marvelous mangroves

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Marvelous Mangroves


  • 8/3/2019 Marvelous Mangroves


    Mangroves are found along tropical and subtropical coasts of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas.

    The closest mangroves to us are in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, the Caribbean and Central America. The

    four species in the Americas are red mangrove, black mangrove, white mangrove and buttonwood. You

    can read about a research trip by Aquarium scientists to mangroves in Belizehereandhere.

    Mangroves thrive in intertidal zones of sheltered shores, islands and estuaries. They grow in soft

    shoreline sediment and have specialized root structures that increase their stability. They can grow in

    soils that are too salty for other plant species because some species have specialized root membranes

    that exclude salt and some species excrete salt from glands on each leaf.

    Why are mangroves important?

    For shoreline protection: Complicated networks of mangrove roots absorb pollutants and prevent coastal

    erosion. Seagrass beds and coral reefs depend on mangroves to maintain water quality and clarity. In

    areas prone to hurricanes and tsunamis, mangroves save human lives and property by reducing wave

    velocity by up to 75 percent.

    For habitat: Many birds, fishes, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates use mangroves for foraging, roosting

    and breeding. One study has suggested that up to 80 percent of commercial fish in South Florida beganin mangrove nurseries. In addition, many species of sharks, some similar to those in our touch tank,

    spend their early years among the safety of mangrove roots.
  • 8/3/2019 Marvelous Mangroves


    Climate change: Mangroves are carbon sinks and play an important part in the global climate by

    absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Mangroves are also carbon sources. When disturbed, the

    soils in which mangroves grow can release carbon back into the atmosphere.

    Threats to mangroves

    In addition to naturally-occurring disturbances like storms and flooding, mangroves throughout the world

    are threatened by human activities. According to the United Nations, 20 percent of the worlds mangroves

    have been destroyed since 1980. Here are some of the causes:

    Habitat loss/coastal development: As coastal human populations increase, mangroves are cut down to

    make room for urban expansion. In many countries, mangroves are considered wastelands and

    sacrificed for new residential areas, coastal resorts, roads and canals.

    Seafood aquaculture: Mangroves are converted to artificial shrimp ponds to meet world shrimp demand.

    Often large and unregulated, these ponds displace native species and release large quantities of animal

    waste into surrounding areas.

    Pollution: Herbicides and other pollutants damage plant and animal species. Oil spills coat mangrove

    prop roots and prevent oxygen uptake as well as negatively affect birds, sea turtles and other animals.