marketing institutions in india


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various marketing institutions in India


Page 1: Marketing institutions in India


Page 2: Marketing institutions in India



G. Naveen Kumar 2013-11-193

Msc Agril.Extension

Page 3: Marketing institutions in India


The term marketing institutions can be considered to embrace a wide range of organizations, including associations of farmers, traders, and others in the value chain, as well as cooperatives and government marketing agencies.

Marketing institutions

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1. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection


2. Commission for Agricultural Costs and

Prices (CACP)

3. Food Corporation of India (FCI)

4. Jute Corporation of India (JCI)

5. Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)

Public Sector Institutions

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6. Specialized Commodity Boards

Rubber Board

Tea Board

Coffee Board

Spices Board

Coconut Development Board

Tobacco Board

Cardamom Board

Coir Board

National Horticultural Board

National Dairy Development Board

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7.Warehousing Corporation ( CWC, SWC)

8. State Trading Corporations (STC)

9. Agricultural and Processed Food Export

Development Authority (APEDA)

10. Marine Products Export Development Authority


11. Export Inspection Council

12. Silk Export Promotion Council

13.Agricultural Produce Market Committees

14. State Agricultural Marketing Boards

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National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC)

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED)

National Cooperative Tobacco Growers Federation (NTGF)

National Consumers Cooperative Federation (NCCF)

Tribal Cooperative Marketing Federation(TCMF) State Cooperative Marketing Federations(SCMF) Primary Agricultural Cooperative Marketing

Societies (PACS)

Cooperative Sector Institutions

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1. Traders Associations

2. Processors Associations

3. Market Labour Associations

Associations (Formal or Informal)

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The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), was set up in the year 1935 to implement the agricultural marketing policies and programmes for the integrated development of marketing of agricultural and other allied produce in the country with a view to safeguard the interests of farmers as well as the consumers


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The Directorate is headed by Agriculture

Marketing Adviser to Government of India .

Head Office is located at Faridabad (Haryana),

Branch Head Office at Nagpur (Maharashtra).

11 Regional Offices/ Sub-Offices headed by Dy.

Agricultural Marketing Advisers (Dy.AMAs.) at

Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad,

Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhopal, Kochi and

Guwahati and the Central Agmark Laboratory at


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1.Rendering advice on regulation, development and management of agricultural produce markets of the States/Union Territories;

2.Promotion of Standardization and Grading of agricultural and allied produce under the Agricultural Produce (Grading & Marking) Act, 1937;

3.Development and Implementation of Agricultural Marketing Research and Information Network(MRIN) scheme;

4.Promotion and Implementation of Rural Go down; 5.Implementation of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure

Grading and Standardization scheme;  6.Training of personnel in agricultural marketing; and7.Marketing Extension;

Functions of DMI

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The Agricultural Prices Commission was set up in January, 1965 to advise the Government on price policy of major agricultural commodities

  Since March 1985, the Commission has been known as Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices.   

Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for major agricultural products are fixed by the government, each year, after taking into account the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).

Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)

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The Food Corporation of India was setup under the Food Corporation's Act 1964 , in order to fulfill following objectives of the Food Policy

Effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers.

Distribution of food grains throughout the country for public distribution system.

Maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security

Food Corporation of India (FCI)

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The Jute Corporation of India Ltd. (JCI) was set up in 1971 as an official agency by the Government of India with the aim to provide minimum support price (MSP) to the jute cultivators and also work as a helping hand in the raw jute sector.

Headquarters Kolkata ,West Bengal, India

Jute Corporation of India (JCI)

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Headquarters - Mumbai Cotton Corporation of India is a 

Government of India agency engaged in diverse activities related to trade, procurement, and export of cotton.

CCI is a public sector agency responsible for equitable distribution of cotton among the different constituents of the industry and aid imports of cotton.

Established in 1970 under Companies Act 1956.

Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)

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Commodity boards are essentially the producer controlled organizations with government support and authority over a broad range of functions starting with production , processing and marketing of the crops.

These works under the ministry of commerce These are mainly confined to plantation and

commercial crops They promote both internal and external

trade of the commodity

Commodity Boards

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Tea Board It is established under the Tea Act of 1953. It advances loans and subsidies for

extension, planting , replanting and refilling besides exploring the possibilities in non-traditional areas and assisting small growers

The board deals with export promotion , market intelligence and participation in fairs and exhibitions.

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Tea Board It is established under the Tea Act of 1953. It advances loans and subsidies for

extension, planting , replanting and refilling besides exploring the possibilities in non-traditional areas and assisting small growers

The board deals with export promotion , market intelligence and participation in fairs and exhibitions.

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Coffee-Board The Indian Coffee market Expansion Board

was set up on December 21, 1940. The main functions are Promotion of sale and consumption of India

and else where of Indian Coffee Promotion of agricultural and technological

research in the interest of coffee industry Assistance to coffee estates for their


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Rubber Board It is established under the Rubber Board Act

1947. Its main functions are to conduct research

and training programmes in production and marketing of rubber, extension services and to plan for the welfare plantation workers.

Tobacco Board It was established on 1st January , 1976 under

the Tobacco Board Act 1975. Its main functions are regulation of production

and marketing of Virginia tobacco , ensuring remunerative prices to growers .

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Spices Board it was established din 1987 under the Spices Board

Act 1986 at Cochin . The main objectives are to To improve the production quality of spices and to

export to earn foreign exchange The spice board presently includes 52 different spice


Cardamom Board The Cardamom Board was established in the year

1966 under the ministry of commerce. The main functions are to develop various

promotional activities such as extension of plantations , improvement in the quality of cardamom and increasing productivity of cardamom estates.

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Coir Board

Coir Board was set up in 1953 under Coir Board Industries Act , 1953.

The Coir Board Research Institute was established at Allepey for conducting research on different aspects of Coir industry .

Silk Board The Silk Board was set up in the year 1949. The main activities of the board include

development of silk industry , export-import of raw silk increasing the production of silk and help in training and research for silk industry.

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It was set up by the Govt. of India in the year 1984 as an autonomous society.

The main objectives are To promote development of horticulture industry in the

country . To help in coordinating , stimulating and sustaining the

production and processing of fruits and vegetables. To establish sound infrastructure in the field of

production ,processing and marketing with a focus on post harvest management to reduce losses.

To provide market information and build database in horticulture.

To provide technological , financial and other assitance to various market organizations.

National Horticultural Board

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It was established in the year 1965, for providing facilities for increasing the production and marketing of milk and promotion of dairy industry in the country.

It provides market support to the producers of milk n rural areas and in instrumental supply of liquid milk and dairy products to urban consumers at reasonable prices.

It also has been instrumental in setting up of infrastructure facilities for milk processing , transportation and marketing of milk and milk products through out the country.

National Dairy Development Board

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The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. (STC) is a premier International trading company of the Government of India engaged primarily in exports, and imports operations.

It was set up in 1956 primarily with a view to undertake trade with East European Countries and to supplement the efforts of private trade and industry in developing exports from the country.

State Trading Corporation of India (STC)

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It undertook price support operations to ensure remunerative prices to growers for their crops such as raw jute, shellac, tobacco, rubber and vanilla.

As part of its export development effort, STC extended technical, marketing and financial assistance to exporters by arranging import of machinery and raw material for export production, setting up design centers, providing testing laboratories, taking products of small manufacturers to overseas markets by organizing their consortia, participation in exhibitions and trade fairs, etc.

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The Agricultural and Processed Food products Export Development Authority (APEDA) is an export promotion organization under Ministry of Commerce & Industries, Government of India, in the year 1986.

It is mandated with the responsibility of promotion and development of the export of its scheduled products.

Its head office is located in New Delhi

Agricultural and Processed Food products

Export Development Authority (APEDA)

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Objectives To maximize foreign exchange through

increased agro exports To create employment opportunities in rural

areas by encouraging value added exports of farm products.

To implement schemes for providing financial assistance to improve post harvest facilities to boost their exports.

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It was set up in the year 1972 to undertake the promotional work relating to export of marine products.

The role of MPEDA includes development of off-shore and deep sea fishing , promoting shrimp farming using latest technology , adopting measures required for diversifying export products and export market modernizing sea food industry

It is also vested with the responsibility of marine product industry development

Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA)

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NCDC is a statutory Corporation set up under an Act of Parliament on 13th March 1963.

Objectives of NCDC The objectives of NCDC are planning and

promoting programmes for production, processing, marketing, storage, export and import of agricultural produce, foodstuffs, industrial goods, livestock and certain other notified commodities and services on cooperative principles and for matters concerned therewith or incidental thereto

National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC)

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 NCDC promotes and provides financial assistance to cooperatives for following activities:

 Marketing & Inputs  Agro-processing viz. Sugar, Spinning Mills,

Ginning & Pressing, Fruit & Vegetables, other small/ medium sized processing units.

 Storage  Cold Storages  Weaker Sections Viz. Tribal, Fisheries, Dairy,

Poultry, Sericulture, Handloom, Coir and Jute · Power loom · Equipment Finance · Computerization

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National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.(NAFED) was established on 2nd October 1958.

NAFED is registered under the Multi State Co-operative Societies Act.

NAFED was setup with the object to promote Co-operative marketing of Agricultural Produce to benefit the farmers.

Agricultural farmers are the main members of NAFED who have the authority to say in the form of members of the General Body in the working of NAFED.

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED)

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To facilitate, coordinate and promote the marketing and trading activities of the cooperative institutions in agricultural and other commodities, articles and goods.

to undertake purchase, sale and supply of agricultural products, marketing and processing requisites, such as manure, seeds, fertilizer, agricultural implements and machinery, etc.

To act as warehouseman under the Warehousing Act and own and construct its own god owns and cold storages.

To organize consultancy work in various fields for the benefit of the cooperative institutions in general and for its members in particular.

To set up storage units for storing various commodities and goods, by itself or in collaboration with any other agency in India or abroad.


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National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India Limited (NCCF)  is the apex federation of the consumer cooperatives in the country.

NCCF was set up on 16 October, 1965 and is administered under the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002.

The present membership of the NCCF is 136 comprising of Primary Co-op. Stores, Wholesale Societies, State level Consumer Cooperative Federations, National Cooperative Development Corporation and the Government of India.

National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India Limited (NCCF)

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These are apex institutions for all co-operative marketing in the state.Functions of State Level Co-operative MarketingSocieties:1. They provide credit and other facilities to

District Marketing Societies.(DMS)2. They buy and sell products of DMS.3. Wholesale distribution of chemical fertlisers,

iron, steel, cement, sugar, wheat, kerosene, coffeeseeds, rice, milkpowder, etc., in addition to agr. Implements & insecticides.

4. Overall co-ordination of co-operative marketing.

State level Marketing Societies or Federation

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TRIFED - Tribal cooperative marketing federation

It was established in 1987 to develop the system of marketing of forest produced by tribals in the country.

TRIFED arranges marketing & export of minor forests products produced by the tribals in the tribal dominated areas & protects the tribals from exploitation.


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“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace

& gratitude.” - Denis Waitley