managing your boss and living to tell about it

1 Managing Your Boss & Living to Tell About It Understanding Behaviour and How it Impacts Performance

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Copy of a presentation that I delivered to a group of project managers at PMI Symposium in Ottawa, Canada. The key to managing your boss is to manage them in a style that they like. The key to managing your boss is modifying your style to be more in tune with theirs. Everyone communicates and interacts differently. If you communicate and interact with them in a style that they like - chances are they will be more receptive to what you have to say. This presentation - based on DISC Theory developed by William Marston - outlines four distinct styles of behavior - their strengths and limitations. More importantly it outlines what you need to do to be more effective when working with someone who has a different style then yours. They aren't going to change - You have to if you want to communicate and interact more effectively with others - including your boss.


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Managing Your Boss & Living to Tell About It

Understanding Behaviour and How it Impacts Performance

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Copyright Notice

• The contents of this presentation are Copyright © 2014 by the

presenter and PMI OVOC.

• Permission is granted for participants to print the presentation handouts

for use during the conference and later personal reference.

• PMI OVOC reserves the right to store this content for archival purposes

as a record of conference proceedings and to publish this content

electronically for the purpose of disseminating conference proceedings

to conference participants.

• All other use, storage, retrievable, distribution, or reproduction must be

authorized in advance, in writing.

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Key Learning Points

1. Learn the key to working with others by working with them in a

style that they like

2. Deepen your understanding of your own management and

leadership style

3. Learn how to communicate and interact more effectively up,

down and across the organization

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Your Presenter

• Brian Smith – Power Link Dynamics

o Management Expert, Author and Speaker

o Specializes in soft-skills training & leadership development

• Certified Train-the-Trainer

o Teaching Adult Life Long Learners

o DISC Certified Practioner

o Trained Behaviorist

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Seminar Goals

• Understand your behavioural tendencies and develop an

understanding of how your behaviour affects others

• Respect, appreciate, understand, and value individual


• Learn how to communicate and interact more effectively

• Increase your effectiveness by improving your relationships with


• Learn how to motivate others by understanding their strengths

and limitations

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• Name:

• Position:

• What behaviour do you find most frustrating when working with


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EQ vs. IQ

Worth Remembering …

“We are being judged by a new yardstick; not just how smart we

are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how well we

handle ourselves and each other”

- Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence

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The Motivation Equation

Personal Need


Goal Directed Behaviour



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The Attitude Challenge


• Who is in control of your attitude?

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Attitude is a Choice

Worth Remembering …

“Everything can be taken away from man but one thing – to choose

– to choose ones attitude in a given set of circumstances, to

choose one’s own way.” - Viktor Frankl

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More About Attitude

• Everybody has one

• Not two are exactly the same

• It’s 100% in your control

• It’s a matter of choice

• How would the people you work with and interact with rate your


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Pick Your Battles

Worth Remembering …

“Change what you can … influence what you will … and learn to

give up the rest. It’s a total waste of your time and energy”

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Understanding Behaviour

Worth Remembering …

“Humans are the only creatures who refuse to be who they are. “

- Albert Camus

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Behaviour Is …

• Observable 20%

• Situationally-based

• Flexible

• Dynamic

• Based on thoughts and beliefs

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Analyzing Your Boss

• If you could change just one thing about your Boss what would it


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DISC Styles of Behaviour

• Take a moment and score your DISC Lite Personal Assessment

• Please follow the instructions at the top of the first page

• Do not over thing your responses

• This assessment should only take you 3 minutes to complete

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An Ah-Ha Moment




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The Rules About Others

• Different is just that – Different

• There is richness in diversity

• By understanding yourself better

you will learn to understand others

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Behavioural Styles

• Dominant: Quick action, task focused, easily bored

• Interpersonal: Entertaining, friendly, talkative

• Steady: Calm, patient, loyal, a good listener

• Conscientious: Attention to detail, very analytical, like to

be thorough

DISC Theory was developed by Dr. William Marston

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More About D’s

Shapes the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish



• Getting immediate results

• Accepting challenges

• Making quick decisions

• Taking authority

• Questioning the status quo

• Solving problems

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• May come across as unapproachable

• Can be insensitive to others

• Show impatience with others

• Try to move the team or individual before they are ready

• May seem intimidating

• Blunt, demanding approaches

• Little social interaction

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Preferred Environment

• Power and authority

• Prestige and challenge

• Direct answers

• A wide scope of operations

• Opportunities for individual accomplishments

• Opportunities for advancement

• Freedom from controls and supervision

• Many new and varied activities

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Increase Your Effectiveness

• Develop more patience

• Toning down your directness and asking more questions

• Work on your body language to seem more approachable and

offering more encouragement in conversation

• Spend more time with those you direct

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More About I’s

Shapes the environment by influencing or persuading others


• Contacting people

• Making a good impression

• Being articulate

• Creating a motivational environment

• Entertaining people

• Being optimistic

• Participating in a group

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• Can be disorganized

• May be superficial in your approach

• Lack follow through

• May not be detailed enough in your direction

• Overselling of ideas

• Vulnerability to perceived rejection

• Attempts to persuade or influence others

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Preferred Environment

• Popularity, social recognition

• Public recognition of ability

• Freedom of expression

• Group activities outside of job

• Freedom from control and detail

• Coaching and counseling

• Favorable working conditions in a social atmosphere

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Increase Your Effectiveness

• Learn to listen more carefully

• Become more organized and manage your time more effectively

• Provide more detail

• Be more specific in praise and work direction

• Focus on people’s needs

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More About S’s

Cooperates with others within existing circumstances to carry out



• Demonstrating patience

• Developing specialized skills

• Helping others

• Performing in a consistent manner

• Showing loyalty

• Being a good listener

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• Can be indecisive

• May be indirect

• Resist change

• May be hesitant to implement needed change

• Difficulty identifying priorities

• Difficulty with deadlines

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Preferred Environment

• Maintenance of status quo

• Predictable routines

• Credit for work accomplished

• Minimal work infringement on home life

• Sincere appreciation

• Identification with a group

• Minimal conflict

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Increase Your Effectiveness

• Become more assertive and direct

• Learn to cope better with change

• Try to not carry the burden of everyone else’s problems

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More About C’s

Works conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure

accuracy and quality.


• Concentrating on key details

• Being diplomatic

• Checking for accuracy

• Adhering to key directives and standards

• Thinking analytically

• Using a systematic approach to situations

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• Can be overly concerned with perfection

• Act aloof

• Tend to hamper other’s creativity by sticking to the rules

• Discomfort with ambiguity

• Resistance to vague or general information

• Desires to double check for accuracy

• Little need for affiliation with others

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Preferred Environment

• Control of those factors that affect their performance

• Clearly defined performance expectations

• Values on quality and accuracy

• A reserve, business like atmosphere

• Recognition for specific skills and accomplishments

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Increase Your Effectiveness

• Accept the differences in others

• Be more open

• Focus on communicating and interacting more effectively

• Encourage others creativity

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Strength or Weakness?

Dominant: Good at directing and deciding, but may become


Interactive / Interpersonal: Good at promoting and persuading,

but may oversell and manipulate

Steadiness: Good at being steady and agreeable, but may give in

despite their needs

Conscientious: Good at analyzing and checking, but may

become perfectionistic and indecisive

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Relating to D’s

• Make communication brief and to the point

• Respect their need for autonomy

• Be clear about rules and expectations

• Let them initiate

• Show your competence

• Stick to the topic

• Show independence

• Eliminate time-wasters

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Relating to I’s

• Approach them informally

• Be relaxed and sociable

• Let them verbalize thoughts and feelings

• Keep the conversation light

• Provide written details

• Give public recognition for individual accomplishments

• Use humour

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Relating to S’s

• Try to be logical and systematic in your approach

• Let them know how things will be done

• Provide a consistent and secure environment

• Use sincere appreciation

• Show their importance to the organization

• Let them adapt slowly to change

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Relating to C’s

• Give clear expectations and deadlines

• Show dependability

• Demonstrate loyalty

• Be tactful and emotionally reserved

• Allow precedent to be a guide

• Be precise and focused

• Value high standards

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Good Habits = Good Results

Worth Remembering …

“Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most

are the things you do the best.”

- Marva Collins

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New Beginnings

C – Commit to a new beginning

H – Habits. Stop one, start another

A – Action not words

N – Never give up

G – Goal oriented. Set targets

E – Evaluate your plan

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Think It - Act It - Become It

• What do you need to do to adapt your style to be more in tune

with your bosses style?

• What changes need to be made at work or at home to help you

cope with stress?

• What challenges do you need to overcome so you can deal with

difficult people and challenging situations better?

• What new skills will you need to learn so you can communicate

and interact more effectively with others?

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Perception is Reality

Worth Remembering …

“You don’t have to like the people you work with, but you do need

to learn how to work with them.” - Brian Smith

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Building Relationships

Worth Remembering …

“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is

knowing how to get along with people.” – Theodore Roosevelt

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The 3 R’s

R – Rapport : Get to know them for more than the work they

do. What do they like to do outside of work?

R – Relationship: You can’t develop a relationship with

someone until you have established rapport

R – Respect : You won’t respect anyone that you haven’t

established a relationship with first.

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Managing Your Boss

According to John J. Gabarro and John P. Kotter in a recent article

published in the Harvard Business Review they believe there are

four key components to developing and managing a relationship

with your Boss.

1. Compatible Work Styles

2. Mutual expectations

3. Dependability and honesty

4. Good use of time and resources

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The Art of Communicating

Worth Remembering …

“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m

not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

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Questions Worth Answering

• What skills does it take to be a good communicator?

• What are some of the road blocks to good communication?

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Communication Realities

• You cannot not communicate

• When ever contact is made communication occurs

• Meanings are in people not in words

• All types of communications are received but 70 to 90% are

screened out or changed by the receiver

• You communicate 93% of the time non-verbally

• Most people perceive the non-verbal as being more accurate

Based on the research of Dr. Ralph Nichols. “Are You Listening”

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Communication Styles

• How can you communicate more effectively with a “D”

• How can you communicate more effectively with a “I”

• How can you communicate more effectively with a “S”

• How can you communicate more effectively with a “C”

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Tune Out or Turned Off?

• Humans have the ability to listen at a rate of

____________ words a minute

• Humans have the ability to speak at a rate of

____________ words a minute

• Based on those two numbers ____________ words a

minute are lost in translation

Based on the research of Dr. Ralph Nichols “Are You Listening”

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Active Listening

Worth Remembering …

“We have two ears but only one mouth. Some people suggest

that’s because we should spend twice as much time listening as

opposed to talking. Others suggest it’s because listening is twice

as hard.” – Dr. Ralph Nichols.

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Questions Worth Answering

• What skills does it take to be a good listener?

• What gets in the way of being a good listener?

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Barriers to Active Listening

• Individuals listen about 25% if the time

• Most people only recall 50% of what they hear

• 70% of all misunderstandings happen because people do not

listen to each other

• We listen and speak at two different rates of speed

Based on the research of Dr. Ralph Nichols. “Are You Listening”

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5-Steps to Active Listening

• Listen to understand not necessarily to agree

• Give the sender your undivided attention

• Ask questions for clarity

• Summarize and paraphrase what you heard

• Tune into words, feelings and body language

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Are You Listening?

• Take out six letters and it will reveal a very popular word

• What word did it reveal?


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Problem Solving

Worth Remembering …

“Diplomacy: The business of handling a porcupine without

disturbing the quills.” – Unknown

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Problem Solving Skills

• Deal with the problem immediately

• Define the problem carefully

• Separate people from the problem

• Determine the desired outcome

• Make a list of practical solutions

• Don’t get trapped into thinking there is only one resolution.

Solicit input – get buy-in

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Worth Remembering …

“No one has every harmed their stomach by swallowing evil words

unsaid.” – Sir Winston Churchill

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Resolving Conflict

• You live a in political world – You need to respect the chain of

command. Don’t go over your Bosses head

• Do not overstep your LOA (Level of Authority)

• Establish your network. Get to know the “Gate” keeper

• Make sure you have a paper trail.

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Adapting to Others I will adapt my behaviour in the following ways.

D - _________________________________________________

I - _________________________________________________

S - _________________________________________________

C - _________________________________________________

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Thank You for Participating

I hope You Got Your WIIFM Today!

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For more information…

• Brian’s available for key note speeches and seminars

• For more information on the contents of this presentation, please feel free to contact me as follows:o Brian Smith - PLD

o Power Link Dynamics

o Email: [email protected]

o Web:

o Phone: 613.323.4470

2014 National Capital Project Management Symposium