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Management 2.0 Cooperation for sustainable development of companies 06.06.2022 1 ® Friedag 2009

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10.04.2023 1

Management 2.0 Cooperation for sustainable development of companies

® Friedag 2009

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10.04.2023 ® Friedag 2009 2

Consultant focusing on:

Implementation of Balanced Scorecard

Workshops on Balanced Scorecard

Head of the PR committee at ICV (ICA)

Visiting lecturer at Humboldt University in Berlin

Hobbies: Outdoor activities, Volleyball, Bicycle tours, Sailing

Herwig R. Friedag

Dr. Herwig R. Friedag Friedag Consult

Beskidenstr. 33, D 14129 Berlin Fon +49 30 80 40 40 00Fax +49 30 80 40 40 01

consult @

Born in 1950, Degree in National Economics

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1999, 2000, 2002

Friedag / Schmidt / Schwerk SS 2009 3


Total number of copies: >70.000in CZ, GER, FIN, POL, RUS





2002, 2003, 2005


2000, 2002, 2004

Page 4: Management20 090623 Poznan English

Management 2.0

Cooperation for a sustainable „successful“ business activity

1. Definition of Management 2.0

2. Aspects of Management 2.0

3. Don´t worry, be happy – Go the “Management 2.0“ way

10.04.2023 4® Friedag 2009

Cooperation for sustainable development of companies

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Management 2.0

Cooperation for a sustainable „successful“ business activity

1. Definition of Management 2.0

2. Aspects of Management 2.0

3. Don´t worry, be happy – Go the “Management 2.0“ way

10.04.2023 5® Friedag 2009

Cooperation for sustainable development of companies

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How can a controller make the manager happy?

Markets and companies always experience ups and - as just now - downs

10.04.2023 6® Friedag 2009

DAX- / Dow Jones-development in 2008/2009

Definition of Management 2.0


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Sustainable development of companies

Which business model will establish itself? Shareholder-orientation:

- short-term goal orientation- profit maximisation is topmost postulate


- balanced orientation to all relevant stakeholders:customersemployeesproduction-partnersinvestors

10.04.2023 8® Friedag 2009

- The focus is on the sustainable profitability of the company and to benefit the society

- Reputation is priority task for the management

Definition of Management 2.0

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Difficult times offer good chances:

It doesn‘t matter what the current environment is. What is more important is whether we are better than our competitors: Serve remaining customer needs faster and with better service Build closer relationship to customers and suppliers Set tied capital free over the whole supply chain

10.04.2023 10® Friedag 2009

Sustainable development of companies

Definition of Management 2.0

Management 2.0:Cooperation

To be better, you should work with

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Web-GenerationsWeb 1.0 1.5 2.0

Orientation Technology Advertising Community

Users Experts Commerce all

Focus Organisation Click-rates Interaction

Effect Rationalisation Information Socialisation

Approach Centralisation Quantification Qualification

Source: Smoke&Mirrors, Agency for Online-Communication

Web 2.0: Users themselves create, edit and distribute contents. Contents are not anymore centralised by big media enterprises but compiled by a multitude of users und distributed through Internet. In addition they get linked with each other by means of social software (Wikipedia)

10.04.2023 11® Friedag 2009

What is Management 2.0?

Definition of Management 2.0

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Management-GenerationsManagement 1.0 1.5 2.0

Orientation Product Capital Community

Users Experts Financial world Society

Focus Organisation Interest Mutual benefit

Effect Cost degression Merger Sustainability

Approach Rationalisation Utilisation Cooperation

10.04.2023 12® Friedag 2009

What is Management 2.0?

Definition of Management 2.0

Management 2.0: By implementing cooperation Achieve improvement of the company reputation,generate benefit for all stakeholders to secure

sustainable profitability of the company

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II. Organisation

balance of stakeholders interests

I. Goals

shared view for the journey together

VII. Communication

open communication

III. Values

internal and external appreciation

IV. Structures

scope for changes (redundancy)

V. Culture

competition and mistakes to get better

VI. Responsibility

results orientation of all


Cooperation: the basis for a successful business activity

10.04.2023 13® Friedag 2009

Management 2.0 -Responsibility for sustainable development of companies:

Definition of Management 2.0

Management 2.0:Cooperation

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10.04.2023 14® Friedag 2009

Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success.


Henry Ford

Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success.


Henry Ford

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Management 2.0

Cooperation for a sustainable „successful“ business activity

1. Definition of Management 2.0

2. Aspects of Management 2.0

3. Don´t worry, be happy – Go the “Management 2.0“ way

10.04.2023 15® Friedag 2009

Cooperation for sustainable development of companies

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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures – scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Culture– competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibility– results orientation of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 16® Friedag 2009

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1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

Companies take their social responsibility seriously

Companies aim to generate benefits for society (CR or CSR)

A requirement for that is sustainable profitability and adequate rate of return of the employed financial and intellectual capital

10.04.2023 17® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

Companies take their social responsibility seriously All relevant stakeholders are considered in the process of setting

the goals

- Every employee should know the company goals and ask himself

„How can I contribute to the achievement of those goals?“ – because:

- Customers expect competent und timely decisions: In b2b-business usually only the managers are customer-

oriented – for most employees who are not in Sales customer-orientation is an abstract concept

In b2c-business on the other hand usually only the employees in Sales have customer contact – most managers have little practical experience with customers

10.04.2023 18® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

Companies take their social responsibility seriously All relevant stakeholders are considered Lessons for the management:

Value orientation und creativity gain in importance Lateral thinker have different views Learn from the past, think of the future Strategies are not for ever

- review and revise annually the strategic assumptions- if necessary the strategy must be revised during the year

10.04.2023 19® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures – scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Culture– competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibility– results orientation of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 20® Friedag 2009

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2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

Strategic topics at all company levels are: - Innovation at all levels in the company,- Commitment of all employees / stakeholders and - Avoidance of wastage through goal-oriented processes

10.04.2023 21® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

Strategic topics are innovation, commitment and wastage How can we develop a spirit of cooperation in the company? Internal markets for resources, talents and ideas

- identify and employ hidden talents Do we sell our customers

products or benefits? Internal performance-

agreements are instrument for cooperative teamwork

10.04.2023 23® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

Strategische Themen sind Innovation, Engagement und Verschwendung

Wie schaffen wir im Unternehmen ein Klima für Kooperation ? Interne Märkte für Ressourcen, Talente und Ideen

- verborgene Talente erkennen und nutzen Interne Leistungsvereinbarungen als Instrument kooperativer

Zusammenarbeit Verkaufen wir dem Kunden ein Produkt oder einen Nutzen?

Do we compare us with our competitors?

10.04.2023 24® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures – scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Culture – competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibility– results orientation of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 25® Friedag 2009

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3. Values – internal and external appreciation

Trust is the basis for cooperative business activity- control is good, trust is better- trust is based on values

Less control by the managers and open culture of all- everybody looks after results in his team- mistakes are seen as opportunity to learn

10.04.2023 26® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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3. Values – internal and external appreciation

Trust is the basis for cooperative business activity - control is good, trust is better- trust is based on values

No control by the managers but open culture of all- everybody looks after results in his team- mistakes are seen as opportunity to learn

Justified trust is more efficient and cost-saving than everyday life with control mechanisms

Appreciation is the base – external and internal Price is the measure of the customer appreciation of the seller,

that means that all employees must make efforts to win customer appreciation

Appreciation, both external and internal, is the basis for cooperative teamwork

Continual work on establishing a shared value structure is time consuming, but is feasible 10.04.2023 27® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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3. Values – internal and external appreciation

Both customer and supplier are partners in the process – that is a win-win-situation for all partners and a prerequisite for an effective cooperation

Incentive systems with long-term effect investor interests are not only for a quarter for managers and also employees perennial,

long term programmes, based on cash flow Why not to offer incentive systems to customers and suppliers as


10.04.2023 28® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures–scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Culture– competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibility– results orientation of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 30® Friedag 2009

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4. Structures – adapted to changes

Hierarchy is less effective – Instructions and obedience hinder innovation und spontaneity

Small independent entities are more flexible than bigger ones –modern companies are fast, flexible and creative

The management coordinate/moderate co-operation of local entities

Networks overcome boundaries- Involvement of customers and suppliers- Promotion of in-house networks

Compromises have many winners

10.04.2023 31® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures – scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Culture– competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibility– results orientation of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 32® Friedag 2009

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5. Culture – competition and mistakes to get better

Managers concentrate on presentation of values and strategies- shared values facilitate the implementation of the strategy- with Balanced Scorecard everybody is aware of the corporate strategy

Diversity, contradiction and variety move the company forward - limited views do not live up to the reality

Mistakes should be seen and used as part of the learning process – do not accuse those who have made and admitted mistakes

Do we work with the right ratios?- every innovation can be calculated- good managers take responsibility for innovation

10.04.2023 33® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Dr. Schmidt
Ein wesentliches Problem ist dabei die Kultur im Umgang mit "negativem Wissen":Wird derjenige bloßgestellt und stigmatisiert oder kann er sich darauf verlassen, dass negatives Wissen nicht gegen ihn verwendet wird (und sei es nur, um ihn lächerlich zu machen)?
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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals– shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures –scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Cultur e– competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibility – results orientation of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 34® Friedag 2009

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6. Responsibility – results orientation of all

Give all employees enough scope for creativity- new ideas need time to ripe- ideas want / need to be tested- there are always many reasons not to dare new things therefore seek for good reasons why new ideas can be successful

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Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Ideas create future

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6. Responsibility – results orientation of all

Give all employees enough scope for creativity Every employee should be given enough time to work out and give

recommendations for better and customer-oriented activities Encourage and support passion and commitment of those who

want to work for the future of the company - the boss knows and sees a lot but not everything- many bosses see and know more

we waste many hidden potentials

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Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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Aspects of Management 2.0

1. Goals – shared view for the journey together

2. Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

3. Values – internal and external appreciation

4. Structures – scope for changes (redundancy)

5. Culture– competition and mistakes to get better

6. Responsibilities – results orienations of all

7. Communication – open communication

10.04.2023 37® Friedag 2009

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7. Communication – open communication

Information concerns everybody - dare active participation and openness - transparency stimulates and contributes to more comittment

Effective cooperation requires openness and trust

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7. Communication – open communication

Information concerns everybody - dare active participation and openness - transparency stimulates and contributes to more comittment

Effective cooperation requires openness and trust Speak the language of the employees

- it doesn‘t matter what you say, but what and how that is understood by the people- involve all stakeholders

Use the knowledge of the whole organisation- only few know what kind of knowledge is available in the company!- and how much was already invested in the knowledge of the company

10.04.2023 39® Friedag 2009Check also: Gary Hamel „moonshots for management“,

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Page 36: Management20 090623 Poznan English

Management 2.0

Cooperation for a sustainable „successful“ business activity

1. Definition of Management 2.0

2. Aspects of Management 2.0

3. Don´t worry, be happy – Go the “Management 2.0“ way

10.04.2023 40® Friedag 2009

Cooperation for sustainable development of companies

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Goals – shared view for the journey together

Does your business model answer the following questions: Why should the customer still buy our product in 3 years? Do all employees know and understand (!) the strategic goals of the

company? Does every employee know how he/she can contribute to the

achievement of those goals?

10.04.2023 41® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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Involve customers and employees in the process of setting goals Name the uniqueness of your products Does your product deserve its price or does it offer the customer -


10.04.2023 42® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Organisation – balance of stakeholders interests

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Is your travel cost arrangement 10 pages or only one? Do not budget every pencil! Internal month- or quarter reports should be on one page and every

report should be recipient-oriented

10.04.2023 43® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Values – internal and external appreciation

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You should manage not more than 7 people directly Engage customers and suppliers in developments and make them


10.04.2023 44® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Structures – adapted to the changes

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Every supervisor is responsible that at least one process improvement is suggested per every employee per quarter

Mistakes are communicated with the aim that others learn from them

Managers should reserve one day a week for strategy

10.04.2023 45® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Culture – competition and mistakes to get better

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Look after that every employee accepts responsibility for results Make competency possible and give authority for taking decisions

10.04.2023 46® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Responsibility – results orientation of all

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You as a manager do try to talk to each employee personally once a week, once a month at his workplace

Every team should announce its goals and the current results

10.04.2023 47® Friedag 2009

Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures – Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Communication – open communication

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10.04.2023 48® Friedag 2009

Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress,Working together is success.


Henry Ford

Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress,Working together is success.


Henry Ford

Management 2.0: Cooperation for success

Management 2.0

Can you imagine that your boss will sleep better with Management 2.0? If so: make the boss happy!

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10.04.2023 ® Friedag 2009 49

With Management 2.0 you will secure commitment - Manager, Controller and all other stakeholders have better chances

to overcome the next crisis andto be happier …

Management 2.0: with cooperation to the success

Management 2.0: Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures– Culture – Responsibility - Communication

Be part of it!

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10.04.2023 ® Friedag 2009 50

Management 2.0

Management 2.0: Goals – Organisation – Values – Structures– Culture – Responsibility - Communication

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