l’'|^sislnci i i b u i - twin falls public...

Tv'^'V I^ M iii l l l & \llt K [ t i E D A'i' {“S I m iiB ui Mministrators"for ilostCoun- ties'Assemble in Boise to ; Confer on Situation' l^ronHhfl 1 Consumers and Producers^ t«n »dtie«d:tli«'n#xlaiQB\piiea:e^ s .l^ maee tte.iUfotto 9 ' cenuVholMitoi^.lO ^rapm d, aiad ri»eoinBwad»d;U'ipor«Me , ^taportoa'toihRBmifrR^'beetii n4Uog i p Hm of *18 pw toa, «t |Adr, : ttMtiftf ><aa iii tbo to d n ^ oomntneau : ' ifA t'tlio BonUaff miMtlb£,'«trs' thi Idiho 6totuni^8t^.,lVM>^^Ad>^ in to r BUkaoU ootilaod tba mbioots-oB : WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o V ^loinod tbat the 2918 wb^at onp Ud I' boon ao huge that-It w u dlffiealt. to . . tparket, aiA ifor tbat naaoa aa'embargo .. had been, pUeod oa tbo ;(rbeat.^;tda^ »n<l eoJM oth«T we«t«m ;atat^! tDSiffi a . few daya agi.' • ; ,• ■; uitMt mW m ▼•tfni*/ .< f Thero bad already boea 8000 ean ia istttn'oi laat 7«ar wod ia aUppIag tbla wlieat, bat he waa now-glad to aaaooneo the embargo llftod oadw tho “permit lyateiu All that ia aseenary ia oitdn t4 >ship a ear.of.-Wheat from now'OB li i iror the loeal raUroad ageat to wiro the . {frillr»‘ control eonuaiadoa; W -rBano rtreftt ataUooy OhlMsgbj“a a d ^ o p « n ^ . win -bo ■ wtomod’ b y ‘wire. . Wheat «t tho preseat time, ho ^ d , w ;m b v ln g With eoa^deiittble VoTtime.; ' ' -Big Ofopi for. Voxt'Tctt Mr. BlekneU a^ed.' the a d n d ^ ^ tors to orgB the farmer* to atndy ebU eottditioaa speeially thia. fall,'and to . plaat next apring neb oropa.ai wiH do best on their. ioU, .not putting every- thing iato wheat, aa baa been done -tbla year, aiaee next year.it wilV bo > e « ^ ' aary to.ahlp 'a mneb larger aqpply of - foodttottato tke;aHiia than tUa-^*uv He 4lao>dToe«tod faU plowing; whiob, lio said, wna refeogaiaod^ a mothod of ' Billing iaeraaaod pn^netio&. .. j ' m y Bnttor la a ib I ' Th» food md^niatratot^ «xp!aisod I .that the. preaent high priee of b n ^ i wna due to the aeardty of foed for < oows, thni compelling many dairyxnen i to oail their cattla for beef. The adr i i^nittntor had, theroforo, permitted a t .'rnlae in tbo price of butterfat to ea- c ' - «i>ursge. tbe d^Orynen to' retain tbelr . COWK i G .lliis ■ . ^ i , ---------- - b J; W. Thorny of Gooding Sue- «< ceeSs Si p. Taylor at Helm a of Comtnittee < ' tl . J. \y. Tbomaa, 'of Ooodlog, ia the ff chainnan. of the Bdpublican aWte eoo* tl tral eotamittfce,'choaen -af a meeting aj BoUo Priday ot tafc-commlttoe to tl i.ueeeod8.- D.'Taylot, whoae roilgnation B wU aeeeptad: Thoinaa ta a well known F »o\thera IdaKo Uu^bf aod pMddant n< ofjthe «rat National .hank at-;aood- M e eommittee'alao aeeoptad tbe r ^ tt 5<fatlon of W. W. VonCannon, Bopob- fc Iteaa w dldata for aoeeretaiy ot' atato. « nod named B. O: ^Jbnba of'T :eU w oa re th* tiekat In Wa atead. Jonoa wac a h« candidate fonr yom«-ag<^.-fw t h o ^ tl. poliUeaa nomlnaUojj fflr npt^UVr« in eongreea anj wiu defoatedja^.t^at of time V ^ M. MeCraakaiu He ' wa* a e c r e ^ ; to u the Into-Beaator-Jamoa t t B r ^ , cBd th «aa manager ior Jodga JMsea F..,Au. mi able, in the laat primary , eampaiga. ^ MAN ISHELOPDR* ^ rjiiiAi:=i%u. s: « .■ ' y T w itnaMiW. _ ■; ^ rtrtTik litwtBPa, » "b, t li' ^ 5— J X p p ^ 'p«yetv Jii ; "Womon’i W ar W«>* Iftr'o. <•«„ ot cutmutt o( wmW.b«riUtlU>la rotntlojja'la'./pajwbitVfbrp^ bmaur-.nomotk »a 'deipanmontv eontra tomnitueiyt-iMmoottnf'hno Skiaxiij W 'O * -tha.projpam' of’r.aoUrttiai >rgaja*atloa;09tUBad.'at-:Uai •: >ThWw<uiaao^tioBa 'of. tbo eoiral^ ^;-^^N:bi;iaVar.;of tlio fbU e^ unflort^^.::;}^ r .-: “ .-•JAn'ijW^rnimt^iboking^ towarf-ai pEoiiV.^li.e^;for / o M a hooia of > «af o r tiro- daya aabb wbok,--3 »lnsra eonatrj ,woman\u|i|get>oa»‘prleoa:and piab ter»v.piedaet%, aad wbaa woaoa/eaa t{etv;tbO:tbert;;aad <f»«abait f n d t ttaga .via. :',b«tober^ .8peaker'tb^boiiha'.atata.ponltty export -Thia la .with a view to'eaeonraging tb« ralaisg;bf mora pwltry. aad prodcelag mora ogga’tb help ont oa m eat '( . .Caanaiy. eieoralon fb Wendoll to' seo bow it la ran, and if It ia praetleal and |WBl^p«t4n:Twla Staa cooaty. I' r.M pa to bo4iaa tb iw o 'l^ r aaying aorlcba^in t i a f c '' •• -Meetlnga for work or-for taika on mado-OTer-elothiag, ehildroB's elotbea^ ora}ong any llnb eipoelally.wanted. .Cteb^ratlon with tbo eotmty dlroetora In. child wolfarb work. •. - ' ' Workiag with-oeboola tb tiy the.bbt loaeb,-ebaaUting naoally of ^ otia hot Uah, aa aopp,.eo«oa or baked potatoea,' midUfartat dayi, to bo eatea ^with' laadwlebeo- brotight' from : home. . QWNER8 0 F P 0 0 L t HALL JN TOILS probation (glider Ohargea Lpum .Blahagera Witb /ui«iiaWe»=or. , A -’warrant for- tho arreat of Bao^ {eyoor;ic:aado]?etor .Qolla&d of tbo ^nvw.^pool, hall. ii;..tbe.:^m eat-o( he, Bangb'bonahig.^'oii m■miadflm'BaaOr harge, of 'permitting ^ b r a tb loiter Q AOd.arouafil tho, eatalillahi^onti waa wue^^^ Monday aftomoon by ftobate ndgO'O; P/Duvnll npbh complaint ofi 'robatJon OfHecr Jp>a «. A ult .- Thi • ilnora in tjaestlon, Who ara boya. of he ORO or 17 and 18 yeara, have been rrcNteil upon wniranta charging tVam •ith violation -of the law prohibiting ■ ilnora from frequobtlng plaeea of thia liaraeter. WLDSUFFRAGE A VITAL ISSUE ■{tnghters of Axaerloan Bevpln- < tioif Disagree W ith Feder- \ ation Read . t ' : < Memben of the Dangbtora of tho I merican Bevolntlon of Twin . P«1J b j iTO gon® on record aa oppoalng the , Btemcnt'ereditod by the Chriatiaa Set- : ieo Monitor, Boeton, to Mra. M.' J. " veeJoy of Twin Palla, prealdeat of .tho ate Federation, of Wnmen’a clnba. aa f now,! . I Mra. Sweeley expraaaed , 0 opinion of the BepobUcan women nerally in her reply to a portion of . e clnV women of northern Idaho who ' ked advice eoaeeming what advleo ; cy ahonld take. regarding Senator w irah; She mya, "Aapreaideat of,tho ® ‘deration of Women’a clubi, I can- ‘ t mingle la poUUca, but aa a Bepub- ® an I .would atnmp the irtate for Sea- f 3r Borah before I would ae«, Mm do- ' it«d. becanae of hia refnaal to Toto ^ r. wom:aa..aaffmf«r-Aa womea wo mot afford tb be 00. narrow aa to dia- ^ {ard the greatn'eaa bf b man becanae hM not .agreed with na en oaa pai^ uUr." . . \ etunmunleatlon from tho Danghten J the American .Berolntlon of Twin j Ua aaT^ '^Weywlah to. go oa raeord ^ oppo^'the'aentl^ta oxpreaaed by _ i.preaideal of tGo-Sederatian of Wo- ^ a 'a Olnba- ef' Idabo in the. Chriatlan ^ enea icbaitor a t September 10, whaa ^ t «6it«a that; ttie women , af Uabo ^ i^too Ug to appoae ao ^ e a t ^ a u a aa l a t b r ^ ^ for k^^d^aagreemeat with „ m-'e« the anbjoet of-.a'a Gnaaa BT N ^OfDarx*wadm«at> ibe federal eoa'- artioa. Bather do 'we>opo th it the BMa of ldaho wUl pat behlad.tbem ' ■tatf imbeaia favor of tbia C ^aa. % uL iaoa whieb.la'aaeeaaaiy lo.eom> ' t» <J»\d*»ecney af'w 'eooB ^^ MUBUla, ebia^ Wl the afca'leage.af the BalvsilsB 8a mr.'wn faad drfrt ia M a M b « sty, baa' awigNa.tba plaea"of repi A i^atlve fbr the flalratte Aimy m Bi 'diatriet boazA^Sa tto « 0iAV w ltii m r A ea drive la ihvMiJw:. Iha flp-'M if i i t la mada. by. B w if ki I Chairman H. R. Grant Repoitt I oh Results of Drive Ttiroui^ (Soi*;boMyjfbr :; ^Soldiers at Front ■ - ■,Loab than ,«800,Tfe^na to be «»b acribod to. paie Tirtn F bUO.eonnty 0T« ttb tbp;wUh'n»nr^ to 'ita '^ Salfation}AnBy.war fmi3,.aecordltt£:;ti the'ntatembat of:Oobiity dtairam a'a B.'OTant, ^o.haa giv* ont the.fignra bb'& e. ^rive rbanlta. ao far aa tbe] Imvb beeaCve^irted, iKow^g'.tbai tu Hotel vOoUoetlbaa . to d ^ ' aawont %( i|8,89&ej|.’ .)Tlie. <taota fotf;tbe a«aaty li BbU reporti'«bBtHbatl0a« .U the. approximate anta o< $1,00QL .-vriUdk are- aot iaehided in. Mr, Ontat'a re- port. Twin lUIa exoeeded it* qaota fli the bpening day of the .^ v a ; Bepteni- bor/18.' b r 1700.'' Member' of'tbo -BUca* lodge 'throngbont the .conaty: k s y a :b ^ ehatge ct the-drive' under, cUreotfen'«f ibe ehjUrman..' Ohainaas O m t atatei thai fnrther deahtlona tb .mako np-tho quota may be made to, blawtU or tb aay.BUc . . la. addition to the figorea glvea loir, ahowiag the qnotaa aad .anbaerip^ tloas'foe e a ^ dUtriet .wltU^' tlie coun- ty, the tfiairaan aekab^edgea coat^* butioa' of 'Mff’coUeetod-^ 'ibo'BaSva^ tioa AzmySw'foad.'a^ tb hla -office ’^ the ’Preabytbriaa^ebni^ at'KoMantYlaw:..' , •-;!'• ~ Ito^'a.r. Twin FaUa — - PUer ___ ________ 824.78 •: ' 88fl.W Berger ---------- - . «9v46 . 91^ HoUiater ___15088 * 168JS0 j Bogeraon 90M Kimberly ___ 878.89 S3&0Q EaaMO ------ 867.28 135.00 Blckbl'--:_______ .47.84 Murtaugh -184,88. . ' 56.00 New Bttling BemoVea $2^600 - TW tiTitwiwTn Building U m it, Obairman la Adrlsed (Special to tbe Kewt) B0iaB,.0et.'6.—Thera eaa bo nb new lonatraetion ol any kind inespoetlve if coit in thia atate exeept new farm mUdluga where the aggregate eoat la inder' 81,000. : The minnmtm limit of [3,800 heretofore eatabUabed haa van- ■bed, advleea received t>y tbe atate >oard deaigaated'to take. eharge of be .peiinlta, of wWch b. 'O. la halnnan,'haa been advlaed. Thia board u not aa yet held ite orga^aatlon J loeting, al'thoogh It met,formally the ^ ther day and after tnking up the mat- • er of eonttruellon of two email lehool * nUdinga; in' BWne county; nuthoriaed | hat pennlta'be granted. ; Under themllng of the wnr 'indnat- J Hea board, abeblnte^y no nnw conitrQC. 1 inn work ean be Uken^ up In cltlea, jwna nml vUlagca wUhont. a permit t olpit’ flrat •aecured; Building .oper*- r Tons arb therefore deflnitelj lanapend- i 1. The mlnltnnm o f 8S,5Q0. appUee.Ll niy to'repaint aid extenaiona. That t I to «ay tbat If U waa awlrod-to make Y imiini and oxtenaiona to a buUdlng t lie conld be done without flrat aeenr- ig a permit'and the.-partioa. ao do- „ ring thla work cot»ld make aneh te- f lira np to 82,1500. However, in' the „ toe of ereetlog a new building of any „ nd. that U ImpoaalWe withont a per- j] it ttelag fln t aeenrod. Beau e o ^ - 0* b»-«si«tert nn thU point TJadar , le expIanaUoa origiutiflir fromrthe ar laflnitriea-board-at-WeaWagtoa.(J wiU be Impoaalble la tbe-fntura to, •ni'ereet a garage or a-eblekea w [thia<belimltaefaeltyortowA.ii^- „ « » pem it ' . ' V I^ODIST.HlNlSTEflS T b EXCHAflBE PULPfTS a ir^' i o M r CUB m ik <M tt T m '' ' yi B,T.SIniranitXjttb, PMW ot tlia W n t «I,ttodM .to k of H" > ta u lm . Jrt. 3 r MOMtfor b at •« lU i»W-1» SM ra ij. M KTattonce gp' l^i'.«Jioldbra-.^;;itfw;\a^^ i tlon of 0 S»: ,Couoty .* 1 il^i; J W . o. o<w ! illvod- ttiniiomr airralo« ct ptli ’ Alp, to tu . ;«!»»•:' ,ThI«,trapM« ! llT-eint«Ui O tln iM aonmni.pia r tka .'inboud «iia:> « ^tnw ■«», “ bo^ m J »«mlod *7»toi,;««J^ e k e ^ -tbe 'movambBt.- It ia np«te< ' tba^' aomo tenMim havo bbione pas- SS.*>a ^ tie lioiam TrtU \ hirt ..Ultlo p*tli««o,.irli»l ^ ^ , b>- (oowd. M i t i . M Pri«» »ni ,b« [ wiart;«>? «»tqt MABI^BSWILL ACCEPT YOUTHS ,■Anthority to aeeept .for enljitment in. tba marine, eorpa, .appUcanta who have reaehed tho a ^ ot 18 yean^nee tbo date., o/'t ihe laat'aoleotlve aerviee feglattation, September 18, bw ^ to- (iived by Sergeaat .’B. T. .Aahby,' ln charge of. the loeal marlno corpa re- i n i i ^ ataUoB. .. . , ' , PIONEER BACK ; : ON VISIT HERE T>3. Banoh, .Located aea Townalto, Boortil f o ^ V Arisoiia'Projeoi V >• ■ ■; ^^g ^n o h , Vho^arrived at'. bora eLturday tw'ui-thi'boBie in Mj^eaain, Ariaona,,for aa extendti^ I viait iU the home of their .daughter, Mr*. P. T; Kenely- Jtr, Baneh; who located the Hanaen townalto, atatea that in Aritona, ho haa enterod, again j inlo a vir^B torritoty, where'ha expecta the immediate futura to bring forth de- velopment parallolUng that of the TMa falla bountr}-. He bna boon abaent frbm Twin PaUa for aix yeara, having lived befora. going 'tb' Atiaonn, in ' Bonthetn Callforaia for nearly five yeara. • Local Newspaper . Is inNeiv Hands I Senator Bobert H. BtereaaoB of Wai- | Takea Over Ohroolcle PlAst i .^oonaeoment waa made tkla morn- ing that a deal had been eloaed where- by SeiuUor B o t ^ H . Btevenaes'' bf Wallace beeomea' the ' bwnor cf the Twin Palla Ghroniele. . Senator Stevea- lon ia widely known inr newapaper cir- clea ia-Idaho. Aa editor flrat ef the Sobdiag ^brald, later of tbe CkMding Leader, and atUI later of the Wallaee Praaa-Timaa- - . .The new owner bf the Chranlcle aald ( :hlt'momlng: ■“ There' wiU bo.no lm- j ttedtate ebangoa \n tbo pbyaleal plant , r Save bonght 1 will endeavor toji brighten -and 'atrengtben th^, paper, rhleh wfll be Demoez^te lii pbUtica, \ mt not a political hack for any fac-^ ion.**' J The paper win oppoae the abeorptioaH rf Che Demoeratie party by ontride In- 1 Inftieea. a«bordinc to the aUtnaaata f'tCr. S te v e s ^ Thia la.takea to t tvew tbat it win esergetieatty oppoae t ha'Vonpartiaas loBgni. eandidatea. t lir,, Dorefy, who haa. owned ^ ^ [abbd- Tho 'Chroniele ilnee »08, win » eaUn in the dty fbr the J»»Nat, oting bia time to tha Fatxitttie.WgBa, r f Mdeb ^e la the aeerat^ ... . . VbRKOHPUNSFOR TEftCHERS IH S T im E * nriud Oontr »0P«tmiiJ*l* *r- K mUw rf lnifnioto b ■Hri 0 .'bi«, injp«lttt.a4.rt^T*rti tt BU.' itlooli, »»d' ^ tt 'OU, c m O j ol . * • » «!• lOo. .1 rli.T w ta MU. M0.17 « »ha.-1irl>. told W rfot^lw ^ u ttb j 1; sipns r - J i - -, rZ>elegateafrem all bTor.Idahe;«zoepj ; apomon ef tbeiBortbread ottbo ilBta w wbieh ia 'inelnded .iB aaolber. dlriidb^ . arrived Jiere: Tneaday ■aftetBote: to at- , tend the aeaaioBa. ef-tte i^Bod of the . Idaho, l^reabyteriaa obvreb, be^aalai I Tneadfky OTOBlBg and elobiBg n s n d a x . evening. .• , I’ At the meeting Taeada$r eveaipg tta t following n o d ic a l effieeii vrara. eleet* . od:. JCoderator;,.8ev. M t^^ t Boiae; atated oler^.Dr. O. W.'Bm ^ Boise; permaaeni eler^ Ber. W. f& W im *n.,M . D.Vtemporaiy ejbrk,. Elder O. T. Hawk,*Caldwen. ' , . . , _l>r.<Eogh W. BanUn bf fbeateBo, f«r^ many-.yeara snperintendentiof ^ day. aebool miasions. in Idaho. aetedSM priding ,^cer. , .; ';..^'v. a .o . Babbldgo^ of :tta H ^ to n and Sdaa obnrehea, praaebed the opening aermon ia the-plaee aC the Bov. Wayne a Bnoddyj. wbo cently r e ^ e d bia -field .at Bm W to aeeept a ‘eaU to 'the PreafcyUriaB ehureh of Moeeow. .Sr.->Babbldg» apoke on- '<Oqr..Dn^: to O U uta,'*^ whieb be dted Inataaees of: negloetad' fields and ladividnals a* wan. ^ \ |Tiie‘ Ber. Weatoa T, Jehm n of 'Chb lfbrnia, 't ^ v e yeaka a miarioBary: e t [the Preabyterisn ehnit^ in Ja|HUi, gave' ^.an' intereating aeconnt of Japaneae lllfe, morals and needs. 'H e made a latrang appeal for a better adarstaad- Ing l>etween the Un)tbd.^ fStotee aad iJ^an, and ahowed el^^<M .aM araI jlo^-e -whleb tbe-' J a p a s e e e f o r ! America. Thto fetflag dates-buk vi» Ithe time of tte o p o n l n r : ^ ' t o the world tbratt^.tte'^e,w ork G O O N U lin s: : ON s ip iiE Directs 0it7. Attorney to Draft ‘ Ordinance Embodying a 'Ucenae Fee ' ^ ' The Twin Fall*' olty. eonncll. poaea te aUow. Itself, a m eanre .of dia* eretlbna^ p<mr In the gran^g of permita rbf, performaneeS'herb-of elr- ensea, atreet ahoirs « a ^ n d s 'afad.ptbtr nmnsement..eotbrprises eoming; wider the jnrisdletions of ' the eity;^inlnia- tr^tion. Witt - this end . in Tlei^ tbe Eonndl at its meeting Menday.'nlgbt, Inatriietod <«y Attorney 'Jebn' B, ’ [>aTiee to draft- aa 'ordiaane^'^embody- Ing in it an. Ineraaaed . .sehednle of ] ileenae fees and proving ..that ..tte. terma ahall be mad^ elastie enongh so that- tto eonneU'may-exetelse.its'disr ‘ration in tte issnanee of 'pomita' te lurh entetprises. ' , Labon Wtet Balsa:". The eonneU. at thla meeUng also t :abled . for. fnrtter . eonalderatiea a < ^tition of. the. la^rara. to tte .employ- , nent of tte;elty naldng for an inereaao; , Mw nj^ of'from $3.60 to #4.00 per day. x Tho report of City Bnglneer S. T. ^ icTg, estimating the cost- of tte pro- j ) 0M<1 trunk line aewer to aerve tte i rones, Aabton, Bhie Lakea, Oolden t lule, New Sehool, Moorman and De iOng additions, at $8(^0, was filed. v WAcuta were^ ordered'ilrcini.bi'!^ ^ otal anot of 817,£37JW.ut paymaatof i. ho flftt laatallmeat oa eontraeta fc^ ^ renehing aad snpplylBf -of^.J^ood ~ tevb pipe for tte'mnnldpal mtar> * rorks impreveaoat work.. . . jj iONATED w ok Ofr . HANDS'tb RED CROSS ' ------ n t PtaiiNr OaUbat Mbkar^ , Olifbi BaaatUA‘«ttia,fbr Wte 7 . -Saiiair'r^.' - •• __ -.M.' r - , Pl M. a F^'^0a^\eabinet iiiUw ' H .'bdOder ef .Xwia Vkaa, bas alaeed -. r^ispl^ ia"tKe vistdeM bf tlie 'k ^ v tie.pbanaacyi * table .««iek ha Im dli >astn«M;:to b H '^ > jr tk a - w ^ ^ ' tkat,We>>e¥il liiTff fbr tka bwiAi S : the B ^ I W : The tttle tap is Pi l’ '|^SiSlnCi : Pmg ta O aieV ,*^ ll ‘Th.t 'Mrt; Moy' laa, who-was dlaebvared-'fttiny';*rBgt?,Si^ , B«1 ■Pridajr alght In a baTB'OB tbb;irtn^V'^/, Is ty. fafr grounds at'PilerJ^eaBOJW'lie^'^VjS death, sa-a remit of mbrpbisi polfo^'^ f|. itig.>aa the verdict i^turnejl-MbBaiSii^S afternoon .by ttb ju^, emp«inalW,W/ V 5-' Coraner 0. J.' Croaby; at, an. toqneat’toV ' Inqnira' into tte ■eireomataneee ti sar^' -i-, ' ra.nnding her death.^ The.ma^ns y m C . takeniMonday evonftig to Meridiaa W.vl4;Toung, boabaadof the dead-wea* ; P» an, ,;who badfJeft ber tbera :tjro^.wsiJ»“iw . ^ before-.io go ;to Kpayon, Idabo^fWbife,' >• st, he aaidy. hot 'wtm-’to, take. e b a ^ of. au itr atore owned, by,JiU fatter, aBd>^bar*\. ;,> ^ hoi'atpoetod.to.ba'jolBbd by Us.wifev « snd..,their. fiTO,yea^oia.;dangM «r.>- 10 ;(^p.'''^'^bny'';of*'i^ t. cook b i^ ^ b d ;on: the. riUr groaads, i raer,>W;hrt;,p^d0jtJ»a.ae0^ tta,,waa. found drqggedi'',^:-,whb,lad '• il.nink .frani' .thV^b^eXtentaia^ . ' dniggbd UOToir;v'»w,,latrc^iiie^ ^ inquest, :,1ao; was unable to sb'bd^aay - i .' - Ught'on\where‘ Jfct'-’Vbnni’ailgbi'.b^ obtalabd tte. llqpbr er 'poisoB'.V';:^'^^.''!'-i peared'.-tb-'be'- deeply'la'dved-'-.’by'.'tbe''-i''r.''V \ ■ Bheriff•P. M. E e n d a l iW r i i la t e d blaT^^'.^^^^ ' oM^al' eenBeetibB ^^tb?tt>:bU s>'^ vrV:: ^ toW^ of ^'nnlfieeasaful 'I'effflrta ; part-ofblsf*ee-te,’4»iei!8b;ir,oufw:cC';t^^ ’ chalet,' I. .Ir ot: th»l«oiU iit.''ofttl»jJ«^¥^iK^hK mw, »ko.<^d ,4 M li T o% ;ai W. Pi OTU of. TwIi »Iii'TO;«tfUil.¥rW S S iipoi ioi»qil.l.'.th./itfiot‘W ^W I» > klnil, ' th.I>:oplnloii ‘ th.;dnth'of < W pm loriUii; " ^ E S t:l8E 84b^^ P mornliMi:::np6n;.ttW;bpiitteiftbJt«ciVJi? saane|S..;Df:>v-^t.’irf.t;hahwhi made by'AttbrneySH. a-A)iel.for'S«»r lel' Teung, 10 'year^bld•:soa^bf Tounft keeper oftteton-honse if Blner' ; = ISktfa, who waa aontei^-: last .week' by. Prabato Judge 0, ,I\\ Dttv^;:^^V.Vl, aerve a^tem aa a'.javbnlla^deUiiqtteBt v' Kn-the atate'.inauatrial.aohbbl a t 'St. j ^ '^ thony. The matter has'beenj,t^en na*; "-'S'* der advlsbinent by. the conrt . ■> : . EIJMgl ; L oM l,B p^ ;to ,,C l^ l^ jllte^ -i but ot'Turn!ptily'iB '■■'■1 Special C ^ The loeal boaM has received initrae- tloaa from Proroet ■ Marshal 'Oeaeral' ' .^.; Crowdor direeting It to-elaalrify aBd ex- uniae out'of turn on1y'regiatranta,>of . aU agea, to determine tte statos of « . registrant in ordrr'thai tte'army may - consider Mm for a comndlslbn, or la or-. der that certain reglsttmnts nUy- be - temporarily inducted-at-tte reqnest;*f '* tte army, navy or marine eorpfc — , ' - When in q t^ 'ia made'bf the leeal ' •' 'V board, for information ooneemlag in- - :;‘n dlvidnal-indnetien'nf regiatraata, tte « loeal board-is advlsed^te-diiee*-&^ era-.to write not to tte jm o st mMSial ' gea.eraL bnt to a p ^ dixast to ^ eUef - - nfeoips br^i^M taeatof'tta azmyi'to ; tte mobiliatien diviriea^ -'btiM ief s. aaiHgation,‘navy de#Mrb*ii^..:*ile ' > ' i..‘ baaditnarteneflbaaaria»^ee»»%)4»at‘ v : Wa^gten, p.‘q„ a»^^<^mayjbs. - '- DISCUSES WOfjK FOR I-1 r ; oisA6t:Eo^i.piE]is . ; ^ Bad.Orai^.'«ifh^ ^JJ -ftfML-j '"J '^■‘^ Y '^ ^ r b jif a r tW /a a B ^ ^ n l

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Page 1: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

Tv' 'V I ^ M i i i l l l & \ l l t K [ t i E D A'i'

{“S I mi i B u iMministrators"for ilostCoun-

ties'Assemble in Boise to ; Confer on Situation' l^ronHhfl 1 Consumers and Producers^

t« n »dtie«d:tli«'n#xlaiQB\piiea:e^ s . l ^ m aee t t e . iU fo t to 9

' ce n u V h o lM ito i^ .lO^ rapm d, aiad ri»eoinBwad»d;U'ipor«Me

’ , ^ t a p o r to a 'to ih R B m if r R ^ 'b e e t i in4U og i p Hm of *18 pw toa, « t |Adr,

: ttM tiftf ><aa iii tbo to d n ^ oomntneau

: ' i fA t 't l io BonUaff miM tlb£,'«trs' th i Id iho 6 to tu n i^ 8 t^ . , lV M > ^ ^ A d > ^ in to r BUkaoU ootilaod tba mbioots-oB :

• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^oV ^ l o in o d tba t the 2918 wb^at o n p U d I' boon ao huge th a t-I t w u d lffiealt. to . . tparket, aiA ifor tba t naaoa aa'embargo

.. had been, pUeod oa tbo ;(rb e a t .^ ; td a ^ »n<l eoJM oth«T we«t«m ;atat^ ! tDSiffi a

. few daya ag i.' • ; ,•■; u itM t mW m ▼•tfni*/ .<f Thero bad already boea 8000 ea n ia

istttn 'oi laat 7«ar wod ia aUppIag tbla wlieat, bat he waa now-glad to aaaooneo the embargo llftod oadw tho “permit lyateiu All th a t ia aseenary ia oitdn

■ t4> ship a ear.of.-Wheat from now'OB l i i iror the loeal raUroad ageat to wiro the . {frill r»‘ control eonuaiadoa; W -rB ano

rtreftt ataUooy OhlMsgbj“a a d ^ o p « n ^. win -bo ■ w tom od’ b y ‘wire. . W heat « t• tho preseat time, ho ^ d , w ;m b v ln g

With eoa^deiittble VoTtime.; ' '-Big Ofopi for. V o x t'T c tt

Mr. BlekneU a^ e d .' the a d n d ^ ^ tors to orgB the farmer* to atndy ebU eottditioaa speeially thia. fa ll, 'a n d to

. p laat next apring n e b oropa.ai wiH do best on their. ioU, .not putting every­thing iato wheat, aa baa been done -tbla year, aiaee next yea r.it wilV bo > e « ^

' aary to.ahlp 'a mneb larger aqpply of- foodtto tta to tke;aHiia than tUa-^*uv

He 4lao>dToe«tod faU plowing; whiob,• lio said, wna refeogaiaod^ a mothod of ' Billing iaeraaaod pn^netio& . .. j

' m y Bnttor la a i b I ' T h » food md^niatratot^ «xp!aisod I

.that the. preaent high priee of b n ^ i wna due to the aeardty of foed for < oows, thni compelling many dairyxnen i to oail their cattla for beef. The adr i i^ n it tn to r had, theroforo, permitted a t

.'rnlae in tbo price of butterfat to ea- c ' - «i>ursge. tbe d^Orynen to' retain tbelr .


G. l l i i s ■. i

, ---------- - bJ; W. Thorny of Gooding Sue- «<

ceeSs Si p . Taylor a t Helm a of Comtnittee <•

' ‘ tl. J . \y. Tbomaa, 'of Ooodlog, ia the ffchainnan. of the Bdpublican aWte eoo* tltral eotamittfce,'choaen -af a meeting aj

BoUo Priday o t tafc-commlttoe to tli.ueeeod8.- D.'Taylot, whoae roilgnation BwU aeeeptad: Thoinaa ta a well known F»o\thera IdaKo U u^bf aod pMddant n< ofjthe « r a t National .hank at-;aood-

M e eommittee'alao aeeoptad tbe r ^ tt 5<fatlon of W . W. VonCannon, Bopob- fc Iteaa w d ld a ta for aoeeretaiy o t' atato. « nod named B. O: ^Jbnba o f 'T :e U w oa re th* tiekat In Wa atead. Jonoa w ac a h« candidate fonr yom«-ag<^.-fw t h o ^ tl. poliUeaa nomlnaUojj fflr n p t ^ U V r « in eongreea a n j wiu defoatedja^.t^at of time V ^ M. MeCraakaiu He ' wa* a e c r e ^ ; to u the Into-Beaator-Jamoa t t B r ^ , cBd th «aa manager io r Jodga JMsea F..,Au. miable, in the laa t primary , eampaiga. ^

MAN ISHELO PD R* ^ r jiiiA i:= i% u . s : «

.■' yT w itnaMiW. _ ■; ^

rtrtTik litw tB Pa, »"b , t

li ' 5—J Xp p ^ 'p « y e tvJii ;

"Womon’i W ar W«>*

I f t r 'o . <•«„ ot c u t m u t to( wmW.b«riUtlU>larotntlo jja 'la './pajw bitV fbrp^

bmaur-.nomotk »a 'deipanmontv eontra tom nitueiyt-iM m oottnf'hno Skiaxiij

W 'O * -tha.projpam' o f’r.aoUrttiai >rgaja*atloa;09tUBad.'at-:Uai

•: >ThWw<uiaao^tioBa 'of. tbo eoiral^ ^ ; - ^ ^ N :b i ; i a V a r . ;o f tlio f b U e ^ u n f lo r t^ ^ .: : ;} ^ r .-: “.-•J An'ijW ^rnim t^iboking^ to w arf-a i pEoiiV.^li.e^;for / o M a hooia o f > «af o r tiro- daya aabb wbok,--3»lnsra eonatrj

,woman\u|i|get>oa»‘prleoa:and piab ter»v.piedaet%, aad w b a a w oaoa/eaa t{etv;tbO:tbert;;aad <f»«abait f n d t

“ “ ttaga .via. :',b«tober^ .8peaker'tb^boiiha'.atata.ponltty export -Thia la .with a view to'eaeonraging tb« ralaisg;bf mora pw ltry. aad prodcelag mora ogga’tb help ont oa m eat '( . .Caanaiy. eieoralon fb Wendoll to' seo bow it la ran, and i f I t ia praetleal and |W B l^p«t4n:Tw la S ta a cooaty. I' r .M p a to bo4iaa tb i w o ' l ^ r aaying aorlcba^in t i a f c ' ' •• •-Meetlnga for work o r-fo r taika on

mado-OTer-elothiag, ehildroB's elotbea^ ora}ong any llnb eipoelally.wanted.

.Cteb^ratlon with tbo eotmty dlroetora In. child wolfarb work. •. - '' Workiag with-oeboola tb t iy the.bbt

loaeb,-ebaaUting naoally of otia hot Uah, aa aopp,.eo«oa or baked potatoea,' m idU fartat dayi, to bo eatea ^with' laadwlebeo- brotight' from : home. .


p ro b a tio n ( g l id e r O h a rg e a L p u m .B la h a g e ra W i tb / u i « i i a W e » = o r . ,

A -’warrant for- tho arreat of Bao {eyoor;ic:aado]?etor .Qolla&d of tbo ^nvw.^pool, hall. i i ; . . tb e . :^ m e a t - o ( he, Bangb'bonahig.^'oii m ■miadflm'BaaOr harge, of 'permitting ^ b r a tb loiter Q AOd. arouafil tho , eatalillahi^onti waa wue^^ Monday aftomoon by ftobate ndgO'O; P/Duvnll npbh complaint ofi 'robatJon OfHecr Jp>a « . A u lt .- T h i • ilnora in tjaestlon, Who ara boya. of he ORO or 17 and 18 yeara, have been rrcNteil upon wniranta charging tVam •ith violation -of the law prohibiting ■ ilnora from frequobtlng plaeea of thia liaraeter.


■{tnghters o f A x a erlo an B e v p ln - < tio if D isa g re e W i th F e d e r - \

a t io n R e a d . t' : <Memben of the Dangbtora of tho Imerican Bevolntlon of Twin . P«1Jb jiTO gon® on record aa oppoalng the ,Btemcnt'ereditod by the Chriatiaa Set- :ieo Monitor, Boeton, to Mra. M .' J . " veeJoy of Twin Palla, prealdeat of .thoate Federation, of Wnmen’a clnba. aa fnow,! . IMra. Sweeley • • • expraaaed ,0 opinion of the BepobUcan women nerally in her reply to a portion of . e clnV women of northern Idaho who ' ked advice eoaeeming what advleo ; cy ahonld ta k e . regarding Senator w irah; She mya, "A apreaideat o f ,tho ® ‘deration of Women’a clubi, I can- ‘ t mingle la poUUca, but aa a Bepub- ® an I .would atnmp the irtate for Sea- f 3r Borah before I would ae«, Mm do- ' it«d. becanae of hia refnaal to Toto ^ r. wom:aa..aaffmf«r-Aa womea wo m ot afford tb be 00. narrow aa to dia- ^ {ard the greatn'eaa bf b man becanae hM not .agreed with na en oaa pai^

uU r." . .\ etunmunleatlon from tho D anghten J the American .Berolntlon of Twin j

Ua aaT^ '^Weywlah to. go oa raeord ^ o p p o ^ 't h e 'a e n t l^ t a oxpreaaed by _ i.preaideal of tGo-Sederatian of Wo- ^ a 'a Olnba- ef' Idabo in the. Chriatlan ^ enea icbaitor a t September 10, whaa ^ t «6it«a that; ttie women , a f Uabo ^ i too Ug to appoae ao ^ e a t ^ a u a aa l a t b r ^ ^ for k^^d^aagreemeat with „ m-'e« the anbjoet of-.a 'a Gnaaa BT N ^OfDarx*wadm«at> ibe federal eoa'- artioa. Bather do 'we>opo th i t the BMa of ldaho wUl pat behlad.tbem ' ■tatf imbeaia favor o f tbia C ^ a a . % u L ia o a whieb.la'aaeeaaaiy lo.eom> ' t» <J»\d*»ecney a f 'w 'e o o B ^ ^

M U B U la , e b i a ^ Wl the a f c a 'le a g e .a f the BalvsilsB 8a

mr.'wn faad d r f r t ia M a M b « s ty , baa' awigN a .tb a plaea"of repi A i^ a tlv e fbr the f la l r a t te Aimy m Bi 'd iatriet boazA^Sa t to « 0iA V w l t i i m r A e a drive la ihvM iJw :. I h a flp-'M i f i i t la mada. by. B w if k i

I Chairman H. R. G rant Repoitt

I oh Results of Drive T tiroui^

( S o i* ;b o M y jfb r : ; ^Soldiers a t Front ■

- ■ ,Loab than ,«800,Tfe^na to b e «»b acribod to. paie Tirtn F bUO .eonnty 0T« t tb tbp;wUh'n»nr^ t o ' i t a '^ Salfation}AnBy.war fmi3,.aecordltt£:;ti the'ntatembat of:Oobiity d ta ira m a 'aB.'OTant, ^ o .h a a g iv * ont the.fignra b b '& e . ^rive rbanlta. ao fa r aa tbe] Imvb beeaCve^irted, iK ow ^g'.tbai t u Hotel vOoUoetlbaa . to d ^ ' aawont %( i|8,89&ej|.’.)Tlie. <taota fotf;tbe a«aaty li

BbU reporti'«bBtHbatl0a« .U the. approximate anta o< $1,00QL .-vriUdk are- ao t iaehided in . Mr, O ntat'a re­port. Twin lU Ia exoeeded it* qaota fli th e bpening day of the .^ v a ; Bepteni- bor/18.' b r 1700.'' Member' of'tbo -BUca* lodge 'throngbont the .conaty: k s y a :b ^ ehatge ct the-drive' under, cUreotfen'«f ibe ehjUrman..' Ohainaas O m t ata te i tha i fnrther deahtlona tb .mako np-tho quota may be made to, blawtU or tb aay.BUc . .

l a . addition to th e figorea glvea loir, ahowiag the qnotaa aad .anbaerip^ tloas'foe e a ^ dUtriet .wltU^' tlie coun­ty , the tfiairaan aekab^edgea coat^* butioa' o f 'Mff’coU eetod-^ 'ibo'BaSva^ tioa A z m y S w 'fo a d .'a ^ tbhla -office ’ the ’ P reabytbriaa^ebni^ at'K oM antY law :..' , •-;!'•

~ Ito^'a.r. Twin FaUa — -P U e r___ ________ 824.78 •: ' 88fl.WB e rg e r---------- - . «9v46 . 9 1 ^HoUiater ___15088 * 168JS0 jBogeraon 90MK im berly___ 878.89 S3&0QEaaMO ------867.28 135.00Blckbl'--:_______ .47.84Murtaugh -184,88. . ' 56.00

New Bttling BemoVea $2^600 - TWtiTitwiwTn Building Umit,

Obairman la Adrlsed

(Special to tb e Kewt) B0iaB,.0et.'6.—Thera eaa bo nb new

lonatraetion ol any kind inespoetlve if coit in thia atate exeept new farm mUdluga where the aggregate eoat la inder' 81,000. : The minnmtm limit of [3,800 heretofore eatabUabed haa van- ■bed, advleea received t>y tbe atate >oard deaigaated'to ta k e . eharge of be .peiinlta, of wWch b . 'O . lahalnnan,'haa been advlaed. Thia board u not aa yet held i te orga^aatlon J loeting, al'thoogh It met,formally the ther day and after tnking up the mat- • er of eonttruellon of two email lehool * nUdinga; in' BWne county; nuthoriaed | hat pennlta'be granted. ;Under them llng o f the wnr 'indnat- J

Hea board, abeblnte^y no nnw conitrQC. 1 inn work ean be Uken^ up In cltlea, jwna nml vUlagca wUhont. a permit t olpit’ flrat •aecured; Building .oper*- r Tons arb therefore deflnitelj lanapend- i 1. The mlnltnnm o f 8S,5Q0. appUee.Ll niy to 'repaint aid extenaiona. That t I to «ay tbat If U waa awlrod-to make Y imiini and oxtenaiona to a buUdlng t lie conld be done without flra t aeenr- ig a perm it'and the.-partioa. ao do- „ ring thla work cot»ld make aneh te- f lira np to 82,1500. However, in' the „ toe of ereetlog a new building of any „ nd. th a t U ImpoaalWe withont a per- j] i t ttelag f l n t aeenrod. Beau e o ^ - 0* b»-«si«tert nn thU p o in t TJadar , le expIanaUoa origiutiflir from rthe ar laflnitriea-board-at-W eaW agtoa.(J wiU be Impoaalble la tbe-fntura to,

•ni'ereet a garage or a-eblekea w [ th ia < b e lim ltae fae lty o rto w A .ii^ - „ « » p e m i t ' . ' V


ir^' io M r CUB m i k < M t t T m

'' ' yiB ,T .S I n ir a n i tX j t tb , PM W ot tlia W n t « I,tto d M . t o k o f H"> t a u l m . J r t . 3r MOMtfor b 0 » a t •«lU i» W - 1 » S M r a ij. M

K T a tto n c e

gp 'l^ i ' .« J io ld b r a - .^ ; ; i t f w ; \ a ^ ^

i tlon of

0 S»: ,Couoty .*

1 i l ^ i ;J W . o . o<w! illv o d - tt in i io m r a i r r a lo « c t p t l i ’ Alp, to tu . ;«!»»•:' ,ThI«,trapM«! llT-eint«Ui O t l n i M a o n m n i .p i ar tka .'in b o u d «iia:> « tn w ■«», “

b o ^ m J »«m lod * 7 » t o i , ; « « J ^ e k e ^ -tbe 'movambBt.- I t ia np«te<

' tba^' aomo tenMim havo bbione pas-SS.*>a

■ ^ t i e lioiam TrtU\ h ir t ..U lt lo p*tli««o ,.irli» l ^ ^ , b>- (oowd. M i t i . M Pri«» »ni ,b« [ w iart;«> ? «»tqt


,■ Anthority to aeeept .for enljitment in. tba marine, eorpa, .appUcanta who have reaehed tho a ^ ot 18 yean^nee tbo date., o/'t ihe laat'aoleotlve aerviee feglattation, September 18, bw ^ to- (iived by Sergeaat .’B. T . .Aahby,' ln charge of . the loeal marlno corpa re- i n i i ^ ataUoB. .. . , ' ,

PIONEER BACK ; : ON VISIT HERET>3. B anoh, .Located

aea Tow nalto, B oortil f o ^V Arisoiia'ProjeoiV >• ■ ■;^ ^ g ^ n o h , Vho^arrived at'.

bora eLturday tw 'ui-thi'boBie in Mj^eaain, Ariaona,,for a a extendti^I viait iU the home of their .daughter, Mr*. P . T ; Kenely- J tr , Baneh; who located the Hanaen townalto, atatea that in Aritona, ho haa enterod, again j inlo a v ir^B torritoty, where'ha expecta the immediate futura to bring forth de­velopment parallolUng that of the TMa falla bountr}-. He bna boon abaent frbm Twin PaUa for aix yeara, having lived befora. going 'tb ' Atiaonn, in ' Bonthetn Callforaia for nearly five yeara. •

Local Newspaper . Is inNeiv Hands I

Senator Bobert H. BtereaaoB of Wai- | Takea Over Ohroolcle PlAst i

.^oonaeoment waa made tkla morn­ing tha t a deal had been eloaed where­by SeiuUor B o t ^ H . Btevenaes'' bf Wallace beeomea' the ' bwnor cf the Twin Palla Ghroniele. . Senator Stevea- lon ia widely known inr newapaper cir- clea ia-Idaho. Aa editor flrat ef the Sobdiag ^b ra ld , later o f tbe CkMding Leader, and atUI later of the Wallaee Praaa-Timaa- • - ..The new owner bf the Chranlcle aald (

:hlt'momlng: ■ “ There' wiU bo.no lm- j ttedtate ebangoa \n tbo pbyaleal plant , r Save bonght 1 will endeavor toji brighten -and 'atrengtben th^, paper, rhleh wfll be Demoez^te lii pbUtica, \ mt not a political hack for any fac-^ion.**' JThe paper win oppoae the abeorptioaH

rf Che Demoeratie party by ontride In- 1 Inftieea. a«bordinc to the aUtnaaata f'tCr. S t e v e s ^ Thia la.takea to t tvew tbat i t win esergetieatty oppoae t ha'Vonpartiaas loBgni. eandidatea. t lir,, Dorefy, who haa. owned ^

[abbd- Tho 'Chroniele ilnee »08, win » eaUn in the d ty fbr the J»»Nat, oting bia time to tha Fatxitttie.WgBa, r f Mdeb ^e la the a e e ra t^ . .. . .

V b R K O H P U N S F O R

T E ftC H E R S I H S T i m E *

n r i u d O o n t r » 0 P « tm iiJ* l* *r- K m Uw r f l n i f n io to b

■Hri 0 . 'b i« , in jp«lttt.a4 .rt^T *rti ttBU.' itlo o li, » » d ' ^ t t'OU, cm O j ol

. * • » «!• lO o . .1 r l i . T w t a M U . M0 .1 7 «»ha.-1 irl> . to ld W r f o t ^ l w ^ u

t t b

j 1; sipnsr - J i - -,

rZ>elegateafrem all bTor.Idahe;«zoepj ; a p o m o n ef tbeiBortbread o ttb o ilBta w wbieh ia 'inelnded .iB aaolber. dlriidb^ . arrived Jiere: Tneaday ■aftetBote: to at- , tend the aeaaioBa. e f - t t e i^Bod of the . Idaho, l^reabyteriaa obvreb, b e^ a a la i I Tneadfky OTOBlBg and elobiBg n s n d a x. evening. .• ,I ’ A t the meeting Taeada$r eveaipg t t at following n o d ic a l effieeii vrara. eleet* . od:. JCoderator;,.8ev. M t ^ ^t Boiae; atated oler^ .D r. O. W.'Bm ^

Boise; permaaeni e le r^ B er. W. f& W im *n.,M . D.Vtemporaiy ejbrk,. Elder O. T. Hawk,*Caldwen. ' , . . ,_l>r.<Eogh W. BanUn bf fbeateBo,

f«r many-.yeara snperintendentiof ^ day. aebool mi asions. in Idaho. aetedSM p r id in g , ^ c e r . , .;'; ..^ 'v . a . o . Babbldgo^ of : t taH ^ t o n and Sdaa obnrehea, praaebed the opening aermon ia the-plaee aC the Bov. Wayne a Bnoddyj. wbo cently r e ^ e d bia -field .at B m W to aeeept a ‘eaU to 'the PreafcyUriaB ehureh of Moeeow. .Sr.->Babbldg» apoke on- '<Oqr..Dn^: to O U u ta , '* ^ whieb be d te d Inataaees of: negloetad' fields and ladividnals a* wan. \

|Tiie‘ B er. Weatoa T, J e h m n of 'Chb lfbrnia, ' t ^ v e yeaka a miarioBary: e t

[the Preabyterisn ehnit^ in Ja|HUi, gave' ^.an' intereating aeconnt of Japaneae lllfe, morals and needs. 'H e made a latrang appeal fo r a better adarstaad- Ing l>etween the Un)tbd.^ fStotee aad

iJ ^ a n , and ahowed e l^ ^ < M .a M a ra I jlo^-e -whleb tbe-' J a p a s e e e f o r ! America. Thto fe tflag d a te s-b u k vi» Ithe time of t t e o p o n l n r : ^ ' t o the world tb ra t t^ . t te '^ e ,w o r k

G O O N U l i n s : :

ON s i p i i EDirects 0it7. Attorney to Draft ‘

Ordinance Embodying a'Ucenae Fee ' ^

' The Twin Fall*' olty. eonncll. poaea te aUow. Itself, a m eanre .of dia* eretlbna^ p<m r In the g ra n ^ g of permita rbf, performaneeS'herb-of elr- ensea, atreet ahoirs « a ^ n d s 'afad.ptbtr nmnsement..eotbrprises eoming; wider the jnrisdletions o f ' the e ity ;^ in ln ia- tr^tion. W itt - this end . in Tlei^ tbe Eonndl a t its meeting Menday.'nlgbt, Inatriietod <«y Attorney 'J e b n ' B, ’ [>aTiee to draft- a a 'ordiaane^'^embody- Ing in i t an. Ineraaaed . .sehednle of ] ileenae fees and p r o v in g ..th a t ..tte . terma ahall be mad^ elastie enongh so that- tto eonneU 'm ay-exetelse.its'disr ‘ration in t t e issnanee of 'pomita' te lurh entetprises. ' ,

L abon Wtet Balsa:".The eonneU. at thla meeUng also t

:abled . for. fnrtter . eonalderatiea a < ^tition of. the. la^rara. to tte .employ- , nent of tte;elty naldng for an inereaao; , M w nj^ of'from $3.60 to #4.00 per day. x Tho report of City Bnglneer S. T.

icTg, estimating the cost- of t te pro- j )0M<1 trunk line aewer to aerve t te i rones, Aabton, Bhie Lakea, Oolden t lule, New Sehool, Moorman and De iOng additions, at $8(^0, was filed. v WAcuta were ordered'ilrcini.bi'!^ ^

otal anot of 817,£37JW.ut paymaatof i. ho f lf tt laatallmeat oa eontraeta fc^ ^ renehing aad snpplylBf -of^.J^ood ~ tevb pipe for tte'mnnldpal mtar> * rorks impreveaoat work.. . . jj

iONATED w o k Ofr. H A N D S'tb RED CROSS

' ------ • nt P ta iiN r OaUbat Mbkar ,

Olifbi BaaatUA‘«ttia,fbr W te 7 . - S a i i a i r 'r ^ . ' -

•• __-.M.' r - , PlM. a F ^ '^ 0 a ^ \ e a b i n e t iiiU w ' H .'bdOder ef .Xwia Vkaa, bas alaeed -. r ^ i s p l ^ ia"tKe vistdeM bf tlie ' k ^ v tie.pbanaacyi * table .««iek ha Im dli >astn«M ;:to b H '^ > j r t k a - w ^ ^ ' tkat,We>>e¥il liiTff fb r tk a b w iA i S: the B ^ I W : The t t t l e tap is Pi

l’'|^SiSlnCi: Pm g ta O a ie V ,* ^

l l ‘Th.t 'Mrt; Moy'laa, who-was dlaebvared-'fttiny';*rBgt?,Si^

, B«1 ■Pridajr alght In a baTB'OB tbb;irtn^V'^/, Is ty. fafr grounds at'PilerJ^eaBOJW'lie^'^VjS

death, sa-a rem it of mbrpbisi polfo^'^ f | . itig.>aa the verdict i^turnejl-MbBaiSii^S

afternoon .by t t b j u ^ , em p«inalW ,W / V 5-' Coraner 0. J . ' Croaby; at, an. toqneat’ toV

' Inqnira' into t t e ■ eireomataneee ti sar^' -i-, ' ra.nnding her death.^ T he.m a^ns y m C

. takeniMonday evonftig to Meridiaa W.vl4;Toung, boabaadof the dead-wea* ;

P» an, ,;who badfJeft b e r tbera :tjro^.wsiJ»“iw . ^ before-.io go ;to Kpayon, Idabo^fWbife,' >• st, he aaidy. hot 'wtm-’ to, ta k e . e b a ^ of. a u itr atore owned, by,JiU fa tte r, aBd>^bar*\. ;,> ^ hoi'atpoetod.to.ba'jolBbd by U s.w ifev « snd..,their. f iT O ,y e a ^ o ia .;d a n g M « r .> -

10 ; ( ^ p . ' ' '^ '^ b n y '';o f * 'i^t . cook b i ^ ^ b d ;on: the. riUr groaads,i ra e r ,> W ;h r t ; ,p ^ d 0 j tJ » a .a e 0 ^

„ tta,,waa. found drqggedi'',^:-,w hb,lad '•il.nink .frani' . th V ^ b ^ e X te n ta ia ^ . ' dniggbd UOToir;v'»w,,latrc^iiie^

^ inquest, :,1ao; was unable to sb'bd^aay - i . '- Ught'on\where‘ Jfct'-’Vbnni’ailgbi'.b^

obtalabd tte. llqpbr er 'poisoB'.V ';:^'^^.''!'-i peared'.-tb-'be'- deeply'la'dved-'-.’by'.'tbe''-i''r.''V

\ ■ Bheriff•P. M. E e n d a liW riila te d blaT '. ^ ^' oM ^al' eenBeetibB ^ tb ? t t> :b U s > '^ vrV:: toW^ of 'nnlfieeasaful 'I'effflrta

; p a r t-o fb ls f* e e -te ,’4»iei!8b;ir,oufw:cC';t^^

’ ch a le t,'I. . I r o t : th » l« o iU ii t . ''o f t t l» jJ « ^ ¥ ^ iK ^ h K

m w , »k o .< ^d , 4 M li T o % ; a i W. Pi OTU of. Tw Ii » Iii 'T O ;« tfU il.¥ rW S

S iipoi io i» q il . l . '. th . / i t f io t ‘W ^ W I »> klnil,' th.I>:oplnloii ‘ th .;d n th 'o f

< W p m lo r iU ii ;

" ^ E S t : l 8 E

8 4 b ^ ^ PmornliMi:::np6n;.ttW;bpiitteiftbJt«ciVJi? saane|S..;D f:>v-^t.’irf.t;hahwhi made by'AttbrneySH. a - A ) ie l.fo r 'S « » r lel' Teung, 10 'year^bld•:soa^bf Tounft keeper o ftte to n -h o n se i f Blner' ; = ISktfa, who waa a o n te i^ - : last .week' by. Prabato Judge 0 , , I \ \ D ttv ^ ;:^^V .V l, aerve a^ tem aa a'.javbnlla^deUiiqtteBt v'

Kn-the atate'.inauatrial.aohbbl a t 'S t. j ^ '^ thony. The matter has'beenj,t^en na*; "-'S'* der advlsbinent by. the co n rt . ■ > : .

EIJM gl ;L o M l , B p ^ ; t o , , C l ^ l ^ j l l t e ^ - i

b u t o t 'T u r n ! p t i l y ' i B ' ■ ■ ' ■ 1

S p e c ia l C ^

The loeal boaM has received initrae- tloaa from Pro roet ■ Marshal 'Oeaeral' ' .^.;Crowdor direeting It to-elaalrify aBd ex- uniae o u t'o f turn on1y'regiatranta,>of . aU agea, to determine t t e statos of « . registrant in o rd rr'th a i tte 'a rm y may - consider Mm for a comndlslbn, or la o r - . der th a t certain reglsttmnts nUy- be - temporarily inducted-at-tte reqnest;*f '* t te army, navy or marine eorpfc — , ' -

When i n q t ^ ' i a m ade'bf the leeal ' •' 'V board, for information ooneemlag in- - :;‘n dlvidnal-indnetien'nf regiatraata, t t e « ■ loeal board-is ad v lsed ^ te -d iie e* -& ^ era-.to write not to t t e j m o s t mMSial ' gea.eraL bnt to a p ^ dixast to ^ eUef - - n feo ip s b r^ i^ M ta e a to f 't ta azmyi'to ; t t e m obiliatien diviriea^ - 'b t i M i e f s. aaiHgation,‘navy d e# M rb * ii^ ..:* ile ' > ' i..‘ baaditnarteneflbaaaria»^ee»»% )4»at‘ v : W a ^ g te n , p . ‘q„ a » ^ ^ < ^ m a y j b s . - '-

D I S C U S E S W O fjK F O R I - 1

r ; o i s A 6 t : E o ^ i . p i E ] i s . ;

^ B a d .O r a i ^ . '« i f h ^

^J J -ftfM L -j ' " J

' ■‘ Y '^ ^ r b j i f a r t W / a a B ^ ^ n l

Page 2: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

^ ^ ^ W m ^ n l N ' b l i k i d w ^

wbkb :tk«: i. R9>bont'. ttiu

•ftW itha 1 g ^ K i^ i^ B k /J .v t« n t f l , - p r o ^ ^

«f.tho .'0 BtTortI^ of •'Wallu • >‘ ^Te«S:.. M . in to ^ W ': •&&

Wi!;w>v:rf# -c< • *nBarta-il6^-m?iiAt

v^^WgfTiioli; e»fe-on-Tiie*d^^

j:j'.' r^* :| ;I^f!ii<i9ipj\'Liin>e;: ^ .d V .’i*tVien

'/>jft^ of'ftuB irto^aad‘'tiiab mfiy^dw vi:r‘.. f>'-’-;' tw abnnit' tfrr®anoitiAji*'pto»ldfla

’';(«Do1i ';a b ^ '- )^ ''i^/o '-'the .Vfflrtgroand.,-••

:> :v ': ■•Vpl*a' <mf‘t t * 'w

\'.. liH tt ■ !tli»i‘»l»ibniuaaii in •; phjn

.''re-«asestieb, ■!;)»; I t tN 'e d e ^ te a

'iVA .r;'SW;;'in’* ^ -lire .'im nirtl# .'f««' treirtw

‘. f , ■ \ a W w n u to f aium

/•'•V'"/ • . ^ ' '- iW f ^ r ' I*a lw -‘outUft»d'-.lb*:'pl

r>-.'':-'?.’.* lii-'etoteda.>{fl|^a»v'Ji»BM> vU ii > ^9A

S'vCh V ^ ii« « fn a :^ a ld - if l^

|« a » to.'tlie 'Work.^ HUBMd, A m ti

^ '• ;'<.H*•••^»fciAl l^aUe■'poT fc■'' ;''v^^^

: ■ V'^ ;!S S « it/o iib iiitiiB p « « :^ ^- :^'%AVth^'t.th«''«ork'.iba7'.be- e z i^ t« d : i

<Awomced b^. aIvv- ■■'©«, »•■; pnbUs'.'gvatMUy/'' ii>;.hv..-;

>:'n>#.Bed Orofc.wlU;b»Yc O lm t eh*''^' 1 .'of^Utt- l l ^ t d >mad‘/I iu tn e tlo ^ ,is Vj •• V tt t t lo B . t b w g h ' - l M - lt«v/<::;:.^;,td!irie«,*ttloa.V;'';.\-- :,■. •!• V,-:. '..:-

th*;i»«aqti*t *n «P«ti -mi

>!?; -i.O T M B i^M ri:A » rto O T ;iaa‘'i4o

? fi j t teF. ^- r/, • ': '- '"C b« ltivA bt*aA ^

- Ihelr h ra it ib ' OBUforaU. < UIm S< \hr«inA(n.MWnpiuiied thim hoaie. •lO u H u ^ Hoire of Twia F rS* Ip

Sundiy with Ir ir a a t l m ,Mr.'»Bd Mi».‘ Enmk HoUowij h:

' ••■:.j:oM ie'PitjrttU'. *'- . ;.• M rJ*nd-. M w -'Ifc-N . Bntdier I

f«nn> l»ft,M<md*y:*or N * b ^ wl • t ^ :^ a n " m ik « t!id ^ .' '

A.'A^ J«mM hiM, r«at(»a the L. Erma* pliw«.

'■ ■ M n; Bds* B tc ^ - « im t Soadaj n b«r dit«> ' Ml*. -Fred M arki*....

'G b•rM 'l^«gTfe^k*d »i>:«aiotioa 11 a* 7 o f^ l* pertoaal p ro p a r^ ;- tb < 7 '

- go WOB to Loagmo&t, Col6r*de, to 1 . ! Z^.L. HUI* h*ii boBght 40. *«ns

n. O r o o t tw - ••••■:•: >• '•;'•

- ’: • ; ' i B o t i t i x m l B f f i r i B M * - ' '. o r t.w tiaw

, /STOO&HOlJC, 6 « t ia--n i* .A a..._ ie*a‘ Ieg»ti0B *t Moaeow. b*» boea n

«d u 4 MtBi'e piipen e'oafi*c«ted;. eordiBg;to « dl*p^eh'neoiT*d tod«)

-.‘WbW yoBT'tiuk M oBC la ^ h ie h i iUi*d AdTortitiag eaa help, doa t » te Aad tbe help, ia lom* oth*r dii

■' . llOB. •, .* •

boa TOB. waat i t t AdvertiM-it- th* O anlfM Odt SB «Bd gat rid ef

Sabeeriba NOW f ir the OTW8 .

' B U S N S D O D '

' ' >" m "“ " _ ' ■ ■ ■

. :. ■ ■■.'A

r | Hmr,

I i i s i i itn i 9ebooiivX«^-liod; o o m>ae r.;f7SMi{driB^:Bu>dlt'’0 ^ '' '< ^las' •'■V''\'.' '•'•■•' .OniiEoor‘-T':':;V.V-'; Mc '••.'' A--iiV '•■ ■':;>:./;■■•?■Cut ^V -’A'.-‘: ( 8 p < ^

' ' »*■-. "QolM ■ ai^*ifflber'-ofttk- **^«re-;'^rtt'd .’. '■.•Hii?ian-''|»:-,a^» r # h w ; p h j ^ 6 l » BP^;>P-M&‘'M. d.''PnV o4 ''’ d ' MUi 'B. w* • Kitfg, ’.'Ib ita- Ifltewt o< the tit , -.IWeHllnMeiipxe, -Sm*e ’rei|i*t*red; - - !iehild>»B la: the. Eaaaea VeniBB'att?

m ittU ' h ^ r e d :werf j reperted. "."irh*:peopIe!;Of‘:'H*a*eii 'bBve- tt

1 . b«sk thibir'4l6ek* ttf Ihe old tim*- t^e .'sehl>el*>'.iit«i-keep)n|r -'i <)M’-'h

S '(-v A’ Biby'giH'aSyiVed k i /the^hoa^ Mri>*hd:’Mk«.VCarl-.E.> Joae* ea 'M -di*.‘0 «ttb«-L.'';'‘;'rs^ •.■••••S * .rPAitflMitif m iM A 'haa b M B *ei . ix i n ’i k Us'Vkea* t h * ^ wee)

oh*irVea-’*t e ^ h oeam aaea Uiat Soaday. r A 1

S if ln « r ^ M r ,M jo 7 * d . th*/M rrieei a d '>-Mr.. «ad:.Mr*..‘ Augoat, Wel^aer la .' rvioieisg: over jthe arHT*l of > 1

. gtri;oa>8andaor, i)eteber 6. - ^ lO iandfa^er Lewi* p a * ^ awa;

hiinhoBie; last' Tharadar. . Hi* ‘6 taa haviag 1)e«a expeoted for .eoBie t ...' While)llyiag ia.'our: aiid«t for oa ^ ahort time,'he had woa ihe respeet di: love;ot.aU.-’.BerTieer were.held, at rki Oi^sma^.A.rDeWitt tmdartikiag ' ".:’■ 16n^yin..TSrl6"'r*Jlk-;-- .He>.wm* .lal

■. «(it'ia:‘.,the;.Twlii''3P*ll* .e^etaiy.?

nr' .iair’, u d ;> ^ . ’B i ^ ^ ^

$■'• Toat l**fc-TiXeiiday^iVeai^ IV • ^ ' . '-'. N w ly efra^Bf - ia- Haasaai: aad *r ^Bity:-w*a':iBYatteBd«M**fr ^ e - o 1 . fair' a t Filer laat week. Haaaea' ** earriid off. »'.goodly m are.of :pi

. eanpaoB Jbrothen -were awarded- * l in t aad ieeosd priM ea tbelr ' eattle aad h o M Otto Bailey di«]

^ aiae ribboB9,-aU ta k ^ biy J>la widte PlymoBth ehlekeaa.

*** U y tm teT * cay th ii;c to * d l« « Q O T T O .fcra*to,;eotttB » • ;-

9B> U U lllH S y ]U ^ ^H 9 1 IB B jU Urfilre.o';


I t wili pay y e a '^ i M M b«fv ^ . plaeiag yoar fa m .leaaa .

' a A.& diBiK80i , , . ' ‘ *ro«t BaildlBfc -.

Twin Pan*. Id*lw **• Phena He. «*!.. : - ■

P K g ^ T B ^ O F YAM

.. - - ~ f e i r i i t .,iv iL ;-» |iil-‘W W k ^

; g - M z j a i i i g i m ml i f t ; : ^ s « T O ^ ? « > ^ : « '■ o p r o t e ^IIJIC: <-' (Bp»Urt«';Tho':!few«):«

nZ<EBr'MeBt«:£r8wa,<who''l Dp^ t!oaed'''at Fort: 8111, Oklaheaia^r

Friday^&m^aiteadiag'tbe'eoimt}• H e-^ 'n tite^jaatarday^ tor.klarrM

'■J ^ 'A - ^ ^ ^ t w ' wa*'bere'. Oet<>^i

.i ta Mr.-aad Mra. Oea Wall*. • -, - •'.•' A-fci*y?boy-artiTod/fct-th#'iit

IWT/Kr. mad'MWt BlagBiad Oetober-^Nlsg {'^'j; fX^fiieehetji'aad'di^ter-Mw • ,. IrnbtoM to Twia Fan* S a s ^ . ^ y tU i U k i iu g t . to ;.H .n d l.ii WnoLi

Mn.-A, a.lioHoii(Mn. b o re S l i rthn Mn. Ea>l-<Walter<‘MTa;'T.-B. .]

difeii'. h«« been aeriQosIy-lll iror aoate'tlnottrt‘ii*>oif.gr**tly-l»proTed. • H t* of;-. D i B; M ^ wa* a Eimberly \

■: Mi*e L e ^ K0!8h U in a^;ki«.toa*.'here.^- ,,r". >- .L] :.- Mr.-/aad-Sfn.r Li' V. l J u ^ 'iki "thesaad Mra.'Ai-'P. M o^'.ttf^'Boek’) arge *«Bt-)rriday in Filer <MtaidlaiI.-'-■•, f a in '•••

V iu p m th r kM iaia ojp; Wito ^ y Bpeat tbe^week'ead a*'»i*a^:et'

• MargaretiBhowera. r at M r.aadMri. J. H. Wiie « d M j a*th S.-Mlill^ry:pf„Twln PmU* eaUed i

aad Creek vWtod.Mrt>J. F . MaUor; tt* utU y, 3a>. L i ^ returalajr hbas

a’s• liL^*^i:^i^ti^ftk•:ya* -n fc iir^

<«v»,B^a^•^he^i^ ilie hiwfbbea 'ei- W y tbe CMtelli -anitt ^ h » .'

▼ic- 3li«a Oertraao Boiri iof Mb* ao«r s^ntVfhb^ week-with Miaa Tda

tJhlpMy./ . , ■ ■.-.••:•^ . 1 ^ Dorothy'iMbroo of Barley :

iUag Mr*. Cha*. BeyuoW. a w,2 y l Fri,aaey UUDuAHB QUXTBAnMAD

.WOBK XO m. ' (Special to The W ^ ) ’

I the -, HOLLIBTBarTAn 6 nt bae «. • iMa:de«B 'laMr*n;i>B the Oresoa

Uae *«!tlOB here .have quit, to w< = tha.adgmr-beetflelda.at .Kimberl ■ ' Burloy.3 -' h« .beoa’ .«i■ alek Ibt a iew d ^■ - Victrola for the-Aiaatertuun «eho■ ; '. 'Dale , Kaakel ha* pareaawd'.. . Craven >. Btadebaker readater.

--'W ...a;ltt»T*B.aad-X :F. CrareB r**^ Twla-.«FaU viiiton Soada^.'^ ; Thf.& earyrala f i a a d a y a l^ k i K o ff 4he ,tbre>hlag fo r . two daya. 9 -• Ed ith : L io ab e m r of BBhl7*i

Monday tv Tlalt her: i»rbthenL .(U«, ••Ooorgo leaer, wio ia acteadia

. Twia .M « . Higb School, q>«al (• , 'week ead at oa*.

.. Ida Vaa He^t bf r ^ b FWl. i l i r, lag a few .dayant .the W. M.J?en

b o B l ^ ^ Y " ^ ! « » ••. « v . f t » ^ - W t i o m , w W e k a h .

«0 .0B tg ^Mtile, Waah., wher* ah< e a t^ ' traiaiag for a a w m ' .

v s v j ^ m o r i a ^

" S l p H jJU ftt <roaUb-:U',.l

^ ^ ^ ■ ^ ■ r v o f k e^U M (ta /d k eardad^Tttae/stt*

D M aie

■ 1 m s

g i g l

S S r t. fradr% tt Dan vr^ iyn 1 ^ 7«lBe*d J ^ a t ^ a »« g ip

n. aeU^ he a a th ^

■ labme'^pa^s.bil/bcet^ie^.^^

s n : - : •» p f iw a tly ; ; 'f te y ,( i» 3 to to M ' theVgovehuaeat of-tbe,-I^oUte^' 'G em w 'i'a»;'4^dBg\aw iv-K

-^ife.-; cTarythiag o t . v a l o e . '“ ,'fc',i^v«rfi*e;for7 Wottt^^

pi'A. yoort*lf/iBrll8bhto,';fladL'^e.»' •>-*tar


" - Thalelliwiig'(Numaltla».are K

^52- l S S = EplBdofqyediid*--:.:.;...;.-..--:-—

u>B t Di0d ef acddeat aad other caaM ;ovA jMed o f4iai|w«.;:L^»4sU ~ li« ^ r ia l^ Died.fr^Tae^Dptaae a e d d e n t^

. *ot*i-------------— ^VX SX D TK 'AO m af

I ' l ir , qft»t Harold 0 Yoaken,.>^ *». * ri'ika xnaraaee J.;Bon, jtta a ja a o a^ V

r OUvtf B.! O o B S b g b j^Bebfirt B; Oaable, HavetfbM;'!

.;5 g “ Jcdl a MeOWfdS, J te a e n .1: _ winiaa a 8 leVeaaoa; Mt. Plea**;

ra.W. . '''Sargaaata ■■.•:•ife.th«»-Jamea.B.*Beailey, Honjrwood, ’ •?, JnUna Goldateia, New York, N. 3 .ittock ^ n h a m . I j , ; M o r r i a , ^ a ^ ^ r Sat- WuUa 0. Morrow. Parla, Texai «• but WiomM V.,^wiB, New York, N./

.Blehaid M d(S ih ia ,^cS M rt.» Tegw>Q«rdbB' M.Mattiaoa;>PitWb^»- leaUy D«vid:B;’8h»Itoa,?^toa,rTe:w

. ■K:4''' <>J. ’Prt»«t<a''.''-:.‘- 'S iBufo*'W.: Alford, Fwei4an*;'-N..<

rtaaA 'AnCoBio^t^liOi'O lerelaad, O;- Biehajrd-!P.BaBgh; BattaB,Okla..

- T b b w B iB e ^ h U I ,4 f a h i :T e n Rlward-Bowjaaa, Boohetter, N. Albert •Britxoah'ofe, Wayae, lad.

BOBI. -_ybert-K. Obeadlo/Biohland. M« “ T» Bby F. Ontehley, Atlanta, DL

H ar^ M. Day, VralBjN. M. . „ Bert W. Deaa, Mllo, Maine. ., “ **• Edajund B. Qerw, Tentura, CaL

Harry J.-Hne^r>'8 t; Paal, Mii ff the WiUlaa EUdebraad,;BIue fHfll. : S h S ADto?J Llnew«kl, N'ew York, N.

S ilv a n fi. MeEi**iek,-.OraeetoB; “'-V 5 F V ^.L . MeTlghe, Pitt*burjh/Pi y .?** Ltd*! aUpgio, NewrYork, if. V.

w afi*^antique* , Whltaer. Ca a tka Brace B. Nolea, .Taadiver, Ala.

■ ■■'■■ J*me* L.-B00ney,.DubBqB0, lowi i - m Joaeph B. Smitb, Hebokea, N. J wlP . Arthur Sraeet Speed, .Bo**er, Te: t ^ r . - winiam Staaklewiea, Norwich, C ^ Joaepli B.'Btetta, McmphivTaArtlnir P; Tbaris SokeBo, 'b d . > w * Btaaln B. Theiraooa; Madrid) H

’ ' John • 0. ■ Watta. Texarkaaa, (Texai u p o t Tver i*. Weea, Barroa/Wt*. : •

Howard P. Zflttle,. SUux pity, rriVad .,'u :V M S D O F W O O T , u a i^ ^ B t . Arthbr ^M eD oaal^.noa

i^ the ^rg .'jbba T. OeaUaaki, Bloomfl>«?W ■: b to rio Andruaklewles^ New JS ipao®*- -. toa.'Pa.*’ •• th o a siehaid.'Jkner, Somervffl'a,-Ma Tm *- SaaBel Hlo*eab«w, New York, 2< a'win Elmer S. E z ^ P h^elph la , -Pi e -win Earl H. McDe^tt, Llaboa, Ohio.

^ Arthar Mm*t*d, Beverly, Maaa.• WalUr ■ ^ ^ e r , Freeport, N. 1

....mm, SZBD OF HZSBA^S''- 8 en^ A.OOi>eT .b«lgen Alai.• C ^ . J a a u Eeavey, New York,

S ' Join B. OobUb, Madlaos, 'WUIn : . . VIeter A.FreiBas, St. Loola, Mo. B MiUbew‘B.‘MmiL'TobenrilIa,&( u . ThadloBa Mitehan, PlttaboTo, N.S ' AtbdaneB Moo, & d f l ^ N fb .t ^ Ja*per;>Mer^ H a ited A m Zy1 '• LeoBard.EoUeway,.CalvarVnxa<i . - UBD n o n .A noc^^A in..I t ■ : ■ • m b i t .>•■-■■ T ^ B t David L Bayaolda, £ . Oralra . ■ .. J . • •^ ■ D ap:p»oM ,itoannacT;A ]m. .■■ ...--; 0tSBBOAVSB8-..’:'TJ ; - ' ; ;.It - . ' z t te a te '- '-


£ ' - H eft?vajv.to, T i

thiuR by chcck. J to put f l iK k s w i l l b e r e t

th ro u g h th e m .i jo ii

5 .1 I : . n p en t; D o n ’t y o u

r t S3 jl TWIN FALIS_ i « j J ,

I*— .lA .. ■; ....1 ... ■»__ ;.l *• ■ . •-.■.■•. ■

. j Z S i ■■ ■' '^ ■ ■■ . ' ■■ ■

■‘m ; I>r :ih» ipom »«i4 iw ;gm 5iU > .«

l™ndi. K lltoi rfu .iBfloa — t ——.. MitalBg-in’ BctloB •.-■'..r - .;. ...——

Bt P»k Wottaded: *everely- •■■•■•.•..........• Died’ of woBBd* — —----- —tr,: Died of .accidoBt aad other caur-- ■ Died or d i » ^ '-----------u _ u .;—riali. - txcm aeroplaBe, awweBt -

WouBded,. degree oBdetermlaed

.'Xot«J'. .....■■'"■•''''v ’ \SXKUBD iH'Ainncoir^’''' r ^ ' (ikpt. E a il b / ^ i i r ie l i&

*; : A; L t Martin'F.-.BowIaa, B t L o M ; V E aow lu 0 . 0«eaby,-Bartow, Fl

• Sgt. Bti^ay ,.yifitoT .®eek« tow ^’Ni-T.:

, Wm. Qaiatda Sm ith;-Jerw 'O tty, . a»8tew art, Baltiaorej_M i , , . 1 Oea W. Tebbe,- Tm i Worth, T*J

Oorenee Q. Thlbaudeau, E en ., Wla. • ' • ' ■■

, . ■ Priratea :)ao. Adair, Saadoaky,-Mich,

g - . , y in ee a tB . CoateUor.Waaala«toB, ?•*’- Bm'eryM. Cax, New;bwg,Iowa. Tteaa. Sv^tcr A. aarliage;-Maspeth, N. a. ■ Wm. A. H a a ^ M la B iip b a j^ -Mi

W U lia > H a ^ ,^ r B a , Okla. •- L . Loul* H. Headerabot, Blvera, Ml

Wealey JohnaoB,; Baltimore, Md u Domlniek Eolotovlts, ElagstoBi :

David Moakowlt% Brooklva.. Bco'H. MuUer, St. ‘Paal, SOaa.

*®®“* Aady BadTf U ia, Mian.- / • Aathoay Seelao. Brooklyn.

- Wou & Sharxod, Jae k ao av in v ^ > * ' ' Jae. L. Steltler, Texarkaa% Tes ^ v V Jiifc TorhaviUe, N a a h v m ^ e a n . ' . Earl H aaabm , M e& o^ Pa.^ ' Sam’Boahke, New York. '• \ : Aady 0 . Bchreck, Tiptoiu Mo. ■

sastOB, Jaa. O.*8omen, B aB »r, Me.*:-Jao. Hayea, Btaaifoi^ Ooaa.

aid, N . Jaa. Adalbert. Love, Q iftea 8]

Jao.; 3 laa te rm , Brooklyn... laa lB r J bo. P e t r o ^ Chicago.

•a.' ' '. ; ■• .• . . ,

E i^ C o S i%fQiusd

' VouHfikelyfiiKi\ cocis you even ;/Aoox- to c h ^ G n v c ^ .ige,N . godi fur&er*'.^ o n |r a an

t e U r , • ' . '* " 4

-. l i t I ' >1 •» '■K.r-AV. i ■««>;»V | Q | a * ^ ;c ] C r ! ^ T K « m A

IpBU II ^ ^

nc\ you ore f a d i n g n e ^ l ^ i

n t with this ha»k—pay eveiy- A t'thti Olft o{ thp jnonth J 9nr itomed ;(o' yon' ahd- by- looking

n s p n ^ c n t ont the'waste ho- " , iow* 3nst whdre'It.is And, tod,

'dou ttt.yW h a v e r

u th in k J t ; is. w o rth try ip g t:: ■ . '

BANUND TRUSTOO.'w n jf EAlifc6

— u . nxBD FBOM w o i n mCorp. pieyaaal; 3 F y ^

.■a •■• ■ A rtv^M . .5 Danlel 'Giaainetti -Italy- •

J TiBothy J. 0'Briea, Boehe*t«r, N;Y. ^ Lpaia M. Thom aa, Dextar, Oa.

rZ ' 4' '■••■"■■'■.'• ,B a y a io B d ^ D a v ia , ;^ , B jC ^Jao; Bi W nU ut^' Bob^e Park,' N.>

■. '•: OeorM O; B arB ^ -’Joaaahoro, -


' Jno; H. O tt , 'd S E S , S o t . ' - 5 g ^ Anhi. i;:.Wtiiii5< S E - , K. T.

Tbomni- H. tll trf lo li; Mill

” ■ ’ •' Albort 'A l» ie in w ^ S .i in t. V: T. „ OlUfoid Joa. ABen, Jopllo. Uo.iSnte ^ ' S ^ '*•■

. Abram 0. Fiaka, CUftoaW*, Mm*. Zachariah McAlUater, IM Grange, Q

. fieatriee Martin. Florence, Ala.'B, b . a E an Metealf, EeithvUlri, *«.

■ 57m. Patteraoa, Fort M m ,,a a • . '■ Jno. Loe.BalllBB8, JefferaoB, B. C.

Arthor M. wfiBnion. BoWi, Idik : n « « .. lur. 3. PoiMt. B tu u d , T * .' ..

• Jtolpk W. 8nm ion,-Op«Hta,.A U. g»»- Ji>i..WlI>Uii>l, S o p t a i n ^ A b . [■ ,

V s is b 'n o u ABBOPLitn-.i'Pa . - —-;■ - A0 0 n*BynCB>‘:\' '

'.'; TJ*»^iBaatia ' ' ;Arae E. B; Helaeholt, Berkeley, OaL Elmer Ea^ Bethmbarger, La l i j t k t^ J a o f ^ W n d a r /^ ^ o a J a , 'l t .T . . .


Theodore .eu c h n S ^ ^ ^ b a Barra, P . Pxlvatea ' ■ ■

Matt DBrbaiBir JafferaoaviUe, Oa. Springy Paul Hajdak, Detroit. .' • OBBtaf L.' NtiaoB, Soath MlaaaapoUa.

Jao. E. McQiBBia,-OlaaviUv W. Ta. Jaa. E. Wood, p i^ b o R ^

i d i t . < -lid ld s ' ' i £ : 8 b ( ^ ' ^U u ' J i ^ a t o n a f

iT o il :■■ ' V nalL

i jo r t i i a S r o ^ i^ S 'iK ^

^ ; \ C A B i i f c B A T H J

? • ; ' 'F w i q u V n d y :vA-..;

Page 3: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

s w S S i S?*£• I# V wllli. iU t« and

■. ,.:.r^oatj^ l^^j^ffa^ am tm i.yeti, ,•■ 'v .' ?tmwi;':*ii

:,; d i n m .toVth«v to t i l i t tx i ie e e ip t t - ., ■•y «Uta «ia'.eonbt;r lr»y/tM «>eiT

- ,;'W tfo-%Bd'‘(d»-1 ia lK ttl^ th»Q■ Th®'riA*te -liVj'' b'^one ftiifd

r . : o a V b ^ mills t&l* j« tr ,M ■fftl^^biie ra ia ;oac.h ilf mUli^ilMt y w / Tk« « o » .

...;- t t ; to IB 'jh m 'tlill '

.; (h’he eonn^ 'lirt:]^' im t azpvoia i f rtisM one ail],- ta d tke

. of ti® Tii^a Palli highway dlitriet, tha

. 'eooaty road, t i* I d ^ 'Ji iW oeid ona • c w HL’ ’• '•' "■' •• ■ J' •■■'••'. ■; ;•,JTha c i ^ -iai?:iavie»‘esnen lly ,ntniria

•. . . th e .w r n a H t t lp y a a r w lM t.. '; - , . ; .V ' The t i ip ty e r itt Twia IWle will pay tbi* year* a ie ta l ' ta x ^ im ra a tb g to 39J5 mlHa ba'the a i ^ e d Taloation of

- hls^prtiief%y;^aBd tax 1>ela; dirlded a i '- followa: State-andi'ebnnty, 18.S n^Ilaji

c i^ , n in e;, ^ h w a y dletriet ^ jnina. , The/B oU ta ip a y e r-7»m .pay tnxm ranoant^ 'g to-.26.1si!nt, divided M .fo llo ^ :...S ta te - ta d eOaaty; iSJf: city, 2.1j l i l t i h i ^ district, .

' : . A^eomparaUTe t e m e a t of tbe.leryii* for. the seVeiil cities'and laeorporated

’yilltffeB. of tEe 'coanty' is . aa. fotlam : T ^ n T a ll i , , '.015; Buhl, :021; Filer, .024;,

■ , HolIUter, _.0W; ,Kimborly,..0055. ,OonptxtUve S tatonent .

Following is the levy, Sor state and county' taxes as fixed by the eonnty eomntiseionera this year, aa compared with l u t year: *

- . . . . r / m S '. 1M7sta te , __ _______ .005 ■ :004

, Oeneral-school ___ - .005 '.005■ Boad- - ’.0 0 1 5 JM25

• -• .B r id ^ .^ 'f„ - ••„„•:........ • ^ i , : / . o « i -• . Agrienttnral £air ;_^»_ .. • .0007^ .0005. l a t« e e t_ L . . ,___ _____- .0008 .0004

•Oopber „ ___________ '..0001.. . Koapltal •.0025 '.OOW

,To*ali .1:___ -______ .0175.,.017 ... Tnclnded^t^ y w j a % .ytoto

' .IiXBBBTT DAT S9 U O T ir • * •.The aaidversary of the dlscoyery of

America, to. be cdebrated 'general^ throDghoQt Unitfld;^tst6f n«tt'8at-, ur& y ae U b o r^ .'D ay ,,ln 'p tirsu ^ a of the' prorideat’s - ^ ^ a n a t tv n j is'i<> b« the m otif 'fo r the-nekt/etiidanta^ aembly. a t the Twin Fana.’U gh ;t^ 'oU

.. Wodaeaday for^ntfba ne:^'- .^Btada^ t f tbto ptiblle Bpeaking ^deinnaieint'--wffl read qnotations from several eminent aathoritloa.on the life of Oolumbna and the importance of. bis work.

wEBKLT o N iiT '•’ ■ •'n fWT\ t%9 m tM lim -..

We wiah to expraai'':W'riBe«(« ^ t * itodeto .oar friaa^ 'iad -aelg h b o n who ao .'kindly jusi«tM :-u and a h a ^ r o a r sorrow in thacdi(atli^ of oor ^ e aad

. slater and .aiaee; W. E B N E S T P.-B M inr,

HB. i lm ) ic& 8.-W sajBB^m c, MB. AND K B a J . W.iSMTTH, I ,

'- S to o r ^ fc & S ti t i^ rn ir iA i ip i» ^.' tim eaufk^‘any> otherperl^ . Bead tha . ada tb'icebflrm.thia. » ’ .V

Brings c ity -.e ea^ faea a .^ad lm ed -eni benefluXt«-;tiM' £ i& J ie a t .

^ a wASMoa 00 m b ra&i

■ ■ -‘t !

I . i

V ,, J ; .

- I V ■

| I b^el l i

i imiW'.v

- W ^ tS ^ S M

toSrV iS^koM tOkMi»im4■ ■/ m f n h a w Mmmimm M m a

TwftT mapter-aiyeit. ^ r on Hailidg of .Ohristnias


• Th«. Twin Palis Connty'Bc«l Croio chaptor,,In a atateineat ^v ea oot. to dsy,.m*koa public the iaatructioni is HiicU by the liorthwostcrK tiivlnlon, aet ting forth the romlltiona nader wiilelChristmas- liareols -w a y be m ailed.-ti men ,in, thn .(lo rv ire overseas. •' ',. P 9llo«;liijf is Uiu jitatom ent:,.............. *'.PamilioH ot laen in th» service abroai

are eager to make Christmas conditiotfi overseas as merry ns .comlltlonii'permlt

The wnr ilepartmentij realWng'th'la bos tlopldod tha^floch raiin m iy recp)%'. from his family n Christmas packag: of- stnhdarcl siro nntl approximalelj standard rontcnt. ‘ -

The Americaa Bed Croas will prepan tbose parcels for mailing, an ' atrange mnnt having. bp«n made between thi war department, the postofflce depart mcnt and, the Red Crosa.• Shipping epace available will peniii

the, sending of but oae iw cel to eacl

,.UaB ;0«ttlng: Kov. .To avoid any dupllcation and to aafc^

sure tbat eaeh parcel is rorreeUy ad, dwseed, a Chriatmaii 1»«W label ii now beiag leaned to every maa abMad

Every; man abroad w11T“ mall "'hii .OhriBtmaa-'jMMel .label t«> some relaUvt or friend who wUl be entitled to mod him a parcel by complying with' th< condlUona hereia aet forth.- ... . a i i ^ Apply to S e d O rw ' ■ The reiatlvei or, iW ead. who" recel.ve* a ’Chriatmaa'. parcel'label from a nan in a e ^ e e overaeaa,: ■^U apply to the nearest ehaptw/tbraneh er cemmoBlt;a a ^ | i a ^ ; of-'thfr B«d'Cross'or to.iocb other-Ariatm as i^arcel .station as may be.d(Wignate<l,b;^ hla Bod Croas cBap ter, anil, upon'showing the Chrlstmai parcel label^r.wlll-ri^elvo on(v' caHon, ■3«0i4l Inehei« In 'iiw i ' Cartpns'hiiva--no( aa:yet;beeD received b r the Twln.pilli eeuatyf chapter.: Notice .wiU t>e tfivea I n ^ e 'B ^ w a ^ ^ ra '« ^ e n they aMve^ . V th e enrton- may ,b« filled with an^ jeenMaaUon^ef artlelea^that f i t in H abdS rttch> w n o f bair^d from Chri'at'mw partela. V -t*>« P«l» «f«c« d e ^ri^at. 'The Uat ef nrticlana which n a ; not .be'eent may be. procored'from the aame jtlacb as the eartona. '.:-Tbe we.lght ef (he.parcel mast not ex­ceed two'. ponnda fifteen ounces un­wrapped..-' • , !. ,. “When the- cartott is filled,- it^ shoald

he -talcea to-the place where .ia was pm- •Croaa repreeeatatlvcs will

la^ i^ t'^^e ' parcel aiad SriO exdode any o«lcle,^rTed'fey the poat office depart- m a t 'from; Chriatouu pam laj reiaove tiy .n o te a Ar maaatges; wrap, tie aad wi^;^^thaJpareel;>lace an the palreel tlie;Chriatmai panel Ubel received from abroad, baariag .thia B ase and addraaa bf the reelpiea^: '.. .Hie p^soa^'eeadlag .one parcel wQl a e ^ ' i a the preamce of tbe Bed Om N ^'aiiaiilia|^«raffix etampa at the T tta gCj}£.c«ra for eaek ponnd or f r a ^ b n thereof. (Parcel poet, rate to Hbb»- keh. New Jersey.) i .. The Bed Croaa repreeentaUve wheja* apected the parcel wiU then affix to ths parcel U e B e d ^ C r^ ^ la ^ ^ t^ ^ la<

L S ^ r e to X e iS ^ a r a 2 iu ^ sh a ll ',r» > m da la 'th«' eastody o( the- Bed Am«

- v l , ^ t o » « i« lr.d'Mo C h iU to a 'p u cd e u li. ^ t d

Uuir U a n NoTOTbm- IS . V K" • -

y i5 ^ 5 iS 5 ; i i i5 6 . '‘6«>.a i t io .^ * g u ‘< i6 i* " U W b Ioa; ^ U < 5W < a m t tv iH a n f b j u j l io lp J '-

m n t <pf- a U v t ^ IM m . T « a j ^

'•. ■ , V- *■. *.

n Iiliiu m tb«»r

:: SHBBP'WST Sa.mFPBD..• '.Pamaat tp.« proeiaaauoa israea I

' Qovecnqr • Alea^der. w h v ^ \ tk«. |v is'cDopcratiiig^with the boreaa bi W pihariu'dustViVall aheop'^^t'have .'on'the^rangv'fhla aummer'tbost^bii'dl; '•pod. Any ataadarft diplwUlido bot-i I 414 prth9;W e ^ e d dlpa.m^. ba.lia

upon npia.icati.Qn Dr. ."W; ^ Snlllvj . in^ctor In'iebarge at' l!i^n'S‘alls.’'.Vi

X Uobn’ i^’shee^'ln'^ctOTit’ lteMia . and^Mr/C. W.-Siibs will do the iiujpee ,• Ing. at Buhi.

Tbe tferebaht who hu a p'riee it ' priae for ^ u will 'always break'it■ news in his'ad.vertial^^ .

\:PMI *• Upon lii

depends, t d i .J

!'■,. -., ,i» iirS ich- ^ A m e r i c a ’

'' ■ V . X i i r b i below over

I y

■ > f c ' v ' ■ '

’ includkiK e lec trica llr u p e ra t^ d . pum ptng • ^ plAntpneVerj’SOacret 1 and ' an abundance of pure waler.’

- CAPAY RANCHOadjipU b)« fb r srow ing all

y a d s o f rra lnafid CroH aod for d sii? ia f ,f o r bog, catU ««nd pbaltry ran in

\ i /,p mnd mmU lh t Cr - - - t

. Califprma jFjamu d m a . n n A n r o B x

■ m m a s a O K M n A l• (H jlX vtePal

• P . a - _ — :— :--------

•■•■'•••;■ 'Srmi* ’• • —— ^

. ; ■■..... . -w > .» n

'- • - . j ^ P p f l U ^ ^ P S ^ S yaSk

y . ' ■ ' , „ , '-• I

ass|M.i—t nttoMtwslaJarseritownt. Maix.-to«m «C BajoinlUt,, Vntoalu,v S T o W i ^ S S ^ m -taA « m

F i l S S ^ O E M U R R E R’m s L 0 P 0 - 3 M

^ b.'B .X poir^^

J i ■ ■ " ' ' ' '■' '■' ■... A deauixrer w u ^filed-'.-ia- distri

>t- eeortihera .W edaeada^'ia the eau.'' D. U. Deatoa againat' D. &' Uoonaa r-- irherein DentoB ueki' to recover $2i >e boo. damagea fram .Moormaa-oa i !r, grouads. that.Hborman-al^derod ai

iduc<p d e n c y i a i h d e i

v e i y ’'w £ a l ' ‘d ( e ^ ^ 'e ^ l i s a n d h e | r a l l i i

g r a i n p r b d ^ c t i b i r n p r m d . H e r c a t t 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n m id s

; ^ o t only therefoi alnd.i^nim^

iq> t h ^ te r r if ic I from wbiniurme

. I t ik th e iie fb re in<■ a s h e i s b y l i

offers to jA proiliictioii

t' Jba

V k Sple

Oa l i ^ - .Am * Cs p v A-m A* - A.

‘•••' V *

»■• V , ' i ' .* - . ' ■-.■' ••. ■ '- .’"'.t.

^ ^Sw flaraB i8IiGS® !4'£

IJsJi?»i; >. J f w - . T U <

* T H E K A I S E R F' i:.:'. i ;'".• I il

-•''■i/-,'.-rv.-.c :■'■':•,

' ' ''''''sabKriba' Itaavtti

J 'l L IB E R -

! F lf lS T NAT

' I . . .’ lTlua,d tW nmiiUii

;EaekmaB{: attoaay -; for; D t a t^ tl «*;legsd ^ koom ta.'iiad sUt«d..thl S^-Dentm .wu<avtUie!e .tad « Uar.“ '^lem'omr, fUid by, .Mooniiuiiitlinni* Vllil., il»tpni«r, J|Uno«:;ft ha thot.tli. complaint i , ambl^on^.tuiis Bd 'telligiiil’i i t a d . aaeilrtj^; tad i

re l& it i i i iFforte of the Arrei^fthS^CC'^^» ’ s o n s

1 t h i s y e w i s a j ^ u t < 5 Ie , s h e e p s u id . K o g s 1

re, must America [ prbSucts to her Europea snQrtages kdd enougb 'w ^fare.' :

upon the Americ obor ishortage, to /arm wh

L m e n can .ia rm e rs a h opp Mid iC o n iM t^ <

A t ra n c h is l o c k t ^ in tl IOUS SacrammtoValiey. The c B right now aira .klmost li^ond »u imacqufunt^ -with thU »ectr e m no'tttiemes of dimtto to ediate i^tivation tind prodo'ction. ndid neighbors. Excel < nt ac^ooIi

on every ^rm. Abur.dant wi ideal far prafitable, intenatve fiThe latt of tbe land ta noiir beu

. .we ausgett that you inveatSgatc ■ tend you the Dunea of fannera

" ■ bought at Capay Ranche *K -Ute the coupon^poaite for

Hqom'oi'.'•' ’ Hm

' J ■ r l

- D ' ' ®

to tb, Cto. , ' - f ,. ( & sgs5

FORGOT i i, .to 0 0 ^ b«M»vtiiw: ■: V * "j,i

T, tli.Jmj.«c tbat th v b tn , , M i rter »tt.tbar'owliJib.,‘trtB' J'.S jjlc ix;to;to'i<tto»«to».>:' :;i

IT Y l o a n - I

■|6NAL BiAI^K k's' I

' -. rt !jl5

2iS51S52555552S.il®s i v1 - > Ouloa. ik . ib. owim of>tlm.'.T»i«itf.* I t t r t o ’

»b' a t o a - t f - i g j i a i j r a ^ a f 'B a w M f e ^ ^nai Milner ,OaxUlt'M ua^j;;aadf!addlmtor:>.C ia< «f >tbe-^^wiaJWIltVllatr^I;f^^rWa^!'r*^/v: ■\it

* « « !s i f i l lm e r i c a n f a m i i s r Y

b l o o d . ' l y l i l H I

> 2 5 , ( ^ 0 , 0 0 0 b u s K e j s - ; ;

. h a v e ; ! d u i n i n i a J i e d■ -;•', . ,v,-'

iih b n normal e^ports.of '. lh aUies~she mut-Quibe;^;;: h to coiuiteract thelpssM' ;

icari farmer, hiandicftppM liere hs'ipM'iir^

'■ rf.'.-e yjfl ;■/'.• '-’ ■ :;.'

ipb.i^&ty'-'.fpr.: in 'aMta earning capacity^ 'i -THis ..

the h eu t of California’s . cro p i tb a t'o re .b e in ^ ^ ro id u ccd ... ;;.1 th e conception o f tKe farm e;: .' y- H:ion." •' ■'.■; '• • ••.• ‘ ■. i’.> c o m b a t. T h e laW d,tt r e a d y .fo r • •;

C lo se to m a rk e ta . G o o d i m d s . . la. D eU g h tfu l c im a te . £ le c b 4 d ty r a t e r e u p p ly : ' ' E v ery :co n d 6 fc 'o is

le a t 'once . W o u ld y ^ j i k f t u a t o . a fro m y o u f < ^ m m n n i^ h a t e .

uU er ^

Farins, Co.) m e e Capay’iUlSMiltowCity. C ilfaaala y -

B .1C. s u s r a n ■.>•''■":•

S c 7 S 5 i r * A i y M ^ ^ ^ 5 t i @ ^ ®

Page 4: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

^ ^ m « p ^ ' # ^ ^ * : p ^ t 7 , - i 4 * ! i ' «' - ._ L ____ / j _ j


I l f l f e g a i a f e s ^ ^^ 'g 0 ! ? y J f m J ^ A Y , ; OOTOBBft'lOi-'')^

l;r* ' ) THS WAY THB w m b 's i b w "^t?Vj^:>»ittj’ei,' .^ eo ^ 'a g , ' ,. W«biter.»i

' ;j''/;V .; .ithip/.sclenco and 'krt' .rf._.|;pV«niin«i ; '^- ^UUftito, ift ; tatai - M W ,. U,

eicp«ri«n^'fa'-(fio'i41 i^onifflont..' Political juiWM'ip

^ v ;y^',r'.^rom.'(livisIoDii tba t arlM' anoog >;*' ;,'A j ^ p l e on funaamoatiU - qiiettlonii

v'; ' • ;«owiunBnt.^ ■■' ■ ' / ' f ,, .' PoUUe* liavo, and poUUOal-,pair,;. -;rs/:bav«i-M >; V J i o ' ^ w i t b tbViIiipgi9r-'p,e^ '/OjU ;• ;iur«>.fUl«a: a t :'tfaptfoa».*. •■'' ■'- '‘r* -asillttee' of • pn«Uce,-_. how*

liJfroquontij^ qoito*. > « a t . .

"•■c’.- l'’ - 'v 'A ’ilieHtf •;U ;'«l«t^ b w ^ i ^ t o irv’-;'K'0'i'i^M-'to

?;';'•> volition; but, thpi* who Voted .for him viifr&ihitH wottidn't' ^yoB ■ »tt*mpi■ 1 >>«iplijs w ta t co«ii«Uon th . -ea

; 'i \; ';O ^ d a t« '« .T l^ '0 a OieyM nM■>> ‘ WiSi^'W& v v . v - ; r a r a 5 3 t e ^ ' i t f j t ^

' . o a ie .^'rv''^.!':V,'‘ '&',ibs^,Marehlnff i o t f .e a s ie r ; 'i 'V>' '"’'::''*°^'"*oM era«d^aa to,'.wbother..aa

opo:i:.‘. :* 'j'-oa'HiU^":<c • 'la w 'tw r i it - .v .. <;

, T hai i f wbBft BwkM for effleleae; ^^•■^'■v.;;''»-b*iijday^lwtt^ •[•'•■k ;tTh*'i»;»«-raW-for.thB^^^^ Prt»«*P*' ' , - ‘ n wlat'i^AkM ’ foir'offlolMey iB M7

' . / ' ' ■ Thwjugloet'of tha t p riadp li iBK "''v.\'.' Buiim^'iior ibii^ 'doacy: aadr.-BuiUdx

' iitiM cm ’ia poblie offleo t.:. .’,'• v 5 ^ • P P J y ' ' oommoM* I'i !-.'.V p ria d ^ e U the; reaeov th a t' n o a i '•- ; '>^h.h*Te^eMtjrfeo'ourt:rl«an^’ to/do-' j •::;■^••;^^'.':thlaf:fot^tlwm•^rM"^• ; ',’:: f-. ^ b o ^ ^ ■ fcoqooatly '"“Ite a »■ t i

:-;':'-*MlTee Moooaood ia ^ a loe^tiTa pal Job.

.:'o;■ o a ' d l ^ t h . (o rm m i.iit.1 lam n

^ n t S i i w i« iM < :f« :# h id .; t^ r ; ;

b*''do'’Bot .£*Tqr:

:; •>•;* ^ ’.T ^ -W lla oooatgr U>N>pU7^»o>/’;//;:'-qo tte;a» ..‘e x ^ ^

. -'• *of thia prM tioe.. The. people who hi ' -V in .thi« Mfitloa le f t tbolr ito ' . I r o i i M wbea tl' ' i^ i^ S n i« d to « obnatiy.'

V ■itooait fo r wbat thor » » woztbr-tc «ooatt)r where th la ip 'a re doae .iei

• n u m is ttead of t b m g b babit. That la wbjr the -eooa^ 'o ffleea

(hll eoaaty are f l l l ^ t o ^ wltb m ' ' a e a who are rated- B e ^ b l le M , a

. o th m who are eluam ed a* l>emo^^ . aad the Bepablleaaa aad'^-J)emoeri

.- »Uke, with ooe or exeeptioaa, hi m d ere d a good aeeoaat of themeeli

' io tb e .a d al^atra tlo a of their offle• I t lsa*t an^anat- bow tba. • a n e

. e r '^ Offiee wbold be improred' -plaeiag the p re eu t iaegmbent with'- DOBioorat.. N or'la It e p ^ a t th

., tbe •heriff'e, offiee wooid l ^ e be b e ^ 'o ff with a BepobUeaa ia- offl

’ fo r the paat two yeara. ' •- ~' ' ' T et there iue thoee, who profeu

.think ;«o. Not ao nan y , perbape, b . a few ' ^ o B»nag« to make ibeli i

.flueaee fe l t• Webster'a haa a dofCsltion for thei

too. Those Vprlniarily interoited poliUsal offices or. tbelr profita,"

, .quote tho ^ictioaaiy, and their eon pdAitiee la daflaed ^ the um e «utbc ity aa artful and dlabonoat meat to aecare the aoeeeaa 'of politic

.. eandldalee or partlee."The CBecen.af -goTerameatal poUel

asal prlnriplea fo r wbieh piarUea e ^ ' . . e ^ e r a a tbem not at all. Thclr latere

ia ia the by-prodneta.' l>netieaUy all of the evil»-«i p rob^Iy nose ot th e .b e n eA fa -^ 'o i

; ' g o v ^ M B ta l ^ratem '<orte''fram ;.'tb , / y - d a ae the pr^eiw loa^'j^^H elaaa.- .

'.'Tbey*are*'reeO((Qlicable %y tbeir p 3; i t t h ^ -naebisa^ tbeir aewapapen aa

■.,/;-;-'»^3Hiia^at*;poWtlf^ f» m \i>«. pobl ;■ :' o $ ! l^ ‘’tb a i ’Bro t<lm»ol»ti*tlre aad^a« ^ ' ;; ' F e U ^ ^ iu{d yoo. bare eUmia^> -:. - ^-']t|te'tlt!Bg» la oqr poU tl^ .ayatM f<

" i t f o 'f a » W 4 f i^ ^ u

a L ' «r^legi^^^6a;'tl»8^ ! I^e’in r o ^ o ie o iw n i* r > , i i i tO ‘<

I ' j We ,'are partle ulariy.,'‘f righi,-ll« by-Mme'^:^Vo,p«>^. ' a ter )ine;.tbayiiaTo.bMa^^^^^ ..Wi oae not’ oppOi^- to tSe .aeVelop*^^ nM unU eyrio^dinaoofeu of the;atat« rilQ ^ ’e a ta t^ .;It'iM y;be-:M :experini itbe b'ut;;ovai^; ’UBtliig,. « t.'of uailor ''the fua '' :|aBother, 'a a '^ '^ e ^ m e a t; ' l^

t{^,’^^aU ^la^^'bat .'onr. eyaMma' are , '^*1 ebaslai^pint^’ well ju o e n U M .wii iM i! we' 'm -eUIl ilT ia g r ' • • v‘ : 1'' > ^.Q a! Uiese iim M ,. we r a p ^ tb«

rer; .oo’..wide .divergiBnee of opialon ia jlf* coiai^,-'’o r betweea the p^pie; 11

in lto citlee or oa ila farmfc , ' :■ •' . ‘.Tbe/dlffenBco of op liiloa^iii <

! 'wbmas^-foi

iM- W ‘ior *1> o id '^ to th e 'leg i^ tn re , truated'with tb e .re ^B tlb lllty :d f '

^ ly t r a a d a t t^ tbla p w g n ia .i&to f « ' ' i i g i lU a ^ f c ’ ^ '' ‘.-Ofi;th#. *wo,'-w«tot«;.<or/,the-i eeaatti w «'prefer.l& . J . S . Seare

^ Caatleford. « JCri £^BaTe i< J o t . . eroitBM'of a^ .p6U tieia ma«bltift

la ;a i? p ro g ^ ro aad aabataatlal fai ^ neetatfo l, ao- far aa wa kaow, la

eiytblBg ha baa.oadanacoB. ' Mr.■ .T^.’i^ u ^ '^ 'fo w 'y ta n aco c m * of

protala4^ boriaesa inra e f Twla 1b a r ^ 'iO T yean

* poaltloa'of n a a a g ^“ fn iyy . A t preaent,; we ‘ t t ^ e n ^ d

" • l< i a t e n ^ wlUi other n m > ' promotloB ’ 61^ a 'm o toal eleetrie I

paay la thla 'eenn^i aloag-Uaaa'i Iar' to tile orgaaisatioa O f'the,'e

,’ ->reempaay..: With the d e '^ p ^ ^ l the uadeTeloped.,power rea’oonea of etato u one of the laraea of the <

!?* ^ g a / 'a 'm o r e eompeteat, laaa of ^ ’qoMtloaed la t« ^ ty > eoold sot' ^ fOaaVia'ao'nthera Idaho thaa ]fr.

opponent .ia'fcnoira oal}■ the head of a .n e w 'p o lltie arp a r^

thiil’ eoanty, . The pobllc has; ao i I •* lafom «d: of ;.a^.^partU olax-5uail w* tloaa* b ^ - t t r * a T o f * thetiffU i.

I Of:tbo «ik «aadl&t«e for the Ml* bly,;jra' art'^aoa^ewtot a k e p ti^ ' of

“ perMpai^wj^oBt aaa* cauae—aaa. itlvely '< ^ ^ d to aaotter.. Both I

berftofore'beea aaaoeiatod w ia the cialltt party.

gy We do aot wlaji to aee Twla I _ co n a ty 'rep ren a t^ . in. the a e r t .a « , bly-by a delegation two-thirda B<k ^ lat, for the ajmple rMMn ' that . eonaty ia aof ei-ea ioBe*thlrd Boeiii

We foel that it'w onld be ao t '< a miafortnae, bot an nnpardoBJ crine.aad'offeaae to 'tb e mea w a h

^ aeat overeev, to eoatrlboto to a ^ elallaVooBtrolled aaaembly. I f ^

Falla eonaty .eeada .a Boelaliat to ^ l^ E l i l a t^ asd aa e l a v * ^ a - iu B ^ w e ’naderftaBd Ur...:BL U "I4 ttle r-r ^ of the e u d l d a te e - ^ be; aad the ^ eiallata a n , repreeeatod ia the aaoi

'/tossI G o o d F rj ”1 j ■ C o f f e e

I j C o f f e e o f i ► J w i t h - t h e b

I 'When y o u f i- J s t o p co ffe €

^ o n acco u n t< * . I g e s tism o rtc a.: I . s w i t c k t o f t

r e s j d t ;

; : . - e x c ^ e n t n I\>sfaimccirai

< i • ■ PostuihC erei 5 -boiI^.aiid In

'• i . n iad e in th ec i1 y j s vi e w- I V J : a n d t te o o s t j vx r'K'.-V-tfae'saihe. •'

f u l J s a e s a ^ ^


’ th ii thi>'MipT«;!M^

* i*fian'cto::'l«“'^ i i a 5 ! i » I . e b i ^ ^ it;i>o»ibiy-rto|tt^^^^^

• ';^ v t V p o e ^ j ' t ^ t W g e 'C i m K J,*’ an v i^ rtto a ity rto -be ’ ■ fi‘ In',potto/at;;hom o'whilo^

t b e i r ; - t i r i ( , J a i « ^ ; f o r ‘'.g o T ^ ^ i Ideala-pf^whieh'we-an Ju*tty .ipr«

r*>?< ^liyfiBgf^^eirraaM ^^i;'. a alA^e atop J a tbe dirM

atitntiftg a a . m tlrely aew e ^ e ' a -,»• tim e r'

. But a moeh-more pptontlal o ^eT ia

/X■y . ' In^a'apeiacE a t |H e r not Josg ^ M r., Bfixger, o f f ^ ; ,iA a t_ ^ ^ ;-^ fMtt. aa apology, for. the 'O em aa

dier.' 'TltO Gkrinan abldlis'r, wo-.M la 'tb e .y a n d a l.T rb e 'b a r '^ f titted

jgjy' tically' every' atrocity, kaoVni ,to klad tbnogb any of tbe.aigHi. - I t

Pq, 90t the. Bnn W v Lwda who-rtvj ^ the Belgiaa^aad Ttiaeh womex^.(»

^ cut tho throat* of . eaptnred;.^ . ican aentriea. Couple with''M r.'

ger’a /coBe^tlon of the 'O enaaa be ■ ^ t* O B ,' the- fac t , thatr

'th e I* '-blBueU a .Germaaf,3om> *®“ . '•y birth,: a .form er 0*

toldier, aad aa Amerieaa who ftfimiatod'.witb .a party ^ t h u

^ aknttered io ahreda boeaau of tl , , l a t e n t d iaa«nm orer the ,

tlon of . loyalty to . Ameriisaa \i tuttoaar ;,aad .'-our - objection ' to; Berger beeomet .appariul. Uadei of th a ; e lif^a taB eea . It U . dltt

•' aa nadontiMid^bbw l t r . '.B B r ^ n , '{ j j consest t o beeome a eaadldato foi ^ legialatnre iB aneb timea a« theaO,

b av ia g -eo a aaa t^ It bM inea 'ali m on p v o ^ r ' t l ^ t o ' ^ ^ d i

: . whelailaj3y «ije«bidJi-, ;; ' ;.J.-te

oae Hla' a ta a d i^ aa a 'eitiMof i eblgbiartgndoraad ; Wooj l l anppooedly' the caadldato of thi bor e lm e a t of the'eonaty. Orgai l a ^ r ia. to be eoagrarolated la ha put' f o ^ eo geaenlly aeeeptabl maa. • /, . • .

I j j , Jfrik J . E. Wblto haa' alwaya bo< the tireleatf worker in the latereata of Ilat. fa m e n , aad with ber bn«baad/Oa{ aly White, OBtU be jolaed the colora, | ible moat freely o f her tlv « aad abillt are [fartBeriag every' paMotie effort w '8o>jthe; eqony aadertbok. Tbla la .'oati ■rta-adde from tbe eoaaldentiaa’ t ^ the a atiUo where womea have? loag a i .m ia e d the. right of fraaehlae, 1

MoloBly S itla g tha t whea le'eapabl Bo-!woteaa>ju I f o . 'Wbito'beeomM a.< m- dldato fo r the legialatnre, aha ah'

riujfni e n d o f t h e

D r i n k e r» n d i s a g r e e s

e s t p f u s

n d r t w i s e t o i - f b r a f s w d ^ s x f d i s t u r b e d d i - l o m u c h ^ i a e r v e s V i s t u m o n e ) n o t e

wiiiBlove-their 'i ^ t l i i s i r f a n i w - t h5 3 u l - t s .

s s ih - tw -fbrms: al'whichmustbe s tan ± Pos-tuiri; ■ iipmamomeixL, ,

delicious ' cup i d about


tMp.M m ligh i< b^^e:ititiporiaii^^ itbe 'd»

9 ^ .ead t-O ; tht,t.■»», 1 ;• . 1,11».' i'y

■fW tona' toportaaei « e 't a - » n n l i ld : Aiiatria;'wid 'In :Gerau^.;Aa?ti

«& B compeDM’to take abme:iiort.-of da ^ atopa',tk ;i^V dInetin^O f''p«M

« reyolotiw ^ 'v h e p 'p i ^ Got

ago,C ^ B ^ / 'p in m ! m 'd o iv to ' 1

1^ . i£mtai7 ; :d a f^ ''. th u ^ th e -A lilea Ueve, luKva b 4 n l i i ^ ;.ae b e g ^ prae* '<w, b'ai-it.'m aii, W niaam bm d aum- there h'aa'beira'iiU o a e '^ f t id e of ] I'. waa lag oaideraua soil alaee 1PM, w ^ l^ e d abgle m q p ^ a ^ ' t b e . S t ' ^ e ^ w he vaaee u d a t ao 'po la t exeept' li kmer e x ^ m e aonth a n '/ th e A U /^ ;0 iBer> w i t ^ itrU d^'dlataaee of G « r ^ .- 'Mif ■ Oermaay haa; a o t aee^tod ' PrM ;4 tr. WiUoB,V fonrtoea poilBta-^ peM

sfao ba^ aaaona<ed;ber. ’WiSlBg9 e naan 'debato t h ^ ' B h e .l^ ao t aakei bem Allied 'p o i m for an arolatlee, beeia ahe bail m ^« 'a,b ld fo r the iaterve ' . ' i i i ^ A n ^ e ^ ia the teterarti of an q n ^ iitlee. PrlaiBe'Max-biu perfomei tiuiti- preelao part for whieb he w a s ^ j ■‘Vx. ed. .Be boa ppt oVer a elorerly r|iaQ onfiaged b a it-fo r ' a . breathing’ a ^ t Ib tbla be ia-abetted by the-.^M i ronld the reat of the i m lordi aa well t r the Auatria'ftad poaribly’Turkey. ■

.Satui^ay .nlgbt'a dlapatebea el bring out theae pobita aad t ^ p

b w ^ .eaty^'-O eftaa^vku’ aarivBdired . ' - / iag^.Lo£fe^' BOthiag^^.ldedg«d^;M^ ) Me She biu 'glvea‘a^dea«e 'oflbelag 'e uiV|g p r ^ d ^ aot a o n ao 'lhaa haa

tbe «aae at'lato'rvala durinjg the e ]£• month or aa - ,ilxed , When the end eomea I t ; will < viag qnlekly, definitely.and aunly, bt e ^ baa no t «ome yrt., .'

ea a ■ 1 P B O P ^ A ^ A the Central Poivera, d e ^ n

>t«ia ** theaiaelvea atgava ^ oxpMted to.J Ja effor^ towand aecniriBg p

la effort the beat^btaina of l ^ y euemy conatrlea ■ wlh b« devoto< t, ia n e a u ^ o b ti^ i^g peace

yet retalaiag.the apolla of w la g t la aajount*.. We can loolle 'a * elover eampidgB'of propaga

Oermaay kaowa. that, ahe: e tfa o t to attala ' her a r ro g u t f ^ e dem of a f ^ moatha paat er aaythiag

= t h m . Bhe>win, therefon,' adv t!b>otigh . her propagaada auggeal for pioaee that would, wltb aa bc eaemy; aeem reaaoi^ le. I t ^a that very .reaaon, the faet tbat ouLay ia' utUrly unaenpnloni, that

'. AUle* wHl dam u4 « complete vie ' araa. Oermaay m i^ . be p.laee

a poaltloB f h e n aha .will be 'abaol ly helpleae, where ahe win be. by m o f her b d p lM o aa eompeUed obeecva' ber agneaeata. . A* tbe Uaa. demaad, for the eafety ot- w orld,'a eompleto v le to ^ of an u

' behoovee eaeb of aa thiu bo tboi ot aa y ttla g Ion fliaa' eompleto rie< bo .paniittad to «reoa onr mlnda.

. d o a ld n a d artidea'ea peace with t; p ^ t a bl aiad->-ttot Oermaa proM da' la.at work, t W It la naturely dll ad toward aa advaatagoooa peaee O a iB av aad that lU eleveraeaa jai t t e 'palaoB ' more- veBemooa.. World'a Work e f fm tbe foDowlag* mala fo r Jodgiag propaganda:.•' " W propagaaaa» o^,iUBpto tec•aoagb: doM.it l i ^ i< n i^ .a . Begol

', M poaee, a - h a lf -W p«M»' M y p< .. by tho ronU of a iTeeirira

^ o f.a n aaf - t f i t doe< i t ta (

' . 'S15i5rripir ". 'AiaiKSaaaik^^^ I ^ ^ M - th « .w « r t^ ^ ;e^4 h a :Aig^ , M iaitf m ■ naii^^^tt^ qo-ook a g ' q

|>r, ;

rdop. VAI f ^ e ' ■>'.♦

tg<i» .<■ .- iil- /'-^ rA v .T O E --e O > r™•la la . - (AC

£ J ? E R ft .'the M " ' ~ '1

tbn 'to -^o '-w eM -W 'O haapap "\B 6tb aM e a 'an 'try i^ '- fttT ie t ac

h the tage 'of the .wedge foraUtloBik. u'-gd* A m eridua a a d 'S ^ e h iaro'the fir i| thft oeora..^..rmlea BUghtty w ^ of^ t t e mala rail laoU.’ t t o ' A aieri^fw ' are moviag- to ddeat .Vonilera, w h e » ,the\ OermaBa" a n ' y b a t p o e k e ^ .T h o 'P a t of the poek aa to adirce)y £l^e mpea loag,.bat.tiie ' 1 ,tto tlQB held by the Germaaa givea t t« , but o ^ r to a i ty to>; b riag ;« flaaking atloa tb'bear'.OT tt© Vonalen railway.;, ana* threirt maat to ellmlaated for ady

1 t te aloag t t e aide,of thp Argoone m wlat- to continne. ; e a » Oa, th e 'e a ite ra kiae 'o f the m’l apen. the, Amiirleaaa yeatorday' ca'ptund r and ena vUlagea. Theae defenalve u by tlonn ««re held by .the Oermaaa 01

o'utor fringe of t t e foreat ‘ ' Mffij . 'They will p«m it' a flanldng-

a p i i ^ ^ t U Oanaaaa eoaeealed'lu oSlhr A ^ n r ^ ^ a ^ . I f f | K > » a a r ^ ^ iiUg tte;.'eaptare , of-'Ibej tOim''raprM only the vlgoronaaeaa . of' the uovemes b e u plBeb 'out the A rgonne'iM rif by ] y t t t Ing U.tO’tak^ • poeiet formation.

• p H H U I H H H B l B M H f lIt i t • /

itely '

the1 CO

roat- ' * • .

^ ■;' hope . .

anee . ^

luett ■ " ' ■for .

3 inlute-

rt W l » J' t t e

*rW itoty '

beaa.!«• ■■••■oet . , • • / ' ' • . -' .f o r .

We will witla H M b t g ^ t m d b

• . ' ’. ..', ■■ V ■ ■■•;

vii. ^ >H r . . ’•

.......... ■■

^ " T h e fhfm- . ..•' ••>. -M - 'm - ■

» /1 Ih W H | H ^ S h ^ k S S B

' ''i4 ‘i i'

r j d l r a l a a C u lo s s , i

* , .• • ■ ,i!« n S rH 4 » .cw n p w ir:


® :C T IO N

; ' >j ^B' eb^Amerl ' idvaa. eaaa.'os 'ther w ^ .fa i'te 'o f ^ ^. The haa boea' m o n 'n p ld ^ th a a . 'o t i^ ^ IfA to a ld i ' G e aei^-P efA lag ia now aooklag ' . ' to ^qu^lM ^ a d V a a ^ ; ' ' ' ' ' ilway,;o w ^ OAN K O F b a t -a u d b l b h p n r^ - .v O O H ro E * .;,;; / .^ I« I f trboiiled witl^ iad i^ stlo n or aleep* I poA- yod Aould read wbat Miaa Ag-

aea Tomer, Chleago', m ., hiu to aay: “ Overwork, i m g ^ t f meala' aad oare-

K f l » leaaaeaa rogardlBg -tbe .ordiaary, rnlea . ’.Thia of hedth, gmdually. v a d e n ^ o d it, aa< Ivaaee til ;la«t; faU .1 beeame a v ^ e k of 'a iy

former aelf. I Mfferod from-eeatlBaal toadaebe, w u aaable to. dlgitai my food, whleh aeemed to lay-aa a dead wMght

saaalf, .00 my atomaeb. ,T w u"vei7 eoaatl^t> d aev* ^ eonplozion beeame dark,

_ . yellow u d muddy M .I felt. Sleepleaa- P® ‘ aeaa w u .added to my mlaeiy, and I

JB the would awake aa t in d aa whoa I weat to ' aleep.' I heard. of - Cbamtorlaia'a

f -f ire Tableto 'aad .-fonxid : auch'. relief after [a t to toeing them that I kept up the «rea^ a'tWiL “^ l? P .» .-“«ty,^W0Mr«'6ntiia. 'They a tn i^ eleadaed- n y atom aeh,'invigorate^'m y oarata ayitom, and ilnee t to t tlihe 'I ie a a eat mt to ahd aloop In* comfort. I am to d ar 'e a . fo r^ well-"~ A dv . ; . , . .

«• , . : ra ia .ln d :i iU :.w ;e h a « p -H if t

m M u a M x fw - .

Page 5: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

' ■ ' l! lJ '

, S t y l h■ ".] Irresistible arc oui

. . . , seen lOur. fine Hue. yet : r fq^trljnmed, aa you fl

V / - .'Broadcloths, Velour?*' ■; ! . <• different colorings.v>£

'• r f i ^ tnmmed witll fara

$18.•,,,I v v ••

I : See rour. large: asso : J Couta in Bmart stylra I

Idaho t> p. ■ T w if

Mayor F. F . Braoken Is

/O rders in Cpmp'iiance l

S ta te Board’ Action pn.S >■-. is lh ; ln f li^ k jS itu a tio n '

‘ . . DlreotlBff th« fil<wlBg*o£ *U ] aiM abU gei and i ^ « s o i FBbUe I

' ment, iaelndioir tb e a tn r aad ebt and exietpUng pabUe and pi Khools, btfginaiag I^uiwUy, - Oc jo , antu form er ordera of the

' , l>oard of b ^ t h oa aeeoiut of 8} >,Vinfli]cnzit, Uayor F. F . B n u ^ o

.'norning inoed the following ori Notice is her«t>7 ' glTcn, and !

berebjr ordered, tha t all pablii ' a e n tb l^ t ohd placev-of -publie a ' m ent^ «‘xe'epUog poblie aad pi■ aebo^e, d toated in tho e l t j of JPalli^ Idalio, are prohibited froin < tioa oa aqd after Thorsd ij, Ot

110th, 1918, tintU fnrther oi^era. M r Mitbdrity for im ln g this

. ' i f a telegraai .daljr. •erred apon ai , .'day of whleh'thp followiag a

J ■ Boiie, Idaho, Get. 8; IJ Coonty Health Offlcor,

'.Twin FalU, Tda^o.. . s u t e bo«rd‘ of health dlrMta y , ia fo ra ButjoM of eitiee aad ehal

> ; W r d of .viOagii tnwtiM Sa rea r •th a t boeaoM ■ of-. B^Laith Inflaeau

; pQblio aaa^mblagwi aa d pliw«« of

. ttratlon oa Jmd afte r Thsradayr 0< : 30th, 1018, ' ttn ta forthw ei^er*.' 1

■ *of verifieation follows. . Ton ai * ';x e e te d 'to eeeure’eomplian^o. witt

..order. “■ _____- E.'T. BIWEB, Socreti

> ; l ^ .m t iM .- a a d ae t aeeo rd ia^ . I Bated a t Twia Fallay Idaho, 0< > th ,a « 1 8 , •

‘ t} -v. - t : b b a c s x h. Mayor of .Twia. JU U , U lr PxioT td 'itii 'soctiag'VondJty- I ;«o«a a t .vh lek /iU s «0ti«a <wM I ^tha etato bowd a f kiMltk'kad bM •.<TiKd that aeveral .aa ee of ta tt tJiad ajreadf broken out l a . t h '

- Asother'caae waa..reported-Mondi ,-M erU U u. Fifteen ware report*^

WMk. sear CaldweU.;v' Th« people, wbo reel tbeir b ^ t U>w~<N)i^«riBg the.?^roblam>of

. la»:*» T b v ira .'f^ rfiag th«; ela*

■ . ; - ' « i w O M r f a « d . u »

• ‘ ' t ' ;

: - 4

< ^ \ i I

....... ,

> h C o a t sS ty lish > n n te r c o a ts . H a v e yo

, .B e a a t t f a l c lo tl i rc o a ts ; .p la in c esire ;^:u i a l l th e -n e w m a u n a l s - a n d n o v e lty m i z ^ u m i n -m an e g a n t p lu s h c o a ts , p la lA o r h e a iY a r e c e r ta in ly h a n d so m e .

50 to $125r tm e n t -of- C h lld r ia i’ij a n d JJxssc n d goQdj.^R^earing f a b r i c

a i ^ m e n t S t b r c:,I:allSr Idaho ' \

i l sH O W M E N IN P A T H 'O F

' G R E E K H O T O R IS T >

I Onlrer TtosgMi Into Qfoup o f , . Ifanrtrlng Sown, aad X&rI . . Jnrtng Thrw "

% j | | T h m men ont o f a gronp.ofl l i « « D d ^ pp firon .the. Short LiiIHI kno^ed dbw n'and btJ J V a Tord ear driven by Joe Oeor

Ils on ehoahone street sonth a t 6:80 o ’clock MoacUy afternoon,

m a c injnred. men are W. A. Miller, whose body the ear passed infl

U » h Is te n a l iajnries; U . !>.' Statoi Cnrley Jaekson, eaeh stm ek b

M n . sida of lh* 'ear neelv iag flesh ,f snd bmlses ftboot the legs. .Ji

. emplojofs^ o£ tU *-BjBawj;4L ,.0«

. .. . eenpany,.which sbolred:at FUer.' : ■ fa ir -week and w h id is.bara this

nblle ' driver of the w «zp1ain»* hnrry .to‘,Toach the

- lto .m eet Ws brother who was'« »obf* In en, the train dne a t that Ivato i\wtnesses niate tbat tbe men wbi tober js tn e k were walktng .toward tl ata te 'on Ute le ft side of the screet, an ia lah |tbe tMr twerved from its eoon

this plons^ iato thom.

! ' 'i . 'e X A M H W T IO N S Q U A U F ’ U M ORE FO R W A R t

'S S . b e l r Om O ot'ef IS Beglsttaatt pera-.| to.Paaa' Testa of O v a U tttr to b o r l '. . ' OoeraXmtltariE 8«Me*

»rder { Qnt of 15 registrants called befc> this.local board Monday evening to .i 1017: 'to pbyaical ezaminatioBa, 14, w« !((. clarod qtsalifled for geiieral aUita:

vlee, and only'one was rojoeted. ' who passed.- the examinationa

„ ♦- Charles Warrea Oraybeal, BnMj T Adam Both, B.ohl; Perey Clark

-» * _ ‘Pller; Andrew Shingle, Alblonj ; T ^ . 'J o h n Xollmeyef, Three Creek;

eriek WiOUm Harder, Twin Falia ^lekett, Twin Falla; Iie<?nard (

. mw ®“bl; Clande Hanes^ Ontario, a [bW Haaaaa; Qb

Edgar Norton,'Kimberly; Boloa ^* « Short, Twin FaUs; Cbatlea M«• ‘ W*b«f. Kimberly; • Jerome P

O ’Connor, Twin Falls._ . P a rle y .a SmUh, of Twin Pall Y ’ dlsqaallfied. - • , . . . tober Tbero'are aessagea jfor'YOTJ,

•Inr*a ftot* ada.. -

JUC K u a t i E OK n u

n B M D te t - S e o t t* * f i n U

•. . p l s S t y o f m i p s

O -alwaya oa-haad to meet all dma] B ' thia bank. Wa keep ea haad a y . * eaab- reserve Uwa ^ a law MQoln 7 , i - U w .m - dapoaiton'. ebaeka .tft

-Wa toaka 'e o l la e t l^ f o r oor deiM 'V ,wa|sa.,-. Aa aceoont hare aayae t h ^ « \ tm U e aad eoaaldarabla axpaaaa |<*i : MS ^ W a b«W.- „



Shariff Tn&k 1C. K^nd«n.;iiA«. ■ b^.voife Itl : K o m b « r 10 Aftar

aa affldaliof T « la ,F tils e ra s

‘ SIOFFKilCII ; Tl SBI l in i

; F r a n k M . K e n i ^ ' t o T o i i i o l a l - 'P o i I ^ n > O veTi

S n o c e t i o r ^ i l e o i ;

’ ; Sheriff Frank M .-Keadall;; .'. ea n ^ from 0 e ^ ra b r .Alaxaac . statement that hts. r ^ ^ ^ O o a a

man o f 't h e . Twia Falla, e«nat d ra ft board will b e ’aeeeptod'W

affeettve November '20. ' iOa ei .. th a i date Bheriff Eandalt wtn< h ii office aa sheriff with the -J irtaadliig iha t the eoaa\y coam l

' ■: * wm appoint the aneeeisfa]. eaadl . ■ the fortheo^njc g ^ r a l eleeilot

the vaeaaey.- -.1 . -v,-. Sheriff-Kendall, npon qnittiBg

lURT poaltions .here, wfll move.;. ley^ where ha wiD b« aawKiated

g _ ^ . fann Implement ] tindneaa wl “ Beynolda BroihersVdBlpany; ' l a

■ ing to this field of.M ttv ity , Kendall ia resunliy^ an oeenpa

• ^ which he baa spent many yei with which he is th o ro o ^ y t

r t b* *»p5oyo«ot .of -the^ Plow company four years ago ^

waa tha iratcessfol candidata Democratic ticket for sheriff

_ founty. He waa taelectad to thlii .X - In 1M«- ■^ Sheriff KeadaU onsldered re t *'*■ positiona and reenter

imploment bnalnoss . a year .a decided, on acconnt Of exisjlng a ditlons,. to aerve •dttfing"tb'b rat

5 ^ ^ of,-th« terB rfof Whirt h 9 ;W .

r S : MOLD CANAL COMPANY a.p.k T0. 8 U M E FORoming . . ' ' ' ’ ',.tlise. Laadownara Baaa Aettoa fox n

I ware oir Alleged Padoxa of Or e ear : Tiacking Wbtari ' t t a t , ____ _e M d -Demanding damages In' the ‘

#S,0OO for crop fallore resnltinj jallofred, from tbe falnre of thi

[ FaBa Canal eompaay to deUvi IIITY IrHgation water thronghi^ ' ' season to tbe lands on wbldh tb

were planted, Mary Alice Dama -Taflt Frank B> Pamman, brother and fo r and thelr tanj}an< L, p . Aanis, I

' . their attornoys, S. T. H an^ton . Ik . Hackman, on :^eaday, filed

ra th a tlon in district eonrt h e t e 'a ^ lob^.C anal'eom ^any. The crops afiToi ra ^ of wheiat'and alf^ M ^ i a aUeged. The eompiaiat .reeit T hftf Edwin Damman. brother, of the ,rere Damman, regnested .the t

hooKa watar ftrom certain lands ow n e e him which wero not enltlvati

roaeph T«*r to the laads in qnestlon T n i- ^ allegad tha t {be Oaa ;.EarI PU7» «P nata aonetime la Jpl igrtee^ alsbad thia watar.


•W«>‘ H l» li Bcliool' S tu d u iU O o s ild n I Of -War BaUaf Work a t W<

Maatlag la Andltorlon

la ^ The weekly assembly hour i atodanta of the Twla Fall* bigh l a ' the aAditorinm Uds momlt

i p i givaa over, to a Bad Oraas progr m I ranged by Mlsa Brown, instru< . • l l pnbUc . speaking. Mra. W. F . S< S s chairman of tha Twin PaUs

Bad Cross ehaptar 'committee 0 tary relief, etplaiaed Che work t

Lit oC womaa o rar tka eonntry ara e Im, : ia for the raUef a f aoldlars aad ” ' and 'axUbltad -aampla. sw ^tera, M bandagea, ate. Titka ware mi BC> tba 1 ^ ' Croaa orgaalaatlea bj m , ■■ Qartnide',ShnTileft;'aad on ti

Creaa wotk by '-Miai Xeyea'Xoa. . B ^ V rkd .a ';p6«m , «5A

the baantifaLV n a high schoc iate^sparaad tka program with

r r r m aa t^ masi£al aalaetleaa.

i f a » i m a w q i i m to ja s wSargeaat & V. Aahby, ^ eki

the loeal marlaa aerpa laSaitU tloa, haa baaa fautnwtad to of

* Mat etfiea fee aabapta*aa e f appUeat a lck t ooaUflad a M balww a t ^ agas ■itarv aad 40 yaara faa vatattary ini 'n a a iattf th* aMda*;<60»pii.\* s '

; v f i c « d u i 5 r i s P f b 3 i » s T ; . (

1, - ; r f r i r - ■=. .-i,;--:: iv '

mmm■ l i mH ' - I - :— -

R a t t id la n ip X T w o .l^

F o rm e d in High S d

i; U n l f o ^ : O r d e i ^ f o r i

' Under'; eoinmaad of Dr. F.' C and Oscar .,W.'Newman, gradi

■ p H Itbe SaaVFraadseo training ei 'm lllta ir iaabwtora’ i n - ^ a u t i

.'W r **■ stitutibnai'lBS bov students of t WJ***. Palla, high ichool, brganUed ai

.tallon- of two eompanfes,' a n [rapid p ro ^ n 'in > tb a aehool of

' . .lieK UnifMma bave baea ordi 7 't^’ Uhe irtndan^ -taking military

'a s well lia'fer'tha meinbara’of 1 lE'HTC MbMl baBd,%hieh aa-oeeaalpniI J I f d l»«3: cewpwtUea, parw a^ -at (T?'.’ .eompaaa a meat valnablo adjnnt Pn^Of. ‘>««*Uon.-rv-,.^ I . ta k a T n M a» OOBnaae

I Oae.:lion9 '-aaeb .day la dev unllltary insiroetloa. • A' Compaj

■r V'' ilbr^ag tha firat bonr in tha fc - ,. „ »ad B CoBvpaay baa the fiia t

4I,A Uia ;aftaiaacm.' The eoam ofi beea ^v^dad^to-aqnada of a l^

. w ^ . t bDra >aeht ■ Eaeh aqnad ia na ! ^ - _ : «OBi«And‘of a eorpbraJ.' Eaeh'.

<0 bava .hia t m in tha poaitiott

Following are tha roatera «f Ua of't o , ^ r - A ,0«P «aT .1; ia .the Right Gnide, OUbart Sluda. Ui . tho Squad No. l—Uoyd GairHaoa w tam - al; Ward. Carter, Boy King,. < Sbariff Bower, ^iUUm Walters, Qnle Itiott in dis, L ^ n Stewart, I^eom Fltasl i r f . and ^ n a d No. f i ^ D n ^ Harts, ei amUlar. Olenn Schieder, Alvia Plekett, M o ^ e COI0, Bobert Ballay, Nathaa .1

rhen be Stanley Caimeroas, Chris. MIU on the Squad No. 8—'Varnon Coaemi o f - this poral; Marion Coleman, Carl Qli a 'o ttleo.lle Taylor, Harold Stelnonr, Lli

.a n , Olenn Wlttinion,' Carl Bro« Irgains : Bquad Na. «—Bol>art NicboU ■lag the poral; Mar Ooodrieh, Edward S g e ’;bpt CKse Bbalby, U a ta r Bhobert, rar.eoa- Par«bnsi Donald Flynn, Ooorgi naiirfar n e t • 'd M M . Squad iTo. 1^-Fl3^dH ni8r.‘'ci , ' ' Ciarence Taylor, J ool Jobnson,

; ' Panlaon, Clifford Fix,-Jno.-Gan I AQQ (on Stradley, Emerson Bola.

■ Squad No, »~How ird Sbddi poral; Leslie WilHamsoa, Carl^E Jamos Whyte, Donald Crow,

^ Ball,.Theodore Taylor, Howard '] . Squad-No. .7—Owan Fletchi

— i# iwral; Orveli Tneker, Nat WOl r* 7 . u iD ribert Milll, Russell Snsted,

'Eldred, Cbaries Hart, Jame*e iwin" •■ J f" ! Squad No. B—Everett Stradl

J 5 ! ; poral; Leslie Morgan, Malvin ^ 'M b e i i , Prank Schware, Wllllan

.Howarf Shetloek. thwugk B Oocnpanyand S . Blgbt Onlde, Joe* SwUt an as* Squad No. l-~-Norris Epler, c<

n st tlia John DaaSnUteau, Eo»ena T eted -fa. Wilson Deeker, Willard Denton, 'a li^ tfe Chamberlaine, WUbnr Stevena, m tha t Docker. ,>• plala* S ^ d No. Z~Balph'Cobum, aiutidat al; Jack. Phippi, Victor Sl ned Ooorge Lency, Alfred H erro^ Id tUa Ward, Theodore Schwara, Bobar in tha las...

a l e o » Sqnad No. 3—^Walter Buchan ly, fnr. )>6ral; Laster Diehl; C&O 1

Uoyd Foss, Wortb Fletcbar, lArge, Vangb Price, B lebud Sn;

B^uad No. 4—Arebia MeCt URI V ^olth Smith, LouU Herrin VIOU.I Bolley, Miltoa Bmton, B*

• btort, Balph Bawilags, .Melvin C ‘ Bquad No. 6—Kenneth Moo

••Wy poral; I ^ k Needham, Ernest italpb Hall, Morgan Haekmaa, • Bice, Lyal BaUoti, Bindall Data

for tha Squad No. 9—lay ton Baynol i«Rcbool poral; Baymond Koch, John ig waa Ooorge Baker, John Humphrey, ^ « * Harper, Boas Keamer, MarrlD ctor 4a -Sqnad No. T—Walter BaUth, Iwarda, Charles Bndolph, M anraaSai C w ^ iC h e a te r Kerr, Eldon Cbaaban n mlU- Owenif-Fweat atrlekllag, n i U i m a '^ ^ .

Squad No. 8—Jamaa. BebUto toa Denton, Forraat StrlekUai

» < w lB ata s , GUbart Taialar., . , ada a* , - - -

» M F IX IS E L E C T E D C A PT A . O F H IGH SCH O O L E La e tia a , • . __ ___ ,.

>I baadI ; ■i a S E *‘»«W rootU D t a a a la 1>aTab

■ I Oeadi 9 . a : tWVr IT-wrf « . ‘ •

J . Memban.^ef tha .T w ia'Fa: adElodrfboibaU t ^ ' a t a maat)

■ ^ ‘fT tttd b r CoMcb. D. A. Bllaa, 1 ^ » a t t a r a e ^ daeta&PldUp n x . .« ^ .«{ ta& a f the- team tor th^eesalag I e f 18,xTadar tba laadanUp o f Ooaab A»etl«B 'sti«ag football «lavaa hM Maa-^

i. « d ia ib a U g k « ik M l tkiayaax,i

^ M d -tk iB .7 ^ ,V ie * «baan«M is 'U rla haM--aw'-*«Btartiriaaa-’‘' a f ' a dd efiit. te te

I ’l ^ Snies:lsCadots I ’

felce Siwf. BMba .s .v iataa .of

i » e 'T w i a . :.'(-,’ '^boi*e8'.tMvdtabat* ' ''

making . •: v M o s t p e o p t e f atliVaol^ ; w i t h o u t f r W V I X

’ saort for what t tt h S S ' ‘ f o r t i i e w ^

. :■ G t i a t a v u s ip .; i > tto tb a p a c k ix tg i n d w t r

t r a v e l i n g ic a -b<no ia d 'to •; « . f l « a s k e d W . I

H iW lrb s id ? x e fu se d .I p » ^ t o i u , < d «

s i s ’, i - ;So «3wti»ii«.i! dn'tk. ; M , hbDselC' Tihe fir

■ B .n p t o j i g l d 5 “ * ;'i

£ impm- I ■ ttm ogb heat an )fiv> tb I r o U ln g u p i i n d d a i

J . right,> Tarasfbnbtheri

i S S ••.actintiM liasgn!a liw- ', . else ,codd ,'or -yimsou. . matched Swift <

WhMypOsee sn, cor> " c a r e , i l i 'A . t r a in ; ',«s, Las- rem ioideiA 'o f w h a■Jd By. f r u i t < tf <*^)crienc

on, ear*. - 1... , -

S w if t & C» ,Ohaa- I

dwards, | |Bottald I " ^ ^ S H a S y

Bice. • I 'ir, eoW |{ « - — — -liamson, 11MeW n l l • ■Bnther-

ey, co^Wrin-

1 Busb, • -PBBaBYTBSIA »8 MBOT A t I

(Ooaitianad from Paga 0 »

bomata, o«,ComraodoTa Peny. . .' Hester. TIk* syno<l will continue in sesi Harold ;iay and tomorrow. All sasaU

—- opeh to tbe pnblie, and the pt corpor- most heartily 'lav ltad . to attaa'

Committae raporta and aet: thoBv oceople* tha day aaatioi

t Doag- fjeirt reen rapresantl^ the of the church- ara pfaseat aad i sessions ara Intereating aa waU popular sesrions ia the evanin

, ^ Joha o'clock. • On Wednosday. a t lOi fdar. Presbytariai) women e t the qyr IX, eo^ meeting to forin a women'a sy

organieation.-A popular mealing wiU b

' Wednesday n igh t Two p« board membors frbm New Toi

m S S i ™»ke the addresses.- Dr. ] »*“ • Hughes of New Tork wm give

3 ^ ' dress on ‘CPutting tha Cbnreh os, ^ W ar B aais," and Dr. Oaorge 1

of the Fbraign Misaioa board w J . a a addraaa OB . Tba Craaada

e S « ^ World Brotharhood.*» idsraon. a t the aaetinga Si. the direction of Anatin D. Them\ r t h a r Thomaa gave a taeltal bafora' aj

1 p. a . today. 'an . .a u On n o ra d ay a i ^ t - a t 8 o 'el r h la ta i i^ program'la ealebratSear aiaataaath .aaatlB g of ayaed 1

IN f =r : =y —

S BEPEpiJJerie yoii!wiU find

^ any style of ca*e, witt Women., ; .

S a a ^ ' No :nd8tetement ia.the valn^of-iuiy artiele

.Jnst ; i ^ t service yoir 9

s i


can fmcuTstiig meat m ice' Jl

n.Ameilca'woold haniineat' '<>r:.v<>Dld'-liave; ■•o'pajrfes-ill f i a i r t f U t w t ^ i 1 1IngkebOxts. ' ' ' ISwift, the fimt Swift in the I

ly , saw. the need, of thes* I.railroads to l»iild:diai];'V.T^1 'They were equipped, c o d ' U Icattferather^t^draaMP. Swift had to .n iA k e ’e i e tiais.' ' .11 b to iie w kiabox car rigKcd H \ Now^ttiera are 7:000 S w i l t : r |lI. ..Bach oae i« aa fine an: ice" Jl sinyw K om e; • *i- r ..... 11gjht ^ weather, and faO, •' I od cbld, theap 7,000 -care go '1 1 >wh the country, IcBepipg^meaf 11 w ayto^nn.' plune of Swift &.Compa>gr%-c^. I xnim to meet .a need no- ane,-.'>f £ I Wc^ld sopply,' in:.wa]r- that'V<' I a : ( ^ p a n y Ideas of'beina'? V ' - 1

eoneoftheseSwift&Comiiany <r.'r I r,or on a si|:^i;, you wiD .lie t ' v I iat:isbeingdd& % yon aa t t e - ^ ice’and B'destt\toi;serv».: hS

C o m p a n y , ^ . . S .

6 q y I i f c e r f y B ( ^ d b i 5 1■ .-■■ . A I

■ '■ I

STVOD ^ e n in 'th e D ^ ,B i^of Boiae wm ^ p ^ .^ea I'/IaiTisg i

sa) ’ Fonndatioa o f PiMbiTtaiiaalaiB la U--------h o ," and Dr. Beeaa» ptMddeat o fif

CoUega ef,Idako a t OlOdirdEVwm ap« tuionto^ oa the “ 0rl|laa! of BaHgiow/W ta tona ara tioa ia Onr S tata.'.'.. pabUe ia — ^ •' .ad. ABSB8BBS D iU U flBS . • itioa ea ■ • ^ JOMSMWt M M tU m

^ e«**t»mlty with ika: fladlaga ^ jndg»ea t,a»de by .tha.fti

tha ^ ittduatrial aeeident board, Judge W. “ “ Babcock, in- district eoort, 'here .tl ? € „ .V , momlng, Isauad. a daeraa in the ^

M orriaagainat D. F . DetwaiJ under whicb DatwaUar ia ordarad.'

T iw iea i ^ to -Morrla, damages in tha ana ♦801.e6 ,-eovatiagaadiea laad;ho^ '

bo hald cttaation aad loas oT t i s e inenrrad.. r o m l ^ t stoora aa a raaalt a f iajariaa raealv ork O ty j u n a r r 14,1918, whUa la DetvaUai ■Blchart eaploy.» •» ad* ■ ■ , ;sb On a i t cosU mom to.Uv*—ao yoa am at:

eraaa« your earning powar. 'ffhy,* "™ 8 * ^ advertise .for a batUr pedtleaf a for a ; _____ _______________

J, na ia f A B SA T m rU Ii WOMm F ' ^Bua l b . Do .von kaow that a baaattfal warn •yaad ak always baa a good dlgeattoaf -U je

, .d igestion is fanlty, ea i lightly/ ^ taka aa aaaaaianal daaa.

• o f tka O haabariaia^ T a b M te g t n ^ wffl »a TMT dlgaadaa. Priaa t B a ^ ^ v ; ..

iBiE vwiraii[ watcfaen bf r^ftb le jaudcet^ri^^^^'! i l man^ ,jew< Or fe , for

I. erer p ie^ tte^ ih _ b n r leyou My—v^wiU^CigUy^ may jBKp^ frmzL y o u

Page 6: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

| a' - ' | L lbeily Loan Qupfa-TPtet

■'.t T',. f 'K • ..y ..-.•>/',i>;:!'floiinty-Jil -'ihe l.Un^h coa

qn'otav wfbonpr :fon-in il

T * ^*h f> T 8f»t*.^(?idm»i» jfpni

"'Oonntr'. Oh«inaait^ a-i.i

^b'ii^1)^{0Teiim bladbiaii^

air e l t l ^ i ^ a r a r l

|i.-^''iioj>Mi$iujii«r^^ (iW tU iiw il^» litttA an l\lie iW l> ij^ .U

SP5“ r*fen'fe^^In q t'iB "T m a-.'n ito eounty^ a i.g ire i o i^ tb U »oniiBp-3by>Ooanty: O h '« I ^

m r a b e r i ^ d f : : L ^ 7 8 ^ >>'er,w<000 • «6,00t

MttHwigi - 85,000 -:, « 0 ^Honiit*r 84,000- •- »,«0(

> lI,OQOoV:U|0« Vtip* ■ 82,000:;..' 1 9 ^

:■;.'„■ :■■■■■• jSfiM' isfiiK pj«*«t',v*iiey-;ii'j::>''-;8,6od-- ' s^m

* rq le e ';x il^ tT ^;'.81 fiSC«: 8»|000 .18,000

liijoooi,;/. 9jM


- : 5 ^ - v I5 S ' ' i S

■ ' -•PAm*t*rd«Bi'»^ -L—L." • ' 5,500 ' .|,TM:„-.-;-;-,aWirw)d.: -_ t ,o o o -' *juq'.> ' 'ADMd*l6 -i^ '•*,'000 • VBO; ' . : .a H B » rd t :_______ _ 4,500 6,750-■ '.••^itMUnrOlty — : . 3,000 , $,800■V‘'- W 'b i ^ k y : : ~ Z Z Z i . y i,5oo .'i,Mq

.^•'' / H o i i^ ;o r « fc - -3 .i -^ - ifioo , m

HLIllFMlIK: ^ ' I M S ' n ' S U i l i

;^,.- •.. .'•.. ,-,.-!.v/,,.r.-.;i; .-:

T W in r f t lU P s b U o 'U b r s i y W in

r T h i"T w b ‘f»U* p«blW llb m y h i ^' edre^^ ft t ^ a M - 'f e r ; t s o ^ 1)dak« S m

• ib I« '''eo»n iiB lty '^ Ui« msn q tm b m ' i T h ^ a p i ^ «ro» W iabiigtoa vtataa t&kt' a s v 's a r d a ' u d /seed V w M to m ■tOdM, wBrther a«w 'or-old, ars BDft

' obed«4. > BMks by E u * Orvy, .Sex B i ^ . J u k Loi^dOB,. Balpb Ooafm, Owan'wi«twF M»4 A H eary a n vary

. poptiUro HlJhuyiWffl foiwaM aU nltabtfl bM lb tfia t‘a n taraad ixu I t o T ^ tb» M u d * ef Um aoldlen, naay

'> of whon bare , already reepeadad ao K uanody, te glTa a o n boob .

TIm eoanoaJeattoa roeatr ed by tbe Ubraiy elatea tb a t ever 600,000 booka have beea eeat -oraraeaa. Tba aspply

dred tbqBsaad m o r« .i^ b « :i)a ^ e d eooa . lo ' tbe dlBp^<^‘offleea 'w h]eb 'an aow

Aipipl^r twdka ta V naea. Tba beeka a » « i S ^ - ^ tkiiM 'dlqtateh tffleea ta etroac iaaMa, ao tbay - a a m aa a boUc

,' - tm l- ■ "'■-■■'■ •••-•'••T W M oa tb e ^ e O a ef.ttaAepattt,

: ' : ia ca i^ - ra a M * ia 4 H ra tra l 'H ■ illf ; ' Tboae tb a t go oa tba daeka ef traaa*'. ' : p ^ '»» -bm .-«> .

jta a r T 'a i f i f t r a u t t t f -fo? B » -4 a :tb »V ABtbM * boeka.ai«.>«atbered

. { S T S .aad deUnred. t« S e proper

go t e ^ e ^ . 1C

W M ^ g ^ ^ « g r a t ’. 'g |r t t a e k .e f bna*

l i i i e i i' M i l GOlif

iiocirf^/BbEiii ' t o i '/S e l e o t '4 SntnOn for.SUU Wnlver-

• ;!v p : 'j'-iiit!»’; « ^ 8 t i ( l e n t « ,: ::?;■0 :•,-. ■• •• :-. . • ' .'v V ■• •/'];:.■■I*. r.''0«t J O i i ^ e U t j 'e a l l e d W ; t a 1ocalvbPiir4r.^:Mi«^,hen^ t o d

tfoicow /irhen 'ibeir” memben'of tbe e t a d e B ta / a ^ t n i ^ r giiiS;'riI>iiiA;'U'.1^’'t iU iik d u > iS iD S ’ebaii|«9 RQiniral meeU^M. o r r ^ e ' cK ‘yta , FeUowifig ie tfie list of a p p l ^

t ,><Jbaj)aMii X«rtoder>,KlmSerly. Balph Beer, Mer. ' - . r-

;i.Bw«^/J.I:L»?aeB,i;?fl«k O w ef

’ •PIoya^'VtBlbii U e r^ '.^ U o rta Q g b . ; LeovWlUUm re m u d a ^ . 720 Wonrl

‘ atroet east, Twin TaUe. . i- .. 3 '' ;^„W*yne..QpateUp,.ffi?Ia’' P ^ ' •' •

.1 O e lb ^ jS thb r' VHUaiu, Twl^ IU I C^vWfflfamlBtaapley'Bobl;./', ■. UlaeaifleJ Ada a n ekeap—««ffeetf^

' 'BnropBB<ffiATigyi)B ,J Hra. Wililaq ^11,' Lopmeport, la d

writea: f.‘I .dpen i t , iny du ty ..to . es preu niy gntliiido for the' good Cdwn berlaln'a CoUO'Ud Dfarrboea Beined; did me .when I had a ee ren attaek o d ian o e i tbreo yeaniago. I t waa th only m e^eU e that nUered me.'/-~Adi .-;-i-c' •; .DBTBtOPIKOf' ^ViliUS,; lOe ; toI Priatii^ S It4ii81>^;8e; S ^*4zi 1-4, J 1. « l-S, 3 i4 x 4 14; 4e; 8 1-8x5 1-8 u i 4x«, 5e. ,;now er Toto Shop,- Twia VaU Id«ho.->^Adrertiai»2a0Bt.} ‘':M)jiic(y in loa'o.'wa im ^vei^w tium

LoWimi .ioivreii - aud bust repaymet nriviloKM- -Icriizatfid, Ladda Cotiiaae:


p f O S M l iThe Advloa of ThlaTw in Falle Worn

> an la of-Certaln Va1u«;Many a w om u’a baek baa man:

f t^ ea u d pains.Ofttimea 'tla the Mdneya' tantt.. That'a wby Doaa'a K ldaty PUU a r

•a affaetlre. '^ ■'•Many Twin FaUa womoQ know tkli

• Bead what one haa to aay aboat i t U n. M«rJe J . Stwraoa,: Tblrd Ave

SL aajna: *'I havo uiod Doaa’a KMxae; PIU *-aeronl times and t a r a b M thproogbly eaUsttod.wltb tb« ra sn iu l(y \m n t comptalot trom m y k id m r Im alwaya beoa..w4tb m y baek. Hj b ^ .has loon vreak asd lam a asi Mhad>ao I could bardly .k aw op. bara always been d lu y aod ffllt al tna.dow a a t aueh .tloaa.' 1 t i n t r% bold of I>LAi'a Kldaey Pttla tb tm g l a M and'a .rocomneadatlon, and tbej ifid m e eb muoh -iood I b a i« .'ttaM tiiiKBL w beeeT v 1 hara' seeded aooh' i t'MiMdy ^ e * . Do«B'*,IUdaey PUk .iaVa' scrrar.falled to c o n me o t aa 'Atedc of kUaey tronble^'* - -

P M ^ eOe, a t aU d e a lm . rtMUm- UObrn e<^ M tm -. Boflalo. K. T .

F— " = ^ " I " '' . -I • »■»•■»r ..i

O l d T e e t h

W A N T E DV I .m u , VAT TO « u .8 o xom

f u n iB V - ^ V E f V X W lM f e a v :>,... UHITBP :SyA T^;> S U V iT U f O <WCnUB9, l l ( 0 . !

C a U 2 1

?< •■■■.'- 'r- '■■■■■■ ■

i i i i i i i v S S •' - . ;U I L O I ^ G P K O N E 8 2 0

m im ni '

U iTI 4"4"^i"l7“ . “ i" l 4“ i ’•';'; ioi '-Bdiirai''r<ni''BBBiiXiir'.'':^

^ V>..^ies;i)esBpilsaeita,-:'of.',Twli ” ,lTh9 ,fnUated'.a^yMr>ago'iB'tbe^ ;;. «qrpf, ^.eohedtOed to.rab»koa;Ta

' .4fy;j)f'iUa,,wew foT-oyerseaa s e ^ .fivordiagg tOi a;i letter 'neeired''by:'J .'aa^ ;Mim P. ,M; ?8lnpe«m, frf>« tb '

be m,^^ydeiVrj who iS'Oa dtly the - # U n tu t • ■gqatnl's, offiee 30. ,V e|hiagton.y.^rate .‘Slmpeoa'' stal lOj tbi^ .the eikidenle pf: Spaiaiah iaflnen aa M|:|b'^rfotu.'i(k>.tM'-.^tioBal ,upii ig tMt]«bntehes,iM»tBM:ud etber. pt le 4ie:meetiiv,plaeea.bave beea eloaad4; p-' r-i •- ,‘>-r-r.

" JAAVHra. o v . BZTBNDSV S B S »• .■■•' W. ifc^^i«iftQ^:■«i<eot^■^^o■-l^

tfae 2 of t&l« mekrra «B: MMera-tl .Tlalt .wltkrelatiTes: ili Oolor^o,< M

sonri i»d.;iowa,'wd to attead tbei] t«raational<XlTBetoek assoc^oa .sbt

: M^CIbieagOj -tO/beifeUowsA'-by iiinjii ' fiin«ioB'' t» 40BUiera Oallforida,‘'.vbi

]^e%lll,ap«Bdtlie,wiateraf Ha bas^iii ed bia reaideae«c.to.a.Tr.'AUgi.MJ

^ t h e ildaho.State,.bai^ natil. blii'i tnrn,* Vra. Allg . will arrive here-;tl:

,■ weefc-.;. •-,■--■•■ -': •'

WSl Train' aa Atadeota-The loe board baa .isan^ .oraera i^dMting is the atadenta,army traiaiag Mrpa'at'-X

. Iu d Stanford, ijr -TTnlTerslty,’WUIU . Fredorlek liOim^: Baymnd Bntler . ai

Vernon '^jio are xegUtr^of ibU eonn^'iJ^attendanee u atB^M a t.^ iln ir ti ta t iu ^ B o M ViMiglw B

. WMS als0. biu. b m . Indoiated Into, tl tTa^g.eorps.ltt'',tbe'^IJBiTeralty^^

. .WaahlngtM, peatUe,’ ;

. . l^ b e c iy Oacrier»-The TTai od Statas.'.eivil eerrlee. eommiaalon annonuoed. u ex&miaation to -be be!

•» nt :Twjtt Palla oa-November .0, to fl •• tbe position ofrwral oarrier at Klmbe ‘‘ ly aad .'va^o ies 'that may later oeet r inm . other poatofflMB insthe eonat: ' luring tho oontlnnuee of the w u w< B .men'are ad^tted. to raral earrler « ’* amlnatloaa.on the.«ame eondltloBa t 7 men. _ . ' ■

2 '^BAB8 'OXtAIB’ O H B/Bair I'l ' "County ■ Agent Donald . McLeaa' hi

roeelred from Captaln’rellter, mUltai , inatruetor a t tbe U aiTenity of Idab

- * the -Information -to the effeet'.tbai ro| LI iMtranta'cUaaified in elaiw one A ai

not eligible' to.teeatral t r y in g , off ’ fera’ 'training or the' etndent'a a ra

training eorpa aad ahonld not repoi I to'tb’e unlveralty for 'examlnatlona.

i PBSBBTBD W ll'il ABES D ^O B C I : Deaertlon dating:, fr^m -1013 ia a

Itgtii la the petition of Mrs. OlUe i■ Wllaoa for a 'decree-of dirorfljj fro:

hor hoabandf.B: £ .' -WIaon, filed Mbi f daji in district eonrt' here. They-wer

marrletl -fn Deeoinber, 18SS, Io Seimt Iowa."

I ■ __ — •, •-. Say Snitb Is Obe^ Azti8t>-A wai

, rant for tho arreat bf Homer A. Smitl ' chargiBg h|m wlth pasting a flctitlou ’ rhoek lo tbe sfim- of tfll-dO on . ih

^ilei; D ep i^ e n t Store. September 21 vraa iaau^'Thursday at the instuce 0

[ ProMcatiag Attorney F. L. 'Stephan b: Probate Jndge. O. P. Dnvall,' . W.

, ,Taylor of PUer is the complaining wil I . . ;VI ---------- -- '■■I , Twe to, Bnter • Stodeata Tratsiog- , The iotti board haa forwarded tp Ches

(er. Mars'h of-Bnhl-aad Jeaae ^ y n o n i , Brock of . Klmberlj orders’ for thel i' induetloa into the atndanta'-artny train . ing eorpa. . Marsh will enter trainloj

a t L e lu d Stanford, Jr., nniTeralty ii Califomia, u d Broek a t the Uaivor a i ^ of Colorado, Bonlder, Colorado.

8B0BZ A •Dfta<»MAanwn Ai the r e q a ^ t f the poatmaater gm

0)U the. ITBit^ dvfl aerTie<'commlaalbB &aa aaa'eim’eed u examlna tfba te be held at Twla FhUs oa XTorea bitr 10, for ' tbe posltioa 'oT jMetmaatei a t Bogeraoa. Thla office haa u u n u tl eoBtpoaUlQa ef flOOO.

‘ ' V r r r r r ^ r ' ,‘- BOX tUPPSB FOB PtlPZLS

aappar jlrffl^bf beld oa Pridaj « v m ^ , Ortalwr^U, 4 f tb e AUeadali V k '^ b e t» e :« i^ 't te aiaspieeo ^ iU Bilmoik Social a b k lha proeeeda an to be oaad for^ike baaafit of tb* aehoo] ebndrai .

'■■Wgsanti ju 6 S^5 aeemlBS—Word raea tr^ from «*ttsaat %W. T. Alwertb, Jr.. aom e< M r M Ifn . W.T. Alwertb, ie tbat ba i* tiqsm lac t a u attaek ef poesBwaiit^fMplar Spaaiab JafTa- e ^ Berieaai Alwortklaamea^berof tbaji^ctaa. eetpa, a taU o ^ at Newport,1-acIa la .d .

^ d a iu e f M is - i s r t d a - O td F s kava baaa h M l iiqr.tba l«sal beard f e r the^teteaUaaL^tala.iVMW i«^ lta itad*«n i- taiy w riaa a t M M ^ia im k % ;lC la - aawLAfcnwWsW n f l H . f l w a s r t ^ ^

J H I t t t» H i j ^ ^ af-WaiK.

ItonoitllU ^nrH 'uV iA v 'to lV oalfiu U trad .'tk .n< im gr>IeM ^eM ‘:l'for)'-l

•w fi;V.

^ t o f c W i B u i f f l N S K i i'■V probabl. t o i ,tlw,>»ay,:eon« to Ti‘ifc

i ta a a ia it K n M m m im x e f

[». aold hia resideneo porj^rfy. * t *85 Hi Vff avenue eaa^ to.D r.^J'A . E i ^ irtuj.J UN- Meupred~lt.i^ie 1&: KeadaU V dee 1 '

ikr- .-^ . i2 ^ .u d to :!A i/& - .J C a r* y a , M n; i t aa^.G . ;0.,'Mehaffay. retitJ ^.Etetnrday;ftom-,0»ldweU w ban th N attended the Baptist state . fipareatl M last week.-,.

•s? b A L L S F O U R T E E N M EN3 j

S B»«iati«iita ' t o ’B«;BU |notrt.Into: n tf. V denta' O e i^ a t State.ValTaxsityIm '■ ■ ■' ' 'n '■'• ';of Fourteen, pt th e , n ' ^ r u t a bf

tounlT Trhi>:b««:»reUoa,J«r M iictli . U to the atndents’y » r ^ . training eor

... a t'.tho 'iTniveriiiy, o f iiibii', Uoito^ win ontraia 'here.on M ondv,-6etob, . 14, to enter training under eaU im e d \ ^ the a d jn tu t .gMoral u d n ^ v e d Sj

?irdny by,the local board. The mea ea _ ed a t this, time are to enter trainiag

Buto mcebanJe^ general niocbaaioa, ^ n d io opentors. About 80 reg ia tru J ,ia this c o o a t y 'a p p l i e d for inde ^ Uon Into t t i s training < ^ u r ^ ‘

;^ C I a i^ o d ; Ad* c h e a ^ t r V f f ^

I f lK« G O O D I N G E

I “

, D E A L E R


[ M a rm o n Fe f-.. ,t, •- • ■ ' - t

I •‘:- .v ' ■'t- ' _ . • ' • ■•

i I N T E R Pj. • ■■ ■• •' . g ■ : - ••

T h o r o u g h l y 4 a i n e d a t Got

w h e r e f i r a t - c l a a» ■ ' • ' • ■ ,

r ■ . . ' .

mM■ ; ' ■' ■ ••••- ' ■'/■

• ' / ' w

T h e G o o d l ^ v M ^ elecfiM <^'

' s t a t e . ; ; * n k < M e ; w l

d a n s e i i ^ I l ^ t o

a 0 B ^ ^ O

I Wfi?: W e i i k 'th e Ii ; U k e b i f f h q Q ^ ^ b n t c a a S i i

H i

o r i B t B a a t B u a u n a S ).V . . .b e a u . .ta

t h a t w e h ftv e 'Lay t b a t .w e m i u t & a T e p i i d ^ t i i ^ ■■ g A w m .T w a M A w y r a f f

loa f o r e m w k e t i s i f ' j b t t f 'B l i l k l. ■ ■. • .•■■■.J : •, .• .JHEOLIILBElliV • ■"...'.i.iJ: - " ■ / . 'i i i iW i.V

~ ° D i % i i k R e

a : / T W I N 'F A l



T^Jle*. B eyaol^, Brothen com puy 1 reaodeling'its. atore h e n ,to aeeonuoi ^a te t^elnatallatloh of a ebmplete stoe

^ of-furpitnre. The new'st6ck is now 'i " trandf iud wHl Im n ad y sooo f6 r .ii ^ ap^^on :. UsAager*C. T . Elnkle state

t h a t the .^d ition of the aew .line e ine^haadiae-will.'net eortall May oi tb n t^V handled ..by,-Ua firm, a t the p.re'i

I U H L T W I N t a

!s I N A N D W H ^ R I B U T O R S

riaiikliii P a lg iM p t O ^ C A R I


e q u i p p e i d g a r ^ i d i n g , T w i n F ik ll s w o r K | i i « t f

■. ■: .y - 'v '■

■ Urj;arv-.%-,''.'., Ji.’ iiO ’vC -'-rT O W r'-i'' j.,mmmi t o r C o m p a n y , h a s t b

i m m t i o f a n t n b t b x

| i p y e q ^ e . w o r k : ' i n 1

l i i e . G o o d l a i g . M o t o r C b ^ t y o f g u a r & n t e e i

podsg a j o m S w j e t J I t a ^ m ^ O U SE f a d U o t i to T i l a a ’ ■

. F A ^ I O - : ' f

y m tk s t for AUalf» |« H . We Euttdfe-’a l l 'g r a d e l i


•'‘i r iU w , ^ t M n i B s n r , t b i b i s m p T B S i i i f a a n v o l k k i

l iiijS h o ro : l l : k in u o a r r r - w a i ik w iw :!A dS#0M of ih n t iuul'iliit fkoi 1

ii s p t t e V i ^ O W 'S S F B B D O r a B I H I

> t o o k D IB P O B IL :'/> B a a H I b « . I

1i i S a i u s E - 1

j S B ^ e s . .-

;||[ I : *

la ‘ j L' k ' ^iafuaoi'-'of V a l l k i i / ^BO- ia spending aeveral days. In Twin Filla leJiA oa.boslnoaa. ■ _ .-

' -'uiM M ^ 'Jo aea of l&lackfoot'la vis-'^ itiiv friend* b e n -tto week. , . .•

Alwaya. |n the . market .for balitd ,. lalfa-.ba:y."E!^Mt’ ^ ^ e e > a t d r a t im tUBM: J ( ^ F l ^ . p)ioaa' ^ ^ A d v . .

I L L S B U J R L t Y •

l O L E ^ A L E

J O F :

e N u p m o li i ie .

I R U C K S■ , y '_ •• I, ,

. g e ^ c u ‘ ^ ; m a . i n - '

i l s a n d B t j r l e y ,

m u t a n t a t t i l i i n d B j a c e

h e '- ’m ^ ^ e i ^ e a ^ T ^ I L r

t h e r < B l t e t H ^ . 4 i f i e !>-

Page 7: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

^ pSm — w;^*rAi\*wwiw-'--:y-^^ p«t.l)MP-»|t^vf^;-=-,vy^--»

^ • ‘f-< " > . * ^ « ^ a p s

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> . ^ t „ a a „ - ^ r -

w n i i i w r nT ;ig tii;-< fo ^» » M ;'T O

< Z o i S ^ S i D n n ^ D n o i % ! ^t JMUm . 0 H. BiU; m w j T i t t at m f I IT < '^^i;if:i4 'yM i:'a

*1 t , .■*»*»::^^P«fc?^^^'^vi:^^

*> A n c tlb n ^ ' \j^ D g n o i i iHH t ~ ^ &tioucr.: Stoek or r ta d i , MIM * r n

SS y e a n .M p s i^ ^^ i iM l i , i ro b n u k a T ^ S T tf 111^.-B bodiefte. Pbosa; 719 8 ^ - M

^ ' V v v j ^ o ' T M ^ ;':

Cz PU K O TVNIMO^PIiob* i o T z ) ^■ '^ ^— .•/ ...:-,- -i .'; ■.»:,

•:-’- ' ■ 'v ;••■■•- g * T i T j i ; ^ ~ l i f i S n n S S i ^ ^ y ^

: . fomlibed fo? reeoptleiiui, d t M ’ v iW ip a ^ i . B » A r ^ 01.-.

' HBB. B. Xi. TUBHSB, toaebw of violin ' - u d piftao* Pl^Q of ■ OftB-

. wenkUuj otUutli. atsaio 258 maOi , ' avo. V. Pboae. MS. '

" . ; 2 )reB sn i«k iiu r .MBS. TB0»-1>raM m aU a«, u o Xerth ' Hain straet. Expert eattia« aad

; - fitting. Street drenisa, afteraooa . freeki, eveniag jpiwai; faaey'ain>.-■• derwear. ■,' ■ .


‘A ro M te b t___________ ,'! JOHM/TlSBB&TrTdibb Power BldgJ: : :,jcij.j>e<j:.,,.. , - , • . : „ , . |

• . ■ , "■. • ..’y -A tto rn e yg ; ■"; .

' a . V.-' 'l3 S tB S S ^ e a e T * r ^ ] P ^ « ^. Bebaia 6 aad 7 Idabo Power Bldg^ . {

: B W B S m . * BWBBLBT—AtteneTaat^l^ir., PraeUM i^lell .C b t^ Twin


■k r o ^ . f -lgB yH yjr^.B . * T . .» a » . ;

J . a WIBB*;iit»7W ’ A lly o rju ilria jOoUeetloB . 'Ofpaxtmaat OfiSeea, Boema 9 aad 7 Ot o Twia Valla Baak! Jb .T ^ ;Q o ., Twia T a n a , 'Z d a b o . |

. B<-lE.'’W 0il3S—lAWjer. ;B o o a S a a d ' erer Idaho Departmeat Store, Twin

M l^Idaihe;,

R E f f i l S l T I

V A ; B a r g a m ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^

. f t h n t i a i i d ■so aerea f^nr mUea f r e a lUer. P air

-iapraQrameati." AU ealtiTated :■•

$ 1 7 5 P e r Acre

S M IT H HIILL■ lS7'6heeboae':Bt.:'iBe^' .•/

, Twia ,IU b , U dka . -

’ .p e t a x e ^ i ^ ^


t f

• '_ .- -•■_ ■: 'V - • --------- ,

Ii; l . I l n . ^ T —

I B B i a f a 5 :;^ jm a m im i» Ai u ^

i ^ w « v \ y a a 6 i a a t w t f ^

: ' X D A ^ W lXBlir AND FOB ZWZ• '. .T A m o o v n r r ♦ i .' .CharlM H. Brewae, P laiatiff vai-WI

liaib -Yaa Alder and Oharlette- BUa T u . .^d « r, D»readaae»^AUi

Biubbwiu. " : ■• ''^ynel'S t^te of Jdafco aeadi greetiaga't W iaiM i. Y»a Alder aad Oharlott iDliUMUi VaB AId^,' tbe 'aboTe aasi'» d a ^ d a a ta : - -

Too'iare i e r e b y - a o t i f e d ^ t a eon p lalat baa beea-filed a«aiBrt yea V tbe 'aboTe^aamed'plaiatiff. ia tbe Dii t ^ e t Coart of the Poarth .Jodieial Dii ^ e t of tbe S ta te 'o f Idaho,.'ia aad fd: the CoBBty, of Twi?^«l>llft ,aad yoo an belreby dlreisted td a p ] ^ aad.aaawei the.eaid- e o ia p l^ t w ith j^tw eaty dayi e f :tbe eerrlee of ada -nuaaioai, il aerred witbia aaid Jndfelal Diftrldt aad withla-forty daya, .If 'ie rre d Umo where, aad withia .fo r tfd iy a aftbr th<

'pablieatioB 'of thia *auBmesa ia *eoa ^e te ., ,

The. object,'of aald anlt aa thewa b j aaid eempUiat ia the qnletlag of the titijB ef the pliJatiff to Let .Xbree'(8) ef Seetiop-T hir^ (80),. Ib Towaahlp Ten ^ 0 ) , South, of Baage Serenteen (17), East of tho Bolae Ueridiaa, ia Twin Faim Connty, Idaho, with ita ae> eonpaayiag water, r ig h t ,! '^ againat aay snd all adverae'elaiau. or intereata held or claiaied by y e o . -

And you' are,-farther "potified tU t •aaleaa-proa. appNtt.:,aad -.aaaKW,->^a eomplaint witbistthe tliqe h m in .nee* I f l^ , tte , plaintiff willjtake-jndgmkat j»a^ d e ^ win be eatereff agalnat yim a^ prayed In aald,eomplaiaj. ,:. ..W i^en m y li^ d u d tha’aeal of aald tM itrlcfC onrt 'th la 9 th /d ay o f Oe: toU r, 1018. . , ;

, ’B. Jcp m O H ,. Clerk District, Coort

(SEAL) • By >0. L. BOWBN, -- . Depoty.

BWEELEY *• SWEELET, Twin Palla, -■ Idaho, -Attorneya ;fdr -Pfclntitt. — ^


c C A s m -••• •>.. •'•• .-' IfeUea ia b m b y flares Dy the under* ligned H arrey ' C e^ n e , admlnlatrator with the jwill,,,a«i.«ed of the eitate e^-WflUam j‘Hney, d e e ^ d , -to the e rc ^ ^ ra . of 'and 'a ll jwraona hiarlag

''agaiait. the a ^ f deeeaaed, to tjieip w itt, tbe aeeeaaary’Tooab.-

.wfttin foor noaths afeor the f irr t ^^U eftipn .df.thU notieel to the a ^ O ^ey .'C o i^aiH aamlBiitratdr, a t the ifflee df .Sweeley Af, sWe^eley, A t t ^ seya a t Law-in the l i n t ' N atl'oa i B a ^ Building, In 'th e C l^ of Twin Pallt, 3ounty of Twin Palis, SUte of Idaho, ^ la beiag tho plaee fixed fo r thie ti^na-, letioa of the bnaiaeas.of.aaid eatate.-

Dated October 8,1918.. .HABVBY OOOOIKS,

hdmlalitrater w ith jba ' W ill.-A aaex^ of the' Eatate ef 'mUarn P i ta ^ , D«> ceaHd.

IWEELET * SW EELEr, Twin PaUe, Idaho;,Attoraeya for A d a ^ n i^ to r .

Teaebera' Inatitute win be beld ia rwia F an^ Idaho, Oetober .28,.S9, 80, < a a d N ereober^l, 19.18. A n teaiehata rin be expected to attead tU a meetiag. Bigaed) ■ BBITTOKABT WOLPB,

■y ^ Oenaty Saperiatoadeat.Claaaifiad Ada are ehaae->affaeUTa.’

- !v • -■ - • • r« . • . ■

M O W : - v y ;;-y -

5 S T S S ? r ^ - = i _^ < W MTK.CmPB Y IC0HIMC Z>OW .


iLip .V m a t ro a TOT t itatadipajilBa^;MMi.to ■■■ F H O sa 'a i i( j; j^ ia ? .: .

h : ^ iv B : ' ' : i a iL B - M « i^ . .W o r 2 ! ^^ f t g . . 076 B2. : y ^

. a u B , : raage..;; 480,.Third A re: ■■

V ; P ( » . SALB—D ia ia ^ 't a b le k i ! ^ ^ lea th w :a e^ ’Toelcara.^ _ ^ ; 1 1 ^

J C F O B v S A lE i^ T M M ije r .i lto ;^

- ' FUBNITUHB /o e ^ ^ b g r ilia'; j i» !tU ra ',« ;i^ \W v :n o B a .8 0 m ^

9 POB a A L B - D d ^ ^ a y a j ! ^

FOB S A L Z P ^ e J . L O aai'^ ;b< I*, torn eagiae-pugij^ow. SSSPmth'aT

* POB SALE—1 9 1 « r^ ird .^ i t f i t^Priee »884. - E d w a r d v B ^ ' ^ i ^

: FOB SALB—Extr*'; good taaa- an• heavy aet of work, h im en . 48S Vlftr ar«b W; •' f ••

' POB aA L B ^E ell^S priag fle ld S 1- , toa truek, exeeUeat eoddltioa. Barjrali |P hoae '828 . . ;;/v ;

. . FO B .SA LB -Peof hettoni Joha Deer dlae plow. Priee reaipaable:. ^ irtwirr iUaaterdainu'

: FOB SALB—A t a . -targaiaT’^ team, Aeir baraeaa' aad wagea. SOi Jaekaoa ava. . . • •

FOBSALE—1000 ta&a'good hay, bet feediag ground ia Jdaho.: Bi Ueliassb Un, W eadeU,,Id*., ,

FOB S A £ B ^ ton BepubUe trnel iutd 1 ton . Ford troek. Apply Sterllni C reaaeiy, Twia F a l^ _ ’ . t, v;

FOB SALEr-Beet raek aad ^ I w ^ team.' Fotar milea- e«at u d TA nfli M ^ tb fo f'fd u B ^ .-^ :% ; • Jroaa:

.^FO B SA ^iE-B alak ^ais roadater, 4 aew,.tir|Ba,.two extriU. .Xa good eoBdl- tioa.. M e e .raiiMaable.- , A p ^ TiAa Falla. Auto Co. . j

FOB &ALE—40-acre - farm - weU i v proved,- $1600' down, 81W per, nero. AIm fine 80-aere farm for aalo. Varniora k U e n b u ta Bank, FUer, J

FOB SALB—1017 Ford tooiiag exeeUenteoBditiea,S42S,. terms. 1017 MaxweU, .'1^50, five paasnogor. Pbeae or write Oarl Davi^ Bwley.

T im . SAL&rCabbage for kraot.'Se p e r '^ n n d .- C. E .'T lekett one lialf ^ north u d oae quarter weat of west ead of Main a tre e t . Bring aMka.

r i iw O O L N , BAMS -FO B ^luiL B ^l have 16 yoaxUng nm a.aad 75 F o h r l^ ram lamba foe aale. AH ] ^ b r e d eola. David W b m n i i , WendeU,

,7f OB; S A tB -B ed a, a j ^ ^ m a t t ^ ■iaaita^ eoueh, 'draaaer^ Jeatber en^ Ubimry table, range. b'eatiBg itdve M d other houaehold goodi. . EialMll p tu o almdat newJ .886 Sixth are. & ' '

' A B M BABOADf IN m B C ^ VAIUBT— 80 acres,, twalra aOha from Boiae- and flva- mllet ireai M eridUa; 40 aeiaa' a lfa^a, 80 Miak wheat, "10 aeratf ao t la e^tiratida. Paid ap Naw York water. A real bar* gala. IU 6.00 aa woa; Termi. Bterv K. Fritehm aa, B ^ Zaaka.

FOB SALB^T^ieo .acres on S u ^ Flat, *375 per aeraj 816,000 dowa; twit improved. plaee oa the trae t

F o rty 'acres , ctfOO.-pw acre, 89,400 dow^ balaaee 8500 yearly; 7>room bouse, bara fo r 16 baad of horses; wall, elatera aad aU h o g - t l^ t lauaedlate posaaasioB.' Barl M u n ^ , F irst Kattea* al B ^ Bldg^ FOer.

f t .y g rv a f) l l S i . S ' f S S ^ SA*ri«M«. < m d / , r v n w * auB/mtr

"T "J t f 'I FO lTsA X a—I^T T U m ltad par!

off4r';wy.:;lmpr9vad;i90«era;.fanai milo north of E a a a e a ,^ r $290100 acre,:oae-thira.eaab,'Qeq. vW .-'Or

- J ISO Sixth *ave.br ;

ac ~ iv B S A l ^ w m aen alea lad lOe obIobs' a t . my raaeh - fo t >i<20e I*er bag,’«iXba.*f«t«tl j ^ e a la «e -l) Job yoo .hav* aoj.wiOr, to .eo m a/-d r» 'a

eardrahdJ.wUl'deUvar 3alar.'«vOaa “ • weat, 1 1 2 aoi&tb and 1^2 weal» t

: FOS'fSAI(B^A;Vfiv»>rdom'.' iedtt ^ I I u . 'i le e p a ^ /p o in liif^ M ^

tiie:ni^g» aild liot'w ater heater} loei _ dB lthem d^deatrabla realdeaee atre< eal T w la K p i^ ^;•. furai4ed;OB;reaaoaab1e:tenBa.^Pi

I’T* ; ;FOB. '8ALB<^rl90 aerea' tm b a m- a U \fe ie a d ;- :^ W . 80 a e re a 'g ^ .] i

80^ai;rea^l& ^]w y;rfair..im prd?^e

ea. w alk^ dnii'^aara'WB^. graaa l a ^ wd wire faie« .«U w ooM ru e b , 9 paato

-U blaalEsaltl^ah^,-traigof ahed, gniai stiU>le.f^:..8 .'hax^''>'^’iethar huiUi)

^ Neltheit o t theN a d n ’lth aa .I 1-8 m .J- fjrom -ndlre^

“~ F O B \a A M } i^ aerea B l T m , Thia' laad ia

_ b d i ^ V:tf9 d:V'wU] flood J iv a r 1 ^ tdm .Bli^lc^rielf a ^ a& 'la ealtivatl fk. FeBded.'mltt'aheep wlra all aronad i- erdiaad nnSad. Paaa fo r ^f«w «y » > head « h a ^ Laad ia v i e l ^ la • 8- i d f f o r ^ s to 8806. P ilee 8140 ft >? for q B i^ aale. S888 coarae w

^wof for, aale. Lyman O. Taylerj Oo< id ••^ . FO 9 B A L E -M 0 aera raaeh, 8 ml

f ^ ^ d i L . AU deep aoU, ao loeks. S i aBtfwiilljr.*iieh.i Faaeod 'aad eroaa-fai

ed With h o i r ^ t wire; deep weU a good large, eiatara; good ' booa^ - t'

- baraa,'br^AipaalM iaa,^u^ good.faaii « orehaid .-90 Beraa.fcm ,1)loe;gia8B n >, taif, 100 aUUl^ W iuw In fli' year whMt atubble ftdm alfkifa s(

- Tbia ia aa idaal^'ittoek ite g r ^ taae “ three years' wheat m p wJB pay for ” This year's wbeat averaged 80 baah*

per acre. No better fatm oa tba Tw ; FaUs tra e t ^ e e 8100,000.' Oaa-thl ,. cash, .b a lu e e te a yeara time a t 7 p

r e a t Wffl tak'e a^^. otber good aeei . ity fori firat M y a m t Addreas & t M8, B uhl,,Id^o .:' ■ ■ iu u ta ” ". , Do yod want a farm in tbe famoi 1 WUder Beneb Diatriet, Wilder, Oanyi » County, Idabof

" I havd80 a c n a -8 mUea'frem .Wndi r well, drained, aU ii^ drop; exeeUeat ae

ik ^ 0. pbj^isal eond ltii^ Price . rigb t I f ydja are iaterjura v ^ t e ft

‘ furtlior' particular^ .Owner P ., 0 . B« , 4i,'W ilder: • -

■ Another 80 acres all oader oultivi ; tlon, .8 . mllea' from BofwelL ' 60 a w , la alfalfa u d clover,' 10 aeres pastor

good .w ater a n d 'w ^ 8 room ^ o a

, house for maa. 8260 u a e ^ Wril- Box-862 Twin FaUa or owaer A. J . M< I Cormiek, B. D. No. 1, Parma, Idaho.

140 acres, aU cleared, in erop, 4 mUi ■ from Wilder, 1 aiile from Ho^edali I school u d . r ^ r d a d ; 4 .room s h a ^ u ilstable; 70 acree in alfalfa. Fried''8l 6 l;per acre, eaay terma. Thia la a fin U «ck propo'dtJon; P. O. B oi m , Twt

; |r« ii^

■■■■; ;w M i t« a - - ~WANTED—To reat, beet box. Phoa

^ IW . . >

WANT to re a t p lu o ; 'good eac takaa. P. O:. Box 161, Twla FaUa;

WANTED-r-T^ re a t loO. aeree aea C t^e tc ri tor Ui. r«u - m » . O u l o grain' re n t W u t i t la time to fa] ploy.' Telepboae 810 or write Box SI C a ^ e f p r ^ , • '

-WANTEE^-All kiada elover Mod- rod, alslke. White, aw aet The Albei Diekiaaoa Co, Ofaiaagp. Loeal offie a t . Twla ZUla Feed * lea Oo. bBiU

;iBg, T ^ FaBa, Idaho. Phoae 908, _

.ilONEY WANTSD— hii»« loau for private atoaey aa foUowa: 8S500 ui 40 aeres, 81250 oa SO acres, ti yeara a

; 8 por eeot, f ira t mortgage; alao 8SOO o: !! corner Itfta aad boUdlng at. . 10 po cept, raluatloo 40 to SO pw ea n t Oai or wri;* ftipley 'lk Tlmai. the Bealei taters, PUer, IdalM.

•V •

/S k .,w » ' ^ Mmisre-WiMiMywpitifc T i w r AAMtb 4 mf a u r r w r n t *th« vubmt*

7 T 1 L " ~ ? 5 3 $ ^ € . " ^ 3

B d l « : * i r a ^ S 5 ? E 5 ? i » 5 i 5 w ^

p ^ A D X E D ^IiI,- iimilrr.'iritli .a n

I£22l l S 22S : L S £ i i i 2 2

ilee* FaBa.,'.-., ■ --■tted — — -............... . —.:l . ■ ■It 6i' Vor. »«nt ■, S ■' HiB. 'BESn^PntiiU hea h'oimi: ' ^ F if th . . . . S . .

^ ,:'P0B .BBNT—ForBlabed room”T l^ - 'a v fc -B ..

^ .' .IOB EBNT—Two-room hooae v i ‘•a t foraitdre for aale.' 188 T h ir t’aya.*JJti, : FOB, BBNT-Foraiahad room V:u y Ugtft houaekaeplng. Pbone. aad bfi

Pbone. , 1 ^

!Jt* ^FOB. B B N T ^toek raaeh aad eati ^ Tdrexn'riAieed maa oaly Oodd proi Daa '|ritip i:'^ ';'oaro .K ew a.'..v '

. FOB, BENT—Plea>y of atore rw ^ fd r grdla u d b au s ;' D. M. ‘.F a r^ ^ CK-Bnildiai B. PhUiao

»0 );, F0B BBNT-^Furalabed hoBM.* e<{nple,^MioBtehU4rea.,Oanfor!i^ Be o r.ey« il^ ;6 S 7 .'S e< o p d a y e . ' 'ool ■— ■■ ■ ' -. .. ’ ' ’ '.»?* • •• To Tnd» -^ ..^TACVMA piopfrty t o i ^ a fe rT ir ^ IRlUr pnperty. V P. O; Box Alt. >

• • •'•TO TBADE-Twd realdenea lota aa

wa or 8 *ooni(modera heak;* A d d ^ B< lly 806.. . .ia> —..... ’ ■ • ...........- 'ril .. TO' .TBADB—Businesa prcyi ^ < ^ Mala %va. for a forty, atra t ra a t 1 J j faekar^ ,

‘f- FOB TBADB^A g x d utom oW l. » “ m toi, »B1 w m . OTTV d lO a ta o .. TJ ; c., ,» i . o t

: . . ■'■ IOBT- . - y ~ a .. LOOT—Two bay awre coH^ b ru d a

J on left hlp...jFlnder.pIeaaa'phoa _ 832JB, BuhL

oa . XOBT—A ,haaeh of S or 6 kaya bi m tween:.Sb6aboaa-:8t.aBa,CaBaty Boi . pltaL X>Oi>a F . tag attaahad. ,Caav rr, a t NeWa OiOee.il r r r - ' - ' ; ' = = i* ■■■'■-;. Lobm 1________IX , FABM LOANS, A. L. Swim.


» MONTHLY.PAYMENT LOAlffi a •f lower ratea t h u have ever baaa ol

fared heretofore. J^ tbo r L. ^w ^i. ^

« fABM LOANS, . OITT LOAKE ^ F lfi£::iH SD B A »O E,: AnrO M O BlU

.CTSnBAHOB A rtJurf.t. Btrim. ■

“ BTBAIOHT 8 I'EAB ,M»Alf8 •»l 5 MOHTHI.Y, PATMBNT LOAMS ' Ol ^ modem Twin FalU dweUings a t at

tractive rmtei A ^ i p r l i ' a ^ ,

a • 9UILDtN0 LOANS a t lower. rat« t h u hara been offered heiv hafors

> Bep^yable a t any time after.'-'8- mdntts.' . AithtfTl-L. 'Sw iau • - ' *

* : L t t l J i i l i W l i a ^ W ' ~ -* ABWOPlWTBIIHHg- .a l a order to aaaiat, iaproeariaff taaak- ers for the-.schoola of .Idaho, «ba Al- bloa s u te Normal Scho^ wiU- offer i ' alx weeka' courae,' begiaalng.Mdadjqr* October 14, BBd cloaiBg Wadaeaday,.No a vember,so, .for the purpose of ^ r i n f ^ protpvcUvfl. third g ^ e candldataa -ai

ppportsnity to. de profesridnal work re ■* qDlred by the state law.- . Sigaed, BBrrrOMABT.W OLFlLJ ____________ Oe»»tT a n » .l« to r iM t

1- To " f to u ie ." . "T o L « ' . , . 4 t o . tiiisg campaign you need only, aat asidi " T7 for perhaps a few day*—* p a H .d ' your pocket money.

> FOB E Z C H A im M o b . p ^ t t ^ fai a money. O v 'w drk la'Uka yow'aieiB«y>^ t the best -T ir ia FaBa ITawa. ;II -------- r,■•■■■, -----h D o a t yoa w u t i t t - Advartiaa-it la

t t e Oaaalfiad OoIbbui ^ a d ^ M a t i t

. / o h , b t o t

V -..' : - ■.;■; ' v i S i i

I»eba£d i)^ d .g ir to f3 3 ^ ^S a v Qrtn*

l a a o e d . 'b B i> f . . : t h 4 i< D t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = = Fonrth. J d U e ia ] - ; l ] ^ ^ ’ ) j n »

Ooimty' ofVTwia

above, entitled v a e U d J i^ ^ iO ^ a ^ ^ m^ Cbaries UiUeV,- : ^ a c c ; v § d b t Z M i ^ ^" , iadgneB taaddee^:bf;fdraaM iii«^lD d^ = nltt;eg«ini«;-tto;'id>oveiiaajM^

' aa ta eii the n a t dar'of'^asplil^ tt^^^ tte^aum o 'f .T h re e ^ a a d ii iW ii^ S ff iS fi

880 aad SMOO DoUaia/(8888J lY J a U f i tM ^States gold eoiar bealdea i a t m ^ , ^ g f i t

— - aad.epoaaelfaea whleb a a ld d f t t tb f t .^ n on th« a i i t 'U ^ dtIn J o J tn in t book S .1 p v e U ,'U mU% ooBTi,'Xun:.eominMid.dtofiidl;«)UtF.«^2

-17. A in I°tr p|oo.. o rp > ro d .o (4 a a d i.i lt t l l^— I;ln|^ nnd bolnc fn ^ M n M l a 'C o t a M

< « S tn t. of U abo , l > l d ^ i id .d and-Ft*- • u l l .d a f o O o m i > ?

' L o tl tw . ( • ) SoMlon NiutMot ( M ®

la ia l a r aavaatj^aivaa aad^ tV t t x W '^ ___ haadredtha (f7 Ja ) aera< ef • laa d i^ ti-J

«ad fiva-<aBtIia*<7T;8) ftuMf^df iv h len ^ -F~ aad -tle;aw rts<em -7{tilm el''< tty)the^^

Mdyaa M d rp a « » -JM B V '« * i|« tk a r^ / / »n''Aad’«aim lartUw .taaeew% '-liedaii2dl

' ’^Pabtta: aotiee Ifr b a N S f f i S S«a.*Sat»rdaiK''\th«.'Mlh't’^ ; i 8 t l > ( f f i

via. i l9 1 8 ^ .U l0 ia .^ i« ;- '< tf- :tk a * |'d ^ .^ S it^ » df tte'Ootnt.-HdBifa'dVo^’l i f . t l t a ^ C M j^

Z Z eloeibe-'Aad;aale,'i'een'tb4''abdfe3ihab^' ad '} iroM 7;> W > ad 'ta^ '*b«M ^b 4 :a ;a « a a a a i7 ''te :n t ia f y / i^ { j^ iS 9 ^

oa »itiniatO aa^aU d e o s t i i '^ tv ^ i a i S u ^ .ST, e s tM d > b e a tb id d a r/^ !g d id :a a ia ;e e ^ '^ ■. -Ualted:,Btatea../vi ;':;T:^M^■^^.>V•^^• t'^>{^^

^ i-/.'FBA27K -'M .'.SBt0ALL^:.8ltdtU f:^^ ^ IkwTeae^'.Dapa^v;tV-<'^i^^.^W . .-Dated-Oefc':8,-19i:^>^ : FDbUshed Ia .T ^ -F U la N ^ O e t;'> 8 ,; '^o = ? lO t^ i7 th .aad

_ I>nvie.,'.S.beodi B n U a in i lE x i iU f l^; . Connty itf ^ w in 'M ^ 'a tn U 'j^ -^ td iU ^ -^

tId . b d ix il>. p l n u l ^ Im O f 't tu i l i A " H t lo n o f t l i . b iiflnM of H ld .a r i^ L * '

n A K IL 'D uH aK & : rs, A A BlBlatratrixdrttaB rt«t«dfPbW :'.n<■JB b« A._Oroekatt, Daeaaaad..^ ->------

Joha & Davlaiy.At^staay fo r iha— A d a d a i i t r a t r l i ' ' {- i


h th e -3 ^ S 7 b $ A S E < T w ia VUla— Oonaty, S tata e f U a h / '^ l b th a 'lu ti« > a t t e a i t a t o o £ A t t ; .V>

« ma M a i oi! kald e W t, '— made a a ^ r f l i h Bar-JalOatabft; 1918, r -

= aotiee ia iCmby givaai that Mdagr;-.^^^^

* nn'd p l« o io r, ptm ingV 8».,iW

^ wbea u d whera u x parao^ laf8>|MCfd,-/j^ . ma]i> a p p a ^ a a d cdatoat'the '« m £ •^^^'^^

,D a ted '6e tob« ;8 th , l ^ - . ; ' : ’ :

±f . FOB SZOEANOB>Job: p r is t tu ^ fM ::^J j moaey. Oar wdrk b U k a . y w 'a ^» t t e l j a s t ; ^ ; » a w i £ - . §

-T h a ad v e rtU n g of a atoir^la.tba'ii^iiv^JV ror io which, yoo e u sea the '~>u tida "r artiv|tles';of,.ttatatora...,:V '

Oood w^e«ty> ia .la ^ ^ ^ a S i^ ; gaba[^?jla t e a u u ara aifiaka.'to elaaalflad r«d tis^fi[ t tlolng.opiK iFtnnltl^- i;';/

■' f - .•• A ' y&flSm

Page 8: l’'|^SiSlnCi i i B u i - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS...• WUeb 1>o iriib»a rMOaumdstiOBi. .j^o ... ; uitM t mWm

i R fp m if f i iHCV‘i^W ‘*-'i‘" 'I '.i ' eWjTTi 'i.' :.• P I*. ••- ‘'..:l;i J, , 0r t e r 6f s ta te Board of wealth

rrang*' J:J

p ® ^ 0d i n ' - ^ Here •

t e C iS r^ li i in e i i -w i 't t :^ df:tl« “~':at«U'biUcd; ot .ligiitk:,n'toIinillijiE^^m^ r :.^-ilc\uiie>>blw» o » - « ^ '° f ' t I i e « p u - • ^;c;{i&Vinlloaiua^«pid»mle,.- jd k u for- the "

•piiUlB,!ii»Mii»; irtth^;k.JiUtaiie«l;.-pn>- ^ "ijTMl J n ,eelabrstio'a- of. the 't*ath' ndet* >' :t^;ot-thfijj^e'd^JC diO ia

;t*htt«hM,':eoB«?odlBg;iU.thTi>*;a«iy»rt^^ ' ^uilbw here tod«r,,liAirb .;bMa ^btudotvd, • .^^;.iiad.-.ths'jtibj*^.to.h«T0 b M B 'd b 4 ^ ^ i

•t;th« pabUene«tliig ftt thU by P r. • ,1CUdmll, >

i^'iitiijrba.Ukea up »i tba.diiiMr. bonr fo r t /r^tlir'dftloicUof' wliIeh^Wtil^ooBolodoTtho o

tddogbtM t&'iho aTMdiotf i

■ ^ iiiM |i;B >-b«Tfr '« n l T ^ h i i a g ^ ^'/.- to ; ' •-, v \- ‘ v

' l D a f c . j r « W j r f P r o « i B . fJ

g(TW rby.O rg«BS«t.!M t^ ? ; -lla^ D.- Tbosuw u d • Uf';«koir.<';X>eTo: « r^tioBiiftt tirtt .ndnU ^M M ioa. w m .lo d it ,?^b y ,^v ;. J*/ H.i.BftIr, foDoiwd by:7»*- h > : ,^ i ^ ‘:-«f; thO’ rejraI'c«BtD !H «i>-ohi^ II

lb . U i Y iia P fttt^ ^ B o ^ •V • talk oii>.a MKiimtlTS^ftr Chrl** n .>,tlfta.:Ute- «ad rWork»^< A a ibp«i> di»- a '!> « a ^ n ‘>’pe;.th«:''3Tow*Bn a w ra a n tt .w u Ji


^r^l«ToUoiw^m lad:.b;rB«^^

!'Vnit^ morm^g^r*.kM a i ^ 9m ?•:;V Jttttia r t h e j C f c o i d i 'o a 'i / W a r ^ t 1^iag;*^.Xh«,Miioa-W M-eoB^-;iu» ;by B«r.« W « ^ a joba- ^.v.«0BV.oa;*«Tli* O h iobbiiS^ooK ^H one ' fJ

; Cfowgo ‘ fto tt,-; u d ' E«r... Arfior;- H. Ui• B n w d ^ f T i ^ ' - ^ ^ ^ thV IU,

OonuidttM be'. ;;:.;'':d ira /o r,op«n .i^ ';

1 Froviiion .of Program • >, ^; v ? ',> 5 . ^ '! jr.. : * . - ' •' v , .< . **"

i '1PATBTTB.—W«daMdi)7 *« t ^ o u —1 ;» f «i« W io ^ r « « O T ‘of Wonao'. „

l o m t t e to n won g i r a m z, < t f *1

Tm . 'T h ere were 76 |[«f®dlt«d w r e p ^ a t iB g wia«]r g

iqw nted^M etloM oC^tbe v taU Ot ^H bw » 'tfdM ^ei 44 weturlat MTT* -|a«

them wereowB«n o f X ib o r^ Bbadi. ' ' «h ' Throdgh ’tbe; e ffo ru o t jlCrfc^lt J . JT ftri»d«7 . Of ,Twia/.?aIli, priw id^t of a^V Bdw sU oa^-it wH •hewn tb t i the •- SBbolinUp I m foad has boon lo> e n ^ to *7698 u d St bdplag «S ata . ^ ' d a ^ ^threogb o o U ^ . 'T h U loai^ t t w u reporieOt -ia.avaUftble to boTi .eo ualak t t u th m « h the r ta te te * mrmy f z *f,OAKES CORNER CLUB - ^• r o ^ CROSS *•,

o o M M ii U A xsiu i Wmmr O r m r ^ .M O a fW eA

T lM i jw ^ Ooraer d a b f "« j « ^ a ^ ,the Bembwe<of .their <aae ”I l t e a t 'ihelr uaoaX fvpper XHday S

:Vf«aag .at the h o n a 'o f M n . a . ‘F , :ara l& L '

A ^ j|^,,M :0rM a^tiaea»-.at .tb l s . t i ju re aa tt^ "<

^ ' '

««!< .a 1

talliilii& )B eaf^ott«r.M d chndraB.,Ira


laopte Id»lu>W«ll<01v«i faM o a t i o u a t J S e o o m ia g a a '

f f n n ra a lly P r o p e r ty

Sm plM I ■orVprek.My' ,ti« ;;lij|ib » t [ ^ '^ ) Q '‘.erAr.''diMeTerod.baye :.beea rooght to I^emjaorir from the Uneola* labO;^I1 la ]>ry>iiie7’ o n ln , iays the :«Buaerer.Bepnl}Iieap.'.' The oil -bu tbc |)p«arune;::wbeaih«1A..Qp. Is a . alaae k lai;^ ..tbe ';/ai7-hitibe«i->graa^n»^ itne. oil; :Tory-:lIght.'.browii la colpr. l j 'lltAa- thoorilina^^idiigglahaeee.of 'Dde^vdtl.: ritv. a - doelaM'^to! be' of .a iBb ';paraffla base: an4j lowest esti- ates aro 'th a t']t: win> te«t nt Teaat. 50 jr-cent. jpsoliac.;;,Thls,. jipws, i f . true, loiiia'prove a Wurco ^of : iaterest- io any.' Twin Fails^pedpio interested in s rlo ^ . Qrojwrties tbU and i^ o ln t ig-seetlons,^''." : '7 ^ " ' .v ;Tho ;Beptiblieaa 'ebatianes:Thfi o lr tn iu ‘k deplh 'H a thon. tnd feet,' and fi^m sands, 49 feei iia dolcnesi.- lt:has:,J)ot yei- beim 'givaa iien|i<io,ftoalytis, bat a - . i ^ r i ' ts ex >etea-.withln’»;few- day^,. ;- ■', .iy.c.’ Several weielu - ^ / ' a giu f lo w ’j r u icooBtwd in./thia w e llv a t '^ g b tly rier,’(KM. feet.'<Tbe moist aataro: <tf ie ^ '^ 'ln ^ e a tsd th a t.lt.w as eseajtiag vm u.bU ipooV aad iritb 'a Uttle non; rlllinir the oll.sanda 'irer«;-eBeoaQt«^ hUh proved to 'b e o£. uBdsnal'*thlek. M«. ;At flrst.shootIa4 'W M .eoBsld^, At nnder.'tesi it. .WU jtoaad tha t ^ »I1 without ahoot&v-'>raii]dcb« .a good unper. . The ..extremely hlgb^gndeiof le oll'nakM tko prodtseilon mostf>al* i jW .J-flho b»i«r h t i boon i» r f to U tt s :npa£lty , and a m e n t test of one lur.’and'fgr^ 'm lnntes'M ntrnnons’bi* ig <llil not seryotte decrease .the flow j I .tbe' lu t 'b a le w w u foil.-of oU u u 't h e f i n t ' ^ b balVh>^«asht ap iproxitutely’;* 'b a n e l bf .tbe fldd.:

most eonservative eetlnate pLueb e;y^no ^f .tbe"oil a r tSO a :/.. b o m m , to.:Beflne . M o e t With t ^ fonntaln of ire^ th a t baad, morarUanoger MeComiek deeided to stiUr'equipment - to trea t ihe oil a t0 well a ^ prepan i t for eom'mmial rtribntloa. . Eqoipment. costing sev-;111 aousand .doUards buibeen ordered, Uehk will."be nsed, Vo proparo tho CHliiet fq^'.market. The g u flow Still strongi.iind. easing'head gasollno wUl ' Manufactured,- and ,tbo skimming MOSS .for guoUne is Incladed’In -the' nipment,'.wbleb is .expected to bo in- illed. within a month. , ' .rbe Llneoln'tdabo conpany h u Iftad fbttr;seetloBs of the coudky, aamely,T Piney, £U te . Crock, F onil and' iterfall, tlie .toU r « r e m : being .8> )^^ '^0 iif1 j7 ’;iiV bas';^7^1ttnagS d eoBtiaM .driIlingitaBUte.:O^W QU ; 8,00p:feiet,:or ^•M]BB^•rdal :oiL-Alr ;.

tb U ''iw 'b u '* b ^ n sunk t»>80p I

Phi b iJ ijiiH :iii’; oi th'elj wiU hu Iven the.l>t7>'Pl»cy field, u d mnch - eroit Is being centered T»y other,la- Idnalsl'Bnil cOmpules': having ’ oil d In the vicinity of the now “well,[ a well known oil maa pfedleta that ; next sammer tha t seodoa-.of' th*

inty will be dotted with rigs..


lln a v o o to r t lm o BglM lo r qb- .U lnliig flm ioo fo r offlelal .

■ ', ', ■. ^ ■ . ■ J10IB E .-8 l.to Otolo loipootor.B. J .i ' Ih la reaponriblo for tbe MaUment [ - t-tbere are vory few grain f lm t lal • 'atfite who have the aeeesaaxy equip- - &t.for. p ro p e rly 'g ra ^ g wheat. Ia K eases-neither tbe -fa ra e r aor the a lOT i* aasured of tbe eorreist grade. .. >;ftixmer'ls' not the only loser ia th li '* My'however. Much wheat la pur* iod'.on too high a grade and tbe st loir stands tbe los£ Posdbly sneh tee and gains may compensato' for b‘ ^ e r to tb t dealer, bnt no eo to 'inU 'H dnd faraera. State grading « ^ e only Toeonrse. ■ ' f ,b .'^M th ^fbHhw'sUted that better ^eo-'Oonia bb’girea If tbe mles for " , o i l l ^ «bo>t m n p l n w . ^ n j r . 5 owed. A coaunpn ^ ff le o lty Is the misslott of too* nnan a sample. Tbree ,, u is the amaUest aample I t ia poerible /I' r a i e .■he.gnde detenlB ed by the atate *, ia.ia<peetor bMomM blading on both 'sr aad aeller ooly whea tbe sample >, lointly aeleeted by them, he law .deauada that a sample be Bdttad fo r tha offleial.sU U -grade B -demaad of either party eoaeeraed. ^ tate wheat gradlaff aasarea are iy ^ aer of tha.prm «rgiade.M hla wheat a, M so d e ^ L D u M t t pnitaeta „ dealer traa 'v h k & o iriaA ' bakiag

• t a t a^hlgber g ^ e t k u la jnsti- th ■ ; • ■■•»

IRTAUGH HORSEjSHOER ; J : M E ^ WrTH ^' (SpidW t i T b . p tm y ' ’ - “

iw rA H 0 H ..-^ ii . 7i.hii>» Is • tK «>t I . . th . B o jl u q i l ta l , T irU wi la, snfi^tlag from aa i a j ^ to- ab •d Moaday moralag whil* orse. After- tb* h o ru ha& > e t t ‘ ,I. i t phaged aad e a a e dowa, strik- ^ Mr. Johaasea’s le ft Isr-^ s- aaeh ^

aaaer u trlH M k t t ia tw« daeefc f * ra. <h» Johasoa^ M i 'Ce*^dlor, .Idaho» IV id iv r> « € M d * ] s 1>ieB*n,.|a teepeua , te s - laie. ^

i b W i S ' - O T i r . i ^ ^ ^ »

SMM '“J S B l awM^HiiB

' >' ' . .1


i r n i i n r P ' ^ n n i i ^ i i n i

.lUOiERIGIirp n i|riNla i te r ; ' S Ip a l . Electrician j James H- ;H vvey of Twin

. Rails J e lls of Respect.Freiioh 4 Have for New AIIIm '

“ r“ Tho Preneh have lots of respeet fo r o 0 fightiag ability of. oor fellows np ont,. and lose no opportnaity to tell '* •u abont bnt they caajt nnder- J snd onr. w ajs or tbe yooW of most

onr troops; to. them we ara J u < bunch of kids on a. picnic,** aays

u t e r Signal E lec trie iu Jamee H. « inrey, a grmdnaU 6t the Twin .TUli « ^ sehool e f the e la u of 1915,'lA o Is ^ ttloned now as m member ot the. avi. h loa aectlon a t tbe radio sehools at »nrs, riruoe .; «<>Tbo mftiorify of tb* Freaeh aol- h ers 1 have se*8,»' he ^ t ln n e s , must bo anrand SO or 35 years of age. id most of them have soch a erop of ilskers I sbonld thiak t t vronld take } speeial type o f .g u maak tb 4eeom»- ^ u i t an. "

T o b u a o a P a a v m I“ Heary Hews got-over aom* th ru wks age .with hia eompaay, aad w u ^ »t. to th* b * ad q u rt* n ‘ la Toora oa ^ ta d e d serriee. I« e t Soaday Heaiy •' d ..I .walked ov*» to .u i .e M -okataaa ^ u th* fUld-hara. 'WhOa lookiac *v«r’ «' » gnmnda, w* aw i th e eld keeper or ” Krde' and r.gav* h l m :> : ^ of P. A. baeeo in aa y fpna. Ia ia'paispoTt e v u re. ' H e to<& aa iafa hls k o u a > y » kat* a a d .W w e a o a * ^ U a goaa, *! 4alii; wtfaada, t r i a k ^ u d , . ip faet, ^ u ly «rerytklag h* had.. £ * had b*ea f n ld b r fo r flfl* i4 y iina tMd aonty r aoma.aefiv« aarrtea, too; .Ha had f nada aeara aO '^OTn.-Ua b o ^ aad *“

a i a ^ a U a h aad tIblwH; ^ ibat ' h<

•A ftar th a t, h* te a k u 'over to ,'a Gi BS henM, plakad -itt * • • oC U a aU as a lu , add w r V u t * i l i d ( t e > t i u « ^eavuau iflk file h in sd had b * a

d^n*i'^lm 4W aa«y <bir *{gktauatha 8 hai U m ’m^ m


j y J t


n H B B f O T J

.'..I ■ • - ' ■ ' ■■■■•■■ ■

■Bbd6w»M«*-. ' V 'v .-. ; '

^ e k ^ -m ^ ii i ^ i n k ^ o f ^ H j A 'a a d < beaneonp* arm wavlag and gestnrea, ire‘g o t‘along',<tae.'*’ - .- • ; , : f '

liutii GetNew War I : Minister in Criaia\' • . ------ I. CdPENHAQBir, .Oct.- 10.—Seril- -pfflcial (llspatchw from BerUn to- ■day said ' Maior Oenoral 'Scheneh 'h u suceeeded Oeneral'Von. S td n ab ^Prussian ^rar minister: • , , ‘'' ' ~, 1

J. : . DBATBB r X «!• ■'. — e • • • • •• • - 'i"4"4“i“4'. 'B .M M g n M ' - / '«

Fnaeral aervlees for B. Morgensea, i lo B w 'fa ria e r u d . extensive Ihnd-;: iw)W .in t h r Cnrry district, who died z V e f n ^ y evenlng-at a local h ^ i ta l , , r i l l > h dd a t 8 o ’eloek Snaday after* \ ilR>p,at ihe Oroeby e b ^ L ;Bev. a I*, leni' coadnet the servicea. Mr. : iIorgenMn lu v es hla wife u d several -' ^ t ^ a . . One soa reoently. *i]ftmd beimilltwy aervlce;. E fforta.to i/om’, audeato with him . baYO.'beea nano* ossfnl so fair. . HU brother4a-Iaw, a ). Anderson of McPbsrson, |«

• '• •• ■> . •■'Ur. Horgensen w u a native.of D u-

sark. He w u 09 y ea n of age^ belag loza Febmary 17,. 1862.. . '

. ' O M I S . R u l O I l l x i t e

Faaeral se ttee s fo r O e o t^ Fraaklia «wia,' a farmer o f 'th e . B k n u a dla- rie faa d a T e te ru io f the <Xvtl war, rbo d i ^ Tbaraday a t the age e f 7S e a ^ .war* beld a t 10 o^elock Satar- J ? noraiag a t the Orossmu * O*- nc» ehapoL Memben of tha l ) u Me- !o o fc i^ , Q. A. V u d m w frieada sd a ^ h b o n of tha deeeaaed w m la ttudaaee. Mr. Lewia Is snrvivad by is widow aad two sens, Ja m u L«wfa r B U sta U d ' a Ii. :£ « r ta 'e f Twia

liiDa^ -

H ft»j* L.' ^ n , aged t t yaat^ ' a e te au .o f th* w ar,.di*d.Tuad«y ig h ia l the h«B* < h i a d u M t u , Mta. L-Qo Baadk, 4 0 f t - t a th svaaaa-west, hera'h* had t«e|d*d for alx aoalhf kit Aaea'*omIag h*r* f r m Maiftihaac Daw lai Clay Oeht«r; Kaasaa. F a a tn l t r v ) ^ aadar. tha : aa q d e w e f '« k a raad A ia y t f th* B^mbUe, wO. t e Pld a i '« ' 0 'doek tUa^afluaboB'aft «lia rosauM axA W ttr.ak i9 s i,'a» a • a t * ^ ba ia fli* T w l8 .M la - > i»

Mi^ 9 a d L b m . J « a t^ ;S M M M , a t B*d£ofS,'MidM^-H* a a lM tt n d j H r f s T d o f ig .a;*-*W i^»M ««t> ?W laedM b-iH 6< P *xH k ',1 * ^ 1 1 •a*«2d k & I s 4 « l 5 > 2 5 5 i ^ ' a t e B e . e e i * W d e a W d e A W . ’ieU llIn e tm iV t .w o a , .y i|fiii.ipiii^«

^ o n i ^ y -

i A ^ ^

p H E b e t e t i s t

an ahcimt deepj iiuth of it i^ a e clearer! < -of tigkt . inat a] iw^y Ifift longer. ter; yotr-ppy m<

stiiflf. ,

The. r e ^ n . ;wiB'to , Scbi^er-&gManc(:

. that if you nee<j < the ones you.ought

■ - 1. cause the long .w^. tion you get makes expensive dothes

■ • r. 'V /

E l d r i d g e C lcThe Home 0/ Hart Schqffhi

ijf-M adlsoi^.T^oaifc' ^Th* isewa a » r K P. SmaU of M b a ^ ^ , Idaiho,' wfao I >s here;, H. J>. Small o f Detroit, MleU^ e tiiat 0. E.:8maIl Af Provo, U tah,.aad i R. U SmaU ^ Enreki, ' U ^ •. . J

' 'Blaaor B au l'D um l* ■ ] Funeral services, condneted by 8 * r. I

IL H. B r a ^ , pastor' of the Zlrwt Ftea> J lyteriiui e h o ^ ' ware beld.-T hnndaj . Mteraooa h t tKe Crosby o lu p e l. for ‘ Blenor * H u e l .Besais, . one-yoar-old laughter of Mr. aad Mra. O. B . 'D * n ^ Vbo died Wedaesday aftoraooa firm 1 lento-paernnonia, a i ' th*' fftStiOy hai^^ lait of Twla Falla, b tf rm a a t w aT ib ' he Twin Flalla o*a*tai7 .

o * « g * Z h 'O a c ^Ooorge L. Corbett^ railway brakaawa,

■rbose right arm 'W U o o s h ^ whila ha ree.maldag a eonpliag ia . th* .. loeal 7 rards on T o e s ^ last, so that aiapBta^ ' lon a t the elbow w u Aad*. aooeaaiy, |, Ued,at 10'.o ’eloek S aiarS aj.a lgh t a t a " ocal hospital u a reanlt e f a ' V ^ eloi - !rom hls iB jn y r « w ^ I l M «


Soutli>.f *

^ E S i S A Y , ®

. 50 He

V . ■

' t . i ,.i j 3 ' y

rt h e c h ^ i g ! e s t , V ' i

f ' v r f s d o n i ; l h e ~ ^

. j | s . . n o w . J i e i n g p

Q o t f c f e s m q i H e

J s i n . t h e r i g h t

a n d l o o k b e f e : , • ■ s f ;

o r e f o r t h e n i i . i i ■ /

e s s t h a n ' p o o r . J

alk abont_Hart: •, V ,y ; clothes and sayc l o t h e s ' t b e y ! f e ' , " ’ .

I t t o , b u y , is , b e -

ar.and satisfac-... .... “3 t h e m t h e l e a s t

■ w e k n o w . r o f . ■.

o t h i n g G o .^ner and Marx Clothes ...........

r ^ u ; 'w o r e t a ^ ' thU »m niag.lo K*w' ' Philadelphia; OUo, fo r interm ent., ;. . / ceaae^ leaves his. widow, .u d fonc. - ib’ontha old aon, besides: bla - brot^w; ' tow ard Crockej^.who eame'here ^tm B-'' P bcat^o, u d aeeompaaled'the reauilu. to Ohio, .fie-had b*ea u ap lby^ kere by the Oragoa Short l i u fo r aboot om y u A . __ ' • .BUHL g ir l WILL SERVE

A9 AUTOMOBILE DRIVERI d a Lilly Zdadftnaa.B utan T raliili^

OonM « l SedM 't e Qoallfr fe r , 'W ^ .O T s a M . .

- . . . .(Special to Tbe Kows) .BUHL.-;-LUy Lindstrom left last

week for Bolao wbere she will enter .glfls’ traialng acbool for motor’drlvera. 'M isa. U ndstnm ' tM k the examlnatioa several w eob for Bed- Grass nurse bat'd id . Apt^pM the examinatloa.': A d r a t ^ I t . in the C U ^ 'e d eolamu

a a a i t B ay ^w jp .w ^ tt., ^ -

. l-y-. ,;

R BROS.M SiN R A r io iK t m b « r l ] r ~ ---------------------

o r s ^

a i ^ " - - v : . '

E iog^o i i ^ s S s t y