magazine 02-2012

Cappelen Damms tidsskrift for engelsklærere nr02-2012 Illustrasjon: Inger Dale

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n: I


er D


Page 2: Magazine 02-2012



The Winner

by Robert Mikkelsen,

Høgskolen i Østfold03



The Games are over;

long live the Games!

by Richard Hugh Peel

Read It!

by David O’Gorman


“Vote for my husband!”

by Therese Holm,

Sandefjord vgs

Vocabulary Work:

Collocations and the


by Hilde Hasselgård,

Universitetet i Oslo



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Denne utgaven av fagbladet står i ettertankens

tegn. Vi innleder med Robert Mikkelsens analyse

av den spennende amerikanske valgkampen

og resultatet av denne. Mange av dere har

forhåpentligvis hatt nytte av Roberts «Election

Watch» på nettstedet til Access to English:

Social Studies denne høsten, og som vanlig vil

også artikkelen hans i dette bladet legges ut på

nettstedet som en «Access Update»-ressurs for

lærere og elever.

Et annerledes og spennende perspektiv

på amerikansk politikk tas opp i Therese

Holms artikkel «Vote for my husband!» – en

sammenlikning av Michelle Obama og Ann

Romneys taler til The National Conventions.

De to kvinnene er i samme situasjon: De skal

promotere sin ektemann slik at han får fl est

mulig stemmer i presidentvalget. Hvilke emner

tar de opp, og hvilke retoriske virkemidler bruker


I året vi snart har tilbakelagt har også

Storbritannia, den andre tradisjonelle

stormakten innenfor den engelskspråklige

verden, vært i medienes søkelys. Richard

Peel ser tilbake på sommerens store

idrettsbegivenhet, de olympiske leker i London,

og gir oss noen svar på hvorfor disse lekene

skapte så mye begeistring og blir sett på som en

stor suksess.

Politikk og samfunnsliv dekkes regelmessig

i dette fagbladet, men vi glemmer ikke det

språklige aspektet ved engelskfaget. Ikke minst

er vokabulartrening viktig, og Hilde Hasselgård

gir oss et innblikk i «collocations» og noen gode

råd om hvordan man kan jobbe med dette temaet.

Vi avslutter med nok et tilbakeblikk, denne

gang på en bok som har blitt en liten klassiker

innenfor sjangeren humoristisk reiseskildring,

nemlig Bill Brysons Notes from a Small Island.

David O’Gorman har humret seg gjennom et

gjensyn med boka, og han spør seg om den

fortsatt kan gi oss innsikt i det britiske

samfunnet nesten 20 år etter at den først kom ut.

God lesning!

Page 3: Magazine 02-2012


President Barack Obama

hugs his daughters

Malia (R) and Sasha

as First Lady Michelle

Obama looks on during

his election night

victory rally in Chicago,

November 7, 2012

(©NTB scanpix)

by Robert Mikkelsen

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On the evening of November 6, 2012,

Barack Hussein Obama once again

stepped out onto a stage in Chicago to

give his victory speech as the winner of

the offi ce of the President of the United

States of America. He had again beaten

the odds against him, just as he had

four years earlier. Not only had he won,

but his victory had been unexpectedly

large. The media and the nation had

expected a much closer race. In the

end he was elected with 334 electoral

votes to Mitt Romney’s 206, many

more than the 270 he had needed (see

Access to English: Social Studies, p.

207, “The Electoral College”). In some

ways, however, these impressive fi gu-

res masked a much tougher and closer

fi ght for the White House than during

his fi rst campaign in 2008. There were

many diffi cult obstacles to be overcome

before he could stand on that stage

once more.

Obstacles to Victory

First of all, Obama could no longer

run as the unknown outsider. Four

years before he had cast himself as

the candidate of hope and change. He

had promised to shake up the esta-

blishment in Washington and bring new

political unity after years of bitter

divisions between Republicans and

Democrats. By 2012, he was himself

at the very center of the Washington

establishment and those divisions

were, if anything, even deeper. Although

he could blame this on the Republicans’

unwavering opposition to his policies,

there was no denying that the unity

he had wished to create had failed to


Second, the terrifi c enthusiasm and

optimism Obama had created among his

supporters in 2008 had been dampened

by four years of practical governing

and compromise. Many who had voted

for him had hoped that he would quickly

end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,

close the hated prison camp at Guan-

tanamo Bay, pass legislation to help

the poor and generally clean up the

mess in which they believed the

Republicans under George W. Bush had

left the country. Instead, the with-

drawal from Iraq took years, the war in

Afghanistan went on, Guantanamo Bay

remained open and the number of peo-

ple living in poverty actually went up.

Many disillusioned Democratic voters

did not show up at the polls for the

Congressional elections of 2010. As a

result, the Republicans gained a strong

majority in the House of Representative

which they immediately used to attack

the President’s policies even more

aggressively (see Access Update: “The

Perfect Slosh”).

But by far the most serious obstacle

to Obama’s reelection was the deep

eco nomic crisis that he had inherited

when coming into offi ce. In 2007 the

country had been plunged into the

steepest economic downturn since the

Great Depression of the 1930s. The

banking system collapsed. Credit dried

up. People lost their homes and jobs.

Middle class voters who had supported

Obama were hit hard. The poor were

hit even harder. By 2009 the unemploy-

ment rate soared to more than 10%

and stubbornly remained above 8%

for years (see Access Update: “Where

Did All The Money Go?”). Only one

President in history – Franklin Delano

Roosevelt – had ever been re-elected

in the middle of such hard times.

Americans vote their pocketbooks.

The Path to Victory

In order to win, Obama and his elec-

tion team had to overcome these

obstacles. For starters, in place of the

calls for “hope” and “change” used so

successfully as an outsider in 2008, the

White House settled on the campaign

slogan of “Forward!” This succinctly

expressed the idea of continuing along

the path Obama had put the country.

The argument was that the policies

were working. The wars were winding

down. The economy was gradually

improving. The poor had been helped by

health care legislation that gave more

than 20 million Americans coverage for

the fi rst time (See Access Update: “In

Need of Treatment – American Health

Care Reform”). Yes, it would take time

and effort to pull America out of the

deep hole in which the Republicans

had left the country, but Obama was on

the right path. “Have patience. We are

moving forward,” was the message.

Second, Obama’s campaign head-

quarters set about to try to syste-

matically recreate the coalition of

voters that had brought them to power

four years before. This had consisted of

a large majority of voters in minority

groups like Blacks, Latinos (of Latin

American heritage) and Asians, as

well as most women and a healthy

proportion of well educated White Non-

Latinos voters (of European heritage).

The big question was, could it be put

together again or was it a one-time-

phenomenon created by Obama’s

charismatic leadership in 2008?

In place of the spontaneous enthusiasm

of that election, the White House team

turned to hard work on the ground. In

key “swing states” that might have

voted for either candidate, they set

up two or three times the number of

campaign offi ces on the local level as

their Republican opponents. Each offi ce

was staffed by an “Obama for America”

volunteer who acted as a coordinator

for calls, for visits, for knocking on

doors, for driving people to the polling

stations, etc. More than 125 million

voters were contacted directly – and

not just any old voters. They were

picked out by carefully sifting through

mountains of data that had been

compiled for years by Obama’s experts.

As one reporter put it, “The power of

this operation stunned [the Republi-

cans] on election night, when they saw

voters they never even knew existed

turn out in places like Osceola County,


Finally, shortly after suffering defeat

in the Congressional Elections in

2010, the President made a strategic

decision. He resolved to turn his 2012

reelection campaign into a battle

of values and visions, rather than a

referendum on how good he was at

handling the economy. He wanted to

make voters realize that there was a

stark choice to be made between his

vision of the country and that of the

Republicans. His basic point was that

he and his fellow Democrats believed

that government could be a positive

force for the good of the nation, helping

people and providing a basis for

businesses and individuals to reach

their goals.

In contrast, Republicans were

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portrayed as believing that government

was at best a necessary evil to be kept

as small as possible so indi viduals

could reach their goals with a minimum

of state interference. Mitt Romney

added to this contrast. When he became

the Republicans’ presidential candida-

te, he repeatedly claimed that Obama

wished to make the United States

into a European-style state under the

control of an over-powerful central

government that would limit and stifl e

individual freedom.

Whatever one thinks of this ideo logical

confl ict, shifting the focus from the

weak economy to issues of political

principle turned out to be to the

advantage of Obama.

The Victory Itself

1) The Size

On November 6th Americans chose

between these leaders and these very

different visions of government. You

know the results, but let’s look more

closely at the numbers behind Obama’s

victory. First, although it was a solid

win, it was not as large or as clear a

victory as that of 2008. In that year

he had won 365 electoral votes com-

pared to 334 in 2012. There was an

even greater drop in his majority of the

popular vote which fell from almost 10

million in 2008 to only a little over 3

million in 2012. In part this refl ected

the fact that fewer people went to vote

in 2012, but that in itself is a sign of

less interest among American voters

than in 2008.

On the other hand, this election did

not turn out to be the cliff-hanger the

experts had predicted on the basis of

pre-election polls. A majority of voters

in the nation made it quite clear whom

they wanted as president and what view

of government they supported. But who

exactly made up that majority?

2) The Coalition

According to exit polls (people asked

after voting), Obama’s campaign team

did succeed in recreating the coalition

that had brought him to power in 2008.

Here are the numbers to back that up:

A quick look at these fi gures makes

it clear that while Mitt Romney won

the majority of white male voters over

the age 45, Obama won a majority of

virtually everyone else in the country.

This refl ects a basic and long term

demographic shift in the population

of the United States. Not only did

Barack Obama become the fi rst black

president of the United States in 2008,

he also became the fi rst minority

president. And he was reelected with

that same minority support. It was

large majorities among Blacks, Latinos,

Asians, as well as women and the

young, which put him over the top.

This promises a bright future for the

Democratic Party because it is just

Barack Obama Mitt Romney

By Race

White 39 59

Black 93 7

Latino 71 27

Asian 73 26

By Gender

Men 45 52

Women 55 44

By Age

18–29 60 37

30–44 52 45

45–64 47 51

65 and older 44 56

Voter preference in 2012 (percentages)

Republican presidential candidate

Mitt Romney concedes defeat

November 7, 2012 in Boston, telling

supporters that he has called

US President Barack Obama to

congratulate him on his victory

(©NTB scanpix)

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these minority groups with large

numbers of young people which are

growing the quickest. For example,

in 2012 for the fi rst time in American

history the majority of children

(50.4%) under the age of one were

from minority backgrounds. At the

same time, the number of Americans

who are of white European heritage is

actually shrinking. By 2042 they will

no longer be a majority in the country.

This is known as the “browning out” of

America. Obama’s Democratic coalition

seems to be the wave of the future.

The Impact of the Election

Ironically, however, as important as

the reelection of President Obama

may be for the future of politics in

America, it has not changed the short-

term political situation on the ground.

That is because the Republicans kept

control of the House of Representatives

in the election. This means that, if

they wish, they can continue to block

Obama’s policies as they have for the

past two years. In that case we will

get what is called political “gridlock”

– things will stand still as each side

blames the other for not being willing

to make necessary compromises. This

could theoretically last until the new

Congressional elections in 2014.

On the other hand, years of Republican

political opposition did not succeed in

getting the Democrats out of the White

House. On the contrary, it seems to

have split the country even more deeply

and left the Republicans on what might

be the wrong side of that divide. They

will now have to ask themselves if

they can afford to say no to the new

majority which has backed Obama. In

the long run, the voters who support

the Republicans are getting fewer in

number. Perhaps it is time for them

to think about making compromises

and mending bridges. After all, that’s





1 Why can it be an advantage to be an “outsider”

in American politics? Do you think it could be as

much of an advantage in Norwegian politics? How

are the two different?

2 Politics is often called “The art of the possible”

– that is, getting some of what you can rather

than all of what you want. Do you agree? Why

might this cause people to feel disillusioned or

disappointed in politics?


Repetition and rhythm are important parts of

rhetoric. How does President Obama make use of

them in the following excerpt from his victory speech

in Chicago on November 6, 2012 (see Access to

English: Social Studies, p. 415)?

America, I believe we can build on the progress we’ve

made and continue to fi ght for new jobs and new

opportunity and new security for the middle class. I

believe we can keep the promise of our founders, the

idea that if you’re willing to work hard, it doesn’t

matter who you are or where you come from or what

you look like or who you love. It doesn’t matter

whether you’re black or white or Hispanic or Asian or

Native American or young or old or rich or poor, able,

disabled, gay or straight, you can make it here in

America if you’re willing to try.

I believe we can seize this future together because

we are not as divided as our politics suggests. We’re

not as cynical as the pundits believe. We are greater

than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we

remain more than a collection of red states and blue

states. We are and forever will be the United States

of America.

Working with Statistics

Look at the table for “Voter preference in 2012” on

page 5 and answer the following questions:

1 Which groups gave a majority of their votes to


2 Which groups gave a majority of their votes to


3 Which individual group gave the greatest

percentage of its votes to one candidate?

4 According to this information, who would you

expect the following to vote for?

– a Latino woman

– a white man

– a man under 45

– a black man

– a woman over 65

– an Asian man

– a man over 45

Access Updates: see “News Archive” at

Page 7: Magazine 02-2012

















Collocations and the Corpus

Vocabulary Work:

Collocations have been described as an important part of native

speaker competence, and as both indispensable and problematic for

learners of a foreign language. But what are collocations? How can

we identify them? And what can we do with them?

A simple defi nition of “collocation”

is “two or more words that tend to

occur in the vicinity of each other”.

Collocations were fi rst described by

the British linguist J.R. Firth, who

famously wrote that “you shall know a

word by the company it keeps” (Firth,

1957). Knowing a word thus includes

knowing the expressions it commonly

occurs in as well as the meanings that

a word acquires by being associated

with others. Firth’s example is silly

ass (referring to the animal by that

name!), which is meant to illustrate

not only that the two words often go

together, but that the close association

between these two words will colour

the meaning of ass even when it occurs

on its own.

In the context of teaching and learning

a foreign language, both of these

aspects of collocation are relevant.

Knowing the most common contexts of

a word is part of knowing the meaning

of a word. To use another example, the

word middle is most commonly found

in the phrase in the middle of. Thus,

if someone is asked to explain what

middle means, it is likely that this

expression will come up. Furthermore,

this particular expression is quite fi xed

as regards the choice of prepositions

and the article: it is not correct to

by Hilde Hasselgård





















Hilde Hasselgård is a professor of

English language at the University

of Oslo. Most of her work is within

grammar and text linguistics and

the comparison of Norwegian and

English structures. Hasselgård has

co-authored an English-Norwegian

dictionary as well as several text

books for the university level and

upper secondary school.

Page 8: Magazine 02-2012

A big or a serious problem? Adjective + noun combinationsIt used to be the case that big was

reserved for physical size and could not

modify abstract nouns such as problem.

However, nowadays the meaning of big seems to have become more general, and

the phrase big problem is not uncommon.

The choice of relatively synonymous

adjectives to modify nouns is sometimes

unpredictable. A familiar example is the

different adjectives commonly used to

describe good-looking men and women,

such as handsome man and pretty woman,

but usually not handsome woman or

pretty man. Strong and powerful may be

equally good – and also synonymous – in

front of a noun such as engine, but in

front of a noun such as woman or man,

they mean different things. In yet other

contexts only one of them is possible

(or normal), as in front of coffee or tea,

where only strong works. Other pairs

of adjectives that are only sometimes

synonyms are high/tall, little/small,

strange/funny, clever/smart. In fact, very

few “synonymous” adjectives can be used

in all the same contexts with the same

meaning. (See sample exercise 2.)

Arts and crafts – or the order of nounsMany common phrases consist of two

nouns co-ordinated by and, for example

bacon and eggs. It can be argued that

the order of the factors does not change

the product. Eggs and bacon means the

same thing, but it sounds odd, the same

way as “bacon og egg” sounds odd in

Norwegian. A phrase where the order does

change the product is bed and breakfast,

which obviously refers to a place where

you can stay the night and get a morning

meal. Breakfast and bed, however, does

not refer to a unifi ed concept, but to two

discrete entities, the same way as tonic

and gin is not a drink, and chips and fi sh

is not a dish. Other common phrases in

which the order of the nouns is relatively

fi xed are: food and drink, fruits and

vegetables, goods and services, hands and

feet, health and safety, hearts and minds,

pen and paper, research and development,

salt and pepper, shapes and sizes, theory

and practice. In a few cases, one order

suggests a technical term (health and

safety, research and development) while

the reverse order would only refer to two

concepts. In others, such as fruits and

vegetables, the reverse order is simply

an unusual way to refer to the same two

concepts. (See sample exercise 3.)

How can we identify collocations?Since collocations are often a bit

unpredictable and notoriously hard to

pick up for foreign speakers of a language,

we need good methods to identify the

correct or common patterns. Native

speakers learn collocations the same way

they learn language in general, namely

by means of massive input. In foreign

language learning, the input is far less

massive, and intuition much less reliable.

Therefore it is often helpful to consult

dictionaries or corpora to get at the

company that a word keeps.

DictionariesModern dictionaries often give examples

to show how a word is typically used. For

instance the Cambridge Online Dictionary

gives the following contexts for the

adjective serious:

a serious illness; There were no

reports of serious injuries; The new tax

regulations have landed some of the

smaller companies in serious trouble;

Drugs have become a serious problem in

a lot of schools; This is a very serious

offence; He’s been taken to hospital

where his condition is described as

serious but stable.

These are good clues to common

collocations of serious. Dictionaries also

usually give information on prepositions

that follow adjectives and verbs, as in the

Macmillan Dictionary entry for different,

where we fi nd different from, different

to and different in with examples to

illustrate their use.

CorporaWhile a dictionary illustrates word

patterns that have been selected by a

lexicographer, a corpus gives access

to huge quantities of language data,

thus allowing users to draw their own

conclusions about language use. A

corpus is a large, structured database

of texts that has been compiled for use

in linguistic research. Many corpora are

publicly available. A valuable resource

is found at, where

corpora of both British and American

English can be accessed. Users need to

register after a few searches, but this

is free of charge and does not generate

spam email. The corpus we have used

here for exemplifi cation is the Corpus of

Contemporary American English (COCA),

which is huge and keeps being added to.

At the time of writing (October 2012) it

totals 450 million words of running text.

There are helpful instructions on how to

use the corpus on the corpus page itself,

but here are some basic steps to get


Go to and

select the Corpus of Contemporary

American English. Log in (or register

as a user).

Type a word or phrase in the box

after WORD(S).

Click on the Search button. The word/

phrase will appear in the window

to the right with a number next to

it, which represents the number of

times the word/phrase occurs in the

corpus. By clicking on the word(s),

say *on the middle of (in contrast to

Norwegian i midten/på midten) or *in a

middle of.

The importance of collocations for

language learning and language

production is evident from John Sinclair’s

claim that “words appear to be chosen

in pairs or groups” (1991). Words are

not seen as independent items, but as

part of prefabricated units. Words are

not combined in arbitrary ways; most

language choices are routinized rather

than creative. This makes for fl uent

and idiomatic language production and

greatly eases language interpretation.

The problem for foreign language

learners is that languages have different

routines; typical word combinations

in one language are not necessarily

transferrable to another.

Collocations, idioms and fi xed expressionsCollocations represent typical, common

ways of expressing oneself. This is in

contrast to what is known as “idioms”,

which are typically non-literal, highly

specialized phrases such as blow the

whistle (meaning “raise an alarm”), at

the drop of a hat (“immediately”), and hit

the sack (“go to bed”). Idioms may need

to be taught because their meaning is not

transparent, but they are usually not very

frequently used.

So is a collocation the same thing

as a fi xed expression? The answer is

“not entirely”. Collocations need not

be entirely fi xed. For example, the

expression make a decision can be varied

in different ways: by varying the form

of the noun or the verb (make decisions,

making/made a decision), by using the

defi nite article (make the decision) or

by inserting an adjective before the noun

(make the wrong decision). In this case

the “fi xed” components of the collocation

are the lexemes make and decision.

We can of course also take decisions.

However, a search in the huge Corpus

of Contemporary American English (see

below) shows that make is over 40 times

more frequent than take in the vicinity

of decision. This shows make to be a

stronger collocate of decision.

An important principle of collocation is

that words acquire meaning from their

context. Although make and take may be

synonyms in the expressions make/take a

decision, they are not in the expressions

make an order and take an order. On the

contrary, they refer to the complementary

tasks of for instance a customer making

an order and a shop assistant taking it.

In most other contexts the meanings of

make and take are not even related, for

instance make some money vs. take some

money. (See sample exercise 1.)





















Page 9: Magazine 02-2012

we get to the sentences in the corpus

that contain the word(s).

We can search for a phrase with an

unspecifi ed item by using an asterisk

(*) as a “wildcard”, i.e. instead of

the missing word. The search result

will be a list of all the alternative

expressions found with their

frequencies. (See the example of a

piece of * below.)

We can search for all infl ectional

forms of a word by putting it in

square brackets. For example,

a search for [make] will return

make, makes, made, making, with

frequencies for each form.

On the search page of the COCA corpus

there is a button saying “Collocates”.

This option is interesting for fi nding out

about the company of words. Searching

for the word string and clicking the

Collocates button, we get a list of

words that occur up to four words before

or after string in the corpus. The fi ve

most frequent ones are quartet, theory,

together, beans and tied. These give

evidence of at least four different

meanings of string, which can be further


We can also fi nd collocations in the

corpus by searching for a part of them,

for example a piece of *. (The asterisk

stands for an unspecifi ed word.) The ten

most frequent nouns to follow a piece

of turn out to be paper, cake, music,

land, wood, bread, meat, furniture, fruit,

and legislation. This information can

be useful for learning expressions with

a piece of but also for more advanced

purposes, such as studying the meaning

of a piece of in the different collocations.

For example piece can be translated

by the Norwegian stykke in some of the

expressions, but not in all. A piece of

cake (unlike a piece of bread) can have a

literal or a metaphorical meaning, as we

can see from the corpus examples.

Another reason why a large corpus is so

useful in working with collocations is

that frequency matters. In the example

of make or take a decision, we found that

one was hugely more frequent than the

other. The sheer frequency of make a

decision tells us that this alternative is

favoured; it is the most idiomatic choice.

In a teaching context this information is

of course extremely helpful.

The sample exercises in this article

can thus be most easily solved by

using a corpus to test out the different

combinations. The majority solution

usually wins. Alternatively, we can study

corpus examples to identify meaning

differences, as in the case of a piece of


Concluding remarksThe observation that “words appear to be

chosen in pairs or groups” is crucial for

the way we deal with vocabulary learning:

it makes mastery of collocations

vital to both the production and the

interpretation of language. In our fi rst

language, we acquire the collocational

patterns of words naturally. In a second

or foreign language, the procedure often

has to be a more conscious effort. Both

dictionaries and corpora are of great

assistance in making that effort.

Sample exercise 2: The two adjectives given at the beginning of each line below

mean approximately the same thing. Which one is the best

combination with each of the nouns that follow them? If

both can be used, do the combinations mean the same thing?

(Example: strong/powerful – woman. Both strong woman and

powerful woman are OK, but do not mean the same thing: a

strong woman is physically strong while a powerful woman

has power over other people.)

1. High/tall – boy, tree, mountain, price, voice, door,


2. Clever/smart – girl, idea, solution, hands, phone, move

3. Kind/friendly – man, permission, smile, offer, heart, word

4. Strange/funny – character, joke, animal, town, idea, movie

5. Serious/severe – illness, problem, expression, injury,

pressure, penalty, crime, answer

Sample exercise 1:MAKE, TAKE or both?

(If both are possible, do they mean the same?)

Sample exercise 3:Connect the two nouns in each pair with and in the order that is most natural or common. Example: services / goods goods and


knees weaknesses life soul cons costs

hands strengths death heart pros bene ts

__________ a risk

__________ a comment

__________ my day

__________ a close look

__________ the point

__________ a suggestion

__________ a break

__________ a chance

__________ a seat

__________ a left turn

ReferencesFirth, J.R. 1957. A synopsis of

linguistic theory. Studies in

linguistic analysis, 1-31. Reprinted

in F.R. Palmer (ed.). 1968. Selected

Papers of J.R. Firth 1952-59.

London: Longman, 168-205.

Nesselhauf, Nadja. 2003. The Use of

Collocations by Advanced Learners

of English and Some Implications

for Teaching. Applied Linguistics

24 (2): 223-242.

Sinclair, John. 1991. Corpus –

Concordance – Collocation. Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

DictionariesCambridge Dictionaries Online:

Macmillan Dictionary:

Relevant URLsAdvanced collocations:


A guide to learning English,



Corpus of Contemporary American

English (and other corpora):





















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In the preparations for a presidential

election the presidential candidates

give many speeches in which they

explain their visions and the plans

they wish to implement should they

be elected President of the USA. Other

party members, previous presidents

and current celebrities will also speak

out to support their candidate. In this

year’s presidential campaign, however,

the speeches of two women attracted

more attention than many of the other

speeches combined.

In August and September of 2012

Michelle Obama and Ann Romney

addressed, respectively, the

Democratic and the Republican

National Conventions. Each woman had

the same goal: To obtain more votes

for their husband in the presidential

election in November. So, what do

you say to get more voters on your

husband’s side? In this article we shall

compare and contrast the speeches

the two women made to see how they

argue to convince the audience to give

their vote to either Barack Obama

The ultimate nightmare: You

are standing before a podium

looking out on to a sea of

people. A microphone in front

of you picks up your every word,

camera lenses are pointing

towards you from every angle,

ready to capture every gesture

you make. Millions of viewers

are watching you, waiting for

you to convince them to vote

for your husband as the next

American president. How can

you persuade them?

Allusion: Quoting directly from another known source, for example

the Bible or another famous speech (“I have a dream …”).

Alliteration: The repetition of a consonant sound in two or more

neighbouring words. For example: “dignity and decency”, “a

desperate decade of decline”.

Antithesis: Explaining what you do NOT want to do, often followed

by what you do want to do. For example: “I do not want to wait until

everyone is ready – the change must come now”.

False dilemmas: When the speaker offers a limited number of

options, while in reality more options are available. For example:

“Either we cut the social programs or we live with a huge defi cit,

and we cannot live with a huge defi cit!”

Hypophora: When the speaker poses a question and answers it

herself. For example: “What is the solution? The solution is to

create more jobs!”

Juxtaposition: When two contrasting elements are put together for

rhetorical effect. For example: “heaven and hell”, “through fi re and

ice”, “young and old”, “weak and strong”.

Parallelism: Repeating parts of a sentence within the same

sentence for rhetorical effect. For example: “If anyone wonders why

you should leave your sofa, why you should go to the polling station

and why you should vote …”

Repetition: Repeating parts of or an entire sentence.

Rhetorical question: A statement formulated as a question which

does not require an answer. For example: “Are those the values that

made our country great?”

Tricolon: The use of three successive sentences, each about the

same in length, but increasing in power. For example: “We will fi ght!

We will kill! We will win!”

Varied sentence length: Using sentences of different length to

emphasize a point in the shorter sentence. For example: “This man

is the hardest working man you will ever meet, with a dedication

towards his work like no one else I have ever known. This is the man

you need.”

In addition to this, we often identify three ways of arguing in a non-

fi ction text: Ethos, pathos and logos.

Ethos: When you argue using authority and credibility.

Pathos: When you argue using feelings and moral certitude.

Logos: When you argue using logic and reason.


“Vote for my

by Therese Holm,

Sandefjord vgs

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or Mitt Romney. But fi rst, let us look

at some terminology and rhetorical

devices that are useful when analysing

speeches (see box, p. 10).

Before you read on, take some time

to read the transcripts of the two

speeches, or watch them on YouTube.

(Search for “Transcript/Video of Ann

Romney’s speech at the Republican

National Convention”, or “Transcript/

Video of Michelle Obama’s speech at

the Democratic National Convention”.)

Being able to correctly identify the

rhetorical devices used is of course

essential when it comes to analysing a

speech. Just as important is being able

to explain why the speaker has chosen

to use the rhetorical devices, and what

effect they have on the text. Moreover,

it is necessary to look at how the

speaker argues for her cause – and how

the speaker tries to get her message

across. Let us have a look at how Ann

Romney and Michelle Obama try to

convince the viewers to give their vote

to their respective husbands.

“I want to talk to you about love”

Ann Romney starts her speech with

an antithesis by telling the audience

what she is not going to talk about:

“I want to talk to you tonight not

about politics and not about party”.

This makes Romney’s agenda rather

different from the other speeches at

the national convention, which usually

only revolve around politics and party.

She continues: “Tonight I want to

talk to you about love”, a sentence

which signals that the tone of this

speech will be different and probably

more personal than other speeches

the audience has heard during the


Michelle Obama chooses to start her

speech by reminding the audience of

her authority, using ethos when she

says: “Over the past few years as First

Lady, I have had the extraordinary

privilege of traveling all across this

country”. She then quickly resorts to

pathos, when she says that everywhere

she has been she has “seen the very

best of the American spirit”, and

continues by giving examples of this

spirit through a series of tricolons,

starting with the words “I have seen

it in …”. This structure is rather

similar to Romney’s speech, where

her approach is similar to a tricolon,

starting with the words “I want to talk

to you about …”. Both women thus

choose to start their speech by talking

about their feelings, but while Obama

gives examples of her admiration for

the American spirit, Romney focuses

more on the “one great thing that

unites us” – love.

“They are here among us tonight”

The love that Romney talks about

extends not only to the man she “met at

a dance many years ago” or the love “we

have for our children and our children’s

children”, it extends to “those

Americans, our brothers and sisters,

who are going through diffi cult times”.

She then continues to explain who

“those Americans” are, and that “They

are here among us tonight; they are here

in neighbourhoods across Tampa and all

across the USA”. This juxtaposition of

“us” and “them” is interesting to note

– one could ask whether the people in

the audience at the convention feel that

they belong in either category?

When Obama gave her speech, some

days later, she made a point out of

stating that for Barack Obama, no

such juxtaposition exists: “there is no

such thing as ‘us’ and ‘them’”. She then

continues: “he doesn’t care whether


Ann Romney (L) speaking at the Republican National

Convention (RNC) at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in

Tampa, Florida, on August 28, 2012, and Michelle Obama

(R) delivering a speech at the Time Warner Cable Arena in

Charlotte, North Carolina, on September 4, 2012 on the fi rst

day of the Democratic National Convention (©NTB scanpix)

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you’re a Democrat, a Republican or

none of the above … he knows that we

all love our country […] he’s always

looking for the very best in everyone

he meets”. While Romney expresses

her sympathy for “those Americans”

who are going through diffi cult times,

placing herself outside that category,

Obama talks about the people she meets

every day, saying that “they make me

proud… every day they remind me how

blessed we are to live in the greatest

nation on earth”. It seems that Romney

wishes to express her sympathy for

Americans going through a tough period;

while Obama focuses on how proud

Americans make her. And it is perhaps

not surprising that the two speakers

argue differently, given their positions.

Obama, having been First Lady for

four years, wants to express that her

husband, the president, cares for the

well-being of all Americans. He is,

after all, everyone’s president, not just

working for those who voted for him in

the last election. Romney, on the other

hand, wants to point out that things

have not been easy for people during

this last presidential period, partly

because of the political decisions that

have been made.

“I’m not sure if men really

understand this, but … ”

Romney again turns to ethos when, like

Obama, she says that she has been

“all across the country for the past

year and a half”. But instead of being

impressed with the American people, as

Obama was, Romney has “heard these

stories of how hard it is to get ahead

now”. And according to Romney, one

group of the population has struggled

more than others: women. If we listen

carefully, she says, we could hear a

“great collective sigh late at night,

coming from Americans who are not

sure how they will make it through

another day”. She continues: “And if

you listen carefully, you’ll hear the

women sighing a little bit more than

the men”, before asking the rhetorical

question: “It‘s how it is, isn’t it?” For a

second you may be tempted to believe

that she is addressing all women of

the nation, but in her next sentences

she clarifi es this: “It’s the moms of

this nation […] who really hold this

country together”, before adding another

rhetorical question: “You know it’s true,

don’t you?” The four last years may

have been hard for many Americans, but

according to Romney, the moms have had

to struggle the most. Appealing to the

moms with pathos through a series of

repetitive sentences starting with “You

know”, she ends up singing the moms’

praise. Not only are the moms “the best

of America” and “the hope of America”,

she also uses a kind of false dilemma

when she says “There would not be an

America without you”.

Having sung the moms’ praise, Romney

wants to include all American women

in her next sentence. She does this by

creating a verbal barrier between men

and women through this antithesis: “I’m

not sure if men really understand this,

but I don’t think there’s a woman in

America who really expects her life to

be easy”. This is an interesting sentence

to interpret, as a number of questions

arise: Does Romney think that American

men expect their lives to be easy? Is

that why men cannot understand how

the women feel? Or is she trying to

provoke the men listening to her speech

by teasing them and challenging them?

Is she trying to be coquettish towards

the men and at the same time make the

women who do not have children feel

included? It is not entirely clear from

the context what she is trying to do here.

“A kindred spirit”

Both Obama and Romney want the

audience to get to know their husbands

better. Therefore they spend a large

part of the speech talking about their

own and their husbands’ backgrounds,

their values and what they stand

for. Using pathos, a vivid language

and numerous sensory details, the

speakers share information about their

husbands through a narrative which

takes the listeners back to when the

presidential candidates fi rst met their

future wives. “He was tall, laughed

a lot, was nervous”, Ann Romney

remembers. “He was a guy whose

proudest possession was a coffee table

he’d found in a dumpster”, Michelle

Obama reminiscences. Both speakers

emphasize the beauty in not having a

lot, but having love for one another.

Romney’s remarks about being “very

young, both still in college” when

they got married, and then having to

eat “lots of pasta and tuna fi sh” –

presumably because it is a cheap meal

– echoes Obama’s tricolonic statement

about being “so young, so in love and so

in debt”.

Midway through the speeches, both

women start to talk about their own and

their husbands’ families, again using

the narrative style, and emphasize

how important the families have been

for them. “I am the granddaughter of a

Welsh coal miner”, Romney says, “who

was determined that his kids get out

of the mines”. “My father was a pump

operator at the city water plant, and he

was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis

when I was young”, Obama tells the

audience. “Mitt’s dad never graduated

from college. Instead he became a

carpenter”, Romney continues. “Barack

was raised by a single mother who

struggled to pay the bills, and by

grandparents who stepped in when

she needed help”, Obama says. Why

all this talk about family background,

one may wonder. Part of the reason

could be to show the audience and the

listeners that even though the two men

in question now are in positions of

power, it was not always so – hard work

has paved the way. “Mitt Romney was

not handed success”, his wife says, “He

built it”. Similarly, Michelle Obama

points out that “for Barack, success

isn’t about how much money you make,

it’s about the difference you make in

people’s lives”.

Mitt Romney (L) embracing his wife Ann and President Barack Obama (R) embracing First Lady Michelle

Obama at the conclusion of the fi nal presidential debate, October 22, 2012 (©NTB scanpix)

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Another reason for the narrative about

family background, is that it helps

explain how the two men were taught

the values they carry with them today.

These values are clearly stated through

the use of alliteration – “family, faith

and love of one’s fellow man”, says

Romney, “dignity and decency”, says


Finally, it gives the audience some

images they are likely to remember

after the speech is over. Romney’s

pasta and tuna fi sh and Obama’s rusty

car and too small shoes serve the same

purpose: They show the audience that

the presidential candidates are “real”

people who have worked hard to get

to where they are, and that they still

remember where they came from.

“No one will work harder”

Towards the end of the speeches, after

having used the narrative style for some

time, both speakers change tactics

and employ a number of repetitions to

enhance their message. Obama does this

when she lists several decisions her

husband has made in the past four years,

using “That’s why…” as the repeating

phrase. She does the same a bit later in

the speech, when she explains her love

for her husband. “I love that...” she says,

repeating the phrase three times. And

at the end of the speech, she repeats the

phrase “if I / we want” within the same

sentence, thus creating parallelism.

Romney is also fond of repetitions,

and several places in the speech she

repeats a phrase three times over. “No

one will…” she says, hammering the

message into the audience in short

sentences. A bit later she assures the

listeners that “This man will not fail.

This man will not let us down. This man

will lift up America”. Since the fi rst

two sentences here are examples of

antithesis, the third becomes even more

powerful, when she says what this man

will do, rather than what he will not

do. Towards the very end of her speech,

Romney’s sentences become shorter and

more concentrated: “This is our country.

This is our future. These are our children

and grandchildren. You can trust Mitt.

He loves America”. These sentences are

a strong contrast to the narrative style

she uses when she talks about their

families and backgrounds – and serve a

different purpose, of course. While the

talk about family background creates

an image of her husband that the voters

can relate to, the last part of the speech

is more about selling the political

message “vote for my husband”.

“My most important title is still


There are many similarities between the

two speeches we have examined here.

The goal, the content, the structure,

the way the two speakers talk about

their backgrounds with much pathos,

even the values they say their husbands

represent, seem to be the same. But

one woman is trying to get her husband

elected, while the other is trying to

get her husband re-elected. Therefore

Michelle Obama has to focus more on the

positive changes she feels her husband

has contributed to in the past four

years, while Ann Romney has to point

out that the past four years have been

hard for many voters with a Democrat

in the White House. Romney is trying to

connect with the moms of America by

spending a fair bit of her speech singing

their praises. Obama, as First Lady, has

to address all Americans in her speech –

and chooses to do so by focusing on how

proud she is of the American spirit. But

she also emphasizes what an honour and

a privilege it is to serve as First Lady

– even if being a mom is still her most

important job.




1 Which catch phrases and sentences do you think the

audience will remember after having heard the two


2 Only Romney uses rhetorical questions and

hypophora. What effect does this have on her


3 How do you think people would have reacted if Mitt

Romney had said “I’m not sure if women really

understand this, but …”?

4 “I want to talk about love”, Romney said. In which

ways was her speech about love? Did she end up

talking a bit about politics after all?

5 Michelle Obama also expresses a lot of love in her

speech – what does she express her love for?


1 The two women use both their husbands’ fi rst names

(“Mitt” and “Barack”) and their full names when

they talk about them. Find two examples of both

and discuss when they use just “Mitt” and “Barack”

and when they use the full name – and why you

think they do this.

2 Both Romney and Obama make direct and indirect

references to “The American Dream” in their

speeches. According to what they say, how has the

American Dream been present and important both in

their own and in their husbands’ lives?

It is not really surprising that Romney

has a biblical allusion in her speech

(“Give and it shall be given unto

you”), while Obama mentions “a young

preacher [who] could lift us to the

mountaintop with his righteous dream”.

Nor is it surprising that both women

express very clearly what their role is:

“I say all of this tonight not just as a

First Lady … and not just as a wife”,

Obama says, and continues:

“My most important title is still

mom-in-chief”. “I can only stand

here tonight, as a wife, a mother, a

grandmother, an American”, Romney

says. Since her children are grown up

and have children of their own, it is

perhaps only natural that Romney feels

that being a wife is her main role, while

Obama, who has two young daughters,

feels that being a mom is her number

one priority.

The love and respect both women

feel for their respective husbands is

apparent throughout the speech and

culminates in their fi nal sentences:

“We must once again come together

and stand together for the man we can

trust to keep moving this great country

forward”, Obama says. “You can trust

Mitt”, Romney assures the audience;

“He loves America. He will take us

to a better place, just as he took me

home safely from that dance. Give him

that chance”. Both speakers choose

to end the speech using a metaphor

for movement: they both insist that

their husband, if elected, will move the

country forward or take the voters to a

better place. Interestingly, the speaker

promoting the re-election of her

husband used the word “change” in the

presidential campaign four years ago.

Now she asks the listeners to stand

together with her. Romney asks, not for

change, but for a chance.

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By Richard Hugh Peel

Let’s take these things backwards. Yes,

it rained a bit. No, transport worked very

well – in fact, as the Guardian chortled,

even Prime Minister David Cameron

travelled on the Underground. Yes,

there were empty seats at some venues

early on, but all in all these games were

extraordinary for the huge crowds at all

events. Most things were ready, with

one exception – there was a colossal

scare in the weeks leading up to the

Opening Ceremony when it was obvious

that the company with responsibility

We all noticed it, didn’t we: the reports in the weeks leading

up to the 2012 Olympics that no one in London was really

interested, and that some things were not ready, and that ticket

sales favoured business rather than ordinary folks, and that

the transport system (London’s Underground not being exactly

famous for its effi ciency) was bound to collapse, and that it

would rain all the time and that …?

for security was a shambles. The army

had to be called in. This was probably

the biggest “scandal” of these Games.

As for Londoners not being interested

– the response to this scepticism was

given by the sheer numbers who had

bought tickets for the Games and by the

enthusiasm and skills of the thousands

of volunteers involved.

As Michael Butcher, seasoned athletics

correspondent, reminded me when I

spoke with him about the London Games,

“There are always these stories about

apathy and anti-social ticket sales

before every Olympics, and there are

always empty seats in the early days, so

this was nothing new. The astonishing

thing about London was the size of the

crowds. I went to the very fi rst morning

of the athletics events, when there

were no fi nals on the programme, only

preliminary heats, and, being used

to the fairly lack-lustre interest in

athletics in London, I was expecting the

usual fi rst-day one-third full stadium.

But it was packed, absolutely packed!”

Everyone I have talked to about the

Olympics, people who saw far more than

I had any hope of seeing, talked about

the crowds – their enthusiasm, their

good-naturedness, and, most of all, their


Michael Butcher again: “I have never

known anything like it. Well, at Sydney

when Cathy Freeman won the 400 metres

the noise was deafening, but in London

the noise was more intense. The canopy

over the stands sort of held the noise

in. I have only twice been ‘shocked’ by a

volume of noise from a crowd of people

in my life. The fi rst time was when I

was 11 years old and went to support my

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Nevertheless, the construction of

London’s venues and facilities was

achieved within its budget, and without

a single fatal accident, and there

were never any worries about it being

completed on time. For television

viewers, of course, the big architectural

aspect was fairly unimportant;

television brings an intimacy not

readily available to the person in a

stand or stadium, although modern

technology manages to some extent to

combine the two, with large screens and

small smart phones offering close-up


The sports competitions run themselves,

within the context of the venues that

have been constructed for them and

the atmosphere created by spectators

and by the competitors themselves.

There were, however, four major events

that were conceived and executed

wholly by the organizers: the two

opening ceremonies and the two closing

ceremonies. Of these, it is probably the

opening ceremony on 27th July that will

be most remembered, and it is worth

lingering on this as it gave a unique

insight into how the British (or some

British) see their history, society and


It was the brainchild of Danny Boyle,

director of Oscar-winning “Slumdog

Millionaire”. He had been told by

Sebastian Coe (chairman of the London

Organising Committee of the Olympic

and Paralympic Games) not to try to

copy the sheer size of the opening

ceremony at Beijing – no point trying to

compete with the Chinese at what they

do better than anyone (mass displays

and fi reworks) – and not to let any

politicians tell him what to put in or

what not to put in. Well, he and his team

decided to put on a show that mirrored

aspects of British history and life. It

was quite a show!

Starting with a sort of imagined idyllic

version of Britain’s pre-industrial

rural past – the “green and pleasant

land” of Blake’s Jerusalem – Boyle’s

ceremony portrayed the impact of

the industrial revolution in forming a

new society, and focused on the brave

efforts of movements like the trades

unions and Suffragettes to correct

injustices. The scene changes were

breathtaking, with green hills and

fi elds being removed and replaced by

mills, mines and factories, complete

with huge chimneystacks. Here we were

teased a little – having marvelled at the

ingenuity and vitality of the industrial

home team Wolverhampton Wanderers

for the fi rst time. The racket when they

eventually scored a goal jolted me – I

can still remember having to put my

hands over my ears! The same thing

happened in London. When Mo Farah

won the 5,000 metres the noise was so

intense that the sound waves caused the

photo-fi nish camera to shake, distorting

the image that was recorded on the line.

This has never happened before.”

One nice thing about these Olympics

was that sports which are practically

non-existent in Britain attracted huge

crowds and generated exceptional

enthusiasm: handball, for example.

Watch out, Norwegians! But perhaps

the best thing of all was that the

Paralympics also attracted massive

crowds, and a huge television audience,

achieving a profi le they have never

achieved before.

Everyone remembers one defi ning

moment from each Olympiad, and it is

likely to refl ect the particular sport you

are most interested in and the country

you come from. Each Olympiad also

generates an abiding image of a more

general nature. In Beijing in 2008 it was

probably the graceful architecture of

the main stadium and the design of the

Olympic Park. “London,” says Butcher,

“had nothing to compare with that. The

Beijing stadium was a marvel. London’s

main stadium looked as if it had been

built with Meccano and the Park was

obviously designed to cater for whatever

it will be used for after the Games. The

exception was the cycling Velodrome – a

work of art.” Or, in the jargon preferred

by the offi cial Games website: “a

sustainable and iconic venue”.

A giant hospital bed during the Opening Ceremony at the Olympic Stadium, London (©NTB scanpix)

Great Britain’s Mo Farah (left) celebrating his victory in the men’s 5000 metres with Jamaica’s Usain Bolt

at the Olympic Stadium, London (©NTB scanpix) 01




















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revolution, we were invited to salute

people who made sacrifi ces in order

to mend the injustices caused by that

very revolution. But there was nothing

pompous or preachy about it.

In particular Boyle highlighted the

contribution of the National Health

Service to forging modern British

society, using one of London’s most

famous hospitals, Great Ormond Street

– a children’s hospital – as an emblem

for the NHS. The volunteers acting the

parts of nurses were real NHS nurses,

and some of the patients were real

patients – here, as elsewhere, the

mixture of make-believe and reality

was captivating. In another sequence,

we saw the arrival of immigrants from

the Caribbean in the fi fties, and, later

on, family life in the 1970s and 1980s

was portrayed as very defi nitely multi-


All this was too much for some right-

wingers in the UK, but they seemed

to overlook the fact that Boyle also

paid tribute, for example, to the

extraordinary brilliance of the great

engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and

to the sacrifi ce of the armed forces in

two world wars. He slowed everything

down for the fl ag-raising ceremony, and

focused boldly on the Queen, resorting

to an extreme form of interplay

between virtual and real performance in

introducing her to the stadium. Anyway

these snippets of criticism were

forgotten in the general enthusiasm for

this three-hour extravaganza.

It was, of course, occasionally tongue-

in-cheek, with scope for some favourite

comic fi gures like Mr Bean, but also

very serious a lot of the time. The

ceremony was full of colour and energy,

and the timing extraordinary. Snippets

of social and cultural history criss-

crossed and almost defi ed our ability

to take them all in – in the stadium

different things were seen by different

sections of the crowd; on TV the change

from scene to scene was often so fast

it baffl ed a lot of non-British viewers.

One German newspaper headline said,

“We didn’t know what it was, but it was

magnifi cent.” Boyle himself said about

the ceremony, “I hope it will reveal how

peculiar and contrary we are – and how

there’s also, I hope, a warmth about


Boyle himself has paid tribute to the

volunteers he used – almost 20,000

of them – and if there was one group

of people who gave to these Games a

special fl avor, it was them. “Games

Makers” they were called. Over 70,000

people were taken on as Games

Makers – and there were over 240,000

applicants. They performed a host of

duties, some relatively “simple” like

raking the sand in beach volleyball

stadium (such duties were done by a

group of 2000 or so 16-18-year olds),

others more demanding, like acting in

the opening and closing ceremonies,

hosting athletes, etc.


What of the future? Are the Olympic

Games just a wonderful party (or

tedious bore, depending on your point

of view) every four years, or can they

generate something more permanent?




A Games Maker at the Games!

Dave Galloway

Dave Galloway teaches at Pocklington

School, a few miles east of York. He

spent most of his summer holiday this

year as a Games Maker.

- Dave, you were one of the famous

volunteers, or Games Makers, at the

London Olympics. First of all, what sort

of time scale are we talking about?

How long were you involved?

- Well, to be a Games Maker you had to

be ready to devote up to six weeks of

your time to the Games. I applied as a

linguist, which meant I would probably

be working directly with a team all the

time that team was in London. After my

selection I was told I’d be an assistant

to a team, and had to be ready for a

fi ve-week stint. I was assistant to the

Swaziland Olympic team, and they were

in London for about four weeks.

- Did you get any pay?

- There was no pay or pocket-money, and

you had to cover your own expenses,

including accommodation. I live in

Yorkshire, so I obviously had to fi nd

accommodation, which I did online and

ended up in Clapton, for £100 a week,

which was not too bad. Some Games

Makers had to pay up to £25 a day! Quite

a lot camped, which was cheaper, of

course. So it was fi ve weeks out of my

summer. I have a very long-suffering


- And you must be a very keen sports


- Well, yes, I am. I have always loved

the Olympics. I have also been active in

sports myself, particularly ball games

like rugby and tennis, and, in recent

years, golf. So I jumped at the chance of

taking part in the London Olympics!

- Everyone who was at the Games in any

capacity talks about the tremendous

atmosphere there. Do you agree that it

was something special?

- Yes I do. I didn’t deal directly with the

public, but wherever I went people could

see from my clothes I was a Games

Maker, and I got lots of questions, and

everyone was very, very friendly. I was

in the Olympic park quite a lot and

there was a terrifi c atmosphere, and

never any panic although there were

thousands of people.

- I’ve read that there was quite a tough

selection process for Games Makers.

- Well, I applied early in 2011, and

had an interview, and, as I’ve said,

told them I could offer languages,

especially German. Then I had six

training sessions in London – all at

my own expense! At the end of May this

year I was informed that I’d be working

with the team from Swaziland – whose

members, incidentally, didn’t speak

German at all! The team consisted of

three athletes and fi ve coaches and

offi cials. They were great. We all got on

very well.

- Any medals?

- No medals, no, but they were all very

happy with their performances. In the

swimming we had Luke Hall in the 50

metres freestyle. He broke the national

record in his heat but failed to qualify.

In athletics Phumlile Ndzinisa, only 18

years old, ran in the 400 metres – she





















Page 17: Magazine 02-2012

Obviously for athletes in every Olympic

sport they generate enthusiasm and

new goals and new friendships, but what

about at a national or international


Some people see the Olympics in terms

of their wider values and aims. In his

speech to the Labour Party conference

in September this year, Ed Milliband

underscored his main point that the

Labour party stood for “One Britain” by

using the Olympics as a metaphor for

inclusiveness: “… just think about the

Olympics and Paralympic games. It was

a triumph for Britain. And why did we

succeed? We succeeded because of our

outstanding athletes, from Zara Phillips

the grand-daughter of a parachuting

Queen, to a boy born in Somalia, called

Mo Farah. Mo Farah. A true Brit. And a

true hero for our country.”

He will not be the only person to use

the Games to underscore a point. That’s

fair enough. But some observers go

further, and claim that the success

of these Games could spill over

into actual political results. The

mayor of London, Boris Johnson, was

in the limelight and is a colourful

personality, and some see the publicity

he received as strengthening his

chances of replacing David Cameron

as leader of the Conservative party,

not that he has said he wants the job.

A few commentators claimed that the

“British” patriotism aroused by the

success of Team GB could undermine

support for Scottish independence. At

best, predictions like this are long

shots, and probably just hot air in

the summer season. As with all good

parties, Monday comes around and life

goes on as before.

One or two facts of life were underlined.

Britain’s medal rush obviously refl ects

the pluralism of modern Britain: more

than one-third of Britain’s Olympic

medal winners were born abroad, or

had a foreign parent or grandparent,

including two of Britain’s most high-

profi le winners who won gold medals

within 45 minutes of each other on

that extraordinary night of athletics

on 4th August, Jessica Ennis who has

a Jamaican father, and Mo Farah, who

came to England from Somalia when he

was eight, hardly speaking a word of

English. In fact, my favourite story from

the London Olympics originates in the

press conference when Farah, after his

victory in the 10,000 metres, was asked

by a journalist if a tiny part of him

would rather have been representing

Somalia. His answer: “Not at all, mate.

This is my country and since I was eight

years old this is where I grew up. This


ran in heavy rain and almost broke

the national record, while Sibusiso

Matsenjwa beat the national record in

the 200 metres, but didn’t qualify for

the next round. So they all did well and

were happy. They’d had a training camp

in Tavistock in Devon before the Games

started, and got really well integrated.

They got to know a lot of local people,

and the nice thing was that they invited

some of the locals from Tavistock to

the stadium for the actual Games. This

was typical for the spirit of the Games.

I remember Sibsiso enjoying himself

in the Village after his event, getting

photographed with Usain Bolt, both of

them very relaxed.

- What about you – did you have any free


- This was one of the great things. We

had our accreditation, and if we weren’t

required by our team we could get into

the different venues. I watched quite

a bit of volleyball, for example. And I

was in the main stadium for some of the

great nights of athletics. But even the

morning sessions were wonderful – I

was there on 3rd August when Phumlile

was competing in the fi rst round of

the 400 metres. It was raining. The

stadium was packed! Mind you, it was

the fi rst day of the Women’s Heptathlon,

and Jessica Ennis was opening her


- What was your best moment?

- Oh, it has to be the night Mo Farah

won the 5000 metres, shortly before

the Jamaicans won the 4 x 100 relay

in a world record. The noise was

unbelievable. And there you had Mo

Farah and Usain Bolt side by side, each

assuming the other’s victory salute.

- But I must tell you about another

terrifi c moment that came during

the dress rehearsal for the opening

ceremony. I was among a whole crowd

of Games Makers who stood in for the

athletes. In my case, that day, I was

pretending to be one of the Djibouti

team. Even during the dress rehearsal

the atmosphere was great. And it was

quite like the real thing, with full

security checks and so on. For the

opening night itself, my job was to

make sure the athletes from Swaziland

were at the right place at the right time

so they could march into the stadium.

Everything was worked out to the

smallest detail. While we were walking

towards the stadium entrance with our

athletes, the volunteers who had been

participating in the actual opening

ceremony were coming out of it – 20,000

of them. You can imagine. Twenty

thousand leaving the stadium, and all

the athletes entering.

- And let me tell you now about a detail

which tells you what these games

were all about. As the three Swaziland

athletes were walking towards the

stadium, they and all the other athletes

and their assistants passed hundreds

and hundreds of children, waving fl ags,

and there, among them all, we saw the

Swaziland fl ag being waved by a bunch

of kids. This is the sort of small thing

that makes the Games a memory for life

for the athletes.

- Thank you, Dave.

Team GB is in fact a misnomer,

since the British team is from

the whole of the United Kingdom,

while “Great Britain” strictly

speaking excludes Northern

Ireland. The trouble is that “UK”

has never been used in a sporting

context, while “Team GB and

NI” or “Team GB and Northern

Ireland” were considered

too cumbersome. Hence the

inaccurate but easy-off-the-

tongue name Team GB.





















Page 18: Magazine 02-2012

Notes from a Small Island

by Bill BrysonReviewed by David O’Gorman

Foreigners have been commenting on

Britain and the British for hundreds

of years. Julius Caesar appears to

have been rather intimidated when

he wrote in 54 BC that the Britons

dyed themselves blue “and thereby

have a more terrible appearance in

fi ght”. Caesar’s fellow Roman Tacitus

remarked of the British weather some

150 years later that “The sky is gloomy

with many clouds, and showers are

frequent”, and who in his right mind

would disagree? The French, as might

be expected, have been particularly

harsh in their judgements, Bishop

Bossuet referring in the seventeenth

century to England as “Angleterre

perfi de” and Napoleon to the English

in the nineteenth as “a nation of

shopkeepers”. De Gaulle never became

an Anglophile despite spending most of

World War II in London, and managed to

keep Britain out of the Common Market

for years.

It was in fact the British weather,

which lowered the spirits of Tacitus

and has lowered those of hundreds of

millions of others since him, which

prompted me a few weeks ago to re-

read Bill Bryson’s Notes from a Small

Island. I was sheltering from the rain

in a bookshop in Cheltenham,

waiting for a French lady (an

Anglophile and no friend of de

Gaulle) to fi nish shopping, when

I recalled that Bryson, after

living and working in London and

Yorkshire for twenty years, had

started a seven-week farewell

tour of Britain on a rainy evening

in 1992. I found a copy of the book,

ordered another cup of coffee,

and suddenly the boredom and

impatience were no more. Twenty

years after Bryson made his journey,

it is still a mighty good read.

Bryson shares little of

Caesar’s trepidation and none of

Napoleon’s hostility, and his view

of Britain through American eyes

is well-informed (based as it is on

long fi rst-hand experience), incisive,

affectionate and hugely entertaining.

He loves the country dearly, having

lived in it for decades and married one

of its daughters, but as a foreigner he

sees its oddities and shortcomings

more clearly than do the natives. His

route will strike many as strange,

since he visits both well-known places

and some which most of us have never

heard of. Also, he made his journey by

public transport, and his comments

on getting from A to B are a blend

of frustration, perplexity and good

humour. It appears that to get from

Read It!Read It!

is where I started life. This is where I

went to uni. This is where the people I

know are, this is my country and when I

put on my Great Britain vest I’m proud,

very proud, that it’s my country.”

It was always a goal with these

Olympics that they should bring lasting

benefi ts to young people – that east

London should be regenerated, and that

the nation should be inspired to become

fi tter. It was also a specifi c goal that

new facilities should be available to

people with disabilities. At this point

it is impossible to evaluate success

or failure here. In future years such an

one major urban centre in the south of

England to another, one has to go by

way of London, and what would be a 20-

mile journey as the crow fl ies turns out

to cover over 100 miles. That, at least,

is how matters stood twenty years ago.

One advantage of travelling

by train and bus is that one can

eavesdrop on and observe one’s fellow

passengers, and this Bryson does, as

usual, perceptively and with humour.

Nobody and nothing is safe from his

witticisms, but these are seldom

bitter and very often uncritical.

There are, quite simply, things about

the British which he fi nds odd: their

obsession with different motoring








s j b t i th th f

Britain’s Jessica Ennis

clears a hurdle at the

100-meter hurdles of the

Women’s Heptathlon

(©NTB scanpix)





















Page 19: Magazine 02-2012

















routes, their stoical reluctance to

complain (“mustn’t grumble”, they say

so often), their calling each other and

strangers “love” and “dearie”, the fact

that he was offered a return ticket on

British Rail for less than the price of a

single, and our predilection for sitting

on beaches in weather which would

send an Italian or a Spaniard insane,

for instance. He is surprised that the

British can be made happy with so

very little, and that town centres are

deserted after dark, but these are two

of the aspects of life in Britain which

have been changing since 1992, and

which make parts of the book, but not

all of it by any means, rather dated.

It is interesting to note that a poll

conducted in connection with World

Book Day in 2003 showed that British

readers found Bill Bryson’s book the

one which best summed up the identity

of the British and the state of their


Then there are the unfathomable

ways of seaside landladies like Mrs

Smegma and her counterpane (did you,

like Bryson, have to look the word

up?) and trade union stalwarts like

the intractable Vince at The Times

before Murdoch modernized it. Bryson

does not often spend a lot of time

on individuals, but these two are


The hospitality industry comes

in for sharper criticism than other

aspects of life on the small island,

and, understandably for an American,

Bryson is not favourably impressed

by British hotels, pubs, restaurants

and cafeterias. Apart from wondering

innocently how anyone can possibly

enjoy small white biscuits, he fi nds

hotels scruffy and labyrinthine and

seems to prefer Chinese and Indian

restaurants to more traditional

British eateries. This, again, was

understandable in 1992, but the advent

of gastropubs, niche restaurants

(vegetarian and the like) and Jamie-

Oliver-type hostelries, together

with the ever-increasing variety and

popularity of real ales (eat your hearts

out, Norwegians: pilsner pales by

comparison) has changed all that.

Bryson reserves his most scathing

criticism for modern architecture and

town planning, and his book was a

factor in putting a stop to the fl agrant

vandalism of historical buildings by

developers keen to make a fortune by

turning all of Britain’s city centres

into identically tawdry architectural

abominations - without red telephone

boxes. For this alone Notes from a

Small Island deserves a prize.

What the author loves most about

his host country is what millions of

the natives fi nd so attractive: the

countryside and country pursuits such

as village cricket. On the subject of

the countryside, Bryson is fascinated

by the names of many of the villages,

some of which he has invented, and

has fun with the real and imagined

names of country pubs, “the Buggered

Ploughman”, for instance. What he

does not comment on is the baffl ing

pronunciation of some place names,

but even most Brits steer clear of

attempting this unless they are locals.

Notes from a Small Island is a

highly enjoyable and not least an easy

read. The chapters are short and the

pace, as the author moves from one

place to the next, is fast. The analysis

is punctuated by amusing episodes

(the wet evening in Weston-Super-Mare

is side-splitting and most of the others

elicit at least a hearty chuckle) and

interesting characters. One has to

take one’s hat off to Bill Bryson for

undertaking his journey by train and

bus and on foot at a time of year when

downpours and gales are guaranteed,

and, one gathers, on a modest budget

which would have covered his needs

and more on a Greek island-hopping

jaunt but which was suffi cient for bare

necessities only in Britain.

Britain? Not really. It is England

which is the subject of most of the

book, and Wales and Scotland are,

sadly, not given a fair crack of the

whip. And there are areas of England,

like the Midlands, which could have

received more attention. Another

criticism of the book is that it becomes

rather repetitive after the fi rst half,

and the humour is not as spontaneous

as in the earlier chapters. As has

been mentioned earlier, some of the

observations are dated, but this is

in a way positive in that it provides

us with a picture of a past but recent

age at the same time as it gives us

an objective insight into much that is

quintessentially British. Or at least


Lots of things have changed since

Notes from a Small Island made its

appearance, and not all of them for the

better. One wonders what Bill Bryson

would make of Britain in the year of the

Olympics and the Jubilee. With a little

luck, we may soon fi nd out.

Suggestions for further work:

1 Look through fi lm of the opening

ceremony, and make your own

list of the aspects of British

history and contemporary

culture included in Danny

Boyle’s ceremony. Present your

list and discuss any themes the

ceremony seems, in your view,

to highlight. Maybe you think

something that should have been

included has been left out?

evaluation will be possible. Whether or

not any national “feel-good” attitude

of mind lingers into the future will

be less quantifi able. At all events,

Brits in general, and Londoners in

particular, will look back on the Games

as a special time … and sports nerds

will have masses to talk about. On 9th

September, when the Olympic fl ame was

quenched at the closing ceremony of

the Paralympics, the citizens of London,

thousands of athletes and a TV public

around the world could look back on fi ve

weeks of exceptional sport, wonderful

hospitality and an outstandingly

successful Olympiad.

The opening ceremony is available

here until December 31st 2012: http://


Or try this:


2 Sebastian Coe has a sporting career

and a political career behind him.

He is also a friend of Norway.

Find out what you can about him.

What, in your opinion, are his most

signifi cant achievements? 





















Page 20: Magazine 02-2012

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