“managing risk” risk benefit assessment and en 1176 harry harbottle prag nov 2010

“Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

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Page 1: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

“Managing Risk”Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176

Harry Harbottle

Prag Nov 2010

Page 2: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

• Scope: Public play equipment, permanently installed

•Very small number of serious accidents


Page 3: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010



•Guidance from other agencies

•Expert opinion


•Local knowledge/conditions

•Specific needs

•European Standard

EN 1176:2008 is one tool in the toolbox.

One, but only one, consideration.

Page 4: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010



•Children’s need to experience risk, and

•Requirement to offer an acceptable level of safety

Page 5: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

Judgement – Falling Heights

Page 6: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

„Kinder sind Grenzgänger“

Working to the limits – their own limits

Page 7: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

“Risk-taking is an essential feature of play provision….. Play provision should aim at managing the balance between the need to offer risk and the need to keep children safe from serious harm.”

“In play provision exposure to some degree of risk may be of benefit because it satisfies a basic human need and gives children the chance to learn about risk and consequences in a controlled environment.”

“…and secondly to lessen serious consequences caused by the occasional mishap that inevitably sill occur in children’s pursuit of expanding their level of competence, be it socially, intellectually or physically.”

EN 1176:2008 Introduction

Page 8: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

“…because children more easily identify the larger seat as a hazard and the benefit to children of playing on these is high.”

(Pt.2, 4.6.3.)

Page 9: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

“If there are borderline contradictions presented in this part of EN 1176, play value should be favoured after consideration of the

professional judgement of approved, reputable test houses.” (Pt. 6, Annexe A)

Page 10: “Managing Risk” Risk benefit assessment and EN 1176 Harry Harbottle Prag Nov 2010

Natural/less structured play – EN?