m bettek 1uan a (joveknment bond issuranceis printed anil published at the office, quocn btroet,...

1 HRJc . IT;. , fe : At C 'f ' If U Hi s, ,. : ' i' US ?; i-- 5J fi f ' T fiM. , , ? '; s & VSJ3S355K . i 4fi 1 ' & '.'lt1-- "' j jji't ;:" i ;,''-- f Ti'"ii.tJ!!WMmatiiwji!jam imi iwreywpia yutm uw Vol. Xnr. No. 1893. HONOLULU, H. I.. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 17, 1888. OUDOOniPTION 60 0ENT8 PER MONTH. TFE' DAILY BULLETIN Is printed anil published at the office, Quocn btroet, Honolulu, U. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - 50 cents per Month. Addross nil Communications Daii.i Bui.IjKtin. Advortlsomonts, tc oii3uro Insertion, should bo handed In before one, o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS. D. CLEVIOR Managor Bullotin Stoam Printing Office. Newspapor, Book and Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorable tunns. Bull Tolophono No. 2G0 Mutual Telcphnno No. 250 Daily BeMii shhjqt Published twico, a Month. An interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to CO columns of reading matter on local top- ics, and a complete resume of Ilonol.ulu and Island News. It is.the best paper uubllshed iu, the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.D0 a year. Commission. MerunantB. TT HACKITIiJrjO & Co., General Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu 0. W. MACFABLANE & Co. MPORTEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, .... Honolulu. H. I. !.. 1648 i t 3BEWEB & COMPANY, U. (LiuiiUid) Gknbhal MsitoAirriiiK and CoilillUSIOK, AOENTU. tilBT Olf ofjtkiekb: I. O. Jonhs, Jr. .. .President- - & Manager J. O. Oartkh. . . ..Treasurer te Secretary DIItKCTOKS: Hon. a It. Bisuop. S. C. Allen, H. WATEnnouau. 838 ly 'fOHN T. WATBEHOD8B, tP Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athertou-- G. P. Castle ASTLB & OOOKB, C" Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Glaus Bpreckeu. Wm. G. Irwin. IRWIN fc COMPANY, WQ. Factors'arid Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers'in Lumber, Paints, Oils, NaUs, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GRJNBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer-- oliandiao ui.d Commission Merchants, Honolulu, aud 121 California street, 1 ' BaiiJFranclsco, Cal. Ii. Lowers, P. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko. EWERS & OOOKK, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importora and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds' ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu I Gonsalves Ac Co., Wholesale Grocers &Wino Meronants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of theNew Stores in Hie Thomas Block, Kins Street, Three doors from Castlo & Cookes', Where ho is prepared to- - manufacture nil ilnds of Jewelry. CO A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. I Mutual Tel. 371. - Bell Tel. 80. Law Books & Lawyer' Stationery a Spoclaliy. Orders taken for Nowspapors, Period!' cals, Books, Music, etc., from uny purt of the world, having madg all nrraugo. menta therefor whilst In San Fiaucifco, Kcd Kubber Stumiw to Order. 71 T,F YOU FIND ANYTHING, - X advertlso It la the Daily Bdllbtim Professionals. M. THOMPSON, A.titoriioy-nt-X.u.-- w. ODlco In Ciunpbull'a Block, Cor. Foit & Merchant St., Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. CST". When desired, will rIvo tho law In a written opinion, as to the probable re- sult of tho contention upon the facts Muted. 1S8S1V M. MONSARRAT, J" . ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. . Loans ncgotl!. ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Guzcttc Block), Honolulu. Hawaiian Islamls 100 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ae knowlcdgntcuts of Instruments for tho island ol Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred Magoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17a 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgment to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco, Honolulu. DOCTOK WEBB. Office and Residence next door to the American Jlinjstcr's on' Alakea street, between Hotel and lieretanin streets. Ofllco Hours fromT'io 9' a', in.; from 1 to 3 p. m, nnd'7 to 8 p m. . Telephone . 912m VJ3TERINAKY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, x3L VeteriEitii' SnrKeon. - Olllco nnd Residence .''160 King EtrceJ Muiual Telephone aD4. Orders loft at Hotel Stables will be received and' promptly attended to. 43 Urn T H. SOBER, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. V. Corner Sixth and Market btreets, opposite Hnwnli Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, Sun Francieco. 23 LLAtCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 0 if Jl. ii. UENSOft. a. w.,siiiTn. BENSOK", SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and, Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. - Depot for Boerioko & Sceohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Sfck'ecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTEE & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. SR & CO. Jlnuurnctnrlnjv .loivolIerM, NO. OS XOllO" HTI133ET, Constantly on hand a largo assortinen of every description of Jewelry, Wntohcs Gold and Silver 1'laiod Ware. &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having Improved facilities, is prepared to Jill orders at bhort notice. 1854 tf CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all liouis, day and night. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and Village Carts with stylish and gentle horses to let. '' ; FOK SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts nnd Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephoue 32, or apply to MULliS & HAYIjEY. 1574 ly Steam Works, Sunny South Tele, Bell 173,Mutunl 215 Depot. Merchant Street Telo, Bell 172, Mutual SCO. Tho undcrslgurd li'ivlntr ni.rrhnanl tliti busliKSi of tho Tahiti Lemonade Work), lhi 'cpnt has bijen removed to No, 28 MerchMit Street, All orders tor Aerated Waters mnnu faoturcd at tho uboveetab1lsl.mcut will receive prompt attention. J. E. BROWN & Co. P. O. Box 409. 1829 TP YOU LOSE -- ANYTHING, X ftdvortise it in the Daily Bulletin, Beaver L Saloon The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffeo at 11 Hours The lnest Btatd ol Cigars & 1 obacco nlwnys on hand. H. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor. PIOIVISJEK, STEAM CAM FACTORY ' F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- JJS- Telephone 74 WM. McANIiESS, No. 0 Queen 3trcet, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Uecr, Veal, Slution, 1'IhIi, Ac, c Family and Bhippiiig Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly m the Met'ropoiiian tB Meat Company 8B King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly i). 1EIIE & CD. Commission 8k Merchants SHIP CHANDLERY, JVnvalStores&Grocories Ilrlcks, Xilnie & Cement. Families and Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. EST ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 179. No. 20 Fort st., op. O. S. S. Go's Wharf. 1800 tf Po!M Anps Stock .FOR. .3L.E. Bull Calves Iron 10 to 13' months old. Heller Calves from 1 0 to 1 3 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70 FKANOE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Ruo.de Dunkerquc, . - Paris. Executes Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Su'ls-"- , German, and English Goods, at the boat Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two.and-a.Hal- f per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts nllowcd to Clluntu. Original Invoices forwarded when rcqueslod. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager. Tho Agency Represent, Buys, and Sclh, f r Hume ami Colonial Firms. l'lcco Goods, C.ishmcre?, Cambrics, Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laees, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold nnd Silver Lace, Flannols, Featherfl, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gluts, and Ohina.ware, Clocks, Watches, Jowollry, Funny Goods, Elcctroplato, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Purfumoiy, Wines, &o , Ollmnn's Btorrs, Books, Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, Ac, &o. 130 ly S Tahiti Lemonade Works, CIUSTOMERS who have on hand any ' or Cases, would greatly obligo by tending word to tho Depot. 28 Metchint street, and they will nt onco be called for. Our Hi tiles .co all crystal valve, nnd tlui word? "TAIHI'I LEMONADE WOltKH" blown UK won. Hell Tolcphoue m Mutual Telephone 3l0. 15 tf .1. E BHOWN As CO. F YOU WANT A SERVANT, . advertise iu tho Daily Bulletin, BARGAIN in EMBROIDERIES, BARGAIN. BARGAIN, BARGAIN, Embroideries, Embroideries, AT THE , POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. ftL S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. Hamburg and Swiss Edgings I Hamburg- - .and. Swiss Insertings ! All OVER EMBROIDERIES ! Children's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies Embroidery Flounces ! In Skirt and Holoku Lengths. Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits, DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE, Thereby snving United States Duty. Tho Entire Lot will be offered at Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, $& Carriage Building, Painting and " Trimming. 79 & 81 Hue street - - - - i) Entrances iVoin Kins: and M'orelmut Sts. Every description of work in tho nbove lines performed iu n flrst.clas manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. JBTBcll Telephone, 107-- g (mrh iSTBoll Telephone, 107- -a !?. .- 1- I 175. Corner A.Y HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. Telephones JOHN ITT, In. 8 Kaataai Edinburgh & Queen Streets. Stree t PS en Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping, Goods, PLUMBING-- , TIN, COPPER AND 393 SHEET IRON WORK. GEO. EMELHARDT, (Pormorly with Samuel Nott). Imporlor mid reuli- - lu STOVES, CHANDELIERS, AMP3V OltOOKUKY, QLA8SWAUK, I10Ur!12 FURNISHING JlAItDWAltE., AGATK IRON AND TINWARE. Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Fort Street. fjy- - Btoro formerly occupied by 8. NOTT, opposito Spreckela &, Co.'a Bank. -- a 100 jmiw1 EAUE CHANCE FOE INVESTMENT BETTEK 1UAN A (JOVEKNMENT BOND OFFEW.I) UY TIIE Equitable Life iss OF Till!! UXITRO STATES. AWSMTS OVEIt .... 880,000,000. TIIK protection of Life Insurunee combined with tha Invcslraenl Principles of Savings Uunk Us.iinploofiit!-.yon- r Ktidowmuut Polity for $10 000 taken out at the ago of 25 yeurn : Annual Total Premiums Caih Fund Equivalent P.itil Annuity Premium. Paid in 20yrs. Then duo. UpPolioy.for Life. u" for Life $437 $0,740 $10,110 $43,800 $1,310 Estimates for different amounts and different ages cheerfully given. Protect your family from future want or provide for your own ojd age. Policies Free, Indisputable, &c, &o. For full particular?, apply to Alexander 1010 ly' .'W wirw m u wi LUCAS, Contractor and Builder',' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nail- o, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, nnd nil kinds of Wood- work llnish. Turning, Scroll and Hand Sawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attouded to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other ls solicited Contractor nnd Itaildcr. Stores and offices titled up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick and wooden buildings, Plans aud Specifications fur. nislied. EST Office, 110 Beretania St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; Postotllce Box, 100. 322 ly PLANING MILL. Alaltcn, near Queen St. I Telc'ihoiio (55. Ofllco 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly .Prrr HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, eSS2iStcara engines, sugar mills, boil-er- coolers; iron, brass aud lead cast-- ' ings; machinery of every description uiado to order. Particular attcntiou paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. Horse Clipping! NEATLY DONE and with despatch HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA- BLES. Hand Clippers. 8211 CHR. GERTZ, Importer and Dealer in ;cntH', JLuitlca', A. Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers, The Choicest Brands of Cigars & Tobacco Alyvuyt on Ham!. f3r Orders from tho other Islands solicited. . 73 tf J. HOPP & CO. 7--1 King Htreet. Muuufasturcrs and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to. CHA&RS TO RENT For Balli or Paitios in small or largo 891 quantities ly. -- IVDS'W- Mcrchant Tailoring Establishm't The undersigned having opened a first-clas- s Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment at tho Cor. King and Bethel Streots, (Damon Building) undor tho firm name of . F.HBbermacher&Co. Bfg have to solicit tl.o patronago of his fiiomla unit public generally, SO Cm F. HABEHMACHER. HHHE ONLY LIVE PAPER in JL Honolulu 'Tho Dully Bulletin." SO cents per mouth. m. .. I "J . .1V',V ' Wit; '-- a Go urance J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hnwaiinn Islands. FIRE, LIFE, and MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assots, $5,055,000 Commorcial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) AEsetfi, '$450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Firo and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co Capital $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGEK HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n iVlauds. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'co Agents. AOKNTS VOli TIio BTow KuRland MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tlio iEtna Firo Insurance Co, of Hartford, Conn. The. Union Fire and ftflarine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. lUlly Prussian National Insurance Comp y E8TABLI8UBD 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Relchtmarkt. HHHE undersigned, huviug been a. X pointed agent of thonbove Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, ngainst Fire, on Buildlnw: Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Hills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losiei Promptly Adjusted and Poyablo In Honolulu. II. IUEMKNSOHNEIDEM, 070 ly at Wilder & CoV Hustace& Robertson, I R. A. Y 2VX 13 3M . a LL orders for Cartage promptly at. -- tx. temiea to. 1'auu.ulnr attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllco, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'b auction room 083 ly Mutual Tflephono No. 10. Tho Infer-Islan- d Steuin Navigation Co., Limited, Keop constantly on band for salo Btcam Family and. Blackimith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AEItATED WATEH8. Lemon Soda and Glnper Ale of all in. .'"f'ff 'IMallty, In tnmil bottles, as re tailed by Cliiuamcn ut Flvti etints n hot. tc fl,r '! hi will not bo made at this eatttbllfhmcnt, 178Q m . . m .i 4 j m . ,m ',: -- a ?:; . jj a: ya -'. ; ' .ty . v X j m 4

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Page 1: m BETTEK 1UAN A (JOVEKNMENT BOND issuranceIs printed anil published at the office, Quocn btroet, Honolulu, U. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). ... and a complete resume of Ilonol.ulu

1 HRJc

. IT;.





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VSJ3S355K . i4fi

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'.'lt1-- "' j jji't ;:" i ;,''-- f Ti'"ii.tJ!!WMmatiiwji!jam imi iwreywpia yutm uw



Is printed anil published at the office,

Quocn btroet, Honolulu, U. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - 50 cents per Month.

Addross nil Communications Daii.iBui.IjKtin.

Advortlsomonts, tc oii3uro Insertion,should bo handed In before one, o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bullotin Stoam Printing Office.

Newspapor, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds dono on the most favorabletunns.Bull Tolophono No. 2G0

Mutual Telcphnno No. 250

Daily BeMii shhjqtPublished twico, a Month.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to CO

columns of reading matter on local top-

ics, and a complete resume of Ilonol.uluand Island News. It is.the best paperuubllshed iu, the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.

Subscription (mailed) S2.D0 a year.

Commission. MerunantB.


General Commission Agents.

070 ly Honolulu



Queen street, .... Honolulu. H. I.!.. 1648

i t 3BEWEB & COMPANY,U. (LiuiiUid)

Gknbhal MsitoAirriiiK andCoilillUSIOK, AOENTU.

tilBT Olf ofjtkiekb:

I. O. Jonhs, Jr. . . .President- - & ManagerJ. O. Oartkh. . . ..Treasurer te Secretary


Hon. a It. Bisuop. S. C. Allen,H. WATEnnouau.

838 ly

'fOHN T. WATBEHOD8B,tP Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.--J. B. Athertou-- G. P. Castle

ASTLB & OOOKB,C" Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

Glaus Bpreckeu. Wm. G. Irwin.IRWIN fc COMPANY,WQ. Factors'arid Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers'in Lumber, Paints,Oils, NaUs, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GRJNBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer--oliandiao ui.d Commission Merchants,Honolulu, aud

121 California street,1

' BaiiJFranclsco, Cal.

Ii. Lowers, P. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko.

EWERS & OOOKK,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importora and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds' ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu I

Gonsalves Ac Co.,

Wholesale Grocers &Wino Meronants280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of theNewStores in Hie

Thomas Block, Kins Street,Three doors from Castlo & Cookes',

Where ho is prepared to- - manufacturenil ilnds of Jewelry. CO

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. IMutual Tel. 371. - Bell Tel. 80.

Law Books & Lawyer' Stationery a Spoclaliy.

Orders taken for Nowspapors, Period!'cals, Books, Music, etc., from uny purtof the world, having madg all nrraugo.menta therefor whilst In San Fiaucifco,

Kcd Kubber Stumiw to Order.71

T,F YOU FIND ANYTHING,- X advertlso It la the Daily Bdllbtim


M. THOMPSON,A.titoriioy-nt-X.u.-- w.

ODlco In Ciunpbull'a Block, Cor. Foit &Merchant St., Honolulu, U. I.


CST". When desired, will rIvo tho law Ina written opinion, as to the probable re-

sult of tho contention upon the factsMuted. 1S8S1V

M. MONSARRAT,J" . ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. . Loans ncgotl!.ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Guzcttc Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islamls 100

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Aeknowlcdgntcuts of Instruments for thoisland ol Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


J Alfred Magoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

17a 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgment

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco,Honolulu.

DOCTOK WEBB.Office and Residence next door to the

American Jlinjstcr's on' Alakea street,between Hotel and lieretanin streets.

Ofllco Hours fromT'io 9' a', in.; from1 to 3 p. m, nnd'7 to 8 p m. .

Telephone . 912m


x3L VeteriEitii' SnrKeon. -Olllco nnd Residence .''160 King EtrceJ

Muiual Telephone aD4. Orders loft atHotel Stables will be received and'promptly attended to. 43 Urn


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. V. Corner Sixth and Market btreets,opposite Hnwnli Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, Sun Francieco. 23


NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.

Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu.0 if

Jl. ii. UENSOft. a. w.,siiiTn.


Manufacturing and, Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

- Depot for Boerioko & Sceohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Sfck'ecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,"WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

SR & CO.Jlnuurnctnrlnjv .loivolIerM,

NO. OS XOllO" HTI133ET,Constantly on hand a largo assortinen

of every description of Jewelry, WntohcsGold and Silver 1'laiod Ware. &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having Improved facilities, is preparedto Jill orders at bhort notice.

1854 tf

CARRIAGE CO.Carriages at all liouis, day and night.

Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Carts with stylish and gentlehorses to let. '' ;

FOK SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts nnd Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephoue 32, or apply to

MULliS & HAYIjEY.1574 ly

Steam Works, Sunny SouthTele, Bell 173,Mutunl 215

Depot. Merchant StreetTelo, Bell 172, Mutual SCO.

Tho undcrslgurd li'ivlntr ni.rrhnanltliti busliKSi of tho Tahiti LemonadeWork), lhi 'cpnt has bijen removed toNo, 28 MerchMit Street,

All orders tor Aerated Waters mnnufaoturcd at tho uboveetab1lsl.mcut willreceive prompt attention.

J. E. BROWN & Co.P. O. Box 409. 1829

TP YOU LOSE -- ANYTHING,X ftdvortise it in the Daily Bulletin,

Beaver L Saloon

The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at 11 Hours

The lnest Btatd ol

Cigars & 1 obacconlwnys on hand.

H. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor.



'F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- JJS- Telephone 74

WM. McANIiESS,No. 0 Queen 3trcet, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestUecr, Veal, Slution, 1'IhIi, Ac, c

Family and Bhippiiig Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

m theMet'ropoiiian tB

Meat Company8B King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail Butchers


i). 1EIIE & CD.

Commission 8k Merchants


JVnvalStores&GrocoriesIlrlcks, Xilnie & Cement.

Families and Ships supplied on mostreasonable terms.

EST ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 179.

No. 20 Fort st., op. O. S. S. Go's Wharf.1800 tf

Po!M Anps Stock

.FOR. .3L.E.Bull Calves Iron 10 to 13' months old.

Heller Calves from 1 0 to 1 3 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70

FKANOE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Ruo.de Dunkerquc, . - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Su'ls-"- , German, and English Goods, atthe boat Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two.and-a.Hal- f per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts nllowcdto Clluntu. Original Invoices forwardedwhen rcqueslod.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager.

Tho Agency Represent, Buys, andSclh, f r Hume ami Colonial Firms.

l'lcco Goods, C.ishmcre?, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laees, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold nnd Silver Lace,Flannols, Featherfl, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Gluts, andOhina.ware, Clocks, Watches,Jowollry, Funny Goods,Elcctroplato, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Purfumoiy, Wines, &o ,

Ollmnn's Btorrs, Books, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, Ac, &o.

130 ly S

Tahiti Lemonade Works,

CIUSTOMERS who have on hand any' or Cases, would

greatly obligo by tending word to thoDepot. 28 Metchint street, and they willnt onco be called for.

Our Hi tiles .co all crystal valve, nndtlui word? "TAIHI'I LEMONADEWOltKH" blown UK won.

Hell Tolcphoue mMutual Telephone 3l0.

15 tf .1. E BHOWN As CO.

F YOU WANT A SERVANT,. advertise iu tho Daily Bulletin,



Embroideries, Embroideries,AT THE ,

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

ftL S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.

Hamburg and Swiss Edgings I

Hamburg- - .and. Swiss Insertings !


Children's Embroidery Flounces !

Ladies Embroidery Flounces !

In Skirt and Holoku Lengths.

Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits,DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE,

Thereby snving United States Duty. Tho Entire Lot will be offered at

Astonishing Prices,Astonishing Prices,

Astonishing Prices,

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, $& Carriage Building,

Painting and " Trimming.

79 & 81 Hue street - - - - i)

Entrances iVoin Kins: and M'orelmut Sts.Every description of work in tho nbove lines performed iu n flrst.clas manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.JBTBcll Telephone, 107-- g (mrh iSTBoll Telephone, 107- -a

!?. .-1- I

175. Corner


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.


JOHN ITT, In. 8 Kaataai

Edinburgh & Queen Streets.




Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


GEO. EMELHARDT,(Pormorly with Samuel Nott).

Imporlor mid reuli-- luSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, AMP3V


Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

fjy- - Btoro formerly occupied by 8. NOTT, opposito Spreckela &, Co.'a Bank. -- a100




Equitable Life issOF Till!! UXITRO STATES.

AWSMTS OVEIt .... 880,000,000.

TIIK protection of Life Insurunee combined with tha Invcslraenl Principles ofSavings Uunk Us.iinploofiit!-.yon- r Ktidowmuut Polity for $10 000 taken

out at the ago of 25 yeurn :

Annual Total Premiums Caih Fund Equivalent P.itil AnnuityPremium. Paid in 20yrs. Then duo. UpPolioy.for Life. u" for Life

$437 $0,740 $10,110 $43,800 $1,310Estimates for different amounts and different ages cheerfully given. Protect

your family from future want or provide for your own ojd age. Policies Free,Indisputable, &c, &o.

For full particular?, apply to

Alexander1010 ly'

.'W wirw m u wi


and Builder','

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nail- o,

Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, nnd nil kinds of Wood-work llnish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attouded to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other ls


Contractor nnd Itaildcr.Stores and offices titled up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodenbuildings, Plans aud Specifications fur.nislied. EST Office, 110 Beretania St.;Mutual Telephone, 352; Postotllce Box,100. 322 ly

PLANING MILL.Alaltcn, near Queen St. I

Telc'ihoiio (55.

Ofllco 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18 ly

.Prrr HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,eSS2iStcara engines, sugar mills, boil-er-

coolers; iron, brass aud lead cast-- 'ings; machinery of every descriptionuiado to order. Particular attcntiou paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice.

Horse Clipping!NEATLY DONE and with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 8211

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

;cntH', JLuitlca', A. Children's

Boots, Shoes and Slippers,

The Choicest Brands of

Cigars & TobaccoAlyvuyt on Ham!.

f3r Orders from tho other Islandssolicited. . 73 tf

J. HOPP & CO.7--1 King Htreet.

Muuufasturcrs and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHA&RS TO RENTFor Balli or Paitios in small or largo

891 quantities ly.

-- IVDS'W-

Mcrchant Tailoring Establishm't

The undersigned having opened a first-clas- s

Merchant Tailoring Estab-lishment at tho

Cor. King and Bethel Streots,(Damon Building) undor tho firm

name of .

F.HBbermacher&Co.Bfg have to solicit tl.o patronago of

his fiiomla unit public generally,SO Cm F. HABEHMACHER.

HHHE ONLY LIVE PAPER inJL Honolulu 'Tho Dully Bulletin."

SO cents per mouth.

m. ..

I"J. .1V',V

' Wit; '-- a


J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hnwaiinn Islands.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assots, $5,055,000

Commorcial Insurance Co.(Fire and Marine)

AEsetfi, '$450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Firo and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co

Capital $10,000,000Now York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n iVlauds.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'co Agents.



of Boston.

Tlio iEtna Firo Insurance Co,of Hartford, Conn.

The. Union Fire andftflarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.lUlly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y


Capital, 9,000,000 Relchtmarkt.HHHE undersigned, huviug been a.X pointed agent of thonbove Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, ngainst Fire, on Buildlnw:Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarHills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losiei Promptly Adjusted and Poyablo InHonolulu.

II. IUEMKNSOHNEIDEM,070 ly at Wilder & CoV

Hustace& Robertson,

I R. A. Y 2VX 13 3M .a LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

--tx. temiea to. 1'auu.ulnr attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllco, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'bauction room083 ly Mutual Tflephono No. 10.

Tho Infer-Islan- d SteuinNavigation Co., Limited,

Keop constantly on band for saloBtcam Family and. Blackimith Coal

and a general assortment of415. Bar Iron.


HIGH CLASS AEItATED WATEH8.Lemon Soda and Glnper Ale of all in.

.'"f'ff 'IMallty, In tnmil bottles, as retailed by Cliiuamcn ut Flvti etints n hot.tc fl,r '! hi will not bo made at thiseatttbllfhmcnt, 178Q

m. . m


4 j

m. ,m',:

-- a?:;

. jja:ya





. vX j



Page 2: m BETTEK 1UAN A (JOVEKNMENT BOND issuranceIs printed anil published at the office, Quocn btroet, Honolulu, U. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). ... and a complete resume of Ilonol.ulu




P- -ft



frgafejgasjsssgaa&as&s s4eis&iKFpvBY AUTHORITY.

Flnnucu Itcpardnciit.Honolulu, II. 1., Feb. JO, 1888.

Notice is heieby ghon to nil em-

ployees of tho llitwniian Go em-

inent, and to oilier persons to whommoneys may be duu nt the HawaiianTrcasuiy on or before March ill,1888, to present vnnchcis for iiettle-me-

on or befoie tluit ditto ; and nil

persons Inning moneys on ncconntof llio Government tiro leiiucbtcd tomake tbeir returns piomptly, inOlder that tbere may bo no delay inclosing tbc iieconntu foi the fiscalperiod ending Mnrch 31, 1888.

W. L. GllEEN.G8 tf iMini&ter of Finance.

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw ExcUango on theBttuk ol Culilbriiin. te. XT.

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONQ.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, LondonThe Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Hank Co.. of Sydney,

S3dncy,The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Ghristchurch, and Wellington,Tho Bank of llritish Columbia, Vic-

toria, I!. C, and Portland, Or.ANM

Transact a Gcneiul Banking Business,(ifi!) ly



jfijatltt gftultqfittPUdgcd to neither Sect nor Patty,But established for the benefit of all.



Tho one great item of foicignnews by the Alameda last evening,is the death ol Emperor William ofGermany. The event occurred on

tbc morning of tbc 9th instant, anda week before we, in our isolation,knew anything of it, the woild wasstartled with the intelligence. Germany is in mourning, and it is noexaggeration to say that the gi eaterpart of the Christian world is in

sympathy with her. Germany haslost her Empeior, and the woild liaslost one of its foiemost and mostimportant personages. Probably on

the demise of no one person of thetime hang such momentous contin-

gencies. The grand old Emperorlived long, and lived to good pur-

pose. His calm and peaceful de-

parture was a, fitting termination ofso noble a life. He was within acouple of weeks of his 01st birth-da- p

anniversary when he passed intothe unseen world. For ten ycais bereigned as King of Prussia, and forseventeen years he was Emperor ofthe great German Empire, lie wasonu of the best and wisest monaiclisthat ever woic a mown or ruled anation, and well may the intelligencethat be is no more be received withsadness. The Crown Prince, son ofthe departed Emperor, whose phy-

sical condition is not hopeful, hasbeen announced as successor to thethrone, with the title of Frederickthe Third, ami it is to be hoped thathe may be spared to honor theThrone and the Empire as did hisfather before him.


Y. M. C. A. Gospel l'r.ilso Serviceat GitlO l1 M. Come and biln&r a fileud.

Kawaiaiiao Cuuncii. Kcv. II. II.Parker, pastor. Sunday school at 10a. m. Pleaching at 11 a. ji.

Kaumakai'im Ciiijkoh. IJev. .J.Waiainau, pastor. Sunday school at!) a. m. Preaching at 100 A. m. and7 :'.!0 1 M.

Qukek Emma IIali,. Gospel andsong service for Haw allaus who speakEnglish at ata r. m. Good singing.Hhoit talks, Kvciy body welcome.

Jai-anks- Kkuvicl : Gospel andSong Services at 11 a.m.; Bible Class7:30 r. M., in the Jiipaiiebo Y. M. 0. A.Itoom, Queen Ibiuna Hall, coiner oflleietuula and Xtutauu streets.

CENTltAI. r.NION Cllt'ItCIl, ItCV. F.G.Beckwlth, 1). 1)., .pastor. Sundayschool and lUblu class at !):-l- " A. m.Seivlces at 11 A. M. and 7:30 i m.

Giiinesi: Ciiuncn. Foi t sticct, nearcorner lleictanla. Mr. Kong Slilil Kaevangelist, Chlncho Sunday school,'.i:;(0a.m. Chinese and Kuglish Sun-day School, 2:30 v. M. Preaching 11

A. M. and 7:a0 r. si. Ulblo class InOhlucse Y. 31. O. A. Hall, C;l)0 v. m.

JComan Catholic OATiii:nitAL.0 and 7 A. m low mass; 10 a.m., highmass, with sermon cither In Hawaiian,Poituguese or English, alternating

to the three principal dlfteienlnationalities of the church; 2 i: m., io-sa- ry

and catechism; 4:30 i bi instruc-tion and benediction of thu UlesedSacrament.

St. Andhkw's Oatjiedhal. Theservices at St. Andicw's Catlicdial to-

morrow will bo ; Holy Communion,

0!00 A. m. Morning prayer with ser-mon nt OiKO. Hawaiian uNcnsong ntStnor. M. 31on"oiig with "ci mon nt 0i M. Seat nro unappropriated.

Second Congregatlou. Ho. Geo.Wallace, p.i'tor. Morning prayer,with seimon at 11:15 A. m. cvculiigprnyer with sermon at 7:30 r. m.Sunday school meets a 10 a. m. Seatfieo at all services.


J. FISHEL 1ms iceciedCHAS. Australia the lntet stjlo oflaille untiiniiiieil hat, hIhi a Hue linoof children'" leghorn hats In dufcicntshapes. Call anil too them. 87 lw

riiET SOME Genuine OldfashlonedJ Uulteiscoteli Cantly. at the new

t andv Faetorv "Yum J Yum!'84

171RESH. HOME-MAD- E WAL- -JL? mil(icain. j educed to 00 centsper whole pound, nt tho Pioneer SteamCandy Factory and llalteiy, Hotel, be-

tween Xuuntitt and Fort bti eels. 71


eolale and Coconnut Catamelsto !10 ecnts per whole pound, at

the Pioneer Steam Candy 1 actory andB.ikuiy. Hotel, between Xuunnti andFort sheets. ''I


forma Foil, Muiluii a and .Malaga ,

for sale in ken and cases bvGONSAlVKb & CO.,

01 Queen street.


anil Vanilla Chocolate Creains(de- -

lloloii;.) l educed to 30 cents per wholepound, at the FioM'.r.u Stkam CandyFactouv And Bakkkv. Hotel, mi


CLEAN RAGS ana second handwill be guilefully iccciv-e- d

for tho use of the inmate of theHnineh Hospital for Lepers at Kaknako,or at the l.cpci S Itlment on Moloktil,if left with J. 1'. Walcrhotisc, jr., nt theQueen Street Store. t&f tf


TO exchange a No. 1 1'iano for u

Iloreo and Pliaitou, oi for a Hortcand Brake. Bnquiie nt this olllrc.

83 tf

Lodge Le Progrcs,

TIIEIIH will be a special meeting ofLo Progres lie 1'OccjuIc

No. 121, A F. & A. M..TH1S (sntur-daj- j

1SVBNING, at 7 110 o'clock.

Fii'.sl Degree.Member of Hawaiian Lodge No 21

and visiting li' lliert. are coiUially in.viicd to attended.

By order of the AV.-- . M.-- .

E. KTSTLElt,f3 It Seci clary.

Hawaiian Lodge, Ho. 21, F. & A. I.


'WfePURSUANT to u dispensation fiom

JL-- . Grand Master ofCalifornia, the special meeting of IIi.Wiilian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M.,bus l.etn postponed to MONDAYEVENING, Much 10, 1S88, ut7:30v. m., lor the purpose of

Electing Officersfor the ensuing Masonic yeir.

By older of the Worshipful Master.T. C. PORTER,

91 3t Secretary.

FERTILIZERS!For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.

For Snlc 13 HAXHOS.-- A S3IYT1I.

WE arc now piep.ircd to leceivc alloideis for thu above Fertiliser of

a biipirior quality, thoioiighly curLdand warranted one of the best articlesof the kind in tho inaikct. Orders maybe left willi

h. P. HANSON, 00 Queen street,G. M SMYTH, Haw. Hot.d Stable.

fll 1 in

NOTICE.HPIIE underslfji.cd having been np--

jiolrited Executors, of the lust Willand of Lorenzo Marchnnt,late of Honolulu, deceased, requests allpersons who hive claims against theeslatc of said dicciiFcd, secured or other-wise, to present the same duly swornto, to the unikisigncd within six monthsfrom dut or they will be foievcr t atied,and all petsons iidtbled to said estateto iii'tku immediate pavment.

F. A. SCHAEFER,Esccutoi of the last Will anil Testa,

ment of L. Ia reliant, deceased.01 lw

Hawaiian Coffee Co.

COPIES of the piopcctu of the Ha.Collet) I'hinlation Co. can

ho hai on application at Ihu otllro ofJ. E. I'rown A Co Ilo.il l'stato A!(i!t',Murchnnl Miccl bOlw

NOTICE.TVrOTIOEisheicby gien that ChonglS Sak, of the llrm of Tuck LungChong Co., dolug business as enrpentersin Honolulu, of which Sam Koy, Tuckbum and Chong Suk arc paitners, hassold all his lutcicst to Chung l.iimChung I.um assuming all liabilities ofsaid Chung Bui;, as a partner in buidllrm. 87 lw


hay house.A Owner can bituitlwiiir same by proving pro,

peity nrd pajirg ex.pciifcc, liy pnplylng st

the'"11 ly Hor'u Haloon." 10 31


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.to collect lor the

DuujriK.Honolulu Juno 8th, 18S7. 67

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan,


On MONDAY, March 19tli, '88,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

At the icildcuce of Oiij t G. W. Wil-fon- g,

Beckley Preinbe'. Lllilia ftreet,I will hell at Public Auction, the tu.tiro IIouolioul Furultuie, coinprislnn:One Rosewood Upholstered Pallor Set,

Marble Top Centre Tnblc,Lnrge Sofa, 4.Llgbt Cliamlcllci,3 Light Clumarlftr,Upholstered and Biisy Arm Chairs,

Black Walnut Marble Top Bedroom Set,

Spring fc Hair MattressOho Fine Kim Sideboard,

CiocUery & Glastwnio,1 Dlnliiir Tnblo.Cook moo iVsUtcnhl's. Also,

1 Horse, broken to Saddle & Harness,A Pliiu Animal.

ONE OPIOIN BUGGY,1 Set Single ntiriiej",

SJ aniil's. Saddle,Ono Sharp's Hillo and Ccrlridgos,

i:tc , Etc, Ect .Lie.

JAS. F. MORGAN,SQCt Auctioneer.


PLAITSA&Uc.By onbi of lheEieutor'5 of the Lsiato

of the Lre Geo Fnu'li'inU, de.cw (d, 1 will oH at PiiMli- -

Auctii n,

On WEDNESDAY, March 21st,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. .

AtliU lesidenco Quern Ftriot, the En-tire Lot of


Mot PSants !

Compilsing n Lirgu and Vailed As-o- rt


All the Plants at Present Growing in

the Garden I

The Plant1" are now beiug numbercland classified for theconcni.

encc of puichnscrs.

C35u,Prcmi-p- oi for inspectionEVEKY DAY pr(;iiiis to Sde.

JAS. F. MORGAN,iOtl Auctioneer.


Barn ! Bargains!The Grout Clearance hale at the Store

of the lite Geo Engelhardtwill co.itmue foi

ONE WEEK LONGERDuring this time the Entire Stock must

be sold. To accomplish thisall Articles will he

sold at a

Miction if 10 Per Ceil

BELOW COST!CSy Housekicfcis embrace

this oppoitiinilj' of tee tiling bargainsin all (lccilptions of lluuscfurnisliingGoods. SO lw

Rubbish ! Rubbish ! Rubbish !

undersigned who his been nu.. thoned by ihe Hoard of Health as

a G i lug' C'ollectoi, pives notice to thepulilir ol Fonolitlii thaili3 is leady touniove the Itulibish fiom stores andprivite at the uiiprece.ileinelly liurijo of fiO cents permonth and to leiiuni' tie sumo fromlestiiuraiits fo 81 00 prr month. Horeelittoi is classed as Ituliblsli. Tree ulm.mitigs will be charged foi e.ira. DeadIlo0"!, Cats and any fciiml) uniraals willle lemoml Jich ol chmge. A leajou-ahl- o

clnigo will lie mailo for thoof dead Horses mid Cmtle.

The iiudcisiiriKd ciin bo romiuunbcuted with bv Oflltn Telephone 30. andPrivate Telephone 220, Mutual Tel. Co.

N. H. My cans woik on Sutuidays.

Ii. Ij. LaPIEltRE.!2 lw

Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!

'pilE iimlcisli.'iicil linvii g been In lhuX 1iubIiics f'ji ihu pant 15 monilis,

mid now heiii); ii oliitol bv n.. 1$ urdof Health as 1 ti blsii Clino, Ihit'b. v;ibh to thank thu public loriIriij lihiial pull omige, hoping a con.linuitnco of the same with a nioro ex.it'iidul list of cufctomcrs. I shall asherctoforu hive my rubbish cntts o oneuch street wjioio required tin co timeseach wcok,ci.ce)t in very lalny weather,then two times each week. After thismonth eich cart will cairy a licll tnannounce itB appcarauco on tlu stieet,that no onu will havo au excuse for notsetting out their dirt.

DKfcfl'iices aa heretofore: OrdinaryHouto Iiuhhlsh and Yard Sweeplngn,DO (eni, 7Ji ccnls and 1,00 pur month,if iut in containers.

The ntiovo pi Ices arrnngcd accordingto tho amount ol rubbish I nkc n away.

Treo TiJinmlngH and llorco Litterwill bo charged extra.

Hone, ilulloukx, Hogs and Dogs willbe buiicd at reasonable itttcs.


1'. S. Anjone knowing of one whois iceitiired to hau their lubblsh ic.moved, who U not ablo to pay the tax,il thu putty or parties will let me knowI will do their carting free of charge.00 Hu N. F. U.

TO LET.NIOH hotie of nlno

looms. Hard fllnsh.Holand cold water. Ronl 80

per month. Enqulro at Bulletin olllco.n.ltf


fXtH Kfnnu street No.&$$& J !.0; pailor, 3 bed

U stnlile and rarrlacobouse. Lot 10D.170 fuit; garden.

Apply tono tr J. h. imoWN & CO.

FOIt SALE FOH S350.CLIITAIN lonso with u

four-- i com collage onpicintscs (lenso for 8Jcnri'),

10 minutes' walk fiom the I'ost Olllcu.Inquire-o- .1. M. VIVAS,

00 lw Merchant street No. 12.


THE liotite now occupiedG. Houliech, Ut.,

situated on Kluiui sticct. Forparticulars Inquire! of82 2w G. E. BOARDMAN.


17IVE minutes' walk fromP.cl llflW Suit.

SiSS nlile lor a huchelor.Apply to



i ,. A COTTAGE on Llllliictinnf 1infi nnu K imrjfttssasafeagSiajj

--fiLmid School 'sti eels. RcntSl'2

per inoiitli. Apply toM. S. GRFA'BAUM & CO.,

80 tf Queen stieet.


or TWO well nml comfortablyONE rooms aie just nowMictnt at jNo. 8 Union s' i ect, next HellTower. tiS lw


DURING my absence from theWm. F. Loc will act foi

me in all matters of husliics'.c. .j. McCarthy.

Honolulu, March 13, 18. fcil 4t



22:110-- ioiesoss'.fc8 lw

All kinds of


all of





Bargains in All Depart

Prices in !

. Prices in Two!

All Wool Combination Snlts at

A large assortment of Bird Cages, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at

G; WEST & CO.'S.


Ycry Rates

the Newest.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Leading Millinery

87 liri


iu Klngitom "TehOailj IJiillctiu." 60 cents per month.

Brackets, at

Mattrasses made to order, at& CO.'S.

Oil Paintings, Engravings, Artotypes and New Chromos, at

G. WEST Jt CO.'S.Brackets, Mirrors and Frames, at

Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums andScrap at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and


G. WESTo& CO.'S.Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small

Wheel Barrows, at. WKBT & CO.'H.

Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at


Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums,Violins, Banjos, &c., fcc, at

g. wm& CO.'S.

Yiolin, Zither and Piano Strings, at .

G, WEST & CO.'S.

Picture Frames, Cornices and


Pianos and kinds Musicalat

G. & CO.'S.

Canary Birds,


cm Two


Low and








Guitar, Banjo,

Instruments Tuned andRepaired,


warranted Singers, at

'c m Fnrt treet,vr, sw iuiiiyDBtOPTOUXJX-iXJ- .

The New and Elegant Fitted Store of H. McINERNY, corner

of Fort and Merchant Streets,

nWhoro will bo found an Elegant Display oi Goods of Buch

grades, as this corner hao been alwaya noted for.

Entire New Lines of Goods selected by Mr. B. A. Mc- -Inerny now East. Among my very General

Stock will be found

Boots ana

I arliae' MlecnnlKMC4V1 10 I iviioobu

French KM Button

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'(C it ua (c u

Ladies' Silk Hose,Ladies' Silk and Merino

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'


Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers,((atc

lJerlorated billc Undershirts,Lisle Thread ifc Balbrigjyan Undershirts,Saxony Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers,White and Red Shaker Flannel Undershirts andDrawers,Anglo-Indi- a Gauze &

Bo3''s Undershirts. My

Js and Boy?s Fine Shoes & SlippersMen's Elesrant JNTeck "Wear,

penders, Jouvms White and Colored ivid Gloves,Gent's Fine Riding and Driving- - Gloves,

Buck Gauntlets.

Every Style k SMe ii Men's Hats k Boy's Straw Hats

Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid HeadsGold and Silver.


Shppe rs,


Peb. & St. Goat Bnt. Boots,Dongola Kid Button Boots,Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles,

Undervests,Lisle and Balbriffan Hose,

Merino Undershirts.usual Fine Assortment of

Yery Choice Line of Sus



I have the most Complete Assortment hi Elegant Fashion-able Styles from the best houses in the United States.

Yery Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is "Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, CarefullyMade and Will Give Very General Satisfaction.


Razors and Pocket Knives,Razor Straps and Brushes,

Tooth, !Nail and Hair Brushes,Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers,

Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,'

CboicB Perfms ai Oilier Toilet Articles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very line) , which every traveler ought topossess.

fIB Usual Hi Stock of Law Gull's & Boy's


1 VXwWMifrrV

Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous GORHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine.t3TIt, B.-N- o Plated Goods Sold in 'thii EstabliehmcnVXEia

Thanking the public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,and soliciting continuance of the same at the New Pre-mises. The Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thisestablishment.

M. MceNERNY.Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 80 1m

If- -

'.. ..!

Xiuw vi ta







4- -

Page 3: m BETTEK 1UAN A (JOVEKNMENT BOND issuranceIs printed anil published at the office, Quocn btroet, Honolulu, U. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). ... and a complete resume of Ilonol.ulu


sK'f,yt a ' . i?

rrafc- - --


4jwiMft''wtwjwiyyr'iei't'A JPow Jtoro

Ladies' Kid Gloves

1'or 81.00. At

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

THEa tin uTTfin

SATURDAY, MAltOII 17, 1888.

ARHIVALS.31 nr 17

Btmr U It Bisbot) HawaiiHehr Kaalokal from KauaiBchr Muiy Foster from KtiunlStmr Klhuica lion from ifotnakuaSchr Kaiilkeaoull fioin Kolmlnlilt Caibai Ion fioin .Sun Pianel co


Etmr Kaalafor Waianao and Walahiait. 0 n in

Stmr .Ins jMakcu for Kapaa at 5 p inJJk Prcldiicli for San Fianoiseo


Prom San Francisco for Honolulu,per SS Alameda, iMar 10 J A Buck andwife, Miss P. 0 Dunlap, 11 P Gl.ule,wife; 5 clilldien and muse, P C .Jonesmid Ife, Miss M M Madden. Joseph 11

Pel ry and wife, .lames Welsh and K

Jlijntna and wife, and 8 Btcernge. Intransit for Auckland, Vi cabin and 2

steerage; for Sydney, 27 cabin and 27steerage.

SHIPPUlil MITES.The S V "Commercial Xcws" of Mnr

2d says that the ship Alexander McNeil,1,083 tons, has been pill chased by J 1)

Spicekels & Bros, on pilvatc teims, andwill lie uluce'd in tho Hawaiian tiadc.Captain J It llowaid takes comiiiaud ofthe ship.

At San Francisco, Mar 8th, tho S SOregon was discharged of 1,800 tons offi eight, 900 tons wcie put into her andshe was coaled and ready for sea insideof 18 hours from the shut.

Mr E It liyan is making an excellentjob of tho schooner Waloli, which wasdamaged lcccntly at Knau. Thhty feetof main keel and new planks aie beingput on. One side was finished y.


Feb 29, Lady Lampson, 17.! dayfrom Honolulu.

Mar 2, Pacific Slope, 0 days fromBarrard's Inlet, en loutc for Honolulu,for lepairs.

Mar 3, Geo O Peikins, 1(5)j days fioinHonolulu.

Mar 3, Anna, 1CJ days fiom Kabului.Mar 0, Consuclo, ICi days from Hono-

lulu.Mar 7, Dora Bluhm, 2S daj-- s fiom

Hilo.Mar 8, W B Godficy, 18 days fiom

Honolulu.Mar a, nty of Sydney fiom China.At Auckland, Mar 1,SS ZeulandiaDIU'AllTUHUS VUOM SAN 1'ltANClSCO.

Feb 29, Foi est Queen, for Honolulu.Mar a, ship Alex McNeil, for Hono-

lulu.Mar 3, Planter, for Honolulu,from San Bleso, Mar 1, bk Viloiia,

foi Honolulu.From Poit Ludlow. Mar 3, J A King,

for Honolulu. 'The S S Alameda sailed from San

Francisco fcaturday, Mar 10th, at 2 a m.Pilot lett at 3:35 a in; stopped forHonolulu pilot on tlie ICtli, at 3:50 p in.Fine weather until 12th, on which dayand the day following experiencedstiong S W w inds with head sea. Tookthe NI3 trades in 23 with thick lainyweather and heavy NW swell. TimeC dajs, 13 houn and 04 minutes.

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS.Tun S. S. Kinau will sail ugain on

Wednesday. ...Quite a number of the business

house closed at noon to-da-

Tim bark Velocity will sail forHongkong on Tuesday.

Tun steamer Likelikc will bo duehero morning.

The steamers Lehua and Mokoliiare duo heio to-da-

A NI0E houso of Jiino looms, withhot and cold water, is adveitised tolet.

A gentleman wishes to exchangea piano for a horse and phaHon, or ahorse and brake.

. .

Lewis & Co. have ice house goodsby tho Alameda, in good order, sal-

mon, celeiy, etc..A salute was fired from tho shore

battery this noon 'in honor ofDay.

The steamer Iwalani will sail forLahaina and llamakua on Tuesdaymorning, at 8 o'clock.

Messus Hanson & Smyth aro pre-pai-

to furnish a superior quality offertilizer in quantities to sun.

Plaos wero at half-ma- st to-da-y,

and German houses in mourning outof respect to tho memoiy of tho latoEmperor William of Germany.

Our thanks aro duo and herebypresented to Mr. P. O. Jones, Mr.Hewett, dind, the Hawaiian NewsAgency, for news favois.

The San Fiancisco "Call" of March3d says that Dick Davis of Honoluluhas purchased tho stallion "Miuin"(2 :22J) fJ2f500

Tin: hanking houso of Hiehop &Co. closed at 10 o'clock this morning,out of respect to tho memory of thoInto Emperor of Guimany.

The II. It. A. target shooting con-

test began at 10 o'clock this morning,Tho uttendunco was largo. Tho Je-

suits arc not to hand in timo for to-

day's issue.

Mil. Cartliy's liorso was to haotrotted against Mr. Miles' liorso to-

day, but unfortunatoly tho hoisodied on Monday last, and the jacohad lo ho given up.

Lono before tho dibtiibutiou of thomails nt tho Post Olllcc or the news-pape- is

at tho News Agencies, lastevouing, Mr. Hewett's blackboardwas surrounded with people, leadingtho intelligence of Emporor Wil-

liams' death.

If you want n

Fine Hat or Necktie,

;o to

15? Arcadc-EG- AN & CO.


Meeting of Lodge Lo Progress dol'Uoeanic nt 7:30 o'clock.

coTdsHaiST1For a cool, delicious beverage, try

C. .1. McCarthy's Milk Shako.00 lw


The Pioneer Gleam Candy factorydoes not sell (imported) Stale Choco-late (Jicaius for home-mad- e, Iml itsown fi cell nud Mtpoiior urtielo madeby P. lloitN, thoonly Practical Con-

fectioner in Honolulu, whoso Chal-lenge his wonld-li- c competitor darenot accept. 82


The Royal Hawaiian Hand willplay this attcrnoonnl Einma Square,commencing at 1 :!50 o'clock. Following is the programme :

Mm ch lvamehamelm . Ik'lgorOeituio Hawaii nel .BeigerBallad Mlusticl Boy . UooioHoinlnlecneos of Ireland MaauenAir Last "llmnse of ICiiu... O'lliicnJiir St Patrick's, Hay In the inoruiuir



The usual Saturday evening enter-tainment will be given in the Y. M.'C. A. Hall at 7:U0 o'clock this even-ing. The public arc cordially in-

vited. Following is tho piogrammc:Piano Solo. . . . M is Alico M. LevequoHolding ... .Mis? Helen CliaiubeilaiuSong Miss L. l)i easierHeading. Hev II. 11. Gowen

Mis. Geo. HosDuet ;;; ....MUsBeitua Vim HoltAddic-s..- . Hev. A. Ostrum


Editou Bur.u.TiN: Allow methrough the medium of your excel-lent paper lo ask the question whythe general public are to be kept inignorance of the topicof the day, the liquor business.Who in the name of common sensehas a better right to know what isbeing said and what is being donethan the public? Star Chambersittings and the days of the Spanishinquisition are forgotten, and thepublic, tlieiefoic, would like to knowthe ins and outs of this highly inter-esting enquiry, and not becauseInch ofllcuils and tiadesmcn ofhigh standing are concerned to tuibtto what may leak out afterwards,and the writer is very cm ions toknow from whom do the Justices ofthe Supreme Court get the power tocaution the piess about publishingany evidence. An Exquikuk.


Ucilin, March 9. Emperor Wil-liam died at 8:30 this morning.

An eye-witne- ss of the scene atthe death of the Emperor, statesthat during tho last few hours of hislife he suffcicd no pain.

Shortly after 8 o'clock all themembers of the family staying atthe Palace, the Court dignatarics,the Generals and Minister of State,were summoned to the chamber inwhich the Emperor was dying. TheEmperor was in a half-siltin- g posi-tion on a Camp hedbtead. All themembers of the royal family tooktheir places at the bedside and theroom wab crowded. Prince Williamstood nearest the Empcior. Ilalf-bendiu- g

over the couch he earn-estly watched the face of the dyingmonarch until he expired.

The Empcior died holding theEmpress' .hand. Ho had been in astupor since 3 o'clock. Ho was de-

lirious for a brief period at o o'clock,during which he is repotted to haveexclaimed : "I am a man of peace,but if Rufa.sia foi cos mc to war, Ishall faithfully side with 1113' ally,Austria." The Empcior will beburied in the mausoleum at Char-lottcnber- g.

The Emperor's remains Ho cov-ered with a white cloth on the bed-

stead on which he died in the Impe-rial Chamber. The body issurrounded with candles. The facelias assumed an cxpiession extremely peaceful and placid.

Members of the royal family leftthe Palace at 10 o'clock.

Divino services will lie held in theMortuary Chamber

ornci.u. 1'itocr.AMATioN.The "Staats Auzciger" publishes

tho following proclamation:"It has pleased God to call IUh

Majesty tho Emperor and King, andour most gracious master, fiom liteafter a short illness and after arichly blessed reign. Tho wholenation mourns with tho royal housetho decease of tho deeply belovedand venerablo monarch, whoso wis-

dom has ruled so long and gloriouslyover its foituncs in war and inpeace.



Tho death of tho Emperor was an-

nounced to tho populace hy the low-ciin- g

to lmlf-uia- st tho standard overtho Palace. Flags nt half-ma- st arcdisplayed on all tho public build-ings.

An immense concourse of peopleis gathcied outside the Palace. Themultitude is bilent and sorrowful.

The Mexican newspapers aie wag-

ing a war againstThe llghteis send all their moneyhomo and spend nothing in Mcvico,and therefore draw largo amountsaway from the retail trades,

a5&5ygSHkN)ffia ?FrggJi-qSL-Jiv-'y.-"-r:-,-- r gjiOo to

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.1'or your

Full Dress White Vests.

Laie Foreign lis(JJy the Alameda, last night.)


Houston, Texas, llarch 1. Ashocking nmssaoic occurred ntSpanish Camp, sixty miles west oftills city, Sunday morning. Thesettlement is composed of Mexicans,negroes and white dcspeiadoc?. Anegro cabin was set on firo and thooccupants were deliberately shotdown as tliey ran half awake out oftho burning house. Five werekilled outfight and one scveiely in-

jured, while two were burned todeath in the cabin. Another negrowas caught and hanged to tree.The butchery waq the outcome tosuit for possession of land recentlydecided in favor of the dead negroesin the District Court at Wharton.Spanish Camp is far fiom any tclc-gia-

station and full details of themassacre have not been received.

Washington, March G. AssistantSecretary Mayuard has sent the following letter 111 regard to the AlasKiiseal fisheries to all customs olllceison the Pacific Coast:

"Pvcferring to the department'sletter to you of the 10th March,188G, conceding the scope of thejurisdiction of the United Statesover waleis located in Alaska, andtho prevention of tho killing of fur-sea- ls

and other fur-beari- animalswithin such area as prescribed byChnpter III, of Title 23, HeviscStatutes, you are again requested togive publicity of the matter, so thatother parlies who may bo contem-plating the lilting out of expeditionslo kill fur-sea- ls in said waters mayhave due and timely notice of thorequirement of the statute in thepi emiscs as construed b.y the depart-ment."

Chicago, March 7. It is said thatsome niomincnl Chicago businessmen have approached Chief Ailliurof tho Locomotive Engineers withview to bringing the struggle withthe Burlington road to close, andthe brothel hood chief expicsscdleadincss lo consult about the matterwith the railroad ollicials.

Chief Aithur stated to the Associated Pi ess to-da- y that there was"seiious danger" that the stiike ofthe engineers and lii emen will nowspread widely." "It is impossibleto appease our men," he said,"when they know that the railroadcompanies, all over the countiy arcgiving aid to the Huilington.

Springfield, (Mass.), March 7.The new oflico of the "EvemmrUnion" was burned out this after-noon and the blaze was attendedwith the most sickening horror everwitnessed in this city, six of theemployees meeting terrible deathmost of them jumping from the fifthstory and being ciushcd into shape-less masses below.

Washington, March 8. Theiearcmanj' Republicans who do not wantto nccept Randall as leader in thework of reusing the tarilf and thereare nioie ot them who do want tovote for eduction of the whiskytax. It is evident that Mill's Tarilfbill cannot pass without the aid ofRepublican votes and it is equallysure that no Republican billcan pass unless the Uemociatic

opponents of Mill's bill vote forit, which is not at all proba-ble. The Republicans do not wishto go upon recoid as having ob-

structed tariff revision, but thesplit in their ranks as to the wisestpolicy to pursue is quite as pro-

nounced as that in tho Democraticcamo.

Wncliifirrlmi.......vw.., "Mnlrtli.......... Whim........ ntrtrrl.JFairchild in report submitted toCongress early in December, esti-

mated that the Tieasury surpluswould reach 8110,000,000 hy theend of the present fiscal year. It isnow stated at the Tieasury Dopait-iniii- it

that owing to the heavy re-

ceipts during the past few months,the estimate then submitted willprove to be too small, and that thosurplus at the end of June, 1888,will probably teach the sum of81.")r,000,000.

Atchison, Kan., March !). A eol-liso- n

occurred yc3tcrduy afternoonon the Burlington and MissouriRiver Railroad. Tho through Den-ver passenger train that left this cit'in tho morning was standing on theHack at Humboldt, Neb., when theSouth-boun- d local passengor trainfrom Lincoln, in ehaigo of Read-ing engineer, dashed into tho stationat tho rate of ten miles an hour.Tho fireman, conductor and biake-uia- n

were more or less injured. Mr.Edmonds of Lincoln was badlybruised and injuied internally, Atravelling man whoso name is notyet known was beiiously injuied.

Washington, Marcli 9. Baronvon ZciltnilK, Cliargu d'Aflaircs,wIihii miestinnoil Hinnn llm scihlei't.of the German succession, said thatthe Ciown Princo Fiederick Williambecame Emperor of Germany andKing of Prussia immediately upontho death of his father, and now, asalways, if tho question of tho in-

capacity of tho Soveroign is raisedit will be decided by the two Cliam-beis- of


Ottawa, Out. Mnr. 2 Tho Minis-ter of Finance says no CanadianCustoms oIlliTi on the Pacific Coastlias been insti noted to refuse clear

Jifiolt nt tho I'lno Line ofDress Goods,

Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.J.atPHt Mtylcs.

anccs to sealing vessels for thollchritig Son. It is their duty toissue clearances to all vessels. In ofthe House of Commons Sir CharlesTupper yesterday said no conven-tion, agreement, understanding, ormodus vivendi had been arrived atwith tho United States with lefcr-enc- e

to tho use or navigation of thewaters or harbors of Helning Seaduring tho season of 1888, by Cana-dian vessels for the puipose of fish-

ing, trading, sealing or shelter.Ottawa, Mar. 7 Canada's propo-

sal for tho settlement of the fish-

eries dispute on trade basis andtho American answer thereto waslaid hofoio Parliament byconsent of the negotiators. Theproposition fiom the British pleni-potentiary was lo the effect that thefishermen of both count! ics shouldhave all the privileges enjoyed dur-ing the cxistenco of the fishery arti-cles of the treaty of Washington, inconsideration of mutual arrange-ment for fiecdom of commercialintercourse. Tho American nego-tiators declined tho proposal, se

the great fiecdom so proposedwould necessitate the adjustment ofthe tariff by Congressional action,which adjustment they consider im-

practicable through the medium oftreaty under tho present circum-stances. Nor could the Ameri-cans admit that such an airangc-men- t

could bo accepted as consti-tuting suitable basis for negotia-tions.

Chicago. Mar. 9 The "Times'Winnipeg, Manitoba, special of Mar.Slh sa3's: Not detened by thedisasters which overtook Kiel'sNot Unrest lcbellion in 188."), thehalf-bree- arc again agitatingsimilar movement to redress theirgiievanccs, which are said to begreat. Several big meetings havebeen held lcccntly, at which lettershave been read from the old rebel.Gabiiel Dumont, advising anotherusing. Tho Libeial Uovcrmncntwill probably give some aid lo thesuffering haif-biecd- s, although theirmovement is not much feared.


Nogales, Marcli 1. The invasionof Mexico by Guatemala tioops hascaused good deal of excitementhere, it being all the talk among theMexican citizens. A good manyleading men express sui prise, butlooked forward to something of thatkind for long time. They believethe step taken is political revolu-tion in Mexico for tho purpose ofpreventing the of Presi-dent Diaz, or, at least, to fuithcrextend what dissatisfaction theiemay be with Diaz's Administiation.A ccitain class of people in Mexicoare always ready to join revolution,therefore it would be no surprise if

number of small revolutions wciestaited before the Presidential elec-

tion takes place in June this year.CONriNI.NTAI. EUUOl'i:.

Paris, March 1. M. Wilson, son-in-la- w

of Grevy, whohas been on tiial for complicity inthe Legion of Honor decoiationscandals, lias been convicted andsentenced to two .years' imprison-ment, to pay fine of 3,000f and tohe deprived of his civil rights forfive years.

London, March 1. The slow 13'

revolving Bulgarian question liasgot around again to point whencveiybody waits to see what Tmke3'will do. It lias halted ut this placeseveial time3 before within the lastfour years, and each time, afterlong delaj', it is odlcinUy discoveredthat Tin key will do nothing, whichovciyboity unofllcialh' knew fromthe beginning. Then, as if thiswere now depaiturc, the wholeweary circuit will bo begun again.

Rome, Marcli fl. Premier Ciispilias sent tclcginms to the Italianembassador at Paris, instructinglinn to demand of the Fiench Gov-

ernment the punishment of fifteenFrench soldiers, who stopped someItalian ail way ollicials at Mailane,and 1)3' threatening them witli lio-nets forced them to kneel beforethem.

Paris, Marcli G. A telegram fromSt. Petersburg sa3's that Piince Fer-dinand of Bulgiuia is preparingmanifesto in reply lo the expectedultimatum of the Powers regardingthe Bulgaria question, in which liewill proclaim Bulgaria kingdom,and call upon the pcoplo to crownhim King.

London, March G. A Constantinople dispatch says: In apcordanccwith tho demands of Russia, thoPorto has notified Princo Ferdinandthat his position in Bulgaria isillegal.

London, March 8. The tolcgiamfrom the Porte to M. btambuloff,proclaiming Princo Fcidinand as ofno lightful authority to tho Dulga-lia- u

throne, has staitlcd Euiope.It is certain that the Porte was re-

solved last week to decliuo Russia'srequest to put pressure on Princel'erdmaml to go. llio reversal ofthis decision on Sunday is due toinlliiences which, as yet, are mat-

ters of conjecture. Count IlerbeitBismarck's trip to Loudon is sup-posed to hae something to do witliit. England, Austiia nud hy allstood aloof, and all declined to joinwith Germany and Franco in sup?porting Russia's request.

Paris, Marcli C. Tho PanamaCanal Loan bill proposes that bondsshall not hear less than 3 per cent,interest; that prizo money shall not

.v-'- . . . .S .. . . - mm fltlrtW j.alr .-

-I' B







a 1

.. Ww.a






















... ., -' f, V- - rri

" " I.V TlrtO title, of

ajuuivu w miuuuu uuuvui u iginnMg b, DUb htlHIIIRI I MAt

' 1 KvBwHi RaBL vJQ H Jni J? B K I w H ul V

Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

exceed 1 per cent, of tho capitalborrowed ; that the nominal value

bonds shall not bo under 300francs, and that tho redemption ofthe loan and prize money shall boguaranteed by investments in Stalesecurities. The other ai ticks au-

thorize the canal company to con-

vert into similar bonds those aheaiUissued and for tho company to deal011I3' with Fiench linns for all imple-ments, supplies, etc., necessary tocomplete the canal.

Odessa, March 7. Tho shipmentof freight by the subsidized BlackSea Steamship Company has beensuspended and orders have beengiven to immediately fit out thesteamcis of the line for war pur-poses.

London, March 7. The TurkishEmbassador to-da- y presented LordSalisbury a copy of tho note sent b3the Porte to the Bulgarian Govern-ment. The Embassador had a longinterview with the Prime Minister.A dispatch from Constantinoplesa39 that the Bulgarian Governmenthas not yet replied to tho Porte'snote.

Paris, March 7. Photociaphsof tho sarcophagus of Alexanderthe Great, leocntry excavated atSaida, have been scnt.to Fienchsavants hy llamdy BC3', who discov-ered it. and who is now in Constan-tinople. It is nearly twelve feetlong, seven feet high, live and uhalf feet broad, and weighs twcnly-fiv-e

tons. The sculptures arc su-

perb. The material is parian mai-bl- e

and the workmanship Greek.Some savants doubt whether thecasket is really that of Alexander.


Dublin, Maich G. Snelling, theEnglish Home Rule delcgato, hasbeen arrested at Limerick for of-

fenses under the Crimes Act.Dublin, Maicli G. Gilbooly,

member of Parliament, was y

convicted atScliull, county Cork, foroffenses under the Crimes Act, andsentenced to two mouths' imprison-ment without hard labor.

London, March 7. Lord CharlesBcrcsford, latel3' Junior Lord of theArimiralt', presided nt a meetingto-d- in connection with the mer-

cantile marine, and said it would boutterly impossible for tho navy, inits present condition, to defend themerchant service in time of war.The existing admiralty system, hedeclared, was complete' rotten.His colleagues were not lcsponsiblcfor this condition of affairs: th03'had done good work. lie hoped hewould be able to convince Parlia-ment of the necessit3' of immediatereforms.


London, March 5. A violentsandstorm lias been raging in Fg3?ptsince Snturdin, stopping traffic onthe Sue. Canal.

Tangiers, Marcli G. The Moor-ish authorities arc growing bolder inview of the non-aniv- al of an Ameri-can war-shi- p. A stor3r was icccivedat the consulate last night fiom theUnited States consular agent atCasa Bianca to the effect that thePasha of that place had publiclyheated an Ameiican piolege, to-

gether witli his wife and childieu.The unfortunate people were whip-ped through the public tlioioughfarcsof the place. After this liumilationtheir house was burned and theywere thrown into prison.

MISS. P. TIIIELE,On Berctanin street near Piikol.

(Ponuurly McQuiro's House,)Kindergarten & Elementary,

Dally & Boarding School.

Also, French nud German taught, andMusic Logons given.

A Eiifo conveyance will1 call for and re-turn children living at a dlMiuice.

7a iMutuul Telephone No. iiUJ. film

jiibt iti:ui;iVKi AT

SOPER'S Book & News Depot,

CtASKELL'B Compendium of .Social,Educational and Commer-

cial Foi 1118.

Manual of Social andHILL'S Foi ins.

CHARLES DICKErrs vmk complctoVols. cloth.

CiCOTT'S Wiueily Xoels complete inO lavou. cintii.




xyHinAKER'S Almanac for 1888.


rpilirtD EDITION lieed'h Staml.udlii-J- L

fantry Tactics.

rpilE TAVOHITE 0 cil.mil Mall NoteJL Paper.

"I ADIES' Imperial AitlstlcSlaliouaiy.

and Xotoslu Fawuitc ltlotterLETTER Tablets (neat),

XATEST Xou'lth'D in Fancy Pen

. v -- -11,TELE HAWAII 500 eopies- - Xo. 2LrJL Aloha Ob. K5 1w

THE OLDEST DAILY i' U"'1 Kingdom 'I Jiu Uaily liullclin.''

tO conn per month.




: OF








A' 15 V I A I


S.83 & 65

58 Irwin & Co.

KBNG-- o-




Black SI Low Prices.


Emliroiileries anfl



Torcliong Laces I


EHPvLICH,Eort street.



Dupeo Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, EUra Select Ctystcrs, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Germca,

ifiickins & Franco American Feed Co.'w AnsortM Soups,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Bicakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafeis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCiackers, Ginger Wafeis, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, Fiench Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

ZSST" Leave your oulers, or ring up 11!). --i(Ba





Having- - not only a six years' but over a half century's prac-tical experience in all and every branch of

the business.

WED DUG--. !CiA:KiE:S!


all sizfs, always on hand or made to order and orna



Pastry fl

in the highest artistic style, defying allother production in Honolulu.

KSHonolulu: Hotel St. bet. Fort fi Huuanu; both Telephones Ho. 741

Made of the celebrated CREAM of the Wood lawn Dairy,sold at the great reduced price of

&2.00! SS.OO! SS.OO! S2.00! S2.00!PER



ma3rAs some evil disposed persona who are openly boast-o- f

tho intention of ruining my business and villanoiiRlvfalsefying my GOODS and ICE CREAM I will forfeit$100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.


. F.Practical Confectioner,

- u

:- -


HORN,Cook Ornamenter



DE2rJ?!L33TIX-XJe- :

Both Telephonic Xo. 74. Hotel St. bet. Kuuanu &Fort St70 lm


?. t v

r sti :;. A. 'ft











Page 4: m BETTEK 1UAN A (JOVEKNMENT BOND issuranceIs printed anil published at the office, Quocn btroet, Honolulu, U. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). ... and a complete resume of Ilonol.ulu


&toss& y---.


Just Received at Hoilister & Co.'sA, largo assortment of


Comprising tho well-know- n brands of




Sale afc 3ES,es3onnIle Price-WHOLESAL- E



General --AjjeiitMExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Lifo Insurance

Agonts, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business.

Books and Accounts accurately kepi ami piopcrly adjusted.Collations will receive special attention ntnl returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched nml ronect Abstmcts of Tltlo

furnished.Lefiral Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn nml hand.

soraely engrossed.Copying and Translating in nil languages in gencinl me jh this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid nud Piopcrly safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Firo and Lifo Insurance, effected in first class insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted wl'li accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Articlo purchased or old on most favorable terras.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

ES'" All Business entrusted to our care will rcceivo prompt and faithful attention atmoderate charges.

Having hail nu extensive business cxpeiiuice for oer twcnty.fivo years InXew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of miintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discrctloo. and respectfullysolicit a tri,il.

Bell Telephone Xo. 274. BuisiucKHIuu.T.S'Sly

Telephone Both Companies 340. r. O. Box 207.


FRESH GOODS from California on RU, by each steamer of the O. S. S. Co.- A COMl'LKTi: LIKE OP ' -




A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which wo oiler to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.ltr.O


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINQ STREETS.

New Goods received by cvciy Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeFresh California rroducc by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part or the city free of charge. Islnnd oiders roli.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Oltlco Box 145. ToTeimonc No. 93. 1CS ly





BNSPE C-- T I1751

Notice of Election,

AT tho annual meeting of the stock-holders of iho Peoples' Ice &

Co. held this Hay, the follow,ing named persons were elected as olll.cers for tho ensuing year:

J. K. "Wilder President,W. W. Hall t,

W. E. Foster ..secretary,W. E. Wall Treasurer,"W.O.Smith Auditor.Tho above named officers constitute

a Board of Directors,W. E. FOSTER,

Secretary P. 1. & It. Co.Honolulu, March 0, 1888. 8U aw

J. C. MARCIIANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Hook-binde- r, Faper-rule- r & Blank-boo-k


J'riftui Building, Bethel street, Hono.02 lulu. tf


ALL persons who wuut to comimuiiwith tho Poitueueso, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will ilnd Itiho most protltnblo way to advertise inthe Luso Jlaivaiiano, tho now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub-lished on Merchant strict, Gazelle Build-ing, tl'ost-Olllc- o Letter Box E.), andonly charges reasonable lates for advertinciuonts.

mHE DAILY BULLETIN ls ihoX largest circulation ot any imricrprinted in this Kingdom. CO cents permonth,

PRINTING of all kindsJOB at tho Daimt Bullutin Office



Notice of Election.

A T the annual meeting of tho btoek-th- e

JT.L holders of Inter.Ihland fcteamNavigation Co., held this day, tho fol.lowing named persons were "le electedas officers tor the ensuing year:

T.R.Foster President,W.B.Oodlicy t,

I Ena Secretary,W. H. McLean Treasurer,P. C. Joins Auditor.Board of Directors T. 11. Foster, G.

N. Wilcox, W. B. Godfrey anil J. Ena.J. ENA,Sicretury.

Honolulu, Match 0, 38:8. fc5 Ot

Notice of Election,

AT Iho adjourned nnutiul meeting oftho Hawaiian (lull Telephone

Company held March 5, 1888, thoofficers wero elected for the en.

suing year:President,

Godfrey Brown &Treasurer.

Cecil Brown.1. F. Browi Secretary,J. Cabbidy Gtiieral-Siiperd't- ,

L, Valentine Auditor.Directors .1, Campbell, J. F. Brown

and W. O. Smith.J. F. BROWN,

8S 2w Secretary II. II. Tel, Co.


BR ICING WJCltJaia'-T- .

HAS been opeucd over tho restaurantby one of tho best practical

barbers in tho city. Gentlemen with,lug a nice eaiy Shave, or a funliionahleHair Cut will find it to their advantageto five nie a trial, 75 lm



Holstein Fricsiaii

HAIlltY J. AGNEWBegs leave to notify the public that hehas on hand at "Greenfield,." KaplolnnlPark, a Huo lot of young Bulls andHeifers of the celebrated "HolsteluFrlesinu" family. Selected from thehost herd in America. The Heifers willcalvo slioitly. The Bull Waterloo"nud Heifer "Santa Anita," heio adver-tised, are samples of tho stock:


Took 1st rrlBo nt California 'nlr,1SH7.

(Calved May 13, 1886.)

Ear Tag, No. 1M, Register No. 3230,Il.F.ll.B. Vol. 2.

Sire "Ansgle Idallnc 4th's Roland,"11.11.11. Vol. 8, 3122.

G. Sire ".Tan," Dlstiiet Bull of Oost-wo- nd

Dam Jacob Wit's "Myth," H.H.B.Vol. S, 0U01), bv "Jacob Jth."

G. Dam "Trijntjo," N.II.Ii. 002."Aaggle Idaline ith's Roland" ealvcd

Feb. 1J, 1S8I, impoi'lcd in dam (August,1883) "AiusrIo Iilnllno ltb."

"Aiiggicldaliuc-lth- " has a milk recordas a old of il,(U2 lbs. 8 ozs. in 7inns, and 0 days, and her dam "AaggleIdaline 3rd" gave 07 -5 lbs. in 1 day asa 3 year old in Holland, and lias giventhe llrst season after Importation 55 lbs.12 ozs. In 1 day, and S315 lbs. 11 ozs. in7 mos. and !) days. "Naatjc," the damof "Aaggle Idallnc 3rd," gave OS 5

lbs. in 1 (lav. "Nantje" is also the damof "Aaggle Idallnc 2nd"' (4303), whogave 01 ib. In 1 day, as a 1 year old inHolland. Mie gave the season after im-

portation, as a i year old, 53 lb. 12 ozs.In 1 day and 87"0 lbs. 1 1 oz. in 7 mos.and 17 days. Dam also of "Aaggle Ida-lin- e"

(i:iii2), iceoid of OS 2-- fi lbs. in 1

day in Holland, and gave the first sea-son after importation 00 lbs. in 1 day,and 0.300 lb. 15 ozs. in 0 mos. aud 25days.

"Atigglo lilalino 3rd's" sire "Jacob2nd," is also the sire of "Neptune" and"Aaggie 2nd."

"Roland" won the 1st prize at NewYork Fair. 1SSI.' Jacob "Wit's "Mvth," the dam of"Waterloo," calved March 23, 1RS4, andwas imported in May 1884.

Sire "Jacob 4th," (N.II.B. 210) (J.IV's H.1I.B. 2002.)

G. Sire "Jacob 2nd," (N.II.B. 50).G. G. Sire "Jacob 1st," (N.H.B. 20).G. G. G. Sire "Hooker."Dam "Triziitje," (N.H.B. 002) with

milk record of 08 2-- 5 lbs. in 1 day."Jacob 2nd"' was winner of lstpiizc

at Haarlem, 1S7D, and of the 2nd prizeat Leyden in 18SO. Ills dam "Trlntic,"(N.H.B. 30) has n record of 80 lb. in 1

day. He is also (Be sire of "Aaggle2nd," which has the largest oldrecord known, having given 01 lb. 5ozs. in 1 day, 17,740 lbs. 2 ozs. in oneyear, and a butter record on dry feed of13 lbs. 0 ozs. in one week.

G. G. She "Jacob 1st," (N.H.B. SO)winner of 1st prize at Amsterdam. Hisdam was "Do Goede," a prize cow atParis Exposition, with milk record of!)1 lbs. Sozs. in 1 dav.

G. O. G. Sire "Rookcr;" sire, pijzebull at Hoorn, 1871. "Hooker" is thesire of "Lady clifden," record of 10,275lbs. in 1 year; of "Aaggle" record 1S,-0- 01

lbs. 15 ozs. in 1 year; of "Porce-lain," (N.II.B. 147) lecord 80 lbs. 1 oz.in 1 day, and winner of 1st prize atRotterdam, 1870.


(Calved April 27, 1886.)

Ear Tag, No. 102, Register No. 4021,II.F.II.H. Vol. 2.

Sire "Prince Imperial," (H.H.B. Vol.0, 1,101.)

G. Sire "Xethcrlaud Prince," (710.)G. G. Sire "Scliemmel."G. G. G. Sire "fachrciidcr."Dam "Lakeside Amy," (H.H.B. Vol.

0, 0910) imported, by District Bull ofTwisk.

G. Dam "Mantel.""Prince Imperial," (1,104) was the

winner of 1st prize New York StateFair, as a old. Also winner ofprize in I8SI11111I 1881.

"Netlierlaud Prince," (710) winner ofthree 1st prizes and one 2nd prize atNew York State Fair.

"Schemniel." on of "NetherlandDowager," (H.H.B. Vol. 0, 2,032). andsire ot "Netherland Princess," (Il.II.B.Vol. 1. 8(12) i 'vNclherlaud Countess,"(H.H.B. Vol. 0, 2,031); "NetherlandUclle," ni.ll.B. Vol. 0, 1,870); and"Netherland Dowager 2nd."

"Sehreuder," sire of "NetherlandQueen," (H.H.B. Vol. 3, UP; and"Netherland Duchess,'! (H.H.B. Vol.0, 2,408).


"Netherland Queen" at 2 years ofage gave 13.574 lbs. 3 ozs milk In 345(lays. 1 years of ago gave 15.014 lbs, 9ozs. milk in 1 year. 5 years of age gave83 lbs. 1 ozs. milk la 1 day, and 10,040lbs. 8 ozs. milk in 7 mos. 18 da vs.

"Netherland Dowager", at' ! yearsgave 12,731 lbs. ozs. milk in 1 vear.Commencing at 22 mos. old Mio'intro12,200 lbs. 4 ozs. milk the 1st year.

"Xctlicrlaml Duchess" at 3 years travo11,401 lbs. 12 ozs. milk In 1 year. At5 years gave 10,520 lbs. 7 ozs. milk In1 year..

"Netherland Princess" at 3 yearsgave 11,101 lbs. 2 ozs. milk in 1 year.

"Netherland Belle" at 4 yeaisgavc1 1,511 lbs. !) ozs. milk in 8 mos. 17 davs.


"Netherland Queen" in November,1882, made 20 lbs. in 1 week and 30 lbs.8 ozs. lit a weeks without any changefrom her feed in quantity or quality.Butter weighed after working and be-fore salting.

"Netherland Princess" made, beforeshe was 3 years old, 14 lbs. 4 ozs. In 1

week, and when she was 3 year old shemade in 1 week, on winter feed, 11 lbs.114 ozs. ; as n 4 year old sho niado in a4 day's test nt the rate of 18 lbs. 04 ozs.of butter in 1 week.

"Netherland Bello" made ns itold 10 lbs. 7 ozs. iu 1 week.

"Netherland Duchess" niado as aold 11 lbs. 2 ozs. in 1 week,

"Netherland Baroness" niado soonafter Imputation and beforo she wasacclimated, 17 lbs. 6 ozs. In 1 week.

Six liicinbeis iff this family all boughtfrom one breeder in Holland, all he had,averaged 10 lbs. 7 ozs. which wobelieyo lias never been equaled by anyentire family of tho sanio number.

"1'iliico Imperial's" dam "Carlottn,"(H.H.B. Vol. 6, 1,200), as a old,has given 1,014 lbg. 0 ozs. of milk Ju 1

a15mo. As n fircnr old has given 70 lbs.fl ozs. of milk in 1 dny and 9,227 lbs 18ozs. of milk In 7 mos. 18 days. IllsGrand Dam gavo 04 lbs, of milk In 1

day."Netherland Princo's" dam "Lady

Netherland," (H.H.B. Vol. C. 1,203),has n milk record of 73 2-- 3 lbs. in 1 day.Sho has given in 5 mos. and C days,0,130 lbs. 11 ozs. of milk. In Februaryand March, 1885, sho niado 21 lbs. 3 ozs.of butter In 1 week, nud 88 lbs. 0 ozs. In30 consecutlvo dnvs, and 17 1b. of milkmade 1 lb. of butter. His Grand Dam"GcrtMet 2nd," has n record of 71 lbs.8 ozs. In 1 day. Ills Gieat Grand Dam"GcrtMet" was kept 20 years foi breed-ing. "Lndy Nelherlau'd" is dnm of"Netlierlaud Queen" and "NetlierlaudPilucess," and won 2nd prize ns bestmilch, cow of any brood, at New YorkState Fair, 1882. ("Aaggle," of thesame herd, winning 1st pi fee), and wasone of the herd that won the goldmedal.

"Santa Anita's" dam "LakesideAmy," (H.H.B. Vol. 0, 9,810), calvedFebruary 23, 1891. Imported August,1884. Her Grand Dnm "Mantel" has arecord of fil lbs. of milk In 1 day, ns aJ -- yen? old; a cow of elegant milk veinsand lino escutcheon, bred by J. LaanTwisk, North Hollnnd.

-- ALSO-

A few Highly Bred Jersey Cows.

80 2v eod


The Wnikikl residence of Mr. Fred IIHajscldcn situated at Kaploltuii Pntkbetween the residences of Hon. W. G.Irwin, and Mr. Frank Brown, I3 offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms npplyto the undersigned.93 tf FRED II. IIAYSELDEN.

TO lli LET.

The premises at Kalihl Valley adjoin,ing the lesidenco of Mrs. Maikliam andknown as the Guerrero Homestend, Theyconsist of ihrcc distinct lots, viz:

1 House lot upon which stands a sub-stantial two-stor- y hoiiso and s.

Area about 1 3-- 4 acres.2 House lot of about 3-- 4 of an acre.3 Houso lot and taro land. Area about

2 2 acres.

For further particulars apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT,74' Mcrchnnt Street. tf


wga A NICE Cot' age on Lunamnininu:

parlor, dining, 2 bedrooms,bath, pantry and kitchen. The groundsarc hirge, excellent stables, carriagehouse, sirvent room, sheds, etc.

Apply to II. J. AGNEW"."Gieenlield," Kapiohini Park.

Mutual Telephone, No. 203, 80 lv

FOR LEASE OR RENT.TT'OR rent or lease the houseI nnrl 1 .it nt, tl.n T)l..!..

a facing the Baseball Grounds.and at present occupied by tho under.signed. For particulars apply to00 lm H. BERGER.



minutes' walk from PostOffice. Address "X" this office. 00 3t


WE beg to intimate that Mr. "W. L.Green who has hitherto, with

Mr. G. W. Macfarlane, conducted ouragency here, retires from tho same asen 1st January, 1888.

Mr. G. "W. Macfarlane, nssistcd byMr. Robeit Cation, will continue torepresent our firm here.

MIRRLEES, "WATcON & CO.Honolulu, 23rd February. 1888.

73 tf


John Magoon Is authorized toM";collect for our account, and signreceipts. J. E. BROWN & CO.

Jan. 10, 18S3. 1635


Q WHALE BOATS;. 1 DeckedJ Wlinle liont, :su icet lone. 3 feet

deep; 8 feet wide; 3 22 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Suif Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet inches wide, 2 feet0 Inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2J feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails nil complete. Atiply to.

E. R. RYANBoat Builder and General Jobber. 51 tf


1 Perfectly Gentlo (Carrlngo nnd Sad.die) Horse, 1 Very Comfortable

Phnelon and 1 Single Hct Harness.Apply to LEWIS & CO.

70 2w


XJL at modcralo prices.


KIiik Street.Or ling Mutual Tclcphono No. 387; Bell73 Telephone No. G3, lm

"Wo beg to notify tho public fiatwe have mnduurraugements for tho

Exclusive Silo of tho Colebintcd

LEWIS &84 lw

WA - H

nn--i A,1fti.vv.'itr'iAiL,


Jsmiiifasimfw&reat Bargains !


The business of tho late

GEO. ENGELHARDTWill bo conducted by tho undersigned

executors of tho will of thedeceased, until tho


consisting orHnitlwnrc,


Xittvru.ro,Kitclicu TJtousils,


XtmiK-ew- ,

OlmnclcHcrs,IuinpH, Etc., 12tc,18 DISrOSED OF- -

Everything will be sold at Cost


Thus affording housekeepers nndcFa, ,a opportunity of

or renewing ttcse neees.sary household articles nt mall cvpense. They will also sel' nt ntibliuauction sometimo next wci k daleto be announced in a futum inde-nt the late residence of the deceasedon Queen street, near tho corner ofAlakea, the entire contents of tho

Fernery and Conservatory !

CSTThcro is a gardener in daily nt.tendance and public inspection is cor.dinlly invited.


Executors of tho Will.72 tf

TI3 CD mis. --Ao 5 g CZJ sS p

CD Ololl aB - 1 O cm

is f e--- Mi;

? g




Made in America.

Meals Superior to all Others.

GONSALVES & CO.,Koto Accnta of tho Iluwalluu

iHlnndw.78 If


Nos. 33, 45, G2, G3, G7, 73 & 97.

E. (. Ncliumnu, - - Proprietor.1ST Stand Corner Mi reliant and Fort

Hiieuw.3-- fJI''eluilioiiciJ, UUS. -- U

uich 0.8Cly

For Sale! To Let I For Lease!

FOB, SALE 1 Lot of Land. 175x108 ft.Healthy Location. Good yiew, $960.

1 Lot of Land, 155x108 ft. Healthy Lo--cation, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms$15 per month.

1 Houso with Store, $40 per month.Rooms, en suite or single, from $2 to fO

per week.

FOR LEA8E 4 Lots, each 50x70 feet,lor building. Good Location; wnterlaid on; terms easy and tho right par.tiis assisted iu building.


FRANK GODFREY,Copylat nml (Jcneral Ilualnesu Agent

No. 81 Kinf Street.P, O. Box 316. Burgess' Express Office,


Bell Tolj 840. JUutUttl tith 180I.0.11ox413.

Offlco . . 88 Merchant St., Honolulu



Conyoyanclng a Spoclalty Records scaroh-e- d

and abstracts of tltlo furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllanguages in general uso iu tho King-dom- .

Custom Houso brokerage Firo and LifoInsuianco receive pionipt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthoilzedCollector.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties In andaround the city now for salu on easyterms

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocutions in nud near tho city to let orlease at reasonable mtcs.

Employment Wanted by several men nndboys, who will make themselves use-ful in pcrfoiming the various officesand chores lequiud by pnvute f.unl-lie-

Full pntticulars given on applicationot tho agency.

Ordem from the other Islands prompt-l- y

attended to.

Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. 800.P. O Box 409.

.E. BROWN .,Fire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

Burlington and Chicago RailwayH

Across America,Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.Through tickets gi anted from Honolulu

to nil points East.

Accountant Department.Merchandise stored and sold on com-

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom Houso Business

attended to.Books "and Accounts kept and audited.Legal Documents prepared.Avoragcs adjusted.Properties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents" drawn.

To Lol No SO Kinau street; parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, servant's room,stable, carriage house, garden, etc.Rent very moderate.

Cottago nt Waikiki, opposite 8unnyKouth; large ynrd, stable, etc. Pestession on 1st April.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing jB"org;e9Vart Ht.. Next Lucas' Mill.Shoeing, from $1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: 31 Alakea Street,3P. O. BOX 4.08.

Bell Telephone ac3n8ce. 853.

Australia! iail Service.

FOll SXN CTEANOISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steam? hip Company, will

ba due nt Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

April 8, 1888.And will leavo for tho nbova port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having BU.PEItlOK ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.,-- Agent,

For Sydney and Auckland,

WTho new aud fine Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

March 15, 1888,And will have prompt dhpntch withmnlla and niusongcrs for the above ports.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

to37 WM. 0. IEWIN & CO., Agenta.

New York Line.

An At vessel will be despatched bythis Lino for Honolulu, to leave

Now York In all May.

For further information apply to

W. H. GROSSMAN & BR0.,77 & 70 Broad Stree',

Now York.-- 011-

CASTIE & COOKE,07 8m Honolulu.


Views !

At J. J. Hiams05 tf

RECEIVEDBy the S. S. "Australia" 8lh February,

--AND NOW ON SALECalUornlaOrangcs-.-prim- o samplo, Barrels

Saurkraut. Kegs Saurkraut, Crates WhitoHeart Cabbago, Celery on Ice,

Crates Cauliflower,



A largo consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned Fruit?, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Itaisins, Chestnut?, Walnuts, Hardnuts, AlmondnuU, CunnidTomatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc.


CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,CO . King street, Ilonoliiln. t:



ALL kinds of drnjuge attended topromptness. 'White and

Black Sand delivered in quantities tosuit. Also, Black Bock and Coral Rock.

Offlco: With J. F. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Maunaken. 72 3m


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Wishes to notify the public that hehas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,est up stairs. -- a

81 3m

Tahiti Lemonade Steam forks,

SUNNY SOUTH.Honolulu Depot, - - - 28 Merchant St.

Manufacturers of High Class AeratedWaters, put up in Patent Crystal

Valve Bottles


Plain Soda,Ginger Ale,

Rasjiberryade,Hop Ale.

Tahiti XiCmonnde,Cream Soda,


J. E. BROWN & CO.,08 Proprietors tf



Every description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.68 Gm

Yosemife Skating

acs it i isr ds: si

Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Qtiocn & Richard Streets.

Will bo open every evening from 7 toU:B0 r. m.

MUSIO: TueMhtyg nnd Saturdaysevening for the Public in General

THOMAS E. yvAJLJU1001 Proprietor. lyr


rffl! J- -

'A ,t :



