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  • 7/30/2019 Manish Hooda



    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Introduction of Healthcare Industry


    The numbers don't lie: Providing 13.5 million jobs and 8 out of the 20 fastest growing

    occupations, health care is the country's largest industry. Compared to other industries, the

    health-care industry as a whole is expected to realize a relative increase in the number of career

    opportunities across the spectrum of its many specialties.

    People are living longer and thus demand more and higher quality preventive and long-term

    care. The demand for health-care workers is expected to grow faster than the average rate for all

    occupations between 2000 and 2010. In particular, the demand for home care aides, registered

    nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, nontraditional health aides,

    and physicians will continue to increase at a healthy pace. This trend also applies to technical

    and administrative jobs, as hospitals continue to focus their energies on more efficient

    management and profitability.

    Many people are attracted to the health-care industry for its human touch and service-oriented

    aspects. However, the harsh reality is that the industry as a whole is all business these days.

    Hospitals, nursing homes, home health care, specialized clinics-and even to some extent

    organizations that provide alternative medical treatments-are being run increasingly like any

    other major for-profit organization. Simply put, health care today is all about big business-with

    its focus sharpening on driving profits higher.

    The health-care industry provides diagnostic, healing, rehabilitation, and preventive services.

    The individual physician is often the consumer's (or patient's) primary point of contact with the

    system. However, it is the health-care organization itself-that is, the hospital or health

    management organization (HMO)-that finances much of the industry today; it represents the

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    preponderance of the physician's revenues. The lion's share of these revenues, in turn, comes

    from employee health insurance plans, Medicare (health insurance for Americans over the age

    of 65), and Medicaid (health insurance for Americans on welfare). Health-care organizations

    (with the exception of county hospitals) are generally run for profit. This disconnect between

    organizations based on the profit motive and those operating as nonprofits creates tension

    among doctors and other health-care professionals intent on prescribing the most cost-effective

    treatments and conducting diagnostic tests. Health-care organizations are increasingly driven to

    cut costs across the board.


    A growing segment of the population is turning to a wider, more diverse set of techniques and

    therapies to meet health-care needs. The catchall category of alternative medicine refers to any

    practice outside of conventional medical treatments, including homeopathy, acupuncture,

    massage therapy, and chiropractic. The granddaddy of the movement is Dr. Andrew Weil, who

    preaches the benefits of treating a patient holistically, serving the body, mind, and spirit.

    Americans are increasingly turning to herbal remedies to treat ailments, spending over 4 billion

    dollars a year on herbs and other botanical remedies. Health-care providers and insurance

    companies are beginning to recognize the legitimacy of some of these alternatives and to accept

    some nontraditional techniques for treating chronic health issues.


    Doctors and hospitals have been grappling with rising costs for a long time-and each year the

    problem seems to get worse. Malpractice insurance premiums, soaring prescription-drug prices,

    and the increasing numbers of uninsured Americans are all factors leading to ever-higher costs

    for caregivers. At the same time, revenues for doctors and hospitals keep falling, as insurers are

    doing everything in their power to lower payments for claims.

    Meanwhile, insurers are not feeling the squeeze nearly as much as the caregivers. The reason:

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    They make sure that revenue from premiums rises at a higher rate than claims payments.


    Currently, some 43.6 million Americans have no health insurance. The number of uninsured

    Americans continues to grow like an epidemic. Why? Insurance premiums continue to

    skyrocket as health insurers consolidate their businesses through frequent mergers and

    acquisitions. The result of this trend is a continued decline in competition among health

    insurers-and higher premiums are one of the results. Indeed, employers are facing double-digit

    percentage increases in health premium costs each year. The upshot: More and more of the cost

    of health insurance is being passed on to employees, meaning many people simply can no

    longer afford health-care coverage-considered a necessity (indeed even a birthright, many

    argue) in any industrialized nation.


    Despite the increased outsourcing (not uncommon in any industry today) of medical records,

    housekeeping, lab testing, and clinical services (e.g., orthopedics and radiology), hospitals

    remain the biggest employers in the health-care industry. The huge networks such as HCA and

    Tenet demand a steady supply of doctors, nurses, administrators, medical technicians,

    therapists, and other support staff. In areas where competition from HMOs is mounting and

    cost-cutting is a priority, former staff may move outside the immediate confines of a hospital.

    However, close and important links remain-particularly for any type of surgery or specialized

    treatment such as chemotherapy.


    Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) are

    hybrids-basically, a cross between a hospital and an insurance company. Each type of managed

    care plan covers primary care visits, preventive services, and copayments for prescription drugs,

    whereas only PPOs allow the enrollee to choose his or her physician (HMOs maintain a list of

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    plan-approved doctors). Some of the largest organizations have their own medical staffs and

    facilities where they treat patients; smaller ones may simply access networks of private

    providers and hospitals. Competition is fierce in this arena-M&A and internal strife often

    destabilize the job market. Coventry Health Care, Humana, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, and

    PacifiCare Health Systems (one of the leading Medicare HMOs) are a few of the better-known



    As hospitals have attempted to cut costs, they have turned to firms that can provide specialized

    services at rock-bottom prices. These include everything from nursing homes (Beverly

    Enterprises) to home infusion therapy providers (Apria Healthcare) to diabetes treatment

    providers (American Healthways). Clinics that focus on special treatments such as

    chemotherapy, MRI and other scanning techniques, and physical therapy are also proliferating.

    Most are small and locally run; however, Gambro and Fresenius Medical Care are two

    enormous service companies that focus on this type of care; others will undoubtedly emerge as

    their popularity increases.


    Advances in technology have done much to improve efficiency and reduce costs for both

    patients and home care staff. Today, home care nurses and aides can administer complex

    treatments previously available only in hospitals and clinics to the elderly and severely disabled

    in their own homes. And because almost all hospitals and HMOs now release patients before

    they are self-sufficient, home care is often the most cost-effective choice. Most jobs in this

    sector don't require much training (they are closely supervised by RNs, NPs, or physicians)-just

    deep reserves of patience and kindness. The pay is low-often less than $10 an hour-and the

    work is arduous. The rewards? In addition to extremely flexible hours and plenty of personal

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    contact with patients, there is the satisfaction of helping people when they are most in need.

    The various health-care positions require varying levels of education and training. Registered

    nurses (RNs) are trained at the undergraduate level, whereas nurse practitioners (NPs) have

    received master's degrees in their specialties. Physician assistants (PAs) are licensed to practice

    medicine under the supervision of a physician. Doctors of osteopathy and medical doctors both

    complete 4 years of postgraduate work to earn the titles of DO and MD, enabling them to

    prescribe medicine and perform surgery. To qualify for some positions (including doctor, nurse,

    tech), technical training is required-and to actually land a job, you often need a strong network

    in a given area and practical experience in the industry.

    RNs, pharmacists, and radiological technicians are currently in very high demand and will

    continue to be in the decade ahead. Why? The Baby Boomer population is maturing into

    retirement, the elderly population in the United States is growing, and health-care spending is

    being cut wherever possible-which means that today, whenever a nurse can do something a

    doctor used to be responsible for, that's exactly what's going to happen. Employers are looking

    to attract people to these in-demand professions by offering signing bonuses, tuition

    reimbursement or loan repayment, flexible scheduling, and incentives for voluntary overtime


    The good news doesn't end there: Opportunities will also grow at a healthy clip for just about

    every other health-care function, including doctors, optometrists, occupational therapists,

    audiologists, medical record technologists, medical transcriptionists, and speech pathologists.

    The highest demand will be for physician assistants, physical therapists, lab clinicians, dental

    hygienists, respiratory technicians, substance abuse counselors, and especially home health-care


    Hospitals and HMOs offer jobs in management in addition to medicine-particularly if you have

    a background in information technology (IT) and data system development. As a job seeker,

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    you should be aware that HMOs have been the catalysts for many of the efficient business

    practices adopted throughout the health-care industry in recent years. Technical and

    administrative support positions are in high demand as the industry evolves in an intensely

    competitive market. Health-care IT is a steadily growing sector; although the industry has been

    a late adopter of IT, it is catching up now. There will be lots of opportunity in this area for the



    Even if your medical career has only gone as far as plumping pillows and soothing a fevered

    brow, you can probably sense why the many dedicated people in this industry continue to

    selflessly perform often menial labor for scant compensation and recognition. Recent studies

    have shown that HMO technicians and doctors rate their job satisfaction significantly lower

    than that of nurses, aides, and therapists who care for the sick-often with significantly less

    pecuniary reward.


    One former teacher recalls arriving in a small town in Florida with little chance of finding work

    in the local schools. Finally, in desperation, she took a part-time job at a nursing home and

    discovered a whole new career. "I really love my work," she says. With five years' experience

    under her belt, she says, "I make my own hours, and I'm earning very good money." Many

    people who fall into this field stay put because they can better balance the demands of family,

    school, and other commitments-both with more ease and associated emotional rewards than is

    the case with most other kinds of part-time work.


    Advances in medical technology over the last 30 years have been truly phenomenal. The same

    patients who were once read their last rites are now routinely patched up and returned to

    healthy, productive lives-often with procedures that can be handled on an outpatient basis.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Whether or not you're a researcher at heart, playing an integral role in the ongoing medical

    revolution can be immensely personally rewarding and intellectually stimulating.


    Most people pursue a career in health care because they want to help people in need.

    Increasingly, however, the business side of health care has come between patients and

    providers. "At my hospital, we're supposed to call the patients 'customers,'" says one insider. "I

    keep telling my boss this is not Lord & Taylor!" or "All I can say is it stinks, and corporate

    America has no business in the system," says another. Lots of strong emotions emerge in this

    discussion, and these days are certainly not easy or happy ones in this industry. The higher up

    the ladder you go, the more bruising and harsh the politics and economics tend to become.


    With or without the capable assistance of a PA or NP, about 15 minutes is about how much time

    most physicians are allocated per patient these days. Think about it. If a patient showed up with

    searing pains in her legs, and two previous doctors apparently were not providing immediate

    assistance, how would you feel about giving yet another cursory inspection and diagnosis?

    Everyone's complaints, no matter how seemingly routine, deserve focus and attention. Most

    health-care professionals feel this even more strongly than their patients do. Physician practice

    management groups (PPMs) are proliferating and becoming increasingly vocal in their angry

    opposition to the heavy, restrictive hand of managed care. This is a problem that will likely get

    worse before it gets better.


    Insiders readily acknowledge the fact that the poor receive a different standard of health care.

    Some would argue that for the richest nation in the world to be without a federally subsidized

    health program, particularly for the indigent, is unconscionable. Others insist that a rigorous

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    level of medical excellence can only be maintained as a well-run, competitive business. It's

    troubling to everyone, though, that those most vulnerable to both chronic and emergency illness

    are those with fewer and fewer available avenues of recourse to fairly priced quality health care.


    Although most medical students today will tell you that the industry has changed for the worse

    and that (in their opinion) new doctors will be lucky if they can pay back their school loans,

    physicians still enjoy the most pay and are accorded the greatest respect in the health care field

    today. Undeniably, however, they also have to do the most preparation; typically a doctor must

    complete seven years of schooling and residency before earning certification to practice

    medicine-and often much more in the case of specialties such as cardiac surgery or psychiatry.

    Of the more than half a million physicians actively practicing in the United States, about one-

    third are primary-care physicians. Most of the rest are specialists: for example, surgeons,

    neurologists, anesthesiologists, and radiologists. The demands of the work, the pay, and the

    lifestyle vary considerably from one specialty to another. Salary range: starting as low as

    $32,000 for residents; from $110,000 to $205,000 for general practitioners; $160,000 to

    $400,000 or more for hospital-based doctors such as radiologists and anesthesiologists;

    $160,000 to $700,000 or more for surgeons, depending on specialty.


    The United States is facing a fairly severe nursing shortage, due in part to declining nursing

    school enrollments and an aging workforce. It's a job seeker's market, which means that you

    have more leverage, for example, in the way of signing bonuses. On the other hand, the

    diminished quality of care for patients and the heavier workload for those entering this

    profession are bad.

    Finally, however, nurses have proof to back up their contention that staff cuts and replacement

    of RNs with medical assistants and licensed practical nurses translates into harm to patients-

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    something usually dismissed by managers and executives as anecdotal or as just complaints.

    The Journal of the American Medical Association documents the link between the increased

    risk to patients with decreases in nurse staffing as well as nurse burnout and job dissatisfaction.

    Investigators found that, when nurse caseloads exceeded four patients, the risk of patient death

    increased by some 7 percentage points per additional patient. That means that if eight patients

    are under the care of one nurse, those patients are 31 percent more likely to die. The prognosis

    for the improvement in working conditions for nurses in the future is unclear. Salary range:

    $30,000 to $65,000.


    LPNs represent the second-largest occupational title in the health-care industry and are

    projected to be the fourth fastest-growing employment category of positions requiring

    postsecondary or associate degrees. As with RNs, there is a shortage of LPNs, and employers

    report that recruiting candidates for this position is taking longer now-translating into more

    leverage and greater choice for the job seeker. In addition to jobs in hospitals, good job

    prospects can be found in nursing homes, home health-care services, medical centers, and

    ambulatory surgi-centers. Physicians' offices are also popular, particularly as more and more

    become outpatient clinics for orthopedics and other specialties. Salary range: $28,000 to



    NP is a good career target for those of you who have a master's degree and training in pediatrics

    or family health, but either can't afford or don't want to go to medical school. In many states,

    NPs can prescribe medicine and are increasingly allowed primary-care status for basic health

    problems. Oxford Health and Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital pioneered these new

    responsibilities for NPs in the New York area, and HMOs elsewhere are following suit. Salary

    range: physician's rates for primary care; $50,000 to $80,000.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy


    The medical technician position is a solid career choice, particularly for those with computer

    skills or an IT background. Med techs are in high demand everywhere in the country,

    particularly on the West Coast and in the Rockies, and in every type of facility-hospitals,

    medical labs, and anywhere else special tests such as EEG, MRI, and CT are administered.

    Budget cuts may come and go, but as is the case with so many other aspects of modern life,

    technical expertise commands its own price. Moreover, this is knowledge based on experience,

    not academic credentials; many technicians have only high school or college degrees, plus

    several years of specialized training. Salary range: $25,000 to $55,000; the best pay is in nuclear

    medicine technology.


    As the general population ages and athletes-weekend warriors or otherwise-continue to get

    injured, physical therapy becomes ever more popular. One unexpected drawback is that PT

    master's programs are in such demand that, according to one insider, "those interested in PT

    should start early, because it may take a few attempts to get accepted into a program-and you

    need a master's to get a job." For communities where managed care predominates, home care

    and nursing homes are better long-term bets; their focus is on the benefit, not the cost, of

    physical therapy for their patients. Salary range: $42,000 to $72,000. PT assistants can expect to

    make between $25,000 and $40,000.


    These are the jobs where an MBA comes in handy and a background in accounting (and

    experience with cost-cutting), marketing, and information systems management will give you

    an edge over the competition. Lots of people want these jobs, and though industry observers

    predict that the number of managerial slots in hospitals and HMOs will shrink to perhaps half

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    the current number, the need for qualified executive staff in home health care, nursing homes,

    and clinics is expected to more than make up the difference. Salary range: $50,000 and up.

    Experienced managers with an impressive track record in meeting and maintaining strict

    budgets can earn well into the six-figure range.


    This category runs the gamut from the high school student with minimal training who shops,

    cleans, and cooks part-time for an elderly or infirm patient to a full-time nurse who can perform

    many of the procedures available in a hospital and be on call 24 hours a day. Many states now

    require brief training and some form of certification for all such workers, but these regulations

    are difficult to enforce. Demand for these professionals is expected to grow as the population

    ages and hospital facilities become less available, especially for long-term care. But bathing,

    dressing, feeding, and ministering to the disabled and the gravely ill is difficult work. Not

    surprisingly, the greatest demand will be at the bottom end of the pay scale. Salary range: $9 to

    $14 per hour-lowest for those without formal training or state certification-up to $25 to $50 per

    hour for aides with a BS in nursing.


    Mergers, budget cuts, financial and insurance misdeeds: Neither these nor any of the other more

    permanent structural changes in the industry have decreased the demand for medical secretaries.

    They have been counted on for years to dutifully answer the phones, juggle those canceled and

    emergency appointments, and comfort the tearful and frightened. Computer networking and

    sophisticated record-keeping skills are necessary these days, but even without much formal

    training, medical secretaries will remain essential in every doctor's office, clinic, outpatient

    center, and hospital. As with secretarial positions in other industries, training is generally done

    on the job, though classes in computer skills and administrative tasks will give you a leg up on

    the competition. Salary range: $25,000 to $40,000.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Much depends on the aspect of this diverse and changing industry that you choose to pursue.

    For a position demanding a particularly high level of medical aptitude or technical skill, you're

    going to need substantial training and equal amounts of personal dedication. For the growing

    home care sector, training is less important than stamina, patience, and empathy for the sick and

    elderly. Here are some things to consider before starting your job search:

    Many health-care professionals now see an MBA as a vital career boost, andcombined degrees in business and pharmacology or business and nursing are

    becoming quite common. A facility with technology is also a big plus on your

    resume, and degrees in such areas as computer science or even electrical

    engineering, coupled with some aspect of medical training, will become an

    increasingly useful job-hunting tool.

    Whether you're caring for the ill directly or managing an office or business thatlooks after their needs, your bedside manner matters. This is not an industry for

    the impatient, the abrasive, or the weak-stomached. You may be working in front

    of a computer terminal all day and see very few patients, but don't expect to

    succeed or be happy in this field in the long-term if you tend to be squeamish.

    You'll want to consider carefully what means most to you in a job. Start bytalking to people in the field. In addition to inside information on job possibilities

    others don't know about, it will also help you choose the types of workplace that

    are right for you.

  • 7/30/2019 Manish Hooda



    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Introduction of Apollo Pharmacy

    Apollo pharmacy is Asia's largest pharmacy group, a division of Apollo Hospitals Enterprises

    Ltd. is India's first and largest branded network, with over 1200 plus outlets.

    Accredited with - International Quality Certification, Apollo pharmacy offers genuine

    medicines Round-The-Clock, Through their 24-hours Pharmacies. Apollo pharmacy also

    provides Customer Care any time of the day.

    24-hour Pharmacy ATM Card Free Home Delivery

    Medicines stored under optimum conditions.

    It is often said that nothing happens, unless there is a dream first. At the genesis of the Apollo

    story there was a dream. A dream so powerful, that it helped transform the medical landscape in


    The dream nurtured and grew within Dr. Prathap C Reddy, the founder Chairman of Apollo

    Hospitals, until the point of inflection happened in 1983. A young man succumbing to an ailing

    heart was what it took to ignite Dr. Reddy's vision into a reality - a vision where quality

    healthcare was given, where the pursuit of clinical excellence was daily endeavor, India a hub in

    the medical tourism map and where the Apollo family touches and enriches lives every minute,

    every day.

    Today, with over 8500 beds across 50 hospitals, and a significant presence at every touch-point

    of the medical value chain, Apollo Hospitals is one of Asias largest healthcare groups.

    Commenced as a 150 bed hospital, today the group has grown exponentially both in India and

    overseas. Its growth is often said to be synonymous with India emerging as a major hub in

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    global healthcare.

    Apollo Hospitals is driven by a single thrust, to provide the best standards of patient care. It is

    this passion that has lead to the development of unique centers of excellence across medical

    disciplines, within the Apollo Hospitals network. Apollo Hospitals has JCI accreditations for 7

    of its hospitals, the largest by any hospital group in the region.

    True to its founding principles, the group has made quality healthcare accessible to the people

    of India, and even overseas. It has become an institution of trust, and a beacon of hope to so

    many searching for a cure for their ailments.

    The legacy of touching and enriching lives stems from the pillars of the Apollo philosophy -

    experience, excellence, expertise and research. We pride ourselves for constantly being on the

    cutting edge, and going the extra mile to stay relevant and revolutionary.

    The Apollo Hospitals Group is the pioneer of integrated healthcare delivery in India. This vision

    led the group to earmark time and resources to strengthen each vital cog in the process o

    healthcare delivery. As a result of these efforts, the group today is in a unique position to

    exponentially increase its healthcare cover. This will be critical in order to meet future


    Apollo Hospitals Group, today, is an integrated healthcare organization with owned and

    managed hospitals, diagnostic clinics, dispensing pharmacies and consultancy services. In

    addition, the groups service offerings include healthcare at the patients doorstep, clinical &

    diagnostic services, medical business process outsourcing, third party administration services

    and health insurance. To enhance performance and service to customers, the company also

    makes available the services to support business, telemedicine services, education, training

    programs & research services and a host of other non-profit projects.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Mission Vision and values

    Company Vision

    Apollo's vision for the next phase of development is to 'Touch a Billion Lives'.

    Mission Statement

    "Our mission is to bring healthcare of International standards within the reach of every

    individual. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in education,

    research and healthcare for the benefit of humanity"

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    SWOTT Analysis


    Wide variety of medicines Customers can avail membership discounts. This concept is not followed by any other pharmacy. Availability of medicines on your doorstep.


    Misuse of medicines and other drugs. No criteria to check the age of the patient.

    No system to check their body vitals. Delay of medicines can take place as its all online Opportunities Other drugs and medicines which are not available in India can be


    Medical equipments can be ordered online. Video conferencing can be done with doctors available by Apollo


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    People prefer to go the local chemist shops.

    Most people are not comfortable to order online. Threats by other companies. Business Model

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    Business model

    Patient centric

    In all our endeavors, we are guided by the needs of the patient, creating a partnership that is

    effective and personal across the continuum of care. We put our patients first as we seek to

    exceed the expectations of our customers with superior service, outstanding clinical care and

    unsurpassed responsiveness.

    Apollo Hospitals - Directors

    Executive Directors

    Dr. Prathap C. Reddy - Executive Chairman

    Dr. Preetha Reddy - Managing Director

    Ms. Suneeta Reddy - Joint Managing Director

    Ms. Sangita Reddy - Executive Director, Operations

    Ms. ShobanaKamineni - Executive Director, Special Initiatives

    Non-Executive Directors

    Mr. N. Vaghul

    Mr. HabibullahBadsha

    Mr. Deepak Vaidya

    Mr. RajkumarMenon

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    Mr. RafeequeAhamed

    Mr. T.K. Balaji

    Mr. KhairilAnuar Abdullah

    Mr. G. Venkatraman

    Mr. Shashank Singh

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Marketing strategies

    The marketing mindset

    Communicating healthcare benefits is not merely sharing facts and figures. The real

    communications challenge is marketing the healthcare plan to program members and driving the

    desired behaviors and outcomes. To do this, the benefits organization needs a well thought out

    targeted communications program.

    The program starts with understanding members wants and needs, likes and dislikes, and

    recognizing and addressing their special traits. Where do they live? What language do they

    speak at home? Who is the healthcare CEO of the household?

    Each individual is unique and in most organizations, employee populations are incredibly

    diverse. So, how can you reach members with targeted communications that improve their use

    of healthcare benefits?

    By thinking of every benefits challenge as a marketing problem, managers can start employing

    marketing practices to help reduce communications complexity and plan costs, and drive

    healthy outcomes.

    Segmenting the audience

    Employing marketing techniques that segment your member audience geographically is the first

    step. Establish where they live and work. Determine their proximity to care and support services

    and what hours those services are available. Also, track how members behave in different

    geographic sectors, from urban to suburban to rural locales.

    Next, explore demographic segmentation. Group members by specific characteristics, regardless

    of where they are located. Without using sensitive personal health records, you can uncover

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    demographic insights to align communications with segment attributes and drive significant

    improvements. Messaging can be made more relevant to the targets, which is key to engaging

    them. Members who are more involved in their healthcare program tend to make better

    decisions about their consumption of benefits, which in turn helps them become healthier and

    more productive.

    In addition, demographic segmentation can uncover new approaches to reaching members in

    traditional and non- traditional ways by leveraging messages and media vehicles that will help

    generate the desired behavior from each segment of your audience.

    The role of targeted marketing

    Targeted marketing is the deployment of differentiated messages, strategies and tactics for each

    audience segment. Targeting helps you answer questions like:

    When should members be contacted?

    In which channel?

    Does one plan work for all segments?

    What is the segments health literacy?How frequent is engagement?

    Who is the healthcare decision-maker(the healthcare CEO) of the household?

    Targeted marketing helps you effectively deploy the full range of communication vehicles now

    available: direct mail, email, texting, radio events, websites, blogs, podcasts, call centers, social

    networks, TV, partner sites, and search. While these channels provide benefits managers with

    more ways to reach members than ever before, hard copy printed materials still remain the

    dominant format for healthcare communications.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    A recent omnibus survey commissioned by Pitney Bowes Management Services clearly shows

    members preference for print communications. This is particularly important in families where

    options for coverage, care, and providers need to be shared with others. This member preference

    for print communications can make transpromo opportunities quite effective. As an example,

    a wellness message embedded in an Explanation of Benefits can be a very efficient way to

    influence a recipient.

    Targeted marketing also enables you to tailor communications to each stage of the member

    relationship. A communications strategy should evolve throughout the member life cycle, from

    onboarding to engagement to reinforcing or redirecting the relationship, to points that require

    recognition and reward. As the member ages, behavior and preferences may change. Member

    life eventssuch as the birth of a child or the diagnosis of a chronic diseasealso impact your

    communications approach. Any of these factors can influence both the message and how you

    will be delivering it. Maintaining an ongoing conversation with your membership often helps

    you anticipate changes so you can be ready with meaningful messages.

    The bottom line:tailored messaging in a targeted marketing program can dramatically increase

    the effectiveness of healthcare and wellness communications.

    Targeted marketing tools

    There are many effective marketing tools to help you target the right message to the right

    audience through the most effective media channel. Benefits managers can use these tools to

    help cut costs and influence healthy behaviors by positively impacting member decisions. The

    following marketing tools are particularly useful in the healthcare arena:

    Segmentation Analytics and Experience Design. Segmentation Analytics breaks down a

    population into groups that need different messaging approaches. It enables you to choose the

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Internet Marketing Strategies

    Along with increasing health care costs and the growing use of the Internet for marketing and

    social media solutions, the essentials of healthcare marketing are changing. Hospitals,

    physicians, insurers, patients, and other players in the healthcare industry must adapt to stay on

    top of their markets and in front of their consumers. The top trends in health care and medical

    marketing for 2012 reflect an increase in consumer sophistication, and a shifting landscape in

    health care delivery.

    1. The Rise of the Sophisticated Healthcare Consumer. Todays technologically savvy

    consumers are more apt to do their own research when selecting a doctor, investigating

    treatment options, and making major health care decisions. As more providers recognize this

    new role for consumers and the impact their requirements and expectations can play in the

    delivery of health care, the market is shifting from physician-driven to consumer-driven.

    Patients and potential patientsand their methods of conducting research and making

    decisionshave become the focus of the most successful healthcare marketing campaigns.

    2. Increased Industry Consolidation.Nearly 100 hospitals were acquired by other hospitals in

    2011. Similarly, the number of physicians who own their own practices has decreased

    significantly in the last decade. As doctors become less independent and join large workforces

    directed by healthcare organizations, consumers can start to question the level of service and

    quality care they might receive. Marketing campaigns in 2012 will need to communicate how

    these larger healthcare organizations will provide value to patients and to their communities.

    They must clearly show how they stand out from their competition when consumers are making

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    decisions based on evaluations from ranked reporting vehicles and third-party endorsements.

    3. Growth in Defined Contribution Programs. Many large employers are offering programs

    (such as Health Savings Plans) that are similar to insurance but put the management of a fixed

    amount of money directly in consumers hands. These emerging programs create a need for

    insurers and medical practices to direct targeted marketing campaigns toward large businesses

    who may be interested in developing similar programs for their employees.

    4. Cooperative Partnerships Between Providers and Insurers.-Insurance companies are starting

    to cooperate with or acquire health care providers, resulting in a merging of services geared

    toward reducing cost, increasing the quality of health care, and sharing any risk of coverage.

    Both the insurers and the health care providers involved in these cooperative agreements must

    take steps to educate consumers on the benefits of this new model, such as joint health plans and

    new payment standards.

    5. A Growing Focus on Creativity and Digital Media.- As more health care providers recognize

    the need to focus marketing efforts on consumers, the channels for reaching those consumers

    will become saturated with a variety of similar messages. The challenge to healthcare providers

    will be to differentiate themselves from their competition to keep or increase their market share.

    Creativity in marketing campaigns and using newer methods, such as social media and digital

    marketing to reach decision-makers, will be more important than ever.

    6. Increased Internet Communication. -With its round-the-clock availability, affordability, and

    sheer variety of uses, the Internet is emerging as the most practical and adaptable medium for

    reaching the average consumer. Healthcare providers will continue to use the Internet to

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    communicate with their audiencesnot only to gain new business through marketing, but to

    keep their existing customers informed through customized portals aimed at providing timely,

    accurate, and secure healthcare information.

    7. The Growing Power of Social Media Testimonials.-Facebook has more than 800 million

    active users, and 350 million of those users access the site through their mobile devices.

    Facebook and similar social media platforms are an extremely powerful tool for reaching

    consumers, and for learning what consumers are saying about the businesses they use and the

    services they buy. Similarly, online sites geared toward the service provider or medical

    communities (such as Angies List, Healthgrades, and will become increasingly

    important in monitoring what consumers are saying about their health care providers, facilities,

    and insurers. Forward-thinking healthcare organizations will create and manage their own pages

    on these sites to better manage and generate positive online communication.

    8. Refined Generational Targeting.-There are currently four generations with very different

    values and expectations of their healthcare providers. For example, Generation Y is just

    entering the realm of adult healthcare, while the Baby Boomers are moving toward a different

    stage in life and may have very different needs. The key is determining the best message,

    approach, and medium to connect with your target generation, instead of the general population

    as a whole. Healthcare providers must refine their marketing tactics and messages for each (or a

    specific) generation to get the most return on their marketing dollars.

    9. Continuing Focus on Physician Referrals.-Despite the emerging shift to consumer-driven

    healthcare, referrals of medical providers and physicians are still important to making health

    care decisions. They carry great influence in discussions with their patients and industry peers,

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    and will require a more tailored marketing strategy to be persuaded by your message.2012 will

    see marketers honing their focus on physician marketing using direct mail, spotlighting clients

    work in hospital grand rounds, and advertising clients latest breakthroughs through continuing

    medical education programs.

    10. Greater Focus on Target Markets.-To succeed in todays market, healthcare providers must

    be recognized by their communities as a trusted source of quality care. The Internet and social

    media sites are great ways to engage with the people who make up your healthcare community;

    patients, insurers, and even an organizations own employees can contribute to a positive online

    presence. For example, business Facebook pages have very high levels of engagement and

    encourage the power of word-of mouth marketing. Increasingly, healthcare providers must

    understand their target markets instead of casting a wide net.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Conclusions and recommendations

    Modern healthcare services have improved greater than whatever they was previously just a

    couple of in years past. Patients today are well educated and extremely much alert to every new

    development in the field of medicine, as a result of advanced technologies and the Internet.

    In that scenario, as being a doctor, it is very important market yourself and your practice so your

    patients feel positive about you. Only then can you ensure your current patients help keep

    visiting and also attract newer ones. Because of this , why healthcare marketing is nowadays

    essential for all the medical staff.

    You should identify the requirements your patients as well as the community normally to chalk

    out an advertising and marketing plan using a vision about what you look for to achieve and

    what you should caused by accomplish those goals.

    Than ever before each time a patient would likely navigate to the nearest doctor. The modern

    educated patients are able to go that extra mile if the doctor is known as the expert as part of his

    field. They search and gather enough information and search for a physician only if theyre

    convinced about his skills. And how would you make sure they know about your specialty and

    expertise? You want a proper healthcare marketing plan utilizing strategic marketing tactics for

    doing that.

    Modern people are not merely patients suffering from ailments whore seeking treatments, and

    also consumers searching for good service in connection with their health and well being. Plus

    your practice is not only an exercise it is usually an enterprise which you have to market well to

    earn revenue and make profits.

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    Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies Of Apollo Pharmacy

    Make the most of todays technology and search on the internet and interactive video facilities.

    Offer online consultations to be expanded your usage. Build a website which your patients find

    useful and informative. Keep updating it with details about your latest additions, alternation in

    timings or add links to informative websites. Have your web site customised to offer online

    scheduling of appointments, maintenance of patients records or patients testimonials.

    In our times, there are many organisations which work on all days every week and also twenty-

    four hours a day. You also need to make sure that your care and repair is available on your

    patients constantly, if he or she require it, without compromise on quality. Good marketing will

    ensure your patients are aware that your services are available always.

    A great marketing plan will likely assure your patients it is their well being that you value

    essentially the most. True, they create you the much needed revenue, on the other hand health is

    your priority and make sure that they are informed about it.

    Healthcare marketing is not only just about cash except also your reputation and goodwill which

    cannot be built overnight. There are tons of intangible benefits that your patient gets from a

    physician that are what will actually enable you to retain your patients. And that means you

    need a highly effective marketing plan which helps patients know the benefits of being linked to

    you. Additionally, you will be able to nurture your relationship along with your patients, both

    existing and new.

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