makalah bahasa inggris pencemaran lingkungan

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 . BACKGROUND Environmental pollution is our common problem , which is increasingly important to resolve , as it involves the safety , health , and our lives . Anyone can participate in solving the problem of environmental pollution , including us . Starting from the smallest environment , ourselves , to the wider environment . Environmental pollution problems which must be overcome with such ground water and river pollution , urban air pollution , soil contamination by litter , acid rain , global climate change , ozone layer depletion , radioactive contamination , and so on . To solve the problem of environmental pollution is , of course, we have to know the sources of pollution , how the contamination occurred , and how to measure environmental pollution settlement itself. In connection with this, then in this case we construct a paper that takes the theme of " Environmental Pollution " so that we can know where it comes to environmental pollution and how to overcome them . 1.2 . PROBLEM FORMULATION The formulation of the problem which we discuss in this paper are : 1.2.1 . What definition of the Environment ? 1.2.2 . Explain Definition and Types of Environmental Pollution ? 1.2.3 . What are the causes of environmental pollution ? ii

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Environmental pollution is our common problem , which is increasingly important to

resolve , as it involves the safety , health , and our lives . Anyone can participate in solving

the problem of environmental pollution , including us . Starting from the smallest

environment , ourselves , to the wider environment .

Environmental pollution problems which must be overcome with such ground water and river

pollution , urban air pollution , soil contamination by litter , acid rain , global climate change ,

ozone layer depletion , radioactive contamination , and so on .

To solve the problem of environmental pollution is , of course, we have to know the sources

of pollution , how the contamination occurred , and how to measure environmental pollution

settlement itself.

In connection with this, then in this case we construct a paper that takes the theme of "

Environmental Pollution " so that we can know where it comes to environmental pollution

and how to overcome them .


The formulation of the problem which we discuss in this paper are :

1.2.1 . What definition of the Environment ?

1.2.2 . Explain Definition and Types of Environmental Pollution ?

1.2.3 . What are the causes of environmental pollution ?

1.2.4 . Explain Impact Environmental pollution ?

1.2.5 . Mention the handling of Environmental Pollution ?


The purpose of this paper is :

1.3.1 . To know the definition of the Environment ?

1.3.2 . Knowing Definition and Types of Environmental Pollution ?

1.3.3 . Knowing and understanding the causes of environmental pollution ?

1.3.4 . Environmental contamination can explain the impact ?

1.3.5 . Can describe how Environmental Pollution ?



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Before we discuss about the pollution of the environment , it's good we have to know in

advance the definition of the environment itself . In this paper will be presented some defisini

about the environment .

According to Law No. . 23 In 1997 , the environment is unity with all things space , power ,

state , and living creatures , including human beings and their behavior , which affect the

lives and welfare of human continuity as well as other living creatures . While the scope of

the Indonesian environment includes the space , where the Republic of Indonesia archipelago

in implementing the vision of sovereignty , sovereign rights and jurisdiction .

In the environment there are ecosystems , ie the order of elements of the environment which

is a comprehensive and unified whole interplay in shaping the balance , stability , and

productivity of the environment .

Referring to the above definition , then the environment is no other Indonesian Archipelago ,

which occupies the position of a cross between two continents and two oceans with a tropical

climate and weather and seasons that provide natural condition and position with a highly

valuable strategic role , where bangsaIndonesia hold life state in all its aspects .

By law the concept in carrying out enforcement hukumpengelolaan environment in Indonesia

is Archipelago . Meanwhile, according to experts , among others :

Munajat saputra : All items and conditions contained in the space where the human being and

affect the survival and well-being .

Otto Sumarwoto : Environment is an object and a number of conditions that are in the space

that we occupy that affect human life .

Emil Salim : All objects , conditions , circumstances and effects contained in the room that

affects everything that was in the space that we occupy.


2.1.1 . Understanding Environmental Pollution

Pollution , according to the Ministerial Decree No. 02/MENKLH/1988 Population

Environment , is entered or the inclusion of living things , matter , energy , and / or other

components into the water / air , and / or changes in the order of ( composition ) water / air by

activity human and natural processes , so that the quality of the water / air becomes less or

cease to function according to their distribution .

To prevent pollution of the environment by various industrial activities and human activities ,


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it is necessary to control the environmental pollution by setting environmental quality

standards . Environmental quality standards are allowed to limit the levels of substances or

pollutants found in the environment does not cause disruption to living beings , plants or

other objects .

At this time , the pollution of the environment takes place everywhere at a very fast pace .

Now the burden of pollution in the environment has been exacerbated by the influx of

industrial waste from a variety of chemicals including heavy metals .

Environmental pollution can be categorized into :

• Water Pollution .

• Air Pollution .

• Soil Pollution .

2.1.2 . Various Environmental Pollution

As mentioned previously , the environmental pollution is divided into three , namely : . Air pollution

Water pollution is a change of state in a water reservoirs like lakes , rivers , oceans and

groundwater due to human activities . Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes ,

hurricanes , earthquakes etc. also result in major changes to water quality , it is not regarded

as pollution . Water pollution can be caused by many things and have different characteristics

. Increased nutrient content can lead to eutrophication . Organic waste such as sewage

( sewage ) causes an increase in oxygen demand in water accept that leads to reduced oxygen

that can have a serious impact on the entire ecosystem . Dispose of a wide range of industrial

pollutants in the waste water such as heavy metals , toksinorganik , oil , nutrients and solids .

The waste water has thermal effects , especially those issued by power plants , which can also

reduce oxygen in the water . . Air Pollution

Air pollution is the presence of one or more substansifisik , chemical , or biological weapons

in the atmosphere in an amount that can endanger human health , animals , and plants ,

interfere with the aesthetics and comfort , or property damage .

Air pollution can be caused by natural sources and human activities . Some definitions of

physical disturbances such as noise, heat , radiation or light pollution is considered as air

pollution . The nature of air pollution impacts can be directly and locally , regionally , and

globally .

Air pollutants pollutants can be divided into primary and secondary pollutants . The primary

pollutant is a pollutant substances arising directly from the source of air pollution . Carbon

monoxide is an example of primary air pollutants because it is the result of combustion .

Pollutants secondary pollutant is a substance that is formed from the reaction of primary

pollutants in the atmosphere . The formation of ozone in photochemical smog is an example


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of secondary pollution .

The atmosphere is a complex system , dynamic , and fragile . The recent growth of emissions

concerns about the effects of air pollution in a global context and its relationship

denganpemanasan global climate change and ozone depletion in the stratosphere has

increased . . Soil pollution

Contamination of land is a state in which man-made chemicals enter and modify the natural

soil environment . Contamination usually occurs due to leakage of liquid waste or industrial

chemicals or commercial facilities ; pesticide use ; influx of contaminated ground water into

the sub - surface layer ; accident vehicle transporting oil , chemicals , or waste , water waste

from landfill and industrial wastes are directly discharged into the land ineligible ( illegal

dumping ) .

When a substance is hazardous / toxic has polluted the soil surface , then it can evaporate ,

and the rain washed away or into the ground . Pollution that goes into the ground and then to

accumulate as toxic chemicals in the soil . Toxic substances in the soil can have a direct

impact kepadamanusia when touching or can contaminate ground water and the air above it .


The causes of environmental pollution largely caused by human hands . Water and soil

pollution is pollution that occurs in waters such as rivers , times , lakes , sea , ground water ,

and so on . While the soil pollution is pollution that occurs on land in both urban and rural .

Nature has the ability to restore the condition of the water that has been contaminated by

natural purification process of purification or purification by way of soil , sand , rocks and

micro- organisms that exist in the natural world around us .

The number of very massive pollution of the natural man is not able to make returns to its

original condition . Nature becomes lost the ability to purify the pollution occurred . Trash

and substances such as plastics , DDT , detergents and so on that are not environmentally

friendly will further aggravate the condition of natural destruction that were increasingly


For Environmental Pollution in Water and Soil :

• Erosion and high rainfall .

• discharge of human waste from homes or residential areas .

• chemicals from the home location of the population , agriculture , industry , and so on .

One of the causes of water pollution in the most famous is the result of using DDT chemical

pest eradication . DDT is used by farmers to repel and kill pests that attack agricultural land .

DDT not only pests but also have an impact on other animals around him dah even in places

very far though due to the process flow of the food chain from one animal to another animal


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substances that accumulate DDT . Therefore, all the animals that exist in the food chain will

be contaminated by DDT , including in humans .

DDT that has entered the body will dissolve in fat , so your body will become increasingly

the center of pollutants will accumulate to result in a more scary effect .

Due to biological magnification / enlargement biological organisms caused by the use of


a. Tissue damage living things .

b . Give rise to muscle spasm , muscle paralysis lehah and can also Inhibit wall calcification

process in animals laying eggs so that the eggs can not hatch .

c . Could eventually lead to cancer in the body .


The impact of soil pollution on health depending on the type of pollutant , pathway into the

body and the affected population's vulnerability . Chromium , a wide range of pesticides and

herbicides are carcinogenic materials for all populasi.Timbal very dangerous in children ,

because it can cause brain damage , and kidney damage in the entire population .

Chronic exposure ( continuous ) to benzene at a certain concentration can increase the

chances of developing leukemia . Mercury ( mercury ) and siklodienadikenal can cause

kidney damage , some can not even be treated . PCB and siklodiena related to liver toxicity .

Organophosphates and can karmabat can cause disturbances in muscle nerves . Various

solvents containing klorinmerangsang changes in the liver and kidneys as well as a decrease

in the central nervous system . There are several kinds of health effects that looked like

headache , dizziness , fatigue , eye irritation and skin rash on exposure to the chemicals

mentioned above . What is clear , in large doses , soil contamination can cause death .

Soil pollution also can have an impact on the ecosystem . Changes in soil chemical radicals

can arise from the presence of toxic chemicals / hazardous even at low doses though . These

changes can lead to changes in metabolism of endemic microorganisms and antropodayang

live in the soil environment . As a result, it can even destroy some of the primary species of

the food chain , which can give a great result against predators or other levels of the food

chain . Even if the effect of the chemical on the bottom of the lower forms of life , the bottom

of the food pyramid can ingest foreign chemicals that will eventually concentrated on

creatures inhabitants over pyramids . Many of these effects are seen at this time , as the

concentration of DDT in birds causes eggshell fragility , increased seedling mortality rate and

the possible loss of these species .

The impact on agriculture , especially plant metabolic changes that may ultimately lead to a

decrease in agricultural output . This can cause further impact on the conservation of plants

where the plants are not able to hold the layers of soil erosion . Some of these contaminants

have long half-lives and in other cases derivative chemicals are formed from the main land


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pollutants .



2.5.1 . Remediation :

Remediation is an activity to clean up contaminated soil surface . There are two types of soil

remediation , namely in- situ ( or on-site ) and ex - situ ( or off-site ) . Cleaning is a cleaning

on-site at the location . Cleaning is cheaper and easier , consists of cleaning , venting

( injection ) , and bioremediation .

Cleaning off-site includes excavation of contaminated soil and then taken to a safe area .

After that, in a safe area , the land is cleared of contaminants . The trick is , the land is kept in

the tub / watertight tank , then pumped into a tub of cleaning agents / the tank . Furthermore

pollutants pumped out of the basin which is then processed by the wastewater treatment plant

. Off-site cleanup is much more expensive and complicated .


2.5.2 . bioremediation

Bioremediation is the process of cleaning the soil contamination using microorganisms

( fungi , bacteria ) . Bioremediation aims to break down or degrade contaminants into less

toxic materials or non-toxic ( carbon dioxide and water ) .


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Of various descriptions above we can draw the following conclusion :

That environmental pollution due to human activities themselves are not able to process and

utilize the environment well . Environmental pollution is divided into three parts, namely ;

 ( 1 ) Air Pollution ,

( 2 ) Water Pollution , and

 ( 3 ) Land Penmcemaran .

The impact of environmental pollution on human health , especially that will have an impact

on the level of immunity. The more pollution that is done , then the human immune located

around the area of pollution will be decreased so that it is not uncommon this time humans

are often exposed to diseases such as skin diseases , cancer , etc. .

Handling is done with the remediation of environmental pollution and bioremediation , which

is cleaning up contaminated ground . To reduce air pollution that vehicles tend to use fuel

that can cause air pollution .

3.2 . ADVICE

Had this environmental pollution is our common problem , for it is as responsible human

beings and uphold the concept of the balance of nature , then it is appropriate that we

maintain and care for the environment , ranging from the environment in which we live so

that will create a healthy environment .


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Class : XII IPA 3




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Praise and Gratitude I pray to God the Almighty , because of the blessings and abundance

rahmatnyalah then I must finish an essay in a timely manner .

Here the author presented a paper titled " ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION "

Through this preface first writer apologized and pleaded proclamation which the contents of

this paper when there is a shortage and there are posts that I make less precise or menyinggu

reader feeling .

I hereby dedicate this paper with gratitude and may God Almighty bless this paper so as to

provide benefits .

        Raha , March 2014

      " Author "


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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ ii


A. Background ........................................................................................................ 1

B. Tujuan................................................................................................................. 3


2.1 . definition of environmental............................................................................ 2

2.2 . understanding and all kinds of environmental pollution.................................. 2

2.3 . causes of environmental pollution.................................................................. 3

2.4 . the impact of environmental pollution.............................................................. 4

2.5 . handling environmental pollution..................................................................... 6


3.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Saran................................................................................................................ 7

SIGN UP PUSTAKA............................................................................................ ... 8
