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Editorial Board


Prof. Manish R. MundadaFounder President, SaiBalaji Education Society

Student’s Council Magazine Committee

Himanshu SinghIIMS

Prateek Birla IIMS

Prashant SinghSBIIMS

Rukkaiya KhatoonIIMHRD (W)

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1. Rise of Logistics a “Stifled sector” being addressed

2. Entrepreneurship

3. What this young generation actually wants???

4. P C MUSTAFA ( Coolies Son who set up 100 crore company with just Rs 25000 )


6. Why Is Honesty Important in a Business?

7. How to keep yourself motivated..??

8. Perfect Handling

9. WHO AM I…???

10. Life`s studio

11. Reflection

12. Photo Gallery

13. The tree that never had to fight


15. Election, politics, votes, majority, quota, reservations an what else..???

16. Fresher party 2015

17. Poems

18. My Identity- INDIAN

19. Shayaris

20. Thoughts

21. Guest Lecture Details

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Rise of Logistics a “Stifled sector” being


Somewhere in between GDP revival, ramp up in transport infrastructure, e-commerce penetration, impending GST implementation, and other initiatives like 'Make in India the Logistics sector gained an “accelerated growth” in India.

Empirical evidence suggests the Indian logistics industry grows at 1.5-2 times the GDP growth. Building of dedicated rail freight corridors will promote efficient haulage of containerized cargo by rail. One key advantage of the dedicated freight corridor is that freight trains could be run on time tables similar to passenger trains but rail cargo is losing its trend from last few decades.Also, setting up of various industrial corridors along the dedicated freight route will metamorphose the warehousing business– from small warehouses spread across the country to large, global-size warehouses concentrated in a few hubs.

The proposed new goods and services tax (GST) regime and e-commerce will alter the landscape in warehousing, supply chain management and third party logistics business. GST implementation will be a game-changing event for businesses and particularly for organized logistics players.Another key constraint is administrative delays. Despite being a relatively low-cost country, logistics cost in India is higher due to administrative delays led by paper work—leading to huge inventory investments and wastage—and a complex tax structure.

Logistics encompasses a wide array of services like transportation (air, surface, internal waterways, sea), storage (warehousing, logistics parks, container depots, cold chains) distribution (courier service, e-tail deliveries), and integrated services (freight forwarding) and investment in logistics boosts growth in its upstream and downstream economic activities.

- Ritesh Kumar Jangir (IIMS)


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Entrepreneurship As in todays world entrepreneurship is a hot topic.Countless books and articles have been written about it,entire university curricula have been built upon and success stories touting billionaire who went from zero to hero Furthermore, entrepreneurship is no longer reserved for those primary inventions

and courage to risk their entire savings on an innovative idea.Rather it has more became to make best use of simple idea to pop in enivornment that can s u s t a i n o u r i n n o v a t i v e idea.Being a part of developed country we have enough access to supportive government p o l i c i e s , c a p i t a l a n d technological infrastructure.In less developed or emerging countries entrepreneurship is not just an innovative idea to

become billionaire or millionaire rather it has became important to solve different problems,supporting familys basic needs and sending a child to better school and creating better environment. PATRICA NARAYAN , a great successful woman entrepreneur who started her career at just 30 years age by just selling eaters at marina beach , battling her failed marriage, coping wid her husbands addicts and taking care of her two kids.Today she has overcame hurdles and own chain of restaurants.She started her business with just two people and now 200 peoples works in her restaurant.She use to travel by autorickshaw and now she owns number of cars.From 50 paise a day she is earing nw ? 2 lacs per day. In short by narrating above life story of a successful woman, i just want to give one simple advice to young entrepreneurs that never compromise on quality, never lose self confidence, believe yourself ,stick what you want, continue trying till you achieve success and main thing give respect to people who are working below you and instead give them proper guidance to do what they are supposed to do.

- Himanshu Singh



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What this young generation actually wants???

A question asked by our professor during a casual talk with all the students. What this young generation actually wants- love, luck, position or money..??People always have this perception that today's generation is more concentrated on money and materialistic life. But in reality it's not true. The young generation gives more priority to a feeling called “love”. The only difference would be just the respect in which they associate love. Some of the young people wants love and attention from their parents, some wants love in the form of friendship from friends and some want love from their partners. And now the question arises why today's generation is so practical and are in search of love. The reason to this can be seen how and in which environment they have grown up. Nowadays both of the parents are working and the kids don't get that much time and attention which they actually deserve. And then they search love and attention in the outside world and when they don't get it even in the outside world gradually they tend to become more practical oriented and start losing the attachment to the family and become more close to their peers.So, again one question arises what can be done in order to make the young generation more attached to their family. The answer to this question will be the parents should spend more and more time as much possible with their kids so that the kids' don't search it in the outside world and start getting themselves detached from their family and friends. And they should know how to balance their personal and professional life.-

- Rukkaiya Khatoon (IIMHRD)


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P C MUSTAFA ( Coolies Son who set up 100 crore

company with just Rs 25000)


This is a story of a man who failed in class 6, but went on to join Regional Engineering College (now the national institute of technology) calicut and Indian Institute of Management- Bangalore. This is a story of a man who decided to become entrepreneur

and employ people from rural India. Today Fresh Idlis and dosa batter made by PC Mustafas

Company ID fresh reaches homes in Bengaluru, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Hydreabad,Mangalure and even Dubai. Today company produces around 50000 kg in plant.The total investment must be around Rs 4 crs and companys revenue is Rs 100 crs. When companys revenue became Rs 100 crore in Oct 2015, they celebrated on a grand scale.Company was started with just producing only 10 packets a day in 2005, now it started producing 50000 packets a day with 1100 employess over 10 years. With refernce to above article one simple quote is sufficient to describe everything.



- Himanshu Singh


I want to share with you the story about a 119- year old successful business operation now carried out by 5000 semi-literate people in India. The story of Mumbai Dabbawalas!

The Dabbawalas date back to late 19th century when Bombay's rapidly growing population needed feeding at work. A Dabbawala is a person whose job is to collect lunch boxes from homes in Lunchboxes. Started way back in 1890, today it is a registered Charitable Trust with 5000 Employees, each of them a share holder. The trust, Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Supply Trust has a turnover of nearly 50 crore's. Each dubbawala earns Rs.5000/- to Rs.6000/- per month and what makes them unique is that, they have never gone on strike in the last 119 years !

Every morning the Dabbawala visits each home client, collects the lunch boxes, and then transports them through the suburban rail network. Each container of lunch boxes bears a distinguishing number and is then sorted out, allocated to each pick-


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up man for the onward journey, and handed out to the rightful owners.

These lunch boxes are delivered exactly at 12.30 PM on every working day without fail, despite hurdles. Again, in the evening the empty containers are collected from offices and delivered back to homes before 5.00 PM for another round of journey the next day morning. Every tiffin box changes hands four times and travels 60-70 kilometers in its journey to reach its destination!

What's stunning is the fact that in this delivery of 200,000 lunch boxes every day, there is only one mistake in every 16 million deliveries which makes a Six Sigma performance of 99.9999

The American business magazine 'Forbes' has given a six-sigma performance rating to them. The dabbawalas were also featured in a 'BBC' documentary, 'Ripley's Believe it or not' and mentioned in the 'Guinness World Records'. The Harvard and IIM students have been learning about them in case studies.

The Dabbawala story is an inspiring success story and demonstrates that simple ideas, when executed with discipline and dedication, can bring amazing results at the base of the pyramid. I believe, "Mumbai's Dabbawala's are providing lessons to Corporate India on Leadership, Honesty & Integrity, Team Work, Supply Chain Management and Time Management. And above all it is a classic example of how sustained success can lead to fame.

Friends it's time for us to look around and discover many noble souls like the Mumbai Dubbawalas. These souls may not have received the limelight yet, but continue to carry out their work quietly.

- Ritesh Kumar Jangir (IIMS)


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Why Is Honesty Important in a Business?

The value of honesty in business has obvious and subtle implications. Asking who benefits from business honesty can explain why virtue is also important. Examining the negative effects of dishonest business practices provides insight into the importance of honesty. In fact, it is as helpful as looking at the benefits of business honesty. Doing what is ethical because it is the right thing to do is as essential as practicing ethical behavior for the positive consequences. A small business owner operates from a base of profit motive and a commitment to provide a valuable service or product. A business owner communicates truth using direct and indirect means. You reveal your commitment to honesty when you pay your company bills and employees. When you file taxes, report to your investors and make commitments to your customers, you communicate virtue. Looked at from another angle, failing to meet your corporate responsibilities establishes a climate of mistrust and potential illegality.

AdvantagesHonest business practices inspire staff and customers with respect for your mission. Honest business practices build foundations of trust with colleagues, competitors, staff, customers and every other individual and entity. When employers deal honestly with their staff, employees are motivated to drive the business forward. Creditors and investors express confidence by funding company development and consumer confidence is positive.

Honest PracticesA business owner can apply honesty in every situation. When he reports to investors, files taxes, and markets his products and services, the owner has the choice to provide honest accounting in every case. A business can commit to quality control and assurance. It can truthfully report earnings and deal with customers with integrity by backing up its work and products.

The Golden RuleTreating employees, partners, investors and customers in the ways the business owner would want them to treat him creates an environment of trust and support. An owner can resist the short-term gratification at the expense of long-term commitment to the web of relationships in which his business is involved. He can avoid the blinding trap that crops up when dishonesty clouds perception. The Golden Rule helps to diminish greed, envy and the actions that accompany those less than virtuous qualities.

- Mohammad Shoaib (IIMS)

Source by


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How to keep yourself motivated..??

Motivation of everybody is different, by this what I meant is it's not necessary what motivates me will also motivate others. For example, when I see birds flying high in the sky it motivates me but it's not necessary that it will motivate others. Some tips for motivating yourself.

First and the most important thing- wake with an attitude of appreciation, it means try to appreciate yourself every time you do something good. Second- understand that no one will provide you with the motivation, which means that unless you don't want to be motivated no one can in this whole world, can motivate you. So start motivating yourself.

Third- make a decision, what I want to say by this is make a decision which means take decision of yours on your own. Don't depend on others to take decision for you.

Next one of the most important- get to know you. Know yourself properly because if you don't know who you are, what are your strengths and weaknesses then how you can motivate yourself. Fifth- set aside sometime for yourself. Nowadays everyone is so busy that they don't spend with themselves. Spend some time with yourself it relaxes your mind.

Next is know what you want to achieve in your life. If you don't have an ambition in your life then for what you will motivate yourself.

When you know what you want to achieve, then review your list of dreams often. It will kept you energising that you want to achieve this.

Last but not the least – take action. Just don't sit back and think do try to implement it. Because if you don't take action then how you will reach to your destination.

- Rukkaiya Khatoon (IIMHRD)


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Perfect Handling

A girl fell in love with a boy. She wished to make him, her life partner and got engaged to him. The wedding date was fixed. She was eagerly anticipating the day and had made all the arrangements. She invited all her relatives and friends. Just a week before the wedding, the groom told her, “I do not love you anymore. This marriage will not happen!”

It was a big blow to the girl and shattered her dreams. With a heavy heart she had to inform everyone whom she had invited that the wedding had been called off. She arranged a banquet on the same day that the wedding was to take place. She invited her friends and relatives to the banquet. She did not want to spend her days shedding tears over the mishap. She dressed herself as a bride and took part in the banquet with her friends and relatives. She did not allow herself to be depressed in sorrow but had a great time. She felt that a great burden had been lifted off from her heart. She said,

“I did not want to shed tears over the mishap that ruined my future but decided to get up and move on”

My beloved this was a human effort of the girl to overcome the heartbreak. But there is someone who is seeing, listening and caring about us of which we are unaware. We try to do it by ourselves but we might not fully recover from it and people around us might make us remember them which most of the times becomes unavoidable.

I must tell you that above all we have God always with us to share our burden.He himself says

“Cast your burden on the Lord and he shall sustain you”“Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction”“To give you a future and a hope”

So don't be just yourself, give your worries to the one who can handle them perfectly.

Source : The Holy Bible

- Samriddhi Achsah Boro (IIMHRD)


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WHO AM I…???

Life`s studio

Am I a girl??But that's my gender..

Am I daughter, sister and friend?But that's a status of mine in someone's life..

Am I a student..???But that's my work I do..

Am I a crazy, naughty, funny? But that's my nature..

Am I a painter, sportsperson or something?But that's what I enjoy to be..

Who am I..??? One question still not answered yet?Who am I..???

Still finding Who I am..??

- By Rukkaiya Khatoon (IIMHRD)

I dreamed I stood in a studioAnd watched two sculptures there,

The clay they used was a young child`s mindAnd they fashioned it with care.

One was a teacher, the tools she usedWere books and music and art.

One was a parentWith a guiding hand and gentle, loving heart.

And when at last their work was doneThey were proud of what they had wrought.For the things they had worked into the child

Could never be sold or brought.And each agreed she would have failed

If she had worked aloneFor behind the parent stood the school,And behind the teacher stood the home.

- Prashant Dwivedi



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“As thought is a reflection of our attitude & our


Reflection, our annual manthan magazine 2015.

“Reflection”, reflects what SBESians thinks, how they

visualizes, what motivates them. It's the flashback of

journey of SBESians from what they were last year

and what they are this year.

Sometimes it's good, to just look down at the past to

motivate ourselves that “Yes we can achieve what we

dream.” It is always important to dream in order to

shine and when we shine people see reflection in us.

Yes, Manthan 2015, is back again with all the new

reflection of the blooming and rising stars.

Inspiration comes from within…. So, “Look within..!!!”

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Women's Day Tree plantation

Independence Day

Octave 2k15

Finishing School ProgramRed Fm Talent Hunt


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Research Centre Inaugration Teachers Day


Republic Day Mime Act

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Industrial Visit


Dandiya Dhamaal Alumni Meet

Rally for Social Cause Blood Donation Camp

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The tree that never had to fight


The tree that never had to fightFor sun and sky and air and light, But stood out on the open plain,And always got its share of rain,

Never became a forest king,But lives and dies a scrawny thing.

The man who never had to toil,To gain and farm his patch of soil,Who never had to win his share,Of sun and sky and light and air,

Never became a manly man,But lived and died as began.

Good timber does not grow in ease,The stronger the wind, the stronger trees,

The farther sky, the greater the lengthThe more the storm, the more the strength,

By sun and cold, by rain and snow,In tree and men timbers grow.

Where thickest lies the forest growth,We find the patriarchs of both.

And they hold counsel with the stars Whose broken branches show the scars..

Source :

- Prashant Dwivedi (SBIIMS)

• Whatever you do, do with so much dedication and passionately that even God come n say, 'here take it your dream bachcha'.."

• “Be a leader who is loved by everyone, otherwise Hitler was also a leader... "• “Aim the target, hit the target, and keep hitting it until you achieve your target..."• “You are lost not because you don't have the map, you are lost because you don't

have the destination..• The biggest mistake every individual commits is “Judging others”..• “Always Dream Big, Strive more and don't let the spark in you die..”• “Fear no evil, do what is right, fight for your right and enjoy each second of life as if

it's the last second..” - Rukkaiya Khatoon (IIMHRD)


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• Har insaan bikta hai is duniya mein,Kitna mehenga ya sasta,Yeh uski majbooriyat tay karti hain..

• Ik itvaar hi hai jo sabko sambhalta hai,Baaki din kishto sambhaalne me kharch ho jaate hain..

• Kursi hai, koi jaanaza toh nahi hai,Kuch kar nahi sakte,Toh utar kyun nahi jaate..

• Ae umra kuch kaha maine,Shayad tumne suna nhi,Tu cheen sakti hai bachpan mera,Par bachpana nahi..

• Woh bhala kya kaam hua Jo maza na de whiskey ka..Aur woh ishq bhala kya ishq hua..Jisme na mauka siski ka..

• Sochta hoon dhoke se Zeher de doon..Sabhi khwaishoon ko ghar bulake..

•Sukoon milta hai Do lafzon ko kagaz pe utarke..Cheekh bhi leta hoon Aur aawaz bhi nhi hoti..

- Sourabh Sharma (SBIIMS)

If the path is beautiful, Ask where it leads to..But if destination Is Beautiful Never mind about the path..

keep walking!!!!!!!!

- Abhishek pandey (SBIIMS)

Confidence is companion of success !!

- Gaurav Singh Bhadouria (SBIIMS)


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Election, politics, votes, majority, quota,

reservations and what else..???

Whenever we hear a word election the other words which comes in the mind are- politics, votes, majority, quota, reservations… Elections are the most important part of any governance of the country… because due to the process of election citizens of the country elects their representatives who will work for the betterment of the country... As Theodore Roosevelt rightly said, “A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.”

It depicts how much responsibility the voters hold... In election it's not only the voters who have responsibility on their shoulders but those who are also standing in the election… Yes it's election time in our college… We are choosing the student council members who will represent our thoughts, views, ideas to the faculty and senior persons...President, General Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Joint Lady Representative, Magazine Secretary…these were the posts of the student council... One month before the elections- excitement, influencing, preparations began and the excitements was full on in each and every student... The toughest responsibility was in the hands of the students voters because on their votes their fates were depending…

Days were passing slowly or the excitements were making the students feel like... MBA exams are going but still everyone was thinking more about of elections rather concentrating on exams… Finally the Election Day came... And the excitement, curiosity was on its peaks… the voting started… One by one each student started casting their vote in favour of their favourite representative... Voting was over and then everyone voter discussing to whom they have voted and by then counting of votes were going…

After a long wait the results were declared… and the environment was full of emotions- happiness, sorrow, joy, success etc… few were enjoying their win and few were taking their loss in a positive way and congratulating the winners… And yes we students handled our responsibility in a very great manner… we proved that we are not only responsible but also knows how to manage such a big activity in our college, how to accept our failures in a positive manner, how to take strong stand of right things…

These elections proved who we are and what we can do… College got their student council members and we students got our representatives… As someone rightly said, “in a society governed passively by free markets and free elections, organized greed always defeat disorganized democracy…” So ending, no actually, let begin with this positive quote welcoming our student council members and hoping for the best..!!! - By Rukkaiya Khatoon



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Fresher party 2015

Writing a new beginning..!!!Expectations, excitement, curiosity and what not…So, finally it's MBA/PGDM now, that is starting after a really long wait, struggle, competitions, merit list and what not… It's just the beginning of new journey and full of excitements about this 2 year journey with all the new faces and new me…A complete new me or the campus is new or everything is new..?? This new is giving me all those positive energies that keeps on charging me again and again to thrive for more and more..Fresher's party one of the best moment we can interact with our seniors and jell up with them.. And party toh banti h boss, after that much struggle..hahahaBecause we work hard, hit our target harder and so party toh banti h.. !!!Our freshers party started with saraswati vandana because without God blessings we are nothing… even the very first day was full of performances some making everyone dance on their songs, some makes us laugh our heart loud by their comedy acts, some inspired us by their acts,.. You name it and it was there and the cherry on cake was the rock band performance..No it's not the end over here we have second day also started with various performances, those two days were enough to make us all realise that we all are full of talents, dance, singing, ramp walk, acting, sher-o-shayari and then the crowning of miss freshers and giving the title of Mr. Freshers.. So we bid our good bye to our second day of freshers with DJ party night…None of us wants to end it, no seniors, none of us and nor our teachers.. As someone rightly said-“ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don't really end; anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends are not really ending; some things are never ending..”Welcome our beginning for new innings..WELCOME

- Revati Yenkie, Rukkaiya Khatoon (IIMHRD)


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Everybody says Mba is so easythat it is just like walking in a park!

But only Mba know that..park is called Jurassic Park..!!

- Prashant Singh


Kuch yaadeJab aaye the dunia me,bin matlab hi rona sikh gye..Chupchap se bas maa ki god me sona sikh gye...

Socha tha chhu lenge aasma ,Par aasma ki chahat me jami ko hi chhod gye...

Bade huye to bachpan ka khilona hi bhul gye,aur waqt ki nazaqat to dekhiye,Hum to barish me kagaz ki kashti bnana hi bhul gaye.....

Socha na tha esi ho jayegi zindagi,Kisi kone me milegi purani yade aur kiye huye wade,

Wade to tod diye,par un tute huye dilo ko jodna hi bhul gye...Tut gaye sapne jo kabhi apno ne kiye the,

Galati to bas itnj thi ,daag to chehre pr tha aur hum aayina saaf kr bethe the...Dunia ko parwaah kise thi,hum to anjaane me hi par,bhid me gum hona sikh

gaye...Ab to waqt b ho gya paraya aur chhut gya apno ka sath,

Khushi chahte the unse,par unhone gum hi diye,Aur hum na samjh un dard me bhi khush hona sikh -2..

Na chahat thi chand ki ,na taaro sa dikhna tha..Hume to bas baadlo me se apni roshni bikherna tha,

Kho gaye badal kahi aur kho gaye hum,Bas reh gya to gumsum sa savera aur patjhad ka mousam,

Na koi khushi rhi na koi ummid,Kyun ho gaye bade aur so gayi taqdir..

Aaj jana bade hone ki kimat bhi chukayi haj,Aankho par patti bandh thokar hi to khayi hai,

Kitna kuch de gya bachpan ,yaado ke bich bas reh gya bachpan,Lagta hai kabhi kabhi,bachpan hi behtar tha,

Bade hokar to gum ko muskan me chhupana sikh gaye,Aur isi chhupachai me asal zindagi ka tarana bhul gaye,....-2…

- Neha Parande (SBIIMS)


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I am like a bright light,Which entered the orbit of your life...

Li'l twists, li'l wonders,Still I dunno why I pondered..

Though my glory may fade away,Yet I wish you every breath a longer stay..Like the sun, moon, stars that glide along,There is still a place where they belong..

If you ever miss me by your side,Just look upon and see me as a twinkling starlight..

Yet if you miss me even more,Remember..I am always there with you forever more...:)

- Swati Jose


It takes strength to be firm,It takes courage to be gentle.It takes strength to conquer,

It takes courage to surrender.It takes strength to be certain,

It takes courage to have doubt.It takes strength to fit in,

It takes courage to stand out.It takes strength to feel a friend's pain,It takes courage to feel your own pain.

It takes strength to endure abuse,It takes courage to stop it.

It takes strength to stand alone,It takes courage to lean on another.

It takes strength to love,It takes courage to be loved.It takes strength to survive,

It takes courage to live. - Pooja suntane


Life is the most difficult exam ,,,Many people fail because they try to copy others

Not realize that everyone has a different question papers …!!!! - Sudhir pandey



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My Identity- INDIAN

When someone asks me what is my identity- I proudly say I am Indian. I am not Maharastrian, not a Gujarati, not an Assamese not a south Indian. I am an Indian and yes that's my identity.We all always feel proud to say that we are Indian and few days like 15th august give us all the day to celebrate our own identity in a different way.Its 15 August 1947 when our freedom was attained… we are free Indians and not someone who is ruled by someone else.Salute to all heroes who fought for us and to all those who are still fighting the internal and external threats so that we all Indians can enjoy the hard-earned freedom.Yes we are celebrating Independence day- the day we got our freedom..What does freedom means – does it means that now we can do anything..??? or what..??

Do we have actually attained our freedom..??? Are we really free..???The answer to this question is no we are not yet free.. We are not free from diseases yet, we are not free from internal and external threats yet.. Still- child who are meant for education are doing work, girls are not safe anywhere, human trafficking, child abuse.. and the list continues.. so back to the question again are we really free..???

“Yes no country is perfect and it have to be made perfect..!!”This is the pledge we all have to take… that we all Indians have to make our India a free country..!!!Yes today we are celebrating our independence day with all the happiness and with the pledge to make our India a better place to live in..We all dressed in our college uniforms were standing in attention position waiting for founder president – Manish R. Mundada sir, and all teachers for hoisting our national flag..During that wait we all were feeling that immense proud to see our national flag and all that which India have given us .. one thought that came in mind of almost everyone “ Kuch toh baat hai is desh mein ki apna sab kuch qurbaan karne ko mann karta h..”

And yes our sir and teachers came, our national flag was hoisted and we sang our national anthem.. and everyone felt those Goosebumps which we gets because of proud feeling we get whenever we listens to our national anthem.. Now our founder president sir spoke few words on this occasion, afterwards our chief guest and then the celebration function stated after getting a green signal from our founder president sir.. Function was full of programs like skit, songs, dance, speeches, that day everyone was enlightened with the thought of having one single identity- INDIAN..!!!

No one wanted to end this celebration as this celebration was for getting our own identity in this whole world.


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But as we all know “anything which had begun have to end... But how it ends matters a lot.. We ended our celebration with a new beginning and a pledge to contribute in

our own way for the betterment of our country...”“In the religion column of any from, we write in capital letters “INDIAN”“United we stand and divided we fall..!!”

- Rukkaiya Khatoon (IIMHRD)

Raah Mein Kaante Ek Do Nahi HoteRaah Kaanton Se Bhari Hoti Hai

Manzil Us Raah Ke Akhiri Chor Par Khadi Hoti HaiJahan Har Kadam Par Milti Ek Nayi Chouti Hai

Dekh Use Jinke Hounsle Dagmagaate HainVe Manzil Ko Bhula Kaanton Mein Ulajh Jaate Hain

Jinki Nigaah Manzil Par Hoti HaiVe Kaanton Pe Hi Chalkar Manzil Ko Paate Hai

- Maheboob Shaikh (SBIIMS)

!!Sukkon milta hai Do lafz kaagaz par utaar kar,

cheekh bhi leta hoon aur aawaz bhi nhi hoti .!! - Saurabh Sharma


“The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.” - Anant Pandey


“Before you can successfully make friends with others, first you have to become your own friend.” - Prashant dwivedi


“Failures can be called 'strengtheners' as they make you determined to reach your goal with the lessons they teach.” - Awdesh gupta


When we develop the ability to listen to negative comments without losing temper or confidence, it means now we are become matured & truly Educated.

-Atul Yadav(SBIIMS)




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- Tanuja Shrimali (SBIIMS, PGDM)

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