makalah sop saudara

Page | 1 REMARKS First of All. Let’s thank to Allah, The Most Precious and Merciful who has gave us many ideas constantly. So, finally we can make this Simple Paper. Secondly, May shalawat and salam peace be upon our prophet Muhammad Saw. The greatest motivator and advisor who has shows us the right direction, the right way to face many thing in this world. Finally, we can make this Paper that describe about Sop Saudara. Although there are many obstacles that we must through. Like Laziness, Other homework that as same important, and a short time that given to us to finish this paper. I wish contain of this paper can raise your knowledge about Sop Saudara. Hope this paper is useful for you all. At least, we say great thanks to ‘Queen of English’ Yuniar Nanda Sejahtera from Acceleration class. Who has helped us to translate some paragraphs in this paper. And, we know that there are many mistakes from this paper that you can find. Hope you can understand. Because The Perfection is only his. And The Mistaken is ours Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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First of All. Let’s thank to Allah, The Most Precious and Merciful

who has gave us many ideas constantly. So, finally we can make this

Simple Paper. Secondly, May shalawat and salam peace be upon our

prophet Muhammad Saw. The greatest motivator and advisor who

has shows us the right direction, the right way to face many thing in

this world.

Finally, we can make this Paper that describe about Sop Saudara.

Although there are many obstacles that we must through. Like

Laziness, Other homework that as same important, and a short time

that given to us to finish this paper. I wish contain of this paper can

raise your knowledge about Sop Saudara. Hope this paper is useful

for you all.

At least, we say great thanks to ‘Queen of English’ Yuniar Nanda

Sejahtera from Acceleration class. Who has helped us to translate

some paragraphs in this paper. And, we know that there are many

mistakes from this paper that you can find. Hope you can


Because The Perfection is only his.

And The Mistaken is ours

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


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Table of contents


Chapter I Introduction

Sop Saudara and All about it


Short Story of Sop Saudara


Chapter II Discussion and Finding


How to make it


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Chapter III Conclusion


Chapter I


Sop Saudara and All about it

Talking about culture and thew. Indonesia had millions thew

of culture and that cannot be explained only in one day.

Especially if we are talking about the culinary specialties of the

region. Indonesia is The warehouse, there was Rendang from

Sumatera, form Jawa There was Dodol, there was Gudeg from

Jogja. All of that are a shave a distinctive culinary respectively,

is no exception to the province of South Sulawesi.

In South Sulawesi, There are so much kind of typical food

that will make your tongue seduced by their tastes and

pleasures. Such as Pallu Butung, Buroncong, Jalangkote’, etc.

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And one of the Most Popular typical food of South Sulawesi is

Sop Saudara.

Sop Saudara is a typical food originated from Pangkep

regency. Yeah, we know it’s a traditional food, but it’s name

had reached International degree. In this time. Not only

Pangkep people know this cuisine. Its name had arrived in

Netherland when delegated Indonesia in Tongtong International

Culinary Festival. Indeed, There were restaurant in Malaysia

and Saudi Arabia that already served this food.

Short Story of Sop Saudara

Sop Saudara firstly found by H. Abdullah, that familiarly

called H. Dollahi. H. Dollahi, with H. Subair, who were both of

Pangkep citizen. Decided to try their luck in Makassar. Initially,

H. Dollahi only works as a waitress at Mr. Subair’s Meat Soup

that well-known around 1950's. Before he finally ventured out

to open his own business.

Armed with courage and self-knowledge gained while

working as a waitress at the H.Subair’s stall. He introduced

SopSauara at Karebosi Senggol market in 1957. Which is

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immediately recognized as a soupy dish that had a distinctive

flavor and quality.

Actually, The Sop Saudara name itself inspired by ‘Coto

Paraikatte'. Paraikatte meaning can be equated with word

‘Saudara’ or ‘Brother’. H. Dollahi gave this name in purpose

that anyone who stop by, the waitress, and the owner of the

stall will feel a warm solidarity and brotherhood when enjoyed

the pleasure of this cuisine. Some people said that the purpose

of naming this cuisine is to clarify the identity of the founder.

Sop is abbreviation from ‘Saya orang Pangkep’ or ‘I am

Pangkajenese’, and The word ‘Saudara’ is a kind of calling for a

closer friend. So the word ‘Sop Saudara’ meaning is ‘Saya

orang Pangkep, saudara’ or ‘I am a Pangkajene,bro.’.

Chapter 2


Actually, to make Sop Saudara isn’t as hard as making

Pizza, Hamburger, or Rendang. Just only by meat combined

with some ingredients that easily to find that will serve with a

plate of rice and ‘Tunu Bale’ or grilled fish. As the complement,

sop saudara originally served with “Cobe’- Cobe’ or peanut


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For making a Sop Saudara the first thing that we have to

do are prepare the ingredients or recipes of it and besides that

we have to know first about how to make it. It’s the same with

others food, of course Sop Saudara has the way about how to

make it and the ingredients or recipes that we need.

For making a Sop Saudara Pangkep there are some recipes

or ingredients that we have to prepare are:


Of course, all ingrendients that you need is Halal

250 gr beef and cut into 2 cm.

750 ml fresh water.

1 cm ginger that was crushed.

1 cm galangal that was crushed.

A piece of orange leaf and tear it into some of small parts.

2 stalks of lemongrass that was crushed.

Salt to taste.

¼ teaspoon of nutmeg powder.

1 cm cinnamon.

Cooking oil.


7 grains of shallot.

3 grains of garlic.

2 grains of hazelnut.

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½ tablespoon of coriander.

2 cm turmeric.

¼ teaspoon of cumin.


50 gr ‘soun’ and brew it for a while.

A stalk of leeks and slice it into small parts.

Fried onions.

‘ketupat’ and cut it into small parts, or a plate of rice

‘keripik paru’.

‘perkedel kentang’


This is step by step to make Sop Saudara :

First,Boil the beef with fresh water untill it’s tender or soft.

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The next,heat the cooking oil and fry special seasonings that was mashed,galangal,ginger,orange leaf,and lemongrass untill they’re fragrant.

And then,put the seasonings that was fried into the beef that is boiling,add salt,nutmeg and cinnamon,and wait until cooked.

After cooked,put it into the bowl with ‘ketupat’,’soun’,leeks,fried onion,’keripik paru’,and ‘perkedel kentang.

And the last,the Sop Saudara is ready to serve

Chapter 3


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After seeing the results of the discussion about the Sop

Saudara, we can conclude that the typical food of Pangkep be

pretty famous and a favorite food for all people, in particular

the citizens of Makassar and Pangkep itself. With the concept of

manufacture and materials used is quite simple, you make it

easier for the soup lover to make sop saudara at home as well

as complement the menu in accordance with their respective

tastes. Although only come from the village, a waiter named

H.Dollahi with Mr. Subair who works as a shop owner finally be

able to carry the name "Soup Saudara" bounced out of the

country in the year 2009, when representing Indonesia in the

festival in The Hague, Netherlands. In this figure, we aim to

publish in order to "Sop Saudara" can be known not only in the

Netherlands, but in every country around the world. We as

citizens of South Sulawesi are very grateful and proud to have a

very fascinate culinary delights.

Related about how delicious culinary Sop Saudara, it will

cause a lot of potential bad things that happen when we are not

able to maintain or preserve it. Examples such as, there are

countries can claim the name "Sop Saudara" is a typical local

foods, recipes or copying "Sop Saudara" itself. It's just we do

not want, is not it? To avoid these events, we must first get to

know and love "Sop Saudara" it self. With love, we can cultivate

a taste of "Sop Saudara" for generations. To become immortal

in the eyes of the international world as a culinary specialties

from Pangkep Regency. Thus, let us together to uphold the

culture of Indonesia.