the Characters in the

drama of Life, and as a Character you are nothing, still

as the Author, or Creator of that Character you are


A mother recently asked treatment for her baby,

reporting that his skin was covered with a tormenting

rash, so that it was almost impossible for him to sleep

either by day or night. Treatment was taken up in this

way: This baby is an Idea in the Mind of God. As a

character in a book is not actually in the book, but

exists WHOLLY in the mind of the author, so this

divine Idea called a baby, does not live in this world,

this drama of Life, at all, but lives in the Mind of God,

and is God, the Creator. There is no Idea of “rash,” or

“irritation,” or anything evil in the Mind of God,

hence there can be no such expression as this

appearance in God’s Idea or Character. In His Mind

is Peace, Rest, Love, Harmony, Satisfaction, hence

this is ALL that He can supply to His Characters. God

is ALL, — the Author, the Character, and the Play of




Now, the Mother was taught that she must love her

problem. Her problem was not the “rash, or

irritation,” nor need she love this. Her problem was to

stop resisting and resenting spectrality and to LOVE


HEAVEN AND IN EARTH. She was told to love the

Fact that GOD IS ALL and GOD IS LOVE. In a short

time the report came from the mother that all was


Now a problem is not an evil spell but a signal to the

individual that he needs “Be still and know! Be still

and trust! Be still and love! How many of us would

feel as far along this seeming journey from sense to

Soul were it not for the problems or lessons which we

have faced and transcended? Looking back can we

not feel that these were revelations to us; were really

blessings? Even the smallest seed when placed in the

ground is obedient to that urge of Life within itself. It

makes the journey from the darkness to the light

through faith and love so that it can bloom and radiate

life in its incomparable charm and simplicity.

Now what is the significance of this journey from a

seedling to a flower? Simply this: By the process of

the journey from the soil, (darkness), to the surface,

(light), it finds its own wonderful self. Through faith

and love its transmutation (problem) fulfills its nature

and purpose. Similarly, our human problems when

rightly viewed and lovingly understood are a means of

restitution, and lessons of revelation, whereby we try

our strength, and prove our power, and glorify our

Creator in Earth as in Heaven.



So the purpose of a problem is that in that place you

shall see shining the Glory of the Son of God. If one

pays no heed to the still small Voice eventually it must

needs speak in the form of a seeming problem; but this

is not an evil thing but a good thing inasmuch as the

Author wishes His Book of Life to fulfill Himself, —

to express a Love which never faileth, and words

“which are light unto them that find them and health

to all their flesh.” Insight does not concern itself with

the destruction or abolition of evil for it knows that its

very non-existence is its abolition. Let Man feel the

grandeur of this outlook, the infinite capacity of his

being, and let him look upon his daily experiences,

(his world), as did Jesus Christ. It is in this state of

consciousness that we may hear; “Set yourselves,

stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord with


A body humanly perceived as structural and subject to

limitation, change and final annihilation, is entirely a

mental reflex, or out-picturing of ignorant and

mistaken thoughts and beliefs, and as a mental

phenomenon has no Life, Substance nor Reality; no

existence apart from the mind which evolves it. As

the appearance called the physical body originates

wholly in ignorance and mental mistification so also a

world in which there appears birth, accident, sickness,

and death has no more actual Substance or Reality,

than has the picture-creation of a dream. Although

such a world is described as consisting of matter and

physical forces; when correctly interpreted both this

mind and all of its phantasmagoria of sin, sickness,

disease and death are entirely mythical, changeable,

temporal and unsubstantial.



Any discordant appearance of the body is but the

mirrored reflection of ignorance and fear, and the

reluctance to surrender oneself to at-one-ment, and

resurrection, and ascension. The mistaken belief that

the body is structural, that it is subject to sickness,

pain and death reflects a corresponding discordant

state, which of itself cannot be healed, or saved, or

redeemed either directly or indirectly, either

objectively or subjectively, but which disappears from

view in proportion as one lovingly understands and

accepts the nature and purpose of Life, Truth, and


Since all is God, and God is Love the time is at hand

when such understanding should take place in the

experience of each individual claiming a place in the


The true world, so misunderstood by erring thought,

has been called a world of trouble and tribulation.

Moreover, that immortal Image of his Creator, - Man,

misinterpreted for so long through mental obscuration,

has been called a material body, clothing a personal

mind. Instead of recognizing Entities and Ideas which

are lovely, perfect, unlimited and imperishable human

sense has perceived a creation subject to the tragedy

of limitation, change and certain end.



Turning away from Love as the ONLY Reality the

mind casts a shadow of its erring sense, and it is this

shadow which has been considered a problem. The

darkened mentality, not knowing from whence come

the false pictures called sickness, sin, and death,

mistakenly looks upon them as actualities; hence it

can be clearly seen that it is the mentality which needs

enlightening, and not its out-pictured shadows. The

mists of materialism evaporate and disappear in

proportion as one gains a knowledge of infinite Love

and Its operation, in contrast with the human mind and

its counterfeit operations; until the fictitious

phenomena of a world of limitation and conflict

entirely disappear from mental view, and perfect

forms identical with Spirit, the Self, are recognized

and understood to be NOW and HERE.

“Looking up we perceive that nothing was impossible

with Jesus, that nothing is impossible with us. Exalted

vision discloses that there is no departure nor lapse

from perfection and no return to perfection; but

always, everywhere, there is one entity and one

expression. As in the night one sees glowing Stars, so

right now, no matter how dark may seem your

pathway, look up and behold this golden Light before

you. Accept your real identity and love this identity.

Your triumph and your redemption are here, already

established, waiting your acceptance.” (Science of




The Truth about anything is all there ever can be to

that thing, and the Truth about everything is always

good, for the Truth is that which is so about God and

God is All. So also the Truth about this world is all

there is to this world; and the Truth about Man is all

there is to Man; and the Truth about a so-called

problem is all there is to that problem. Since, as Jesus

promised “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth

shall make you free,” we are compelled by this Truth

to fully understand what is so about all things. Now

the Truth about Man is that as an Idea of God he is

God, and as God he is inevitably Power, Love, and the

totality of Understanding. Further: The Truth about

Man is that as he continually exists in the Mind of

God as Idea, and so is God, he must also exist always

in Heaven, for God and Heaven are one; and the

Presence of God and of Heaven is the Presence of

Love and the totality of Understanding.

Now the dream-man, or the creation of false sense

wandering in a dream, may not understand the

solution to the dream-problem, but has not the man on

the bed, the dreamer, complete sovereignty over it?

The dangers, the ferocious animals, or any of the

antagonistic circumstances appearing in his dream are

really no problem whatsoever to the man asleep on the

bed. He has but to open his eyes and lo! the whole

dream-creation of water and land, people and

circumstances instantly vanishes, is non-existent.

Even so let man in this world, wandering in his dream

and troubled by its discordant conditions and

problems awaken to his Christ-Self, his God-Being,

and let him believe that this Self understands the

solution of every problem, for It is infinite Love and

infinite Intelligence.



Then, if he wishes to apply the Truth of God to

healing, to adjusting a problem or gaining some high

purpose how shall he proceed? We will suppose that

he is ready and glad to turn completely from the

notion of repairing his dream with such dream-stuff as

drugs, or other systems of physical or mental cure;

that he wishes to look directly and wholly to the Mind

of the Author; he wishes to understand his problems

and to apply to them the only solution there is, — the

Power of loving Understanding. He is now willing to

pay that “uttermost farthing;” he perceives that he

cannot expect the Truth of God to bring about any

change in Heaven, or to alter, in any fashion, the

Principle of perfect Being in order that he may obtain

a physical healing, a mental uplift, or a material

supply. How then can the problem of pain, or failure,

or sorrow in the dream-experience be solved, and the

Wholeness and Glory of Heaven be realized in Earth?

The answer is this: By understanding that the

problems themselves need no change, for all there is

to them is the Truth of them, their Substance, and the

Substance of EVERYTHING is God, for God is all

there is. Therefore, as the student perceives that God,

the Self of Infinite Being, is the only Substance, only

Actor and only Author, he ceases to resist, or to resent,

his problem; ceases to try to mend it, or to bear it, for

now he turns from it to the Mind of the Creator and he

sees that in that Mind no change is necessary. It is

now revealed to him that the Ideas of this Creator are

infinitely Good, are unchangeable Perfection,

complete Satisfaction, inevitable Peace and Harmony.

Further: He perceives that since he is nothing of

himself, but is wholly, and completely, and inevitably

but the Mind of the Creator, then he has no problem;

and this joyous understanding of the non-existence of

the problem constitutes his freedom. He ceases to be

troubled, to be anxious, to be concerned, for what

difference does it make to him now how the problem

is solved, since it is quite apart from himself, since he

is ever abiding in the perfect, changeless state of God

in Heaven?



Perhaps the best thing which ever comes to any of us

is a (so-called) trial, or trouble, because it turns our

minds to our Author and compels us to KNOW

OURSELVES. Let us then accept the Truth about our

problems and see that as problems they are nothing;

that since there can be no departure from the Mind of

the Author there is no actual return to that

Consciousness, and the only problem ever presented

to Man in his dream life is to understand I AM THAT

I AM. As our consciousness draws nearer and nearer

to the inevitableness of our perfect state as the Truth

of our Being, we experience now and here, to human

sense and sight, in Earth as it is in Heaven, the

Harmony of the Whole. Then we can forget our pains

and heartaches; we become indifferent to the opinions

of the mind of the dream-world, for we are living in

the Super-world, in the Mind of changeless Reality;

we understand that as we love our problems as we

love God they melt together; and as we love Earth,

and as we love Heaven, they become one; and as we

love Man, and as we love God; behold, they, too are

the same. Thus the understanding Self proclaims

throughout Eternity the Kingdom Message.

“Love never faileth. Ye shall not need to fight in this

battle; set yourselves, stand ye still, for I will be with

you. I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there

anything too hard for Me? Though your sins be as

scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Behold, I give

you power to tread on serpents and scorpions; and

over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by

any means harm you. Because he hath set his love

upon Me, therefore will I deliver him. Love is the

fulfilling of the law.

Are not all our troubles to be traced to a sense of fear

or separation which clouds our vision that God is all?

Just as the sun is behind the cloud, ever shining, so

God is behind the problem, ever present. Our trials

never leave us where they found us, for after we have

made the demonstration we see that the finished

Kingdom is always right here at hand, and God is

always ever present.



Now the appearance of disease does not mean less of

Health but it signifies the need of a fuller

understanding of Life and its manifestation.

Separation from any good thing does not mean an

actual loss, or lack, of that good, but it is a reminder

that one is not fully conscious of Totality as Love.

What could seeming tribulation be but the needed

lesson that there is really nothing to us of ourselves,

but that we are wholly and completely the Character

in the Mind of the Author?

Or, if we would only see through our problems, and

then love them for the blessing which they left for us,

how quickly they would dissolve and disappear from

our Vision! God is the solution or answer to the

problem, for besides God there is nothing else. But

our trials may he stepping-stones, leading to the

understanding that as surely as Heaven is our Home so

certain it is that through overcoming our problems

with Love we attain to the consciousness that there is

no evil!

There is, really, no personal love, and no person to

love. In plain words, when you love some one

because of a personal relationship you really do not do

this at all, for such a thing is impossible. As human

beings we cannot love anyone because it is the

Substance of us, GOD, which does the loving, and

when we think that we are loving another, it is really

God, Himself, seeing Himself in His Characters. God

is the only Lover; the only Beloved, — Himself ALL-

IN-ALL. Then well might we cry, “Nothing can

daunt me! Nothing can oppose me! Nothing can

overpower me! There is no resentment, nor

resistance, nor fear in me, for behold, Thou art ALL!”

This is your Life, your Joy, your Glory which is

complete, finished, and at hand. The prayer which

one prays is answered in Himself.



Beloved, do you wonder why your healing is still

delayed, or why some (so-called) trouble returns to try

you? As a reminder that there is a confession and a

surrender for you yet to make; that as a “character”

you have not yielded yourself wholly and completely

to your Author. “God so loved the world.” How

much are you loving the world? Dear Seeker, you are

not to love the world because of itself but because

your all is God, and God is Love. When Love

constitutes our world then we are the Mind of the

Author, and Heaven is our Home.

There is no division nor separation between Spirit and

a Problem; between Heaven and Earth; between God

and Man.

Now in the illustration of mistaking the rope for a

serpent the rope is the only substance which is present;

likewise in seeing, or feeling, a problem in experience,

Spirit is the only Substance! Heaven is always

Presence! God is ever ALL! No problem exists for

you, therefore, outside of your concept of it, and

hence it is your mental concept alone which

constitutes your problem. Moreover, if you allow

understanding Love to fill your consciousness you

will then realize that God is the ONLY Substance, the

ONLY Power, the ONLY ALL there is, and that you

are forced, because of this established Fact of Being to

be this Substance. In this understanding Love of the

all-inclusive God, your vision will be luminous, the

power of your word irresistible, and you will

experience here and now, the ever-presence of




Actually, and in Reality, there is no mind to think, or

to believe, or to experience falsity, for there is no

falsity in God and God is the All-Mind. Moreover,

there is no Life which can be sick, or poor, or dying,

for God is the ONLY Life, and ALL Life is God.

Neither is there any Love which can cease, or resist,

for God is Love and Love is God! Since your mind is

the Mind of God, your life the Life of God, your love

the Love of God, therefore IN YOU there is no

concept, nor belief, of division, separation, or duality,

for “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.”

For, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” “His

Name shall be in their foreheads.”

Shall we now take up some (so-called) problems and

see the way of their solution, and understand how the

Word is made flesh?

To illustrate: In great distress of mind a lady

interviewed a practitioner as follows: “I have placed

my son in one of the largest University hospitals in the

country, after treatment in the best local hospitals, but

the physicians in all give the same report: that there is

no hope for him, that his trouble is incurable, that he

must die. Can your treatment save him? Will you


The case was taken up at once, with the gratifying

result that within a week the young man was back at

his business office, completely restored to health and


Now, Dear Reader, can you guess the cause of this

wonderful demonstration? It was Love. The

practitioner, with that same sense of loving

compassion which Jesus had, cast out of his own mind

all belief in fear, resentment, or seeming resistance.

The patient too was simply carried away from these

on the wings of Love to where the sunlight of God’s

Truth filled his consciousness. Such is the swift

healing-power of Love, ready to do the same for every

one who will let it.



Another time the practitioner was called to the phone

to receive this message: “Mother is critically ill and

suffering greatly. Can you come at once?” The

speaker was assured that this would not be necessary,

for help would be given at once; he was told to report

shortly. This he did saying that his mother was

instantly helped, had walked down stairs and eaten her


Now what had happened? Nothing. The practitioner

saw the mother perfect, as needing no change. To

understanding Love only a perfect condition was


Another similar instance was that of a young woman

whom the physician had said could expect to live but a

few days longer. Her condition seemed deplorable.

The practitioner went to see this case and found that

she could neither speak, nor hear what was said to her.

The nurse had no hope that she would recover; her

parents and all about her were afraid that they would

lose her; but the practitioner saw that the problem was

not to be feared but to be loved, for “Perfect Love

casteth out fear.”

Shortly after the practitioner again visited the young

lady and this time her face was beaming with smiles.

Within a few days she was about the house as usual,

and has enjoyed good health ever since.



A lady asked help for her husband, reporting that

because he was scarcely ever sober, it was almost

impossible to live with him. When the practitioner

asked her if she loved her husband, she replied, “Why

certainly, but it seems as though I must lose my love

for him if he continues this debasing habit much

longer.” She was then asked, “Do you suppose that if

Jesus were here he would accuse your husband of

being a drunkard?” “Why no,” she replied. “Well,

although you claim to love your husband you still see

him in your own mind as an odious drunkard,” her

friend explained, “is this the love which Jesus taught

and practiced?” The wife’s heart softened, the Truth

of God flooded her consciousness, and a great load

seemed lifted from it. She went away with the proper

vision. In a few weeks word of her freedom and

mighty deliverance from her problem was sent in.

Truly the Kingdom message is this: “This is my

beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Now when

we have this vision for our friends, and for our (so-

called) enemies, for all things and all conditions; then

are we proving the power of our faith and our love:

then are we judging “righteous judgment” according

to the Truth of all existence and the Truth of all things.

When we can see that the universe and every living

thing in it comes from Love; that every problem is

filled with Love; this is the vision of The Word which

is made flesh; this is the Love which fills full all


It has been said that Love is the greatest thing in all

the world. Yes. Because through Love the world was

formed; through Love Jesus came on earth; through

Love you and I are here. Through Love we

experience the Divine Health, Harmony, Happiness,

Abundance of All-Good, in fact, the Kingdom of

Love, Itself. Your power to live, to think, to act, to

feel; is the Power of Love. The trees, the flowers, the

birds, the animals; all bring to those who can

understand it their own language of Love. In the light

of His Truth, in the consciousness of His Love, what

else can there be but that God is All?



It matters not what our problem may be, we will never

understand it until we love it, for to fear it, to resist or

resent it, is to be ignorant of what it really is. “Who

shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall

tribulation, or distress or persecution, or famine, or

nakedness, or peril or sword? Nay, in all these things

we are more than conquerors through him that loved


Now, this Christ is our Very Own Self, and

understanding this we love this perfect Self in

ourselves, and in every one else. To love this Christ is

to have an understanding heart, and this is the reason

why we can clearly see the non-existence of all

problems in Him. If mankind but knew that all share

the Love which pervades the universe there would be

no unhappy dream experiences such as sin, sickness,

or trouble of any kind.

A practitioner received word one morning from a

student of Truth that his neighbour was in great pain

and that because of his extreme suffering two men

were needed to hold him in bed. The wife had already

sent for medical aid but afterward changed her mind

and now wished for spiritual treatment. The

practitioner answered that help would be given at

once, and asked for a report within a short time.

And now Dear Reader, what do you think that

practitioner held in mind? Simply this: That

consciousness that Love is ever-present, and that there

could be no failure in Love to manifest its own

Presence. The neighbour was seen to be the very

embodiment of that Love.

Within twenty minutes word came that the “patient”

was asleep and resting easily. When the physician

arrived he found that his services were not required,

for Love had proven the “fulfilling of the law;” in that

perfect Love all function, all feeling and form were




If one has life he is in the presence of God, for Life is

God. And if one is in the presence of God he is in the

presence of Heaven, for God and Heaven are one!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only

begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should

not perish but have everlasting life.” Beloved, how

much do YOU love YOUR world? How much do

YOU love everybody, every thing? How much Love

are YOU giving this (so-called) human experience?

Surely we are all born of God, for God is ALL, and it

must therefore be that as we ‘learn to love, then are we

in a position to understand all things.

Now the only real Love there is, is the Love which is

God, this Love is the Consciousness of the Christ

within us, and in this Love-Vision there is no evil, no

problem, in experience to destroy. There is a perfect

Universe to love, there is a perfect Man to understand,

there is a perfect Heaven to experience.

To repeat. God is Love, because God is ALL The

Word is made flesh and All things are our through

Love. Through Love the finished Kingdom is at hand,

the Christ lives within and the signs follow in His

Name. We practice the Presence of the One through

Love, and it is through Love that we understand the

Science of Ascension. This is the wonderful story of

Love, the fulfilling of all desires, the solution to all

problems, — ever-present, ineffable, irresistible Love!