martin luther stands up for his beliefs the reformation

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Rough Childhood Father a Copper Smelter Mother a seamstress Want Martin to have a better life. Send him to University to be a lawyer.


Martin Luther stands up for his beliefs The Reformation Martin Luther Eisleben, Germany Rough Childhood Father a Copper Smelter Mother a seamstress Want Martin to have a better life. Send him to University to be a lawyer. Erfurt University Studies Law Enjoys time there Three close friends die of the Black Death Caught in a storm Quits and becomes a Monk Pope Leo X Medici Family Party guy Spends all the money in the Treasury Has to pay for St. Peters Basilica Art Builders Sculptors Laborers St. Peters Luther comes here on a pilgrimage Sees the corruption and lack of focus on Church matters Buys an Indulgence Thinks he is a sinner and becomes obsessed with confessing his sins. Returns to Monastery as a troubled man Wittenberg University Church sends Luther here to teach and get his mind off himself. Luther becomes a Rock Star as a professor. Sir Frederick the Wise of Saxony Appreciates Luthers Contributions. Sees the growth of his University Wants to keep it going Tetzel and the sale of Indulgences A fanatic for Pretzels A Fanatic For Pretzels Too!! Luther cant take it anymore Nails his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Church Door Luthers Students Publish the 95 Theses in German. Pope Leo X Excommunicates Luther January 1521 Happens before the Diet of Worms King Charles V Holy Roman Emperor Tries Martin Luther as a Heretic: Guilty verdict means death! A diet of worms??????????? NOT The Diet of Worms April 1521 Luther refuses to apologize. Famously says: I cannot recant. Here I stand. I can do no other. Charles declares Luther an outlaw authorizes his arrest, and bans his literature. The Edict makes it a crime to shelter Luther and permits anyone to kill Luther without risk of punishment. BUT!!!! NO ONE WANTS TO DO THAT! BOTH NOBLES AND PEASANTS ARE ON LUTHERS SIDE Frederick the Wise of Saxony Abstains from the vote! Saves Luthers life Frederick Kidnaps Luther Fears that the Pope will try to kill Luther on his way home Hides him out Wartburg Castle Luther Translates New Testament of the Bible 1522 into German. Luther returns to Wittenberg in And that brings trouble!!!! German Peasant War Brought about by Luthers message of equality Failed: ,000 peasants slaughtered. Put down by the Nobles Luther did not support revolt against civil authority Strengthened position with high nobles. Diet of Speyer: 1526 Catholic Church Kind of gives in! Allows Lutheranism to be tolerated in regions where it could not be effectively suppressed. But! It maintains the Edict of Worms that outlawed Luther! Finally! Diet of Augsburg: 1530 Charles V had three objectives defending the empire against the Ottoman Turks Welfare and currency policy Solve disagreements over Christianity Augsburg Confession establishes the Protestant Church OTHER PROTESTANT REFORMERS WAIT FOR IT!